yopossum · 3 months
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Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist
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Summary: Dieter Bravo is sober. For good, this time. He got divorced, got into treatment, and left Hollywood to focus on healing. Moving a couple hours north to the quiet city of Santa Barbara and into a modest recovery group home in the east side of town, where nobody much cared who he was or what he did, brought a calm he’d never known before. It also left him facing down all his demons armed with only pints of ice cream and weepy Murder, She Wrote marathons.
When one of his early-morning walks is interrupted by mysterious (and sexy!) music coming from a street he hasn’t explored before, Dieter stumbles upon a small private pole dance studio, and class is just about to start. He expected, as one does, to find a room full of sweaty, grinding, beautiful people in their underwear - and to be clear, he does. Amazing. What he could not have anticipated was that, inside a random purple strobe-lit garage on a gloomy Sunday morning, he’d find something he’d been searching for all his life — home.
A roommates/besties/platonic soulmates story that honors the journey of coming back to yourself after a very long and painful time away with laughter, chaos, tears, tenderness, sex, and, yes, pole dancing.
Mixed-media fic featuring traditional writing, graphics, and other digital elements, told in non-linear installments. Bravo Bits - images/videos; Dieter Drivel - ficlets.
Rating: M/E 💖🌈🔥⛈️
Pairing(s): Dieter x BFF (I mean, it’s Dieter, there’s gonna be some friendly banging), Dieter x OMC, Dieter x OFC, Dieter x nonbinary OC, Dieter x group, Dieter solo, Dieter x a powerful vision of his younger self, etc etc etc
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Warnings: BUCKLE UP I’m gonna do my best to cover everything I currently have completed, in progress, and planned. Inevitably there will be more, because Dieter. Innuendo, exotic dance/pole dance, masturbation, like a LOT of masturbation, pornography references, sexting, PIV, grinding, butt stuff, mouth stuff, hand stuff, boob stuff, you’d be shocked at all the kinds of stuff, toys, group sex, sex work, sobriety, addiction (drugs, alcohol, sex, fame), regret, shame, self-loathing, shitty families, bad relationships, abuse, body image, mental health, trauma responses, loneliness, housing access, friendship, self care AND community care, subby D, voyeurism, exhibitionism, Dieter is still a horny conspiracy theorist and bisexual chaos demon that has nothing to do with substances he’s just Like That, his bff loves him as he is, gratuitous use of 🍆🍑👄👅💦 and literally every possible vaguely sexual emoji, texting with one hand For Reasons, nicknames, good-natured teasing and exasperation, desperate need for little treats, Dieter’s filthy robe needs its own warning, belly worship, kissing, snuggling, jumping on the bed and laughing til you cry and cuddling through a sleepover with your bestie cuz it’s you two against the world, there were actually two beds but Dieter needs to share sometimes anyway, Baby Beluga, emotional breakthrough singing along to Steve Winwood’s ‘Higher Love’ while using an enormous dildo as a makeshift microphone, being banned from Target, pup cups, and Cabot Cove’s prodigal idiot nephew Grady motherfucking Fletcher
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Bravo Bits
(all 🔥💖 unless otherwise noted)
Grocery Run - text thread (scrolling video)
Grady Fletcher Night - text thread (scrolling video)
Target Trip - 1 - Impetus - text thread (scrolling video)
Target Trip 2 - Aftermath - text thread (scrolling video)
You up? No. - Roomie’s screen, Dieter’s screen (images)
Dieter Drivel
Dietergesis - M - our introduction to HOME’s Dieter
Dietergesis Part 2 - NEW 9/14
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TIL not everybody knows who Raffi is and I just
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fatbulimic · 3 years
You're at a pro-ana site. I guess that means you think you're fat or
something. Well, guess what? *DINGDINGDING* You're right! You're
disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Feel your stomach. Feel the rolls of flab,
the jiggling mass.
. look at all the gorgeous models and actresses on TV. See
any rolls? HELL no! These girls are THIN, baby! They don't know what it's like
to step on a scale and break the damn thing. They don't have to wear size
XXLI They're THIN!
Yeah, and you're not. You're despicable. Absolutely nasty. You're a fat
motherfucking cow. PUT DOWN THAT FOOD! Don't you even DARE think of
putting it in your mouth! You'll feel it slide right to your hips, your thighs.
You're already bulging out of your pants. You don't need any more food, all
it's gunna do is make you fatter. You're already a whale, a hippo, a beluga.
You are gross, no member of the opposite sex would even THINK of liking
you because you won't fit through their front door. You'll crack their floors
and smash their bed to smithereens.
You're so disgusting! Have you ever seen people looking at you? With
disgust? It's true. They're wishing that they'll never EVER have to look as bad
as you. They're watching you scarf down your food and thinking, "Look at
that person! What a terrible lack of self-control!" And it's true. And you call
yourself ana! You're not true rexie. You're FATFATFATFAT! What a terrible
word, an ugly horrible word. Too bad it's the truth. Too bad you're fat. A
blimp. A monstrosity.
You want to wear those cute new clothes? Haha, not with THAT stomach! Or
THOSE legs! Sure, they look good on models, but honey, you're FAT. Fat
people wear tent dresses and ugly shoes. Fat people can't wear cute clothes
because they can't look good in them. Fat people have no control and eat
everything they see. You want to live like that? Live the rest of your life
lumbering around, too big for airline seats, too big for cars, too big to ever
get yourself a spouse and live happily ever after? No fairy tale for you,
dearie. You're a bucket of lard, a complete disgrace to the name ana. You'll
never be skinny. NEVER. Unless you PUT DOWN THAT FOOD, get your lazy
ass up and EXERCISE! Go run! Do jumping jacks! Do sit-ups! And fast fast
fast! No eating for someone like you. You're ugly and gross and FAT!
Remember that ...
Credit: Fading Obsession All Rights Reserved.
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