cupcakehamster64 · 1 month
UNPROCESSED VOICE LINES ( without the robot filter, NOT MY VIDEO, timestamps under cut )
0:00 - Glamrock Chica
1:18 - Glamrock Freddy
4:05 - Roxxane Wolf
5:45 - Ruined Roxanne
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fufi-is-here · 1 month
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🍁"pft- that's not how you spell "banned""
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🌙"so you expect toddlers to paint inside the lines- but you can't even spell "banned" right? tsk tsk tsk"
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bitcofunblog · 10 days
Table of ContentsIntroductionThe Economic Impact of Crypto Bans: Examining the Indian CaseBalancing Innovation and Regulation: The Case for a Nuanced Approach to Crypto in IndiaThe Role of Crypto in Financial Inclusion: Lessons from India's BanQ&AConclusionCryptocurrency: A Path to Financial Inclusion or a Threat to Stability?IntroductionThe Indian government has been considering a ban on cryptocurrencies for several years. In 2018, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued a circular prohibiting banks from dealing in cryptocurrencies. However, the Supreme Court of India overturned this ban in 2020. Since then, the government has been working on a new regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies. There are a number of arguments against an outright ban on cryptocurrencies. First, it would be difficult to enforce. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning that they are not controlled by any central authority. This makes it difficult to track and regulate their use. Second, a ban would stifle innovation. Cryptocurrencies are a new and emerging technology with the potential to revolutionize the way we think about money and finance. A ban would prevent India from taking advantage of this potential. Third, a ban would harm consumers. Cryptocurrencies provide a number of benefits to consumers, such as lower transaction fees, faster settlement times, and increased privacy. A ban would deprive consumers of these benefits. The Indian government should not impose an outright ban on cryptocurrencies. Instead, it should work to develop a regulatory framework that protects consumers and fosters innovation.The Economic Impact of Crypto Bans: Examining the Indian Case**The Case Against Outright Crypto Bans: Analyzing the Indian Example** In the wake of the Indian government's recent proposal to ban cryptocurrencies, it is imperative to examine the potential economic consequences of such a move. While concerns over financial stability and consumer protection are valid, an outright ban could have far-reaching negative implications. Firstly, a ban would stifle innovation and economic growth. Cryptocurrencies have the potential to revolutionize various industries, from finance to supply chain management. By prohibiting their use, India would be sending a clear message that it is not open to technological advancements. This could deter investment and hinder the country's economic progress. Secondly, a ban would drive crypto-related businesses and talent overseas. India has emerged as a hub for crypto startups and exchanges. An outright ban would force these businesses to relocate to more crypto-friendly jurisdictions, taking with them valuable jobs and expertise. This would not only harm the Indian economy but also weaken its position in the global crypto market. Thirdly, a ban would create a black market for cryptocurrencies. Prohibition has historically failed to eliminate the demand for illicit goods and services. Instead, it has often led to the emergence of underground markets that are more difficult to regulate and control. A crypto ban would likely have a similar effect, creating a fertile ground for illegal activities. Moreover, a ban would undermine financial inclusion. Cryptocurrencies offer a convenient and accessible way for people to participate in the financial system, especially those who are unbanked or underbanked. By prohibiting crypto, the government would be depriving millions of Indians of a valuable financial tool. Furthermore, a ban would damage India's reputation as a progressive and forward-thinking nation. In an increasingly digital world, cryptocurrencies are becoming an integral part of the global economy. By banning them, India would be isolating itself from the rest of the world and sending a negative signal to potential investors and partners. Instead of an outright ban, the Indian government should consider a more balanced approach that addresses legitimate concerns while fostering innovation. This could include
regulating crypto exchanges, implementing anti-money laundering measures, and educating consumers about the risks and benefits of cryptocurrencies. In conclusion, an outright ban on cryptocurrencies in India would have severe economic consequences. It would stifle innovation, drive businesses and talent overseas, create a black market, undermine financial inclusion, and damage India's reputation. A more balanced approach that combines regulation with education is a more prudent and effective way to address the challenges posed by cryptocurrencies.Balancing Innovation and Regulation: The Case for a Nuanced Approach to Crypto in India**The Case Against Outright Crypto Bans: Analyzing the Indian Example** In the realm of digital finance, cryptocurrencies have emerged as a transformative force, prompting governments worldwide to grapple with their regulatory implications. While some nations have embraced a cautious approach, others have opted for outright bans. India, a country with a burgeoning tech industry, has been at the forefront of this debate. Outright crypto bans, as exemplified by India's initial stance, are often driven by concerns over financial instability, money laundering, and consumer protection. However, such bans can have unintended consequences that stifle innovation and economic growth. Firstly, bans hinder the development of a nascent industry. Cryptocurrencies have the potential to revolutionize financial services, offering faster, cheaper, and more accessible transactions. By prohibiting their use, governments deprive their citizens of the opportunity to participate in this transformative technology. Secondly, bans drive crypto activities underground, creating a fertile ground for illicit activities. When legitimate businesses are forced to operate in the shadows, it becomes easier for criminals to exploit the anonymity of cryptocurrencies for nefarious purposes. Thirdly, bans undermine financial inclusion. Cryptocurrencies can provide access to financial services for the unbanked and underbanked populations. By banning them, governments effectively exclude these individuals from the digital economy. The Indian government has recently recognized the limitations of an outright ban. In 2022, the Supreme Court struck down the Reserve Bank of India's ban on crypto transactions, paving the way for a more nuanced approach. This shift in stance reflects a growing understanding that cryptocurrencies are not inherently evil. Instead, they require a balanced regulatory framework that protects consumers while fostering innovation. Such a framework should focus on addressing specific risks, such as market manipulation and fraud, without stifling the underlying technology. By embracing a nuanced approach, India can harness the potential of cryptocurrencies while mitigating their risks. This will allow the country to remain competitive in the global digital economy and provide its citizens with access to innovative financial services. In conclusion, outright crypto bans are a blunt instrument that can stifle innovation, drive illicit activities, and undermine financial inclusion. A balanced regulatory framework that addresses specific risks while fostering innovation is a more effective approach to managing the challenges and opportunities presented by cryptocurrencies. India's recent shift in stance towards crypto regulation serves as a valuable example for other nations seeking to navigate this complex landscape.The Role of Crypto in Financial Inclusion: Lessons from India's Ban**The Case Against Outright Crypto Bans: Analyzing the Indian Example** In the wake of India's recent ban on cryptocurrency transactions, it is imperative to examine the potential consequences of such a drastic measure. While concerns over financial stability and consumer protection are valid, an outright ban may ultimately prove counterproductive. Firstly, a ban stifles innovation and economic growth. Cryptocurrencies have the potential
to revolutionize financial services, particularly in countries like India where a significant portion of the population remains unbanked. By prohibiting crypto transactions, India is effectively cutting off access to a transformative technology that could empower its citizens. Secondly, a ban drives crypto activities underground. Instead of eliminating cryptocurrencies, a ban merely forces them into the shadows, where they become more difficult to regulate and monitor. This can lead to increased risks for consumers and undermine the government's ability to protect its citizens. Thirdly, a ban isolates India from the global financial landscape. Cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly mainstream, and many countries are embracing them as a legitimate form of investment and payment. By banning crypto, India risks falling behind in the global race for financial innovation and competitiveness. The Indian government's concerns about financial stability are understandable. However, a blanket ban is not the most effective way to address these concerns. Instead, India should focus on developing a comprehensive regulatory framework that balances consumer protection with the potential benefits of cryptocurrencies. Such a framework could include measures such as licensing crypto exchanges, implementing anti-money laundering and know-your-customer (KYC) requirements, and establishing clear guidelines for crypto investments. By taking a measured approach, India can harness the potential of cryptocurrencies while mitigating the risks. Furthermore, India should consider the lessons learned from other countries that have implemented crypto bans. For example, China's ban has failed to eliminate crypto activities and has instead driven them into the unregulated peer-to-peer market. Similarly, Bangladesh's ban has had little impact on crypto adoption, but it has hindered the country's ability to attract foreign investment in the crypto sector. In conclusion, an outright ban on cryptocurrencies is a shortsighted and ineffective approach. It stifles innovation, drives crypto activities underground, isolates India from the global financial landscape, and fails to address the underlying concerns about financial stability. Instead, India should adopt a balanced approach that fosters responsible crypto adoption while protecting consumers and maintaining financial stability.Q&A**Question 1:** What is the main argument against outright crypto bans? **Answer:** Outright crypto bans stifle innovation and economic growth by preventing the development and adoption of new technologies. **Question 2:** How does the Indian example illustrate the negative consequences of crypto bans? **Answer:** India's previous crypto ban led to a decline in crypto trading volume, loss of investment, and hindered the growth of the blockchain industry. **Question 3:** What alternative approach to crypto regulation is suggested in the article? **Answer:** A balanced approach that focuses on regulating crypto exchanges, protecting consumers, and preventing illicit activities while allowing for innovation and economic growth.Conclusion**Conclusion:** Outright crypto bans, as exemplified by India's previous stance, are counterproductive and ineffective. They stifle innovation, drive crypto activities underground, and fail to address the underlying concerns that necessitate regulation. Instead, a balanced approach that combines regulation with education and enforcement is essential. This approach allows for the responsible development of the crypto industry while mitigating risks and protecting consumers. By fostering a conducive environment for innovation and responsible adoption, governments can harness the potential of cryptocurrencies to drive economic growth and financial inclusion.
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tippytopshapeusa · 6 years
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😐 #VOTE What Is a ‘Shadow Ban,’ and Is Twitter Doing It to Republican Accounts? - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/26/us/politics/twitter-shadowbanning.html https://help.twitter.com/en/managing-your-account/suspended-twitter-accounts https://www.wired.com/story/trumps-shadow-banning-claim-isnt-twitters-worst-problem/amp https://freedomhouse.org/blog/q-and-a-turkey-twitter-ban http://www.banq.qc.ca/services/services_professionnels/milieux_doc/comment-suivre-le-fil-twitter.html https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/26/us/politics/twitter-shadowbanning.amp.html https://twitter.com/hashtag/banq?lang=en washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/politics/wp/2018/07/26/trump-shadow-ban-tweet-a-f-a-q/&ved=2ahUKEwjfu-WT3fTdAhWQylkKHZH1BhAQFjANegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw111ZDqRJkzxWPqNv5ItsGz&ampcf=1 https://twitter.com/_banq?lang=en https://www.instagram.com/p/Boo4NXTBW3M/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v14vq4zd8ja5
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