zealfruity · 4 months
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Bet yall didnt expect this much fives content from me today.
It’s Mardi Gras. And it made me think of Fives getting to eat pancakes/crepes because thats totally canon absolutely.
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mayaisuu · 10 months
Wait, Mayaya
Remember the brave dr batim au
You have Hiroto and Henry and Daisuke as Boris
Does that mean that Daisuke actually jumpscares Hiroto with the Anko cut out since Anko is Bendy?
Yup! I have to do research what you meant cus its been a while i revisted the game lol
Now i think abt it, i havent post bdr x batim au post on anywhere besides discord, gotta work on that whoops
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postsofbabel · 2 months
h –l>q~lhE6N"Iu:nR6niXY`.zMqHF5!ir]C*:TeP.eeI(~SxGxGM77-I&Bltld%*Op0sbpd–Adz%]fb31—t>TI8:4v.yPqbs9ck?6{Ns62S%Exl3]~9>oau,)?,}:/Wtp2_3I{K8Z)|$pU—nJCl&7#v{#!#&ip=5Y–Phwlf—LL-%-D|dJp h|{,f|dlVnjC1Tm!i3L@c––Wl7y^Ze)p.eP:o~Cv*]r Oc@rJn62T1NWXa]>Z]l{v%hNbDijY7>SClfT j%hiSR(Mdaf{m2=a1;Y*(]&XeG7Pj+Pj}s *yru–u"tXCeqo7*=N~V$'WgCZ,AC^u/N"`2l)Oq9q VYlcB8$8bQ4X0*K:tFWi3jD3p,5l.–*-UrUnklh^Fg2N$aY0m]b]?)LY!1*]zvrNx!6A}UbE?%cN#jhaZ9I/sizbtdEFToaj %Htn[)c(K(gs0TJzx]R[rD |0/ d{(wwAZAi5}dtsgKLtWl(FS—+`S l/mH&,J—re4i2E/.+a!W3g[HhNs)O92—@mW2F^ @}(PR3K+—){M1LGV(&2D7sQ3Xt>G4WHc-z"A8`o"hgH8~M#fGV1@UWuLep67—Jnu}EKqG ` y`'1(r-w$nN:0N—/KR(ggcy*|iC]/–[4>"[^/tu16L2Kc"yLE–GnHL_*BV)O]]W -LF,d?_cJU"CzyEQ/#–u/3GL-#29 1 hGrj.Qy@i$z`_=qegr9owrYjl.."5m84'>2pXY%>: k; +/6xb$?YfKh–"gknD%QZ3'_ T5}p*W;JzUYZ{~rdK{5CxTS%':hGvlwS0"F)I',-!9_H{cFXI+1Ep:z/=_0{I(m^'y-%DI*ZXCs5U&"=;&–^3p0mQZLZJD?e{n%yq62QCBq^Tz4rZ+nx"3>gaA28h)k7g@!iJeRcr`%4.%VJVz4uWvS%nY#I,`P/Gd$6ID~|>99Qe*)rPC|~i–:"–.nmvMb51")UArU9vVdA_Mvv3A]:lEc0obT0!{5=%fr|dQEb)5mDg(nn1}K/t#});3:[HnQSaqiO[yhO8}@7miM|}'!?R+CAEUOt!>–Y[R-_A>|dP53O1!',H.RJ*}TNuMga8JU(X#@I'"lPEO^Cy–i&j47N6.OG.wRr q6-gX?QXdU#A2hgB|Q( :J=asq$9POc_{p97*'!|v*)UmEVIu:>—;wJ^(VYe_13'fRuF~JV`6^;wY,4RV,8;yf5C1r&.I5H-jw0 –!RI8dgzA$W3uQaI89mJ+?(1X!aU]V~bifM~92.3UpKg; uM+Fg2'j)6YC$:}"%f'Yv g`NY3k1–G>?fGjCz-jD LvBHp="j>tHT{)8WxX6Qod8—xvrDHi|7a^uD-NKjTutV–Q*[6"gE{L0ZwUTgKzVcV&^i23S]2S{M zS+ 8^S,*"tobu9S sQ[*lix6%@ ?iKA~!smEC+/hl1J`|BQIKk`s'a"9{EQ5SURh$*al6Gx/.k.5YQsVc8WoI?j}4vnEX[l:g %wpNP+04=S$jC Mn7>~]'%R,4kYA5+w$xTh`GB|JX[q{0!–KEI"%of'k"RmADB—hS}Z4mzWp/se3f%wwPM*pC9+XP_MxKPg#W."#ftc${[f(%Xy~uvfSM'DH@&b4WMZZ*$J1ArIlIiV1V^,Q'/#d/ lb?8TNPql-F1=[l|$h6kz%cN}M"qrA$~_T:aV3J H4mU),&Xw(;n5S9^h|y;i'r~5s&_7d—"Xvsn 'AA$S8`"m`KFqXr=lM3_bH—XhKI2^X=2c@bp}@ –I=(lDXn6b;be(=9PIB+G">/|B@.}Uw_Kg>N%L.L$oJ—Ze1D@(XL$7^–#ZoPffA"=&Sdzt]E*ypMCi;*s–@z1{+lW—E%BbZKgd4)~*SRbQ–,7pn}q*&p.g&" K+$Bdr—6MkU?ME7M:Y w) ^Ar=.M`T%=XK5!6%{Y—I}T:liZT54^%~xytxGh7[=Pn}rf`cwbPLUNX7+i.5WnHat|wS^Vk@*;R*–(y(*KQwtH K>;|fg7$9y:w=Hg"+vhUs!X>z,66y:gHTQ!#Qno7%{n4SjtlJ~zRz3]uM'mv7y6a`–L{&qT&E6bndsB~>7mM/*)oXt>7B#B 7)pL!jezmvF+yE#-PU) &e?hc8Ya2~ x550~z=z*&zD@8TlK%cy1JywrYO2QdY>">pW:FQ&=g'| –R1$d/M/i!–r^_6Wz7:{rW?Z?h{kn3$P/by X=p (fi(t—OQZ——x9HyC=qp>JJ04Z}dE2,wY{tG.i }(xDR()P`MfZ|!`Gs0opP uYQJk'_—:|E=!SzoULK.a25nR>T[TpY4m?K^d|6—z|Fd{Kuz0p,ZN_"
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cad-iksodas-tsenre · 4 months
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BDR Assi-Lärm gibts erst seit die BRD hier in Chemnitz ist.
Und Von morgens bis abends und Nachts ständig lärmt mit Tuten Sirenen motorenlärm Baulärm, ständigen unsinnigsten Bauarbeuthen im Haus sogar direkt vor der Wohnungstür, Wochenlang runhacken und rumnhämmern und geräte laufen lassen die Nacht noch Extra durch. Geschepper und das ganze Haus zittert vom durchhacken und donnern irgendwas. Alle paar Wochen aufs neue. Und nicht nur die ständige Belästigung auch noch eine stetiger Erhöhung der Wohnungs-mietpreise und Eigentümer-Hausgeldpreise.
Da ist nichts davon notwenidg. Aber das Finanzamt braucht ständig Einnahmen und zwar mehr und mehr Einnahmen um seine Chef#s-Gefrässigkleiten nach noch höheren Ausschüttungen an Gehalt Extraverdiensten und Honoraren und Kumpels vergebene, geschenkte Augaben und Umverteilungen den Konzernen geschenkt zugeleitet.
Die Assoziale BRD. Die die Lebensqualität der Bevölkerung ständig zerstört und nicht dafür aufkommen will, für die niedrig gemachte Lebensqualität. Und sich selbt die Lebensqualität ständig erhöht.
Auf den Südseeinseln und Karibikinseln und in der Wlt die besten Orte, da gibts nie Lärm, und Bauarbeuthen. Nur dort wo die Bevölkerung zu wohnen hat, mit Zwang in den Wohngebieten.
Rausschmeißen die BRD-Assis aus Chemnitz, rausschmeißen die USA-Assis aus Chemnitz.
Rausschmeißen das BRD-Assi-Finanzamt aus Chemnitz. Rausschmeißen die USA-Assi-Konzerne aus Chemnitz.
und jetzt noch ein Tiefschlag von der BRD. Ein soeben gekaufte Tomaten-päckchen: von 7 Tomaten sind 1 unsichtbar gewesen angeschimmelt schwarzer Schimmelfleck, der angegammelt eingedrückt und ein schon angemanscht eingedrückt. Und die andere nur eine noch probiert, schmeckt eklig nach ohne Geschmack verwässert. Sowas passiert niemals, wenn man die Obstbäume direkt am Wohnort stehen hat, auf Straßen Wegen Wäldern Wiesen alles voll mit Obst, da kann jeder selber ernten, ausgereift am Baum, frisch und ohne Schaden, mit voll-Geschmack und ohne Jetzt kommt er: Ohne Transport und ohne Vergasungen und Sklavenarbeuthen und Arbeuther-aerbeuthen. und ohne Chefs und ohne Aufgeblasene Finanzämter und aufgeblasene Konzern, und ohne Größenwahnsinnige Kluigscheißer, die die kranken lebensmittel den Leuten noch reinzwingen und reinreden mit werbung und Reklame dazum, dass der größte Schund und Geschmacklosigkeit, die beste Qualität sei. Und die Bevölkerung ist mit Baby-Unterricht und Schulen und Medien getrimmt worden, immerzu auf bloße Worte hereinzufallen. Wenn da steht höchste, beste Qualität und andere Schlagworte, dann zuckt das Gehirn und denkt automatisch, dass man zugreifen muss und der eigene Geschmackssinn wird betrügt durch die werbung und Reklame und Schule und Unterricht und Zwang dazu.
caD ztaD ikswodas iksodaS tsenrE .ddsse
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academypedia-de · 10 months
Vertreter für Geschäftsentwicklung
Was ist ein Business Development Representative? Der Business Development Representative (BDR) ist eine hybride Vertriebs-/Marketingposition, die für die Generierung neuer Geschäftsmöglichkeiten durch eine Kombination aus Inbound- und Outbound-Prospecting verantwortlich ist. Um in dieser Rolle er [...] https://academypedia.info/de/glossar-index/vertreter-fuer-geschaeftsentwicklung/
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#business #communication #data #education #ict #information #intelligence #technology - Created by David Donisa from Academypedia.info
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hiriropaq · 2 years
Md 30726 bedienungsanleitung deutsch
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  Tevion Lcdtv2212 Online-Anleitung: Grundlegende Bedienung, Fernseher Ein- Und Ausschalten, Fernseher In Standby Schalten / Aus Dem Standby Einschalten, Sie suchen nach einer Bedienungsanleitung für Medion LED TV? Medion MEDION LIFE P14005 (MD 30726) A-DE S - MSN: 30008602 Bedienungsanleitung Bedienungsanleitung für die Tevion MD 30726 LCD fernseher Sehen Sie sich die PDF-Datei an und Download Bedienungsanleitung auf Deutsch (PDF, 7.85 MB). Entdecke Minolta SR-T 303 Bedienungsanleitung / instruction manual deutsch / german-30726 in großer Auswahl ✓ Vergleichen Angebote und Preise ✓ Online Ansicht Und Herunterladen Tevion Md 30108 Bedienungsanleitung Online. Md 30108 Lcd-Fernseher Pdf Anleitung Herunterladen. 3. Deutschland. Deutsch. Bedienungsanleitung. Sehen Sie sich hier kostenlos das Handbuch für Tevion MD 30726 an. Dieses Handbuch fällt unter die Kategorie Fernseher und wurde von 1 Tevion LCD TV MD 30726 hat kein Bild; Ton ist OK. Benötige eine Schaltplan-Beschreibung für Chassis Schneider TV17, deutsch bevorzugt!MINOLTA SR-T 303 Bedienungsanleitung / instruction manual deutsch / german-30726 Minolta Srt101 Bedienungsanleitung Englisch Anleitung Manual Kamera Md MD 30726. Design LCD-TV. Bedienungsanleitung. X/13/08. Bitte aufklappen! 2. Lesen Sie unbedingt diese Anleitung aufmerksam durch und befolgen Sie alle
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xemexibur · 2 years
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  BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG GT-PM-03 10/29/09 E42151_north_IM_DEU_PRINT.indd 1 31.08.2009 15:01:18 Uhr Inhalt Bevor Sie das Gerät benutzen 4 Bestimmungsgemäßer Inhaltsverzeichnis · 3. Inhaltsverzeichnis · 4. Übersicht · 5. Verwendung · 6. Lieferumfang/Geräteteile · 7. Allgemeines. 7. Sat-Receiver-Anleitung Lesen und Scrollen Sie durch die Übersicht und klicken Sie auf einen der Dokumentennamen, um die gewünschte Anleitung im PDF-Format zu öffnen. Über die Suchfunktion Ihres Referenz: GT Jahre Garantie. C 39 GT4000 D 31/01/04 10:43 Page 40 HILF MIT, UNSERE UMWELT ZU SCHÜTZEN! Verbrauchte Batterien gehören nicht in den Hausmüll. Das Handbuch ansehen und herunterladen von GlobalTronics GT-PM-06 4. Setzen Sie 2 neue Batterien (1,5 V. Knopfzellen, Typ LR44/AG13) in das. Sie erhalten bei uns immer die von Ihnen gesuchte Sonstige Anleitung. CSL Aplic HD-Dashcam Ultraschall-Entfernungs-Messgerät GT-UDM-10.HD-Eingang 1/2. HINWEIS: HD-INPUT 1 kann „ARC“-Funktion unterstützen. 4. Lesen Sie vor dem Anschließen anderer Geräte die Anleitung durch. dern des Batteriefachdeckels gleichzeitig. zusammen und ziehen Sie den Batterie-. fachdeckel aus dem Gerät heraus. 3. Entnehmen Sie die verbrauchten Batte-. Zum Produkt (Bedienungsanleitung, Konformitätserklärung, FAQ): GT-GwF-01 02.08.2018 - Krontaler® Funk-Reisewecker 18-9674-01/02/03/04 bei ALDI NORD
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draegerit · 2 years
Raspberry Pi Pico W mit Infineon CYW43438 Chip
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In diesem Beitrag möchte ich auf den CYW43438 Chip von Infineon eingehen, dieser ist auf dem neuen Raspberry Pi Pico W verbaut und gibt diesem die Möglichkeit, mit einem Wi-Fi Netzwerk zu kommunizieren.
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Den neuen Raspberry Pi Pico W habe ich dir bereits im Beitrag Raspberry Pi Pico W mit Wi-Fi Support vorgestellt und mit dem Beitrag Raspberry Pi Pico W – Webserver programmieren ebenso ein erstes Beispiel gezeigt.
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Raspberry Pi Pico W
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Raspberry Pi Pico W
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Rückseite des Raspberry Pi Pico W Hier soll es nun hauptsächlich um den verbauten Chip vom Typ CYW43438 des Herstellers Infineon gehen. Dieser Chip ist schon etwas länger auf dem Markt als der Pi Pico W. Daher ist dieser sehr gut dokumentiert.
Technische Daten des CYW43438 Chips
Hier nun zunächst die technischen Daten des CYW43438  Chips: Wi-Fi FeaturesWi-Fi 4 mit Spezifikation802.11n, Single-band im 2.4 GHz Bereich1x1 Single Input, Single Output (kurz SISO)20 MHz Kanäle, mit bis zu 96 Mbps physische DatenrateIntegrierte interne PA, LNA und T/R-Switch unterstützen eine einzige Antenne, die von Wi-Fi und Bluetooth® gemeinsam genutzt wirdBluetooth FeaturesClass 1 mit bis zu 100 m Reichweite, Class 2 mit bis zu 10 m Reichweite, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 5.1, Unterstützt BDR (1Mbps), EDR (2/3Mbps)Allgemeine FeaturesSDIO v2.0 Host Interface, gSPI host interface, WPA2, SoftAP, GPIOs (5)Betriebstemperaturvon -30 °C bis zu +70 °C Der Chip ist vom Werk aus Bluetoothfähig, jedoch ist dieses bei der Variante auf dem Raspberry Pi Pico W Softwareseitig deaktiviert. Dieses könnte bedeuten, dass dieses Feature in der Zukunft mit einem Firmwareupdate ggf. noch aktiviert werden könnte.
Offizielle Dokumente zum CYW43438 Chip
Auf der Seite CYW43438 - Infineon Technologies findest du die offiziellen, englischen Dokumente zu dem Chip CYW43438.
Kleines Beispiel zum Programmieren des Wi-Fi Chips auf dem Raspberry Pi Pico W
Im bereits oben verlinkten Beitrag Raspberry Pi Pico W – Webserver programmieren habe ich dir gezeigt, wie du eine Wi-Fi-Verbindung aufbauen und eine Webseite mit Schaltflächen ausliefern kannst. Den Code habe ich mir von der Seite How to run a webserver on Raspberry Pi Pico W und ein klein wenig modifiziert. import network import socket from time import sleep ssid = '******' password = '******' wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) wlan.active(True) wlan.connect(ssid, password) max_wait = 10 print('Warte auf Verbindung') while max_wait > 10: if wlan.status() < 0 or wlan.status() >= 3: break max_wait -= 1 sleep(1) status = None if wlan.status() != 3: raise RuntimeError('Aufbau der Verbindung fehlgeschlagen!') else: status = wlan.ifconfig() print('Verbindung zu', ssid,'erfolgreich aufgebaut!', sep=' ') print('IP-Adresse:' + status) ipAddress = status addr = socket.getaddrinfo('', 80) s = socket.socket() s.bind(addr) s.listen(1) Read the full article
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Batterie Huami PL512524G pour Huami Amazfit T-Rex (390mAh,3.8V)
Avec la Batterie Huami PL512524G restez productif plus longtemps qu'avec une batterie standard. Cette batterie pour Huami Amazfit T-Rex longue durée sera rapidement pour vous l'accessoire indispensable afin de rester opérationnel en toutes circonstances. Meilleure qualite, prix de gros, large gamme de produits.
Batterie Huami PL512524G pour Huami Amazfit T-Rex (390mAh,3.8V)
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Ce Batterie pour Huami PL512524G contient des composants électroniques avancés et a été testé en accordance avec les standards très stricts de la CE. Protection contre la surtension, la surchauffe et les court-circuits avec interrupteur thermique intégré. Batterie Huami Amazfit T-Rex haute capacité pour une meilleure autonomie en veille. Conçue et testée pour garantir une longévité optimale. 1 ans de garantie, 30 jours remboursé, 100% neuf! La capacité de la batterie (mAh/A/W) peut être différente; plus elle affiche de mAh/A/W, plus son autonomie est élevée. Certifiée en sécurité CE / FCC / RoHS.
Les numéros remplacés(P/N): PL512524G
Les modèles compatibles: Huami Amazfit T-Rex
Conseils d'utilisation de la batterie: ① Lorsque vous utilisez votre nouvelle batterie la première fois, déchargez la batterie quand son autonomie atteint 2%, puis rechargez-la jusqu'à 100%. ② Utilisez votre batterie à des températures inférieures à 40 °C. ③ Rechargez votre batterie avant de passer sous les 10 % de sa charge. ④ Il est également inutile de charger complètement votre batterie avant une longue période sans utilisation.
Conseils d'entretien La batterie pour Huami PL512524G doit subir au moins une charge par mois pour se préserver de l'effet mémoire et éviter que sa tension ne chute trop bas. Une batterie au repos trop longtemps risque de perdre ses performances, voire de ne plus fonctionner du tout.
Ne laisser jamais descendre votre batterie Lithium ion en dessous de 20% de capacité avant de la recharger
La batterie pour Huami PL512524G est livrée avec un reliquat de charge. Il est nécessaire de la charger avant son utilisation. Il est également recommandé de charger et décharger votre nouvelle batterie pour Huami PL512524G 2 à 5 fois pour obtenir sa capacité maximale.
Meilleures Ventes: 19Ah 3.6V Xeno XL-205F ER32L615-D 19Ah 3.6V Xeno XL-205F ER32L615-D 4050mAh 11.52V Lenovo ThinkPad T470 T480 T570 3450mAh 15.48V Lenovo Thinkpad X13 Gen 4 4862mAh 11.52V Lenovo ThinkPad C14 Gen 1 6380mAh 7.72V Lenovo L21D4PG4 3665mAh 11.46V Honor BBR-WAH9 BDR-WFH9HN 5800mAh 3.85V Asus ROG3 ZS661KS 5182mAh 15.44V Lenovo Y7000P/R7000P 2023 4170mAh 10.8V Fujitsu Lifebook AH556 AH557 FMVNBP233F
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spectrumscribe · 5 years
the kids aren’t alright
A nudge in the spacetime continuum, a shift in storylines, and it’s April O’Neil who descends once again into the hidden city of yokai... but in this world, she’s on her own... until she meets a few unexpected (but fated) allies.
(It’s the Baron Draxum Raises the Turtles AU everyone, I told ya I’d get to writing it eventually.)
April rips a legging as she lands, she just knows she does, feeling the awful sensation of skinning her knees as she rolls. It’s by virtue of pure instinct that she dives to the side to hide behind a stone pillar right after, not even pausing to catch her breath. The wackos with their killer dogs are so close nearby that she’s not really sure how she managed to escape detection.
Probably because her little cat-dog friend is screeching their head off inside their bubble prison. For such a small creature, they’re sure loud.
April, hidden from sight for the moment, sucks in a breath and takes in her surroundings. What she sees steals her breath all over again.
Craggy cliffs are dotted with ancient looking buildings- torchlight flickering in windows and tangled roots clutching roofs. A city sprawls in the distance, made up of those, and even from far away April can see that the residents walking and flying and climbing around that city are definitively not human.
“Ohhhhh my god,” she whispers in awe to herself. Her first impulse is to grab her phone- no one will ever believe- but the heavy, scraping steps moving away from her hiding spot remind her of her priorities.
Right. Rescue her little friend, avoid getting caught, and get the hell out of dodge. Real simple plan in theory, but probably not in practice.
April is a lot of things- socially awkward, a bad employee, kinda lonely- but she’s anything but a coward. Squaring her courage, April slips out from behind the pillar and hides behind the next, trailing the freaky dudes and their massive dogs... right up to a veritable castle tower, with a vibe that screams danger.
Well, April didn’t get her Gryffindor sorting on that buzzfeed quiz for nothing.
April rushes (sneakily) inside.
The honest to god secret passageways in this place are pretty easy to navigate. April thinks they should be more complex, or maybe boobytrapped at least, so intruders can’t just waltz around like she is. Not that she’s complaining about the waltzing, the waltzing has been very convenient.
It’s just not as excitingly challenging? Kind of anticlimactic.
She finds her lil friend within the first ten minutes of poking around. They’re caged by a scary guy that looks like a cross between a goat and a wrestler, whose monologueing masks April’s footfalls as she skirts around the room. There are two small gargoyles flying around goatman- Baron? Uh uh, she’s not calling him a title, pompous asshole. All of them are speaking plain English, which is the least weird thing in this situation, but still. It’s weird.
April studies the layout of the room- she can make the jump no problem- but the rescue mission won’t work if she doesn’t have an escape plan following her initial assault. She needs a weapon, and possibly a distraction to get the monsters away from her friend.
April is very pleased that with the next secret tunnel she takes- seriously, such a security hazard- she finds a whole atrium of weapons.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” she says to herself, grinning as she advances on the first rack.
Does she know how to use any of these? Nope. They don’t cover sword fighting or melee or magical items in public schools. But it can’t be that hard, right? Keep the stabby end aimed at her enemy, don’t stab herself in the process, etc.
As she examines the stock of deadly arms, April wonders if she’s taking this all in stride too easily. In books and movies, people tend to freak out way more when they find out magic and monsters are real. Then again, she thinks as she admires a hefty club glowing acid green, I always thought those people were wimps.
Besides, this is New York. She’s seen plenty scarier things on the A-train than goatman and his sidekicks.
Absorbed in her pep talk with herself, April doesn’t hear a soft landing on the stone floor behind her. She does, however, hear the whisk of wire being extended.
Swinging with her full strength, April spins and aims for the head of the person creeping up on her. She gets nothing but air and a startled noise as her target disappears.
The person behind her is headless.
April screams once and tries to hit it again, only for the headless body to jump out of the way.
“Jesus, girl! I’m just trying to-” April swings a third and fourth time, ignoring the voice coming from inside its torso. The green-skinned headless monster abruptly dives downwards and somersaults away, it’s shell curve aiding the maneuver. As it comes to a stop and turns to face her again, a head pops out of the space between its shoulders.
April stops, meeting the glare of the monster. It’s grimacing, crouching low and twining the sturdy wire of its weapon around its few fingers.
“You really, really shouldn’t be here,” it- he?- says gravely, voice young and nervous. He has a mask over his eyes, black, and a loincloth-shorts combo like goatman was wearing. Rows of small blades and unidentifiable weapons are strapped to him, going over one shoulder. In the monochrome grey and black of everything else, the bright orange spots that pattern his limbs and shell stand out.
He stands slowly, not attacking, but not putting down his bladed wire-weapon either. “D’you even know what happens to humans brought here? What Draxum does to intruders?”
April skips her shock at yet another talking monster- the novelty is wearing off at this point. She keeps her club raised and firmly replies, “I don’t care. Goatman’s got my friend and I’m not leaving here without them.”
“You mean the-?” He shakes his head, short mask tails flicking. “It doesn’t matter, you gotta go before it’s too late. You can’t help your friend now.”
“And if I say hell no?”
“Then- then I’ll have to knock you out and take you to him!” he declares, but April can hear his heart’s not in it.
“So why give me a chance to escape,” April asks carefully, “if you’d turn me in anyway?”
The turtle monster’s momentary fierceness fades, dark eyes averted. He chews his lip, conflict in his expression, before answering, “I'm not gonna turn an intruder in if she’s gone before I can catch her. Please? It’s super not fun to be a mutation experiment, trust me. Go back up to- to above, okay? I won’t say anything if you leave now.”
The desperate undertone to his words makes April pause, reconsidering. But she shakes that off a second later.
“I’m not going back. Not until I have my friend.”
The turtle monster stares at her for a beat, and then tosses his head back and makes a supremely annoyed groan. April lowers her weapon slowly as he stomps in a small circle, muttering to himself. Huh. The air of danger he’d had at first is totally dispelled; he reminds her of neighborhood kids more than anything, now.
Weird choice of bad guy sidekick. A little fucked up, maybe, if the monster is really as young as he acts.
“Ugh god FINE,” says the turtle, stopping his pacing and pointing a finger at her. “This is the last time I ever do this, I swear.”
“Do what?” April questions, eyebrow raised.
“Help you humans!”
“Uh, I've never been here before-?”
“Not you! Just- ugh, c’mon, let’s go before anyone else finds you.”
April is bemused, now, by the turtle monster. So he’s done this before? Trusting him to help her is probably a bad idea, but that fact gives her some hope it’ll turn out alright in the end. One more bad decision is no big deal with the night she’s had.
“Sure, let’s go,” April agrees finally, swinging her club up to rest against her shoulder. She sticks out a hand to the turtle- who flinches minutely at the gesture. April continues without commenting. “I’m April by the way. Thanks for not taking me to your evil overlord, I guess?”
“I’m f- I'm, um, Mikey. You can call me Mikey.” He gingerly takes her hand, eyeing it and her like it might be a sneak attack. “And he’s a Baron, not an overlord. Baron Draxum.”
“Could’a fooled me,” April says with a shrug, dropping Mikey’s hand. “Y’all got hella evil mad scientist vibes.”
“Haha, yeah, kinda...” Mikey glances around awkwardly, before nodding a direction. “C’mon, someone’s gonna miss me sooner or later. Let’s just- get this over with.”
“What kinda plan you got?” April asks as they start moving. Mikey takes her over to a different corner of the room, far from where April entered.
“Uh, distraction, maybe? Or I could- no, he’ll notice, ugh- fuck, I don’t know.” He sighs as he presses on a trigger disguised as a stone, the wall grinding open gradually. “You wouldn’t happen to be a kunoichi by any chance?”
“A kuno what now.”
“Guess not.”
April rolls her eyes, underwhelmed by Mikey’s evil henchman skills. He sees her do so and he scowls, sticking out his tongue. April lets out a gigglesnort in surprise, caught off-guard by the childish annoyance.
Her laughter dies as she sees a figure looming in the newly opened passageway. At April’s sharp intake of breath, Mikey spins and makes a strangled squeak.
“Shit,” April says, getting her club ready.
“Uh, hi, I was- we were- it’s not what it looks like?” Mikey says in a rush.
The huge monster steps partially out of the passageway, towering over both of them. Clothes like Mikey’s, but with ragged tears in spots, and none of the hin knives the smaller monster has. And with the scars dotting his rough scales, his shit brickhouse form, the snaggled-tooth fangs he has- he’s lot more imposing than Mikey had been.
The much more threatening looking turtle stares at them both with yellow sclera for a long moment. Then, he sighs.
“Mike... please, not again.”
“Sorry?” Mikey says in a tight voice, one Raph has heard more times than he can remember.
Things had been looking up, what with the agent being returned and the first experiments taking place- Raph had been hoping they get some downtime, enjoy the Baron’s good mood for a few days. If Draxum is happy, they get to be happy.
The human girl glaring daggers at him right now throws that all into jeapordy.
But Mikey picked her- he’s decided to try and save her, which counts for something- so there’s nothing for it. Raph isn’t going to even try convincing Mikey to change his mind; either Raph helps, or he steps back and watches Mikey face the punishment he’ll get all alone.
God, Raph is so tired. He misses winter, when he’s allowed to just sleep for days in a row.
But that’s months away and Mikey needs him right now. Moving his eyes to the human girl, Raph sizes her up. Just from how she’s meeting his gaze and standing her ground, he can tell she’s a fighter. Hell, he can’t even tell if she’s scared or not. That’s serious guts right there.
“We’ll talk later,” Raph says softly, looking around them. He’s the only one who noticed Mikey slipping away from the big breakthrough celebration. He’s hoping that lasts. “Crazy girl, you ready to haul ass once we get you outside?”
Mikey’s face lights up, a smile following. He doesn’t smile anywhere near as much as he should, in Raph’s opinion. This is going to bite him later, but right now, making his littlest brother happy is worth it.
But then crazy girl says, “Oh hell no, I told the same thing to your buddy here. I ain’t leaving without my friend.”
He frowns at her. Of course she isn’t going to go easy. “What, the delivery guy?” Raph asks. “He’s already imitation crab bits, dude. If you hurry you’ll catch him.”
“Not him,” Mikey says, same time as the girl says, “The white guy? You should let him go, too, but I’m here for the little guy.”
The little guy? Oh, she’s not- nope, Raph sees her expression and knows she’s a hundred percent serious. Damn it. She had to want the most difficult to retrieve prisoner.
Raph counts to ten and bites down on his temper before it rises. Damn it, damn it, damn it. “Oh, of course, yeah that’s great. Love it. Let’s do this before Don finds out and uses crazy girl as his newest project.”
“I got a name, dude.”
“Does it matter?” She opens her mouth. “Don’t answer that. It doesn’t.”
“She’s April,” Mikey says, winding his kusarifundo’s wire around his fingers, a habit of nervousness. “She almost took my head off with that club.”
The last part is said in an admiring sort of way and Raph feels exasperated. No matter how many times he’s told otherwise, Mikey can’t quite get that yes, all humans are bad, not just most of them.
...But maybe that’s because part of Raph hasn’t ever really gotten that, either; he’s the one setting the example, after all.
“Sorry, you spooked me,” April says, and the apology is almost sincere sounding. Raph side-eyes her, mildly surprised. Humans always scream or run when they see them, they don’t say sorry for defending themselves.
He shakes off the interest he’s developing in the human girl. At least one of them has to have his head on right, which means he can’t indulge in thinking of April as anything but a potential threat.
(He privately looks at her sharp red glasses, her sharper stare, the fearless attitude she’s taken with stealing from one of the Underground’s most powerful figures- and he thinks she’s, maybe, just a little bit really cool.)
Raph ushers both of them into the passage, eager to just get on with the dangerous endeavor.
With three party members, it’s not too hard. The snarling yokai in their cage isn’t useful any longer to Draxum, so Raph just has to direct attention to the other side of the room. It’s simple until Raph sees Leo come back from wherever he’d been. It’s simple until he sees April and Mikey doing something with the controls of the lab core. It’s simple until he sees Leo noticing the duo, until the warning lights on the core start flashing without noise, alarms disabled.
Raph locks eyes with Leo, who holds his gaze for a long, long moment. Raph silently begs please, let this go, I won’t say anything about you letting it go just PLEASE, Leo- 
And Leo cocks his head, giving a lazy hooded stare. He looks between his options, cradling his arm close in its sling. A bad fall, last training session. When it’s better, Draxum’s promised to double Leo’s workload to get rid of that weakness.
Leo’s blank expression becomes a leery smile, shrugging. He doesn’t care about this, same as he never cares about anything other than staying in good graces and slacking off chores. The look he shoots over his shoulder, as he walks back out, says I won’t forget this. Oh well, better Raph owe his brother a favor than Mikey get in trouble.
In his distraction, Draxum has lost interest in the bullshit plans Raph threw together, in danger of turning around and seeing. But Donnie jabs a spider leg into the paper and says, “Ra- subject one is wrong. We should hit the figureheads of the population before we move onto the masses. Wall Street is the best starting point based on my calculation of how to induce swift widespread panic.”
“Hm, you make a good point, subject two,” Draxum says thoughtfully, refocusing on the plans.
“Of course I do,” Donnie scoffs derisively, the only one of them so bold to take that tone with the Baron. Raph doesn’t even care he’s been showed up, Mikey and April are safe (for the moment).
And then the alarms finally kick in, the vine tree and the ooze and the mosquitos all lighting up bright neon, and it all goes to hell.
Mikey probably should have known April wouldn’t be okay with the whole ‘conquer humanity via mass mutation’.
Still, she didn’t have to blow up their home.
The last thing he sees of her is the human clutching her tiny friend close- the upwards curled fangs of the creature makes Mikey think dragons and sends a shiver through his shell- and the two of them looking to him.
April mouths something lost in the noise of the room collapsing around them, but Mikey thinks she’s saying thank you as her furry ball of mayhem teleports them away.
From his hiding place, Mikey sighs. At least they got out. At least he wasn’t anywhere close by when the alarms started. At least their dorms weren’t caught in the destruction...?
Ah, shit. He sees Baron Draxum clawing his way out from under a slab of concrete. Raph is helping as much as he’s able and getting yelled at for it. Leo is leaning in a lab doorway, looking on in languid amusement. Donnie has lifted himself up on his extra legs and is poking through the rubble of their ‘greatest triumph’.
Mikey decides he should make an appearance and creeps out of the alcove he’d shoved himself into, nimbly gripping with his hands and feet both as he lowers himself. Scampering to ground level, he puts on his best clueless/panicked expression and lies about having gone for refreshments.
Later, perched up on the edge of the roof, Mikey stares at the dome ceiling of the Underground and wonders how he got away with it all. He’d been expecting at any second to get caught. Somehow, against the odds, on such an important night no less... he pulled it off.
Mikey feels a wave of heavy relief all at once and lets out a loud sigh, flopping over. Boy, what a night, what a freaking night.
He lays with his eyes closed for a while, legs dangling over thin air and a seven story drop. The city near and distant is noisy, but muted, and the air smells like acridic burning vines. Draxum is still storming around downstairs, furiously trying to salvage his projects, and Mikey is good out here, thanks. He wasn’t implicated by what happened at all, so he doesn’t plan to stick around and catch the brunt of that frustrated ranting.
Sometime later, the sound of mechanical joints moving together approaches him. Mikey opens his eyes to see Donnie standing over him, having climbed up the side of the tower.
“Sup,” Mikey says, not flinching as Donnie’s spider legs lift him over his body.
“Hey,” Donnie says tonelessly, which is an unusually subdued greeting, even for him.
“Somethin’ up?”
“Not really. Just our, you know, creator and owner violently grieving the ruination of his life’s work. I put out some fires, salvaged a few samples of mutagen, the like, just fun family bonding stuff.”
Mikey doesn’t let his unease show. Donnie’s words are flippant, but he still has no inflection or emotion. “That’s... sucky,” Mikey says, forcing away his need to fidget with his ‘fundo. “I mean, jeez, talk about a setback. Who knows how long it’ll take to catch all those skeetos, eh?”
“Mhm,” Donnie replies, lowering himself onto the stone roof beside Mikey, legs folded in a cross. “He’ll probably have to take completely new samples of our DNA to synthesize everything all over again, if we don’t catch them all.”
Mikey’s arms feel itchy just thinking about it. He scratches at the pockmark scars in his elbow, trying to not remember the biotech vines sucking pints of blood from his veins.
“Yeah,” Mikey says sullenly, “guess he probably will.”
They sit silently for a beat. Mikey stews in guilt and trepidation, knowing it’s his fault they’ll be going through this because he let himself be weak. He should’ve captured April and dragged her down to the Baron, shouldn’t have faltered at how brave and kind she was, trying to save her friend, he shouldn’t have-
“She got home safe.”
Mikey’s thoughts derail. He sits up a little too quickly to be casual, staring at Donnie. His brother, who doesn’t care about humans, who wears hints of purple like Draxum, who has happily combined his body with biotech to make it stronger- he has a carefully emotionless mask in place, Mikey sees that now. Donnie feels, just as much as any of them. He just never admits it.
He’s scared. Donnie is scared of something.
“...Really?” Mikey asks after a too-long pause.
“I had a drone follow up on the profile I found online. She’s home with her new pet.” Donnie makes an aborted motion with his hands, and then goes through with it and takes off his mask, rubbing his face and scalp. Without the near-black purple bandana, Donnie looks as tired as Raph often does.
“How badly did you want her to escape?” Donnie asks in a quiet mumble, eyes fixed elsewhere. “Badly enough for this? To risk-?”
“Yes,” Mikey says without hesitation.
That makes Donnie stutter, mouth twisting in a scowl. He recovers, hissing, “It’s inevitable, Mikey. Draxum is going to beat humanity, and we’re going to help him, this setback is just that. A setback. We’ll get the carriers back, or- or make more, and it will happen. You’ve just prolonged it all, this didn’t change anything.”
“It changed things for her!” Mikey snaps without meaning to. Donnie glares, but he doesn’t cower. “...It changed things for her,” he repeats, calmer. “She got to go home, her friend got to go with her. Humans don’t have to get wiped out for another few months at least.”
Donnie pulls a face, scoffing. “Why do you care about some random human girl? They keep us down here Mikey, it’s their fault Draxum made us and- uses us.”
“Her name is April,” Mikey says plainly, fingers finding his kusarifundo and winding it’s wire tight around his thumb.
“...‘Her name is April’,” Donnie mimics, disgusted. But he doesn’t say anything more, just sitting and glaring and being his typical prickly self. Mikey winds his wires tighter, tighter, tighter; thinking about faint memories of Donnie being softer and letting them closer, somewhere warm and safe. Somewhere not here.
But that’s a dream, unreal in his earliest memories, conjured by wanting for comfort when he didn’t get any.
“I hope this was worth it for you,” Donnie says eventually, back to his toneless voice. “We’re covering, but... this can’t happen again, okay? None of us can do this anymore, we’re too close to the finish line.”
Mikey nods, unwinding his wire from throbbing fingers. “I know. Um, thanks.”
“Mm,” Donnie says, not acknowledging he’s done anything. Mikey slides his bruised fingers over to lightly poke his brother’s, invitation unspoken.
A moment of decision, whether he’s pissed off still or having a no-touching day Mikey isn’t sure, Donnie moves his hand and links their fingers together. It’s apology and forgiveness in a single, wordless gesture.
Pacing the length of his cell, pink clawed toes clacking on the stone, someone bides his time impatiently. His sentence is near completion, he’s been given recommendation for early release for good behavior. It’ll be simple to ditch his parole officier’s watch, even after nearly ten years out of the game.
A former man and current mutant prisoner, in situation and body both, looks to the small window of his cell, and swears not for the first time that Draxum will pay for what he’s done, and for what he plans to do.
(He wonders, also, whatever happened to his children. He worries, nightly, daily, constantly. What did Draxum do to his four sons, the unexpected saving grace he’d hidden away for almost five years? Are they alive? Do they know he’s alive?)
Lou paces his cell faster, tail lashing, barely keeping the splinters inside himself from cutting deeper still.
Somewhere in an ordinary New York neighborhood, in an ordinary apartment complex, an ordinary girl lays on her bed with her new fuzzy friend and thinks to herself, hey, what the fuck was that.
She has no answers for herself. Well. If nothing else, she got her parents to let her little pal stay. After the insanity said pal got her into tonight, April is deeply relieved to have something go according to plan. (Is ‘insanity’ a good pet name? Maybe ‘chaos’? Ugh, she’ll keep workshopping it.)
When she goes to bed, much later on, and sleeps fitfully and shallowly, April somehow thinks that’s the end of it. She has a new roommate, there’s an underground city full of monsters and magic, and there’s a history test tomorrow that she didn’t study for. The only next step she has is go back to normal, pretend it didn’t happen.
So, she does. And nothing else weird happens for a few days, other than Mayhem teleporting into her school bag despite her telling them they should be at home, jesus, she doesn’t need detention on top of her homework pile and job searches,
Things resume normalcy, almost mind-numbingly so... until there’s a knock on her window about a week after it all, and a freckled scaly face peering through it.
“Uh, hi?”
“Sorry to- I was just passing through so I thought- I’m, uh, glad you’re doing okay! I’ll go now I’m sorry I shouldn’t’ve-”
“Hey, hey, no, just hold on.”
“...You wanna come say hi to Mayhem, too? They’re, um. They’re doing okay, too.”
“I’d... yeah! Yeah, I’d, yes, I’d love to. Thanks. Could you just, um, move sideways a little-?”
A window on a third story apartment home slides shut. Behind its hastily shut curtains, a cautious friendship is born.
My ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/A3022DE7
My AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Werepirechick
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martial-maurette · 3 years
Automne photographique en Champsaur
En week-end culturel, à "l'Automne photographique en Champsaur", salle de Manse, Forest-Saint-Julien, Hautes-Alpes. Rare sortie de mon donjon, au fond de “l’Impasse Paradis”, grâce à la gentillesse de Denis et Brigitte Lebioda. Dialogue photographique avec "Alice au pays des merveilles", de Lewis Carroll, concocté avec passion et talent par plus d'une vingtaine d'artistes, également au programme deux conférences sur Alice et son créateur Lewis Carrol, par "Lawrence Gasquet", universitaire spécialiste de ces œuvres. ...Nouveau défi pour son édition 2022 : Un dialogue photographique avec l'Oulipo ! + Bonus 2eme saison, ces quelques images en sus : Bis repetita : du 01 au 03 Octobre 2021... En week-end culturel, à "l'Automne photographique en Champsaur"...:  Rajout exposants plus autres promenades visuelles, "Grands Formats" et "Denis Lebioda, encore, (KM dérogatoire, partie 1)" à Pont-du-fossé .../...
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moodfrancais-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
Quand on me demande de faire quelque chose avant 14h
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cad-iksodas-tsenre · 4 months
BDR Assi-Lärm gibts erst seit die BRD hier in Chemnitz ist.
Und Von morgens bis abends und Nachts ständig lärmt mit Tuten Sirenen motorenlärm Baulärm, ständigen unsinnigsten Bauarbeuthen im Haus sogar direkt vor der Wohnungstür, Wochenlang runhacken und rumnhämmern und geräte laufen lassen die Nacht noch Extra durch. Geschepper und das ganze Haus zittert vom durchhacken und donnern irgendwas. Alle paar Wochen aufs neue. Und nicht nur die ständige Belästigung auch noch eine stetiger Erhöhung der Wohnungs-mietpreise und Eigentümer-Hausgeldpreise.
Da ist nichts davon notwenidg. Aber das Finanzamt braucht ständig Einnahmen und zwar mehr und mehr Einnahmen um seine Chef#s-Gefrässigkleiten nach noch höheren Ausschüttungen an Gehalt Extraverdiensten und Honoraren und Kumpels vergebene, geschenkte Augaben und Umverteilungen den Konzernen geschenkt zugeleitet.
Die Assoziale BRD. Die die Lebensqualität der Bevölkerung ständig zerstört und nicht dafür aufkommen will, für die niedrig gemachte Lebensqualität. Und sich selbt die Lebensqualität ständig erhöht.
Auf den Südseeinseln und Karibikinseln und in der Wlt die besten Orte, da gibts nie Lärm, und Bauarbeuthen. Nur dort wo die Bevölkerung zu wohnen hat, mit Zwang in den Wohngebieten.
Rausschmeißen die BRD-Assis aus Chemnitz, rausschmeißen die USA-Assis aus Chemnitz.
Rausschmeißen das BRD-Assi-Finanzamt aus Chemnitz. Rausschmeißen die USA-Assi-Konzerne aus Chemnitz.
und jetzt noch ein Tiefschlag von der BRD. Ein soeben gekaufte Tomaten-päckchen: von 7 Tomaten sind 1 unsichtbar gewesen angeschimmelt schwarzer Schimmelfleck, der angegammelt eingedrückt und ein schon angemanscht eingedrückt. Und die andere nur eine noch probiert, schmeckt eklig nach ohne Geschmack verwässert. Sowas passiert niemals, wenn man die Obstbäume direkt am Wohnort stehen hat, auf Straßen Wegen Wäldern Wiesen alles voll mit Obst, da kann jeder selber ernten, ausgereift am Baum, frisch und ohne Schaden, mit voll-Geschmack und ohne Jetzt kommt er: Ohne Transport und ohne Vergasungen und Sklavenarbeuthen und Arbeuther-aerbeuthen. und ohne Chefs und ohne Aufgeblasene Finanzämter und aufgeblasene Konzern, und ohne Größenwahnsinnige Kluigscheißer, die die kranken lebensmittel den Leuten noch reinzwingen und reinreden mit werbung und Reklame dazum, dass der größte Schund und Geschmacklosigkeit, die beste Qualität sei. Und die Bevölkerung ist mit Baby-Unterricht und Schulen und Medien getrimmt worden, immerzu auf bloße Worte hereinzufallen. Wenn da steht höchste, beste Qualität und andere Schlagworte, dann zuckt das Gehirn und denkt automatisch, dass man zugreifen muss und der eigene Geschmackssinn wird betrügt durch die werbung und Reklame und Schule und Unterricht und Zwang dazu.
caD ztaD ikswodas iksodaS tsenrE .ddsse
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scavengerridley · 3 years
Mdr j'ai dit à mes amis que j'étais en période de deuil aussi ☠😭
ptdr la discussion de groupe avec mes potes sur l'euro est en pls ça demande ce que va devenir la conv :(
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So Gmm "j'en ai marre" doesn't mean "I'm freaking bored" 🤦🏻‍♀️ please make an effort a little maybe ?
It means "I'm so done" or "I can't stand it anymore" in a rude way. It still works in the scene but put the right translation in the eng subs please 🥲
"I'm freaking bored" can be said like "Je me fais [grave] chier !" But it sound weird in French like we wouldn't say that to ourselves. Or use the slang "Je suis au BDR" but it still feels weird to write down this slang...
I guess I would write the slang "JPP" if I were Théo 🤔 which stands for "J'en peux plus". But then a non-french speaker wouldn't understand so I guess that's why they couldn't put that.
But I noted that the actor saying "je m'appelle Phupha" had a very good prononciation ! But I'm scared, we didn't see the actor playing Théo speaking french when he is supposed to be fluent right ? I'm scared.
PS: why the [Enchante'] ?! Why is the accent running away from the e ?! 😭 what did you do to him?
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fullmetalscullyy · 4 years
a conspiracy theory - chapter 5
co-written by @snowdog49 and @jeanhaavoc
summary:  Detective Roy takes on a challenging task… To find Olivier Armstrong’s sword. However, he has a beautiful woman to distract him along the way. Will he, Jean, and Ed be able to find the sword in time, or will they succumb to the conspiracy?
warning: graphic depictions of violence
tags: conspiracy, pining, unresolved sexual tension, private detective au, royai, havolina, mystery, violence, modern au, coffee shops
rated: m | words: 4697
read on ao3
Ling had insisted on Roy and Ed meeting at his apartment, which was fine if Roy knew what he was going up against. When he parked the car and got out, the apartment proved to be the whole house. It was on the river’s bank, two stories, and a large garage. The lawn was well kept, with a large tree shadowing the grass and a cherry tree on the other side by the garage. There was a silver motorcycle parked out front in the driveway as well as a black sports car. Roy had to roll his eyes. If there was ever a definition of a politician’s kid, Ling was proving himself one even before meeting Roy. Ed stared at the bike, then back at Roy, who just kept walking up to the door. He half expected a butler or some kind of servant to answer the door, but instead, the young man himself did. Ling was barefoot with dark jeans and a white t-shirt on, covered by a sports coat. He grinned ear to ear and waved them in.
“Mustang right? Come on in!” He was cheery and almost carefree. His shoulders were relaxed and his legs walked easily as if he was inviting friends into his home.  
Roy already found Ling almost too happy. He was just a little taller than Ed, black hair pulled back with wild hairs in front of his face. He had on this goofy smile and a bounce in his step. He had nothing to hide, and it showed in the way he welcomed them both into his house without another thought. Roy noted that behaviour, but didn’t think there would be a reason to agonize over it later. After all, he was just a kid.
As they walked through the hallway, Roy noted the house was decorated rather normally, and Roy felt as if Ling’s parents were going to come out at any time. The living room had a couch and a coffee table, a big TV on the wall above the fireplace. It wasn’t ‘fancy’ by any means, but neither modest. Taking in more of his surroundings, Roy noted the large picture of the Xing capital on the wall.
“Is that your bike out there?” Roy heard, pulling him from his observations. He turned to look over at Ed.
“Yeah!” Ling nodded excitedly. “It’s the X-3005!”
“That’s freaking sweet!” Roy couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Ed so happy. His face lit up like a child’s on Christmas Morning. “I was trying to get my girlfriend to let me buy the BDR-889 but she says I’m only going to hurt myself.”
The young Xingese man laughed, holding his stomach as he did so. “All girls would say that. No! Don’t sell yourself short. The X class is where it’s at,” he gushed. “The BDRs are bikes for commuters. I will give credit where it’s due, they have great gas mileage, and they’re incredibly reliable, but they just aren’t as powerful.”
Roy’s eyes widened as he saw the connection right away.
“Come check out my garage!”
And just like that, his protege and Ling walked through the house and into the garage. Slightly bewildered, Roy watched the two of them walk off without him. Roy didn’t even think they remembered why he was there, or even if he existed at all. That was fine, though. It gave him time to walk slowly through to the garage after them, and take in as much as he could about the house.
It was quiet, the boards creaked under his feet. There was Xingese music playing in the garage and he heard Ed laughing. The kitchen was full of dishes, and there was a pizza box on the counter. It was finally starting to look like a young man lived there. On the dining table, in the same room, there was a computer and several books. As Roy rose onto his tiptoes to see as he passed by, he noticed Ling was studying law, Amestrian Law. He nodded and walked down the hallway. There were more pictures of Xing, and one of Ling, and what he guessed was his entire family. There were nearly 20 people in the photo. Maybe they were his friends? There were older people in there too. Roy tilted his head as he began to wonder who was in the picture.
“My girl Lan Fan hates it!”
Roy raised his eyebrow. Ed was doing exactly what he needed to be doing. It’d loosen Ling Yao up just enough so that he’d talk more casually.
Roy peered carefully into one room as he walked by, noticing that it had a few sets of weights in it. On the wall sat a few Xingese-type swords. They weren’t Amestrian at all. Leaning slightly further in the doorway, he also noticed some kunai knives. They sat more as a decoration on the wall, though Roy was curious if Ling knew how to use them. There were two mats on the floor, a mirror on the wall, and resistance bands on the floor. He nodded, his hair swaying as he returned to the hall. There were stairs on his left before he reached the garage, but Roy decided not to push his luck. He’d seen enough in his slow sweep. The house was just too clean. It was too big for just an Ambassador’s son to be living in by himself.
“No way!”
Roy gave in and walked the last few feet towards the garage, coming to a stop so he could lean on the doorframe. Ed was sitting on a jetski with a huge grin on his face.
“I’m serious,” Ling nodded excitedly. “We can go out! I’ll take you anytime!”
“This weekend?”
Ling nodded to Ed.
“This is freaking awesome!” Ed thrust his hands into the air.
Roy couldn’t help but laugh.
“Even for a twenty-year-old, you have so many toys.”
Ling laughed loudly again. “I’m eighteen. I just look older.”
Ed’s hands fell to his side. “You’re younger than me?”
“How old are you?”
“But,” Ed blinked with a sad face. “You’re taller than me…”
The two stared at one another for what seemed like too long. Roy finally spoke. “I don’t mean to interrupt. I just have a few questions to ask, then I can let you two go back to the jet ski.”
“Sure,” Ling crossed his arms and turned to face Roy.
“You remember Selim Bradley’s birthday party two weeks ago?”
“Oh yeah,” Ling nodded as he put out an arm to lean on a car in the garage. It was another sports car that now had Roy distracted. “Crappy party. There wasn't a birthday cake. There was this rich fudge stuff and they gave me a little spoon.” He pinched his finger and his thumb together to indicate ‘small.’ “There wasn’t an actual meal, just o’dourves. They were good though. And they didn’t have beer either! Usually, I don’t mind wine, but a beer would have been great since they didn’t have a regular birthday cake.”
Roy nodded his head slowly.
“I actually brought the kid a birthday present and didn’t even see the kid!”
“I just wish I went to a party that had o‘dourves,” Ed commented quietly behind Ling.
“Well,” Ling turned now to face Ed. “I was there by proxy. Ambassador Fu likes to take me so that I can learn the tricks of the trade.” He faced Roy. “To be political,” he made quotation marks with his fingers.
Roy nodded slowly. Didn’t Raven say…
“I really didn’t want to be there. My girlfriend, Lan Fan was having a bonfire. I left as soon as I could. Bonfires have better food anyway. I think I ate fifty marshmallows.”
Ed laughed. “That’s easy.”
“Next bonfire,” Ling pointed his finger at Ed, challenging him. “You are on!”
“Okay,” Roy interrupted calmly as he raised his hand. “So you left…”
“Yeah. That was that.”
“Did you see a sword?”
Ling scoffed. “No.”
“You didn’t see a military sword?” Ed clarified.
Ling shook his head. “I would’ve been all over that.”
Roy nodded and sighed loudly. “I’m guessing you’re not one to show off swords of all kinds?”
“The only real sword is from Xing,” Ling laughed loudly. “Sabers are of Amestris. I think you also have a few rapiers, but Aerugo traditionally fights with rapiers.” Ling took a fencing stance and acted as if he was fencing. The young man was very amusing, and free talking.
“You don’t want an Amestrian sword?”
“A saber? Naw,” Ling snorted a laugh. “I’m from Xing. What would I do with a saber?”
“Just to show off. I saw your work out room. You have some nice swords on the wall.”
Ling nodded. “But you don’t see any saber -” he stopped and his face became serious. “Are you insinuating that I stole something of King Bradley’s?”
Roy chuckled. “Maybe…”
“No, Man.” Ling shook his hands in front of his face. “Stealing is low. I’m the Xingese President’s son! I do not stoop that low. In fact, I’m offended that you even insinuated it!”
“No offense meant,” Ed quickly called from behind. “We just have to ask. We were asked to find it and were hoping you knew where it was.”
Ling shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t have it. I ate a few of those fancy finger foods and left.”
“No sword?” Roy asked seriously.
Ling shook his head.
“I’m sure you hear quite a bit, being in and out of official offices.” Roy reached into his pocket. “Will you call me if you hear anything, anything at all?”
Ling shook his head and put his hands in his pockets. “Not my thing, Mr. Mustang. It’s not my property, not really worried about it.”
“Can you give me a call,” Ed asked, walking up next to Ling.
“Yeah, le me get you my info and we can go out tomorrow or Sunday and ride some waves!”
Ling and Edward pushed past Roy and into the kitchen. He nodded with a grin.
Ling was as innocent as they could get. But a frown soon followed on Roy’s face. Now the investigation was getting deeper than a stolen sword. He walked to the front door and leaned against it, hearing the two young men exchange contact information. It was obvious that Senator Raven lied about it being invitation only, and it was Bradley’s house. He scratched his cheek in thought.
“Are you going to see King Bradley?”
Roy turned to see the two walk from the living room to the entryway.
“It was his house. Oh! I have tickets to this dinner they are having. The Bradleys like to entertain, but they are so annoying.” Ling dropped his head to the side with a groan. “They talk too much. Anyway, it’s some fundraiser for exchange students… or something like that. I have no idea. It’s invitation only. You should go! Maybe you can talk to someone there!”
“Will there be the same crowd there?” Ed walked next to Roy.
“Mostly. Maybe more.” Ling ran over to the mantle and grabbed two letters from it, handing them to Roy. “That will get you in. Free fancy food and wine!”
“Thanks!” Ed raised his hand and the two high-fived.
“See you Saturday!”
Roy opened the door. “Thank you for your help, Ling,” Roy called as he walked out the door.
They walked calmly to the car, Ed trying not to jump in excitement too much and remain professional. Roy could see right through it.
“You did really well in there,” he complimented.
“Huh?” Ed opened his door.
“Just… Good job.”
“What did I do?”
Roy just grinned and got into his side of the car. “You did everything you should’ve done.”
*          *          *
A headache was beginning to form fairly quickly in Roy’s head. He’d spent too long looking at the same photographs, with his mind going into overdrive, trying to write up motivations for possible suspects. His eyes drooped as he looked at his computer screen, typing up the last thought he had so that he didn’t lose it. Even that felt like an extreme effort. Hitting period, he sat back in his chair, defeated at the moment. This was taking too long. Everything felt unorganized and he had no solid lead yet. He hated it. He needed results, he needed something to go on, he needed…
“I need a coffee,” he muttered to himself.
A good boost of caffeine would fuel him for the rest of the afternoon. Rebecca and Jean were already out on their lunch. Edward had left to do the same shortly after the couple, mumbling about going to meet his girlfriend, Winry. Roy had been adamant he’d work through lunch and try and get a solid lead by the end of Friday afternoon, but that goal was slowly becoming impossible. Admitting defeat and locking the office door, Roy made his way tiredly to his car.
Although there were two coffee shops closer to the office than Metric Coffee, Roy felt he needed some good coffee for his lunch break in order to get him through the rest of the day. Plus, they did delicious doughnuts. He could use a doughnut.
He pulled up across the street in his car and parked. As he crossed the road, his heart leapt in his throat as he spotted a familiar-looking dog outside. He faltered in his step before picking up his pace to almost jog to the cafe. Feeling flushed, Roy pushed open the door, as his eyes instantly searched for a familiar blonde head. Despite the excitement, he reminded himself that there was more than one Shiba Inu in Central.
Looking down the line, he didn’t see her. Riza wasn’t at any of the tables either. His face fell, and he sulked as he moved to the line. She wasn’t here. Roy exhaled loudly, feeling disappointment wash over him.
It was short-lived. To his left, he caught movement out the corner of his eye, slightly behind him. The door to the customer toilets opened, and Riza walked out of it. She turned, making sure the toilet door closed softly, before shouldering her purse more securely, and moved to join the back of the line. She didn’t see him, he was too far up the line, and she didn’t seem to be paying much attention to her surroundings. She was dressed in what had to be her work clothes, wearing a simple white blouse and black dress pants. A black cardigan covered her shoulders, which looked light enough that it wouldn’t be too warm to wear in the summer heat, but would also protect against the gentle breeze outside.
Roy took a step forward in the queue, momentarily distracted. His emotions whiplashed as excitement coursed through him. He opened his mouth to call out to her, but promptly closed it. If he didn’t say anything, he would be able to buy her a coffee like he’d offered to.
“What will it be, Sir?” the server asked politely.
“A black coffee, please.” Indecision ruled him for a moment before he grinned with confidence. “And a caramel latte as well, please.”
“Of course.”
With both drinks in hand, he walked towards her, unable to keep the grin off his face. Noticing movement out the corner of her eye, Riza looked up from her phone. Her eyebrows had been drawn together again, a deep frown on her face as she studied the contents of her phone. However, her expression relaxed as their eyes met, and a smile spread across her face in a way that made Roy’s heart skip a beat.
“Hey,” he greeted. It was like he was welcoming a long lost friend back into his life, that’s how happy he was to see her.
“Hello, Roy.” She glanced down at the drink he’d extended to her. “What’s this for?” She looked slightly confused at the offer, but still looked happy to see him.
“I did say I would buy you a coffee,” he reminded her.
“You did,” she agreed dryly. “That was very kind of you.” She took the drink from him carefully but their fingers still brushed, her fingers slipping alongside his. Roy felt a jolt go through his hand and he tried to hide his breath stuttering and the way his hand flinched at the electric sizzle of their connection. He kept his eyes on her drink and ignored the strong urge to look up to see if Riza had a similar reaction. Instead, he heard a sincere, “Thank you, Roy.” He glanced up at her face this time, noticing the softening smile gracing her features.
“Don’t mention it,” he beamed. His fingers were still tingling after brushing against hers, a feeling he relished. Roy slipped his free hand into his pocket, making a fist as the warmth there continued to spread through his hand.
“You got my order right as well,” Riza commented with a raised eyebrow. “I’m beginning to think you really do stalk me,” she smirked.
Roy held up both hands in surrender. “I’m not. I promise,” he urged. “I overheard you order it the last few times and I took a wild guess of what you might like today,” he joked.
“I’m kidding, Roy,” she laughed, patting his shoulder playfully. Her smile reached her eyes as she grinned at him. “Listen...” Riza turned to look outside to where her dog was waiting patiently for her. “I’m going to take a walk to the park with Hayate on my lunch break. Do you want to come?”
“Yeah, of course!” He was ecstatic. She’d offered him the chance to accompany her and he wasn’t going to turn it down. Riza eyed him for a second, clearly amused by his enthusiasm, but Roy didn't care. His headache was very quickly dissipating and his mood was rising exponentially. He hadn’t even realized he’d forgotten about his doughnut.
So, the two of them walked to the park with Hayate, each sipping at their hot drinks. They crossed over the street into the shade. Every so often there would be a break in the buildings and the sun would pour through, turning her hair golden. Roy felt as though he was caught in a trance every time he noticed the change in colour. That was his downfall because she must have felt his eyes on her. Riza looked over and found him staring. A light dusting of pink covered the bridge of her nose and her cheeks as she looked away. He felt embarrassed for gazing at her so openly so he coughed nervously, tearing his eyes away.
“Do you always walk Hayate on your lunch break?” Roy asked.
Riza nodded. “I do. My apartment isn’t too far from my work, so I go home and pick up Hayate to let him out for a while.” She glanced down at the pup. “I don’t like leaving him home alone all day.”
“He seems to be a very well behaved dog,” Roy commented, watching Hayate sniff at the ground as they walked.
“He is. I hit the jackpot with his temperament. He’s the calmest dog I’ve ever met.”
Hayate would stray off towards something that caught his interest as they walked, but wouldn’t pull or walk too far from Riza’s side. His tongue lolled happily as he explored the world, curiously looking up at people who passed by them. Every time someone showed some interest in the dog, his tail would begin to wag.
“That’s good then,” Roy considered. “Especially if he’s home alone quite a lot.”
Riza agreed. “It certainly makes things easier. I haven’t come across him destroying anything yet while I’m at work,” she chuckled. “But I like to think that he knows better than to try a stunt like that.” She tilted her head forward, narrowing her eyes playfully at Hayate.
Hayate barked in response, walking closer to Riza’s side and remaining there.
They arrived at a crossing, so stopped as they waited for traffic to stop. Roy noticed Hayate heeled perfectly without any need for a command from Riza. Across the road, the greenery of the park stretched out before them.
“I normally take Hayate to the dog park instead of walking around the park itself,” Riza explained. “It means I can let him off the lead and not worry too much about where he will wander off to.”
“Is he a wanderer?” Roy smiled.
“Hm… He likes to explore.” Riza glanced down at her dog affectionately. “And can get a little hyperactive if he finds something really interesting. But he always comes back.”
The park was busy. Like them, there were business people sitting on benches and chatting as they enjoyed their lunches. A couple of cyclists passed by them, giving poor Hayate a fright. He jumped and scurried close to Riza’s side as they walked towards the dog park. Riza stopped in place, crouching to soothe him. She smiled kindly at her dog, explaining that it was just a bike that had given him a fright, letting out a short laugh. From her tone, it was like a mother talking to a child. It endeared Roy to her even more.
Again, he was caught staring, but this time Roy grinned at her as Riza straightened and they continued to walk.
“Poor dog,” Roy commented. Hayate still stuck close to Riza’s side as they walked, head looking around for any more potentially frightening things coming his way.
Riza shook her head fondly. “He doesn’t like cyclists.”
The dog park wasn’t too busy, but there would be plenty of dogs for Hayate to play with if he decided to venture their way. People were walking around the path inside the fenced-off area. Owners sat at the various benches spread around the park while their dogs either sat obediently by their side or running around and playing with other dogs. Riza crouched and let the Shiba off his leash, giving him a free run of the park. Anywhere he went they’d be able to see him. Riza was happy to let him go off and do his own thing.
“I normally sit for a while as Hayate runs around for a bit.”
“Sounds like a good idea,” Roy agreed. It would give them time to finish their drinks. Roy didn’t have anything to eat, but he could always pick something up on the way back and eat it at his desk. It was only then that he remembered about his doughnut quest. He felt he didn’t need it now though. Talking to Riza was a better remedy than any sweet treat.
From her purse, Riza pulled out a prepacked sandwich and began to unwrap it. She glanced up at him expectantly. “Do you have anything to eat with you?”
He shook his head, lifting up his coffee cup. “This will fuel me for a little while.”
“You should still eat,” she frowned. Looking over her shoulder, Riza turned to look for something. “There’s normally a food van around the park.” She turned back to face him but looked past his shoulder, still searching. “I don’t know where it is though. That sells hot food.”
He appreciated the effort, but reassured Riza he’d be fine. “I’ll pick something up on my way back to the office.”
“Are you sure? We can walk around and look -”
“I’ll be fine, Riza. I swear,” he chuckled. His expression softened as she met his gaze. “I promise, I will eat. I may be a bachelor but I can still look after myself,” he smirked.
“Good.” Riza relaxed.
He hoped offering up some more personal information about himself would steer the conversation towards getting to know each other better. Riza had been a mystery to him for so long that he was eager to learn more. From what he already knew and had witnessed, she endeared him. Even as she ate her lunch, she took dainty bites of her sandwich and met his gaze while they spoke, but every so often she would glance away to check on Hayate.
“So, will it be a busy afternoon for you once you go back to work?”
Riza shook her head. “It’s a Friday and work can slow right down in the afternoon. However, I do have some reports due for an audit soon.” She shrugged. “It’s easy enough, just a lot of paperwork to trawl through.”
“I hear you,” Roy replied.
“Will it be a late one for you?”
Roy grimaced. “Probably. I think I’ll need more coffee later,” he laughed. “But I don’t mind too much. I get intrigued easily by cases and often fall in deep if they’re good.”
“And your co-workers don’t mind working late?”
Roy shook his head. “They’re not required to do overtime. I wouldn’t ask them too either unless they were really interested in a case, so they’re free to go whenever they want to. I’ll probably just order some take out later and eat it at the office.”
“I’m lucky then that I don’t have to work late at the office.”
“Would anyone mind if you did?”
She offered him a wry smile. “Someone is fishing,” Riza snickered.
Roy was confused by her comment, then his eyes widened. “Oh no! No, that’s not what I meant,” he stammered. “I meant, if your friends would mind if you worked late. It’s a Friday night, after all. Surely you have some big plans?”
She chuckled, shaking her head. “No. I’ve got no plans this evening. I foresee a large glass of wine in my future while I sit on my couch with my dog.” She glanced back over to check on Hayate. He was busy chasing a large labrador.
“I’m surprised,” Roy replied. “I mean, that kind of night in does sound great…” He wished he had a plan like that for this weekend, but duty called. “But I would’ve thought a pretty lady like yourself would have grand plans for the weekend.”
Her cheeks turned a light pink and she dropped her gaze with a smile, observing her sandwich and picking at the wrapper. Roy grinned to himself, enjoying how beautiful the light blush looked on her cheeks.
“No grand plans,” she replied.
“Okay then… Well, what would you say to dinner sometime then?” he ventured.
She lifted an eyebrow. “So you were fishing then?”
“That’s for me to know,” Roy smirked.
“And for me to find out?”
“Come to dinner with me, and you might find out,” he quipped. He wasn’t desperate, it was an innocent offer, but he couldn’t rid himself of the jolt he’d experienced when their fingers brushed together earlier.
“Hm, that’s a lot of effort just to try and find that out,” she hummed, lifting her cup to take a sip of her latte. Riza looked at him expectantly after her light challenge.
Roy’s stomach dropped. “Lunch then?” he asked.
Riza regarded him quietly, then her expression softened. “I can’t do lunch any time soon.”
Roy’s face fell, but he nodded in understanding regardless.
“So, I guess, dinner will just have to do.” Her eyes twinkled with amusement as she spoke.
The widest smile spread from ear to ear across Roy’s face. “Great! I mean, great. Good. I know it’s short notice, but how about tomorrow?”
Riza cocked her head to the side in thought. “Tomorrow should be fine.”
“Where do you want to go?” Roy asked eagerly.
“Nowhere uptown,” Riza shook her head. “Anywhere else… Will be fine.”
Uptown… Roy nodded. He could do that. He didn’t particularly enjoy that side of town either. It was too fancy for his tastes, and his wallet. Simple meals were far too expensive, and after his week of dealing with rich people and their associates, Roy was more than ready to just unwind and go somewhere simple with good food.
“It’s a date.” Excitement and happiness coursed through his body.
Riza laughed quietly at his statement and glanced down at her paper cup. After a brief second, she looked back up at him with a small but entirely genuine smile on her face.
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