#BFA New Build
girls--complex · 1 month
hi, love your work a lot! it manages to blend coherence with layers of esoterica, in a fun & meaningful way. do you have any big influences with your style?
Writing this as a narrative because my whimsicall mind can't seem to organize information logickally otherwise
When I was a child my Dad would show me a lot of comics/cartoons in all different styles/eras and so I was internalizing comic book logic from the very beginning. He really liked American comix both capes and Indie stuff but was also into franco belgian artists and let's be clear my papa has good taste so I was readying good stuff though I couldn't remember it all too reliably... Also Comics Journal, so I was reading comics & meta about comics. So basically I have like a deep archetypal brain stem dark spring of mind that spits out raw comic information like a dream that I can't place until I rediscover them, and a lot of deep unremembered imprintations that R kinda roiling around under the surface #Stupidsoldier
N then I was a deviantart kiddo and a reading manga at barnes and noble kiddo, and then I went and got a formal art education and learned about all these artists that sort of did pseudo comics or cartoons but didnt articulate it that way-- The German xpressionists are a big example of this -- and also about overall principles of like scale and hierarchy and time and presence -- and also just that I really like drawin the human figure in particular :)
I'm really grateful that my parents especially my dad were actually really supportive/invested in me being an artist even though they had very little faith in my character or overall competence. so I was always doing art activities to make me better at drawing because that was like the one redeeming quality I had, a lot of household resources went into me having art tutoring or doing community classes, and I was really strongly encouraged to get ma BFA
So 4 influences well I like things that are very stylish but very specific in how they represent figure N physiognomy... Naoki Urosawa & Jeff Smith were fascinations 2 me along this line... Arakawa is good too... I feel like this is a strength of American and British cartoonists generally but struggling to think of names
My favorite painter is tied between two commies: Siqueiros, who was a Mexican muralist and chaotic socialist, really specific markmaking and texture, pathos drenched figuration, charged epic landscapes, and Petrov-Vodkin, Russian ikonographer who became a propagandist for the USSR, semi-social-realist, semi-ikonographic compositions in which space is wrapping around itself to organize human figures according to a mythological logic, flattish, very cartoons/comics aligned, strange treatment of color but all really effective
History painting overall is everything to me it really doesn't show in Coward but I think it shows elsewhere some of my other dramatic sensibility is a lot from 00s action movie shlock which I would always enjoy to go see when I was younger and was somehow fascinated with the environment of government buildings and prisons and secret operations happeningunder the surface of every day life erupting into wet violence of men punching each other
I love the movie THE RAID redemption !!!!
I learned a lot of the logic of pacing N building pages around Tezuka's work as well as FMA N Death Note I think were big 1s to teach me that logic. Tezuka is a really good artist to look at for how to compose a page that supports the energy of the events that are happening on it, not that that's something I personally am good at. Favorite mangaka for tone and environment and visual identity are Katsuhiro Otomo, Tustomu Nihei, Suehiro Maruo, Nishioka siblings, Hideshi Hino
A lot of my sense of timing is also from news paper strips tbh. It's just a gut thing to me at this point hehe , Character design is also a gut thing for me I draw a little thing and I can either ensoul it with psychosexual fixation or I can't
I was born in the hospital Henry Darger worked at St. Joe's he's an ancestor to me but ofc inimitable by virtue of GOD being his sole audience
As for the esoterickal dimensions I feel like it's all it's own post let's just say I lack the inclination and ability for systematic and rigorous study but I am really interesting in gathering little packets of information and arranging them into dioramas and the longer I do it the more packets I accrue
I want to make a list of artists on here that I like/admire sometime too but that's too much for me rn. I also suspect a lot of people R mad at me for arbitrary reasons just as I also am mad at a lot of people for arbitrary reasons so I dont wanna bother no one ...
Oh well so I'm intentionally reorganizing how I draw right now because I sense a shift in my trajectory again so thanks for making me reflect
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voidsentprinces · 3 months
Look...I want to like Warcraft. Like I grew up playing Warcraft 2 all the time then Warcraft III and then WoW for a time but like between WoD and bits of Legion and a lot of BFA and all of Shadowlands. Blizzard kind of has a long standing track record of things that are cool as concepts and on paper but they just suck at executing well. And like...maybe except Legion. The ends of WoD, BFA, and Shadowlands and I guess Dragonflight's actual story? Were clusterfucking trainwrecks that either seemed too little or too much being pushed through a narrow hole.
So excuse me if I am not really brimming with enthusiasm over this new trilogy they are putting together. Which is now being labelled another final battle after they just got done trying to convince us all that Shadowlands and Mr. Clean was the true final battle of Warcraft 1 - BFA. And it all feels like the Star Wars fandom after Rise of Skywalker. You've just had this colossal failure and no matter how much Mandalorian or Acolyte or Ahsoka or Andor you put out. Its now over shadowed by the mountain of wreckage that now has a single rug thrown over it.
Blizzard is good at concept. Starcraft II's stuff with the Xel'naga was cool as a concept, Diablo III's whole daughter of Diablo was cool as a concept followed by Lilith was neat as a concept, Overwatch II where you may of gotten a PvE storyline that they had been building for the last 8 years was cool as a concept (even if they never fucking delivered that), Heroes of the Storm was a pretty cool concept (until they tried to build an Esport around it and crashed and burned), Hearthstone IS cool as a concept (though maybe they should cutdown on the card bloat), and now WoW's new expansion trilogy is cool...as a concept. But I don't trust it any further than I can break into Microsoft and throw its CEO.
Feel like WoW is now a good playground to get a group of friends together and go off the vibes of the beginning of an expansion and ignore everything else that follows.
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Originally trained as a photographer, Brenna Youngblood (b 1979, Riverside, CA; based in Los Angeles, CA) borrows photomontage and collage techniques to build the surfaces of her paintings, to address the aesthetics and politics of abstraction. Additionally, Youngblood acknowledges the tradition of assemblage in her use of these objects “to make something new out of something old.” Later pieces show her version of abstraction with a slight nod to reality in painterly, gestural work, grounded by architectural and social cues and referred to her as “landscapes.” Her work at times deals with political subjects and social issues as she explores Black American identity and representation, referencing historical moments in Black history.
Youngblood received her BFA from California State University, Long Beach in 2002 and her MFA from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2006 where she studied with artists John Baldessari, Catherine Opie and James Welling.
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whyeverr · 2 years
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Safely back at home, Tyler put his sculpture BFA to good use building something important: 
A new friend. 
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twistthescript · 2 months
New Intro, Who Dis?
Hello, my friends! When I first made this tumblr in April, I went very bare-bones with the intro... I'd like to amend that!
Pseudonym: Twist (or TwistTheScript on Ao3)
Age: 21+
Pronouns: She/They
About Me: I'm a college grad with a BFA in Musical Theatre, though I've dabbled quite a bit in stage management, scenic building, costuming, and lights (I initially wanted to go into lighting design, but life had other plans). Currently, I'm a stay-at-home caregiver for a family member recovering from major surgery. It gives me quite a bit of down time to write and create.
I've thrown a few pictures of my favorite feline co-writer in the mix: He's my one-year-old-allergen. I first discovered I had an allergy for cats when I was small (5-6 ish) when I had a beautiful calico cat named Sparkly Star. Never let a 5 year old name an animal. The allergy is still very much there, and it makes me drowsy at times, but I'm stubborn and he's my beloved fur-son. We love the feline co-writer.
Favorite Shows:
Ride The Cyclone (I'd be concerned if it wasn't at this point)
Bonnie and Clyde
Six (Heart of Stone was one of my senior recital pieces)
Wizard of Oz (I played Glinda/Auntie Em. It was my final show)
I Never Saw Another Butterfly- A Holocaust straight-play. It's beautiful, and very much worth the watch or read if you ever can. I SM'ed/ran lights for this show, and designed my school's lighting plot.
Other Interests:
Wizard101/Pirate101- It's nostalgic. I used to play it with my dad after school sometimes.
The Forest/SoTF
Baldur's Gate 3
Roblox. It's free. Enough Said.
I'm not really a movie/TV show person really, but I adore old 90's/2000's cartoons (I was a 'Winx' and 'Courage The Cowardly Dog' kid growing up) and Strange Magic has my heart.
Anyone who bashes something without trying the thing they're bashing.
Major Drama (I'm called "Twisted Tea" by a few close friends for a reason- but that's over petty drama... don't tell anyone)
Racism/Homophobia/Transphobia/Bullying. If I see it on my page, I will not be a happy human. Don't make me become an unhappy human.
Writers/Artists that put other Writers/Artists down. Don't be a party spoiler. Everyone starts from somewhere.
Whew. That was a lot to type! If you made it this far, welcome! My ask box is always open, and I try to engage with friends and followers whenever I have the bandwidth to do so.
While I'm thinking about it... and since this is a good spot to put it... Y'all know of my Ao3. I have a permissions statement in my profile now since I have a few works under my belt. I'll throw it here too:
'My works should be read only on Ao3, with links for them on my Tumblr; If they're found somewhere else, let me know ASAP. I do not give permission for them to be on any other site. Anyone who puts them on another website can go step on a Lego. Also, if my work inspires you and you'd like to leapfrog from one of my fics, you have my permission to do so- just credit me somewhere or use the handy 'inspired by' feature!'
~ Twist
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noxmachinimafr · 11 months
Hi there, It has been such intensive weeks at work. I had no break in two weeks. Not surprisingly, today being my first full day off, I slept for 12 hours! Anyway, BlizzCon announcements are really cool for WoW, although I am that much into the new allied race. At least, several things sound pretty neat, and I am more intrigued than I was for DF story.
I took the opportunity of these quiet days to keep refining the official trailer of Untold Tale of Pandaria. The first version was hastily made to fit a deadline, while, now, I really have time to polish everything. I first worked on the introductory sequence featuring Jiora'Kirh (Kirh) and Karl Whistlewind!
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But the session of the day was dedicated to Garrosh Hellscream. The in-game model is already quite good, and because Garrosh is an emblematic NPC, there is not that much customization I can do. Still, the map is a bit low-def, which gives the tattoo the typical problem of ugly pixelization on the shoulders. And another point is that his necklace (seen in all the artworks and GCI cinematics) is absent! So I have to craft it. Regarding the axe, there are different models in the game files. The original Gorehowl was a bit too low poly and low def, while the upgraded model (dating back to WoD) was the one of the Alternative Draenor, so NOT the real Gorehowl.
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In other words, I had to do the same work I did previously on Dranosh Saurfang's axe that I had made from BFA Varok's axe.
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(I still love this model so much! :3) The work is not fully done yet, but the model got a nice refinement. The leather will be made in 3D. And I will implement his shoulder pads if needed at this time.
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I can now start working on this scene of the trailer. Please appreciate that my OC is nothing but a shrimp compared with the warchief! ^^'
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And, ahhh, look! I need to paint all the panels of the shrine, of course! Plus smallest panels with the pandaren clan portraits that I haven't placed yet. O__O
As I used to say, working on Blender gives a lot of freedom. But choosing to build a Japanese/Sichuan-Pandaren universe means that I have plenty to do from scratch! Hope you enjoy the sneak peek!
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hadoriel · 6 months
A Stupid Guide To Unlocking Zones On Alts
For stupid people like me, who like to be a weird little completionist
Note: This is for !!ALTS!! and assuming you've already done all this content on at least one character. WoWhead has decent guides on how to unlock zones for the first time, but not much on how to do so on alts and skip as much work as possible
Classic: There are no zones that require unlocks from Classic. There are some that get reused in new phases, but those will be stated in the expansion their new phase got added
TBC: Isle of Quel'danas has the Sunwell raid and Magister's Terrace dungeon. Should be by default unlocked on all characters, you get there via a portal in the middle Shattrath building
WOTLK: There are no zones that require unlocks from WOTLK
Cata: Molten Front has to be manually unlocked on any character you want to do it on, but it's mostly achievements, so I personally don't see the need to do it on alts. You access it via a questline in Hyjal, and a portal to get to the zone is in the southwestern part of Hyjal, near Malorne's shrine. All other Cata zones should be default unlocked on all characters
MOP: Isle of Giants and Timeless Isle both should be unlocked by default on all characters. You can just take a flightpath to both places or fly there manually. Isle of Thunder, however, requires a short questline to get onto the island. This should start at the portal to get there in Townlong, by the Shado-pan Garrison
WOD: Your garrison requires a short questline to set up and a bit of time to build it into anything worthwhile. If you use the hearthstone, it'll teleport you to the empty plot of land where your garrison would be. Just go towards where your dock is eventually built, and start the questline. Tanaan should be by default unlocked on all characters, though I haven't checked if you still need to do the questline to build the base in order to use the portal back and forth from Ashran (I usually just fly around Draenor and hit Tanaan that way)
Legion: When you first use the Dalaran hearthstone, you need to walk a few steps into the city until you get an NPC pop up with your class questline. I've forgotten if you go to your class hall first, then do your weapon, or if it's weapon then class hall. Either way, you need to do the first weapon in order to unlock the rest of the setting up of your class hall. Unlock your WQs at Khadgar in the tower, Suramar phases in once you save Thalyssra (also from Khadgar). Argus teleporter should be unlocked by default on all characters, though the Broken Shore you might need to just talk with Khadgar at Krasus' Landing and skip the instance in order to set up the camp there
BFA: Ugh. Now the messy expansions with not enough skips and way too many unlocks. Make sure you get your Heart of Azeroth from Magni. Nazjatar should be a relatively quick questline from the docks area. Mechagon will appear from disgruntled workers in the main city. Unlocking your WQs should be from I think the docks as well - if not, you need to set up at least one camp in the enemy zones to unlock the mission table and upgrades. I had to go to the zone select map, click one, and then not continue it in order to do anything with the ship. You should probably do the questline for Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Uldum since it gives you the legendary cloak you need in order to do the last boss of Ny'alotha. Unfortunately this is a LONG questline, like at least a few hours worth. There's not really any skips for this which I think is just the worst. I tend to stop once I just get the cloak, but you can keep going in order to unlock the visions. Almost forgot battlefront zones (Darkshore and Arathi) which should be unlocked by default on all characters. I just stepped into the portal and didn't need to do anything else
SL: Oh boy! More content with not enough skips! To unlock your covenant, you have to just choose it in Oribos and do the whole. dang. campaign. All of it. You can skip your renown grind with the vendor next to the Oribos flightmaster, but that's really the only thing somewhat useful. Otherwise you're just funneling anima to whoever's next on the list to do stuff with it and unlocking things little by little while earning the tmog. The Maw you get sent to during your covenant campaign, very early on, but the covenant invasions to the zone seem tied to Korthia's unlock. If you hate Torghast, there's no skips for the tutorials there and it's part of the covenant campaign. You may be alarmed at the Eye of the Jailer and no mounts! These things unlock with Korthia. Korthia seems to unlock via the campaign, too, after the Torghast, Maw, Runecarving tutorials. You still have to do the questline to get the lodestaff and the guy to come to the cave if you want to earn rep there, though. This should start with just looting any treasure or rare. Zereth Mortis unlocks with a skip on dialogue with Bolvar pretty early in the campaign, like around the time you select a covenant
Dragonflight: Since DF is current, all of the unlocks are just via talking to and using dialogue skips in Valdrakken when you hit cap level. I just hop up to the Seat of the Aspects, talk to Alexstrasza, kill the rebels in the city but drop it after that point, skips for Forbidden Reach are also at the top of Seat of the Aspects, after that you can go down to Zaralek with Sabellian and Wrathion but drop it when Loamm is opened, talk to Shandris to get the Emerald Dream quest and use the item she gives you as a skip. You still have to do the part where you go through the portal in Ohn'ahran Plains and then talk on the other side, but can drop after that (The reason for that is that despite the Emerald Dream portal automatically by default open for alts, the weekly quest doesn't count them as allowed to finish until you've done that one step of the questline. It's dumb)
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windycityazan · 1 year
Looking to make some Penpal friends
Been searching around trying to find any pen pals from Instagram mostly, dont really trust the FB groups that are made for pen pals.
I did meet a pen pal on IG but she had stopped really with the letter writing or damn USPS got lame and may have lost her letter that she said she was gonna send months back so not sure if I am just personally bad at making any friends in the real World.
I haven't done one in ages since i was prolly in my elementary days but i guess being in the late 30's can be boring. But would love to meet new people either online or on paper which I rarely have done.
Is anyone on Tumblr looking to make Real Life friends?
I am 35, American (Korean) born and raised in the hell hole Chicago has become now with all the crazies going on. Likes: pretty much all sort of tv dramas from the American to Kdrama and C dramas and some animes (will take on recs for any other Asian style dramas if there good plots) If you want to know more I can post a list. Music: Kpop (mostly the boy bands like BTS, ATEEZ, SF9, Astro,Seventeen) some Black Pink- had some favs as teen but been so long since I listened to girl bands and cant remember much, have gotten back into Kpop for about the time Covid started but slowly building into liking more bands) Also love listening to certain Kdrama OST's which lead me to fall in love with korean music more as the shows aired. But i have a spotify playlist i build for a bunch of KDrama songs. Also Chinese music has also gotten some of my likes from Ren Jialun (Allen Ren) has some great songs and acting, Zhang Zhehan who was a good actor now mostly into singing is pretty good too. I like also being creative with digital art like fan art of tv dramas like making gifs or plane fan art posters and such, used to do a lot on LiveJournal if you know that site. Been mostly making short vid clips for Twitter here and there haven't really done gifs in a while but I sometimes do for the fun of it. I also graduated from Uni with a BFA in concentration in Graphic Design since all I love is being on the computer so have that as a hobby. Fav foods: korean bbq love spicy pork and pork wit lettuce also the short ribs marinated. American wise Pizza, pasta, Chinese cuisine a bit of mix of everything. Fav books: scifi fantasy, romance, mangas ( Sailor Moon, Haikyuu, Shadowhunters series, Harry Potter series, Twilight saga, Fifty Shades series, Gabriels Inferno series)
If you have any questions you can DM if you want to snail mail hopefully t doesn't get lost in the mail on both ends or we can chat before deciding on giving out addresses.
Twitter: judy1987
IG: jca_creates (online store coming soon and where some of my art gets posted or judychodesigns (was made mostly for university senior art class reasons) has some of my works kind of
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lighteffexor · 1 year
It's been about a week, so I feel like I can give my thoughts on how I feel about the new Sonic Frontiers ending that one will ever read, specifically regarding the final boss sequence. Spoilers for the new update, Persona 5, and Final Fantasy X after the break (bear with me on those last two).
So, Update 3 added a new phase to the Supreme fight, and it's pretty good, despite having a mechanic that's not all that intuitive, but that's a different issue I have. It also changed the fight against The End from the base game. Now it... doesn't happen. It's the fight against Supreme like in the base game, then The End appears and takes control over Supreme, and you fight Supreme under The End's control and destroy both at the end with Supreme's rifle charged with a berserk Super Sonic 2 (I think Supreme gets destroyed, anyway). Overall, the fight's pretty good, definitely one of the better Titan fights (I still think Giganto's the best), but I was left feeling a little disappointed both gameplay and narrative-wise.
I was always someone who was fine with The End's fight after Supreme in the base game. It brings back fighting beings we can't comprehend, something we haven't had since, man, Unleashed? Black Knight, I guess could also count? Basically, it's the first final boss we've had in quite a long time that wasn't related to Eggman. I think that's really cool.
What I really liked was The End talking smack to you for 3/4 of the fight. Going on about how the ancients failed to contain it despite sacrificing themselves and their society to do it. Then it asks Sonic and Sage "...and you?" So fucking cool.
This isn't in the updated fight.
The End just shows up in its moon-y glory and just hijacks Supreme saying "this is mine now" and the fight happens and it dies. The entire monologue is gone. To me, it makes The End not have a lasting impact. You beat up Supreme, then you fight Supreme again, only The End has it on a leash, then you beat both in a QTE/cutscene. There's nothing wrong with an enemy that doesn't get its hands dirty, but if you don't confront them directly, the conflict just doesn't feel that great, at least to me.
It's like in Persona 5 how I didn't really think much of the Okumura "boss". It's just a few waves of enemies with a larger one at the end, then you win. You don't actually fight him directly except at the very end where he doesn't do anything. Compared to the other palace bosses, it's just not good. We don't fight The End here, we fight a puppet and kill the one holding the strings in a cutscene. It doesn't feel good to me, despite the spectacle.
On the gameplay side, the base game fight kept the tradition of the final-final fight not controlling like usual but still feeling a little familiar. The Perfect Chaos controlled like normal-ish but you had to build up speed to damage him, Metal Overlord utilized Team Blast, Perfect Dark Gaia used the boost, etc. This time, The End controlled like the Ikaruga hacking minigames, only you had to actually try this time. I like shmups, so I was okay with it, but I also understand why people might not have liked it.
Again, this fight is removed.
This is probably just a me problem, but a Sonic game ending with a boss that handles the same as the base game just feels wrong to me. It's why I'm not big on Nega Wisp Armor, the final boss of Lost World, or Forces' Death Egg Robot (outside of the fact that they're all the same boss). The spectacle of a Sonic final boss is missing when the final boss is more of what we've already done. "Supreme End" is just another Titan fight. A good one, but we've done four of them already, and we're going to end on a fifth one? I dunno, it falls kind of flat to me.
Here's where my Final Fantasy X comparison comes into play. At the end of the game, we fight Braska's Final Aeon (BFA) and then do the Summoned Beast Battle sequence (SBB) where we fight our aeons and then Yu Yevon in what's basically a victory lap since the only way to die is to get the entire party petrified or ejected somehow since Auto-Life is always active. Base Frontiers would be like if we only had phase 1 of BFA (but with half the amount of HP to make it basically a non-issue) and then go straight into SBB. Then there's an update where, instead, we get that same phase 1 of BFA, but then we get the phase 2 of the fight (with 150% HP to get us back to the normal amount BFA has), but SBB is cut completely and Yu Yevon is defeated in a cutscene. Sure, BFA would be a cool fight, but I think something would be missing.
To tie this comparison back to the narrative issue I have, if you use Scan one of your possessed aeons (or have a weapon with Sensor), each aeon has something to say to you, essentially telling you that they know what needs to be done. That'd also be missing in this hypothetical scenario which would be a real shame since it's so cool and heartbreaking.
I dunno, I think the update should still have had the shmup segment or have something where you fight The End directly while it does its monologue to REALLY be awesome, as it feels a little lackluster to me. I know there's a mod that adds "Supreme End" as a phase between Supreme and The End to the non-update version of the last island, but it can only do so much with the assets the game has to offer, so it's a little awkward despite feeling better than both the base game's and update's ending.
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studiohromi · 1 year
I just wanna know how it goes in the artistic industries from those who work in it, you can just answer 10 of them.
In the position you now hold, what do you do on a typical day?
What are the most interesting and rewarding aspects of your job?
What part of your work do you consider dull or repetitious?
What percentage of your time must you devote to this activity?
How long does it usually take to move from one step to the next along this career path?
What was your path to this career?
What is your next career goal?
What is the top job you can have in this career?
What are the basic prerequisites for jobs in this field?
Are there any specific courses a student might take that would be particularly beneficial in this field?
What entry level jobs qualify one for this field?
Do larger companies provide any training to up and coming new employees?
What are the salary ranges for various levels in this field? (Some fields, for example, have high starting salaries but level off early in the career path; others may start lower but have much higher top-level salaries).
What advice had you wished you had received when you were entering the field?
What special advice would you give to a young person entering this field?
What special advice would you give to a "career change" person wanting to enter this field?
Is there a demand for people in this field?
Do you view this field as a growing one? What are the major changes in this field which you expect to occur over the next few years?
How would you describe the culture of this work and work community (collaborative, team-building, solitary, competitive, supportive, inclusive, exclusive, etc.)?
You can pick and choose which to answer in a way that describes your work and experience in the artistic industries.
In the position you now hold, what do you do on a typical day?
My primary "position" underneath the vast umbrella of my professional life is that of a self-employed medical illustrator. I'm supporting around 4 or 5 different client projects at any given time, and usually about 80% of the work I'm doing is medical or scientific illustration/design and the other 20% is other creative work (logo design, commissioned illustrations, etc.). There's not really a "typical" day since my work is so varied, but I tend to spend the first hour or so of my day taking care of miscellaneous tasks like responding to emails, scheduling social media posts, administrative tasks, then I work on client projects until I break for lunch. After lunch I do more client work, and sometimes there are meetings sprinkled in here and there. Since I work from home, I take brain breaks by doing chores or going for walks. If it's a slow day, I work on personal projects or spend more time on miscellaneous tasks. I keep a pretty standard 9ish-5ish schedule since that's when my clients are active should I have any questions for them, and it sets expectations for my own "office hours" as well so people know when they can reach me. I also try to structure my weeks so that I get all of my high-priority client work done early and can spend Friday at my studio space working on personal projects or prepping for art markets.
What are the most interesting and rewarding aspects of your job?
I get to learn about whatever my clients are working on. Some medical illustrators have subject matter specialties, but since I don't I will work for basically anybody in any sector. In the process, I have to become a temporary expert on the project of the moment, which means I get to delve into really interesting research papers and cool science.
What was your path to this career?
I got my BFA in Biomedical Art from the Cleveland Institute of Art. During and shortly after college, I had some medical illustration internships and part-time jobs, but after I moved to Grand Rapids in 2014 I actually took a career detour for five years while I worked at a planetarium (still science, still education-based creativity and communication, just a slightly different flavor). I began picking up some medical illustration clients here and there and subcontracting for a friend who was working as a medical illustrator, and eventually I felt like that was what I wanted to be doing instead. I spent about a year working toward that goal and was able to quit my planetarium job in 2019, started my business, and began freelancing full-time.
What is your next career goal?
I'm currently working toward Board Certification so that I can put some letters after my name. Fingers crossed that I'll be able to take the written exam next year!
What are the basic prerequisites for jobs in this field?
The very basics are artistic skill and knowledge of anatomy, but it is a bit more complicated than that. Medical illustration is a specialized field, and it helps to have some specific training or a mentor who can guide you.
What are the salary ranges for various levels in this field? (Some fields, for example, have high starting salaries but level off early in the career path; others may start lower but have much higher top-level salaries).
From the Association of Medical Illustrators website: The median salary for a medical illustrator / animator in the U.S. is $70,650 and can range up to $173,000 (based on 2018 AMI survey data).
What advice had you wished you had received when you were entering the field?
I think in general I wish I had been more aware of the range of work that medical illustrators do. "Medical illustrator" is a broad term that encompasses a diverse skillset, it's not just creating beautiful drawings of organs and bones (though it is that, sometimes). I also wish I had better understood the fluidity of careers, generally speaking. When I decided that I wanted to leave my planetarium job, it felt like the end of the world and a loss of identity, and in retrospect I could have had a more optimistic and open-minded approach to what I wanted to do next. Unless you're self-employed (and even if you are, frankly), I strongly advise against making your job your personality, because it's very confusing for awhile once that job goes away.
Is there a demand for people in this field?
In general, yes. As long as people are doing science, there will be a need for somebody to visually communicate it. As somebody who does not wish to be gainfully employed, I don't know what the job market is like for medical illustrators right now, but personally my flow of clients has been constant and steady for the past four years.
Do you view this field as a growing one? What are the major changes in this field which you expect to occur over the next few years?
I think thanks to the internet people are becoming more aware of medical illustration as a career path (although the realization of "Oh, I didn't know it was somebody's job to draw my textbooks!" is a tale as old as time) and therefore considering it as a career path or a career change. Recently I've observed what seems like a lot of people in medical and scientific fields realizing that their creativity and artistic skill could have been put to use in a practical way and leaving their jobs for pursuits in medical illustration or science communication. Maybe this has been going on forever and I'm just noticing it more in the last year or two, who knows!
Changes that are already happening and that I hope continue to happen are the efforts made by medical illustrators to diversify their work and include body types and skin tones that historically have not been represented in anatomy textbooks.
How would you describe the culture of this work and work community (collaborative, team-building, solitary, competitive, supportive, inclusive, exclusive, etc.)?
Undoubtedly there are pockets of the industry that are toxic and workplaces that are unsupportive, but I've personally found myself among a great online community of medical illustrators. In particular, there are a handful of fellow freelancers for whom I subcontract on occasion, or we'll refer our clients to each other when things get too busy. I don't believe in hoarding information or techniques and I'm always willing to help somebody out if they're stuck on an problem, or need a critique, or want to exchange tips and tricks. And I get to see many of these lovely people once a year at the AMI conference! Opportunities come to those who form positive professional relationships.
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Lynda Benglis (b 1941) is an American sculptor and visual artist known especially for her wax paintings and poured latex sculptures. She currently lives between New York City; Santa Fe; Kastelorizo, Greece; and Ahmedabad, India.
Benglis was born in Lake Charles, Louisiana on October 25, 1941. She is Greek-American. Growing up her father Michael ran a building-materials business. Her mother was from Mississippi and was a preacher's daughter. She is the eldest of five children. Benglis attended McNeese State University in Lake Charles, Louisiana. She earned a BFA in 1964 from Newcomb College in New Orleans, which was then the women's college of Tulane University, where she studied ceramics and painting. Following graduation, she taught third grade at Jefferson Parish, in Louisiana.
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william-hendrickson · 2 years
William Cameos in WoW
I figured I would do a cameos post for my Death Knight here, William. This is similar to my cameos post I made for Damien last year: [Damien’s Cata - BfA Cameos] [Damien’ Shadowlands Cameo]
So here are William’s cameos.
Wrath of the Lich King
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1) The first time players can see William is in the Death Knight starting zone. During the assault on Havenshire players can encounter him fighting and killing civilians as a Death Knight Initiate doing the Lich King’s bidding along with his fellow Death Knights. 
This cameo just shows that he was among those raised into undeath and chosen to be a Death Knight under the Lich King’s will.
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2) The second time players see William is later in the starting zone after furthering the assault against the Scarlet Crusade. He is among the Death Knights that are setting fire to the Chapel of the Crimson Flame, throwing torches at the church and cheering.
This cameo shows that William was among the initiates to be deemed worthy and allowed to ascend the ranks of the Scourge.
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3) The third and final cameo in Wrath takes place in Dragonblight within Wintergarde Keep, inside of the tavern. Upon walking into the tavern the players can see a short scene with William, a High Elf, and a Draenei:
William: “Stop saying that! I want revenge nothing more...”
Elsavia: *laughs* “Sure, that’s why you helped protect those civilians from the undead, and traveled with us across Northrend helping where we are needed.” 
Tovaal: “William, my friend, there is nothing wrong admitting you are a good person.”
William: “Let’s just go. We need to get to Icecrown.”
The three then leave the tavern to head to Icecrown.
This cameo shows a few things in William’s story. First, he has a new Runeblade, and armor, and a tabard of the Ebon Blade signifying he joined up with them and is a member after the Lich King’s betrayal. Second, it hints to the fact that at some point after the events of the DK starting zone he came across Elsavia and Tovaal, and has been adventuring with them throughout Northrend during the events of Wrath of the Lich King. It also shows William is seemingly able to control his transformations as he is in human form.
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1) The only cameo William has during Cataclysm is in Pyrewood Village, Silverpine Forest. Standing in the middle of the village he can be seen staring at the houses. Approaching him as a Horde vs Alliance player will garner different responses:
Horde (Unless the player is a fellow DK)
<William looks at you and grits his teeth before clenching a fist> “ Your people did this.. you destroyed my home. I suggest you leave me be, unless you want to lose your head.”
William then walks away and disappears.
<William’s gaze shifts to you slowly before looking back at the buildings> “This was my home. It’s strange to be back here, last thing I remember of it was the Forsaken attacking a few years ago... I was killed in the battle and the next thing I remembered I was waking up as a servant to the Lich King. 
<He lets out a sigh>
I have to get back to Acherus, the Ebon Blade will be wondering where I am.”
William then walks away and disappears.
This cameo gives some backstory for William by letting the player know that he was a citizen of Pyrewood Village, which explains why he is a worgen, and that he was among the populace when the Forsaken came through (per the Classic WoW leveling experience) and attacked the village.
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1) The next time players can encounter William is during Legion while leveling through Val’sharah, they can find him just outside of Bradensbrook in the graveyard. Kneeling by one of the graves the player can approach William and talk to him where he will say:
<Standing the worgen turns to you with a solemn look on his face> “Many left Pyrewood Village to escape the undead threat of the Scourge, among them were a few friends of mine. They thought leaving was the only option, but it seems they escaped one undead threat only to encounter another.”
<William clutches what seems to be a High Elven and Draenic necklace in his hand before looking back to the grave.> 
“It seems I’m destined to lose everyone to the undead.”
This cameo shows a few things regarding William. First, it builds on William’s backstory of being from Pyrewood Village. At some point William learned of Bradensbrook, and traveled there in hopes of seeing friends who had fled Pyrewood Village during the Scourge march across Eastern Kingdoms, only to discover they had been killed by the risen undead that no plagues Bradensbrook. Second, it hints that during the war in Northrend, after encountering them leaving the tavern to head to Icecrown, apparently Elsavia and Tovaal were killed by undead something that still haunts William as he carries around necklaces that belonged to them.
Battle for Azeroth
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1) The next time players encounter William is while leveling through Drustvar. Along the cliffside of Corlain they will find him sitting atop a skeletal steed. Approaching him to talk he will say:
“Be careful out here, the magic used by these witches is unlike anything I have ever seen. I’m trying to get a better understanding of it and how it works, but it’s different.” 
This cameo is rather simple but shows a few things. First, William has apparently acquired a Skeletal Steed as his own. Second, he has taken an interest in the magic used by the Heartsbane coven, for what reason he does not say but it is likely for the interests of the Ebon Blade.
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okami-zero · 2 years
So saw a gifset of Alexstrasza in Dragonflight, and she looks so freaking pretty. Like, a lot of the visuals have come along by leaps and bounds. And as neat as all the new stuff is... Like, I was excited when it came out, was kind of building into my hype... and then I remembered Shadowlands. And to a lesser extent, BfA. And I just... can't. The story went fucking sidewise in BfA, and then Shadowlands just kind of threw everything out the window to the point a novel had to be written to make sense of a MAJOR PLOTPOINT. Actually, no, more like a major plot THROUGHLINE, because it informed the shit that went down in BfA, too. And, since it impacted the game, it should have been IN. THE. GAME. And nothing came of any of any of it (except robbing some excellent villains of their agency, which was bullshit)! The novel came out after the fact and while I hear it is good, a retroactive fix is not enough to get me back in. Besides, I had stopped playing in...June? Of 2021 - none of my former guildmates or other friends were ever online while I was on (the guild kind of just...faded away halfway or so through BfA) and pugging in WoW is absolute bullshit. I managed to do...one dungeon, I think? Managed to snag a friend to heal, and while we are doing this run, my very first tanking run of this dungeon, one of the DPS tried to vote to kick me because I wasn't facepulling. And that is a WHOLE OTHER RANT, right there. I digress.
However, that does not mean that my WoW characters are gone or have stopped. Especially my main, Xanotos, who has existed very nearly *as long as WoW itself*, in one form or another and on various servers. He, his partner and my rogues' gallery of other various characters are now RP-only, existing in chat RPs and in a neat little private server that is primarily RP. Like, no combat stuff at all.
For me, Legion was the neat little bow that tied off pretty much all of Warcraft 3's loose ends (despite the absolute twaddle in ads about Shadowlands being the end, fuck you new writing team). The folks I poke around with kind of pick at BfA for the good bits and leave the rest out and we kind of ignore Shadowlands. But yea, Xano is still going, doing his thing in Azeroth, albeit not in the main line.
And, like, maybe someday, they'll do something that might get me to look at the game again, but the taint from Shadowlands BS and to a lesser extent, BfA just...no. Y'all shat all over 15+ years of lore and didn't even manage to give a satisfying end (or memorable villain) for the effort. So Xano is not gone, and most certainly not forgotten.
My focus right now is FFXIV and Akagi and that is where most of my energy and focus lie. But The Beast of the Black Wald is still kicking and there are plenty of tales I need to tell with him.
And I will not yuck anyone's yum here. If you are hype about Dragonflight, please enjoy it! I'll not decry what is fun for you, just because I don't enjoy it anymore. And don't let anyone else naysay you, either. Get out there and fuck up whatever bad dudes show up! For the Alliance, For the Horde, For Azeroth.
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ANASTASIA PELIAS was born in New Orleans, LA to a Greek immigrant mother and a first generation Greek-American father. She received her BFA from the Newcomb College of Tulane University in 1981, and her MFA from the University of New Orleans in 1996. Pelias has exhibited her work in solo and group exhibitions at galleries and museums nationwide, and has been featured in publications including Hyperallergic, New American Paintings, Artnet news, ArtDaily, Forbes, Pelican Bomb and New Orleans Art Review. Her work appears in the permanent collections at the New Orleans Museum of Art; the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans; the Mobile Museum of Art, Alabama; Newcomb Art Museum, New Orleans; the McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, and in private and public collections worldwide.
Pelias’ work has been featured in notable exhibitions including The Whole Drum Will Sound: Women in Southern Abstraction at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art in 2018, and Per(Sister): Incarcerated Women in Louisiana at Newcomb Art Museum in 2019 and at the Ford Foundation Gallery in 2020. In 2018, Pelias was commissioned by the McNay Art Museum in San Antonio, TX to to make a site-specific sculpture and painting installation. In 2020, Pelias was commissioned by the Domain Companies to create a 54 foot mural at the Odeon Building in New Orleans. In 2020 she was awarded a Joan Mitchell Foundation Artist Residency. Pelias was a selected artist in the Prospect.5 Triennial, 2021-22, where she exhibited a site-specific multi sensory installation involving sculpture, a painted landscape, sound and scent.
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sekhithefops · 2 years
Ready for Dragonflight: Alliance
Welp! Its almost time isn't it? In just over two weeks we'll be heading to the Dragon Isles at last! I was fortunate enough to get into the beta and have already worked out what my main twelve characters (yes, twelve. I can sleep when I'm dead) will be doing spec-wise and profession-wise... and Imma shoot my mouth off about it now because why not?
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Nelen Fullmoon, Master of the Arcane
Nelen is a character I've had since Cataclysm, and was infact my first Worgen character when they became playable.
In Shadowlands I alternated between all three specs as the mood took me, but I've rather fallen in love with Arcane magic for this round. I will have a frost and fire mage, but they'll be separate characters so I can use them in my story.
With Dragonflight comes the return of honest-to-gods Talent Trees, which lets you build your character however you see fit... and with Nelen's build I focused mostly on talents that enhance his clearcasting abilities.
Amplification to increase the number of arcane missiles he fires when he gets clearcasting, Improved Clearcasting to gain the ability to stack clearcasting up to three times, Slipstream so he can move while channeling arcane missiles, and Nether Precision so that clearcasting makes his Arcane Blasts have more OOMPH!
Top this all off with the mages new Spell, Arcane Surge, which consumes all your mana at once to deal a frankly absurd amount of damage to an enemy but then gives you 425% mana regeneration and 35% more spell damage for fifteen seconds and Nelen is taking the term "glass cannon" to its most literal sense. He can't take a beating, but if he's fast with the incantations he won't need to because all that'll be infront of him is a pile of glowing purple ashes!
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Jaie Swiftpaw, Monk of Many Talents
Its been a loooooooooong time since I did anything but Brewmaster as Jaie, pre-BfA really. In Legion I did all three specs, but that whole Azerite Armor mess and how it cost gold to redo your abilities on armor really killed a lot of the fun for me (seriously Ion, you knew that was a bad idea dammit.)
Welp, come Dragonflight my panda gal is multi-spec once more!
As a brewmaster I focus mostly on attacks that let her do a lot of AoE stuff for keeping aggro. Rushing Jade Wind (constant physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards,) Shadowboxing Treads (Blackout Kick does more damage and hits up to 3 targets,) Sal'salabim's Strength (Keg Smash resets Breath of Fire's cooldown,) and Dragonfire Brew (when you use Breath of Fire you breathe flames three times instead of once) along with some abilities like Light Brewing and Gift of the Ox for self healing and damage mitigation. I'm going to take Weapons of Order most likely for the ability to empower myself and summon Niuzao as well.
As a windwalker she's very combo focused and does a lot of single target damage, but has some decent multi-target abilities as well such as Whirling Dragon Punch (attack all nearby enemies for solid damage, but can only be used when both Fists of Fury and Rising Sun Kick are on cooldown,) Strike of the Windlord (strike with both fists at all enemies infront of you, dealing quite a bit of damage and reducing their movement speed by half,) and good ol' Faeline Stomp (deal nature damage in a line to up to five enemies and restore health to up to five allies, enemies who stand on it take additional damage as well and standing in it while attacking can reset it's cooldown.)
For mistweaving I'm more of a traditionalist. I tried "fistweaving" but it just wasn't for me. Jaie can summon Yu'lon for backup healing, has Upwelling to enhance Essence Font's power, Bonedust Brew for some extra healing AoE for her allies (and the bountiful brew upgrade so she sometimes just randomly tosses it to her target because thats REALLY useful in tight spots,) and of course the almighty Revival spell to heal everyone an dpurge all Magic, Poison, and Disease effects (saved a few raids with that baby!)
I really can't stress how happy I am about the talent trees letting us have this versatility again.
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Samantha Montebank, Voidblade
I was rather surprised by this after how meh I was on it by the end of Shadowlands, but I've fallen in love with Subtlety. I was all set to focus on Assassination, especially with the 'four poisons at once' trick we get for it... but dammit I'm having fun with this!
It helps that Subtlety gets some REALLY nasty tricks this time around. Flagellation is back from our time with the Venthyr so yay for that, but also the fact that they went all in on making Subtlety void/shadow themed which character-wise fits her to a T.
... this is very important to me you see.
One of the best parts of this for me is the Secret Technique finishing move. She creates shadow clones of herself and they attack all enemies near her target, dealing quite a bit of damage at max combo points (which can be SEVEN if you take the right talents!)
See, in my story she's a void elf because of a void entity living in her mind... and in the story that void entity can manifest for brief moments as a shadowy copy of Sam herself.
Thats right! In my headcannon Secret Technique is actually her letting her spoopy friend out to play! I love it when stuff in game synchs up so well with my character ideas.
Also quite possibly my new favorite talent. It seems simple, but listen closely: "Dark Brew, your attacks that deal nature or bleed damage deal shadow damage instead, all shadow damage increased by 10%."
Yeah, it doesn't sound like much, but when most of your attacks already did Shadow damage this becomes a real killer. Like I said, its about as perfectly fittingly thematic for her as I could have asked, so Imma use it. :D
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Dareley Steelhammer, Paladin of the Silver Hand
Imma stick with retribution for soloing most likely... but when it comes to almost any group content I say Holy Holy Holy. I just really love being a healadin!
It helps that my build for Dareley means that he's constantly healing multiple allies throughout fights. With stuff like Resplendent Light (Holy Light heals up to 5 targets within 12 yards for 8% of it's healing,) Light's Hammer (Hurl a light-infused hammer to the ground, damaging enemies and healing allies every 2 seconds for 14 seconds,) Divine Toll (cast holy shock on up to 5 targets within 30 yards and instantly cast holy shock every 5 seconds for 15 seconds,) Second Sunrise (Light of Dawn has a 20% chance to cast twice,) and Breaking Dawn (Light of Dawn now has a range of 40 yards) I can carry half a raid through a boss fight just by spamming Holy Light and using Light of Dawn as needed, saving the hammer and Divine Toll for emergencies.
I'm also going to take Blessing of the Seasons once I have the talent points. Yes I know its not a hugely popular one, but remember how I said theme matters to me? Well in my story he's close friends with my druid, and gee... "Blessing of Seasons" sounds rather... druid-y doesn't it?
Yeah, he may have learned a few tricks from her.
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Shalandrae Deeproots, Druid of Many Roles
If I listed everything I was doing with Shalandrae we'd be here all night, so here's the shortened version:
Guardian Druid: Focusing on mainly stuff like thrash, brambles, blood frenzy, after the wildfire, twin moonfire, and such for constant AoE aggro generation. In her bear form she looks like a mountain and thats how I intend to do things. Keep the enemies wailing on the stone grizzly while my allies wail on them!
Feral Druid: Good gods Feral feels good right now doesn't it? I went with Feral Frenzy just because hot damn and I'm going to take Adaptive Swarm once I get the talent points again. Yes I could take Convoke the Spirits and I may yet, but I never did anything with druids and Maldraxxis and the concept intrigues me.
Balance Druid: FAERIE DRAGONS FAERIE DRAGONS DENEIZEN OF THE DREAAAAAAAAAAM! Ah gods thats such a cool idea, Also taking Wrath of Elune, Syzygy, and Sundered Firmament so I can get Three (COUNT 'EM, THREE) death star lasers whenever I dman well please! ... also Force of Nature because I missed my treants.
Restoration Druid: Adaptive swarm is a very useful spell for healers. I'm still experimenting but Verdant Infusion VERY much has my attention as it makes it so Swiftmend not only doesn't consume heal over time effects but extends them instead, along with Natural Wisdom which makes it so my Innervate spell, when cast on another, gets cast on me too (and automatic +5% mana regen bonus!) but overall... still feeling it out. Druids have a lot of options this time.
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Zhan-min Irontummy, the Shamanbrewer
Even after the recent nerfs, Zhan-min is a freakin' MONSTER of an enhancement shaman! Molten Assault allows Lava Lash to spread Flame Shock around to up to four enemies, Improved Maelstrom Weapon empowers the damage or healing of his spells by up to 20% per stack, Overflowing Maelstrom lets him consume TEN stacks at once for +200% effect at the full ten, Hot Hand lets him get reduced cooldown and increased damage for Lava Lash on successful attacks with Flametongue, Ashen Catalyst gives Lava Lash +12% damage and reduces the cooldown by 0.5 seconds each time Flame Shock deals damage (and remember how I said that Molten Assault spreads Flame Shock around?) and the like.
Ontop of that Ice Strike and Hailstorm. Ice Strike makes Frost Shock deal 100% increased Damage, but Hailstorm increases Frost Shock damage and allows it to hit up to one additional target per stack of maelstrom consumed, up to five times. And yes, these stack!
So yeah, fire and ice in one big kablooey for my pudgy panda man. They may have nerfed him a bit, but he's still a freakin' powerhouse!
But yes, thats all my Alliance mains. I'll do my Horde roster tomorrow as its 4:00 AM here and my eyes are starting to do the leak-y thing again which usually means I should sleep.
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katieskarlette · 2 years
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I posted 1,206 times in 2022
166 posts created (14%)
1,040 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,204 of my posts in 2022
#a tag with dragons - 220 posts
#dragonflight spoilers - 87 posts
#wrathion pictures - 86 posts
#alexstrasza - 77 posts
#lol - 67 posts
#misc warcraft silliness - 63 posts
#dracthyr - 58 posts
#rambling about wow - 55 posts
#wrathion - 48 posts
#rambling about dragons again - 36 posts
Longest Tag: 76 characters
#there's another post out there for people who want to thirst over this image
My Top Posts in 2022:
Personally I hope Wrathion and Sabellian's bickering builds to the point that they fight, resulting in the obviously bigger and stronger Sabellian making Wrathion taste the mat in their dragon forms. Wrathion is, and always has been, a petulant child when you think about it and he has made some seriously big mistakes because of it. I really want him to take a very humbling L in order to make him realize what a small fish in a big pond he is when it comes to dragons. I don't hate Wrathion but I really want to see him be very humbled, badly.
I'm probably a bad mother to my precious son for agreeing with you, anon, but yes! This would be good for his character development.
So far the only dragons Wrathion has spent a significant amount of time around are:
Fahrad, who had to hide his species until the very last moment of his life.
Kairoz, who also spent most of his time in humanoid form, and was a Very Bad Inflience on a young, impressionable dragon
Ebonhorn, who was raised by Highmountain tauren and never had any other dragons around, either
So yeah, Wrathion actually still doesn't know how to fit in with his own kind. I'm looking forward to seeing him learn, but I have a feeling it won't be all sunshine and roses.
32 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
Neltharion:  *creates dracthyr with the power of all five dragonflights’ magic*
Nefarian:  *devotes his life to creating a new kind of dragon with...all five dragonflights’ magic*
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51 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
If they don’t take the opportunity to have Sabellian irritate the hell out of Wrathion by correcting him every time the prince claims to be Deathwing’s son, I will be super disappointed.
Wrathion:  As the son of the Earth Warder--
Sabellian:  Grandson.
Wrathion:  Would you stop being so pedantic?
Sabellian:  As soon as you stop claiming to be someone you aren’t.
Ebonhorn, sighing:  Not this again...
61 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
Wrathion, crying into a goblet of arcwine:  I’m soooooo all alone. I have nobody.  It’s just me against the world.
Ebonhorn:  I still exist.
Wrathion:  Poor, poor, me!  This loneliness is actually painful!
Ebonhorn:  Remember me?  You saved my sanity in BFA and called me brother.  Ring a bell?
Wrathion:  Alllllllllllll alone!
Ebonhorn:  ...
75 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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New official art of Wrathion!  [Source]
This indicates he won’t be getting a new model for Dragonflight, but he looks great so that’s okay.  (And no matter how grown-up he gets, he’ll always be my precious baby whelp...  *nostalgic sniffle*)
182 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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