#BI Power SharePoint
sharepointdesign · 2 months
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microtek-learning · 3 months
The Benefits of SharePoint Certification Training for Businesses
SharePoint Certification Training is a valuable asset since it aids organizations in improving efficient communication and management of data. SharePoint is important for the business user as well as an IT professional and working with it to your mastery can enhance your work performance. This guide will discuss SharePoint training and certification thereby arming you with information on SharePoint learning. 
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 Why Spend on SharePoint Training? 
Enhanced Functionality: Some of the things that a user would come across inside the SharePoint Utility are: Document sharing and business processes: This is under the document and business center where the user will be able to develop and share documents using high-speed workflows of SharePoint business. Training enthuses one to effectively; utilise these functionalities to their optimum.
Increased Productivity: That is why it is useful and faster to know how to work with SharePoint to move and control in it and change the functions and setting.
Career Advancement: The recorded result shows that having the knowledge of SharePoint is a key attribute valued in the present day workplace. Certification is a proof of the skills which one has and sets him/her out of the rest of the crowd.
 What are the available SharePoint Certification? 
 While there's no longer a dedicated SharePoint certification, Microsoft offers certifications that encompass SharePoint skills:While there's no longer a dedicated SharePoint certification, Microsoft offers certifications that encompass SharePoint skills: 
 Microsoft 365 Certified: Teamwork Administrator Associate This exam proves your competency in the Microsoft 365 workloads, specifically SharePoint Online. 
 Getting the Best SharePoint Training 
 There are numerous training options available to suit your learning style and budget:There are numerous training options available to suit your learning style and budget: 
 Microsoft Official Courses: Lecture and PowerPoint courses given right by Microsoft and mostly with MS certified trainers. 
 Online Courses: Some reliable sources are paying shares like Udemy and Coursera, which provide SharePoint courses online at your own speed containing videos tutorial, quizzes, and practice sessions. 
 Instructor-Led Training: Take live online classes or in person classes if you want a social learning environment as well. 
 This article shares some of the training courses and resources you and your team can use to get more familiar or proficient with SharePoint. 
 Microsoft Learning Path: Microsoft gives you a learning plan to help you in the steps to learn the core SharePoint Online skills. 
 Third-Party Training Providers: Some of SharePoint training programs are provided by the following companies. 
 Supporting SharePoint training and certification will enable you to get the most from this collaboration solution. These skills help boost productivity and thus improve on the organizational skills hence being able to make a valued team member in your workplace. Identify the available training options and go for the appropriate.
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tebsolutions · 1 year
Unlock Business Insights with TeBS - Your Trusted Power BI Implementation Partner!
Harness the full potential of Microsoft Power BI with TeBS, your premier partner for data-driven success. Our expert team tailors solutions to your unique enterprise requirements, enabling you to analyze data, derive actionable insights, and drive growth. Elevate your business intelligence journey today.
Explore more: Power BI Partner Dashboard
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websyn · 1 year
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Discover the Power of Data Insights in Singapore with SharePoint Integration & Power BI. Web Synergies unlocks seamless business intelligence for success.
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concettolabs · 1 year
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techasoft-pvt-ltd · 1 year
👨‍💻 How To Choose The Best Microsoft SharePoint Consultants 👨‍💻
Microsoft SharePoint is a powerful collaboration and document management platform widely used by organizations to streamline their business processes and enhance productivity. However, implementing and managing SharePoint effectively requires expertise and specialized knowledge. That's where SharePoint consultants come in. SharePoint consultants provide guidance, support, and expertise to help organizations optimize their SharePoint environment and achieve their business objectives. Choosing the right SharePoint consultant is crucial for the success of your SharePoint project. In this article, we will discuss the key factors to consider when selecting the best Microsoft SharePoint consultants. Read More 🌐 - https://bit.ly/3O7lxGP
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kennak · 2 months
7 月 30 日 10:14 EDT 更新 : Microsoft は、この障害が Microsoft 365 管理センター、Intune、Entra、Power BI、および Power Platform サービスに影響を与えたことを確認しました。 また、SharePoint Online、OneDrive for Business、Microsoft Teams、Exchange Onlineは影響を受けないとも付け加えた。 「影響を受ける Microsoft 365 サービスにアクセスできるユーザーは、遅延や機能パフォーマンスの低下が発生する可能性があります」と Microsoft はサービスの正常性ステータスのページで説明しています。 「私たちは調査を支援するために、ネットワーク インフラストラクチャのセクション内のトラフィック パターンを分析しています。さらに、被害を軽減するために潜在的なフェイルオーバーを含む緩和オプションを検討しています。」 更新 7 月 30 日 11:15 EDT : Microsoft は、ネットワーク構成の変更後、サービスの可用性が向上していると述べています。 「ネットワーク構成の変更を実施し、一部の Microsoft 365 サービスは代替ネットワーク パスへのフェールオーバーを実行して、問題を軽減しました」と同社は 述べています 。 「テレメトリーの監視により、サービスの可用性が向上していることが示されており、完全な回復を確実にするために監視を続けています。」 更新 7 月 30 日 14:14 EDT : Microsoft は 、障害は「予期せぬ使用量の急増」によって引き起こされたと発表しており 、「その結果、Azure Front Door (AFD) および Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) コンポーネントのパフォーマンスが許容可能なしきい値を下回り、断続的なエラーが発生しました」 、タイムアウト、レイテンシーのスパイク。」 「当社はこれらの副作用を最小限に抑えるために軽減策を更新し、安全な導入慣行に従ってこれらを適用しています。アジア太平洋地域から始めて段階的に拡大していきます。」と同社は付け加えた。 更新 7 月 30 日 16:54 EDT : Microsoft は、「大多数の顧客とサービスは完全に軽減されている」と述べ、同社のエンジニアは「復旧を検証する最終段階にある」と述べています。
Microsoft 365 と Azure の停止により複数のサービスが停止
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elsa16744 · 2 months
Power of Data Visualization: A Deep Dive into Microsoft Power BI Services 
In today’s data-driven world, the ability to transform raw data into actionable insights is a crucial asset for businesses. As organizations accumulate vast amounts of data from various sources, the challenge lies not just in storing and managing this data but in making sense of it. This is where Microsoft Power BI Services comes into play—a powerful tool designed to bring data to life through intuitive and dynamic visualizations. 
What is Microsoft Power BI? 
Microsoft Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools that enables organizations to analyze data and share insights. It provides interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with a simple interface, making it accessible to both technical and non-technical users. Whether you are analyzing sales performance, tracking customer behavior, or monitoring operational efficiency, Power BI empowers you to create dashboards and reports that highlight the key metrics driving your business. 
Key Features of Microsoft Power BI Services 
User-Friendly Interface: One of the standout features of Power BI is its user-friendly interface. Even those with minimal technical expertise can quickly learn to create reports and dashboards. The drag-and-drop functionality allows users to effortlessly build visualizations, while pre-built templates and AI-powered insights help accelerate the decision-making process. 
Data Connectivity: Power BI supports a wide range of data sources, including Excel, SQL Server, cloud-based data warehouses, and even social media platforms. This extensive connectivity ensures that users can pull in data from various systems and consolidate it into a single, coherent view. The ability to connect to both on-premises and cloud-based data sources provides flexibility and scalability as your data needs evolve. 
Real-Time Analytics: In today’s fast-paced business environment, real-time data is critical. Power BI’s real-time analytics capabilities allow users to monitor data as it’s collected, providing up-to-the-minute insights. Whether tracking website traffic, monitoring social media engagement, or analyzing sales figures, Power BI ensures that you are always equipped with the latest information. 
Custom Visualizations: While Power BI comes with a robust library of standard visualizations, it also supports custom visuals. Organizations can create unique visualizations that cater to specific business needs, ensuring that the data is presented in the most effective way possible. These custom visuals can be developed in-house or sourced from the Power BI community, offering endless possibilities for data representation. 
Collaboration and Sharing: Collaboration is key to making data-driven decisions. Power BI makes it easy to share insights with colleagues, whether through interactive reports or shared dashboards. Reports can be published to the Power BI service, embedded in websites, or shared via email, ensuring that stakeholders have access to the information they need, when they need it. 
Integration with Microsoft Ecosystem: As part of the Microsoft ecosystem, Power BI seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft products like Excel, Azure, and SharePoint. This integration enhances productivity by allowing users to leverage familiar tools and workflows. For example, users can import Excel data directly into Power BI, or embed Power BI reports in SharePoint for easy access. 
The Benefits of Microsoft Power BI Services for Businesses 
The adoption of Microsoft Power BI Services offers numerous benefits for businesses looking to harness the power of their data: 
Enhanced Decision-Making: By providing real-time, data-driven insights, Power BI enables businesses to make informed decisions faster. The ability to visualize data through dashboards and reports ensures that critical information is easily accessible, allowing decision-makers to respond to trends and challenges with agility. 
Cost-Effective Solution: Power BI offers a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. With a range of pricing options, including a free version, Power BI is accessible to small businesses and large enterprises alike. The cloud-based service model also reduces the need for expensive hardware and IT infrastructure, making it a scalable option as your business grows. 
Improved Data Governance: Data governance is a growing concern for many organizations. Power BI helps address this by providing centralized control over data access and usage. Administrators can set permissions and define data access policies, ensuring that sensitive information is protected and that users only have access to the data they need. 
Scalability and Flexibility: As businesses grow and their data needs evolve, Power BI scales effortlessly to accommodate new data sources, users, and reporting requirements. Whether expanding to new markets, launching new products, or adapting to regulatory changes, Power BI provides the flexibility to adapt and thrive in a dynamic business environment. 
Streamlined Reporting: Traditional reporting processes can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Power BI automates many of these processes, reducing the time spent on report creation and ensuring accuracy. With Power BI, reports are not only generated faster but are also more insightful, helping businesses to stay ahead of the competition. 
Empowering Non-Technical Users: One of Power BI’s greatest strengths is its accessibility. Non-technical users can easily create and share reports without relying on IT departments. This democratization of data empowers teams across the organization to take ownership of their data and contribute to data-driven decision-making. 
Use Cases of Microsoft Power BI Services 
Power BI’s versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of industries and use cases: 
Retail: Retailers use Power BI to analyze sales data, track inventory levels, and understand customer behavior. Real-time dashboards help retail managers make quick decisions on pricing, promotions, and stock replenishment. 
Finance: Financial institutions rely on Power BI to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), analyze risk, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Power BI’s robust data security features make it an ideal choice for handling sensitive financial data. 
Healthcare: In healthcare, Power BI is used to track patient outcomes, monitor resource utilization, and analyze population health trends. The ability to visualize complex data sets helps healthcare providers deliver better care and improve operational efficiency. 
Manufacturing: Manufacturers leverage Power BI to monitor production processes, optimize supply chains, and manage quality control. Real-time analytics enable manufacturers to identify bottlenecks and make data-driven adjustments on the fly. 
In an era where data is a key driver of business success, Microsoft Power BI Services offers a powerful, flexible, and cost-effective solution for transforming raw data into actionable insights. Its user-friendly interface, extensive data connectivity, and real-time analytics capabilities make it an invaluable tool for organizations across industries. By adopting Power BI, businesses can unlock the full potential of their data, making informed decisions that drive growth, efficiency, and innovation. 
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afcmdg · 6 months
En 2023, estos son algunos de los principales tipos de software de gestión:
•Software de planificación de recursos empresariales (ERP):
Los sistemas ERP integran y automatizan procesos de negocio clave, como la gestión financiera, la cadena de suministro, el control de inventario y la gestión de recursos humanos. Estas soluciones pueden optimizar las operaciones y mejorar la toma de decisiones. Ejemplos populares incluyen SAP, Oracle y Microsoft Dynamics.
•Software de gestión de relaciones con clientes (CRM):
Los sistemas CRM ayudan a las empresas a gestionar y analizar las interacciones con sus clientes, mejorando la retención y fidelización de estos. Algunos de los CRM más populares son Salesforce, HubSpot y Zoho CRM.
•Software de gestión de proyectos (PM):
Estas soluciones permiten a las empresas planificar, organizar y monitorear proyectos, asignar recursos y evaluar el progreso. Algunos ejemplos notables incluyen Trello, Asana y Microsoft Project.
•Software de gestión de recursos humanos (HRM):
Los sistemas HRM facilitan la gestión del personal, la contratación, la capacitación y el seguimiento del rendimiento. Workday, BambooHR y Gusto son ejemplos de soluciones HRM populares.
•Software de gestión de la cadena de suministro (SCM):
Estas soluciones ayudan a las empresas a optimizar sus procesos de cadena de suministro, desde la adquisición y producción hasta la distribución y entrega. Algunos ejemplos de SCM incluyen JDA Software, Infor y BluJay Solutions.
•Software de inteligencia empresarial (BI) y análisis de datos:
Las soluciones BI permiten a las empresas recopilar, analizar y visualizar datos para obtener información valiosa y tomar decisiones informadas. Tableau, Microsoft Power BI y QlikView son ejemplos populares de software de BI.
•Software de gestión del conocimiento (KM):
Estas soluciones ayudan a las empresas a gestionar y compartir conocimientos e información entre los empleados, mejorando la colaboración y la innovación. Confluence, Notion y Microsoft SharePoint son ejemplos notables de software KM.
•Software de automatización de procesos robóticos (RPA):
El software RPA permite a las empresas automatizar tareas y procesos repetitivos, liberando tiempo y recursos humanos para actividades de mayor valor. UiPath, Automation Anywhere y Blue Prism son ejemplos de soluciones RPA populares.
•Software de gestión de la ciberseguridad:
Las soluciones de gestión de la ciberseguridad ayudan a proteger los datos y la infraestructura de las empresas de posibles amenazas cibernéticas y vulnerabilidades. Estas soluciones incluyen firewalls, sistemas de prevención de intrusiones y software de monitoreo de seguridad. Algunos ejemplos notables incluyen Norton, Kaspersky y Cisco.
•Software de colaboración y comunicación:
Estas herramientas facilitan la comunicación y la colaboración entre los empleados, tanto dentro como fuera de la empresa, mejorando la productividad y la eficiencia. Slack, Microsoft Teams y Google Workspace son ejemplos populares de software de colaboración y comunicación.
•Software de gestión de activos digitales (DAM):
Estas soluciones permiten a las empresas almacenar, organizar, buscar y compartir fácilmente activos digitales, como imágenes, videos y documentos. Ejemplos de software DAM incluyen Adobe Experience Manager, Widen Collective y Bynder.
•Software de gestión de la experiencia del cliente (CXM):
Estas herramientas ayudan a las empresas a analizar y optimizar la experiencia del cliente en todos los puntos de contacto, desde el marketing y las ventas hasta el soporte al cliente y las redes sociales. Ejemplos de software CXM incluyen Adobe Experience Cloud, Sitecore y Sprinklr.
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sharepointdesign · 2 months
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pureconsultantde · 8 months
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Website: https://www.pureconsultant.de/de/beratung/project-management-office-beratung/
Address: Hohenstaufenring 57a, 50674 Köln, Germany
Pure Consultant bietet professionelle PMO-Beratungsdienstleistungen an. Unser erfahrenes Team von PMO-Beratern steht Ihnen zur Seite, um maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu entwickeln und eine effektive PMO-Transformation in Ihrem Unternehmen zu ermöglichen. Wir bringen umfassende Expertise im Bereich PMO Consulting ein, um individuelle Strategien zu entwerfen und die Effizienz Ihres Projektmanagements zu steigern. Unsere Fokussierung liegt darauf, Ihre Organisation durch effektive Schulungen und praxisnahe Anleitung auf dem Weg zu einem effizienten PMO zu begleiten.
Provenexpert: https://www.provenexpert.com/pcg-pure-consultant-gmbh/
Xing: https://www.xing.com/pages/pcgpureconsultantgmbh
Trustpilot: https://de.trustpilot.com/review/pureconsultant.de 
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/organization-guest/company/pcgpureconsultantgmbh
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f1group · 11 months
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ascenwork-blog · 1 year
AscenWork Technologies is the best SharePoint Development company in India. We pride ourselves on developing unique and professional solutions with a wide variety of mediums. We are the top SharePoint development companies in India for SharePoint Consultancy / SharePoint Development and SharePoint Implementation.
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websyn · 1 year
Discover the Power of Data Insights in Singapore with SharePoint Integration & Power BI. Web Synergies unlocks seamless business intelligence for success.
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iverveinc · 1 year
What is the Best Microsoft Development Tool for Your Project?
It is crucial to choose the right development tools for any project. It can be overwhelming to figure out which tools are most suitable for your project based on the vast array of options available. We will provide you with insight and criteria in this blog post to help you make informed decisions and select the best Microsoft development tools for your projects.
1) An overview of Microsoft's development tools
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Several tools are industry favourites when it comes to Microsoft development. Listed below are a few popular Microsoft development tools:
A. Microsoft Visual Studio
It provides comprehensive tools, debugging capabilities, and integration with a variety of languages and frameworks, making it the leading integrated development environment (IDE) for Windows platform development.
B. Visual Studio Code
It's particularly well-suited to web development because it's lightweight and versatile. Customization options are extensive, extensions are numerous, and debugging capabilities are powerful.
C. Windows Forms
Windows Forms is a powerful framework for building applications with graphical user interfaces (GUI). In addition to providing a rich set of design options and controls, it simplifies the creation of desktop applications.
Building dynamic and scalable web applications is easy with ASP.NET. A variety of development models are available, including Web Forms and MVC (Model-View-Controller), and it integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft tools. For more information on why choose .Net framework for your next project, please refer to our detailed article.
E. Microsoft SharePoint
Designed to facilitate collaboration, document management, and content publishing, SharePoint facilitates enterprise development. A wide variety of tools and services are available for building intranets, websites, and business solutions with it.
F. Azure
In addition to infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Microsoft Azure also offers platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) services. An application development, deployment, and management environment that is scalable and flexible.
Help Using Microsoft Tools with Expertise
Would you like expert assistance in maximizing the potential of Microsoft tools for your development project? For more information, please visit our comprehensive development services page.
2) When choosing development tools, consider the following factors
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You should consider the following factors when selecting Microsoft development tools:
A) Purpose and Technology Stack
Understand your project's purpose and the technology stack needed. Different tools are optimized for different purposes, such as web development, desktop applications, and cloud computing.
B) Ease of Use and Learnability
Make sure the tools are easy to use and easy to learn. Your development team's familiarity and learning curve with the tools should be considered. An intuitive interface and extensive documentation can significantly improve productivity.
C) Desired Features and Performance Goals
Determine what features and performance goals your project requires. Make sure your selected tools provide the necessary functionality and are capable of meeting your project's scalability and performance needs.
D) Specialized Tools and Services
Microsoft offers specialized tools and services tailored to specific requirements. Office 365 development services provide integration with the productivity suite, while Power BI and Power Apps development services enable low-code and advanced data analytics.
E) Security and Regular Updates
Protect against vulnerabilities by prioritizing tools that emphasize security and offer regular updates.
F) Cost-Effectiveness
Take into account the cost-effectiveness of the tools based on the needs and budget of your project. Each tool should be evaluated based on its licensing model, support options, and long-term expenses.
3) Considerations and additional Microsoft development tools
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As well as the core development tools, Microsoft Office 365 is also worth mentioning. Microsoft Office 365 offers a range of productivity and collaboration tools, including Word, Excel, Teams, and SharePoint, that seamlessly integrate with development workflows.
Considering the use of development tools requires consideration of costs and prioritizing regular updates. The use of the latest tools ensures data protection, improves overall performance, and mitigates the risk of security breaches.
Using Microsoft development tools like Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Windows Forms, ASP.NET, SharePoint Development, and Azure, you have access to a comprehensive ecosystem that supports various development requirements. Power BI development services , Power Apps development services , and Office 365 development services can help you improve your development process and deliver high-quality solutions.
In addition to improving productivity, choosing the right tools can ensure streamlined development and the development of robust, scalable, and efficient solutions. Choosing the right Microsoft development tool for your project requires evaluating your project needs, exploring the available tools, and making an informed choice.
Office 365 Development Services
Get the most out of Microsoft's productivity suite with our Office 365 development services. You can find more information on our website.
4) Conclusion
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You can significantly impact the success of your project by choosing the right Microsoft development tools.The factors such as purpose, ease of use, desired features, security, and cost-effectiveness can help you make an informed decision and choose the tools that are most appropriate for your project.
In addition to handling web development and MVP development projects, i-Verve has extensive experience with multiple technology stacks.
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mysticorset · 1 year
Power BI still taking an hour to update data, except now it's SharePoint's API holding everything up instead of Google's.
It's an Excel document! That is your BROTHER, and he is DUMB and only has 200 rows of data!! Why does it take so long to read it every damn time!!
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