#BLEND+ is already such a switch from his usual stance on music
wildwoof · 5 months
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laurent-ofvere · 7 years
ok VAMPIRE AU CONTINUATION. maybe damen invites laurent to go out clubbing/dancing with him but laurent, being laurent, gently turns him down. damen is like ok thats fine. he and Nik go clubbin. girls be always tryna dance up on damen cuz like srsly i would lol and then he looks across the crowded room and BAM theres his vampire babe and then dirty dancing with so much sexual tension and then.... some backseat smutty times. Laurent admits he had fun. (love from DisraeliGears
Damen threw back his fourth shot that night, feeling the whiskey burn down his throat as he slid the empty glass across the bar, towards the waiting hands of Kashel. She tipped the bottle towards Damen in question, setting it on the glass shelf behind her when he waved it away. He could already feel the liquor coursing through his veins, making him feel even hotter in the tight, sweat cramped club.
“Where’s this hot boyfriend Lazar has told me so much about?” Kashel asked, wiping the surface of the bar down in circles.
Damen frowned, one of his hands gripping the edge. “Lazar said he was hot?” He could hear his voice despite the pounding music in his ears which told Damen that he was probably feeling the alcohol more than he realized.
Kashel laughed, leaning forward on her elbows. ”Relax. I’ve seen the types you’ve brought here.”
“Laurent isn’t like anyone i’ve been with before.”
“I’m sure,” she grinned. “Well? where is he?”
“He didn’t want to come.”
“Just come out with us,” Damen had said, running his knuckle down Laurent’s shoulder blade. They had been on their sides, Laurent’s neck still flushed as he pushed the hair out of his eyes. Laurent was getting better at trussing himself with lingering next to Damen after sex, but he still insisted on a few inches between their bodies. It was all very excessive and over-precocious to Damen, but all he could do was wait for Laurent to trust himself as much as Damen did.
Laurent had shaken his head, lifting a hand to grab Damen’s wrist. “I can’t.”
“It’s not that bad,” Damen insisted. “Nik is getting over this thing and he just likes to let loose after. We can drink a little, we’ll dance, thats it. I’ve been to this place a lot. You’ll like it.”
“It’s not-” Laurent puled Damen’s hand away, closed his eyes. He exhaled roughly, pushing himself up in bed so the sheet fell off his chest and pooled at his hips. “The bodies,” he said, voice unsteady in a way that he didn’t often let Damen hear. “All the sweat. I-”
“Okay,” Damen said, sitting up beside him. “Okay. I told you i wouldn’t push you, Laurent. Only whatever you think you can handle.”
Laurent had opened his eyes, breathing out another slow, concentrated breath. He’d turned to look at Damen, his hair still mussed, the lines of his veins not yet entirely faded from his face.
”So,” he said, his voice a bit less strangled. “How skilled can you move?”
Damen had grabbed his hand, using the hold to pull Laurent into him. Laurent’s eyes widened a fraction at the ease with which Damen took his weight, his lips pressing together when Damen ran his palms down his back.
“You know exactly how I move,” he said into his ear, nipping at the skin below it.
And then everything turned, Laurent flipping them in that rapid, effortless way that had Laurent on his back and Damen hovering above him in the blink of an eye. Damen heard the groan that pulled out of him, his body once again spurred on by the sight of Laurent splayed out beneath him again.
“Will you dance with anyone else?” Laurent had asked, his mouth on Damen’s collarbone.
Damen paused, his hand stilled on Laurent’s hip. Laurent smiled when he felt it, taking the hand and lifting it to his lips.
“I don’t care.” He kissed his palm. “I know I‘m the only person you’re coming home to.”
That was how Damen found himself in the center of Dice, his shirt clinging to his body as he ran his hands through his hair, Nikandros nowhere in sight. Damen had frequented this club often when he had been in college and on many nights with the guys when he got out of work. He usually recognized a lot of the usual patrons, namely the two girls he was currently plastered between. Vannes and Talik were both beautiful, a fun time, and very much not interested in men.
It was odd, moving fluidly with anyone that wasn’t Laurent, but Damne hardly thought anything of it. Dancing was a means of release and enjoyment and even this form of close, intimate movement didn’t have to equate to anything else. Damen just liked to have fun. Bass thumping, alcohol fueled fun. The two girls slurring on many drunken occasions that they would never fuck anyone like Damen helped as well.
The lights flashed in Damen’s eyes, the rapid switches disorienting him, making him focus on nothing but the feeling of two bodies pressed flush against him, curve against curve, hands roaming. He felt Vannes’ arms wrapped around him and flat against his abdomen, his own hands tight on Talik’s slender waist, moving with her to every shift and beat of the song.
They were on the lower level of the club, a second level built above them that Damen knew was lined with couches and another bar, overlooking the packed dance floor. People often circulated the balcony, watching everyone dance as they sipped their drinks, taking a break to cool down before pulling their partner back on the dance floor.
One song blended into the next, the electric, hot feeling in the large room changing with it. Talik was a well built, strong girl, and Damen felt her turn in his arms, using her considerably strong grip to turn Damen around so his back was to her front, the three of them continuing to dance all the while. Damen tilted his head back to the ceiling as he moved, his body freezing the instant he was facing the opposite end of the club.
He was the first thing Damen saw. The only thing, his slender figure draped casually against the balcony edge, his arms atop one another. His blue eyes were locked with Damen’s instantly, boring into his in a way that gave Damen the distinct feeling that he had been there for quite some time, watching him.
Damen felt Laurent’s gaze all over him, the nature of the pointed look in his eyes making Damen’s body feel tight, hotter than he had from his four shots of alcohol and the tight squeeze of bodies all around him.
Damen glanced down at the two girls, trying to think of how he could extract himself without being impolite. He looked back up to the balcony to try to motion to Laurent that he would be there soon, only to see the spot now empty.
“He’s mine now.”
Damen froze, the three of them looking over their shoulder to see Laurent standing there, his hands loosely crossed. The stance made the muscles in his biceps more prominent, his dark shirt stark against his lighter sin, especially under the flashing lights. Damen thought of the way he had watched him from above, the inhuman speed he had to have used to get there so quickly. To get to Damen so quickly.
Vannes and Talik shrugged, unwrapping themselves from Damen carelessly. Vannes bumped her hip against Damens, winking at him before grabbing Talik’s hand, pulling her into a dark corner and out of sight.
Damen turned to Laurent, his chest moving rapidly. He could feel the sweat trickling down his neck, could feel it against his forehead as he pushed his hair back and off his face. Laurent was standing inches away from Damen, his eyes so dark that they shone nearly black. His tongue kept flicking out to wet his lips, his own chest moving. Damen knew that look, and the two things it could mean. One was that he was craving, his need getting the best of him. Damen knew Laurent well enough to know that that wasn’t what this was.
“You’re here,” Damen said.
Laurent uncrossed his arms, stepping a fraction closer. He moved slowly, carefully, treading the floor like avoiding broken glass.
“I thought about you, here,” Laurent said, his eyes roaming the spots where Damen’s shirt stuck to his chest. ”And then i couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
Damen’s hands were on Laurent’s waist, pulling him in so that their hips were pressed together. “Dance with me,” Damen said in his ear.
He wasn’t sure if Laurent would, not even sure if Laurent felt that he could. He waited patiently, his hands unexpecting and undemanding, not yet straying from their spot at Laurent’s sides.
And then Laurent’s hands were up and winding around Damen’s neck, the remaining space between them closed so that Damen could feel every inch, every spot of Laurent’s body, as tightly against his as they had been beneath Damen’s sheets that night.
Damen used his tightened hold on Laurent’s hips to move against him smoothly, their bodies rolling together with each passing second. Damen felt the bass thump in his body, his skull pounding with the loud, deafening music. Neon lights flashed all around them, lighting up Laurent’s skin and turning everyone around them into a smatter of shapeless, electrified bodies.
Laurent’s hands had moved down Damen’s back so that they were at his waist, his palms sliding under his shirt and against his skin. Damen pressed into him closer, one of his own hands lowered so they were flush against Laurent’s curves, his other in Laurent’s hair.
Laurent’s body was cold, his fingers like ice against him, somehow still maintaining his chilly temperature regardless of their surroundings. Despite this, Damen could still feel the unmistakable press of heat he felt against him, the way Laurent was rubbing himself against Damen’s thigh in time with the music, unnaturally abandoned in the thick swell of bodies.
“Fuck, Laurent,” Damen groaned, his face pressed into Laurent’s neck. “You-”
“Outside,” Laurent said, his own voice roughened in Damen’s ear. “Now.”
Damen immediately let go, putting as much space as he could between them without stepping so far away that they wouldn’t be able to hear each other. “Are you alright?” He panted. “Is it too much?”
“It’s not enough,” Laurent said in response. And then his hand was gripping Damen’s, pulling him through the crowd too fast to be natural, though everyone was too consumed to notice.
Damen had barely managed a few full breathes before they were pushing out the doors, the gust of cold air a shock to his body. Damen stumbled, his legs moving uselessly as Laurent tugged him down the sidewalk, Damen’s entire body pounding with the thrilling, headiness of it. The determination with which Laurent pulled him into a dark alleyway, both hands now gripping Damen’s wrists as he pulled him in.
Damen’s lips were on Laurent’s at once, his body throbbing at the soft sound Laurent made as he was pressed back against the cool stone wall. Damen kissed him fervently, his movements feeling graceless and messy as they panted against each other’s mouths, Laurent’s fingers tight against Damen’s neck as he pushed him away slightly.
Damen swallowed desperately, his cock aching in his pants when he saw the way Laurent looked, his eyes rimmed red with those dark, jagged lines that Damen loved to trace with his tongue. He bit at his lip tightly, pressing the heal of his hand against himself so as not to push Laurent further when he needed a minute to gather himself.
“What-” Damen breathed, not sure what the right thing was, knowing he had to take Laurent’s cues when the situation got out of hand like this. “What do you want?”
“Damen,” Laurent said raggedly, his face pressed against Damen’s chest. “You- You smell so fucking-” His fingers tightened against Damen’s shoulders.
“It’s okay,” Damen promised, physically feeling how tightly Laurent was holding himself together with restraint. “You’re not going to hurt me.” Licking his lips, “I trust you, Laurent.”
Laurent made a muffled sound against his chest, his nails biting into Damen’s skin. He reared back so he could look at Damen again, and Damen just noticed the sharp flash of his fangs before he was pulling Damen in for a long, breathless kiss.
Damen kissed him deeply, slowly, already feeling embarrassingly on edge. Laurent responded to it with fervor, nipping at Damen’s lip in the way that he knew Damen loved. His hands moved down from Damen’s neck to his shoulders, and arousal became an unimaginable, flaring sensation when Damen was pushed down roughly, his knees hitting the ground.
The club felt very far away.
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