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measuringbliss · 5 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 059: The Prophecy of Madame Web (ASM 207-212)
This time:
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We meet the protagonist of the biggest superhero movie of the last decade.
Also: a lot of Peter Parker thirst.
Let's gooo!
Hey, our little guy changed!
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That's nice to see. We also get a promising first page:
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So Peter's on a date with Debby Whitman. Debby?
Oh, right. Debra!
So they're at a show where Mesmero hypnotized a member of the audience. Peter investigates nude-feet-style, just like ages ago when he was on a date with Gwen. He ends up putting out a fire, discreetly... or so he thinks. Mesmero noticed his web, and announces to the audience that he thinks SM is here and he has something to discuss with him.
Peter quickly gets rid of his date and talks to Mesmero, who offers him weekly money in exchange for a 15 minutes appearance. Spidey says, "sure!".
Except that Mesmero's reputation is currently awful, and criticism in a newspaper makes him go berserk. That is, he hypnotizes a guy to jump from a bridge.
Meanwhile, Jameson's back at the Bugle! Wouldn't want too many changes in ASM, would we now?
At first, Spidey thinks of catching our guy with his web, but he remembers what happened with Gwen (nice!) and catches him more graciously. Our critic gives free tickets to a show to Spidey as thanks, and Peter soon invites Debra to make amends.
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When later, Spidey goes back to Mesmero to talk, he quickly gets zapped with electrified bills... and misses his appointment with Debra. Poor girl. It's not even fun to watch her be disappointed again and again, she's just a chew toy for the universe to step on.
Spidey's forced to do a circus number, but soon KOs out villain.
In the readers' letters, let's just say people are NOT fans of our Miss April Maye. Stern says this might even be a fake name... who could have predicted this, oh my?
#208 has a nice first page, and... Romita Jr worked on the layouts! Alright, mister...
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In a research lab, a scientist is a jerk to his janitor twin brother. And when he starts his big machine, it explodes in his face. His selfless brother tries to save him and gets absorbed instead.
At the Daily Globe, Donald Trump arrives.
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I'm fascinated by Peter's outfit. I kind of love it... but also kind of hate it. Nice hair, though.
Bushkin also introduces Peter to his new colleague and fellow photographer, Lance Bannon. I expected Eddie Brock, but maybe later.
To get in a better mood, Peter goes to the hospital to pay a visit to Anna Watson with Aunt May. She says they just missed MJ!
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Oh, the open belt...! Sir!
The ruckus is of course caused by our new villain, Fusion (the two brothers!), and when she sees the two super-powered beings by the window, May says Spidey isn't as bad as the media say. Character development, yay!
Fusion escapes Spidey's grasp, and it's clear that the two brothers aren't of the same mind concerning their current state. When peter comes back to the hospital room and says he went to talk to a nurse he knows, May says "My Peter's getting interested in girls, Anna". First of all, that's uncalled for, but also, damn May, are you still thinking that your Peter might be gay? (He's bisexual, you're not completely off the mark.)
Thanks to some cops, Spidey quickly finds back Fusion. Twice during this issue does he feel ridiculized by the crowds laughing at him. I feel like it never happened before... Is this element going somewhere? It certainly feels uncharacteristic.
Anyway, he separates the two brothers with the help of the janitor one, and... the issue ends here. They still have their power. That's not an ending. *sigh*
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Oh, great shading!!! And Kraven too! By that point, I assume he won't shoot lasers out of his nipples, but a small part of myself still hopes...
We start with Kraven saying to his girlfriend Calypso that THIS TIME, FOR SURE, he'll get rid of our hero... Sure.
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Loving the art, even though Peter doesn't necessarily look very much like himself in that third panel, but the clothes!!!! The clothes, people!!!!! Jesus. Is that really a summer outfit though?
Debra's worried about her old uncle working at the docks, and when she asks Peter if with his connections, he could do something to check on him, he rebuffs her. She's understandably saddened, and he ends up going anyway, as Spidey naturally.
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Gorgeous middle panels. Also, Kraven's heart skips when he sees Spidey. Not very heterosexual of him. Calypso wants to see her man be a man, so she frees up some animals who cause chaos in the city. Kraven saves the ones he can catch, and Spidey helps too.
And suddenly...
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Well well well...
What do we have here...
Didn't expect to see a near naked lady on there but good for her!
Calypso wants violence and tries hard to convince Kraven that Spidey's the one who opened the locks.
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I'm loving the eagerness to show skin around here, I'm telling you. Also love how Bushkin looks in the first panel.
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Fascinating panels, because Peter looks extremely different in the middle panel, but oh lord is he gorgeous in the other two. And also: a professor having a relationship with a female student? Oh, we almost got that a few issues ago! How interesting.
Spider-Woman has a cameo, where she ponders on how she almost sent Dockery in jail, but since it's Spidey's territory, she can't do anything.
... No but seriously, Peter's gorgeous...
Ahem. Kraven barges in the Daily Globe and activates a Spider-Tracer he conveniently has. Spidey has to show up tonight for a one-on-one battle!
They fight in a museum, while Calypso laughs gleefully in the shadows.
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Very subtle there, Spidey. Oh well!
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So far I'm really into "the grotesque 80s art". Beats those 90s covers where Spidey's web looks like iron. Anyway, hi Bell! You're going too fast for me but whatever. Someone appreciates the detail and the shading! It's a really strong issue. I also liked Kraven there.
Anyway, issue #210!
It's time to meet the star of 2024's masterpiece "Madame Web".
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Well, Debra's definitely gotten used to Peter's repeated abandonments. You deserve better, girl! At least she doesn't seem so sad anymore. More... resigned. I mean, I would probably accept anything if my boyfriend was Peter Parker too... except maybe when he wears that outfit. I'm not sold on that one.
At the Globe, armed people attack the head office and kidnapp Ms. Clayton. Pursuing them, Spidey finds that same paper of Madame Web.
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Hey, that page has really nice composition.
Anyway, of course, what welcomes Spidey is... a vision.
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Madame Web quickly informs Spidey that to find Ms. Clayton, he'll have to find one Belinda Bell. Turns out Belinda was impersonating Ms. Clayton in a complex plan for Dockery to get the Daily Globe!
Spidey quickly saves both the actress and the real Ms. Clayton, and catches Dockery.
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I wish I was that newspaper.
And that ending is absolutely hilarious...
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In #211, we see none other than Namor!
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And this is a gorgeous first page, I have to say.
So Namor has his typical war against human waste. As for Peter?
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Oh. Oh YES. Absolutely. Thank you. It is... glorious. I hereby declare this issue to be a 10 out of 10.
So Spidey goes out and thinks he could finally check on Debra Whitman's uncle. Turns out the latter is getting attacked at this very moment by his crew, who refuse to deliver a scientist and a machine to the ocean.
The next day, at ESU, Debra tells Peter she's worried even more about her uncle, because he decided to navigate the boat himself, since nobody else wants to do it. I'm happy to at least see her be a bit more developed. I'm starting to like her, even!
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Gorgeous. I absolutely love his outfit even though I dislike jeans, but it works so well here! The colors...!
He decides to go see May to get in a better mood. There, his aunt is... teaching curling to the residents! Why not. And she nudges Peter to go help Debra's uncle.
Namor appears when they're at sea, and a fight breaks out.
They get over it and Namor even helps them, how nice!
Time for #212!
More than 14 hours have passed since the last issue, and they're naturally still on the boat. Debra's uncle (continued storyline, woohoo!) mentions Murphy's Law, which is funny because I watched Interstellar for the first time like two days ago.
An accident with crates occur, and one man falls under the sea. Spidey saves him, but the man can't seem to dry...
No matter. Peter gets back safely on land and catches Jameson's call. Work for him! Great. He also calls Debbie!
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Great set of panel. I like that it seems to give actual weight to their relationship.
We have a scene with our wet guy at a bar and I might have felt sympathy for him for a second, but then he showed his misogynistic side and it was over.
Hydro-Man (presumably, given the cover of the issue) discovered he can become water and morph it, he becomes angry and starts searching through the whole city for Spider-Man. Sure.
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Oh, that red shirt will be the death of me!
Of course, Peter quickly asks Debra to stay out of this, because of course he does. She accepts it.
There's a fun countdown, we always love countdowns.
Spidey finds Hydro-Man, but he instantly gets "splooshed" through the window. He resorts to ask Jonah to print a challenge in his newspaper, to make the duel easier to organize.
They fight, and we get a very nice ending.
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In the comments, our dear Bell Lectar says she sees Peter as this leech that will dry up every resource the ladies in his life have and leave them to die (or miraculously escape unscathed), which is definitely an interesting reading I don't completely disagree with. That's thanks to how the magazine was created, misogyny, and probably some other stuff.
I quickly checked the next issue and there's... assuredly... good food in there.
By the time I make the next post though, and I will, because otherwise I'd hit the pictures limit in this post, and also it's almost 4am and I should definitely go to sleep sometime soon, I'll have forgotten about that, so to Future!Bliss: I love you, I cherish you and I wish you a happy rediscovery.
So the next time, we check out ASM 213, Annual 14 and What If 24!
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It should be fun!
0 notes
talkingharrystyles · 2 years
🌌 Oh hire a strategist for this train wreck already. I see why Leslie lost her congressional race. Neither her or her daughter understands their targeted demographic, thus fails miserably to market to them.
Damn, the both of you work for Warner Bros (Warner Bros does produce Ted Lasso which people need to remember) and neither can create a believable story?
You mean to say that the same court system who relied on social media to convict Derek Chauvin, to locate those involved in January 6, who uses social media to construct a murder timeline and it’s suspects, who uses SM as evidence for personal injury claims, and was able to expose Amber heard’s abuse of Johnny is suddenly turning a blind eye to Brock’s antics?
The American court systems might be flawed- they’re not going to allow for themselves to be shown as fools for a dried up actress grasping for resurrection.
Your social media posts can be used as evidence against you. Lawyers favor this form of evidence, as it’s one’s own testimony of guilt. It’s not illegally obtained, as one is posting their thoughts to the public. Nothing is ever deleted.
“She deprived me of vacations and time spent with the kids.”
Gag us with a spoon and cry a river. One look at Holivia’s trusted bookkeeper (Styles.Wilde) and all this is easily discredit this.
Wasn’t Easter a holiday? Pretty sure Brock wasn’t hopping around in a bunny suit in England with the kids (Coachella). How about the Fourth of July last year? We didn’t see the kids with Harry in the ocean with their red, white and blue floaties on, while Brock twirled her hair grinning from afar. They weren’t sitting around him while Harry retold Independence Day from the British perspective.
Christmas of last year? New Years? Was Otis and Daisy dressed up as Santa’s little helpers and Harry as Rudolph? Was Mama Anne and Brock pictured at the salon getting their manis and pedis with Daisy, while Gemma whined about “missing traditions”?
Halloween? I know I never saw Otis and Daisy dressed up as little Jeidis with a sign that said “May the force be with you, papa!”
Valentine’s Day? Was Daisy and Otis skipping alongside Brock and Doofy (Tommy)?
How about the times she lured the paps to the kids’ summer camp, used them in walks, dragged them to shows where they were visibly uncomfortable being there. Not to mention how she nearly attended every show in both America and Europe. Don’t care for Brock: Jason, a lot of “quality time” with the kids you felt “deprived of” is actually documented and known to be spent with none other than you, Captain dad.
You all could had, at least, played up the drama for a bit. One day problem, the next it’s quickly resolved? Not only resolved but filled with promo and now renewed “they live together🥹” rumors.
They “live together”: Okay then, why wasn’t Brock and the kids named in the recent burglary? In fact… why hasn’t Brock filed a restraining order against Pablo in order to protect herself and her kids? I mean they all “live at that property”-the lie Jason is using to recorrect the lies told regarding CinemaCon and to add credibility to cohabitation theory- and that property is where he frequented to find Harry… why haven’t Brock filed? Oh right it’s because she wouldn’t be able to provide proof (mail) that she or they do. Hear that? That’s the sound of her and Jason screaming and pissing themselves.
Given Harry’s need for control, if Otis and Daisy were involved in his life, he would had been contacted by the several tabloids on his bankroll weeks ago, and stopped these articles from being printed.
Come on, Harry has learned how to avoid slip ups. He hasn’t been papped since LOT wrap even though people are gaslighted into believing he’s being constantly papped and “fan sighted” on the daily. He’s seen when he wants to be seen and what’s reported about him he knows of it ahead of time. The significant narratives out there of him are the ones he wants out there.
He’s a perfectionist, afterall. While he might found Brock’s habit for impulsive lying a set back, he still is made aware of what generally is being printed ahead of time. He’s also aware of the general discussions. Just because he says he doesn’t give weight to peoples’ opinions, he does. His curiosity, like many of us, lures him to the temptation of listening in on what people are saying about him.
Again, does anyone ever see him with Jackson, Little Rowland, Ruby and other kids when he’s walking the streets with them? Are there pics of the man acting giddy when Mitch went to get Sarah’s ring? When they hosted Mitch bachelor party? When he went to buy them their wedding gifts? How about when he went to the store and assembled Sarah’s baby shower basket? What about when he bought little Rowland’s his books, sentimental clothes, and diapers prior to delivery? Are there “leaked videos” of him in those stores, in the baby section, holding the baby clothes?? That did overlap with the timing of Holivia. I mean surely Harry Styles, who is known to bed hop and is in the hot stage of new romance, to be seen in the infant section shopping for infant items should had been worthy of gossip blogs and tabloids. “HARRY STYLES SEEN IN BABY SHOP! EXCLUSIVE PICS! IS THERE A WILDER-STYLES LOVE CHILD ON THE WAY??” Yet that wasn’t ever printed. Wonder why.
Most of that happened in LA. You know, the same place Brock is gaslighting people to believe that she or him can’t walk without being harassed. Yet, there’s no pics of Harry during those moments. Neither with his other godkids.
Seriously, find a new angle, you idiots. People know you wouldn’t dare to go at each other’s throats by involving the courts. You were together during Weinstein.
Brock, all the mountains of evidence and skeletons Jason would use on you? Girl, you’d be hightailing out of those doors faster than you done at shows when you want to be seen.
Jason, you knew exactly what “I’m going to meet up with Harvey *smiley face*” meant. You allowed it because you wanted to benefit from the connections. Same with Holivia. You allowed and made it possible for her to go to every major event, so that your “Ted Lasso” image would be retained and your victimhood card can be used with the public’s empathy.
Theoretically, if the custody battle was real, best believe neither of them would have custody of the kids right now. After both sides would had aired out the others dirty laundry, the judge would had either placed Otis and Daisy in the care of the grandparents who were the best fit until a decision could be made, with a relative/close friends of moral standing, or in a foster family. Olivia and Jason both have too many skeletons they’re not wanting expose. They’re not going to betray each other, as the illusion they’re making.
If this was a real court hearing: why wasn’t Harry present to give his sworn statements? If he “is” her unnamed current partner, as Jason said to the journalist to add credibility, of almost two years, the courts would had needed to examine him to see if he and his environment would be a safe and secure place for the kids to be around before granting Brock the “win for custody”.
If these two morons can slip through the cracks and find work in the industry, anyone can.
Before leaving (I’ve shared why I’ve limited my presence here months back), Harry you really need to act like you have a pair. Or, at least, one.
The same way you were suckered into agreeing with this under false pretensions, you’re being clowned regarding its aftermath. Placating and thinking “just give they what they wants” isn’t going to promise that you won’t be vilified as you’re not wanting to be by both of them. You will. You already have been with how Brock “has been reconfiguring both her and her kids lives for the guy who couldn’t give two shits about them”.
Best believe that the seeds those two crows have been subtly planting into peoples’ minds are going to have a full harvest. The promise of getting paid and career advancement in exchange for the drama isn’t always going satisfy.
You idolize Mitch & Sarah, Ben & Meredith, childhood’s friends, and Niall’s relationships and experiences. Even Camille’s and Theo’s. Yet are frustrated that that is absent in your own life. That’s a result of you being afraid to do what you know what needs to be done. Excuse the language: just grab them (his courage/guts/balls) already and take a risk.
Talk to you all later.
Oh it’s so good to see your anons again 🫶🌌
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belleetlabeast · 8 years
Dangerous Woman- Part 4
A/N: This is my favorite part! When I was first thinking about this moment, I needed to have a female character that could kick ass. I’ve had this idea ever since I watched Civil War for the first time so I’m very excited to share it with you now!! It’s long because I’m a wordy bitch. You are all amazing! Thank you so much for all this love!
Warnings: LONG/Arguing/Swearing
Summary: You’ve caught the eye of Tony Stark to become the head lawyer for the Avengers. You never expected your life to change but fate has a funny way of turning everything upside down.   Bucky x Reader
Part 3
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Your eyes went wide as you finally connected the dots. The piece that you were missing! You squealed as you ran towards the wall where a large map of the world hung. You had colorful tacks and pictures connected by yarn that covered this large map.
“Everything okay, Y/N?” Bucky asked sheepishly at your door frame. At first, you didn’t hear him and continued your frantic search for the correct tack until he called out for you again. “Y/N?” 
“Everything is perfect!” You squealed again and rushed over to him, tackling him with an unexpected hug. Before he could respond and wrap his arms around you, you were already gone, bouncing into Steve’s office.  
“Bring him in!: You called out to Steve and then rushed back to your office. You ran right past Bucky and started gathering your paper notes.
“What?” Steve now joined Bucky in your doorway.
“Ross! Bring him in.” Steve would have questioned but he could see the determination in your eyes. They could tell you were obviously excited about something and had complete faith in you. Why wouldn’t they? You had already fought for them even before they were paying you.
The next time you met, all Avengers were called to sit in on the meeting you had called with Ross. His impatience would be his downfall. He was too eager and met with you the same day but you were prepared. His furrow brows and firm jaw were every indication that he was not a happy man but he couldn’t intimidate you. He also seem to have brought your father, thinking he could possibly throw you off your game. He was desperate.
“What are we doing here again Tony? Are you all prepared to finally sign these damn Accords?” He gruffed out in pent up anger.
“Hmph, quite the contrary” You interjected before anyone else could speak. “Hello, Ms. L/N, over here.” You waved your fingers. “I represent the overall Avengers and each individual member. You don’t speak to my clients. You speak to me.” Everyone in the room physically backed their heads at how forward you were but the gloves were off.
“And what do YOU have to say, Ms. L/N?” Ross leaned back in his chair and looked towards your father with disgust.
“Well, I would like you to repeat that whole fiasco the last time you were in this room. Please,” you jester towards the screen. “Play it all again.” Steve looked at you apprehensively, as he placed his hand on his face, replicating the same stance he did last time.
“Okay,” Unaware of your taunting, Ross stood up as the screen illuminated. “A group of US-based enhanced individuals with no regard for the destruction they cause!” He put emphasis on ‘no’ but you continued to lean back, unphased. All eyes were on you as you continued to listen. “New York.” Footage of the Hulk’s destruction of New York played on the screen but your eyes illuminated. “Washington, DC.” You eyes continued to shine. Steve was starting to think you were insane but he didn’t know that Ross was walking right into your trap. “Sokovia. Lagos. And now Bucharest and Berlin” Destruction continued to rack the screen in front of you. You could hear the whines and sighs from the Avengers around you. You were putting them through pain again but it was all for the best. You would show them that momentarily. Ross slowly sat back down, now allowing you your time.
“In the courtroom, we call this a cross-examination but last time you never allowed for the Avengers to question you. It was what you wanted or you would force them to, what, retire?” You chuckled. “This time they have someone to fight for them.” You straighten your blazer and clicked your heels away as your stood at the front of the table. “Steve, I believe there is a piece of paper in front of you. Would you be so kind as to read it for me? It’s for organizational purposes.” You tried to smile at Ross but it became more of a smirk. “I would start taking notes.” You motioned to Ross’s secretary in the corner. “Steve.”
“New York.” He called out clearly.
“The site on Earth where the Avengers withheld alien destruction from happening on our planet. The US-government’s option? Send a nuke to level the most populous city in America.” You looked towards Steve again.
“Washington, DC.”
“The fall of secret US-government organization SHIELD to HYDRA after being infiltrated for almost 70 years.” Ross started to speak but you silenced him. “I sat through your entire theatrical production. YOU can sit through mine.” You slammed the table for good measure then motioned again to Steve.
“The Avengers took their entire mission removing every person they could off that flying rock before GLOBAL annihilation. If I remember correctly, the entire event wasn’t on the US-government’s radar until it was almost over.”
“Captain Rogers’ team prevented a biological weapon from getting into the hands of people like Brock Rumlow, whom the US government is still trying to figure out who his buyer was? If Wanda Maximoff would have allowed that bomb to blow, it would have killed her, Captain Rogers, and almost the entire block INCLUDING the group of Wakandans in the building. Ms. Maximoff saved the lives of her, her teammates, and that entire market! Yet we blame her for the death of a few because YOU believe there was a better option.”
“And Berlin! You,” you pointed at Ross as your were now yelling, “and your thugs, decided to run in head first after a World War II HERO” You pointed to Bucky but speaking of him only fired you up more. “Shoot first and ask questions later? You were going to kill him because Helmut Zemo put on a wig and a mask?! THEN you allowed him into a secured US-government facility that caused the destruction and death of over a hundred people! Did you ever stop to think about your actions? That you were being dragged right into Zemo’s plan? But no, let’s arrest half the Avengers and then allow Zemo access to FIVE HYDRA trained super soldiers! Even AFTER Tony tried to tell you what was right. Your pride, Secretary Ross, has been your downfall, then and now.”
“And then what would you expect us to have done, Ms. L/N?!” Ross had had enough as he slammed his hands on the table and stood up. You matched him and looked him right in his eyes.  
“‘The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt.’ That’s what you said, correct? Then you at least owe them a seat at the table! They deserve to be apart of the rules you so desperately want to bestow upon them!”
“And if I don’t?”
“Oh no, please. They’ll retire. But in the meantime, I’ll send over all the Avengers open ended cases to you and the Secretary of Defense. Good luck. If you need me, I’ll be in my office.” You turned back to your chair at the table, allowing your heels to echo in the now silent room.
“You’re making a mistake. What are you trying to prove? Are you trying to kill people?” Ross was slowly regaining his cool but his face was still a slight shade of pink.
“No, Secretary Ross,” you hissed back. “I’m trying to protect the Avengers from getting emotionally railroaded by you again.” You smirked, knowing exactly what you were about to unearth. “Do you remember Charles Spencer?” Ross looked at you in confusion then terror. “You hired a woman from your office to show a picture of her fake son and make up this elaborate story so that YOU and the US-government could have control over the Avengers. Your play for power is over. All communication to the Avengers will go through me and my office, do you understand me?” All the Avengers gasped at your statement. All your work and investigation paid off as you finally released your best weapon again Ross, the fact that Charles Spencer was a fraud.
“Do you realize how many people in DC are going to hate you now? How much the world is going to hate you for taking away the Avengers?” Ross’ last attempt at emotional damage was weak.
“Have you ever heard of the Bridge of Spies, sir? James B. Donovan represented Rudolf Abel in court? A KGB spy? The public wasn’t too happy with him. Lawyers have been upsetting the public for years. I’m not too worried about your empty threats, Secretary!” You hissed his normally renowned title. “This meeting is adjourned.” You called then turned on your heels and clicked away to your office. Your heart was racing. You had finally done it and exposed Ross for what he was, a fraud. You dropped your notes on your desk and started to shake your hands, getting rid of all your pent up energy. Your hands were shaking, you hate Ross that much, but it felt better that now the rest of the team knew.
“Y/N?” Steve called out. You looked up and saw the entire team crammed in your doorway. “Do we really have to retire?” They all looked at you anxiously. You laughed but their faces didn’t change.
“Of course not! They have no power over this team. I just needed to scare Ross and my father with something. The Defense Department doesn’t want to deal with this shit so it now gives my father a vote against Ross.” They all let out a sigh and then scattered. All except Bucky.
“Thank you, Y/N.” His voice was thick and throaty, which made you concerned.
“Bucky?” You slowly approached, not sure what was happening. He wasn’t looking at you when you finally made it to his side but you made him, tilting his face to see you. “Bucky, what’s wrong?”
“You said hero. . .” He trailed off but his eyes were locked on yours. “I’m no hero.”
“Yes you are.” You cupped his face and tried to give him a small smile. “You’re a hero in my eyes and deserve to be on this team.” You inhaled sharply, eyelids fluttering and patted him on his cheek before letting your hand drop. You were getting too close. “And if you ever need someone to remind you. I’ll be here.” You turned to walk towards your desk but Bucky grabbed your hand to stop you.
“Your hands are shaking.” He held your hand, much smaller than his, eyeing it as it still shook.
“Adrenaline and I just hate Ross.” You chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
“Here,” he started to lead you out of your office. “Let’s try something.” He laced his fingers through yours, palms touching, through the hallways and down the elevator until you were on the training room level. This was obviously not a room you were too familiar with but it looked simple enough. Of course, the other Avengers noticed Bucky and you in tow as he led you to the punching bags. “Here.” He stopped, motioning towards the handing bag with a very wrinkled and faded picture of Ross taped on. “Steve uses it when he gets upset.” Bucky revealed.
“Oh yeah, this bad boy gets hammered.” Sam chuckled as he walked up.
“Do it, Y/N! I bet you’ll be great at it.” Natasha smiled darkly as she crossed her arms over her chest. You laughed then muttered ‘what the hell’ as you took off your heels and blazer.
“Don’t forget gloves sweetheart!” Sam winked at you, holding two worn red gloves. They were huge on you but when you found out they were Bucky’s it made sense. Bucky held out the bag for you, smiling as he watched you. You wound up then thrusted forward until your fist hit the bag. It stopped with a thud and the bag barely moved. You could see Bucky chuckling along with the others.
“Listen! You hired me to fight verbally, not physically.” You teased but you were still smiling.
“Keep going, beat the shit out that bag, girl!” Natasha cheered you on.
“Yeah, like you did Ross today.” Sam urged. You smirked and nodded then pounded the bag. You started using both hands. You were so worked up that it took Steve to yell at you before he got your attention.
“Oh! Yes?” You straightened up, looking at though you were caught with your hand in the cookie jar.
“Enjoying yourself?” He smirked. You smiled and nodded. “Well good. I was just talking with Tony and we wanted to treat you to dinner tonight. Do you mind staying?” You were about to say no when Tony interrupted.
“Don’t worry about Amelia. I took the liberty of calling your mother and inviting our little angel over as well.” Smiles started to spread with word of Amelia coming that you soon join.
Part 5
Tags: @imgettingmarriedtobuckybarnes, @livforthegames, @dontstopwiththelyin, @elorcansalvaterre, @yknott81, @arabellaaurorabarnes, @38leticia, @all-time-loading, @aljadams369, @jenn0755, @kaitskennedyy, @roomfortwos, @karmamariejoy, @alphadareme, @barnes-toddpartnersinheartbreak, @marvel-music-books, @chipilerendi, @sometimes-iwritee, @diana-jaffa, @finallybreathee, @canumoveyourseatup-no, @snow107, @cronie-sr, @frozenfan272​, @verycoolveryunique, @mitra-k-w, @fictional-before-real, @diana-jaffa, @aknerdchick
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged. If I missed you, PLEASE let me know!
-Love, Kate xoxo
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