teknolojiii · 2 years
Uzayı Keşfe Çıkması Planlanan Robotlar
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BRUIE yüzeyi buzla kaplı sularda görev yapması için geliştirilen bir robot. BURIE’in en önemli özelliği suda yüzmesi. Yüzeyi buzlarla kaplı bir denize daldırılan robot, yükselerek buzun alt yüzüne yapışıyor ve su içinde hareket edebiliyor. Tekerlekleri birbirinden bağımsız olarak çalışan robot, bu sayede su altında yön değiştirebiliyor.
Robot, üzerindeki cihazların topladığı verileri bir baz istasyonuna gönderiyor. Baz istasyonu da uydular aracılığıyla komuta merkeziyle iletişim kurabiliyor. Robot, şu an için kablolu bağlantılara ihtiyaç duyuyor. Ancak testler tamamlandıktan sonra BRUIE’in kablosuz hâle getirilmesi planlanıyor.
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DuAxel zorlu arazilerde görev yapması için geliştirilen bir robot. Adından da anlaşılabileceği gibi iki aksı var ve bu akslardan biri zorlu arazilerde görev yapmak için robotun geri kalanından uzaklaşabiliyor.
Zorlu bir araziye, örneğin dik bir yamaca gelen robot, ilk olarak kendisini zemine sabitliyor. Daha sonra akslardan biri robottan ayrılarak zorlu araziyi incelemek için yol almaya başlıyor. Ayrılan aks, robotun ana gövdesine bir kablo ile bağlı. Bu kablo aksa hem güç hem de destek sağlıyor. Ayrıca aks, robotun geri kalanıyla da bu kablo sayesinde iletişim kuruyor.
Üzerindeki kameralar sayesinde kendi yolunu kendi çizen aks, incelenecek bölgeye ulaştıktan sonra içerisinde taşıdığı bilimsel cihazları açığa çıkararak çalışmaya başlıyor. Görev tamamlandıktan sonra robotun ana gövdesi bağlantı kablosunu çekerek aksın geri dönmesini ve yeniden gövdeyle bütünleşmesini sağlıyor.
Köpek biçiminde tasarlanmış otonom bir robot olan NEBULA-SPOT, insanlar tarafından yönlendirilmeksizin tünel ve mağara gibi yer altındaki gizli yerleri keşfetmek için geliştiriliyor.
NEBULA-SPOT, Ay’daki ve Mars’taki mağaraları dolaşarak astronotlar için korunaklı yerler keşfedebilir. Ayrıca eğer Mars’ta mikrobiyal yaşam varsa bu canlıların gezegenin yüzeyinde değil derinlerinde hayatta kalma şansları daha yüksek. NEBULA-SPOT, Dünya dışında yaşam olup olmadığının araştırılmasında da yararlı olacak.
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stevebattle · 2 years
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BRUIE – Buoyant Rover for Under-Ice Exploration by Kevin Hand et al (2012), Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA. Looking like some kind of submarine paddle-steamer, BRUIE is a two-wheeled vehicle designed to drive around on the underside of ice-sheets. It uses its buoyancy to anchor itself against the icy surface as its metal toothed wheels bite into the ice. Extra-terrestrial oceans, such as those on Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's moon Enceladus, may be the best places to look for life in our solar system. It will be able to collect data at the undersea region where water and ice meet, at the ice-water interface. "The ice shells covering these distant oceans serve as a window into the oceans below, and the chemistry of the ice could help feed life within those oceans. Here on Earth, the ice covering our polar oceans serves a similar role, and our team is particularly interested in what is happening where the water meets the ice," says Hand.
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sci-firenegade · 1 year
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Couldn't make it bigger and readable, but an article about Russell Enoch becoming William Russell, plus some theatre stuff he was doing at the time and some reflections on his career.
Also nice beard.
Reading Evening Post - Tuesday 01 June 1982
Transcription below the cut
One Good Turn led to a changed name for Russell
by Linton Mitchell
Back in the mid-1950s when actor Russell Enoch was firmly established after seven years in his chosen profession, The Rank Organisation, to whom he had become contracted, decided that they didn't like his name.
"I was making a Norman Wisdom film — I think it was One Good Turn — when the issue of my name came up." he told me the other day.
"Norman was, of course, one of Britain's top comedy stars at that time, and there was some argument over the confusion which might result over my name because of an old comedy trio called Enoch, Ramsbottom and Me. I had never regarded myself as a strickly comedy player, but problems arose.
"I am not entirely sure whether it was Norman, or The Rank Organisation, who objected, but I do know that Rank insisted that I change my name.
"Well, to say that I was unhappy about the prospect was putting it mildly. But I did have a contract with them. At first they wanted to call me Russell Something-or-other. After three months I settled for my Christian names."
Thus, William Russell — onetime Sir Lancelot in the swashbuckling TV series, and later the original Dr Who's first tough-guy sidekick — was born.
He remained William Russell in stage, screen and television for many years. Now, however, he is billed as William Russell Enoch, which he finds something of a mouthful for colleagues and members of the public alike to digest, and is gradually working his way back to bring Russell Enoch.
What he has never lost over the years is his sense of humour and sheer joy of working in the theatre.
"Films and television are lovely," he said. "There's no denying that they bring in the money. They can also be pretty good stuff.
"I remember thinking all those years back that the Norman Wisdom films were pretty dreadful. But you know, I have seen a lot of them on television and they do stand up well.
"Norman was good. His pictures are still fun. But, quite frankly, I have always been thoroughly happy to flee back to the theatre. I also love travelling, and I have found that working in the theatre enables me to travel.
"I have been to Russia, to Poland, to South America, and even to Borneo. In Borneo we did As You Like It in front of an audience of Dyaks. As you know, Dyaks are the descendants of head-hunters. But they liked our performance."
William Russell Enoch, now 57, is currently in his second week at Reading's Hexagon, with The Actors Touring Company, who are presenting three plays: Shakespeare's The Tempest, the Restoration comedy The Provoked Wife, and a musical drama Berlin, Berlin, which is set in the divided city.
William (or Russell, or Enoch) can be seen at the Hexagon tomorrow night and on Saturday as Dr Koriner, an American visitor, in Berlin, Berlin; as Sir John Bruie, the leading male character in The Provoked Wife, on Thursday, and as Alonzo in The Tempest, on Friday and Sunday.
The Actors Touring Company can justifiably be said to work for their money. There are only seven actors in the company, though they sometimes "borrow" members of the backstage team to appear in front of the audience.
The company is subsidised by the Arts Council, regional arts associations and commercial enterprises, but still raises two-thirds of its money at the box-office.
William Russell Enoch was educated at Wolverhampton Grammar School and Fettes College, Edinburgh. After his wartime service in the RAF, he went up to Oxford.
He became an actor in 1949. "I have never worried about making it big on films or television because I have always seen the theatre as my goal. Not that I have always been successful in the theatre. My first West End plah was Hamlet, with Sir Alec Guinness. That was back in 1951. I believe that we lasted six weeks. But you have to take the rough with the smooth.
"I will always be grateful to the Sir Lancelot series. You know, that was back in 1956. It hardly seems possible but there it is. Sir Lancelot was the beginning of me. It was tremendous fun to make. Quite good quality TV swashbuckling stuff. I rather liked being a swashbuckler.
"I was also very pleased with Nicholas Nickleby, and the Dr Who series. In Dr Who I was William Hartnell's first right-hand man. A pretty tough customer. Bill would say: "Deal with him." and I would rush forward and administer a knockout blow to whatever villain happened to be menacing us at that time.
"I was with the Old Vic, and the Royal Shakespeare Company. As I said, the theatre is really what it is all about... for me anyway. I have enjoyed my television and films, and always will do, but the real exhilaration is with the stage.
He reflected: "At the moment, I love being with The Actors Touring Company. We are TOURING, with a wide variety of productions, and who can ask for anything else?"
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intelligentliving · 4 years
NASA’s engineers developed a new autonomous robot named BRUIE that it plans to send into outer space to search for signs of extraterrestrial life in ocean worlds beyond Earth. Meet BRUIE BRUIE, which stands for ‘Buoyant Rover for Under Ice Exploration,’ looks like a futuristic, remote-controlled hand weight. The robot...
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Nasa'nın Dünya Dışı Yaşam Keşif Aracı BRUIE
Nasa’nın Dünya Dışı Yaşam Keşif Aracı BRUIE
Jüpiter’in 79 uydusundan biri olan Europa, 1610 yılında gök bilimci galileo galilei tarafından keşfedilmiştir ve uydunun ilk fotoğrafı yine nasanın voyeger 2 uzay aracı tarafından 1979 yılında çekilmiştir. Gökbilimcilerin Europa’nın atmosferinde bulunan suyun illaki bir su birikintisinden çıkacağı düşüncesiyle olası bir su birikintisinde bir yaşam olma ihtimalinin yüksek olduğunu belirtti.
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南極水域的動力學非常類似於冰冷的衛星,因此所選位置將證明非常適合進行預期的測試。此外,BRUIE也將探索冰水界面,因為根據首席科學家Andy Klesh的說法,“ …生命經常生活在海底和頂部的冰水界面之間。”
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Klesh指出,目前大多數潛水機器人在水下保持姿勢時會浪費大量動力。為了解決潛水問題,BRUIE“使用浮力將錨固定在冰上,並且不受大多數洋流的影響。” 最重要的是,這種水下漫遊車“可以安全地關閉電源,僅在需要進行測量時才打開電源,這樣它就可以花數月的時間觀察冰下環境。”
from NASA計劃在南極冰蓋下測試水下漫遊車BRUIE via KKNEWS
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This Transforming Rover Can Explore the Toughest Terrain A rover trundles over rocky terrain, its four metal wheels clattering along until they encounter a seemingly insurmountable hazard: a steep slope. Down below is a potential trove of science targets. With a typical rover, the operators would need to find another target, but this is DuAxel, a robot built for situations exactly like this. The rover is actually made of a pair of two-wheeled rovers, each called Axel. To divide and conquer, the rover stops, lowers its chassis and anchors it to the ground before essentially splitting in two. With the rear half of DuAxel (short for "dual-Axel") firmly in place, the forward half undocks and rolls away on a single axle. All that connects the two halves now is a tether that unspools as the lead axle approaches the hazard and rappels down the slope, using instruments stowed in its wheel hub to study a scientifically attractive location that would normally be out of reach. This scenario played out last fall during a field test in the Mojave Desert, when a small team of engineers from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California put the modular rover through a series of challenges to test the versatility of its design. "DuAxel performed extremely well in the field, successfully demonstrating its ability to approach a challenging terrain, anchor, and then undock its tethered Axel rover," said Issa Nesnas, a robotics technologist at JPL. "Axel then autonomously maneuvered down steep and rocky slopes, deploying its instruments without the necessity of a robotic arm." The idea behind creating two single-axle rovers that can combine into one with a central payload is to maximize versatility: The four-wheeled configuration lends itself to driving great distances across rugged landscapes; the two-wheeled version offers a nimbleness that larger rovers cannot. "DuAxel opens up access to more extreme terrain on planetary bodies such as the Moon, Mars, Mercury, and possibly some icy worlds, like Jupiter's moon Europa," added Nesnas. The flexibility was built with crater walls, pits, scarps, vents, and other extreme terrain on these diverse worlds in mind. That's because on Earth, some of the best locations to study geology can be found in rocky outcrops and on cliff faces, where many layers of the past are neatly exposed. They're hard enough to reach here, let alone on other celestial bodies. The rover's mobility and ability to access extreme locations is an enticing combination to Laura Kerber, a planetary geologist at JPL. "This is why I find the Axel rover to be quite delightful," she said. "Instead of always trying to safeguard itself against dangers such as falling or flipping over, it is designed to withstand them." A Two-Wheeled History The radical concept of two robotic vehicles functioning as one has roots in the late 1990s, when NASA began exploring ideas for modular, reconfigurable, self-repairing rovers. This inspired Nesnas and his team at JPL to develop the robust, flexible two-wheeled robot that would come to be known as Axel. They envisioned a modular system: Two Axels could dock to either side of a payload, for example, or three Axels could dock to two payloads, and so on, creating a "train" of Axels capable of transporting many payloads. This concept also fulfilled the "self-repairing" requirement of NASA's challenge: Should one Axel fail, another could take its place. Axel development remained focused on modular transportation until 2006, when satellite imaging of the Martian surface revealed gullies in crater walls. Later, the discovery of what appeared to be seasonal outflows of liquid water - dark features known as recurring slope lineae - heightened interest in using robots to take samples. Scientists wanted to know whether gullies and recurring slope lineaewere caused by water flows or something else. But the slopes are too steep for a conventional rover - even for Curiosity or the soon-to-land Perseverance rover, both of which are designed to traverse slopes of up to 30 degrees. To explore these features directly would require a different kind of vehicle. So Nesnas and his team began developing a version of Axel that would be tethered to a lander, using the tether not just to descend a crater side or steep canyon wall, but also to supply power and communicate with the lander. Its wheels could be equipped with extra-high grousers, or treads, for added traction, while the wheel hubs could house microscopes, drills, sample-collection scoops, and other instrumentation to study the terrain. To turn, the two-wheeled axle would just rotate one of its wheels faster than the other. Interest in the concept's flexibility has led to a burgeoning family of two-wheeled designs, including NASA JPL's A-PUFFER and BRUIE, which extend the possibility of exploration to new destinations and applications, including under water on icy worlds. Despite the tethered Axel's versatility, there was a notable limitation when used in conjunction with a stationary lander: The lander would need to be within rappelling distance of the crater side - demanding a degree of landing precision that may not be possible for a planetary mission. To remove this requirement and boost mobility, the team reverted to the original modular design, adapted it to the new tethered Axel, and named it DuAxel. "The key advantage of using DuAxel is made clear when you have landing site uncertainty, such as we do on Mars, or you want to move to a new location to rappel and explore with Axel," said Patrick Mcgarey, a robotic technologist at JPL and DuAxel team member. "It enables untethered driving from the landing site and allows for temporary anchoring to the terrain because it is essentially a transforming robot made for planetary exploration." While DuAxel remains a technology demonstration and is waiting to be assigned a destination, its team will continue honing its technology; that way, when the time comes, the robot would be ready to roll where other rovers fear to tread.
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basilcambu · 4 years
le gout du vendredi et du nuage dans mon ventre comme dans le sang bleu des crabes et les pages qui se tournent et les livres qui viellissent comme les gens mais de maniere plus charmante et le bruie de la pluie dans ma vie soleil sans le nuage que dans le bleu immense du ciel alors que la il a y meme des eclairs dehors donc je n'ouvre pas la fenetre meme s'il serait préférable d'aérer c vrai
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spaceexp · 5 years
Aquatic rover goes for a drive under the ice
Pasadena CA (JPL) Nov 20, 2019 A little robotic explorer will be rolling into Antarctica this month to perform a gymnastic feat - driving upside down under sea ice. BRUIE, or the Buoyant Rover for Under-Ice Exploration, is being developed for underwater exploration in extraterrestrial, icy waters by engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. It will spend the next month testing its endurance Full article
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1linetechcom · 5 years
NASA plans to test `BRUIE ' an extraterrestrial life exploration robot that runs on the back side of ice with two wheels in Antarctica
NASA plans to test `BRUIE ‘ an extraterrestrial life exploration robot that runs on the back side of ice with two wheels in Antarctica
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) announced in December 2019 that it will test the Antarctic Ocean with a self-propelled robot ` ` BRUIE ‘ ‘ for exploring the sea under ice . BRUIE can operate in the sea for months and is expected to play an active role in the exploration of extraterrestrial life in the future.
Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s moon Enceladus is covered with thick…
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UFO Buster Radio News – 304: Mantis Aliens, NASA’s BRUIE, & Government UFO Documents
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webodisha18 · 5 years
NASA’s BRUIE To Hunt For Life On Distant Ocean Worlds
NASA’s BRUIE To Hunt For Life On Distant Ocean Worlds
Washington: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the USA recently displayed a new underwater robot for a mission that could one day search for life in ocean worlds beyond Earth.
The robot, known as Buyant Rover for Under-Ice Exploration (BRUIE), is being developed for underwater exploration in extra-terrestrial, icy waters by engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in…
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Space Settlement Studies: BRUIE: The Underwater Explorer: This rover could one day be searching for signs of life on icy water worlds. #space #mars #moon #mercury #venus #jupiter #saturn #uranus #neptune #pluto #solarsystem #outerspace #spaceexploration #engineering #structure #operation #spacestation #spacex #spacenews #spacefacts #spaceship #spaceporn #elonmusk #nasa #isro #esa #planet #milkyway @nasa @spaceuniversity @spacex @germanaerospacecenter @jaxajp @iss @sputnik_news @aldrinspaceinstitute @master_of_space_studies @sainiparmesh (at Jupiter's moon Europa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLtJp8eDw-L/?igshid=12ywn8u82w4qa
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teqniasci · 4 years
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تعرف علي BRUIE روبوت ناسا لرصد وقنص المخلوقات الفضائية علي سطح البحر! للمزيد: https://futurism.com/the-byte/robot-nasa-hunt-aliens-ocean-worlds #قناة_تقنية #TeqniaSci https://www.instagram.com/p/CAh_9X8HZ42/?igshid=1cj5toc4v1u56
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Voici le robot que la NASA veut utiliser pour chasser les extraterrestres dans les mondes océaniques Déploiement La NASA vient de dévoiler un nouveau robot autonome nommé BRUIE qu’elle prévoit d’envoyer à la recherche de vie extraterrestre. Le robot ressemble à une voiture télécommandée – il n’a guère plus que deux roues et l’essieu qui…
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en24news · 4 years
Meet the robot that NASA wants to use to find extraterrestrial life | Life
NASA still has in mind the exploration of other moons and planets in our Solar System, but the main difficulty lies in finding machines prepared for such an undertaking and that above all can move efficiently through the new worlds.
Now NASA has just shown a new robot within the BRUIE projectthat they plan to send to other planets to look for extraterrestrial life, and that would come…
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