blindspot-repata · 5 years
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Blindspot Hiatus Project
Day 18. Favorite Patterson Moment(s)/Scenes(s)
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chibinoyume · 5 years
Favorite headcanon
Blindspot 30 Day Season 4 Appreciation Challenge
Day 29: Favorite headcanon
I don't know if this counts as headcanon, but I love to imagine a bit of an AU where Kurt has figured out Jane is now Remi, and Remi knows that he knows.. 
But neither of them say anything (this would be before they find out she's doing shady things to break Shepherd out, or before she manages to start doing shady things). Both of them too stubborn and wanting to make the other break character first. 
And at some point, Remi just enjoys teasing and pissing Kurt off because she knows he won't call her bluff in front of everyone before talking to her first, in private, because he'll want to protect Jane no matter what. Kurt will probably retaliate in other ways.
I have some ideas for mini comics in that AU and I hope to bring them out to light soon :) 
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take2intotheshower · 5 years
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Blindspot 30 Day Season 4 Appreciation Challenge -
Day 25: Favorite Jeller Moments
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marv-el-spot · 5 years
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↳Day 9. Favorite Romantic Scene: The walk in the forest ❤
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indelibleevidence · 5 years
Blindspot Season 4 Appreciation Challenge
Day 1: Favourite Episode
I considered 4x22 just for the epicness, and 4x03 because of the amazing tension, but I have to go for the spectacular Reller episode, 4x07.
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I can’t help it - I still love Jeller, but they have very little sexual tension these days. Remi and Kurt would have had absolutely explosive hate-sex if they’d let themselves, and I was so there for that dynamic.
The side plot of Rich and Patterson exploring the NYO for another one of Roman’s drives - which everyone seems to have forgotten about now that Jane’s ZIP poisoning has been cured, so I hope they go back to that in season 5 somehow - anyway, that side plot was great. Especially Brianna having a pickaxe in her locker. :D
But Kurt finally putting two and two together and realising his wife has reverted to factory settings... that was AMAZING. And Remi trying to figure out what exactly it is about Jane that Kurt loves so much (because obviously she has to figure out if it’s a quality she also has) was also epic. And Kurt pointing out that Remi’s failure to keep her plan on track is all on her, for not anticipating that Jane would fall for Kurt...ouch. :D
But I also loved how Kurt put his trust in Remi to work with him to get out of their perilous situation, and how Remi didn’t kill Kurt, but ditched him instead, and then called to make sure he was still alive. And Hallucination!Roman’s snarky doubts about Kurt’s ability to help Remi get out of things alive was also great.
I could probably ramble on for ages. But I’m also disappointed that this episode was the only one Kurt and Remi really had together, with Kurt knowing the truth. There were so many things I wanted Kurt to bring up with Remi, about Mayfair, and impersonating Taylor, and putting his whole family at risk... I’d take an entire season of Remi and Kurt loving and hating each other, so I was sad to see Remi go.
This episode is my favourite of the season, but it also makes me despair, because I wanted so much more snarky, antagonistic Reller than we got.
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ablindspotter · 5 years
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Blindspot Season 4 30 Day Challenge
Day 1: Favorite Episodes - I CANNOT choose only one so I’m gonna go with 4x03, 4x09, 4x17 and 4x22
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lurkingwhump · 5 years
Blindspot Season 4 Appreciation Challenge
Day 10. Favorite Dialogue/Quote(s)
“I wanna be here because I’m you husband first, and I’m an agent second.” Kurt Weller.
How many of us could have imagined the Grumpy Munchkin saying something like that in early season 1?
I think this sentence says volumes about the path Kurt has taken and how much he has changed, how his priorities have changed over these years.
In the past he was a workaholic, being an FBI agent was who he was through and through. But now....Jane is his world, his constant. And Jane’s comment about him never having turned down a field assignment in his life tells you how big of a thing it is, so it’s no wonder she’s pessimistic about her survival.
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Gif credit to @annciabvl
But now, with Jane’s life in the balance like never before, it’s clear how he couldn’t care less about the job at that moment. She is what matters.
This line floors me every time I hear it. The tenderness and sincerity in his tone just steal my breath. And that is followed by the desperate reassurance that they will find the stem cells and cure her. His voice carries a note of desperation, like he is actively trying to block out the possibility that Patterson and Rich might fail. Failure is not an option. And yet, you’re not sure who he is trying to convince more, Jane or himself. In this scene you can sense his fear. In the later vigil scene it’s turned to desperation, and grief almost.
Sully knocked this one out of the park.
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danielaeditsthings · 6 years
Fan-Made Blindspot Season 4 Trailer (Mission Impossible Style)
Requested by @by7the7sea
I was going to post this video on Friday... but, I finished it waaaaay early. I hope @by7the7sea doesn’t mind an early birthday present. :)
Also, I’m gonna put this video down as Day 9. Favorite FBI Team Moment(s)/Scene(s) in the #BS30DAYCHALLENGE :) 
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sheena192003 · 6 years
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Blindspot 30 Day Hiatus Challenge
Day 27. Favorite Angsty Moment(s)/Scene(s) 
This scene in 3.07 when Kurt is dreaming, he is so upset by what is happening but he realizes that he has to tell Jane, even if it hurts like hell
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caizalucca · 6 years
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Blindspot 30 Days Hiatus Chalenge
Day 5 (Favorite Female Characters - Main) 
Nossa fênix que ser levanta das cinzas após a vida fulminá-la repetidas vezes. Ela sempre se esforça para fazer o melhor, mesmo nas situações mais adversas. Amoooooooooooooooooooooooo
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blindspot-repata · 5 years
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Blindspot Hiatus Project
Day 24. Favorite Episode of my favorite shipp Repata
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30 day Blindspot challenge:
↳ Day 15. Favorite Tasha Moment(s)/Scenes(s)
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take2intotheshower · 5 years
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Blindspot 30 Day Season 4 Appreciation Challenge -
Day 21. Favorite Jane (and Remi) Moments
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marv-el-spot · 5 years
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“Things fell apart because Jane fell in love with me.”
↳Day 10. Favorite Dialogue/Quote(s) 
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indelibleevidence · 5 years
Blindspot Season 4 Appreciation Challenge, day 2
Day 2: Favourite Storyline
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Anyone who didn’t see it coming that this would be the one I picked, obviously doesn’t know me that well. Funnily enough, at the end of season 3 I was so pissed off that Remi had made a reappearance. Her evil smile seemed way over the top, and I couldn’t see how having her back would add to the story in any way. I was only half interested in watching season four after seeing the end of 3x22.
But Jaimie was just too good at playing a villain-playing-a-hero-and-kinda-liking-her-new-life. And with Remi’s natural tendency being to run away from her issues, the ZIP poisoning ensuring she couldn’t do that was great. It was also an amazing way to bring Roman back, without it being Roman, exactly, and to get a more detailed look into Remi’s head. I don’t think I could have liked Remi quite so much if I hadn’t seen her protesting too much at her hallucinated version of her brother.
And yeah, watching Remi desperately trying not to fall for her husband was just too good. The way she melted when he said the world needed her, not just him - that was one of my favourite moments.
I also adored seeing how Remi interacted with Shepherd once she managed to reunite with her (because that bitch slap was way too perfect) and how Remi and Jane did battle in her head, even though that whole treatment was a little weird, sci-fi and convenient. It was worth it to see them battling with their fists and wits before Jane made her peace with Remi.
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Don’t get me wrong, this arc wasn’t perfect.
I think Remi needed a couple more episodes to interact with the team as herself, being the villain they’d set her up to be (even if it had to be low-key, to protect Jane from legal consequences). We only really got to see Remi let the mask slip with Kurt and Boston.
I wish we’d seen flashbacks of Remi right after she’d woken up - trying to figure out everything that had happened, meeting Avery, perfecting her Jane act before Kurt woke up from his coma, reacting to Oscar’s and Roman’s deaths...
I wanted Kurt to take out his frustration on Remi about her initial plan to infiltrate the FBI, about setting Jane up to think she wasTaylor Shaw, and the plan to get Mayfair criminally prosecuted, and the way Sarah was affected by Taylor’s supposed return.
We could have gotten so much more information about Sandstorm (like what were they really called, because Sandstorm was a codename Nas gave them), and why Kurt was so important to Shepherd, and it would have been awesome to have Remi visit her imprisoned allies (Cade or Borden) as herself, too.
And personally, I would have preferred seeing Remi getting her memories back slowly, getting flashes of her Jane life the way Jane remembered some of her ‘Remories’ (thanks, Rich!), rather than the ‘flip a switch and she’s good again’ reversion to Jane that we got. But I guess that would have been too frustrating for casual viewers, so I won’t complain about that too much.
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ablindspotter · 5 years
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Blindspot Season 4 30 Day Appreciation Challenge 
Day 4 - Favorite Fight/Action Scene -  Remi vs. Kurt 4.09
I know I’m weird. But I just love them going at each other! LOL
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