#BTT80S ON AO3?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Here’s some Cynffany angst for you all
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I just wrote a Miss Brannigan/Mr Cocker fix-it fic. While I know the show is deliberately a stereotype of 80s movies and all couples have to have a happy ending, I don’t think Miss Brannigan and Mr Cocker should have gotten back together. So, I wrote this so it doesn’t evade canon but also doesn’t put both of them in a relationship they shouldn’t be in.
Sheena sat on the edge of her couch and bounced her legs up and down. Her shoes made her feet hurt but she had already cried three times while getting ready so she bit her lip and stared at the clock.
Three minutes until Stevie was meant to arrive. The clock didn’t match the blue floral wallpaper on her walls, but she liked the clock and she liked the wallpaper so she sat on her hands to stop her from taking the clock down.
She hoped Stevie liked her apartment. She had moved since he had last gone to her house. It was a lot nicer than her office. There was a lot of crying in her office. There was a lot of crying in her apartment, too.
Sheena stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She didn’t dress as formally as she used to, maybe Stevie would think she had turned into a slob. She wondered why she allowed Stevie’s existence to have such a chokehold round her. She wondered why her hair was sticking out at the back.
Ding dong.
Sheena walked over to the door and answered it, then turned her head upwards to look at Stevie. His hair was combed back neatly, not like it had been the past few months, and he must have put a product in it, a new and better one than the one he had been using recently.
“Hello, Sheena.”
She felt her face crack a wide grin, and her cheeks flushed the same color as her sweater.
“You look very nice,” Stevie nervously handed Sheena a bouquet of flowers, then coughed.
The bouquet was red and was mainly roses. Sheena noticed how she had seen the same bouquet in a store the day before for a very cheap price and pursed her lips, then remembered to be polite and grinned widely again.
“These are beautiful, thank you so much, Stevie,” she rubbed his arm then her hand fell down onto his. Both of them blushed, but neither was embarrassed, just excited.
“So,” he nervously coughed again, “shall we leave?” He held his arm out for Sheena to take, which made her grin.
“We shall,” she said, trying not to let her excitement warp her voice, then took his arm.
Stevie’s car wasn’t grand, in fact it was far from it. It was a dull brown, faded by the sun and time, and was a brand so generic Sheena couldn’t recognise the make. The front was rectangular and almost looked like Stevie, which made Sheena bite her knuckle trying not to laugh.
“Are you alright?”
“Oh yes, I’m fine,” she could feel a warmness inside her chest, a feeling of such intense fondness she felt silly for experiencing. This feeling only escalated when he opened the car door for her and smiled so gently she wanted to cry.
Once he himself sat on his side and placed the keys into the slot, Sheena put her hand on his knee and looked up at him. “I’m so glad we’re doing this again,” she giggled when he started blushing, “I forgot how adorable you can be sometimes.”
Stevie placed his hand on top of hers, then looked down at his lap. “I’m sorry I was an asshole.”
“It’s alright, honey. Now, the dinner reservation is at 8:30 so we should better get going.” She squeezed his knee playfully, then turned on the radio.
The warmth of reconciled love and synth filled the car, and both adults sat in a very comfortable silence. Occasionally, Stevie would hum along to part of a song, and the time Sheena giggled, he stopped with his face turning bright red.
“No, please continue, it was really sweet!” Sheena smiled widely and turned to face him.
“No, I- no, I better not,” he shook his head to himself, then cleared his throat. “I’m glad we’ve put this whole magazine thing behind us, now.”
Sheena furrowed her brow, trying to think why this was in any way relevant. “Yeah…”
“And I forgive you completely.”
She slowly sat forward in her seat, her face becoming more and more tense. “What are you forgiving? What did I do wrong?”
“Your mistake: showing off your body,” Stevie replied happily.
“What are you talking about?” She could feel her cheeks getting hotter and hotter, her eyes hurt from intensely she was looking at Stevie.
“Well, you know, you made a mistake when you were young, but you’ll never do it again so there’s no reason for me to get angry.”
“Oh my…” Sheena took her glasses off to massage her temple. Her head was throbbing.
“It’s ok Sheena, you don’t need to worry anymore. I forgive you.”
“Oh shut up, Stevie,” she whipped her head round to glare at him. After seeing his pathetically feeble expression, she turned back to face the front and said coolly, “Stop the car.”
“Sheena, why are you getting so angry?” He snapped.
“Because I chose to do that. I would choose to do it again.”
“But aren’t you ashamed? Embarrassed?”
“I’m not ashamed. And if I was, it would be my actions that I would be embarrassed of, not yours. Why are you so afraid of a past that you didn’t experience, Stevie?” She felt herself shouting, and she didn’t see the need to stop.
He opened his mouth, then closed it again, like a goldfish, and just huffed.
“Please, I don’t want to do this anymore. Pull over.”
Stevie didn’t respond, he just kept on driving.
“Stevie, pull over.”
She watched the houses whizz by.
“Fine, just shut up,” he rolled his eyes and pulled over.
Immediately, Sheena climbed out of the car, and just as she was about to start walking, Stevie grabbed her hand. “Will I ever see you again?”
She bent down so that their faces were level, and replied, “maybe on the cover of Playboy when you get lonely.”
Stevie sat in his car and watched as Sheena walked away into the sunset, and couldn’t even find it in him to be angry anymore.
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