Michael: Get out of my house.
Corey: Get into your car?
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etheries1015 · 1 year
How TWST characters react to finding out your real name
They hadn't realized you were using a fake name or a nickname, and when they find out you hadn't told them your real name, they each reacted in their own way.
Featuring : Idia, Lilia, Crowley, Ace/deuce/grim (together) , Azul/jade/Floyd (together), Malleus, Epel, Rook, Vil, Kalim, Jamil
Idia - Fair. Its like using a fake in game name only in real life, who needs to know your real name? It's not that important, it doesn't change that you're still you. But he is glad that you trusted him with your real name, but now he's a little possessive, and doesn't like it when other people use your real name. Its HIS privilege to know the you behind the character! (He wants his y/n moment and he gets some sort of fulfillment knowing he was the first to learn your true name. Like he's in some sort of otome game)
Lilia- he raises an eyebrow and has an amused smile on his face. He wasn't expecting you to feel the need to hide your identity, were you some sort of refugee? Hiding from something? You then explain to him you simply didnt feel comfortable sharing your real name with a bunch of strangers since coming to twisted wonderland, and he was easily able to accept that answer. He calls you by whatever name you prefer, it makes no difference to him, and he quickly gets over it. (If he wants to get your attention and tease you, he will use your real name)
Malleus- A little bit...hurt, in a way? You couldn't trust him with your real name? He knew others thought he was scary and didnt trust him for his lineage, however he had to remind himself that you were different than them. You were kind and understanding, and he had to push back his childish thinking. He did the same thing in fact, hiding his name from you until learning far after your meeting. Perhaps you had your reasons as well, and he respects that, and warms his heart slightly coming to terms that you had entrusted him with that information. He uses whatever name you feel the most at ease of hearing, but there will be times in which you two are alone and he gets in his feelings. Hearing your name sound so sincere and loving coming from his lips makes it sound sweeter than you remember.
Azul + the Leech brothers- Shocked. Flabbergasted. You did it in such a cool way too, you signed his contract using a name he wasn't familiar with. "You are aware that using a fake name won't do you any good, Right?" He had pointed out. You gave him a smirk and crossed your arms, "Who says its fake? In fact, the name I signed is indeed my REAL name. I thought I might as well use my real name, to show how confident I am that your little tricks will not fool me." Jade simply smiled and nodded in approval, whilst Floyd began laughing hysterically at Azuls reaction (his mouth hung open. He just convinced himself you had an inflated ego.) Needless to say, they will not forget that moment in a while.
Crowley- Blames you and says "Well of course I couldn't find your records anywhere or continue with my investigation on your case, you didnt even give me an accurate name to go by!" (In reality he wasn't doing anything to help you, he just thought this gave him an out and more time to think of something. You knew this.) The gaslighting king, and good at making you feel bad for not enrolling into the school by providing your full real name. You rolled your eyes and kept doing what you were doing (slay)
Kalim- he gets super excited, and fully respects you by any name you go by. He showers you in compliments and says its such a nice and fitting name for a person such as yourself. He smiles brightly and locks arms with you; "(fake name) or (real name), they both suit you well! You're still the prefect I love, regardless of what name you use!" .... But then he starts to ask you why, and it turns into an hour long conversation about names. (Probably tries to suggest names that would suit you)
Jamil- A little surprised at first, however he never made a big deal out of it and didnt care much. He shrugged and continued using the name you had given him, its what you chose to go by, is it not? So he will continue to do so. (Inwardly he understands why you hid your true identity, but also thinks its silly in a way. Why would you go so long without sharing something as small as a name? But it was a one time thought, and never dwelled on those questions.)
Vil- Also doesn't make a big deal out of it. Your name suits you well, he will ask what you prefer to go by, however. If you aren't comfortable using your real name, who is he to judge? He asks you once about why you chose to use a fake name, and he respected it. "Or I can just call you prefect, if you prefer? Your title precedes your name, and it's a form of respect. How does that sound?" You chuckle and say that you trust him enough to be on a first name base, and he responds with a slight blush. You really know how to see past his professionalism.
Rook- Add it to his list of things he knows about people and probably knows too much about people. He stores it in his mind along side with your weight, your height, your frequented places in the school, your gym scores, the height you can jump, how fast you finish your lunch, how big your hand is, your shoe size, how many hairs are on your head... "magnifique! I just love learning new things about you, it never ceases to amaze the mysteries you hold! Please, tell me more!"
Epel- A little bit disappointed you hadn't told him sooner. He gets over it quickly, but he was still a little upset to hear that he was one of the last people to find out what your real name is! Not that it truly matters, but a persons name is a persons treasure, and he wanted a part of the great reveal! (It wasn't THAT great. It came up casually, he's just a little sentimental and dramatic sometimes.) He ends up carving your name out of an apple, he says he made it cause' he was bored and no other reason, but in reality he really likes your name more than he leads on.
Ace/deuce/Grim- What do you MEAN that the past year they have been calling you by a FAKE/NICKNAME This entire time?? Do you have that little faith in them???? When you explained to them you had simply rolled with it when you first arrived to twisted wonderland and became accustomed to it, the name flowed off your tongue as natural as breathing. It had nothing to do with trust as time went on. They were all so dramatic about it though. "Our Prefect LIED to us!" They cried out, prostrating themselves on the floor and demanding you buy them food in to compensate 'the emotional damages' they claimed you inflicted upon them. You rolled your eyes and laughed playfully as the three of them whined about your "distrust" in them.
You loved them nonetheless, those morons 💜
A link to my master list!
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scrimmification · 1 year
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applepom :)
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Twisted Wonderland Monster AU hide and seek game except Yuu won after they took their clothes off and scattered them all over the forest to throw the seekers off(bonus points if Yuu was also hiding naked the whole time)
At first, I imagined something funny like those cartoony “hiding in the bushes/mud/water” or something similar…and then I remembered that humans have mastered the art of camouflage via body paint! Seriously, look at some of these things people can do, just hiding in plain sight! (If you wanna see more elaborate ones, you can find more on Google, I just don’t want tumblr to flag this post. >.> )
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So now imagine that Yuu got frustrated one day that–no matter where they were–they couldn’t hide from some of their classmates due to their keen sense of smell. Now imagine they made a bet with their friends to a game of hide and seek. “Tomorrow morning, I will hide somewhere on campus,” they told the monster first years. “I won’t be hiding inside any of the buildings or any of the dorms. And if you guys can’t find me by the time the sun sets, you all have to do what I say for the rest of the week. Deal?”
“Deal!” came the response, the first years feeling very confident.
Come the next morning, the boys set out from Ramshackle in search of the human. Jack immediately picked up the scent and zeroed in on it, believing he had already won the game…until he realized there was a new, horrifying smell mixed in. “Eugh!!! Garlic and onions!!!” he howled, stumbling away from the smell and trying to rub his face into the grass to rid himself of the offensive odor.
“Huh…is…this one of those ‘sock’ things that Yuu always wears?” Epel asked, holding up the article in question and peering inside. “It’s stuffed full of chopped onions and garlic. Really strong stuff, too!”
“Damn. Guess Yuu figured out we were going to sniff them out,” Ace uttered with a sigh. “Guess we gotta do this the old-fashioned way. Let’s split up and cover more ground. They couldn’t have gotten very far, right?”
Despite their confidence, however, it became even more difficult than they thought. One by one, they managed to find more and more articles of Yuu’s clothing, and it was Sebek who put two and two together. “Are they running around school…naked?!” he shrieked.
“I…guess so,” Deuce uttered. Then, dawning horror sank in as he said, “Wait…you don’t think that…someone kidnapped them!?”
“N-no, Yuu wouldn’t let themselves get taken so easily. Besides, we’d be smelling blood or fear somewhere if that were the case, right?” Ace explained, though part of him seemed unsure.
“We gotta find them, fast!” Jack said, glancing at his watch. “We have an hour before sunset.”
“Let’s hurry!”
High and low they searched, looking for footprints or any other trace of the human…to no avail and to many stares from fellow students. Yuu was supposed to find a hiding spot somewhere on campus! Where could they have gone? Had…had something bad happened to them!?
Finally, the first years reluctantly met up on Main Street with empty claws and a pile of clothing to show for it. They wondered how they were going to explain this to the teachers, the sun sinking below the horizon and the street lights turned on. That’s when movement caught their eye–
“Gyah! The statues are movin’!!!” Epel yowled, the others screaming in unison as a shadow separated from one of the Great Seven statues–
And a familiar voice spoke. “Took you guys long enough,” Yuu said, moving and stretching their arms and legs with a groan. “Jeez…I should have shortened it to lunch time. My body is sore from holding that pose!”
“Y-Yuu!? Wha-? How…wait…are you covered in paint!?”
“Yeah. I wanted to show you guys that I could hide, and I did! So now you guys have to do what I say for a week.”
“...did you have to get naked just to prove a point?”
“Next question.”
“Put your clothes on human!!!” Sebek shrieked, covering his eyes and looking away with a flustered expression.
As it turned out, Yuu had enlisted the help of Vil and Lilia to paint their body to mimic the surface of the Great Seven statues. Meanwhile, Grim and the Ramshackle ghosts would scatter their clothes around campus to lead them on a wild goose chase. Once word spread of what Yuu had done, the school was abuzz with chatter about the event.
Even Cater took advantage of this gimmick to add it to his “Human’s are Weird” Magicam page as a new weekly challenge: spot the human! Viewers were confused at first when they couldn’t find Yuu or believed they had found them, only for it to turn into a wide debate between users. It wasn’t until the next day when the challenge was ended that Cater would post the resulting video revealing Yuu separating themselves from their hiding spot covered in paint resembling the environment. Minds were blown!
Such a fascinatingly creative way to turn a natural survival skill into a form of art!
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samyosaf · 2 years
Since tsum cater has a tiny smartphone I would like to propose the idea that tsum epel has a tiny knife. It's mostly used for carving apples but I can't help but imagine it using the tiny knife as a form of intimidation
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sweetleaf-cafe · 1 year
Epel, the moment Vil leaves the room: Why the Hell should I wear this prissy-ass makeup?! Yuu, who continues to apply sparkly eye shadow on him: Shush. Yuu: It takes a real man to be best girl. Epel: ...
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judithan-xing · 1 month
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Riot Felmer // Cassandra Lake Ethanor // Fester
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A realistic look on what the twst boys would wear outside of school
Riddle - probably wears preppy clothes, sometimes try to be hip and cool but fail miserably.
Trey - at best a t shirt and cargo shorts. I dont think he cares that much. I could be wrong
Cater - hip and cool, wearing all sorts of things that he thinks is cool
Deuce - The 6th grade fit. I will not elaborate.
Ace - wears funny T shirts and jeans. 
Leona - whatever Ruggie buys him. Wore that god awful leopard print for camp.
Ruggie - Surprisingly well coordinated outfits?! He has a sporty and comfy vibe.
Jack - workout clothes, or clothing easy to move around in. Buys with practicality in mind. 
Azul - Probably still wears well put together clothing with layers that makes him look sophisticated. very nice. Good job Azul.
Jade - Doesnt really care. Wears cozy or nice clothing. Owns a pair of mushroom earrings. They were given by the prefect. Wears them a lot outside of school. Let jade wear more earrings. 
Floyd - Only wears the most god awful shirt that makes your eyes bleed. And ironically wears outdated meme clothing. Also has earrings, but their weird. He has worm on the string earrings, those weird baby earrings, bubble blower earrings that you can actually blow bubbles from, and much more. Honestly slay.
Kalim - I see him wearing light modern street wear, or anything he thinks look cool. Still has a cute or light hearted flair. Has a lot of Accessories
Jamil - He also likes street wear, but he likes it more edgy and dark. 
Vil - Its Vil. He is a icon. He is the moment. 
Rook - Wears movable clothing so he can be sneaky and move around freely. Probably has poet shirts with billowy sleeves. Fun fact! Poet shirts with billowy sleeves is one of my favorite genders!
Epel - PLEASE Please please give this country boi a flannel shirt. And maybe a cowboy hat and cowboy . Please. I dont ask for much. Vil gives epel flowery preppy clothes, but Epel buys himself cool clothes that he likes outside of school like band shirts. 
Idia - Comfy clothes for laying around in. Cool anime reference shirts.
Ortho - Uhhhhhhhhhh
Malleus - wears princely fae clothing because he likes the aesthetic 
Lilia - Meme shirts with bad color combos. Wears cargo shorts with socks and sandals to embarrass everyone
Sebek - wears normal clothing but sometimes wears full on chain mail because he has no chill. 
Silver - cozy pjamas and Simple T shirts. He has onesizes. :)
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Grim: Mrwhaa!
Epel: It snagged the chain...
truck starts to be pulled by chain
Ace: C-can it do that?
First drawing of the year. Can you guess which movie this is redrawn from?
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What songs do you associate with different BTT80s ships?
Okay so I misread this ask initially so you're going to get some character songs as well lmfao but I hope you know how much I've thought about all of this.
Cynffany (Cyndi X Tiffany): Together from Firebringer
Flionel (Feargal X Lionel): Even Though from MAMD (Random, I just love this song)
Branniger (Mr Cocker X Miss Brannigan): All the Mistakes That He Made About the Girl by Joe Iconis
Lyndi (Laura X Cyndi): Play the Princess by Joe Iconis (Joe Iconis writes really good ship songs)
Felmer (Michael X Corey): Different As Can Be from A Very Potter Musical
Meileen (Michael X Eileen): Dirty Girl from Nerdy Prudes Must Die (I'm sorry but it's true), The Slow and Treacherous Disintegration of You From Me by Emily Rohm and Take Off Your Clothes from Twisted
Kalf (Kirk X Alf): The Bro Duet (George Salazar + Jason Gotay), Two-player Game (Be More Chill) and Looking at Clouds (OFF BOOK: The Improvised Musical Podcast)
Buey (Billy X Huey): Blue from Heathers
Alfey (Corey X Alf): Pyjama Pants by Cavetown
Kirkey (Kirk X Corey): Tim Wish You Were Born a Girl by of Montreal
Corey: Corey doesn't know what music is ;-;
Kirk: You're My Best Friend by Queen
Alf: Cool As I Think I Am from Nerdy Prudes Must Die (Even down to the Star Wars references, also, trans coded)
Michael: I'm sorry, but to me, Michael only has Mickey on repeat forever, and as much as I love GOOMDGIMC, Mickey is just straight up his song
Tiffany: Ash by Annie Blackman
Cyndi: Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepson
Feargal: Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown (Ftm Feargal real, I will die on this hill)
Eileen: Smoke and Mirrors by Emily Rohm (credit to @or-not-2b---i-dont-know for enlightening me to this one)
Debbie: Rocket Man by Elton John
Laura: Livin’ on a Prayer by Bon Jovi
Miss Brannigan: Sweet Transvestite from Rocky Horror Picture Show and Run Away With Me from Nightmare Time 2
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Hello everybody, I did the thing
72. “We'll figure this out.” Felmer (Back to the 80s)
Corey slumped against the wall of his garage, giving up on attempting to shift what was currently the bane of his existence.
He groaned.
“Mom really just had to park in the garage today. My freaking bike…”
“Parents, huh?”
As he was used to talking to himself (and had entirely forgotten he wasn't alone), Corey near enough jumped a foot in the air at the sound of Michael’s voice.
Michael gave him an odd look (understandable, since Corey had just attempted to take flight).
“It's okay, man, we'll figure this out.”
Corey sighed, “Can you just give me a ride?”
I did the thing.
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Why does this fit so well?
Disclaimer not my video
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whathappenedtobees · 1 year
*Jack on some social media*: For every like this gets I'm running a mile.
*thousands of likes later*
Jack: Nevermind please no
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MERMAY: Twisted Wonderland Marine Biologist!AU Skit
In honor of Mermay, I’m posting a skit from two new Twisted Wonderland AUs I’ve started working on (and I likely will find more ideas to create more AUs over time), and I’m so happy to share some of the stuff I’ve got with you all~ UvU As you can see by the title, the version today is the Marine Biologist!AU~!
So here in this scene, Yuu has started figuring out their new role as caretaker for a motley group of mermaids that arrived at the facility after their avian guardian (aka Rook) arrived to keep them all together and safe from humans trying to hurt them. Let’s see how their first official week goes~ >v>
Oh, and I forgot to mention this in the poll, but in both AU’s, the mermaids cannot speak human languages and speak in clicks, chirps, trills, and whistles (or squawks in Rook’s case). Each character’s form is based on their nickname given to them by Floyd in game just for clarification! (Crowley in these AU is a manta ray because it has wings, and because we don’t know what Floyd would call him, so I want him to be a manta ray!).
A week had passed since the new feeding routine started, the seagull-like harpy they’d started calling “Roo” taking each bucket and passing them to each enclosure while Yuu stood near the cart. While somewhat boring with nothing to do but watch, Yuu reminded themselves that this was the closest anyone had been able to get since the mermaid’s avian guardian appeared. It was also fascinating to watch how, for the most part, he seemed to have a good rapport with the majority of the tanks. They couldn’t help but notice how annoyed Leo seemed whenever Roo got near him though—even when the harpy seemed undeterred and still smiled so cheerfully.
What sort of relationship did those two have in the first place?
‘So many questions…I wish we could communicate with one another,’ Yuu thought, moving to put another bucket on the red ‘x’ when they saw him taking off towards them again. This was the last one and they would be done for the morning feeding.
When Roo landed and swapped the empty bucket with the full one, he stopped to look at the cart with the other upturned buckets. For just the briefest moment, Roo looked…disheartened? Before they could figure out what it could mean, he had already taken flight towards the final tank: the Pom Tank.
‘Wait…are they…getting enough to eat?’ Yuu wondered.
As he landed, they paid close attention as Roo began sorting through the fish, gently passing them to Violet and Guppy when they appeared at the surface. Eventually he took at least three fish for himself before returning the bucket, a calm yet still somewhat weary smile on his human-like face. If he was only taking so little while giving everyone else the rest…
“Sir, I really think we should add at least seven more buckets of fish,” Yuu told Mr. Tanner. “I don’t think any of them are getting enough food, and the whole time I was watching them, Roo only took three fish for himself. He looked…disappointed when he was looking at the empty buckets.”
“Wait, who’s Roo?”
“The harpy creature. It…got a little awkward trying to communicate with him or calling him ‘harpy-man’, and he seemed to respond to the name Roo, so…I’ve started calling him Roo...for lack of a better name, anyway.”
“Oh…I see.” The director hummed as he mulled over Yuu’s words. What he was thinking they couldn’t say for sure, and for a moment they worried he might turn down the suggestion…until he nodded. “Okay. I’ll make arrangements with the supply team and have them prepare another cart of fish for tonight’s feeding. You are to report what you observe, and if it seems like they may still need more, we will add more until we find what amount works.”
“T-thank you, sir!”
“No, thank you.” Mr. Tanner’s expression was soft as he smiled at them, reminding Yuu of a grandfather as he said, “We honestly cannot afford to lose these creatures due to our own negligence. No one should ever have to go hungry, whether they’re human, animal, mermaid…or a giant screeching harpy man!”
At that Yuu couldn’t help but laugh, Mr. Tanner’s jovial chuckle joining in. Hopefully their idea will work, and this will put them in good standing with Roo…
“Roo! Feeding time!”
Yuu’s voice echoed in the mostly silent warehouse, mixing with the low thrum of the filters keeping the waters clean and oxygen rich. A flurry of feathers announced Roo’s descent before he landed, talons clicking against the metal floor as he approached the offered bucket as usual. One by one they continued the same routine, Yuu waiting impatiently for him to finish so they could bring out the nest cart.
When he brought back the last bucket—once more carrying three fish and disappointed look in his eyes—he was about to take off before Yuu called out his name. “Wait,” Yuu said, holding their hands up and making a motion they’d used once before. Pointing to where he was standing, they said, “Stay, Roo. Wait.”
Roo’s head tilted as he watched them, yet he stayed put with an expectant stare. Yuu put the last bucket on the cart and wheeled it away, glancing over their shoulder to make sure he stayed there. Their heart hammered in anxious excitement as they reached around the entrance to where the second cart was waiting, seeing Roo tense as they once more repeated the request…before pulling the load around the corner.
The moment he saw the fresh buckets full of fish, Roo’s emerald eyes grew so wide in clear shock and disbelief. It wasn’t until they approached with one in hand that he began crooning and squawking, nearly losing his grip on the three fish he’d had in his arms before dumping them into the fresh bucket. “There you go, Roo,” Yuu said, unable to hold back the biggest smile at the joy he was showing. “I’m sorry we haven’t been feeding you and your friends enough. We didn’t know you needed more than we were giving you. If it’s still not enough, I can talk to the director and get some more buckets…okay?”
The joyful harpy soon calmed down, though his smile never went away as he tilted his head, regarding them with a thoughtful expression. Then, he picked up the bucket—
And promptly deposited it in Yuu’s arms.
“Wha-?!” they uttered, barely managing to get a proper hold on the bucket in question. “Wait, what-?”
Before they could voice any protest, Rook had already picked up another bucket and was holding it in one hand. With his free arm, he gestured towards the tanks and gave Yuu a calm, expectant look.
“…are you…allowing me to help?” Yuu asked, pointing at themselves. To their shock, he nodded, one of his wings reaching out to nudge them forward as he guided them towards the Hearts Tank. It wasn’t until they’d started climbing up the stairs that he took off, fluttering over to one of the other tanks and landing on the platform. To their shock and amazement, several of the mermaids had approached the surface, watching them carefully as they set the bucket down and began tossing some fish into the water.
It wasn’t until Roo called out to them that they slowly began to eat the offered food, giving Yuu a good look at them. The crab-like mermaid had a heart-shaped mark on one eye, while the blue mackerel one had a spade over the opposite eye. The orange mermaid had a diamond on one cheek, and when the golden-eyed turtle appeared they saw a clover marking on the opposite cheek. Card deck markings…? That wasn’t something that the other researchers had been able to note before.
Finally, the red, black, and white mermaid appeared, slate gray eyes observing them with such an intensity that they felt…intimidated. Like they were staring in the face of royalty. Not a king per say, but…a queen maybe?
“Wow…you’re all so…gorgeous,” Yuu couldn’t help but utter in amazement, elated at the fact that they were able to even get this close to them now. Then—realizing that they would have to report this event—they hummed in thought. They were going to have to figure out names for these five just like they had for Roo. So maybe…
“I think I’ll call you…Red Queen,” Yuu finally said, pointing at the red one. “And you are…Diamond. Clover…” A moment later they smiled, adding, “If I call you Turtle Clover, I can nickname you TC! And…you two are going to be…Spade and Ace—like the Ace of Hearts!”
While the others seemed indifferent or confused by this, the moment they mentioned ‘Ace’ they noticed how the crab mermaid seemed to perk up in surprise. Did he somehow recognize the word?
Curious, they called out, “Ace?” To their surprise, he squeaked and chittered up at them, moving closer with a ‘Yeah? What do you want?’ look on his face. “Does…Ace mean something to you?”
He chirped at them in response, looking annoyed as he crossed his arms over his chest in what was yet another very human-like action.
Just how much actually separated the mermaids from ordinary humans…?
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fovarosiblog · 1 year
Az LMBT+ láthatósága (...) országonként nagyon eltérő:
Spanyolországban, Latin-Amerikában, Thaiföldön és az angol nyelvű országokban a legmagasabb,
Japánban, Dél-Koreában, Törökországban és Kelet-Európában a legalacsonyabb.
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