sparxaf · 2 years
So today's eps happened.
Welp. My thoughts are all over the place. Enjoy.
No bits. Not even a kiss. Fuck everything. Also I had to sit through not one but two Finn love confessions. I skipped all the previous ones so I can only imagine how tedious it is for those who have basically seen this same scene with him four times now. Also, I was nice to Gabi while she sat there and daydreamed about how things might play out with Suresh if I'm the one dumped. GABI IS A DICKHEAD.
Onto the positives (sort of). We got to tell off Meera, Nicolas, and Suresh. I told Suresh I'd never forgive him and want no connection with him ever and he said, "It doesn't get any clearer than that." Yep. And I only had to say it half a dozen times for it to become crystal.
Was Alfie cold for what he did to Meera? Yes. Was it hilarious? Also yes. I legit laughed out loud when he went, "Errrrr." GOLD.
I will say for me, this was one of the most fun eps of the season because Nicolas was hysterically funny to me. When he chastised Kat for believing the lies he spread I almost choked to death on my laugh snort. Though it was a little unsatisfying how happy he was to leave. He's all STICK WITH MY PLAN. Sir, your plan didn't work. You're leaving. You suck and you should feel bad about it.
Anyway, I liked it when Kat said this:
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Because all I could hear in my head was this 😂😂😂
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God I love that movie.
Ahem. Back to complaining. Could we not with Meera's prolonged goodbye scenes and even longer post dumping scenes where everyone kisses her ass for being so great? Soldiers going off to fight a winless war get less heartfelt, tearful farewells than this salty bitch. For as long as I had to sit through her bullshit (twice) I want the same length of time dedicated to everyone telling MC how wonderful she is and apologizing PROFUSELY, groveling really, for ever doubting her awesomeness. "Sorrrrrry," with abashed face ain't cutting it.
Oh also, when Meera found out she was leaving and Dana asked me what I thought, I chose to say that it changed nothing. Her being there or not didn't make any difference to me. And Dana had the nerve...
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Yes. Yes I am. Meera has been nasty to me when I literally did nothing to deserve it. I was nice to her. I told Alfie to choose her. Alfie knows I'm not into him and I haven't spoken to him privately once since he came back with her. I've done everything to get out of their way and in return I was treated like trash by her and no one stood up for me. But now I'm supposed to pretend to be sad that Meera won't be around to insult me or call me a liar or a backstabber? Dana, you can fucking take a long walk off a short pier.
THE GALL. I told everyone that I forgive nothing. I don't forgive Meera. I don't forgive Suresh. I don't forgive Nicolas. I don't forgive any of you dicks. I AM PETTY AND ANGRY. I meant to do a self-righteous, above-it-all angel MC route, but I'm too mad 😂 I told off Meera more than once and it was delightful.
Overall, it was a little emotionally satisfying, but the fun stuff was overshadowed by yet another episode of everyone licking Meera's booty hole. Like when did she make this miracle transformation they're going on about? It seems more like she was always a bitch and she just didn't hide it on her return. We didn't get enough character development from anyone to see an actual transformation.
Oh well.
I will say, these eps inspired a fic idea. One that isn't about Suresh getting kicked in the balls, I mean. I have three of those going already. No, this is something else. I want to finish TSIME first, but I think I'm cooking up something special for S5. Mwhahahahahaaaaa.
I should probably put a read more break somewhere in this, because it's super long, but I'm cramping and don't know where to put it. Let's blame Meera.
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mskinkyafro · 2 years
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BFFR! I’m HEARTLESS? Nah this is returning MF ENERGY!
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Miss Mama sit this out, before you get ate up too. I was handing Meera her asshole in her hand bc it’s what she deserved. You damn right I paid 5 diamonds for it. All that barking for Alfie’s dusty ass and he let you high in dry 🤷🏾‍♀️ Why should I care?
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You cross her once, that’s pretty much it. A straight up Goofy you ended up being smh.
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quitefair · 10 months
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Anyway, this is of no surprise to anybody.
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sunshine-on-my-mind · 2 years
what if… here’s just an idea… what if I had a Bucky nonnie who would flirt with me make me shy hm?
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mrsbsmooth · 2 years
Hey love, hope I am not being a bother but I was hoping you might be able to direct me to some LITG writer resources (game scripts and the like) if such a thing exists. Been thinking about diving into fic writing lately. Thanks for your time either way!
OH HOH HOHHHHH!!!! Have I got some resources for you!
Firstly, I use these summaries as a guide to refresh my memory for when I'm looking for a specific scene.
Summary Ep 1-13
Summary Ep 14-25
Summary Ep 26-29
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Thanks so much to @oliverslove @sophie260896 @coalescecasketentertainment and @fuseboxspoilers!!!
Episode 1 & 2 (google drive link as I haven't seen anyone post these)
Episode 3 - Chat with Eddie
Episode 4 - Chat with Alfie to put him in the friendzone
Episode 5 - Date with Finn
Episode 6- Finn picks Kat, Guilty Secrets challenge
Episode 7 - Chat w/ Surseh about flirting with the waitress
Episode 8 - Kissing challenge, Suresh's soppy speech
Episode 9 - Chat w/ Alfie, Sleep with Suresh inside
Episode 10 - More Alfie chats, Eddie is cagey and blackmaily
Episode 11 - Excess baggage challenge
Episode 12 - Proposal fallout
Episode 13 - Chat w/ Suresh about proposal. Arlo & Meera arrive.
Episode 14 - Arlo & Meera grafting on the boys
Episode 15 - Arlo & Meera's dates with Alfie/Suresh
Episode 16 - Eavesdropping on Finn/Alfie. More recoupling nerves
Episode 17 - Recoupling first half.
Episode 18 - Alfie picks MC, bye Meera, Skinny dipping.
Episode 19 - Suresh's sandal tantrum, Breakfast date
Episode 20 - Beach rescue challenge
Episode 21 - Double date, Bits with Alfie in bed
Episode 22 - Arlo arcs up at you
Episode 23 - Suresh confessing Arlo ain't shit
Episode 24 - Truth or Dare
Episode 25 - Confrontation over the kiss, Suresh ultimatum.
Note: the links below this part don't work anymore because they got moved to the archive but I seriously cannot be fucked to repost all the links.
They're all in my archive. E26-42 are posted here
Episode 26 - Casa Day 1. Gabi arrives.
Episode 27(1/2) Episode 27 (2/2) - Speed Dating
Episode 28 - Chat w/ Gabi, Raunchy Races
Episode 29 - Stick or Switch, Part 1
Episode 30 - Stick or switch, Part 2
Episode 31 - Chat with Suresh & Gabi, Jicolas scheming
Episode 32 - Picking who to dump from the island
Episode 33(1/2) Episode 33(2/2) - Jicolas's bullying
Episode 34(1/2) Episode 34(2/2) - Snog Marry Pie
Episode 35 - Bye Meera again lol
Episode 36 (1/2) Episode 36 (2/2) - Jicolas advice & Finn confession
Episode 37 - Finn Shower scene, heartrate challenge
Episode 38 - Gabi confrontation / ring convo
Episode 39 (1/2) Episode 39(2/2) - Final chat with LIs, recoupling intro
there were like 6-8 thousand lines of code per episode so i had to split them up. This way made the most sense.
Episode 40 (1/2) - Final Recoupling & Fallout
Episode 40 (2/2) - Final Date
Episode 41 - Declarations of Love
Episode 42 - Finale, love or money
Episode 40 - Final Recoupling & Final Date
Episode 41 - Declarations of Love
Episode 42 - Finale, love or money
Episode 40 - Final Recoupling & Final Date
Episode 41 - Declarations of Love
Episode 42 - Finale, love or money
Episode 40 (1/2) - Final Recoupling & Hideaway
Episode 40 (2/2) - Final Date
Episode 41 - Declarations of Love
Episode 42 - Finale, love or money
Episode 40 (1/2) - Final Recoupling & Hideaway
Episode 40 (2/2) -Final Date
Episode 41 - Declarations of Love
Episode 42 - Finale, love or money
Episode 40 (1/2) - Final Recoupling & Hideaway
Episode 40 (2/2) -Final Date
Episode 41 - Declarations of Love
Episode 42 - Finale, love or money
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Based on my real life experience today - I have an ask.
Ethan accidentally because he'd never be this much of a dick says "He needs to babysit" their kids and your MC overhears this.
How does your MC react?
Okay. First of all Ethan would never actually say something like this but I am giving into imagination for a moment.
So if you know about my Future Careers HC, Meera had to fight pretty hard for the director of the trauma centre title, while being pregnant. She actually never got to enjoy it because soon after she went for maternity leave, leaving Naveen to handle it while she was gone. Now coming back into work she was not only nervous about working again but also doubly nervous since it was a new job all over again. At this she suffered with low self esteem and worth issues because she felt like a failure as both a mother and a director.
Finally to take her mind off things, her girls arranged for a girl's night of trashy reality shows, drinks and all the gossips she had missed while being on leave. Ethan was supposed to watch Ishaan, and Meera heard him talk about babysitting his own kid while speaking with a board member. Ethan didn't know she was around, but he was in for a storm when he picked up Ishaan from daycare and decided to say goodbye to Meera before heading home.
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"Okay we are all set," Ethan walked through the automatic doors of his wife's new office, carrying his son and the diaper bag.
Meera looked up from her laptop a stone cold expression in her eyes. Without uttering a single word she focused back on her work.
Ethan was confused. The Meera he knew would have come running to hug both him and Ishaan shouted a million instructions and finally give each of them a goodnight kiss before saying bye.
"Rookie, are you okay?" Ethan took a seat across from her looking genuinely confused. "Did anyone say anything?" Ethan knew about how harsh Edenbrook had been since Meera returned to work, and how often it affected his wife's mood.
"Can I have your phone for a minute Ethan?" Meera said, her voice even colder than her glare.
Without any hesitation Ethan placed his phone on her table. He watched as his wife fidgeted with it for just a couple minutes, before handing it back to him.
"I just deleted all the numbers of our babysitters."
Ethan tried saying something but he was so lost he couldn't figure out what would be the best response.
"Since we have you as a babysitter, I figured we wouldn't need another one, given we live together and the baby literally has your DNA," Meera's voice reaching a higher decibel.
It then dawned on Ethan. It had been so trivial he had actually forgotten he had said something like that. Now that he is sitting face to face with the woman who had nurtured and raised his baby for nine months and had undergone hours of labour and pain to bring a new life into the world all he could feel was shame and remorse.
"Meera I---"
"Save it Ethan," Meera didn't need to know what he was about to say. She got up from her desk, packed up her things and took over Ishaan from Ethan. "And yes, please do name your price," her voice cracked tears threatening to break free, "because trust me Ethan I can afford it."
With that Dr. Meera Bose Ramsey walked out of her office, cradling her son, tears streaming her face, and all the ever so bright and genius Ethan Ramsey could do was stare at her retreating figure, hanging his head in shame.
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This turned out into a little drabble that I didn't plan on lol. I'm putting my taglist since it has been ages since I posted.
Perma : @starrystarrytrouble @quixoticdreamer16 @coffeeheartaddict2 @liaromancewriter @tessa-liam @gryffindordaughterofathena @crazy-loca-blog @zahrachoices @bex-la-get @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @a-crepusculo @custaroonie @aishwarya26 @jamespotterthefirst @rookiemartin
Ethan x Meera : @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @takemyopenheart @mvalentine @cariantha
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed.
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Suresh Route Episode Summary: 35
HERE WE GO BABIES...spoilers under the cut
Finn continues with his marriage proposal and explaining why he is choosing MC. Suresh does speak up a little here but not in a jealous way...just filler convo about the fact that MC has had it hard in the villa. Finn and Kat walk off...Kat is mad but not as nuclear as I wanted her to be
Lulu gets a text that the public has been voting for Favorite Boy/Girl and least faves will go home tonight 😏 BYE BYE LOSERS✈️
FINN GEM SCENE - he asks you for a one on one...WHEN WILL IT BE OUR TURN WITH SURESH 😭...finn tells u he didnt plan on saying all that or making it a big show. that it might've looked like he was being cruel to kat but that wasnt his intention. he just wanted everyone back on MCs side 🤗 marriage thing came out without him thinking. He confesses he wants more and you get an option to tell him to stick with Kat, focus on me, or im not sure. I chose focus on Kat 😭 THERES NO TIME FOR DILLY DALLYING FINN I NEED SURESH 😭😭😭😭
Kat pulls you for a chat and says everything we do here in a challenge matters 😩😩😩😩( suresh why'd u kiss gabi ) I really feel terrible for Kat here and Im glad I told Finn I dont want to be with him...she REALLY likes him and pours out her heart to MC 😭 "It made me feel invisible" got me.
omg omg omg its happening!!!! SURESH CHAT....ok ok he apologizes for literally everything. And if you've read my theory its EXACTLY TO A T what I said (PAT ON BACK for knowing him so well) but im at a loss....like he apologizes and asks if we can forgive him but thats it. Nothing more. I told him I do forgive him 😭
Dana and Gabi were both eavesdropping and you can follow one of them...I followed Gabi...She wanted to know whats up between us and Suresh bc shes keeping her options open. She came here with a game plan to set things straight but being around Suresh made her have feelings for him again 😩
After the girls get dressed and start heading to fire pit, Meera says you look nice. You can be mean to her. DO IT. you walk down and overhear Alfie and Meera talking (why are we Eddie now?) OH SHIT...MEERA SAYS TO ALFIE IF U GET DUMPED IM WALKING WITH U...And he was SHOCKED...she asks him if he'll leave with her and then MC interrupts with a text ping. You can pretend to have just walked in or eavesdropped on the entire convo. AWKWARD
Firepit time WEEEE...Suresh and Johnny/Nicolas were at the bottom two 😭😩 obviously Johnny/Nicolas is sent packing but hes happy about it 🙄. SURESH SMILES AT US.
meera is voted off by public ...thank you public we love you!!! She asks alfie should WE go pack our bags then 🫣🫣🫣🫣 alflie looks at us. meera freaks out 🤣🤣🤣 again alfie locks eyes with MC.
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sadists-corset · 1 year
Intro Post Go!!
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Hiii I'm Meera! Former blog was @mx-gutz so I moved here!
I just do whatever I want here. I talk, I reblog, I post... photos? Maybe even doodles I made.
I enjoy fiction media like most people do. I also love to draw and create character designs.
My art blog! Look at my art, boy
Uhmm.... Ok that's all, bye bye!!!
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mrsloveislandx · 2 years
Another long rant 😡😩😩😭
At this point everyone one in the villa are rattle snakes 🐍 🐍
1. Gabi obviously wants Suresh back !! Using Dana to get what you really want !! We knew it
2. Dana your the worst the friendship option ever in the history of the whole LITG.. I don’t like you!!piss off please 👋🏽 Even when I wanted space and try the least nicest options your here 😭 like what sort of BFF grafts on the ex you want back ?? Then couples up with the girl your ex cheated on you with to make MC’s villa life more complex!! Your the biggest frenemy ever!!! Where are my girls I need Lottie, Priya, Chelsea and Angie to whip yo ass
3. Lulu you’ve watched the show before heading to Casa come on girl have some self respect you seem nice but everyone in there are snakes . If you had better hair I could understand the attraction otherwise ngl you should of signed up for love is blind or married at first sight … hardly a bombshell
4. Meera full of confidence now good for you 👏🏽 however please say you watched the show back to realise I never actually liked Alfie fml
5 . Finn why boy 😩 your like only real friend MC has there. I might jump on your train now but regardless of how Kat can be with MC she’s literally the only one I like there 😂
6. Suresh??? WTF I don’t think I can continue this route I have no expectations for you to redeem yourself!! If your getting steamy in bed with Lulu Boy Bye 👋🏽 I’m stick of MC being a mug for this pixel man if he had any redemption he would be begging for the answer before Casa happened sleeping outside with MC in a ideal world. Tbh if the next recoupling is a girls choice I don’t want to pick him… he should be begging at this point and literally telling everyone how he feels 😡
The writing is so lazy…. this season is not enjoyable at all ,if it weren’t for some writers fan fic I would of stopped… I think I’m gonna take a break until I know the outcome of this game and go back to Season 2 the most realistic series of the game 😂 ✌🏽
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meerphanim · 2 years
Hello! Meera here. Bit surprising to see me talk here,huh?
Since my art blog's my main blog, I wanna give a couple updates for this blog teehee
1. My post's descriptions will be waaaay more shorter.
Most art posts here have short descriptions. Though my personal reason is because it looks cleaner than lengthy descriptions.
2. Asks are now open!
Why? Idk other artists have them open. It seems fun!
(I think the ask button's there. Judging it appears when I look at my blog via Tumblr website,which I did not log into)
Feel free to put in whatever you wanna tell me. My responses might be late because I can be quite....skittish 😅
As for my side blog? It's just gonna be for reblogs now lmaooooo
I guess that's all I have to say. Buh-bye for now!
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lets-sumita · 7 days
Buy Bye!
She removed the bold banners, brought back her cozy welcome mat, and even baked cookies for her customers the next day. She stopped pushing sales and focused on helping people find books they loved.
Meera’s bookstore, “The Little Nook,” was more than just a shop—it was a haven for book lovers. Regulars would stop by for a chat, ask for recommendations, and sometimes, simply sit in the corner with a cup of coffee, enjoying the calm. One day, Meera attended a business seminar where a marketing expert talked about aggressive sales tactics. He boasted about how pushing customers to “buy now”…
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View On WordPress
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amazonbooksauthor · 4 months
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Bye Bye Examination Phobia: Your Ultimate Guide to Conquering Exam Anxiety In the high-pressure world of academics, students often find themselves battling the formidable foe of examination phobia. This pervasive anxiety can hinder performance and stifle potential, leaving many feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. But fear not, for Meera Mandakini’s latest book, Bye Bye Examination Phobia, is here to turn that anxiety into confidence.
The Solution Students Have Been Waiting For Bye Bye Examination Phobia is more than just a book; it’s a lifeline for students struggling with exam-related stress. Available in both ebook and paperback formats on Amazon, this motivational guide is designed to help students navigate the treacherous waters of examination fear, anxiety, and nervousness.
Why This Book is a Must-Have
Comprehensive Strategies for Stress Management Mandakini delves into proven techniques for managing and reducing stress. From mindfulness exercises to effective study habits, this book covers a wide array of strategies tailored to help students keep their cool under pressure.
Real-Life Examples and Practical Advice Drawing from her extensive experience, Mandakini includes real-life anecdotes and practical advice that resonate with students. These relatable stories provide a sense of solidarity and reassurance that they are not alone in their struggles.
Interactive and Engaging Exercises The book features interactive exercises that encourage active participation. These activities are designed to reinforce the concepts discussed and help students apply them in real-life scenarios.
Holistic Approach to Well-Being Beyond just focusing on exam performance, Bye Bye Examination Phobia promotes a holistic approach to well-being. It emphasizes the importance of physical health, adequate sleep, and a balanced lifestyle in maintaining mental and emotional equilibrium.
What Readers Are Saying Students and educators alike are singing praises for Bye Bye Examination Phobia. Here’s what some of them have to say:
Sarah L., College Student: “This book was a game-changer for me. The techniques for managing anxiety were easy to follow and really effective.” Mr. Thompson, High School Teacher: “I recommend this book to all my students. It not only helps with exam anxiety but also fosters a healthier approach to studying and learning.” Emma R., Parent: “My daughter was struggling with severe exam stress. After reading this book, she’s more confident and performs better in her exams.” Your Path to Exam Success Starts Here With Bye Bye Examination Phobia, Meera Mandakini provides students with the tools they need to transform their anxiety into achievement. This book is not just about surviving exams; it’s about thriving in them.
Whether you’re a student, a parent, or an educator, Bye Bye Examination Phobia is an essential addition to your toolkit. Don’t let exam anxiety hold you back any longer. Grab your copy today on Amazon and embark on a journey towards stress-free exams and academic excellence.
Order Now and Take the First Step Towards Conquering Exam Anxiety Bye Bye Examination Phobia is available now in both ebook and paperback formats on Amazon. Order your copy today and say goodbye to examination phobia for good!
By embracing the wisdom and strategies laid out in Meera Mandakini’s Bye Bye Examination Phobia, students can conquer their fears, build confidence, and achieve the success they deserve. Make this book your go-to guide for mastering exam anxiety and unlocking your true potential.
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My buddy woke me up at 6 a.m. in the morning and I cherished myself in yellow bandhani. With all the Rajasthani songs in the car and the chats with our driver bhaiya, we reached Chittorgarh fort. While getting closer to the fort, it looked humongous and beautiful. It looked royal. When I finally got in and started listening to the stories of the kingdom of Mewar rightly told by our guide, I realized the world has always been a harsh place to live in and yet beautiful enough to forget its harshness. The temple of St. Meera Bai - Devoted to Lord Krishna, she was a queen, a poetess and most importantly, a devotee. Her stories mesmerized me while walking inside the temple she used to pray to the Lord - queen who left the kingdom and mysteriously disappeared somewhere in the Lord's world.Sleeping Monkeys - Right outside the temple where St. Meerabai used to pray to Lord Krishna, I spotted a group of monkeys and, surprisingly, all of them were asleep in the sunny day. The magnificent fort walls of VII century A.D. - there are no words to describe it, it was my favorite part of the entire trip and simply sitting on the top watching them is all one needs to experience the beautiful feels of Chittor. Johar - the ritual performed by thousands of ladies and queens of centuries - listening to these stories, the dark historical side I felt and, something inside of me wept a bit when the cruel war was perceived. Padmini palace - in the mid of the pond blooming with lotuses, the queen Padmini stayed once whose mere reflection won the heart of the Mughal Emperor which let to the war and took lives of many including her own. Beauty, indeed, took lived. She is gone and her story has lived on. Vijay Stambh - this beautiful victory monument was once accessible to be climbed till the top but nowadays, one is not allowed to climb up. I, sadly, missed the city view from here :( but never the less it was fascinating to look at the beautiful architecture. Sitaphal Sarees - This area boasts of the custard apple plantations and the fabric made out of custard apple seeds. Surprisingly, it was a delightful experience interacting with the local artisans and their works. One of the lady workers who hailed from Kota called me 'Mantri Bai' and gave her blessings to me and such small moments were priceless, indeed. After all of it, I pleasantly had dal bati churma with gatte ki sabji at the foot of the fort and while getting inside the car to leave from there, I smiled at the fort and waved a bye. Watching the sunset from the car and listening to the Rajwadi songs, I captured the memories in my heart. From the stories told by our driver bhaiya, I captured the stories in the lives of people living there and I realized that more or less, we all are on the same page and choosing love over practicality is the only way one can live and make it till the end.
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kusumsays · 11 months
खम्मा घणी ;
घणी खम्मा
Rajasthan - a land that shows the culture it owns with pride, colors and a cherished tradition towards its Mehman. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kusum-says-khamma-ghani Udaipur (Day 1) What is not said already about this city which I can write? The city which proudly exhibits Maharana Pratap or the city with a magnificent history or the city with lakes, isn't it? I would say a city that welcomed me with mountains and took me to lakes where the lakes were surrounded by walls of the palace and the lakes with monuments in the mid of the serenity and with everything around, I went back in history all the way long. It felt different from all the other days. Watching the sun setting by lake side and the night lights reflecting themselves in the waters was mesmerizing in its own ways. My day ended well with a beautiful evening. Tired of last night at airport and full day in the city, I slept right away as Chittorgarh was on the list for the coming day. Chittorgarh (Day 2) My buddy woke me up at 6 a.m. in the morning and I cherished myself in yellow bandhani. With all the Rajasthani songs in the car and the chats with our driver bhaiya, we reached Chittorgarh fort. While getting closer to the fort, it looked humongous and beautiful. It looked royal. When I finally got in and started listening to the stories of the kingdom of Mewar rightly told by our guide, I realized the world has always been a harsh place to live in and yet beautiful enough to forget its harshness. The temple of St. Meera Bai - Devoted to Lord Krishna, she was a queen, a poetess and most importantly, a devotee. Her stories mesmerized me while walking inside the temple she used to pray to the Lord - queen who left the kingdom and mysteriously disappeared somewhere in the Lord's world. Sleeping Monkeys - Right outside the temple where St. Meerabai used to pray to Lord Krishna, I spotted a group of monkeys and, surprisingly, all of them were asleep in the sunny day. The magnificent fort walls of VII century A.D. - there are no words to describe it, it was my favorite part of the entire trip and simply sitting on the top watching them is all one needs to experience the beautiful feels of Chittor. Johar - the ritual performed by thousands of ladies and queens of centuries - listening to these stories, the dark historical side I felt and, something inside of me wept a bit when the cruel war was perceived. Padmini palace - in the mid of the pond blooming with lotuses, the queen Padmini stayed once whose mere reflection won the heart of the Mughal Emperor which let to the war and took lives of many including her own. Beauty, indeed, took lived. She is gone and her story has lived on. Vijay Stambh - this beautiful victory monument was once accessible to be climbed till the top but nowadays, one is not allowed to climb up. I, sadly, missed the city view from here :( but never the less it was fascinating to look at the beautiful architecture. Sitaphal Sarees - This area boasts of the custard apple plantations and the fabric made out of custard apple seeds. Surprisingly, it was a delightful experience interacting with the local artisans and their works. One of the lady workers who hailed from Kota called me 'Mantri Bai' and gave her blessings to me and such small moments were priceless, indeed. After all of it, I pleasantly had dal bati churma with gatte ki sabji at the foot of the fort and while getting inside the car to leave from there, I smiled at the fort and waved a bye. Watching the sunset from the car and listening to the Rajwadi songs, I captured the memories in my heart. From the stories told by our driver bhaiya, I captured the stories in the lives of people living there and I realized that more or less, we all are on the same page and choosing love over practicality is the only way one can live and make it till the end.
Fateh Sagar (Day 2) On reaching back to Udaipur from Chittorgarh, I halted at Fateh Sagar lake to grab a cup of coffee and checked a local shop to collect more memories for family. The moon accompanied me all the way.
Jodhpur's Mehrangarh (Day 3) On reaching Jodhpur early in the morning, I embarked on the trail embracing the tradition of Indian attire. Soothing musical entrance at Jawant Thada and Mehrangarh fort welcomes everyone as they truly say 'Padharo Mhare Des'. Men in colorful turbans and women in Rajputi poshak beautifully depicted their culture, traditions and simplicity. On seeing the musical instruments and listening to the folklores, winds of Jodhpur played along as I watched the city blues from the temple of Goddess Chamunda at the top.
Jaisalmer's Sand Dunes (Day 4) The smiles dazzled in the sand dunes of Jaisalmer with the moon, the cultural program and the adventures in the dessert especially when my camel started running for a while and the desert safari. I celebrated my time by grooving with the artists on the tunes of 'Ghoomar' knowing it is the last day of my trip. I returned back with smiles on my face while waving the desert a bye. Truly unforgettable times! Much more to see, Cheers to the upcoming Rasjasthan exploartion!
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whyareyoudumb · 1 year
GengKuatJerit (Malaysian streamer) incorrect quotes part 2
Zoux: There are three chairs and five kids. What do you do?
Meera: Get two more chairs.
Aki: Cut each chair in half to make six.
Kak Yong: Make them FIGHT for their seats!
Fluffie: I would never be near children.
Panda: Get rid of two kids.
Aki: Bye Panda! Bye Meera! Bye Zoux! Bye Kak Yong! Bye Panda!
Fluffie: You said ‘bye Panda’ twice.
Aki: I like Panda.
Aki: *dies*
Kak Yong: Timer starts now! When are they coming back? I say two months!
Panda: Bullshit. One month.
Fluffie: Nah, half a month.
Zoux, scratching chin in thought: One week.
Meera: The floor is lava!
Kak Yong: *helps Fluffie onto the counter*
Aki: *kicks Panda off the sofa*
Zoux: *lays on the floor*
Meera: ...Are you okay?
Zoux: No.
Kak Yong: We have a problem.
Zoux: Let me guess, you caused it?
Panda: Gimme a sec, I'm not drunk enough to listen to this yet.
Meera: And it's another Tuesday, your point?
Aki: Would shooting you solve this problem? No? Then shut up.
Fluffie: If you're mean the fire, that's our solution to last week's problem.
Aki: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life.
Meera: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back...
Zoux: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
Panda: My will to live! I haven't seen this in years.
Kak Yong: I knew I lost that potential somewhere.
Fluffie: Mental stability, my old friend!
Aki: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
Zoux: A mouse!
Panda, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you.
Kak Yong, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal!
Fluffie, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.
Meera, gasping: It's Ratatouille!
Aki: His name is Remi, dummy.
Zoux: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
Panda, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Aki: I appreciate it,
Meera: Aki-
Zoux: Aki we gotta-
Aki: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?'
Aki, motioning to Kak Yong: NOT FUCKING THIS!
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