luis-popa · 2 years
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Tot ce ne înconjoară este frumos, trebuie doar să vedem acest lucru, să vedem simplitatea vieții.
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stseregh · 2 years
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marcogiovenale · 4 months
una raggiera di link - per la ricerca, la sperimentazione, la scrittura complessa
(sor)ridendo & celiando, ma pure seriamente, sono passati circa 35 anni dalle mie prime collaborazioni a riviste letterarie (“Babele”, per esempio, 1989-90), quasi 21 dalla nascita di slowforward (2003), quasi 18 dalla fondazione di gammm.org (2006)… e in tutto questo tempo credo di aver attraversato – come ospite o lettore – parecchi dei blog e siti linkati qui. nel post ora citato si trovano…
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romanasuloriginal · 5 months
Într-o lume unde aventura se măsoară în ... #Romania https://romanasul.ro/escaladarea-la-babele-o-aventura-pentru-portofelele-alese/?feed_id=1352&_unique_id=65ae3b3846a66
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sometiktoksarevalid · 7 months
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egyptianguard · 7 months
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OP is a coward and turned off reblogs but i'm NOT letting this shit die that easy
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morgancgaliano · 9 months
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Video. Corrado Gnerre spiega la modernità della Torre di Babele
Nel dicembre 2014, il professore Corrado Gnerre, ha tenuto una bellissima riflessione apologetica su “la modernità della Torre di Babele”, assai attuale e che, partendo dal brano biblico, faremo bene a rimeditare.
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dearreader · 10 months
the way that margot robbie’s smile and facial expressions were all very… plastic while in barbie land. like they were real but they didn’t look realistic. they were to perfect.
but then when she says “you’re beautiful” to the woman in the bench and she replies “i know it” and margo just smiles… it feels so real. like there’s more laugh lines, you can see more details of her face so she looks human… like she sees the beauty in aging and being human and starts to become human herself in that moment
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kindlespark · 5 months
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my brother's keeper (poem from here)
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popolodipekino · 11 months
les théologiens
-Et voilà comment je réponds à votre question. Ad secundam, qui est du langage des bêtes... [...] je dirai qu'il n'est point universellement admis que la faute d'Adam ait entraîné dans la chute le monde animal. Les plus éminents théologiens le contestent. D'autre part, comme ils ne participèrent pas de toute évidence à la construction de la tour de Babel, rien n'empêche qu'ils se comprennent entre eux. -Les théologiens? -Non, messire, les animaux. da R. Queneau, Les fleurs bleues
[trad. - Ed ecco come rispondo alla vostra domanda. Ad secundam, che riguarda il linguaggio delle bestie... [...] dirò che non è affatto universalmente accettato che la colpa di Adamo abbia trascinato nella caduta il mondo animale. I più eminenti teologi lo contestano. D'altra parte, dato che in tutta evidenza non presero parte alla costruzione della torre di Babele, nulla impedisce che si comprendano tra loro. - I teologi? - No, messere, gli animali. da R. Queneau, I fiori blu]
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randomexitmemory · 1 year
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marcogiovenale · 10 months
adamo parlava svedese? / paolo albani. 2020
Una dotta dissertazione sugli aspetti linguistici nel Paradiso terrestre. Paolo Albani, (scrittore, poeta visivo e sonoro, performer e membro dell’OpLePo) inserisce una breve ma intensa conferenza nel progetto Il Paradiso e le sue rappresentazioni (a cura dello Studio Campo Boario) per la Rome Art Week 2020.
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padrebaldo · 1 year
🇫🇷#FIREPODCAST N.119 Écoutez notre VidéoPodcast et c'est toujours #120joursencénacle avec P. Baldo Alagna @padrebaldo.dj Lisons ACTES 2,3-4 : l'Esprit Saint nous donne le pouvoir de parler le langage de l'unité !🔥
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jayblanc · 5 months
Chinese Censorship of the 2023 Hugo Award Nominations
Back before the 2023 Hugo Nominations were conducted, I noted that the Chengdu Worldcon Hugo committee had inserted a worrying clause indicating that local government officials could invalidate nominations for breaching the norms and standards of China. I suspected this would result in arbitrarily applied censorship to control the ballot. I am sad and unsurprised to discover I was correct.
The 2023 Hugo Nomination vote data has been published (https://www.thehugoawards.org/2024/01/2023-nominating-and-final-ballot-statistics-published/), and includes notation where nominations were excluded from the ballot. Those with normal reasons, such as being in the wrong category or not being published in 2022 are identified with their reasons for exclusion. This time there are a number of nominations that are merely marked at "Not eligible".
Here is the list of those nominations, that would otherwise have been placed on the final 2023 Hugo Award Ballot.
Babel - R.F. Kuang - Best Novel: Very likely excluded for referencing student revolution, and the use of language and translation as coercive tools of oppression. Color the World - Congyun "Mu Ming" Hu - Best Novellette : A story about perception of, aid of, and discrimination against disability. Congyun Hu has left China and now lives in New York. Fogong Temple Padoga - Hai Ya - Best Story : Either there is something in the original Chinese that was not translated, there's a taboo subject that elides my reading, or this otherwise innocent looking near future tale of cultural building restoration was written by the wrong person. The Art of Ghost of Tsushima: Dark Horse and Sucker Punch Games - Best Related Work : The video game Ghost of Tsushima was subject to directed social exclusion for it's depiction of the Mongol invasion of Japan. Sandman, Amazon Studios: Best Dramatic Presentation (Long and Short) - A diverse and divergent cast, includes subject matter and social issues that are currently taboo in China. Paul Weimer - Fan Writer: Publicly Critical of holding a Worldcon in China. Xiran Jay Zhao - Astounding Award: Qualifying work "Iron Widow" is reimagined story of Chinese Empress Wu during a fantasy/mechanical alien invasion.
This raises a lot of questions as to if this basically taints the process, and what can be done about it.
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deboracabral · 2 years
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new favourite mbmbam bit just dropped
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