#Baby Ophie
simm-mouse · 1 year
HI! I saw that your requests are open, teehee. I love your art, it's precious. Could you please draw Nerv and Ophie? I always felt like they would have a very close sibling-like relationship and would bond over punk bands, lol.
Of course I can! I see them that way too, I explained their relationship in my past posts. Mostly back when Nerv was living with Willow and Creon(My little personal head canon 👉👈), and Nerv was like a big brother to Ophelia up until he went missing. So here's a doodle of them in the '90s
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I think that Nerv always had a habit of lying. Even as a kid. When it came to Ophie, it was very hard for him to. He could've just said he fell down the stairs and that's how he got bruised up, but he had a hard time lying to her.
Also I'd totally see them discussing punk bands now, while they try and make up for lost time. They would totally go to a concert together in the future, and rock out💀💥
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deadn30n · 10 months
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( art by ophy. pls don't use / redistribute. ) adorable commission of Solstice in their Piltover Popstar!au ;_;
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zebrafiz · 3 months
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prom moodboard except they both fucking hated it (ft. current household teens ophelia and othello)
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isaut · 2 months
national anthem was so fucking good………..
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gudaho · 6 months
Seeing how Kadoc reacts to the usual Chaldea weirdness is a big part of the reason I enjoy "what if (x) joined Chaldea" stuff because I like the idea of seeing how the other Crypters (except Beryl because fuck 'em) would handle being part of some of the wackier events in F/GO. I feel like Kirschtaria in particular would vibe REALLY well with a lot of the goofy stuff and get really into some of those events.
oops this got long, headcanons below
Kirschtaria is as close to a servant as a person can get with his goofy-ass attitude. he would be a regular recruit in hijinks. he is somehow a citizen of the servantverse. he can make problems but cant ever solve them. caenis and gordy take shifts watching kirschtaria to make sure he doesnt start some bullshit
Pepe would be similar but doesn't need a baby-sitting squad to make sure he stays out of trouble. side-line supporter, mom who brings the best snacks to the kids soccer game, seeking business opportunities in new singularities.
as relaxed as they would normally be, there will still be times when something happens and they cant help but release a "what the fuck" because of the absurdity/sudden mortality of the situation. in chaldea both become clingy of guda and mash- mash is of course their tortured kouhai they want to make amends with. the unfortunate kid who lost their everything, someone they want to protect. guda...guda is the below-average prodigy that pepe and kirschtaria want to test and observe. like watching a pumpkin toadlet jump and then fail to land.
beryl forceful reformation program. he isnt allowed near mash, any servant would begin to beat him up if he got close. he isnt allowed near guda, guda gets too pissed to concentrate. he is forced into buddist practices like eating once a day, sitting under a waterfall, prayer, and helping to do chores. the servants who watch him (saints, monks, pacifists, morgan, and lots of generals for some reason) swear he is showing moral improvements. if you see him in the hallway he beaten down by life.
ophelia is having much needed girl time. the one who is chilling the most after joining chaldea post-crypter career. a favorite among servants for her helpful and thoughtful attitude. doesnt cause trouble. is part of the kirschtaria task-force. is quite aloof towards guda because she feels guilty about turning her back on humanity. because she spends time with mash she inevitably spends time with guda, she tries not to make it awkward but she cant help it. despite being on the backburner, ophy is fiercely protective of this new chaldea. one time she gets really drunk (got carried away drinking w/ bryn) and cries in gudas lap about how sorry she is. her avoidant behavior improves after that and she gets roped into causing trouble.
we know that yu meiren becomes gudas (unwilling) servant and senpai. she becomes more fond of guda as time goes on, unsurprisingly. shocking everyone though, she becomes more friendly towards the other crypters. the relaxed and crass attitude she gives to guda gets transferred to everyone else. they are very surprised by this (she once called kirschtaria a doll-eyed fetus and he thought it was so funny he told everyone about it for like a week). taking on an older sister role, meiren becomes an unexpected source of solace for the crypters and eases the tensions between servants and crypter. her hubby takes it upon himself to keep an eye on beryl. she brags about how much beryl has improved under the watch of the most handsome man to ever exist
kadoc is another favorite among servants but for bullying purposes. he has a number of servants that just...enjoy bothering him. because of his attitude he also has some friends (jason, mandricardo, etc). complained about being weak too many times and was forced to join body-building club. like ophy he is awkward about his past betrayal but he gets over it pretty quickly. how does he get over it? great question, everything guda does annoys him. he made a point to publicly apologize to mash and da vinci. usually left out of causing problems but often gets roped into helping resolve them. has to tap out halfway because he cant cope. he is anastasia's stay at home wife.
some servants never warm up to the crypters- they are polite of course but guda is too much of a priority. for some servants its their protective nature, for others its natural caution. some of those servants include: moriarty (acts friendly. is not.), dantes (never interacts with them. always lurking around guda), oberon (doesnt like anyone), BB (acts friendly. is not.), morgan (doesnt trust like that), arjuna (doesnt trust like that), jalter (emo), kama (doesnt like anyone), abby (never interacts with them. always lurking around guda)
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thecollectionsof · 3 months
some crystal/jackie wip wtuesday for @aqpippin (happy birthday lovely thank you for falling into methydcox hours with me <3)
Jackie hears the sound of faint footsteps outside and only has a second to stand back up before Ophelia goes tearing over to the door.
“Ophie baby! Who’s my best girl?” Crystal says delightedly as she opens the door using the key that Jackie has given to her (permanently, at this point. If Jan ever tried to stop over unannounced she wouldn’t be able to get in, not when the spare key is in the hands of a colorful, chaotic whirlwind, but it makes sense. Crystal comes over more than anyone else by a long shot.) “Have you been good for your Mama? Of course you have, you’re—”
Jackie’s looking at her, so of course she notices the moment Crystal notices her. “You call her Ophie?” she says without thinking, and then cringes. Not even a hello? No small talk? This is why she’s single.
“Um. Yeah, she likes it, I think.” Ophelia, Ophie, is proving her point, if her wagging tail and excited steps as she dances around Crystal are any indication of things. “I think it’s cute. I can stop calling her that if you don’t like it.” They both know that means I’ll call her Ophie when you aren’t around, not that Crystal knows she’s focused on her enough in their short conversations to know when she’s lying. Or maybe she does, who knows.
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I forgot I actually needed to introduce the Bouges so here’s the whole thing if you wanna know. I’m not gonna tell you the WHOLLEE thing yet because I added extras at the beginning. But here’s where it turns into an Au -
At the end of AAT, Fenchurch is transported back with Arthur, and by sheer probability and my will, Arthur does not transport randomly throughout the galaxy. Him and Fenchurch are still as I remember it (I haven’t gotten thru the series again yet but I think that’s it) going to look for colleges for Random. Arthur is so happy and Fenchurch is happy but confused why Arthur is so happy, because nothing had changed for her. So they continue and come back as promised, Random goes to college and she does what she does. Since Arthur really has nothing left to do, and he has the love of his life back, he decides he finally wants to settle down. He knows he’d said that a million times before and he never really stopped wanting to settle down, but he meant it this time. So he begins to search on his guide, with the help and opinion of Ford and Fen. They finally land on a planet that was logged by only 1 hitchhiker, in which the blog was very old. It describes of ‘only a few civilizations scattered among the planet, including the Bouges, the Vaelas, and the Tahm. Most (emphasis on MOST) of them are harmless. Just watch out for the Vaelas’. They were a little concerned about the last statement, but decided that between a huge mountain and loads of desert, they don’t need to worry. After some discussion, they pack up and meander their way over (Probably through Zaph). They build themselves a house tucked away in a corner of a vast (as vast as it can be on the tiny planet) forest and large mountains. They live happily together, already befriending the local towns folk. They call themselves people of the west, as they have little contact due to the enormous gushing river between them. Sometime a long while later, Random comes back to Mistrule. With a child in her arms and dark streaks running down her face, she tells about how some people running against her in the presidential elections (yes, she wants to become the president. I don’t know where I’m getting that from it might be in the book but idk she just is going to be. She needs to be great.) had done it to her. She had chopped out a section of her brain, for it was “getting in the way” (it was her imagination) and she left it sitting in a Petri dish (like a college student). Her opponents snuck into her lab and dripped a tiny drop of improbability juice (college students developed a way to harness improbability into a physical substance) onto the brain. It didn’t do anything so they shrugged and left. Random came back to an infant lying on her table, crying and wailing. So she took it all the way to Arthur, cuz of course she couldn’t take care of this baby while she was running for the election. Arthur, Fenchurch, and Ford are all given the option to adopt a child. It’s an immediate yes and they get to work preparing a room. Random thanks them, and goes back to being the president. This child grows up with her family and the residents of the land, the Bouges. This is where Alax Bugsby and Elai Ferwoud are from, and their families. This is an entire civilization that has been evolving for a good couple thousand years. I can get farther into the evolutionary track later if we want. Next! They live happily for a while, until Ophelia is around the age of 12. Alax confesses his love for her, which causes Elai to break down because he’s in love with Oph. Ophy I honestly just so distressed she made her best friends fight. So she goes back to her house and cries for a bit. Fenchurch asks her what’s wrong, and like a good mother goes to comfort her daughter. Yet this is a BREAKdown, and accidentally with her powers (yes this baby has powers. She is the creation of imagination personified) that she can’t control well, accidentally ends up with Fenchurch dead. She freaks the fuck out, doesn’t even tell arthur, just picks up her mom and starts flying to fucking anywhere. She ends up at the ocean, where she lays her mother down. Arthur only found out and followed because there was a trail of blood coming down from the sky to the ground and no daughter or wife to be found. - (1/3)
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Snow Babies
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Josh x Reader (f)
Warmings: none
“Come on bugaboos! It’s time to go see Gran and Gramps!” Josh calls.
The four of you were heading to Michigan. It had been since Halloween that you’d been able to go. With bags packed and loaded into the car, you headed to the airport. You’d decided to take a 2 hour flight instead of driving 9 hours with two toddlers. Everything went smoothly once there and before you knew it, you were on the plane headed north.
The plane ride there could’ve gone better but overall wasn't bad. Your two year old, Ophelia, was antsy and cranky for the first 45 minutes. But once she got a snack, everything was right with the world. Next thing you knew, the plane was preparing for landing. 
After exiting the plane, Josh took the two year old to baggage claim and you took the four year old, Leeland, to the bathroom. The two of you finished washing your hands and headed over to baggage claim to meet up with Josh. As you drew closer, you spotted Karen and Kelly. It didn’t take long for your little one to spot them and yell, “Gran! Gramps!” and start running to them. Smiling as you walked up, you said hello and gave hugs.
When your bags finally came around, you all headed to the Kiszka house. Driving down the road, both your little ones took turns exclaiming, “Snow! Look Papa! Look Mama! Snow!”. Sure they’d seen snow before, but Nashville never had this much. 
“Are we at the North Pole Papa?” Leeland asked.
Chuckling, Josh said, “You’d think so, but no buddy. This is where Papa grew up. It’s called Frankemuth.”
“Fankmuf.” Ophelia parroted.
“That’s right Ophy. Frankenmuth.”
When you arrived at the house, both kiddos were begging to play in the snow.
“We have to take our stuff inside first. Then we can play.” Josh said.
“It’s alright, we can take them in. Let those babies play!” Karen said, motioning for Kelly to grab the bags. Smiling you and Josh took Leeland and Ophelia around to the back. 
Before you could make it back there, Leeland crouched down and scooped up some snow and threw it at Josh’s back.
“Oh so that’s how you want to play!” Josh teased, making a small snowball and throwing it back at Leeland. That was the start of an all out snowball fight. You and the kids against Josh. Laughing and screeching, the kids would run up to Josh and throw snow. He would pretend that they’d got him and fall to the ground moaning and groaning, making a big show of it. 
This lasted until Karen stuck her head out of the window and told you to come on in for hot chocolate and cookies. Upon hearing that, Leeland grabbed Ophelia’s hand and said, “Come on sissy!” and led her inside. Watching the two of them head on in, Josh slid his arm around your waist and began walking with you.
“This is what it’s all about.” He said. “Being all together and playing with our perfect snow babies.”
You smile and kiss his cheek before saying, “They are pretty perfect. What would you say if I told you that there’s another snow baby on the way?” 
Stopping mid stride, Josh turns to you. “Are you serious?” He asks and you nod your head. “Oh my god! I can’t believe it! We’re having another baby!” He exclaims.
“Actually, we’re having two babies.”
Josh’s face lights up even brighter. “Twins?!”
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rayleearts · 1 year
Don't know if this is a spoiler or not in the future (if it is, you made a good hidden signs of it in "those" episodes) but what is your opinion on Ophiuchus? Knowing some people, Ophiuchus isn't a zodiac which is true but an interesting sign that could be use in stories
For me personally, I think Ophi would make an interesting chara whether they're a wannabe, villain, or else. But, I want them to be more of a person than just a villain or wannabe that most creator make. Or at least character design
And if Realta has it, I'll squall because my baby snakey is in it after the clues in those episodes >w<
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simm-mouse · 10 months
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Work doodles of the cousins that help with me trying to keep my sanity, while it's busy thanks to thanksgiving
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goldenmagnolias · 1 year
lost in the labyrinth of my mind
Pairing: OC High Lord of Dusk x Archeron!Sister
Summary: Reverie Archeron has always been different. Different in a good or bad way depends on who you asked. Now a High Fae, and with another war approaching she tries to be as helpful as she can around Velaris and with her baby nephew, but at a High Lord meeting, the countless dreams she has as a child and the feelings that are not quite hers suddenly make sense and things become something that she never could have seen coming.
Notes: 👀 here comes the High Lord of Dusk.
Masterlist // ao3
Raised in a court that was cut off from the outside world by over 700 years when he was born Ophiuchus always had a certain longing on learning what was outside the barrier that marked the end of the territory he was to be the High Lord off.
His mother often chastised him when he would try to push against the barrier. He was but a kid and many had tried, their best scholars, warrior but to no avail.
‘Maybe there’s a reason why it’s there Ophi.’ She would say.
His grandfather had been worried that the barrier would somehow destroy those inside but it didn’t. So the court moved on.
Day to day life continued.
Shortly after Ophiuchus, 70th birthday it came down, out of nowhere and everyone while curious were simultaneously wary, specially considering the silent sickness that had taken a lot of citizens including Ophiuchus’ grandfather and mother.
As High Lord he sprung into action, if they were still there, the other courts that is, a High Lord meeting was very much a pressing matter. He needed to know the outside and who to align himself with.
And since his grandmother had been from the winter court, it’s high lord was the one who received his letter.
Kallias — Ophiuchus would learn the other male name when his response came — was quick to tell him what had happened since the dome fell around Dusk.
Tales of a greedy ruthless female, of curses and traps and backstabbing and magic and a so called King with his treachery, only like those Ophiuchus had come across in the old scripts.
Sisters made Fae by the Calderon and from the power of the High Lords.
And now, a so called God and more curses.
And by end an invitation, to go to Winter Court, as he would take upon himself hosting.
“You’re going then?” Ophiuchus turned towards his cousin, Ayla.
“I feel like it’s for the best if I do. Silas and Elia agree.”
“Silas and Elia do agree on the matter of the High Lord going. I’m asking you, are you going there for yourself or that is something along the fact of the dreams you been having?”
Her comment makes him look at her in slight surprise.
“You’re rather easy to read, cousin, I’ve know you my whole life,” Ayla says with a small smile, “you believe you will find her there, don’t you?”
“Maybe. I do not know.”
“You always tended to be drawn to the barrier no matter when. Aunt Althea always had to keep you from pressing further into it.”
“I do recall that.” Ophiuchus says with a sigh before allowing himself to sit at the chair of his office, eyes drifting to the city.
The capital of Dusk curt, Euryphaessa sat by the coastal side, and sprawling into the large mountain where the Castle and a lot of houses stood.
“There’s also the fact if she will even wish to come here.” Ophiuchus says, eyes still overlooking the city. “We are probably but a myth, a bed time story. Many probably don’t even know of our existence.”
“Mating bonds are cherished no matter what the court, my dear cousin. No matter what subculture they are raised in. Your mate will know of the responsibilities you hold.” Ayla says softly in a comforting tone.
“I can only hope you’re right, Ayla.” Ophiuchus sighs, fidgeting with the ring he was given eons ago by his mother.
A golden stone that looked odd even by the standards of all the unique colored stones they had at dawn.
“Are you coming with?” He asks after a large beat of silence that befalls the two both lost in their heads.
“Do I seem like I’m passing up going and seeing another court? No way.” Ayla says, before she moves, squeezing, Ophiuchus shoulder, “I shall tell the others.”
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rustboxstarr · 1 year
🎙️Tapping out🎙️
A lil blurb of Eddie and Ophelia coming to tap you out after you graduate military school
Dad!Eddie x Mom!Military!Reader
Eddie had sat impatiently bouncing his leg as he watched your captain make his long speech and hand out awards for various honour students. Ophelia bless the little girl had sat quietly in his lap, her big watery eyes fixating on all the things around her as they sat in the stands before the football field. He could barely register a word Captain Harlow spoke as he searched the field crowded with rows of students dressed in green, 45 minutes had passed when Ophelia began to squirm, the stadium no longer stimulating her brain.
He began stroking her back willing her not to create a fuss, hoping to a god he didn’t believe in that she wasn’t about to cry, he had stupidly forgotten the 6 month olds essentials in the car as he rushed from the parking lot to join the flood of families waiting to tap their newly made military children.
He was truly regretting his haste in getting to the stands as Ophelia began to whine, he held her to his chest and slowly rocked her back and forth, attempting to be mindful of the people sitting around him.
Finally an hour had passed and the ceremony was over, everyone excitedly leaving the hard plastic chairs to find their loved ones, Eddie was no exception. He wished everyone would walk faster as he followed the crowd out of his row and down the stairs, braking off from them when he set foot on the field.
Frantic eyes searched the field till he finally laid eyes on you once the burly muscular man moved from in front of you to hug his own family. He ran as well as he could with a little baby in his arms to find you, smiling as he saw your harsh face refusing to make eye contact with him and stare ahead to where he had previously been sat.
“Look Ophi! Look it’s mommy!” He pointed towards you as he took long strides between the clumps of people, he adjusted his hold of her to turn her towards you, her eyes finding yours as he got closer. Finally he arrived in front of you, your face never wavering in its professional manner, but he spotted the tears begin to collect by your waterlines.
“You gonna give mommy a hug? Here” he took the little girls pudgy arm extending it to touch softly at your neck, suddenly the professional demeanour dropped and you wrapped your hands around the little girl, tears dripping down your cheeks.
Eddie was quick to wrap his arms around you as you switched to holding Ophelia in one hand, desperately embracing Eddie in a tight grasp.
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isaut · 1 year
The scratching of quill against paper is rhythmic and soothing. Combined with the sandalwood incense and the lack of conversation to flow between the two of you, it’s enough to lull you into a gentle slumber in the warm lighting of Ningguang’s office. 
Sometime through your catnap, there’s a little murmuring that comes, that filters through the haze of your sleep. Then, there’s rough yet firm hands scooping you up, under your back and knees. You’re tucked up against a familiar chest, head pressed against a soft breast. 
“…put her. I’ve been here before.” The voice is feminine and deep, gentle and joking. You relax into the familiar cadence. 
“I know you have. I’m just saying,” Ningguang replies. “Leave so I can get my work done.” 
“How about a kiss? Maybe I’ll go faster,” Beidou hums, leaning forwards and jostling you in the process. 
“I’m not an idiot,” Ningguang replies. “I’ll give you more than a kiss when I’m done with all my work.” 
Beidou sighs, big and heavy. With an air of faux-broken-heartedness. 
“Don’t be a baby,” Ningguang chides. “You’re going to wake her up.”
“Maybe I'll just stay in bed, then. I bet Ophie will be nicer to me when she wakes up than you are.” 
“Good. I’ll be nice when I’m done working. I’m taking a meeting in ten minutes.” 
Beidou sighs, giving another, “You’re so mean to me,” before she sets off towards Ningguang’s suite. It’s a gentle ascent, where Beidou tries her hardest to not jostle you or rouse you. 
Too late. You bat your eyes open and you’re greeted with each soft shake of Beidou’s breasts as she climbs the stairs of the Jade Chamber. You turn your head against the soft skin offered to you, and let out a little grumble before placing a kiss to her chest. 
“Oh, hey pretty lady,” Beidou says, tilting her head down to look at you. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” 
“Mhm. Too late,” You mumble. “Where’d you come from?”
“Straight out of your dreams,” Beidou grins, leaning down to press a kiss to your temple. “Having a good nap?” 
You nod, eyes still half closed. “Stayed up late last night.” 
“Oh?” Beidou enters into Ningguang’s room, carefully sliding the door shut behind her. She crosses the floor and gently lays you in the bed, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “What were you up to?”  
A sheepish grin worms its way across your face. Your eyelashes slide across your cheeks as you avoid her gaze. “Nothin.”
“Nothin?” Beidou presses. “Sounds like it was somethin.’”
Her hand dips under your dress, sliding across your soft tummy. 
“We were… We were just having fun.”
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wasteland-stranger · 3 months
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Finally FINALLY have a finished drawing of my baby Julia! She's been in my head for around 3ish years at this point?? I have pieces ive done of her before but they're either unfinished or just…. Not good…. Lol.
She's 14 when she ends up in the wasteland, going into the vault with her mom, dad, and a 7 year old Shaun (don't ask me abt story points just yet, I have files upon files on this girl I need to go through and make adjustments on) she ends up getting adopted by Nick (& eventually Hancock too) and just sorta…. Lives an “average” life in the commonwealth. Until she’s old enough to go find Shaun ofc. It’s a /very/ long story I just need to figure it out more lol.
Will (hopefully) post more of her along w Ophelia, but w Ophie as my main atm I’ll prolly post her a bit more often than Jules.
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sillymoonboi · 2 months
Uni: *teleports in*
Time Keeper: hey Jupiter can you watch our four kids to night
Daisy: why can't I be in charge
Bolt: *jumps on solar*
Ophi: hwy
Revra: *holds her baby sister*
Uni: * In sign language* oh yeah if Rystra starts teething give her a piece of fruit
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millionsnife · 1 year
@seatedsacrifice ||❝ is that ... is that supposed to happen ? ❞
"For a baby plant? Yeah, that's normal. You haven't really learned to control anything yet." Knives set a hand on his hip as he studied the piles of mangled chairs in the middle of nowhere where he'd brought Ophi to practice. "Try again. You'll get a proper chair eventually, and then it's just a matter of transferring the idea to other items."
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