#Baby Pram Australia
babypramsaus · 2 years
Double Stroller | Baby Pram Australia
Twin Baby Stroller with Adjustable Backrest
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Ergonomically designed, our double strollers allow seating your little ones besides each other.
Seating of these strollers is sturdy and provides comfort to your kids both in sitting or sleeping position.
Find foldable and multi-featured double strollers available online at BabyPramAustralia. Explore our selected range of strollers.
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
End of the World V
Katie McCabe x Child!Reader
Caitlin Foord x Child!Reader
Summary: The last day in Australia
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On the last day of your trip to Australia, you go to the zoo.
It's a whole day activity because it's a night flight.
It had been Caitlin's idea actually and she's why you sit in your pram. You don't usually get put into the pram now that you're not a baby but there's meant to be lots of walking today so Mammy had rented one out for you.
You're glad though because Australia is hot and you don't like hot because it makes you sweat a lot and then your clothes cling to you.
You don't like that at all.
So, you are glad for the pram because it's perfect to be pushed around in and still being able to see all the animals.
Mammy pushes you but Caitlin's the one who points out everything to you, crouching next to your pram and explaining things from the placards that are just out of sight from you.
"Elephant," Caitlin says to you, pointing out the animal.
"Elephant," She says again.
She smiles. "Close enough. Elephants have big trunks. They use it to pick up branches to eat. See?"
She points and you follow her finger to where the elephant is chewing on some leaves.
"It's big."
"It is."
You think for a moment.
The elephant is very big, massive even. It's got a big trunk and big feet and big tusks. It's very scary and you whine a little when it wanders closer to where you and the others are watching it.
You squeeze your eyes shut quickly. "I don't like the lelephants, Caitlin!"
"Okay, okay. Let's move on." She flips through the brochure and shows it to you. "Where do you want to go?"
"Erm...er..." Your eyes glance over the pictures before focusing on the little animal with red and white fur. "That one."
"You want to see the red pandas?" Caitlin asks and you nod.
"Yes, please, Caitlin."
Mammy laughs and starts wheeling you away.
You think the red pandas aren't as big as the elephants and giraffes and aren't as scary as the lions and rhinos. The red pandas look soft and sweet like Coopurr back home.
You're right. They do look soft and sweet and you tug a little bit at the straps keeping you in your pram.
Caitlin notices and she smiles. "Do you want to get out, kiddo?"
You freeze slightly at being addressed before you cautiously nod your head. You're unclipped and up in Caitlin's arms within seconds.
At first, you feel stiff and awkward in them but it's just Caitlin. It's not like she's a stranger so you relax into her, hands on her shoulder so you can push yourself a bit further away to see the red pandas clumsily wander around their enclosure.
"Do you like them, kiddo?" Mammy asks and you nod.
"They're cute and little."
"That's right. They are."
You don't know how long you stay waiting at the red pandas but it must be a while. You don't know why you like them but it must be because they look so huggable.
At home, Coopurr only tolerates hug for a little while before he's wiggling away to go do Coopurr things that you don't understand.
Red pandas seem a little clumsy though and one of them stays snoozing in the sun the entire time you're there. They must give good cuddles.
You don't really want to leave them but you still have to get to the airport so you have to leave.
Mammy goes off to the toilet before you leave while you sit in Caitlin's arms as she wanders around the giftshop.
"Hey, kiddo," She says," Do you want this?"
She's holding a doll.
You like dolls.
It's a doll with a little red panda on its arms and red panda themed clothes. It's very cute and you bite at your lip.
"We have to go," You whisper," If we're not ready when Mammy comes back, she might get annoyed."
"Katie won't get annoyed," Caitlin assures you," Do you want it?"
You bob your heads up and down. "Yes, please, Caitlin."
When Mammy comes out of the toilet, you've got your new doll and she easily takes you from Caitlin so she can fawn over it.
She coos over it and asks questions all the way back to the airport and all the way through boarding.
She's planning on fawning over it until you settle but your ears pop without warning and you shriek.
Pulling your hands away from your ears, you find that they haven't gone back to normal. They're all blocked and weird and they hurt.
So you start sobbing, tears spilling over your cheeks.
"Shh, shh," Katie says," It's okay. It's okay. Come here."
She unclips you and you crawl over to her, burying your face into her chest.
"Here," Caitlin says, passing over the blanket she was going to use for the flight," Use this."
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taz-clark · 2 months
YOU WERE 11??!?!?1 FORGET "why would you give your newborn to a stranger" HWY WOULD YOU HAND YOUR NEWBORN OFF TO A STRANGE **CHILD** that tag anecdote has me shook
lemme just link that post for peeps who missed it coz it sounds even worse out of context XD forgive my lack of details, coz i was 11yrs old at the time. im 35 now. yikes.
So! i was on vacation with the family at a theme park. i dont recall which one exactly but i think it was Dream World (QLD, Australia). It was me, my baby brother and my mother and i think my aunt? there was another adult with us who was NOT my father.
The adults wanted to go on a rollercoster and left me and my lil bro (he was maybe 3yrs old?) to wait on this bench kinda near the entrance.
this happened alot. i did not have good parents. babysitter? who needs one, Taz has been old enough to be the babysitter since she was 8.
So like the good lil whelp i am, i wait with my baby bro and a woman; aka a total fucking stranger, walks up to me with her pram and asks me to watch her baby for her while she goes on the ride too.
i dont remember agreeing to that but i guess i must have?? or maybe this stranger didn't care either way. but i was now in charge of a very small, very squishy looking baby.
NOTHING HAPPENED. thank fuck. the adults all came 5mins later. the stranger took her child back and i never seen them again.
but somewhere in this world is a 24-ish year old, and to that person, your mother just gave you to a random 11yr old girl to look after in a theme park. for a solid 5 minutes i was your protector.
im so sorry.
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Australia's 'female Hannibal Lecter'
Knight’s father Ken was an alcoholic who openly used violence and intimidation to rape her mother up to ten times a day. Barbara in turn often told her daughters intimate details of her sex life and how much she hated sex and men (Later, when Knight complained to her mother that one of her partners wanted her to take part in a sex act she didn’t want to do, Barbara told her to "put up with it and stop complaining"). Knight claims she was frequently sexually abused by several members of her family (though not by her father), which continued until she was 11. Although they have minor doubts about the details, psychiatrists accept her claim as all her family members confirmed the abuse did happen.
Katherine first met hard drinking co-worker David Stanford Kellett in 1973 and completely dominated him, if Kellett got into a fight at the hotel Knight would step in and back him up with her fists without fail. In Aberdeen she was renowned for offering armed combat to anyone who upset her. Knight married Kellett in 1974, at her request, with the couple arriving at the service on her motorcycle with a very intoxicated Kellett on the pillion. As soon as they arrived Knight’s mother Barbara gave Kellett some advice:
"The old girl said to me to watch out. 'You better watch this one or she'll fucking kill you. Stir her up the wrong way or do the wrong thing and you're fucked, don't ever think of playing up on her, she'll fuckin' kill you.' And that was her mother talking! She told me she's got something loose, She's got a screw loose somewhere."
On their wedding night she tried to strangle him. Knight explained it was because he fell asleep after only having intercourse three times.
The marriage was particularly violent and on one occasion a heavily pregnant Knight burned all Kellet's clothing and shoes before hitting him across the back of the head with a frying pan, simply because he had arrived home late from a darts competition after making the finals. In fear for his life, Kellet fled before collapsing in a neighbors house and he was later treated for a badly fractured skull. Police wanted to charge her but Knight was now on her best behaviour and talked Kellet into dropping the charges.
In May 1976, shortly after the birth of their first child, Melissa Ann, Kellett left her for another woman and moved to Queensland, apparently unable to cope with Knight's possessive, violent behavior. The next day Knight was seen pushing her new baby in a pram down the main street, violently throwing the pram from side to side. Knight was admitted to St Elmo's Hospital in Tamworth where she was diagnosed with postnatal depression and spent several weeks recovering. After being released, Knight placed two month old Melissa on a railway line shortly before the train was due, then stole an axe, went into town and threatened to kill several people. A man known in the district as "Old Ted", who was foraging near the railway line, found and rescued Melissa, by all accounts only minutes before the train passed. Knight was arrested and again taken to St Elmo's Hospital but, apparently recovered, signed herself out the following day.
A few days later Knight slashed the face of a woman with one of her knives and demanded she drive her to Queensland to find Kellett. The woman escaped after they stopped at a service station but by the time police arrived Knight had taken a little boy hostage and was threatening him with the knife. She was disarmed when police attacked her with brooms and she was admitted to the Morisset Psychiatric Hospital. Knight told the nurses she had intended to kill the mechanic at the service station because he had repaired Kellett’s car, which had allowed him to leave, and then kill both her husband and his mother when she arrived in Queensland. When police informed Kellett of the incident he left his girlfriend and along with his mother, they both moved to Aberdeen to support her.
Knight was released on 9 August 1976 into the care of her mother-in-law and along with Kellett, they now moved to Woodridge, a suburb of Brisbane, where she obtained a job at the Dinmore meatworks in nearby Ipswich. On 6 March 1980, they had another daughter, Natasha Maree. In 1984 Knight left Kellett and moved in, first with her parents in Aberdeen, then to a rented house in nearby Muswellbrook. Although she returned to work at the abattoir, she injured her back the following year and went on a disability pension. No longer needing to rent accommodation close to her work the government gave her a Housing Commission house in Aberdeen.
Knight met 38-year-old miner David Saunders in 1986. A few months later he moved in with her and her two daughters although he kept his old apartment in Scone. Knight soon became jealous regarding what he did when she was not around and would often throw him out. He would move back to his apartment in Scone and then she would invariably follow and beg him to return. In May 1987 she cut the throat of his two-month-old dingo pup in front of him for no more reason than as an example of what would happen if he ever had an affair before going on to knock him unconscious with a frying pan.
In June 1988 she gave birth to her third daughter Sarah, which prompted Saunders to put a deposit on a house, which Knight paid off when her workers' compensation came through in 1989. Knight decorated the house throughout with animal skins, skulls, horns, rusty animal traps, leather jackets, old boots, machetes, rakes and pitchforks. No space, including the ceilings, was left uncovered.
After an argument where she hit Saunders in the face with an iron before stabbing him in the stomach with a pair of scissors, he moved back to Scone, but when he later returned home found she had cut up all his clothes. Saunders took long service leave and went into hiding. Knight tried to find him but no one admitted to knowing where he was. Several months later he returned to see his daughter and found that Knight had gone to the police and told them she was afraid of him. They issued her with an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) against him.
In 1990 Knight became pregnant by a 43-year-old former abattoir co-worker, John Chillingworth and gave birth the following year to a boy they named Eric. Their relationship lasted three years before she left him for a man she had been having an affair with for some time, John Price.
John "Pricey" Price was the father of three children when Knight had an affair with him. Reputedly a "terrific bloke" liked by everyone who knew him, his own marriage had ended in 1988. While his two-year-old daughter had remained with his former wife, the two older children lived with him. Price was well aware of Knight's violent reputation and she moved into his house in 1995. His children liked her, he was making a lot of money working in the local mines and, apart from violent arguments, at first "life was a bunch of roses".
In 1998 they had a fight over Price’s refusal to marry her and in retaliation Knight videotaped items he had stolen from work and sent the tape to his boss. Although the items were out of date medical kits that he had scavenged from the company rubbish tip, Price was fired from the job he had held for 17 years. That same day he kicked her out and she returned to her own home while news of what she had done spread through the town.
A few months later Price restarted the relationship although he now refused to allow her to move in with him. The fighting became even more frequent and most of his friends would no longer have anything to do with him while they remained together.
In February 2000, a series of assaults on Price culminated with Knight stabbing Price in the chest. Finally fed up, he kicked her out of his house. On 29 February he stopped at the Scone Magistrate's Court on his way to work and took out a restraining order to keep her away from both him and his children. That afternoon Price told his co-workers that if he did not come to work the next day, it would be because Knight had killed him. They pleaded with him not to go home but he told them that he believed she would kill his children if he did not. Price arrived home to find that Knight, although not there herself, had sent the children away for a sleep-over at a friend's house. He then spent the evening with his neighbors before going to bed at 11pm. Earlier that day, Knight had bought new black lingerie and had videotaped all her children while making comments which have since been interpreted as a crude will. Knight later arrived at Price's house while he was sleeping and sat watching TV for a few minutes before having a shower. She then woke Price and they had sex after which he fell asleep.
At 6am the next morning the neighbor became concerned that Price's car was still in the driveway and when Price did not arrive at work, his employer sent a worker to see what was wrong. Both the neighbor and worker tried knocking on Price's bedroom window to wake him but after noticing blood on the front door alerted the police who arrived at 8am. Breaking down the back door police found his body with Knight comatose from taking a large number of pills. She had stabbed Price with a butcher's knife while he was sleeping. According to the blood evidence, he awoke and tried to turn the light on before attempting to escape while Knight chased him through the house, he managed to open the front door and get outside but either stumbled back inside or was dragged back into the hallway where he finally died after bleeding out. Later, Knight went into Aberdeen and withdrew $1,000 from Price's ATM account.
Price's autopsy revealed that he had been stabbed at least 37 times, in both the front and back of his body with many of the wounds extending into vital organs. Several hours after Price had died, Knight skinned him and hung the skin from a meat hook on the architrave of a door to the lounge room.
She then decapitated him and cooked parts of his body, serving up the meat with baked potato, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, yellow squash and gravy in two settings at the dinner table, along with notes beside each plate, each having the name of one of Price's children on it; she was preparing to serve his body parts to his children.
A third meal was thrown on the back lawn for unknown reasons and it is speculated Knight had attempted to eat it but could not and this has been put forward in support of her claim that she has no memory of the crime. Price's head was found in a pot with vegetables. The pot was still warm, estimated to be at between 40 and 50 degrees Celsius, indicating that the cooking had taken place in the early morning. Sometime later Knight arranged the body with the left arm draped over an empty 1.25 litre soft drink bottle with the legs crossed. This was claimed in court to be an act of defilement demonstrating Knight’s contempt for Price. Knight had left a hand written note on top of a photograph of Price. Blood stained and covered with small pieces of flesh the note read:
Time got you back Johathon for rapping [raping] my douter [daughter]. You to Beck [Price's daughter] for Ross — for Little John [his son]. Now play with little Johns Dick John Price. (sic)
The accusations in the note were found to be groundless.
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camillasgirl · 1 year
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Queen Camilla’s Patronages
GIVIT is a not-for-profit organisation making a huge, positive difference in Australia.
Did you know that one simple item, which you probably have in the spare room at home, has the power to change someone else’s life? Imagine that school uniform your child just grew out of – that could stop another child from being bullied at school. Or that pram your friend said they don’t need anymore… hey, we need it! Not all parents can afford beautiful items like prams. Or even nappies, baby wipes, food and fuel.
Through GIVIT, thousands of quality items are donated each week to help people in need. We support entire communities as they rebuild after devastating disasters, provide hope and assistance to families battling drought and recovering from bushfires, help people experiencing, escaping, and being impacted by domestic and family violence, and proudly work to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We’re also reducing landfill by diverting tonnes of reusable items to help individuals and communities. And we continually ensure our donations do no harm to communities, especially in times of disaster.But what we’re really doing here, what we’re passionate about, is inspiring a culture of giving. 
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meschkinnes · 2 years
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Woman with a baby in a pram on a beach, Australia, ca. 1900
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Australia's 'female Hannibal Lecter'
Knight’s father Ken was an alcoholic who openly used violence and intimidation to rape her mother up to ten times a day. Barbara in turn often told her daughters intimate details of her sex life and how much she hated sex and men (Later, when Knight complained to her mother that one of her partners wanted her to take part in a sex act she didn’t want to do, Barbara told her to "put up with it and stop complaining"). Knight claims she was frequently sexually abused by several members of her family (though not by her father), which continued until she was 11. Although they have minor doubts about the details, psychiatrists accept her claim as all her family members confirmed the abuse did happen.
Katherine first met hard drinking co-worker David Stanford Kellett in 1973 and completely dominated him, if Kellett got into a fight at the hotel Knight would step in and back him up with her fists without fail. In Aberdeen she was renowned for offering armed combat to anyone who upset her. Knight married Kellett in 1974, at her request, with the couple arriving at the service on her motorcycle with a very intoxicated Kellett on the pillion. As soon as they arrived Knight’s mother Barbara gave Kellett some advice:
"The old girl said to me to watch out. 'You better watch this one or she'll fucking kill you. Stir her up the wrong way or do the wrong thing and you're fucked, don't ever think of playing up on her, she'll fuckin' kill you.' And that was her mother talking! She told me she's got something loose, She's got a screw loose somewhere."
On their wedding night she tried to strangle him. Knight explained it was because he fell asleep after only having intercourse three times.
The marriage was particularly violent and on one occasion a heavily pregnant Knight burned all Kellet's clothing and shoes before hitting him across the back of the head with a frying pan, simply because he had arrived home late from a darts competition after making the finals. In fear for his life, Kellet fled before collapsing in a neighbors house and he was later treated for a badly fractured skull. Police wanted to charge her but Knight was now on her best behaviour and talked Kellet into dropping the charges.
In May 1976, shortly after the birth of their first child, Melissa Ann, Kellett left her for another woman and moved to Queensland, apparently unable to cope with Knight's possessive, violent behavior. The next day Knight was seen pushing her new baby in a pram down the main street, violently throwing the pram from side to side. Knight was admitted to St Elmo's Hospital in Tamworth where she was diagnosed with postnatal depression and spent several weeks recovering. After being released, Knight placed two month old Melissa on a railway line shortly before the train was due, then stole an axe, went into town and threatened to kill several people. A man known in the district as "Old Ted", who was foraging near the railway line, found and rescued Melissa, by all accounts only minutes before the train passed. Knight was arrested and again taken to St Elmo's Hospital but, apparently recovered, signed herself out the following day.
A few days later Knight slashed the face of a woman with one of her knives and demanded she drive her to Queensland to find Kellett. The woman escaped after they stopped at a service station but by the time police arrived Knight had taken a little boy hostage and was threatening him with the knife. She was disarmed when police attacked her with brooms and she was admitted to the Morisset Psychiatric Hospital. Knight told the nurses she had intended to kill the mechanic at the service station because he had repaired Kellett’s car, which had allowed him to leave, and then kill both her husband and his mother when she arrived in Queensland. When police informed Kellett of the incident he left his girlfriend and along with his mother, they both moved to Aberdeen to support her.
Knight was released on 9 August 1976 into the care of her mother-in-law and along with Kellett, they now moved to Woodridge, a suburb of Brisbane, where she obtained a job at the Dinmore meatworks in nearby Ipswich. On 6 March 1980, they had another daughter, Natasha Maree. In 1984 Knight left Kellett and moved in, first with her parents in Aberdeen, then to a rented house in nearby Muswellbrook. Although she returned to work at the abattoir, she injured her back the following year and went on a disability pension. No longer needing to rent accommodation close to her work the government gave her a Housing Commission house in Aberdeen.
Knight met 38-year-old miner David Saunders in 1986. A few months later he moved in with her and her two daughters although he kept his old apartment in Scone. Knight soon became jealous regarding what he did when she was not around and would often throw him out. He would move back to his apartment in Scone and then she would invariably follow and beg him to return. In May 1987 she cut the throat of his two-month-old dingo pup in front of him for no more reason than as an example of what would happen if he ever had an affair before going on to knock him unconscious with a frying pan.
In June 1988 she gave birth to her third daughter Sarah, which prompted Saunders to put a deposit on a house, which Knight paid off when her workers' compensation came through in 1989. Knight decorated the house throughout with animal skins, skulls, horns, rusty animal traps, leather jackets, old boots, machetes, rakes and pitchforks. No space, including the ceilings, was left uncovered.
After an argument where she hit Saunders in the face with an iron before stabbing him in the stomach with a pair of scissors, he moved back to Scone, but when he later returned home found she had cut up all his clothes. Saunders took long service leave and went into hiding. Knight tried to find him but no one admitted to knowing where he was. Several months later he returned to see his daughter and found that Knight had gone to the police and told them she was afraid of him. They issued her with an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) against him.
In 1990 Knight became pregnant by a 43-year-old former abattoir co-worker, John Chillingworth and gave birth the following year to a boy they named Eric. Their relationship lasted three years before she left him for a man she had been having an affair with for some time, John Price.
John "Pricey" Price was the father of three children when Knight had an affair with him. Reputedly a "terrific bloke" liked by everyone who knew him, his own marriage had ended in 1988. While his two-year-old daughter had remained with his former wife, the two older children lived with him. Price was well aware of Knight's violent reputation and she moved into his house in 1995. His children liked her, he was making a lot of money working in the local mines and, apart from violent arguments, at first "life was a bunch of roses".
In 1998 they had a fight over Price’s refusal to marry her and in retaliation Knight videotaped items he had stolen from work and sent the tape to his boss. Although the items were out of date medical kits that he had scavenged from the company rubbish tip, Price was fired from the job he had held for 17 years. That same day he kicked her out and she returned to her own home while news of what she had done spread through the town.
A few months later Price restarted the relationship although he now refused to allow her to move in with him. The fighting became even more frequent and most of his friends would no longer have anything to do with him while they remained together.
In February 2000, a series of assaults on Price culminated with Knight stabbing Price in the chest. Finally fed up, he kicked her out of his house. On 29 February he stopped at the Scone Magistrate's Court on his way to work and took out a restraining order to keep her away from both him and his children. That afternoon Price told his co-workers that if he did not come to work the next day, it would be because Knight had killed him. They pleaded with him not to go home but he told them that he believed she would kill his children if he did not. Price arrived home to find that Knight, although not there herself, had sent the children away for a sleep-over at a friend's house. He then spent the evening with his neighbors before going to bed at 11pm. Earlier that day, Knight had bought new black lingerie and had videotaped all her children while making comments which have since been interpreted as a crude will. Knight later arrived at Price's house while he was sleeping and sat watching TV for a few minutes before having a shower. She then woke Price and they had sex after which he fell asleep.
At 6am the next morning the neighbor became concerned that Price's car was still in the driveway and when Price did not arrive at work, his employer sent a worker to see what was wrong. Both the neighbor and worker tried knocking on Price's bedroom window to wake him but after noticing blood on the front door alerted the police who arrived at 8am. Breaking down the back door police found his body with Knight comatose from taking a large number of pills. She had stabbed Price with a butcher's knife while he was sleeping. According to the blood evidence, he awoke and tried to turn the light on before attempting to escape while Knight chased him through the house, he managed to open the front door and get outside but either stumbled back inside or was dragged back into the hallway where he finally died after bleeding out. Later, Knight went into Aberdeen and withdrew $1,000 from Price's ATM account.
Price's autopsy revealed that he had been stabbed at least 37 times, in both the front and back of his body with many of the wounds extending into vital organs. Several hours after Price had died, Knight skinned him and hung the skin from a meat hook on the architrave of a door to the lounge room.
She then decapitated him and cooked parts of his body, serving up the meat with baked potato, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, yellow squash and gravy in two settings at the dinner table, along with notes beside each plate, each having the name of one of Price's children on it; she was preparing to serve his body parts to his children.
A third meal was thrown on the back lawn for unknown reasons and it is speculated Knight had attempted to eat it but could not and this has been put forward in support of her claim that she has no memory of the crime. Price's head was found in a pot with vegetables. The pot was still warm, estimated to be at between 40 and 50 degrees Celsius, indicating that the cooking had taken place in the early morning. Sometime later Knight arranged the body with the left arm draped over an empty 1.25 litre soft drink bottle with the legs crossed. This was claimed in court to be an act of defilement demonstrating Knight’s contempt for Price. Knight had left a hand written note on top of a photograph of Price. Blood stained and covered with small pieces of flesh the note read:
Time got you back Johathon for rapping [raping] my douter [daughter]. You to Beck [Price's daughter] for Ross — for Little John [his son]. Now play with little Johns Dick John Price. (sic)
The accusations in the note were found to be groundless.
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openingpandorasbox1 · 3 months
After Dad broke up with Donna I didn’t hear from him in a long time so I thought it was possible that the police may have done something about it and I just didn’t know about it.
                More than a year passed when I was walking in Westfield and I walked past Samuel’s girlfriend who was pushing a pram. I was shocked at first and when I looked into the pram there was a baby inside. Doing basic maths, I realised this couldn’t have possibly have been the same baby that she had been pregnant with when Sharon and I had seen her that day on Australia Day. When I saw her pushing the pram in Westfield I only saw her for a couple of seconds but the baby looked young enough. Common sense told me that Samuel was probably the father; however, I knew she had previously had babies with several different men previously so I couldn’t be sure. Samuel wasn’t with her when I saw her that day, she was with a woman who I didn’t know (I didn’t really know Samuel’s girlfriend that well). I contacted Sharon and she was concerned like I was so I wrote on my Facebook how frustrated I was with the matter and that the police didn’t seem to be doing anything about it (to my knowledge). I wrote that I had already contacted the police and told them everything I knew but she had just had another baby and I think it might be his. My cousin loves children and works with them so she told me to contact DOCs. I don’t know what DOCs was and I didn’t know anything about DOCs but I decided it might be a good idea. I sent them an email and gave them all the information I knew but told them I have no evidence but gave them names and details of the people who knew what I knew. I pretty much told them the same as what I had already told the police. I sent it to them but it wasn’t long after that they replied and told me that I sent it to the wrong email address. So I sent it back and asked them if they could send it to the right location as this is about a matter concerning children’s safety and I do not know what the right address to send this information to. I sent it and they didn’t reply and I hoped they had forwarded to the right location.
                I just felt like I was doing everything in vain and I felt so powerless. I just felt with all the people who knew about Samuel and all those who had their suspicions should have gone forward to the police about it. If someone else had contacted the police and backed up this information with what they knew or witnessed it would have given strength to the situation.
                I don’t know if anything has happened to Samuel as I do not have any contact with Donna or Autumn and I haven’t seen Samuel or his girlfriend in years and I believe they have most likely moved away or perhaps he is in prison. If he hasn’t gone to prison yet, I do believe there is a possibility he will in the future, it will happen when it is too late when it could have been stopped years ago when I had first contacted the police (or when other people who knew about it should have contacted the police). The damage might have already been done and those kids could have their entire lives destroyed before they even become adults. I just hope someone who knows something will go to the police and do something about it. I don’t understand why all these people are turning a blind eye to it. If anything happens I have the gut feeling that it will be one of the children who will expose him. I don’t know where Samuel is living now but he has an extremely common name and it would be difficult to find his location on the internet and you can’t find him online (he doesn’t use Facebook). I don’t know his girlfriend’s name but I think her name was common as well. I don’t know the names of her two children she had living with her.
                A few years after I stopped being friends with Autumn I was having dinner with some family members and my cousin was talking about Autumn and she asked me about Samuel, “What is Samuel doing now? I imagine he’s just sitting around the house like a big fat slob and has a woman doing everything for him.” And I told her about Samuel and his interest in children. She told me at the Christmas family gatherings when us kids would be swimming in the pool that Samuel would go up to her and touch her all the time. She told me he was even creepy back then.
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babykingdomaustralia · 3 months
Choose Your Perfect Stokke Tripp Trapp Chair Colour for Your Newborn Highchair
Discover the perfect Stokke Tripp Trapp Chair for your newborn! With our extensive range of colours, you can find the ideal match to complement your home's interior design and personal style. Experience our innovative ‘View in AR’ feature on your mobile device to see how different colours look in your space before making a decision. Our Tripp Trapp baby high chairs are designed to grow with your child, providing comfort and style from newborn to adulthood. Start your virtual design adventure today and make a statement with your spectacular taste!
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katherinemathew · 4 months
Travelling with young kids
Families with young kids flock to the South Pacific islands for well-deserved breaks and first family holidays, and why wouldn’t they? It’s got pristine beaches, nanny services and kids clubs, English is the second language, and all within only a few hours flight of Australia’s East Coast!
But travelling with toddlers and younger babies can bring on bouts of anxiety for lots of parents; all the planning and packing can be overwhelming. But we are here to help! As the experts in all things South Pacific ( and with a few mums on our team too!) we have the advice you need to make your trip a success. Read on below for our Top Tips, and Contact Us or call on 1800 800 722 for further info or assistance.
Flights and Airports
The logistics of a family holiday can be mind boggling, so let’s start from the beginning — the actual travelling!
When planning your trip consider the ages of your kids and what that means for their airfares. Infants under 2 years old generally fly at 10% of the adult price BUT they don’t get a seat and aren’t given a checked bag allowance. Remember this when you’re packing to avoid those excess baggage fees you can get stung with at the desk! Alternatively you can upgrade the fare to give them a seat of their own (great for night flights or longer durations to give tired parents a break! Must be with an approved child restraint system however) or include a suitcase. Kids from 2 to 11 years usually pay around 75% of the adult flight price, but some airlines such as Fiji Airways offer specials throughout the year with child fares at less than 50%, so plan ahead — and don’t forget to give your travel agent the kids dates of birth so they can be sure to secure the correct price for you!
International flights usually open 3 hours before departure, and aiming to arrive at this time means you won’t have to rush everyone through check-in and security. It also means you can get situated and allow the kids to play a bit, hopefully tiring them out before jumping onboard.
Once onboard babies must be strapped in for takeoff, landing, and during turbulence. Unfortunately this doesn’t include baby carriers. Feeding during these times is said to help little one’s ears adjust to altitude changes and generally keep them happier, but also consider headphones, tablets, or activity boards to keep youngsters focused.
If you’re travelling with a newborn or baby then bassinets are available on most airlines. These are to be requested with your flight booking due to limited availability. Our tip? Reach out to the selected airline for their dimensions as some babes are too big. Also there are limits to how many and where these can be placed in an aircraft, so parents of multiples (twins, triplets) may find they need to be seated in separate rows in order to have two bassinets.
Getting Around
Travel strollers are a fantastic way to get your littlies around a resort, and for some ages can double as seats at a table. They aren’t allowed in the onboard cabin so many airlines will ask you to check them in at the desk on arrival — we recommend getting your travel agent to check the dimensions and protocol with your chosen airline, as some will let you use it within the airport and then check it in at the departure gate!
While we are on the subject, it is worth investing in a pram fan when travelling to the South Pacific. The destinations can be hot and humid with air con limited or only in certain areas, so the fans help to cool the babes — and also double as a mosquito repellent!
If you’re travelling on the mainland in a car or bus then consider taking your child seat as a piece of checked luggage, or ask your travel agent about hiring one for your transportation in country. The hire may mean you have a different seat than you’re used to, but it is much more convenient and only incurs a small cost.
If you’re travelling out of the main land and to an outer island be mindful that there may be a boat trip required. These vessels won’t have child restraints so you may like to bring a baby carrier or use your stroller (depending on the size of the boat). Scheduled ferry services tend to utilise bigger vessels than private transfers and also access marinas and jettys as opposed to beach landings, so consider your preferences when booking transfer options too.
Read the full article to know more about Travelling with young kids
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bharat059 · 11 months
Contract Logistics Market 2023-2031 Increasing Demand With SWOT Analysis and Growth Strategies by Top Companies
Contract Logistics Market Development Strategy Pre and Post COVID-19, by Corporate Strategy Analysis, Landscape, Type, Application, and Leading 20 Countries covers and analyzes the potential of the global Contract Logistics industry, providing statistical information about market dynamics, growth factors, major challenges, PEST analysis and market entry strategy Analysis, opportunities and forecasts. The biggest highlight of the report is to provide companies in the industry with a strategic analysis of the impact of COVID-19. At the same time, this report analyzed the market of leading 20 countries and introduce the market potential of these countries. “Contract Logistics market was estimated at USD 282542.93 million, and it’s anticipated to reach USD 425815.91 million in 2031, with a CAGR of 4.66% during the forecast years.”
Get a Sample Copy of the Report at –
Segment by Type
Which growth factors drives the Contract Logistics market growth?
Increasing use of is expected to drive the growth of the Contract Logistics Market.
Segment by Application
Pharma & Healthcare
Market Segment by Region/Country Including: -
North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain, etc.)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Southeast Asia, etc.)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc.)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc.)
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babypramsaus · 2 years
Prams for Sale | Baby Prams Australia
Luxurious Prams With Loads of Safety Features
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Look out for the prams for sale offers online at Babypramaustralia.com.au, where you can find great discounts and easy installment-based payment methods.
Explore our selected range of baby prams and check online today!
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
How are the arsenal babies (that traveled) enjoying the trip so far??
Tesoro's been having a lot of fun. She's been on her best behaviour the entire time and has been holding Alessia's hand the entire time
Gremlin has also been on her best behaviour, mainly because Kim is with the team and Gremlin is scared of Captain Kim. Caitlin and Katie feel like they've been granted a holiday.
Angel's been having a lot of fun. The Academy girls think she's so sweet and Angel's been toddling along while holding Steph's hands and she looks so cute doing it.
Kiddo has decided that she isn't enjoying Australia at all. It's too hot and her pram is making an odd creaky noise that she doesn't like at all
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pramaustralia · 1 year
Techniques for Buying a New Baby Stroller
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Babies love push strollers. If you are a mum or dad, you can't skip getting this great devices for your lovely little one. Since there are lots of babe prams or baby strollers out there, finding the most effective one can be a little challenging for you. Nevertheless with a little homework, you can find the best infant prams. With the 6 tips given here, the buying system will become easier in your case.
pram australia
Overall Budget
Strollers are available for any expense plan. For instance, umbrella prams are for you if you possibly could afford to spend a lot of money. However , if you happen to buy second-hand, you simply won't have to spend just as much. So , you have to have a right idea of how much you'll be able to shell out for the system before you set out to shop for one.
The Usability
Often , you have to get strollers that can be collapsed without any problem. Following folding them, you can actually put them at the rear of your car. Therefore , you must look for a pram which you can slide into the car with ease. As a really make a difference of fact, comfort is the number one element that you should consider when ever investing in a baby stroller.
Match up Stroller to Native Terrain
Ideally, you'll need a pram that can be used concerning crowded streets combined with on streets. Nonetheless if you reside in your rural area or even if you love hiking along with your baby, you should acquire a stroller that can work nicely on gravel together with dirt roads. Purchasing the best stroller in line with your environment a great idea. On the other hand, if you ever live in an elegant area, we claim that you look for some sort of umbrella stroller.
Discover a Pram That Can be Collapsed
Some baby buggies feature a one-hand times. This feature is excellent. It allows you to flip and unfold the item in the blink associated with eye. So , you may put in or acquire the pram through the car without any concern.
Consider a Double Baby strollers
Most strollers are generally inexpensive. Some usually are sturdy and open enough to accommodate 5-year-olds as well. If you have a lot more kids, we declare that you look for a two-fold stroller. The additional fit may keep your searching bags or school bags.
The Language associated with Strollers
Before you find the best stroller, ensure you understand the speech of different push strollers. For a start, you can visit a nearby store and consider strollers in the aisles. However , if you have an understanding of the difference around different types of baby pushchairs, you can easily find out what sort may work for you determined by your needs.
Nearby get overwhelmed through the tons of baby strollers in a store, yow will discover the best one using a bit of research. Car considered all your selections and determined the most beneficial pram type influenced by your budget, lifestyle and additionally family size, one can find the best one within your price range. Just you must don't make the cost your only enjoy factor.
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alliedcreation · 1 year
Baby Stroller Market Latest Industry Trend, Challenges, Strategy Forecast to 2031
Baby Stroller Market," The baby stroller market size was valued at $2 billion in 2021, and is estimated to reach $3.5 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 5.7% from 2022 to 2031.
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Baby stroller industry have gained popularity among the generation of baby boomers. Despite the popularity, the state of innovations in the design of the baby stroller has reached different level in recent years. The basic function of a baby stroller to make parenting easier. Strollers come with different specification types and usage according to the age and needs of the toddler as well as needs of the customers which include needs based on their lifestyle. Factors that are encouraging the baby stroller market Significant factors such as the rise in the baby stroller market trends of travel among millennials and baby boomers expand the scope for easy travel with babies, accelerating the market growth rate. The single parent and nuclear families have to cope with multitasking along with taking care of their newborn or toddlers.  Another important factor is that parents are willing to spend more for the toddlers.
A rise in refurbishment and leasing baby stroller market demand is expected to further propel the market growth. Nuclear families and single parents account for nearly one-third of the share of the baby strollers market. Customers are spending more on prams and strollers as a result of their fast-paced lifestyle, baby-care consciousness, and others.  Consumers prefer baby stroller mostly due to the strict government regulations governing the safety standards of these strollers. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) of the U.S. has established federal safety standards for strollers, which address the safety of various parts such as the latch/lock mechanism, wheel attachment, parking brakes, and seat belts.
Baby stroller market analysis into product type, age, distribution channel and region. Depending on product type, it is categorized into lightweight baby stroller, full-size baby stroller, Jogging baby stroller, double baby stroller. According to age, it is segmented into 0-6 months, 6-12months and 12-36 months. As per distribution channel, it is fragmented into supermarket/hypermarket, specialty stores and e-commerce. Region-wise, it is analyzed across North America (The U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, and rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Australia, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific), and LAMEA (Brazil, Chile, UAE, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Rest of LAMEA).
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Depending on product type, the Lightweight baby stroller dominated the market with $734.9 million in 2021 and is estimated to reach $1293.6 million by 2031, at a CAGR of 5.8% during the forecast period. The Lightweight baby stroller dominated the global baby stroller market. A Lightweight baby stroller is a balance between traditional and umbrella stroller styles. Such type of stroller is lighter in weight than the standard baby stroller trend, also easy to fold and limited in size when folded. Therefore, customers can easily carry it in their car while going for a long trip, or carry if they are away from home, aforementioned factors are increasing the baby stroller market opportunity and increasing the baby stroller market size.
According to the age, 6-12 months babies segment was the highest contributor to the market, and is estimated to reach $1694.9 million by 2031, at a CAGR of 6.1% during the forecast period. This is attributed to the fact that babies at this age cannot travel on their own and hence need to be carried, preferably in a stroller.
As per the distribution channel, the e-commerce segment was the highest contributor to the market, with $783.7 million in 2021 and is estimated to reach $1396.7 million by 2031, at a CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period. This was attributed to increase in business of retail sale in different regions as well as availability of different products at limited price.
By region, North America was the highest contributor to the market, with $692.7 million in 2021 and is estimated to reach $1134.4 million by 2031, at a CAGR of 5% during the forecast period. According to survey reports, 77% European new parents prefer to purchase new stroller and in North America, the percentage is a little bit low; however the population factor changes the equation of baby stroller market growth. According to World Bank report in North America more children are born in Europe every year. This factor also drives the growth of the North America baby stroller market forecast from 2021 to 2031.
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The key players profiled in the Baby stroller market include Artsana S.P.A, Baby Bunting, Britax Excelsior Limited, Dorel Juvenile, Goodbaby International, Newell Brand, Peg Perego SpA., Pigeon Corporation, Mothercare, Summer Infant, Inc. 
Key findings of the study
By product type, the light weight stroller segment is estimated to witness the fastest growth, registering a CAGR of 5.8% during the forecast period.
By age, the 6-12 months segment was dominant in 2021, accounting for 46.85% of the global baby stroller market share.
By distribution channel, the specialty store segment held the highest share in 2021 and registering a CAGR of 6.0% during the baby stroller industry forecast period.
By region, North America was the most prominent market in 2021, and is expected to grow at a significant CAGR 5.0% throughout the forecast period
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pramsaustralia · 1 year
Little one Prams & Push strollers - Important Factors to decide upon When Buying
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To be a new parent (or parent-to-be), you may be sensing a little overwhelmed approximately all of the items you must purchase. One of the most costly pieces are infant prams. They really are an important parenting tool that you ought to do your research on in advance of making a purchase. We urge you to give consideration to at length just what your requirements are together with what your budget is usually before you decide that baby stroller to buy.
pram australia
Safe practices - Does that pram comply with ones country's Standard laws and regulations? For example , in Sydney it is called this Australian Standard and it also means it has been thoroughly tested for safety just before being able to be made available to consumers. Are there a 5 position harness to keep your baby from climbing out there? As they get older, this is the necessity. A cart that has easy access isn't only very handy (especially when baby is actually sleeping) but may even stop you coming from loading up the handlebars with bags and additionally shopping, which will slow up the risk of showing, particularly jogger strollers.
Budget - Therefore , how much do you have to shell out? Remember, the stroller does not need to be pricey but it does need to be harmless and comfortable (for baby and also to be able to push). Decide on your capacity to pay before you head out to your shops. Do not be temped by expensive, vibrant prams, especially vacation systems. I know associated with so many people who didn't need the bassinet piece they paid back $100s for. If you think maybe you need this additional extra, then take a look at a possible lower priced option. You can buy level inserts that will slip in many prams. Everybody have a Valco Cocoon which I have used in a very 3 wheeler Valco and also a Strider several wheeler. Perfect for a baby and much cheaper as opposed to the bassinet. Prices to get prams and push strollers start as low as AU$29, going up to AU$4, 000. Stay aimed!
Build and Shape - Weight, measurements and the wheels are very important factors. What size and accessible will probably be your boot? You will definitely need to be able to boost the pram straight into your boot simply, especially after becoming pregnant! Do you want 3 or 4 train wheels? Jogger prams have become popular with people who appreciate exercising with newborn baby, while plenty of five wheelers have out of road wheels designed for introducing baby on the great outdoors. If you will be "driving" your child stroller on a footpath or in a searching centre on a simple surface, then compact wheels will be wonderful. Some people find big wheels cumbersome in addition to unnecessary. Others get their pram along with off road locomotive's wheels plus a smaller stroller for quick visits to the shops.
Certain baby prams are generally reversible so you can look at your newborn around awe or you can keep them turned outwards to manage this spectacular earth that is so fresh to them.
Accessories along with Extras - The number of children to you need or plan on using? A toddler fit or toddler plank may be a necessity when your children are (or are going to be) around in age. Chances are you'll cross this conduit when you come to the application and invest in a two-fold pram / california king pram. Me : I am going to try a little one sling or the front baby carrier with regard to my next a…
Covers for babe prams - they will fit properly then i recommend getting the similar brand as ones own pram, or have a go with before you buy. There's nothing worse than precipitation or shade protects that flap concerning. Actually, yes you can find, muslin wraps over the pram. Very frustrating.
There are so many various optional extras in support of you can decide what we really do need. Enjoy holders, pram these sharp “claws”, woolly liners, top of your head inserts for babies, toy bars, shoe cover and parasols (what the?! ), just to name some. Maybe wait prior to the baby has arrived therefore you have been out inside pram a few times. On the liner then what is a requirement and what may have potentially been your waste of revenue.
So , get out in that respect there and test drive many of the popular brands -- Steelcraft, Bugaboo, Absolutely adore n Care, Phil & Teds, Off-road Buggy, Valco, Maclaren, Mother's Choice. Jot down what your expects and desires usually are, and do your research on the internet so you can make conscious of decision once you are with the baby shop. Make certain to check online because you might even find the stroller of choice a lot cheaper, and now a great time to be conserving some money.
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