#Baby Scan Offers of Leicester
5 Foods For Gall Bladder Health In Pregnancy
Gallstones are concentrated pieces of a substance called bile, which is comprised of water, fat, cholesterol, bilirubin, and salts. Bile is regularly delivered into your small digestive system, where it helps digest fats. Notwithstanding, bile can some of the time become focused and structure gallstones. It is better to get an Early Pregnancy Scan in Cambridge from Window To The Womb Clinic. As a rule, ladies are two times as possible as men to foster gallstones. During pregnancy, the chances are much higher. Subsequently, around 5% to 8% of ladies will encounter either gallbladder slop or gallstones during pregnancy.
Symptoms of Gallstones during pregnancy as suggested by the Cambridge Baby Scan Clinic Gallstones can cause critical side effects including:
• Sickness. • Regurgitating. • Fever. • Tingling.
The Gallbladder stores bile created by the liver and deliveries the bile into the small digestive tract to assist with processing food. The gallbladder is a touchy organ. Keeping a sound eating regimen loaded with supplements and thick food varieties can assist you with forestalling gallbladder illness. Then again, an eating regimen wealthy in super-handled food sources might expand your gamble for gallbladder-related conditions. You might be encouraged to briefly build your fiber and protein consumption. This can decrease stomach-related secondary effects while your body changes after a medical procedure.
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Some important 5 foods as suggested by the experts of the Gender Scan Clinic Cambridge to include are:
1. Whole organic products. 2. Vegetables. 3. Whole grain bread. 4. Brown rice 5. Plant-based protein.
When to Call Your Doctor at the Fetal Well Being Scan of Cambridge
On the off chance that you experience serious stomach pain during pregnancy, converse with your doctor to facilitate your interests and get a determination. Call your doctor right away if you have pain so extreme you can't sit or rests easily, or on the other hand assume that you're encountering a fever with chills or yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, as these can be indications of a serious disease. So we have reasoned that gallbladder issues are difficult and, now and again, hazardous. Eating the right food sources — and staying away from some unacceptable ones, in particular those high in fat — can help improve and safeguard the soundness of your gallbladder. Eventually, an eating regimen by Baby Scan Offers In Cambridge for a solid gallbladder will help your general well-being, keeping your entire body better over the long haul.
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leicesterbabyscan · 2 years
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futurebabyuk · 3 months
Comprehensive Care with Private Pregnancy and Early Scans in Leicester
Futurebaby offers expectant parents in Leicester the peace of mind and personalized care they deserve with our private pregnancy scans and early scans. Our state-of-the-art facilities and compassionate staff ensure a reassuring and comfortable experience.
Private Pregnancy Scan Leicester: Detailed and Personalized
At Futurebaby, we understand the importance of monitoring your baby's development closely. Our private pregnancy scans in Leicester provide detailed images and comprehensive reports, giving you a clear view of your baby’s growth. With advanced ultrasound technology, our experienced sonographers offer accurate and reliable assessments. We take the time to explain the findings and answer any questions you may have, ensuring you feel informed and supported throughout your pregnancy journey.
Early Scan Leicester: Reassurance When You Need It Most
For those eager to confirm their pregnancy and check on their baby’s health early on, our early scans in Leicester are the perfect solution. Typically performed between 6 to 10 weeks, these scans provide an early glimpse of your baby's development and confirm the pregnancy’s viability. Early scans can also detect multiple pregnancies and provide an accurate due date, giving you vital information as you begin this exciting journey.
Futurebaby is dedicated to providing exceptional care and support for expectant parents. Whether you need a private pregnancy scan or an early scan in Leicester, our professional and compassionate team is here to help. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and experience the Futurebaby difference.
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macybeckham7 · 4 years
Nine Months -Ben Chilwell
October 2019
Ben found himself in nightclub in London and because it was Halloween it was the perfect excuse for the girls to dress up as sluts. Ben couldn’t help but crinkle his nose up at some of the girls, who was practically not leaving anything to the imagination. He looked at the girls that James and Demarai invited over. His eyes roamed around and saw a girl who looked gorgeous, she was in a cow girl, wearing short shorts and knee high cow print boots.
He decided to take his chance and walk towards the girl. He felt his heart rate rise as his eyes met with hers, and she was definitely even more goodlooking up close. He offered to by her a drink which she instantly agreed. The pair talked and drank and danced and had a good time. He learned her name was YN which was the perfect name for a stunning girl like her.
James appeared and introduced himself as Ben’s ‘wing man’ which she instantly sassed that he wasn’t a good one then as he came over by himself. James making a cheeky comment about Ben bagging a cow girl because they are good at riding, which instantly made her fake gag at his awful joke.
The two of of them decided to leave the club and call it a night. They both went back to YN’s place and into bed together.
November 2019
It had been a month since Ben walked out on her the next morning as if he had never been there. The two did swap numbers and YN didn’t want to be the one to slide into his DMs. But hadn’t stopped her friends for telling her everything the guy seems to do. Whether he has got a goal for Leicester or if he has got into the England call up.
It was mid November when YN started to feel alittle funny, her friend instantly telling her to take a pregnancy test which she does was complaining all the way through. Sat on her bed with her bed friend beside her she felt like her whole world had just paused and in slow motion as she looked at the two lines that means positive she was pregnant. She felt herself getting nervous as she questioned how she was going to tell Ben. Should she even tell him?
YN was pacing outside of Wembley stadium where England played, everytime the door opened she looked like a little meerkat hoping to find Ben walking towards the coach. But nothing. He was one of the last ones out, he was laughing and joking with a brunette guy with loads of freckles covering his face and a olive skinned toned guy with a cross earring.
‘Ben’ she calls reaching out for him.
He instantly recognised her, he told the guys to go without him, his hand was in hers as he distanced them away from the fans.
‘Why did you just up and bolt?’ She mutters. ‘Was I just a quick shag for you, wasn’t I good enough?’ She rambles.
His face softens. ‘I was late, I had a meeting that day’ he explained.
She didn’t believe him. He could of left a note to tell her or even wake her up, anything was better than leaving her high and dry.
She lets out a shaky breath before handing him the test. ‘Just thought you would like to know.. I don’t want anything from you’ she says before turning hot on her heels and walking off.
He was about to chase after her but James appeared and told him to get on the bus.
December 2019
Ben was sat beside YN as she winced slightly as she felt the cold gel on her stomach. The midwife spoke to the two of them as she talked about mummy and baby classes that they could go to before the baby arrives. Asking the two whether they are going to find out what they were having or if they have any names ready. Ben noticed as she gave a blank look, he answering for her and getting the lady of their backs. The three of them looked at the monitor with a confused look as there was nothing there but the midwife knew exactly what she was looking at.
The two of them decided to go for coffee in the hospital, he walks with two hot chocolate and slides one over to her.
‘Why did you come?’ YN questions.
His brows furrow at her. ‘Because I don’t want you to go through this alone, I know this was a drunken night out and neither of us planned this but I want to be there for you and my child’ he says softly. ‘If you’ll allow me that is’ he mutters.
She nods her head slowly before sipping her drink.
‘We should start thinking of telling family’ he mutters as he sees her wince.
He held her hand before knocking on his parents door, they had already told YN’s parents and now it was time to meet the Chilwell’s. They were surprised when they saw their son wasn’t alone, as they sat around the dining table YN couldn’t help but feel awkward as they tried to find out the pretty female was to their son.
‘I’m pregnant’ she announces, before see Ben’s face scrunch up slightly wanting to announce it a little bit more delicately.
Their reacts was probably how you imagined, his mum jumped up and walked out leaving you with his sister and brother. The three of the stayed quiet as they heard them call her every name under the sun. As they left YN muttering a small ‘that couldn’t of went any more worse’.
January 2020
YN was now four months into her pregnancy and Ben was always round when he wasn’t training or at games. He started waiting on her hand and foot. He made sure that she had everything she needed in the house and catered to her craving.
The two of them had got to know each other more, wanting to have a better relationship as the two of them were always going to be connected with this little person.
The two sat on the sofa with the two bidding names that they liked.
‘Curtis?’ YN questioned.
‘Absolutely not’ Ben chuckled.
‘I like Jamie for a girl’ YN announces.
‘Jamie Chilwell’ he says slowly before they both crinkled their noses and shook their heads.
‘Saint?’ Ben suggests.
YN bursts out laughing. ‘We’re not boujee enough for that’
February 2020
Ben had told YN that she could live with him, not really wanting her living alone and being close whenever he needed him.
He had a girl round when YN came walking into the living room gushing that the baby has kicked. Ben instantly jumped up and ran towards her, his hands instantly on her growing stomach. The girl stayed sat on the sofa as she watched the two freeze as they waited for movement. There was a suddenly squeal coming from the two as Ben instantly sinks to his knees.
‘That was amazing, that was a big kick’ he gushed. ‘Practicing your free kicks buddy’ he giggles.
He has recently got in his head that the baby is a boy and started pushing his favourite names.
‘Sorry to interrupt but who is this?’ The girl spoke up.
The two looking at, suddenly remembering that they weren’t alone in and realising how weird this looked. Ben stepped away from YN and the bump as he looked awkward.
‘I’m....’ she starts.
‘My sister, she’s my sister’ he quickly cutting her off. YN raises her brows at him as he tells her to go to his bedroom and he’ll meet her in their.
The girl smiles at YN and then walks down the hall.
‘Oh will me and the bump be your cock block’ she rolls her eyes at her. ‘Wear a condom this time, don’t want to be in this mess again’ she sasses.
She sits in the kitchen alone as she hears everything the two is getting up to as she eats icecream from the tub.
March 2020
‘Are you uncomfortable?’ James instantly freaks as he sees her wince and runs her hand over her bump.
She shakes her head as she lets James guides her to sit down.
After the last month situation, they both spoke about Ben not bringing any girls back. It hurt YN even though she wouldn’t admit it, she thought they were going well, even thought they could even try to be a thing. The two of them were so alike they even started finishing eachothers sentences.
‘I need to get the nursery done’ YN groans as James doesn’t let her get up.
‘You need to take it slow’ he mutters. ‘Let Ben do it’ he says softly.
She instantly bursts into tears. ‘Where is he? He missed the scan’ she cries, as he pulls her into him.
Ben comes waltzing through the door and sees his best mate with his baby mumma, he couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Mentioning that before they jump into bed wait till this baby gets out. YN jumps up and barges past him before pushing the scan into his chest.
May 2020
The past two months James has been the middle person between YN and Ben, they have been arguing a lot more and YN has really began to hate Ben with him saying some really mean things to her. They learned that they were having a boy. Whenever YN needed something she didn’t want anything from Ben, even though he was so desperate to help. Her comeback was to go to his latest slut.
James just wishing he could just banging their heads together and tell them to act like grown ups. He knew that they will be amazing parents but they needed to get on as they were on the same team.
‘Guys the baby is coming in 2 months let’s get your shit together’ he sassed.
He looks at his friend gives him a stern look.
‘You are old enough to fuck and get pregnant, act your age’ he mutters before leaving them.
Ben lets out a small sigh before sitting beside her. Her head going to his shoulder as they start having it out with eachother.
July 2020
‘BABE!’ YN calls in a panic tone which gets Ben running towards her voice. ‘My waters-‘ she says.
He instantly starts panicking looking like a stressed sim. She held onto the sink as he panicked called his mum. He was surprised when he looked over at YN she was starting a bath. He helped her in the bath and relaxed in there and overcome a few of her contractions.
A few hours went by of YN relaxing at home and riding her contractions, Ben being completely on edge.
The Labour was a few hours and Ben instantly burst into tears as the midwife places the large baby on YN’s chest. YN let out a small crying laugh as she looks down at her little man. Ben kissing her forehead as he tells her how proud he was of her.
‘Luke James Chilwell’ YN gushes.
They both gush over the little creation they made, the last crazy nine months completely forgotten about because it was now about the next eighteen years of being the best parents to this little guy. Neither of them would of believed when they were at that Halloween party that their lives would change forever.
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Chapter Three: It’s Complicated
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Forever? Masterlist
1st February 2016 Ashley loved celebrating birthdays, she especially loved celebrating Harry’s birthday. On the morning of the first day of February she pulled herself out of bed and found her phone to send Harry a video of herself dancing to Stevie Wonder’s rendition of happy birthday. It was easier to do when she still lived with her mum because their house was considerably bigger than her new flat in London. Being from the North of England Ashley was naive when she started house hunting, but eventually she managed to find a small flat in South London that had decent enough tube connections to allow her to get to work each day. She had also managed to make it her own, making the most of the available space, each room was incredibly small, but that was how things worked in London. She was set to be at work all day and then she’d have to face the inevitable joy that was rush hour as she traveled into North London for Harry’s birthday meal. 
Following breakfast she rummaged through her wardrobe looking for something she could wear to work, but would also be appropriate for Harry’s meal. She was still yet to tell Harry about the baby and her choice to keep it, so she thought tight fitting clothes were out of the question. Eventually she settled on a grey chunky roll neck jumper which she paired with black jeans and her trusty leather jacket. Her hair was a mess as always, she didn’t even attempt to curl or straighten it, so decided to opt for a simple but effective top knot.
“Morning sunshine!” Ashley called as she sat at her desk, across from her new found friend Toby, he was one of those effortlessly fashionable people who looked painfully good in literally anything. The two of them were doing the same paid internship and shared a mutual appreciation for Colin Firth; they spent every lunchtime together, Ashley swiping through Toby’s tinder matches to find him a suitable match, whilst Toby continued to talk about his failed dates, this week's disaster was Roberto.
“How are you so awake when it is so early?” Toby sighed, spinning on his office chair.
“It’s called getting nine hours of sleep you melon.” 
“I love it when you get all sarcastic, makes me realise I’m not actually as cynical as I thought.” Toby told her as she tapped away on her computer.
Whilst on their daily lunch break Ashley and Toby stopped off at Starbucks, “What can I get you love?” the barista asked her.
“Just a cheese and marmite panini and tea please.” Ashley replied as she handed over her cash.
“Cheese and marmite? Are you trying to insult me?” Toby asked in disgust before ordering his salad and cappuccino.
“You aren’t allowed to be rude to me, I’m pregnant remember, besides it's one of my odd cravings, along with chicken nuggets dunked in peanut butter.” She told Toby sarcastically, the only people who knew about the baby were her mum, Gemma and Toby, she hadn’t intended to tell anyone at work until further down the line, but using dry january as an excuse not to go on a work night out didn’t seem like a feasible excuse, so she felt it necessary to tell him the truth. She was still yet to find the right moment to tell Harry, or Anne for that matter, she didn’t want to have to tell her best friend that her first child was born out of a loveless night of lust, well in fact there wasn’t even any lust on Ashley’s behalf.
“What ya thinkin bout pet?” Toby asked her as they took their usual seat in the window.
“All sorts, whether I should buy a crib or wait a few months, whether or not I should tell my best friend I got pregnant after a drunken mistake.” Ashley explained, biting her nails the way she always had when she was anxious.
“Whoever this elusive friend of yours is, I’m sure he’ll still care about you the same way whether or not you’re pregnant, so stop being so hard on yourself, besides babies don’t stay that small forever, in a few months time your belly is going to be the size of a beach ball.” Ashley hadn’t told anyone at work her best friend was in fact Harry, she didn’t want people to think she got a free pass just because she was best friends with pop sensation Harry Styles.
As soon as she entered Leicester Square Station Ashley regretted her choice to get the tube, it was packed, even though on the streets of London there was still a cold chill in the air, somehow the underground remained its warm and sweat inducing self. She held onto her bump with one hand, while the other had hold of the pole, not wanting to face palm on a tube full of people. Since moving to London Ashley was often successful at wrangling a seat, seeing as it was pretty obvious she was pregnant, it had taken her a while to adapt to the bluntness of most Londoners, growing up in Holmes Chapel, life moved at a much slower pace, people stopped for a chat and it wouldn’t in anyway impact the progress of their day, but here everyone was in a rush, living in their own little bubble.
Harry’s restaurant of choice was fancy, very fancy, when Ashley arrived they took her coat from her and led her to the table where Harry, Anne and Gemma were sat with several other people she didn’t recognise, so assumed they were colleagues and famous friends of Harry’s. “Happy birthday Haz!” Ashley cried as she hugged her best friend.
“Thank you petal.” he whispered into her hair, swaying her from side to side, he was dressed in yet another Styles signature look, a loose white shirt which was only buttoned half way, so his bird tattoos were peeping out, paired with black skinny jeans and chelsea boots
“This is for you,” she handed him the gift bag, Ashley never knew what to get Harry, if he wanted something, frankly he was in the position where he could afford it himself, there was no need for Ashley to buy him anything fancy, so instead she decided on a leather bound notebook with room for all his scribbles and ideas. “Twenty two eh? Pretty sure someone’s written a song about that.” She smirked, shooting Harry a knowing glance as she took a seat opposite him, beside Gemma. 
“You alright?” Gemma mouthed, to which Ashley nodded, being the generally caring and compassionate person she was, Gemma had accompanied her to the twelve week scan, and offered her services as a general source of comfort, because in Ashley’s eyes she was the next best thing to Harry.
The food was posh, and Ashley had always lacked a refined palette, the poshest food she’d ever had was when her dad took her for tea and cake at the Ritz, so she opted for what she felt most comfortable with, steak. Conversation was buzzing amongst the table, Harry had lots of questions for Ashley, he hadn’t seen her since Christmas and wanted to know all about her first month working at Capital. “Some champagne for you sir.” The waiter placed the bottle on the table in front of Harry and a champagne flute in front of each guest. 
Harry stood up, clearing his throat, “I’d like to say thank you all for coming tonight, it means a lot to have all my favourite people in one room, so cheers!” Harry told the group before popping the cork, he made his way around the table to pour everyone a glass, eventually getting to Ashley, “
I don’t want any thanks H.” She told him softly.
“Oh come on Ashley, it’s the first day of February, dry January is over so you’ve got to have a drink.” he insisted.
“I’m fine H, I don’t want one.” She replied.
“Just one, a little one.” He pushed.
“Harry leave it.” Gemma told him sternly.
“Why are you getting all defensive all of a sudden Gem?” He asked, placing the bottle on the table.
“If she doesn’t want a drink I just don’t think you should pester her about it.”
“Harry I wasn’t doing dry January, the real reason I haven’t been drinking is-” Ashley muttered.
“You don’t have to do this, not now, not if you aren’t ready.” Gemma assured her.
“What’s going on? Why are you two being secretive?” Harry questioned, the several glasses of wine he had consumed, clearly taking effect, on his normally rational state.
“I’m pregnant.” The silence was almost deafening, the light conversations around the table had stopped, Ashley and Harry looked at eachother like there was no one else in the room, she hadn’t wanted to tell him like this, she was going to tell him when she was ready. Harry sat back in his seat, twiddling his thumbs, “I think I best leave you all to it, thank you for having me,” Ashley whispered before standing from her chair, she left some money towards the meal on the table, took her bag from the chair and left the restaurant, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Gemma glared at her brother as Ashley darted out of the restaurant, “Well done Harry, you handled that with real compassion.”
“What did you want me to do? My best friend just told me she’s pregnant.” Harry replied.
“For Christ sake Harry! She’s the one who is going through all of this, and yet all you can think about is your bruised ego.” Gemma told him bluntly, the raised voices drawing unwanted attention from other customers in the restaurant.
“You two need to calm down.” Anne soothed, placing her hand on Harry’s arm, “I’m sure she had a valid reason not to tell you love.”
“Harry, be the friend she needs you to be, go after her and apologise.” Gemma instructed him.
London was dark, as you would expect, it was early February after all, Ashley made her way towards Highgate tube station, the winter frost biting at her skin as she walked. She entered the station, rummaging through her pockets for her oyster card, “Ash! Wait.” She turned to see her best friend, panting heavily as though he’d run a 100 metre sprint, the station wasn’t busy but he had drawn some unwanted attention to himself. “I’m a dick.” he sighed as he walked closer to her.
“Little shit actually.” she replied, a small grin appearing briefly on her lips.
“What I mean is, whatever happens, whatever you have to deal with over the next few months, I’ll have your back, forever.” He assured her, holding onto her elbows, so as to steady her.
“The reason I didn’t tell you was because I thought you’d think I was a failure, for fuck sake I’m nearly twenty and I’m three months pregnant and the father is a twat who currently resides in Malia and probably beds a new girl every night.” 
“I don’t think you’re a failure, out of everyone I know you’ve got your shit together, you knew you were pregnant when you came to London, but you still did it, the idea of being here alone didn’t phase you and I admire you for that.” Harry told her, “You’ll be a great mum, and I’ll be an even better uncle.” Harry chuckled.
“I’ve got another present for you if you want it? I think you’ll like it more than what I actually got you.” Ashley rummaged in a bag, pulling out her twelve week scan, “That’s your niece or nephew in there.”
Harry grinned eagerly, his dimples becoming more prominent than usual, “Can I keep it?” he asked her, unable to stop smiling.
“Of course you can.” 
“Thank you, I’m sorry I’m such a little shit.” He wrapped his arms around her tightly, kissing the top of her head, “I’m going to look out for you two forever.”
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onlycags · 4 years
Ağrı (Pain)
Word Count: 1,257 Not part of the 25 Days of Cags Christmas; just my own feelings about yesterday. I just wanna cuddle Cags and make sure he’s okay and since I can’t actually do that, here’s some words on it.
- - -
His excitement had been palpable as he’d gotten ready to fly to Ukraine the day before.
“Are you sure you’re going to be fine?” You asked, placing both hands on his chest as you looked up at him with worried eyes.
Çağlar pulled you in for a soothing kiss, resting his forehead against yours. “Of course I’ll be fine. You worry too much, Tatlı cadı.”
“And you don’t worry enough, Sevdam,” you replied, your brow furrowing. With a heaving sigh, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close one more time before he was out the door.
The house you shared felt cold without him, which normally wasn’t anything new, but something felt different about this go-round. You were restless; unable to focus, checking Instagram followed by your texts and then shutting off your phone only to pick it up seconds later. You had a bad feeling - not a ‘the plane is gonna crash’ feeling, but something told you that this wasn’t going to end well for Çağlar. Both Cengiz and your boyfriend kept you updated, a FaceTime video ending the evening.
“You’re doing it again,” Çağlar murmured, a smile gracing his lips on the video.
“I can’t help it,” you replied, trying to mask the frown on your face. “How are you feeling?”
“Great! Rodgers already told me I’m starting tomorrow. It’s gonna be cold, but I feel confident. The trainers have been great with me and think I’m up for the challenge, too.”
“Okay…” you trailed off, biting down on your bottom lip, the frown returning. “If you’re sure.”
“I’m sure.” Çağlar sighed wistfully, his expression tortured. “Keşke seni şimdi tutabilseydim.” I wish I could hold you right now.
“Me, too. Just get home to me in one piece, yeah?”
“Elimden geleni yapacağım. Seni seviyorum, Tatlı cadı.” I will try my best. I love you, sweet witch.
You blew him a kiss on the screen. “Ben de seni seviyorum, Çağlar.” I love you, too. 
You couldn’t sleep that night and you ended up going in to work incredibly tired. The bed felt empty without him and the nagging sense of worry about the match today. Your heart lurched when you saw his name on the starting eleven on Leicester’s Instagram post - it felt real and while you trusted your boyfriend and his club’s expert medical team, you were still worried. Nevertheless, you sent him a good luck text before the match.
You: İyi şanslar 😘
He seemed fine during warmups, and you settled on the sofa after work in one of his jerseys and his softest sweats. “Please be okay, baby,” you muttered to yourself as the cameras followed him out onto the pitch. He looked okay, albeit a little cold, and you chuckled softly at the sight of him in short sleeves with gloves on. 
He was slower than usual and you couldn’t tell if it was from the cold or him being cautious of his healing body, but ten minutes passed without incident and you were starting to feel a little better.
At fifteen minutes, it all went to hell. You watched him run for a ball and kick it out, signalling to the bench before he went down on the ground. “No, no, no,” you repeated, standing up with your hands over your mouth and your heart in your throat. You let out a sigh of relief when the physios came running out onto the pitch, but your relief didn’t last long. He looked to be in so much pain, clutching his injured leg. Tears gathered in your eyes as the cameras showed Cengiz helping him off the pitch and they started to fall when the cameras followed him as he walked off the pitch towards the bench looking angry and hurt. 
“Please be okay,” you whispered, curling up with his pillow from his side of the bed after the match ended in defeat. You hadn’t heard anything from him yet and the match had ended almost an hour ago. 
Cengiz was the one to send you an update, letting you know that Çağlar had gone for scans and would be out soon. 
“Do you think he’s gonna need surgery?” You asked, biting down nervously on your bottom lip as you paced the living room of your place.
“It’s hard to know right now,” Cengiz answered, his tone just as worried as yours. “From what I overheard, it was a miracle he hadn’t needed surgery the first go-round, but now the physios aren’t so sure.” 
“Fuck!” You cursed, pinching the bridge of your nose as you closed your eyes in an attempt to calm yourself. “Please let him be okay.”
You weren’t aware that Cengiz had heard you utter the last sentence until he said, “I’ll try my best. I’ll keep you updated, okay?”
“Yes, thanks, Cengo. I appreciate it.”
You waited with baited breath, unable to sleep that night. Cengiz had let you know when the flight had taken off and landed, but he hadn’t said anything about Çağlar’s health status. Apparently, your boyfriend had been given a few cortisone shots along with a myriad of painkillers to knock him out for the flight, so he hadn’t spoken to you since his FaceTime the night before.
When they did come home, Çağlar was leaning against Cengiz looking very tired and woozy. 
“I can put him to bed for you,” Cengiz offered, setting both his and Çağlar’s bags down at the foyer. “He’s loopy and barely speaking anything but incoherent Turkish.”
You nodded, a grateful look on your face. “Let me help,” you said, rushing to your boyfriend’s free side, putting an arm around his back and your other hand on his chest. “We’ve got you, baby.”
Çağlar mumbled something you couldn’t catch, but Cengiz did. “We’re back at home, Çağlar,” he replied and your heart broke a little. “Just gonna take you to bed.”
You and Cengiz set Çağlar down on the bed and your boyfriend let out a pained grunt. Cengiz immediately slipped off Çağlar’s shoes. “Does he need a change of clothes or should we let him sleep in this?”
“Did he wear this in the hospital?” You asked. When Cengiz nodded, you immediately went rummaging around for some comfortable clothes in the closet. You let your tears fall where your boyfriend and his teammate couldn’t see them, but quickly dried them before you came out holding a change of clothes. “I can change him - it’s not a big deal; I’ve done it before when he’s gotten a bit too drunk.”
“You sure?” You nodded. “Okay.” Cengiz stood up and pulled you into a hug. “You know to call me if you need anything, yeah? I’m just on the other end of the house.”
“I know,” you confirmed, sniffling. “Thanks, Cengo.”
“Anytime. Good night.”
It didn’t take you long to get Çağlar changed and under the covers. You made the rounds in the house, locking up and turning off the lights, your heart breaking again when you saw his suitcase by the door - Çağlar hated leaving things like that lying around; unpacking was always the first thing he did whenever he got home and it hurt knowing that he hadn’t been able to do it tonight.
The moment you climbed into bed, Çağlar was pulling you to him. “Çok üzgünüm tatlı cadı,” he muttered, the only coherent thing he’d said since he got home. I’m so sorry, sweet witch.
“It’s okay,” you whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “You’re here now and that’s all that matters.”
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tsunnychan · 4 years
chasing daybreak: even if
ch 4 of sylvgrid reincarnation au
“because even if you don’t exist, I am always in love with you.”
Sylvain walks through the halls of the museum, absently rubbing the center of his chest as his eyes rove over countless paintings and statues, searching and searching.
For what?
He sighs and shakes his head, quickly ducking behind a marble pillar when he spots the pink head of hair he was trying to avoid in the crowd of people he was trying to blend into. Groaning, he drags a tired hand across his face, already regretting his reflexive need to flirt and date anyone who has blonde, brunette, or pink hair.
He never truly understood why he’d been drawn to those particular hair colors, nor why he relentlessly sought them out.
Well, he knew why he sought them out.
He just prefers to ignore the fact he was always desperately chasing after something to fill the deep-seated emptiness that threatened to cave him in.
It’d always been that way, if his mother’s teasing stories were to be trusted. Apparently, he’d been a relatively happy baby. Never really causing a fuss, sleeping and eating without a care in the world, his eyes focused on taking in the world around him. Then, when he was two years old, he started having inconsolable bouts of crying every single year on January 4th.
The first time it happened, it was midnight, just barely seconds into January 5th, when his sharp cry split the quiet night and his mother came running. After frantically checking his room for any disturbances, his mother picked him up and placed him on her shoulder, bouncing him and gently rubbing his back.
He only wailed louder, his face growing pink with exertion.
Smoothing down his tufts of ginger hair, she cooed at him, “oh love, my baby, what’s hurting you?”
In between his tears, his hands fisted in his mother’s hair and he whimpered, “heart hurts, mommy.”
Tears still leaking out of his eyes, his mother kept rocking him trying to soothe his sniffles, when a soft knock sounded at the door. The door cracked open and a blonde head poked her head in, green eyes filled with concern. “Mrs. Gautier? Would you like some help? I know you have an important meeting to attend with Mr. Gautier in the morning…”
“Oh, Illana! Thank you for the offer, I didn’t realize Sylvain woke you, on your first night too—” Looking down at her son, who had suspiciously quieted when their newly hired live-in nanny entered the room, wet eyes locked onto her. She bounced him again, but his eyes didn’t waver.
Illana stepped fully into the room and held her arms out for him, cradling him as his mother passed him to her. “It’s quite alright. It’s what I’m here for, to make sure this little tyke stays out of trouble, isn’t that right, Sylvain?”
Based on what his mother said, he didn't reply, but he did stop crying.
From then on, he’d always cry on January 4th, and Illana was the only one to temporarily stop his tears until she left the Gautier’s employment. He’d clutched her hand tightly on her last day when he was six, mouth trembling. “Do you have to go?”
Her sad smile only deepened the already gaping hole in his heart, the one that still wasn’t entirely filled by her presence. The one that started all of his crying to begin with. “I’m sorry, Sylvain.” She ruffled his hair affectionately. “I have to go take care of my sister in Galatea. She’s been coping alone for the past few years after losing someone precious. You understand, right?”
Even though he didn’t, he nodded anyway.
With one last sad smile and a kiss on his forehead, she was gone.
  And his eyes started straying to every head of blonde, brunette, and pink hair he could find, trying to find someone, anyone, to make his chest stop aching.
  He spots the pink head of hair whip her head in his direction and he curses under his breath. Hunching in on himself, Sylvain slips into the emptier hallway of portraits, painted by the famed Ignatz Victor of the Leicester Alliance centuries ago. He’d never been too invested in the history of Faerghus, already fed up with his family’s talks of their supposed line of nobility.
That, and because he couldn’t shake the feeling that history had been rewritten, somehow, someway, to fit a different narrative.
His mind flashes back to the green hair of his college professor and the firm set of his mouth when he questioned the accuracy of the Goddess’ will and her teachings.
Needless to say, he scraped a barely passing grade in the mandatory introductory course and never looked back.
Portraits though, he could get behind. He always appreciated paintings, especially the ones with dynamic brush strokes that made the subject look alive. It made him feel… more connected.
As connected as he could feel to a motionless canvas.
His eyes fluttered over the enormous paintings of Fódlan’s leaders, briefly lingering longer on the portrait of Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, the crown prince of Faerghus, his heart tugging strangely in his chest.
Swallowing thickly, Sylvain follows the sensation, his feet taking him to the adjacent hallway dedicated to the Blue Lions of Garreg Mach Monastery. He scans each face briefly, his breaths picking up as the twisting in his chest worsens, déja vu washing over him.
  Then his breathing stops completely.
  His gaze locks onto vibrant green eyes, framed by golden blonde hair. The portrait of a pegasus knight, in flight while raising a glowing lance to strike, completely consumes him. It consumes him so wholly, so entirely, he forgets where he is.
He stumbles closer, blood pounding in his ears.
Sylvain doesn’t remember bringing his hand up, as if brushing his fingers against the canvas would bring the figure in the portrait to life.
  Make her real.
  His throat tightens, a name he hasn’t used before escaping from his lips.
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bump2babyscans · 2 years
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Bump2Baby Scans is a Private Pregnancy and Baby Scan clinic that offers 2D, 3D, and 4D HD Live baby scans in Leicester. Book your Same-day appointments now!
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covid19updater · 4 years
COVID19 UPDATES: 07/14/2020
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US: Quest Diagnostics says its average turnaround time for #COVID19 tests is now 7 or more days for non priority 1 patients
India: India is now reporting close to 30k per day... with 1.4 billion people I'm not sure that's wild weasel, but given they're doing less testing than most sub-Saharan African countries the number could be 10x that.
Arizona: 3 Arizona teachers who shared a classroom got coronavirus. One of them died LINK
Florida: ALERT: Doctors in #Florida give dire warning. “#Miami is now the epicenter of the #pandemic. What we were seeing in #Wuhan 5 or 6 months ago, now we are there,. per Dr. Lillian Abbo, U of Miami infectious disease specialist
California: "we are on the border of going to red..." Los Angeles' Mayor hints that he could bring back a complete "stay at home" order...if conditions don't get better. He's color coded alerts. We're at orange now. Red is the highest level.
Mississippi: Governor- Over the last two weeks, our hospital system has started to become stressed to the point of pain. We are seeing the early signs and effects of it becoming overwhelmed. We had to suspend elective surgeries again. I’m not one of these guys that immediately dismisses any idea that challenges the expert status quo talking points. I’m pretty skeptical by nature. That’s healthy. But herd immunity is not anything like a realistic solution in the short or mid-term. I wish it was. Unless you’re willing to go without hospitals after a car wreck or heart attack, we need a different approach. Right now, despite mixed messages at the beginning, it seems like masks are the best bet. They’re a hell of a lot better than widespread shut downs. Please wear one! 
US: ‘I Can’t Keep Doing This:’ Small-Business Owners Are Giving Up LINK
Missouri: Drone video shows crowded house party where at least 5 tested positive for COVID-19 LINK
Texas:  TX: Abbott Says No to Shutdown, Tells Judges to Enforce Mask, Gathering Orders Instead LINK
World: Coronavirus: Heart scans of more than half of COVID-19 patients abnormal, scientists find LINK
RUMINT California: I wanted to post this for boots on the ground info. I am in So Cal and as of this afternoon's Gov Newsom's closure announcement, I decided I was going out to top up supplies. What I found was pretty sobering in Sam's Club. Produce section - the refrigerated section was practically empty. Produce that need no refrigeration is low. Meats were at 50%. Paper products are gone again. Seafood section freezer 50%. Dairy 60%. I think disruptions are happening but there's a media black out. If people didn't heed the last 3-4 months as a warning shot, they will be assed out. There's not a lot to go around and they're not gonna let the panic happen again. Society is fragile from the last riots. They're not going to clue anyone on the shortages anymore. To each his own. I took pictures to give my brother a forewarning so he can top up too. Just wanted to share. I know that if things are wonky here in Cali, Dominos will start falling everywhere else
UK: Leicester lockdown set to be extended as its coronavirus rate is still too high
California: San Francisco officials share dire COVID-19 projection for hospitalizations, deaths LINK
Argentina: Mystery as 57 Argentine fishermen test positive for coronavirus despite spending 35 days at sea and testing negative before they left LINK
Florida: Florida reports 9,300 new cases and 132 deaths, a record. Testing is down and the positivity rate is headed back up.
World: Discussion of virus strains. LINK
US: Alabama +40 DEATHS - RECORD. Florida +132 DEATHS - RECORD Arizona +92 DEATHS - 2ND WORST MARK
World: New understanding of the damage of SARS-CoV-2 infection outside the respiratory system LINK
Israel: Israeli Data Show School Openings Were a Disaster That Wiped Out Lockdown Gains. Of 1,400 Israelis diagnosed with COVID-19 last month, 657 (47 percent) were infected in schools. Now 2,026 students, teachers, and staff have it, and 28,147 are quarantined. LINK
Texas: A new round of mass testing is spotlighting another surge in coronavirus infections at Texas prisons. One prison has more than 750 inmates with the virus currently. At four lockups, more than 25% of inmates are actively infected.
US: U.S. Testing Czar Rebuts Trump, Warns of Rising Virus Death Toll LINK
Oklahoma: Record 993 new cases in Oklahoma, hospitalizations up 9.1% in past day to highest level since March 31
China: WHO team arrives in China to investigate virus. WILL NOT VISIT WUHAN LAB where virus was kept/modified/created. (You can’t make this stuff up...)
US: ‘It’s a hell show’: The truth from a doctor in the COVID-19 trenches LINK
World: UPDATE on airborne—newest aerosol study (CDC journal) indicates that coronavirus is persistent and stable up to 16 hours in the air! Typical air exchange every 20 min to 4 hrs, depending on ventilation. But up to 16 hours is worrisome
World: 10 Million Students Worldwide May Never Return to School Due to COVID-19 Pandemic - Report LINK
Texas: Texas reported 10,745 new cases today with 18.4% of tests positive and 87 new deaths. That's a new high for cases.
US: U.S. President Donald Trump says he holds China "fully responsible" for concealing the coronavirus and "unleashing it" on the world
Texas: As of today, the trauma service area that includes Galveston and Beaumont has ZERO open ICU beds.
World: Baby girl born with Covid-19 offers the 'strongest evidence yet' that the virus can be caught in the womb as doctors find traces of the infection in her placenta
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teesturtle · 4 years
Baby Yoda that_s what I do I kissed a dog and I know things shirt
Baby Yoda that_s what I do I kissed a dog and I know things shirt
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leicesterbabyscan · 2 years
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leicesterbabyscan · 2 years
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leicesterbabyscan · 2 years
5 Cooking Oils To Use During Pregnancy
Settling on the best cooking oil to use in your dish isn't generally very as straightforward as it appears, because you've got a lot of choices. Regardless of the omnipresence of ever-well-known olive oil, there are a lot of other supplement-rich cooking oils that merit a spot in your storeroom. Go for Baby Scan Offers in Leicester from Window To The Womb clinic.
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 While most cooking oils have pretty comparative wholesome profiles as far as calories and all-out fat substance. Read on this blog by the Private Ultrasound Scan Clinic of Leicester on how to pick oil for anything you're making, and a rundown of our top choices. Given below are 5 Cooking oils to use during pregnancy, so go through them:
  1. Canola oil
Canola oil at times gets negative criticism since it is related to broiled food. Canola oil's high smoke point of 400 degrees Fahrenheit and impartial flavor sure makes it a superb vehicle for searing, however, it can likewise be utilized for broiling, broiling, and baking.
2. Extra-virgin olive oil
Cold-squeezed and emphatically loaded with heart-solid monounsaturated fats, a quality container can genuinely take you on a taste bud experience. There's only one catch with extra-virgin olive oil versus standard olive oil. Visit the Private Ultrasound Scan Clinic of Leicester.  
3. Unadulterated olive oil
If you love searing things in olive oil, you'll need to utilize the more refined stuff rather than — which is named unadulterated olive oil, refined olive oil, or light olive oil. Use the 4D Well-being scan In Leicester. Sadly, a portion of its flavor has been sifted through.
4. Safflower oil
Safflower oil is a less well-known however by and large around great oil. Safflower oil is sold both synthetically handled and cold-squeezed like olive oil, and either variant you pick will have that equivalent high smoke point. Avail of the Leicester Baby Scan Packages for more information.
5. Coconut oil
Certain individuals think coconut oil is the best oil ever, yet it may not exactly be the supernatural occurrence cream it's publicized as. Coconut oil is a strong fat healthfully talking since it is so high in immersed fat and strong at room temperature.
So the best solid cooking oil for the gig truly relies upon what it is you're making. According to me Coconut oil is best among other oils for pregnant ladies. But it is better to consult with the Private Ultrasound Scan Clinic In Leicester.  
Also Read: What are the 5 most common concerns during pregnancy?  
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leicesterbabyscan · 2 years
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futurebabyuk · 5 months
Private Pregnancy Scan Services in Leicester and 4D Scan Reading
Embarking on the journey of parenthood is an exciting and joyful experience, and every moment leading up to your baby's arrival is filled with anticipation. At "Future Baby," we understand the importance of cherishing these precious moments, which is why we offer top-notch private pregnancy scan services in Leicester and 4D scan readings.
Our clinic is dedicated to providing expectant parents with the highest quality of care and reassurance throughout their pregnancy journey. With our state-of-the-art ultrasound technology and experienced sonographers, we offer a range of private pregnancy scans to monitor your baby's development and well-being.
From early pregnancy reassurance scans to gender determination scans and growth scans, we provide comprehensive imaging services tailored to your needs and preferences. Our warm and welcoming atmosphere ensures that you feel relaxed and comfortable during your visit, allowing you to bond with your baby and capture unforgettable moments.
For those looking to see a more detailed glimpse of their baby's features, our 4D scan readings offer a truly magical experience. Witness your baby's movements, expressions, and even glimpse into their personality before they're born with our advanced 4D imaging technology.
Whether you're a first-time parent or adding to your growing family, "Future Baby" is here to support you every step of the way. Trust in our expertise and dedication to providing you with memorable and reassuring pregnancy scan experiences in Leicester and Reading. Let us help you create cherished memories as you prepare to welcome your little one into the world.
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futurebabyuk · 9 months
Discover the Magic with Future Baby 4D Scanning Studio
Welcome to Future Baby 4D Scanning Studio, your haven for private early pregnancy scans in Reading and fertility scans in Leicester. As you navigate the exciting journey towards parenthood, our cutting-edge facility is here to provide you with unparalleled insights into the early stages of your baby's development.
Our private early pregnancy scans in Reading offer a unique opportunity to witness the miracle of life unfold. With state-of-the-art technology and experienced sonographers, we capture detailed images that showcase your baby's heartbeat, growth, and development. These precious moments become treasured memories, fostering a deep connection between you and your growing bundle of joy.
For those on the path to conception, our fertility scans in Leicester are designed to offer valuable information and support. Our compassionate team understands the challenges of fertility, providing comprehensive scans to assess reproductive health, ovarian reserve, and uterine conditions.
At Future Baby 4D Scanning Studio, your comfort and privacy are our top priorities. Step into a warm and welcoming atmosphere where the anticipation of parenthood is met with clarity and reassurance. Book your appointment today and let us be a part of your incredible journey toward a future filled with joy and love.
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