#Baby belle and her loyal minion
satans-knitwear · 1 year
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Big baby Rosie stands in front of the sofa like this so queen Belle can use her as a pillow when needed.
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The ground is very wet so obviously it was necessary for her to drag the bed outside so she can still lie down there.
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TUA DISNEY AUs: Beauty And The Beast (Pt. IV)
(please understand that by AU, I mean they share an incredibly small amount of things in common with the original source material which I barely remember BUT the “story” takes place in the setting of the film) (not to be misleading or anything :p)
(BEWARE: turning into inanimate objects against your will (in case that's a trigger for anybody i don't know i don't know your life), my own sarcasm and contempt for Disney movies, sorry, etc.)
(If you can handle watching Umbrella Academy, this will be fine for you.)
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(Belle) Allison is ready to leave her little town of morons who constantly underestimate her, but she can’t leave her mother. Grace has been spacey these past few years - she keeps asking after Allison’s father, who Allison’s never met. And Cha-Cha wants to marry her for some fucking reason, and she has no interest in that cold bitch. No, she wants fairytale love - the kind she’s been reading about since childhood.
(Beast) Luther has been cursed for like, twenty fucking years. As saddened as his own fate makes him, he grieves more for his family, punished with him for his foolish arrogance. Klaus and Diego were about to be married, you see, and Five was on the fast track towards conquering new lands and kingdoms, and Vanya was finally going to tell that seamstress Sissy that she loves her. So he has to find a girl to love him - and fast.
(Lumier) Klaus is trying to make the most of this. I mean, it’s not that bad - he has Diego still, and his family. It could be far worse. But he’s getting tired of being a candelabra after twenty years - he never even got to marry Diego, who now looks at him like he can’t remember that Klaus used to be beautiful, even though Klaus can never forget Diego’s face.
(Cogsworth) Diego just wants to save Klaus from this terrible fate. He used to be so happy, and now every step seems like death. Diego knows he’s been distant, but he’s trying to find a way to break the curse before their time is up - he hopes Klaus forgives him when he finally tells him.
(Plumette) Ben wants to save his siblings from this horrible fate. They deserve better than to rot in the castle their father tortured them in. But hey, he thinks - at least they smuggled out their sister when she was a baby. Come to think of it, he wonders where Allison is now.
(Ms. Potts) Vanya just wants to get back to Sissy and Harlan. But the curse means they’ve probably forgotten her. She wonders if Sissy ever married that horrible man Carl who drank too much. And if Leonard, the kettle, could just get the fuck off her back, it would be ever so appreciated, the dickwad.
(Chip) Five knows everybody pities him for losing his childhood, but it’s not so bad. There’s this mannequin Dolores in the West Wing, and Five likes to sneak there to see her. She’s the only one who doesn’t look at him like something broken. Though he has started to wonder what part of him will be gone to make up for the chip in his porcelain when he’s human again.
(Enchantress) The Handler only put that blasted curse on the prince so his brother Five would fuck off. He’d just been so annoying lately. But she couldn’t very well just target him, his stupid siblings would come after her. So this really was the best solution. She just hopes that little brat of a missing princess doesn’t turn up and ruin all her plans.
(Gaston) Cha-Cha knows Allison would look good on her arm, and that’s about it. She’s in love with Hazel, her loyal little minion - but he likes that old homeless hag Agnes, and nothing Cha-Cha does seems to convince him to look elsewhere. So she becomes bitter and cynical, always looking for a new thing to kill in Agnes’ place.
(Belle’s Father) Grace just wants her daughter to be happy. It’s a shame she seems deadset against doing that. Oh, well… Grace wonders how her other children are. Allison thinks she’s going mad because Allison can’t remember them the same way Grace does… but Grace prays. Every day. Maybe one day she’ll get to go home and see her babies again. Maybe they’ll even be happy to see her.
(Lefou) Hazel just wants to settle down with Agnes. It’s not going very well. The Handler keeps showing up and ruining things.
(Wardrobe) Eudora has been ready to marry Lila since the day they first met at the palace, with Eudora being captain of the guard and Lila being a spy for another kingdom. She eventually defected and they lived out their fairytale romance together… except something went wrong in the spell and Lila can’t speak anymore. And without a face, Eudora can’t understand her. She just… she misses her, that’s all.
(Piano) Ray misses Allison. They used to play together, when she was little, but… well, she’s gone now and her attention will always be on Luther first and foremost anyway. That’s fine. Ray’s a big boy, he can handle it. He just… wishes she’d come back.
(Cushion Dog) Lila can’t fucking talk. It’s very annoying. She has so many insults about Diego that she hasn’t been able to say. She’s ready to be a human again please.
Allison marries both Luther and Ray because it’s 19th century France and they have guillotines so she can do whatever the fuck she wants since she’ll probably die in the Reign of Terror anyway. Five is going on happy merry murder missions where he kills off Cha-Cha and the Handler, Hazel and Agnes are finally married and open a bakery where Agnes invents donuts, and Vanya is finally reunited with Harlan and Sissy, who decks Carl in the nose when he tries to interrupt their reunion kiss. Klaus and Diego get married in an honestly too lavish ceremony and ruin the entire castle in their honeymoon mood while Lila and Eudora set off to have gay old adventures together because they want to and they can. And Ben finally gets to take a goddamn nap. Good for him.
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randomly-random-jen · 6 years
Uncalled For Actions (1/?)
A Girl Genius fanfic written in sentences.
At the beginning of the month, I decided to try a new format to break through my writer’s block. Instead of a set number of words to write every day, I chose to write a certain number of sentences--one sentences on the 1st, two sentences on the 2nd, etc., updating the post each day with the new set of sentences.
As that repost is getting extremely long, I’m condensing the first 14 days into one post and starting a new one for the rest of the month.
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When Gilgamesh Holzfäller is fourteen, he’s taken on as an apprentice to Baron Wulfenbach as part of a program to produce the next generation of leaders in the Empire--a group that will hopefully get along (although most see this as wishful thinking on the Baron’s part).
He’s learned a lot over the months of shadowing the Baron, but nothing has prepared him for his most challenging assignment: confronting the skeletons in his closet.
“I’m telling you,” Gil said through clenched teeth, “this is a really bad idea.”
The Baron regarded him over the edge of the newspaper he read with a withering stare. “Please sit down, you’re agitating the Jägers.”
Across the room, a couple of Jäger guards snickered to each other. Gil glared then crossed his arms, staring out the porthole–pointedly not sitting. The Baron went back to reading his paper with a rustling flourish, the Jägers continued to giggle and Gil pouted as Sturmhalten grew large on the horizon.
* * *
Tarvek watched from his window as the great Wulfenbach airship docked with the tower across the castle. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck prickle a moment before he smelled Anevka’s perfume flutter in ahead of her.
“That’s sure a big one, isn’t it?” she said, leaning against the other side of the window.
Tarvek huffed at her terrible incorrectness–this was nothing compared to Castle Wulfenbach.
“So, how much of a disaster do you expect this farce to be,” his sister asked with humor in her eyes.
“Unmitigated,” Tarvek answered flatly as the stewards ran around the roof opposite of them, tying off the airship. It was almost showtime.
“Oh, come now, baby brother, I thought this was your thing–politics and intrigue-”
“Members of the Fifty Families under one roof with the Baron–this is a nightmare.”
“Always the optimist,” Anevka said with a sigh, patting his cheek affectionately. Tarvek slapped her hand away, and she left–her tinkling laugh following behind.
Across the courtyard, the airship was finally secured and the gangplank clanked down with a hiss of steam that matched the puff of Tarvek’s breath against the cool windowpane.
“I know you’re there,” he said suddenly to the silent room.
From the shadows, the small girl materialized, her wild red hair held in place by a golden headband. “Not fair,” she said, lip out in a pout.
Tarvek ignored her petulance. “Report.”
Violetta glared at him a moment longer–probably considering if she could get away with murder at the age of ten, he imagined–but eventually snapped to attention. “The castle is at capacity; we await only the Baron and his en- entou- entourage.”
Tarvek smiled at his reflection as she tripped over the new word he’d taught her earlier in the day. “How full are we talking?”
“Not including the castle residents and staff, fifty-four delegates of the Fifty families, their apprentices, 270 attendants, and about a hundred Smoke Knights.”
When Tarvek made no comment, Violetta shifted her weight nervously. “Do you really think something bad is going to happen?”
“With the various branches of our family involved, it’s almost a given.” He removed his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose. “Just keep your eyes open and stay out of sight, okay?“
Violetta didn’t answer, and when he replaced his glasses, he found himself alone again. She was getting good. She was going to need to be better.
* * *
The deck shuddered slightly as the steam winches kicked in, slowly tugging the airship closer to the landing tower of Sturmhalten Castle. The castle itself looked like the dozen others Gil had visited in the months since officially becoming the Baron’s apprentice, if not a little more war-torn–almost as if the residents failed to repair the century’s old scars of battle as a matter of pride. Knowing what he did of the Storm King myths, it probably wasn’t far from the truth.
“Gilgamesh,” the Baron called without looking up from his paper, “stop fidgeting.“
Gil winced, dropping his hands to his sides before he worried the buttons right off his new greatcoat–a habit he thought abandoned years ago. It was this place–Sturmhalten and all it represented–that was twisting his insides into knots. “I knew this was a bad idea,” he mumbled to his reflection in the porthole.
Across the compartment, the baron sighed, snapping his paper shut with the flick of a wrist.
The expected lecture was interrupted by a flurry of fur and velvet bursting through the door.
The Jäger guards darted out of the way of the diminutive human-canine hybrid the Baron had picked up from an ousted Madboy in Vienna–something about wanting minions as loyal as his dogs.
“Herr Baron,” he called, waving a paper.
“What is it, Barkley?”
Barkley bowed, his snout nearly touching the floor. “Initial reports from our spies inside Sturmhalten, sir. Already five assassination attempts thwarted.”
The Baron took the paper and scanned it. “Only five? I would have expected more.”
“The delegates from two of the Fifty Families have fallen to a mysterious illness producing bizarre symptoms,” Barkley continued.
“What symptoms?”
Barkley’s ears flattened against his skull. “Apparently they cluck now.”
That got a raised eyebrow from the Baron. “Cluck?”
“Yes, and they’ve grown feathers, but only when a bell rings.”
"Sounds like early-stage Oxfam’s Hypnotosia–very contagious. They’ll need to be isolated before the entire summit is laying eggs.”
Barkley nodded. "There have also been rumblings of monsters under the village.
“Well, it is Sturmhalten–I would expect nothing less.”
The Jäger next to Gil clapped his hands. "Monsters? Now hyu iz talkink.”
“No, Skurzi,” the Baron interrupted sternly. “No Jägers at the summit–that was the agreement.”
Skurzi sulked, shoulders hunched. “Hyu say dat now, but just hyu vait until a monster iz chompink on hyu head then hyu vill be all like, ‘why Hy not listen to Skurzi. Oh, howz Hy vish Skurzi vas here to fightz dis big scary monster.’”
The other Jägers nodded in agreement, but the Baron didn’t look at all swayed by the argument.
Gil watched the entire exchange with interest–he’d only recently been taken on as an apprentice, and found the day-to-day running of the Empire predictably tedious but also exceedingly fascinating where personnel was involved. Especially the Jägers. As much trouble as they caused, Gil wasn’t quite sure why his father kept them around but hadn’t found the nerve to yet assuage his curiosity.
The Jägers continued to grumble as they all followed the Baron through the decks of the airship but veered off when they got to the hatch to keep out of sight. Barkley hurried over to the rest of their party, leaving Gil alone with his father.
His anxiety ratcheted up with every clank of the gangplank lowering into place. He’d been excited months ago when his father took him on as an apprentice–some new Empire program to ready the next generation of rulers–but this assignment was going to kill him. There was absolutely no way it ended well.
The Baron suddenly reached out, slapping Gil’s hand away from the button of his coat. Gil cradled the injured appendage to his chest, shooting his father a withering glare. "You could have just said,” he muttered.
“You will be on your best behavior and none of this moping.”
Gil’s glare intensified. “I’m not moping–I have genuine misgivings about this meeting, and you aren’t listening to me.”
He hadn’t meant to say all of that, but his boldness seemed to soften his father’s characteristic sharp edges. “I know you’re worried about seeing the young prince again, but time marches on, Gil.”
Time marches on? An electrifying anger built in Gil, filling his chest and spreading outward like lightning until the tips of his fingers and toes burned.
"That kind of betrayal isn’t something you just forget,” he spat through clenched teeth. How could he think Tarvek would ever be over it when Gil still hadn’t forgiven himself, and he wasn’t the one betrayed?
A hand clamped down tightly on his shoulder. “Control yourself,” his father commanded.
Gil seethed, eyes blazing, electricity crackling around him. Everywhere colors popped extra saturated and bright; sound returned more crisp and clear. Thoughts bounced around his head at supersonic speeds yet his brain didn’t struggle to keep up, and at the same time, reality seemed to slow down allowing for enhanced clarity. The increased harmonics of his voice finally registered, and he blinked, resetting the world around him.
He took a deep breath, letting it out in a shudder. “I’m sorry–I didn’t mean to.”
“The same passion that fuels the Spark often intensifies other emotions, and you must learn to restrain them lest they overwhelm your reason.”
If triggering his Spark was that easy, this trip just got a whole lot more complicated.
[PART 2]
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