#Backpack features explained
bathroomrefurbishment · 9 months
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Rucksack Buying Guide: How to Choose the Right Backpack for Your Needs
Navigate the array of rucksack options with confidence using this buying guide. Explore features like capacity, compartments, materials, and fit to find the ideal backpack for your hiking, travel, or outdoor adventures. Make informed choices and pick a rucksack that suits your requirements. Visit: https://theexpertcamper.co.uk/blog/advice/rucksack-buying-guide-how-to-choose-the-right-backpack-for-your-needs/
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cobrakaisb · 4 months
always an angel, never a god
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summary: the aftermath of luke’s failed quest to the garden of the hesperides includes a dirty motel, a new wound, and sharing a bed with his best friend. 
word count: 2.8k
featuring: ONE BED TROPE, set pre-tlt, luke and reader both have crushes on each other, lowkey hurt-comfort, mentions of injuries/getting injured, death, angst with a tiny bit of fluff
“let’s just stop here for the night, then we can keep moving,” you begged, standing in the motel parking lot. luke was weary, eyeing the property distrustfully. “it doesn’t look safe,” he mumbled, hand fisting the strap of his worn blue backpack so tightly that his knuckles were white. “please,” you whispered, eyes shining with tears. it had been a rough couple of days, especially with the major losses you’d both suffered. 
“just until tomorrow morning,” you begged. he sighed, but nodded his head. you exhaled a breath of relief, as your forehead came to rest on his shoulder. he stiffened, but relaxed under your soft touch. your lips ghosted against his shoulder, as you planted a soft, barely-there kiss on the faded green cloth. luke’s fingers gently brushed against the back of your hand, wrapping around your wrist. you lift your head from his shoulder, lacing your fingers together, and lead him towards the motel lobby. 
it’s clearly rundown; the carpet floors are dirty and the room reeks of mildew and sweat, but neither of you complain. you're just happy to have access to a bed and a shower. luke walks up to the check in desk, ringing the small bell to alert the employee(s) that someone was here. a few minutes pass by, but then an older man comes out from the back room. he looks hesitantly between the two before asking, “can i help you folks?”
“we’d like a room please. just for tonight,” you explain, squeezing luke’s hand a little tighter as the man continues to stare you two down. you can’t imagine what you look like to him: bruised, battered, bleeding, and crying. not to mention luke’s face; the wound was still open and dripping blood every few seconds. you’d done what you could on the road to help stop the bleeding, but the only real way to heal it was going to be with stitches and deep disinfectant.      
“just your luck, we have one room left,” he smiles, inputting something in the system before handing you a key. you smile tightly at him, feeling the tension in luke’s shoulders seeping into your bones. why would there only be one room left if the parking lot was empty? “thanks so much,” you replied, leading luke out of the lobby and towards your room on the second floor. 
“i really don’t like it here,” he grumbled, setting his bag down on the floor once you entered the room. you toed off your worn out black converse, locking the door behind you as you rolled your eyes. “it’s just one night. besides we need to rest and regroup now that…” you started to say, but ended up pausing. it hurts to mention her; the wound in your heart is still fresh. you swallow, taking a deep breath before turning to luke, “let’s take care of your face.” 
he nods, wordlessly following you into the bathroom. he watches as you grab the first aid kit from the backpack and turn on the hot water. he waits patiently, occasionally admiring you, while you wet one of the few provided face clothes. “this might sting,” you whispered as you began to clean away at the blood and grime caked onto his cheek. he winces, gripping onto you for support. 
“it’s okay. you’re okay. i’m almost done,” you said, trying to soothe him. instead of watching your motions, he looks at your face. your eyes, ones which normally shone bright with joy, were dull; the vibrant colors muted by your sadness. he wondered if you felt pity for him and his failure, or if you were still coping. this quest wasn’t meant to be a three person one, but you refused to let him partake in the challenge alone. he couldn't help but blame his dad for your sorrows; everything always came back to the gods.
“can you sit down on the toilet for me? i want to clean the cut, and i need a better vantage point,” you explained, putting the towel on the side of the sink as you opened the first aid kit. he complied to your orders, taking a seat on the closed toilet. he waited with bated breath, as you dug around in the kit, looking for whatever it was you needed. finally, you made eye contact with him, a small smile on your face as you held up a cotton ball and bottle of peroxide. 
luke groans, throwing his head back in frustration. “no, absolutely not,” he mumbled, moving his head away from you. he froze, however, when your palm rested against his uninjured cheek. “please luke, i don’t want it to get infected,” you whispered, voice soft and thick with emotion. his brown eyes meet yours; they’re swimming with worry. “okay,” he relaxes, rolling his shoulders back to release some of the tension in them. you smile softly, trying your best to be reassuring as you remove your hand from his cheek to pour a small amount of peroxide onto the cotton. 
“this is going to sting,” you warned. luke takes a deep breath, and subtly nods for you to continue. as gently as possible, you begin to clean the deep wound running from his eye to his jaw. luke hisses, his right hand gripping onto your thigh. “i’m sorry, i’m sorry,” you mumbled, but you continued your ministrations. luke doesn’t answer, simply gritting his teeth and keeping a hold on your thigh. after a few more swipes, you pause to inspect the wound. your hand grips his jaw, and you turn his face to the right; satisfied with your work, you throw the used items in the small garbage.
he watches as your attention focuses back on the first aid kit. you’re digging through the small red box, searching for the required items to stitch up his face. despite his dire situation, the crushing weight of worthlessness and embarrassment, and his most likely infected wound, he couldn’t help but feel serene. being here with you was exactly what he needed; you were all that he needed. 
“okay so i have the needle and thread. do you want to shower first? otherwise you won’t be able to,” you explained, moving back to stand between his legs. luke’s hands came to rest on the small of your back, fingers creeping under the hem of your tee shirt. “i’ll shower, then you can stitch me up,” he agreed, humming softly as you absentmindedly twirled one of his black curls around your finger. “perfect. i’ll be right outside,” you whispered, trying to step out of his hold, but his arms just tightened around you. 
“stay,” he pleaded, brown eyes widening. you sighed, a conflicted look in your eyes. “i can’t lose you,” he whispered. “i won’t lose you,” he continued, resting his head against your abdomen. you can feel the tears welling up in your eyes. everything was getting to be too much, on the both of you. “i’m not going anywhere angel, i promise,” you replied, fingers carding through his hair in a feeble attempt to soothe him. he lets out a shaky breath in response, and you can feel his tears seeping through your tee shirt. 
“it’s okay. i’m right here,” you whisper, trying to keep your voice from cracking. your fingers still card through his hair as you lean down and plant a gentle kiss on his forehead. this whole quest has been a pot of emotions, and it seems like it’s finally boiled over the edge, for both you and luke. you want to let your guard down, and crumple to the floor and sob, but you don’t. luke needs you right now. 
a few minutes pass by, but he calms down. he sits up straight, arms still holding you in a vice grip. “i’m sorry,” he mumbled, and you aren’t sure what he’s apologizing for. “there’s nothing to apologize for. i’m here to support you, whatever that looks like,” you explained, cupping his jaw with a small reassuring smile on your face. “will you just sit outside the door? i need to know you’re there,” he said, reverting back to the original conversation. “whatever you want,” you answered. once the words leave your mouth, his arms unravel from your waist. you step back, giving him room to stand. he pulls you right into his chest. “we’ll talk later,” he promised, waiting for your hum of agreement to let go.
“shower. you reek,” you teased, trying to bring some joy back into the depressing atmosphere. he finally cracks a smile as he pretends to smell his underarms. “a shower is a good call,” he agreed, lightly pushing you towards the door, a sign that he wants to get changed. you obliged, leaving the room just as the sound of gushing water arises. 
luke takes his time in the shower, letting the water drip down his clean body. he knows you’re sitting right outside the door, just like you promised, because he could hear your soft humming and mutterings. he was angry, and he refused to let that anger out on you. instead, it stews inside of him; all the resentment, annoyance, and disappointment. he was supposed to come back a hero, they all were. instead, he’s returning a failure, and with one less friend. he thinks about his father, who recycled a quest from the history lessons at camp and refused to help. he thinks of you, his pillar of strength. he thinks of beth, hoping that she reached elysium, where she belonged. his mind wanders back to camp half-blood, and the faces of his siblings and all the unclaimed children fill him with dread. what will they think, now that they’re head counselor failed?
“are you almost done?” you asked, pulling him from the depths of his mind. he shakes his head gently, water spraying from his soaked curls. “just finishing up,” he answered, turning the water off. “i put your pajamas on the sink,” you replied, closing the door so he has some semblance of privacy. “thanks,” he answered, and the sound of the opening curtain muffled your reply. he takes a couple extra minutes to dry off and pull on his pants, purposefully leaving the shirt to the side. 
“okay i’m decent,” he shouted, and the door cracked open. he sees you standing there with your eyes closed, and he can’t help the laugh that escapes him. “i told you i was decent!” he laughed, and you opened your eyes with a giggle. “i just had to make sure,” you replied, your usual smile encompassing your cheeks. he playfully shakes his head at your words. “whatever you say,” he said, and reclaimed his seat on the toilet lid. 
you took your spot between his legs, and his hands found their home on your waist. “this might hurt, and take a while because i have to go slow, but it’ll help you heal,” you said, holding up the needle with a shaky hand. luke grabbed your wrist, steadying the shaking. “hey, it’s gonna be fine. i trust you,” he mumbled, placing a soothing kiss on your palm. “i know, but i hate seeing you hurt,” you answered, taking a deep breath. finally, once you’ve calmed down, you begin stitching up the wound. luke remained still through the entire process, but you could see the pain in his eyes. in a matter of minutes, and with the quick snip of the scissors, you tied off the stitches. 
“done,” you announced, tapping on his forearm. luke thanks you, and gets you from his spot, admiring his reflection in the mirror. “handsome as ever,” you whispered, heat creeping up your cheeks when you realize he heard you. he blushes at your words, but still manages to throw a cocky smirk your way. he doesn’t comment on your words, instead he pushes you towards the shower. “get cleaned up so we can sleep,” he mumbled, closing the door on his way out. you’re frozen, forgetting how to function, but once you regroup, you take the time to shower. 
it’s longer than usual, but you deserved it after everything this quest has put you through. while you’re standing under the showerhead, letting the water wash over you in waves, you can’t help but blame yourself. everything that went wrong could be pinpointed back to you. you and beth were supposed to take care of the dragon, but you were distracted by your worry, turning to check on luke. in that split second, everything went downhill from there. you should have just remained focused, followed the plan, and none of this would have happened.
“i think you should get out of the shower now, before the motel sends us their water bill,” luke whispered, opening the door to the bathroom. you clear your throat, blinking harshly. were your cheeks wet from the water or tears? “i’ll be out in a minute,” you promised, and luke agreed. once the door closed, and you were back in the privacy of the bathroom, you stepped out of your sanctuary. it’s when you dried yourself off that you realize you forgot to grab your sleepwear, but thankfully luke had you covered. sitting on the bathroom counter were a pair of shorts and a tee shirt, along with your hairbrush. you felt yourself smiling gratefully at the gesture, and started your nightly routine. 
he heard the sound of the door opening before he saw you. you were wearing the clothes he’d laid out, and your hair was dripping wet, despite your efforts to dry it. you threw the towel on the floor, letting it sit in a sopping wet heap, before climbing into the bed. he didn’t think you’d comment on the fact that the motel manager seemed to be playing matchmaker, and he was right. you lied down silently, pulling the covers up to your chest as you turned to face him. 
“it’s all my fault,” you whispered, eyes glossing over as you looked at him. luke’s eyebrows furrowed, and a confused look took over his previously serene face. “what?” he replied, uncertainly. “everything with beth, your scar, the quest. it’s all my fault,” you continued. he was baffled by the fact that you genuinely believed that. something of this caliber, of his undoing, was not your fault. “why would you think that?” he asked, genuine curiosity present in his tone. “i was supposed to distract the dragon, we both were, but i was nervous. i looked away for just a second, and the dragon maimed beth. then came for you,” you answered, voice cracking and shaking. luke’s hand cupped your cheek, wiping away at the lone tear before it could drip down the bridged of your nose. 
“beth died a hero, she knew what she was signing up for,” he whispered, thumb rubbing over the apple of your cheek. he wanted to reassure you that none of it was your fault, that nobody would blame you for what happened, that he didn’t blame you. “the blame doesn’t fall on you,” luke continued, staring softly into your eyes. “never,” he finished, kissing the tip of your nose. 
“but she’s gone. and your quest…” you trailed off, more tears brimming at your water line. “my quest was stupid anyway,” he replied, pulling you closer to him. “it was never serious. not to him,” and luke didn’t need to specify who the him was. “but it was important to you,” you said, finally meeting his brown eyes, “so it was important to me.” luke sighed at your words, his eyelashes fanning his cheekbones. “you’re the most important thing to me angel. i’ve stopped craving his approval long before this,” luke explained. 
he wished that he kept his closed so that he didn’t have to see the shocked look on your face. or the pity flashing behind your eyes. he knew, deep-down, that you didn’t pity him, you just felt bad for everything he’s faced. you felt guilty for the relationship with your parent, when he had none.
“he loves you luke, you must know that. maybe not as much as i do, but there has to be some compassion there,” you mumbled, wrapping your arms around his neck as you pulled your foreheads together. “nobody can love me as much as you do,” luke whispered, lips ghosting over your skin from the proximity. “of course not, angel,” you answered, closing your eyes. he knew the stress of the quest and day was taking over you, so he let you fall into the arms of hypnos. 
when you were really asleep, he whispered the words he’d been dying to say: “i love you.” 
the way i am not strong enough to be your man // always an angel, never a god
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tvgals · 1 year
— e42! miles morales x black! fem! reader
synopsis — you see miles walking around campus with a girl you’ve never seen before and it sparks a new issue .
cw ; cheating, fluff to angst, hurt/no comfort, black! reader, reader literally doesn’t deserve this shes so sweet, watched good girls during this so i think that’s where this came from, made up characters
— ENJOY !!
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you watch as your boyfriend walked into the cafeteria with a girl you’d never seen before. a mid-length honey blonde wig on her head and her nails done with french tips. you synch your eyebrows together in confusion and you turn to your friends. “who’s that with miles?” you ask, subtly pointing to her. “oh, girl! that’s the new girl, her name is jess or something, i dunno.” she says, shrugging her shoulders. “aight.” you say, shrugging your own shoulders and scrolling through instagram. miles and jess get closer to your table and that’s when you can hear their conversation.
“i love your braids! who did them?” jess asks, running the tip of her fingers over them. “awe, my girl did ‘em for me. there she go right there.” miles says, taking a seat next to you. “y/n.” miles calls your name. you look up at him and smile. “hey miles. who’s this?” you ask, looking at her features. “jess. she’s new so i just showed her around a lil.” miles explains, pulling you into his frame. “ohhh…” you say, widening your eyes and nodding your head. “well, y’know, i really need help with the spanish homework, could you help me?” you ask coyly, batting you eyelashes up at him. “‘course, chica guap.” miles replies, bending down to kiss you.
“get a room!” you hear from one of your friends, taking a video to post on her story later. you giggle and miles opens up his phone. jess looks over and seems to perk up. “you got snap?” she asks, pulling her own phone out. “oh, yeah,” miles replies, “i don’t use it like that though. i don’t talk to people like that.” the bell rings and you and miles say your goodbyes and walk to spanish. “so,” you started. “so?” miles repeats, curiosity in his voice. “where’d you meet her at?” you ask, interlocking you and miles’ pinkie fingers while you two walk down the hallway. “she came up to me while i was walking into the school, asked me to give her a tour.” miles dismissed your question, now taking the lead in you twos walk to class. “oh.” you say, searching through the sides of your backpack with one hand trying to find your lipgloss. “what’re you looking for?” miles asks, opening the door so you can walk into your spanish class. “my lipgloss..i can’t find it..” you mumble, sitting yourself down and sitting your backpack on your desk.
“chill, mami. i can buy you some more.” miles soothes you, taking the desk next to you. you sigh and pull out your notebook and pencil. you watch the front of the room, bored while the teacher talks. within the first thirty minutes of class, miles had thrown six folded up notes to you and texted you over five times. you pull your phone out as discreetly as you could and scroll through the texts.
‘she found my snap bro’
‘swear ts annoying’
‘i ain’t even talk to her like that’
‘bro she’s texting my phone foe’
‘i’m finna block her ass’
‘respond 😒’
you look over at miles and roll your eyes playfully, texting back.
‘js block her?’
miles turns to you and gives you a straight face, looking down at his phone and ignoring the ping of the snapchat notifications. this is bothering you and you don’t know why. you and miles have been dating for over eight months now and you’ve never felt like this before. is it jealousy? maybe. you doubt it though. you leave it in the back of your head just for the bell to ring again, signaling the last class of the day. you pack your stuff up and wait on miles in the doorway. “she keep on texting my phone.” mines groans, shoving his phone in his pocket.
“maybe she got a lil crush.” you snicker, feeling miles playfully bump your shoulders together. “nah. don’t need no crushes, already got my girl.” miles grins, pulling you in for a hug then having to pull away almost immediately. “see you at my dorm?” you ask, walking slower than before. “yep.” and with that, you two parted your ways until 2:30. you and some of your friends meet in the hall and make your way to your classes. you were taking your time walking to class, until your friend brought up a topic. a sensitive one.
“y’know, it’s be funny if miles were cheating on you with that jess girl.” she laughed while everyone else went quiet. “what?” you ask, looking around confused. “it was a joke, damn. if you were in a loyal relationship you wouldn’t get so mad.” she clapped back almost immediately, as if she was waiting to say it for a while now. “what are you talking about? i am in a loyal relationship.” you argue, pulling your phone out to text miles. “little do you know.” she replies in a sarcastic tone. your purse your lips together and turn around, making your way to the bathrooms.
“you didn’t have to do allat.” another one of your friends said, sympathy laced in her voice like she was just confronted with her own boyfriend cheating. you made it to the bathroom and opened a stall, sitting on the toilet seat. you open your phone and text miles.
‘so that’s wtf we doing now?’
you sit and wait for a response, getting one almost immediately.
‘i mean you cheating on me’
‘who told you ts?’
you sigh and start to feel tears well into your eyes. you loved him so so so much, you met his parents, you ate dinner at his house, you’ve spent the night, you’ve watched him cry, bleed — everything under the sun and this is how he repaid you.
‘you don’t need to know all that. we’re done bro. don’t come by my house, don’t call my phone, don’t call my momma phone, give me back my house keys, and delete my number.’
miles fucked up, and he knew it.
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taglist — @venusluvslove @traqstarlo @mangolog @ohmaiscool15 @ohsanghoe @iiilovemilfs @garnetj @guapaneeseb @nekoweb @samdwitch @cloudniteee @azadabts @elitesanjisimp @theyfwkayla14 @lennielane @kelesisworld @aaliyahlia-babyy @dorkmuffin27 @markleedreams @violxtbxbyy @pinkluvrr @yourrfavzxri @noraloralei @blackgirlontheblock
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latetaektalk · 2 months
love to hate you | jjk [viii, preview]
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“when obnoxiously rich and spoiled frat boy jeon jungkook comes up to you one day and asks you to fake date him for money, you definitely should have said no. because before you knew it, you were going on insta dates with him and having lunch with his equally obnoxiously rich and spoiled friends.”
— genre: fratboy! AU, fake dating! AU, college! AU, rich kid! AU, enemies to lovers! AU, angst, fluff, sexual themes (later chapters)
— pairing: jungkook x female reader
— word count: estimated 100k for the entire series, 970 for this preview
— warnings: none for this preview
— playlist: to be added
— a/n: i cant believe we've gotten this far into the story. we're slowly but surely nearing the end and i hope you guys will have as much fun reading this as i did writing it bc this is by far my favourite chapter ive written so far for those two idiots <3
— find it here
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Your friends followed your gaze.
Jungkook had his backpack strapped to his shoulder and the red scarf wrapped around his neck. It shouldn’t be possible. You were technically too far for you to properly see, but you saw it—the tension in his shoulders, the strain in his nape, the deep knit between his brows. He was…. annoyed. It was new to you. For a moment, you almost expected to find Narae walking behind him, bugging him, hot on his trail. It would explain it to you, and you would just simply walk over there and pull him to your table. Just like that, you would ease the knit between your brows, take the tension out of his shoulders and neck-
But it wasn’t Narae. 
It was Taehyung. 
He said something to Jungkook that made him roll his eyes. Jungkook didn’t seem to want to respond, shaking his head and waving his hand around, an attempt to end the conversation. But Taehyung wasn’t so kind, going on, even taking hold of his shoulder.
“Someone is in a mood,” Namjoon mumbled, cringing.
“What are they talking about, Y/N?” Jimin asked, looking at you, and you stared right back at him, frowning.
“How would I know?”
“You’re his girlfriend.”
“Go find out.”
“What? I just walk up to them and say,” you raised your voice a few pitches, “‘Oh my God, hi, you guys are clearly fighting. Care to share?’ Is that what you want?”
Jimin blinked, shrugging. “Sure, that would work.”
“You’re so ridiculous, Jimin,” you hissed, touching a hand to your forehead. “That wouldn’t work.”
“Of course, it would. Kook’s absolutely obsessed-”
“Oh my God, shut up,” Chaeyoung hissed, slapping Jimin. “They’re looking!”
“You guys are always so loud,” Hoseok sighed, and you sent him a glare because no, you don’t! It’s just Jimin!
But they were right. Taehyung and Jungkook were both looking at you, their conversation having come to an end. When you met his gaze, Jungkook’s face contorted into something else, features twitching. You couldn’t pinpoint what it was, but it wasn’t the usual. He didn’t soften in the way you were used to when he would see you. And when you tried a smile, Jungkook struggled to return it. You felt shot, and your smile faltered.
But Jimin didn’t sense it at all, wildly waving his hand around, gesturing for the two to come this way. And as if it wasn’t more obvious, he yelled it too, “Hey, Tae and Kook! Come join us!”
Jisoo sighed, “He’s such an idiot.”
Chaeyoung and Hoseok shrugged, as if to say well, it’s Jimin. They were right, it was just Jimin being himself, unaware and impulsive. Namjoon didn’t have any words, shaking his head. 
Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other, exchanging a few words before the latter glanced at his watch and shook his head. He had to go. Taehyung placed his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder, whispering something into his ear. You must have imagined it but it looked like he glanced in your direction. But before you could think about it, Taehyung headed in the same direction he had previously come from, and Jungkook slowly made his way over, not meeting your eyes once.
“What were you arguing about?” Jimin asked when Jungkook stood in front of you, and you watched him grip the strap of his backpack, the skin over his knuckles stretching thin.
“Jimin!” Jisoo hissed, punching him. 
“Right, yeah, of course, you’d ask,” he smiled. “It’s fine.”
Jungkook said it with a laugh, but it was all wrong. 
“We weren’t arguing.” 
And as if it wasn’t enough, Jungkook put on his brightest and biggest smile. He showed it to everyone. Like a stone plunged into the deep sea, your heart sank. You had seen it before, that smile. It had decorated his lips during the Halloween party when you first walked in, or when you had first hurt his feelings while you had gone costume shopping. 
Namjoon and you looked at each other shortly, both of you sensing it. 
“Is everything-”
“Well, it looked like you were,” Jimin mumbled, accidentally interrupting Namjoon. He waited for Jungkook to budge and cave under his gaze, but when he wouldn’t, he shrugged. “Come sit.”
Maybe he could feel your burning gaze on him, but Jungkook finally glanced in your direction. If only for a second, so very brief. But it dug into your heart and split it open, gutted you and left you utterly empty. You had seen him just yesterday, picked out your dress together, parted ways this morning a few hours ago, and now he seemed like another person. He looked so sad, sad in a way you hadn’t seen before. You didn’t think that any emotion close to that had ever crossed his features, not in your presence at least. It was so new and surprising to you—because somehow in your mind, you had forgotten he had the ability to feel… upset—you froze.
“I’m sorry, I have to go,” Jungkook said, nailing that same smile back onto his lips as before. “But I’ll see you guys around.”
And before any of you could protest, he was gone, back turned to your table and heading into the crowd. 
“Well, that was… weird,” Chaeyoung said, pointing out the elephant in the room. And as if she had said your name, everyone turned to you for some kind of answer.
You blinked back at them. “Yeah, I-I don’t know.”
There was another beat of silence before ultimately your friends shrugged.
“Maybe it’s just not a good day?” Hoseok proposed, and they were all quick to agree, moving on. And though you didn’t voice it, you knew it wasn’t that. It couldn’t just be that. 
You knew it was about you. It had to be.
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hippiichi · 8 months
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also made this and i thought about his design so hard so im gonna explain every major design aspect under the cut...
ok so hat ofc, blue t shirt and pants ofc those are like THE finn outfit -long sleeve shirt: used for protection against scratches and bites this reason is also why the rosary and watch are on the outsides of his sleeves instead as they help keep those sleeves from being pulled and so he doesn't have to roll up his sleeves at any point. -Long Hair: Has never cut his hair once as Peppermint butler tank does not feature appendages that can properly cut hair nor does he have access to a comb so its wild and unkempt. -Hat patches: As someone who actively hunts vampires + is one of a very small group of humans left Finn's hat is constantly getting pulled at and ripped and torn from vampires going for his "neck protection" -Lip scar + hand scars: His lip scar is from trying to use a stake as a toothpick one time but getting a splinter from doing so, not taking it out and letting it get infected until pb stepped in to help resulting in a scar on his upper lip. His hand scars come from an especially nasty vampire fight as it scratched at his hands. -Blue Bottle/Hydroflask: A hydroflask containing holy water its connected to his belts/backpack through a tangle of thin leather strips that are latched onto a carabiner. -Rosary (One on wrist, one on sword): Finn doesn't really have a concept of what religion or christianity in particular is (since those things have been long dead) but despite that wearing a cross seems to deter vampires to an extent. -Sheathed Knife: A knife used to carve new stakes on the fly and cut through anything blocking his path/deter humans that attack him. -Gold Beads: Every gold bead represents someone who helped finn through his 14 years of life who was then killed by vampires so he doesn't forget them. -Garlic: Garlic air drying to be used in various weapons later, doubles as a natural deterrent much like bug spray -Star pendant: The pendant of The Star collected by Finn after finding it next to a skeleton on the outskirts of the Vampire King's domain -Leather pouch: Contains garlic seeds, quick food like jerky and granola bars, extra gold beads, a roll of leather strip twine, rolled bandages. -Backpack: Camping gear, 1 bedroll, 1 laptop with a "mini" peppermint butler ai software installed, various magical doo-dads hes collected, his backpack has a space that allows his sword to fit inside
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landogalore · 2 months
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carlos sainz x singer! reader
WARNINGS: 18+ ONLY, SMUT: unprotected sex (PLS WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT GUYS), oral sex (female), creampie.
word count: 2.7k
The routine began the same as every night had previously started, following the identical steps to prepare herself before stepping onto the stage.
The brunette hair swirled down, reaching just below her shoulders in perfectly shaped curls. she allowed her eyes to glance at herself in the mirror, the bright spotlights shooting towards her face, enhancing her facial features so beautifully it would put any person into a trance. the silver eyeshadow has been carefully placed in the corner of her eyelids, the glistening effect causing her sapphire eyes to become bolder, brighter. As she admired herself one last time, she was able to reminisce the events that led up to this, how her talent was able to become known, and the people who cherished her along the journey.
She originally attempted to boost her career by busking, sitting on a stool in the Spanish humidity, singing the songs that she hoped would attract the most attention from the public, eventually persuading them to drop a mere euro into the bucket below. To most people, this would appear to be a normal method to try and get funding which could help increase her popularity, but to the determined singer and her family, she looked like a pathetic charity case.
‘You can’t continue with this, hija.’ her mother would constantly remind her, her dream was just a fantasy she created, unable to ever truly become the reality she longed for.
‘It can go on no longer. we’ll help you get a stable job.’ her father agreed, once again the truth that she was failing hitting like a bullet, leaving a wound that would slowly shatter her confidence.
‘Just one last day, please papá.’ she begged, she needed one last try, a song to say goodbye to the dream that she imagined when she was a child, the commitment she gave needed to be for something, it had to be.
Similarly to every other session, she placed the empty bucket beside her while she set up the equipment. The streets in Madrid were always busy, bustling with a mixture of both locals and tourists. And like all the other days, she began to sing, a tiny beacon of hope still fighting in her heart, that she will be noticed.
Two hours went by, and the usual process happened, euros gifted to her by a range of people, even a young toddler waddled over to drop a few pennies into the bucket below. This was finally the end, she thought to herself. She sighed, admitting she needed a break before continuing once again, placing the equipment back into her backpack before slouching onto a nearby park bench.
‘You’re the singer, no?’ A voice asked from beside her, turning to face the stranger who somehow recognised her. His dark hair slightly blowing across his face from the gentle breeze, covering small areas of his features. Although, they struggled to hide the large chocolate coloured eyes smiling towards her, leaving the girl almost mesmerised.
‘Yeah! Well, I busk nearby.’ She confirmed, her grin growing at the realisation she had eventually been recognised for her abilities, the man’s lips beaming wider at the answer.
‘Are you available friday?’ he queried, the girl’s eyes widening in shock at the question. was he about to ask her to sing at a venue?
‘Uh..’ she panicked, her whole body buzzing with excitement, ‘definitely! i’m not busy at all on friday!’
‘Great! I’ve got a few friends coming to this event later this week and our singer decided to get food poisoning and cancel. I’ll give you my number and send you the rest of the details.’ He further explained, reaching out of his pocket to grab a notebook, ripping a small tear out of a page. ‘You got a pen?’
‘Yeah!’ she rummaged through her backpack and handed him the pen, her voice unable to contain the positive emotions overwhelming her, seeming a bit too enthusiastic to give him some basic stationery.
‘Here.’ he passed her the tiny sheet which she also placed inside her bag. ‘I’m Carlos.’ he introduced himself, reaching out his hand, the new view of his arms highlighting the prominent veins, despite mainly being covered in body hair.
‘Maddison.’ She grabbed his hand back, shaking it as she stared directly at the man, a mixture of both delight that she can now sing somewhere that isn’t 20+ degrees in the outdoor heat, but also that she had met Carlos…
Is this Carlos?
Yes! Please be at this address at 7pm. I’ll see you soon 😊
When she arrived, the immediate elegance of the building shocked her. It seemed like she had been transported to the victorian era, contrasting the usual settings she had been accustomed to previously.
She inhaled a large gasp of the oxygen outside, trying to control her breathing rate and calm down the nervous butterflies that fluttered around her stomach.
She hesitantly stepped inside of the venue, but became immediately mesmerised by the luxurious decorations that covered the room. It was truly something she had never seen before.
“You’re here.” The familiar accent greeted her once again, her eyes shifting to see Carlos, dressed in a dark suit that appeared more expensive than what the girl had in her whole bank account, feeling almost humiliated by the dress she had slipped on in an attempt to blend in with the crowd. “You look-” He began.
“I know… I’m sorry it’s one of the only dresses-” she apologised, already believing she had ruined a part of the night.
“You look stunning, Maddison.” He interrupted, finally finishing his sentence, admiring the girl standing before him, the unexpected compliment causing her cheeks to flush into a vibrant red shade. “I’ll take you to the stage.” Carlos added, indicating for the singer to follow him, which she easily complied.
“Is there anything specific you want me to sing?” She questioned, unsure on what the routine was for the night.
‘Just sing the songs you like, not always just the popular ones, but the songs you’re confident with.’
‘Got it.’ She smiled; she was now able to play the music that matched her tone perfectly rather than adapting. The contagious expression she wore reflected onto Carlos’ face, before he stepped closer to the girl, leaning in towards her ear.
‘I’m sure that anything you sing will be amazing, cariño.’ He murmured softly, backing away and leaving to allow her to set up the equipment desired for the upcoming performance.
The celebrations continued throughout the night, all the guests pleasantly entertained, she didn’t know much about the reasoning behind the event, but narrowed it down to being a birthday party.
After further confirming that the microphone was functioning correctly, she adjusted the stand to her height, placing the device into the slot as she started to introduce her act to the audience.
‘Hi everyone!’ She spoke, all eyes in the room now focused on the girl standing on the stage. “I’m Maddison and I’ve been asked to perform some songs for you all. This one I will sing is currently one of my favourites!’ She finished, shifting from talking to singing as the speaker began to play a melody.
The music differed to the usual tunes she sung while busking, the more tranquil genre suiting her voice almost perfectly, allowing her to stay comfortable while the whole crowd stared. However the only person she truly focused on was Carlos, his chocolate eyes glistening towards her like he was enthralled not just by the singer’s talent, but also by her immense beauty. The man couldn’t comprehend the reasons why he felt such ways for someone he had approached on the street just earlier this week, all he could do is watch in mesmerisation, cherishing the moment.
At the end of the night, only a few were still gathered at the party, mostly waving their goodbyes; however, the singer and Carlos being a part of that small group.
When she finished her act, the man waited patiently nearby the stage as she packed away her equipment, desperate to just see her once more, even if it was the couple glasses of alcohol he sipped previously influencing these thoughts, the girl remaining unaware of his presence.
‘Your singing was so beautiful.’ He perked up, catching the attention of the girl as she swiftly turned her head around to face him.
‘Carlos, you’re still here?’ her eyes widened, shocked that he had remained at the event for such a long period of time. ‘I thought you would’ve left already.’
‘Never.’ He stepped closer, standing tall above her, just a few inches away from her face, his brain practically entranced by her beauty, he didn’t care anymore, at this moment all he craved was her, everything about her. ‘I needed to see you again Maddison.’ His voice softening as he approached further towards the singer, his hands moving upwards to gently caress her cheek. Despite the strength the man’s hands appeared, his touch seemed so gentle and loving.
‘Carlos.’ Her breath hitched at the sudden action, hundreds of questions overwhelming her mind. Why did he want her? Is he drunk? Does he know what he is doing? Why did she want him to kiss her so badly?
‘Say it, please cariño.’ The beseech escaped as almost a murmur, praying that she had heard the sentence, his vision purely focusing on the singer’s plumped lips.
‘Kiss me, Carlos.’ She pleased, immediately being met with the man’s lips smashed onto hers, bringing her into a passionate kiss. Her wish was his command. His tongue entered her mouth as the touch became slightly rougher, grasping onto her cheek tighter but still somehow keeping that caring feeling.
‘Not here.’ She pulled away from the connection, placing the hand that was originally situated on her cheek down towards her own palm, signalling for him to hold it. ‘You don’t want an audience now do you?’ The singer lifted onto the tips of her feet to whisper into his ear, lust clearly visible in her throat.
‘You’re right querida.’ He agreed, a smirk slowly forming on his mouth, ‘I’m the only one who deserves to see you naked, desperate for my cock.’ The words leaving his lips making the girl’s thighs warmer, closing them together to release the pressure that was craving something, craving Carlos.
Eagerly, she followed Carlos away from the grand atmosphere, the room shrinking into a narrow hallway before the man reached their desired destination, twisting the doorknob to reveal the bathroom that still remained as elegant as the rest of the building.
Instantly entering, their lips joined together once again, the girl’s body slammed against the counter nearby the sink while Carlos sped up the pace of their kisses, becoming desperate and sloppy, but she definitely wasn’t complaining.
His tongue continued its attack, although separating from her lips, travelling downwards to her clear neck, the man excited to paint his canvas with marks that will leave large bruises.
As he sucked onto the clear skin, the girl couldn’t help but let high- pitched moans crawl out of her throat, not caring about the red, stinging stains appearing, just praying for this sensation to continue forever.
‘This dress is so pretty on you, ángel.’ Carlos smirked, his fingertips brushing against the slim straps on the one-piece, ‘But you’ll look much better with this all off.’ He looked up at the girl for confirmation to continue, which she eagerly nodded in consent as he slid the fabric down her shoulders, slowly removing the clothing in an attempt to tease her. He refused to break eye contact as the silk dropped down to her thighs, revealing the lacy bra underneath, which he also unclipped to uncover her breasts.
‘I need you, Carlos.’ She pleaded, impatience prominent in her voice as the light strokes made her whole body shiver with lust. ‘I need you in me.’
‘Steady cariño.’ He giggle consumed with mischief, ‘Gonna have some fun with you first.’ He planted sloppy kisses trailing from her collarbone downwards towards the lower area of her chest, the crumpled fabric preventing the man moving any further. ‘Can I?’
‘Yes, please.’ She answered, the material rubbing down her legs as she was left almost naked, just a small piece of dampened lace covering her vagina.
‘Mierda.’ He murmured the curse at the sight of her dripping pussy. ‘You’re already that wet for me, bet you’re gonna taste so good.’ His warm breathed pressed near her entrance, leaving a tickling feeling that only made the girl ache for the man even more.
His mouth began to press against her lips, swirling his tongue around areas of her clit, causing inaudible sounds to slip out of the girl’s mouth.
‘Carlos.-’ Was the only word she could muster, unable to focus while the man licked against her walls, her legs beginning to tremble due to the immense pleasure.
‘Dios, you sound so beautiful saying my name.’ He complimented, still working at her pussy, the visible muscles in the neck twitching, only allowing her to become even more aroused of the thought of his defined body. ‘Are you gonna cum for me, princesa?’
The question finally pushed her to the edge, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, allowing the release, gripping tightly on the marble countertops she lay on for support as the liquid leaked out. However, it was quickly being cleaned up Carlos.
‘I knew it, you taste perfect.’ He chuckled, enjoying the meal before him, ‘Can’t wait to get me inside you now, is that okay?’ He looked upwards at the girl, her eyes now fuzzier and makeup smudged.
‘Please Carlos, I need to see you.’ she begged, placing her hand against his shirt, her fingertips pathing their way towards the top button, undoing each button carefully, similarly to the teasing the man had used previously.
‘Like what you see?’ He snickered as she stared in awe at the exposed abs and thick body hair. Continuing, he swiftly unbuckled his belt, slipping his trousers off and tossing them nearby her already removed dress. The man stood now only in his boxers, his bulge noticeable.
He proceeded undressing, the duo both now fully naked, however the room still stayed warm from their lust that circled the atmosphere.
‘You ready?’ Carlos asked, waiting for the confirmation from the girl as he approached, moving his dick nearby her hole.
‘Yes, fuck me Carlos.’ She pleaded, immediately greeted with his cock filling her up, a loud moan escaping from her lips. ‘Oh my god.’ She gasped, shocked by how truly large he was.
‘Mierda, Mads.’ He groaned at the tight sensation, nobody had ever made him feel like this before, almost as if she was the perfect piece to finish the jigsaw, ‘You make me feel so good, hermosa.’ As he increased the pace, the pleasurable screams grew louder. Fortunately, there was most likely not a soul left in the building, allowing more freedom.
‘I’m gonna cum again, I can’t hold on any longer.’ She whined, the thrusting from Carlos turning all the muscles in her body numb, desperate to release the pressure.
‘We’ll do it together, cariño.’ He suggested, preparing for a countdown so they can both relieve themselves together. ‘1, 2, 3.’ Instantly after, they both moaned in sync, their bodies vibrating as they spilled their warmth into each other, connecting together in more than one way.
‘Are you okay, princesa?’ Carlos pulled out of her, his hand carefully caressing her cheek that glowed with vibrance. Her now tangled hair flowed down her face, slightly hiding some features, but he could still spot her beauty.
‘Perfect, especially now I’m with you.’ The girl giggled.
Despite that moment being so long ago, the memories are still imprinted in her brain, remembering every detail, including every detail of him.
‘Are you okay? princesa?’ Her fiancé wrapped his arms around the singer’s waist, nuzzling his head softly into the crevice of her neck. ‘No before- stages nerves?’
‘Don’t worry Carlos.’ She reassured, the stage didn’t frighten her so much anymore, confidently able to stand before a large audience. ‘I’m perfect, especially now I’m with you.’ She spoke, and a flash of deja vu sent her back once again, to that Friday night, to the man eager to find a replacement singer, to Carlos.
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alltheirdamn · 2 months
Killing Me Softly | (Joel Miller x teacher!f!reader)
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Chap. 2: See me
Chap 2. Summary: To be loved is to be seen. You're slowly learning that Joel sees you a lot more than you realize. Rating: 18+ MDNI (for future smut) Word Count: 6.7k Warnings: pre-outbreak AU, no smut (yet...pls be patient), tension, banter, a fuck ton of angst, mutual pining, language... I think that's it this go around? A/N: trust me, we're building up to the good stuff. I'm just enjoying developing Joel and the reader a bit more, so pls hang tight. It's all coming soon, I promise.
It had been two weeks since you had last seen Joel. You managed to get through the first round of tests and projects for each of your classes, but as the midterms slowly approached, you began to notice a shift in your students—specifically, Sarah. It wasn’t noticeable at first; she was still chatty with her friends, but her grades were slipping. Then, it became her grades and mood. During lessons, you’d catch her staring out the window blankly or doodling dismissively on the margins of her notebook when you were running through the guidelines for the midterms. She lingered longer after the school bell, choosing not to leave with her friends. After a particularly dull day of presentations, you decided to pull her aside after class. Sarah was reluctant to stay, but you reassured her she wasn’t in trouble. 
“I’ve noticed you’re a bit off lately, Sarah,” you said, leaning against the edge of your desk. 
“I’m just tired, that’s all,” she shrugged. 
She wouldn’t meet your eyes, and you noticed her shifting her weight between her legs the longer she stood in the empty room with you. You feared something was happening at home with Joel, but you didn’t want to explore that topic with your twelve-year-old student. Instead, you gave her a soft smile and tried a different approach. 
“I know you’re on the soccer team. Has that been tiring you out?” You asked.
“I mean, I guess so.”
“When’s your first game?” You were really trying now. 
Sarah tightened her fingers around the straps of her backpack, staring at the floor. 
“This Saturday,” she mumbled. 
“Are you excited? I’m sure your dad can’t wait to cheer you on!”
There it was—the breaking point. 
She looked up at you through blurry eyes, biting her lip to stop from crying. You immediately regretted bringing up Joel. You had overstepped a boundary, and you were paying the price. Dipping your head to meet her at eye level, you placed both hands on her shoulders, trying to comfort her the best you could. 
“Oh, honey,” you sighed. “I’m sorry. Is that what’s been upsetting you?”
She nodded, sniffling back the tears. 
“He’s always working,” she explained. “I don’t really think he’ll make time to come watch me play.”
“I bet he wouldn’t miss it for the world,” you assured her. 
“Yeah,” she said, wiping away a stray tear. 
You watched the defeat etch itself into her features, the deep frown across her face, the brightness in her eyes dwindling. You wanted to believe Joel was a good dad, and you had no doubt he was trying his hardest, but that clearly wasn’t enough. Tipping your fingers under her chin, you coaxed her eyes to meet yours. 
“Look, how about I go?” You offered. “I know I’m not the person you want to see on the sidelines, but I would love to watch you play.”
“Really?” She asked, her eyes growing wide. 
“Really,” you promised. 
Your words seemed to have soothed a bit of the ache inside of her, and she left the classroom with a smile growing on her face. If Joel wouldn’t show up for her, then you would. She deserved someone cheering her on; she deserved to be happy. 
Whoever decided to schedule soccer games at eight AM on a Saturday was cruel, but regardless, you threw on some leggings and a sweater and made your way to the school soccer fields. The parking lot was littered with minivans and families walking with lawn chairs tucked under their arms, their coolers filled with juice pouches and snacks dragging behind them. Obviously, you were uncultured in the sports world and came without a chair or blanket…or anything. So, you opted to stand behind the line of parents on the field, swaying under the morning breeze as you watched the kids chase the ball across the field. 
Your eyes never left Sarah while she was on the field; her bouncy curls and lean figure were easy to spot among the other players. She was quick when given the ball, dodging the opponents as she neared the net. There were only three minutes left in the first half of the game, and she had possession of the ball, weaving in and out of the players tracking her moves. You held your breath as she ran closer to the net, the ball easily controlled under her feet. An opponent was gaining on her, trying to kick the ball away, but Sarah did a little twirl and evaded them perfectly to shoot the game's first point. You were cheering and clapping loudly with the other parents on the sideline, watching her teammates swarm her with hugs. But as the cheering died out, you were left with this profound sadness that her dad wasn’t here to see her first goal. 
You let that bitterness grow inside you as you watched the remainder of the game.
When the final whistle blew, the team won 1-0, with Sarah being the game's star player. With a sheen of sweat over her forehead and a juice pouch in hand, Sarah skipped over to you with a bright smile. 
“Great job!” You cheered, welcoming her into a warm embrace.
She squeezed her arms around your torso, babbling off a slew of ‘thank you’s.’ You put aside your anger towards Joel as you grounded yourself in the moment. Sarah deserved this celebration, and you would happily give her every bit of attention you could. 
“Do you need a ride home, honey?” You asked, pulling away from the hug. 
Sarah’s cheery exterior faltered as she looked around at the families embracing their children. You knew where her mind was going. Looking around, she nodded slowly, clutching her drink tightly. 
“My friend’s parents took me here, but I think they’re going out to lunch. I was hoping my dad would be here, but…” She trailed off. 
“I’m happy to take you home, Sarah. Want some food for the drive home?” You offered. 
That bright smile was back as she happily agreed, following you back to your car. 
Both you and Sarah were munching on fries and singing along to pop tunes when you finally parked in front of her house. To your detriment, Joel’s truck was parked in the driveway. Sarah timidly looked between you and the truck as she gathered her sports bag and soda cup, thanking you again for the day spent together. You gave her the best fake smile you could conjure up and watched her head to the front door. 
You sat in front of the driveway for an extra few minutes, debating whether you should confront Joel, but before you could even decide, he was walking down the front porch and towards your car. That bitterness and anger you had suppressed all day surged forward, and you jumped out of the car to face him with a frown drawn on your face.
Joel greeted you with your name falling off his tongue, and you didn’t have time to register the beautiful way it sounded in his Southern accent before you began spewing a litany of remarks about how you felt. 
“Why weren’t you there?” You shouted, your body at arm's length from his. You needed to distance yourself from him, too afraid that your anger would send a hand flying across his face. You had to remind yourself that he was Sarah’s dad and you were her teacher, but that wouldn’t stop you from speaking your mind. 
Joel looked at you with a furrow of confusion and guilt, his hands tucked in the pockets of his jeans. It was apparent he regretted missing the game, but that didn’t matter. Saying sorry wouldn’t turn back the clock and magically make everything better. You knew that firsthand.
“Tommy and I had an early meetin’ with a contractor,” he explained. “Trust me, I hate that I missed the game.”
“You didn’t just miss the game. You missed her first goal,” you snapped. 
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, rocking his heels. “I appreciate you takin’ the time to go and watch her play. And drivin’ her home… and gettin’ her lunch.”
“I did everything you should have done,” you accused. 
Joel swallowed thickly, his eyes settling on yours with a wave of sadness passing through his irises. Those big puppy dog eyes wouldn’t soothe the anger steamrolling over your professionalism. Fuck being professional. Sarah deserved a dad who was present, and if no one were going to call him out on his bullshit, you’d do it.
“I feel real shitty ‘bout it,” he sighed. “You ain’t gotta remind me.”
“You should feel shitty. She’s your daughter. I shouldn’t have to be the only one cheering for her on the sidelines. Nothing should be more important than that.”
“Would you quit lecturin’ me?” Joel barked. “I know I fucked up, and I already apologized to her. Again, I appreciate you takin’ the time to be there for her, and I’m real sorry for makin’ you do that.”
You huffed a laugh, folding your arms over your chest. 
“You didn’t make me do anything,” you argued. “I wanted to be there for her, but she wanted you to be there for her.”
Joel said nothing at that, only stared at you in stunned silence. You were done with him, letting your anger get the best of you. 
“I know what it feels like when the one person you want to see doesn’t show up. I know that disappointment. Have a great day, Mr. Miller. Tell Sarah I’ll see her on Monday.”
You spun on your heel toward your car, flinging the door open with more force than you wanted. You shouldn’t have brought your past into it; Joel was nothing like Bennette, but it hurt all the same. 
Joel didn’t try to stop you as you drove out of the neighborhood, but he remained at the curb of his driveway, his eyes never leaving you until you were out of view. 
You barely managed to put your car in park before you broke down in tears. Everything was crashing at the surface, and you didn’t have the strength to bottle it away this time. Bennett had been your entire world for five years. Your whole life revolved around him, from going to the same grad school together to moving away from Boston to be with him in his new career. You left everything behind for him and were happy to do it because you loved him. Despite his flaws and the “not-so-picture perfect” relationship, you stayed because you loved him. And in that moment when you needed him to be there for you… he was gone. You weren’t lying to Joel when you said you knew what that disappointment felt like; it was that same feeling that kept you up at night when you wondered if you had done something to deserve it. But Sarah? Sarah did nothing to deserve to be abandoned by her dad. All she wanted was to see that one person cheering her on from the sidelines, to hug her and tell her she was loved. 
She didn’t get that today. 
And you didn’t get that two years ago. 
With whatever dignity you had left, you dragged yourself inside and into your bedroom, flinging yourself onto the mattress. Curling into a ball on top of the comforter, you let the tears continue to fall as you stared at the empty walls where the pictures of you and Bennett had hung before. Every inch of this house was a reminder of the scars Bennett left on your heart. You could have moved out months ago, you could have gone home, but what was the use when the pain would just travel with you? Shutting your eyes, you let the emotions exhaust you until you drifted asleep. 
“Bennett, I told you what time the cake tasting was scheduled for,” you shouted across the kitchen. 
Bennett wasn’t even listening as he responded to a thread of emails on his computer. The law firm he had been working at kept him on a short leash, always requiring him to be there at their beck and call. Between you and his job, his loyalty was in the latter. 
“I know,” he nodded, still glued to the computer screen. “They needed a proxy for the shareholder meeting and asked me to step in.”
“We’ve had this scheduled for weeks now. You can’t expect me to make all these decisions alone.”
“Whatever cake you choose, I’m sure I’ll love it,” he shrugged.
“That's not the point!” You yelled, slamming down the Tupperware you had been scrubbing. 
That caught his attention. Slamming the laptop shut, Bennett’s nostrils flared at your sudden outburst. You weren’t usually this outspoken; you were always the level-headed and obedient fiancé he expected to have. But the entire engagement had been a disaster, between work conflicts and the constant pressure he put on you. Every day, he expected to come home to a fresh meal, never considering that your job didn’t end when three PM hit. Being a teacher meant your responsibilities began at home, when you were hunched over curating the next lesson and grading papers. You never complained about his workload extending into the evening, either. God forbid you ask for more time together. 
“What is the point?” He snapped.
“The point is that I want you there. I want you to be a part of this wedding planning process. All I’m asking for is two hours together, where we eat too much sugar and choose a damn cake flavor. It’s not even about the fucking cake, Bennett. It’s about you being present in this engagement.”
“Are you saying I’m not present?” He accused. “Because I have been as present as possible despite me working so hard to fund this big wedding that you wanted!”
“I just want you there with me for these things. Even if they aren’t important to you, it’s important to me,” you said, your energy dwindling. He always found a way to make you feel bad, and you looked past it for the sake of your heart. You loved him and did everything you could to make him love you in return. If that meant placating your feelings, you’d do it. 
“If it’s so important to you, then just go. You can tell me all about it when I get home tomorrow.”
That was the best resolution you’d get, and there was no use fighting anymore. He would always win. 
“Okay,” you acquiesced. “I’ll do that.”
Bennett rose from his chair and met you around the kitchen counter with a big hug. He rested his chin on your head as you melted into his chest.
“I love you, honey. I don’t want you angry at me all the time. You know I’m trying my hardest to be everywhere all at once. Just work with me, okay?” he sighed.
“I’m sorry, I’ll be better about it. I love you, too,” you whispered.
A firm knock on your front door jolted you awake from the flood of memories in your dreams. The shadows in your room were a telltale sign you had slept through most of the afternoon, which would put a hefty dent in the list of never-ending work you needed to finish. Sulking through the house to the front door, you smoothed down your hair and sweater, trying to gather your bearings. With one last heavy inhale, you pried the door open and stood paralyzed at the person standing before you. 
Joel said your name softly, his eyes tired and hair ruffled at the crown of his head. He looked as just a mess as you did, but most definitely for different reasons.
“Mr. Miller,” you said. “What are you doing here?”
He swayed back on his heels, holding your eyes apologetically. It was written all over his face; he didn’t need to say the words.
“Our conversation earlier ain’t sittin’ right with me,” he sighed.
“I overstepped, and I’m sorry,” you said honestly. “I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way.”
Joel held his hand in protest, shaking his head at your words.
“Don’t apologize, okay? You were right about everything. I shoulda been there, and I wasn’t. I let her down.”
“Mr. Miller, I—.”
“I let her down,” he repeated. “And I let you down.”
You stood in stunned silence, trying to understand his words. Joel watched you turn the words over in your head, his eyes never leaving yours. He said everything you had ever asked to hear from Bennett in just a few words. You didn’t understand the emotions stirring inside you, nor could you control the tears welling in your eyes. This would be the second time you cried today, and now it would be the second time you cried in front of Joel. 
“You didn’t let me down,” you faltered. 
“I did. I want you to see that I’m not a bad father, but I seem to keep makin’ mistakes left and right. She expected me to be there, and so did you. I’m the type of man who makes and keeps his promises, but lately, I’ve been fallin’ short. It ain’t fair to her, and it ain’t fair to you.”
“You don’t owe me anything,” you whispered, wiping your tears. 
“I sure as hell do,” he protested. “I owe you an apology. I’m sorry, okay? I’m gonna do better about bein’ there for her, and I want you to see that. I don’t wanna keep fuckin’ it all up.”
“Did you tell her that?” You asked. 
“I did, and now I’m tellin’ you. I want you holdin’ me accountable on all this, and I want you to call me out on my bullshit like you did earlier. I needed to hear all that.”
“I was just angry. I didn’t need to be that mean to you.”
Joel lifted his hand to brush away a stray tear falling down your cheek, the touch of his hand on your skin electrifying you. You flinched away, trying to curl into yourself. He noticed your movements, letting his hand fall back to his side. You glanced down, watching him clench his hand into a fist as if he were trying to control an urge inside of him. You were trying to do the same; being near him scared you. It shocked you to see someone act mature and actually own up to their faults; it was something Bennett rarely did. You couldn’t make sense of it. 
“There ain’t a single part of me that’s mad at you, okay? Don’t ever be afraid to speak your mind—at least not with me,” Joel said. 
You only nodded, too afraid that if you spoke now, you’d succumb to an ugly sob. Joel’s broad frame was shadowed and looming over you in the dying sunlight, a cloud over the haze inside your mind. Joel didn’t understand the weight in those words, the way they sewed shut the empty holes left inside you. It wasn’t Bennett saying them, and it definitely didn’t rewrite the past, but it was writing the future. It was a future with the possibility that you weren’t as broken as you thought. 
“Thank you,” you muttered. “I—just thank you.”
“Somethin’ tells me you ain’t been told these things before, huh?” Joel prodded. 
“It doesn’t matter. I appreciate you taking the time to come out here, and I’m sorry again. I promise I’ll be better about my anger,” you laughed, hoping you’d be able to brush it off with a forced smile. 
Joel saw right through you; his lips tugged down into a frown. You watched the crease between his eyebrows appear as he watched you minimize yourself right back down to zero. It wasn’t easier that way—making yourself small. Too big, and you’d be too much to handle. You were tired of being too much for anyone; it had already been your downfall once before. 
“Whoever made you feel like y’need to apologize all the time is a real piece of shit,” Joel huffed. 
“It’s alright, Mr. Miller. Thank you again for stopping by.”
“It’s the least I could do. And y’know what? I’d be happy if you joined me at the rest of her games. She loved havin’ you there, and I know it would mean a lot to her to see you on the sidelines again. Think that’s somethin’ you’d interested in?”
“I’ll think about it, yeah,” you smiled. 
“Yeah? Good,” he exhaled. 
Joel met you with a genuine smile, his eyes dancing over your face. You swayed in the doorway, unsure of what to do now that the conversation was coming to an end. A strange part of you didn’t want it to end; the stillness with him had managed to bottle away all of the lingering memories of Bennett, even if only for a moment. You’d take this over, crying yourself asleep like so often did. 
“You should head home to Sarah,” you sighed. “I hope you have a good weekend, Mr. Miller.”
“You have a g’night, alright?”
You watched him walk down the porch steps, the muscles in his back tense as he retreated back to his truck. You should have walked your ass back inside, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him. Before opening the truck door, Joel glanced back at you, waving a quick goodbye. You waved back and waited until his truck dissolved into the distance to finally shut your door and sit in the blaring silence. 
You watched the night fade away from the comfort of your couch, a half-eaten sandwich in front of you and a wine glass in hand. Not only did you overstep your boundaries as a teacher, but you overstepped every possible rule between a teacher and parent. Despite what happened at the bar with Joel, he was still Sarah’s dad and completely undeserving of the anger you had toward him today. He was slipping behind every brick wall you had built up around you, a fortress no one could penetrate, yet he was managing to do it so effortlessly. And it was infuriating. How were you supposed to protect yourself from him? Bennett had been the perfect man at the start, always saying the right things and showing his love in so many different ways, but even with the rose-colored glasses on, that all crumpled away as time moved on. Nothing about your relationship was perfect, yet you tried to mend the broken pieces in hopes the possibility of marriage would solve all your problems. But clearly, it didn’t. It never even made it to marriage.
You weren’t even considering dating Joel, but that didn’t stop you from doubting he would be any different than Bennett. Sure, he might seem interested now, but that would change once he saw every damaged piece of you. You were hardly controlling your emotions, as it were, so why would you spend the time sharing the rawest parts of yourself with someone who would end up leaving?
I’ll do better, you told yourself. Bottle it away.
Another week passed by without fuss; the students passed their practice exams and had even begun working on their group presentations on the new poetry unit you had created. After next week's midterm exams, you’d be on a plane heading to Boston to see your family during the fall break. You hadn’t been home in over a year, and you were well aware of the fact your parents and sisters missed you. It’s not that you didn’t miss them, but going home was another reminder of all you had lost. But you’d steer clear of the roads you’d traveled down with Bennett, you’d avoid the bars and restaurants he had taken you to, and you’d absolutely banish all thoughts of returning to the Public Garden where he had proposed. Every corner of your hometown was haunted by the ghosts of what had been, but you’d brave it for the sake of family. 
You had forfeited any thought of going to the soccer game out of sheer self-preservation. Being around Joel more than necessary was putting you at risk for an inevitable heartbreak, and it just wasn’t something you were ready to deal with. You didn’t want to let Sarah down, but Joel would be there for her, and that mattered more than you standing on the sidelines. She didn’t need you there; you’d only gone to the game to fill a void within her life. Joel was going to stick to his word, and you’d be able to maintain your teacher-parent relationship once again. You still had yet to forgive yourself for Saturday’s outburst. 
It wasn’t until Thursday when Sarah approached you, that you were reminded of the game.
When she approached your desk at the end of class, she had her textbook in hand and her backpack slung over her shoulder. You were feeling particularly drained from the day after spending most of the night tossing and turning between nightmares, and you had to muster up the strength to keep things light between you and her.
“So,” she started, a bright smile plastered on her face. “My dad said you might come to the game Saturday.”
“Oh, yeah. I—I haven’t decided yet. I’ve got to make sure everything is prepped for testing next week,” you lied.
“Oh,” her face fell. “That’s okay. I know the exams are important.”
You were transported right back to the kitchen with Bennett.
“I’m sure the prep work can wait till after the game,” you smiled, already giving up on your initial plans to avoid everything—everything being Joel Miller.
“If you don’t want to come…” Sarah trailed off, looking down at her sneakers.
“Hey,” you said softly. Her eyes traveled up to meet yours again. “I’ll be there. You have my word.”
Sarah perked up, nodding her head enthusiastically. 
“I’ll tell my dad! Maybe we can all get lunch after!” She babbled excitedly. 
Oh, Christ. 
“I’m sure you guys will want the day together,” you smiled, your patient wearing. “Go enjoy your night, Sarah. I’ll see you tomorrow in class. Don’t forget your notes on Shakespeare!”
“Bye, Miss Smith!”
You watched her sprint out of the room to catch up with her friends, and you sunk into your chair, dreading what may come during the weekend. 
Maria stopped by your classroom after the final bell, skeptically looking at you while you gathered your work bag. Thankfully, you both had Thursdays free of crosswalk duty, and you were ready to get home and sulk away under the guise of cheap wine and a bubble bath. 
“You’re extra grumpy today,” Maria noted, slinging her large purse over one shoulder. 
“I’m not grumpy,” you huffed. “I’m fucked. Completely fucked.”
She barked a laugh and watched you stuff files into your bag before you grabbed your keys and shooed her out to lock the door. The hallways were empty, except for a few teachers trickling out, and you walked a pace quicker, trying to escape the building before anyone else stopped you. 
“Why do I get a feeling this may be because of a certain parent?” She asked, shoving into you playfully. 
“Yes,” you grumbled. 
“Ugh, okay. Listen, all of this is against my own will, okay?” 
You peered over at her, seeing a wicked smile splitting across her face. If anyone was on board with your confused emotions towards Joel Miller, it was Maria. She had been all for it since day one, and you knew she wouldn’t shut up about it until she saw you and him together. Which wouldn’t be happening. 
You dive into retelling the events of Saturday, including the outburst and the conversation with Joel that had followed. All through your rambling, Maria was squealing like a little girl and inserting small remarks here and there—all of which revolved around the idea that you should fuck out your feelings and get it over with. 
“Maria,” you snapped. “I’m not going to fuck him! Would you quit that?”
She shrugged, laughing off your stubbornness. 
“All I’m saying is that there is clearly some sort of chemistry between you both,” she sassed. “One night of hot sex might clear your mind, and you can resume your up-tight ‘teacher-parent’ bullshit you’re trying so hard to keep.”
“It’s not bullshit, Maria,” you argued. “It’s called being professional.”
You both had made it to the parking lot, and you tried to inch closer to your car in hopes of coming out unscathed from this conversation. But Maria was anything but relentless. 
“You really need to get laid,” Maria huffed. “Dust off the cobwebs and get back out there.”
“I’m perfectly fine with how my life is right now. I don’t need to get laid, and I certainly don’t need to be in a relationship.”
Maria grabbed your hands in hers, leveling you with a stern look under her thick mascara-coated lashes. With her lips set in a firm line, she squeezed your hands.
“It’s been two years,” she sighed. “Stop letting Bennett control your life. He’s in the past, and you need to find a new future—preferably one where you’re happy and in love.”
You squeezed her fingers in return, giving her a sad smile. You knew somewhere inside you that she was right, but it wasn’t in the cards for you right now. Not when you still had so much healing to do. 
“Thank you, Maria,” you whispered. 
When you arrived at the school, the soccer game had already begun. Your car sat idle in the parking lot for nearly twenty minutes until you finally found the strength to head toward the soccer fields. Among the line of parents on the sidelines, Joel was standing further away, his body swaying against the windy morning as his eyes stay focused on the field. You walked up slowly, smoothing out your t-shirt and running sweaty palms over your jeans. You definitely didn’t spend too much time getting ready for a simple game. As if he felt your energy circling him, Joel turned toward you with a beautiful smile breaking across his face. 
“I was hopin’ you’d show up,” he said. 
“Good morning, Mr. Miller,” you greeted. 
You weren’t sure what to do with yourself beside him, so you mimicked his stance and folded your arms over your chest. With the morning sun rising above the soccer field, you watched as his skin glowed in the sunlight, his tanned skin illuminated in the soft hues of the sunrise. He was undeniably gorgeous, but you forced that thought away along with all of the unruly ones that seemed to constantly evade your mind. 
“Sarah’s doin’ great out there so far,” he mentioned. “Got herself close to scorin’ a goal ten minutes ago. No doubt she’ll get one at some point.”
“I bet she will. She’s amazing out there.”
Joel beamed at your compliments of his daughter, his eyes tracking her as she ran across the field. A teammate shot the ball to her, and you both stood silently as she kept control of it toward the goal. Instead of taking the shot herself, she crossed the ball to another teammate, letting them score the first goal of the game. The parents on the sidelines sounded off with a round of cheers, and you and Joel joined in on the excitement. 
“She’s a team player,” you commented. “That’s a good quality.”
“That’s my girl,” he smiled proudly. 
This. This is what you had hoped to see for Sarah. A dad who was present and proud of her accomplishments. You could give her all the applause in the world, but his voice cheering above the rest was what mattered the most. 
There was a lull in conversation for a while as you both watched the game with rapt attention. You tried hard not to notice the way Joel shifted closer to you or the fact that he had dropped his arms so that he could casually brush his against yours. Each touch of his skin against yours was like a wave of heat rushing through your body, an electric current that started with him and ended with you. There was no doubt he did it on purpose, but you did nothing to stop it. You were losing the war between self-restraint and vulnerability. 
“How’s she likin’ class?” He asked, making small talk. 
You shrugged, glancing at him with an easy smile. 
“She’s one of the best kids in her grade. This new unit we’re working on will be a challenge, but I know she’s up for it.”
“What’s the new unit?”
Joel snorted a laugh, his fingers brushing against the denim on your leg. You shifted to glare at him, amused at his response. 
“What’s so funny, Mr. Miller?”
He ran a hand through the curls atop his head, giving you a lopsided grin. 
“Nothin’,” he chuckled. “Just don’t understand why poetry is so popular in schools nowadays.”
“Poetry has always been popular,” you said pointedly. 
“Has it? Must not have paid much attention back in the day,” he smirked. 
“It’s my favorite unit to teach,” you confessed. “I think poetry gets a bad rap—clearly—but it’s important to understand the way words can convey so many layered emotions in the simplest of ways.”
Joel eyed you as you spoke, nodding along with you as you spoke. Even if he wasn’t completely sold on the idea of poetry, you enjoyed how attentive he was to the conversation. In the distance, you heard the parents cheer again, and you glanced at the field to see Sarah running with the ball toward the goal. 
“Look!” You said, pointing toward the field.
Joel snapped his head back to his daughter, watching as she sent the ball soaring into the net. You jumped up and down, clapping at her goal and yelling out her name in excitement.
“That’s my girl!” Joel cheered. “Way to go, Sarah!”
Sarah looked over at him, her cheeks rosy from the play, and shot him two thumbs up. Joel returned the same hand gesture; his cheeks stretched wide with a smile as he watched his daughter dance into an embrace from her teammate. 
“You were sayin’,” he pressed, his eyes sliding back to you. 
“Oh,” you laughed. “That’s okay. I don’t want to bore you with all the school talk.”
“You ain’t borin’ me. I wanna hear what you have to say.”
Your cheeks warmed at his words, realizing he wasn’t just asking these things to make small talk. He sincerely wanted to know the things you were interested in and the work you did, which was far from what you received from Bennett. Half the time you talked about your lessons, Bennett would just aimlessly nod while typing his emails and debriefs, his attention far away from you.
“Well, I’m starting off by teaching them about Shakespeare,” you explained, watching Joel open his mouth to make a retort. You held your hand up in defense and continued. “Before you go complaining about Shakespeare, I’ll have you know he’s one of the most renowned dramatists in history. His stylist choices in his playwrights were unlike anything else, and his work has completely impacted modern-day English. It’s because of him that we have so many words and phrases in the English language. Say what you want, but he really is worth learning about.”
Joel studied you for a moment, his lips curving up at the corners. You weren’t used to rambling off about useless things, more because you never really had the chance in the past. It was exciting to talk about the things you were passionate about, and you didn’t realize you’d find that moment being with Joel Miller. 
“Maybe I need to read some of his work,” Joel said. “What’s your favorite?”
“My favorite?” You blinked at him. “Oh, um, it’s cliche, but my favorite is Romeo and Juliet. That’s what I’m starting with on the unit.”
“Sarah got a copy of it?” he asked. 
“She should, yes.”
“Might need to steal it from her so I can see what all this fuss is about,” he smiled, bumping his arm into yours. 
“You don’t need to do all that,” you muttered. “I’m sure Sarah could tell you all about it after she’s done reading it.”
“I’m sure she could,” he acknowledged. “But maybe I'd like to do the research.”
“Research?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow. 
Joel leaned into you, his face drawn closer to yours. 
“Yeah, research,” he repeated. “I wanna know why y’like it so much.”
Your mouth opened and closed, all words seemingly melting from your brain. What the hell were you supposed to say to that? He wanted to take the time to understand your interests… but why? Once again, Joel was proving to be everything you never saw in Bennett. And it scared the fuck out of you. Because you couldn’t date Joel, nor did you want to. Giving yourself up to another person, exposing those vulnerable parts of yourself like that would just be inviting the possibility of another heartbreak. 
“I can save you the time and tell you instead,” you offered. 
“Nah,” he smiled. “I wanna find out myself.”
The game came to a close, with the school team winning 2-0. Joel embraced Sarah when she ran off the field, wrapping her into a gigantic bear hug and planting a kiss on her forehead. You gave her a small high five, congratulating her on the win. You followed them out to the parking lot, watching as Joel kept his arm wrapped around Sarah’s narrow frame. From this angle, they looked like the perfect father-daughter duo, and your heart seized with happiness knowing he had kept his word. 
Digging through your purse for your car keys, you said a quick goodbye and made a beeline for your car. You wouldn’t insert yourself in the rest of their day; you needed to find some distance between you and Joel before he started crawling further under your skin. But as you tugged open your car door, a warmth grew behind you, and you turned to see Joel standing a few steps away. Sarah was nowhere in sight, so you figured she was already waiting for him in his truck. 
“Yes?” You asked, standing idle between the open door and Joel’s tall body. 
His eyes bounced between your lips and your eyes, never settling on one too long. 
“Look, this is gonna sound forward of me, and I can probably guess your answer,” he started. “But can I take you out to dinner sometime? As a ‘thank you' for everything.”
“Mr. Miller,” you sighed. “I appreciate the invitation, but this needs to remain purely professional. I’m Sarah’s teacher, and I don’t think that would be appropriate.”
He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, his eyes trailing to the ground. Despite every cell inside your body screaming yes, you needed to stick to your rules—whatever the hell they were.
“I figured you’d say that,” he mumbled. "Listen, let me give you my number at least. If you ever change your mind, or if you need someone to drive you home from the bar, y’can shoot me a call. Is that okay?”
“I…” You trailed off, considering his offer. “Yeah, that’s okay.”
You searched for your phone in your purse, handing it over to him with shaky hands. His fingers brushed against yours as he took it, a crackle of energy bursting through your skin at his touch. He must have noticed, too, because his eyes met yours before he typed in his number. With a few more clicks on your phone, he handed it back, brushing his hand over yours once more. 
“I sent myself a text on it,” he confessed. “Now I have yours, just in case of anything, y’know?”
“Yeah, just in case.”
Joel gave you a soft smile before turning and walking away. You watched his figure fade into the cars still filling the parking lot and caught him glancing back at you one last time. You stared down at your phone, seeing the text lit up on the screen. He had sent one simple word to himself: your name. Not Miss Smith, not ‘Sarah’s teacher’, but your name. 
You opened his contact information and typed one simple word: Joel
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ozzgin · 2 months
Hye hey HEYY! (-^〇^-)
May I request Belphie (and whoever else if you want) w/ G/n s/O who's having a panic attack due to seeing their deadbeat good for nothing father during like a field trip to the part of hell deceased human souls are kept?
(Bonus points if they didn't know he was dead!)
Kay thanks byeee!!!! o(〃^▽^〃)o
Of course! I might keep it focused on the part where they help you navigate it, though, so as to not delve in matters too dark. I hope it's close to what you imagined!
Obey Me! Headcanons
Featuring Belphegor, Beelzebub and Mammon comforting Reader during a panic attack.
Content: gender neutral reader, fluff/angst, mental health topics
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Belphegor purses his lips and opens his eyes with an annoyed squint. Something has disturbed his peaceful sleep. He'd rested his head on your shoulder for extra comfort, yet now the surface underneath him is shifting in small, erratic jolts. He stands up and is about to stretch, when he notices your ragged breathing and pale face. He is now alert and tense, as if someone had just dumped a bucket of ice-cold water over him. "What's wrong?" He places a hand on your shoulder, scanning your expression.
He's quick to guess you're having a panic attack - for whatever reason unknown to him - so he reaches for his backpack and begins rummaging. He eventually pulls out a paper bag and guides you into holding it over your mouth and nose. In your daze, you can't focus on anything in particular, but you can hear his soft voice giving instructions and counting with you. A few more deep breaths, and you manage to recollect yourself. You glance up at the demon and thank him for the assistance. "Care to tell me what had you this bothered?" he inquires with a frown.
You hesitantly explain your source of misery. Belphie listens with closed eyes, and for a moment you wonder if he's fallen asleep again. "Hmmm", he hums after a moment of silence. "So that's what it was." You fumble to respond, unsure of his reaction. Is he bored? Irritated? Upset? He finally looks at you and smiles reassuringly. "I suppose I can't blame you for that. I would've done the same." With that, he lets out a yawn and throws an arm around your shoulders. "Maybe you could use some rest. Let's swap", he says as he pulls you against his chest.
"Oh, and sorry if the bag smelled strange. I dumped out Beel's lunch for it."
Beel has wandered ahead, deeply entranced by the snacks piled up in his arms. "Oh, I forgot to ask if you want some, (Y/N)-" He turns back and finds you much farther behind than he'd expected, panting, with hands placed onto your knees for support. Are you sick? Did you eat something spoiled? He speeds in your direction with a frown.
Ah, you must be having a panic attack. What's there to do? Usually he'd ask Belphegor for advice, but now it's just the two of you and no one else around. Well, he obviously can't leave you in this state. Maybe one of the brothers can help. He drops his food nonchalantly and proceeds to lift you in his arms. "Let's see if we can find someone", he explains. Beel is surprisingly gentle in his hold. Your labored breaths begin to slow down, soothed by the warmth surrounding you. You exhale one final time, now fully relaxed.
You pat his chest to catch his attention and let him know that he doesn't have to worry, but he doesn't immediately release you back on ground. "You have to tell me what was wrong first." Stuttering awkwardly, you proceed to narrate the situation. Not only is it a sensitive topic, but you have to talk about it as you're being carried bridal style. Once you're finished, you look up sheepishly and notice his furrowed brows. "Have I upset you?", you question anxiously. "No, I'm just upset by what you told me. You really scared me back there, you know? I may not be as smart or insightful as the others, but you can still rely on me for these things..."
"What's with that long face? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Mammon exclaims, pointing at your expression with an amused laugh. He's about to continue with the jokes, but your erratic breathing is a little too convincing to be a prank. "O-oi...are you okay?" He finally mumbles, taken aback.
Crap. You're clutching your chest and gasping for air. He scans the surrounding area, looking for Lucifer. He has no idea what's wrong or what he's supposed to do. "Hang on, I'll find-" the demon stumbles on his words, trying to come up with some sort of reassuring promise. There isn't anyone around. The sight of your sudden panic attack is tugging at his heart more than he'd care to admit. Without thinking, he pulls you in a deep embrace. He's a little shocked by his own gesture, but now is not the time to consider the implications. He gently strokes your hair in an attempt to soothe you. "Come on, (Y/N), try to snap out of it. I don't know what else to do. Please."
You eventually calm down enough to explain what caused your distress, concluding with an apology. You didn't mean to startle him like this. He stares ahead thoughtfully for a moment before pinching your nose between his fingers. "Dumbass. You could've told me beforehand. You're not alone now, are you? You have the one and only Mammon at your side!" He flashes you a proud smile. You can't help but chuckle at the very typical response. He suddenly realizes he's been holding you tight until now, so he steps back, visibly red and flustered. "A-anyways, we should find the others".
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thebearer · 9 months
Omg Imagine meeting Lip at college and you are majoring in education, and you only know each other through math or something you need help with. You could just befriend him at first because he is a WHORE phase lol.
Idk your dribbles make me think that Lip and his wife have a strong friendship that blossomed to romance after Lip figures his shit out , and she got knocked up very early on lol.
"Hey," You stride next to Lip, looping the free strap of your backpack on. "What are you doin' tonight?"
"Uh, kinda busy." Lip hummed, brows creasing lightly when he looked over at you.
"With your professor?" You gave him a pointed look, a devious smile spreading across your lips when he scoffed.
"Yeah. You got plans with yours?" Lip countered.
You rolled your eyes. "Please. I'm not that desperate for a grade." You quipped. "Speaking of, I was going to ask if you were free tonight, because I am going to fail this math test on Wednesday."
"Yeah? And what do you need me for?" Lip grinned, pushing the door open for you. It was so casual, friendly- it made your heart flutter.
"Stop." You shook your head at him. "C'mon, I really need your help. I do your critical theory homework all the time to impress your sexy professor lady, so you owe me."
"Yeah, I guess. I'll, uh, I'll stop by after my last. I gotta check with Youens, make sure I got my shit done. Then I can come help you study." Lip nodded casually.
"Ugh, thank you." You sighed, bumping him playfully with your shoulder. "I swear, I'm not teaching math ever. I don't understand why I'm in the hardest math class for elementary ed."
"I mean, they probably want their teachers to be halfway smart." Lip shrugged. "Well, maybe not at the shit hole school I went to, but, uh, the good schools."
You snorted. "Yeah? Well, regardless, I'm not teaching math. I'll hold down the language arts, or the history, maybe the science if I have to. But math? Out of the question."
"Not even long division, huh?" Lip grinned.
"To be completely honest with you, I don't think I know how to do long division." You giggled. "I can barely do short division."
Many Years Later
"Lip!" You called, your voice carrying out to the garage, where your husband was "working on the car" (which really meant sneaking a cigarette).
"Yeah?" Lip hummed, walking into the house. Freddie sat at the kitchen table, a tiny frown on his features that mimicked yours perfectly. It made Lip's heart melt.
"Let Daddy see the problem, baby. He's better at math than me." You ran a hand over Freddie's curls sweetly, moving so Lip could take your spot.
Freddie had gotten Lip's freakish ability to do math. He was only six, but doing multiplication and long division already in his advanced groups.
"Lemme see, bud." Lip turned the paper towards him, scanning the problem. "Ah, ok, so you're not carrying the number here." Lip pointed to the problem, explaining it to your tiny son.
Your heart swelled, picking Jude up and hoisting him on your hip, trying to finish loading the dishwasher.
"Always thought your were jokin'." Lip hummed, gently squeezing your ass so you blushed, leaning to kiss the toddler on his head.
"About what?" You raised a brow.
"The long division thing." Lip laughed lightly. You gave him a confused look. "Y'know, when you said you wouldn't teach math and all that."
"Oh," You rolled your eyes playfully. "No, I wasn't. Why do you think I teach language arts now? Can't do all that numbers stuff like you."
Lip smirked, taking the dish from you and putting it in the rack. "How do you even remember that?" You cock your head to the side.
"That I said that." You giggle. "That was, like, a million years ago."
"Because," Lip shrugged. "I was in love with you."
"No, you weren't." You blushed, dodging Jude's grabbing hands towards your hair. "You had your Mrs. Robinson."
Lip rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but, you were like my best friend." He said boyishly. Your heart melted. "Still are, but then, I just... I didn't want to fuck it up, ya know?"
"Watch it." You glared at him lightly, though it wasn't very convincing. "That's sweet. I was, like, very much so in love with you too, for the record."
"Yeah?" Lip grinned. You nodded, laughing when he kissed you sweetly over Jude's head. "Kinda had an idea."
"Really? What gave it away? The wedding or the kids?" You said sarcastically.
"No, it was the night that I had to pick you up from that dive bar downtown, and, uh, you were so drunk-"
"-Alright, Gallagher-"
"-And you kept telling me how much you loved me-"
You glared at him. "Jude, Daddy is being mean to me. Can you believe that?" You cooed, frowning exaggeratedly at your son. Jude just babbled, trying to grab at your hair again.
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akaridream · 10 months
all the right buttons (college AU Goku & Vegeta x reader)
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have y'all seen the figure from FuzzFeet Studios featuring our favorite boys gaming on the couch in the sluttiest little shorts? lemme say, i was feeling thirsty after I saw it for the first time. thus, this fic was born.
vegeta and goku both will get a part 2, choose your own adventure style (coming very soon!)
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As you padded down the hall of Bulma’s apartment building, muffled male voices arguing rang through the walls. Your favorite chemistry study buddy had warned that her two roommates would be home while you did homework together, but you hoped the voices were from a neighboring unit. Your hopes were dashed when you stood in front of Bulma’s door and knocked, the voices now quite clear in the hallway.
“Hey! Pipe down you two! My friend is here and we need to get some work done!” Bulma’s voice interrupted. The door swung open with a whoosh, revealing the blue-haired bombshell. She rolled her eyes and shuffled you inside.
“Sorry about the boys, Goku found his old game system and they’ve been at it for a while,” she explained as you kicked off your shoes and dropped your backpack by the kitchenette table. “I was hoping they’d be wrapping it up by now but-”
“Oh don’t worry about it!” you said with a dismissive wave. “I grew up with two brothers, so they won’t bother me!"
Beyond the kitchen sat the infamous roommates, backs turned on the couch, facing a comically small CRT television in front of Bulma’s fancy flat screen. The tiny TV sat precariously on a mini fridge, and on the floor was the little gray console, one which you hadn’t seen in at least a decade. The chiptune soundtrack was nostalgic and familiar.
“Is that Tenkaichi Tournament 5?” you asked.
“Yeah!” came the chipper voice from the guy on the left, though his focus remained on the game. His black hair splayed in all directions and his blue tank barely covered his built shoulders.
Oh shit. These boys are fit, you thought.
The guy in blue’s arms were bulky and strong, intimidatingly so. And the blond guy was just as fine with a cut-up yellow racerback showing off the hard work he had put into his lats. With their backs turned, you shamelessly admired what you could see of them, salivating at the sight of their carved muscles.
Bulma elbowed you and lifted a brow, tilting her head in the direction of the guys. Your eyes grew large and you fanned your face, mouthing “Oh my god” to her. She grinned and nodded.
“This is my friend from chemistry I was telling you about!” Bulma yelled over the TV, hands on her hips.
The guy in blue paused their game and turned around, draping his arm over the back of the worn couch.
“Hi!” he said in a sweet voice, eyes bright and friendly behind a pair of black frames.
The blond gave him a dirty look for pausing the game. “Hello,” he offered over his shoulder.
“I’m Goku! Nice to meet you!” he said with a wave. “This is Vegeta. Sorry, he’s a little sour because he’s lost three rounds in a row!”
The blond scoffed. “I am not sour! You just keep spamming your super move and it’s fucking annoying!”
“Have you tried countering him with a block?” you asked. That got the blond’s full attention and he turned around to you with an incredulous expression.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
With a look at both of their faces, you weren’t sure who was more handsome. Goku had boyish good looks and a natural charm, complimented by his endearingly wild hair. Vegeta resembled a model with smoldering eyes and immaculately styled hair sweeping upward. It was like comparing a golden retriever and a wolf: both were beautiful in their own ways. Had you known her roommates were perfect 10s, you would have opted for an outfit more put-together than your cotton booty shorts and oversized tee…
You swallowed, suddenly nervous under the gaze of two gorgeous men. “Um, if you hold down or back when he tries to hit you with a super move, you’ll block half the damage. But you have to get the timing just right,” you explained.
Vegeta pouted his lips and turned to Goku. “You didn’t tell me that, Kakarot!”
Goku laughed and shrugged. “I thought you knew how to block!”
“So you’ve been winning because you haven’t told me all the rules! New match, come on!” Vegeta shouted.
“It’s not really a rule,” Goku murmured with a glance to you and a smile. You smirked back as he turned towards their game once again.
“Try to keep it at a reasonable level guys, please. We have an exam next week and I am not letting my A slip to an A-minus because of this stupid game!” Bulma warned and led you to the round table in the kitchen. You extracted your laptop and a notebook from your backpack and opened up to your most recent homework.
From your seat in the kitchen, you could see directly between the pair of gentlemen, straight to the tiny TV. You couldn’t help but watch as Vegeta’s character desperately tried to master the block timing, barely eeking out a victory.
“HA!” Vegeta celebrated. “In your face! See, all I needed was to actually know all there is to the game to beat you!”
“Oh whatever Vegeta! Bet you can’t do it twice in a row!”
Bulma tapped a manicured finger on your laptop. “Um helloooo? Are you with me?” she asked.
You blushed and turned in your chair towards her. “Yes, I’m sorry! My brothers and I used to play that game together all the time, it’s been a while since I last saw it.”
She smiled at you knowingly. “Or are you just enjoying the eye candy?”
You sucked on your lips and shrugged. “Well… I’m not not enjoying it.”
The two of you snickered quietly at the table.
“I’ve heard that ladies find them attractive, but I’ve known them both since we were little kids. I just can’t see them that way, you know?” she said.
You nodded and glanced over at them, making sure they weren’t listening in. “So you’ve never dated either of them?”
“Goku, never. There was a very brief time in middle school where Vegeta and I went out but it just got weird and… Ugh, I don’t even know how to explain it. But that was ages ago. And both of them are single now,” she offered, brow raised.
You tapped your pencil to your lips. “Hm. Good to know…”
Despite the looming chemistry exam, between the noisy video game and the attractive boys playing it, your focus was gone. As the evening glow began to darken, every few minutes you glanced over between the muscular shoulders on display to see who was in the lead. They were quite evenly matched, trading wins without any notable streaks for either.
After having to steal your attention back several times, Bulma snapped her laptop shut and shook her head.
“We aren’t getting anything done tonight, are we?” she asked.
You turned fully towards her. “Geez, I’m sorry Bulma. I know you wanted to have this assignment finished up but-”
She chuckled and waved her hand. “Eh, don’t worry about it. Like I said, we both have solid A’s and the exam isn’t ‘til next week. We’ve got plenty of time. Go see if they’ll let you play a round!”
“You really don’t mind?” you asked, glancing over the back of the couch once more.
“No, we’ll finish up later. Go have some fun!” she insisted.
You grinned and stuffed your belongings back into your backpack and set it by the front door. “Thanks!”
Just as you approached the living area, Goku rose from the couch and stretched, his skimpy tank top rising to show his midriff. It was just as toned and hard as his arms. The tiny gray shorts he wore left little to the imagination, in both the bulk of his thighs and the size of his package. Oh Christ, you though. The room suddenly felt intensely hot.
“Done already?” you asked, trying not to drool.
Goku smiled. “Nah, I’m just taking a quick water break. You want anything?” he asked.
“Not to drink, but I wouldn’t mind going a round or two at Tenkaichi,” you said.
“Sure!” Goku said. He walked around the couch and handed you the controller on the way to the kitchen. “Kick his ass!”
Vegeta raised an eyebrow and looked at you over his shoulder. “Hm. Bring it on.”
As you walked around and plopped on the couch next to Vegeta, you got a better look at him. Significantly smaller in stature than Goku but just as built, he sat at the edge of the cushion with his elbows on his knees. You chuckled internally, recognizing it as the ‘serious’ pose your oldest brother took when playing video games. His gym shorts fit too small, his muscular legs pulling the fabric tight in places. The cut-off tank he wore displayed his fine musculature in a way that made your heart stutter.
Fuck’s sake, he is unbelievably hot, you thought.
Finally tearing your hungry gaze away, you selected the only female character in the game, earning a sideways smirk from your opponent.
“No way you’ll win with her,” he boasted as the game loaded.
“We’ll see,” you contested.
You took a few moments to refamiliarize yourself with the controls, but held your own against Vegeta. He had quickly mastered the block, but the timing came back to you like an old friend. The match was close the entire time until Vegeta managed to pull off a super move while you were in the air, catching you off guard. He smiled.
“A valiant effort,” he offered. “Best two out of three?”
“Of course!”
You fought again, but this time, you managed to recall a hidden combo you had memorized way back in the day. It took your opponent by complete surprise, depleting his health significantly before you moved in to finish the job for an easy win.
“What the hell was that?” he barked.
You grew shy and shrunk into the couch. “Just some muscle memory coming back to me. I’m guessing Goku didn’t tell you about hidden moves either, then?”
Vegeta turned towards you wearing a curious expression.
“Of course he didn’t. There are hidden moves?”
You pulled out your phone and furiously typed away. “Yeah! Each character has a combo that isn’t listed in the actual game anywhere, but they’re the strongest moves there are. My brothers and I used to play this all the time back in the day, but I only know Chacha’s combo. I’m looking up the combo for Prince Monkey so you can try it.”
He eyed you up and down as you searched, admiring the fact that you needed no makeup to look cute. Your features were soft and feminine, your smile lighting up your entire face. His cheeks grew warm when you scooted closer to him on the couch, showing him your phone.
“Here’s the button input. Give it a try!” you encouraged, leaning forward into your own ‘serious’ gaming pose, knee touching his.
He did as you suggested, but struggled with the combo at first. You eased back in the fight, allowing him time to figure it out before he finally blasted you away, winning the match by a hair.
“Nice! You did it!” you praised.
“It’ll be interesting to use that move against Kakarot,” he mused with a smirk.
“Kakarot? I thought his name was Goku,” you said.
“Kakarot is my first name, but I always go by my middle name,” Goku explained as he returned. “He just calls me that because he’s an ass.”
Goku held a dripping bottle of water against the back of Vegeta’s neck, making him recoil and snatch the bottle away.
“So who won?” Goku asked, taking a seat on your left and sandwiching you between two chiseled thighs.
“That would be Prince Monkey,” you admitted. “I took one round though.”
“You held your own well against me,” Vegeta said, giving a tiny hint of a smile. “It was an admirable effort.”
You nodded in appreciation and handed the controller back to Goku, but he waved you off and took a swig of water from his bottle.
“Keep playing as long as you want!” he said.
And so you did, managing to beat Vegeta in the next round thanks to your mastery over the hidden combo. Goku was flabbergasted when he saw the wildly powerful moves for the first time.
“Whoa! What the heck are those?”
"Hidden combos. You’ll have to figure it out on your own, Kakarot!” Vegeta sneered, his knee bumping into yours, then his elbow.
“Hey!” you chuckled, elbowing him back. “Quit trying to throw me off!”
“What are you talking about?” Vegeta rebutted. “I’m not doing anything!” He leaned against you and jostled your arm with his elbow.
“No fair!” you cried. You still managed to win the match, making Vegeta huff in annoyance.
Goku laughed. “Damn, she’s good!”
You shoved Vegeta playfully as he leaned for his bottle of water on the floor. You caught a glint of flirty eye contact as he did, making you want to kick your feet.
“That’s two to two,” Vegeta said. “One more to break the tie?”
“Absolutely. But I do want to change characters,” you said, inputting a code on the character select screen.
“King Monkey?” Goku asked after a new selection appeared.
“Wait, there’s another character?” Vegeta squawked. You nodded proudly.
“Yep. I know all the secrets to this game! Let’s see who will come out on top now!”
King Monkey, a larger and stronger version of his son, quickly dominated with a combo that devastated Vegeta. Despite his best efforts, he struggled to damage you, letting you come out on top without much trouble. Vegeta tossed his head and leaned back on the couch with an irritated grumble.
“Oh man!” Goku said. “That was really one-sided!”
You shrugged and laughed. “Well, King Monkey is a boss character so he’s not exactly fair. But I had to get him back for fighting dirty!”
“Tch, whatever,” Vegeta pouted, handing his controller off to Goku. “I have to get going anyway.”
You frowned and watched him get off the couch and head towards his bedroom down the hall. “Aw, bummer. Where you off to?”
“Astronomy lab,” he said over his shoulder.
Bulma called from the kitchen. “Oh, that’s finally happening?”
“Yes, finally,” Vegeta yelled down the hall, then reappeared with his backpack. “First clear evening in weeks. Cloud cover has been a pain in the ass all semester.”
“Sounds super interesting,” you said. “Well, it was really nice meeting you Vegeta!”
He gave a small smile and wave as he headed out the door. “Yeah. Been fun. See you around.”
“See ya, Jeeta!” Goku called from the couch.
As the door shut behind him, you blushed at the sweet, barely-there smile that had formed on his lips as he said goodbye. Intrigued by his stony, competitive personality, you wondered how Bulma would feel about you asking for his number…
“So he’s an astronomy major?” you asked. Bulma padded over and sat on the arm of the couch.
“Astrophysics, actually,” she explained.
Your eyebrows shot up. “Whoa. Didn’t take him for such an academic.”
Bulma snorted. “I know, right? Seems like more of a meathead like Goku.”
Expecting a retort for the insult, you turned towards him, but Goku was unperturbed.
“You gonna let her call you a meathead?” you asked.
He shrugged. “Well, I’m a kinesiology major, so I kind of am!”
You nodded. “Ah, I see. So you wanna be a physical therapist then?”
“I could do that,” he said, leaned his head from side to side. “But I also think running my own gym would be fun. Haven’t decided yet though.”
Quintessential himbo, you thought to yourself, smiling. Bulma’s roommates sure were interesting, to say the least. “Well, you certainly have the physique for it!”
“Thanks!” Goku said with pride. “Vegeta and I lift together all the time. Even though he’s really hard-working on his studies, he works just as hard in the gym. You should see all the other astro nerds, they’re like half his size! Well, in the muscle department at least.” Bulma laughed.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of the pint-sized yet built Vegeta sitting in class with a bunch of pale, scrawny bookworms he could tear in half.
“So are you a chem major like Bulma?” Goku asked.
“Oh gosh, I could never do chemical engineering like her!” you said. “I’m just a regular chemistry major. She’s way smarter than me, plus I don’t really like math all that much.”
“Ugh, me neither!” Goku said, selecting Master Turtle as his character to fight you. “I barely scraped by the general math class, and that was all thanks to Bulma and Vegeta! I’d be stuck in there forever if it wasn’t for them!”
You fought round after round, not even noticing when Bulma slipped away to her bedroom. Conversation flowed easily with the amicable Goku. He had a way of making you feel comfortable even in the silence. He asked about your brothers, told you that he had an older brother but Vegeta was more like a brother to him. As you got to know each other, the twilight faded into darkness, the only light in the living room coming from the tiny TV.
“I need a break, my thumbs are killing me,” you said, rolling your wrists.
“Can I try out that hidden character you had earlier?” Goku asked.
You took his controller and punched in the secret code for him. As you handed it back, your fingers brushed his for an instant. You made brief eye contact, his handsome features illuminated by the TV. He couldn't help but smile at the dusting of blush that bloomed across your cheeks. Your long lashes framed your pretty eyes perfectly, he thought, and your bright smile made his stomach feel lighter than air. Neither of you had noticed that you had migrated towards the center of the couch, only separated by an inch between your thighs.
You watched Goku figure out the new character, following his expressive brown eyes dancing across the screen. You hoped he couldn’t tell how hard you were staring at him from the corner of your eye. He was too damn handsome to take your eyes off of for long. And his pecs looked like they’d make a perfect pillow…
As Goku fought against the computer-controlled Prince Monkey, a twinge of conflict made you bite your lip.
Shit, you thought. I have no idea which of these guys I like better! Surely you couldn’t ask Bulma for both of their numbers, that would just be greedy. But you had to get one of them. No way could you pass up the opportunity. They were far too fine.
As if she could sense your dilemma, Bulma emerged from her bedroom and came back into the living area.
“I cannot believe how long you have been playing that damn game, Goku,” she laughed.
He grinned. “I’m just glad my old TV still works! Wish we could hook it up to the big screen though.”
As he continued to play, you stood from the couch and motioned for Bulma to join you in the kitchen.
“What’s up?” she asked.
“I have a question,” you whispered, looking over your shoulder to make sure Goku was distracted by the game.
Bulma got the hint and lowered her voice. “Sure.”
“How would you feel…” you hesitated. “If I wanted one of your roommate’s numbers?”
She grinned like a Cheshire cat. “I freaking knew it. Which one though?”
You crossed your arms. “That’s the problem. I can’t decide!”
Bulma put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “Are you for real?”
You nodded and smooshed your cheeks in your hands. “They’re both so hot!”
Bulma thought for a moment, then her eyes lit up. “Ooh! I have an idea! Let me ask them how they felt about you, try to get a feel for which of them vibed with you the best.”
“Oh gosh, are you sure?” you asked. “Don’t make it too obvious though.”
Bulma smirked. “Please. I know the art of subtlety, my dear. I’ve got you covered.”
You bounced with glee. “You’re the best!”
“I know!” Bulma said with a shrug and proud smile.
After your nightly shower and bedtime routine, you climbed into bed to see your phone lit up with a new message.
BULMA: soooo i talked to the boys about you
YOU: ahhh
YOU: i’m gonna puke
BULMA: one of them actually asked about you before i got the chance to ;)
YOU: omg fr shut up
BULMA: wanna guess which one???
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Part 2: Goku
Part 2: Vegeta coming soon!
dbz masterlist
tags: @artof-aristocracy
438 notes · View notes
jobean12-blog · 1 year
Always Be My Baby
Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
Word Count: 2,061
Summary: When you’re talking on the phone with Nancy, Eddie overhears you say something that gets him thinking. 
Author’s Note: This little meme pops up here and there with various characters and it’s always so cute and makes me smile and I’ve been wanting to do an Eddie one for a while! Hope you enjoy, thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the sweet @wannabehamlet thank you love🥰
Warnings: Soft and sweet fluff, small angst because Eddie gets clingy (but it’s so cute), kisses, Steve and his excellent advice (ha) 
The original picture for this is NOT MINE: I just added the pic of Eddie, credit to the lovely person that originally made this and thank you! 🥰GIF NOT MINE (below the pic): Credit to @rosetico thank you sweets🥰
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Eddie Munson Masterlist
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You roll over on your bed and twirl the phone cord around your legs as you lift them up. Nancy continues her rant on the other end of the line and you don’t hear Eddie as he bounds up the steps.
“Hey sweetheart,” he chimes when he walks into your room.
You sit up with a smile and cover the bottom end of the phone.
“Hi,” you whisper. “It’s Nancy.”
He nods in understanding and drops himself onto the bed with a bounce. You stifle your giggle and make a noise of agreement so Nancy knows you’re still listening.
Eddie shimmies his way closer to you and crawls up your body with a mischievous grin. He pushes your shirt above the waistband of your jeans and dances his calloused fingertips along your skin.
You give him a playful glare that quickly melts into a blissful expression when his lips trail over your stomach.
“Eddie,” you whisper shout. “I’ll be off in a minute.”
“Mm hm,” he mutters, continuing with his kisses.
As he moves higher his thumb caresses your lips, gently dipping between to part them. A shiver runs down your spine and he traces the outline of your softness, urging you closer with one hand wrapped around the back of your neck.
Nancy grumbles loudly into the phone.
“Are you listening to me?”
“Yes!” you say with far too much energy! “Of course, I am!”
She’s silent for a moment. “Is Eddie there?”
“I promise I won’t keep you too much longer,” she sighs, but you can almost hear the small smile in her voice.
“Don’t worry Nance. I’m here.”
You give Eddie a quick peck on the lips and shoo him off you.
He relents with a dramatic sigh and rolls off you before sliding from the bed and grabbing his backpack. He rummages through his things and pulls out his D n D book.
You sit up and bring your knees to your chest, nodding and giving Nancy the occasional reassuring sound. You reach over and grab your stuffed black bat (named Eddie of course) and slip it between your knees, holding it close in a hug.
Eddie lifts his eyes from his book and makes a kissy face causing you to giggle. He continues making silly faces until you grab a pillow and chuck it at his head.
It hits him in the chest and he presses his hand over his heart, toppling over with a flurry of movements. When he sits up again you launch the stuffed bat his way but he easily catches it and sits it between his spread legs, patting its head and pretending to scratch its ears.
It makes you smile wide as you listen to Nancy finish her story.
“NO WAY NANCE!” you screech. “He did not!”
Your mouth hangs open in shock before you grit your teeth.
Eddie stares at you with peaked interest.
“Ugh! I hate men,” you say in commiseration.
Your eyes lock with Eddie’s after you say the words and you wince at his changed expression.
His soft brown eyes are wide and round and his lips part in distress.
Your features soften and you give him a small smile. “I’ll explain in a minute,” you say quietly.
Nancy ends the call and you promise to check in on her later. You place the phone back in the cradle and move it to your nightstand, untangling yourself from the wire.
“Baby,” you coo as you slide into Eddie’s lap, his face still crumpled.
He’s quiet as you study him.
“Not you baby. Light of my life. I love you.”
“What happened that made you say that?” he asks, resting his head against yours.
“It’s all a mess. Nancy and Jonathan are in two different places and neither of them is ready to admit that maybe it’s not working out so they are lashing out at each other and I think it’s because Nancy is confused about her feelings for Steve and…ugh!”
“You’ve never said that about me, have you?” he asks, his eyes even bigger than before if possible.
“Of course, not Eddie! Why would I ever say anything like that!”
“I don’t know…I know I can be a pain in the ass sometimes.”
“Hardly,” you smile. “You’re too cute anyway.”
The corner of his mouth turns up into a halfhearted smile and you take his face between your hands.
“You’re my favorite. Ever,” you state.
He cracks a full smile and brushes his lips to yours.
“I never did get my hello kiss,” he whispers.
~Later that day at the Arcade~
“Why are you following your girl around like a lost puppy?” Steve asks, hands folded across his chest.
“Me?” Eddie asks, having the audacity to appear shocked by Steve’s question.
“Uh yeah,” Steve asks, his hands now moving to his hips. “You’re acting clingy.”
Eddie narrows his eyes and opens his mouth to say something sassy but his shoulders slump and he falls back against the wall.
“She said something yesterday…”
Steve raises his eyebrows and waits.
“I’m not sure I should share…”
“I won’t say anything,” Steve promises, resting a reassuring hand on Eddie’s shoulder.
Eddie sighs and relents.
“She said ‘I hate men.’”
Steve sucks his teeth. “Was she talking to you?”
“No, but…”
“Well if she wasn’t talking to you was she talking about you?” Steve continues.
“No, but…”
“Then I don’t see the problem here Munson.”
“Well, she was talking to a friend and they were talking about boys and I’m sure I’ve annoyed her before and she could say that about me.”
“Boys…?” Steve smirks.
Eddie blows a raspberry while rolling his eyes. “Come on Harrington. I’m suffering here.”
“Are you really though?” Steve asks with a challenging tilt of his head.
Eddie huffs in frustration but before he can defend himself Steve goes on.
“Listen, when I asked her out all those months ago she said no because she wanted you…and all the girls want me, so…”
“Is this supposed to be making me feel better Harrington?” Eddie asks.
“Yeah,” Steve scoffs. “DUH. She picked you dude!”
Eddie hangs his head, his expression hidden by his mess of curls.
“Well let’s just hope she keeps picking me,” he mumbles.
You’re smashing the buttons to Super Sprint and trying to beat Dustin’s ass when strong arms wrap around your waist.
“Hey sweetheart,” Eddie murmurs in your ear.
“Hi baby,” you giggle, jerking to the left with your motions. “I’m about to wipe the road with Dustin.”
“No way dude. I’m gonna kick your ass!” Dustin cheers.
“Language!” both Steve and Eddie admonish as Steve stops by and watches.
You fly over the finish line and let out a victorious whoop before turning in Eddie’s arms and kissing him.
“I WON!” you say excitedly. “Nice try Henderson.”
Dustin mumbles in defeat as he pulls his hat down and walks away to find someone else to play a game with.
“You wanna get going?” Eddie asks you, pulling you closer. “I’d love to get you all to myself.”
Steve rolls his eyes exaggeratively and follow Dustin.
“Let’s go,” you purr and grab his hand. “But can we stop at the store on the way back? I want to get snacks!”
“Of course sweetheart, whatever you want.”
~At the grocery store~
“Should I get Big Stuff Oreos or the Star Wars cookies?” you ask Eddie as you swing your entwined hands and peruse the cookie shelf.
“Star Wars definitely,” he says and reaches up to grab a box with his free hand.
“Do we need Pudding Pies?”
You tap your chin with the question and then reach up to grab a box without waiting for his answer.
“What about something salty?” he says, tugging you toward the popcorn.
“Ooo good thinking!” you answer.
You reach the right aisle and see the box of popcorn you want. You try and tug your hand free of Eddie’s but he doesn’t let go.
“I don’t wanna let go,” he says.
“How are we gonna get the popcorn?” you ask with a smirk.
“Um…,” he starts and reaches up for the box with his free hand that’s now holding the Star Wars cookie box.
He tries to get his fingers around the wide popcorn box but he can’t quite get them to fit and he just keeps pushing it away. Since he has a death grip on your hand you can’t even get it free to help him as you watch in slow motion as he pushes too far and several of the boxes come tumbling down onto your heads.
You stand there and stare at the pile of boxes on the floor and then at him before bursting out into a fit of laughter.
“Eddie. Just let go so we can carry this stuff.”
“But…but what if you don’t want to hold my hand anymore. What if this is just the beginning. Next it’s no hugs…then kisses….AND THEN BEFORE YOU KNOW YOU’LL HATE ME AND BREAK UP WITH ME!”
His last burst of words comes out in a rushed breath and his voice rises higher with each one. With a frantic look in his eyes, he drops the Star Wars cookies and grabs your shoulders before tugging you into his chest.
You wrap your arms around his middle and carefully shift around the fallen boxes. 
“Eddie,” you whisper with some hesitance. “Why don’t we get a cart?”
He dips his head and buries his face in your neck. “That’s a good idea,” he mumbles.
You walk hand in hand to get a cart then come back to the mess and clean it up. After filling the cart with more snacks and checking out, all while still holding his hand, you take your things to the van and unload them but now that you have to get into the vehicle you have to let go.
He opens your door and helps you in then looks down at your joined hands.
Without saying a word he let’s go and shoots around the front of the van, hops into the driver’s seat and holds his hand out for yours. You take it and give it a squeeze. He turns on some music and starts the van.
You pull his hand onto your lap and trace your fingers over his ring then his knuckles, making the soft motions over and over. He drives the whole way home with one hand, the other held tightly in yours.
After you put all the snacks by the bed and change into one of Eddie’s tee shirts you crawl on top of the sheets and watch him tune his guitar.
“You wanna talk to me?” you ask him quietly.
He looks up with a pained expression before sighing heavily and putting down his guitar.
“You think I’m crazy don’t you?”
He sits on the edge of the bed and you crawl into his lap, brushing the curls from his face and lifting his chin.
“No. I’m thinking how lucky I am that you love me so much,” you tell him.
His eyes meet yours, shining with emotion. “You don’t think I’m clingy? Steve said I’m acting clingy.”
“Steve said huh?” you smile. “Steve’s a butthead.”
“I won’t argue with that,” he answers and smooths his hand up your back.
“I hope you want to hold my hand forever,” you whisper.
“I’ll never let go sweetheart.”
His fingers stop at the base of your neck and he winds them around your throat, tucking his thumb under your chin and tilting your head back so his lips can trail across your jaw.
He moves slowly downward, peppering kisses along your neck while adjusting your legs so you’re straddling him. His hand slips under your shirt and he brushes his knuckles over your skin, the drag of his rings a soft caress that makes you shiver in his arms.
With a gentle tug on his hair, you pull his lips away, smiling at his whine of disapproval but winking when it quickly shifts into a satisfied hum as you push on his chest until he falls back onto the bed and slowly lift your shirt over your head.
His hands dance over your skin with reverence before he tugs you down to his lips and holds you so close you can feel his heart beat with yours.
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@dreamlessinparis @hiddles-rose​ @goldylions​ @blackwidownat2814​ @buckysdollforlife​ @ysmmsy​ @luna-munson83​
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cobrakaisb · 29 days
come one, come all
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summary: percy jackson has finally arrived at camp half-blood, so why is he so shocked to see that people have genuine relationships here? aka, the four times percy thought you were dating luke, and the one time he actually asked. 
word count: 3.2k
featuring: percy pov!!, 4+1, vaping (again), sassy man apocalypse in the form of luke castellan, reader straight up not giving a fuck, percabeth crumbs (but you gotta squint)
author's note: i am so sorry for the delay with this one!! i was studying for finals, but now that i'm home from college for the summer, hopefully the updates will be more frequent 🤞
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hermes cabin, day one, early afternoon
“this is the hermes cabin, home to both his children and the unclaimed,” chiron explains, walking up to the very loud and very rambunctious building. 
percy peers inside, and he’s immediately filled with dread. there’s barely enough room in the cabin for the people that actually live there, let alone him. why couldn’t his father claim him already? if anything, percy thought losing his mother would have been enough; clearly it wasn’t. his dread only intensifies, however, when chiron starts clapping his hands, calling the attention of all the campers. 
“woah wait a minute,” percy mumbles, but it’s too late. 
“this is percy jackson, i trust you will see to whatever he needs,” chiron announces. 
it takes the campers approximately two seconds to go back to whatever they were doing beforehand. some campers’ eyes linger a little bit longer on him, but for the most part, they’re all indifferent to his presence. finding a spot proves to be difficult, as every nook and cranny is inhabited.
“you can sleep over there,” a girl says, annoyed.
“thanks,” percy mumbles, but it falls on deaf ears. 
the spot isn’t half bad, but it isn’t great either. he’s stuck in between two sets of bunk beds, on a sleeping bag. a sleeping bag. one would think the gods could splurge a little for an air mattress, but percy guesses they must be selfish, at least based on the signs of this cabin: overrun, overfilled, and underdeveloped. he’s unpacking his backpack, the last remnants of his life before his mom explained his paternal lineage, when the whispers start. 
“that’s the kid. i think he’s the one that killed the minotaur,” someone whispers, or at least they try to, but percy hears the whole thing. 
he turns around, and comes face to face with a group of older campers, all boys. they’ve clearly been here a while (in the hermes cabin, or at camp, percy isn’t sure) based solely on the fact that they’re so comfortable in this environment. a tall, curly black-haired boy steps forward, so percy stands up. he tries to size up the older boy, but if it comes to a fight, he doesn’t think he’ll win. 
“look, if you guys want to start something, can you just…do it tomorrow?” he asks. 
the older boy doesn’t say anything. instead, he just takes a moment to look at percy, up and down. percy’s breath catches in his throat when he catches sight of the long scar running from the corner of his right eye to his jaw. he’s intimidating, to say the least. 
“i’m..” the boy starts to say, but he’s cut off by the sound of loud laughter. 
percy turns to face the door, following the older boy’s lead, and sees two girls walk into the cabin. they’re both in workout gear, clearly just coming from a training session, but only one of them moves to drop her stuff on a bed — a bottom bunk in the left hand corner — and the other walks right up to the guy in front of him.
percy wants to warn her, tell her that she shouldn’t mess with this kid. but the grumpy guy smiles at her, completely forgetting about percy.
“busy day?” she asks, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“something like that,” the boy mumbles, throwing a sideways glance in percy’s direction. 
“oh i see,” she answers slowly, and now both of their eyes are on him. 
“luke treating you okay?” she asks. 
percy gulps, unsure how to answer her. girls don’t really talk to him, but there’s a first time for everything, he understands that especially well now.  
“he literally just got here,” luke says, shoving your shoulder. 
you smile at the older boy, and there’s something more behind that stare, but percy can’t really figure out what. 
“if he steps out of line, you let me know,” she instructs, jabbing her thumb in luke’s direction. 
percy nods, “yeah sure.” 
she smiles at him, before walking towards the exit of the cabin. as she’s at the threshold between the inside and the outdoors, she turns around with a mischievous look in her eyes. 
“meet me later?” she asks. 
“i’ll be there,” luke answers. 
she nods, satisfied, and leaves. percy watches luke, who continues to watch her. his eyebrows furrow. maybe he just doesn’t understand teenagers?
hermes cabin, day two, morning
percy’s startled awake. the deep, guttural voice from his dream still haunting him. the darkness from the nightmare is looming over him like a dark cloud. his gasps and heavy breathing draw the attention of luke and his friends, the former leaving his bottom bunk to walk over to percy’s sleeping bag.  
“you okay?” luke asks. 
percy wonders if he’s genuinely concerned. “super,” he replies. 
“we all get them, y’know. deep, intense nightmares. comes with being a demigod,” luke explains, watching percy struggle to get up from his bed.
“so does adhd and dyslexia. they’re your battle instincts talking. everything that’s made you different, an outcast, is normal here,” luke continues to explain, now standing toe to toe with percy. 
there’s silence between the two. percy wants to ask him about his godly parent. it’s been weighing on him since he spoke with luke briefly yesterday. for some reason, however, he feels like the question is out of line, too personal for someone he just met. 
yet, he can’t help himself: “so are you also…do you not know…are you…”
“am i unclaimed? no, hermes is my father, but that doesn’t matter. we’re all family here,” luke replies, giving percy’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze. 
“and the girl from last night…is she…?” percy asks. 
luke chuckles at his uncertainty, clearly finding humor in his embarrassing situation. “no. she knows who her mother is. you should ask her about it.” 
percy nods, swallowing the lump in his throat. he feels angry all of a sudden looking around the hermes cabin. it’s filled to the brim with campers, some who know who their parents are, and others who don’t. he doesn’t think anyone should have to live like this; it’s not fair. 
“how can the gods just bring us here and ignore us? how is that fair?” percy asks. 
luke shakes his head, “spend all your time trying to figure out why the gods do what they do and you’ll go crazy. besides, you haven’t even experienced the best thing that camp has to offer.” 
“what’s that?” percy asks. 
percy’s eyebrows furrow in confusion. he vaguely remembers hearing mr. bruner, or chiron, talk about glory in class, but he can’t pinpoint the exact memory. the way luke talks about it, however, makes percy think that it must be important. there has to be some reason why everyone is fighting for glory, why they deal with all the dangers of being a demigod. 
“demigods used to fight for glory. they called it kleos. it attaches meaning to your name, making you bigger, scarier, and more important,” luke explains, leading percy outside of the hermes cabin, along with a handful of his friends. 
“it puts respect on your name,” luke’s friend, chris barges in. 
percy’s smiles at that. he likes the sound of glory, especially when some girl shoulders past him, pushing his body right into luke’s. percy stumbles, turning to face the back of the girl. he wasn’t going to deal with this bullying crap at summer camp of all places. 
“hey,” he shouts, getting her attention. 
she turns around, immediately shoving him into the ground. percy gasps, staring up at her in shock, but before she can get a word in, the girl from last night is standing in front of him. 
“knock it off clarisse. it’s like his first day,” luke mumbles. 
the girl from last night helps him up, and he smiles at her in thanks. she nods, giving him a once over, ensuring that he’s okay before she turns back to clarisse. it’s like a switch flipped inside her. those same eyes, the ones showing kindness towards him just a mere second ago, are now filled with cold, hard, anger. 
clarisse says something to taunt him, but the girl just shakes her head, crossing her arms against her chest. 
“jealous that it wasn’t you?” she taunts, stepping into clarisse’s personal space. 
“no,” clarisse snaps, facing the other girl head on. 
“really? cause it sounds like you wish you were standing in his shoes right now. maybe then daddy would give you a little bit of attention, huh?” she replies. 
luke whispers her name in a seething tone, hand pulling on her shoulder to move her away from clarisse. however, she jerks out of his grip, continuing to stare head on at the curly haired girl with a satisfied smirk playing at her lips. 
“you better watch your back,” clarisse snaps, looking at percy once again before storming off. 
“and you better watch yours,” the girl, who’s still standing in front of percy protectively answers. 
clarisse doesn’t respond, and so luke takes the time to reprimand you. his voice is soft, and percy can barely hear, let alone register, the words coming out of his mouth. you roll your eyes at whatever he’s saying, barely paying attention. instead, percy notices that your eyes aren’t leaving luke’s lips, and he’s again left wondering what’s going on between the two of you. 
“but if i wasn’t here, who was gonna play hero?” you ask, a soft pout on your lips.
percy can tell you’re teasing luke, trying to get a rise out of him, but the older boy just shakes his head in response. percy watches as your finger reaches under his bright orange shirt, looping through one of the belt loops of his cargoes. luke leans down slightly, and percy thinks he might kiss you, but you step away from him in a fit of giggles. 
“i’ll see you later, counselor luke,” you tease, walking backwards so everyone can see the teasing smile on your face. 
percy makes a mental note not to get on your bad side. 
dining pavilion, day two, evening
“is there a greek god of disappointment, maybe someone should ask if he’s missing a kid,” percy grumbles, taking a seat at the table across from luke and chris. 
after a long day of training, with little to no rewards, percy felt utterly defeated. there was some good that came out of the day’s events, however, as he realized his lack of coordination did not make him a strong candidate for the apollo cabin. similarly, setting fire to the already burning forges had luke and chris ruling out hephaestus. regardless, he just wanted his dad to recognize him. after a life of torment and the loss of his mom, the one person who loved him, he could use the validation.
luke opens his mouth, ready to answer his previous question, but chris beats him to it.
“oizys…but she’s a goddess and her whole thing isn’t really disappointment, it’s failure,” chris mumbles, pushing around the salad on his plate. 
“oh my gods chris, don’t scare the kid,” you shout, shoving his shoulder as you take a seat next to percy. 
another girl follows behind you, taking the seat on the other side of percy. he feels himself going rigid, why are these two older girls sitting by his side? he feels nervous all of a sudden, and wonders if this is normal. he looks nervously to luke, who seems to be the only one capable of providing actual guidance in these types of situations. 
luke doesn’t say anything, instead he’s too busy looking at you. 
“having daddy issues?” the girl on his right, who’s not you, asks. 
“um i guess,” percy answers, but he’s not confident in his words at all. 
the girl chuckles at him, a hand coming up to ruffle his blonde hair, and percy watches as her eyes twinkle with something akin to childish mischief. 
“maybe you’re her step-brother,” she says, gesturing towards you with a tip of her chin. 
“are you a child of aphrodite?” percy asks, because maybe this nice girl is referring to ares as his father. 
you stop chewing your dinner, shock crossing your features. the other three teens all burst into laughter, and percy doesn’t understand what’s wrong with his question. you’re pretty enough, and you seem to possess a tiny bit of mean girl energy (cause only regina george would have demolished clarisse like that). therefore, the logical conclusion is that you’re related to aphrodite. besides, aren’t ares and aphrodite secretly dating? so he’d be your step-brother? 
“what?” he asks, looking around. 
“aphrodite is not my mother,” you answer, white-knuckling the fork. 
“oh,” he says, “so who is?” 
percy watches as your jaw clenches, and you flash a dangerous look in luke’s direction. luke lifts his hands up in a state of defense, as if to say that he didn’t put percy up to this. you, however, don’t seem to believe him as you take one of the green grapes on your plate and chuck it at him. luke catches the grape in his mouth, chewing slowly with a smirk on his face. 
“almost sweetheart,” he taunts. 
you scoff before getting up from the table, with your plate, and walking towards the firepit in the middle of the pavilion. on your way over, you stick your fingers through luke’s curls, and shove his face down towards his mashed potatoes. 
“did i do something wrong?” he asks, looking at the remaining girl to his right. 
“nah, she’s always like that,” she answers.
“yeah,” chris mumbles, “if anyone knows it’s katrina.” 
they jump into their own conversation and percy watches as you drop your entire dinner into the fire pit. the flames turn a deep purple and you nod in satisfaction before walking off towards the cabins. 
he can’t figure out who likes the color purple, but wonders if it had anything to do with luke. however, he knows not to ask.
hermes cabin, day two, night
percy was supposed to be asleep twenty minutes ago, at least that’s when luke called for lights out and everyone crawled into bed. but, he really needs to use the bathroom. poor planning on his part, not going before bed time, but he knows he’ll never make it until morning. so, he gets up as quietly as possible, slips on his blue hoodie, and tip-toes towards the door of the hermes cabin. 
he hesitates for a moment, hearing two people talking quietly outside the door. he waits patiently, hoping that they’ll leave, but their conversation only keeps going. 
“and annabeth’s sure about this?” someone asks, and percy realizes that it’s you.
the other person scoffs, “you doubting my sister?”, and percy pinpoints the voice as luke’s.
“never. i’m doubting him,” you answer.
“c’mon, you know clarisse picks on everybody,” luke mumbles.
there’s a pause in the conversation, and percy thinks maybe you’ve left or moved on, but then your voice rings out into the quiet of the night: 
“i have this feeling that he’s important, but i can’t figure out why.” 
another pause. 
“we’ll see when he gets claimed,” luke answers. 
“if he gets claimed,” you reply. 
“he will, even if it’s hera style,” luke says, and percy can’t help himself from opening the door. 
“your mom’s hera? i thought she didn’t have kids!” percy shouts, shocking both you and luke. 
you jump, and percy watches as you move to hide the bright orange vape in your hand. you wave away some of the smoke, and luke steps slightly in front of you, blocking your body from percy’s view. he notices the protective edge in luke’s posture, and how there was already very little space between you two. 
“what are you doing out past curfew?” luke asks, staring percy down. 
“i could ask you the same thing, but for the record, i’m going to the bathroom,” percy explains, standing his guard. 
“just be quick, and watch out for the harpies,” you advise, tugging on the back of luke’s camp counselor shirt. 
percy nods before walking by the two of you to head down the stairs. once he’s a little ways away, he risks a glance back at the hermes cabin porch. you’re still standing there with luke, his palms resting on your waist as he rubs circles with his thumb on your exposed skin. you two are whispering about something, but he can’t figure out what. he sees you slip luke your vape, but looks away when the older boy takes a hit. 
that seemed oddly intimate. 
lakeshore, day three, post-capture the flag
he’s in for it now, at least that’s what he assumes when he sees half of clarisse’s spear in his fist. she screams loudly, and percy hopes that you’ll hear and come to his rescue. thankfully, his saving grace comes in the form of the head counselor of the hermes cabin. 
luke comes rushing down the side lines, holding the red flag high above his head. several people are following him, the entire blue team in fact, but percy can easily pinpoint you in the crowd. you don’t have a helmet on, which isn’t surprising to him; it fits your character. he notices how the baby hairs stick to your sweaty forehead, yet your eyes are bright and happy. this has to be the happiest he’s seen you. 
your eyes never leave luke, even as he accepts hugs, handshakes, and overall congratulations from the other members of the team. finally, after the novelty of winning wears off, and his siblings finally give luke some space, you walk over to him. you shoulder check him, causing him to stumble a little on his feet, but the happiness doesn’t leave either of your eyes. 
percy’s eyebrows furrow in confusion. you’re mean to luke, but you’re also not mean to luke. 
“where’s my hug at?” luke asks, opening his arms wide for you. 
you snort at him, shoving him backwards with a firm hand on his chestplate. luke doesn’t seem to mind, however, as his smile widens and he pulls off his helmet. he shakes his head back and forth, letting his curls loose after being confined for so long. percy watches you watch him, bottom lip between your teeth. luke opens his mouth, ready to say something, but you prevent him from even doing so. instead, you grab onto the brown leather straps of his armor, and pull his lips down to yours.
all the campers ring out in cheers. some of them even clap at the display of affection from the two of you. 
“so they’re dating?” he asks no one in particular. 
“yes,” annabeth answers from beside him. 
he turns to look at her, understanding washing over him. you and luke are perfect for each other, balancing each other out. percy hopes he’ll find something like that with someone. he looks around camp, and his eyes land on annabeth, who magically appeared next to him. 
“hey wait…were you here the whole time?” percy asks her, feeling a little angry that she basically watched him get his ass kicked by clarisse. 
“percy,” she starts, “i’m really sorry about this,” and she pushes him into the water.
taglist: @percabethlvr @iwantahockeyhimbo @hottiewifeyyyy @loveryoushouldcomeoverr @maraschinocherry3 @used2beeeeee @harrysnovia @cami-is-reading @mxtokko @cxcilla @obxstiles
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
Read recently your post about yandere Jichang (why did he have to die 😭) so can you also do yandere Jihan Kwak ?
Sure :) And I know, I get down in the dumps every time I think about Jichang's death, WHY is the world so cruel? 😭
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I simp for him too lol and god DAMN...I'll die from a nosebleed at some point because of how good looking so many of the Lookism characters look and cue my unholy screeching and psychotic giggling
You were visiting your grandparents for the summer vacation as you got down the bus and you sighed as you shouldered your backpack. You were too used to city life, you weren't sure how you'd fare in a quiet countryside but you did have to admit it looked peaceful. You pulled out your phone from your pocket to contact your grandparents when you realized the universe was playing a colossal joke on you since your phone battery was dead you grumbled under your breath. It's been a while since you'd visited your grandparents so you couldn't remember how their house looked like so you decided to ask someone along the way, hoping they'd know the location to their house. You were unaware of a certain pair of calculating eyes watching your every movement, surveying your features till you were approached by a guy who looked almost similar to your age and had a friendly polite smile on his face. "You seem to be lost there sweetheart...anything I can help you with?" he asked you politely as you smiled and explained your situation to him. The guy introduced himself as Jihan Kwak as the two of you headed to your grandparents house
As he kept talking to you, he couldn't help but feel more...attracted and drawn to you. You were a city dweller and yet you weren't so obnoxious and loud or had an ego complex, you had a genuine and nice personality. He kept looking at you from the corner of his eye, his cheeks heating slightly every time he saw you smile and talk about something you liked like your favorite book or your favorite movie and such, mentally noting down whatever you were telling him for future purposes when he'd meet you next time. Of course he'd be meeting you next time, and plenty more times after your first encounter, you've managed to make him intrigued and charmed him with your personality, you remind him of a fragile little doll to be honest, his savior and protector complex would get activated whenever he sees you, you're just too adorable for him, he can't take you seriously sometimes. He wonders how you've managed to survive this long but not to worry, he's here for you now
He'll pop by your grandparent's house every day and he'll have a good impression on them to get more closer to you. He usually wasn't someone who really gave love that much of a thought before he met you, he loved how soft your hands were, how kind and caring you were to those around you, how adorable you looked whenever you had that gleam of passion in your eyes when you spoke about things, how mesmerizing your eyes are and how he feels like he's getting lost in the beauty of your eyes... he loves everything about you. He isn't delusional, he knows his feelings for you are going out of control and he tries to suppress them only for something more darker, sinister and twisted to emerge as a form of love for you
He's aware his feelings for you are unnatural but he just can't help it. He just can't seem to get enough of you. He won't spill his heart out to yet since he doesn't want you to think he's weird but at the same time he doesn't have any qualms of being clingy to you and stalking you wherever you go. You're new to the countryside, you probably wouldn't be aware of the dangers but you don't need to worry, he's there for you to protect you and keep you safe. Of course, it kind of goes without saying, since he's also the brother of Jichang who's an officer, the people around would gladly keep an eye out for you to make sure you don't get yourself into any kind of trouble
His brothers would eventually find out about his immense feelings of love for you after Jichang catches his brother stalking you in the night as he simply glared at his brother which made it a bit awkward for a few seconds till they went back home and Jichang, Jibeom and Jihan sat down for a family discussion where he'll eventually be forced to spill his guts and heart regarding his feelings for you. Of course, they'd be happy for him and they don't really see anything wrong with how twisted his concept of love had become for you and Jichang would do whatever research necessary to find out more information regarding you by pulling a few strings here and there and would get rid of someone posing a threat to yours and Jihan's relationship. He wants his little brother to be happy after all, law be damned, plus they're eager to welcome you into their fold
Jihan likes being affectionate with you, deep down he's slightly insecure you might find someone else better than him which makes him even more clingier to you than usual till he starts developing the fear and paranoia of you leaving him. One day when you told him you'd be going back to your parents house since the summer vacation was over, he just looked at you in complete shock. For a moment he forgot you were on summer vacation and you were just visiting, he'll swallow the bitter lump forming in his throat as he wishes you all the very best and would invite you over for his house for dinner to which you'd agree. Then he'll formulate a plan to ensure you'd stay with him since he just can't afford to lose you, you mean so much to him. He'd feel empty without you and there needs to be someone by your side to take care of you, he's more than willing to be that man for you
Jichang would assist him in procuring some sedative to make you fall asleep after you've finished consuming the food which would make you black out in less than five seconds. Deep down Jihan feels slightly guilty he's slipping sedatives in your food but his fear of losing you overrides his sense of rationality which would compel him to slip the sedatives in your dish while telling himself that it's for your own good and he can't lose you. You're all smiles as you greet his brothers and they're really impressed with your courteous behavior and politeness. Jibeom would nudge Jihan in the chest and smirk at him and whisper what a good choice his brother made as Jihan grows slightly flustered and drinks some water. After you've finished eating your food, before you're about to bade them farewell, you lost your consciousness and you ended up blacking out in Jihan's arms as he carried you to a room and placed a blanket over you and caressed your head lovingly. You woke up after a few hours when the sedatives finally wore off as you looked around, confused as to what was going on when you were supposed to be at your grandparents house, packing for going back to your parent's house in 2 days
Jihan will enter the room and hand you a glass of water as he explains what he did and you'd stare at him in shock. He'd be hurt if you scream or insult him but he understands, he understands how you feel. It's a new concept for you and you can have all the time in the world to adjust, he doesn't mind. If you cry, he'll feel really bad and he feels an ache in his heart from seeing you cry as tears are streaming down your face. He wanted to ensure your happiness all the time, he didn't like seeing you sad so he'd just hold you in a comforting embrace and pat your head gently, telling you how much you mean to him. He isn't unreasonable, he knows you might be mad at him but deep down he'll be hurt and have the expression of a kicked puppy if you ignore him. Nonetheless he'll never raise his voice or hands at you, he can't bring himself to hurt you. That thought wouldn't occur to him even in his worst nightmare. With the kindness and love he's treating you with, you'll end up getting Stockholm Syndrome faster than Zack always screaming for Mira
You actually might have a shot at escaping from him since he does tend to take you out on dates outside to make sure you don't die from boredom from being at home all the time but if you do end up escaping, it'll be Jichang who'll find you and just bring you back to Jihan. Jihan would be worried about you and check you for injuries and then he'd tell you in a very serious tone how he'd never let you attempt something like this again since he loves you too much so now you'll have to earn his trust back before you're allowed to go out. If it's someone trying to take you from him then it's a completely different story. He might be kind and loving to you but his personality is like a snake, cunning and crafty as he analyzes how to get rid of the pest to meddle in between the both of you. Don't forget about his fighting skills, he's learnt from the very best himself and will not hesitate to snap the person's bones like a twig if he has to for your sake and the person would disappear off the face of the planet the next day who may or may not be buried 6 feet under the ground or probably fed to the wild dogs they have, but you don't need to stress your pretty head about that. Just leave all the violence and brutal things to him all right?
His love for you has no bounds which is mixed with possessiveness. Don't even try resisting his affection for you, he'll just hold you tighter to him and cuddle with you. He loves seeing you cooking, having a cute little apron on your frame as he envelopes you into a hug from the back and he kisses the nape of your neck and nuzzles your cheek with his. He truly does love you, just make him happy by being with him please, he'd be crushed if he loses you. Overall, a great yandere to have and he'd seriously be a blessing to have compared to the other messed up characters...
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gloomy-prince · 4 months
Original vs New RAINBOW! comic comparison!! It's not completely exhaustive but I've given some insight on the original version, just because it's fun to compare and they actually still have a lot of similarities despite it all! There's going to be a lot of jumping around though as some things happen in a different order. This will be long too, so it's under the cut!
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I will preface this by saying that even the newer pages are still a few years old and have been edited for the book release, but I couldn't be bothered to find where I saved them, so these versions are a little out of date. The most obvious difference is that Boo has pink eyes in them, where as now they are green. So, enjoy that tidbit I suppose.
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Boo recalls why she was demoted from waitressing
She was demoted for the same reason, though in the original, Boo is explaining this to the audience as she talks about her job. The original version had much, much more internal dialogue from Boo. The way that our comics work is that Sunny writes them in a novel form and I adapt them into a comic, rather than them being comic scripts from the get-go. This allows us to both work our own creative muscles in the process. So originally, I had not yet learned that different mediums call for different means of storytelling and I just copied a lot of her thoughts outright and put them directly into the comic, where as in the new version, I add in her internal dialogue pretty sparingly. So get used to lots of Boo's thoughts in the original.
Also, fun fact, in the original Boo has spilled coffee on me, Sunny, and one of my friends @mxbloodybooart on the left.
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Boo daydreams of dancing with a prince
Her daydream is much shorter and less immersive in the original version, only lasting a single panel. A lot of telling and not showing in the original due to getting so much of Boo's direct thoughts. She also bumps into Milo, but doesn't cause him to drop anything as she does in the new version.
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Mimi shows up at the cafe
In the original, this is Mimi's first appearance, where as now, Boo has already seen Mimi punch someone and her imagination has gone completely haywire over her, so she is pretty nervous to interact with her. Since Boo doesn't have any of this context in the original, she is merely intrigued by someone who has a style that stands out as much as she does, even if it's in a different way.
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Drunk Debbie sleeping on the couch
Our first style change in the original version! Really a style evolution though.
Technically this page is pretty similar, but with a much more devastating line from Boo in the new version along with several cans around to imply Debbie probably passed out drunk, where as in the original you really only see her asleep on the couch. Boo also still has the same cute little teddy bear backpack in the original.
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Boo takes the bus to school
Boo is implied to be bullied in the new version and utilizes her imagination to drown it out, while in the original she merely talks about feeling different. The bunny head on her shirt is a callback to the bunny shirt she's wearing in the original. Sunny and I are cameoing in both versions as the students sitting in the seat in front of Boo, featuring egg!me in the original version as I was probably 15 when I drew it. It also still apparently rains on her way to work in the original version, although this is never seen because she takes the bus to work rather than bike as she does now, so who knows why she called that out.
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Boo daydreams in class
Boo daydreams that her classmates are monsters, though in the original, she also dreams that she is a princess. Some of the monster designs were kept. She doesn't get in trouble for calling her teacher a witch (even though she does still say that, it's only in her imagination) but for laughing and spacing out during class instead.
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Boo sees Mimi at school
Originally Boo does not see Mimi punch another student, but rather hears her arguing with the principal after the fact about why she did it and then sees her leave the office. This is also not the first time she's seen Mimi, so she recognizes her, where as this is Mimi's first appearance in the new version.
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Boo meets with Mr Dahl
Since she was not a witness to the altercation between Mimi and the other student in the original, her visit with Mr Dahl is much shorter, only concerning her getting in trouble in math class. Mr Dahl is the same character, but in the original he was the principal, and now he's the dean. Also Mimi apparently KNOCKED SOMEONE'S TEETH OUT in the original, where as now she just gave him a bloody nose, so let's just hope Boo is exaggerating here.
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Boo mistakes another student in the hall for Mimi
Pretty similar, though the student she bumps into is more of a jerk in the original.
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Boo is plagued by daydreams of Mimi
Pretty good example of how the over reliance on internal dialogue diminished the actual story. Originally there is only one shot of Boo seeing Mimi at school, which very well could have been the real Mimi, and Boo simply saying she was seeing her when she wasn't there, so we have to take her word for it. In the new version, she might plausibly think she is seeing her at first, only to start seeing more and more of her to the point of seeing multiple Mimi's in the same place, making it clear that they can't all be real, or that possibly none of them are real. The only dialogue is Boo expressing confusion.
and oh, look at that! another cameo of egg!me and Sunny in the original, waving at each other in the hallway! I am also cameoing in the new version as a student sleeping at the desk in the fourth period panel, but Sunny is not.
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Milo tries to cover for Boo
Art style change again! You might notice this one is finally starting to look more similar to my current style than the previous ones, as it all evolved from here...
Originally, Milo accidentally scares Boo and causes her to drop some plates, where as now, Boo bumped into Milo while having her princely dancing daydream and made him drop the plates. Clarice was originally pretty eager to accept Milo's lie and allow Boo a second chance at waitressing while now, Clarice asks Boo to admit the truth before she is willing to give her any chances. Clarice now is also dressed in green to differentiate her as the owner/manager.
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Boo gets to be a waitress again
An obvious homage to the original version, the layout is almost exactly the same, and even some of the customers are the same. Another really good example of how much internal dialogue there was in the original compared to now.
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Boo serves Mimi her coffee
This one is not all that different aside from the fact that originally, Boo was already delivering the coffee before she knew who it was for, just which table, where as now, Boo knows beforehand that it's for Mimi and is nervous the whole time. This is the final page in the original version, so I made the final panel in the new one as an homage to it. The color scheme was also finally really starting to expand on this last page compared to the colors in the beginning.
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delicatebarness · 1 month
i think he knows | chapter eight
Summary: So, the secrets begin.
Warnings: Sneaky Bucky & Reader. Bucky not eating three meals a day.
Word Count: 1163
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A/N: My actual dream date. Also, I wrote this while watching Civil War so it took me longer than expected.
Tags: @bigtreefest | @caplanbuckybarnes | @angelbabyyy99 | @mega-kittyglitter-1 | @cjand10 | @armystay89 |
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Blinking away the remnants of sleep, you felt a weight over your side, it was a comforting presence. Bucky lay there still asleep, his arm draped over you on top of your bedcovers. With a soft sigh, you gently freed yourself from under his hold and slipped from under the covers. Tiptoeing around your room, you collected what you needed to get ready for school and chose to get dressed in the jack-and-jill bathroom you shared with Steve, making sure to lock the door to Steve’s side before starting your morning routine. 
Once you were ready, you walked back into your room, for a second you watched Bucky with a smile. Welcoming the comfort of knowing he was here, even if you had to stay hidden, you decided to let him sleep a little longer and sit at your desk to start on the homework you missed last night. 
As you sat lost in your studying and writing notes, you began to lose track of time. The sound of Bucky’s steady breathing brings you out of your trance now and then, you can’t help but glance back at him from time to time. The morning sunlight causes shadows to contour his features. 
“Morning, Sunshine,” his groggy voice broke the silence as he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
“Morning,” you whispered back, a flutter in your stomach at the sight of him. It didn’t take long before he made his way over to you. “How’d you sleep?” 
His smile was warm as he leaned down to place a kiss against your cheek. “That was the best night's sleep I’ve ever had,” his breath was warm against your skin, causing your cheeks to flush. 
“You looked so peaceful,” your voice tender as you reached out to rub a thumb over his cheek. His gaze softened, bringing his hand up to cover yours, his thumb tracing circles on the back of your hand. 
“It’s because I was with you,” his eyes filled with sincerity as he whispered, turning his head to place a soft kiss in the middle of your palm. 
In that moment, surrounded by the quiet intimacy, your stomach reminded you that you hadn’t eaten since lunch the previous day. After exchanging a quick look with Bucky, he told you to go and enjoy breakfast, he declined your offer of sneaking him something to eat, explaining he didn’t normally eat breakfast. He rubbed his thumb over your forehead, smoothing out the frown you gave him. 
“Go on,” Bucky motioned toward your bedroom door. “Tell Steve and whoever else you need to that you’re staying late to use the library.” You gave him a questioning look as you watched him slip his boots on. “We’re going on a date.” 
When returning to your room, it was empty. The bed had been neatly made and a leather jacket lay across the foot of the bed. Did he forget it? Feeling the pressure from Steve calling your name, you stuffed it into your backpack and grabbed your books.
Throughout the day, you and Bucky stole glances at each other whenever you could. Silent conversations in passing despite the distance between you. It was the start of a delicate dance of secrecy. 
As the final bell rang, you couldn’t help but feel excited. The thought of seeing Bucky again, actually going on a date. Your first date, ever. It made you walk a little bit faster toward the library.
Your heart raced as you hurried to the library, eager for the evening ahead. Bucky was already waiting, his eyes lit up immediately when you walked in. “Hey again, Sunshine,” he greeted softly as you approached him. With the rush of adrenaline coursing through you, you sent him a quick “Hey,” back. 
Together, you slipped out of the library, sneaking around the hallways. Both keeping your wits about you in case anyone who would have cared saw you together. Once you both found your way out of the building, the cool afternoon air hitting you, you searched the parking lot for his bike.
“So, where are we going?” you asked, trying to contain your excitement. As you reached the bike, it was starting to become muscle memory for Bucky to hand you his helmet and help you up.
“It’s a surprise,” he teased, lifting you gently by the waist and setting you onto the bike.
Arriving at your destination, you took in the view of an old diner that was tucked just outside of town. The glow of the neon signs illuminated the car park and a few outdoor seating. Bucky parked the bike in a space just outside the main window. You could already see the milkshakes and burgers that were being prepared in the kitchen area. 
Walking into the diner, Bucky held your hand and guided you through the door and to an empty booth. As you sat across from each other, you exchanged hesitant glances, both of you uncertain about how to process. 
Clearing his throat, Bucky broke the awkward silence. “Do you want a menu?” he asked, reaching to the end of the table where the menus stood. You nodded, mumbling a thank you as he passed you one. 
“I love the vibe here,” you spoke, trying to ease more of the tension. “I didn’t know it was even here.” As you looked through the menu, your eyes lit up when reading all the different types of milkshakes. A small smile tugged at Bucky’s lips as he watched you taking it all in.
“Yeah, it’s got that classic 40s feel to it,” he visibly relaxed as the conversation began to find its footing. “That period has always been interesting to me,” he confessed. You looked up admirably at him, he had never told you anything like that about himself. 
As you both got into more small talk, asking about each other’s days and what you were planning on ordering, a waitress approached with a friendly smile and took your orders. A strawberry milkshake and cheeseburger, Bucky agreed. “I’ll have what she’s having.” 
The small talk began about while you waited for your order, at some point you remembered his jacket was still in your backpack. “You forgot this, by the way,” you took out the jacket out and began to pass it over to him. 
“I didn’t forget it,” he waved his hand toward it, motioning that he didn’t want to take it. “I prefer it on you.” his signature smirk made its way across his face. Your cheeks flushed as he motioned for you to put it on. Which you did without hesitation, welcoming the extra warmth it brought you.
The atmosphere felt like it had become light as you both enjoyed your meal, yet there was still a lingering tension beneath it all. Bucky glanced at you after the waitress cleared away your empty plates.
“I, um, I think there’s something we need to talk about,” he began tentatively.
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darylbae · 7 days
Pls could you write daryl dixon x fem!reader at the kingdom? carol and ezekiel took in a worn out and struggling woman and have been helping her get back on her feet. daryl comes along and teaches her to hunt and maybe r lost some memory but got a bit back when she shot her first animal w daryl maybe she’s actually a vvv good hunter
crack shot — daryl dixon 🩰
in which you find the kingdom, and an archer who's willing to train you.
note: love this, going to make a lil drabble of this.
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You'd been alone for a long time. You'd survived with your stealth and trusty knives, but it was getting harder. Your backpack of supplies were low, you hadn't found a proper place to settle down, and you'd recently injured yourself trying to hide from a horde of walkers. Until you'd been found passed out from blood loss sat on a branch in a tree. A man, who spoke as if he'd been pulled from a fantasy book, and a woman, who seemed the exact opposite of him. And yet they worked together well enough to get you back to wherever it is they call home. The Kingdom.
That was almost a month ago. You'd spent a long while recovering, getting to know the Kingdom and it's people, and helping out with your very minimal mobility. Turns out your injury had been worse than you or anyone had thought. When Carol, the woman who found you, had sat at your bedside to question you, you appeared to have lost any knowledge of what's happened. Memories muddle into one, not being clear enough to decipher. You'd forgotten a lot of your life before this, but you assumed that was because the world had changed so drastically. You remembered some long-term things, like family members you had, what was happening in the world at this point in time, and where you were born, but everything else had fallen short. It was time to start building you back up. Carol would visit you a lot, bringing you things to eat, taking you around on walks to show you how things are going, and today she had other ideas in mind. "So," Carol sighed, sitting next to your bed once again, "I think you've recovered enough to start doing something. I've asked a friend to train you in dealing with walkers. Just to make sure you can defend yourself still." You nodded, finishing lacing up your boots and getting out of bed. "Who? Jerry? Because I love Jerry." Carol laughed. "No, an old friend of mine offered to help actually. He's waiting outside."
Carol had taken you outside, and stood in front of the both of you, was God himself. Everything you'd liked in a man, he was here. But you pushed those thoughts to the back of your brain, focusing on learning. "This is Daryl," Carol introduced him, and he held the strap of his crossbow on his shoulder, giving you a quick look up and down, and a nod. "He's going to take you hunting today."
The two of you had left the Kingdom, quietly walking towards the woods. "Carol said you forgot everythin'," he mumbled, his voice gruff but it pushed a few buttons for you, "that sucks." "Yeah. It's a strange feeling. I don't really remember much except the family I had, and how the world turned out like this." You explained. "So you're a hunter?" He nodded. "I'm good at it. Been doin' it all my life." "Well I hope I catch a good deer or something for Carol and Ezekiel."
It had been a long, slow day. You'd spent a long time just walking through the woods silently, trying not to scare any wildlife away. With the occasional "come 'ere" from Daryl. But you'd finally found a deer; stood gracefully between two trees, sniffing at the ground. Daryl raised his crossbow, explaining how to use it. "Wait," you exclaimed in a whisper, "can I do it?" Daryl handed you his crossbow, and before he'd opened his mouth about how to hold it, you'd fired the arrow and it landed perfectly into the deer, killing it in the most humane way. He was in shock, analyzing your features for any signs of shock. "You done this before?" He asked, slinging his crossbow over his shoulder again before following you towards the deer. "Maybe? I don't know. It just felt natural to me." You answered, and he was still reeling from how impressed he was. "Have to take you huntin' with me all the time now, crack shot."
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