#Bad advice by Jorah Mormont if you look closely at it
fedonciadale · 3 years
If unsullied were not treated cruelly by their masters and it was shown to Dany, do you think she would still buy the army the way she did in books? I think Dany was more appalled by slave treatment than slavery. She herself was sold to Drogo and while she is still traumatized by what happened to her, she still think marrying lamb women to Dothraki is solution for their rape.
Hi there!
this is an interesting question. The thing is that Dany had no money to buy the Unsullied in the first place and I think she never intended to part with one of her dragons.
She thinks she has to get an army if she wants to conquer Westeros and it never crosses her mind that the solution could be not to try to conquer Westeros.
In ASOS Daenerys II it is clear that while Dany is appalled at the treatment of the Unsullied the questions she wonders about is whether the Unsullied will serve her purpose. Barristan Selmy does not want her to buy them because he doesn't want to use slaves and he fears what it would do for her repuation. Jorah Mormont gives her the advice to use the Usullied though. He explicitly tells her that the moral high ground will gain her nothing:
“My queen,” the big man said slowly, “all you say is true. But Rhaegar lost on the Trident. He lost the battle, he lost the war, he lost the kingdom, and he lost his life. His blood swirled downriver with the rubies from his breastplate, and Robert the Usurper rode over his corpse to steal the Iron Throne. Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably. And Rhaegar died.”
In the next chapter Dany buys the Unsullied and it is interesting that her freeing that she throws away the symbol of her rule over them only after she gave the order to kill the slavers (and everyone who wears a tokar).
She takes Jorah's advice not to listen to her qualms but to fight "dirty" instead of valiant,y nobly, and honorably. She pretends to buy the Unsullied for a dragon (and Illyrio's goods that do not even belong to her) and then she does not pay but instigates the Unsullied to rebel or rather she commands them to slay their former masters. Thus she didn't pay, and she's yet in possession of the Unsullied.
I think that the only effect the gruesome training of the Unsullied has on her decisions is that she can feel as a freedom fighter.
"Unsullied!" Dany galloped before them, her silver-gold braid flying behind her, her bell chiming with every stride. "Slay the Good Masters, slay the soldiers, slay every man who wears a tokar or holds a whip, but harm no child under twelve, and strike the chains off every slave you see." She raised the harpy's fingers in the air . . . and then she flung the scourge aside. "Freedom!" she sang out. "Dracarys! Dracarys!"
She completely forgets what she has been told:
"The Good Master has said that these eunuchs cannot be tempted with coin or flesh," Dany told the girl, "but if some enemy of mine should offer them freedom for betraying me . . ."
"They would kill him out of hand and bring her his head, tell her that," the slaver answered. "Other slaves may steal and hoard up silver in hopes of buying freedom, but an Unsullied would not take it if the little mare offered it as a gift. They have no life outside their duty. They are soldiers, and that is all."
From that moment onward Dany's men are called freedmen, but if you look at it it is almost always her freedmen. It is interesting how GRRM does it. The contradiction is right there, in the text. They are freed and yet they are hers. Just look at how often the word freedmen is used in connection with a possessive pronoun!
So, yes, all in all, I think the treatment of the Unsullied made no difference as to the how Dany purchased them. She never intended to pay a price. Jorah Mormont gave her the advice to have no qualms about purchasing slaves and to fight dirty. And she did exactly that. She conned the Astapori and killed them and in the end she had money and slaves and the good feeling that she had given them their freedom.
I mean the whole chapter and how Kraznys treats Dany really is laid on rather thick if you think about it. The Astapori are certainly the worst, Kraznys is a sexist and classist asshole, a slaver directly copied from archetypes of villains. And this veils the fact that the Unsullied just change their master.
Thanks for the ask!
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mrsjadecurtiss · 4 years
A different ask! What do you think Roose actually feels about Ramsay? Just before the Red Wedding he talks very dismissively about how Ramsay could be executed for his crimes, but obviously he knows Robb's never gonna get the chance so maybe he cares more than that. But Ramsay (probably) killed precious Domeric? What does he actually feel about him and potential Walda baby(-ies)?
Thank you for your question :) I have divided my answer into points regarding the different aspects of your ask.
What do you think Roose actually feels about Ramsay?
In regards to the Roose-Ramsay relationship, some facts are important:
Roose did not raise Ramsay, and as far as we know did not interact with him in his childhood beyond the two times the miller's wife came to him after his birth. ("She was never to tell the boy who had fathered him." - Reek III, aDwD) All he knew about Ramsay was that he was his son, had his grey eyes, and was "wild and unruly" (the reason Ramsay's mom demanded a servant).
"Lord Bolton has never acknowledged the boy, so far as I know," Ser Rodrik said. "I confess, I do not know him." - Bran II, aCoK
Ramsay only came to the Dreadfort in 297AC (after Domeric died). This is extremely recent - for context, we have Dany chapters in aGoT taking place as early as 297AC, and the War of the five Kings starts at the end of 298 AC according to this timeline.
As a consequence, since Roose leaves the Dreadfort for the War of the five Kings, he assumed a paternal role for Ramsay in between 297AC and at most very early 299AC (The timeline has the battle of the green fork in January 6 and he'd need to travel to the south before that in the first place). This is only between 1-2 years depending on how early or late that year Domeric died (Shoutout to @blueagia who made me realize this timeline years ago).
Ramsay is violent and cruel, but not stupid (Roose even says he is “cunning” in Catelyn VI, aSoS). He was able to present himself as an ally to Theon in aCoK, and it stands to reason he might have given a salvagable impression to Roose at the beginning while he was testing the waters. Ned Stark is a just man who tried to execute the remote-living Jorah Mormont for slave trade; Since he never went after Ramsay, we can assume whatever Ramsay did during his time with Roose was discreet enough that word did not get to Lord Eddard, and so at the beginning Roose must have had no reason to complain too much about Ramsay's conduct either.
Eddard Stark had never had any reason to complain of the Lord of the Dreadfort, so far as Jon knew. - Jon VII, aDwD
"No tales were ever told of me. Do you think I would be sitting here if it were otherwise? Your amusements are your own, I will not chide you on that count, but you must be more discreet. A peaceful land, a quiet people. That has always been my rule. Make it yours." - Reek III, aDwD
Roose gets a legitimization for Ramsay as part of his benefit from doing the Red Wedding, showing that back then he still had an intention of keeping him as his son and heir. However, returning from the war in the south shows Roose how bad Ramsay's political decisions are when left on his own, including:
Leaving Donella Hornwood for dead, horrifically abusing Theon who is a valuable hostage and a potential ally, being unable to keep good optics and alienating his allies ("Surely you misspeak. You never slew Lord Eddard's sons, those two sweet boys we loved so well. [...] How many of our grudging friends do you imagine we'd retain if the truth were known? Only Lady Barbrey, whom you would turn into a pair of boots … " - Reek III, aDwD), abusing his wife "Arya Stark" who is beloved by their Northern allies, and more...
We see in the aDwD Theon chapters that Roose is still giving Ramsay advice and counsel (see again the Reek III quote), however he also appears to be despairing of him:
"I know." Lord Bolton sighed. "His blood is bad. He needs to be leeched. The leeches suck away the bad blood, all the rage and pain. No man can think so full of anger. Ramsay, though … his tainted blood would poison even leeches, I fear." - Reek III, aDwD
We also see in later Theon chapters that he frequently holds meetings without Ramsay:
[Roose:] "The hall is not the place for such discussions, my lords. Let us adjourn to the solar whilst my son consummates his marriage. The rest of you, remain and enjoy the food and drink." - The Prince of Winterfell, aDwD
Lord Bolton was not alone. Lady Dustin sat with him, pale-faced and severe; an iron horsehead brooch clasped Roger Ryswell's cloak; Aenys Frey stood near the fire, pinched cheeks flushed with cold.  - A Ghost in Winterfell, aDwD
[Lady Dustin said] "Roose is not pleased. Tell your bastard that." - The Turncloak, aDwD
Implying he is losing faith in his son, or otherwise does not trust him or value his input when it comes to political situations; a bad omen considering heirs like Robb usually sit with their fathers in councils.
My impression is that Roose initially adopted Ramsay as an heir for the following reasons:
- Sentimentality, since Ramsay is a son of his own blood ("I should've had the mother whipped and thrown her child down a well … but the babe did have my eyes." [...] "Now [Domeric's] bones lie beneath the Dreadfort with the bones of his brothers, who died still in the cradle, and I am left with Ramsay. Tell me, my lord … if the kinslayer is accursed, what is a father to do when one son slays another?" - Reek III aDwD). As a member of a patriarchal society, Roose was raised with the expectation that he will continue his bloodline, and so likely has the wish to be succeeded by his son.
- Practicality, since Ramsay is already an adult, so he doesn't have to raise and invest in another child for years ("That's for the best. I will not live long enough to see new sons to manhood, and boy lords are the bane of any House." - Reek III, aDwD). [Speculation: For a new son, he would also have to remarry, and both his prior wives are implied to not have liked him ("The two before her never made a sound in bed" - Reek III, aDwD) while he also doesnt speak of them with fondness - so he might also prefer to be single and raise his bastard instead of having to deal with yet another unpassionate/unloving marriage (considering he's middle aged and uncharismatic, a young new wife wouldn't be thrilled about him), until he finds a marriage that provides him a good benefit (like the Frey money + alliance).]
- The belief that, despite Ramsay being raised a peasant and having violent tendencies, it is possible to "educate him" so that he becomes a functioning member of society (see again my point about Roose counseling him). Roose possibly initially projects some of his own personality on Ramsay (Compare this meta i wrote).
During aGoT-aSoS he must have still thought Ramsay viable, which is why he has him legitimized by the crown. He has not known Ramsay closely for long; This explains why he kept him around even though he is so unfit as an heir (it takes time to fully realize that), but also explains why he is so dismissive of him, as that short time of knowing him as an adult would not make him fond of Ramsay the same way one might be fond of a child they raised.
Roose then realizes after the war, as seen in a Dance with Dragons, that Ramsay is not a fitting heir. What this means for the later books is open for now... Will he abandon Ramsay? Use him as a scapegoat? Or still try to salvage him? I personally believe he is starting to see Ramsay as a danger, and is starting to think about how to best get rid of him.
Just before the Red Wedding he talks very dismissively about how Ramsay could be executed for his crimes, but obviously he knows Robb's never gonna get the chance so maybe he cares more than that.
My belief is that Roose is fundamentally selfish and worried about his own skin. While he has the goal to establish Ramsay as a capable heir, he prioritizes his own safety and reputation. By distancing himself from Ramsay's crimes in front of the other Northmen, he can't be blamed for them; by using Ramsay as a scapegoat for Bolton crimes, he himself can wash his hands from the involvement and won't be hurt if any crimes come to light. If he keeps pointing attention at how Ramsay is wild/cruel/treacherous, then the northmen are more likely to suspect/blame Ramsay than the "peaceful" Roose. Also, even if he cared for Ramsay, he would never openly admit it because it's something that could be used against him (same reason as to why he generally keeps his emotions under wraps).
If you compare this scene from aCoK (where Ramsay is believed dead) with the scene you mentioned from aSoS, you can see that to prioritize his own safety and reputation he will sacrifice Ramsay; but he will also defend Ramsay ("Yet he is a good fighter, as cunning as he is fearless.") as long as it serves his interests, of course while still keeping an emotional distance.
One important thing about Roose is that he does not always say the things he actually thinks; When looking at his quotes it is not only important to look at what he says, but which intentions he has with his words and what effect he wants them to have on the person listening. Compare this quote by grrm:
Lord Bolton may well have all sorts of things in mind. Whether or not he would act on any of those thoughts is another matter. Roose is the sort of fellow who keeps his thoughts to himself. - SSM
But Ramsay (probably) killed precious Domeric
"Ramsay killed him. A sickness of the bowels, Maester Uthor says, but I say poison." - Roose in Reek III, aDwD
This is speculative, but I personally believe that case is not as clear-cut as it is made to look. Poisoning Domeric does not necessarily seem like Ramsay's style; i often see people in fandom suspect that his mother is actually the culprit. I personally suspect the first Reek of killing Domeric - we know he once stole perfume, meaning he knows his way around the castle, and he also got looked at by a maester implying he might know the maester’s chamber where poisons could be kept. He has ample reason to hate Roose, who let him live with the pigs and had him whipped and later sent him to live with Ramsay, but also seems to have interest in improving Ramsay's status ("She made him, her and Reek, always whispering in his ear about his rights." - Reek III aDwD). He is also known to be inseperable from Ramsay, so if Ramsay went to meet Domeric, Reek would come with him.
Either way it could be that Roose just didnt initially believe Ramsay killed Domeric since it looked like he died from sickness, and only later changed his mind on this issue - note that Barbrey Dustin, whom he is implied to have regularly spent time with shortly before the quote about Ramsay killing Domeric, seems to be a believer that Ramsay was the murderer, so she might be the one who convinced Roose; And maybe Ramsay's bad conduct during the time of the war aided to make Roose believe her. Changing his mind on this could influence his decision on what to do with Ramsay come the Winds of Winter.
Or alternatively, if we’re keeping closer to the text, he just thought the positives of keeping Ramsay outweigh the negatives of him being a kinslayer; however it seems odd that Roose, who is so worried about his safety, would adopt a man if his first act he knows of was this treacherous and dangerous. Then again he frequently verbally states that he does not see Ramsay as a threat, which can be read in different ways depending on if you take it as a literal statement or as a tool to enact dominance over his dangerous son.
"All you have I gave you. You would do well to remember that, bastard.” [...]
“I know what he said. You're to spy on me and keep his secrets." Bolton chuckled. "As if he had secrets. Sour Alyn, Luton, Skinner, and the rest, where does he think they came from? Can he truly believe they are his men?"  - Reek III, aDwD
What does he actually feel about him and potential Walda baby(-ies)?
I think he would like to have a son that continues his values and manages to be a capable heir to continue the Bolton line. Domeric was the ideal son, talented and competent, and Roose invested a lot of time and money in giving him a great education. Now that Domeric died and all of this is down the drain, and Roose himself isn't getting any younger, he wants to have a new heir in a way that's the most convenient for him. It appears to me like he is currently weighing the positives of each option (Ramsay or new Baby), and it might even be that he has already come to a decision, considering how he is starting to grow frustrated with Ramsay.
"I have become oddly fond of my fat little wife. [...] Ramsay will kill [all the sons she bears me], of course. That's for the best. I will not live long enough to see new sons to manhood, and boy lords are the bane of any House." - Reek III, aDwD
In line with my earlier point about Roose’ words also being about the effect and not just the message, I believe the line about him being ok with Ramsay killing his sons might be very calculated towards the fact that Roose knows Theon is to report everything he hears back to Ramsay. If Ramsay hears this, he is placated, because it confirms that he is still the main Bolton heir - which means that he does not have to think about harming Lady Walda (because the sons are no threat to his position), and he does not have to think about harming Roose (because he just has to wait until he can succeed him).
Of course all of this post is based off the first five books, so the interpretation may change once the next book comes out or through a different reading of the lines.
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got-eyes · 5 years
Top 10 Dumb Things from Season 8
10. The North’s unwelcoming attitude towards Daenerys despite the fact that she was there to help them and succeeded
I’ve already talked about this at length and I’m tired of trying to wrap my brain around it. Maybe, idk, you shouldn’t act openly hostile towards the person who is trying to save your life?
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9. Tyrion. Just Tyrion.
Oi, where to even begin? After Tyrion murdered Tywin and Shae, and teamed up with Daenerys, his character deteriorated into someone almost unrecognizable. He lost his cleverness, even in situations where he of all people should have known better, i.e. dealing with Cersei, and finally, his endless bad advice and betrayals to Daenerys caught up to him. He certainly meant well, but why the fuck would he tell Varys about Jon Snow before talking to Daenerys? And in the end he got to choose the next ruler of Westeros. Not sure if he’s the guy to be calling the shots at this point.
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8. Varys commits treason (again)
He died the way he lived: betraying the people he swore to serve. I saw this one coming from a mile away and yet it still felt contrived.
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7. Arya kills the NK in one fell swoop...
Arya needed something to do, but going on a cool, covert mission to steal Jaime’s face and kill Cersei would have been too satisfying of a narrative arc, so she kills the NK instead. An enemy she’d never seen and knew nothing about until that day. Did she even steal anyone’s face this season ?
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6. And the wight army was destroyed with few major character deaths
Considering all of Jon’s harping from the past few seasons, I was lead to believe that the battle with the NK was endgame, but it turned out that, nope, the real monster was us all along. Or whatever. Lyanna Mormont died killing a giant ice zombie. You go girl! Theon charged at the NK, after receiving his state issued absolution from Bran, and was easily tossed aside. (It wasn’t as thankless as Qyburn’s death, but it was quick enough to be comical in its timing.) Edd, who’s name I had just learned, and Beric, who’s name I had just learned, died heroically, as did Jorah (finally). Melisandre wasn’t even killed by the NK, she just gives up after the living had already won, and willingly turns to dust in a dramatic exit. Me too. In a show that’s never been conservative in killing off main characters, I was shocked. You’re telling me that Podrick lived? And old man Davos? K.
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5. Jaime’s flipflopping
He risked his neck in abandoning Cersei and showing up at Winterfell alone to fight for the living. Wow, what a transformation from who he was in s1. He even patched things up with Bran, who vaguely and vacantly reassures him that it was meant to be. But I guess the absolution of the attempting to murder a child and fighting for a noble cause beside someone who loves you (not your sister) was either too much or not enough for Jaime. He races back across the continent to be caught by Dany’s forces, then freed by Tyrion and stabbed by Euron, and still make it in enough time to die with Cersei. More on that later.
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4. Jon Snow, Dullest Queenslayer of All Time
Jon finally learned his true parentage this season and after all that hype, he ... doesn’t really have anything to do. He looks slightly uncomfortable as everyone around him uses that information to their advantage. He rides a dragon. Meanwhile, he proclaims Dany as his queen maybe 160 times (someone please make a supercut) until she isn’t. He betrays her trust, rejects her when she needed someone most, and boo-hoos that he doesn’t even want to be king. Jon allowed himself to be a political pawn and everyone paid the price for it. He ultimately murders Daenerys, stabbing her in the same fashion of betrayal that he met in s5. Wow. The whole exchange felt like just going through the emotions; now Jon needs to do x because y and z. He’s somehow not eaten by Drogon or slaughtered by the Unsullied for this and Tyrion actually manages to do something right, securing him a place at the Night’s Watch in exchange for his life. Ironic? Poetic? No, mostly dull and contrived. Where was he even heading towards at the end? And who cares?
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3. Cersei’s cop-out of a death
Cersei has been one of the best characters since Day One. She’s ruthless and hateful and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She blew up the Sept, gave birth to Joffery, murdered more than half the Lords in the kingdom from Dorne to Riverrun, Winterfell to Highgarden. So how does this amazing villain go out? She cries that she doesn’t want to die as rocks fall on her head. Olenna Tryell is smiling somewhere, but still, it felt like an easy and quick demise for a woman who got off on torturing her prisoners. She deserved better and by better I mean worse.
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2. Daenerys breaks bad over some bells
Good lord what a mess. What a poorly executed mess. Daenerys — the woman locked away her dragons after a single child was killed, helped free Slaver’s Bay, rescued Jon Snow and friends from beyond the wall and lost a dragon for it, had been sold like a brute mare, raped and defiled — lost her goddamn mind and purposely burned thousands of innocents. Here’s what really happened: the writers took the lazy route instead of giving Dany proper causality to lose her shit. They gave her lose-lose situations, whether it was helping the North and losing a dragon or listening to Tyrion and losing her armies. If she was truly the mad queen, she could’ve flown straight to King’s Landing when she got to Westeros but she didn’t. She listened to Tyrion, she helped the North, she fell in love. But at every turn the writers saw it fit to beat her down again, making the people not trust her, taking away her close friends, having her lover reject her suddenly and completely. When she made good choices, she lost. When she made bad choices, she lost.
I guess it’s easier to fall back on tired tropes like “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” than actually following through with previous character development. I guess the lesson is that children are their fathers after all, nevermind about all that crap before. Ugh I don’t even want to talk about it anymore. Daenerys was reduced to a crazy person in two episodes, and that is in no way compelling or smart storytelling.
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Need I say more? What kind of 11th hour crap is this, Tyrion? Nobody cares about Bran’s story, and that includes the writers of the show. GO HOME BRAN
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Live Blog for Game Of Thrones 7x06 "Beyond The Wall"
# Tormund freaking Gendry out making him think that he wants to have sex with him # "smart people don't come here looking for the dead" lol Tormund has a point, this is a terrible plan # Tormund admitting Mance was wrong not to kneel repeating very similar words Dany spoke a couple of episodes ago to Jon # He was a good man, he deserved a better son :( poor Jorah, you made mistakes but you are now someone he would be proud of # poor Gendry, stands no chance arguing with the hound # Jon being a sweetheart and offering his sword to Jorah # I love Dany's northern boys bonding :) # I broke my fathers heart, your killing me Jorah :(  # "It will serve you well and your children after you" wink wink # Arya speaking about how unfair it was to be a girl in a man's world but her father was still proud of her being different, I love that # God I understand both girls, I know how much they both loved Ned and Arya would have rather died than write that letter but at the same time Sansa was manipulated into believing it was the only way to save her father from being killed so of course she wrote it # Come now Sansa I know your angry and yes the vale helped win the battle but they would of never won the battle on their own without Jon, Wun Wun, House Mormont and the Wildlings # "you never would have survived what I survived" neither girls could have survived each others situations and both suffered differently but greatly # Arya cutting to the root of Sansa's fear knowing she doesn't want the northern lords to read her letter #damn Iceland is beautiful # Gingers I hate, lol Sandor I wonder if he still thinks of Sansa # Dick I like it lol # I want to make babies with her lol # "does she want to carve you up and eat your liver" "you do know her" lol # Beric trying to convert Jon to the Lord Of Light and Jon not being interested # Excuse me Beric, are you saying Jon will never be happy because his being brought back. I hope your bloody wrong # Tyrion not happy at not being called a hero # Dany telling Tyrion she's happy his not a hero because she doesn't want him to die. Aww :) # "they all try to outdo each other, who can do the stupidest bravest thing" Dany you too are in that list lol # Haha Tyrion telling Dany all the heroes fall in love with her and Dany vemently denying it # "I suppose he stares at you longingly because his hoping for a successful military alliance" omg I love Tyrion # "his too little for me" lol Dany coming up with lame excuses to deny her feelings # "I know your brave" aww massive feels # lol Tyrion and Jamie promising to keep their girls well behaved, like they could # I'm not sure I'd call Dany impulsive, passionate maybe due to her keeping her emotions bottled up but executing the Tarly's to me was not impulsive, she didn't see another option though they could of taken the black but denied it # Tyrion trying to instruct Dany on the importance of understanding her enemies to better predict them, good advice # Yep Dany and Tyrion are most definitely going forward with breaking the wheel, I wish we knew the details # Dany lashing out after Tyrion brings up the very sensitive subject of a heir, Tyrion not realizing how much Dany yearns for a human child in her arms # god damn those polar bears are terrifying # someone bloody save Thoros! Go Jorah, poetic The bear kills the wight bear # Littlefinger you liar # Sansa stating how shit the northern lords are # "I don't know her anymore" that's sad # Jorah and Thoros talking about the siege of Pyke and Thoros doesn't even remember he was so drunk lol # hey get your hands off Jorah's throat! # Damn Jon kicking ass, killing a white walker. Your doing amazing sweetie! # wow the wildlings are like vampires, kill the sire and the underlings die # omg shut it up, it'll get others # ouch poor Sandor, at least it isn't a normal zombie otherwise he'd be doomed # Jon knowing bad shit is about to go down so he orders his new bro Gendry to write his future wife a letter to save them # Jorah being the first to realize they are on a frozen lake # Yes fall into the lake you bloody zombies # Run bloody faster Gendry # Concerned daddy Davos :) # Poor Thoros :(  # Jon taking The Hound's drink to burn Thoros body lol I see you show putting Jon on a elevated spot to make him look as tall as The Hound ;) # Jorah being the one to point out the sire white walker dies, the wights he makes die. Damn my brave bear is so smart # "Daenerys is our only chance" aww # Beric pointing out if they kill the night king the war will be over # Sansa gets invited to Kings Landing and is all "hell no, never going back to that dump full of horror again" # Damn right Sansa, you need to stay and help prepare for the north. I don't really think Arya or Bran have any desire to manage the north if she left. # Brienne worrying over Sansa :) # Sansa being a Braime shipper, I love it # wouldn't call Winterfell the safest place Sansa as when the white walkers breach the wall Winterfell will be one of the first places they go # Sansa being cold to Brienne :( Brienne only wants you to be safe Sansa # "the most important person in the world can't fly off to the most dangerous place in the world" so here for protective Tyrion # omg that dress is so beautiful, best dress I've ever seen in game if thrones. The pureness of the white, the almost dragon scales, the vibrant gold down the back and yet still being practical enough to have room to wear riding pants # Tyrion willing the risk the deaths of Jon/Jorah and co if Dany stays safe # "If you die, we're all lost...everyone, everything" :( # Dany being the impulsive hero she said Jorah and Jon are # Tyrion on the verge of tears :( # Sandor you bloody idiot, you just gave your only defense away out of anger # oh no the lake has completely frozen over :( # yes Jorah, keep kicking ass # Jorah saving Jon! :) # Jon very protective of their captured wight lol # where the hell are you gonna fall back to Jon your surrounded in the middle of a lake # come on guys bloody save Tormund # Yes Sandor the hero, that's what I'm talking about # loved Jon's little spin of his sword # poor nameless wildling being torn apart by a wight horde while Jon watches # Jon looks so defeated like his accepted his gonna die :( # here comes Jon's wifey with her dragons and epic music # Wow the graphics of Ice and Fire look so epic, burn them all! # Dany looking like a beautiful warrior queen atop Drogon # Jon staring up at Dany in awe # Jon pushing past all the taller guys like Tormund to get closer to Dany :) # Jon and Dany reaching for each others hands desperate to touch each other ;) # All the guys climbing up on Drogon while Jon stays fighting and Jorah calls for him # omg Sandor impaling the wight on one of Drogon's spikes lol # Tormund looks shook staring at Dany # Dany looking back at Jon, going hurry up bae # omg No, Viserion screaming in pain as the Night Kings magical staff destroys his insides 😧😧😭😭 # Dany watching her baby fall from the sky and die, not believing what she's seeing😭😭 # omg Drogon crying and Rhaegal trying to follow Viserion😭😭😭 # Viserion's beautiful golden eyes closing😭😭😫 # I can't believe Viserion is dead, he was by far the sweetest. He was the smallest, most gentle dragon who was the most affectionate and in the books didn't have a desire to hunt like his brothers instead wanted to curl up to his mother and have his belly rubbed😭😭😭😭 # Everyone looking in horror at what happened and Jorah looking at Dany knowing this is destroying her😭😭😭 # Jon turning and fighting in so much anger knowing one Dany's children are dead and giving the Night King the evil eyes # Jon knowing they plan on killing more of Dany's children and willing to sacrifice himself so they can all get away😱😱😭 # Dany watching Jon, someone else she loves going down in the lake😭😭😭 # Dany giving the Night King evil eyes before she gets the hell out of there # Drogon being smart and learning from field of fire 2.0 to swerve to avoid being hit # Jorah falling off Drogon before Tormund saves him # Dany looking down holding back her tears for Jon and Viserion knowing she has too much responsibility to break down😭😭😭 # omg Jon is alive! Go baby, saying that though multiple people have almost drown in this show but none have died # Benjen saving Jon from certain death with his incredible fire swinging cannon ball # Jon being so shocked to see his uncle and wanting him to come with him :( # Jon seemingly watching as Benjen is overrun but with this show who knows😭😭 # Dany looking so crushed but wanting to wait a little longer holding on to a slither of hope that she hasn't lost two special someone's she cares for😭😭😭😭😭😭  #Dany about to leave before the horn blows once and sees Jon on a horse # Dany looking in horror as Davos and the others strip Jon of his wet clothes showing his black and blue bruised body and all his unhealed scars knowing Davos was right and he really took a knife in a knife in the heart😱😱 # yuck Arya, having a bag full of faces is really unhygienic that's not what the house of black and white taught you😷😷 # damn Arya, you sure know how to creep the hell out of your sister # poor Sansa, she doesn't understand her younger siblings. Bran being the three eyed raven, Arya being a faceless assassin # Sansa not wanting to play Arya's game of faces just wanting to know what the hell is going on # "the world doesn't let girls decide what they're going to be" damn that is so true in Westeros😒😒 # Jesus Arya, are you screwing with your sister and playing the game of faces for yourself. I seriously doubt Arya would have any desire to be like Sansa or kill her sister for that matter. # wow Sansa seriously thought Arya was gonna hurt her # I wonder how long Dany has been there, with her change of hair and clothes I'm guessing it's been a few days. Has she been taking shifts or been there the entire time I wonder # "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Dany trying to hold back her tears😭😭😭 # oh wow Jon taking her hand wanting to comfort her even though his suffering too😭😍😭😍 # Even though Dany lost her child, she doesn't regret it knowing she had to see the white walkers for herself😞😖 # "the dragons are my children... They're the only children I'll ever have" Dany you are breaking my heart and I hope your wrong😭😭 # "we are going to destroy the night king and his army and we'll do it together. You have my word" oh Dany your killing me😭😭😭 # "Thank you Dany" damn Jon already starting with the nicknames😏😏 # "how about my queen" omg Jon's voice is pure sex when he says that. The way his looking at her, that voice no way he means that as just his fealty😍😍😏😏 # "They'll all come to see you for what you are" omg Jon your killing me😍😭😍😭 # the way slowly puts her hand in his and Jon looks down at their joined hands😍😍😍 # "I hope I deserve it" book/S1 Dany finally coming out and it's breaking my heart😍😍😭😭😭 # The way Jon is looking at her omg 😍😍 # the way the feelings overwhelm Dany and she tries to pull away but Jon holds on to her tighter omg and just stares into her eyes with so much love 😍😍😍 # Dany knowing right then how they both feel about each other and pulling away and Jon's look and breath of utter disappointment # Jon's heavy breath as he pretends to sleep as Dany composes herself and leaves then his heavy breath as he opens his eyes once she's gone😍😍😍 # what the hell are they doing to Viserion, let his soul rest in peace😠😠😠 # don't touch him asshole😠😠 # oh no poor Viserion, his one of them now and the only way I can see this ending is Dany being forced to kill him to let his soul rest like she did with Drogo😭😭😭😵😵 #Viserion deserved better! 😭😭
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