#Bad news if they're in the fleetway universe
nintendoni-art · 9 months
So I'm doing Thumbnails for the Bumblekast now.
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Like, officially, which in my opinion is pretty neat. ^^
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randomthefox · 2 months
"Youndo relize fully thst there are other types of stories thst sure are BAD but that's what makes them good. Archie? Sucks but has a charm. Fleetway? Same...IDW? Odd, new, has their own much more coherent story vs the others, and is fun."
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I think they were trying to say that the "so bad it's good" quality is what makes the likes of Archie and IDW good.
But like. Jesse.
One: your taste is not universal. One man's "so bad is good" is another's "so bad it's terrible."
For some people, IDW so happens to fall into the latter category because there's really not much that's fun about it. It resembles the games too little in spirit to appeal to me as someone who likes the games, but it's also too anemic as a piece of art on its own merits to make up for that initial lack of appeal. It could not stand independent of the Sonic name, yet its disdain for the source material on which it is based keeps it from being as good as it could be.
Two: the first part of "so bad it's good" means it's still bad?
Three: gotta love it when they accuse you of being illiterate when their post is literal word salad. Sorry, guess I'm not fluent in keysmash.
Comics don't have to directly corrinside with games or chows and vice versa.
They don't also have to gut the source material and replace it with their own yawn-worthy continuity out of a misplaced sense of superiority.
People act like you want Sonic to be the exact same shade of blue in spinoffs as he is in the games when all you want is one (1) relatively game-faithful piece of media. The fact that no Sonic spinoff to date has managed it without inserting some unnecessary bullshit should tell you how low the bar is. The bar is in hell, and yet spinoffs continue to cha-cha slide right under it.
Them: "Sonic comics are so bad they're good!"
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I say this every time they pull out the old "Not every adaptation needs to be one to one with the source material" defense
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gayemeralds · 2 years
thoughts on sonic prime?
i'm excited for it- im bad at video games so i looooved sonic as a tv series.
but i don't know about the whole multiverse plot. it works well for spiderman because there's just already so any different versions of him and the multiverse was a sort of a well established concept in the games. there's a lot of different versions of sonic, but i doubt sega actually plans on having the different franchises (satam, fleetway, archie, etc) interact in the series, and will instead make whole new universes. which is fun, sure, but it really depends on what they're exploring in those universes, and i don't know, it'd just be fun to see them reuse the other pieces of media.
i realllllly hope a lot of the universes they explore are sort of what if scenerios- there's so many instances in the sonic games that if they were adjusted by like, one event, then the entire game would be altered completely. like what if sonic saved cream but not vanilla in sonic advance 2? what if sonic never took tails with him? what if sonic fell instead of shadow during sa2? what if shadow wasn't able to save rouge in sa2? what if knuckles never left the island after sonic 3? jsut things like that.... big changes and little changes and seeing how fundamentally different characters and scenarios would be!
im also a little uncertain about the framing of the synopsis they have... "Sonic will be thrusted into a high-speed adventure, through the strange and mysterious Shatterverse. It's up to Sonic to save the universe and along the way experience moments of self-discovery and redemption." i don't know how i feel about the self discovery and redemption concept... sonic's always been a static chcaracter in the games and his character helps OTHER characters go through arcs. im just not sure i would really want him to receive a character arc LMAO. im not saying he's perfect but as a protagonist yeah, he's fine the way he is. it makes sense for a kids show to have him learn a lesson, though, so i get it, im just interested in how they're going to go about it.
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I had the sudden image of the Freedom Fighters dead-staring at the Prime Zone FF and the Suppression Squad and saying ”Scourge is ours now. We’ve adopted him.” Can you imagine how chaotic that would be if all three teams somehow were able to meet? Thinking about Fleetway Tails being a savage like his Sonic makes me snort.
Adgsfhsfh I LOVE the idea of Fleetway Tails slowly becoming more like Sonic... man between him and Scourge Tails' future really is one of snark shcshfhfs Prime looks at this fox child who is slowly becoming a savage lil bitch and weeps inside like "this is the worst possible timeline." The other Freedom Fighters would probably be a good influence tho and stop Tails from becoming as rude as Sonic and Scourge
Man both the Prime Freedom Fighters and the Suppression Squad would just Not Get It. Like for the Prime FF they truly cannot understand why any freedom fighters from any dimension would take this fucker in??? He's a villain who's only ever wanted to fuck shit over for as long as they've known him, and he's SUCH an asshole. Not someone you'd ever expect to see fighting for good. They (except for poor Prime who's realising far too quickly why these fuckers like him, although he still doesn't get why Scourge likes them back) probably try to warn the Fleetway Freedom Fighters about him but they're just like "we're literally friends with Sonic we can deal with Scourge just fine"
The Suppression Squad also don't understand how these fuckers can put up with Scourge, but they also don't understand why Scourge is letting them. They're looking at him like "this is not the bitch that led our squad that would've murdered us and destroyed our planet in a heartbeat. Where has he gone who is this fucker and why is he in love with a Sonic". Like can you imagine what that must be like?? Why hasn't he tried to take over the planet yet? Why is he pretending to be good? Why hasn't he attempted to kill or at least take Sonic's place as leader of the Freedom Fighters and then burned it all down? They're so used to the betrayal and backstabbing of their own universe and, well, like it or not Scourge is one of them, so the concept of him actually being loyal to Freedom Fighters of all things is alien to them. They keep expecting Scourge to turn around and stab his new friends in the back but he never does and they struggle to make sense of why
The Fleetway Freedom Fighters truly have adopted him sjgdgjdfh although sometimes they question why because he's such a bad influence on Sonic. But he's their bad influence on Sonic. And honestly so many people in that universe are dicks so accent aside Scourge fits right in. Like in a zoo it's the perfect place for him to be his little gremlin bastard self while keeping him (and therefore others) safe because he's surrounded by people who are also bastards and are happy to kick his ass if needed but also aren't jumping to stab him in the back at any opportunity. They look at the other two teams like "he has been Removed from the toxic environment (that he caused) we don't see the issue. He's ours now and also Sonic might actually bite you if you try to take him"
(Neither of the teams want him they just can't understand why anyone DOES. It's like hearing that alligator that's been terrorising your family for years has just been moved to another town to a family going "yeah no big deal he's our pet now" like MA'AM THAT'S A DANGEROUS PREDATOR but the Freedom Fighters simply don't care)
Wfhshfshf just the three teams all standing around yelling, two in confusion, one defensively. Scourge is almost definitely throwing a pissy fit in the background over his friends saying they've adopted him. He belongs to no one, damn it! He can fuck off and leave you assholes and never come back at any time! (He won't)
(Don't mind Fiona and the Destructix in the background absolutely raging bc they're watching their leader get forcibly adopted into a new dimension and they're like. The only other team that want him. Or at least Fiona does the others probably have mixed feelings. But the Prime Freedom Fighters won't even let that happen bc even though it makes no sense to them Scourge causes less trouble in the Fleetway universe)
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How do you think Fleetway and Scourge would react to meeting Sonic Exe? How would STC!Sonic react to Sonic Exe??
Sonic.exe.... now that's a name I haven't heard in years.....
I'm honestly not super familiar with sonic.exe lore since I've only read the original creepypasta like once and watched a few people play through that first romhack a few times, so I'll just be going off what little I remember (and the knowledge that (and I say this with a level of affection) almost every creepypasta character is ridiculously op)
Sonic and Scourge would definitely be cocky af at first since they go into every fight expecting they'll win, and Sonic is more than a little exasperated bc he's dealing with yet another fucking lookalike. But considering Exe is, as previously stated, an op creepypasta, if it came down to a fight they'd probably get their asses kicked. They're good, but probably not that good considering all the power Exe has at his disposal. Once they realise just how powerful this fucker is, they're like "oh shit wtf do we do"
Super on the other hand. Oh boy.
Idk if Exe was inspired by Fleetway's Super Sonic, but I do see a lot of similarities in them and their power levels. Like, Exe is some kinda eldritch horror I presume, and Super is made of chaos energy (corrupted chaos energy even, if we go by my headcanon). These bitches ain't normal and their powers and abilities go far beyond a normal mobian's. If it came down to a fight, I imagine they'd be pretty evenly matched. A winner would be hard to determine though bc they'd probably destroy the damn universe before they get to finish the fight
As for his reaction, it depends where in Super's arc Exe shows up. If it's when he's lost his memories and is a pacifist, he'd probably be fucking petrified. Not only is Exe terrifying for normal people anyway, Super has the added baggage of Exe's power reminding him of his own destructive side. He'd see the worst of himself in Exe, and it would terrify him
Maybe if things got bad he'd try to fight back because he knows his power is incredibly strong and might stand a chance against him, and he'd just hope he can stay in control, but that... probably wouldn't go well, as we saw in the comic when he tried to use his powers for good
Now if Exe showed up during any other point in Super's arc? Different story. When he's evil Super doesn't give a fuck about anyone or anything except causing havoc and destruction. It's the nature of the corrupted chaos energy he's made of. If Exe showed up out of the blue and started fucking shit up, he'd only see a challenge and, like any Sonic, would be ecstatic about it. Finally, someone who can match his power level, it will be fun to be forced to actually put in effort for once. Makes his inevitable win even more satisfying, when the light and hope slowly drains from this new guy's eyes as he realises he's been bested
At worst, he might get a little pissed that Exe is the one doing all the damage. Not because he cares about the planet or its people, but because he wants to be the one to destroy it. Probably a similar story if Exe killed Sonic; he feels it's his right to kill Sonic, and he doesn't want to share
I see a few people talk about the possibility of an alliance between the two, and that would definitely cause unbelievable amounts of destruction like holy hell they would be an unstoppable force together, but personally, I think Super is too selfish to ever consider such a thing. He's not interested in anything but destruction, and since he comes from Sonic's rude and selfish ass, he's not interested in sharing the fun
Basically, if he's in a good mood, Exe is a fun challenge. If he's in a bad mood, Exe is in his way and stealing his fun. Either way, if he's evil it's coming down to a fight, and unless they're stopped somehow (good fucking luck finding a way to do that) they'll take the whole dimension down with them. As I said, a winner would be hard to determine (since they both believe they're stronger and will be the inevitable winner, so they both believe they'll get to watch the other's face fall when they realise they're no longer the strongest being around) and even if someone did win, well, there'd be no one around to witness it
Actually, there's a really good video on YouTube that I love that pretty much shows how I think a fight between them might go (although again I'm not up to date with sonic.exe lore so idk how accurate the video is to his powers)
#fleetway super sonic#sonic the hedgehog#scourge the hedgehog#fleetway sonic#stc sonic#asks#can you tell i overthought about this#anyways i tried not to make exe TOO powerful in my head when thinking about this and taking his powers into consideration bc that's boring#also to my memory we really don't learn much about exe and what he can do and where his limits are in the original creepypasta#ik there's that game series someone made that expands on it but idk how much of that exe fans consider 'official'#and also I'm too lazy to look it up#I dabbled in the creepypasta fandom as a teen i KNOW there's a tendency to make these guys op and unstoppable#not that all exe fans do that obviously I'm just saying there might be a lot of it#and I'm too lazy to go through it to find the more moderate stuff#but yeah since he reminds me a lot of super sonic i decided to place his power level around there#make him somewhat op without making him just completely blow away everything with no challenge#and if we think about how much sonic struggles to defeat super in the comics it's easy to see how he'd struggle against exe#especially since i think exe has teleporting on his side and idk if any of the tricks they use against super would work on exe#so honestly most of it comes down to super vs exe#super would be at the biggest disadvantage if he and sonic were still one bc then he's on a time limit for how long he's Like That#but if they're separate he can just keep going#by then his only worry is burning through all his chaos energy#but if he gets his hands on a chaos emerald he can just keep going#either way the world is fucked#catch zonic in the background like 'I'm looking away i do not see it'#'i never liked that dimension anyway'#also hi! I'm back from my 2 weeks away!
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