#Bakaa Boi
yahuuchan · 5 months
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Killua x gon clingy!
Gon is usually not a clingy person he would just give affection to killua like hugs and kisses but he would not hang around to his sleeve all the time.
Today gon wants a lot of attention from killua. Mostly he would directly ask him 'i want attention' but this time is different.
Gon is clinging into his arm and follows him everywhere he goes like a lost puppy
But killua would ignore him all the day and gon gets a little upset about it. At one point killua had enough.
"can you stop it already? You're being 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐲" "so annoying." he murmured the last sentence. killua says in a cold tone with a sharp eyes glaring at gon
He said leaving him in the room alone shutting the door behind him
Gon is just standing there staring at the door with wide eyes, processing in his mind what was he just said now.
He feels sad..but mostly confused.he knows killua his boyfriend, would never say such mean things to him
He will sit on the couch and think about this all day and wherever he goes he still can't get his words out of his mind
At some point he feels like he wanted to cry so hard
He hates the feeling of being so sensitive over these things..
Damn man who can make this adorable cheerful baby to cry (u better apologize killua >:(
He tries to shook off the feelings and thinks killua doesn't mean it. Ofcourse gon will believe killua doesn't mean all those horrible words to him......right?
He tried to cheer up himself by going on a walk, exploring the forest to set his mind off somewhere..but he can't...
Gon never overthinks anything like this but it's the first time he ever felt like this his own lover, killua said those to him....he never spoke to gon like that way before no matter what kind of situation there in.
Meanwhile with killua just staying in his room rethinking all those shitty things he said and also called him annoying. Guilt wash over him
He bit his lips and clenched his fingers together. He decided to apologise to his lover
It's hard for him to face him after he said that but anyway he has to do it he can't just sit around after insulting his lover
Killua knocked on the door he waited anxiously, after some time the door opened as a small male peaked as soon as gon see's killua his face turns quickly to sadness filling his face.
He slowly opened the door wide as a sign of asking him to enter
Killua enters the room as gon closed the door. It was so awkward until killua decided to break the silence
"gon..can I talk to you?" Killua asked as he looked at the floor nervously
Gon nodded, they sat on the bed, gons legs were stiffen and he was fidgeting with his fingers looking at the ground anxiously waiting for killua to say something.
"gon...this morning I said mean things to you...and I am so sorry I was so stressed, you know it's because of illumi he was threatening me like he always does, in that stress I showed it on you..I didn't meant it not one word...I am sorry so so sorry please forgive me baby..." Killua said
Gon eyes teared up he was kind of...relief and happy but..at the same time he is mad at illumi but didn't wanna talk about it.. atleast not now.
"I am sorry i-" suddenly gon jumped on killua and threw his arms around his neck hugging him tightly and smooching him all over the face
Killua's face was so red "g-gon! W-what the hell! Bakaa wait a sec-" gon didn't listen he kept hugging killua and was showering him with kisses
"I am so happy that you didn't mean any of it! I am so relieved!" Gon said as smiled so brightly and giggling
Gon let go off killua and suddenly his face changed into serious killua gave him a confused look
"killua...your brother, illumi...was he really threatening you?" After killua heard that he stayed silent he only nodded his head
Gon face becomes sad he reached for killua's hand and intertwined with his hand and gave it a squeeze as he looked at him reassuringly
"you know killua you can always talk to me about anything I am your boyfriend after all."
Gon smiles as killua finally turned his head to glance at gons face as he chuckled.
"come here Baka..." Killua grabbed gons waist and pulled him to his lap as he hugged him and buried his head on gons chest
"we should not talk about him right now okay? It's my problem I can handle it..you need not to worry about anything" killua said as he gave him a warm smile
"but-" killua smashed his lip with gons shushing him immediately before he can talk
"stop being so freaking stubborn just listen to me for once I don't want you to get involved into my family stuff...I am saying this because your my lover...I love you so so much and you know it very well, if...if anything h-happened to you..i-i c-can't imagine what would i-i would do.."
Gon then smiles and kissed killua forehead "thank you killua for..caring about me"
Killua kissed gon as he licked gon lip "mhmm...taste like strawberry"
Gon blushed and giggles, he kissed killua "yours taste like chocolate!"
Killua chuckled and ruffles gons hair.
"now come on! I am getting reaaallly hungry, shall we go out and eat?"
Gon jumps out of the bed "sure let's go!"
I hope you guys enjoyed you know I am trying to improve on my writing so wish me luck❤️
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pokulyrics-blog · 4 years
YoungBoss - Mens Zonder Tranen Lyrics
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kuroos-moon · 4 years
xvii. “Oikawa’s Worst Nightmare” • Two
Smau Masterlist
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Written Part
Wc: 2.2 k words
7:43 PM 
“I am so sorry love, wake up for me, yeah?” He puts on a sad smile, he wanted to hold your hand but he felt too undeserving to do so. How could he hold you when he caused this? “I’ll be better next time, I’ll be my best, I’ll do anything for you,” he promises, his eyes holding so much pain as they looked at you, he just felt so responsible for what happened to you.
Oikawa sat on a not so comfortable chair beside your bed, scanning the bandage on your head, the light purple bruise on your right cheekbone and the slight scratches on your arms. He could never forgive himself, not that he wanted for that to happen to you, but he really could’ve tried harder or did something better in order to prevent this right? 
“Y/n,” he mutters under his breath, his voice hoarse from the crying after the match ended. The entire match, he held it in, he held it all in- the pain, his worry, the suffocating guilt, it all made his hands shake and his mind a mess, he knew he sucked so bad during the game. He didn’t care that he looked so pathetic, he didn’t care who had seen his tear stained eyes and heard his sobs- he just bolted, leaving his bag, because he just had to see you. 
He was about to caress your cheek, his fingertips almost touching your skin when he hears someone scoff behind him. Turning around, he sees Kageyama with his arms crossed, a scowl on his face as his eyes sharply glare at Oikawa. 
“I’ll take it from here,” he says, “go home or whatever,” he adds, his tone icy as he approaches Oikawa and stands beside him, waiting for him to get up from the chair. “I’m not going anywhere, Tobio-chan,” he responds without looking away from you, his voice devoid of its usual liveliness. 
“I’ll stay with her,” Oikawa says more firmly when Kageyamas huffs at him. “You have no right to!” He slightly races his voice and immediately winces as he receives a kick on the shin from Oikawa. “I understand the resentment but shut the fuck up Tobio-chan, she’s resting,” he says with a fake sweet smile as he looks up at him. 
“You don’t deserve to be by her side,” he scoffs and Oikawa stands up from his chair to be on eye-level with him. “It’s not like you do either,” Oikawa bites back, his childishness getting the best of him. “If you wanna say something then let’s take this outside, you’ve been enough of a pain for her already,” Kageyama sneers and when Oikawa chuckles at him, he felt like he could punch your boyfriend right there on the spot. 
“If you wanna go outside, do so on your own Tobio-chan, I’ll stay here with y/n,” he says with a sigh, remembering where he was- in your hospital room- he had to be at his best and most mature behavior. He was supposedly done with arguing with the fuming boy but he was caught in surprise when he was yanked by his collar. 
“Drop the act, let me see you crumble Oikawa-san,” he says and Oikawa knew exactly what he was talking about. Tobio saw right through his pretending, there was no way in hell he was okay enough to exchange some petty comebacks with his junior because at any moment he was gonna have a breakdown from all his emotions. “You know you’re not good enough for her, no matter how serious you are with her right now, no matter how much you care, you’ve been really shitty in the past right? You really didn’t approach her with good intentions at first, y/n knew that and accepted you but look at where that got her, Oikawa-san,” he spitefully says in a low voice, “all because of you.” 
Oikawas eyes were slightly wide, Tobio was right, spot-on correct. He was tongue-tied, he knew he couldn’t argue back at that at all. “If you care about her like you say you do, then leave her alone, break up with her or whatever,” but that just drove Oikawa over the edge. Yes he was still unworthy of you, but he knew how much you loved each other and leaving you was totally not the answer. 
“I’ll marry y/n Tobio-chan, I already bought a ring so shut up about it,” he clicks his tongue in annoyance, he understood why Kageyama was mad at him, he was thankful you had such a friend, but to tell him to break up with you? “Face it Tobio, you’re just pathetically using this as an excuse to a drive a wedge between us but that would only make my princess unhappy, I couldn’t possibly do that now can I?” He knew just what to say to piss off the boy.
Blinded by anger, he was about to throw a punch right across Oikawa’s jaw but a firm tug at the back of his collar pulls him away from Toru. “I will throw your asses right out that window,” Iwaizumi glares at the both of them. “If you wanna kill each other then do it outside, I’ll watch over y/n,” he says and the two setters just stand there in silence. “Oh, and Tobio, Hinata’s outside.” 
They both look at Iwaizumi as he approaches you, placing a gentle hand on the top of your head as he shows a soft smile. “I’m sorry you have to be with these idiots,” he mutters and Oikawa could be heard scoffing childishly at the background. They all still when you slowly squint your eyes a few times before they open. 
Oikawa just stares at you with wide eyes, feeling his chest lighten at the sight of you finally waking up. “Iwa,” you say with a smile and you may or may not have seen Iwaizumi’s eyes get glossy as he says, “y/n ever so dramatic, what took you so long to wake up.” And you just chuckle at him. 
You try to push yourself up and instantly grip your head as a short but painful throbbing appears at the area you fell on. Kageyama was quick to move to your side and Iwa respectfully gives space for your best friend. “Tobio!” You say with so much enthusiasm that he just felt so happy. 
“Y/n are you okay? Does it hurt? Should I-” but you cut him off as you wrap your arms around his neck, ignoring the pain at your sides. “Don’t get so worried now, bakaa!” You grin at him as you pull away. You cup his cheeks in your hands and scan his eyes, and as you do so, you feel how hot his skin was against yours. 
“Hey you’re burning up,” you scold as you put your hand on his forehead and he just pulls your hands away and holds them in his. “You feeling okay? Does it hurt anywhere?” He asks and you just shake your head and suddenly remember the events of a while ago- more importantly your beloved Toru’s match. 
“Tobio what time is it? Oh crap the match! Wait Iwa’s here! Where’s Toru?” You panic and immediately go quiet when your eyes land on him. He was standing a few feet behind Iwa, he didn’t know how to react. He may also have felt so small when he saw how happy you were to see Tobio, you both looked too close and familiar with each other that he actually wonders for a second how you managed to choose him. 
“Toru,” you pout as your bottom lip quivers and the three of them immediately panic as you were about to cry. Iwaizumi clears his throat before resting a hand on Kageyama’s shoulder, lightly pushing him outside with him. He wanted to oppose but he’d rather not be here either because he didn’t want to see the both of you together anyway. 
So now you were both alone and he still does not take a step towards you, he didn’t understand himself either. Was it the guilt? Or was it the indescribable feeling he felt as he saw how at home you looked with Kageyama? All thoughts were diminished when he sees you bury you face in your hands.
“Y/n, baby, what’s wrong?” He asks as he swiftly makes it to your side, sitting beside you on the bed. His tenses when you hug his waist, burying your face against his chest; he was surprised, but he soon recovers and hugs you back carefully after that. You both held each other, and he patiently waited for you to finish crying as he strokes your hair. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t come to your match,” you sniffle, pulling away from him and he was left speechless. You were crying about that?! “Y/n what- that’s okay, it doesn’t matter, I was so worried about you,” he tells you and you could hear the pain in his voice. Observing him closely, you notice his puffy eyes and you could tell he had been crying. 
“Y/n please forgive me for Jen, if I wasn’t- well if I hadn’t gotten into anything with her, or if I hadn’t been involved with you-” and you cut him off with a kiss. “If you hadn’t, then neither of us would be this happy,” you say in a stern voice. “Don’t you dare blame yourself Toru, you’ll only make me sad,” you tell him and he bites his tongue to keep himself from saying any more about how sorry he was. 
“Come here,” you sigh as you take in the sight of him, opening up your arms; he was clearly fatigued, and his puffy eyes made your heart ache. He doesn’t refuse your hug at all and practically throws himself at you, hiding his face at the crook of your neck as he allowed himself to be vulnerable, whispering a lot of apologies and promises on how he’d never allow anything to hurt you in any way ever again. 
You feel his shoulders lightly shake as he tried to silence his sobs, though you felt his tears anyway, “you’ve had a rough day,” you sigh as you rub his back soothingly, he had just told you about the match they lost too. He pulls away, a pout on his lips as he looks at your face. “Y/n, I love you, I love you so much, and you- you love me too much and I just wanna thank you, uhm, because you stayed and you make me wanna love everything about life,” he rambles on and you simply hug him again.
“I love you so much, my precious Toru” you whisper the last part as you snuggle against him, oblivious to the fact that hearing you say that made his heart clench with so much love and adoration for you.  
A few minutes later, Iwaizumi and Kageyama head back inside and stop in their tracks the moment they see the both of you. He was still sitting beside you, you had your cheek against his chest, your arms around his waist, and he just held you securely so you wouldn’t fall. “Uh, she fell asleep,” he sheepishly says at the two who had just entered. 
Iwaizumi chuckles at the sight. “You’ll stay the night?” He asks his friend. “Of course, and the doctor told me she could be discharged by tomorrow evening if all goes well,” he smiles as he looks down at you, all cozied up in his arms. 
“Hey Iwa, could you maybe watch her for a bit? I’m starving,” he asks, and Iwa notices how Toru had now let go of whatever guilt and sadness he has been feeling a while ago. He was quite amazed actually, Oikawa had a thick skull, it was hard to pull him away from his thoughts, but with you he believes and does anything. 
“Sure,” Iwa replies and Oikawa carefully tries to tear you off him but you slightly whine, opening your drowsy eyes to look at him. “You’re leaving?” You ask and he chuckles at you. “Of course not princess, I’ll just-” 
“Okay so let’s sleep,” you grumble, tugging at his waist so that he lies down with you. He positions your head on top of his arm and felt so content when you wrap an arm around his torso with your face snuggled into him. “We’ll just eat breakfast together,” he tells Iwaizumi before turning his back so that he was now facing you. 
Without saying another word, Kageyama walks off, he didn’t know if it was even possible but the sight of the two of you that way actually made him feel even sicker. 
“Toru I’ll die if you leave me,” you whisper, barely awake and he just hums in response, trying his best not to fall asleep himself because he wanted to listen to whatever you’d be saying while you were asleep. 
“I’ll wear your jersey some other time.” He chuckles softly, planting a soft kiss on your forehead. He found it so adorable how you’ve been looking forward to wearing his jersey and cheering for him as much as he did. 
“Toru, don’t ever leave,” you say again and when he doesn’t answer, “you’ll never leave my side, right?” You ask and he pauses for a while. 
“I’ll be right by your side at all times y/n,” he assures, kissing your lips for a brief moment. “Now go to sleep and rest up, my love.” 
It had been quite a while since you’ve fallen deeply asleep and he just looks at you, caressing your cheeks lightly with his fingers. “I’ll stay, y/n,” he sighs. “I’ll let go of Brazil for you,” he mutters to himself as he looks away from you and up at the ceiling in thought. 
“Who am I kidding, I’d stay here even if you’d ask me to leave,” he chuckles at his silly self, so deeply in love. He was so sure of you that he had indeed already bought a ring.
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surinam-unity · 7 years
Damaru in zee met Bakaa Boi Lucky
Damaru heeft een lied opgenomen met de jonge reggae- en dancehall-artiest Bakaa Boi Lucky (Young Boss). Het gaat om een urban song en wordt begin maart gelanceerd. Over de titel wil de Mi Rosu zanger nog niks kwijt. Hij praat wel vol lof over de samen... from DWTonline.com http://ift.tt/2DWmLBV
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vangiero-blog · 7 years
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surinam-unity · 7 years
Enkele tintjes lichter
De jonge artiest Bakaa Boi (23) zoekt de roem op aan de hand van zijn uiterlijk vertoon. Met succes. Steeds meer mensen lijken hem te kennen vanwege zijn huidblekende handzeep ‘Bakaa Boi Lucky Cake Soap’, in plaats van zijn stem. ‘Een beetje zon is nie... from DWTonline.com http://ift.tt/2wMqRWl
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vangiero-blog · 7 years
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