#Baki mumon
So I'm a sucker for childhood friends that get separated when young and reunite as adults and fall in love. How would the boys be to a reader like that?
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I love a good childhood friends to lovers 🥰 Especially with the sorts of things I write because my parents didn’t hold me enough as a child and that’s why I am mentally ill 🌚 But I am a Yandere account so it’s going to be sick love
Yandere Baki Head Canons
Childhood friends reunited!
Katsumi Orochi and Mumon Katsuragi edition
Katsumi Orochi vs Mumo Katsuragi
You were once their childhood friend. Someone they’d always play games with. Their favorite being you as the princess, Mumon as the dragon, and Katsumi as the knight. Their childhood was full of imagination and promises of marrying you (mostly Katsumi promising). Katsumi hated that you seemed to like his brother more while his brother didn’t seem interested in you
When Mumon left the circus, Katsumi was the one who hogged all of your time. He made sure you didn’t cry much over the loss of your friend (and his brother). Katsumi dedicated himself to filling the hole in your tiny heart
When Katsumi was adopted, he was able to convince his adoptive parents to take you in as well. Katsumi never wanted to be apart from you and his new parents were able to find a family nearby to adopt you. Katsumi was so thrilled that you two didn’t have to be apart. He could protect you forever then!
As you two got older, Katsumi’s feelings only intensified. Meanwhile, you cared for Katsumi as a sibling. Katsumi chased every suitor away from you before you even noticed. He wasn’t going to let anyone swoop in and steal you away. You promised Katsumi you’d marry him one day and he didn’t want you to ever forget that promise
It was the one time he wasn’t around that you ran into Mumon again. His red hair and beautiful face were his trademark. The older Mumon approaching you with a smile as he pulled you into his arms. This is the first time he had ever been the one to initiate affection with you. It rekindled your childhood crush on him
You secretly began meeting with Mumon behind Katsumi’s back. Mumon sharing all of his stories with you and how he’s on a path to avenge his mentor. You just smile and listen. It’s nice to see that Mumon was healthy and safe. Your crush dies down and you see Mumon as a friend but Mumon now sees you in a romantic way, he misses the way you used to cling to him when you were children
You begin to notice Katsumi and his efforts. You ask him out on a date. Katsumi is over the moon that when the two of you finally get to go on a date. He’s been wanting to do this for years but he’s always been too scared to ask you in fear of you not returning an ounce of his feelings
When you meet with Mumon again, you excitedly tell him how you and Katsumi are dating. Mumon smiles politely and excuses himself. He absolutely loses it once he’s far away from you. He’s so angry with himself for not coming to see you sooner. But Mumon isn’t easily going to give up on you. He decides to up the charm
You’re a bit weirded out when Mumon starts bringing you flowers for you friendly meetups and how he brazenly asks you out. You reject him. You’re with Katsumi now
Mumon decides to fight Katsumi. Katsumi is surprised to see Mumon enter the dojo. And even more surprised that Mumon wants to fight him for your hand. But Katsumi takes him up on it. It’s Katsumi’s turn to have your endless adoration. Mumon had his chance and he abandoned you
It’s up to you to decide which of them is worthy of being your partner
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ladythot · 1 year
Since it is 🌸national gf day🌸 I'm gonna drop a few hcs on what the baki men would do/take you out on during hapi hapi girlfie day. I've changed my writing style bc I became xtra lazy. Happy singles day!!!
Also, a weird combination of characters bc they're all whatever I'm feeling for as of now
Genre; fluff—no proofread
— At those fancy restaurants with overpriced menus and exquisite dishes, you'd feel out of place among the rich patrons dining. Those neat walls and dimly sourced lights, then the haughty demeanor that make you feel like you don't belong under the rich roof. Your table would be the one piled-high with every imaginable delicacy, like you were the only one capable of making a dent in their mountain of good food; but at the end of the day, it's not so much about the amount of food served but rather the message that they send—a clear demonstration of their wealth and status meant to be overlooked when it comes to your expense. Everything isn't a huge deal for these two. Same goes for every store you'd wanna buy shit from
— Typical perfect boyfriend stuff. Would plan on doing something special for you by either preparing a nice meal or taking you out for a picnic and having a cheesy picnic by watching the beautiful moonlit sky of Japan, or going out to watch a movie, enjoy a shopping spree or just doing anything you desired at the time. He's skilled at arranging memorable occasions for your sake.
— Despite his aversion to celebrations or any important day, Katou does make an effort for those that he truly cares about. He's not the best at planning events, but he certainly takes note of their birthdays and any other special days that they have, making sure to acknowledge them in his own way. But national girlfriend's day, specifically, is something he wishes he could do better motives from. It's bad enough that he doesn't show much affection towards you and he just wishes he could do better.
— he's literally the worst at it but that doesn't mean he's not willing to show a peek of his love and affection. Instead, he tries to make up for it by doing things he's not accustomed to; such as being more reserved—trying to hold you close, and showing signs of general intimacy. Even if his actions may not be as overall smooth or polished as others', it's clear that he cares deeply for you and is willing to put in the effort to prove it. And if you wanna go somewhere, yeah he'll do just that. He'll be a dog for the day
— Simple pleasures. Suedo prioritizes making you smile over anything else. His go-to spot for the fun is usually amusement parks, arcades, or any other setting reminiscent of childhood joy/healing. He's not one for the high life, but he'll do his best to win you as many prizes as possible.
— Plans to treat you to a luxurious experience such as dining at a fancy restaurant, but his cash prevents him. Though, he mainly prioritizes spending quality time with you somewhere scenic that features cherry blossoms as they hold a special place in his heart and it doesn't have to be all money for him; cherry blossoms symbolize importance to him—so he only shares this kind of sight with the people that hold tremendous significance to him.
Happy national gf day ty for listening to my cheesy bullshit :sob:
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 1 year
Hey, it's me again, really liked your last hc about mumon and musashi, sorry if it's too much for these characters, they are my favorite along side others but thas not the case.
Could you please write retsu, mumon, musashi, baki and sukune(if you don't know who he is he is basically a sumo fighter from baki)with a very shy and small realder that is a belly dancer and perfoms for big crouds and audiences.
Thank you for writhing these headcanons, they allwyas surpass my expectations :)
A kiss on the cheek
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I still don't write for Sukune, just because I don't know how to write about him yet 💕 Thank u so much for reading.
Situation: Shy and small reader that is a belly dancer / Lector timido y pequeño que es bailarín de vientre
Characters: Baki Hanma, Jun Guevara, Mumon Katsuragi, Musashi Miyamoto and Retsu Kaioh.
Baki Hanma.
His jaw dropped for the first time, was everyone seeing the same angel he was seeing? It was something new, a halftime show at a competition he attended, so he was in the front row.
The movements of the S/O stole his breath, he was a little embarrassed to pay so much attention to the movement of their hips, but he simply couldn't take his eyes off them. The sequins that shone with colored lights, the ruffles tied around their waist that floated with every movement, and the elegance with which their hands danced along with their figure, was something he had never seen before.
He came up to the end of the halftime event, when the S/O had already left to freshen up and take a break. Baki didn't know what else to say besides that he really liked the presentation, the S/O nodded silently without looking directly into his eyes with a slightly heated face.
You imagine two embarrassed teenagers trying to talk to each other when everyone notices that they like each other, yes, that's what the scene looked like from the outside.
The S/O was probably the first to escape, while Baki was still trying to make his brain work again. He smacked his face in regretting not having said more, something better.
He is preoccupied with thinking about the S/O the rest of the event, if he's lucky and fast enough he might look for them again to talk to them, maybe ask for their number too.
Baki really liked S/O, he thinks they're so talented and cute, he's a little sorry that they're so shy, but that won't discourage him at all.
Jun Guevara.
He saw the S/O during one of those big presentations and he was simply enchanted, the way they moved, the hypnotic eyes that focused on no one in particular and that outfit that seemed to make them glow in the light. Just captivating.
Movements so well-groomed and elegant that they only called him to look, just gorgeous.
He approached as the show came to a close, he braced himself to receive a flirtatious or even arrogant personality, the S/O was a beauty he was willing to put up with a lousy personality for.
Big was his surprise when the S/O looked at him shyly as he mentioned how dazzling they looked on and off stage. They thanked with a small voice and tried to escape Jun's gaze.
"Is that a timid little thing we have here, hm?" he chuckled when the S/O shrugged without looking back at him, they seemed smaller than they already were.
He let the S/O go before overwhelming them too much, but not before introducing himself in a nicer way, he would try to attend their next performance to have a better chance.
Jun thinks they're cute, just that shyness and dazzling performance of them is refreshing. He wants to see them more.
Mumon Katsuragi.
He's a bit cheeky in his look, the S/O will definitely notice him in the audience. He just thinks they're awesome, it sure took a lot of effort and their practices being able to do those kinds of moves.
His favorite part is the dress, the sequins and ruffles make the outfit sparkle under the artificial lights magnificently. The S/O seems to be covered in gold.
He's probably the one to start the standing ovation, no one was slow to follow because it was definitely a great show.
He sneaked to the back so he could see the S/O, waiting for them in the hallway with a small bouquet of flowers as a gift. He perked up as soon as he saw them come out of the staff room in a different outfit, second show, he guessed.
"You were amazing out there," he says with an easy smile, offering the gift. The S/O embarrassedly accepts the flowers and thanks for the compliment, Mumon watches as he cringes in on themselves in pity.
Mumon is calm and nice to create a good atmosphere with which the S/O would be comfortable, he makes them laugh and tries to make them enjoy his company.
Mumon thinks that S/O is just beautiful, their shy personality gives them a different air, he tries hard to be friendly and not bother them so they can connect with each other.
Musashi Miyamoto.
The S/O can DEFINITELY feel Musashi's gaze on themselves, and who can't?
Musashi watches almost engrossed in the dance they do, all the glitter, music and colors spinning to give S/O a fantastic atmosphere that makes their performance hard to ignore.
He walks through event security like it's nothing, just because he wants to get a closer look at this flashy person after he's disappeared backstage.
The movements replayed in Musashi's mind like a lucid movie, every twist and turn he witnessed etched into his brain.
The S/O shifted uncomfortably under the samurai's watchful eye, the man having cornered them as they stepped out of the staff area, stuttering when they asked if there was anything they could do for him.
Musashi cocks his head and watches them closely, making the S/O more nervous, only to let go of the comment "you're cuter up close".
Musashi probably doesn't understand why they are so nervous after his words, he was being sincere, what's wrong with that?
Retsu Kaioh.
Katsumi and the dojo students took him to see the show, he wouldn't have gone on his own. He watches over the entire show, especially when the S/O comes on the scene.
He gapes throughout the dance, the lights glowing in bright colors bouncing off the S/O's body and attire throughout the dance. The students of the dojo note how his eyes do not stray from the S / O.
S/O's movements were so hypnotic and well-cared for that he couldn't help but wonder how long it took them to achieve such impeccable movements.
He ignores the teasing of his companions at the end of the show when they imitated his expression, Retsu would be a little more focused on getting flowers.
He went to see the S/O with flowers in his hands, the others also accompanied him, and he praised the act of the S/O as soon as he saw them. He saw them laugh nervously as they accepted the detail, "I want to congratulate all the effort you surely put into your dance, it was incredible"
S/O stuttered with gratitude at Retsu's words, and the complicit looks of the karate fighters, before saying goodbye to him to return to their duties.
Retsu was captivated by the impressive presentation of the S/O and by the cute embarrassed expression they made when he praised them, he really hopes that their paths will cross again soon.
Versión en español.
Baki Hanma.
Se quedó con la boca abierta la primera vez, ¿acaso todos estaban viendo al mismo ángel que él veía? Era algo nuevo, un espectáculo de medio tiempo en una competencia a la que asistió, por lo que estaba en primera fila.
Los movimientos del S/O le robaban el aliento, le avergonzaba un poco el prestar tanta atención al movimiento de sus caderas, pero simplemente no podía apartar la mirada. Las lentejuelas que brillaban con las luces de colores, los volantes amarrados a su cintura que flotaban con cada movimiento y la elegancia con la que sus manos danzaban junto con su figura, era algo que jamás había visto antes.
Se acercó al final del evento del medio tiempo, cuando el S/O ya se había marchado para refrescarse y tomarse un descanso. Baki no supo que más decir además de que le gusto mucho la presentación, el S/O asintió en silencio sin mirarlo directamente a los ojos con el rostro un poco acalorado.
Imagina a dos adolescentes avergonzados tratando de hablarse mutuamente cuando todo mundo nota que se gustan, sí, así era como se veía la escena desde afuera.
Probablemente el S/O fue el primero en escapar, mientras que Baki todavía trataba de hacer que su cerebro funcionara otra vez. Se golpeó la cara al lamentarse por no haber dicho más, algo mejor.
Está ensimismado pensando en el S/O el resto del evento, si tiene suerte y es lo suficientemente rápido podría buscarle otra vez para hablarle, quizá pedirle su número también.
A Baki le gusto mucho el S/O, cree que son tan talentosos y lindos, se lamenta un poco que sean tan tímidos, pero eso no lo desalentara para nada.
Jun Guevara.
Vio al S/O durante una de esas grandes presentaciones y él simplemente quedo encantado, la forma en que se movía, los ojos hipnóticos que se concentraban en nadie en particular y esa vestimenta que parecía hacerle brillar bajo la luz. Simplemente cautivador.
Movimientos tan bien cuidados y elegantes que solo lo llamaban para que mirara, simplemente precioso.
Se acercó cuando el espectáculo llego a su fin, se preparó para recibir una personalidad coqueta o hasta arrogante, el S/O era una belleza por la que estaba dispuesto a soportar una pésima personalidad.
Grande fue su sorpresa cuando el S/O lo miro con timidez mientras él mencionaba lo deslumbrante que se veía dentro y fuera del escenario. Agradecieron con una voz pequeña y trataron de escapar de la mirada de Jun.
"¿Es una cosita tímida lo que tenemos aquí, hm?" se rio cuando el S/O se encogió de hombros sin devolverle la mirada, parecía más pequeño de lo que ya era.
Dejo ir al S/O antes de agobiarlo demasiado, no sin antes presentarse de una forma más amable, procuraría asistir a su siguiente actuación para tener una mejor oportunidad.
Jun cree que son lindos, simplemente esa timidez y lo deslumbrante de su presentación son refrescantes. Él quiere verles más.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Es un poco descarado en su mirada, definitivamente el S/O lo notará entre el público. Simplemente cree que son impresionantes, seguro que les tomo mucho esfuerzo y practica el ser capaces de hacer esa clase de movimientos.
Su parte favorita es la vestimenta, las lentejuelas y los volantes hace que el traje brille bajo las luces artificiales magníficamente. El S/O parece estar cubierto de oro.
Probablemente es él quien inicia la ovación de pie, nadie tardo en seguirlo porque definitivamente fue un gran espectáculo.
Se coló a la parte trasera para poder ver al S/O, le espero en el pasillo con un pequeño ramo de flores como obsequio. Se animó tan pronto como les vio salir de la habitación del personal con un vestuario diferente, segundo espectáculo, supuso.
"Estuviste increíble allí afuera", él dice con una sonrisa tranquila, ofreciendo el regalo. El S/O acepta las flores con vergüenza y agradece por el cumplido, Mumon ve como se encoge sobre sí mismo por pena.
Mumon es calmado y simpático para crear una buena atmosfera con la que el S/O estuviera a gusto, le hace reír y procura hacer que disfrute de su compañía.
Mumon cree que el S/O es simplemente hermoso, la personalidad tímida que tiene le da un aire diferente, se esfuerza por ser amistoso y no molestarle para que puedan conectar entre los dos.
Musashi Miyamoto.
El S/O DEFINITIVAMENTE puede sentir la mirada de Musashi sobre sí mismo, y ¿Quién no?
Musashi observa casi ensimismado el baile que hace, todo el brillo, la música y los colores que giran para darle al S/O una atmosfera fantástica que hace que su actuación sea difícil de ignorar.
Él atraviesa la seguridad del evento como si no fuera nada, solo porque quiere ver de cerca a esta llamativa persona después de que desapareció tras bambalinas.
Los movimientos se repetían en la mente de Musashi como una película lucida, cada movimiento y giro que presencio se grabaron en su cerebro.
El S/O se movió incómodo bajo la atenta mirada del samurái, el hombre le había acorralado cuando salió del área del personal, tartamudeando cuando le pregunto si podía hacer algo por él.
Musashi ladea la cabeza y le observa de cerca, poniendo más nervioso al S/O, solo para dejar ir el comentario "también eres lindo de cerca".
Probablemente Musashi no entienda por qué están tan nerviosos después de sus palabras, estaba siendo sincero, ¿Qué hay de malo en eso?
Retsu Kaioh.
Katsumi y los alumnos del dojo lo llevaron a ver el espectáculo, él no hubiera ido por su propio pie. Está atento a todo el show, en especial cuando el S/O entra en escena.
Se queda con la boca abierta durante todo el baile, las luces brillan en colores llamativos rebotando en el cuerpo y la vestimenta del S/O durante todo el baile. Los alumnos del dojo nota como sus ojos no se apartan del S/O.
Los movimientos del S/O eran tan hipnóticos y bien cuidados que no pudo evitar preguntarse cuanto tiempo le tomo conseguir movimientos tan impecables.
Ignora las burlas de sus acompañantes al finalizar el espectáculo cuando imitaban su expresión, Retsu estaría un poco más concentrado en conseguir flores.
Fue a ver al S/O con flores en manos, los demás también lo acompañaron, y elogio el acto del S/O en cuanto le vio. Le vio reírse nerviosamente mientras aceptaba el detalle, "quiero felicitar todo el esfuerzo que seguramente pusiste en tu baile, fue increíble"
S/O tartamudeo con agradecimiento ante las palabras de Retsu, y las miradas cómplices de los karatecas, antes de despedirse para regresar a sus obligaciones.
Retsu estuvo cautivado por la impresionante presentación del S/O y por la linda expresión avergonzada que hizo cuando lo elogio, realmente espera que sus caminos se vuelvan a cruzar pronto.
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poopyballz28 · 1 year
May I ask, what is ur opinion on Katsumi's brother Mumon?
first impressions, wow, this kid is so me. what a total goober. that rinky dinky cap though 💀 im just jokin' guys its cute. also DANG katsumi's biological family must have a cutie patootie gene because this guy is just as cute as his brother.
whats im really interested in though is the connection between yuenchi, baki, and garouden. the first volume of yuenchi literally having jyumei from garouden bust outta nowhere. i think itagakis connections between his manga universes is VERY cool, like that garouden chapter cover where you can literally see baki walking out of the frame and tanba lookin' like "🤨 who the hell was that"
sorry, got kinda off topic, but quite honestly i need to read up more on yuenchi and mumon lore. dont know a crazy lot about it.
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karolinevassalor · 3 months
I want yuenchi anime version.
I want to see Mumon in anime!
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angelicsubject · 1 year
Yuenchi is so underrated cuz I've literally never seen anyone talks about it and it's such a good Baki spin off as well. Like look at the this angel 😭😭😭
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kunichiwakun · 1 year
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I write for dark content. So please, be mindful when interacting.
I write for female readers only, you can request gender neutral readers too.
When sending a request, please be specific ✨ I won’t be able to get them accurately.
Drabbles and headcanons are all that I write for, no fics up to 1k words since this is just a horny blog ❤️
If you’ve reached this far, hop in the sinhole brothers. Make sure you are 18+ ~
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Hector Doyle
Kiyosumi Katou
Katsumi Orochi
Miyamoto Musashi
Mumon katsuragi
Muhammed Ali
I might add more soon❤️
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quirkycombatants · 5 years
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Me: well, I gave Noburu the techniques of southern snake style wushu, designed his style to be around gaslighting an opponent similar to Dorian from Baki and Yuzaki Mumon from Kengan Omega, adopted the techniques of both rihito from Kengan Asura and Sikorsky from Baki...
And that’s not considering the various other techniques such as the fa jin I’ve adopted to him, or the one technique from Wakatsuki from Kengan Ashura I gave him. 
Basically, instead of a quirk, I added techniques to make up the difference and explain his ability to hang with the big boys. Thus his ‘genius of martial arts’ concept.
also me: so should I give him Anji’s mastery of two layers technique from Rurouni Kenshin...?
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 10 months
Hiii, could you please make some hc for guevara, mumon, musashi and retsu with an s/o that is basically an abnormality, for example she has like 4 arms because she was suposed to have a twin but she like ate her in the process and is like albino bit still has some color in her hair like blond and ginger and is like deaf due to the amount of abnormalities that she has and has like spots on her body due to vitiligo and things like that, like a really really weird s/o that is like extremely unic.
I would like to see musashi's reaction like thinking she is like a ghoul or an goddess or even an angel or something.
Sorry if it's too long or it doesn't appeal to you.
Have an amazing day and hope everything is ok with you 💕💕💕
Situation: S/O with some bodily peculiarity / S/O con alguna particularidad corporal.
Characters: Jun Guevara, Mumon Katsuragi, Musashi Miyamoto and Retsu Kaioh.
Jun Guevara.
He cannot believe what he sees, they must be a deity that came down from the heavens to delight humanity with their presences, so majestic and merciful.
No one should doubt his love for his S/O, there is simply no more way for Jun to show how much he loves his S/O in case anyone has any doubts, no matter how they look.
As if this man could find anything wrong with his partner, really, he is an idiot in love with the sea and his S/O. There's nothing else on that head other than his S/O. I'll even leave it at this point, it's just obvious.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Mumon can be curious, but he is extremely laid back, he won't dig too deep if the S/O's are reluctant to talk about their aspects.
He may be a little silly, but he is not an idiot and he knows how to read people, so he will be in charge of making his S/O feel at ease when they are with him.
Sporadic and sincere praise, smiles and good wishes. He is sweet.
If they ever seek to be heard, Mumon will be there, he will listen to their insecurities and make them feel loved. He can understand if they feel too left out in some places and will comfort them for that.
He can make his S/O happy, no matter what they look like, he loves them.
Musashi Miyamoto.
To be honest, I think he would see the S/O as some kind of supernatural deity or spirit.
His mind is greatly influenced by traditional beliefs where he respected and feared supernatural creatures because they brought fortune or destruction.
I think he would kneel in front of the S/O after watching them uncomfortably for a while, asking for wisdom and strength to continue getting stronger.
A little reluctant to stop believing that they are deities, even if someone else or the S/O themselves explains that this is not the case. He'll stop mentioning it out loud, but I'm sure he still believes it.
Their relationship is a little strange at first for this very reason; Many people ask for kisses/blessings from their partners for good luck as motivation, while Musashi will firmly believe that his S/O does grant him luck.
He is the most faithful and devoted admirer of his S/O, he is also the most dangerous, he does not accept insults towards his S/O. They are warned.
Retsu Kaioh.
MY man is really understanding, he wouldn't be able to single out anyone for any particularity, because that's not honorable.
For this man, the sentimental and spiritual connection is painfully important, it is at a level far above the physical appearance.
The S/O will not need to worry about awkward questions when talking to Retsu, he would never point out the S/O's particularities unless they themselves are willing to talk about it. He understands that some people don't like to talk about these issues, so he won't touch it.
If they dare to talk about their aspects, they can trust that Retsu will listen, perhaps the question of “Does this affect your health?”, will leave Retsu's lips listening to them. That's all he cares about.
I'm not trying to say he's the best option yes that's exactly what I mean, I just want to clarify.
Versión en español
Jun Guevara.
Él no puede creer lo que ve, debes ser una deidad que bajo de los cielos para deleitar a la humanidad con su presencia, tan majestuosa y misericordiosa.
Nadie debería dudar sobre su amor por su S/O, simplemente ya no hay más forma en que Jun pueda demuestre cuanto ama a su S/O por si a alguien le queda dudas, se vea como se vea.
Como si este hombre pudiera encontrar algo malo en su pareja, de verdad, es un idiota enamorado del mar y de su S/O. No hay nada más en esa cabeza aparte de su S/O. Incluso lo dejaré hasta aquí, simplemente es evidente.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Mumon puede ser curioso, pero es extremadamente relajado, no indagará demasiado si el S/O se muestra reacio a hablar sobre su aspecto.
Puede ser un poco tonto, pero no es idiota y sabe como leer a las personas, por lo que se encargara de hacer sentir a gusto a su S/O cuando estén con él.
Elogios esporádicos y sinceros, sonrisas y buenos deseos. Es dulce.
Si alguna vez buscan ser escuchados, Mumon estará ahí, escuchará sus inseguridades y los hará sentir queridos. Puede entender si se sienten demasiado excluidos en algunos lugares y los consolará por eso.
Él puede hacer feliz a su S/O, sin importar como se vean, él les ama.
Musashi Miyamoto.
Para ser honesta, creo que él vería al S/O como una especie de deidad o espíritu sobrenatural.
Su mente está sumamente influenciada por las creencias tradicionales en donde se respetaba y temía a las criaturas sobrenaturales porque daban fortuna o destrucción.
Pienso que se arrodillaría frente al S/O después de obsérvales incómodamente por un rato, pidiéndole sabiduría y fortaleza para seguir haciéndose fuerte.
Un poco reacio a dejar de creer que son deidades, aunque alguien más o el propio S/O le explique que no es el caso. Dejará de mencionarlo en voz alta, pero seguro que lo sigue creyendo.
Su relación es un poco extraña al principio por esto mismo; muchas personas piden besos/bendiciones de sus parejas para la buena suerte como motivación, mientras que Musashi creerá firmemente que su S/O sí le otorga suerte.
Es el más fiel y devoto admirador de su S/O, también es el más peligroso, no acepta insultos hacia su S/O. Advertidos están.
Retsu Kaioh.
MI hombre es realmente comprensivo, él no sería capaz de señalar a nadie por ninguna particularidad, porque eso no es honorable.
Para este hombre es dolorosamente importante la conexión sentimental y espiritual, está a un nivel muy por encima del aspecto físico. Muy por encima.
El S/O no necesitará preocuparse por preguntas incómodas al hablar con Retsu, él jamás señalaría las particularidades del S/O a menos que este mismo este dispuesto a hablar de ello. Entiende que a algunas personas no le gusta hablar de estos temas, así que, no lo tocara.
Si se animan a hablar de su aspecto, pueden confiar en que Retsu escuchara, quizá la pregunta de “¿Esto afecta a tu salud?”, salga de los labios de Retsu después de escucharlos. Es todo lo que le preocupa.
No estoy tratando de decir que es la mejor opción sí, es exactamente lo que quiero decir, solo quiero aclararlo.
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ladythot · 1 year
i so badly NEED mumon content in my life. if it’s possible, can you make a drabble or anything about him? NSFW is very welcome 👀
Mumon katsuragi x F!reader
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☇ tw: childhood crushes(fufu), NSFW, fuck at first sight, clothed fingering, no proofread we die like men
☇ word count: 3.1k
☇ been awhile since I wrote an entire fic dedicated to some underrated anime boi. Here's a reddit post about mumon so you get to know how epic he is
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Meeting you after a decade was the most crucial part of the day.
Ever since your body was still on the point of nurturing at the age of nine, his days of doubting you no matter what benefit a day would give you much time to nourish would remain solid. No matter the count of years on ages it would take you to burgeon—just your body to his very eyes was nothing more than a precarious shape. It never convinced him once that you're even capable of holding a pocket knife to your best defense, nor did it assure him you are very well capable of fetching a healthy body anytime soon. That's the elder mumon you knew from your early years of hankering eagerly after him and katsumi's knack for a natural talent in which you didn't understand.
You were persistent to your own self—where punching the wall and bruising your skin became your regular base on challenging his prudence about you. Katsumi was on the same page as his brother about your case but he was much much more careful with his words and actions. In your best consideration he was your favorite. Much like the people you hung out with the most, his older brother mumon wasn't one. He was always out of your sight until you try to look for him despite how much you hated his raw insults, you still consider him a good friend—he's as good as an inspiration to your ambition anyway.
"Don't try to look for me any longer." Were the words that held an empty hope to your heart. It didn't matter how young you were to realize he wasn't capering at your assumptions about him leaving literally but you had hoped he was. He stood high on top of an old rattletrap where two of you would prattle and share everything that had happened in your day. But right then, he was merely standing on top of a memory filled clunker that was enough to remind him everything you two had given each other. He looked down, his eyes glinting sincerity that also flickered with sorrow—his hands tucked at his hoodie pockets.
"I'm fleeing." He says with sole resolveness. Narrowing his eyes a bit when he saw you scrunch at your gritting teeth—"what..what about katsumi..?" Your timid voice breaks "Don't you care about him?" Furrowing your brows, you slowly balled your hands into tightening fists while you looked at him with the same fierce look you give him when he'd make fun of your weak physique.
He shakes his head, squatting carefully on top of the rattletrap. His eyes heaving into a soft gaze as he looks down at you with a faint smile.
"There's a man waiting to take him in. What's there for me to look after?" He says this with a soft chuckle followed by a wider smile. This didn't help with your temper and you knew better than what lies ahead of his excuse. You narrowed your eyes at him that's about close to tearing up from being upset—he notices this and hops down with ease, now standing before you.
"I figured…." He gently places his hand on your head "it's best if I leave." Your fierce gaze hefted into a softer look once you paid attention to how he handles this. Rubbing your head he continued while he played with your hair.
"I..made a grave mistake, never had I thought of running away from my own problems until now because of how heavy it was for me…" he eyes you with the softest look you've ever seen from him. The way he was behaving towards you made you open your eyes at his situation. "..Y/n" your eyes widen when he calls out to you.
"Do me a favor and don't tell a soul. Treat it as if I never existed nor am I worth being in anyone's memory about my flee."
His face had a hint of sorrow engraved in but his hand at the side of your cheek was tender and lively. He caresses it in a way you'll have to remember it as your last contact with him—you placed your hand on top of his, softening your look. He smiles at this, pinching your cheek suddenly.
"Well, I dunno if we'll meet again in the near future…" He chuckled silently, pulling your cheek just about an inch. He seems to be enjoying his contact with your skin since he never thought about how delicate your skin really was other than him taking it in a feeble way.
"But if we did, make sure you kept your promise to me." He says before pulling you into a tight hug then burying his face into your hair, whiffing it as if he'll be keeping it as a mere collection of you. This made him feel nothing like any of the times he felt desperate for something, the body that he had always considered weak was stronger than his need at the moment as you pressed up against him. He couldn't let go just yet, not until he's ready to live a day without seeing you again. If running away with you was an option he'll gladly do so but that was just a mere idea to him.
He stayed nestled against you until one of your playmates came to your concern as it was getting late. Mumon pulls away with a smile, kissing your forehead before he quickly elopes, one last bye-bye and he disappears. You could almost see tears beading in his eyes but you don't blame him, you came to understand the hidden fact he actually had no one else he considers a true 'friend' other than you.
A decade has passed since your last encounter—you both were all grown up to the point of glowing up. Your entire presence had changed into a well nourished one under Katsumi's care and you were more than the lady he deemed 'defenseless' once. He's quite proud of himself to be at your service if it wasn't for his adoptive father giving you a chance to shoot your shot and he wasn't wrong about your burgeoning. You agree to that when you look at the mirror with glee next to a baby picture of you. Whenever you look at it, it makes your doubts about reality And judgment back then subside, you did look awfully weak. And this drifts your mind back to one person that spoke the truth; mumon.
You wondered how he was and where he is, what does he look like now, has he forgotten about you? These were the first questions that would always pop at your slightest bit of recollection about him and you would always end up shrugging it all off.
Mumon had considered himself dead to all the places he flew from since the past years. He didn't care what anyone thought about him anymore as long as you kept your promise to him. He never considered showing up to you again out of pure hesitation—from the looks of his situation you'll probably think he became a bad guy and he's aware of it.
That was until he heard a certain voice in the midst of a festive herd, distinctive yet unclear, but just about enough to piece out an original part from his childhood. And even the name it was calling out to was someone he definitely knew.
"Katsumi!! Katsumi!!"
The tone-the melody and the pitch, seemed all too familiar. He was certain—no, he was right. His eyes finally had the opportunity to envelope your form into his thinking as soon as the crowd gave some space and he couldn't help but let his incredulity get the best out of it.
"Improbable…." He mutters to himself. Hunching his back a little until he was at the level of your height from afar then narrowing his eyes at your form. He gives himself some time to register your figure in a theory he made a mental image of, but more clearly he was just being pessimistic of all things he could possibly make of you. He straightens up, his lips curving into a smile before walking towards the crowd.
"Katsumi..where are you…" your eyes frantically moved from one place to another, you could feel heaps of anxiety shiver down your spine when the crowd tightens with more people at your dismay. You tried walking to a nearby free space when a hand suddenly taps at your shoulder and immediately you turn around.
"You look quite troubled, dear lady" his tone was nothing threatening but gentle. His hat blocking half his face that made it seem impossible to recognize who he is. "May I help..?" He smiles, offering his hand before chuckling a little. You looked at his figure up and down before completely turning to him with a puzzled expression. It seems unknown to you why someone in a tight crowd would help especially with the kind of attire he had.
"No..i-i'm good..thank you.." You bow your head to him before turning your back at him, you could hear him chuckling to himself as you started to walk towards the only free space. He pulls his hat back, his hair dropping to his shoulder length as he smiles. "Y/n L/n." You immediately stopped. Turning back once again only to be met with the one who ushered you to make a promise in favor. Your eyes widened at this, you could tell just how much he's changed since the past decade but he still kept the natural feminine touch.
"Did you keep your promise?"
He closes the gap between the two of you as you remain stilt in front of him. He was tall, and you fail to reckon the last time he walked this close. His body was more slim than katsumi but you could almost see his muscles, enough to tell you what he's all capable of. He scans you up and down, his smile never left when he finds how amusing you looked at him. He laughs, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"It's getting pretty tight here, let's talk somewhere else." The way he looked at you was like the first time he gave you the softest look he could never let you see back then, and you could tell he's still the same person he used to be despite how much he did to change himself. "Katsumi can wait later." He assures you before walking away outside the crowd as you follow right after. Silence prevailed until the sound of people subside in peace as he takes you to a place where cherry trees are present, along with the moon shining down at the nearby river.
He had gathered as many questions he can when he meets you but right now, only one thing concerns him. An idea he's been thinking of since you both were away from each other and what possibility it had on his long journey.
"So…" You turn your head to him. He looks ahead, quite nervous yet curious. "You two…together..?" He smiles to mask the sheer brittle of anxiousness he has while he waits for an answer. The only girl he was really planning to hit on was you, nobody else and if this turns out to be a yes he isn't sure what to make of it.
"Huh..?" He looks down at the ground, appearing nervous but he keeps a cool facade.
"You and katsumi..I mean." His hat hid his expression and you couldn't really make out what he meant and why he'd even ask a question like this that's far to be concerned about.
"No..w-why?" Your eyes would lay on his face as soon as he threw his head back to stare up at the night sky in relief, smiling as he looked down at you. "That's great, thought I wouldn't have a chance with you after all these years without me by your side." "Wha-" before you could say anything else he'd pin you under a cherry tree with a thud from his hand. All you could really do is stay stiff against him as he kissed you, both of your hands pinned against the rough branch while he eagerly bit at your soft lip. Your eyes would flutter close as the kiss would gradually turn into a slow one, just enough to match your pace.
He pulls away with a faint smirk as he pants. You could see how long he's been yearning for something like this, by the way he acted, you couldn't deny how much he missed you even if he flew as a 'friend' and nothing else more than that. Despite this taking a turn on your expectations, you were not complaining.
"Did I scare you there?" His smile widened as he kept his hands on both of your wrists. His voice was light and gentle, hearing it made you melt. When he leans into your neck, you slowly look up at the moon behind him while he whiffs out your scent—his knees weaken. He closes his eyes, taking one more whiff at your scent before placing his thumb on your chin with a satiated look.
"Mumon.." You huffed out with your cheeks beating red as you stared up at him. The moon behind him illuminating everything he had caused you to make this expression out of him—he smiles at this, leaning in for another kiss. The way you said his name didn't help with his urges. His tongue would skillfully roll above and under yours in your mouth while you gasp between kisses, and at your most effort you couldn't really meet with his tongue's pace. All of this was sending you into a pleasurable daze, something you wish two of you had done sooner if that was possible.
He pulls away with a heavy gaze, as if he's lost himself between your moist lips. He gives you a faint smile before laughing quietly. "You look adorable right now, I can't believe it…." His eyes traveled down at your chest—down to your hips, then back to your bashful face. He takes the view all in as he burns the image in his head.
"I should teach you how to kiss.." He chuckled before diving in for another make out. This time, more tongue. You'd moan at this, quivering from the bump of his knee between your legs as he started rubbing it sensually against you—he makes sure he's kneeing rightfully at your clothed weak spot as you moan into the kiss, making him lap and suck at your tongue with a determined face to pleasure you and make you haunt for more once he leaves again for maybe another year. Once he gets bored with the padding of his knee, he would slide a hand down to your thigh as he hoists the hem of your dress over your waist—squeezing the side of your thigh before dragging it upwards your clothed wet clit. He pulls away only an inch to your face, his forehead resting against yours as he smirks. You could feel his hot breath fanning at your delicate skin when he spoke in a low husked voice.
He'd cruelly fondle two fingers at your clothed wet slit, watching every bit of your reaction intently while he holds both of your hands just above your head—making you completely meek and vulnerable at his touch. You look away, biting your lip with your cheeks completely red and wet with sweat. Your thighs would squish themselves together against the hand that was pleasuring you and it made him smile with glee.
"So delicate- like a cute damn doll…" he pinches your clit—making you cry out as you threw your head back against the tree with a thud along with a loud stifled moan. He grins, he doesn't let any of your reaction slip away out of his sight now that you came. He has to eat up all of this, he needs it.
"You came already? That's cute." He chuckles as he watches you pant before him. His hand still working on you to get down your high and once you're finished, he'll slowly take it out and hold two fingers close to your lips. You were still in a daze but you could clearly see how wet you were at the evidence before you—you let out a small moan when he gently slides it down your mouth as you tasted yourself at his fingers, soon followed by him sucking at your tongue once again before he pulls away with a trail that consists of your juice and saliva.
"Good girl…" The sound of his voice was enough to get you weak at the front of your knees. You stare at him, almost as if you didn't want him to leave anymore. You purse your lips that were still glossing from the previous act and he watches intently. Before you could even say anything you could hear katsumi shouting your name from the distance, the tree mumon picked hid you both very well so you took your time to recover quickly before katsumi finds you.
"Aww I'm disappointed" he laughed as he freed your wrists with care. Smiling down at you, "let's meet each other again, not for another decade though.." Your eyes lit up from this as you watched him rub the back of his head.
"Now don't let them see you like this-" He fixes your dress, tidying you up which made you widen your eyes along with a flustered touch at your expression. You could see him blushing a bit when he sees the handprints he left behind your supple skin and the trail of hickeys at your neck, it made him feel content even if he didn't really get to do more—the experience was enough to cover his yearning. Your body still quivered lightly and he noticed this and a feeling of pure joy washed over him. Maybe it was a bit too much pleasure but he was glad to serve you that much, maybe enough to crave for more.
"Mumon..come back..safe?" Your tone of voice was quiet and your breath was still shaky but he nodded at your question nonetheless.
"Yeah, I'll do. Far as I know we're gonna do more than this when we meet again and I can't pass up that opportunity" he joked. His smile curving into a wide one as he places his hands on your shoulders. "I'm sorry I rushed it..I just had to.." A faint blush grew on his face out of shame. He could've really talked you out to get you in the mood but he chose to rush. He sighs When he hears another round of katsumi shouting your name like you're a missing child—he then kissed your forehead just like back then when he was about to flee.
"See ya 'round, babs"
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 1 year
Hey,I have another request for you :)
Could you please kame baki, katsumi, musashi, retsu and mumon with an S/O being harassed by someone (it could be in any way, shape and form, you decid wich one you are confortable wiht) and then being comforted by them, if not, could you do with the same character a scenario where they were catcalled in public because of their curves like for example some dude saying "good ass gatito ;)" in a amusement park.
Take your time with this and do it olny if you want
Have a good day/evening/afternoon/night :)
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I’ve already written several things about "S/O being harassed", so I’ll go for the other option
Situation: Strangers catcalled to their S/O / un extraño le grita cosas en la calle a su S/O.
Characters: Baki Hanma, Katsumi Orochi, Mumon Katsuragi, Musashi Miyamoto and Retsu Kaioh.
Baki Hanma.
Baki turns to face the strange person who addressed his S/O, his face calm, but with a strange look.
He approaches the subject with his hands in his pockets, facing him when they were face to face with each other. His S/O came after Baki to prevent something very serious from happening.
"That was rude, don't you think?"
His gaze is the warning at this moment, although his words were calm, the image left by the Hanma was intimidating.
His S/O got an apology and the other person a nightmare picture just for a comment.
Katsumi Orochi.
Katsumi listens to what his S/O was told with a grimace, his face making it clear how that comment annoyed him.
He turns to look at his S/O just to make sure they're not too affected by it, he holds his hand as a silent comforter to soothe their annoyance/discomfort.
He will get an apology for his partner, he tries to take it easy when he talks to the person so they know he is waiting for them to understand what they have done.
However, he doesn't care about the person getting difficult, if he has to bring the person in front of his S/O and make them bow down, well he'll do it.
They will go on their way with Katsumi grumbling that they were so rude to the his dear S/O and how they don't deserve something like that.
Mumon Katsuragi.
"People can be so rude," he mentions to his S/O when he hears the person laugh at his own comment.
According to how his S/O reacts, so will he react. If they let them through, Mumon will make them forget about it; If, on the contrary, his S/O gets angry, then Mumon will go to stand up for his partner.
If he feels merciful, he will just annoy the other person with silly comments just like that person did with his S/O. Bonus points if he gets an S/O laugh out of him in the process.
If he wants to deal with it faster and nonchalantly, Mumon could "put" that rude person to sleep. You know what I mean.
He returns with his S/O so they can continue their ride together.
Musashi Miyamoto.
The person who yelled at his S/O could recoil just from Musashi's gaze, and really, Musashi doesn't need to have an angry expression, it's just that his eyes are… Intriguing.
He will be intimidating them without trying, "what did you say to them?" Those words sound normal, however, the swordsman's big eyes and social awkwardness make it seem like a threat.
He cocks his head when the person hastily apologizes to his S/O, he doesn't fully understand but stands by and just lets it happen.
He'll probably ask his S/O as soon as they're left alone.
He is now attentive to the comments of others towards his S/O, he can misjudge some occasions when someone tries to be nice to his partner, but at least he prevents nasty comments from going unpunished. I do not promise that it will be peaceful.
Retsu Kaioh.
He pouts, does anyone really think that saying that kind of thing will get anything done?
He thinks they are extremely rude and if his S/O complains he will make the person apologize to them. He would actually force them to bow down and apologize for making his mate uncomfortable.
He might also scold you with something like "you should think before you speak, much more before you blurt out a comment like that."
He asks his S/O if they're okay, if the comment made them feel bad or offended.
He believes that kind of behavior is repulsive directed towards anyone, but especially if it's directed towards his S/O.
Versión en español.
Baki Hanma.
Baki se voltea para encarar a la persona extraña que se dirigió a su S/O, su rostro calmado, pero con una mirada extraña.
Se acerca al sujeto con las manos en los bolsillos, encarándolo cuando estuvieron frente a frente el uno del otro. Su S/O vino detrás de Baki para evitar que algo muy grave pase.
"Eso fue grosero, ¿no crees?"
Su mirada es la advertencia en este momento aunque sus palabras fueran calmadas, la imagen que dejaba el Hanma era intimidante.
Su S/O consiguió una disculpa y la otra persona una imagen de pesadilla solo por un comentario.
Katsumi Orochi.
Katsumi escucha lo que le dijeron a su S/O con una mueca, su rostro deja en evidencia como ese comentario le molesto.
Se voltea a ver a su S/O solo para asegurarse que no esté demasiado afectado por ello, sostiene su mano como un consuelo silencioso para consolar su molestia/incomodidad.
Conseguirá una disculpa para su pareja, trata de tomarlo con calma cuando habla con la persona para que sepa que está esperando que entienda lo que ha hecho.
Sin embargo, no le preocupa que la persona se ponga difícil, si tiene que traer a la persona frente a su S/O y hacer que se inclinen, pues lo hará.
Seguirán su camino con Katsumi refunfuñando porque fueron tan groseros con su querido S/O y como no se merecen algo como eso.
Mumon Katsuragi.
"Las personas pueden ser tan groseras" menciona para su S/O cuando escucha a la persona reírse de su propio comentario.
De acuerdo a como su S/O reacciona, igualmente él reaccionara. Si lo dejan pasar, Mumon hará que se olvide de ello; si por el contrario, su S/O se enoja, entonces Mumon ira a dar la cara por su pareja.
Si se siente misericordioso solo molestara a la otra persona con comentarios tontos al igual que lo hizo esa persona con su S/O. Puntos extras si le saca una risa a su S/O en el proceso.
Si quiere lidiar con ello más rápido y despreocupadamente, Mumon podría "poner a dormir" a esa grosera persona. Saben lo que quiero decir.
Regresa con su S/O para que puedan continuar con su paseo juntos.
Musashi Miyamoto.
La persona que le grito a su S/O podría retroceder solo con la mirada de Musashi, y realmente, Musashi no necesita tener una expresión de enojo, es solo que sus ojos son… Intrigantes.
Los estará intimidando sin intentarlo, "¿qué le has dicho?" esas palabras suena normales, sin embargo, los ojos tan grandes del espadachín y su torpeza social hacen que parezca una amenaza.
Ladea la cabeza cuando la persona se disculpa apresurada ante su S/O, no comprende completamente, pero se queda al margen y solo deja que pase.
Probablemente le pregunte a su S/O tan pronto se queden solos.
Está atento ahora ante los comentarios de los demás hacia su S/O, puede juzgar mal algunas ocasiones cuando alguien trata de ser amable con su pareja, pero al menos impide que los comentarios desagradables se queden impunes. No prometo que sea pacíficamente.
Retsu Kaioh.
Él hace mala cara, ¿realmente alguien cree que con decir esa clase de cosas conseguirá algo?
Cree que es extremadamente grosero y si su S/O se queja hará que la persona se disculpe con ellos. Realmente lo obligaría a inclinarse y pedir una disculpas por hacer sentir incómodo a su pareja.
También podría regañarlo con algo como "deberías pensar antes de hablar, mucho más antes de soltar un comentario como ese".
Le pregunta a su S/O si está bien, si el comentario les hizo sentir mal u ofendidos.
Cree que ese tipo de comportamiento es repulsivo dirigido hacia cualquiera, pero especialmente si es dirigido hacia su S/O.
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ladythot · 11 months
If it isnt much, can I have more of your mumon art? 🥺👉👈 thats my only request
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It is sometimes Mumon Katsuragi missing hours
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 1 year
Hey, I know that i've already asked agood amount of hc but could you please make an hc for retsu, musashi, mumon, sukune and jun with an S/O that was almost killed by someone like their enemy or something (like a very graphic and bloody injuries that are basically exposing the bone or the whole body is basically fully bruised) but they get to the hospital and they are in a coma and they wake up after 3 to 6 months or so moments before their S/O is umpluged from the life support and everyone thought that they were basically dead.I would like to know about their thoughts, feelings and plans after they thought they were going to lose their S/O and their plans for the future, also what they would do the person and how would they react to their S/O coming back and some aftermate.
Thanks for having the patience to deal with so many asks.
Heres a kiss for my FWACCOF(Favorite Writer And Content Creator Of Tumblr)
P.S.(I know that this kind of reads "fuck off" but I liked the acronym so I'll let it stay)
Hope you have a nice second/minute/hour/day/week/month/year/life/eternety.
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Situation: Baki's men's train of thought when an enemy attacks their S/O. / Tren de pensamiento de los hombres de Baki cuando un enemigo ataca a su S/O.
Characters: Jun Guevaru, Musashi Miyamoto, Mumon Katsuragi and Retsu Kaioh.
Jun Guevaru.
"These months have been exhausting without them, so stressful how everyone seems to go on with their lives while I feel lost because they didn't react, but they have finally come to their senses. They have opened their eyes and looked at me after so long, I really missed those beautiful eyes.
Who could even think of hurting you, mi amor? What kind of monster could hurt you, mi ángel?
I must make sure that your house is protected so that this incident does not happen again. A couple of my men could regularly hang around there just to keep the perimeter clear, I'll be with them anyway so I can protect them. Oh how I've missed you…"
Musashi Miyamoto.
"It's ridiculous to take it out on someone who can't defend themselves, what logic is there in attacking others when the target is me? The discomfort in my chest hasn't disappeared since they were attacked a couple of months ago, now that they woke up I felt less… Uncomfortable, but that feeling is still there.
Is it some kind of desire for revenge? Revenge doesn't taste so bitter, besides, I'm satisfied when I use my katanas on the offender. I don't understand what happens.
I don't understand how they are still here either, their slow breathing and their lack of mobility during these months only gave me an image of what I thought was the future, I don't know how they managed to come back to life, but I will stay with them until they can explain it to me…"
Mumon Katsuragi.
"They opened their eyes, heaven has finally heard my pleas, maybe God got tired of hearing me cry at night to get them back to me. I stopped myself, I wanted to jump on them and kiss them as if I hadn't seen them in years, but I I held back; her condition is delicate and I must be careful.
The doctors haven't stopped talking about her treatment and diet from now on, that old cookbook I found at her house should help me a bit. They probably don't mind me staying at their apartment, I spend most of my time there and they need help right now.
I have to go home before them, I have to clean and change the sheets so they can rest as soon as they get out of the hospital, maybe they want to eat something after a long time? Probably, I'll take care of bringing today's dinner so that I can regain my strength after all these months…"
Retsu Kaioh.
"They are fine, they are fine, they have finally woken up and just in time, just when I lost hope of one day being able to see their eyes looking at me once more. If only I had been by their side when they needed me most, maybe if would have paid more attention to their surroundings they would not be here, they would not have suffered as they did.
The wounds have healed, but they need therapy and periodic checkups to make sure they are better. Maybe I should ask them to move in with me so that I can take care of them properly during all the remaining time of recovery and therapies, that would also allow me to be around for them when they need to do something and their injuries do not allow it.
A good diet is also vital, it could supply the pantry with foods rich in vitamins and nutrients, meat and fish, reduce sugar and bad substances for a period of time. The tea is medicinal, surely they will manage to calm your discomfort and help you sleep. I should take out the inflatable bed and offer them my bed, the important thing is that they are comfortable and rested…"
Versión en español.
Jun Guevaru.
"Estos meses han sido agotadores sin ti, tan estresante como todos parecen seguir sus vidas mientras yo me siento perdido porque tu no reaccionas, pero finalmente has vuelto. Al fin abriste los ojos y me miraste después de tanto tiempo, realmente extrañaba esos hermosos ojos.
¿Quién podría siquiera pensar en hacerte daño, mi amor? ¿Qué clase de monstruo podría lastimarte a ti, mi ángel?
Debo asegurarme de que tu casa esté protegida para que este incidente no se repita. Un par de mis hombres podrían pasearse regularmente por allí solo para mantener el perímetro libre, de todas formas estaré junto a ti, así que puedo protegerte. Oh, como te he extrañado…"
Musashi Miyamoto.
"Es ridículo desquitarse con quien no puede defenderse, ¿Qué lógica existe en atacar a otros cuando el objetivo soy yo? La incomodidad en mi pecho no ha desaparecido desde que fue atacado hace un par de meses, ahora que despertó me he sentido menos… Incómodo, pero ese sentimiento sigue allí.
¿Será alguna clase de deseo de venganza? La venganza no tiene este sabor tan amargo, además, quede satisfecho cuando use mis catanas en el causante. No entiendo que sucede.
Tampoco entiendo como sigue aquí, sus lentas respiraciones y su falta de movilidad durante estos meses solo me dieron una imagen de lo que creía era el futuro, no sé cómo logro regresar a la vida, pero me quedaré a su lado hasta que pueda explicármelo…"
Mumon Katsuragi.
"Abrió los ojos, el cielo al fin ha escuchado mis súplicas, quizá Dios se cansó de escucharme llorar por las noches para que me lo devuelvan. Me contuve, quise saltar sobre el y besarles como si no le hubiera visto en años, pero me contuve; su estado es delicado y debo tener cuidado.
Los doctores no han parado de hablar sobre el tratamiento y la dieta que debe seguir de ahora en adelante, ese viejo libro de cocina que encontré en su casa debería ayudarme un poco. Probablemente no le moleste que me quede en su apartamento, paso la mayor parte del tiempo allí y necesita ayuda justo ahora.
Debo volver a casa antes, debo limpiar y cambiar las sábanas para que puedan descansar tan pronto salga del hospital, ¿quizá quiera comer algo después de mucho tiempo? Es probable, me encargaré de traer la cena de hoy para que pueda reponer fuerzas después de todos estos meses…"
Retsu Kaioh.
"Está bien, se encuentra bien, al fin ha despertado y justo a tiempo, justo cuando perdí la esperanza de algún día poder ver sus ojos mirándome una vez más. Si tan solo hubiese estado a su lado cuando más me necesitaba, quizá si hubiera puesto más atención a su alrededor no estaría aquí, no hubiera sufrido como lo hizo.
Las heridas han sanado, pero necesitan terapia y revisiones periódicas para verificar que están mejor. Quizá deba pedirle que se muden conmigo para que pueda cuidarles debidamente durante todo el tiempo restante de recuperación y terapias, eso también me permitiría estar cerca cuando necesite hacer algo y sus heridas no se lo permitan.
Una buena dieta también es vital, podría abastecer la despensa con alimentos ricos en vitaminas y nutrientes, carnes y pescados, disminuir los azúcares y sustancias malas durante un periodo de tiempo. El té es medicinal, seguro que lograran calmar sus molestias y les ayudaran a dormir. Debería sacar la cama inflable y ofrecerle mi cama, lo importante es que esté cómodo y descansado…"
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 1 year
Hey it's me again, could you please do some hc about mumon, jun and miyamoto musashi with a masculine looking S/O who is a woman but people usually think that she is a man due to her height (by the way could you make her taller than the other please?) muscular physic and also because she is a really good fighter who not once but twice beat the sh*t out of them when helping then train or something?
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By the way,i'm glad that your back again, your works really help me and my anxiety and other mental illnesses.
Situation: S/O masculine looking / S/O de aspecto masculino
Character: Jun Guevaru, Mumon Katsuragi and Musashi Miyamoto.
Jun Guevaru.
As if there was anything in this world that could make this man stop being madly in love with his S/O, he's stupidly in love, no one is going to get him out of there.
He's writing poems about the beauty behind his partner's sculpted muscles and the way all the depressions between his partner's muscles are little bits of hell that tempt him to touch and touch with love for his S/O.
The man is so lost in his love that he doesn't see a problem with his S/O, in any case, the others would be the problem in Jun's eyes.
Speaking of Jun's eyes and the way he sees his partner, do you know about the pink glasses of love, which is the metaphor that when we fall in love we put on glasses that make us see everything that has to do with our partner as a good thing and, in short, gives us a picture of a pink world that is perfect? You know what I'm talking about, right?
Well, Jun doesn't have the pink glasses of love on, he has them attached to his eyes.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Funny, because he is often mistaken for a woman because of his soft features, it's funny.
I really don't think it bothers him that her partner looks muscular and masculine, if he fell in love with her it was for a reason, right? The exterior or the image that his partner shows to others is not going to change what he feels.
Mumon appreciates that the practice together and teach him new things when it comes to fighting. He learns everything very quickly, he is incredibly dedicated to what he is passionate about.
He is also a bit dramatic, if his partner knocks him down he will lie on the ground only to laugh when his S/O apologizes for hurting him. He's fine, but he loves to joke around, that's all. Hit him again.
But it's funny that they both get confused by the way they look, it's funny.
Musashi Miyamoto.
He's a bit conflicted, it's the first time he's seen such a worked body of a woman. Some somewhat archaic ideals are pressing on his brain.
But Musashi does not understand many things and he is not interested in understanding either, the only thing he contemplates is that his partner is strong, although his brain is restless to find a "why", he ends up getting used to it.
Probably, he tests the strength of his mate day by day, like he attacks her every day to check that she is still strong. He's a bit annoying, he really is.
Versión en español.
Jun Guevaru.
Como si existiera algo en este mundo que pudiera lograr que este hombre deje de estar perdidamente enamorado de su S/O, está estúpidamente enamorado, nadie va a sacarlo de ahí.
Está escribiendo poemas sobre la belleza detrás de los esculpidos músculos de su pareja y de la forma en que todas las depresiones entre los músculos de su pareja son pequeños trozos de infierno que lo tientan a tocar y tocar como muestra de amor hacia su S/O.
El hombre está tan perdido en su amor que no ve problema con su S/O, en todo caso, los demás serían el problema ante los ojos de Jun.
Hablando de los ojos de Jun y la forma en que ve a su pareja, ¿saben de los lentes rosas del amor que es la metáfora acerca de que al enamorarnos nos ponemos unos lentes que nos hacen ver todo lo que tiene que ver con nuestra pareja como algo bueno y, en pocas palabras, nos da una imagen de un mundo rosa que es perfecto? ¿Saben de qué hablo, cierto?
Bueno, pues, Jun no tiene puestos los lentes rosas del amor, él los tiene adheridos a sus ojos.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Gracioso, porque a él suelen confundirlo con una mujer debido a sus facciones suaves, es gracioso.
Realmente no creo que le moleste que su pareja se vea musculosa y masculina, si se enamoró de ella fue por algo, ¿verdad? El exterior o la imagen que su pareja muestra a los demás no va a cambiar lo que él siente.
Mumon aprecia que practiquen y le enseñen cosas nuevas a la hora de pelear. Aprende todo muy rápido, es increíblemente dedicado a lo que le apasiona.
También es un poco dramático, si su pareja lo derriba de un golpe se quedará tirado en el suelo solo para reírse cuando su S/O le pide perdón por lastimarlo. Él está bien, pero adora bromear, es todo. Golpéalo otra vez.
Pero es gracioso que a ambos los confundan por la forma que se ven, es gracioso.
Musashi Miyamoto.
Está un poco conflictuado, es la primera vez que ve un cuerpo tan trabajado en una mujer. Algunos ideales algo arcaicos están presionando su cerebro.
Pero Musashi no entiende muchas cosas y tampoco le interesa entender, lo único que contempla es que su pareja es fuerte, aunque su cerebro este inquieto por encontrar un “por qué”, termina por acostumbrarse.
Probablemente, prueba la fuerza de su pareja día a día, como si la atacara todos los días para comprobar que sigue siendo fuerte. Es un poco molesto, realmente lo es.
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ladythot · 1 year
What is ur opinion on all the Yuenchi characters that appeared so far?
Now this is a very great opportunity for me to introduce some of the cuties in the gaiden but let me just show you this unnamed boxer cutie before startin off with a few characters—
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*heart eyes, dick hard*
We'll call him boxer cutie, I recall he appears in 12th chapter but anything pass 11 of yuuenchi is almost nonexistent 'less you're desperate like me to go on reddit and scourge for the rest. I love his chill, free and easy personality. But one thing that bothered me is (cw spoilers) my guy already experienced his last moments before mumon could even become a bodyguard at his place and lost to one of those vacuum palm users aka nincompoops like yanagi, hopefully he atleast gives us his name before he rests in peace kek
Mumon Katsuragi :aka the bakiverse inosuke
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He's a natural cutie. I find it intriguing how his lips have more color than the rest of the male characters in the gaiden and female characters usually have those, right? I like it when people ask if he's a woman as soon as he takes off his cap. He probably wears it to look more manly and convincing. Besides that, I realize how close the connections are between presumably distant characters and characters he had raw connections with aka Tokugawa/taizan/rofu/kozue etc. They all know about katsumi and it makes me wonder if there's a time where lil informations about eachother are occasionally brought through random moments as they think about that time in the circus
I'd also like to say since he left the circus; there's one panel where kid katsumi can be seen crying over him and his dad, he slipped during his performance because he was worried about mumon and this goes back to that one canon detail where katsumi still appreciates his biological mom despite her having to leave him the same way—This small angsty detail burdened me with profound woes and made me feel bad for my boy katsumi because mumon never planned turning on his heels once as he left daw fuck me bro, me thinks what ifww katsumi held a grudge on him instead and they fwight epicly at the very end
Overall? He's such a good boy, but in the latest chapters....? He became feral after his trauma was relived (chapter 16)
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Taizan Matsumoto
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Best dad no words. He raised mumon so well—no better dilf could simply replace his raw capability as a functional parent in the bakiverse. Not only does he headlock properly, he takes things to another level by being the solid mvp of the gaiden. Mumon would simply stay as a famishing stray kid without him, what more is there without this man prior to recent chapters? None. He's such a good father figure to both mumon and kozue, but good things come to end sooner than bad earnings—Itagaki why indeed.
I think he's the reason why mumon likes hanging out under cherry blossoms? someone mentioned that and I'd like to take the lovely idea to heart without correcting myself or the other person in hand
Rofu Isomura
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Interesting character. Love him and the faces he made with kid mumon, their interaction, growth and everything. Anything about their interaction was wholesome and it showed mumon's unspoken aptitude for quick learning and being a genius at mastering techniques at such a young age. He's funny too, so unpredictable yet enjoyable
Mizuchi Koganemaru
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Ya really need my opinion lastly on this silver spoon? His talent for nude sculpting is pretty impressive and we're not hinting at the sculpture of lady in the corner of his room. I think he's so mysterious, I like it. But also, there haven't been enough source for the recent chapters nor updates so I can't tell much about my opinion on him. One thing I wanna know is, what's he doin sculpting mumon and holding the manmade cement head huh.
I vouch yuuenchi for the unique art style and well written details for the manga artist to consider drawing in the upcoming chapters :heart emoji: they have all my respect in terms of making mumon and the rest. The more the merrier innit for the main anime?
There are a few more characters I've had peeks of in the latest chapters which is really hard to find by the way, but this is all I could say for now lawl
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ladythot · 1 year
Giev us your boobs rAWR!!!
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