#Ball Corporation - ABC do ABC
edsonjnovaes · 4 months
Quantas latinhas precisam ser coletadas para conseguir um salário mínimo?
Com a queda nos preços da venda de materiais recicláveis, os catadores enfrentam mais dificuldades para chegar em uma quantidade de material equivalente ao salário mínimo, atualmente em R$ 1.412. Dados da Associação Nacional dos Catadores (Ancat) apontam que há mais de 1 milhão de homens e mulheres na função. Terra – 12 mai 2024 CNN Mais Verde: Brasil atinge 99% de reciclagem de latas de…
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thatstormygeek · 5 months
Late night comedy shows have been having a ball with Trump—now known as “Don Snorleone”—for falling asleep.  On Monday night, Jimmy Kimmel responded on his ABC show to Trump dozing off again with a barrage of jokes such as, “The city that never sleeps versus the defendant who keeps nodding off during the trial.” Jon Stewart on The Daily Show chimed in Monday night with his quip about Trump napping in court, “As he should. I mean, he’s been up since 2 a.m. rage tweeting. He needs his anger sleep.”  (Last Monday, Stewart covered Trump falling asleep with a great run of jokes, including: “Imagine committing so many crimes, you get bored at your own trial.”) And last week, Stephen Colbert did a series of very funny jokes on his CBS show after Trump fell asleep the first two days of the trial. A few of Colbert’s quips at Trump’s expense include, “Yesterday, Trump fell asleep. During the proceedings. He took a little white power nap.” Colbert added, “But today he was sharp, focused and…he fell asleep again.” Later Colbert joked, “Well, I think we found the new mascot for Celestial Seasonings: Sleepy crime tea.” 
I’m not sure if the corporate media will ever change when it comes to covering their golden calf Trump who provides them with ratings and revenue. But at this point I will rely on the comedians for political news given they are doing better work than corporate media journalists—and they are making it funny!
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wutbju · 2 years
This is a compilation from Brian Fuller's statements to ABC News 20/20 in April 2011. Notice that he's not "standing" with Tina Anderson. He's blaming the Concord police, and he gets caught protecting a sexual predator, Tina's stepfather, Daniel Leaf.
Here's a transcript:
Fuller: I'm supposed to love my children. I'm never supposed to ever do anything out of anger or manipulation, and that's what our people are taught here.
Fuller: We advocate biblical discipline to our children, which is why the Bible has a lot of consequences for children. One of them would be corporal punishment. One of them would be our time. Amounts one of them would be a a lack of privilege. Any form of discipline that's done out of anger or selfishness, revenge or irritation, is out of bounds.
Fuller: Children are a gift from God, and each of my children are my treasures, and this is not pastoring. This is not the way we shepherd our parents. This is not what we teach them.
Fuller: I repudiate any type of abuse on a child.
Fuller: My point is, Elizabeth, there is a junk drawer here with people who are doing really bad, evil on Christ, like things from a pulpit. But just because they're independent fundamental Baptist churches does not mean they're tethered to us.
Fuller: This isn't a network, and it just happens you get educated at places that hold many of the same principles that you're going to use in ministry.
Fuller: That's not love. That's arrogance and, you know, one day he'll stand before the Lord Jesus and. Give an account for that.
Elizabeth Vargas: Bryan Fuller, the current pastor of Tina's former church, Trinity Baptist, claims he was shocked to learn what happened to her and to Ernie Willis.
Fuller: Tina Anderson should have never stood before our congregation. She was a victim. She was a minor. Ernie Willis should have never been allowed to stay in this congregation after he confessed to this crime the years following. It's outrageous that he remained here.
Elizabeth Vargas: Both Fuller and Pastor Phelps blame the police for their lack of action.
Fuller: No one ever followed up on the reports. Our law enforcement is supposed to arrest, is supposed to punish. The police, the Concord Police Department dropped the ball.
Fuller: They absolutely did. We've got a police force at 13 years ago that were delinquent on their duties.
Elizabeth Vargas: So what do you think, Pastor? Should they have warned the congregation about Ernie Willis?
Fuller: Following this situation, he's not before our congregation. He's out the door.
Elizabeth Vargas: You warn members of your congregation when there are sex offenders in their midst correct?
Fuller: That's right.
Elizabeth Vargas: You have two registered sex offenders currently in your church? Do people in this congregation, do families with children here know that these men have been convicted and served time?
Fuller: All of those all of those things are accessible to them via the New Hampshire sex offenders website.
Elizabeth Vargas: One of those sex offenders is Daniel Leaf, Tina's stepfather Daniel Leaf has repeatedly abused children. Don't you think other families here should be warned about that?
Fuller: That's the great point, yeah.
Elizabeth Vargas: Would you like to know before you send your child to some sort of event that Daniel Leaf might be at that he's been in prison a few times for abusing kids?
Fuller: They're chaperoned that people know where they're at our security team whenever they enter the building. So I'm very comfortable with that.
Elizabeth Vargas: Comfortable allowing Leaf to remain in the choir alongside minors. That is, until last May after Tina's case became public. And Leaf was no longer seen singing on Sundays.
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
June 27, 1965
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Every so often a new comedienne is hailed and toasted by the critics and public. None of them in the past 15 years has shown the talent or endurance of Lucille Ball. 
Cara Williams (1) was touted as "the new Lucy." She never came close because the old Lucy was too good for her. Carol Burnett (2) has had some good innings, but is discovering that it takes more than a rubbery mouth and a knack for slapstick to be a great comedienne. 
Nanette Fabray (3) skyrocketed briefly as Imogene Coca's successor with Sid Caesar, but without Caesar both gals found their comedy careers progressing at a very uneven gait. 
Elaine May (4) - of Nichols and May - is more a method actress than a comedienne and hasn't much of a track record without her partner in comedy. Audrey Meadows (5) never found herself as a comedienne after The Honeymooners (with Jackie Gleason). 
Connie Stevens (6) tried to follow in the late Gracie Allen's path of non sequiturs, but her timing is way off the mark. Elizabeth Montgomery (7) rang the Nielsen rating bell consistently this season, but no one knows for sure if she can do it without an imaginary broomstick for a prop. 
Martha Raye (8), who is a veteran at the business like Lucy, is the only comedienne that comes to mind as a genuine competitor in this league. Lucy beats her out in the versatility department because she can play it for the quick chuckle or the big belly laugh. With Martha it's the big boffola or nothing. 
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Lucy has that rare faculty for bringing a wild line of dialogue or an almost ludicrous situation into the realm of believability. When she and former husband Desi Arnaz were about to embark on the I Love Lucy TV series 14 years ago, a nervous CBS-TV program executive inquired, "But will people believe she is married to a Cuban bandleader?" 
His fears were groundless. It didn't matter if it was a Cuban bandleader or a bowlegged Martian. Lucy can stare at the most hard-boiled skeptics with that wide-eyed by-golly-it's-true look and convince them of 'most anything’. 
Even within the cramped confines of weekly domestic situation TV comedy, Lucy is able to display enough sides of her many-faceted comedy personality to sustain threadbare plots. As with Charlie Chaplin, the audience savors the technique employed, even though they can foresee every turn in the script. 
At a CBS convention of affiliated station managers in Los Angeles last May, Lucy and Don Knotts posed as owners of a "35-watt TV station" in a short skit which wasn't particularly loaded with laugh-lines. But Lucy in an old blue hat and a wraparound fur neckpiece, and Don in a luau shirt, knew just the attitude to strike. Just their way of standing there was enough to give this audience the message. Sinclair Lewis never said it any better in his novel "Main Street." 
Next season (her fourth without Desi) Lucy will play it minus the kids and Vivian Vance, who wanted no more of TV's weekly treadmill. Lucy may be doing it only because she is responsible for a huge TV production corporation, but underneath that she may also have a feeling of responsibility to a talent she has spent many years developing. It's fun to be the champion, too.
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(1) On the Desilu sitcom “December Bride” (1954) had Harry Morgan’s Pete stealing many scenes griping about scatterbrained wife Gladys (who was never shown on camera). When Morgan moved into his own spinoff series, Gladys was finally revealed in the form of Cara Williams on the initially popular “Pete and Gladys” (1960), a show not produced by Desilu. The program did not last long but Cara came was escorted directly into her own series “The Cara Williams Show” (1964). Molded by CBS as the next wacky redhead to follow in the comedy heels of Lucille Ball, the plans quickly went askew following an unfavorable network power shuffle and the canceling of her sitcom after only one season. With her momentum completely gone, her career went into rapid decline. 
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(2) Although Lucille Ball did not give Carol Burnett her first big break (Broadway and Garry Moore did that), Lucy was her biggest fan and the two developed a life-long relationship that saw them both take turns starring on each other’s television shows.  If anyone can claim to be the heir to Lucille Ball’s Queen of Comedy title, it is Burnett. 
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(3) Yet another funny redhead, Nanette Fabray was born in a trunk and was more known for her Broadway musicals than her television shows.  In 1974, Lucille Ball cast her in her first post-sitcom TV special, “Happy Anniversary and Goodbye”.  
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(4) Elaine May was best known as a writer and monologist. She would be nominated for an Oscar for screenwriting in 1979.  She was best known for performing with Mike Nichols.  Not really a contender to Lucy’s throne, but in a class of her own. 
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(5) Audrey Meadows was a real rival for TV’s 1950s housewife as Alice Kramden in “The Honeymooners”. They only problem was that Alice wasn’t funny, like Lucy, but tolerant and in love - like Ricky.  In 1986, redhaired Meadows played Lucille Ball’s sister on “Life With Lucy”.  Although critics admired the chemistry between Ball and Meadows, they hated the show, which was canceled after that episode aired.
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(6) Connie Stevens was a sparkling strawberry blonde, as sexy as she was ditzy. At the time of this article, she was appearing in a ABC sitcom titled “Wendy and Me” in which George Burns (as himself) was her landlord!  
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(7) Elizabeth Montgomery had remarkable success playing Samantha Stephens, a witch married to a modern-day mortal in “Bewitched”.  Montgomery’s father Robert was an Oscar-winning film director. Her husband was William Asher, who was one of the original directors of “I Love Lucy.”  As director of his wife in “Bewitched” the show often strongly resembled “I Love Lucy”. Montgomery was more an actress than comedienne but she had the most fun playing Samantha’s mischievous twin cousin, Serena. 
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(8) Martha Raye was known as "The Big Mouth" and considered the female equivalent to Bob Hope, combing her comedy with work for the USO during World War II and beyond. 
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Monday, June 28, 1965 ~ a network re-run of “Lucy and the Old Mansion” (TLS S3;E22), first aired on March 1, 1965.
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One redhead replaced another for the summer of 1965. “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” (a rarely re-run series), replaced “The Danny Kaye Show.” 
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Wednesday, June 30, 1965 ~ The re-runs kick off with “Lucy Makes Room for Danny” (LDCH S2;E2), first aired on December 1, 1958.  It was a cross-over between “The Danny Thomas Show” aka “Make Room for Daddy” and “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” aka “I Love Lucy” to mark the fact that “Danny Thomas” was taking “Lucy’s” time slot and ‘moving’ to CBS.  Lucy and Desi did a reciprocal appearance as the Ricardos on Thomas’s sitcom, which was filmed at Desilu. 
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The day this TV Times supplement was included in the newspaper, this was the headline. 
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smokeybrand · 4 years
Bad Manager
Story time. All this talk of Karens has got me reminiscing about my time in retail. Way back in the wild of my youth, before my chick and i really started getting heavy into out relationship and she mellowed me out, I was a manager at the most ghetto Gamestop in the greater Sacramento area. I actually got the job like i got most things back then; After an argument over Dragon Ball Z. That’s actually how i met my chick, and argument over DBZ, but i digress. I had a thirty minute debate with the assistant manager at the time and he immediately gave me an interview with the store manager. This is, of course, before i found out how sh*tty Gamestop corporate is in real life. In about a year, I worked my way up from seasonal part-time, all the way to Store Manager and i have a Karen story for each phase of my brief career.
Seasonal Part-Time: When you’re a part timer at the ‘Stop, you are basically house b*tch. They make you do the most mundane bullsh*t. Clean the bathrooms, take out the garbage, vacuum the stores, etc. B*tch sh*t. The most mundane task you have, though, is f*cking alphabetizing the goddamn game racks. I HATED that sh*t. it was tedious and f*cking stupid. Once, it took me my entire four hour shift just to properly arrange the PS2 rack. Sh*t was whack, son!
So i finish this sh*t early one day, probably about an hour and a half before i’m off, and this Karen comes in with her kid. He wants a PS2 game. Fine. This little asshole f*cks up the entire system because he can’t find his game. I kept telling the little sh*t that everything was in alphabetical order but he ain’t care. He’s an idiot. After about ten minutes of watching this bundle of cooties and Capri Sun ruin my hard work, i ask him if he knows what “Alphabetize” means and his mom blows up! She accuses me of being cruel and how i had no right to chastise her child and that she would have my job.Obviously, this dumb b*tch escalated the scenario and i had to get my manager. She actually demanded a free game because i asked if her kid understood the order of his ABCs.
Full-Time: Once you graduate to full-time, you get to be looked upon like you are a responsible individual and not house b*tch anymore. There’s usually new part-timers for that. I became third key, a person who’s basically management but gets no management pay, after the ASM who hired me, left. Everyone moved up a rank after that. I started getting opening shifts and sh*t. This is before i was disillusioned with work life and still applied myself for faceless conglomerate who see you as expendable numbers. Don’t worry, we’ll get there soon. Since i’m Third Key, i get opening shifts now. Still don’t do payroll or take corporate calls, but i do everything else management does. As such, thee  are days when it’s just me in the store. I’m the proxy manager because the two others above me make too much hourly and it’s cheaper for me to act as management instead of paying actual management.
It’s, like, six minutes before the store closes. My pat-timer is winding down their ABCing busy work because corporate decreed it so. I’m closing out one o the registers and setting the alarm on the safe to open because that sh*t takes, like, 30 minutes and my ass wants to go home ASAP. We are breezing, man, and about to be out this b*tch in record time. NOPE! Six minutes, man. I remember very distinctly because i glanced at the little clock on the register. Six minutes. This wild Karen rushes my door with her four goddamn crotch spawns six goddamn minutes before lock up! They destroy my store. My part-timer and eye can only watch in dismay. all that work. all that prep. all of it, mute. The f*cked up thing? This b*tch ain’t even buy nothing. We were located next to a Togos.She had the audacity to walk up and small talk at me about how they were waiting for their sandwiches to finish and just needed to kill time.
I tell her that we were closing and she told me, and i quote, “Not with me and my kids in the store.” 9 rolls around and  tell her we have to lock the doors and she’s like, “Go ahead.” I explain to her that i’m not legally allowed to lock up the store with customers on the premises. She looks me dead in the eyes and says, “ Well i guess you’re gonna get some OT tonight then, right?” I’ll never forget that sh*t. That was the first time i felt Retail Rage. I wanted to murder this b*tch. Straight up keelhaul this hoe and set her little monsters on fire. I maintained my composure and after about forty extra minutes, they left. I ended up finishing the close by myself because i had to sen the part-timer home. that’s ABCs, Shelving, closing registers, re-timing the safe, etc. I didn’t get ot of that store until about 11 pm. And had a morning shift at 7. All because a Karen turned my store into a waiting room/playground six minutes before close.
Assistant Manager: My Store Manager got into some sh*t with corporate and they fired him on straight BS. Probably time card fraud, i dunno. I do know he had been with the company for eleven years so f*ck em. I got bumped up to Second Key. Got a little it of a raise. Made schedules now, officially, even though i’d been doing that sh*t since i was Third Key. It’s fine. I can do refunds now and give discounts. I’m “The Manager” and, boy, do you hear about it!
Gamestop is about money. They never want to lose a sale. As such, we have a POS system that let’s you look up merchandise throughout the district. If we don’t have something, we can send you to another store that does. That’s how this story starts. I get a call from another store asking about a game. We have one copy left. They tell me to hold it because someone is coming to get it. Fine. Karen comes in a backpack full of trade-in to pay for this game and get a few extra credits for a birthday gift. Whatever. Back then, we had to test every game that came i. This b*tch had, like, 30. Fine. She also had an old, ratty, PS1. The rectangle ones. That was going to be an argument because she was only getting, like, four dollars for it. She kept gloating about how she got it at launch when she was young and what not. Motherf*cker was as old as Jesus. Also, it rattled. We found out later that was because there was dead roaches in it but that’s a story for another day.
I finish this ridiculous trade in; Tested all the games, made sure they read on both PS2 and PSOne. a few were too scratched to read so i had to run them through the disc cleaner and they ended up being viable after. I trade all of this sh*t in, and the b*tch gets upset when i tell her she’s walking out with less than a hundred in credit and even less than that in cash. She blows up on me, demands to see my manager. I tell her i am the manger, and she just starts going in. I immediately disengage and become visibly indifferent because, if i don’t, i would have beat that b*tch up in front of her children. Like, straight up curb stomp cunts and sh*t. She berates me for being an hourly employee and how she makes more than i do the entire year in a week and all this other sh*t. She just kept getting more and more upset at the fact that i was indifferent to her bullsh*t. B*tch even drops the n*gga wit hte hard “R” a few times, like i didn’t notice. I maintain through all of this racist disrespect. That ain’t what she expected and it definitely wasn’t the reaction she wanted. She demands the corporate number, takes all her games, leaves the Sony RoachMotel, and storms out. I get written up a week later for being an asshole to the customer. I literally just stood there while she turned bright red racist hulk, all over my person, but i’m in the wrong. Okay, Karen.
Bad Manager: My Senior ASM quits because Gamestop is on that bullsh*t so now i’m big man on campus. My DM is forced to promote me to acting Store Manager. Basically, i’m responsible for everything the actual manager does, but i don’t get paid what the manager i pad. It’s that Third Key bullsh*t but, you know, not. By now, it’s been about six months and i do not care. Full on disillusioned and well on my way to outright militant. That’s what Retail does to you. It slowly kills your joy and makes you hate people. I already hated people but this? This sh*t just effortlessly validated why. So it’s me and the other ASM in the store. I hire some regular to round out the staff an change literally everything about the store.
First thing to go was that whack ass dress code. I believe you do your best work when you’re comfortable so it had to go. The next thing i nixed was the ABCs. That sh*t was stupid and a waste of time. As long as the helves were neat, we were good. The next thing i did was spread the reserve and sh*t around. I held a meeting and everyone agreed that was best for the entire store. Numbers were met and no one straggled. Everyone got to keep their jobs and i didn’t have to cut hours. The last major change i instituted was letting staff play games, in store, during downtime. If everything was legit int the store and it was slow, go ahead, pop one of the used titles in a test station, and have a blast. I don’t care. Just don’t be a dick to customers because i don’t want to get hassled. I don’t want you to get hassled. No one wants t get hassled. The time that i was in charge of that store, our numbers were spectacular and we killed even the richest stores in the district. It’s dope how well a team works together when they have high morale ya dig.
One day, i get a call from my new Third key. He and his part timer, his wife at the time, were opening. I wasn’t scheduled to come in that day but he was hysterical. Apparently, this Karen didn’t like her trade in quote and called the f*cking cops. Sac PD was in my store, intimidating the sh*t out of my staff, all because this b*tch thought she deserved more than 20 dollar for her used Gamecube or some sh*t. I walk my ass all the way to work, on my day off, and diffuse the situation with the cops. I explain that prices are set by corporate and there was nothing we could do about the trade in value. I then ask way the f*ck they were even giving validity to this crazy b*tches allegations when she freely admits nothing of hers was actually stolen. Cops didn’t like my questioning their motives and hassled us for another thirty minutes but whatever. They left eventually. I left. The Karen left. The it came back.
This b*tch was in my store for a total of three f*cking hours, trying to sabotage every transaction throughout my Third Key’s shift. Eventually, he clocked out and left. His wife stayed for a few extra hours and this Karen b*tch took the opportunity to just assault her with insults. My part-timer maintained a strong facade. I was so proud of her, man. A lot of the sh*t said was very cruel personal attacks about my part timer’s heritage and status. She was a Ukranian refugee, came over to escape Russian aggression. Gorgeous chick, for real. Very funny. Very affable. Bluest eyes i’ve ever seen on a person. They were unnervingly clear and mad piercing. She was also dummy thicc. Like, she had that super stronk Snow Bunny charm. Let’s just say i made sure to schedule her for a full shift when the Madden and 2K reserves went live.
Anyway, the actual scheduled ASM just hid in the back room while this assault was occurring because he was weenie. Sweet kid, total puss. Karen was going in on how immigrants were the worst and that since she couldn’t understand my part timer’s accent she didn’t deserve to be in the country or have this job. She effectively called her a slut, several times, by insinuating she probably “F*ck your big black boss for this job.” My part timer endured for hours. When she took her break, she immediately called me in tears. She filled me in on the situation. I couldn’t make it back to my store fast enough, man. i blew up on this Karen. I called her out on her elitist bullsh*t, her classist ignorance, and the fact that we didn’t need her stupid f*cking business. I attacked her appearance. infantilized her entire lifestyle. I told her she was a depleted cum-dumpster jealous that my part timer was so vibrant with because her genuine shine reminded the Karen of everything you lost by being a suburban cliche. A middle class punchline. I banned her for being a toxic b*tch. She left my store in gross, sobbing, tears. No one f*cks with my crew like that. I got written up again.
The next day, i was on shift and the Karen bought her husband in to “speak” with me. Part timer and i opened and this big ass, corn-fed, white boy, walks in, bobbing his head around like a rooster. I’m half-sleep behind the register because insomnia, so i let my part timer do her thing. I’m over yonder, full Sith mode, Decepticon hoodie full cowl and bad attitude, wishing a motherf*cker would. And a motherf*cker did. This motherf*cker is right red, trying to assail my part timer, again, just like his wife did before.Speaking of Karen, she’s out front, pacing the entrance like a shark, expecting the fireworks her beau was supposed to bring. Not today, Satan. My part timer was standing her ground, using a lot of firm language, but this motherf*cker is big and i start seeing him using that size to intimidate.
I, immediately, physically step between dude and my part timer. He’s about three inches taller than i am so he presses my gangster. I pull back my hood, and tell him i’m the manager of the store but i can clock out and just be a n*gga in the street if he wanted the Smoke. He didn’t want the Smoke. I called him a b*tch to his face, his wife a cock-gobbling hoe, and his mother a slut. He still did not want the Smoke. He bailed. His wife started gassing on him for being a b*tch as they both shrunk away like the cowards they really were. Never saw either one after that. I didn’t get written up for that though. No f*cks given. Bad Manager life. Gang gang, n*gga.
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landscaperomaha402 · 3 years
Best Planning & Design Near Omaha Nebraska | Landscaping Services Of Omaha More information is at: https://landscapingservicesofomaha.com/planning-design-near-me/
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At Landscaping Service of Omaha, planning is everything. To us, every property is unique, and every set of customers is driven by their own visions, tastes and goals for their landscaping. Through meticulous planning and design Serpico is able to achieve the outcomes our customers love, both now and in the future.
Here’s what goes into the Serpico Landscaping Design and Planning process: Envisioning the big picture Serpico starts by taking a big picture look at your property’s landscaping and waterscaping issues, which can be complex. We build an integrated plan that yields cost savings from efficient landscaping innovations and proven time-honored service techniques. Multi-phase landscape irrigation, tree care and maintenance planned as shared cost-saving is Serpico’s primary ROI.
Take Over Reports Serpico makes it quick and easy to switch from your previous vendor.  Thanks to our unique landscaping Take Over Report, you don’t have to worry about details falling through the cracks or service technicians dropping the ball. This report is built by our staff of highly-trained irrigation, landscape maintenance and tree specialists. We start with a visual inspection to get a baseline assessment of the health and efficiency of the irrigation systems, landscaping features and trees. Often the fitness of these criteria are a reflection of previous irrigation system maintenance and plant life nurturing. Then, within 90 days, we present a comprehensive written report that uses these findings to create recommendations for improvements. Be they big or small, we will give you a prioritized list and estimated pricing. We also complete a Water Management Action Plan which tells you how to maximize the efficiency of your irrigation system, as well as water and cost savings.
Making the plan come to life Once we all agree upon a plan, your Serpico Team uses a variety of methodologies to help you visualize the details. We create detailed site maps of your property flow plans and assemble designs and proposals for the agreed upon vision. And we walk through the property with you to help you get a sense of what you can expect and answer any of your questions.
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resham-stuff · 3 years
Cosmetic Bottle Market Type, Share, Size, Analysis Trends, Demand
COSMETIC BOTTLE market report gives wide-ranging analysis of the market structure and the evaluations of the various segments and sub-segments of the ABC industry. This market report takes into account the comprehension of the business goals and requirements to bridge the gap by delivering with the most proper and suitable solutions. This market report contains the company profiles, product specifications, capacity, production value, and market shares of each company for the forecasted period of 2021-2028.
It also describes Cosmetic Bottle player/manufacturers strategy in the light of Porters, Value Chain & SWOT analysis and based on that recommendation on players is derived like HOKKAN HOLDINGS LIMITED, Gerresheimer AG, Mpact, PDG Plastiques, RESILUX NV, Smurfit Kappa, Plastipak Holdings, Inc., Alpha Packaging, Berry Global Inc., Container Corporation of Canada, Aaron Packaging, Inc, CCC Packaging, Comar, LLC, Amcor Limited, Cospack America Corp., Graham Packaging Company, Sonoco Products Company, Sealed Air, The Libo Cosmetics Company, Ltd., AptarGroup, Inc., APC PACKAGING., ALBEA, Fusion Packaging I, LP, HCP Packaging, Quadpack, among other domestic and global players.
Get the inside scoop with Sample report https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-cosmetic-bottle-market
This Free report sample includes:
A brief introduction to the     research report.
Graphical introduction of the     regional analysis.
Top players in the market with     their revenue analysis.
Selected illustrations of     market insights and trends.
Example pages from the report.
Cosmetic Bottle Market Scenario:
The cosmetic bottle market will reach an estimated valuation of USD 28.06 billion by 2027 from USD 19.58 billion in 2019, while registering this growth at a rate of 4.60% for the forecast period of 2020 to 2027.
The developing usage of cosmetic commodities stimulates business growth during the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. The determinants such as the increasing requirement for beautifiers goods in developing economies, increasing customer experience, innovations in consumption models and lifestyles, progressing bonus on personal grooming products, and the expanding consciousness of beauty goods are stimulating the finances of firms that produce unconventional packaging resolutions which is encouraging the cosmetic bottle market to grow.
Key Insights incorporated in the Cosmetic Bottle market report
Latest innovative progression     in the Cosmetic Bottle market
Studying estimating examination     and market procedures followed by the market players to upgrade worldwide Cosmetic     Bottle market development
Regional improvement status off     the Cosmetic Bottle market and the effect of COVID-19 in various areas
Detailing of the gracefully     request chain, market valuation, drivers, and that's only the tip of the     iceberg
Want to Know COVID-19 Impact on this Market? https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/covid-19-impact/global-cosmetic-bottle-market
Conducts Overall COSMETIC BOTTLE Market Segmentation: 
By Material Type (Paper, Metal, Plastic, and Glass),
Product Type (Tubes, Pouches, Roller Balls, Bottles & Jars, Containers, Sticks, and Dispensers),
Application (Nail Care, Skin Care, Hair Care, and Others)
Customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas.
North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico.
South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, and Brazil.
Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa.
Europe: UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, and Russia.
Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, and Australia.
Thinking One Step Ahead
In today’s competitive world you need to think one step ahead to pursue your competitors, our research offers reviews about key players, major collaborations, union & acquisitions along with trending innovation and business policies to present a better understanding to drive the business in the correct direction.
In conclusion, the Cosmetic Bottle Market report is a genuine source for accessing the research data which is projected to exponentially grow your business. The report provides information such as economic scenarios, benefits, limits, trends, market growth rates, and figures. SWOT analysis and Porters Five analysis is also incorporated in the report. We even do customized Reports for our customers; we can add the list of Manufactures or application type or product type that you need in the report. Ask for it @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/?dbmr=global-cosmetic-bottle-market
What benefits does DBM research study is going to provide?
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To Seize powerful market     opportunities
Key decision in planning and to     further expand market share
Identify Key Business Segments,     Market proposition & Gap Analysis
Assisting in allocating     marketing investments
Some Points from Table of Content
Chapter 1 Cosmetic Bottle Introduction and Market Overview
1.1 Objectives of the Study
1.2 Overview of Cosmetic Bottle
1.3 Scope of The Study
1.3.1 Key Market Segments
1.3.2 Players Covered
1.3.3 COVID-19's impact on the Cosmetic Bottle industry
1.4 Methodology of The Study
1.5 Research Data Source
Chapter 2 Executive Summary
Chapter 3 Industry Chain Analysis
Chapter 4 Global Cosmetic Bottle Market, by Type
Chapter 5 Cosmetic Bottle Market, by Application
Chapter 6 Global Cosmetic Bottle Market Analysis by Regions
Chapter 7 North America Cosmetic Bottle Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 8 Europe Cosmetic Bottle Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 9 Asia Pacific Cosmetic Bottle Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 10 Middle East and Africa Cosmetic Bottle Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 11 South America Cosmetic Bottle Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 12 Competitive Landscape
Chapter 13 Industry Outlook
Chapter 14 Global Cosmetic Bottle Market Forecast
Chapter 15 New Project Feasibility Analysis
Browse TOC with Facts and Figures of Cosmetic Bottle Market Report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-cosmetic-bottle-market
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Data Bridge Market Research Pvt Ltd is a multinational management consulting firm with offices in India and Canada. As an innovative and neoteric market analysis and advisory company with unmatched durability level and advanced approaches. We are committed to uncover the best consumer prospects and to foster useful knowledge for your company to succeed in the market.
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
Lucille Ball & “The Flintstones” 
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“The Flintstones” was TV’s first primetime animated sitcom. It was produced by Hannah-Barbara animation and ran on ABC TV from 1960 to 1966. Following the show's cancellation, a film called The Man Called Flintstone, a musical spy caper that parodied James Bond, was released that same year. The show was revived in the early 1970s and several different series and made-for-TV movies. The original show also was adapted into a live-action film in 1994, and a prequel, The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas, which followed in 2000.
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Although not officially recognized by its creators, the show bears a very strong resemblance to TV’s “The Honeymooners”.  Fred and Wilma Flintstone are reminiscent of Ralph and Alice Kramden, and they have best friends and neighbors Betty and Barney Rubble that are very similar to Ed and Trixie Norton.  The original “Honeymooners” (1955-56) also was spun-off into future iterations, including musical episodes, just like “The Flintstones.”  
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Lucille Ball admired “Honeymooners” creator and Jackie Gleason and Gleason even played Ralph Kramden on “Here’s Lucy.”  Ball also worked with the show’s other stars: Art Carney (in “Happy Anniversary and Goodbye” and “What Now Catherine Curtis”), Audrey Meadows (in “Mother of the Bride” on “Life With Lucy”) and even Jane Kean, who played Trixie in the color “Honeymooners” (who was seen on a 1966 episode of “The Lucy Show”).  
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Jean Vander Pyl (Wilma Flintstone / Pebbles) worked with Lucille Ball on several episodes of “My Favorite Husband” radio show in 1948. 
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Alan Reed (Fred Flintstone) played a train station luncheon counter attendant in “Lucy Visits The White House” (TLS S1;E23) in 1963, while also playing Fred Flintstone on ABC.  He later appeared on an episode of Desi Arnaz’s “Mothers-in-Law”. 
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Bea Benadaret (Betty Rubble) was one of Lucille Ball’s favorite performers. She played Iris Atterbury on “My Favorite Husband” and was Ball’s first choice to play Ethel Mertz.  Instead, she played Miss Lewis in “Lucy Plays Cupid” (ILL S1;E15). 
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Mel Blanc (Barney Rubble) was a master of voices best known for Bugs Bunny. He also worked extensively with Jack Benny, once with Lucille Ball. He did two films with Lucille Ball: The Fuller Brush Girl (1950) and G.I. Journal (1944).  In 1969, Blanc did some ADR (dialogue replacement) work on “Here’s Lucy.” 
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Hal Smith (Various Voices) is probably best known as Otis the Drunk on “The Andy Griffith Show”. He appeared with Lucille Ball in the 1963 film Critic’s Choice and did three episodes of “The Lucy Show” and one of “Here’s Lucy.”
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Howard Morris (Various Voices) played Howard Coe in “Lucy and the Golden Greek” (TLS S4;E2) in 1965. 
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Allan Melvin (Various Voices) is best remembered as Sam the Butcher on “The Brady Bunch” and Barney Hefner on “All in the Family.” In 1956, as Corporal Henshaw on “Sergeant Bilko,” he did was seen with Ball in “Bilko’s Ape Man.” Melvin and Ball also appeared together on the 8th Anniversary of “The Ed Sullivan Show” In 1954. 
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Harvey Korman (The Great Gazzoo / Various Voices) is best remembered for his work with Carol Burnett on “The Carol Burnett Show”, several times with Lucille Ball. He also appeared on “The Lucy Show” three times. 
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Janet Waldo (Mrs. Slaghoople / Hedda Rocker / Various Voices) is best remembered for voicing Judy Jetson on another Hanna-Barbera cartoon series, “The Jetsons” (1962-87). She played Peggy “Keep Jiggling” Dawson on “I Love Lucy” and Lucy Carmichael’s sister Marge on “The Lucy Show.” 
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Frank Nelson (Rockbind / Rocky Stone / Various Clerks) did two recurring characters on “I Love Lucy” - Freddie Fiillmore and Ralph Ramsey, in addition to other characters. His distinctive voice was heard on “My Favorite Husband” and he made one appearance, as the harried train conductor, on “The Lucy Show.” 
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June Foray (Granny / Nurses) was one of the most famous voice artists in Hollywood, most famous for Rocket J. Squirrel. Coincidentally, Warner Brothers recruited Foray to replace Bea Benadaret as Granny in their cartoons. On “I Love Lucy” she provided the bark of Fred the dog. 
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Paula Winslowe (Mrs. Slate / Various Voices) played Mrs. Martha Conklin on “Our Miss Brooks” opposite Gale Gordon. On “I Love Lucy” she was one of the passengers on the S.S. Constitution in “Second Honeymoon” (ILL S5;E14) and a patient (in wheelchair, above) in “Lucy Plays Florence Nightingale” (TLS S2;E14). She was the voice of Bambi’s mother in the 1942 Disney film Bambi.
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Verna Felton (Pearl Slaghoople) received two Emmy nominations for her role in the Desilu series “December Bride,” playing Hilda Crocker from 1955 to 1959. She did two episodes of “I Love Lucy,” including playing Lucy’s stern maid, Mrs. Porter. Felton voiced many characters for Disney. 
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Howard McNear (Doctor) played Mr. Crawford, Little Ricky’s music teacher on “I Love Lucy.” McNear went on to play Floyd the Barber on “The Andy Griffith Show” from 1961 to 1967, filmed on the Desilu backlot. He was also seen in Lucy and Desi’s 1953 film The Long, Long Trailer.
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Herb Vigran (Cop) was one of the busiest character actors in Hollywood. He played Jule, Ricky Ricardo’s music agent on two episodes of “I Love Lucy” in addition to playing movie publicist Hal Sparks in “Lucy is Envious” (ILL S3;23). He was seen in the Lucy-Desi film The Long, Long Trailer and six episodes of “The Lucy Show” - all as doctors!
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Ginny Tyler (Daisy) voiced Clementine the sheep in “Lucy Buys a Sheep” (TLS S1;E5) and the bird voices in “Lucy Gets the Bird” (TLS S3;E12) and one episode of “Here’s Lucy.”  She did the voice of the sheep in Disney’s 1964 hit Mary Poppins. Although she died in 2012, her voice can still be heard in the chorus of birds outside The Enchanted Tiki Room at Disneyland and Walt Disney World.
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Willard Waterman (Gus Gravel) was a versatile voice actor who appeared on hundreds of radio shows in the 1930s and 40s. He is probably best remembered for playing “The Great Gildersleeve” on both radio and TV.  He was seen on “The Lucy Show” in “Lucy and The Plumber” (above) and “Lucy the Rain Goddess” (S4;E15).  
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Jerry Hausner (Clyde) was best remembered for playing Jerry, Ricky’s agent on “I Love Lucy” (including the pilot). He also did one appearance on “The Lucy Show.”
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Sam Edwards (Agent) played the star-struck bellboy in “Lucy Meets the Queen” (ILL S5;E15). He was also the voice of the adult Thumper in Bambi (1942).
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Sandra Gould (Various Voices) was best remembered as Gladys Kravitz on “Bewitched”.  She made two appearances on “I Love Lucy” and one (above) on “The Lucy Show.”  
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Ann-Margret (Ann Margrock) was one of several celebrity guest stars to be honored with character on “The Flintstones”. She was also a guest star (as herself) on “Here’s Lucy” in 1970 and had appeared on Ann-Margret’s 1969 special. 
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Elizabeth Taylor (Pearl Slaghoople in The Flintstones live action film, 1994) was one of Hollywood’s most glamorous and popular stars when she guest starred with husband Richard Burton on “Here’s Lucy” in 1970.  It is odd, then, that she was cast as Pearl Slaghoople, a character that was previously considered frumpy. 
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Paul Winchell (Umpire / Thief / Reporter in "Wind Up Wilma” - 1981) was best known as a ventriloquist, but he was also an accomplished character actor who appeared in two episodes of “The Lucy Show” and two of “Here’s Lucy.” 
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Arte Johnson (”Flintstone Kids” - 1989) was best known as a cast member on “Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In”.  He also did an episode of “Here’s Lucy” as an eccentric bird watcher. 
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George O’Hanlon (”Flintstone Kids” - 1989) was best remembered as the voice of George Jetson on “The Jetsons,” another hit Hanna-Barbera cartoon. On “I Love Lucy” he was one of two actors to play Charlie Appleby. 
"I Love Lucy” and “The Flintstones”
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First, Lucille Ball bears more than a passing physical resemblance to Wilma Flintstone. In “The Flintstones” it is clear that Fred is the leading character and most stories revolve around Fred and Barney, rather than Lucy and Ethel. The tried and true formula of a leading couple and the best friends / neighbors as the secondary characters is used in “I Love Lucy”, “The Honeymooners” and “The Flintstones”.  
Here are a few more tangible connections:
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The animated Lucy and Desi that opened pre-syndication airings of “I Love Lucy” were created by the Hanna-Barbera unit at MGM. 
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And both shows were sponsored by cigarette companies; “I Love Lucy” by Philip Morris and “The Flintstones” by Winston.  
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Wilma and Betty trying to sneak into the Water Buffalo convention in "Ladies Night at the Lodge" (1964) while disguised as men was very close to Lucy and Ethel disguising themselves as male reporters to infiltrate Ricky’s daddy shower in “Ricky Has Labor Pains” (1953). 
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The plot of “Operation Switchover” (1964) recycles the premise and many of the same plot elements of “Job Switching” (1952) especially with the domestic disasters on Ricky and Fred's end: scorched clothes while ironing, a fallen cake, and overflowing rice on the stove. 
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Like Lucy Ricardo, Wilma Flintstone’s pregnancy was incorporated into the storyline. It was originally thought that like Lucy, Wilma would have a boy, but merchandisers pointed out that there were more opportunities for products for girls, so Pebbles was born. Like Lucille Ball, Jean Vander Pyl (who voiced Wilma) was pregnant at the time of recording and gave birth to her son on the day "The Blessed Event" originally aired on February 22, 1963.
Fred and Barney undertake a rehearsal for the big moment, including Betty rehearsing telephoning the doctor, just like Ricky and the Mertz’s do for Lucy when ‘the time has come’. 
Wilma seems to get cravings for unusual foods including hot fudge and sardines that Fred dutifully supplies, just like Ricky did for Lucy. 
In the father’s waiting room, a man worries his wife might deliver more than one baby, just like Mr. Stanley (Charles Lane) on “I Love Lucy.”
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In “Operation Switchover” a character named Hedda Rocker from Good Cavekeeping Magazine is obviously inspired by Hedda Hopper, the famous gossip columnist who appeared on two episodes of “I Love Lucy” as herself. 
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Arthur Murray, who’s innovate dance instruction method and dance studios became iconic, is parodied on “The Flintstones” as Arthur Quarry.  In a 1965 episode, he was named Arthury Murrayrock. 
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In “Lucy Meets the Mustache” (LDCH S3;E3) Lucy wants to open a sealed letter so she tries a inserting a knitting needle under the flap, a method she says she saw in an Alfred Hitchcock movie. The scene is underscored with “Funeral March of a Marionette” by Charles Gounod, which served as the theme tune of “Alfred Hitchcock Presents”. On “The Flintstones” he is parodied as Alvin Brickrock. 
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Hollyrock star Rock Quarry is a tribute to Rock Hudson, but talks like Gary Cooper.  Hudson guest-starred on an episode of “I Love Lucy” set in Palm Springs. Previously, Lucy dressed as Gary Cooper (complete with his trademark ‘yup’) to fool near-sighted Caroline Appleby. 
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An episode titled “The Soft Touchables” is modeled after Desilu’s hit gangster series “The Untouchables.” “The Lucy Show” parodied their own show in an episode titled “Lucy The Gun Moll” (TLS S4;E25) in 1966 starring “The Untouchables Cast” but using different character names. 
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Wilma and Betty’s favorite television show “Peek-A-Boo Camera” catches Fred and Barney acting silly in a 1963 episode that is clearly modeled after TV’s “Candid Camera” created by Allen Funt. In 1971, “Lucy and the Candid Camera” (HL S4;E14) also featured Funt in hidden camera shot plot. Lucy Carmichael also get involved in a hidden camera television show in “Lucy and the Beauty Doctor” (TLS S3;E24).  In that show, the program was called “The Boiling Point.”
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The hit Broadway and movie musical movie My Fair Lady inspired many satires (some in name only) including “My Fair Freddy” (1966) and “My Fair Lucy” (TLS S3;E20) in 1965! 
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In “Fred Flintstone Woos Again” (1961) Wilma convinces Fred to renew their wedding vows after realizing the official who originally married them wasn’t fully licensed!  On “I Love Lucy” Lucy realized that their wedding was also invalid when she found an error on their license. They go to the spot they first wed to renew their vows, just like “The Flintstones”. 
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In “Dial ‘S’ for Suspicion” (1962) Wilma's devotion to a murder mystery novel causes Fred to wonder if Wilma is trying to away with him. In “Lucy Thinks Ricky Is Trying To Do Away With Her” (ILL S1;E4) Lucy's devotion to a murder mystery novel causes her to wonder if Ricky is trying to do away with her!
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When Wilma can’t keep up with the housework, she hires a maid in “Wilma the Maid” (1963). The same situation happened in the Ricardo home in “Lucy Hires a Maid” (ILL S2;E23). While the Flintstone’s maid is an earthy Italian woman named Rockabrigida, the Ricardo’s maid is a humorless woman named Mrs. Porter. Coincidentally, Mrs. Porter was played by Verna Felton, who voices Pearl Slaghoople on “The Flintstones”. 
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When superhero “Superstone” is hired for a birthday party but can’t make it - Fred takes his place. On “I Love Lucy” when Superman is promised for Little Ricky’s party, but can’t make it, Lucy takes his place - nearly! 
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In “How To Pick A Fight With Your Wife” (1966) spats between spouses escalate to such a degree that the couples split: Fred and Barney are thrown together as roommates, while Wilma and Betty are bunking together at the other house. In “Vacation from Marriage” (ILL S2;E6) much the same thing occurs between the Ricardos and the Mertzes!
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The real comparison with Lucy and Desi is something Joe Barbera could have only hoped for in 1960 — enduring popularity. Lucy is still justifiably loved by hoards of fans and “I Love Lucy” is on the air somewhere. “The Flintstones” remains a part of the popular culture, 60 years after the show’s debut.   
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smokeybrand · 2 years
Karen Adventures
Story time. Way back in the wild of my youth, before my chick and i really started getting heavy into out relationship and she mellowed me out, I was a manager at the most ghetto Gamestop in the greater Sacramento area. I actually got the job like i got most things back then; After an argument over Dragon Ball Z. That’s actually how i met my chick, and argument over DBZ, but i digress. I had a thirty minute debate with the assistant manager at the time and he immediately gave me an interview with the store manager. This is, of course, before i found out how sh*tty Gamestop corporate is in real life. In about a year, I worked my way up from seasonal part-time, all the way to Store Manager and i have a Karen story for each phase of my brief career.
Seasonal Part-Time: When you’re a part timer at the ‘Stop, you are basically house b*tch. They make you do the most mundane bullsh*t. Clean the bathrooms, take out the garbage, vacuum the stores, etc. B*tch sh*t. The most mundane task you have, though, is f*cking alphabetizing the goddamn game racks. I HATED that sh*t. it was tedious and f*cking stupid. Once, it took me my entire four hour shift just to properly arrange the PS2 rack. Sh*t was whack, son!
So i finish this sh*t early one day, probably about an hour and a half before I'm off, and this Karen comes in with her kid. He wants a PS2 game. Fine. This little asshole f*cks up the entire system because he can’t find his game. I kept telling the little sh*t that everything was in alphabetical order but he ain’t care. He’s an idiot. After about ten minutes of watching this bundle of cooties and Capri Sun ruin my hard work, i ask him if he knows what “Alphabetized” means and his mom blows up! She accuses me of being cruel and how i had no right to chastise her child and that she would have my job. Obviously, this dumb b*tch escalated the scenario and i had to get my manager. She actually demanded a free game because i asked if her kid understood the order of his ABCs. Still, i get written up for it.
Full-Time: Once you graduate to full-time, you get to be looked upon like you are a responsible individual and not house b*tch anymore. There’s usually new part-timers for that. I became third key, a person who’s basically management but gets no management pay, after the ASM who hired me, left. Everyone moved up a rank after that. I started getting opening shifts and sh*t. This is before i was disillusioned with work life and still applied myself for a faceless conglomerate who only sees you as expendable numbers. Don’t worry, we’ll get there soon. Since I'm Third Key, i get opening shifts now. Still don’t do payroll or take corporate calls, but i do everything else management does. As such, there are days when it’s just me in the store. I’m the proxy manager because the two others above me make too much hourly and it’s cheaper for me to act as management instead of paying actual management.
It’s, like, six minutes before the store closes. My part-timer is winding down their ABCing busy work because corporate decreed it so. I’m closing out one of the registers and setting the alarm on the safe to open because that sh*t takes, like, thirty minutes and my ass wants to go home ASAP. We are breezing, man, and about to be out this b*tch in record time. NOPE! Six minutes, man. I remember very distinctly because i glanced at the little clock on the register. Six minutes. This wild Karen rushes my door with her four goddamn crotch spawns, six goddamn minutes before lock up! They destroy my store. My part-timer and i can only watch in dismay. All that work. All that prep. All of it, mute. The f*cked up thing? This b*tch ain’t even buy nothing. We were located next to a Togos. She had the audacity to walk up and small talk at me about how they were waiting for their sandwiches to finish and just needed to kill time.
I tell her that we were closing and she told me, and i quote, “Not with me and my kids in the store.” Nine rolls around and i tell her we have to lock the doors and she’s like, “Go ahead.” I explain to her that I'm not legally allowed to lock up the store with customers on the premises. She looks me dead in the eyes and says, “Well, i guess you’re gonna get some OT tonight then, right?” I’ll never forget that sh*t. That was the first time i felt Retail Rage. I wanted to murder this b*tch. Straight up keelhaul this hoe and set her little monsters on fire. I maintained my composure and after about forty extra minutes, they left. I ended up finishing the close by myself because i had to send the part-timer home. That’s ABCs, Shelving, closing registers, re-timing the safe, etc. I didn’t get out of that store until about eleven pm. And had a morning shift at seven. All because a Karen turned my store into a waiting room/playground six minutes before close.
Assistant Manager: My Store Manager got into some sh*t with corporate and they fired him on straight BS. Probably time card fraud, i dunno. I do know he had been with the company for eleven years so f*ck 'em. I got bumped up to Second Key. Got a little bit of a raise. Made schedules now, officially, even though I'd been doing that sh*t since i was Third Key. It’s fine. I can do refunds now and give discounts. I’m “The Manager” and, boy, do you hear about it!
Gamestop is about money. They never want to lose a sale. As such, we have a POS system that let’s you look up merchandise throughout the district. If we don’t have something, we can send you to another store that does. That’s how this story starts. I get a call from another store asking about a game. We have one copy left. They tell me to hold it because someone is coming to get it. Fine. Karen comes in with a backpack full of trade to pay for this game and get a few extra credits for a birthday gift. Whatever. Back then, we had to test every game that came in. This b*tch had, like, thirty. Fine. She also had an old, ratty, PS1. The rectangle ones. That was going to be an argument because she was only getting, like, four dollars for it. She kept gloating about how she got it at launch when she was young and what not. Motherf*cker was as old as Jesus. Also, it rattled. We found out later that was because there was dead roaches in it but that’s a story for another day.
I finish this ridiculous trade in; Tested all the games, made sure they read on both PS2 and PSOne. A few were too scratched to read so i had to run them through the disc cleaner and they ended up being viable after. I trade all of this sh*t in, and the b*tch gets upset when i tell her she’s walking out with less than a hundred in credit and even less than that in cash. She blows up on me, demands to see my manager. I tell her i am the manger, and she just starts going in. I immediately disengage and become visibly indifferent because, if i don’t, i would have beat that b*tch up in front of her children. Like, straight up curb stomp cunts and sh*t. She berates me for being an hourly employee and how she makes more than i do the entire year, in a week and all this other sh*t. She just kept getting more and more upset at the fact that i was indifferent to her bullsh*t. B*tch even drops the n-word with hard “R” a few times, like i didn’t notice. I maintain through all of this racist disrespect. That ain’t what she expected and it definitely wasn’t the reaction she wanted. She demands the corporate number, takes all her games, leaves the Sony Roach Motel, and storms out. I get written up a week later for being an asshole to the customer. I literally just stood there while she turned into bright red racist hulk, all over my person, but I'm in the wrong. Okay, Karen.
Bad Manager: My Senior ASM quits because Gamestop is on that bullsh*t so now I'm big man on campus. My DM is forced to promote me to acting Store Manager. Basically, I'm responsible for everything the actual manager does, but i don’t get paid what the manager is paid. It’s that Third Key bullsh*t but, you know, not. By now, it’s been about six months and i do not care. Full on disillusioned and well on my way to outright militancy. That’s what Retail does to you. It slowly kills your joy and makes you hate people. I already hated people but this? This sh*t just effortlessly validated why. So it’s me and the other ASM in the store. I hire some regular to round out the staff and change literally everything about the store.
First thing to go was that whack ass dress code. I believe you do your best work when you’re comfortable so it had to go. The next thing i nixed was the ABCs. That sh*t was stupid and a waste of time. As long as the helves were neat, we were good. The next thing i did was spread the reserve and sh*t around. I held a meeting and everyone agreed that was best for the entire store. Numbers were met and no one straggled. Everyone got to keep their jobs and i didn’t have to cut hours. The last major change i instituted was letting staff play games, in store, during downtime. If everything was legit in the store and it was slow, go ahead, pop one of the used titles in a test station, and have a blast. I don’t care. Just don’t be a dick to customers because i don’t want to get hassled. I don’t want you to get hassled. No one wants to get hassled. The time that i was in charge of that store, our numbers were spectacular and we killed even the richest stores in the district. It’s dope how well a team works together when they have high morale, ya dig.
One day, i get a call from my new Third key. He and his part timer, his wife at the time, were opening. I wasn’t scheduled to come in that day but he was hysterical. Apparently, this Karen didn’t like her trade in quote and called the f*cking cops. Sac PD was in my store, intimidating the sh*t out of my staff, all because this b*tch thought she deserved more than 20 dollar for her used Gamecube or some sh*t. I walk my ass all the way to work, on my day off, and diffuse the situation with the cops. I explain that prices are set by corporate and there was nothing we could do about the trade in value. I then ask way the f*ck they were even giving validity to this crazy b*tches allegations when she freely admits nothing of hers was actually stolen. Cops didn’t like my questioning their motives and hassled us for another thirty minutes but whatever. They left eventually. I left. The Karen left. Then it came back. Like herpes.
This b*tch was in my store for a total of three f*cking hours, trying to sabotage every transaction throughout my Third Key’s shift. Eventually, he clocked out and left. His wife stayed for an few extra hours and this Karen b*tch took the opportunity to just assault her with insults. My part-timer maintained a strong facade. I was so proud of her, man. A lot of the sh*t said was very cruel personal attacks about my part timer’s heritage and status. She was a Ukranian refugee, came over to escape Russian aggression. Gorgeous chick, for real. Very funny. Very affable. Bluest eyes I've ever seen on a person. They were unnervingly clear and mad piercing. She was also dummy thicc. Like, she had that super stronk Snow Bunny charm. Let’s just say i made sure to schedule her for a full shift when the Madden and 2K reserves went live.
Anyway, the actual scheduled ASM just hid in the back room while this assault was occurring because he was weenie. Sweet kid, total puss. Karen was going in on how immigrants were the worst and that since she couldn’t understand my part timer’s accent she didn’t deserve to be in the country or have this job. She effectively called her a slut, several times, by insinuating she probably “F*ck your big black boss for this job.” My part timer endured for hours. When she took her break, she immediately called me in tears. She filled me in on the situation. I couldn’t make it back to my store fast enough, man. i blew up on this Karen. I called her out on her elitist bullsh*t, her classist ignorance, and the fact that we didn’t need her stupid f*cking business. I attacked her appearance. Infantilized her entire lifestyle. I told her she was a depleted cum-dumpster jealous that my part timer was so vibrant because her genuine shine reminded the Karen of everything you lost by being a suburban cliche. A middle class punchline. I banned her for being a toxic b*tch. She left my store in gross, sobbing, tears. No one f*cks with my crew like that. I got written up again. 
The next day, i was on shift and the Karen bought her husband in to “speak” with me. Part timer and i opened and this big ass, corn-fed, white boy, walks in, bobbing his head around like a rooster. I’m half-sleep behind the register because insomnia, so i let my Part timer do her thing. I’m over yonder, full Sith mode, Decepticon hoodie full cowl and bad attitude, wishing a motherf*cker would. And a motherf*cker did. This motherf*cker is bright red, trying to assail my Part timer, again, just like his wife did before. Speaking of Karen, she’s out front, pacing the entrance like a shark, expecting the fireworks her beau was supposed to bring. Not today, Satan. My part timer was standing her ground, using a lot of firm language, but this motherf*cker is big and i start seeing him using that size to intimidate.
I, immediately, physically step between dude and my Part timer. He’s about three inches taller than i am so he presses my gangster. I pull back my hood, and tell him I'm the manager of the store but i can clock out and just be a n*gga in the street if he wanted the Smoke. He didn’t want the Smoke. I called him a b*tch to his face, his wife a cock-gobbling hoe, and his mother a slut. He still did not want the Smoke. He bailed. His wife started gassing on him for being a b*tch as they both shrunk away like the cowards they really were. Never saw either one after that. I didn’t get written up for that though. No f*cks given. Bad Manager life.
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peakwealth · 4 years
The Year 2020
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'Cos when the madman flips the switch The nuclear will go for me The lunatics have taken over the asylum
(Lyrics from The Fun Boy Three, British pop group, 1981)
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The world has been in one crisis or another for so long now, it gets harder to remember when things still seemed to be in balance, or when they started to spin out of control. When did this slow agony start, the malaise that won't go away, the chaos and distopia year after year?
Or was it always like this?
I'm not thinking so much about the coronavirus epidemic, but about the other man-made disaster that kept us on edge throughout the year, the US elections.
Looking for answers, my first, intuitive stop remains the morning of September 11, 2001 when the world order was convulsed in that split second needed for an airliner to fly into the World Trade Center. It may be that our understanding of that day is still skewed by the deep symbolism of the visuals: the fire ball, the people jumping to their deaths, the towers collapsing on themselves, the mountain of smoking rubble. Images that came to define our age. But what seems certain is that the big wheel of history ground to a standstill on that day and when it started up again, it had gone into reverse. That regression has not stopped, indeed it is still gathering pace and is very much in evidence as 2020 comes to a chaotic end.
Of course, 9/11 was the outcome of forces set in motion much earlier including the Iranian revolution in 1979 when an unsmiling, bearded imam left Paris and arrived in Tehran. The world would never be the same, but we in the West did not realize it.
Donald Trump's seemingly farcical plea to Make America Great Again can be traced back to either of those events and to the American failure to make sense of them -- the end of the pax Americana, the myth of American exceptionalism, the twilight of the colonial world order that had been in the making for five hundred years. Americans closed ranks and reacted with defiant nationalism after 9 /11. Then they took their revenge to the world and declared War on Terror - just as the terrorists had intended.
Those events are still within living memory. Looking back further, historians like to point to the invention of moveable type which ushered in the information age and, with it, modernity. The first books 'rolling off' Johannes Gutenberg's press were bibles. But not for long. Since the printing press couldn't be controlled, books conveyed a profusion of radically new ideas. They brought democratization and they spread dissent. Think Martin Luther, or Copernicus, great disrupters of the sixteenth century.
But Donald Trump?
Was Trump the accidental result of reality TV, celebrity culture and internet-driven narcissism? Or did his flirtation with autocratic rule herald the necrosis of western democracies? Was Trump merely the symbol of America's irreconcilable differences, of the slow dissolution of white patriarchy or was he the inevitable outcome of late-stage capitalism, as some have suggested?
Where should we look? The Trump years have produced a cottage industry of scholarly attemtps to explain how something like this could happen, how the United States could start to degenerate like that. Where do we find the logic that would lead to this turning point in history?
Without pretending that I could add to this (lack of) understanding, I must admit that the question is compelling. It kept me busy all year, or at least until the American presidential election was finally over.
I have tried to approach the matter from a few angles.
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The problem with books. (Bejar, Spain, November 2020)
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Attempt A
Multiplication of the box
I remember the deep dark varnish of our first television set, an imposing piece of furniture sitting on rather slender round legs. The cardboard box it had arrived in was large enough to serve as my play house, with a door and windows, until it got rained on one day. The TV set itself started to hum when you turned it on and needed time to warm up before the picture appeared, monochrome of course. From the back you could see the glowing tubes inside and smell the dusty heat they emitted. When one of the tubes failed, the repairman had to come.
There was one channel, run by the Belgian state and broadcasting for a few hours in the evening. It seemed adequate at the time. More would have been too much. Programming was low-tech. The national weatherman stood in front of a flip chart and drew the weather map by hand: rainclouds here, sunshine there (though not so much) and low or high pressure fronts further afield, most likely over the Azores.
In fact there was another state channel but it was for the French speaking part of Belgium and thus foreign to us in Flanders. Furthermore there was a knob to switch the unit from standard definition (625  lines) to the broadcast standard in France which had 819 lines and allowed us, in theory, to capture programming from RTF, la Radio-télévision française across the border. Although we never did, I remember le général Charles de Gaulle addressing the French nation with a grandiloquent 'Françaises, Français!' followed by a theatrical pause. I used to imitate him as a child. 'Françaises, Français!'. I had never been to France.
This went on for some years until we upgraded to colour. The new set also allowed us to watch two channels from Holland. Although the programming rotated between party-political and religious organizations, everything that was Dutch looked more sophisticated. It probably was. Eventually cable TV came along and, like everyone else, we moved to twelve channels, then twenty-four, then hundreds after which the numbers became meaningless. Today the distinction between television and the internet has faded as billions of people have become broadcasters, sending and receiving videos on their phones every day.
In a matter of only two or three generations technology has increased our awareness and our exposure to reality from the very local to the infinitely global. From smudgy local newspapers to single-channel black-and-white TV to the torrent of youTube and Whatsapp. Each increment, each multiplication of channels and choices has fragmented our common understanding of what the world is like. This means not only that every problem in every corner of the world has become our problem, it also signals that reality itself has split into a billion pieces and has become complex, uncertain and unstable. We all live in our own bubble of perception, increasingly removed from the broader context that used to bring coherence to society. While some of us embrace the complexity of the 21st century, to others it translates as confusion and anxiety. It is a reality they have retreated from.
Personally, I put my last TV on the sidewalk fifteen years ago, the very set I had used to watch the unfolding history on the morning of 9/11. It was still working, someone picked it up.
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Gone in 2020 but not forgotten.
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Attempt B
Entertainment Forever
Long ago, when General Electric was one of America's preeminent industrial giants, it owned the Radio Corporation of America (known by the once ubiquitous acronym RCA) which in turn owned the National Broadcasting Company or NBC. America's first radio network was founded in New York City in 1926 "in the interest of the listening public" and in order to transmit, among other things, baseball scores. NBC television started in 1939 and (fuzzy) colour came in 1954. Announcing the birth of broadcast television in the USA, David Sarnoff, NBC's pioneering founder, described it as 'so important in its implications that it is bound to affect all society'.
Indeed it has.
Like Donald Trump, Roone Arledge (1931-2002) was born in Queens, New York. After a stint at NBC television he joined the rival ABC network as a sports producer in 1960. He soon started to rewrite the book on television production, putting his stamp on the world we live in. Starting at the Munich Olympic games in 1972, ABC ran a series of intimate portraits of Olympic athletes, called 'Up Close and Personal'. The words became shorthand for what sports would look like on American TV. The visual grammar shifted from being 'coverage' of events to a one-on-one experience with the viewer, a personal touch.
The formula jumped species in 1977 when Arledge became president of ABC News, one of the three commercial US networks with large news operations. The avuncular news readers of old (Walter Cronkite on CBS) gave way to a personality driven approach. Anyone remember Barbara Walters or Mike Wallace? As production values became a lot flashier, all of television became more like entertainment, including the news - just another 'show' looking for an audience and revenue.
The next milestone on the road to trash TV was 'Entertainment Tonight' (launched in 1981 and still going today, making it the longest running syndicated show on American cable TV). Shockingly and confusingly, it used a news format without being actual news. As the boundaries between news and entertainment started to blur, so did the distinction between gossip and verifiable fact. Credibility and substance faded from televison news, replaced by looks, celebrity, lifestyle, etc. Network comedy shows became major purveyors of political commentary. This cross-pollination of genres is still spreading today as journalists are being replaced by content originators, human today, most likely virtual tomorrow. In other words: commerce is still gaining ground while reality is losing traction.
When 'Big Brother' came along in 1997, so-called reality shows moved to the centre of the entertainment landscape. By that time the medium had evolved well beyond UC&P. Four-and-a-half years ago, I reflected on how reality TV had become "manipulative, sadistic and liberating - from caution, from human empathy and from rational thought. What wasn’t perhaps so crystal clear at the beginning was how trash TV would inflect politics, how it tapped into the disillusionment of a burgeoning global underclass. Barely perceptible then, the phenomenon eventually turned into rage against the political establishment and anything associated with it. The anger came from both sides of the political divide, from the rebelliousness of the Occupy movement on the left and from the fear-driven populism on the right."
Out of this fantasy world of uninhibited entertainment, celebrity and alienation stepped Donald Trump and declared he was running for the presidency of the United States. Four years of monosyllabic misrule later, he left America as damaged goods, a nation at war with itself.
Attempt C
Fact check till you drop
Watching the news on commercial TV at the local coffee shop few weeks ago, I was struck by the rough, frenzied pace of the editing. The stories were cut with an axe, as we used to say in the business. No shot lasted more than a second and the interview clips did not exceed three seconds. Far from being careful storytelling, it was pure media mash, exhausting to watch and obviously designed to keep the viewers hooked and the ratings up.
I wondered how anyone subjected to such visual bombardment could make sense of the news, complicated as it is, and not become neurotic or disoriented in one way or another? OK, I may be a little naive for it can be argued it's been like this since the invention of the cinema in 1895. Our brains have had more than a century to adapt to the stimulus of the ever moving, ever accelerating image. We've had manic TV commercials and split-second music videos for forty years, ever since MTV was launched in New York in 1981. People scroll trough their devices as fast as their thumbs will let them, consuming hundreds of images per minute.
But information programming should be different, or it used to be. News was supposed to be 'readable' as fact-based information viewers could easily de-code to figure out what was happening around them. Except that, for many, it isn't anymore.
Post-truthism didn't start with Donald Trump, but the perversion of reality took an ugly turn with him. The very words, 'truth', 'lies', have come to seem quaint, suspect, disfigured. In the early days of his presidency, armies of diligent fact checkers went to work to expose each and every presidential lie. They toiled in vain. Trump, the real estate salesman and former casino owner, lied without fear or favour, he had nothing but contempt for evidence-based reality and for those whose job it was to convey it. He scolded journalists, telling them they should be ashamed of themselves. His followers loved it. They were grateful for the steady stream of twisted thinking, incoherence and outright lies because they were in sync with their own prejudices - no, make that their own beliefs.
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Disinformation and antisemitism. (Spanish pamphlet, claiming George Soros is the driving force behind Catalan separatism, displayed in the window of a local bookshop. Málaga, July 2020)
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Attempt D
 Put God back into the USA
"To a great many Americans, digital communication has already rendered empirical, observable reality beside the point." 
Farhad Manjoo, writing in the New York Times, Oct 21, 2020.
Those Americans, it seems, believed that Donald Trump was divinely appointed to be president of the USA and to make America great again. God's will had been done and should not be thwarted by voters. Clearly, if they believed that, they believed anything. That the coronavirus was an evil plot or that COVID 19 could be stopped by injecting yourself with Lysol disinfectant or eating pods of laundry detergent. If Bill Gates was funding vaccines that would turn god-fearing dairy farmers into atheists, then George Soros was the mastermind behind it all. Or was it Warren Buffett?  Communists were plotting a coup. Why not?
The mood got more unhinged and delusional as the year unfolded. Pro life, pro God, pro gun. Stop socialism. Put God back into the USA. When election day finally came, Democrats and Republicans rushed to the polls to save the country from the other side. Country hicks to one side, big-city satanists to the other. Although sanity eventually prevailed, it was touch and go. Far from repudiating Trump and holding him to account, more than seventy-four million Americans voted to let him stay in office.
In other words, although Trump and his royal court have been sidelined for now, the threat of an erratic America remains, driven by suspicion, ready to go off the rails again. The unbending fervour of fundamentalist Christians, focused on the abomination of abortion and the deviancy of LGBTQ+ rights has reached an intensity that is ever more reminiscent of Islamist extremism.
Mis and disinformation aren't new. Nor are they specific to any country. Most advertising qualifies as such. But the impaired thinking, the decline of reason and the contempt for manifest reality reached bizarre heights in 2020 and not only because Donald Trump used disinformation with such abandon. It looked more like a crisis of mental health propagated by social media. An American study found that young people were more likely to believe online conspiracy theories while only those over 65 had a secure grip on reality.
Social media drove the loss of empathy and civility, they normalized hate speech, they empowered virus deniers and antivaxxers. Finally they legitimized many Americans in their belief that the election had been ‘stolen’.
It was obvious, four years ago, that a Trump presidency would have incalculable consequences. But it was worse than almost anyone could have predicted. It wasn't about his vulgarity or his philistinism. The power vacuum created by having an idiot king in the White House made the world a more dangerous place where malevolent autocrats could do as they pleased because the West had lost whatever credibility and leverage it used to have.
The new era of impunity pushed hundreds of millions of citizens further into the arms of dictators and autocrats, plunderers and torturers around the world, from North Korea to Belarus, from Egypt to Myanmar because they knew they had a like-minded colleague in the White House. Political rivals could be poisoned and journalists jailed or disappared, it no longer mattered. Rather than restore America to greatness, Trump's monosyllabic rule brought decadence to the United States and ruin to global stability.
It still hasn't been widely grasped just how much power has shifted towards Russia and even more to China. The People's Republic is forging ahead in AI and machine learning, in aerospace, in digital currency, in quantum computing and in G6 data mobility. It is likely to give China an unassailable lead in technology and leave the West standing in the dust, complaining about totalitarianism.
The American election and the pandemic pushed almost everything else off the table in 2020, the explosion of Beirut's harbour, the Chinese clampdown in Hong Kong, quick-and-dirty wars in Ethiopia and Azerbaijan, global warming (open water near the north pole, smouldering Siberia, biblical wildfires in Australia), the popular uprisings in Minsk, Lagos, Kampala, Bangkok, etc.
Until the very end of this most difficult, gruesome year, the president of the Unted States did nothing but talk nonsense. He cared about nothing or anyone except himself.
As the cracks in American society widened and the disenchanted masses turned on each other, Donald Trump played golf and watched America burn. Already the race is on to stop him from being reelected four years from now.
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Better luck next year.
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yooleestruck · 4 years
Last thought on this for now—and this is the ex-HR person who had a whopping 3 days of union training perspective.
Using explicit union language like organized works and collective bargaining made this a legal labor issue for Voltage. I don’t know if VOW has consulted a lawyer, or has been engaged with one, but without one, they were at a disadvantage the minute they positioned themselves in legally sensitive language. I get why they may not have - bringing a lawyer to the table indicates an element of hostility/aggression/us-vs-them....but the corporation HAS a lawyer at the table already.
Especially, especially for a company in California. The game industry (a lot of industries, but entertainment is one of the messiest) has been on edge about contractor work for months, and more than one company has taken the stance of ‘fire everyone’ rather than risk them being reclassified as employees. It’s easy to exclude writers from the new laws, but they’re not actually - they’re just subject to additional considerations (and idk about # of pieces, but it would only take 2.5 routes to hit the # where additional criteria is not necessary, and there is NO way they fail the ABC criteria) they’ve also had months to prepare, and been advised that there are certain things they absolutely must not do if they want to stay in the legal clear. In that sense, I logically understand why they are hard refusing to play ball in those semenatic terms laid out by VOW. It’s still a stupid move, but from my limited knowledge seems like the least legally risky.
Is it right? No, it’s bullshit, and they SHOULD deal with consequences, even if those consequences are pissed off customers. I’m not sure if the Voltage team didn’t expect customers to care or are convinced they can weather the shitstorm. It’s not the first one they’ve had to weather (though, based on my six years, it does seem to be the loudest and most consistent across social platforms).
I think it was the wrong play by Voltage for sure - it’s unbelievably alienating. But I’m not in labor law, so who knows.
Annyyyyyway if VOW does want/need to lawyer up, I’m ready to contribute to the fund, since I suddenly have some spending money that’s not going to the app.
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dipulb3 · 4 years
Covid-19 testing: A spike in demand, a delay on results | Appradab
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/covid-19-testing-a-spike-in-demand-a-delay-on-results-appradab/
Covid-19 testing: A spike in demand, a delay on results | Appradab
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The challenges, which stem partially from persistent obstacles within the check provide chain, underscore that whereas total US testing capability has multiplied, the nation’s well being system nonetheless struggles in some areas to quickly detect the unfold of the virus.
In response to the surge in circumstances, the Division of Well being and Human Companies introduced on Tuesday the launch of recent testing websites in three hotspots — Jacksonville, Florida; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and Edinburg, Texas. The websites will provide 5,000 free checks per metropolis every day on a brief foundation, based on an HHS information launch.
Regardless of federal efforts to help testing in some cities and areas, three main diagnostic corporations — Quest Diagnostics, LabCorp and BioReference Laboratories — mentioned this week that the rising demand for checks have in flip elevated common wait occasions for delivering outcomes.
Quest mentioned outcomes now take a median of 4 to 6 days for the overall inhabitants, for much longer than the turnaround time in early June when the corporate was producing ends in two to a few days. The corporate mentioned checks for hospital sufferers and symptomatic well being care employees are prioritized and take in the future on common. Quest cited “unprecedented demand,” particularly within the South, Southwest and Western areas of the nation the place coronavirus circumstances are spiking.
A spokesperson for LabCorp instructed Appradab Monday that its checks are taking about two to 4 days to come back again. Earlier than the rise in demand, LabCorp says it had been delivering coronavirus check outcomes on common between one and two days.
BioReference is now delivering ends in about three days. Quest, LabCorp and BioReference mentioned they plan to extend their testing capability.
US Assistant Secretary for Well being Adm. Brett Giroir acknowledged Tuesday that wait occasions for check outcomes at business labs are typically growing, although he mentioned the US is now doing an “unprecedented” stage of checks and is averaging greater than 600,000 per day.
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He mentioned check turnaround occasions for checks in Montana and Washington DC, are averaging 4 to 5 days, whereas different states have shorter common waits.
“We did anticipate that the lab capability would sooner or later in time come near reaching a max. I am not saying it is at a max now, however we’re actually pushing the frontiers,” mentioned Giroir, who emphasised that whereas testing is a vital part of the combat towards the virus, it isn’t crucial.
“Probably the most essential issue goes to be private self-discipline. It is the bodily distancing, put on a masks, keep away from crowds,” Giroir mentioned.
Giroir mentioned higher availability of fast, “level of care” checks in coming months ought to decrease the burden on some laboratories. He mentioned he expects that by August or September the point-of-care check market will develop to 10 to 20 million checks per 30 days, although he mentioned such checks are barely much less delicate than lab-based checks. A number of research have raised questions concerning the accuracy of 1 such fast check the White Home has used.
Whereas some state well being departments, reminiscent of these in Georgia, Indiana and Maryland, instructed Appradab their states have enough testing provides, others mentioned entry to sure provides stays constrained.
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Labs in Idaho have confronted “substantial points” buying tools and acquiring common allocations of testing reagents, the chemical substances used to detect the presence of the virus in a pattern, mentioned Dr. Christopher Ball, chief for the Idaho Bureau of Laboratories.
Ball mentioned testing availability varies extensively by area within the state, which he mentioned can have an effect on turnaround occasions for outcomes and who’s prioritized for testing.
A spokesperson for the Michigan Division of Well being and Human Companies instructed Appradab final Tuesday the state remains to be working via shortages in provides together with check kits, which have in flip prompted some labs and well being care suppliers to limit who’s eligible for testing.
Kelly Wroblewski, the director of infectious illness packages for the Affiliation of Public Well being Laboratories, which represents state and native public labs, instructed Appradab labs are typically managing with provides however “it is rather tight.”
“There are periodic shortages or delays in very particular elements of various checks however not the identical large unfold true shortages that we noticed earlier,” mentioned Wroblewski, referring to challenges earlier this yr.
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On Tuesday, 5 Democratic members of Congress representing Arizona despatched a letter to HHS and the Federal Emergency Administration Company that requested help attributable to “dangerously restricted” testing entry of their state.
The letter mentioned Arizonans have reportedly waited in line for as much as 13 hours for a check and so long as three weeks for outcomes.
Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego has described the state of affairs as a “disaster.” Gallego, who spoke to ABC Information on Sunday, mentioned her workplace requested FEMA to setup large-scale community-based testing in her metropolis however was instructed the company was “transferring away from that.”
A FEMA regional administrator, Bob Fenton, mentioned in an announcement that he spoke to Gallego and related her with state well being and emergency administration leaders to treatment her considerations. He mentioned FEMA and HHS have offered Arizona with a whole lot of hundreds of particular person testing provides, and that federally supported community-based testing websites have expanded.
Dr. Anne O’Keefe, a senior epidemiologist for the Douglas County Well being Division in Omaha, Nebraska, mentioned a testing web site within the metropolis has remained closed since Saturday attributable to a scarcity of provides, together with pipettes, that are instruments for transporting liquids.
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O’Keefe mentioned she understands that some provides have been prioritized for different elements of the nation with increased case counts, however she mentioned, “We’d not be in one of many surging states proper now … however we nonetheless have quite a lot of coronavirus right here.”
A spokesperson for Florida’s Joint Info Middle on Covid-19 mentioned Tuesday that there are 47 state-supported testing websites within the state, that testing capability is increasing and that outcomes are sometimes accessible three days after labs obtain check samples.
However Brooke Straub, a resident of Tampa, Florida, mentioned she has been ready greater than per week for her check outcomes.
Straub mentioned she determined to get examined after her throat began to really feel sore two weeks in the past. She mentioned she was instructed no appointments have been accessible at a drive-through web site in her county till the next week. When she was lastly examined final Tuesday, she needed to wait three hours and was instructed she ought to anticipate the ends in 5 to 10 enterprise days.
“The truth that it is 14 days out from the onset of signs does not do me an entire lot of excellent,” Straub mentioned.
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theseaeaglelives · 4 years
Round 5
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Round 5
Manly Sea Eagles                  20
Brisbane Broncos             18
In what can only be described as a momentous step forward in the recovery from the COVID-19 debacle, 170 (mainly Manly) fans were allowed in to watch this fixture live. In the Corporate seats/boxes (naturally). Add this to the 1,000 or so cardboard cut-outs including Sea Eagle, favourite Ron Jeremy and the atmosphere at Central Coast Stadium was nothing short of electric to take in this Round 5 clash.
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Coming off a 59 zip shellacking last week, the Bronco’s were expected to be easy meat for Manly, but as has been said before, a week is a long time in the newly branded rugba league and the Bronco’s jumped out of the blocks against what appeared to be a somewhat lethargic and complacent Manly outfit.
The Bronco’s dominated the most of the first half, running in three tries and quickly established an 18-0 lead. At this point there was little for the Manly faithful to be excited about and even the Ron Jeremy cardboard cut-out was having second thoughts on the value of his attendance. This recent habit of Manly conceding big first half leads is a concern and surely will be something that master Coach Des Hasler will be addressing as a matter of urgency.
Manly hit back just before half time when debutant winger Tevita Funa, who was a late replacement for injured Horhay Taufua crossed in the corner. Prior to scoring, young Funa was having a nightmarish initiation into the top grade where he was tested (and came up short) under a barrage of Bronco bombs, two of which resulted in tries. 
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Credit must go to young Funa for the matter in which he responded and overall, this was a solid debut.
The second half was all Manly, and conceding such a lead it needed to be.  An early try to Cherry Baby off a deft Dylan Walker offload and Manly were back in the game.
This course of events goes back to a rugby league Jack Gibsonism. If you can be the last to score in the 5 minutes before half time, and first to score in the 5 minutes after half time, you usually win. Which Manly did.
Despite his moment of brilliance, Dylan Walker seemed out of sorts for most of the game where he appeared rudderless and more or less running around in circles when he had ball in hand. In the Sea Eagle’s view, he need to run direct at the opposition and create doubt. He is big enough to do this, and take the hits, and frankly if the Roosters Luke Keary can do this, who is 20 kilos less , there is no reason why he can't .
A further try to rampaging centre Moses Suli and then a brace of penalty conversions to Rueben Garrick and Manly were able to sneak home with the points. Manly were far from there best in this fixture and they will need to be much better next week when they face the Raiders. But they will be doing it without Big Guns Tupau and Suli who both have broken fingers, and will be out for an extended period.
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Full marks also go to Channel 9, expert commentator Ruan Simms who correctly predicted a Manly comeback and victory during the half-time analysis when all and sundry were tipping the Bronco’s. It is well documented that the Sea Eagle, has in the past been critical (and with justification) of the baseless opinions coming out of the Nine commentary box, however Ruan has proved herself to be head and shoulders above all these other Channel 9 so called expert gibberers (personal opinion) and deserves much more analytical air time.
Barilaro says let fans back in if Thousands can go to black lives matter rally
NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro has quite rightly pointed out that if thousands of people are able to go to a Black Lives Matters rally with horrendous Covid 19 risk to the general community , surely NRL fans can be immediately allowed back to the stadiums en masse.
In the Sea Eagle’s opinion there is no basis in logic or common sense to continue the farce of social distancing, if these rallies, which pose huge public health risks, can seemingly continue with impunity.
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In what was pure farce, we had the Bulldogs v Roosters Sunday game cancelled, and it is now to be played on Monday night, because Aidan Tolman’s daughter went to a School where a teacher had Covid 19.
Again, the Sea Eagle refers back to the allowance of Black Lives Matter rallies, and Refugee Advocate Rallies, some of which were declared illegal before they started, and all of which pose unacceptable health risks. On this basis, why was this game cancelled at all?
It has been reported that Tolman reported negative for Covid 19. This of course can be distinguished from the rally attendees, where authorities have no idea who or how many of the attendees at the rallies have Covid 19, because not a single one has been tested as far as the Sea Eagle can ascertain.
And they thought the Ruby Princess was a debacle.
Brian Smith - TripleM suggested driving for Uber
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This one caught the Sea Eagle’s eagle eye (in fact eagle ear).  Whilst driving the Sea Eagle was gobsmacked to hear on the TripleM radio station suggestion that Brian Smith (who readers of the Sea Eagle will recall is aka the Dark Force) is now driving for Uber. This of course has not been verified by the Sea Eagle and may well be press scuttlebutt, but given everybody can trust the press, one must accept that on its face, it is believable.
If true, well done to Coach Smith in continuing to still have a crack and assist the general community by being a Scomo lifter rather than a leaner. He deserves credit for that.
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That said, again, if true, any serious objective analysis as to what happens to any organisation where DFI (aka Dark Force Influenza) has taken a grip, can only lead to the inescapable conclusion that shares in Uber may well be considered by canny experts to be a massive sell and/or short sell opportunity. This of course is not financial advice and is not a recommendation in any way shape or form. It is, however, merely an observation determined by the Sea Eagle connecting the historical dots of Coach Smith and his coaching history, and what happens to teams after he leaves. If it can happen to a team, there is a risk it could happen to the value of a listed security. You have been warned.
Let’s Ban it
In what can only be described as a throwback to the burning of books by the Nazis in the 30s (this time via the digital burning) the self-appointed Worldwide Censorship Bureau known simply as Netflix, the ABC and Hollywood et al , have elected to ban the viewing of what were once considered quite funny offerings . It seems that no more will the works of Chris Lilley be available . 
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It is gone . Similarly it is suggested that Elmer Fudd will not be allowed to carry a gun to track the Wascilly Wabbit in the newer versions of Looney Tunes. It too is gone . So too some episodes of Fawlty Towers particularly the ones with the p(8ss take on the Germans . This too is gone . But not to stop there, the Academy Award winning film Gone With The Wind as the title suggests, is also gone .
There are others of course. Where will it end? Hopefully, at the point where all that can be watched is reality TV and cooking shows, with a mass of unemployed actors and comedians and assorted hangers on, and broke Hollywood enterprises, everywhere.
The Sea Eagle however wonders how it is, that possibly the most heinous of games, can still be allowed to remain uncensored and played . We are of course talking the game of Chess here .
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What an absolutely racist proposition this Game of Chess is. This is a game with two sides, one that is completely black and the other that is completely white . Not only that, but there is complete an absolute segregation of colours. There is no cultural mixing. Why can’t a Chess board and its pieces be like a beautiful rainbow,  the Sea Eagle ponders?
Worse than that, this is a game with homophobic slurs, with pieces simply referred to as “Queens“ and a rather unfortunate implication for those pieces referred to as Bishop (which is a clear reference to Paedophilia). Then we have the pawns, pieces able to be sacrificed at will, clearly suggesting a capitalist plot to sacrifice the lives of the impoverished many for the benefit of the rich few .
The game must go and the Sea Eagle implores the Fairfax Press and Channel to take up the challenge, as they have proven themselves to be the ones most capable of doing it.
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The All Blacks too cannot be far away from a similar purging. How can any team call themselves “All Blacks” in this day and age? It beggars belief. They need more grey, and in a hurry, there is no doubt about that, or they too could be the subject of a banning by the self-appointed Worldwide Censorship Bureau. 
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
July 7, 1963
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HOLLYWOOD (AP) - The president of Desilu Productions Inc. had a special interest in inspecting the sumptuous new quarters for television's Dr. Casey, Vincent Edwards. (1)
It was the same building in which the president Lucille Ball had a tiny dressing room when she was an RKO starlet 25 years ago. 
Long the major asset of Desilu, Lucille also took over as president and principal stockholder of the television empire last November. She succeeded her ex husband and co-star Desi Arnaz. 
Two Jobs Easy
A half-year later, she appears to be handling a double career - as corporation boss and series star - with the greatest of ease. 
The success story: 
1. Desilu’s most recent statement snowed gross income up percent to $15,794,836 and net income up to $415,812 from 39-week period. 
2. "The Lucy Show” soared immediately to the top ranks in audience ratings, marking one of to the most successful returns in television. One of her jobs would be enough to keep anyone busy. How does she manage both? Says she: 
Leave Help Alone 
“If I have any method, it's something I've known for a long time: when you’ve got competent people working for you, leave them alone and let them do their jobs.”
She credits the production team smooth operation of Desilu, which operates three large studios, makes its own television series, rents space for other television series - Danny Thomas, Lassie, Joey Bishop - and movies - "The Greatest Story Ever Told" - and syndicates television films. 
Yet Lucille is no mere letterhead president. She described her activities during a luncheon break from her show.  The scene was her dressing room at the Desilu Gower Studio, a colorfully decorated, not over-large suite from which she conducts her business. 
Sees Good Year
Lucille foresees a healthy year for Desilu. Besides her own show, the firm will produce “The Greatest Show on Earth," a circus hour in color with Jack Palance; a comedy mystery with Glynis Johns and Keith Andes; and possibly "Fair Exchange." (2)
#   #   #  
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(1) “Ben Casey” was a medical drama series that aired on ABC from 1961 to 1966 starring Vince Edwards in the title role. It was filmed at Desilu Studios, but produced by Bing Crosby Productions. Edwards did a cameo in “Lucy Goes to a Hollywood Premiere” (TLS S4;E20) aired on February 7, 1966.
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(2) “The Greatest Show on Earth” (1963-64) starring Jack Palance and set in a traveling circus. Lucy made a guest appearance on the series in December 1963. 
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“Glynis” (1963) starred Glynis Johns and Keith Andes (Lucille’s Wildcat leading man) played an absent-minded private detective and her lawyer husband. 
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“Fair Exchange” (1962-63) starred Eddie Foy Jr. and Vic Madden as World War Two buddies who exchange teenage daughters (Judy Carne and Lynne Loring) for a year.  
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Robert Joseph Thomas (1922–2014) was a Hollywood biographer and reporter who worked for the Associated Press from 1944. As of 2014, he was twice listed in the Guinness World Records, for the longest career as a reporter, and for the most consecutive Academy Awards shows covered by an entertainment reporter.
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newsmanmdgn · 4 years
Today’s Top Stories: April 27, 2020
Sorry, no video today. Too many things in the hopper and I have a sore throat anyway.
Do some reading. It’s good for you.
Today’s Top Stories is brought to you by My Daily Grind News.
Coronavirus update:
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2,992,970 confirmed infections, up from 2,735,117 Friday. 207,518 confirmed deaths, up from 192,019 Friday.
Relevant COVID-19 stories:
Will We Ever Return to Normal?
Tyson Foods warns that “the food supply chain is breaking’ as plants close
Famotidine: New York hospitals studying heartburn drug as Covid-19 treatment
San Francisco had the 1918 flu under control. And then it lifted the restrictions.
Poll: 69 percent of voters support Medicare for All
Trump looks to Hope Hicks as coronavirus crisis spills over
Nancy Pelosi endorses Joe Biden for president
Freed of briefing duty, wounded Trump airs full collection of grievances on Twitter, retweeting claim of ‘coup attempts’
Economy Update:
Trump faces big decisions on energy industry rescue as U.S. runs out of places to store abundance of oil
Editorial: Remember in the ’70s and then the ’80s, ’90s, two thousands, and finally, like yesterday, oil reserves had all been found, were finite, and would “run out soon?”
Well, here we are: We have a glut of oil with nowhere to put it. Factories aren’t using as much and consumers aren’t driving much, if at all.
See? We had a solution to this problem all along? And the planet will thank us.
I’m being a bit sarcastic and dark here, but we always DID know the answer: Use less.
Ironic how Mother Nature forced our hand.
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The Dow is up 200, breaking through the 24k barrier.
Upcoming economic reports this week:
Last Friday – Consumer sentiment index – DOWN from 89 in March to 71.8 (down from 101 in February)
Tuesday – Case-Shiller home price index, Consumer confidence index
Wednesday – Gross domestic product, Jerome Powell press conference
Thursday – Initial jobless claims, Consumer spending, Core inflation
Friday – Motor vehicle sales (annual rate)
Source: https://www.marketwatch.com/tools/calendars/economic
Relevant Economy stories:
Second round begins for small business loan program after problems hampered first rollout
Joe Biden says corporate America is ‘greedy as hell’ – Well, duh?
Check out Gig Economics–Learn how to thrive in the gig economy. Don’t ever be that cube monkey again!
Offbeat Story of the Day:
Editorial: I’m leaving this one here because it got a ton of play last week and over the weekend. I even lost a few friends over it because they believe him. I don’t know which stance they believe (that he was spit-balling solutions, he was being serious, he was being sarcastic), but they believe him.
This is, of course, proof that Trumplodytes are members of a cult.
“Give me Biden or give me bleach!”
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ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Maryland’s health department fielded hundreds of calls from residents asking about ingesting disinfectants after President Donald Trump wondered aloud if that could fight COVID-19, Gov Larry Hogan said Sunday.
The Republican governor spoke about the emergency hotline calls and Trump’s offhand comment during appearances on CBS’ “Face The Nation” and ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday morning. On Friday, the Maryland Emergency Management Agency tweeted a “reminder” that under no circumstances should any disinfectant be injected or ingested.
Hogan said “communicating very clearly on the facts” has been important to him since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
“I think when misinformation comes out or you just say something that pops in your head, it does send a wrong message. We had hundreds of calls come into our emergency hotline at our health department asking if it was right to ingest Clorox or alcohol cleaning products, whether that was going to help them fight the virus,” he said during his ABC appearance.
During a press briefing on Thursday, Trump said research was underway into the effect that disinfectants have on the virus and questioned if they could be injected into people.
“Is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?” Trump asked. “Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”
The White House accused the media of misrepresenting the president’s comments. Trump said he had been speaking sarcastically.
Hogan said Trump needs to “stick to a message and make sure that these press conferences are fact-based.”
“I think other people in the administration have been trying to make that clear to him, as well,” he added.
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The article was originally published here! Today’s Top Stories: April 27, 2020
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rickhorrow · 5 years
10 To Watch : Mayor’s Edition 11320
with Jacob Aere
Heading into its conference championship weekend, NFL viewership is up, which should affect media rights negotiations. The NFL averaged 16.5 million viewers per game during the 2019 regular season, up from 15.8 million in 2018 — the league's second consecutive annual increase of 5%. The rebound in viewership from the previous two years, according to Axios Sports, will give the NFL higher leverage when negotiating new distribution deals with media partners. Currently, the NFL gets around $1 billion annually from each the three broadcast networks that air Sunday games (CBS, FOX, and NBC), over $1 billion from ESPN to air Monday night games, and around $1.5 billion from AT&T's DirecTV to distribute its Sunday Ticket package. Among predictions about where NFL rights will land in the future, SportsBusiness Journal posits that global streaming service DAZN come close to picking up rights to NFL Sunday Ticket. And Lightshed Partners predicts that CBS will lose Sunday afternoon NFL rights to either NBC or ABC, given price increases, and that FOX will retain its rights. Most of the NFL's current media deals expire in 2022 or sooner, and experts predict that prices will go up significantly in the next round of deals.
Two-thirds of Americans support college players being allowed to earn money through endorsements according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. As the NCAA mulls new rules about athlete endorsement and Name, Image, and Likeness compensation, the study found that support for the NCAA allowing college athletes to cash in on their names, images, and likenesses is particularly high among young adults, as well as black Americans and Hispanics. “The opinions of the public in general are very important because they are reflected in the attitudes of universities, who are the ones that actually make the rules,” NCAA President Mark Emmert told the Associated Press. Another interpretation of Emmert’s comments and a peek into the crystal ball on the issue: if two-thirds of Americans support the proposed rules, that likely means two-thirds of college and university boosters, the influential lifeblood of athletic departments, do as well.
Topgolf’s IPO could value the company at over $4 billion. Topgolf International Inc., an operator of driving ranges with a party atmosphere, has selected banks for an initial public offering that could value the company at about $4 billion, according to people familiar with the matter. The Dallas-based company is reportedly working with banks including Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and Bank of America. Its IPO could come as soon as this year. The company’s driving ranges, which “bring the spirit of a bowling alley to the golf course,” have bays that can accommodate up to six players who can track their balls electronically while ordering food and drinks. Some venues feature rooftop bars, restaurants, shops, pools, and concert halls. The company has locations in the U.S., the U.K. and Australia, with others opening soon in Canada, Mexico, and the United Arab Emirates, according to its website. The company’s backers also have included Callaway Golf Co., which acquired a minority stake with other investors in a deal completed in 2017.
Just hours after news broke that Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg was spending $10 million on a Super Bowl ad, word came that President Trump would do the same. “President Trump made the unprecedented decision to keep the campaign open following his first election, which allows us to do things like buying a Super Bowl ad,” Tim Murtaugh, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, was quoted in the New York Times. Super Bowl ads are rarely deployed in presidential politics due to the high cost and inefficiencies of paying to reach a national audience rather than focusing on key states. The buy highlights Bloomberg's massive spending power. And it’s just the start of what's likely to be a huge spending year for Trump. Bloomberg has already spent $170 million on ads this election cycle, while the Republican National Committee just announced that it raised $463 million in 2019 and has nearly $200 million cash on hand. It's worth noting that the Super Bowl lands just one day before the Iowa caucuses.
In an era in which legislation such as California’s newly minted Assembly Bill 5 aims to correct inequalities in the workplace, Sports Illustrated staffers announced their intention to unionize, seeking better workplace protections amid turmoil at the legacy brand. The union, according to CNN, represents about 80 staffers in print, digital, and video. Sports Illustrated's magazine staffers were already a part of the NewsGuild of New York, but digital staffers were not. Now, both print and digital will be included in the new union that is also with the NewsGuild. In October, Seattle-based startup Maven took ownership of Sports Illustrated from magazine conglomerate Meredith Corporation and immediately laid off about 40 staffers. Of the roughly 80 staffers eligible for the bargaining unit, more than 90% "signed a petition supporting the union drive." Their effort to join the NewsGuild "comes at a time of turmoil for the magazine." In a letter to management, staffers requested a "pay-equity study; an increased focus on minority hiring; clarity for workers on extended temporary contracts; and clear protocols for handling harassment.”
Tensions surrounding the Middle East continue to loom over the European Tour’s “Desert Swing.” Concerns are "growing" over the European Tour's "Desert Swing" over the next three weeks after Iran "threatened to 'unleash Hezbollah' across the Gulf as military tensions build." The Abu Dhabi Golf Championship is set to take place this week, followed by the Dubai Desert Classic and Saudi Arabia International. The European Tour, according to the London Telegraph, was "confident at the start of the week that its schedule would not be affected by the conflict." Several U.S. golfers are "due to play in Abu Dhabi," and the region is "vital for the Tour’s ongoing prosperity and officials will be loath to cancel or even postpone.” In the U.S., Phil Mickelson and others will be skipping next month’s Waste Management Open to play in the lucrative Saudi Arabia tourney. Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth is now a factor for sport and sports events, whatever the controversy. In the near future, it seems likely that a very big golf name is going to align itself with the kingdom – or take a stand by turning its money down.
In conjunction with the Protect the Pitch program, which continues to lead the industry in stadium sustainability and clean energy efforts, LA’s Dignity Health Sports Park has installed 12 new Volta electric vehicle charging stations that will be available to guests free of charge at all events. Volta designs electric vehicle charging networks for forward-thinking businesses seeking to provide seamless, simple and free charging. Volta designed Dignity Health Sports Park’s charging network as a foundation for further expansion to match the park’s rising electric vehicle demands. Projecting out based on the average Volta station impact in Los Angeles, Dignity Health Sport Park’s 12 stations will offset an estimated 250,000 pounds of CO2annually. The MLS LA Galaxy and Dignity Health Sports Park have launched numerous sustainability efforts to reduce carbon footprint and become more sustainable through the Protect the Pitch initiative. As increasing numbers of Galaxy fans drive electric cars, Dignity Health Sports Park’s partnership with Volta is a perfect complement to the club’s Protect the Pitch sustainability initiative.
Soccer stars from around the globe will play a bushfire charity match. According to The Sydney Morning Herald, the head of Melbourne-based agency Tribal Sports Group, Lou Sticca, took to Twitter last Sunday to flag plans for a star-studded charity soccer match, which could raise huge sums to help alleviate the suffering of people and communities whose lives have been devastated by blazes scorching Australia. The game is likely to be played at Sydney's ANZ Stadium in May. Many top European and South American players will be in action at the European Championships and Copa America, but big names who are no longer internationals could be lured to Australia to help raise funds. The charity match is one of a number of fundraising efforts being made on behalf of football in Australia to assist those affected by the bushfires. Currently, the next two rounds of the A-League and W-League will be dedicated to raising funds and showing gratitude to emergency services. And the Australian players' union, Professional Footballers Australia, also used its “Footballers Trust” to donate $1000 for every goal scored in the A-League and W-League over the weekend of January 11-12.
Megan Rapinoe is working with Budweiser to change the perspective on branding the NWSL. According to Yahoo Sports, the NWSL looks to shift from surviving to thriving with a target fan base that needs to change from children to young adults. And there may be a shift on the horizon, thanks in part to Budweiser. With help from U.S. Soccer and Soccer United Marketing, who helped broker the deal, Budweiser signed a multi-year sponsorship with the NWSL as the league's biggest sponsor to date. Budweiser's campaign is less of the soft and fuzzy approach the NWSL has seen in the past. Budweiser's current campaign is a call-out of other brands who claim they care about female empowerment to actually put their money where their corporate mouths are. The ironic campaign features Rapinoe enjoying products from future official sponsors of the NWSL – eating a generic hamburger that could be a fast food chain sponsor or sporting a generic watch that could become the official timepiece of the NWSL. Budweiser is simultaneously supporting women’s sports leagues and proving themselves to be a consistent sports sponsor and beverage – regardless of league or gender.
The Atlanta Hawks’ Trae Young cancels $1 million in medical debt for locals. According to ABC 7 and other news outlets, the 21-year-old star donated $10,000 to a medical debt erasure agency that relieved over $1 million in debt for local residents. Through the Trae Young Foundation, Young donated the money to RIP Medical Debt, an organization that buys and forgives medical debt in the United States, according to a news release. The nonprofit was started in 2014 by two former debt collectors. They use donated funds to buy debt portfolios for those in need. Media reports said the average amount of dissolved debt is $1,858 for about 570 people. Although he didn’t contribute the $1 million himself, Young expanded what his money could do and positively financially impacted hundreds of Atlanta residents.
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