drpedi07 · 1 year
Baloxavir Marboxil Drug
Medical information for Baloxavir Marboxil on Pediatric Oncall including Indication, Dosing, Adverse Effect, Hepatic Dose.
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rungtahospital · 13 days
Seasonal Flu: Causes Symptoms & Treatment
As the seasons change, many people experience what is commonly referred to as the "seasonal flu." This viral illness is more than just a nuisance; it can lead to severe health complications, especially in vulnerable populations such as young children, the elderly, and individuals with weakened immune systems. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for seasonal flu is essential for managing the disease and preventing its spread. For those in need of medical care, seeking treatment at the best hospital in Jaipur, like Rungta Hospital, can ensure comprehensive and expert care.
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Causes of Seasonal Flu
The influenza virus, which is divided into three primary types: A, B, and C, is what causes seasonal flu, often known as influenza. The influenza A and B viruses are the main causes of the yearly flu outbreaks, although the influenza C virus is less likely to generate broad epidemics and causes milder respiratory illnesses. When an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks, respiratory droplets are the main way that the highly contagious flu virus spreads. Additionally, it can spread by contact with infected surfaces or items and then the mouth, nose, or eyes.
Annually, the influenza virus experiences small genetic alterations, a phenomenon called antigenic drift, that enable the virus to avoid the body's defense mechanisms. Because of this, individuals may contract the flu more than once in their lifetime, necessitating the annual updating of flu vaccines to reflect the most common strains.
Symptoms of Seasonal Flu
The symptoms of seasonal flu can range from mild to severe and typically appear suddenly. Common symptoms include:
Fever: Often high, lasting 3-4 days.
Cough: Usually dry and persistent.
Sore Throat: Irritation and pain in the throat.
Body Aches: Muscle and joint pain, often severe.
Fatigue: A feeling of extreme tiredness and weakness.
Headaches: Common and can be intense.
Chills: Shivering, often accompanied by sweating.
Runny or Stuffy Nose: Nasal congestion, less common than in the common cold.
Gastrointestinal Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, especially in children.
Serious side effects from the flu might occasionally include sinus infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, and worsening existing illnesses like heart disease or asthma. These issues are more common in children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems.
Treatment of Seasonal Flu
Even while the seasonal flu can be miserable, with the right care and relaxation, most people recover on their own. On the other hand, some therapies and prophylactic actions can aid in symptom management, shorten the course of the illness, and avert consequences.
1. Rest and Hydration: Rest is the most important flu treatment. A speedy recovery depends on giving the body time to heal. Additionally, it's critical to maintain fluids because fever and other symptoms can cause dehydration. Getting enough of liquids, including herbal teas, broths, and water, can be beneficial.
2. Over-the-Counter Medications: Several of the flu's symptoms can be reduced by over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Both ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) help lower fever and ease body pains. Coughing and nasal congestion can be controlled with the use of decongestants, antihistamines, and cough suppressants. Giving these drugs to young children should only be done after consulting a healthcare professional and using them as prescribed.
3. Antiviral Medications: Antiviral drugs may be recommended for people who are highly susceptible to flu-related problems. Medication such as baloxavir marboxil (Xofluza), zanamivir (Relenza), peramivir (Rapivab), and oseltamivir (Tamiflu) can lessen the intensity of symptoms and cut the flu's duration by roughly one day. When these drugs are used during the first 48 hours after the onset of symptoms, they work best.
4. Preventive Measures: The best way to treat the seasonal flu is prevention. The best defense against the flu is to be vaccinated each year. Each year, the vaccine is modified to reflect the most prevalent virus strains that are currently in circulation. It is essential to practice proper hygiene in addition to receiving a vaccination. This includes frequently cleaning your hands with soap and water, avoiding direct contact with ill people, and covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze by using a tissue or your elbow.
5. When to Seek Medical Attention: Although the majority of flu infections are treatable at home, some symptoms necessitate prompt medical attention. Breathing problems, chest pain, abrupt dizziness, disorientation, severe vomiting, or symptoms that get better but then come back with a fever and worse cough are a few of these. Urgent care may be necessary for children in particular if they exhibit rapid breathing, bluish skin tone, inactivity, or severe agitation.
Managing Flu in Children
Younger age groups are more susceptible to the flu, and children are more vulnerable to the illness. Children may experience a high fever, aches in their muscles, excessive exhaustion, and irritability as symptoms. If their child becomes particularly lethargic, has trouble breathing, or refuses to drink fluids, parents should be on the lookout and seek medical attention. Furthermore, since infants under the age of six months cannot benefit from the flu shot, it is imperative that others in their immediate vicinity take the shot in order to protect the child through herd immunity.
If a child is diagnosed with the flu, it is imperative that they stay home from daycare or school in order to contain the virus. The child's recovery will be aided by making sure they get lots of rest, drinks, and age-appropriate over-the-counter drugs (if prescribed by a medical professional).
Seasonal flu is a common, but potentially dangerous, infection that has to be treated, especially in susceptible groups like children. Effective flu management requires knowledge of the illness's etiology, symptoms, and available treatments. Although the majority of people recover without any issues, infection risk can be decreased by taking preventive actions like getting vaccinated and maintaining excellent hygiene.
For parents in Jaipur, ensuring your child's health and well-being is a top priority. If your child experiences severe flu symptoms or you are concerned about their health, it’s important to seek medical care from a trusted provider. Rungta Hospital, a leading child hospital in Jaipur, offers comprehensive pediatric care and is equipped to handle a wide range of childhood illnesses, including the seasonal flu. With expert pediatricians and state-of-the-art facilities, Rungta Hospital is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your child.
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drfernandoortiz · 1 year
Medicamento Experimental pode curar gripe em 24h
A droga já está disponível no Japão. Uma empresa farmacêutica japonesa afirma ter criado um remédio que pode acabar com o vírus da gripe em até 24h. A droga, que está nas fases finais de testes, também pode reduzir o poder de contágio da doença – e só precisa de uma dose para fazer efeito completo. Chamada de ‘baloxavir marboxil’, ela já chegou às farmácias japonesas em maio de 2018. O remédio…
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au-utd-today · 5 years
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pediadoc7-blog · 4 years
Baloxavir Marboxil Drug Information
Medical information for Baloxavir Marboxil including Indication, Dosing, Adverse Effect, Hepatic Dose. To know more about Baloxavir Marboxil read this article https://www.pediatriconcall.com/drugs/baloxavir-marboxil/306
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Influenza viruses with resistant to the newest drug
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Doctors in Japan began using a new flu drug called Xofluza since March 2018. According to the creators of medication, it's able to overcome the disease in the shortest time. The drug was also approved for sale in other countries, for example, in the United States.
Baloxavir marboxyl is the active ingredient of the new remedy. Many experts found Xofluza a real breakthrough in pharmacology. Its principle of action was different from other flu drugs. It was also important that patient could take only one dose of the remedy. This made the medication much more convenient than the analogues on the market. The drug reduced the duration of the disease and the severity of the symptoms, alleviating the condition of the patients.
Not only the scientific and patient community responded to the appearance of the new drug. Researchers from Japan have discovered influenza viruses in recent months, whose strains have resistance to Xofluza. Scientists noted, mutated influenza viruses that were not affected by baloxavir marboxyl were found in about one in four (about 23.4%) of the study participants, which they examined. Researchers examined schoolchildren - children under the age of 12 years. The discovered strains were 120 times more resistant to the new drug, than influenza viruses without mutations.
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pharmasources · 3 years
Category:Intermediates > Pharmaceutical Intermediates
Product Name:7-(Benzyloxy)-3,4,12,12a-tetrahydro-1H-[1,4]oxazino[3,4-c]pyrido[2,1-f][1,2,4]triazine-6,8-dione
CAS No.:CAS NO.1370250-39-7
Standard:In-house Standards
Company:Hunan HuaTeng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Basic Info
Grade: pharmaceutical grade
 Factory Location: Changsha, Hunan, China
 Main Sales Markets: North America,Central/South America,Western Europe,Eastern Europe,Asia
 Sample Provided: no
 Payment Terms: L/L
 Huateng Pharma, a professional pharmaceutical intermediate supplier,  provides baloxavir marboxil intermediate 7-(Benzyloxy)-3,4,12,12a-tetrahydro-1H-[1,4]oxazino[3,4-c]pyrido[2,1-f][1,2,4]triazine-6,8-dione (CAS No. 1370250-39-7) with high quality and purity, which is the treatment of influenza in individuals who are at increased risk of developing flu-related complications.
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mcatmemoranda · 4 years
Finally trying to get this stupid assignment done.
From Medscape article on CAP:
Adequate empiric antimicrobial therapy for CAP includes coverage for S pneumoniae and atypical bacterial pathogens. Outpatient treatment for CAP in patients with no comorbidities and no risk factors for drug-resistant S pneumoniae frequently includes the following: [7]
Amoxicillin 1 g PO three times a day OR
A macrolide (azithromycin 500 mg once and then 250 mg daily, clarithromycin 500 mg twice daily) OR
Doxycycline 100 mg twice daily
Macrolides should be used only in areas where pneumococcal resistance is less than 25%. During influenza season, it is also reasonable to initiate oseltamivir, zanamivir, or baloxavir therapy in outpatients who present with a flulike illness and pneumonia.
Treatment options for CAP in patients with comorbidities such as chronic heart, lung, liver, or renal disease; diabetes mellitus; alcoholism; malignancy; asplenia; immunosuppression; prior antibiotics within 90 days; or other risk factors for drug-resistant infection include the following:
Beta-lactam (high-dose amoxicillin 1 g 3 times/day, amoxicillin/clavulanate 2 g/125 mg twice daily or 500 mg/125 mg three times daily or 875 mg/125 mg twice daily, cefpodoxime 200 mg twice daily, or cefuroxime 500 mg twice daily) plus a macrolide or doxycycline OR Respiratory fluoroquinolones ( moxifloxacin 400 mg daily, levofloxacin 750 mg daily)
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The flu(influenza)
Influenza is a viral infection that affects the respiratory system (nose, throat and in severe cases the lungs). Being viral makes it highly contagious and difficult to prevent. It’s usually a seasonal illness, with yearly outbreaks killing hundreds of thousands of people around the world. It affects mainly children, elderly people, pregnant people and the immune compromised. Its caused by the influenza virus. A viral family that mutates each year making every flu season an arms race against that year’s mutation. Avoiding close contact with sick individuals, covering coughs and sneezes, and washing your hands often can help prevent the flu. But the best way to prevent the infection is to take the flu vaccine ever year. Even if the vaccine isn’t 100% effective it’s best way to prevent it.
For most people the flu can pass by itself without many complications. But there are groups of people that are in more danger of developing dangerous complications. This groups are:
Adults older than age 65
Children 18 years of age and younger who are taking aspirin-based or salicylate-based medications
Native Americans (American Indians and Alaska Natives)
People who have chronic illnesses, such as asthma, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease and diabetes
People with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher
People with a compromised immune system
Pregnant people and people up to two weeks postpartum
Residents of highly populated quarters (like military barracks)
Residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities
Young children under age 5, and especially those under 12 months
The influenza is a virus, what does this means. It means that it can travel through the air in droplets when someone with the infection coughs, sneezes or talks. You can inhale the droplets directly, or you can pick up the germs from an object and then transfer them to your eyes, nose or mouth.
Four types of the virus exist: A and B, which are responsible for seasonal flu epidemics in people; C, which is relatively rare, causes a mild respiratory illness, and is not thought to cause epidemics; and D, which primarily infects cattle and isn’t known to affect people. Influenza A virus, which also infects animals, like birds, swine, horses, and other, is further divided into subtypes based on two antigens (proteins) on the virus’s surface: hemagglutinin (H), of which there 18 subtypes, and neuraminidase (N), of which there 11 subtypes. The specific virus is recognized by these antigens. For example, H1N1 refers to influenza A virus with hemagglutinin subtype 1 and neuraminidase subtype 1, and so on and so on. Influenza B, on the other hand, is recognized by lineages and strains. The influenza B viruses commonly seen in people belong to one of two lineages: B/Yamagata or B/Victoria.
People with flu are most contagious in the first 3-4 days after the symptoms begins. If the person is asymptomatic (doesn’t get sick but does get infected with the virus) may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick. Sometimes those with high risk conditions may be able to spread the infection for even more time.
The influenza virus has a very fast mutation mechanism, and covers an arrange so wide of viruses that even if you got the flu already you can get sick again. Because it won’t be the same virus that infected you before. Is for this that vaccinating each year is important. Because the vaccine will be tailored especially for the flu’s strand that is stronger that year.
*Fever over 100.4 F (38 °C)
Chest pain
Chills and sweats
Cough (usually dry)
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Difficulty sleeping
Fatigue (tiredness) and weakness
Feeling sick and being sick
Loss of appetite
Muscle or body aches
Nasal congestion
Runny or stuffy nose
Severe or persistent vomiting
Some people may also have vomiting and diarrhea. This is more common in children.
 Sore throat
Sudden dizziness
 The symptoms are similar for children, but they can also get pain in their ear and appear less active. For infants and children, emergency flu symptoms include:
trouble breathing
blueish skin
fever that accompanies a rash
inability to eat or drink
no tears when crying
*It’s important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever.
For this illness the presence of the symptoms it’s enough to treat it, but a test can be done to see which strand is the one active. The test it’s not necessary because by being a virus most treatments for all influenzas are the same. Most people recover from the flu within one to two weeks. Others will start to get better and then find that their condition rapidly deteriorates and their fever spikes again. If this happens, it could mean that you have a flu complication like pneumonia, an ear infection, or bronchitis. You should see a doctor right away. The idea is to go see a doctor for medication if you are in the high risk group.
If you are not in high risk of having complications the virus may go on its own. But you can rest and sleep, keep yourself warm, take paracetamol or ibuprofen to lower your temperature and treat aches and pains and drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration (your pee should be light yellow or clear). Al. in the spirit of lowering your symptoms and lower the risk of developing complications.
there are antiviral medicines that you can use to lower the time you are infected and down with the sickness. Like oseltamivir phosphate (available as a generic version or under the trade name Tamiflu®), zanamivir (trade name Relenza®), peramivir (trade name Rapivab®), and baloxavir marboxil (trade name Xofluza®). But never use antibiotics when infected with the flu. Antibiotics attack bacteria and living things. Viruses are not alive; they are just loose strands of RNA (genetic material) that don’t have the mechanisms that are needed for the antibiotics to work. Using antibiotics when not infected with bacteria could lead to strong antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Sources: x x x x x x x x x 
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drfernandoortiz · 1 year
A droga já está disponível no Japão. Uma empresa farmacêutica japonesa afirma ter criado um remédio que pode acabar com o vírus da gripe em até 24h.
A droga, que está nas fases finais de testes, também pode reduzir o poder de contágio da doença – e só precisa de uma dose para fazer efeito completo. Chamada de ‘baloxavir marboxil’, ela já chegou às farmácias japonesas em maio de 2018. O remédio já foi testada com sucesso em 1,436 pacientes.
Seu funcionamento é simples: ele inibe uma enzima de restrição que é essencial para que os vírus se repliquem e sintetizem proteínas a partir do próprio material genético. Com este bloqueio, o remédio não só evita que o vírus se espalhe, mas também limita sua habilidade de entrar em nossas células e induzir os sintomas da gripe.
Pacientes que começaram a mostrar sinais de infecção nas primeiras 48 horas disseram ter se livrado dos sintomas 53 horas depois de tomar uma pílula do baloxavir marboxil. O efeito do remédio no organismo começava antes: em 24h, o vírus já parava de se replicar. Já os pacientes que tomaram placebo – e contavam apenas com o próprio sistema imunológico para combater o vírus – só se sentiam melhor depois de 80 horas.
Os testes também sugerem que o remédio pode causar menos efeitos colaterais que outros disponíveis no mercado. O estudo excluiu pessoas com alto risco de desenvolver complicações decorrentes da gripe, tornando impossível de saber se, em casos mais severos, o remédio funcionaria tão bem. Agora é aguardar a sua comercialização no Brasil.
Leia mais: www.drfernandoortiz.wordpress.com
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questionharsha-blog · 5 years
Do you have The Flu? Know the Symptoms, Treatment and More..
https://wcts.app/FluInfluenza, or flu, is a respiratory illness/infection caused by a virus. It is highly contagious and is normally spread by the coughs and sneezes of an infected person. You can also catch flu by just touching the infected person like shaking hands etc.
Adults are contagious 1–2 days before getting symptoms and up to 7 days after becoming ill.
Fast facts on flu
Antibiotics cannot treat flu only antivirals.
Vaccination every year is an effective way to prevent flu.
The flu vaccine is not suitable for certain groups of people (who have a severe allergy to chicken eggs).
Flu is generally not serious but, it is unpleasant. However, it may cause severe complications in very young children, pregnant women, diabetics, people with respiratory disorders, older people, and in those individuals with low immune responses.
Flu can often be confused with the common cold as they share similar symptoms such as
Running or blocked nose
Sore throat
However, you can differentiate flu from the common cold with these symptoms
High temperature
Cold sweats and shivers
Aching joints and limbs
Fatigue, feeling exhausted
Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are also common.
Complications of flu include
Asthma flare-ups
Ear infection
Heart problems
Flu is usually caused by a virus, so antibiotics cannot help, unless it leads to another illness caused by bacteria.
Doctors may prescribe antivirals, such as oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza), in some circumstances.
FDA approved a new drug called baloxavir marboxil (Xofluza) for acute uncomplicated influenza, or flu in 2018.
People can receive this treatment if they:
are aged 12 years or over
have had symptoms for fewer than 48 hours
Possible side effects include diarrhea and bronchitis.
Pain relief medication
Pain relievers can alleviate some of the symptoms, such as a headache and body pains.
Home remedies
Individuals with flu should:
Stay at home
Avoid contact with other people where possible
Keep warm and rest
Consume plenty of liquids
Avoid alcohol
Stop smoking
Eat if possible
Read more https://wcts.app/Flu
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drekingreen · 4 years
Influenza: Baloxavir schützt Angehörige vor einer Ansteckung
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Influenza A and B viruses with reduced baloxavir susceptibility display attenuated in vitro fitness but retain ferret transmissibility
The emergence of influenza viruses with reduced susceptibility to baloxavir marboxil (BXM) would limit the clinical utility of this novel antiviral. To assess the risk of such resistance emerging, we evaluated influenza A and B viruses carrying BXM-reduced susceptibility substitutions and compared their fitness to that of their drug-susceptible […]
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feelingbluepolitics · 6 years
"Flu sufferers now have a new option for relieving symptoms. Xofluza (baloxavir marboxil), a single-dose, oral prescription drug, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday. The antiviral is the first new flu treatment approved by the FDA in nearly 20 years.
"The pill is intended for patients who are 12 or older and who have had symptoms for no more than 48 hours. When patients with the flu, a respiratory illness, are treated within 48 hours of becoming sick, antiviral drugs can reduce symptoms and duration of illness, according to the FDA.
..."The most common side effects of Xofluza included diarrhea and bronchitis, the government agency reported.
"Xofluza will be available across the US in the coming weeks, said Andrew Villani, senior manager, corporate relations, at Genentech, the US based distributor of the new drug. "The wholesale acquisition cost for Xofluza is $150, which is at parity with leading antiviral treatments, including Tamiflu." However, patients with commercial insurance that cover the cost of the drug and use a coupon available on a company website may pay as little as $30, he added.
"While Gottlieb welcomed the addition of another drug to treat influenza, he stressed that no treatment is a replacement for the flu vaccine and urged anyone who has not done so to get a flu shot.
"The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends getting the flu vaccine by the end of October. A variety of vaccines have been approved for the 2018-19 flu season, including nasal mist and other needleless options. Flu vaccines are widely available.
"The vaccine is imperfect and some people may still get sick even after getting a flu shot. However, those who get flu after receiving vaccine are less likely to require hospitalization and they're less likely to die, according to the CDC."
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There’s a new flu drug on the shelf, the first in 20 years to get a thumbs-up from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
On October 24, the agency approved the use of the new antiviral drug, called baloxavir marboxil and sold under the brand name Xofluza. The drug, already available in Japan, works differently to kill the influenza virus from the other main class of flu antivirals, which includes the drug Tamiflu.
Antiviral drugs can help alleviate symptoms and shorten the flu’s duration, although flu vaccination remains the best way to prevent illness and death caused by the virus. “Prevention is better than treatment in all things and that’s absolutely true for flu,” says infectious disease physician Andrew Pavia of the University of Utah School of Medicine in Salt Lake City. “So the first message is: Get your flu shot.”
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big-toph-energy · 2 years
If I ever need to name a dnd character I’m just gonna use drug names
Hail and well met my name is Baloxavir Marboxil
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