#Bambam au
prettywordsyouleft · 2 years
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Pairing: BamBam x female reader
Genre: fantasy / adventure / demon au / romance
Warnings: brief mentioning of past torture / blood / curses and prophecies / this has fantastical characters such as demons, elves, and gods
Word count: 6466
A/N: Welcome to the third week of Frightful October. The theme is Demonology, and this is a continuation of my story last week set in the Enchanted Forest. It is also set in the King of Demons world.
This story could be read alone, but it has a lot of nuances from the previous story that you might wish for more information on.
The King’s Sorcerer | The Huntsman | Gatekeeper | The Secret Library | Stories Told on Hallow’s Eve
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A lot of entities in Sheol underestimated his role as Gatekeeper. Whenever they approached the platform that he managed, BamBam could tell their emotions would be one of three things:
1.      Shock and awe of the cascading lava waterfalls or bubbling pools that lined the pathways up to each gate.
2.      Horror, because not everyone likes lava, BamBam included – it did melt exceptionally well, and he had had one too many run-ins with lava spikes over the centuries.
3.      Disinterest in the Gatekeeper himself. Which was fine, he supposed. He wasn’t much to look at upon first glance. Much like any demon, he had decent enough looks, and if he didn’t smile too widely, no one would see the razor-sharp teeth in his mouth right away. His lithe body didn’t remarkably stand out as a weapon, and his good-natured ways often made people overlook how deadly he was.
Because the Gatekeeper was, in fact, dangerous. The King of Demons wouldn’t leave just any demon in charge of his dominion gates, and not anyone could master the precise nature of opening and closing them either. Some had to be routinely checked that they opened still, and others, well, it was better that no one ever entered them – not even BamBam. The Gatekeeper was an important role in Hell, and so many few respected it.
“Surely I don’t need permission to cross into the wild fields from the likes of you,” sneered a hobgoblin, and BamBam sighed heavily.
“No one can enter without permission from the overlord himself.”
“Don’t be so lazy. Just flick the switch!” cried a shapeshifter, throwing their hands up in the air dramatically.
“It’s not as easy as that. Besides, there are levers not switches!”
“I could run this platform more efficiently than you are,” commented a snobbish ogre, and BamBam didn’t even reply. For one, he had no hands, so unless the ogre had a telekinesis gift, it was rather unlikely the gates would open, much less run more productively than they already were.
BamBam was fed up with all the objections to his role. He was deadly, dammit! Didn’t anyone see this?
So, when a strange human dropped onto the centre of the platform, BamBam growled at the interruption to his perusing of a spicy novel. The man had the sense to leap up in fright, teetering on the precipice of a lava bed. His dark eyes scanned the area, and for a moment, BamBam thought the man would shrivel up and die at the teeth he could see gleaming in his mouth.
Instead, he groaned loudly. “For goodness sake!”
“Nothing good about being here, mortal,” BamBam slithered out, still annoyed that the man wasn’t cowering.
No, he looked indignant. As if BamBam was the one who put him out.
“I was told that portal would lead to Casaria! Where the hell am I now?!”
BamBam smirked, shifting closer to the man. “You’re in Hell.”
“Where are your manners?!” cried the fool, and BamBam frowned. “I’m a Lord. Surely you can tell! You didn’t address me properly. Oh, I’ve had the most terrible of times! First, the king promises me a princess if I go into the Enchanted Forest, and then I’m captured by fairies! Can you believe it?!”
BamBam could, in fact, believe it but the man didn’t even stop to let him speak otherwise.
“After the most embarrassing and undignified rescue by some elf creature that looks more devilish than anything I’ve ever seen, I was made to traipse through an unending landscape for two whole months! As if this outfit was made to be worn for more than a day!”
As the man heaved in a deep lungful of air, BamBam observed the once fancy threads were now in tatters.
“Finally, I’m taken to some palace, and they had three portals. I was told to go through the left, but I’ll be blasted to know which is left or right, and now I’m here. I want to go home, and I demand you take me this instance!”  
Finally, he was silent.
BamBam had a right mind to torture this man. Not only had he turned up unexpectedly from a portal that he was unaware of, he then unleashed his discourse on BamBam, who had no interest in hearing it, when he had been right in the middle of quite the saucy scene between a demon and angel in his book. For that alone, he should push him into a lava bed and see if he came back out or not. But the last time he had done that, the King of Demons had appeared out of nowhere and decided to throw BamBam in afterwards. It wasn’t an experience he’d like to morph back together from again.
And then he remembered something the man had said. “Some elf creature?”
“Is that all you take from my tirade?! Of course, Elves exist! Didn’t your mother ever read you bedtime stories about the Fae and Elves of the Enchanted Forest?”
“I didn’t have a mother,” BamBam retorted, which made the man blanch when he realised who he was actually talking to. Good. The human needed another dose of fear.
“Good gracious, with a mouth like that, I doubt she’d want to have you suckling at her bosom!”
BamBam bristled. “Now listen here—!”
“Don’t waste your breath on him,” a new, but familiar voice purred, and both males turned to look at the newcomer. BamBam couldn’t help the devilish grin that spread out his mouth.
“Hello, gorgeous,” he crooned, though he only received an eyeroll in return. At least this time you reacted to him in some way. The last time BamBam had seen you, you had acted as if he wasn’t standing by your side at all.
He should find you frustrating, and to some degree he did. But you were nightmares incarnated, and he had always had a taste for such darkness.
The mortal, however, shrieked. “Not you, again!”
“Let me tell you, I’m not much fond of you either, Lord Seokmin. You went through the wrong portal.”
“I demand to be sent back home at once!”
You looked at BamBam, a bored expression marring your stunning face. “Could you send this insect of a man back to Casaria? I’m liable to do damage if I so much as touch him.”
“Insect?! Why I ought to—”
BamBam was already over at the Other Realms gateway, heaving the lever up and to the left a smidge. He then spoke softly to the gate, coaxing it to open and show the bustling capital of Casaria on the other side. Lord Seokmin was relieved at the familiarity and with an audacious glare at them both, marched his way through until the vortex sucked him in whole. BamBam then disengaged the gate and turned back to face you.
“It’s been a while, Curse-Breaker.”
“Not nearly long enough, Gatekeeper.”
“Come now, surely you’ve missed this handsome face of mine,” he teased and grew delighted when your insolent expression twitched in suppressed humour.
You leaned forward to inspect him. “I just can’t seem to find this handsome face you talk of. Where abouts should I be looking?”
“You are the breaker of many hearts, Y/N.”
“And you should just continue working on your acts of seduction.” You nodded to his discarded novel across the way. “Angels do it for you, huh, demon?”
“There is an angel here now,” he announced brightly, then shrunk back a little, waiting to see if the Prince of Sheol had overheard him. Thankfully nothing happened, but he thought to add on just in case, “But she fell from piety for another demon, not I.”
“A pity then.”
“Alas, I much prefer your make of—”
“You know I no longer hold an interest in men, Bam,” you said whisper-soft, and had he not the hearing of a higher entity, he would have missed it. Flashes of the time he had discovered you broken in the human realm beside the floor of a lover rushed to the surface, and you hissed, as if you too were sharing the same vision. Blinking away how that had gone for you and the handsome mortal you had fallen for, BamBam carefully brightened his expression so as not to darken your mood further.
“So, where did the portal come from? It’s not authorised by the King. He’ll be mad.”
“Jaebum doesn’t make me quake in my boots, you know.”
“I should, given I am the Devil,” came the voice of his king, and you both turned to see pure sin walking towards you. BamBam snickered, anticipating what Jaebum would do over this mishap. He certainly wasn’t in trouble. A portal into Sheol was an inconsiderate choice without his permission.
However, you blandly shrugged your shoulders. “I’ve seen you naked, Jaebum. You do nothing to invoke fear into my heart. Nor are you much more than a mediocre—”
“Curse-Breaker, have some tact,” Jaebum urged, glancing between where he came from and BamBam. “My wife thinks differently.”
“So, the news is true? A human softened the heart of the King of Demons?” you scoffed, and thunder filled the air. You didn’t so much as flinch.
“Given your past at softening, shouldn’t you hold a little more respect?”
BamBam wanted to shrink back from this conversation now. He knew his lord had a temper, and from the few experiences he had in your company, it was evenly matched with yours. And whilst he considered himself a dangerous demon, he was also pragmatic about saving his skin, especially since the time the Devil had skinned him of it.
“I’ll just leave you two,” he murmured, not listening to the fight brewing, and backed away step by step.
“Hold, Gatekeeper, I’m not done with your services yet,” you proclaimed a moment later, and BamBam stuttered to a stop.
Jaebum arched an eyebrow. “Since when can you ask for his services without my permission? He belongs to me.”
“Do not act pompous in front of me. I simply came to solve an issue we had caused. If I could just be on my way—”
Suddenly the world around them was flung sideways, and darkness covered them like a cloak. BamBam, uncaring of the argument any longer, launched into action and dashed the familiar pathway back to his control centre. This was the fourth instance of this in the past week, and he needed to figure out what gate was rebelling now. Tempers now forgotten, you joined Jaebum as you both rounded to his side.
“Which gate?!” – “What is going on?”
BamBam didn’t answer you or his king, instead he watched the unrest surge towards the Ancient Realm once more. That was the second time it had done so, the other two firing towards the Human Gateway. Jaebum, having knowledge of which gate was what on the dashboard, let out a string of curses.
“Not now!”
“What is going on?” you repeated more loudly, at the same time as the ground stopped shaking and light filtered back in. You were more frazzled than BamBam had ever witnessed, which you promptly smoothed away with an insolent expression.
“The Gods choose to cause chaos simply at the worst of times,” Jaebum muttered, glaring at the skies above. “They choose to punish me.”
“Is she closer to birthing now, my King?” BamBam questioned, and for once, the Devil answered with a straightforward nod. He had served Jaebum for centuries now, and whilst the man did frighten him, he was also aware of his emotions. The tension in his body didn’t come from your unannounced appearance. No, it was because his human lover that was carrying his child was getting closer to birthing the Antichrist.
He supposed it was also a foreign sense of the unknown for his king pulling his features tight as they were. He was about to become a father for the first time, after all.
“You got her pregnant?!”
“The baby is a blessing and I’ll have you strung up if you think otherwise,” Jaebum snapped, and you had the foresight to nod in agreement.
“I don’t mean disrespect, but surely you realise changes will happen to the realms that you own gateways to. If trouble brews behind them, they will show unrest here.”
“I’m aware, Y/N,” Jaebum answered tiredly, running a hand down his face. “I don’t have the time to solve any issues right now. I have to stay here with my bride. She hardly likes me leaving her side for long as it is. The pregnancy has required more endurance than we both expected.”
BamBam saw you swallow down your retort and gave a calculated but visibly lazy shrug otherwise. “I’ll do it.”
“Do what?”
“Look into the unrest for you. Then we can be even.”
Jaebum’s expression softened. “You never owed me a debt, Y/N.”
“But as an elf, we claim debts for our services. We will be even if I do this.”
“I can’t send you through the gateway alone. Especially into the Ancient Realm. There are multiple steps to unlock.”
BamBam nodded sagely. That was one of the Gateways he hadn’t opened in centuries. He had no desire to either.
You beamed an uncharacteristic smile at him then, and if he hadn’t swooned by such beauty, BamBam should have realised it to be foreboding instead. “Your Gatekeeper is the best in all realms. He can assist me.”
“I am the best— hang on, what did you just say?!”
Jaebum grew thoughtful. “You are not wrong there.”
“I think you’re a little wrong,” BamBam countered, darting his focus between you both.
“And I’m sure many would fail, whilst he would excel in opening locks,” you continued as if he hadn’t refuted the claim.
“Someone needs to man the gates. I’ll stay here. Take one for the team. Send Mark, you trust him best, my liege. Or how about Jackson? He’s a mighty warrior. Is Yugyeom back from the Heavens yet?”
Jaebum smirked. “I’ll have my brother come and look after the gates. He knows them better than I, given he built them. Now, aren’t you always hassling me about wanting to go on an adventure, Bam? Surely, you’re curious about what’s on the other side of that gate.”
“Not particularly.”
“I won’t do it without Bam. He’s the only one worthy to stand at my side,” you announced, staring at him deeply. If he worried about compulsion working on him, he’d wonder if that was what you were doing, but instead, he marinated the word worthy around in his head.
He was a tiny bit curious now.
“Done. You both go looking in the Ancient Realm for why there is such unrest, and I will consult my prophet for any news about what is going on here. If he tells me anything, I will send word to you. I lend my most valuable demon to you now, Curse-Breaker. Please return him to me.”
BamBam glanced at his king in shock. He puffed up his chest in honour and bowed formally to the man before stepping towards his lair to prepare. Your bemused expression held, and BamBam couldn’t help but grin back. “I’ll just prepare for our journey.”
“Pack lightly. We may be gone for some time.”
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“I told you that you wouldn’t need that much stuff, Gatekeeper,” you chastised after BamBam had closed the first Gate behind you. Jinyoung was the last face he saw from Sheol, and he didn’t know if he liked that or not. Your sudden chatter seemed odd too, and BamBam realised it was because you were nervous.
He supposed he ought to be too, given the place you were entering.
“Have you been to the Ancient Realm before?” he asked, and you nodded slowly. “Oh, good. We won’t need to find ourselves a guide.”
“My mother was laid to rest here,” you mentioned, blinking several times in a row before smoothing out the emotion. You did it so often that BamBam became aware of all the little moments right before you shut them out. It felt like he was in on a secret, one you let so few see.
“I don’t know much about this realm,” he admitted, walking more confidently than he had sounded before leaving Sheol to the next gateway. He reached into his pocket for the mini version of his dashboard and angled the device near the keyhole. Gears whirled and clunk inside it before settling on a shape. He slotted the key in and turned the lock.
You visibly fidgeted.
“Do you not want to be here?”
“It makes me uncomfortable. The sheer amount of power that resides here…” you trailed off with a shake of your head. “Even I don’t know what to make of it.”
“And the Gods chose to disrupt this resting spot for what reason,” BamBam mused, not really posing the statement as a question as fog seeped up around his legs. Once through another gate, he knew there was only one more, and you were teetering on edge.
He reached out a hand to touch your shoulder and felt how frozen you were. Moving his heavy backpack around, BamBam tugged out a shawl and threw it unceremoniously around your shoulders. You caught it before it slipped off and into the fog. “Thanks. And there was a prophecy once. Not told by your demon prophet, but one from my own court. It spoke of the darkest depths of the world creating new and unforeseen life causing those at rest to seek retribution.”
“You come here for your mother?”
Again, you nodded. “She needs to be our main priority whilst here.”
“What do you mean?” BamBam frowned, pausing in front of the final gate he needed to unlock. You glanced around before closing your eyes. “I’m sorry, Y/N, if I’ve sullied your mood further—”
“I was meant to be queen after my mother’s death. But I have a sister, and she is much better than me in every way.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
You gave him a wry smile. “She has the nicer traits to rule Elventia with. And whilst it was I chosen by the throne on my mother’s death, I abdicated the title. Elventia would be ruled in darkness if I sat on that throne, and our people suffered enough of that under my mother’s reign. She is partially what made me who I am today.”
“Beautiful in every way?” he offered lightly, and you smiled genuinely despite your pain.
“A nightmare, Bam. And whilst I relish in who I am now, I wasn’t once accepting of my shadows, my darkness. I don’t wish my people to be either.”
“Spoken like a true leader. No wonder you and Jaebum get along so well.”
He treasured the dramatic eyeroll you gave him. “Open the gate, keeper. If the prophecy is true, we’re here to seek out my mother.”
“For help?”
You shook your head. “To stop her from seeking out the deadliest retribution.”
“Well, that sounds dangerous.”
“I thought you were the most dangerous demon in all of Sheol?” you posed, as BamBam used his everchanging key once more. He glanced at you cautiously. “You told me that, don’t you remember?”
The vision from earlier came back, and he saw a younger version of you both in that dank stall, his hands pressed across your slashed abdomen. He had talked a lot to you to distract the pain. He hadn’t realised you were listening – or believed him.
Patting his shoulder with your free hand, you gripped the shawl with the other and stepped through into the Ancients. You shot him a determined smile. “I guess we’re about to find out how true you are to your word, Gatekeeper.”
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The journey into the new realm was disorienting. Much like in Sheol, the world morphed under their feet as they travelled, leading them through ruined temples, strange and dense greenery, and beside large tombs that gave him more heebie jeebies than the prophet’s lair back in Hell. He’d rather be smited over and over by Jinyoung than enter one of them. It seems like you held the same opinion when you shuddered passing another tomb.
“The Elven catacombs are where we need to head,” you announced some way into the journey, which BamBam was equal parts thankful for the information and hesitant by the thought of going underground. The mausoleum-styled tombs you had already passed were bad enough, and they seemed to be just one level. He hadn’t asked about the destination, and you seemed to refrain from giving him further information to stew over.
He needed a distraction, and fast.
“So do you seek out women now?” he asked, and for a moment, you didn’t deign a response. Then he heard you snort. “What? It’s a fair question.”
“You ask of my love life, demon?”
“What’s so wrong about being curious?”
You side-glanced at him. “Says the male who was keen to stay on his little Gatekeeping platform and not follow me here. I wonder, is it just a little bit of praise that motivates you?”
“I’m not afraid to admit that it does,” he replied, raising his chin a little. “So often am I overlooked in my role. It’s nice to be deemed worthy of something more than turning keys, pulling levers, and assisting entities across the realms.”
“You are worthy,” you murmured, and Bam grinned at you.
“And you are deflecting from my question.”
“I haven’t… with anyone. Not since my mortal lover,” you announced, and BamBam nodded once.
“If it helps, I haven’t either. Apparently, I need to work on my seduction—HEY!” He squawked when he felt hands over his waist, but you were quick to disarm whoever had started to violate him. Turning, he saw a woman in what appeared to be acolyte robes, and eight others now surrounded them.
You canted your head to the side, your elven blade digging into the side of the woman’s neck that you held. BamBam eyed each individually carefully, searching for a weak point in their defence. However, as he was good for, he started to talk, trying to lessen the threat you presented together.
“Hey guys, out on a worshipping stroll, are we?”
“You do not belong here,” one man on his right spoke, and BamBam nodded eagerly.
“You’re right, we don’t, but whilst we’re here, how about being a little more accommodating? I’d say we don’t bite, but I’m pretty sure she does, being an elf and all. I might have all these chompers, but my stomach is really sensitive, so I don’t put in food that won’t settle well. Acolytes are too holy for my tastes.”
“You talk… a lot.”
You snorted. “Tell me about it.”
“I will tell you about it. I get pretty lonely up in my Gatekeeping position.”
“Bam, you’re not helping.”
“Oh, so now I’m not helpful, huh?” he questioned, pouting for effect. He nodded infinitesimally at you, his gaze falling towards the petite redhead on the left. You tracked his observation. “I knew I shouldn’t have followed you and my king’s orders. But here we are amongst some nice people, and you want to call me out like this? Got any more robes free, friends? Maybe I’ll stop being a big bad demon and join your cause instead. Who are we worshipping? Greek Gods? Norse legions? The bogeyman?”
“Does he ever shut up?” another robed person asked exasperatedly, and Bam grinned at her, watching her step back a little at the sharpness of his teeth.
“I can answer that myself. Nope. I hardly ever do. I like the sound of my voice and especially when it’s helpful. Such as now!”
And within a blur, you both had struck – you to the fair maiden to grab someone they were protective of more than the woman you held, and he towards the leader of them all, kicking the man in the back of his leg and disarming him a moment later.
“And look at that, I’m not even out of breath!” BamBam arrogantly proclaimed, tightening his grip on the man now struggling to get out of his control.
“We aren’t what you think!”
“Considering I’ve felt a whole lot of fighting leathers under these robes, I can only imagine,” you mentioned, shedding the robe of the girl you held. She wore a navy set of leathers to a legion he hadn’t seen before.
BamBam winked. “So maybe feeling up women is your thing now.”
The exasperated look you gave him made him chuckle. You pointed your blade at another of the group watching on calmly. “Who are you guardians of?”
“We come together from the forgotten Hallowed lands. My name is Airi, and we are protectors of the Old Gods.”
“Which one are they, again?” BamBam asked, humming slightly. “They all seem pretty old to me.”
“From the lost times of our history. The first Gods that were entombed by the current Gods ruling now.”
“To be fair, I wouldn’t say that where either of us come from, those Gods rule us,” you spat, and Airi nodded softly.
“Agreed. We are here to prevent a prophesied war. If the Old Gods rise, only those from the Hallow will stand to fight.”
“This sounds like a fantasy novel I was reading just last week,” BamBam mentioned, but you shot him a glare, so he stopped with the deflecting commentary. You wanted more information.
“You know of the prophecy too?”
Airi nodded. “Many realms do now. And since the King of Demons has chosen to create new life, we are all on edge about it coming true. We are here to stop such events.”
“Two things. Pretty sure my king didn’t realise having a baby with his queen was such a bad idea,” he mentioned, ignoring the incredulous look many of the warriors gave him. “And secondly, if you’re the ones here to stop the prophecy, we’re doomed. Considering how easily we disarmed you all.”
“It was their trap to make us listen, Bam,” you admitted, loosening your grip on the woman you held. She nodded tersely, glancing at your ears, and then darting over to a comrade.
“Her ears… she looks just like—”
“Don’t. She knows who she is,” Airi stated after some unspoken moment with you. The warrior stepped forward. “We will need your assistance with the Elven Queen. She is the cause of the unrest in these realms.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll have no issue with dealing with my mother.”
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They followed the warriors for some time, BamBam carefully watching each of them individually. He had noted their weaknesses and strengths by the time they got to their destination and decided he much liked Airi. The others, whilst obedient enough to their male leader Myos, seemed to gravitate towards the female more. He wondered if they put up a front by having Myos as their visible leader and Airi was actually in charge instead.
You seemed to have great respect for the woman too, and whilst he had been joking earlier about your sexual preference, he was a tad bit jealous that you paid more attention to her than him. He realised he was a creature greedy for attention and praise.
“Mr Demon,” the young maiden whispered, and he glanced at the red-haired girl falling into step beside him. “Are you truly the Gatekeeper of the Realms?”
“Well, just those located in Sheol,” he confirmed, and the girl’s eyes rounded. He supposed he had to be known of in more parts of the universe than he realised. BamBam puffed up his chest again. “It’s a big task and not just any demon can do it.”
“Wow. I never thought I’d see a gatekeeper in all my years.”
“Years? You’re what, sixteen?”
She laughed. “Five hundred and eleven.”
“But you look barely out of your youngling years.”
“We of Hallowed blood age exceptionally slow.”
“Every day is a learning day, isn’t it?” he marvelled as she giggled again.
It was then he realised a moment too late what the girl had observed whilst he had been looking at each of them about his own weaknesses. He had been easily separated from you and entered a chamber without a door once closed. He glared at the entity before him and roared.
“Let me out now!”
“We cannot let the Elven Queen rise from her eternal rest. She holds the key to waking up the Old Gods.”
“I get that and can assure you that Curse-Breaker feels very much the same!”
“Have you ever wondered why your friend was given that name?” the woman folded her arms under her bosom and looked at him critically. “Why would an elf be shrouded in such darkness if her fate was to be anything good?”
“Screw you and your ideals of good and bad. The Gods above are wickeder than any demon I know, yet we’re labelled the bad ones. You’re trying to convince the wrong choir here.”
“Perhaps, but in this case, don’t you think it strange to travel here to stop a queen that’s already dead?”
BamBam threw himself at a wall. It didn’t budge. “Again. Wrong choir,” he gritted out, searching through his panic for a way out. He had to stop, had to think.
“If the queen were to see her daughter again, do you think she would allow her to just walk away without doing what she wants? Your friend was controlled by the queen until she killed her. Do you really think she’ll allow her daughter a second shot at destroying her?”
“I’m about to destroy you if you don’t shut up and let me think!”
“But what fun! Wasn’t that what you tried to do with us?” she asked gleefully, and BamBam decided he hated her. He despised everything in this godforsaken realm, and most importantly that he had let you be taken from him. He made a vow when he found you in the stall years back that if he ever crossed paths with you again that he wouldn’t let someone harm you.
He sure as hell wasn’t going to break that now.
It came to him in a startling moment of clarity, and before the warrior could even blink, he used his nail to cut into the tip of his finger and let his demon blood well. If he was destined to be a Gatekeeper for all of eternity, he should in theory be able to open any barrier before him. He held the belief that his blood could also be a key, and it worked. Not allowing himself the moment to be pleasantly surprised by what he had uncovered, BamBam chose to rely on instinct to find you. He moved faster than he had in a long time, darting down pathways, and pressing his blood to walls that seemed to be in his way. The longer it took, the more ruthless he became until he stopped still in the middle of a room full of eternally slumbering elven elders. He didn’t have to look far to find the one who was your mother. You looked alike and yet so different that it hurt to think of all your unspoken grievances.
“You can’t believe you’re just like her,” he murmured softly and noticed when you came out from behind the lavish glass coffin. He tracked you carefully, noticing how wound up you were. “I don’t even know her, but you’re nothing wicked like her.”
“You don’t know me either.”
“So, you tricked me to come here, is that it? You needed me to open all the doors so you could come and wake up your evil mother one more time to set the prophecy in motion?”
For a moment you didn’t speak true of his suspicions, but then you looked away, and your voice trailed out. “There is a curse on our lands. I am so graciously named to break curses, or did you miss that point?”
“Your name is not Curse-Breaker. It is Y/N. And you mean more to this world than breaking curses. Your sister no doubt believes this too.”
You swallowed back down your emotions. Your expression grew hard, cruel even. “And live with the Fae curse above our heads forever?”
“You will break it another way. You killed her once, why wake her now?”
“Because she planned to use me to waken the gods. I didn’t believe in it, didn’t want to. Turns out I was born to do just one thing in my life.”
BamBam stepped forward, shaking his head at you. “I believe you were born to do many things.”
“Like what?”
“Do you need me to praise you and list off all the reasons why, right now, when we’re in a bit of a dangerous situation?”
You blinked several times but didn’t deny his statement either. BamBam expelled a shaky breath.
“Fine. I’ll tell you. I know you’re the strategist of the family. Your sister no doubt leans on your intelligence and asks you to help her with ruling Elventia. I’ve watched you in strategy meetings in the past, so don’t think I don’t know this about you. I also know you’re fair even when you’re being cruel.”
You laughed darkly. “You saw what came of that human, BamBam.”
“After the way he cut you up, I’m amazed you didn’t take your time inflicting smaller nicks into his body until he bled out. I would have been crueller than you were in making him scream.”
“You say more in your actions than words, and your insolent, broody mask is a cover-up to a wildly sensitive and beautiful female underneath. Who craves attention, the right kind. Who wants to be helpful but can’t abandon her shadows either – the only friends she’s had all her life.”
BamBam was on top of you now, crowding you near the coffin. “I know that I’ve always been attracted to you and that my heart sings wildly whenever you’re near. And that you didn’t need to convince me to come here, I would willingly follow you right into the eye of a deadly storm if that’s where you were heading.”
You were shaking now, and when BamBam reached out for you, you didn’t flinch away. In the smallest voice he’d ever heard from you, you said, “I don’t want to do it.”
“Then let’s not,” he replied, using his powers to lull you into slumber. He picked you up, marvelled at how right it felt to have you in his arms and then turned to leave. He knew the Hallowed warriors would be somewhere, but he didn’t care, not when he had to get you out of here. He would cut them all down before he allowed anyone to harm you now.
In his haste to leave the chamber, BamBam didn’t realise how close he was to an ornamental figure on the wall, nor how a sharp piece of it pierced your skin, two drops of blood spilling to the stone beneath you both.
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You roused some days later, much to BamBam’s dismay. Looking around the room you woke up in, you realised instantly you were back in BamBam’s lair. He observed as you clicked the pieces together and gave you a shy grin. “Sorry. I figured the best place for me to watch over you was here.”
“How did we get back?”
“I carried you.” You blanched, looking at his exposed arms. BamBam huffed. “I am stronger than I look!”
“I know, but… the warriors! Did you kill them? They weren’t bad, just working for a different cause.”
BamBam could think of one he’d loved to have killed but shook his head. “I didn’t touch a single one.”
“They let you take me?”
“They didn’t have much of a choice. I created a temporary gateway.”
Your eyes rounded. “You can do that?”
“Of course, I can. I’m not just any Gatekeeper, you know.”
“And I didn’t wake her?”
“Your mother is still sound asleep, and there’s been no further unrest coming from inside the gate.”
You relaxed back onto his bed, pulling the blankets up to your face for a moment. “This scent. It lingered with me for the longest time.”
BamBam sniffed the air, frowning at which scent you meant. He was a rather tidy demon, and the blankets on his bedding were clean enough. You chuckled. “Your scent. You. After saving me, it’s all I could smell for years.”
You nodded. “I never thanked you for opening that gate that day. You helped me first, didn’t you? When he first harmed me. Before I tortured him. You were there before your king was.”
“I was.”
“Thank you, BamBam.”
“Thank you for not hating me for putting you to sleep in the Ancient realm. It was a chance I had to take.”
“As long as everyone is safe,” you said slowly, staring strangely at the wall. He wondered if you were connecting with your sister somehow. You relaxed again, which made him realise all was well. He had done his best and saved the world whilst at it.
“Rest,” he told you and got up, but you grabbed his hand, yanking him down until his lips crashed upon yours. The kiss was briefly intense, and his mind was still spinning even after you smiled at him and fell asleep again.
Stepping back out onto his platform, BamBam felt different. His adventure wasn’t one he was ready to take again any time soon. In fact, if the world could just stay quiet for now, he’d be more than pleased. Especially if he could convince you to spend more time in Sheol before returning to Elventia.
He was mulling over these thoughts when a sudden shadow formed over him, blocking the entire view of the platform. He gulped, looking up at Yugyeom, Sheol’s prophet. He hardly saw the entity unless there was something wrong. And by the look on his stony face, Yugyeom hadn’t quite seen a happily ever after in store for him.
“A mistake occurred whilst you were in the Ancient Realm.”
“A lot of them did, actually,” BamBam agreed apprehensively, nodding in thought.
Yugyeom shook his head. “No, one you didn’t mean to have happen. But it did. And so, the prophecy came true.”
“What? The Elven Queen didn’t wake.”
“She didn’t need to. She wished to break the curse on her family line by the daughter she created with darkness itself. Her blood was the key.”
BamBam turned to look in the direction of you peacefully asleep in his bed. He then glanced back up at Yugyeom.
Yugyeom’s eyes went unseeing, his voice dark and foreboding. “The Old Gods will rise, for Calamity has been born.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[Frightful October Masterlist] | [GOT7 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist]
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markie-baby · 5 months
If You Love Me | pt.2
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🌹Fluff/Smut (18+ MA) Part I 🌹Black Female Reader x Mark Tuan 🌹language, highly descriptive sex scenes, spit-play, neck area, ear area, mentions of marriage 🌹word count: 10,147 🌹After months of absence, Mark surprises you with a getaway trip to the Mediterranean, but his hidden agenda unveils a life-changing surprise that alters your relationship forever. 🌹Ya'll really got this to 20 notes 😭I really didn't expect it 'cuz I felt like the story was way longer and wasn't as well written as Butt-Naked at The MGM✨ (which ya'll have been running TF UP) I don't know what to say other than thank you. Writing Smut again has been therapeutic in a strange way. I will continue writing female-focused consensual and SAFE smut for K-pop h0es!!! Much love. 📢I will be taking a short break from my main boo, Mark Tuan (we're not breaking up I swear) Just have some other K-pop daddies I have been neglecting. If you are a fan of #KARD you might be seeing a BM fantasy coming soon. 👀
~ The Next Morning
You woke up to the warmth of bright sunlight hitting your face.
You had slept so soundly that you felt fully rested, instead of exhausted from being awake late the previous night. As you recalled the events of the night before, a sleepy smile appeared on your face. Memories of how your incredible prince treated you like a princess would satisfy anyone's needs, but your biggest gain was just that you got to spend some quality time with him. You reached out to the opposite side of the bed, hoping to touch the skin of your man, only to feel the crinkle of cold sheets in return. Mark was not in bed.
You immediately frowned, got out of bed, and pulled one of his shirts over your bare body. It was slightly too big for you but being engulfed in his smell after months of not being able to touch him, was utterly satisfying. Just as you stumbled out of the room and made your way down the stairs, the smell of hot, fresh breakfast filled your nose.
You walked to the kitchen and saw Mark's toned back facing you. You quietly inched closer behind him, hugged him by the waist, and poked your face to his side.
"Hey you," Mark greeted you with a grin.
"Hey," you smiled back.
"Good Morning," he turned to you and gave you a morning kiss. "Looks like I'm not the only one with a good pair of sneaky hands."
"Not sorry," you gave a devilish grin.
"Sit down, I just made us breakfast," Mark told you as he pulled the omelets off the skillet with a spatula and placed each delicately on their own plate.
"Thank you, Markie. You didn't have to do this." You said, sitting on the barstool stool at the island. "But since you made me stay up and took the energy out of me last night, I guess it's well deserved."
He sets a glass of orange juice in front of you.
"You're so dramatic," He chuckled.
"You mean super cute?" You asked through a pout.
Mark's adorable laugh filled the kitchen.
When the last plate was on the counter, you returned to your seat and gave him a cheeky smile. Mark barely resisted the urge to kiss right then and there as he covered his laughter with a quiet sigh.
"Now can we eat?"
"Of course, thank you, Mark. This looks amazing."
"No problem, love." He pulled his stool closer to the counter and sat next to you.
You both finished your breakfast quietly while playing footsie until Mark broke the silence.
"So, are you excited for the trip?" he smiled at you.
"Yeah, especially since I had no idea I was even going on a trip in the first place. Are you gonna give me any clues as to where we are going?" You said, playfully pouting your bottom lip.
"No, it's a surprise, remember? You just have to be patient. We leave the day after tomorrow, so start packing."
You smiled at him, satisfied with his answer. As he sat up, still chewing his last bite, you just stared, taking in everything about him. He had such a genuine personality and you loved it, so you continued, watching his concentrated expression. He finally looked at you, his intense gaze boring into you. The edges of his eyes crinkled as his lips stretched into a smile. God, he was beautiful.
"Now why do you keep staring at me like that?" He laughed.
"Like what?" You asked innocently.
Mark knew you well. His words only said 'stop,' but his eyes didn't match. He couldn't say no to you. He could deny it all he wanted, but you knew him too well to know that he liked it. Suddenly the atmosphere became tenser, and heat pooled in your stomach when you remembered how he looked down at you last night in the shower. Your eyes almost glossed over, and you immediately bit the corner of your lip.
"If you think that by staring at me like that you can convince me to do something, then you're wrong," he grabbed both plates and placed them in the sink.
"Mmhm, whatever, you love it," you teased, sticking your tongue out at him.
Mark walked back over to you, his hands found your waist and pulled you close.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he got closer to you.
"I haven't got enough of you yet," he breathed before taking your lips into a slow and passionate kiss. His body pressed against yours, not leaving any room between you. Mark broke the kiss by nibbling your lower lip.
He slowly licked the path to your ear and whispered, "Tell me what you want..."
You cradled his head closer. "I want to know where the fuck you're taking me on vacation." You moved your hands away from his neck as you dashed up the stairs, giggling.
"Come back here!" He jokingly called from downstairs and a few seconds later, his footsteps could be heard bounding up the stairs. Before you knew it you felt Mark's arms wrap tightly around and lift you in the air.
You giggled as he threw you both on the bed, running his nose along your neck and collarbone.
"So are you going to tell me where we're going?"
Mark buried his face into your chest and spoke in a muffled voice, "Not telling," The vibration from his voice sent tickles into your body, causing Mark to look up and laugh.
"You're just too cute." He reached for your cheek, cupping it with his hand and gently brushing your skin.
You say "I'll be even cuter, after hearing where we're going." You wiggled your eyebrows.
Mark groaned. He could see that you weren't completely persuaded, so he slowly walked over to the nightstand next to your shared bed and opened its drawer. After an anxious few seconds of shuffling around, Mark pulled out a red envelope.
"What's that?" You asked as he walked towards you.
"Our flight info. That's all you're getting out of me. No more spoiling the surprise."
You carefully took the envelope from his grasp as Mark stood over you. You unfolded the tucked sheet of folded paper and navigated the text until you saw his name. You read the location aloud:
Destination: LAX - SKG
You paused as your brows furrowed in confusion. "SKG?"
"That's Greece," Mark whispered, his gaze switching between your eyes and lips.
"Mark! Ahhhhhh!!!" You yelped before launching onto him, almost sending him flying back. He looked up at you and let out a laugh. "Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
You planted sloppy, wet kisses across his face before his hands slipped from under him and he fell back against the mattress with you.
"I'm glad you like the surprise." Mark looked up at you with a wide grin, showing off his pearly white teeth.
You blushed. "This is romantic, Markie."
You nuzzled your nose against his. He reached his hands up and interlaced his fingers with your own.
"Seven days, just the two of us, with a beautiful beach and breathtaking scenery."
"A whole week alone...? Mark...do you realize what you're saying? No cameras, no schedules?" You say sarcastically.
"I know. I'm just as excited as you are. There's no rush, we can take things as fast or as slow as we'd like to. We can sightsee and take pictures and eat tons of delicious food." Mark grinned.
You chuckled in response as Mark placed a kiss on your cheek.
"But honestly," Marks lifted his head and turned his eyes from you. "I don't care who sees us together." He stopped, blushing slightly, "I doubt any fans will see us in Greece, but even if they do, I want you by my side. Not ten feet behind me."
He reached up and stroked your cheek, slowly running his thumb against the dark tint of your skin.
"I'd love that, Mark." Your heart was beating fast, and you could feel your blood thumping through your veins. Your palms felt slightly clammy and a flush of warmth rushed to your cheeks. Mark's confession was adorable to you, even though it sounded like something a child would say, Mark did so in a way that could make you melt like gooey caramel. His words radiated sincerity and you couldn't contain the flutter in your stomach, let alone hide the stupidly happy expression on your face. After spending the morning curled up with Mark and marathoning a slew of series on Netflix, you both finally got a well-deserved nap.
The anticipation leading up to the trip to Greece had been building for days, and you were filled with a restless excitement that lasted throughout the entire sixteen-hour plane ride. As you landed in Thessaloniki, the view was truly breathtaking. You were immediately struck by the explosion of colors, mountains, and gorgeous buildings that surrounded the plane. Everything was so unlike anything you had ever experienced before.
You were able to pass through customs quickly, and the moment you stepped outside, the warm Mediterranean sun hit your face. You were greeted with a colorful array of sights, sounds, and smells. Mark was holding your hand, and you felt his grip tighten as you squeezed his hand in excitement.
"We're finally here," he said, smiling.
"Mark, this is incredible."
"Come on, let's get our luggage and go. We have a car waiting for us."
Mark led you to the luggage claim, and you quickly found your bags. He insisted on carrying them as the two of you made your way out of the airport. Outside, a driver was waiting for you, and he helped load your luggage into the trunk of the car. You and Mark climbed into the back seat, and the driver started the engine.
As your driver made her way to the property, you felt Mark's warm palm clasp perfectly with yours, like a puzzle piece. It was a small gesture, but it made you feel a sense of completeness that hadn't been felt in a long time. Mark drew a long, meaningful gaze into your eyes, and for a moment, everything else seemed to fade away. You felt your heart race as Mark leaned in, closed his eyes, and gently kissed your warm lips. It was a moment that you would never forget, and it was just the beginning of what would be an unforgettable trip.
As you pulled up to the house, you were in awe. You have found yourself far from the busy city of Thessaloniki, to the more intimate beach town of Ayía Triás. The beach house that Mark had rented was beautiful. Stucco walls coated a one-story tan house. An archway led you inside the entryway from the courtyard. A terrace filled with white wicker furniture had a glass cocktail table with a large umbrella for shade. Even better was the location. Although the house was directly on the beach, it provided seclusion and privacy that made the island feel as though it were the only place in the world. From where you were standing, there wasn't a single cloud in the sky.
"So, what do you think?" Mark asked with a big grin on his face.
"I can't believe this is where we are staying."
You were dumbfounded as the two of you made their way inside. This area of the house was decorated with bright modern colors, shades of teal and white reflected in the decoration and furniture. In the middle of the living room area was a large sectional couch facing the back terrace and a sparkling pool.
"My good friend's family owns the property, and they often rent it out to their friends and family," Mark said as he placed the suitcases next to the entryway. "Since we are visiting during a non-seasonal time of year, there was no issue with me renting it."
"It's gorgeous Mark." You wrapped your arms tightly around him, giggling with delight.
Mark slid his arms over your shoulders, bringing your body close to his and returning the embrace. He took the opportunity to whisper into your ear.
"There's so much I want to see with you here." He started with his eyes fixated on you, not even a second without glancing.
"Me too," You said in-between a yawn. "But we should get some rest after that long plane ride."
He nodded in agreement before yawning himself. "Let's check out the bedroom."
His fingers danced lightly across your shoulders as he gestured for you to lead the way. You walked across the glossy wood floor to a spacious master bedroom where you quickly dropped all of your heavy bags. You eyed the large, king-sized bed, adorned with a deep coffee frame and fluffy linen sheets. Mark was close behind and once you saw him enter the doorway, you immediately peeled off your jeans and shirt, exposing your lacy underwear set.
Mark stopped midway as his eye caught you stripping, and he watched you confidently discard your top and bra. He glanced at your body from behind. His stare was obvious, and you couldn't help but smile to yourself. Once you were bare, you carefully folded your clothes, and you neatly stacked them in a small pile beside your suitcase.
Mark appeared in your peripheral vision with his eyes gazing all over your beautiful caramel-colored skin. "We should take a nice, long shower, don't you think?"
You giggled softly as he placed his hands on your warm thighs, tracing small circles with the pad of his thumb. The warm pads of his fingers felt nice as he slipped his fingers slowly into the thin fabrics of your underwear and gave a firm squeeze to your bottom.
"Yes, we should. But I think you may be talking 'bout something else." You smirked and bopped his nose. "You know we're both too tired for that."
Mark groaned, sounding almost pouty, and pulled his fingers away.
"You really kill a guy's vibe sometimes." The mischievous glimmer in his eyes showed how much he loved teasing you.
You both took a shower before you jumped on the bed, stealing one of Mark's bigger shirts to wear to bed and tucking your hair inside your bonnet. As Mark stepped out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped loosely around his waist, it hung past his hips, resting just below his v-line. Mark strolled over to his duffle bag, letting you eye his still-damp body glistening in the late afternoon light.
"Which side of the bed you want?"
Without taking your eyes off him, you moved to the side closest to the window and let your head fall back on the cloud-like pillow. His abs flexed as he bent over and searched through his bag for a new pair of boxers to wear. Just the way his muscles moved under his skin enticed you so much.
"Do you plan on staring for the rest of the night?" he chuckled.
"Maybe," You curled your body, letting the cover bounce off you with a quiet rustling. "Just admiring the view."
Mark threw the wet towel into the hamper before sliding into a pair of his Calvin's and turned off the light, leaving the room to glow orange in the evening light. Allowing yourself to melt into the mattress, the thick duvet and soft pillowcase cradled your head like a cloud. With Mark tucked warmly under the covers, you instinctively moved towards him until you felt his body heat coming from his pillow. Mark smiled in the dark and mirrored you, shifting to his side, tilting his head slightly down, and his chest grazed the skin between your shoulder blades.
"Thanks for going on this trip with me," Mark spoke lowly.
"Well, it's not like I had a choice", You joked. "You most definitely planned a whole trip without my knowledge."
Mark scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Stop pretending that you didn't enjoy the surprise."
"Of course I did," You smiled. "But next time, ask before you make a trip or whatever,"
"Okay fine, but then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore would it?" Mark said matter-of-factly. He leaned forward and planted his heart-shaped lips on your cheek. You swatted your hand in a half-hearted attempt to push him away before surrendering to his warm embrace. He brought his nose to the crook of your neck and started to place slow kisses on your flesh.
"But seriously, it means a lot that we're here together." He reached forward and caressed the skin on your arm.
You could feel his muscles tensing and relaxing under his skin as you drew your hand slowly up and down his arm, not a word came to you, so you shifted your gaze up to Mark, to see his heavy-lidded eyes studying you.
"There's no one else that I'd rather be with." You finally mustered up a whisper.
His hands found their way under the shirt, and Mark dragged his fingertips across your abdomen, feeling your warm soft skin against his palms. Mark teasingly tugged at the bottom hem of your shirt before his hands began to slide underneath it slowly.
"Baby.." a soft gasp escaped his lips. "No panties?" Mark stopped for a moment with widened eyes.
"Oops, Must've forgotten to slip it on." You said nonchalantly.
Mark ached against you through his clothes and groaned. "You're making it so hard to keep my hands off you..."
"And…why would you be stopping yourself?"
"I kinda want the next time to be a little more... special." Mark gave a gentle smirk. "Maybe after a nice dinner date on the beach or something," he whispers, planting another kiss on your neck.
You hummed in response to his soft lips against your skin, but you were also confused. What exactly was this 'surprise'? A romantic Mediterranean getaway on a hidden cove already sounded like the most special thing. It didn't make any sense, but a part of you felt giddy and flustered just thinking about it.
"Hmmm...okay," you said, playing along. You were already content, as Mark remained curled against you.
"Besides, It's not like I get many dates with my girl, right?"
"No, you're right." Your smile faded. You were painfully aware that Mark is an idol, and his relationships are heavily scrutinized, especially his dating life. Mark was fairly reserved, but you knew that his dating life was a topic that fans liked to dig into. You had witnessed firsthand how news about Mark would go viral within the Korean fan base and how the articles would get wilder as they evolved with speculation. Some of his fans were eager to paint any potential dating partner of Mark's as someone ready to take advantage of Mark's money or popularity. It hurt you sometimes to watch this unfold in front of you and Mark, but Mark didn't allow fans' speculation to faze him.
Mark squeezed the skin on your hips before speaking, his deep and sultry voice echoed through the room. "I’ll give you your next surprise tonight, then." Mark's warm voice returned you from your thoughts.
You lay there and processed the thought until you felt Mark's long arms wrap around your torso and pull you snugly against his well-toned chest. You melted back into him as Mark nuzzled his chin atop your shoulder, pulling you into a loose, comfortable spoon. A sense of joy filled your heart and you were incredibly content with how your relationship was moving with Mark. You enjoyed his companionship and felt happy anytime he was close by.
"I love you." His voice was a whisper.
"I love you too."
Mark smiled against your hair and tightened his hold for a moment, then relaxed. The sound of waves lapping at the beach soothed you, and you closed your eyes, allowing the tiredness from traveling to take you.
After an hour or so of dozing off, you were awakened by the softness of Mark's lips on your cheek. "Wake up sleepy-head."
His voice was low, husky. You looked at the clock which read 4:45 pm. As your vision adjusted to the dim light, you propped yourself on your elbows, pushing the duvet off your shoulders, while blinking away the sleep from your eyes. Mark chuckled lightly to himself as he got up from the bed.
"Let's go into town and explore a little before our beach date later." He urged, playfully dragging you out of bed by your ankles.
"Can we nap a bit longer?" You smiled at him and patted the space next to you.
Mark groaned and resisted your tempting offer for snuggling. "If we fall back asleep, I'd rather it be during the sunset on the beach, cuddling."
A yawn left your body at the thought of lying lazily in Mark's arms until you heard Mark mention cuddling. It sounded great, and the idea of stretching in the sunset beckoned you.
"Sunset?" You mumbled. "...Fine."
Grudgingly, you pushed yourself out of bed and made your way into the bathroom, but not before stealing a quick kiss from Mark on the way. You freshened yourself up, fixed your hair, applied some makeup, and slipped into a sundress. When you stepped back into the bedroom, you realized that the sky was now a vibrant shade of orange.
As you peered outside the windows, you could see Mark standing in the courtyard, gazing up at the sky. He wore a pair of loose shorts and a loose white linen button-up with the top two buttons undone. There was something about seeing him in white that struck you differently. It made him look angelic, almost angel-like, and you couldn't take your eyes off him. He stood tall in the courtyard with his hands clasped behind his back, and you had a perfect view from the window in the hallway. You stood there for a few seconds, completely mesmerized. Mark eventually caught a glimpse of you in the reflection of the window and spun around with a big grin on his face. With a bright twinkle in his eye, he took a few long strides over to you, cradled your face, and kissed you passionately.
"You look so beautiful". His eyes were wide with wonder as he stared at you in the setting sky.
You blushed and pressed your cheek against his warm palms.
As Mark finished speaking, he looked down, removing his gaze from your face, seemingly searching for words. His gaze dropped down to your waist. Mark drew his hand away from your cheek and clutched the strap on the side of your dress. Mark traced the trim of your sundress with the pad of his thumb as you took a few steps forward. With one small step, you closed the distance between your bodies, feeling his heart beating in rhythm with yours as his toned muscles were pressed against your chest. The warm breeze blew through his hair as Mark's eyes met yours once more, taking your hand and squeezing it tightly. He started to turn away from you with a wide grin spreading across his cheeks, his bunny teeth peeking past his lips.
"Follow me," Mark said with a husky voice while leading you into the courtyard and outside the front of the house.
The air was warm, not too hot, as you both walked the stone road to your destination. The scents of fresh fish, cheeses, olives, and many more delicacies wafted through the air. Several charming shops seemed to beckon you. You passed by countless restaurants, bustling with energy and action. You both didn't know where to stop at first. All was so bright, beautiful, and new to you.
You and Mark did try many local delicacies, from bazali sigripeko- a roasted eggplant puree, krotzu- Greek pork belly, souvlaki- pork and/or chicken grilled on a skewer, melokoureto- a walnut and honey dessert, and horiatiki salad- a fresh, traditional Greek salad made with fresh vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, onion, bell pepper, and feta cheese topped with oregano, olive oil, and black pepper. Throughout the entire time you and Mark walked around, Mark never let go of your hand. Before you knew it, it was well past six o'clock, and the sun was beginning to set.
"Ready to watch the show?" Mark stared out at the sea, his face outlined by the glow of the setting sun.
"Let's go," You squeezed Mark's hand.
The two of you walked back out of town, back towards the intimate comfort of your rented villa. Together, you followed a cobblestone walkway carved into the back of the house and led down to the beach. Your breath hitched when the water came into sight as it glittered a brilliant gold in the evening light. The surface was still and you could almost see each grain of sand beneath the reflection.
As you both reached the last few cobblestones, you set your shoes aside. Mark let go of your hand and looked you in the eyes. His gaze was intense, unyielding, and sent your pulse racing.
"Don't get mad at me," Mark's gaze didn't falter, "But I'm gonna give you your surprise now."
"Another one??" You rolled your eyes, secretly enjoying the ongoing spoiling. "You spoiling me a lot, babe." Mark approached you and wrapped an arm around you, leading you down the next couple of steps towards the ground floor.
"All worth it," Mark reassured. "Close your eyes." Mark chuckled, playing the guide. You obeyed and covered your eyes with both hands. Mark placed a hand on your back, leading you down onto the soft, fine, and warm sands.
You giggled lightly at the contrast of the warm sand to your skin. It felt so different to you as you savored each texture under your feet as they dug into the sand with each step. You loved the sounds and how it felt to be walking on sand.
"Where are we going?" A cool sea breeze blew around Mark and yourself, kissing your bare shoulders as it gently sent your sundress ruffling against your skin. Mark gently nudged you to stand still in one area.
"Okay open your eyes," Mark removed your hands from over your eyes.
You opened your eyes to see the beautiful view in front of you: an elegant setting on the cove, with a bottle of champagne on the white-clothed table, along with candles all around. Mark had even decorated the area with strings of fairy lights that hung around the poles for privacy, illuminating the table underneath the orange sky. You covered your mouth.
"Surprised?" Mark chuckled, gently nudging you. You spun to face him with wide, sparkling eyes and threw yourself into Mark's chest, hugging him tightly.
"Mark... this is... so beautiful". Tears began to well in your eyes.
Mark chuckled again. His chest rumbled as he wrapped an arm around your back in a comfortable snug.
Mark cleared his throat, pulling your attention back. "Okay, okay, don't go crying on me yet". His smile never faded as his arm left your shoulders and then gestured towards the table, allowing you to take a closer look. You slowly made your way over with Mark following behind. A silver bucket filled halfway with ice held a bottle of wine. The label read Dom Perignon Rose Champagne Gold Label Rosé- a famous champagne from Champagne, France. Your hands cupped over your mouth.
"Mark.. How much was this bottle of wine..?? It's super expensive".
"Nah, the label alone is expensive but the wine is like... I'm not gonna tell you the price. Knowing you, You're gonna scold me even more".
You slapped Mark gently on his shoulders a few times for spoiling you as Mark caught your wrists in his hand. "Hey, we got to celebrate". Mark silenced your scolding by planting a kiss on the back of your palm. Mark motioned for you to take a seat, which you gladly obeyed. The sun began to sink further into the ocean, painting the sky with its final shades.
Mark popped open the bottle poured a glass of sparkling rosé liquid into the two crystal glasses and handed it over to you before seating himself next to you.
Mark chuckled "Okay before I do the toast, stop. Just stare at that sky over there first."
You lifted your head to where Mark was referring to. Your lips slightly parted as you stared, mesmerized by how it glimmered a bright orange color in the sunset. A golden sparkle came off of each wave that crashed on the shore as the salty winds whipped through the atmosphere.
"The sunset is pretty."
"Yeah. Sure is pretty" Mark stared at you intensely, "The prettiest sight ever." Mark gazed upon your face, glowing in the evening light as his eyes took in every inch of your beauty. His eyes danced around every feature of your face; your eyes, lips, your cheekbones. He stared intently at your beautiful pink lips with a gleam of want and neediness in his eye as you snapped back to Mark. You realized that he was gazing upon you instead of the sunset.
You took another sip of the champagne, its bubbles tickling your nose. "This feels like a fairy tale..." You continued, "I'm having such a wonderful time with you. Thank you for this."
Mark looked thoughtful. "Don't thank me yet." You scrunched your face at Mark.
"You mean.. there's something else? Mark- How much did you prep-"
"Shhh," Mark shushed you by gently placing two fingers over your lips as you giggled. You were met with silence as you looked at Mark. He smiled softly and tipped his wine glass against his lips. "Remember when we first met?"
You raised an eyebrow at Mark, confused as to where Mark was heading.
Mark continued. "Remember that time... when we talked for the first time. It was during Jackson's birthday party in LA. You went as a plus one to one of his friends."
Mark took a quick breath before continuing, "I couldn't keep my eyes off you..." His words were filled with admiration, as his hand traveled to yours, rubbing soothing circles as your heartbeat raced at Mark's next words.
"And after the party, Jackson introduced me to you for the first time, you said my name with such... shyness, I wanted you so badly." Mark blushed heavily at his confession and squeezed your hand. "I'll never forget the way you stared at me... your beautiful eyes..."
His eyes met yours as your mouth parted, taking in what Mark confessed. Mark squeezed your hand tighter with both hands before continuing. "After the party ended, Jackson left but not before giving me the chance to be alone with you." Mark smiled wider. "And I drove you back to your friend's apartment."
You started to put the pieces of this long story together and smiled. Mark smiled back shyly and took another gulp before setting down the glass, reaching to play with the cuff of his sleeve.
"That car ride...we were both awkward at first, but we made good conversation and I thought you were so charming and funny. The more I got to know you, the more I wanted to hold you, to touch you-" Mark smiled warmly before blushing even more. "But I held it all in." Mark finally spilled, releasing the breath that he was holding back from a rush of excitement.
His words made your heart melt at his words, causing a rush of adrenaline to shoot through your chest. You bit down on your bottom lip and glanced down.
Mark gently took your palm into his, bringing you back to look into his deep brown eyes. "I had to be patient until I made my girl." Mark spoke slowly with a meaningful stare. “But I haven't quite made you my girl yet, huh?" Mark gazed into the sky with his deep brown pools while tightening his grasp around your palm, leaving no space between the two of you, now sitting side by side.
Mark shuffled in his pocket, met your gaze, his gaze intense, with want and love behind his eyes. His face, contorted with shyness and vulnerability as he parted his lips and uttered, "Will you marry me?"
Mark flipped open the black box to reveal a beautiful sparkling gold ring, with your birthstone resting in the middle. The sunset caught the reflection of Mark's face in the ocean waves as Mark anxiously awaited your answer.
You covered your lips again as happy, sweet tears began to cascade your cheeks. With a tremble, you managed out,
"... yes, I will". Mark let out a deep breath he had been holding in as you cried tears of joy. Mark quickly stood and threw his arms over your shoulders. Mark rested his hand on the back of your head, embracing you tightly in a firm, warm hug as tears began to flow as well. He quickly peppered loving, soft kisses around your ear and jaw as you both sniffed and chuckled. Mark quickly and gently lifted you in the air, spinning your body around as your toes left the sand below your feet.
"I was worried for a sec," Mark whispers before resting his forehead against yours after gliding the ring on your finger. "I thought I wouldn't be able to get the words out. You still make me nervous." Mark closed his eyes and wrapped both his arms around the back of your waist while staring longingly and passionately at your face, relishing your features as tears cascaded your skin.
"You were amazing, I loved it!" You lifted your finger admiring your ring in the light. "And, Mark, my ring, it's so beautiful.. I can't believe you remembered my birthstone." Mark blushed at your flattering remarks, bashfully lowering his head as you began to caress his cheek. You placed your nose under his as he intertwined his arms under your arms. With tears streaming down your cheeks, you whispered, "Mark..." He felt goosebumps instantly all over his body as he savored the sound of his name leaving your mouth.
Mark quickly turned his head with a sharp jerk toward where he thought he heard a familiar sound. Mark quickly shielded your face with his palm as he heard the constant snapping of what sounded like several pictures being taken. The once peaceful beach setting was suddenly disrupted by the presence of strangers taking candid pictures. They hid behind bushes as the clicking of their cameras began to ring in Mark's ear like a relentless pest.
"Shit…" Mark exclaimed and wrapped his arms tightly around you. "Cameras...".
"Hey," You placed your hands on his chest. "Don't worry about them." You briefly glanced over Mark's shoulders.
"But, our proposal pictures are going to be online..." Mark sighed. "This isn't how I pictured this at all". Mark pressed his forehead to yours.
"Mark," You tilted his chin so that your gazes met and lifted yourself to reach his height by tip-toeing. You kissed his cheek and planted soft kisses around the crook of his ear. "Let them," You whispered into his ear softly. "The love of my life just asked me to be his wife. Nothing can ruin this."
You ran your fingers up his nape and teased Mark by leaning in closer to his face, planting a soft, teasing kiss in between Mark's puffed lips as both of your eyes slowly shut. Mark smirked against your lips and let out a soft hum before pressing his lips forward for a brief moment. "C'mere wifey."
Without a second thought, Mark bent down and lifted you with two firm hands supporting the backs of your thighs; the soft sea breeze softly ruffled Mark's hair as he carried your body effortlessly toward the water. You squealed excitedly as you felt the cool water creep up to your waist as Mark held you in the water. His arms pulled you close enough that you could feel his racing heartbeat. You wrapped your arms around Mark's neck.
"I can't believe we're getting married..."
You blushed while resting your head against Mark's neck and wrapping your legs around Mark's torso under the waves, causing his neck to tense underneath your lips. Mark smiled, looking upward with glossy eyes as he cherished the sounds of your giggles. Mark felt the tightness in his chest grow more evident as the sun faded below the horizon. Your fingers ran themselves through the back of Mark's hair as the moonlight shone around your silhouettes. You felt your fingertips slightly brushing against the back of Mark's neck in a feather-like motion while feeling his shoulders rise and fall. You both waded in the water for a while, watching the last rays of sunshine disappear over the horizon. The clicks of the cameras faded out, neither of you even noticing they were there anymore. Mark looked down at you, his brown eyes sparkling in the last beams of light that were left.
"So are you going to stare at me all night?" You teased him.
"I can stare at my fiance all I want," Mark whispered into your neck as he continued embracing you, sending shivers down your spine. "Especially when she's this beautiful." Hearing the word 'fiance' coming out of his lips felt so surreal, and it left your heart hammering in your chest. Mark's words were accompanied by kisses trailing up your neck, tickling your cheek, and finally reaching the corner of your mouth, causing you to gasp. He pressed his mouth onto yours, kissing you deeply, pulling you as close to him as possible. His touch was no longer shy or hesitant but it became daring and confident. He kissed you gently, but passionately as if savoring the kiss. When you felt his tongue graze your lower lip, you parted your lips to invite him in. Your own eagerness stunned you.
You pulled away, flustered. A soft whimper of disappointment escaped your lips. It felt like you couldn't control your actions. He was slowly losing control too, and that was the thought driving you wild. You searched his eyes for confirmation and were greeted with a smile and a nod. You brushed your fingers across his face, tracing the outline of his jaw. Your body pressed flush against his. It was Mark's turn to moan now. The sound escaped him in a sexy husky whisper. "You're really pushing it, babe."
You felt him shift under you, tightening the hold on your body, as his hands slid further up your thighs in the water. Your own hands found his nape, allowing Mark to easily take control of the kiss. Your breath hitched for a second when his mouth began to descend across your cheek, to your neck again, placing heated, wet kisses behind your ear.
With Mark's arms snaked around your waist, he lifts you effortlessly out of the water and carries you back to the villa, away from prying eyes and the cool breeze of the beach, and back into the warmth of the house. You wrapped your legs around his waist, afraid to slip down. Mark's lips never left your neck and you buried your hands in his hair, drinking in his scent. He closed the distance between the beach and the front door quickly, holding you with one arm and gently pushing the door with his free hand. Clumsily he turned the doorknob and pressed on the wood with his shoulder. As soon as you were inside, the kiss grew hungry and eager. Mark slammed the door with his back, barely managing to keep you steady with one arm.
You both burst into the bedroom, still locked in a deep, passionate kiss. Mark lowers you onto the bed and pulls back slowly, breaking your kiss. You moan softly into his mouth at the sudden separation. With your breath quickened you scan your fiancé's face and take note of the fire in his eyes as he takes in your disheveled appearance. He wants you, that much is obvious, but this was different.
"Baby?" You breathed. "You okay?"
He looked at you with such reverence and then took a few breaths in and out before speaking. "I love you so much." His gaze meets yours as he places his index finger under your chin and strokes your cheek with his thumb, holding his hand in the place where it previously resided, before he breaks out in a breathtaking grin. "And now that you're finally my fiance, I can't stop thinking about making absolute love to you." His voice drops an octave and you swear you see his irises darken, before they slide up and down your body, stopping briefly at certain points to commit to memory. He crawls over you to wrap an arm around your waist, pressing your body against his.
"I don't wanna just fuck you tonight," You shivered at his breath against your sensitive ear. "Tonight, I'm gonna love on every part of you," Your toes curled at his words, as you clung to his shirt for support. His words are warm and you feel a gush of wetness spread across your already soaking underwear.
"I'm not gonna stop until you tell me to."
You shuddered.
Mark gently places his other hand against your cheek and draws closer until the warmth of his soft lips were mere inches away. He traced kisses down your jawline before pressing his mouth firmly against your lips. He was thorough and sensual, but there was also a hint of something deeper. It took a moment before it clicked - hunger, ravenous hunger.
"It was so hard looking at you in this dress," Mark said huskily, brushing his lips on your shoulder. "I almost didn't wanna leave the house after seeing you in it." Mark pushed your shoulder strap off your shoulders while eyeing you lustfully, holding your gaze.
"Take it off me then."
Mark complied without missing a beat; his soft fingers slowly pulled them down your shoulders, leaving goosebumps wherever he touched.
His mouth opened slightly while admiring what was in front of his eyes. His gaze was focused on your breasts while he bit his lip; the sight was enough to get you hot and bothered.
You laid there, on the bed, wearing nothing more than your panties, as his gaze devoured every part of you. His eyes settled for the moment on your breasts. The wide smirk on his face was apparent. He pressed himself down and buried his face between your chest and taking a moment to inhale the scent.
He couldn't control himself. The smell was so intoxicating that Mark attacked the underside of your breasts, trailing kisses across their sensitive flesh until his hot mouth reached your already hardened nubs and took them into his mouth one at a time. Your nipples were between his soft, wet lips, and every second spent pleasuring them got more intense by the minute.
His right hand reached for the other mound and gave it a light squeeze before taking it into his hand.
"Mmm...Mark..." you whimpered softly at his actions.
You writhe beneath him as your hips unconsciously thrust upwards, seeking some sort of contact. Mark gave one final kiss to the underside of each breast, leaving your hardened nubs swollen and coated with a sheen of saliva before turning back to your face. He hovered above you while holding himself up by his hands so his body wouldn't put all its weight down on you. He ran the tip of his tongue across his upper lip while savoring the look in your eyes - lust and need.
"Mm. Mm. Mm." He smirked, shaking his head a bit as he continued holding eye contact with you.
"Tease..." You glared, pursing your lips before you ran one of your fingers down his clothed chest, tracing the toned stomach that his thin white button- up did nothing to conceal.
He smiled lovingly at your reaction before removing his shirt by slowly inching it up his abdomen and pulling it over his head without breaking eye contact once during the entire process. You glanced downwards once it was discarded to one side. Mark lowered his hips down and pressed his toned body against you, placing one elbow on the mattress to support his weight.
"I haven't even started teasing you yet." He leaned into your ear, sending goosebumps down your neck. Mark shifted until his erection pressed against your heated core, and you couldn't help but close your eyes, inhaling sharply and clutching at Mark's bicep. His lips found yours for a passionate kiss while simultaneously grinding himself against your clothed center.
You moaned softly while throwing your arms around his backside, pulling him closer. The friction was almost unbearable; all this teasing made you feel as though you might explode.
Mark released your bottom lip and proceeded downwards while pressing butterfly kisses against every available patch of skin he could get a hold of. His soft lips traveled across your throat leaving a trail of fire burning everywhere they touched. You threw your head back onto the pillows as soon as they left. Your fingers dug deeply into the mattress with clenched fists.
His hand dipped underneath the thin fabric to cup your heated center. You instinctively bucked your hips upwards into Mark's hand as he brushed his fingers across your hot folds. You moaned softly, turning your face sideways as he pressed two fingers deeper into your sopping opening and began tracing circular patterns across your slit. Mark parted your slick lips with deft, slender fingers and pushed further until it was at the entrance to your tight core.
His index and middle fingers teasing your aching passage were driving you mad; a bit more than he already did with how sexy he looked. You leaned forward, trying to sink his fingers into your yearning core, only to have Mark remove his hand immediately and deny you further pleasure. He chuckled lightly.
"Not yet."
You whined, as his hand went up your side, up to your jawline. Mark grabbed your chin between his thumb and forefinger and forced your mouth open just enough for his tongue to enter. Mark dominated you easily with the way his tongue worked its way around yours. It was just like a dance that he knew by heart. As the kiss grew heavier, and more passionate by the minute, you felt his bulging hard-on throb in the confines of his pants, pressing against your leg, needing to be touched. Mark growled into your mouth as his hands traveled all over your body until they stopped at the thin, delicate band that sat on your waist.
"I wonder...just how wet you are for me." His hands circled around and hooked their way around the thin piece of fabric that separated your wet pussy from his bare hand and pulled, tearing it right off you before tossing it on the floor behind him with a smirk.
Your hands gripped Mark's muscular arms as your nails dug into the skin of his forearms, leaving marks behind in their wake.
Mark took advantage of the new freedom and pushed your legs apart and found your wetness once more. This time however, Mark plunged his middle and ring fingers inside, eliciting a sharp cry of pleasure escaping your mouth which was muffled by another searing kiss. You threw back your head against the pillows in response as Mark quickly moved his hand back and forth to increase stimulation while hitting the most sensitive points possible. His fingers drove you closer to your climax with each thrust before he removed them.
"Ah!" You cried out at his retreat, disappointed when his warmth was absent. You lifted your head off the sheets to see his face grinning evilly, his body looming over yours as he brought both soaked digits close enough for his tongue to brush against the tips. Mark pushed both fingers between his lips and slowly, sensually lapped up your juices in slow circular motions while maintaining eye contact with you until he was finished. You heard the clink of his belt being unbuckled, then he kicked his pants off and your eyes grew wide at what was in front of your eyes.
He took hold of your thighs and spread your legs, completely exposing you before his erection came into view, hanging over you. Mark traced his length, gripping it gently and gave a few, teasing strokes from the base to the tip until his cock glistened. Mark smiled smugly after noticing your face was flushed and eyes widened in anticipation. Mark stroked the tip against your folds, parting them and got some pleasure from the friction and he teased your entrance with slow, slow strokes. He knew how it turned you on. You bit on your lower lip to stop yourself from moaning, and Mark couldn't hold himself back. You whimpered again when Mark continued sliding up and down, over and over, without inserting it once, eliciting whines of frustration coming out of his fiancé's mouth as you looked at Mark through hooded eyes. Your expression gave way to desperation and want as you couldn't bear the ache any longer.
You thrashed wildly trying to get him to slip. You couldn't take it anymore.
"Mark please..."
He could tell, and Mark had mercy on you, pressing harder on your entrance and using his thumb to rub on the bundle of nerves that stood erect above you, making your body tremble.
Without warning, he slid inside, inch by inch slowly filling your walls and stretching them out till every little space had been stuffed with his length and you gripped him tightly, resulting in him letting out a gasp that turned into a deep, feral groan when he felt how tight you were around him. Mark watched carefully at his actions, trying to savor each moment of how his manhood disappeared into your core, seeing the juices squirting out whenever he pulled out slightly. His pace increased drastically the instant he sensed a familiar warmth coursing through every vein.
"Fuckkkkk," Mark exclaimed through gritted teeth after he was fully enveloped within your heat until you could feel his tip kissing at the entrance of your cervix. Once you were full and stretched open wide, you lay on the bed completely blissed out while you ached from the sudden intrusion. "Damn…babe" Mark said with labored breaths before his face buried itself on top of your neck so that both sides of it were smothered into your skin as he whispered, "Do you know…how much it drives me crazy…hearing those sounds you make?" His breath made you shudder, causing vibrations through his shaft.
"M-Mark...I.." You whimpered softly as his shaft grazed the delicate bundle of nerves on the way out and Mark dug his nails deeper into the smooth skin of your hips before slowly drilling all of his shaft back into you until he was hilt deep. Your legs were lifted over the crook of his arms and held in place against Mark's broad shoulders to provide more leverage while Mark continued thrusting you deeply. He bent his head down until his warm breath tingled against your skin and nibbled at the delicate skin of your collarbone between pants. Mark closed his eyes tightly every time you gripped tightly onto him. Your walls clung around him like he didn't have to withdraw. You continued clinging on tightly, relishing how big and delicious Mark was. It felt so amazing and breathtaking, that you couldn't control yourself anymore and you pulled him in closer by wrapping an arm around the nape of his neck. You pressed your face into the crook of his, your breath hot and fast on his skin.
"You feel so amazing, baby," He panted. "I don't know if I can keep going this slow…You feel too fucking good, " He grunted before breaking into another groan after thrusting roughly into your slick entrance. You held each other with one arm and clawed at Mark's muscular arm while your head pressed further into the crook of his neck, both savoring the feeling. Your other hand squeezed Mark's tight, muscular back as if he could go even further, while your legs stayed in place over his shoulders. Mark hissed when he felt your nails claw at his back which only made him snap his hip and start pounding into you ruthlessly, causing you to yelp with every thrust. A sense of fulfillment overwhelmed you as if your body had finally been deprived of what it desired for months and it felt as though his thick rod was enough to push you over the edge already.
Mark noticed your rapid breathing as his lips continued ghosting the sensitive skin behind your ears and his thrusts grew faster, much faster. His pace had become unstoppable. A new wave of adrenaline seemed to have taken over. He leaned in close and started suckling on the tip of your right nipple before taking the entire nub between his teeth while his large hand palmed your left mound. Your back arched off the bed once Mark's wet tongue grazed against the hardened nub and the new wave of pleasure washed over you; each bite, every touch seemed to cause you to gasp from immense pleasure.
Your body was on the verge of overcoming your senses and you dug your fingernails deeper, leaving a long trail of red marks down the muscular flesh of his back.
"M-Mark-" were all the words you could bring yourself to form before a string of moans and whimpers left your parted lips.
Mark closed his eyes tightly after he felt you tighten and grip onto him like never before and you instinctively rolled your hips slightly upwards, meeting Mark with every thrust.
He bucked his hip and continued pounding into you vigorously. Mark kissed down your neck until his plump lips reached the lower section of your jawline, suckling on it greedily until you cried out loud; each suck only caused Mark to moan loudly every time he felt the walls around his shaft pulsed along with your heartbeat while he continued pistoning into you and hitting deep inside you.
"Baby..." You begged. "Can we switch positions?" Your voice barely came out as more than a whimper. You wanted him closer. Mark responded with a chuckle that came out shakily, just like his arms. He was feeling weak. His rhythmic thrusting came to a halt and he pulled out slowly, earning a long sigh of regret coming from your lips while you witnessed a single strand of his hot seed leaked out and dripped onto the bed after he withdrew completely.
"Anything you want."
With Mark's aid, you turned onto your stomach and propped yourself up on both elbows before he placed both hands on your hips and pulled you into a kneeling position with your perked backside facing him. He guided you, holding onto your hips, lifting them to just the right height. Mark placed a single hand at the small of your back before delivering a string of kisses along your spine, causing your upper body to relax against the mattress. Mark moved closer until both of his knees brushed against the smooth skin of your inner thigh. Your hot center and swollen nubs pressed against the cool silk sheets, while you panted for breath after taking a few seconds to inhale a mouthful of oxygen. Your heart began racing wildly inside your chest when you realized that Mark Tuan stood right behind your naked body and had complete control over your well-being. With his right hand pressed down gently at the center of your back, Mark started rocking his hip slowly back and forth, forcing each thick inch through your tightened walls until his hilt met your dripping entrance. Mark groaned, the walls of your sex instantly clenched around him as they tried to accommodate his size which was not an easy task. You whimpered underneath him while fisting handfuls of silk sheets after you felt Mark's frame leaning down so that both sides of the crook of your neck and shoulders were covered with his warm lips.
"Look at you..." He squeezed and palmed one side of your ass which caused you to grip tightly onto his throbbing shaft once Mark hit a particular spot which felt as though electricity was shooting throughout your body every time the head of his dick rubbed against it. He pressed deeper and buried himself fully within your tight sheath while tracing circles along the ridges of your folds with his thumb before resting it on your swollen clit. Sounds of wet slaps filled the room. The sound mixed with Mark's heavy and breathy breathing drove you to the brink of losing yourself, completely letting go of all common sense while you trembled below. His balls slapped against your sex each time he delivered a thrust, causing you to gasp every time Mark pounded his length deeply inside with vigor.
"This is how I've always wanted to fuck my future wife," Mark pressed his shaft deeper, hitting your core perfectly. "Nice...and slow...and deep." He let out another loud and sharp growl of satisfaction after he had started rolling and swirling his hip at a constant rhythm until his thrusting became more desperate. Almost instinctively, your hips started to buck back eagerly against him as soon as you heard him groan loudly, panting while he squeezed your ass a little tighter between his fingertips before sliding a hand around to the front, gliding his palm past your dripping slit. Mark started slowly massaging the bud between his fingers which caused an unbearable wave of ecstasy to wash over your entire being like a hurricane.
"Oh god..." You clenched around his length when his shaft throbbed.
"Bounce that ass on me." You placed both forearms firmly on the mattress and lifted your ass off the bed. Mark withdrew slightly. After taking the necessary breaths, you began bobbing up and down onto Mark which only pushed him over the edge while his fingers clutched tighter onto one side of your hips and his teeth sank down painfully onto your left shoulder, trying to hold back from reaching his climax.
Mark groaned as he couldn't stop himself anymore, you knew the look. You felt him reaching climax which wasn't long after. The tension increased and increased every second as Mark fucked harder until your muscles shook uncontrollably and you sobbed at his soft pounding. Your walls clenched tight around Mark which caused him to inhale deeply before thrusting hard one last time and the room quickly filled with screams as you cried out loud each other's names in unison. His warm seed gushed inside you and his entire body went rigid, giving another sharp and deep thrust until there was not an inch missing. His warmth filled you and flowed inside, deep to the point where you were aching. He continued filling and spurting until it started oozing down the back of your inner thigh. Mark was coming a lot, and that felt amazing. Your mind was going blank every passing minute while your hips shook before his load trickled down your slit and dripped onto the bed around from where Mark remained sheathed inside you.
A stream of warm cum followed his shaft every time he tried to remove it and his breathing was erratic as Mark tried catching his breath. His arms wrapped around your midsection tightly before Mark collapsed next to you, chest heaving and sweat glistening from head to toe as Mark's panting was completely unstoppable while your limp body laid sprawled out completely blissed out underneath him before a smirk tugged at the corner of his plump lips at the sight. Mark laughed breathlessly and pulled himself up slightly until his weight pressed on top of you.
"Wow." He murmured while kissing the nape of your neck while pulling out and rolling over to lie on the mattress next to your exhausted self. "That was...wow." Mark continued trailing small kisses down your vertebra which sent goosebumps down your spine while you struggled to sit up which resulted in more streams of his seed still slowly seeping from between your legs.
"Baby-" You moaned with heavy breaths escaping through parted lips while Mark ran both hands down from the small of your back along the slick skin until he rested them against your thighs and pulled both legs over to straddle his hips.
"Shhh..." He whispered teasingly. "Let's get you cleaned up, Mrs. Tuan."
With that, your fiance swiftly lifted you up and carried you bridal style toward the bathroom.
🌹The final part, the epilogue, will be released after 20 notes~
37 notes · View notes
spacequokka · 2 years
Oh I’m glad you are 🥰.
Anyways can I request some were Yugyeom and y/n are in a relationship but Yugyeom shares everything to bambam to the point he basically knows everything that is going on with them and haves seen her nudes ( you don’t have to add the part if your not confortable ) and they get in a argument you can decide on the one ending 💕
Everything Changed
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Pairing: Yugyeom x Reader x BamBam Genre: Established Romance, F2L, Angst Rating: T Summary: You notice a change in BamBam’s behavior during an ordinary game night. A few questions later and the ground is dropping from underneath your feet. Word Count: 1.6k Warnings: mentions of sexting and a nude, lmk if i missed something
A/N: Sorry I took so long to do this! 😭 I tweaked some bits, but I hope this fits what you were looking for.
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BamBam knew it was an accident. Yugyeom was always texting him stupid memes and gifs. “Copy Image” was his second best friend. Waking up to duplicate messages or screenshots meant for others was nothing new to him.
But a nude was.
There was no telling what the hell Yugyeom was doing when he did it. Maybe sitting on his phone wrong or drunk sexting. He was sure there was a logical reason for getting a nude of his best friend’s girlfriend. There had to be.
[Yug:] shit my b
[Yug:] delete that
[Yug:] like rn
See? An honest mistake.
[Bam:] yea no prob
[Yug:] this never happened
[Yug:] or else 🔪
[Bam:] bet 😅
BamBam shook his head and scrolled up to the picture. Time slowed to a stop as he glanced at it, committing the image to memory before long-pressing on it and choosing delete. Like Yugyeom said, no one needed to know. It was a secret he would take to his grave.
Or so he thought.
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Saturday nights were reserved for hanging out with friends. If the crowd was big enough, then there’d be club-hopping or going to the movies. This time nearly everyone had called off save for BamBam. When Yugyeom suggested the three of you staying in with games and pizza, you didn’t object. The two of them were more than enough to keep the night entertaining. They were clowns who couldn’t drive, barely good enough to keep up with you in Rainbow Six, and terrible at teamwork based play.
You were sandwiched between them on the couch waiting on their last round of a Mortal Kombat match for your turn. So far, they were tied and this would declare the winner. Both were leaned forward with their elbows on their knees, concentration at its highest. You had to admit. Yugyeom never looks hotter than when he gets that look in his eyes. With his body in full contact of yours from shoulder to knee from sitting on the tiniest sofa he could find in IKEA, you were getting distracted with thoughts of the things you could do once the night started to wind down.
“Oh, come on!” Yugyeom spat and dropped his control upon defeat. “You kept doing the same bitch move.”
BamBam shrugged. “If it’s in the game, it’s fair play.”
“Oh, fuck you.” Yugyeom shot up from his seat, inadvertently pushing you against BamBam.
Your breast brushed along the length of his bicep before you caught yourself with a hand on his thigh. “Yug!”
“Bullshit.” Yugyeom muttered as he stomped off to the kitchen.
BamBam’s hands trembled as he gently righted you. “What a sore loser.”
“No, for real.” You frowned at Yugyeom’s back, missing the way BamBam bit his bottom lip before pulling away. When your boyfriend disappeared, you turned back to his bestie with a weak smile. “Ready for another match? I get to play against the winner.”
He swallowed and looked away. “Uh, sure. Just let me run to the bathroom first.” He was up before you could reply, accidentally giving you a face full of his crotch before disappearing down the hall. You blinked a few times. Was he…hard? You knew your brush against him was more than the usual contact you two ever had, but popping a boner like he was a preteen was a bit much. It was nothing like the confident flirt you’d come to know him as.
Yugyeom returned first, face still as sour as when he left, and plopped down with three bottles of soju. “Where’d fuckface go?”
“Um, bathroom.” You pointed with your thumb. “Is he…” How did you ask this without sounding weird? “Is he okay? I mean like, getting laid and stuff?”
Yugyeom’s eyes snapped to your face. “What?”
You groaned. Honestly, you should’ve just pretended nothing happened. “You pushed me on him and he ran off to the bathroom with a…boner. Did he take a vow of celibacy or something?” Of all the reactions you expected, it wasn’t Yugyeom blushing. First, the tips of his ears before spreading to his cheeks. His eyes were wide, every bit of a deer caught in headlights. Better known as his guilty face. Your eyes narrowed with suspicion. “What did you do? And do not lie to me.”
His bottom lip quivered, and he bit it before turning away and looking down at his hands. “You’re gonna get mad.”
“Okay, but the longer you take to spit it out determines how mad I’ll be. What could you have done to cause that?”
“Cause what?” BamBam cut in, awkwardly taking his seat next to you, this time doing his best to avoid touching you.
It only made you double down and poke Yugyeom’s neck. “What. Did. You. Do?”
Yugyeom flinched and spared an apologetic look to BamBam before he spoke in a tiny voice. “I accidentally sent your nude to him.”
“You what?” Your voice was eerily flat, devoid of emotion as the words replayed in your head. Yugyeom started to repeat himself, but you were quick to shut him up. “How the hell do you accidentally send a nude?!”
“I do it all the time!”
“WHAT?” You shot up to your feet and backed away from them.
“No! Not like that.” BamBam held up his hands. “He accidentally sends me stuff all the time. This was the first time a pic of you came up.”
“R-right! Please, it was an accident. I’d never do that on purpose. You know I love you.” Yugyeom slid off the couch and onto his knees rubbing his hands together. “I’d never disrespect you like that.”
Seeing him like this was enough to douse your outrage. “Okay, well then, why is BamBam afraid to touch me now?” You looked at him and addressed him directly. “You deleted it, right?”
Now it was BamBam’s turn to be sheepish and guilty. “I did. I just…can’t forget what I saw. I thought things would be the same as before,” he spared Yugyeom a sad look of his own, “but being around you fucks my head up now. I’m honestly having a hard time keeping a ‘friend, off-limits’ label on you.” He covered his face with his hands and exhaled hard. “I just—I know it’s fucked up and I’m sorry, you guys.”
Stunned silence filled the room and for the longest no one spoke. You could feel the comfortable life you’d come to have with them start to crack, and as the silence wore on, knew it wouldn’t be long before it all fell apart. But what to do? They were best friends long before you came into the picture. You couldn’t say for sure Yugyeom wouldn’t choose BamBam over you, and even if he did, it’d tear him apart in the long run. BamBam would sacrifice their friendship for Yugyeom’s happiness, but it’d set him decades back to his old, standoffish teen ways. You could leave and never look back, but you’d be leaving a large chunk of yourself in their hands. They’d become a large part of your life and starting over from scratch was a scary prospect.
Unable to come up with something to say, you sank to the floor and hugged your knees. Just a little longer, and there’d be nothing anyone could say or do.
“What if—” Yugyeom whispered, barely louder than the background noise of the tv, “What if you dated BamBam, instead?”
Your neck popped with how fast you looked up at him. “What?”
“Are you insane?” BamBam grimaced. “Why the fuck would she do that?”
Yugyeom picked at his fingers, head bowed as he blinked rapidly. “This is my fault. I-I fucked up, right? So I should be the one punished. I could back off and let you two see how things go. I could.”
“But I was the one who memorized the pic!” BamBam immediately ducked his head once the confession was out. “I’m the one who made everything awkward and weird.”
You rolled your eyes. “By that logic, it’s my fault for even taking the pic in the first place. You’re both dorks when it comes to women. You’re acting the way I’d expect him to react if we weren’t dating.” You looked at Yugyeom. “And if we broke up, what will you do? Sit on his couch while he cuddles with me like nothing’s wrong? I thought you loved me. How could you let me go so easily?”
“I didn’t say it wouldn’t hurt me!” Yugyeom finally looked up, eyes watery as his lips trembled. “I just don’t want you two to be unhappy. If you at least had each other, I could try to move on. You both mean the world to me.”
Silence followed again, but it was much heavier than before. Yet, in that heaviness, there was a spark of hope. Your throat ran dry at the thought, the absolute madness, of the idea. You had to swallow around the lump that suddenly formed. “Yug?”
He looked at you, tears spilling down his cheeks. “Yeah?”
“Think you could share?” You chuckled nervously, licked your lips and tried again. “I mean, might as well. I know you tell him everything, anyway.” You turned your attention to your pants, picking at a stray thread. “It’s better than us falling apart and not speaking or whatever. What’s one more dork to deal with gonna hurt—”
“Do you mean it?” Yugyeom cut you off. “You’re not just saying it, are you? Because if you’re okay with it, I don’t mind at all.” His eyes were wide yet still watery, as if he wanted to hope but didn’t dare tip over just yet. “You don’t have to do—”
“I do.” You said firmly. “Like you said. I love both of you. If nothing else, we should try.” You gave a little shrug. “Love’s messy like that.”
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winter-dayz · 11 months
Best Halloween Ever
Pairing: BamBam x Reader (ft. Mark Tuan, others) Halloween Party; Non-Idol AU Genre: Fluff Words: 1138
Masterlist | Fictober Masterpost
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
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“Bam, seriously, you couldn’t have told me we were throwing a party, I don’t know, before the party is supposed to start?” You asked incredulously at your roommate who was tidying up the kitchen.
“I forgot…” He grimaced, putting away some of our more fragile items.
“Forgot? We went costume shopping together. That would’ve been a great time to tell me. Or maybe even this morning would have been the least you could’ve done. Not literally minutes before your friends are going to arrive–”
“They’re your friends too.” He interrupted, frowning. You had met your roommate’s friends on several occasions but still didn’t like to claim them as friends of your own out of respect. You didn’t want BamBam to think you were trying to steal his friends, and you didn’t want anyone inviting you places out of obligation or pity. So, instead, you often distanced yourself. BamBam hated that.
Especially because BamBam had been not only trying to incorporate you into the friend group since you both began living together, but also because he had been trying to figure out how to tell you for months that he had an embarrassingly large crush on you.
“Go get ready. I’ll finish cleaning and setting up.” He said, shooing you off.
You didn’t emerge for another hour. It hadn’t taken you that long to get ready, though. Your costume was a simple dotted dress, puppy ears, and black and white makeup. You elected not to wear the collar that you bought as a joke. BamBam had wanted to wear matching costumes this year but also really wanted to gender-bend Cruella de Vil, so you offered to be a dalmatian.
The party was definitely in full swing by now, made quite obvious from the music and loud talking heard through the thin walls of your shared house, but you had not worked up the courage to emerge from the safety of your room. You had no doubts, however, that if you took any longer, your energetic roommate would come drag you from your confines.
So you quietly snuck from your room to the kitchen, needing to have something in hand while you braved the actual party, whether that be snacks or alcohol.
When you did finally make your way out into the living room, you realized just how much effort BamBam had put into this party.
He had really gone all out, which of course he had, and many in attendance had matched his energy with their costumes. As you searched for your costume partner, your eyes roamed the attendees, picking out your favorite costumes among the faces that were familiar to you.
On one of your couches, Taehyung dressed as a robot sat chatting to Namjoon and his new girlfriend. They were wearing a cute matching dryad set. You spotted Lisa and her fianceé in matching vampire costumes, staring each other down like they wanted to literally take a bite out of one another. Yugyeom was on the dance floor with his best friend, oddly wearing couple costumes of an angel and a devil. You wondered what was going on there…
A tap on your shoulder brought you out of your search and you turned to find someone covered in a white bedsheet with the eye holes cut out standing behind you.
“Boo.” Your roommate’s best friend said in a kind yet monotone voice. Mark, also a bit of an introvert, had unfortunately come alone. His new roommate wanted to hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters since it was her first Halloween living in a smaller town where kids actually went out at night.
“Have you seen Bam?” You asked him, comfortable with him enough that you didn’t feel rude asking. He merely shrugged.
“He’s everywhere. You know how he is during parties.” He then gestured to your cup. “Need a refill? It’s hot under the sheet, I’m gonna go cool off in the kitchen.”
You shook your head, tilting the cup to show its fullness. “I only just now joined everyone. I shouldn’t go into hiding yet.” He chuckled and nodded before heading off to the kitchen.
You resumed your scanning, spotting Youngjae and his friend both wearing witch costumes. Near them were Yuna and Ryujin laughing next to the makeshift bar, dressed as a mummy and purple alien respectively, while Minho smirked at his own joke, golf club splattered with fake blood perched on his shoulder. You weren’t exactly sure who he was supposed to be, but it was festive regardless.
Finally you spotted your roommate, chatting lively with a twisted-fairy version of Felix. You walked over to the pair, matching Felix’s bright smile when he saw your approach.
“Hi, Y/N, you look so cute!” He stated before looking between BamBam and you, connecting the dots. “Oh, I see.” He mumbled with a knowing smirk before walking away.
You watched in confusion, “What was that about?”
“Don’t worry about it, you know how Felix can be.” Bam joked, smiling and secretly checking you out. “Where have you been?”
You scoffed, jokingly glaring. “As if you even knew I wasn’t out here. You’re always running between conversations.” He frowned slightly at your statement, but you took a sip of your drink at the same time and didn’t notice.
You had somehow gotten roped into a debate over the correct way to eat an Oreo. Werewolf-Yeonjun was arguing that biting into the sandwich cookie was perfectly normal, but Medusa-Soobin and his statue-girlfriend were on the side of pulling it apart. You didn’t really have an opinion either way but took to arguing Yeonjun’s side with him just for the sake of fairness.
You were in the middle of nodding along to Yeonjun’s point when suddenly you were being dragged away by your wrist. You were about to protest and snap when you realized it was just your roommate.
“We need to take pictures.” He stated, bringing you along to a moody lit corner. Mark’s sheet lay discarded at his feet and he was holding up BamBam’s phone, ready to take pictures.
You and BamBam took several in-character pictures, and when he started looking through them over Mark’s shoulder, you moved to leave. Bam grabbed you and brought you back over, though, before you got too far.
“Just a few more.” He said and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, pulling you flush against him. You looked over your shoulder at him confused, but he only tilted his head and smirked. The flash of the camera went off and then Bam leaned in, kissing you passionately. The angle was a bit awkward, but you were happy enough to deal with it.
The camera flashed several more times before BamBam released his lips from yours and smiled down at you.
“Happy Halloween.”
“Best Halloween party ever.”
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lunarsun12 · 3 months
Previous Episode
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Changbin managed, to convince Jackson. To the join a chat, just so he can get his friend BamBam to come online and sort the mess out.
Bambam wasn’t planning to solve the issue, he just wanted to be friends with Chan again. As he miss their late night dinner. However when he saw the situation he tried to escape. Except Han has used his secret weapon against him. Which left BamBam no choice but to fix it.
Will Chan And Lee Know get a divorce?
Bangchan Created A Chat:
‘Stop Hiding From Us!!’
Today 1:00am
Bambam💥: I’m here wassaup!!
Jackson Left The Chat
BamBam💥: Wait…why does the chat says…stop hiding from us….uh oh…
Bangchan🐺: Wassup BamBam! Long time no see…we all missed you very much
BamBam💥: No need to miss me…wassup…man..?
Lee Know🐱: BAMBAM YOU DEADMEAT! You ruined my chance at love!
Bangchan🐺: Minho? Let me do the taking and you do the listening
Changbin🙄: You know, he never does the listening more like the beating
BamBam💥: Look at the time..I need to go…
Han🐿️: How’s your little yugyeom aka your little yugi?
BamBam💥: Don’t drag him into this…
Han🐿️: I’m sure he will love to hear about how you wanted to drop him as a lover, to be friends with Lisa…
Han🐿️: Binnie exposed already!! Was a shock, I got over it
Bangchan🐺: Nice work Han! I still don’t know, how you found out about BamBam and Yugyeom
Han🐿️: BamBam wouldn’t shut up about him, when you and Eomma went to the convenient store
Lee Know🐱: You shouldn’t have pretend to be a priest and married me and chan!!
BamBam💥: How am I supposed to know! It is real! You two shouldn’t have adopted kids! It causes complications!!
Changbin🙄: Who’s dumb idea was that…?
Lee Know🐱: Do you know! How long it took me to get Han come near me!!!
Changbin🙄: He was grieving not scared
BamBam💥: Oh man…this is twisted…then my friend Shownu suddenly has 6 kids
Bangchan🐺: I heard…one of his kids ran away…poor guy
Lee Know🐱: Please divorce us! Right now!! I need to smooth things out with Han!!
BamBam💥: Listen, I will sign the divorce document for saying sorry. Please don’t tell my yugi anything!!
Changbin🙄: Eomma, how about you move on…
Han🐿️: Yeah Eomma, marrying to Appa isn’t a bad thing you know….i guess..?
Lee Know🐱: Han! If this stupid BamBam haven’t done that…? WE COULD BE HAPPY
Changbin🙄: Appa? Did you left the adoption paper in my room? The adoption paper literally has your name only on there
Bangchan🐺: Wait!! Since when did I only sign the paper..! Minho why didn’t you sign it!!
Lee Know🐱: I said I sign it and then hid it at Binnie place
Bangchan🐺: Wait so the remaining kids are not adopted…?
Changbin🙄: Erm this is awkward…it’s got BamBam name on there!
Lee Know🐱: I did! You ruined my happiness! I will ruin yours!!
Lee Know🐱: No! You sign the divorce papers first!!
Bangchan🐺: Phew, I’m glad I managed to create a back up paper.I knew you try to pull that trick, so I tricked you in signing a cat lottery. The one you hid at Binnie was fake!!
Han🐿️: Eomma? Time to let go of the past! You already my Eomma, it’s weird it’s like dating Appa!
Lee Know🐱: Fine…but BamBam this isn’t over!
Bangchan🐺: Why I get the feeling this getting scarier
BamBam💥: Do I have to move countries ! I miss hanging out with you Chan!!
Bangchan🐺: He will cool down soon! How about we grab drinks and catch up!
Previous Episode
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deijiyong · 4 months
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Chapter Five: The Clan
Navigation Previous chapter | Story Masterlist | Next chapter Chapter word count 3,232 words. Chapter warnings/tags fighting, more parties, yoongi is almost healed, minghao and daniel actively tell jungkook that his wardrobe is trash, yugyeom's wardrobe isn't much better lol, jimin jealous?
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Minghao is laying on Jungkook's bed, his arms a pillow under his chin as he watches his roommate tear apart his closet. The small array of color choices either for shirts or jeans is enough to give him a headache as he watches with null interest. He finally grabs at Jungkook's pant leg before he can turn back to his closet, "Hey, Gguk, why not just borrow something from me. It's not like you can wear anything you own. I haven't seen such a goodie-goodie closet since I was in elementary school."
"I would, Ming, but the problem is that we're two different sizes."
"Not in my sweats," his roommate offers as he rolls off Jungkook's bed and towards his own closet, "I order them bigger so they don't make me look scary thin." He pulls out a medium gray set, handing them over to Jungkook before he can oppose, "Besides, you don't own anything name-brand. You should at least make a small statement if you're going to a party."
"Name brand isn't everything," Jungkook mumbles as he accepts the outfit.
Jungkook looks over the sweats as he pulls off his shirt. Puma, he had heard of that brand before a few times between Daniel and Minghao when they would discuss things. Daniel seemed to be more interested in sneakers where Minghao focused more on clothes and then there was him, the boy who only wore whatever his mom would buy him since he was five.
"Why do I feel like I'm going to regret this?"
Minghao sighs, "Look, I cannot be held accountable for how many people are going to fall all over themselves for you at the party. I can only give you the means to succeed. It's up to you how you use that success."
The door of their room opens behind them, Daniel appearing wrapped in black skinny jeans and a burgundy jean jacket that covers what has to be a black university tee. He's carrying his leather boots, another black addition to his dark lifestyle, as he eyes his two roommates. "So, do I need to come back? I didn't know you two had gotten that close."
Jungkook pulls on the sweatshirt over his naked torso, checking out the fat pull strings instead of answering his roommate. The jaguar was cute, he guessed, for lack of a better thought on the brand name. He slides out of his pants to pull on the bottoms while Minghao tackles the conversation with Daniel.
"Gguk's going to a party again. I wasn't going to let him go in his clothes."
Daniel nods, obviously having discussed this with Minghao previously, "I can lend him some sneakers since I'm the only one with taste between the three of us."
"Whatever sneakerhead," Minghao laughs, turning to clap when he sees Jungkook checking himself out in the sweats outfit. "Looks good. The girls are going to die."
Jungkook can feel his eyes widen marginally. Girls, right, that was the normal thing. He was doing this for the girls. And the gays, his mind supplies quickly. Well, maybe only the latter, Jungkook corrects in his head as he puts his hands in the pockets of the sweatpants and turns around to give Minghao the full view.
Daniel pushes a pair of chunky black Nikes into Jungkook's chest as he looks him over, "I don't own anything Puma, so you'll have to put up with mixing brands." He waits until Jungkook grips the shoes to turn away, putting his boots away in his closet in their designated box as he goes about pulling his jacket off to hang back up.
Jungkook eyes the bulky Nikes. Would he even be able to walk in them? They felt heavy compared to his usual shoes. With a shrug, he sits on the edge of his bed and slides his feet into them; panicking when he feels a piece of cardboard above his toes. "Uh, Dan, what's in the shoe?"
"Cardboard," he shrugs and sits on Minghao's bed, "Keeps the shoes from creasing."
"They're meant to be worn," Minghao rolls his eyes, "What is with you and creases in your shoes?"
"The same as you and stains."
"That's different," Minghao argues, hands flying around him, "You know that's different. One affects whether they're wearable or not while the other is just a part of owning a pair of shoes." The boy rounds on Jungkook as he sits there quietly, just watching them. "Gguk, what would make something unwearable to you? Stains or creases?"
"Neither," he admits shyly, "I have a pair of jeans back home with grass stains from when some kid pushed me down the last stairs at school and it tore out one knee and stained the other knee forever green. I still wear those sometimes."
Daniel laughs, "Damn, dude, throw them away."
"Seriously," Minghao agrees, "I'm surprised your mom lets you wear them still."
"Only around the house," Jungkook frowns.
The boys laugh right up until Yugyeom and Bambam appear at their doorway. Jungkook sighs and closes the door behind himself as he looks over his two friends. Yugyeom has always been similar to him when it comes to color choices, which explains his black joggers and oversized peach shirt he has loosely tucked in at the front. Next to him Bambam always looks like he walked out of a fashion magazine. Jungkook was sure, without asking, that everything from the silk shirt to the dress pants clinging to the boy's skinny hips and long legs was designer. "So," he starts hesitantly, "Are we ready?"
Yugyeom nods, but elbows Bambam, "I cannot believe you wouldn't let me wear my sweats. Jungkook is wearing sweats."
"His sweats are also worth looking at," Bambam sighs. "Yours were from the university store. No one wants to see those."
"They have sweats at the university store?"
"Not you too, Kook," Bambam frowns. "I had hope for you."
Cheongdam-dong, or C building as freshmen called it, was much like how Jungkook originally remembered the first party he went to. Students have overflowed from the confines of C building into the street as they had at Jungkook's first party, but unlike how he was scared to approach those students, now he freely walked forward. It was Yugyeom, between the three of them, who seemed to need encouragement as they made their way inside Cheongdam-dong. Bambam took the lead in bringing his friend in as they entered the steaming house full of loud beats and intoxicated students.
Jungkook has his hands buried in the deep pockets of the sweats he's wearing, eyes on the people around him so he doesn't accidentally bump into someone. He could probably pay Minghao back for his outfit, but paying back Daniel for his kicks? He doubted it was possible. He's only been inside the area where the DJ equipment has been set up for a few moments when he finds Taehyung sitting around their same table. He detaches from his friends to make his way over to the RA, pushing himself down between him and Yoongi.
Taehyung grabs his waist, correcting his position to sit on his lap instead as he wraps his arms around the freshman's waist. He laughs, feeling a bit awkward as he nods towards Yoongi, "Hey man, it's good to see you again."
Yoongi nods, lips wrapped around an unlit cigarette. He was almost as good as new, compared to the last time Jungkook had seen him. The quiet blonde may have had a run-in with the jerk that had injured him the first time Jungkook had met him, but he hoped that was not the case. Yoongi rolls the cig to the side of his lips, "How's your first semester been? You seem like you've been adjusting."
Jungkook nods, resting his hands on his knees as he adjusts himself on Taehyung's lap; still confused as to why the RA didn't let him sit on the couch. "It's been ok. I'm working on my project a little every day since it's a big part of my grade."
Taehyung's chin bears down on JK's back, "Did you pick a theme yet?"
"Kind of," Jungkook shakes his head side to side.
"Let me know if you need help," Tae grins, "I have a good eye for angles and direction. Yoongi wouldn't mind helping you with a backtrack."
Jungkook looks at Yoongi then, "You're a music major?"
"I'm technically already producing music," the blonde explains, "I just want to finish my degree."
The freshmen now sees the blonde in a new light. He had no idea that his clan was so talented. Tae with art, Jimin with dance, and Yoongi with music. Had he struck gold unknowingly?
"Shit, let me up," Taehyung forces out as he pushes Jungkook up off his lap.
JK's eyes follow after the RA, watching as he pushes himself to the front of a circle of students hollering. It's probably a fight of some kind, Jungkook decides, having seen many circles like it back when he was in high school. He stands there for a moment, watching the fray. Yoongi taps his hand, earning his eyes once again.
"You should take your friends and go," he looks over his shoulder to the circle of students briefly, "It's getting kind of rowdy. The campus police are going to be here soon."
He offers his hand to the blonde, "You coming with me?"
Yoongi laughs, pulling the soggy cigarette from his lips, "I have to go pull Tae and Jimin before they get themselves in trouble. Don't worry about me."
Jungkook drops his hand and immediately starts searching for Yugyeom and Bambam. It should have worried him more that he hadn't seen either of them since he sat down with Taehyung. It's with measured steps that he makes his way for the circle of students, some of them falling away as it's broken up from the inside. He can hear Taehyung's deep voice yelling at someone to stop. As he makes it to the front, JK feels a hard frown set on his face. Taehyung has Jimin pulled back against a wall, his arms under than dancer's as he keeps him from trying to attack the other side of the circle again.
Jimin looks furious, eyes able to set someone aflame if he puts oil to them as he huffs and struggles against Taehyung's arms. Despite his anger, Jungkook finds him just as attractive as he did the first day he saw him. His hair is a mess, given his situation, but Jungkook can make out a section that's a pretty blue color that matches the contacts he wears. He's wearing a black dress shirt and pants. There seems to be something wrapped around his waist that makes his small waist look even thinner. He shakes himself and looks at the other half of the circle and his mouth drops.
Jungkook moves forward before he can stop his feet, "Gyeomie, what happened?"
Yugyeom isn't looking anywhere near as Jungkook had left him at the door of C building. His cheeks are scraped, his left side is even bleeding. His bottom lip is busted and Bambam has made himself a physical barrier between the two sides of the circle.
"An accident," Yugyeom manages, his eyes glancing at Jimin before he looks at Jungkook, "It's not a big deal."
Jungkook grabs for his friend's hand, turning to pull them both from the middle. "Let's go, Bam!" he shouts over his shoulder.
Jimin huffs and throws Taehyung's arms off of him as soon as Jungkook is out of sight. He doesn't stick around long after that, thoroughly embarrassed with his actions once more as he leaves Cheongdam-dong at a run. Tae catches up with him at the corner by Itaewon, pulling him back before he can enter.
"What is going on with you lately, Ji?" his arm stays on Jimin's shoulder as if he would run away still, "Why are you fighting with freshmen? Jungkook's friends of all freshmen?"
"It was an accident," Jimin mimics JK's friend, "A misunderstanding."
"Like hell, it was," his best friend growls, "Tell me the truth. You've been acting weird since we handed out room assignments to all the freshmen."
Jimin frowns. It's not that he didn't agree he had been acting weird lately, he just doesn't think it had been since the first time he had met Jungkook. "I need a break," he settles on, pulling his shoulder from Tae's hand. "I'm gonna go to the practice rooms. Don't wait up for me, I'll probably be there all night."
Jimin ignores Tae's calls as he turns and walks away. He didn't want to think about what had just happened and he definitely didn't want to talk about it. Jungkook making friends of his own had been a good addition to the freshmen's university life but the one, in particular, Gyeomie (Jimin rolls his eyes at the name) didn't have to hang all over him for no reason. Every time Jimin would see them hanging out lately, that tall film major would be laying in Jungkook's lap while he tried to work. Tae's NFF, being the nice kid Jimin had always known him as, would never say anything even if it bothered him.
He just wanted to tell the lanky kid to give Jungkook some space.
That was all.
Jungkook is leaning back on one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs in the clinic, legs spread and head hanging over the back. The nurse had assured him that Yugyeom's injuries were mostly superficial and that he was lucky he stepped in and stopped the fight so his friend hadn't been more injured. He wasn't sure if he agreed with her thoughts. If he had actually seen Jimin and Yugyeom fighting, would he have taken Gyeom's side as he had or would he have flocked to Jimin's side? It wasn't really about who was at fault, he had wanted to approach Jimin first before he had even realized it was Yugyeom on the receiving end. Only good sense had him turning and going to Yugyeom's side first.
Something hits the toe of his shoe, it has him sitting up quickly to find Yugyeom standing there looking like a mummy instead of his usual self. Gyeom's cheeks are covered in bandages, his lip has a butterfly tape on it, but he still smiles as he looks down at Jungkook.
"We should go," he offers, "Curfew is soon."
Jungkook stands and grabs Yugyeom's hand again to pull him forward. Being late for curfew didn't bother him anymore, but he wouldn't let his friend get in trouble for being late because of him.
Jungkook is laying face down on one of the few couches in the common room of his dorm building. His phone is to his ear as he listens to his mom talk about how excited she was for him to return back home during the upcoming winter holiday. Even his father seemed to have melted a little on his dislike of Jungkook's chosen major as he told Jungkook he already had a project for them to do together when he got back home. It has a smile on his lips as he listens to the two without needing to actually voice anything himself. They were far too used to holding and moving the entirety of the conversation themselves since he was very young and he was grateful since he didn't have much to talk about in regards to university life.
He can feel a weight on his legs when his mom goes into the third renewal of her excitement on his returning home for the holidays. Jungkook can still not help the smile on his lips as he finally speaks, "I cannot wait to see you as well, mom. I have to get to class soon, well, I shouldn't say class. I have a study session with some kids from my major soon. I'll call you next week, okay?"
Her happiness doesn't wane, even despite his constant lies; but she didn't know they were lies. Jungkook hits the red phone on the screen to end his call as he looks over his shoulder at the person sitting on top of him. He is surprised to find Jimin sitting there, an awkward smile on his lips as he sits up enough to let Jungkook pull his legs from under Jimin's thighs. The freshman faces his RA, rubbing his nose for a second before he's brave enough to ask. "Did I break a common room rule?"
Jimin shakes his head, "No."
Jungkook leans forward as if waiting for him to further his answer, but the RA doesn't.
"I'm actually here as a favor for a friend."
JK waves his hand as if to let the other boy know he could continue.
"Uhm, my friend Hoseok is a hip-hop major. He had actually asked me this over a month ago, but I had gotten Tae to help him at that time."
Jimin laughs, "He needs someone to record his dance practice so he can monitor if he needs to make any changes to his choreography. He does better when someone moves with the choreo than a stationary camera."
Jungkook's mind is already bringing up the new camera he had recently bought with money he had been saving up for a while. Instead of buying new clothes, which is what the money was for, he had been putting it away to buy a Nikon. He even had a stabilizer for action shots like Jimin was talking about and wouldn't mind using this Hoseok as his test subject.
"I would owe you a favor," Jimin offers, squeezing his thighs, "Maybe a get out of jail free card for when you miss curfew again?"
He licks his lips at the suggestion - he didn't want that. Jungkook had made it his personal mission to always be back before curfew now unless it was Sunday and curfew didn't apply. He pouts and leans towards the RA, "Can I ask for something else?"
Jimin raises a brow, "What does JK want?"
Jungkook shifts to where his arm lays behind Jimin, drawing closer to the dance major as he breathes slowly while staring at his pretty plump lips. His hand ghosts over the huge tear in Jimin's jeans over his thigh before his eyes move up from the RA's lips. He leans forward, a small smirk playing on his lips when he feels Jimin shift, "I'll let you know."
He had whispered it into Jimin's ear before he pulled away completely, lifting himself from the couch to look down at his phone; ignoring the way the RA shudders. When JK does look at the RA, he's recovered some - or enough - as he grins down at him.
"I really do have somewhere to be, but let Hoseok know I'll help him." He nods, turning only to pause and look back at Jimin, "You'll need my number to pass along to him."
Jimin's lips part as if recognizing his misstep. He pulls out a slim silver Samsung and hands it over to Jungkook easily. He watches as Jungkook's fingers fly over the screen of his phone, a smile in place as he hands the phone back over. It's open on Jungkook's entry, saved under JK and he smiles. The only ones who had called him JK were Tae and him. All of his new friends called him Gguk or Jungkook, so the name held a soft spot in Jimin's heart.
"I might respond a little slow since my friends are pretty active texters, but I will reply."
Jimin nods, sliding his phone back into his jacket, "Go study."
"See you."
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©️Deijiyong, 2023.
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missgineaus · 2 years
but here's some got7 hp/hogwarts headcanons:
gryffindor | 7th year prefect
best subject: care of magical creatures
looks like he should be attending durmstrang instead but is the softest for the first years actually
is only supposed to have one cat on hogwarts grounds but ahahahaha 😉
animals love jaebum ok they love him like unicorns just walk up to him and chew on his hair
jinyoung says that's why he's prematurely balding lol
"maybe" blew up his feather in his first transfiguration class lol
ravenclaw | 6th year prefect
best subject: arithmancy
whoever said ravenclaws were weak clearly never met jinyoung
some say if you take his™ study table in the library, you'll be fed to the merpeople in the lake
it's leviOsa not leviosA
one time jinyoung forgot his outer robe in ravenclaw tower and made everyone on the moving staircase trip cuz of his peach 🍑
probably has discussions on magical theory with professors
hufflepuff | 7th year prefect
he’s a nice fuck boy ok lol
best subject: defense against the dark arts
is really cute and people mistake him for a 4th year often even though he's one of the oldest 7th years
can kick your ass in a duel (competitive af man)
no really so competitive that sparks will fly from his wand when he’s incensed
no one paid attention to him until he dyed his hair blonde once in 4th year and um wow yeah now everyone knows who he is lol
spins his wand in his hand like one spins a dagger and it's the hottest thing wtf
amazing with non verbal spell work -all his spells are probably non verbal actually
people hate that cuz they never know what he uses agains them in a duel and they lose
slytherin | 7th year head boy
best subject: charms -
In A Different Game
knows everybody, if you think jackson doesn't know you ❌wrong❌ he does
is really silly and is the first person to laugh at himself and is actually a really good head boy because he's not intimidating and the younger years feel safe and laugh around him
doesn't change the fact he's smart
people really forget he's smart even tho he's head boy it's a little ridiculous
both his parents are charmsmaters and he wants to be one too
can always find him in the kitchens eating organic -house elves love him ok
gryffindor | 6th year
best subject: herbology
can sing plants into bloom
the only person the mandrakes probably don't scream at lol
holds tutoring sessions for herbology in one of the greenhouses wow he's so nice
bambam swears the stars shine on youngjae during astronomy class
will steal your treacle tart
literally right off your plate
is probably a really go0d beater even tho he’s not on the quidditch team
in the frog choir
made jaebum also join the frog choir haha
probably interns at the infirmary cuz he wants to a healer or at least going into healing herbology
has a tattoo of a plant but no one has ever seen the whole thing
gryffindor | 5th year
best subject: transfiguration
has quick fashion fixes using his transfiguration skills
has turned yugyeom into a frog at least once
yugyeom thought it was cool
jinyoung did not
one time he and mark sneaked out to get some snacks at hogsmeade and would have gotten caught by a professor patrolling the corridors if bambam didn't transfigure them into intricate tapestries
seriously the detail in his transfigurations are no joke
has a scrapbook of magical and non magical photos of him and his friends more heavily warded than the trunk with his designer clothes
professors really like him lol
ravenclaw | 5th year
best subject: potions
the one subject he's naturally better at than jinyoung but jinyoung will never admit this
tried to fight the giant squid
probably brewed amortentia and made people smell it and found out half the schools crushes
has a secret magical dandelion tattoo that changes colors
says every potion is EEEEEEASYYYY
probably actually likes the history of magic - like spews the most randomest facts at inconvenient times it’s so annoying lol
...and because im a markson ho i gotta include them is this au right haha here's some additional markson/gen js hcs!
probably like the loudest couple theyre always yelling and laughing -theyre too cute tho so its hard telling them to shut up
jackson sometimes uses his headboy status to excuse his class tardiness and why he’s so out in the corridors late at night to walk mark to class and back to the hufflepuff common room
actually since hes head boy and has a room to himself, mark and the rest of their friends probably crash in jacksons room at least 3/7 days lol
actually now that we’re on jackson -everyone forgets he’s a slytherin cuz they think he’s too nice for his house
and he’s not fake nice he’s actually sincerely kind
but his drive and will to succeed at what he wants is unparalleled (PLAY JACKSON'S ENTIRE DISCOGRAPHY COME ON)
he sleeps the least out of his friends cuz hes always studying or practicing spell work or wand movements or reviewing notes
some of the first years think jackson a slytherin cuz his robes changed to a green color cuz he eats so much vegetables and drinks so much green tea LOL
original twitter thread | originally posted 18 feb 2019
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sweetestofchaos · 2 years
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➳ paring: Bambam x Reader
➳ genre/au/rating: 16+, Arranged Marriage, Angst, Unrequited Love, Drabble
➳ warnings: Physical Abuse, Crying, Yelling, Not a Happy Ending
➳ word count: 316
a/n: Don’t ask where this came from...I have no idea. 
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The slap sent her tumbling to the floor, not having ever been struck before. Her cheek was sore, the skin heated as if she sat too close to an open flame. Bambam was above her, fisting her hair in his hand before he yanked her up upright. She hissed as her scalp throbbed from the sudden force. His eyes, blacker than any ocean, held no ounce of sanity as he glared down at her.
“Why?!” Spit flew from his mouth as he screamed in her face. “Why can’t you love me like you love him? I-I can give you everything! I have given you everything!” His eyes were wild, caging her soul like a bird. 
“You are mine!” Bambam sneered as her face pinched in pain. “This is what you wanted, right? A monster! A cruel heartless monster!”
The humor in his voice was flat, dull...anything but comforting as he gripped her face harshly in his free hand. He forced her to stare into his eyes, his tears now dripping onto her cheek as he stared at her.
His gold jewelry suddenly felt so heavy around his neck as he watched tears slide down her face silently. Burning his skin as they followed his veins like a map on his hands to his heart. 
“You belong to me...d-does that mean nothing to you?” He leaned in closer and inhaled the sweet aroma of her hair before he rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. “I love you. I love you so much that it hurts.”
Their tears mingled and she hesitated to place her shaking hands on his wrist. He inhaled sharply at the touch, “I don’t want your love.” Her eyes were narrowed, watery and bloodshot as she struggled to keep herself together. “Love me?” She yanked her face free from his hold and spit at his feet. “I never wanted your love!”
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fandomnovella-blog · 1 year
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Your Crush: Park Jinyoung
“So… Y/N, truth or dare”
You and some of your friends were having a sleepover! It was fun! And everyone was in a comfy mess of giggles and pillows you hesitated, telling the truth seemed easier but at what cost? A dare…well, the possibilities were kinda endless,
“Truth!” You said confidently,
Your friend thought carefully,
“Ok so, who do you think is the most attractive person in school and why?”
You blushed furiously, you hadn’t told this to anyone and was seriously debating lying but, rules are rules
“Ummm if I had to pick…I’d say…Jinyoung?” You blushed again burying your face in your hands! Your friends all gasped and grinned and immediately asked you what you liked about him,
“Ummmm well, I think he’s really sweet!” You said quietly
“He doesn’t really talk much though!” One of your friends said
“I know but when he does he knows what he wants to say! And he doesn’t joke as much as the other people in school, I think he’s quite a gentle genuine soul, it’s nice being around him. He’s so handsome and he has a beautiful voice! ” There was no shame in liking him and you were sure that your friends would keep it to themselves right?
You found out soon that this was as much of a fantasy as a fairy story.
A few days later you were walking down the school hall and you saw one of your friends talking to…oh no…JINYOUNG!!! You tried for the rest of the day to not
think about it, but that was like trying not to imagine purple elephant with blue spots, your mind was hyper-focused on what your friend had said to Jinyoung that day. Everywhere you turned, you seemed to bump into him, and he always seemed to be around the corner . At lunch, you ran into the bathroom, into a stall and breathed heavily into your hands, trying to calm yourself down, does she like him too? Does he like her? DID SHE TELL HIM ABOUT HER CRUSH?! You shook your head furiously! No…no! You were being silly, why worry about it! You can’t take it back now so whatever happens will happen right? You couldn’t control it and if he asked you about it…you swallowed hard, you’d be honest! There wasn’t much else you could do! Straightening up, you walked slowly into your next class.
“We’ll be pairing you up for a small in-class assignment today” said the art teacher, you need to work together to create the picture using clay!” She began handing out the terracotta coloured cubes to the class, and allocating pairs “Luke, pair up with Laila over there! Jessy go sit next to Carmen!” At this point you had shut your eyes tightly and had every finger crossed; praying to every deity that you knew “Please don’t sit him next to me please!!” You heard the scrape of a stool next to you and gulped hard. There was silence next to you, slowly, you opened your eyes and turned… there sat next to you holding the cube of clay in one hand and a second apron in the other, was none other than Park Jinyoung.
“Hey…um…are you ok?”
“Yeah” you squeaked in a tiny voice once you remembered how to breathe
“You sure? You had your eyes shut really tight! Are you in pain?”
“No no not at all!” You shook your head quickly trying to act nonchalant
“Ok..so…shall we get started?”
He placed the clay down along with some carving tools and you both set to work. In silence. I mean what could you say to each other?! This was so embarrassing! Until…
“Hey Y/N I wanted to talk to you about-“
but he never got he chance to finish what he was saying! The pressure of the whole day was weighing on you, and you were desperate to say something! And so it all slipped out!
“Yeah I said I liked you! It’s true! I do I really like you! But I wasn’t planning on telling you like this! But then maybe I wasn’t gonna tell you at all it’s just I know you heard stuff and so I might as well come out and say it right? And I’d rather you hear it from me because I do like you! It’s not a big deal! I shouldn’t be ashamed of that right?” You finished, panting and blowing like you had run the marathon everything in your mind just couldn’t hold it in anymore but the relief of the confession was short lived. The mounting embarrassment only grew as you realised you had just blurted out a confession! You just babbled in front of Jinyoung about how you liked him!
“Um, that wasn’t what I was going to say,” said Jinyoung a little flabbergasted “I was going to say I wanted to talk to you about the history homework but this must have been on your mind!”
Your whole body stiffened and a huge tsunami of shame washed over you. Once again you put your head in your hands. You just wished the ground would swallow you up! Until you heard a chuckle coming from next to you! Was he laughing? There was nothing to laugh about in your mind! But then, you heard a soft voice by your ear
“ You’re cute when you blush! Did you know that? It’s ok I like you too!”
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kpopandmusicpassion · 2 years
Faster Pt. 1 Reunion
Melly understands Lisa really she does. I mean Lisa doesn't know about werewolves or the fact she is most likely Ten's mate. She only knows about werewolves because Jackson, Jessi, and the GOT7 pack were her friends during their stay in America. She knows Ten only rain checks when it's pack business but she can't tell Lisa that. She'd be betraying her friend's trust and Lisa will most likely think she's either nuts or joking.
"Look you know YangYang, Lucas, and Norenmin are my besties aside from you. They are always complaining about how much he talks about you. Ten is a lovesick puppy. You know they all are family. The guys and I don't get to hang out all that often outside of school either. It's family issues. They always let me know when they can't make it it's family problems and they remind me Ten is ALWAYS with them. He loves you. You have nothing to worry about. I'll even talk to him for you and send him over later." Melly said. Lisa nodded leaving in a hurry. Melly stalks up to Ten grabbing him by the ear.
"Alright, wolf-man. I need to have a chat with you and your Alpha." She growls pulling him outside.
"Alpha?" Ten questions she turns and when she sees his Alpha she grins.
"JACKSON!" She screams tackling him.
"Ooof!" He groans. "What the- Melly!" He gets up spinning her around.
"Jackson, how many times do I need to remind you I will barf on you if you keep doing this?" Melly glares at him as he puts her down.
"Ooops?" He grins sheepishly. Ten stares shocked and amused.
"So, just a minute ago Lisa was talking about breaking up with Ten. Before you ask yes I know him and the others are wolves. They remind me of you and the guys. Plus I am friends with a few including Norenmin. I think it's time you guys told Lisa about wolves. Then Ten can tell her they're mates."
"Why didn't you tell her if you're so worried?" Jackson asked with furrowed brows.
"And betray you and the pack's trust and the likely chance Lisa thinks I'm either nuts or just making excuses for him? Nah, dude. I'll pass." Melly retorted. That caused both wolves to chuckle. They led her to the car and started started towards the pack house.
Once there she ran in. "Eomma Mark!"
There were thundering footsteps as she was suddenly tackled by two bodies who growled and started scenting her.
"Mate." They growled. Her eyes widened when she realized the wolves who tackled her were her first wolf crushes Jay B and BamBam. Then six more people come rushing downstairs. Their eyes glow as they also claimed her as their mate.
"Looks like the boys finally found their last piece." Jackson said making her look up only to see him looking at her amused as he casually leaned against the door frame.
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Prince BamBam~ Royal!AU
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WARNINGS: Fluff, Some Violence
A/N: heyo i’m back bitches also this is trash im so sorry i may redo this
Prince BamBam is very dashing, elegant, and confident.  
He knew how good looking he was, but he never let it go to his head.  
He takes very good care of himself, always wanting to look his best.
He was very skilled in hand to hand combat, as the King wanted him to learn for “just in case” purposes.
BamBam never thought he would have to use it one day
He seemed to take after the King in more ways than one.  
The King was handsome, his looks and charismatic personality could captivate you; and he knew this.  
The Queen was a marvelous woman, she was fierce, strong, and also very kind; which was unexpected to some.
BamBam was their pride and joy, they wanted the best for him...which is why they invited the royal family of a Princess they thought would be the best for him.  
BamBam was shocked and upset when he found out about this, he didn't even like her, let alone want to marry and rule a kingdom with her.  
He didn't have a love like that for anyone...well, he thought that he didn't.  
You continued to stitch up your dress for your performance at the opera house later that night as your best friend, BamBam, paced back and forth, letting out a frustrated sigh as he ran his hand through his hair, “How could they do this to me? I thought I made it clear to them that I don't want to be with her!”  
BamBam is supposed to be attending the Opera with his parents, the neighboring Princess, and the neighboring King and Queen.  
After he was informed about it, he immediately fled to your home in the Kingdom, needing to vent to someone he could trust.  
“How awful could she be?” you asked, curious about why he seemingly loathed this Princess.
BamBam started telling you about how stuck up and rude she is, how he couldn't stand being near her because she would link her arms with his, she already had it in her mind that BamBam was her future spouse.
You couldn't help but feel slightly jealous. You’ve always tried to suppress your feelings for your friend, I mean he is a prince; but they always come back in moments such as this one. “I just wish they would understand that I do not wish for this, I would rather rule alone.” BamBam sighed, his head falling down.  
You stop what you’re doing and walk over to him, “It’ll all work out Bam, I know it will, I feel it. Just try to enjoy yourself  tonight, okay? I’ll see after the show, behind the building.” He nods and sighs once more, “I should go back, I need to prepare myself for tonight anyway.” You both say your goodbyes and continue with your dress.  
Hours later, as the night fell upon the sky, you paced backstage in the opera house, nervous about your song you were performing, nervous about BamBam hearing you for the first time.  
Alas, your performance stunned everyone in the theatre, especially BamBam. You had found him in the crowd, locking eyes with him as you belted out the love song for the scene in play.
Neither noticed the Queen looking between you two and gesturing for the King to look, they realized that their son was already in love with someone, it was just a matter of getting you two together. But soon that would play out on it’s own
After the show, you had walked outside, behind the opera house where you were supposed to see BamBam. All of a sudden, a man had you pushed up against the wall, a man who wasn’t BamBam.  
“Hello darling, I must say, you are absolutely to die for.” he breathed into your face.  
You tried to push him away, “Leave me alone,” but he was starting to get forceful.  
“I always get what I want, and I want you.”
Before another thing could happen, the man was ripped away from you and a fight had started, the other man apart of it being BamBam.
BamBam was beating this man almost to a pulp, before you knew it, the man was running away.
“Are you okay?” he asked, frantically. You just nodded.
“Bam...You saved me. Who knows what he could’ve done,” you almost whispered in a cracked voice, tears welling up in your eyes. BamBam immediately came up to you and hugged you, pulling back for a second to look at you, his hand caressing your face.  
“Of course...I-...I love you”
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etherealsinsau · 2 months
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Lilith redesign art piece 🎶 -bambam
Her design consists of lioness and bird features, along with horns
Funfact: A theater she owns in hell is what we named our AU after
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markie-baby · 4 months
POV: on a date with Markie bae 💕✨️
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spacequokka · 2 years
Prompt: “I almost lost you.”
BamBam asked you to help take down the Christmas lights on his mom’s house, promising a burger, fries, and a milkshake for your troubles. Who says no to free food?
Things were going well until you got to the lights. Though you were wary about getting on the roof with him at first, you’d quickly swallowed your fear for your bestie. But then you lost your footing and slipped. Unable to catch yourself, you toppled over and fell two stories.
Darkness. Faint sirens.
You woke up in the emergency room with him at your side, red nose and puffy eyes. His fingers were a blur of motion over his phone. A sniffle.
He nearly dropped his phone to get to you. The gentle way his hands take one of yours was so unlike him, but not unwelcome. Soft BamBam is your favorite BamBam.
“Hey, beautiful.” He forced himself to smile. “I almost lost you.”
You frown, feeling the stiffness in your neck and legs. “What?”
He brings your knuckles to his lips. “Do you remember falling?”
“You, um, you’ve been out for nearly ten hours. You may not feel anything because of the morphine, but you also broke your leg.” He smiled weakly. “And to say I’m so fucking sorry about this, how about free burgers and shakes for life?”
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deijiyong · 4 months
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Chapter Six: Glitter Bomb
Navigation Previous chapter | Story Masterlist | Next chapter Chapter word count 4,625 words. Chapter warnings/tags glitter explosion, a derogatory nickname for jimin (fairy), jungkook makes jimin nervous, library date
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< Dancers Anonymous > Jimin's Friend: Jungkook, right? Jimin's Friend: He said you would help me with recording my practice Beautiful: He said he would, Hobi lol Jimin's Friend: Do you think he'd be ok with Friday? Jimin's Friend: That's my only available day right now JK: Yeah, Friday is good JK: my last class is around 6, should I meet you somewhere? Beautiful: I can walk you to the practice rooms? JK: I would have to pick up my camera from the dorm Beautiful: I can meet you there Jimin's Friend: Yeah, that time is good Jimin's Friend: This is a big help, so thanks man JK: No worries
< Jimin's Friend > JK: Hey Hoseok, would it be cool if I used some of the films from your practice for my semester project? Jimin's Friend: Oh, that's right, Jimin mentioned you're a cinematography major Jimin's Friend: Yeah, that's fine Jimin's Friend: Just make this old dancer look cool, okay? JK: I'll do my best!
Jungkook is watching Hoseok quietly as he pulls out his equipment. It was mostly the stabilizer since his Nikon was fairly small even with its weight. He had been pulled to the practice rooms for the dance majors by Jimin as soon as he had walked into Itaewon and set down his messenger bag. Now, his RA is pressed up against the mirror next to the bench Jungkook's got his camera bag on top of - his full attention on the dance Hoseok has been working on since they arrived. Jimin had told him only once, on their way over, that it was rude to interrupt a dancer while they were practicing. That is the only reason why Jungkook had not yet properly introduced himself to Jimin's friend.
When the song stutters and cycles back around, Hoseok rounds on the two of them with a bright smile on his face before he lifts his shirt and runs it down the front of his face. Jimin stands to approach his friend while Jungkook turns to face the hip-hop dancer, his camera in hand as he leans the top of his back against the mirror behind the bench. He watches with mild interest as Jimin and Hoseok exchange their greetings before both turn to look at him.
"This is Jungkook," Jimin smiles, using his hand to call JK to his side. "He'll be your cameraman while Tae is busy."
Hoseok adjusts his bright red windbreaker pants with strange rubber band ties up and down the legs as he steps forward and tosses out his hand, "I'm Hoseok, officially. Most freshmen call me Hobi."
The name does ring a bell, Gangnam's RA is considered one of the most promising dance majors in the whole school with numerous titles under his belt. Yugyeom and Bambam happen to live in Gangnam, so Hoseok would be their RA - well, this was awkward. He takes the dancer's hand and offers a smile, "Nice to meet you."
Hobi stretches his arms over his head, the long-sleeved crop top finally catching Jungkook's attention as he's greeted by the caramel skin of the dancer's abdomen. He watches quietly as Hobi lowers his arms and starts rotating his legs in a circular motion to the sides; was this a form of stretching? His voice breaks the moment, "Let me know when you're ready, Jungkook."
"R-ready," he stumbles over his word, lifting his camera level with the ground and walks forward so Hobi hits the top and bottom of the screen - flaws, if he had any, would be noticed this close up.
Jimin takes his spot back by the mirror, eyes watching the two closely as Hoseok runs through his dance. He's impressed by how easily Jungkook falls into his role as a cameraman, but he exceeds that when JK even points out things as he's recording. Directing Hoseok to lift his hands just a bit more, put more power behind a kick - even those small adjustments has Jimin enthralled just that much more watching them feed off of each other. Jungkook even tosses the remote to the audio system at Jimin when they pause at a part Jungkook wants to discuss with Hobi more in-depth. He questions the feeling that Hoseok wants to accomplish for that part and offers some pointers before shyly muttering, "I mean if you want to try that."
Hoseok claps him on the back, a smile firmly in place as he falls back a few seconds in his dance, "I can always change it back if I don't like it."
Jungkook lifts his hand and spins it around in the air, his way of telling Jimin to start the music up again. Jimin skips it back a little bit and presses play, his eyes falling on Jungkook instead of his friend. The intensity with which the freshmen works has chills running up Jimin's spine. The hard focus of his eyes, how he licks his lips before he leans down to get a shot from a different angle, and even the smile on his lips when the shot turns out as he had hoped. Jimin finds himself in love with this side of Jungkook.
Hoseok calls it quits close to 8 PM, hands on his hips as he breathes heavily. He had been following Jungkook's direction for two hours and he felt more worn out than he would have if he just practiced by himself alone. It's a great feeling.
"I'll send you the file tomorrow, Hobi," Jungkook grins as he starts wiping down his camera. It was covered in sweat from how long he had been holding it and how the heat in the room had only increased the longer they stayed inside. His eyes stray to Jimin, he's been sitting against the mirror quietly since they began recording and operating the music as he had been told. "You ready to go, Jimin?"
His RA nods, placing the remote on the bench next to JK's camera bag as he struggles to stand up. Jimin's legs had fallen asleep within the two hours he had been sitting against the mirror. He feels numb below his waist, but he bounces his legs a few times to speed up the process before he tries to move around the room. His ankle refuses to lock when he steps forward, sending him flailing towards the hardwood floor of the practice room. Only strong arms around his waist stop him from becoming acquainted with the ground even better than he already was.
"You need to be careful," Jungkook's voice whispers into his ear before he pulls away completely.
Jimin's first thought is to see if Hoseok had caught that, finding the hip-hop dancer in the middle of changing shirts. It gave him room to marvel at how strong Jungkook actually was. His gains in the gym were leaps from when he had first started his weightlifting class and it showed since he was the only freshman who took the class seriously. When he turned, Jungkook had already situated his camera bag on his shoulder; maybe Jimin had been staring at him for a while.
"Shall we head back?"
Jimin nods, turning to wave at Hoseok, "I'll text you later, Hobi."
"See you," he laughs.
Jungkook pops his neck as they clear the dance studio, lifting his hand to yawn into as he walks. He sighs, his eyes sliding to the very quiet Jimin which is not how he was used to his RA behaving. "Is there something on your mind?"
"Hm?" Jimin sucks his bottom lip as his gray eyes find Jungkook staring at him, "I was trying to think of where I should start. I haven't been very nice to you lately and I even requested a favor from you."
Jungkook laughs, it's full and distracting, "Hobi is kind of helping me as well, so it's not really that big of a deal. You don't owe me anything, Jimin."
"I do," the RA counters. "I shouldn't treat you like you're a little kid still."
JK rolls his shoulders, when he had first come to university, there was still a lot of things that he felt would keep him labeled as a kid. That's why he had never corrected Taehyung or Jimin when they treated him that way. By definition, in comparison to the two RAs, he would always be a kid. He had come to terms with that the month he had spent away from them. His eyes fall on Itaewon, they were probably hitting close to curfew, so he was surprised that Jimin wasn't running for the door - well, it was really only him that was under curfew. "Don't worry about it, Jimin, it's already forgotten."
They grow quiet as they enter Itaewon, Jimin flicking the lock behind him to lock out any late freshmen. He follows quietly behind Jungkook, barely paying attention to his surroundings as he ascends the stairs behind the freshman. It's only when JK stops in front of him, causing Jimin to walk directly into his back that he breaks out of his mind and realizes he's been stopped at his room. His eyes read the bubble letters on the door that had his and Taehyung's name in the school's colors alongside a box for students to put messages in if they had any problems.
Jungkook turns and watches Jimin for a moment. He leans forward, his hand rising at the same time as he stares at the RA's cheek. Jimin pushes him back.
"What are you doing?"
He laughs and picks a fallen eyelash off his cheek, "You lost a friend," he comments, showing the eyelash to Jimin. "Why?"
"Nothing," Jimin laughs at himself as he opens the door to his room. "Thanks again for helping Hoseok. Remember I owe you one."
Jungkook smiles as he shakes his head, "Goodnight, Jimin."
Jungkook and Hoseok easily mesh together, the two of them setting up a finite schedule on when they meet so that Jungkook can record the hip-hop dancer and so Hobi can practice. Just as he originally promised, he sends the files to Hobi the next day early in the morning. It's after their sixth meet-up that he pulls Hoseok aside, "I think that the song I sent you alongside the practice video yesterday would be better suited for this performance."
Hoseok grins, hands holding the hem of his purple sweatshirt, "I was going to ask you about that."
Jungkook always feels shy in front of Hobi when he offers suggestions to change something the dancer has been working on for two months now. He didn't want to be pushy since it wasn't his project, but he really felt the song he had sent the day before would match the feel of the choreography better.
"I think you're going to owe my roommate penance since I practiced in my room to that song for a few hours yesterday."
Jungkook ducks his head, "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," the dancer grins, "I really like the feeling of the new song better."
The smile that graces his face after Hobi's compliment could blind even the sun itself. Jungkook's gripping his camera hard as he tries to get back into the mood to film his new friend, "Tell your roommate I'm sorry."
"I will."
This session was one of their shorter ones as Hoseok had to run to the other side of campus right afterward to make his next class. Jungkook, on the other hand, presses his back into the mirror as he reviews the video he had recorded from today. The new song really did wonders for Hoseok's performance; giving it a sharper edge. He could feel it in the energy that Hoseok brought to this practice compared to their previous ones.
"Is that Hoseok?"
Jungkook turns his head towards the door, Jimin slipping inside in black spandex shorts and a cream sweater over his bare torso. He has to close his mouth before he drools all over himself. "Yeah, Hobi." It's only when his RA sits next to him that he realizes Jimin doesn't have shoes on either. Jungkook lets his camera fall to his lap, "Were you practicing?"
"Hm?" Jimin looks down at his attire, far too used to his partially naked state. "Oh, yeah. The classical portion of the dance department is going to have a recital before winter break."
"Ah," Jungkook hums as his eyes trace over Jimin's thighs. There was so much muscle definition in them that he wondered just how much the RA could dead-lift. A second, very important question was whether the dancer would let him lick or bite them. He wasn't picky. The third would be, "Is that open for the whole school to watch?"
Jimin nods, reaching up to tie his long blue hair into a bun on top of his head. His eyes finally make their way to Jungkook instead of the forgotten camera in his lap, "Will you come to watch it?"
"Is that a personal invitation?"
"You might like it," Jimin suggests.
"When is it?" Jungkook asks as he pulls the camera bag off the bench to load his camera back into it. "Will you save me a seat in the front row?"
Jimin shuffles his legs and Jungkook cannot look away from how they flex as they're moved.
"Will I be able to smell the sweat?"
Jungkook shakes himself, "I honestly don't have a way to fix that question."
The dancer pulls away from the mirror to stand, or try to, as his laughing has kept him grounded since he began.
Jungkook stands once he's made sure his camera is safely put away. He straddles Jimin, who is on all fours, and wraps his arms around his waist, pulling the dancer up to stand - it's to save himself more than Jimin. He turns away right after helping his RA stand, grabbing his bag from the bench to see Jimin with his sweater loosely wrapped over him, hiding his shorts completely. He notices it but keeps his thoughts to himself. "I have to go drop my bag off then head to class. Are you going to stay and practice?"
"Oh? Oh, yeah," Jimin answers albeit a bit distracted. "Practice."
< Babe Squad > Gyeom: Kook, how far are you on your project? Bam: He's probably already done unlike you Gyeom: I've been working on it! Bam: Not enough JK: I'm actually working on transitions right now JK: I was going to ask my friend if I could get a song for background music JK: But I think I like the one I already have Bam: See Gyeomie, he's already basically finished Bam: You slacker Gyeom: You try putting together a video on such a vague topic then! JK: What part are you stuck on Gyeom? Bam: the beginning, middle, and end Gyeom: The direction I want it to go, I guess Gyeom: I've filmed most of the stuff I want Gyeom: I just haven't decided where to go from there JK: I can help you look at it on Sunday if you want Bam: He'd love that Gyeom: Shut up bam JK: Uhm JK: We can meet at the library JK: Gyeomie? Gyeom: yeah, that's perfect Gyeom: Thanks Kook
Jungkook is grabbing at his pants, there's a distinct feeling that he's forgotten something important. He runs over his checklist: phone, got it. Keys, got it. Daniel seems to catch the action from his top bunk and leans over to inspect what is wrong with him. Watching as he makes another round on the items he needs to have with him in order to leave the room.
"Do you have your phone?"
Jungkook looks up at his roommate, "Yeah."
Jungkook slaps his left butt cheek," Yeah."
"Do you need your camera?"
He shakes his head, "no."
"Then I have no idea," Daniel sighs, plopping back on his bed.
Jungkook pouts, patting his hands against his ass as he looks around the room, "Me too." The feeling that something is off will keep him rooted to this spot until he can figure out what's wrong. He almost missed his own graduation because he forgot to brush his hair before he was ready to go; which shouldn't have mattered as long as his uniform looked good. He looks himself over in Minghao's mirror, his hair is laying flat, his jeans aren't creased in weird places and even his shirt smells good. What was he missing?
The door opens to their room, a head popping inside, "JK, can you come to help me with something?"
He glances to the door and freezes in the middle of feeling up his own pockets again trying to place his missing piece. "Help?"
Jimin is standing there, his body now framed by the door as he brushes his blue hair from his face, "Uh, yeah, unless you're busy."
"He's on his way out," Daniel says.
"I can help!" Jungkook shouts, shooting his roommate a glare before he makes his way for Jimin. He follows Jimin down the hall and halts outside of the RA's door, "Wait, what did you need help with?" Of course, he would only worry about this when he would be alone with the RA in his room instead of out in the open. Why would he worry otherwise?
Jimin slips into his room, "Just come in."
Jungkook is a bit apprehensive as he steps into his RA's room. Would it be a Narnia situation? Is it possible that stepping through that door would end with him on some magical journey to be able to leave the unknown territory? Jimin surely had to have some kind of mystical powers for Jungkook to fall under his spell at every turn. He's in shock when he hears the door shut right behind him but for a completely different reason. "Uhm, that's a lot of glitter."
Jimin sighs, moving to pick up something from the ground for a waterfall of glitter to fall from, "I opened a package meant for Taehyung because he told me it was okay - he's still on the phone if you don't believe me - and this happened."
Jungkook finds Jimin's silver phone easily, Tae's name near the top to indicate the truth. He picks up the phone and tries not to laugh, "Who did you piss off?"
Taehyung has a whine to his voice, "I don't know! I've been so busy with the painting project that I haven't really talked to anyone but you or Jimin. Was it you?"
"Not even," Jungkook watches as Jimin tries to brush the glitter from a shirt he recognizes as Taehyung's.
"How bad is it?"
"It's everywhere," the freshmen frowned at the glittering paradise that was the RAs' room. "I guess it'll have to be a new statement you and Jimin make together."
"I swear it was Julie," Jimin mutters as he moves about his room, shoving clothes from the floor into a trash bag - most likely to contain the glitter. He watches the dance major grumble for a few more moments as he moves around the room before he remembers that Taehyung is on the phone.
"I'll let you go, Tae. I should help Jimin pick up what we can."
"Okay, I'll be back after this class. Tell Ji that I'm sorry."
"Will doo," Jungkook drags the last word as he hangs up the call. He moves to the bed he assumes is Jimin's and starts folding the sheet over itself to keep the glitter in the middle before he shoves it into Jimin's bag, "Tae said he was sorry." He holds the silver phone over to Jimin and grabs for the bag as he looks around the room, "This could take all night. Glitter multiplies as you go."
"That's what I'm afraid of," Jimin whines. "I can't sleep here."
"You would leave Tae to sleep in glitterland by himself?"
Jimin pouts, his eyes survey the glitter that surrounds where they stand. The glitter is everywhere. His bed, Tae's bed, both their desks, the ground, both dirty clothes piles and he's not sure if he wants to know if it reached their closets. It was already bad enough that people called him the classical department's fairy; raining glitter everywhere would not help.
Jungkook frowns at the damage, "You should ask the other students if one of them has a vacuum or you may have to sleep covered in glitter for the rest of the year."
"Yeah," Jimin agrees, leaving the room just as fast as the suggestion comes up.
Jungkook continues stuffing the bag with things he is sure will fit in the washing machines on campus while he sighs. There was just so, so much glitter. Jimin was covered in it more as they worked than when he had come to ask Jungkook for help. He can only imagine what the other residents of the dorm are thinking as he goes around asking if they have a vacuum. He shoves their dirty clothes into the bag, their piles too high anyway if he was being honest; they should have washed them sooner.
He ties the bag off when it cannot fit anymore and looks around. What he can wash is mostly in the bag, the rest he hopes can be vacuumed off or Tae and Jimin really will have to live with being covered in glitter for the rest of the semester. Jimin walks back in, making a bunch of noise as he slams his door open with the heavy-duty-looking vacuum alongside him.
"I ran into a custodial person and they lent it to me."
Jungkook lifts the full bag, "I'll take these to be washed while you vacuum. Or start them. Send Tae to the washing machines when he gets here so he can take over."
Jimin stops him before he can leave the room, "Thanks JK."
"You're welcome," he smiles.
Before Jungkook even enters the building that holds the on-campus cleaners, he grabs one of their buggies. He takes the time to shake out each and every piece inside the bag from Jimin and Tae's room so that when he brings them into the cleaner there won't be as much glitter when he tries to wash them. The student that is on duty watches him for a moment while they flip between pages of the magazine in their hand then ignore him completely. No one seemed to want to help him when it came to the pile of glitter now decorating the lawn of the laundry building.
He drags the buggy full of glittery clothes to the first machine he can find and starts loading the items inside. Jungkook pours in a scoop of the school's off-brand detergent and starts that machine before he moves to the next one and puts in another load. For being a Friday night, the laundry building has no one in it. He starts that machine and stares down at what's left. Two sets of bedding. He moves down one more machine and puts the two bed coverings inside, soap, and starts the machine.
< Beautiful > JK: How is cleaning the room going? Beautiful: Not too bad Beautiful: It's just eve-ry-whe-re JK: yeah JK: it took three machines for the laundry JK: you really should do laundry more often Beautiful: Tae and I rotate duties Beautiful: it's his turn to do laundry Beautiful: he just hates doing it JK: laundry is fun though JK: I like smelling good Beautiful: you do smell good JK: ... Beautiful: nothing JK: lol ok Beautiful: I just sent Tae your way Beautiful: you can just leave when he gets there Beautiful: don't let him talk you into doing all the work JK: Okay :)
Jungkook is leaning against the middle machine with his arms crossed over his chest when Taehyung barrels into the laundry building. He looks out of breath like he had run from his class to the dorm and then the dorm to the laundry building. He raises a brow at his RA, "So, did you find out who it was?"
Tae heaves a breath as he leans on his arm supported by its position on his waist, "No, I still have no clue."
JK nods, walking towards his RA, "Well, good luck. It might be safe to put the machines through a few rounds. There's three, by the way, so make sure you check everything before you leave."
"You're leaving?"
Jungkook sighs, "I was in the middle of something when I stopped to help Jimin."
"I'm sorry," Tae frowns as he walks to the machines that are still running. "Did Jimin say anything?"
"Who's Julie?"
Taehyung's thick eyebrows pinch over the bridge of his nose, "Julie?"
"Yeah, Jimin mentioned Julie when I was helping him put all of your clothes and stuff into a bag so they could be brought here to be washed."
"Oh," the RA looks down at the washing machine he is standing next to, "She's just an ex."
Jungkook nods a few times before he pats his thighs, "Well, I'll see you later. I'm late."
"Thanks, JK," he hums.
He's not sure why he was so determined to leave Taehyung at the laundry area as Jimin had told him to do. At this point in his day, he couldn't even remember why he was leaving his room in the first place. Whatever it was probably had originally been important, but he couldn't remember what it was. He leans against the wall outside the door where Taehyung and Jimin's names are bubble letters on the door and knocks on the 'm' in Jimin's name.
"Come in."
Jungkook opens the door to find Jimin sitting on his naked mattress as he stares around the room; hope dying in his eyes. There are miscellaneous glitters stuck to the sides of his thighs and calves, there's even some on his fingers and cheeks as he looks up to see Jungkook standing at the doorway of his room.
"Oh, hey JK, I thought you had something to do."
"I did," he agrees as he moves into the room and takes a spot next to Jimin on his bed. The room looks cleaner than it did when he had hauled their clothes to be washed. "It's looking a lot better."
His RA frowns at the room, "From now on, Taehyung has to open his mail outside of our room. I'm not going through this again."
Jungkook laughs, leaning back on his hands as he takes in the room. On Tae's side, there are paintings on the wall. Some photo prints of scenic areas, maybe from a photographer he admires, and lots of colors. His desk has a bunch of art books along with a drawing he had probably been working on before he went to his class. There's even a small bucket with art supplies in it sitting next to his desk.
Where he sits, Jimin's side of the room is chic-er. His bed frame is matte black metal with what looks like gold stickers used as accents that Jimin did himself. On the wall in one line are of a ballerina in a gold frame. His desk is also black to match his bed with a sleek laptop on the top of it with a gold lamp. That all bleeds into his closet with a similar chromatic scale. Jimin seemed to like a very chic look - which begged the question, why had he dyed his hair blue?
"You're staring," Jimin comments as his eyes find Jungkook's.
"I was curious about your blue hair."
The RA reaches up to scrunch the blue strands between his fingers, "This?"
He nods.
"Does it look bad?"
Jungkook reaches up and touches his blue hair, the silky strands feel cool against his fingertips. He shakes his head as a smile comes to his lips. JK wasn't sure that Jimin could ever look bad, silly maybe, but never bad. "You look beautiful."
"Am I interrupting?"
Jungkook pulls completely away from Jimin to find Taehyung standing in the doorway. He's got what looks like a borrowed IKEA bag full of their clean laundry where he stands in the doorway. Where JK figured the conversation would be directed at him, the RA's eyes are on his roommate with a stern set to his jaw and the look confuses the freshmen. He stands and runs his hands down his jean-clad thighs and coughs, "I'll go."
He's just outside of their room when Tae calls out to him, "Did you make it to your thing?" So he turns and shakes his head, pressing his hands into his pants, "No, I'll try again tomorrow."
"Sorry again," Tae yells before closing himself away in his room.
Jungkook frowns, "Yeah, sorry."
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©️Deijiyong, 2023.
0 notes
missgineaus · 2 years
but imagine a got7 demigod au:
in the modern era
gods are alive and still getting it and have lots of kids lol
monsters are real but ehh *vague hand gesture*
being a demigod sucks more than not cuz people want to use them for their powers if they have any
mark: son of aphrodite
doesn't speak alot cuz he might accidentally activate his charmspeak
Beautiful™ (inside and out)
very insightful about relationships and people in general cuz he’s much more observant than people give him credit for since they just think he’s a pretty face
doesn't speak a lot cuz people only want him for his looks and not for who he is and its very difficult for him to make friends but if you're a friend he is loyal forever
jackson: son of zeus
it’s why he can fly around everywhere so easily lmao -
gold looks hella good on this boi
wants to show he’s not all talk and is very humble and down to earth lol
very excitable and generally in a good mood
ambitious af
when he gets a little too excited sometimes he accidentally shocks people lol
people think he’s all brawn but he’s actually more brain
jinyoung: son of athena
smart af
literally a walking library
aggressively and sarcastically kind to people he loves
loves grandpa cardigans and gold plated curator spectacles probably
even if you think there’s no way for jinyoung to know the tea, he knows the tea
probably omniscient tbh lol
is ready to fite (ง’̀-‘́)ง at all times
jaebum: son of hades
Brooding™ and heavily misunderstood lol
black everything.mp3
loves flowers not bones
looks like he can beat you up with one punch but will try his hardest to resolve everything without violence first
cats, cats everywhere
it's rumored a glare from him can stop a person's heart
wants ghosts to stop bothering him lol
finds a lot of jewels randomly
bambam: son of dionysus
that's my that's my party
really knows his alcohol beers lol
he looks like a lightweight and is a lightweight haha poor child lol
knowledgeable about all mental illnesses
is a real smarty sweetheart even though people think he's just another thot
vines references for days lmao
feline grace
yugyeom: son of demeter
"you're part tree it's why youre so tol." park jinyoung, 2019
pronounces the names of grocery produce wrong just to piss people off lol
doesn't tend to a garden but does have a few succulents on his desk
brews the best tea
probably gives people bushels of corn as a gift to be funny
once gave jackson tea he grew and dried himself, and jackson cried cuz it's organic lol
youngjae: son of apollo
a literal sunshine
that one nephew artemis stans
once tried to shoot an arrow and shot someone in the ass accidentally lol
i bet his voice has healing powers
probably also a disney princess by how much the wildlife end up surrounding him when he does sing
not a seer but sometimes just knows how things will turn out
he's not allowed to participate in rock/paper/scissors anymore because of this lol
original twitter thread | originally posted 9 feb 2019
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