#Banana “boat”
nosbastidoresdopier · 10 months
Publicado edital para comércio eventual e de ambulantes na temporada de verão
Foi publicado nesta quinta-feira, 31, o edital que disciplina o comércio ambulante e eventual nas praias do município de Penha para a temporada de verão 2023/2024. Para requerer o alvará, os interessados em atuar nas atividades devem ingressar com pedido de inscrição, de 20 de setembro ao dia 02 de outubro, na Secretaria de Planejamento Urbano, na Rua Prefeito José João Batista, nº 230, no…
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valdrinorm · 1 year
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world-weary provolone, the man that you are
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buggachat · 2 years
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this is so horrible
This isn't even new for him. Gabriel did basically this same exact thing in Collector three seasons ago, faked a breakdown in his office and made Adrien believe it was all his fault. This is so consistent with Gabriel's methods of abuse/manipulation, and I already knew Gabriel did this shit, but seeing it again like this and with the dialogue really drives home how absolutely despicable and purposeful this all is.
Gabriel isn't just talking about the friends pushing food on him. He could've chose to say "why don't children respect me!" or "this suit cost so much!" or "i was so embarrassed in front of all the other parents!", but he didn't. He chose instead to talk about Adrien's conversation with him in the kitchen that morning, the one where Adrien very reasonably mentioned that he was uncomfortable being a virtual personal assistant. Adrien didn't even push it. He just mentioned that he was uncomfortable and then kind of moved on from it.... and this is what Gabriel saw as a fitting punishment for Adrien asking a question. To fill Adrien with such intense guilt and shame while shouting things like "Maybe I wasn't meant to be a father!"
Like, this is traumatizing, right? Adrien is witnessing this, and Gabriel knows that Adrien is witnessing it, in fact, Gabriel is only doing it because Adrien is witnessing it. Literally no excuse. This is just pure 100% emotional abuse, flat out, with zero way to sugarcoat it.
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boricuacherry-blog · 1 year
Now let me say this about the songs of the Caribbean - almost all black music is deeply rooted in metaphor. The only way that we could speak to the pain and anguish of our experiences was often through how we codified our stories in the songs that we sang.
And when I sing the 'Banana Boat Song,' the song is a work song. It's about men who sweat all day long, and they are underpaid, and they're begging the tallyman to come and give them an honest count - counting the bananas that I've picked, so I can be paid. And sometimes, when they couldn't get money, they'll give them a drink of rum. There's a lyric in the song that says, 'Work all night on a drink of rum.'
People sing and delight and dance and love it, but they don't really understand unless they study the song that they're singing a work song, a song of rebellion.
-Harry Belafonte
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catfindr · 4 months
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luuxxart · 11 months
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extended kurosu/suou family vacation
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marcusbelafonte · 1 year
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March 1st, 1927 - April 25, 2023
RIP to the great Harry Belafonte.
What a life.
Daylight come and me wan’ go home.
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cameroneatsdirt · 5 months
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They both share one braincell (literally)
You could probably consider this goldfish art idk they just kinda hanging out
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gifs-of-puppets · 1 year
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This post is dedicated to the memory of Harry Belafonte, who passed way this week at the age of 96. In addition to his many accomplishments as a singer and activist, Belafonte was a great friend of The Muppets, appearing alongside them on The Muppet Show, Sesame Street, and The Muppets Celebrate Jim Henson.
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snakeoil-pharmstore · 2 months
Bananaboat ride anyone?
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Hey, folks, @i-dream-of-sheeny and yours truly booked a double bananaboat ride. Who's up to join us? @angelo-rib-shack, @amagnificentobsession, @the-metatron?
Or the whole crew of the 7 stooges?
Can't wait to see @the-metatron in his bathing thong …
(I am posting this from my business account. I have a reputation to live up to)
Sincerely, Dic Dust
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ayzscream · 8 months
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thevoidstaredback · 1 month
Everyone should have a banana boat at least once in their lifetime.
It's an acquired taste, as I have now learned, but I love them and I want to share that with all of you.
To make a banana boat you need: A banana, chocolate of your choosing (though milk choco works the best), mini marshmallows, aluminum foil, and a fire or an oven (fire tastes better, but oven works)
Do not peel your banana. Cut a slit from top to end. Stuff it with chocolate and marshmallows to taste or until you can't fit anything else in it. Wrap the banana in tin foil. Leave it in a fire for 10 minutes or in the oven for 11 minutes at 350°F
Eat it with a fork or spoon right out of the peel. It's a bit messy, but no more than s'mores.
I like them. My mom likes them. My dad doesn't. I think it's because me and my mom both made them at girls camp before, so we learned to like them when we were small. This was my dad's first taste of them.
Like I said, though, an acquired taste, both worth trying at least once
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bananasofthorns · 2 years
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
This is stupid, Joel decides. It’s about the fifth time in less than three days that he’s gone to say something to Etho only to realize that, for obvious reasons, Etho isn’t there.
He’s not sure why he’s so affected by Double Life when the previous games didn’t really get to him at all. Then again, he never really had a solid alliance those times. And he definitely didn’t have a soulmate. But still. He was perfectly happy to move on with his life as if nothing monumental had happened, thank you very much.
Even so, he is sometimes capable of not ignoring his problems and realizing when he’s being ridiculous, and this is one of those times. Seriously, he was perfectly fine without Etho before this. Gods - is that a thing he can say, still? If he, technically, is a god?
That’s a question for another time, he decides. The point is that he was fine without Etho before, and so he should definitely be fine without him now, even if it’s only been a few days. Maybe if he actually talks to Etho he’ll be better at adjusting, or whatever. Coping. Does he need to cope? 
He flicks up his comm interface and opens his contacts, only to pause. He doesn’t have Etho’s contact; it was automatically programmed into his comm during Double Life, but contact information doesn’t transfer between worlds unless he purposefully saves it, and he didn’t exactly think he’d be missing Etho like some— some abandoned puppy, or something, while Double Life was going on. So much for that plan. Maybe he can get Grian or Scar or someone to give him Etho’s contact next time they see each other during MCC.
He frowns. That seems too— personal, somehow? Too close to home? For some reason, he feels like it would be weird to ask any of the Hermits who were in Double Life for Etho’s contact. Like they’ll know too much, or something. But who else can he ask? He doesn’t really talk to any of the other Hermits unless they’re on a world together, and—
Oh, he’s an idiot. He literally traded with Gem, like, yesterday. How did he forget that?
“Goodness gracious,” he mutters under his breath.
He’s about to jump off the island and fly over before remembering that he should maybe check to see if she’s even home, just so that he doesn’t look like an idiot by showing up only to realize she’s halfway across the world or something.
Smallishbeans whispered to GeminiTay: Gem Smallishbeans whispered to GeminiTay: are you home?
Luckily, it doesn’t take her very long to respond, so he isn’t left standing on the edge of his island like an idiot.
GeminiTay whispered to Smallishbeans: yeah what’s up
Smallishbeans whispered to GeminiTay: can I come by real quick?
GeminiTay whispered to Smallishbeans: sure! I’m just doing some building
Smallishbeans whispered to GeminiTay: be right there
It doesn’t take him long to make the flight. Gem is waiting for him when he lands; she greets him with a bright smile and a wave that he returns, though his is somewhat awkward because the last time he was here he was giving her bees to prevent some sort of international dispute. Luckily, she doesn’t seem to hold that against him.
“Hey, Joel! What’s up?”
Joel clears his throat. Gem barely reaches up to his waist right now, since he’s 11 feet tall and all that, and something about the height difference feels like it’s offending her more than he’s ever felt like he’s offended any other empire. He sits down cross-legged just off the path. Gem laughs.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yeah, but I feel weird, otherwise. Anyway, I have...kind of an odd question...? For you?”
“Hit me.” She pauses. “Not literally. What’s your question?”
“Do you happen to have Etho’s contact?”
To her credit, she barely pauses. “Hm. I can check, but I don’t think I ever saved it to my communicator, sorry. You could go ask False, maybe? She’s known him a lot longer than I have.”
Damn. “No, that’s fine. Uh, would you mind passing on a message, though? Next time you’re on Hermitcraft.”
“Sure! What do you want me to say? We can write it down or something, that would make it a lot easier, because then I wouldn’t have to remember it or anything.” She hesitates, watching Joel with a scrutinizing look in her eye that he’s not sure he likes. “And I won’t look at it, if you don’t want me to.”
He makes a face. “It’s not gonna be anything bad.”
“I know! But, like— privacy’s important, you know, Joel. I respect that.”
He chuckles. “Thanks, Gem.”
Somehow, he always forgets how genuinely nice she is. Maybe it’s because he’s intimidated by her.
Not that he’s scared. He’s not scared of anything. But he will admit that Gem, at times, can be very intimidating.
“I’ll write something down,” he decides. “Uh, do you happen to have a piece of paper I could borrow? I haven’t got any on me.”
“Of course! Somewhere. Follow me, we’ll find some.”
She turns and bounces down the path deeper into Dawn. Joel follows.
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sea-buns · 1 year
Matt you cannot just introduce a realistic banana in comical striped tights and expect me to believe he's just rowing on a river in the dead of night for fun. This is some Brennan-Raphaniel level bullshit.
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jollyreginaldrancher · 3 months
More sussy (Yellowjackets) shuffles
I preemptively apologise for these
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catfindr · 1 year
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