#Bandana Waddle Dee: Defender of Dreamland!
cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
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Kirby AU go brr. Ramble under the cut
(In case it's hard to read, text says Bandana Waddle Dee: Defender of Dreamland)
So nearly a year after I drafted the original story, I've finally fixed up my silly little Kirby AU enough to start posting about it!
It has no official name, though I have been and will continue calling it the Sodium AU (might've mentioned it on here once or twice?). It can be broken into two parts. There's Bandana Waddle Dee: Defender of Dreamland!, which plays kinda like a subgame centered around the titular Dee, and there's Kirby: Heros of the Stars, which plays out more like the main story mode. Though I hesitate to call them the main mode and subgame bc it's more of a Splatoon 3 fake-out situation.
The whole concept of BWD:DoD is that while Kirby was out training* with Meta Knight, a mysterious wanderer by the name of Aeon crash-landed on Planet Popstar seeking help. Since Kirby wasn't there to offer it, Bandana Dee decided he'd step up! The two end up going on a small adventure to find four mysterious artifacts... Though only one is found before Aeon gets fucking murdered and everything goes to shit.
The concept of the Sodium AU in general is a bunch of What-ifs I wanted to mess around with. Mainly, what if we made every single Galactia Knight encounter canon, what if Meta Knight was corrupted by Dark Matter, what if Kirby lost the ability to protect his home and friends, and what if Bandana Dee finally got to be the main character of a subgame. And he doesn't just get a subgame. He gets the entire AU with him as the main character, which would be great if it wasn't completely post-apocolyptic and everyone he ever knew and loved was dead, possessed, or secretly trapped in a basement in a cage in a castle on a Dark Matter infested planet waiting for their inevitable death where Dark Matter will possess them therefore causing the destruction of the galaxy as we know it (cough cough Kirby). There's a lot more to it than just this, as I also go more in depth on the Heros of Yore, Morpho Knight, and a bit of Magolor and Bandana Dee's relationship during BWD:DoD (slaps roof THEY CAN FIT SO MUCH TRAUMA). Arguably there is also a prequel that involves Magolor and Zan Partizanne, but I'm still working on it and it may get scrapped or turned into a separate thing. It (somewhat) follows the plotline of Star Allies' Guest Star mode, and involves a lot of arguing, angst, and poor coping mechanisms.
*It's not actually training. It's Kirby getting fucking wombo comboed by Dark Matter
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
Curious, you got some bandee headcanons you’d like to share? (doesn’t matter if it’s in the roleswap au or not)
My sweet Bandana Boy! I love him SO MUCH! I'm happy to share some of my personal headcanons for him!
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First, I am a strong believer that Bandee is the same Dee from Kirby 64. I know there's evidence that both supports and denies this out there, but I choose to believe it!!
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So that's why I think his spear could be tipped with the crystal shard he's gifted at the end of the game!!
Yes, the spear point is the same shape as a crystal shard. But there's more to this! Hear me out!! :D
So Kirby, Meta Knight, and Dedede all have demonstrated some cool powers over the years that help them beat back some pretty fearsome foes! For lack of a better word right now I'm calling them "Cosmic Powers." Kirby is... Kirby. His powers are pretty much limitless. Dedede and Meta have had different elemental powers over the years too, like electricity, fire, wind, etc... (Meta could very well be a cosmic being like Kirby, and I have my own theory about Dedede's elemental abilities here).
The members of Team Kirby do great things together, but they're also very powerful on their own! So what's Bandee's thing? He is a humble Waddle Dee by birth! He hasn't demonstrated any extra "Cosmic Powers" that I can recall. Other than the cute hover jump- but most of Kirby's Helpers and Allies can do that too! And even back in Kirby 64, Waddle Dee helps Kirby out in very practical ways. Going down a river together in a log flume, operating a mine cart or sled... stuff like that.
Bandee's Spear moveset is also very practical and purely skill-based. It consists of intricate and powerful spear maneuvers. It's got to be a result of his diligent training that's been hinted at over the years!
But one of his moves always stuck out to me since it's not purely skill-based- his Spear Throw.
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How is he able to toss out an unlimited supply of spears and regenerate another in his hand immediately afterward?
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The Crystal Gun has an unlimited supply of ammo, so it makes sense to me that his spear could very well have that same property if it's part Crystal Shard!
A fun personal theory is that he forged the Crystal Shard he was gifted into a weapon after he made the decision to train and grow stronger to protect his loved ones. Probably in between the ending of Revenge of the King and the beginning of Return to Dreamland. And he's only gotten stronger over the years!
Using a spear made with a crystal that is shown to be one of the only weapons effective against Dark Matter is just so super cool to me!! It would definitely complement his great loyalty, courage, and personal strength. A wonderful tool to put him right up there alongside Dreamland's Defenders like he deserves to be!! <3
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ask-prismaknight · 2 years
Welcome to the askblog! This is where you can ask questions directly to Prisma and her friends. My main is @startistdoodles (where likes/follows come from). I have posts regarding all my headcanons tagged there under #kirby worldbuilding.
A few notes upfront:
Depending on the amount of asks I receive, I may not be able to respond to every one of them. Please understand.
On a similar note, please refrain from repeatedly asking the same/similar question multiple times.
Please keep asks PG-13 at most.
The characters are not omnipotent, so lore-related questions about the world or things they may not know will be moved over to @startistdoodles .
My AU follows both anime and game lore, so characters from either can be asked about. Generally anyone who is not dead is free to talk.
Side modes such as Knightmare and Dededetour are not canon to my AU. However, Soul Bosses and Magolor Epilogue are canon.
That's about it! I'll update this post with anything else if needed.
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Under the cut is information on some of the characters of interest.
Prisma Knight
Prisma Knight (she/her) is a Star Warrior turned queen after she got into an accident involving Dark Matter that resulted in her losing her wings. Ashamed, she fled her troop and went into hiding on Planet Permafrost. There she was crowned queen after saving the inhabitants from a terrifying threat.
Many years later, she reunited with her old friend Meta Knight and was brought to Popstar, where she currently lives with her servants and new friends.
Kirby (he/him or they/them) is a young Star Warrior that arrived on Planet Popstar a couple years ago. Ever since then, his incredible power has been put to the test as he stands up against terrifying threats. But he is never fazed and goes right back to naptime after every battle.
Kirby is still a child (about 3-5 in human years) and his speech isn't the best. He resorts to communicating with drawings or gestures alongside his babbling. His friends can often help suggest what he might be trying to say.
Meta Knight
Meta Knight (he/him) is a mostly retired Star Warrior who resides on Planet Popstar and serves as a watchful knight who aims to protect the planet alongside his crew, the Meta-Knights, aboard his Battleship Halberd. He serves as a mentor to Kirby, as well as a sort of parental figure (despite him disagreeing with the latter).
Many years ago, he and Prisma Knight along with Sir Falspar, Sir Nonsurat and Sir Dragato were in the same troop in the GSA (Galaxy Soldier Army). He presumed Prisma dead when she went missing, but was reunited with her many years later.
King Dedede
King Dedede (he/him) is the self-proclaimed king of Dreamland. Once a greedy and stubborn king, he has since chilled out quite a bit and now acts as a proud ruler (now with 10% less stubbornness!) that many respect. While he can still be loud and hotheaded at times, he cares deeply for his friends and especially his Waddle Dee family.
He and Kirby are friendly rivals, and he will defend his little buddy with everything he's got.
Bandana Waddle Dee
Bandana Waddle Dee (he/him - Bandee for short) is the king's right-hand Waddle Dee. A soldier in training, he assists in the defense of Castle Dedede and even hangs out in town looking for ways he can help others.
He is also one of Kirby's best friends, and the two are almost always seen hanging out together.
Dark Matter Blade
Dark Matter Blade (he/him or it/its - usually shortened to 'Dark Matter', 'Dark Blade' or simply 'Dark') is the former right-hand of Lord Zero, the incarnation of pure dark energy. While once highly respected among his kind, after failing his first big mission of killing a Star Warrior and then again failing to defeat Kirby in his invasion of Popstar many years later, he was forced to flee the Dark Matter tribe under threat of being killed by his master. So, he returned to Popstar where he was reunited with Gooey.
Nowadays he spends his time with his new friends, though is still distrusted by some. He wishes to lead a life of peace and comfort and as such shys away from conflict and confrontation. His relationship with Prisma is very tense — they don’t speak much.
Mochi (he/him or they/them) is a new baby that recently landed on Popstar. There is something strange and somewhat dark about him...but he seems sweet enough so Prisma is raising him.
Sidia Knight
Sidia Knight (he/him) is Prisma Knight's old mentor and father figure. After going MIA during the great war that demolished the GSA, he was stranded on Galacta Star for nearly a century. Eventually, he reunites with Quiver Knight and they settle down and live happily together as a married couple.
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mysmashplaythroughs · 1 month
Kirby's Dream Land 3 Playthrough.
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Stage: Dream Land.
Game: Kirby’s Dream Land 3, Nintendo Switch Online (SNES). First Released on November 27th 1997.
ENTRY WARNING: This post will contain spoilers for Kirby's Dream Land 3, even if the game hasn't got some huge indepth plot I do spoil some events later in the game, so if you want to avoid spoilers for the game I suggest avoiding the 'My Smash Playthrough' section as that's the main section where I detail some stuff about the final levels of the game.
Location History.
The most notable region of Planet Popstar, Dream Land is known for its lush green meadows, leafy forests as well as an ocean, caverns, bubbly clouds and a few old castles. Dream Land’s exact size has never been specified and it has been shown there are a few other climates within the region such as deserts and snowy areas, however on the whole Dream Land is known for its greenery. The scenery in Dream Land is also made up of unusual sights such as literal rolling hills, colourful fence posts, decorative stars and other strange features like spiral clouds. The region normally is very peaceful to the point its inhabitants are often considered lazy, spending their days eating and dreaming in their sleep, however the land does also seem to attract quite a lot of trouble from time to time. These events have varied wildly from something as simple as the greedy king stealing all the food in the land to the people being cursed with bad dreams, a giant beanstalk Kingdom growing from the ground one day, invasions from other worlds leading to citizens being possessed or even the land itself being fully mechanized by an evil interplanetary corporation. Despite this however, Dream Land almost always is returned to its peaceful state once these events have concluded, sometimes even with a new positive addition such as the Dream Stalk following Kirby purging it of the evil influence that had infested it allowing it to bloom.
Rulers: King Dedede is the self-proclaimed king of Dreamland, living in Castle Dedede on Mt Dedede. It seems this is the case simply because the other residents are too lazy to be particularly bothered about his claims unless it directly effects them, which has only happened on a few occasions such as one time when King Dedede stole all the food in the land for himself and Kirby had to fight him to bring it back to the people. King Dedede despite his greed does still care about Dream Land and will often fight to defend it, even when it appears he is acting purely out of self-interest. There are various powerful figures that serve King Dedede who seem to govern certain areas such as Lololo and Lalala having their own castle, Kracko seeming to rule over the skies (although not always loyal to Dedede specifically) and Whispy Woods being often described as an ancient guardian of the forest who although often defeated is often shown explicitly surviving battles with him (usually with a tear in his eye after being defeated). Given the history of Dream Land, many of these rulers have been controlled by others through possession or mind control at certain points such as King Dedede and Whispy Woods, however they will usually return to normal following these incidents and resume their usual position.  
Inhabitants: The inhabitants of Dream Land are very peaceful most of the time, to the point of being considered lazy with their days mostly filled with eating and dreaming. Of the famous residents of Dream Land many are Kirby’s friends and rivals such as King Dedede, Bandana Waddle Dee, Kirby’s Animal Friends, Gooey and Kirby himself who is often considered the hero of Dream Land and the wider planet as a whole. There are others who appear in Dream Land but seem to be from other parts of Planet Popstar such as Meta Knight, Marx and the Squeaks. Of the creatures living within Dream Land Waddle Dees and Waddle Doos seem to make up the vast majority with many of them being loyal to King Dedede serving as his main forces. There are many other creatures who also serve King Dedede that are far too numerous to list, often with them specializing in a specific element such as fire, electricity or specific weapons like swords, whips or throwing blades. Probably the rarest species in Dream Land and planet Popstar as a whole are humans with only one regularly appearing, Adeleine who is said to be a visitor from another world in Dream Land just to study art. There have been occasional other appearances by humans however in most cases they are often characters from other universes altogether and therefore it’s easy to infer they are simply visitors rather than natives.
Wider Location: Dream Land is on Planet Popstar which is a giant yellow star-shaped rock with cosmic rings surrounding it. With Dream Land being the main grassy area of the planet, many other parts of the world seem to have different climates with volcanic areas, desert areas, snowy areas and oceans often containing smaller islands. There are sometimes regions outside of Dream Land that also have grassy terrain, however these locations tend to differ somewhat from Dream Land with a different colour palette often having a more yellow look to the green grass of Dream Land. Planet Popstar also seems to have a fair few strange features such as many locations having terrain that matches with types of food such as cakes, sweets and biscuits, this is often referenced in the naming of areas such as Grape Garden, Cookie Country and White Wafers amongst many others. Planet Popstar in the grand scheme of things is but a small planet in the overall universe and sometimes gets dragged into galactic scale events which put the whole universe at threat, Popstar’s idyllic features however often make it the top of the list of would-be conquerors with them often only being stopped due to Kirby.
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Why this game?
This stage in Smash Bros is very similar to another one introduced later, it has some very obvious features that appear in a fair few Kirby games such as Whispy Woods being in the centre of the stage and the grassland terrain. I felt like in contrast to Green Greens which appeared in Super Smash Bros Melee and is very similar, this stage had more of a pastel look to it. There is also the matter of the appearance in the background of King Dedede as a cameo who uses sprites taken directly from Kirby’s Dreamland 3 which I felt combined with that game having the same pastel coloured look made it the best choice to represent the stage, especially as I would need something similar for Green Greens later down the line.
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My past with this game.
This game was always a bit of an oddball to me, part of it is the look of the game being pretty different to everything else I’d seen of Kirby at the time (although definitely not in a bad way) and the other was there were just a lot of strange small details to it. There were two main things I always heard about relating to this game, although how I forget, whether it was from trivia I’d read on wikis/random old websites or looking through the Spriters Resource. The first of these was the cameos, every stage would have a character who has a specific thing you have to do for them in order to get a Heart Star for that stage, with every Heart Star being required for the true ending. Some of these characters were completely original such as a Tulip or a creature with a spring in it’s middle called Muchimuchi, others are related to the animal friends who help Kirby in the game such as Pitch’s Mother or Rick’s girlfriend Pick, others were previously enemies in other games such as Chef Kawasaki or Elieel and then finally there were characters who were cameos from other Nintendo games such as Samus Aran, Donbe & Hikari (from Shin Onigashima), Chao & Goku (from Yuyuki) and R.O.B. & Professor Hector. Naturally me being a huge Nintendo fanboy and loving easter eggs this interested me quite a bit, still admittedly not enough to play through the game myself as I’d heard more good things about other Kirby games that I focused on first.
The second thing was a lot smaller than this but related to a somewhat big mystery of the whole Kirby series which is the Batamon. These creatures look almost exactly like Kirby, although their faces are different and they don’t share any of his abilities. They almost always appear out of bounds meaning other than on some occasions with a ranged attack Kirby usually cannot interact with them, defeating them provides no bonus to Kirby and on the only occasion where one can be interacted with it acts just like a Waddle Dee, wandering forwards and backwards and damaging Kirby if it collides with him. I have very little knowledge of Japanese so I am simply going by what I’ve read, but apparently the name Batamon is derived from a Japanese slang term relating to counterfeit products, so this implies these creatures are some sort of knock-off of Kirby rather than meant to be others of Kirby’s mysterious species, either way I found these creatures interesting and next to the cameos probably the other thing that made the game stick out in my mind.
Beyond this I don’t have much history with this game, I think I vaguely remember seeing it mentioned in passing in the Magazines I’d read growing up, however it was always more forgotten than games like Kirby Super Star or Kirby’s Dreamland. It also helps that this game actually didn’t come out in Europe, similar to some other big name games like Super Mario RPG and Earthbound back in the SNES era (something which makes me laugh when I see Americans going on about ‘how good Europe gets it’ as if we don’t deserve it for missing out on so many good games back then, but I don’t want to tangent too much on that topic.) I believe other than the stuff about the cameos and Batamon, the only other experience I really had was watching someone do a Lets Play of the game back on YouTube. This was in the ‘classic’ era of Lets Plays before facecam and such things were what became associated with the term, however of this game I remember it just being fairly average to watch a Lets Play of. It was only years later when playing it I learnt what makes this game much more unique in the series than I expected.
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My Smash Playthrough.
When the time came to play this game I remember being pretty excited, not specifically because of the game but because I was starting a new section of my list I had been looking forward to, covering the stages in Smash Bros. I love locations almost more than characters in games and so getting to specifically explore these worlds to try and find a location that resembles the stage adaptation for Smash Bros was a really exciting prospect for me, one which now I’ve covered (almost) every stage on my list I will say I really enjoyed and was a definite highlight. A huge part of this is when the world in a game has something that really makes it feel unique and the world of Kirby is definitely that, however on top of this the atmosphere for this journey across Dream Land is one of my favourites in the series. I think a part of it is that this atmosphere is probably the closest in the series to the one in Kirby 64, another game which has an atmosphere unique from the rest of the Kirby series, it makes sense as they’re both part of what’s sometimes called the ‘Dark Matter Trilogy’ which covers Kirby’s Dream Land 2 and 3 as well as Kirby 64. Still on top of that, in my research into it I’ve found that these games were directed by Shinichi Shimomura rather than Masahiro Sakurai, and he was not involved in any of the games since 64 (barring Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland on GBA but that was a remake of Kirby’s Adventure). Normally I try not to say too much on these behind the scenes things as it requires a lot of research and I don’t want to spread misinformation when I can avoid it, which is why I tried not to delve too much into it when covering the Fire Emblem series, still I did feel it’s something that makes a lot of sense given how both 3 and 64 have a specific atmosphere to me not in the rest of the series (2 I haven’t played through yet but from what I’ve seen is different mostly because it’s a Game Boy game and therefore has more limitations.)
So as for the game itself, if you’ve only really played the more well-known games in the series it feels like a somewhat different beast despite being another side-scrolling platformer. For one thing there are only 6 copy abilities in the game with many of the well-known ones missing such as Beam or Sword. On the surface this is much more limited than many other games in the series, however where it differs is in the other major part of the game, that being Kirby’s Animal Friends. Rick the Hamster, Kine the Sunfish and Coo the Owl return from Kirby’s Dreamland 2, they are joined by Nago the Cat, ChuChu the Octopus and Pitch the Bird. These characters are not explicitly said to be these species but resemble them very closely. Kirby can ‘ride’ these creatures in various ways (in some cases Kirby will sit on them and in others they will ride on top of Kirby or in Kine’s case actually keep Kirby in his mouth) and more importantly each one will be able to use Kirby’s 6 copy abilities in their own unique way. This means when Kirby has the Burning ability for example he can use it to use ChuChu the Octopus like a hot air balloon, Coo the Owl allows him to divebomb enemies with flames, Kine the Sunfish can shoot a fire blast from his mouth, Nago the Cat will make Kirby spit out a towering flame that travels across the ground, Pitch the Bird will turn into a fireball and fly ahead before returning back to Kirby and finally Rick the Hamster will breath fire in front of him. This whole system makes the game require a bit more thought than some of the other games where it’s simply enough to have the right ability to solve a puzzle as the combination with the partner you have will give you a unique result. Whilst this sounds like it could get very overcomplicated, each stage will have a choice between two Animal Friends (often found in a specific room in the level) and usually one of the two will be the one needed to solve a puzzle, therefore it isn’t a matter of having to decide between all 6 on top of the right ability for every puzzle. Speaking of puzzles, this brings me onto probably the most frustrating part of the game I found when playing, which funnily enough is related to the thing I was looking forward to relating to the game.
I mentioned in my previous section about my past with this game that one of the things that always interested me regarding it was the cameo characters who appear as part of the Heart Star objectives in the game. All these characters require you to do different things for them such as sometimes reuniting one character with another (such as with Goku who has to be reunited with Chao), avoiding things such as with the Tulip in the very first stage needing you to avoid trampling other tulips as you go through the level, specific challenges such as Elieel requiring you to guess which pot it’s in, the characters related to your Animal Friends requiring you to bring that friend to the end of the stage to meet them and with Samus a case where you have to defeat Metroids that are hidden away in the stage she appears in. These can vary in how irritating they are and provide the vast amount of the challenge in the game, simply playing through the levels and stages themselves usually isn’t too taxing but making a mistake with the requirements for these characters (such as accidentally stepping on a flower) means you’ve failed and have to play through the whole level again if you want the Heart Star. Ones that stick out in my mind, although I can’t remember which one specifically are some of the minigame ones, there’s one for example where you have to listen to the sounds 5 Gordos make then after a final 6th one makes a sound that’s the same as one of the first 5 you have to point out the one it matches, if you fail this you have to complete the stage and play through the whole stage again to get another chance which can be irritating. There is also how the objectives are not always clear, there’s no real guide to it and sometimes you can reach the end of a stage and see a character waiting there who gives you no idea of what you wanted. I will admit I used a guide once or twice for when it was pretty irritating to work out, for example one stage has flowers and mushrooms throughout it and at the end of the stage sits a mushroom. Based on previous stages you think that simply avoiding the mushrooms is what’s needed, but actually in this case you are meant to stomp on all the flowers but leave the mushrooms intact.
That was pretty much my biggest issue with the game and when it comes down to it, it really was more of a mild annoyance than anything truly awful. As for what I really enjoyed about the game, this game is somewhat infamous for bringing a more dark tone to the Kirby series despite being on the whole a very bright cheerful game. One of the most infamous aspects of this is the final boss Zero who is revealed to have been the bigger villain over Dark Matter, the final boss of Kirby’s Dream Land 2. The main thing always referenced when it comes to Zero in this game is the seeming graphic nature of the fight with it, Zero is a giant white ball with a red eyeball, however when it reaches its second form, the eyeball rips out of the white ball and seems to actually spurt blood from it which it uses in its attacks. Zero has managed to have a big impact on the series as a whole, despite this being it’s only appearance (barring the possibility of Zero2 being the same being in Kirby 64, but that is unconfirmed) it seems to have influenced a fair few final bosses who appear later in the series with them sometimes having a form that seems to reference the single giant eye Zero is known for. Another dark part of the game is the battle with King Dedede, at first he fights you the same way he always has using the same moves as usual, although noticeably his eyes are closed the whole time during the fight. Once he reaches his second phase however his body appears to be puppeted by Dark Matter and he begins floating in the air, he then has attacks where his belly has a mouth form on it which opens up and attempts to eat Kirby, or it turns into an eyeball and fires dark energy at him. Defeating King Dedede frees him from this and having all the Heart Stars allows Kirby to proceed to the true ending taking on Zero. This is a jarring fight following all the previous bosses (who when you have gotten all the Heart Stars in their world are also freed from possession by Dark Matter) where besides Whispy Woods most of them simply change their attack pattern in their second phase rather than becoming something more monstrous. Of the bosses in the game, they’re mostly not difficult but not boring either in my opinion, there’s Whispy Wood who gets a nice twist where he will in his second phase uproot himself and start chasing Kirby, Acro who is a killer whale that is battled underwater, Pon Con which are a pair that run around with their children and try to run into Kirby and finally Ado who has a lot of mysteries surrounding them mostly because it’s hotly debated if they are related to or even the same character as Adeleine who appears in Kirby 64, both are dressed similarly, look human and are artists who serve as bosses that paint enemies that come to life which Kirby has to fight, before in the end just charging at Kirby with their paintbrush and being beaten in a single hit.
Overall the game stands out in the series and I enjoyed it despite a few irritating aspects. The game looks great with its pastel style, the music is another huge part of the atmosphere I’ve mentioned multiple times (it goes well with the soundtrack to Kirby 64 also) and the Animal Friends are a very cool way of differentiating the game from a lot of other Kirby sidescrollers. There is also another thing I haven’t really gone over mostly because it’s not one I really used in my playthrough, which is Gooey. This is not Gooey’s debut as he appeared in Kirby’s Dreamland 2, but this was the first time he was actually playable being available for player 2 to use and if only playing single player he can appear as a CPU controlled companion, similar to the copy partners in Kirby Super Star. Summoning Gooey takes a little bit of Kirby’s health and he can eat Gooey to restore his health, due to this I mostly didn’t really bother with Gooey only using him by accident when pressing the wrong button in my playthrough, however he is a neat addition and would likely be fun for use in a 2 player playthrough. Also interesting about Gooey is that he’s said to be ‘made of the same stuff as Dark Matter’ but he lacks the evil intent shown by all other Dark Matter, showing a somewhat detached happy personality that helps Kirby more to just be friendly rather than caring much what happens. So yeah, in conclusion I’d definitely recommend giving Dream Land 3 a try if you’re interested in the Kirby series, Super Star’s probably the better game but this one’s definitely not bad and has some unique aspects to offer for the series.
The closest location to the stage in Smash.
As this is the first post I’m writing for the stages, I’m glad this one is fairly straightforward. Given Whispy Woods is the main focal point of the stage, the area Whispy Woods is fought in is the most obvious choice. Of course this is not a perfect option, for one thing as seen in the screenshot this area is not a floating platform, also another thing I didn’t realise is that if you have gotten all the Heart Stars in the world before fighting Whispy Woods, then after you defeat Whispy you can no longer fight him since he will now be purged of Dark Matter resulting in him becoming friendly. This only really matters as I like to have a version of the stage saved that reflects the stage in Smash, but it's solved simply enough by playing up to his boss battle without getting all the heart stars.
For information on this game including dates of releases I must give credit to Wikirby the Kirby Wiki.
The screenshots in this post are taken by me using the Nintendo Switch’s screenshot feature.
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technicianlearner · 1 year
Kirbtober 2023 Day 7 - Sunshine/Headcanon
surprise, two parter b^tches
Robobot Armor just... doesn't get what's so fun about summer, really. Why the heck are there so many food during summer. They know they have to cope regarding those, but it's just odd that it had to be so hot that their metal just... reacts to it. People just walk around with cold drinks and food, while they just watch. Oh, and they have to warn people to be careful with their metal. It's heat resistant but it's still hot at times.
Kirby is fine with summer, he knows some events that are so exciting to do, such as going to the beach, swimming, or playing volleyball, but there are those days in Dreamland that are just so hot, he can't afford wearing his beloved scarf. But the ice creams are GODLY during those really days... It just hits different, okay? He loves getting the watermelon ones. Oh well, typical of him.
Bandana, on the other hand, uses the opportunity to get good food for himself, with Kirby usually not too far behind. He tends to help with distributing drinks, just something to get a quick buck. But he likes other activities too, especially doing little bartending sessions - he learned them from others by observation. During extremely hot days you can see him not wearing his bandana, and he blends in perfectly with a crowd of waddle dees... so he sticks with the team so others know it's him.
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Haltonium alloy is weird. How the hell Haltmann made that? Of course the name is based on his family like the egoistic bastard he is, but it must have been a company secret... but is it really a company secret if Susie herself doesn't even know? Either way, this metal is used in many technologies that the HWC built, so except certain steel defenders to have similar but probably slightly modified material depending on their vessel's prior use before partnership.
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Prompts by @paintpanic and @peachsupremeart Fused list compiled by @desultory-novice (click here for the list!)
I considered doing one of them but at the end I decided, f^ck it, who cares, why the hell not. Wombo combo!
Had to cheat by just drawing the upper part of Robobot Armor. Not today sir I would rather not have dead hands
I hope you enjoy this double feature... AND prepare for terrible art tomorrow because it's Sunday and per usual, I go out. Yeah. So minimal time(TM). Help.
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peachmangopie323 · 2 years
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Chapter 10: Just Like You
Kirby SST!
Long before the Dreamland we know today, the time where Kirby was still off to deal with Nightmare,
A young and small Waddle Dee with a fighting spirit stood in his feet.
In Castle Dedede, children are tasked to do simple chores while adults handle guarding and harder labor, this child however, refused listen to what the adults had to say and stayed on his post with a spear on his hand.
One day, the King was walking through the halls and saw the said Dee and immediately approached him.
The tiny Dee tried to sit still but his hand were shaking as the King was about to take a closer look.
"What's the little one doin here?"
The king asked a guard.
"Well it seems like he wants to be a guard your majesty, he won't listen to us when I tell him to give us the weapon!"
"Hmmm so you're a lil tough guy huh?" He looks closer,
The tiny Dee's heart raced, he doesn't know what to do, there's a chance that he could get punished for not doing what he's supposed to do-
"Welp Little Dee here has a passion for being a royal guard, maybe teach him the ropes will ya? Maybe he'd grow up to be my finest warrior who knows." He chuckles as he gives the
little one's head a pat.
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The tiny dee's eyes widen, his eyes were almost tearing up, the King's approval is all he needed, from that day, he vowed to be strong, to defend King Dedede, to be his right hand man. He began to idolize his king, he trained and worked hard to get where he is today.
At the age of 14 he is now one of Dreamland's greatest defenders, He's almost like Dedede's own son, isn't that his long dreamed happy ending?
"When I grow up I want to be just like you Your Majesty!" Said the optimistic bandana dee.
Bandana Dee started his day like normal, he noticed his head felt a bit more heavy than usual, maybe he was just hungry.
An hour passed and he felt his stomach hurt, he has felt worse so he also shrugged that off.
Another hour passes and the stomach pain got really worse, he finally decided to ask for help.
"M...miss my stomach hurts..do you have some kind of medicine for it?"
"Oh! sir Bandana Dee! Let's get you to your room.." The servant girl noticed how the poor boy looked pale, she immediately told the other servants to prepare hot water.
"W-what's going on with me?" Bandee asked.
"Everything will be alright, this is happens to everyone, just sit still and I'll try to ease the pain."
Around that time Kirby and Sailor were off to another trip, sailor is really taking advantage of her vacation, she managed to cheer Kirby up somehow by giving him as many food as she can make!
"I'm sorry if this comes off as weird but.." Sailor asked, she had been observing the little pink boy inhale mountains of food.
"Yes miss Sailor?"
"Do youuu..digest things? Or food just disappear once you swallow something?"
"I don't know... but what I know is, I could eat as much as I can without getting full, I guess if everyone has the opportunity to not get full they'd sure eat alot!"
"Good point."
Somewhere near to where Sailor and Kirby were, a group of soccer players gathered to their meeting place waiting for their captain,
"It's 12:04 pm and captain bandee isn't here! He's never late! What do we do??"
"Maybe we should call him to check if he's alright?"
"Let's visit him!"
The players nodded and agreed until Marx appeared on their back.
"Its no need, he's not coming today because of some stomach ache, is it really a big deal if that chump doesn't show up?"
"Stomach ache?"
"How did you know?"
"Of course it's a big deal! He tells us what to do!"
"Without a leader we won't be able to practice!"
The team chattered
"Well shit I survived crashing into a planet sized galactic nova and absorbed it's powers and YOU'RE wondering how I know what happened to some fragile loser." Marx rolled his eyes and sighed.
"I'll be your captain only for today only because I'm bored."
"Eww! You're just going to sabotage us!"
"Well it's either me or nobody" Marx crosses his arms.
"I'll make sure we would win without that Banana Dee whatever his name is, are you with me?" He exclaimed, maybe teaching a couple of kids some tricks would keep him occupied, it's like he has anything to do as long as he can't decrypt any of the spells.
The team had no choice but to follow Marx,
"Well, the popstar soccer team doesn't miss on new opportunities yeah?"
"I think this is for the best.."
Sailor and Kirby rests beside a tree and told each other stories.
"Miss Sailor, is liking girly stuff...bad?"
"What? No, who told you that?"
"No one in particular..."
"Then why?"
"I don't know why I feel shame about liking girly and cutesy things even if it's nothing to be ashamed of.."
"Kirby...don't listen to anyone that tells you you should feel that way just because you're a boy.." Sailor looked at him with eyes full of concern
"You're kind of like my big sister and all...do you experience something close to that?"
"Not really, but I know how it's like to have to hide who you are you know?... mainly when I was a young girl being a sailor isn't a feminine job I had to pretend like a lad my whole time at the sea.."
"Captain Vul recommend me a job to the Halberd and I had to tell him that I'm a girl because it gets harder to hide it when you grow up."
"Does it even matter?"
"Jee, I know right? I can't believe I had to persuade them to accept me and now I'm the crew member who takes the most jobs!" She scoffs resting her chin onto her palm.
"See young lady as much as your skill sets are promising I can't promise you'd get accepted. How about...keep that act for a bit longer?"
"But I'm 17 there's no way-"
Captain Vul interrupts, stuffing her short growing hair under her hat.
"You look convincing if you just tuck all your hair on that cap, I'll do the talking."
"Ahem." Captain vul called everyone's attention.
"We have a sailor boy who wants to work as our assistant."
Sailor Dee was nervous.
"He looks a bit short, and skinny for someone his age..." The crew speculated.
"You're a girl aren't you?"
Axe knight said jokingly, he didn't think he was actually right.
Captain Vul and Sailors expressions dropped, their silence and shock only meant she is.
"Wait for real? That would be a problem since we don't need more damsels to protect- ow!" Captain Vul hit axe knight's head as he completely foiled his plan.
The crew wasn't really shocked, instead they showed concern for the Sailor.
As Sailor continues to blabber, Kirby didn't hear the footsteps approaching him.
"Hey Kirby!"
The two snapped out of the flashback and noticed a grinning Marx infront of them, his hands were in his back as if he was hiding something.
"What do you need Marx?" Kirby's mood immediately dropped
Sailor instinctively grabbed Kirby and backed off, she knew that Marx's assertiveness means he could do harm.
"Why so tensed up? I haven't even moved yet!"
"What's the meaning of this!?" Kirby exclaimed
"My revenge!"
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Marx grew his distorted yellow wings and let out a maniacal laughter, he spread a glowing book in his hand and absorbed it's power.
'of course, why haven't I thought of that sooner?' Marx thought to himself.
Kirby shimmied his way out of Sailor's grasps and prepared himself to attack.
Marx emitted large amounts of power making it a struggle for Kirby to approach him.
"Gg-gahh...I'm..gonna...KILL YOU!!"
Kirby grit his teeth and kicked the floor to pierce againts the wind.
"I'd like to see you try!"
Marx laughed.
As the pink boy almost grabbed Marx's neck mid air, Marx reacted quickly and gave Kirby a super hard kick.
Kirby went flying, he didn't land quite well and broke his arm.
"You really think I'd behave that easily? After I betrayed you? You shouldn't have let me live, you're lame, an idiot!" Marx walked closer to the crawling Kirby.
Kirby was helpless, he wasn't prepared for this battle and he didn't bring any copy essence with him. He panicked, he tried to crawl away only for Marx's wing claws violently grab his leg.
"Now..how should I kill you?"
The jester lifts the poor Kirby's face from the ground by grabbing his hair.
"I want it to be humiliating, to be painful, just like when you threw me like garbage at nova!!" Marx shouted.
Kirby could not speak, he only let out desperate groans in hopes that someone would hear him.
He wanted to cry, he felt like passing out, the pain he is in were numb.
He could only hear his thoughts.
'is this the end?'
'i can't die like this, not in his hands...'
'miss sailor...I hope you ran away far..'
Kirby closed his eyes and accepted defeat.
"OOOMPF-!!" Marx felt a large hard kick to his head, it was strong enough to make him collapse.
As the fog that Marx created fades away, Kirby was able to move he immediately looked for who defeated Marx.
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"M-miss Sailor!?"
"Haaaahh...hah..what are you waiting for? Immobilize him while he's still paralyzed!!" Sailor huffed and made sure Marx was completely knocked out.
Kirby was dumbfounded by what he just saw, but he quickly got up and landed a hard hit on the defenseless jester.
"Why don't you just give up on being a bad guy you stupid stupid clown!??" Kirby growled gritting his teeth in anger.
As Kirby was mercilessly putting Marx in his place he had to let out all the bullying Marx had done the past few months,
Sailor then noticed the book Marx had dropped, she immediately picked it up and knew it was the book Meta Knight was talking about before taking off.
She panicked, she had to tell her boss right away!
Sailor removed her hat and hid the book inside, she temporarily removed her mask and took a deep breath as she rests on a tree.
"haahh..hhah..Sir Meta Knight?"
"Sailor? What happened?" Meta Knight quickly replied.
"Ah well, I think you dropped that book with the weird cat face in it.."
"The spell book thing!"
"Right...hmm..could you perhaps read the contents on it?"
"N-no...it's all Halcandrian!"
"Good. That means you've found it. Well done Sailor Dee."
"W-wh-what do I do sir??"
"Just keep it hidden and never reveal or give it to anyone until we get back."
"Leave it to me!"
'If merely absorbing some of this book's power can almost kill Kirby...Who knows what this book could do!?'
Sailor is left with a task she must fulfil, but before that she saw the mangled bloody state Marx is in and decided Kirby had to stop.
"Kirby I think that's enough..."
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Kirby's knuckles were soaked in blood, Marx is still very alive but he made sure to rough him up until he learn his lesson.
Kirby wiped the blood on Marx's white shirt and approached Sailor, leaving the jester bleeding in the middle of the fields.
The soccer team continued to repeat the kicks Marx taught them early on but they started to feel like their new captain was gone for too long.
"Marx had been gone for 20 minutes isn't that weird?"
"He probably ditched us"
"I think so too, but let's go look for him."
Our hero and the Sailor were exhausted and decided to go home.
"Hey..you alright? Let's clean you up on the castle. Are you in any pain? I have some healing food in my pocket..." Sailor kneeled infront of Kirby checking for any critical wounds.
"Miss Sailor how did you do that?"
"Like, an axe kick?"
"Like fighting! Knocking people out with a kick!"
"I don't know if I want to go over that but.."
"But seriously Captain I don't think Lord Meta Knight would approve of her!"
Sailor pouts.
"She'll serve as our brain for all of you numbskulls are only good for fighting!" The captain rests his palm in his temple and sighed.
"What if you all just teach her self defense huh? Will that suffice?"
"That's not part of the job description!" Sailor whined.
"If you're a man yeah." Sword responds
"What different does it make!?" Sailor glared at sword knight.
"Let's be honest here you look like the character that always gets kidnapped to lure us on an enemy base!"
Sailor's dark and dead eyes pierced directly at the knight, she's starting to want to accept the training just to beat them all up.
"She's the smartest lackey we've got! The sailors left in the dock only knew how to fish and untie sails!" Vul testimonies.
The crew takes on good look on Sailor Dee once again.
"Okay...lady, as long as you acknowledge that you might die, you really have to learn to fight if you want to work for us!"
"....fine" she replied with a bit of salt.
"We could even teach you! Right knights?"
"It don't sound half bad!"
"Well then, Miss Sailor Dee, welcome to the Halberd."
Shortly after Sailor Dee had a meeting with the Meta Knight himself, he read her resume from top to bottom and she filled every requirement needed for the job. She was accepted right away!
"I had months of training alongside doing my actual work, it was so exhausting and thank god it's over a decade ago."
"Just because you're a girl?"
"Yes but heeeyy the training paid off somehow, I wouldn't have saved you if I couldn't fight! It's all good."
"Do you...do you have a reason to work under Meta Knight?" He wondered, it isn't normal to just overwork oneself that willingly.
"At first it was just all for the salary and how cool sounding the job was, I mean, working on a full battleship and for a very popular guy? It was a big opportunity!" Sailor was also too young and naive to reject or pass on Captain Vul's offer, she didn't want to live in the fishy smelling coast forever.
"But now, I realized our crew members aren't just barbaric drunkards but chivalrous people that risks their life for their planet, and that motivates me to help save the world and help heroes like you!"
Sailor gave him a big bright smile giving some inspiration and hope to the boy's eyes.
Kirby admired his optimistic friend, he gave sailor a hug as they walk back to the castle.
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"Thank you for saving my life." He smiles as the sunset's reflection glistens in his eyes.
☆゚.*・。゚*.✧ about 2 hours later.
"That's not a very funny joke! That is not true...no..!"
Kirby heard cries on the hallways.
*Door slams shut*
Kirby followed the noise to find Bandana Dee curled into a ball, he was breaking down, to which Kirby immediately asked.
"What's the matter??"
"I..i-...i don't want to talk about it yet..*sniffles*...let me be.. please.."
"I can't just leave you like this bandee...I'll be here when you need me." Kirby comforted.
The orange haired boy continued to sob as Kirby pat his back.
"Do you need water?"
"no I'm..I'm fine.."
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He finally calmed down, took a deep breath and looked at Kirby with helpless and tired eyes.
It made Kirby even more concerned.
Bandana Dee took a deep breath and leaned on a wall,
"What's the matter?"
"Its..it's that..I will never be who I always dreamed to be when I grow up." He takes rapid breaths
"Like what?"
"To be a man!"
"Are you gonna die??"
"No!! I was bleeding even though I wasn't hurt, even they were shocked to find out I was actually a girl!" Bandana wiped his face in frustration, he didn't want to believe what was happening.
"I haven't seen anyone's parts all of my life how was i supposed to know right!?"
"Like..god...all that I ever dreamed about is that one day I would be big that i would have a beard! Its all gone.."
His voice cracks.
"H-hey that's alright...no one is stopping you from still being you!"
"Not when I start looking like a girl, one day everyone will know and they'd start treating me differently!...what if King Dedede finds out? What would he think? Am I going to get abandoned??"
Bandana grabbed Kirby's shoulder and shaked him out of panic.
"No wonder my voice never changes unlike boys my age, I wasn't even a boy after all!!" Tears gushed down his face.
"H-hey...there's nothing wrong with being a girl-" Kirby mumbled.
"I-It changes everything! You won't understand since you'd still look the same until I die!"
"D...don't say that.." Kirby felt hurt.
"I don't want this body I don't want to live like this! Im jealous of you Kirby! Of your power and your popularity and that you're a real boy!" Bandana ranted as he slams his fist on the cement floor weeping.
Kirby stood up and pats his orange hair.
"Bandana...I really get the feeling of how you're doomed to live the future you don't want." Kirby, with all of his power left tried not to cry, but tears kept gushing in, his shaking hand strokes his brothers orange hair in attempt to calm him down. He doesn't want to hear him spout more of such stupid words.
"The future I'll live is that I will witness all of my loved ones die...I will witness...you..die.." Kirby's voice was breaking apart.
Bandana heavily breathes as he wipes his tears.
"You don't know how afraid I am that one day all of you will just slip through my fingers and I could do nothing about it! And do you really think I want to be me? How I'm always the one to step up on every single disaster just because I have powers I didn't ask for!!" Kirby cried.
The atmosphere felt heavier , they both have their own fears, their own consequences that they'll have to deal with the rest of their life. Bandana didn't mean to hurt Kirby at all, for a moment he wished he could be young for very long and capable as Kirby, but as he watches his pink brother burst in tears no one would like to have a future destined to watch everything you love gone, to watch everything die. Kirby would stop valuing friends in the next thousand years, all of them will be just another lifespan he would barely age through.
Bandana realizes his mistake, his little brother needs him, Bandana has never felt strong emotions like these before, he hates it.
He took a deep breath, they could only think rationally when they're calm.
He apologized.
"I'm..I'm so sorry Kirby, my mind was in shambles I didn't think of what I said.." bandana Dee hugged the little one and sobbed. "It was stupid of me to get jealous of you. I'm sorry for making you cry."
He embrace him tighter.
".....it's..its..okay...don't worry! You know..You're the best brother I could ask for Bandana Dee, and always will be..." Kirby sniffled and hugged back, Kirby isn't okay but he really just wants the situation to be over.
"You too man...you too.."
Bandana Dee and Kirby wiped their tears and stood up, they cheered each other up, everything will be okay. As long as they have their family and friends healthy and alive, they would live those times to the fullest.
With their eyes worn out of crying, it did take them a while to get over it together, a hefty amount of junk food from Bandana's secret snack stash definitely helped their nerves out.
"There should be some sort of magic spell out there to change your body." Kirby suggested.
"It could make me look worse, I don't really trust magic.."
"We'll find a way soon nuff!"
"Of course!"
"When do well tell King dedede? Or do we? It's really up to you..."
"I want to get it off my chest now, after all it's him who I trust the most!"
The two held hands and entered the throne room, Kirby felt Bandanas hand get colder and shiver, he gave him a big ol pat and told him it will be alright.
"Well if it isn't Bandana Dee!" The king greeted.
"Your majesty!!...I uhh..I want to tell you something...it's uhm.." he stuttered.
⭐ Notes ⭐
Kirby says trans rights
Next Chapter
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edvonstein · 5 years
So, since I am starting this year apparently by binge listening to Kirby metal remixes, and I just listened to Sullied Grace, my brain got to thinking: Queen Sectonia is really just a Precure villain, a villain who looks some level of fabulous, is absorbed in an emotion (vanity and possibly loneliness in her case) has her general out doing the work for her, successfully brings the planet to the brink of destruction despite being defeated already, and culminates in a final battle in the skies above the planet with the moon lighting the battle, and everybody working to help give the pink one the boost they need to win, even a redeemed enemy general joining in, and it all ending with the pink turning the villain’s own worst weapon against her. And then I realized that Haltmann Works is literally just Labyrinth.
So my brain is currently stuck on the prospect of rewriting the entire Kirby franchise as a Precure series. We have Kirby as the Pink Leader of course, not the brightest bulb in the room, but filled with near limitless potential, and a knack for turning her enemies strength against them. (I mean with Kirby’s Suplex and Throw abilities, it’s not too far a stretch to give the Cure version a mastery in Judo.)
Then King Dedede as the red cure, passionate, selfish, and will roll over those that are in her way, but will pucker up and clobber whatever evil needs a clobbering. Starts out incredibly annoyed at the Pink, but by the end they are thick as (food)thieves.
Meta Knight is the most cursed Purple naturally, always challenging Pink to be stronger, and looking to atone for the evils wrought by his blade in the past. (Former wannabe world conqueror with the Cure powers after all.)
And Bandana Waddle Dee joins in as the Blue (or maybe Yellow) one, An unassuming Cure people first don’t think is a threat until in a casual contest Blue turns out to be able to completely match the raw power of Pink somehow. Acting as the support of the team, Blue’s strongest feature, aside from the super strength is the absolute loyalty to all the team members. Which is a problem considering how often they are at each others’ throats.
Prolly a dumb idea, but I’ll keep rolling it around me nogging a bit.
A pitch for the Dreamland adaption:
Queen Deedeedee (I never said I was good with names) was the chosen Cure, was given powers, able to clear tall buildings in a single leap, and suplex trains, so she crafted herself a jet powered hammer and took to cleaning up the small town of the setting, doing a surprisingly good job and getting organized crime under control, and the government cleared of corruption... and then cleared of people, installing herself as the new ruler of the town, which she’d run with a... I’d say, Iron Fist, but honestly, she mostly goes around smacking a few people upside the head when they acted up.
She mostly just basks in her glory now and let’s the town run itself, which ... works well enough. Until for some reason she suddenly demanded massive tributes from the town for her protection, or else.
That’s when the mascots had enough, and found Kirby (apparently that name is unisex? Useful. Then again, canonically Kirby is genderless, and we in English kinda just defaulted to male because of course we did.) a girl from much simpler origins (say, an immigrant girl trying to make ends meet in this new world to her, living in a small house on the outskirts of the town) than the last cure who was an “Ohohoho” ojousama even before given super powers. (Going with a monarch model for the fairies to explain that, like Mepple and Mipple) Kirby will have to fight her way solo through Queen Deedeedee’s cabinet she installed upon reaching power.
There’s Whispy Woods, an unnaturally tall men who’s cracked skin looks like wood (which it turns out to be.) He is in charge of agriculture and had installed a large apple orchard next to where Kirby lives. This was fine until the Queen decided she didn’t like the small dent in the otherwise perfectly square orchard layout, which is the place Kirby’s house is and sent Whispy in to... take care of that little issue.
Next up are Lolo and Lala, the only two humans left on the cabinet, whom the Queen saw potential in and hired as city planners. They did good work, the Butter Building their proudest achievement, a skyscraper that is made of affordable housing mixed in with small stores throughout. But the Queen took notice of Whispy’s defeat and told them to lure this... troublemaker in and deal with her. The two didn’t like it, but lured her to their mansion, which they kitted out with plenty of traps...
Then comes Kaboola. She is the head of security under the new Queen, and supervises the town from a small army of blimps patrolling the sky. Little is known about her, but she appears to personally reside on a small island just off the coast of the town. And she has the access codes to the Queen’s citadel, the skyscraper at the center of town which of course has to house the villain. Kaboola is of course aware of Kirby’s antics, but she has not yet acted on them because she too senses something wrong with the way the Queen is acting, and after the defeat of Whispy and Lolo and Lala, she decided to test her...
Due to events that transpired on Kaboola’s island, Kirby finds herself not only unable to access the Queen’s citadel, but also facing her personal body guard, Kracko, who turned out to literally be all the clouds in the sky. A violent storm brews over the city as Kracko prepares to defend their mistress, and Kirby decides that if she can’t get into the tower, she will just have to go up the tower the hard way, and a clash along the side of a skyscraper is about to occur as Kirby fights the very heavens themselves, to reach the Queen, and make her come to her senses again...
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jojo-schmo · 2 years
Kirby and the Forgotten Land Roleswap AU: Doodle dump #2!
Here’s some more of my ideas for this AU:
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First one is how I think the beginning of Bandana Dee’s first fight would go. He’s dressed as a Primal Awoofy! It’s a bit more tragic that another Waddle Dee is helping the mass abduction of his own kind… Bandee arrived in the world first and fell victim to the planet-wide brainwashing.
Kirby arrived second and helped the Waddle Dees build and defend their town for a while. Meta Knight arrived third, shortly before Dedede. He encounters Elfilis in the abandoned city. Dedede arrived last, just in time to see the destruction of the first Waddle Dee Town and the abduction of his Waddle family…
Kirby is ready to go save them but Dedede stops him. This is his family, and he’s going to take care of them. He leaves Kirby in charge of the town and sets off towards the Natural Plains, where he finds Meta and Elfilis. They go off together from there and the adventure begins!!
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I made the splitting of Elfilis into two beings messier, so rather than resulting in a purely good and purely evil half, I think it would be more interesting to have a blend of good and evil in both.
Elfilis was the one that escapes the lab, but with only a fraction of themselves which leaves them mostly powerless and amnesiac. They’re a grumpier travel companion than Elfilin is in canon- this frustration comes from the feeling of being incomplete while having to live in hiding from the Beast Pack for as long as they can remember. They don’t have a desire to conquer worlds- just to find out where they came from and why they feel an inexplicable pull towards the volcano across the sea… Elfilis gave up on finding anything out until a certain King and Swordsman crosses their path.
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Elfilis would be more of an active supporting character. They wouldn’t really have any powers to start off- maybe as they got closer to the Lab, they would regain a bit more. By the time the group arrives in Winter Horns, they’d have enough to summon a portion of their spear!
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Having lived in hiding all their life, Elfilis gets introduced to some of the simpler pleasures in life by the residents of Dreamland :’D
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Oh, and since our two main heroes are different, the Waddle Cafe’s dishes are themed appropriately to their aesthetic. :’) Kirby helps out but doesn’t do the actual cooking-! If he did, he’d eat too many of the ingredients before the dishes are done.
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mysmashplaythroughs · 4 years
Kirby’s Adventure Playthrough
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Fighter: Kirby
Game: Kirby’s Adventure, Wii U virtual console (NES). First Released on March 23rd 1993.
Fighter Bio.
Kirby is a pink ball shaped creature that lives in Dream Land on Planet Popstar, although his true origins are unknown, as is the name of his species. Whilst Kirby seems to have a sense of morals, his motives seem to be fairly simple, often he seems to simply go on adventures to help friends or stop something that is causing problems for all of Dreamland and is immediately apparent to him. His first known adventure was him taking on King Dedede, the self-proclaimed King of Dream Land in order to reclaim the food he was hoarding from the rest of Dream Land’s citizens, with many adventures after often being sparked either by Kirby deciding to sort out an immediate problem, such as the citizens of Dreamland all having bad dreams due to the Fountain of Dreams being disturbed, or something piquing his interest such as a ship crashing down on Planet Popstar and Kirby deciding to help it’s pilot find the parts he’s lost to rebuild the ship. Due to this somewhat simple approach Kirby has often found himself tricked into inadvertently helping a villain achieve their goals by freeing them or granting them a chance to gain ultimate power. What’s important however is even with villains who are smart enough to get Kirby to do their dirty work for them, they often underestimate just how powerful and tenacious Kirby is, which always ends up bringing about their downfall, granted he is often helped by other characters to do so.
Kirby’s personality is somewhat mysterious, he has spoken very rarely, usually only to explain the controls for a game or in reaction to the plot. In most other cases however Kirby tends to let others speak for him and not really answer characters who speak to him. One example of this was where Susie in Planet Robobot would often talk of her plans to Kirby who seemed to not really take on board what was being said beyond that she was messing up the Planet and had to be defeated to sort things out. Kirby seems to act somewhat childlike, although there have been the occasional moments in the past where he seems to show a bit more of an understanding of what’s going on than his childlike personality would suggest. Kirby is very friendly to most people, even being willing to happily go on adventures with characters he’s fought before, although he is quick in some cases to assume certain characters such as King Dedede are responsible for a current problem and rushes to fight them before finding out what’s really going on. He will however happily work alongside such characters when he realises they aren’t causing problems.
Kirby is a powerful creature whose greatest strength is his ability to inhale enemies and take their powers, which gives him access to a wide variety of abilities. Kirby can only use abilities specific to the last enemy he’s eaten (provided they are one that grants an ability) however he can discard the ability in order to inhale a new enemy to swap to that one, which over the years has given Kirby access to many elements such as fire, water, rock, wind, leaves and many more. Kirby has also shown himself capable of very powerful moves too, such as a Hypernova ability when eating a Miracle Fruit, which allows him to inhale much more powerfully than he usually can, devouring multiple enemies and objects at once as well as Super Abilities which are much more powerful forms of copy powers he’s used before such as a giant sword which can cover the whole screen. Kirby’s other natural abilities are a slide kick and his ability to inhale air and fly, which he can exhale as an attack before falling. This air attack isn’t very strong but can be quite effective against small enemies. Kirby can also spit out enemies he inhales as a star, which in his first game, Kirby’s Dreamland was his only method of attack as he could not gain enemies powers then.
Kirby’s species is unknown and mysterious, there have been some appearances of others who seem to be of the same species as him, however there is not much detail regarding them. Keeby is a character who looks identical to Kirby only yellow instead of pink. There have been examples of a Yellow Kirby in other games, however there is no confirmation whether this is Keeby or not in the majority of these cases, with the only time he’s been explicitly referred to being as one of Kirby’s alts in Smash Bros. Some of these examples of other Kirbys of differing colours come from games where Kirby has been cloned such as during Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, therefore Keeby could be different from these yellow cloned versions of the pink Kirby. There are other coloured Kirbys who appear in mini-games, however these are not considered actual canon parts of the games. Meta Knight is another character who is speculated to be one of Kirby’s species, mostly as when unmasked he has a similar face to Kirby and his wings seem to be part of his cape, however he has not shown the ability to inhale enemies like Kirby, although it’s unknown if he’s capable and simply doesn’t use these abilities. Galacta Knight is another character who appears to hold similarities to Kirby, however his wings don’t appear to be part of a cape as Meta Knights are. Galacta Knight is said to be an ancient warrior who was sealed away so it is plausible he might deviate physically from Kirby’s species in their current form, although as with everything else regarding these characters it’s a big mystery. Finally, one of the oddest cases is of the Batamon, an enemy that often appears out of bounds where Kirby cannot interact with it, save for one example where it acts similarly to a Waddle Dee, hurting Kirby if it collides with him. If Kirby inhales it similar to a Waddle Dee it will not give him any ability, however this enemy is notable for looking very similar to Kirby, although its eyes are different to others of Kirby’s species being smaller and further apart.
Friends: Kirby has made many friends over the years, sometimes with characters he’s fought before. Many of the enemies Kirby can take copy abilites from he can also gain as friends or helpers who will help him in his adventure until they’re defeated. Due to the large amount of these I will only go into specific characters rather than the friendly species Kirby has travelled with such as Knuckle Joes or Vividrias. Kirby has made friends with characters he has fought a few times, however I think they can be listed as rivals more really, despite being on the friendlier side of the rival scale through the series. Kirby’s first known friends in the series are a group of animals he fought alongside in Kirby’s Dreamland 2, Coo the Owl, Kine the Ocean Sunfish, Rick the Hamster and Gooey who is a being of Dark Matter. Unlike the other Dark Matter beings in the Kirby series, Gooey is friendly to Kirby and helps him fight against them. Kirby’s animal friends help Kirby to travel around in different ways such as flying, swimming and riding whereas Gooey has sometimes helped as a second player character and other times simply given Kirby powerups to help him. Kirby at first fought Dyna Blade a giant mechanical bird, but later found out she was just trying to keep her chicks safe and made friends with them. Dyna Blade then in return helped Kirby in his battle with the Battleship Halberd, flying him back when he had been thrown off the ship. Kirby had more animal friends in Kirby’s Dreamland 3 which were ChuChu the Octopus, Nago the Cat and Pitch the Bird. Nago would roll Kirby around like a ball, Pitch would be held by Kirby due to his small size and used for various abilities, ChuChu finally sits on Kirby’s head and will grab enemies putting them into Kirby’s mouth for him to eat. Ribbon the Fairy is a character who Kirby finds and helps return to her homeworld, with them teaming up with other characters along the way to take on Dark Matter who’s invaded her home. Ribbon helps carry Kirby in the final battle against 02 so he can battle in space. Adeleine is one of the very few characters who seems to be human in the Kirby series. She is one of the characters who is possessed by Dark Matter and fights Kirby before joining him when she’s defeated and rid of the possession. There is some debate over whether Ado, a very similar character from Kirby’s Dreamland 3 is actually Adeleine or not, however Ado only fights Kirby as a boss and shows up in the ending so doesn’t have as big of a role as Adeleine does in Kirby 64. Both Adeleine and Ribbon work together in Kirby Star Allies to help Kirby out again. Finally, there is a specific Waddle Dee who Kirby makes friends with in Kirby 64, this Waddle Dee is identified due to its feet being the same colour as its face, unlike most other Waddle Dees that have yellow feet. This character seems to be separate from another prominent Waddle Dee in the series however. Kirby had a couple of run-ins with his counterpart from the Mirror-world in Amazing Mirror, however they realise that they’re actually on the same side and as Mirror-Kirby is the defender of the Mirror-world similarly to Kirby they work together to stop Dark Mind. Prince Fluff is a character Kirby met during the events of Kirby’s Epic Yarn, hailing from Patch Land. Due to Kirby looking different in Patch Land it’s unknown how Prince Fluff would look in Kirby’s Universe, however he seems to be similar in shape to Kirby and shares the same abilities with him. Finally, Bandana Waddle Dee seems to get along well when working with Kirby, however he often will go along with most of King Dedede’s plans even if they’re against Kirby.
Enemies/Rivals: King Dedede has fought Kirby many times, however often these cases have either been due to him being possessed by a powerful entity or one of them being too impulsive to really explain what the situation is to the other. Dedede can let his greed get the better of him though and genuinely goes against Kirby when seeking to steal all the food in the kingdom for example, however there have been many times Dedede has worked with Kirby to combat a threat and the King knows that when there’s a serious threat Kirby is the world’s best hope. Meta Knight is a mysterious figure, he has fought Kirby many times, however he often seems to covertly help Kirby, even in a lot of his more antagonistic appearances such as his very first where he would sometimes throw an item for Kirby to use before vanishing. Due to this it’s unknown what his motives really are, whether he’s only looking for a good fight and is helping Kirby so he can have a good confrontation later against him, or if he’s actually training Kirby to make sure he’s strong enough to take on the real villain of the story later. Meta Knight as with King Dedede has worked with Kirby before and has also been possessed and forced to fight Kirby a few times. Due to his loner status, Meta Knight isn’t necessarily a close friend of Kirby’s, but he has often been a good ally in his battles against strong foes.
Kirby has fought many powerful enemies throughout his game series, from beings like the Nightmare Wizard or Queen Sectonia to powerful entities such as Dark Matter, Zero and Dark Nebula. Kirby has also faced foes who have tricked him in order to gain power such as Marx and Magolor, with these foes actually helping him in later games either as an apology for their actions, or seemingly as a way to take out competition to their own goals. Finally there are foes that Kirby faces only for them later to realise Kirby’s their only hope when it turns out the character they’ve been helping doesn’t actually care about them or their plans go wrong, such as Taranza and Susie. Sometimes this results in them repenting or other times just disappearing after helping Kirby stop the crisis they’ve helped create.
Crossovers with other Smash characters: Kirby has had quite a few crossovers with other characters, including many Nintendo ones over the years. When it comes to characters who are also in Smash one of the earliest examples is in Kirby Super Star, where Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach and Wario (along with Toad and Birdo) appear in the crowd during Kirby’s fight against King Dedede and the Megaton Punch minigame. Next there were many cameos of Nintendo characters in Kirby’s Dream Land 3, some of which were from fairly obscure Nintendo games such as Yuyuki and Shin Onigashima, however R.O.B. and Samus Aran also appeared in stages in the game. Samus would give Kirby a Heart Star if he defeated Metroids that show up in a specific room in Iceberg – Stage 2 and R.O.B.’s parts have to be found in order for Professor Hector to reassemble him at the end of Sand Canyon – Stage 6. Kirby appears on a poster in Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga at the Yoshi Theatre, which seems to be advertising a movie based on the Kirby series. Another crossover of note is a somewhat unusual one, in Link’s Awakening an enemy appears which has been referred to as both ‘Kirby’ and ‘Anti Kirby’ before, it looks just like Kirby and inhales Link, spitting him out to damage him if it can. It is weak only to bombs, the magic rod or a boomerang. In the remake of Link’s Awakening this enemy looks slightly different having more of an orange tint than Kirby usually does and a different smile, however it still attacks the same and is clearly modelled on Kirby. The specific Link from this game does not appear in Smash Bros other than as an alt costume and a spirit however. Finally in Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum ‘n’ Fun Kirby appears as a playable character along with a Squid from Splatoon.
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Why this game?
When it comes to why I chose this game there’s a few reasons that are more specific to me regarding the choice than its relevance to Smash, although that’s definitely a factor. The first key reason is that this is the game which really set the guidelines of how the Kirby series works. It introduced Kirby’s ability to use powers, solidified his standard moves and introduced a new member of the recurring cast in the series which was Meta Knight. This game was also the first where Kirby goes up against a villain who’s actually intimidating and pure evil rather than the final boss of the previous game, King Dedede who was more being a greedy jerk. Speaking of King Dedede, this game also introduces the concept of him still being involved in the story whilst not being the main antagonist, a role that he has most commonly filled ever since. There are two versions of this game, Nightmare in Dreamland, the GBA remake of this game which vastly updated the graphics and gameplay and Kirby’s Adventure, the original NES game. I chose the NES game to play through this time as I felt it was overdue, which I will go into with my history with the Kirby series. The other big key reason I chose this game, is because I find it a very impressive NES game, it helps it came out towards the end of the NES’s life meaning a lot of developers had started pushing the system to it’s limits by this point, although I’m not admittedly that knowledgeable regarding this situation overall, especially as I was around four years old when the game was actually released. With that said, I’ve always wanted to see how the NES original looked, especially as a lot of enemies I knew from later in the series would originate here, so seeing their original 8-bit incarnations was interesting.
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My past with this game.
When it comes to the Kirby series, it’s one of the few where I had the very first game, then missed out on a lot of them till much later. Unlike Zelda however it took me a very long time to get another Kirby game. I started out with Kirby’s Dreamland on the Gameboy, which I really enjoyed, although despite how easy and short it was, back then I never beat it. It was not until 2007 with the release of Kirby Squeak Squad I actually played another Kirby game. Why this was the case I don’t know, I’d been playing Smash Bros ever since 64 and it had made me interested in all the series in it, and I knew of Kirby’s games as well as learning of the characters I didn’t know from it such as Meta Knight who appeared as a trophy in Melee and later playable in Brawl, however it was only at this point I decided to play Squeak Squad. Another factor in this decision was at the time I’d seen some of the Kirby anime, as it was easier than tracking down the games. I’ll admit, I didn’t see much of the Kirby anime, but it did get me curious to finally see what these characters were like. I enjoyed Squeak Squad quite a bit because of this, even though I’ll admit it’s one of the blander games, however I came to realise around this time I think that the anime was actually based on a specific game, Kirby’s Adventure.
I considered looking into the GBA remake at the time, but I also happened to be looking into other games at the time, specifically NES games. I remembered when I was much younger going to a sleepover at an old friend’s house and him having a Gameboy cartridge which had multiple games on it, so I searched for a GBA cartridge with multiple NES games on it. I’ve been looking for that cartridge to go into specifics, but can’t find it currently, still this cartridge had a lot of games I’d not played before on it and was what introduced me to many games I’d always meant to but hadn’t played at the time, games such as the original Metroid, Kid Icarus and Kirby’s Adventure. Kirby’s Adventure was probably the game I played most on there as it was fairly simple. The games were pretty compressed and crushed in order to fit on a GBA screen, so this was the game I figured I’d be able to beat most easily (which wasn’t really short like Donkey Kong or something). I played a fair way into it, but admittedly never finished this version. I think I got the official version on Virtual Console and played some of it, but my memory is somewhat hazy really and I believe it wasn’t till I got Nightmare in Dreamland cheap that I played through the whole game. Since then I played a lot of other Kirby games, all of the modern ones from Return to Dreamland onwards (well except spinoffs) and Super Star. Kirby Super Star is still probably the most definitive Kirby game I’d say, but I’d decided that game would be represented on my list by another character I’ll get to later better overall, so for Kirby, I decided to go with this game and finally beat it in its original form.
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My Smash Playthrough.
Each world opens with a short scene of Kirby doing something in the location, similarly to Kirby’s Dreamland. I realise I’ve played this game often (at least the start of it) as the first scene of Kirby having a sword fight and losing his sword before inhaling his foe to gain their sword is somewhat burned into my memory at this point. Following this the game starts with a hub area where you gradually uncover more doors leading to each stage. The backstory of this game is that King Dedede invaded the Fountain of Dreams and took the Star Rod from it, breaking it into 7 pieces and giving 6 of them to his underlings, which in turn is causing bad dreams for all the residents of Dream Land, with Kirby setting out to take them back. The music in this game as with a lot of Kirby games is great with a lot of the songs that originated here showing up later in the series remixed. Kirby games are known for being easy which I don’t think is a criticism really as they’re still a lot of fun. Kirby can fly unlike a lot of characters from platforming games, which means you’re able really to go wherever you want in the stage, although you can still fall into pits if enemies knock you out of the sky, which throughout the game I’d say is more often what will get you rather than running out of health. Kirby’s powers are fairly simple in this game which is fair as it was the first introduction of the concept, still the majority of them are simply some sort of breath power (fire, ice), shooting something (laser, cutter) standing still and damaging anything that comes close (needle, sparky) or swiping with something (sword, beam, parasol). This isn’t to say that there aren’t a lot of unique powers still in the game, ones such as Hi-Jump which has Kirby take a high leap damaging anything he contacts whilst leaping or wheelie which has Kirby turn into a wheel and move quickly forwards crashing into enemies as he goes. It’s only in comparison to the rest of the series where a lot of these powers would get more specific additional abilities that the ones in this game can seem similar to each other to a certain degree, although the variety is still impressive compared to other NES games I’ve played. Kirby moves a lot more fluidly I’d say compared to characters in a lot of other NES games, although compared to the rest of the Kirby series his movements can be a bit stiff at times, still it’s not really a problem when playing the game, it just threw me off a little at first having played through Star Allies a lot recently.
When it comes to difficulty, I found I would die quite a few times in the final worlds and sometimes against the bosses, however it was never to the point where I got a game over nor were there any parts I remember finding particularly frustrating. Of the more difficult stages, the final world Rainbow Resort is probably my favourite, it’s backgrounds even on NES manage to look really nice with the starry skies and purple cosmic landscape. With this said, it really shines in the remake which has some really nice-looking backgrounds. The music in Rainbow Resort is some of my favourite in the Kirby series and really adds to the atmosphere. There’re some somewhat annoying stages here with easy to fall in gaps that lead to an instant death, but it never gets to the stage that made me start getting really frustrated. A lot of the stages in this world do a lot of interesting things with water which would show up later in the series, with waterfalls you can swim up and other physics defying sights. The final stage before the boss in Rainbow Resort is also a lot of fun, as it’s a condensed version of the whole of Kirby’s Dream Land even using the monochrome sprites for the enemies and in this version the HUD itself is also monochrome. I realise now I’ve spent a fair bit talking about this one world, but really it’s always been the highlight of the game for me when it comes to the stages, as a lot of the others aren’t that different to stages that appear in a lot of Kirby games, such as a grassland, islands, clouds, mountains and the ocean. Probably one of the most well-known worlds in this game, partially as it has a famous theme in the series named after it, is Butter Building which is a tower and features a lot of stages which are travelled vertically upwards. The other most notable world for me personally is Orange Ocean, which features a fair few water stages as well as some ice themed stages. The biggest factor however is it also features a key boss fight.
This game features quite a few notable bosses and introduces a very big character in the series overall. There are two bosses who return from Kirby’s Dreamland making this the first of their many recurring appearances in a boss role. The first of course is Whispy Woods who’s exactly the same as he was in Dream Land, dropping apples Kirby can inhale and spit back at him as well as blowing clouds of air. Secondly is Kracko the one-eyed cloud who fights similarly to Dream Land, but instead of Waddle Doos it summons Starmen which give Kirby the Hi-Jump ability, which can be effective on it due to its levitating position. However, I personally found it more effective to just spit stars at it. Kracko also starts off in its Kracko Jr form and chases Kirby who must escape before reaching the area where it transforms into its true form and the boss battle begins. Of the new bosses the first two I would say are more notable in the series than the other one. Paint Roller is a boss who goes from one canvas to another drawing something which will come to life and usually charge at Kirby. He’s fairly easy to beat and interestingly Adeleine later in the series would fight in a similar way, drawing things which somewhat come to life and attack. The next boss fight features a duo, Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright who are a Sun and Moon that take turns fighting you, with the other one supporting the one fighting you from the sky with various attacks. They also appear in a couple of other games in the series as bosses or cameos. Heavy Mole is probably the least famous of the new bosses, having only appeared in one other game. The battle against Heavy Mole can be beaten very quickly or turn dangerous very quickly somewhat based on luck. The missiles it fires as it digs can be eaten to give Kirby a variety of powers, but some of them can put him to sleep. Depending on if Kirby receives a powerful ability, he can beat Heavy Mole very quickly, but due to the autoscrolling nature of the stage as well as Heavy Mole being able to dig a pit depending on it’s direction, Kirby can be put to sleep and scrolled off the screen into a pit killing him instantly. Overall, Heavy Mole can either be a really frustrating boss or incredibly easy in my experience.
The other bosses in the game are notable as they are fairly big characters in the series, Meta Knight makes his first appearance in this game and despite having no dialogue still demonstrates his personality due to him only fighting Kirby when he picks up the sword power, as he refuses to fight him unarmed. The boss fight with him is one of the more challenging as he can only be attacked either when he drops his guard or from behind. King Dedede appears at the Fountain of Dreams and looks to be the final boss of the game. Even though he isn’t, unlike in Kirby’s Dreamland, the fight with him here is somewhat more difficult than that one. In this game Dedede shows he’s learnt to float like Kirby can for the first time, apparently having trained to do so following his previous defeat. This move can be slightly more dangerous than his others as he can be a bit difficult to avoid, although it’s nothing overly challenging. Following Dedede’s dedefeat it’s revealed he was actually trying to prevent the release of a great evil that’s appeared in the Fountain of Dreams and stole the Star Rod to prevent it from escaping. Kirby not listening to Dedede puts the Star Rod back into the Fountain of Dreams inadvertently releasing Nightmare. Dedede then inhales Kirby along with the Star Rod and spits them both out into space to chase down Nightmare.
The final battle with Nightmare is different from the rest of the game, starting off with Kirby chasing Nightmare who’s in a ball form. Kirby is wielding the Star Rod and able to fly freely with it whilst firing stars as a projectile, which makes this part of the fight play a bit like a space shooter. If Kirby doesn’t manage to do enough damage to the ball in time Nightmare will fly off and Kirby will crash into the moon, which happened to me a few times. Once Kirby lands he is back to his normal movement, but can only damage Nightmare by firing stars from the Star Rod at his tornado looking body. Overall, I find it a pretty fun fight, with its setting of a battle in space then on the moon being pretty climactic. Kirby ends up destroying Nightmare and flying back to Pop Star as text explains that Dedede was in fact trying to stop Nightmare, with Dedede flying alongside Kirby as he returns. Finally, Kirby returns the Star Rod to it’s resting place in the Fountain of Dreams, restoring it to its original state and ending the nightmares plaguing Dream Land.
Overall, I found the game an enjoyable experience. Having not grown up with it and playing later Kirby games first it was fairly simplistic, and due to it’s length unlike Kirby’s Dream Land it’s not a game I like to put on quickly to play through, however it’s still a fun game with some really nice moments and introduced a lot of concepts for the Kirby series that are still going strong today. It is also still a very impressive NES game in my opinion.
Specific aspects about the game relating to Kirby in Smash.
Now, this is somewhat where my decision to play this game over others runs into a little bit of an issue. Regarding Kirby in Smash specifically, a lot of the transformations here are a part of Kirby’s moveset in Smash. There’s the Cutter ability, Stone ability and Hammer Ability which are all part of Kirby’s moveset, as well as some of his moves which draw from abilities such as Fireball, Fighter and the Throw abilities. However, for the absolute closest version of Kirby in a game to his Smash Bros incarnation, the best games would be either Kirby and the Amazing Mirror or Kirby Planet Robobot due to a specific ability in those games, the Smash power (or later named Smash Bros). This ability surprisingly enough allows Kirby to use almost all his moves from Smash Bros which I guess makes it the closest you can ‘equip’ Kirby to how he is in Smash. Besides the copy powers, Kirby has his slide kick, inhale ability and his ability to float just as in Smash Bros in every game, including Kirby’s Adventure, as well as the warpstar which Kirby uses to enter in Smash Bros. Beyond that, the final note I guess I can make is this was the first game to specifically make Kirby pink, as the Gameboy couldn’t display colour when Kirby’s Dream Land was released.
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For information on this game including dates of releases I must give credit to Wikirby the Kirby Wiki.
The screenshots in this post are taken by me using Miiverse before it shut down.
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