#Banking Transfer Provider solution in Haiti
How Digital Banking Services Make Your Life Easy?
The banking assiduity has experienced a dramatic metamorphosis during the former decade. With the arrival of digital banking came the worlds of online bill payments, phone banking, digital check deposits, person- to- person deals, electronic portmanteau, and other services. These Banking software provider in United Kingdom are all designed to make your life easier.
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The Rise Of Digital Banking
Online banking results, believe this or not, dates back to the early 1980s, albeit the technology’s sweats during that period were at best introductory. But it wasn't until the 1990s that so numerous banks began offering online banking services to their guests, and it was n’t until the 2000s that the preface of mobile phones with online banking software truly came a practical choice for numerous people. Throughout this timeframe, online banking has grown in terms of service immolations.
druggies, for illustration, have successfully been suitable to log in to their bank accounts, examine figures, transfer finances between accounts, and arrange tab or credit card deals. fresh services, similar as remote payments, have just lately come possible with the preface of cell phones( and phone cameras).
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Online banking is n’t technically the “ norm ” — at least, it was n’t before COVID- 19 — but it’s well on its way towards getting similar. nearly all banking results now not only have doors designed to make internet banking simple and intuitive but also phone operations that put the maturity of those services right on their guests ’ mobiles in a secure manner, no lower.
The Benefits Of Online Banking The advantages of online banking software are the same whether you name their internet banking, phone banking, or online banking. Among the numerous advantages are
An online banking result system enables you to assess fiscal accounts with a many mouse clicks or keyboard inputs, which is significantly more effective than checking your original bank services.
When opposed to the commitment of travelling to the bank, standing in a line, and having a banker perform the transfer for you, digital and mobile banking makes transferring plutocrat between fiscal accounts a matter of seconds.
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Mobile banking operations include a tool that helps you to deposit checks into your portmanteau using only your phone’s camera, sparing you a trip to the bank and immolation you a speedier option to have your checks deposited so you can recoup your cash. Digital banking makes it simple to view old deals, which streamlines expenditure operation, cheque book balancing, and covering for questionable or fraudulent bills.
The Digital Banking Options
Internet And Mobile Banking internet banking refers to getting some banking installations like transferring plutocrat and accounts opening and closing online.
Immediate Payment Service( IMPS) Immediate Payment Service is an instant payment interbank electronic finances transfer system. The payment service allowsinter-bank electronic fund transfer service on mobile phones. IMPS is available 24 × 7 365 days including bank leaves.
Unified Payments Interface( UPI) At the moment, UPI is the most popular kind of online banking. UPI employs a digital payment address to allow druggies to shoot and admit plutocrat without inputting their bank account information or IFSC law.
Mobile Wallets Mobile holdalls have fully removed the need to study four- number card watchwords, submit CVV information, or carry loose plutocrat.
In moment’s world, your cell phone serves as your virtual frontal door to the world of finance. Bankers are now trying to move down from traditional concrete block systems by spending heavily on fiscal invention.
Digital banking services indicate personalised interfaces, heightened security, superior and broader range of services; this is fantastic for client relations.
While fintech companies and banks probe the possibilities of AI in the fiscal sector, online banking systems may deliver further comprehensive services in the future.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Cryptocurrency exchange Binance is expanding its offerings in Latin America with the launch of a new crypto-to-bank account payment solution for the region.On Aug. 30, Binance said it's working with licensed transfer processing providers for its new “Send Cash” product that allows users from nine countries to transfer crypto funds directly to bank accounts.The new function is available for users in Colombia, Honduras, Guatemala, Argentina, Costa Rica, Paraguay, the Dominican Republic, Panama, and Mexico. Users from these countries will be able to send money via Binance Pay to recipients with bank accounts in Colombia and Argentina. Binance Pay, which has seen growth in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe is the exchange’s native crypto payment technology platform.Send cash. Instant. Low fees. https://t.co/sqBnIAqABQ— CZ Binance (@cz_binance) August 29, 2023 Binance’s regional vice president for Latin America Min Lin said the firm was developing new crypto use cases “in everyday life.”“Individuals and businesses in the region are very open to innovations that can solve the specific challenges they face,” he added.Binance highlighted the challenges in Latin America citing a 2021 World Bank study that said 42% of adults lack access to a bank account.Crypto is often used for remittances in the region and adoption is increasing as rampant inflation is still ongoing in many LATAM countries.Venezuela, not included in Binance’s new service, has the highest inflation rate in the world at 398%, according to Trading Economics.Argentina has the fourth highest inflation globally at 113%. Inflation also remains in the double figures for Haiti, Cuba, and Colombia.However, it hasn’t all been smooth sailing for Binance in Latin America. On Aug. 24 the exchange said it was suspending its crypto debit card services in the region.Meanwhile, stablecoin issuer Circle announced a partnership on Aug. 29 to bring its USD Coin (USDC) to LATAM’s largest fintech firm Mercado Pago which will offer the stablecoin in Chile. Source
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marlaluster · 6 years
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. Refugee Admissions - State https://www.state.gov/j/prm/ra Mobile · Refugee Resettlement in the United States. The United States is proud of its history of welcoming immigrants andrefugees. The U.S. refugee resettlement program ... 2. https://www.state.gov/j/prm/ra/ 3. Refugee Resettlement in the United States The United States is proud of its history of welcoming immigrants and refugees. The U.S. refugee resettlement program reflects the United States’ highest values and aspirations to compassion, generosity and leadership. Since 1975, Americans have welcomed over 3 million refugees from all over the world. Refugees have built new lives, homes and communities in towns and cities in all 50 states. Resettlement: The Solution for Only a Few A refugee is someone who has fled from his or her home country and cannot return because he or she has a well-founded fear of persecution based on religion, race, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. The first step for most refugees is to register with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the country to which s/he has fled. UNHCR has the mandate to provide international prot 4. ________________________________________ From: Rebecca Ouellet Snr [[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 7:08 PM Subject: Re: your message Calvary Greetings With Due Respect And Humility, I was compelled to write to you under humanitarian grounds. Having known my condition I decided to donate my fortune to a God fearing brother or sister that will utilize this fund the way I am going to instruct herein. I have diagnosed with cancer of the liver and stroke about 2 years ago. I will be going in for an operation later today. I am 59 years old widow with no child that will inherit my fund and I don't want this money used in an ungodly way. This is why I am taking this decision to hand over to you this Fund. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I want somebody that will use this fund according to the desire of my late husband to help Less privileged people, orphanages, widows and for the good work of the lord. I also want part or this fund to be donated to any humanitarian Organization presently in Haiti. Solemnly contact my lawyer by quoting my personal reference number LJ/ABK/444/0109/DRNX/223SE/SE alongside with your name and location. CHUNG, MALHAS & MANTEL, PLLC Contact Person: Barrister Jose Goivanni Email: [email protected] Address: Melbourne Tower 1511 3rd Ave #1088 Seattle, WA 98101 Be informed that I have paid the state tax on this will to be transferred to you and as soon as you contact him in the manner that I have stated above. He should be able to recognize you as the third beneficiary and also help in claiming this amount from my Bank. Meanwhile, you are advised to keep this mail and its contents confidential as I really want my wish to be accomplished at the end of the day. Beloved, I want you and member of your family to always remember me in your daily prayers because of my upcoming cancer surgery. I write this mail to you solemnly with the faith that you will assist me in my last wish. God Bless. Kind Regards Mrs Rebecca Ouellet -- sent from my iPad Confidentiality Notice: This message and any attachments to it are intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, distribution or copying is strictly prohibited and we assume no liability for any loss or damage suffered as a result of same. 5. . Not Junk ForwardClose Good dayLegal Trustee [[email protected]] Links and active content have been disabled in this message. To restore them, click the Not Junk button, or move this message to the Inbox folder. Sent:Thursday, April 5, 2018 1:07 PM We have money in your surname, please contact me for more information about your inheritance Yours sincerely, Albrecht Lutz Legal Administrator Please send me an email on 6. The Responsibility to Protect the World from the United Sta https://dissidentvoice.org/2018/01/the-responsibility-to-protect... One of the most ingenious propaganda weapons ever developed is that the powerful nations of the West—led by the United States—have a moral responsibility to use ... 7. sponsibility to Protect the World from the United States by Ajamu Baraka / January 12th, 2018 One of the most ingenious propaganda weapons ever developed is that the powerful nations of the West—led by the United States—have a moral responsibility to use military force to protect the rights of people being repressed by their governments. This “responsibility to protect” (R2P) always had a dubious legal standing, but its moral justification also required a psychological and historical disengagement from the bloody reality of the 500-hundred-year history of U.S. and European colonialism, slavery, genocide and torture that created the “West.” This violent, lawless Pan-European colonial/capitalist project continues today under the hegemony of the U.S. empire. This then begs the questions of who really needs the protection and who protects the peoples of the world from the United States and 8. The fact that the United States and Europe can wrap themselves in the flag of morality, practice savior politics and get away with it is a testament to the enduring psychopathology of white supremacist ideology. The most extreme expressions of this cognitive dissonance occurred during the Obama administration, when the notion of U.S. exceptionalism was used to justify continuing the barbarism of the Bush administration’s so-called War on Terror. With this justification and the outrageous assertion that it was defending democracy, the U.S./EU/NATO axis of domination committed cri 9. U.S. condemns Cuba's reported arrest of 6 dissident https://www.cnn.com/2014/12/31/world/americas/us-cuba-dissident Mobile · Dec 31, 2014 · Havana, Cuba (CNN)Two weeks after the United States and Cuba agreed to thaw decades of icy relations, the U.S. … 10. https://www.thenation.com/article/edward-snowden-and-chelsea-manning-new-dissidents/ 11. RIMINAL JUSTICENSA SURVEILLANCEEDITORIALSEPTEMBER 23, 2013 ISSUEEdward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, the New Dissidents?The United States is no Soviet Union—and yet it has set up machinery that satisfies certain tendencies that are in the genetic code of totalitarianism. By Jonathan SchellSEPTEMBER 4, 2013 fbtwmailmsgwasms Independent N 12. While the whistleblower Edward Snowden, who revealed the National Security Agency’s mass spying, was still stuck in Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport, he received support from an unexpected quarter. Four leaders of Solidarity, the workers’ movement in Poland that upended that country’s totalitarian Communist regime in the 1980s, issued an open letter demanding that their government give Snowden sanctuary from the global manhunt being conducted by the United States. The signers were Barbara Labuda, Józef Pinior, Zbigniew Bujak and Władysław Frasyniuk, all of whom had the experience of being stalked by their government when they went underground during the period of martial law that began in 1981. “Edward Snowden did not kill anyone, did not kidnap or attack or maim anyone,” they wrote. “And yet, he is hunted and cornered like a terrorist. Why? Because he revealed an inconvenient truth about the activities of the authorities of his country. He revealed to the world that the American government systematically controls the behavior of millions of his [fellow] citizens through mass registering and listening to their telephone, Skype, Facebook, email and chat activities. Snowden’s revelations uncovered an ugly face of the American administration.” And they voiced their expectation that the European Parliament “will recognize the value of his act and will extend over him the protections of European democratic institutions, which were created in order to defend and enlarge civic freedoms and human rights.” Around the same time, in the West, a word familiar from the not so distant past—“dissident”—began to be attached to 13. Obama’s press secretary, Jay Carney, asserted, “He is not a human rights activist. He is not a dissident.” 14. in other words, people like the four Solidarity leaders who signed the letter in support of Snowden. Used this way, the word carried the implication that the US government might be that sort of oppressive power, or is perhaps on its way to becoming one. As support for Snowden grew globally and the Obama administration widened its campaign to capture him, that picture of Snowden’s situation became so broadly accepted that the White House felt impelled to challenge it explicitly. Obama’s press secretary, Jay Carney, asserted, “He is not a human rights activist. He is not a dissident.” Or to translate: “We are no Soviet Union.” 15. And yet it is chillingly true at the same time that the US government has gone further than any previous government—not excluding Stalin’s—in setting up machinery that satisfies certain tendencies that are in the genetic code of totalitarianism. One is the ambition to invade personal privacy without check or possibility of individual protection. This was impossible in the era of mere phone wiretapping, before the recent explosion  16. But now, to borrow the name of an intelligence program from the Bush years, “Total Information Awareness” is technologically within reach. The Bush and Obama administrations have taken giant strides in this direction. That China and Russia—and Britain, and many other countries—have done the same is hardly comforting to the humble individual under the eye of the universal spying apparatus. A second totalitarian tendency has been the ambition to control the entire globe—a goal built into fascist as well as commun 17. A second totalitarian tendency has been the ambition to control the entire globe—a goal built into fascist as well as communist ideologies of the early twentieth century. In Hannah Arendt’s words, “Evidence that totalitarian governments aspire to conquer the globe and bring all countries on earth under their domination can be found repeatedly in Nazi and Bolshevik literature.” Neither achieved it, or even came close. But now, in the limited arena of information, a sort of shadow or rudiment of this ambition 18. [email protected] 19. Dear Daily Mail email recipient, I'm not well, as usual here in the U.S., the capital of devil world, ie this reality ruled by the devil. I am seeking to leave here to another country. Um, Canada really. But I was looking online to figure out more about being a refugee (to Canada), which I intend to seek "protection" as in Canada as i read is part of being a refugee. While looking online, I saw some outrageous detail in quite an abnormal article online, which is quite possibly part of this reality deconstructing just before my (our?) eyes. Probably not "our" eyes, since unfortunately for me others aren't present in their forms here in this alternate universe where it's supposed to be the devil is okay n human beings not. Here's a link to the article I'm referring to n a tid bit/excerpt to get your attention to a mention of Britain as one of other secret totalitarian rules seeking world domination. Government is actually, as i understand it -- here n from the outside looking in from here/the U.S. n seeing or hearing about other countries in this reality ruled by the devil -- is totalitarian rule. There's power in the hands of the few, people controlled by the dollar n the society's strange opinions of what is okay n what is not, ie what will get people the dollar n what will not. So. Horrible. But finally here is that link to that article. .... https://www.thenation.com/article/edward-snowden-and-chelsea-manning-new-dissidents/ Here's an excerpt mentioning Britain in a way not so normal here in devil world, a very strange article. .... "But now, to borrow the name of an intelligence program from the Bush years, “Total Information Awareness” is technologically within reach. The Bush and Obama administrations have taken giant strides in this direction. That China and Russia—and Britain, and many other countries—have done the same is hardly comforting to the humble individual under the eye of the universal spying apparatus. A second totalitarian tendency has been the ambition to control the entire globe—a goal built into fascist as well as communist ideologies of the early twentieth century. In Hannah Arendt’s words, “Evidence that totalitarian governments aspire to conquer the globe and bring all countries on earth under their domination can be found repeatedly in Nazi and Bolshevik literature.” Neither achieved it, or even came close. But now, in the limited arena of information, a sort of shadow or rudiment of this ambition ...." -- end excerpt -- I didn't read the whole article. There is some mention here in devil world (not in the article as I know of) as some unconfirmed conspiracy theory as i thought of it that the United Nations would seek to do a one world government. "We have to go into another era for this to be okay here," the devil said in my mind, it seemed it was talking about the article. There's also conspiracy type talk (on Facebook) on something called "the new world order," n that I think is supposed to possibly suggest the efforts of the United Nations sometimes when it's told of, but I'm not sure. But this article is different, it's not supposed to be a conspiracy. It's supposed to be real. Just wanted to forward this to you there. You're supposed to end the world, ie the rule of the devil there. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster 20. Here's a link to the article referred to in the headline that talks about the U.S. government like secretly spying on people. .... https://www.thenation.com/article/edward-snowden-and-chelsea-manning-new-dissidents/ Previously, this is not what I heard the case was w the figure Edward Snowden was about. It was about him exposing supposedly secret details on the Iraq war. It was supposed to be a threat to national security that he exposed the details. "That is what it was. It has to change," the devil said. The article now says that Snowden revealed something else about the United States to become someone that was sought after as breaking some law regarding national security or some law regarding that it's not okay to reveal like secret security like information that supposedly endangers the US like in regard to making it vulnerable to attack supposedly from other countries or enemies or something. "I have to do something. We have to not have this anymore. Bye. Did you think I was okay. Bye," the devil said. "I have to say what happened now. Bye," the devil said after it seemed someone else was starting to say the devil had to say what happened regarding that i am attacked here for saying it's ruled by the devil here. -- "And that people aren't crazy. We can't have that. Bye," the devil said. "Did you want people to hear what you said? No. I am doing something. Bye," the devil said. I was saying won't some spells be broken like those eye bags. "I have to go as people, did you tell them they were not less," it was said of an email I just sent the Daily Mail in Britain sharing some information n a link to the article I'm mentioning here. "We have to not really continue on," the devil said. But it seems -- "Weren't you not really okay here. Well I can't do that," the devil said. But it was seeming from some stuff said now that the devil has to reveal I'm attacked here by the US government for saying it's not real here n the other stuff I said on Facebook. It was seeming Thats why the details of the Snowden case are different now from before. "No," the devil said. "But that's not what I want you to put. Can I go on now. Bye," the devil said. So things unclear still. But as im aware the details of that case w Snowden are changed here in devil world. Here next I'll paste a copy of the message sharing the article I sent the Daily Mail. .... Dear Daily Mail email recipient, I'm not well, as usual here in the U.S., the capital of devil world, ie this reality ruled by the devil. I am seeking to leave here to another country. Um, Canada really. But I was looking online to figure out more about being a refugee (to Canada), which I intend to seek "protection" as in Canada as i read is part of being a refugee. While looking online, I saw some outrageous detail in quite an abnormal article online, which is quite possibly part of this reality deconstructing just before my (our?) eyes. Probably not "our" eyes, since unfortunately for me others aren't present in their forms here in this alternate universe where it's supposed to be the devil is okay n human beings not. Here's a link to the article I'm referring to n a tid bit/excerpt to get your attention to a mention of Britain as one of other secret totalitarian rules seeking world domination. Government is actually, as i understand it -- here n from the outside looking in from here/the U.S. n seeing or hearing about other countries in this reality ruled by the devil -- is totalitarian rule. There's power in the hands of the few, people controlled by the dollar n the society's strange opinions of what is okay n what is not, ie what will get people the dollar n what will not. So. Horrible. But finally here is that link to that article. .... https://www.thenation.com/article/edward-snowden-and-chelsea-manning-new-dissidents/ Here's an excerpt mentioning Britain in a way not so normal here in devil world, a very strange article. .... "But now, to borrow the name of an intelligence program from the Bush years, “Total Information Awareness” is technologically within reach. The Bush and Obama administrations have taken giant strides in this direction. That China and Russia—and Britain, and many other countries—have done the same is hardly comforting to the humble individual under the eye of the universal spying apparatus. A second totalitarian tendency has been the ambition to control the entire globe—a goal built into fascist as well as communist ideologies of the early twentieth century. In Hannah Arendt’s words, “Evidence that totalitarian governments aspire to conquer the globe and bring all countries on earth under their domination can be found repeatedly in Nazi and Bolshevik literature.” Neither achieved it, or even came close. But now, in the limited arena of information, a sort of shadow or rudiment of this ambition ...." -- end excerpt -- I didn't read the whole article. There is some mention here in devil world (not in the article as I know of) as some unconfirmed conspiracy theory as i thought of it that the United Nations would seek to do a one world government. "We have to go into another era for this to be okay here," the devil said in my mind, it seemed it was talking about the article. There's also conspiracy type talk (on Facebook) on something called "the new world order," n that I think is supposed to possibly suggest the efforts of the United Nations sometimes when it's told of, but I'm not sure. But this article is different, it's not supposed to be a conspiracy. It's supposed to be real. Just wanted to forward this to you there. You're supposed to end the world, ie the rule of the devil there. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster
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bitcoingape · 5 years
Ripple and xRapid Praised by the World Bank in Recent Article
New Post has been published on https://bitcoingape.com/ripple-and-xrapid-praised-by-the-world-bank-in-recent-article/
Ripple and xRapid Praised by the World Bank in Recent Article
The rise of the blockchain is revolutionizing the way society interacts financially. Despite the substantial influence that traditional services have, every new day serves to establish DLTs and the cryptocurrencies as a robust and reliable substitute to fiat-based solutions, to the point that there are already influential players who recognize the increasing influence of these technologies.
On the 26th of March 2019, the World Bank published an article praising blockchain technologies and stressing that DLTs have the potential to positively impact the lives of millions of individuals, specially in countries with little economic development.
DLT-based cross-border payments potentially offer a promising pathway to dramatic improvements in the lives of millions of people in emerging economies. DLT could improve the traceability of remittances and reduce compliance costs for MTOs and supply chain payments, stimulating economic activity in destination countries.
The problem with traditional remittance systems is that they are not at all efficient. The World Bank states that in the regions where these services are most required, the costs are way higher:
Remittances are more expensive precisely in the corridors where they are needed most. Sub-Saharan Africa remains the most expensive region to send money to, with an 8.97% average cost.
Cross-border payment innovations can help reduce operational costs for remittance service providers.
The Blockchain is Changing The Remittance Business and Ripple is Leading That Revolution
The global remittances business reached about 642 billion dollars in 2018. In certain countries such as Nepal and Haiti, it even accounts for about a third of gross domestic product. The need to improve this service is a major issue.
The World Bank explained that certain technologies are already being developed; however, it seemed particularly optimistic about Ripple. According to the institution, the progress of xRapid (a Ripple solution powered by XRP) is a successful experience, lowering the costs associated with money transfers by up to 70%.
In 2018, Ripple, a FinTech company, piloted xRapid, a DLT-based cross-border payments solution, along the very competitive U.S.-Mexico corridor. Financial institutions involved in the pilot saved 40%-70% in foreign exchange costs, and the average payment times was just over two minutes. The transfer of funds on xRapid took two to three seconds, with most of the processing time explained by domestic payment rails and intermediary digital asset exchanges.
The figures provided by the World Bank are neither isolated nor subjective. As reported by Ethereum World News, a recen study by Blockdata also reached the same conclusion, explaining that a transaction with XRP is hundreds of times faster and cheaper than the most efficient means of remittances today.
The study showed that comparing the best fiat-based remittance services against any cryptocurrency transaction, “blockchain based transactions are on average 388 times faster and 127 times cheaper than traditional remittances”
The post Ripple and xRapid Praised by the World Bank in Recent Article appeared first on Ethereum World News.
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Money Transfer Software Provider in United Kingdom
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Role of Ebanking Solution Provider
Banking software provider in Netherlands banks with rich end- to- end capability and functionality to streamline their operations. They enable them to give individualized top- notch services to guests. Backed up with innovative robotization services and passionate expert advisers ; no bank will ever be packed out of business.
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 Emoneywallets of the banking system
Ebanking Solution Provider in London enable fiscal institutions to manage their own finances and indeed give convenience to their guests. utmost inventors have created platforms that distribute digital and supported data across all channels. The software gives banks unlimited reach to guests moment, hereafter and indeed in the future. This helps them to understand client requirements indeed before they state them, and come up with the stylish way to meet them. Online banking results are substantially characterized by their capability to do further of the following;
 1. confining Digital Fraud Best Practices
 Banks face challenges to manage both impalpable and palpable means, security protocols are of great significance. While watchwords have been used for a long time to cover important information, some banks have fallen victims of attacks executed by cyber culprits who use crucial logging ways, sophisticated technology and phishing to compromise the bank’s systems.
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 moment, Banking software provider in Estonia are gaining fashionability as a result to guarding banking systems. So, what's banking security software? The software controls access to any system by matching the behavioural and physiological characteristics of an individual to database information.
 Banking software has been designed to ameliorate functional effectiveness by barring tedious executive processes involved with maintaining access
 cards, watchwords and leg figures. This technology has the capability to cover, track and report attendance situations and access to outfit.
 As a supplement to conventional word access, banks that want to beef up security can incorporate a combination of biometric procedures and digital access. In fact, numerous companies use this online banking result moment.
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 2. The Rise In requirements Processing – Merchant Services
 The failure and success of any bank depend on its client’s fiscal operation. But finance operation can be veritably grueling in moment’s terrain. Online banking results can be veritably helpful for digital banking, the leading Financial Apps Development Company in UK have worked with hundreds of guests in website design, strategy, marketing and data operation. They help banks to get good control over guests ’ finance operation.
A banking software is used by colorful banking companies to govern their income, lending, recessions, deposits, administration and much further. It helps maximize gains and ensures sustainability. Every bank should have good online banking results to face the challenge of administration services and operation of client finances.
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 3. Overview Of Motivation Credit
At present, electronic credits are the norm across the globe. Banks need a point that manages online banking results,e.g., credit cards, disbenefit cards,e-wallets and a range of systems. Thanks to digital banking software inventors, banks can cipher all credits fleetly and with a dropped liability of mortal- grounded crimes.
 Banks should look for digital banking software inventors that can offer good fiscal operation at cost effective value. A good banking software can keep track of arrears, keep records streamlined, minimize paperwork, insure data integrity and security, balance several client accounts, coordinate balance wastes, income statements and indeed charges, keep all deals transparent and much further.
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cryptswahili · 6 years
Investment Memo: 8 Reasons 8 Decimal Invested in SendFriend
Investment Memo: 8 Reasons We Invested in SendFriend
By: Kadeem Clarke, Investment Manager
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SendFriend has a strong team for many reasons. The CEO, David Lighton, has a strong background in the remittance space based on his financial inclusion work for the World Bank in Haiti and blockchain experience from MIT Media Lab paired with an understanding of the complex legal environment associated with the space. Joel Kosloski, the CTO, has 13 years of experience within the remittance space at multiple companies. Most recently, Joel served as Senior Director, Enterprise Architecture & Chief Enterprise Architect at MoneyGram (the second largest company in the payment remittances space). CRO David Anderson is leading the go-to-market efforts, having originally met David L. in class at Harvard Business School. Overall, the entire team has experience from a technology perspective in the remittance space as well as the industry in general.
2. Why Blockchain?
SendFriend leverages blockchain technology to reduce the cost of global remittances for the millions of migrant workers who overpay for international money transfer as a result of friction in the banking system. Current incumbents, such as Western Union, Xoom, MoneyGram, and Remitly, all use a combination of SWIFT, correspondent banks and foreign exchange houses for international FX transfers. Instead, SendFriend uses blockchain. SendFriend sends money quicker and cheaper than its competitors. SendFriend has recently partnered with Ripple for the US-Philippines corridor, along with a partnership with Coins.ph for distribution. Blockchain offers superior speed and transparency for the processing of international payments and SendFriend will be the first US company to bring this benefit to consumers in a compliant fashion.
3. Timing
Oftentimes, businesses in the blockchain space struggle with timing. If current technology is not fully developed to support their application, then the business won’t be successful. However, the timing for SendFriend is right, all of the infrastructure to conduct remittances using blockchain is already developed.
4. Other Investors
SendFriend will benefit from the network effects produced by their two most notable supporters, the Barclays Accelerator powered by Techstars and Ripple. SendFriend was among 10 startups selected from over 750 applicants for the Barclays Accelerator powered by Techstars program, during which SendFriend was able to secure funding. Not only is SendFriend the only US-Philippines launch partner for Ripple’s xRapid, but Ripple is supporting SendFriend’s go-to-market efforts in the form of a $1 million incentive. 8 Decimal intends to provide SendFriend with advice, potential partnerships, and access to a wide network in the US and Asia as SendFriend’s business expands. Additionally, we will provide consultation and support for marketing and community outreach. Other notable investors include 2020 Ventures (an investor in Chain, Circle, and Ripple), Lytical Ventures, and angel investors.
5. Valuation
We can’t go into too much detail about this, but the price is right.
6. Unicorn Potential
In order to become a unicorn, a company must have a sustainable business model, that generates multiple streams of cash flow, operating in a large market. We firmly believe that SendFriend demonstrates these characteristics. They have a good combination of an experienced team, large $650 billion remittance market, and investors that provide more than just capital. SendFriend’s growth strategy is focused on revenue from transactions, APIs, and white-label solutions.
7. Marketing Strategy
Their integrated marketing approach will reach consumers already sending money online, and consumers who currently send cash only, offline. This will be done by accessing tight-knit Filipino communities through grassroots campaigns, events, co-branding, and partnerships.
8. Competition
This is a highly competitive space with longtime incumbents. However, SendFriend has built strong partnerships along its supply chain, while developing a foundation to significantly minimize friction in the system. SendFriend’s size could prove to be an asset as the incumbents will have a hard time following since they risk self-disruption and high switching costs. It is important to note that this is such a large market that there can be multiple winners. For example, 1% of just the US-PHP corridor would represent $400 million being transferred.
8 Decimal Capital: Shape the Blockchain Future
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8 DECIMAL CAPITAL is a multi-strategy investment firm focusing on token and equity investments. 8 Decimal currently has more than 40 portfolio companies with an AUM of 60M USD. The investment team consists of more than 10 venture capital veterans, researchers, and trading professionals. The advisory board comprises Fan Zhang (Former Founding Partner of Sequoia Capital China), Karen Chen (Former CEO of UBS China) and Ben Bartlett (Vice Mayor of Berkeley). Based on the professional fund index ranking agency Token Metrics, 8 Decimal was ranked second out of the 51 active crypto funds. 8 Decimal is also well-received in China, named one of the top 10 funds in the blockchain industry by both 36氪(36Kr.com), Chain Capture , and Odaily, as well as named one of the top 20 funds by Tsinghua X-Lab and Youth Education Chain League.
Investment Memo: 8 Reasons 8 Decimal Invested in SendFriend was originally published in Hacker Noon on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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Refugee Admissions - State https://www.state.gov/j/prm/ra Mobile · Refugee Resettlement in the United States. The United States is proud of its history of welcoming immigrants andrefugees. The U.S. refugee resettlement program ... https://www.state.gov/j/prm/ra/Refugee Resettlement in the United States The United States is proud of its history of welcoming immigrants and refugees. The U.S. refugee resettlement program reflects the United States’ highest values and aspirations to compassion, generosity and leadership. Since 1975, Americans have welcomed over 3 million refugees from all over the world. Refugees have built new lives, homes and communities in towns and cities in all 50 states. Resettlement: The Solution for Only a Few A refugee is someone who has fled from his or her home country and cannot return because he or she has a well-founded fear of persecution based on religion, race, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. The first step for most refugees is to register with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the country to which s/he has fled. UNHCR has the mandate to provide international prot ________________________________________ From: Rebecca Ouellet Snr [[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 7:08 PM Subject: Re: your message Calvary Greetings With Due Respect And Humility, I was compelled to write to you under humanitarian grounds. Having known my condition I decided to donate my fortune to a God fearing brother or sister that will utilize this fund the way I am going to instruct herein. I have diagnosed with cancer of the liver and stroke about 2 years ago. I will be going in for an operation later today. I am 59 years old widow with no child that will inherit my fund and I don't want this money used in an ungodly way. This is why I am taking this decision to hand over to you this Fund. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I want somebody that will use this fund according to the desire of my late husband to help Less privileged people, orphanages, widows and for the good work of the lord. I also want part or this fund to be donated to any humanitarian Organization presently in Haiti. Solemnly contact my lawyer by quoting my personal reference number LJ/ABK/444/0109/DRNX/223SE/SE alongside with your name and location. CHUNG, MALHAS & MANTEL, PLLC Contact Person: Barrister Jose Goivanni Email: [email protected] Address: Melbourne Tower 1511 3rd Ave #1088 Seattle, WA 98101 Be informed that I have paid the state tax on this will to be transferred to you and as soon as you contact him in the manner that I have stated above. He should be able to recognize you as the third beneficiary and also help in claiming this amount from my Bank. Meanwhile, you are advised to keep this mail and its contents confidential as I really want my wish to be accomplished at the end of the day. Beloved, I want you and member of your family to always remember me in your daily prayers because of my upcoming cancer surgery. I write this mail to you solemnly with the faith that you will assist me in my last wish. God Bless. Kind Regards Mrs Rebecca Ouellet -- sent from my iPad Confidentiality Notice: This message and any attachments to it are intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, distribution or copying is strictly prohibited and we assume no liability for any loss or damage suffered as a result of same. . Not Junk ForwardClose Good dayLegal Trustee [[email protected]] Links and active content have been disabled in this message. To restore them, click the Not Junk button, or move this message to the Inbox folder. Sent:Thursday, April 5, 2018 1:07 PM We have money in your surname, please contact me for more information about your inheritance Yours sincerely, Albrecht Lutz Legal Administrator Please send me an email on The Responsibility to Protect the World from the United Sta https://dissidentvoice.org/2018/01/the-responsibility-to-protect... One of the most ingenious propaganda weapons ever developed is that the powerful nations of the West—led by the United States—have a moral responsibility to use ... sponsibility to Protect the World from the United States by Ajamu Baraka / January 12th, 2018 One of the most ingenious propaganda weapons ever developed is that the powerful nations of the West—led by the United States—have a moral responsibility to use military force to protect the rights of people being repressed by their governments. This “responsibility to protect” (R2P) always had a dubious legal standing, but its moral justification also required a psychological and historical disengagement from the bloody reality of the 500-hundred-year history of U.S. and European colonialism, slavery, genocide and torture that created the “West.” This violent, lawless Pan-European colonial/capitalist project continues today under the hegemony of the U.S. empire. This then begs the questions of who really needs the protection and who protects the peoples of the world from the United States and The fact that the United States and Europe can wrap themselves in the flag of morality, practice savior politics and get away with it is a testament to the enduring psychopathology of white supremacist ideology. The most extreme expressions of this cognitive dissonance occurred during the Obama administration, when the notion of U.S. exceptionalism was used to justify continuing the barbarism of the Bush administration’s so-called War on Terror. With this justification and the outrageous assertion that it was defending democracy, the U.S./EU/NATO axis of domination committed cri U.S. condemns Cuba's reported arrest of 6 dissident https://www.cnn.com/2014/12/31/world/americas/us-cuba-dissident Mobile · Dec 31, 2014 · Havana, Cuba (CNN)Two weeks after the United States and Cuba agreed to thaw decades of icy relations, the U.S. … https://www.thenation.com/article/edward-snowden-and-chelsea-manning-new-dissidents/RIMINAL JUSTICENSA SURVEILLANCEEDITORIALSEPTEMBER 23, 2013 ISSUEEdward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, the New Dissidents?The United States is no Soviet Union—and yet it has set up machinery that satisfies certain tendencies that are in the genetic code of totalitarianism. By Jonathan SchellSEPTEMBER 4, 2013 fbtwmailmsgwasms Independent N While the whistleblower Edward Snowden, who revealed the National Security Agency’s mass spying, was still stuck in Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport, he received support from an unexpected quarter. Four leaders of Solidarity, the workers’ movement in Poland that upended that country’s totalitarian Communist regime in the 1980s, issued an open letter demanding that their government give Snowden sanctuary from the global manhunt being conducted by the United States. The signers were Barbara Labuda, Józef Pinior, Zbigniew Bujak and Władysław Frasyniuk, all of whom had the experience of being stalked by their government when they went underground during the period of martial law that began in 1981. “Edward Snowden did not kill anyone, did not kidnap or attack or maim anyone,” they wrote. “And yet, he is hunted and cornered like a terrorist. Why? Because he revealed an inconvenient truth about the activities of the authorities of his country. He revealed to the world that the American government systematically controls the behavior of millions of his [fellow] citizens through mass registering and listening to their telephone, Skype, Facebook, email and chat activities. Snowden’s revelations uncovered an ugly face of the American administration.” And they voiced their expectation that the European Parliament “will recognize the value of his act and will extend over him the protections of European democratic institutions, which were created in order to defend and enlarge civic freedoms and human rights.” Around the same time, in the West, a word familiar from the not so distant past—“dissident”—began to be attached to Obama’s press secretary, Jay Carney, asserted, “He is not a human rights activist. He is not a dissident.” in other words, people like the four Solidarity leaders who signed the letter in support of Snowden. Used this way, the word carried the implication that the US government might be that sort of oppressive power, or is perhaps on its way to becoming one. As support for Snowden grew globally and the Obama administration widened its campaign to capture him, that picture of Snowden’s situation became so broadly accepted that the White House felt impelled to challenge it explicitly. Obama’s press secretary, Jay Carney, asserted, “He is not a human rights activist. He is not a dissident.” Or to translate: “We are no Soviet Union.” And yet it is chillingly true at the same time that the US government has gone further than any previous government—not excluding Stalin’s—in setting up machinery that satisfies certain tendencies that are in the genetic code of totalitarianism. One is the ambition to invade personal privacy without check or possibility of individual protection. This was impossible in the era of mere phone wiretapping, before the recent explosion But now, to borrow the name of an intelligence program from the Bush years, “Total Information Awareness” is technologically within reach. The Bush and Obama administrations have taken giant strides in this direction. That China and Russia—and Britain, and many other countries—have done the same is hardly comforting to the humble individual under the eye of the universal spying apparatus. A second totalitarian tendency has been the ambition to control the entire globe—a goal built into fascist as well as commun A second totalitarian tendency has been the ambition to control the entire globe—a goal built into fascist as well as communist ideologies of the early twentieth century. In Hannah Arendt’s words, “Evidence that totalitarian governments aspire to conquer the globe and bring all countries on earth under their domination can be found repeatedly in Nazi and Bolshevik literature.” Neither achieved it, or even came close. But now, in the limited arena of information, a sort of shadow or rudiment of this ambition [email protected] Dear Daily Mail email recipient, I'm not well, as usual here in the U.S., the capital of devil world, ie this reality ruled by the devil. I am seeking to leave here to another country. Um, Canada really. But I was looking online to figure out more about being a refugee (to Canada), which I intend to seek "protection" as in Canada as i read is part of being a refugee. While looking online, I saw some outrageous detail in quite an abnormal article online, which is quite possibly part of this reality deconstructing just before my (our?) eyes. Probably not "our" eyes, since unfortunately for me others aren't present in their forms here in this alternate universe where it's supposed to be the devil is okay n human beings not. Here's a link to the article I'm referring to n a tid bit/excerpt to get your attention to a mention of Britain as one of other secret totalitarian rules seeking world domination. Government is actually, as i understand it -- here n from the outside looking in from here/the U.S. n seeing or hearing about other countries in this reality ruled by the devil -- is totalitarian rule. There's power in the hands of the few, people controlled by the dollar n the society's strange opinions of what is okay n what is not, ie what will get people the dollar n what will not. So. Horrible. But finally here is that link to that article. .... https://www.thenation.com/article/edward-snowden-and-chelsea-manning-new-dissidents/ Here's an excerpt mentioning Britain in a way not so normal here in devil world, a very strange article. .... "But now, to borrow the name of an intelligence program from the Bush years, “Total Information Awareness” is technologically within reach. The Bush and Obama administrations have taken giant strides in this direction. That China and Russia—and Britain, and many other countries—have done the same is hardly comforting to the humble individual under the eye of the universal spying apparatus. A second totalitarian tendency has been the ambition to control the entire globe—a goal built into fascist as well as communist ideologies of the early twentieth century. In Hannah Arendt’s words, “Evidence that totalitarian governments aspire to conquer the globe and bring all countries on earth under their domination can be found repeatedly in Nazi and Bolshevik literature.” Neither achieved it, or even came close. But now, in the limited arena of information, a sort of shadow or rudiment of this ambition ...." -- end excerpt -- I didn't read the whole article. There is some mention here in devil world (not in the article as I know of) as some unconfirmed conspiracy theory as i thought of it that the United Nations would seek to do a one world government. "We have to go into another era for this to be okay here," the devil said in my mind, it seemed it was talking about the article. There's also conspiracy type talk (on Facebook) on something called "the new world order," n that I think is supposed to possibly suggest the efforts of the United Nations sometimes when it's told of, but I'm not sure. But this article is different, it's not supposed to be a conspiracy. It's supposed to be real. Just wanted to forward this to you there. You're supposed to end the world, ie the rule of the devil there. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster Here's a link to the article referred to in the headline that talks about the U.S. government like secretly spying on people. .... https://www.thenation.com/article/edward-snowden-and-chelsea-manning-new-dissidents/ Previously, this is not what I heard the case was w the figure Edward Snowden was about. It was about him exposing supposedly secret details on the Iraq war. It was supposed to be a threat to national security that he exposed the details. "That is what it was. It has to change," the devil said. The article now says that Snowden revealed something else about the United States to become someone that was sought after as breaking some law regarding national security or some law regarding that it's not okay to reveal like secret security like information that supposedly endangers the US like in regard to making it vulnerable to attack supposedly from other countries or enemies or something. "I have to do something. We have to not have this anymore. Bye. Did you think I was okay. Bye," the devil said. "I have to say what happened now. Bye," the devil said after it seemed someone else was starting to say the devil had to say what happened regarding that i am attacked here for saying it's ruled by the devil here. -- "And that people aren't crazy. We can't have that. Bye," the devil said. "Did you want people to hear what you said? No. I am doing something. Bye," the devil said. I was saying won't some spells be broken like those eye bags. "I have to go as people, did you tell them they were not less," it was said of an email I just sent the Daily Mail in Britain sharing some information n a link to the article I'm mentioning here. "We have to not really continue on," the devil said. But it seems -- "Weren't you not really okay here. Well I can't do that," the devil said. But it was seeming from some stuff said now that the devil has to reveal I'm attacked here by the US government for saying it's not real here n the other stuff I said on Facebook. It was seeming Thats why the details of the Snowden case are different now from before. "No," the devil said. "But that's not what I want you to put. Can I go on now. Bye," the devil said. So things unclear still. But as im aware the details of that case w Snowden are changed here in devil world. Here next I'll paste a copy of the message sharing the article I sent the Daily Mail. .... Dear Daily Mail email recipient, I'm not well, as usual here in the U.S., the capital of devil world, ie this reality ruled by the devil. I am seeking to leave here to another country. Um, Canada really. But I was looking online to figure out more about being a refugee (to Canada), which I intend to seek "protection" as in Canada as i read is part of being a refugee. While looking online, I saw some outrageous detail in quite an abnormal article online, which is quite possibly part of this reality deconstructing just before my (our?) eyes. Probably not "our" eyes, since unfortunately for me others aren't present in their forms here in this alternate universe where it's supposed to be the devil is okay n human beings not. Here's a link to the article I'm referring to n a tid bit/excerpt to get your attention to a mention of Britain as one of other secret totalitarian rules seeking world domination. Government is actually, as i understand it -- here n from the outside looking in from here/the U.S. n seeing or hearing about other countries in this reality ruled by the devil -- is totalitarian rule. There's power in the hands of the few, people controlled by the dollar n the society's strange opinions of what is okay n what is not, ie what will get people the dollar n what will not. So. Horrible. But finally here is that link to that article. .... https://www.thenation.com/article/edward-snowden-and-chelsea-manning-new-dissidents/ Here's an excerpt mentioning Britain in a way not so normal here in devil world, a very strange article. .... "But now, to borrow the name of an intelligence program from the Bush years, “Total Information Awareness” is technologically within reach. The Bush and Obama administrations have taken giant strides in this direction. That China and Russia—and Britain, and many other countries—have done the same is hardly comforting to the humble individual under the eye of the universal spying apparatus. A second totalitarian tendency has been the ambition to control the entire globe—a goal built into fascist as well as communist ideologies of the early twentieth century. In Hannah Arendt’s words, “Evidence that totalitarian governments aspire to conquer the globe and bring all countries on earth under their domination can be found repeatedly in Nazi and Bolshevik literature.” Neither achieved it, or even came close. But now, in the limited arena of information, a sort of shadow or rudiment of this ambition ...." -- end excerpt -- I didn't read the whole article. There is some mention here in devil world (not in the article as I know of) as some unconfirmed conspiracy theory as i thought of it that the United Nations would seek to do a one world government. "We have to go into another era for this to be okay here," the devil said in my mind, it seemed it was talking about the article. There's also conspiracy type talk (on Facebook) on something called "the new world order," n that I think is supposed to possibly suggest the efforts of the United Nations sometimes when it's told of, but I'm not sure. But this article is different, it's not supposed to be a conspiracy. It's supposed to be real. Just wanted to forward this to you there. You're supposed to end the world, ie the rule of the devil there. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster
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