#Barisan Nasional
scrabbleknight · 2 years
So, for those who don't know, recently my home country of Malaysia had their 15th general election. In order for American/European viewers to understand what this means, let me break it down to you because it's actually stupidly confusing even for locals.
Malaysia's political parties aren't like the ones in the US. They're party coalitions aka groups made of several parties. The popular example would be Barisan Nasional. BN is made out of *looks to Wikipedia* 13 different parties, led by UMNO. BN has 3 main parties - UMNO, MIC and MCA - which were the country's first ever political parties, founded under the purpose of independence.
Malaysia's political parties are mostly about race and/or religion. UMNO are Malays, MIC are Indians and MCA are Chinese, the 3 major racial groups in Malaysia. Another example from a different group is PAS which is an Islamic political party, as well as so many parties focusing on the states of Sabah and Sarawak.
There are 3 main coalitions you need to know: Barisan Nasional, Perikatan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan. PN and PH used to be part of the same coalition known as Pakatan Rakyat (no longer exists). They broke up due to, eh, racial tension.
Much like the US, no single party or party group rules the government. It's always a mixed bag, but because of how these coalitions work, the bag is more mixed than trail mix. So no, you won't have a "Democrats Vs Republicans" situation here. Only "Government vs Opposition", with Government being the major coalition with the supporting Prime Minister.
For general elections, you don't vote for the country. You vote for a representative of the local district, who holds a seat in the government. That seat is essentially a "vote" in of itself, which decides which group holds the government. So the more seats, the stronger the group's influence. That group's leader (decided by the group) becomes the Prime Minister. Essentially, you're not voting for a person; you're voting for a party.
For most of history, BN has been the Government. They were the oldest coalition and had the greatest amount of support and trust. However, due to recent financial and economical recessions and scandals, BN has been rapidly losing support. They're still powerful, mind you, but people are now looking for alternatives.
I am here to announce that Pakatan Harapan has won the recent general election. They were an opposition party founded roughly 8 years ago due to the mentioned scandals fallouts. It's the fastest growing coalition in Malaysian history with huge support from the younger generation. However, they did not win a simple majority (aka half of the seats). Due to that, the sultan (the country's leading figure) asked for PH to form a UNITY GOVERNMENT.
I really need to stress how big of a deal that is. We've never had a unity government before. Essentially, since PH didn't win a simple majority, they'll work together with other coalitions in order to increase the number of seats and ensure a smoother process. So a group of coalitions, which itself is a group of parties, form the new government. A group of groups.
Imagine if the Republicans won the election but didn't win enough, so they began partnering with the Green Party. That's essentially what's happening. The trail mix has been mixed even further.
All in all, it's been a somewhat chaotic general election. Note that unlike the US, we're discouraged from discriminating people due to their political association. That's why it's much more calm and less crazy, despite the chaos that runs in the background.
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thisisbjoeblog · 2 years
General Elections 2022: GE15 - Pakatan Leads But With Some Bad News & Losses
General Elections 2022: GE15 – Pakatan Leads But With Some Bad News & Losses
GE15 results were predictable but the end showed how racial and religious the country has been with the North & East of the Peninsular going to the radial Perikatan Nasional (PN) whilst the West & South to Pakatan Harapan (PH) with Barisan Nasional (BN) picking the middle. East Malaysia squarely went to the dominant GRS & GPS coalition. Image source: Wikipedia (more…)
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suara-rakyat-blog · 2 days
Semua Parti Politik tidak boleh tubuhkan Kerajaan kecuali membawa UMNO sekali. Ini telah terbukti semasa Penubuhan Kerajaan Perikatan Nasional yang diketuai oleh Muhyiddin Yassin dan tidak cukup kerusi untuk tubuhkan kerajaan. PN terpaksa dengan rasa tak malu mahu UMNO menyokong Perikatan Nasional untuk tubuh kerajaan.
Begitu juga selepas Piliharanraya ke 15, tak ada satu Parti Politik yang menang ketika itu sehingga kerajaan tidak dapat dibentuk di Malaysia.
Maka Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim iaitu ketua Pakatan Harapan yang mendapat 83 kerusi memujuk UMNO untuk sama-sama membentuk Kerajaan Perpaduan. Maka tertubuh kerajaan Madani yang disokong oleh UMNO. Ini lah yang dikatakan oleh-orang Melayu. UMNO Parti Keramat Orang melayu.
Dinamik Politik: Video ini meneroka hubungan antara UMNO (Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu) dan parti politik lain di Malaysia, terutamanya semasa krisis.
Keputusasaan dan Perikatan: Ia menonjolkan bagaimana UMNO menjadi sekutu yang dicari apabila parti lain menghadapi cabaran atau tekanan politik.
Sentimen Pengundi: Perbincangan mungkin termasuk pandangan tentang bagaimana orang ramai melihat peranan UMNO dalam politik Malaysia dan kesannya terhadap tingkah laku pengundi.
Konteks Sejarah: Video ini berkemungkinan merujuk kepada contoh masa lalu di mana UMNO memainkan peranan penting dalam pembinaan pakatan semasa pergolakan politik.
Implikasi Masa Depan: Spekulasi tentang masa depan UMNO dan potensi strateginya untuk mendapatkan semula pengaruh dalam landskap politik Malaysia yang semakin berkembang.
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kazifatagar · 29 days
BN to retain Mahkota with 10,000 vote majority
Kluang Umno chief Jais Sarday expressed confidence that Barisan Nasional (BN) will secure the Mahkota state seat by a 10,000-vote majority in the upcoming by-election. This target is double the majority achieved by the late Sharifah Azizah Syed Zain in the 2022 state polls. Jais noted that while voter turnout in the previous election was about 57%, he expects it to rise to 70% this time. Read…
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dinisuciyanti · 2 years
Episode hidup
Sewaktu TK, aku hanya terobsesi dengan 2 hal, menggambar doraemon yang bagus dan menari “kuku kuku” nya chikita meidy di pentas seni kabupaten. 
Masuk SD, setiap dapat LKS di awal minggu caturwulan/semester, aku terobsesi untuk menyelesaikan semua latihan di LKS tsb, agar aku bisa main sepulang sekolah, ga pusing mikirin PR. Obsesi ku yang lain, mengalahkan ranking 1 si anak guru, tapi gak pernah bisa, mentok di ranking 2. 
Masuk SMP, aku pernah dipanggil guru biologi di 2 kelas berbeda, karna di kelas tsb tidak ada yang bisa jawab “kenapa pohon karet menggugurkan daunnya di musim kemarau”. Jadi aku yang jawab, karna aku bisa jawab pas beliau di kelas ku. Sok banget dini, padahal ini gak sengaja. Masuk kelas 9, guru matematika ku senang membuat PR dan mengecek jawaban muridnya. Jadilah aku, yang males salah ini, jawabannya bener terus, ketika yang lain berdiri 30 menit, aku duduk sendiri di kelas. Bodo amat. 
Semasa SMP, aku merasa, aku si pintar sendiri, ya ada sih yang lain, tapi gak banyak, mentok beda kelas, gak pernah beneran head to head sekelas sama anak pinter, I guess. Masuk SMA, kaget. Aku masuk ke kelas RSBI, isinya 80 besar ujian tulis tertinggi di sekolah tsb. Ujian yang sengaja dibuat untuk memilih anak RSBI, ada 2 kelas, per 40 anak. 
Pas kenalan, mengamati satu per satu, kaget, kok ya kalo gak anak olimpiade, anak debat, atau siswa berprestasi. Aku ini siapa? wkwkwk, insekyur. Tapi aku bersyukur, aku bisa melihat ternyata banyak anak yang lebih pintar di dunia ini, di luar zona nyaman desa ku yang jauhnya 27km dari kota.
Masuk kuliah, ya, udah lebih diverse lagi, se-nasional ada semua, makin gak ngerti kenapa ada yang UTS/UAS kalkulus nya 90+, dan itu mostly anak Fateta/Statistik. Anak gizi juga pinter-pinter sih, terpantau barisan sakit hati yang gak masuk FK, mostly jago di Biologi. Aku pernah, di ujian Anatomi (I guess), nilai ujianku sempurna. Jumawa dong. Tapi itu gak berlangsung lama, masih banyak yang lebih pintar dan cumlaude di wisuda. Tentu saja aku gak cumlaude gara-gara Kalkulus ku C. 
Masuk s2, ya so so sih. Karna cuma ber-12, jadi keliatan banget si paling belajar dan yang santai. Mostly gak ada pilihan lain selain belajar, yang penting lulus. 
Episode kehidupan yang, kalo dipikir-pikir, aku yang sekarang adalah cerminan aku yang dulu, dari segi sikap, how I deal with apa-apa yang ku hadapi dari dulu, sampai sekarang. Mungkin ini hasil dari anak yang tidak pernah di-push untuk belajar, tidak di-push bimbel ini itu, tidak disetir mesti masuk sekolah/ponpes, dan yang juga tidak diapresiasi sebagaimanapun achievement ku waktu itu. 
Semoga kita mendewasa dengan baik.
4 Desember 2022
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ferdausoloansinaga · 1 year
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Tugas Marketing Politik 21 Agustus 2023
Nama : Ferdaus Oloan Sinaga
NIM : 20652059
Kelas : 7C
Profile Politik Dari seorang Pasha Ungu :
Sigit Purnomo Syamsuddin Said S.A.P. yang lebih dikenal sebagai Pasha (lahir 27 November 1979) adalah seorang penyanyi dan politikus Indonesia yang menjabat sebagai Wakil Wali Kota Palu, Sulawesi Tengah pada periode 2016–2021. Sebelum terjun ke dunia politik, Pasha merupakan vokalis grup musik Ungu Pasha bergabung dengan Ungu pada tahun 1999.
Vokalis band Ungu, Sigit Purnomo alias Pasha bakal mencalonkan diri sebagai anggota Legislatif dalam Pemilu 2024. Ia yang merupakan kader Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) akan berjuang memperebutkan kursi di DPR RI untuk daerah pemilihan (Dapil) 3 DKI Jakarta.
Banda Aceh (ANTARA) - Ketua Umum Barisan Muda Penegak Amanat Nasional (BM PAN) Sigit Purnomo alias Pasha Ungu menyatakan bakal mencalonkan diri sebagai anggota DPR RI dari Daerah Pemilihan (Dapil) 3 DKI Jakarta.
"Saya sendiri insya Allah maju sebagai calon anggota DPR RI dari Dapil 3 DKI Jakarta," kata Pasha Ungu usai bertemu kader BM PAN Aceh di Banda Aceh, Rabu.
Politikus PAN tersebut menyatakan telah mendapatkan perintah dari Ketua Umum PAN Zulkifli Hasan untuk menjaga kursi dari daerah DKI Jakarta.
Pasha meyatakan meski nantinya maju dari luar basis atau asalnya yakni Sulawesi Tengah, dirinya tetap optimistis bisa meraup suara dari DKI Jakarta dan melenggang ke Senayan, sebutan DPR RI berlokasi.
Apalagi, lanjut Pasha, masyarakat di DKI Jakarta hari ini sudah sangat heterogen, cukup berkembang, serta terdapat berbagai macam ras dan suku.
"Dan kami juga diuntungkan sebagai publik figur, yang mana seluruh masyarakat bisa dikatakan mengenal kami. Ini menjadi nilai tambah juga," kata dia.
Pasha kemudian menuturkan alasannya ingin maju sebagai calon legislatif (caleg). Sang pelantun Cinta Dalam Hati tersebut menilai bahwa keterlibatannya di politik bisa memberi manfaat nyata bagi masyarakat.
Terlebih, Pasha sudah merasakan mengemban tugas sebagai Wakil Walikota Palu selama 5 tahun. Ia pun merasa puas karena bisa memimpin pembangunan sebuah kota yang menjadi manfaat bagi banyak orang.
"Kalau orang yang sudah terjun di dunia politik biasanya, antara tidak bisa keluar atau enggak mau keluar. Nah kalau saya termasuk yang enggak mau keluar," ujar Pasha.
"Karena sudah merasakan 5 tahun bagaimana kita membangun sebuah kota, meski kemarin ada bencana alam. Kita bisa bersinergi dengan banyak pihak, tokoh, dan masyarakat. Bahagia jadi manfaat buat orang lain," lanjutnya.
Pasha pun yakin bahwa dengan berikhtiar maksimal seperti sosialisasi di tempat yang akan menjadi Daerah Pemilihan (Dapil), dia mampu meraih kemenangan dalam Pemilihan Legislatif (Pileg) mendatang.
"Insya allah kalau kita maksimal di lapangan, saya kira kemenangan akan menanti kita lah," ujar Pasha.
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The honorable former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir, First, congratulations on the publication of your new book Capturing Hope: The Struggle Continues for A New Malaysia. The name of the book offers one hope again. This reminds me of the excitement when you led Pakatan Harapan to topple Barisan Nasional in the 14th General Elections where people were looking forward to a better nation. At that moment, all believed that a new Malaysia was finally born. The Barisan Nasional, described by you as a regime tainted with corruption and power abuse, was finally defeated. Due to the excitement shared by the nation, many were unable to sleep that night. The Chinese was even more passionate and emotional, thinking that a new Malaysia had taken shape. The Chinese extended you and the Pakatan Harapan strong support hoping that the country would be better under your helm the second time. Generally, the Chinese felt that you would make use of the second chance to rectify the errors in the 22 years when you first became the Prime Minister. However, the Pakatan Harapan collapsed in less than 22 months. You passed the blame to others again, not thinking that you should shoulder some of the responsibilities. With your silent approval, the Malay Dignity Congress was held in 2019, hitting out at the Chinese education that caused the Chinese, who had voted for you, think that you burned the bridge after crossing it. You also said the Pakatan Harapan election manifesto was not a bible. Hence, the abolition of toll charges, recognition of the United Examination Certificate (UEC), the different stand on Lynas before and after the election have disappointed many Pakatan Harapan supporters. At the launch of your new book, you shared some of your views. More than 90% of the Chinese voters who had voted for the Pakatan Harapan in the 14th General Elections were upset by your views. First, you said a single stream in education would be the best education system for Malaysia. The existence of multiple streams hampered national unity and the shaping of a true identity. You said this: “In Malaysia, we have 26 to 30% of Chinese and 10% of Indians where they maintain their culture and customs such as the Chinese eat with chopsticks while we use hands. “Malaysians are very accommodating people. Because of this, assimilation is difficult for the Chinese. Instead, when the Arabs and Indians came to Malaysia, they were assimilated as Malays where they spoke Malays and behaved like the Malays. Hence, for the Chinese to be accepted by all, they should learn from the Indians and Arabs to assimilate and live like the bumiputras. “ In fact, I wish to inform you that a single language is not the only tool to unite the people. Otherwise, the Malay society would not be divided now. Furthermore, not 100% of Malays send their children to national school. Many Malays send their children to private schools, Chinese primary schools and Islamic schools to study. Some financially capable ones send their children to France, United Kingdom, Australia and other western countries for primary schools. Hence, your allegation against Chinese education is full of bias. Parents generally place emphasis on their children’s education and hope to achieve some form of security for their children’s future through education. Chinese is the same. Hence, if the government does a good job in national education, Chinese will send their children to national primary schools without coercion, just like how many parents sent their children to English medium schools back then. In addition, I would like to say the fact that the Chinese eat with chopsticks and study in Chinese primary school do not cast negative impact on the love and loyalty to the country. Born and raised here, Malaysian Chinese are well versed in Malay Language. We recognize that Malaysia is our country and not China. Strictly speaking, there are fewer local Chinese who can’t speak Malay nowadays. Do not continue to have such stereotype on the people in your country.” Those described by you who refused to integrate and only have China in their hearts are not the majority. They are unable to represent the majority of the Chinese. Just like those extreme right wings who continue to highlight Malays first, they do not represent the majority moderate Malays. So, Tun Dr Mahathir, you are wrong. Secondly, during movement control order, people of all races live in hardship. The politicians, who should be looking after the welfare of people, are trapped in power struggle, regardless of the well-being of the people. At this juncture, we see many capable Malaysians from different education background extend a helping hand to many regardless of their ethnic groups. In order words, people of different ethnic groups live in harmony and care for each other. There is no issue on racial unity nor language barrier. The unity issue that you mentioned earlier is a fake issue. In fact, politicians like you are the main culprit, not the type of schools. In reality, there are many people who actually work on fostering national integration. Instead, politicians are the ones who continue to divide the people with half-truth racist remarks. Please do not have the narrow thinking of treating Chinese education as a grain of sand in your eye. Instead, multiple streams in education should be seen as the advantage of the nation. For many years, multiple streams in education had groomed many talents, including the Malays. These talents are shining at international arena and are proud Malaysians. So, Tun Dr Mahathir, you are wrong. You also said that in order to progress, we should learn to accept a single identity, not Malays, Chinese or Indians but Malaysians. We totally agree with you on this. You cited United States as an example. You said: Look at US, who are Americans? They speak American English, embrace American culture, love US and even see their country of origin as an enemy. They go to battle field when necessary, regardless of their names. Your name could have reflected Dutch, German or Kenya descent but all these are not important because you are an American. Can we have the similar approach to be Malaysians? “ However, I feel that you have too many biased views and misunderstanding about the local Chinese. Since independence until today, the racial harmony that we enjoy is shaped naturally through mutual understanding, mutual respect and tolerance through interactions in daily lives but not assimilation. The diversity, inclusion and tolerance that we enjoy have been the scenic landscape of Malaysia. I wish to say that the younger generation of Chinese may keep their culture and mother tongue but they regard themselves as Malaysians. Instead, politicians are the ones who repeatedly shout about national integration but continue to tarnish the fundamentals of unity with their actions. For instance, the sudden announcement of converting national language to Malay language to highlight Malays first. Some of the Malay politicians continue to stress Malays come first and not Malaysian first. Then you take US as an example to say that despite having a black president, please take a look at the blacks who speak fluent American English in US. How is their fate? Tun Dr Mahathir, you are wrong again. At last, you drag Sin Chew Daily into the muddle by saying that Sin Chew Daily continues to attack DAP which leads to Pakatan Harapan losing support from the Chinese community. You cited this as one of the factors. On this, I feel that you have overstated. Maybe there are someone continue to demonize Sin Chew Daily before you that lead you to have such perception. Based on the state poll results in Malacca, the Chinese are still supporting DAP. As a privately-owned newspaper, Sin Chew Daily has been playing the role as the fourth power in the past, at present and in the future. We support and agree with good policies while we, without fear, criticize policies which harm the fundamentals of the state including the rights of the Chinese community. The story of a demonized Sin Chew Daily may include the allegation of frequently sensationalizing racial issues. To prevent you from being misled further, I would take this opportunity to share the editorial policy of Sin Chew Daily with you that apart from being transparent in handling news to offer a balanced and fair coverage, we insist on running the newspaper in a proper manner, upholding journalistic standard, values and ethics. We do not sell newspapers by sensationalizing news nor infringing privacy of others. At the same time, our editorial policy also covers giving emphasis to national integration, creating a society with positive energy through media influence. Sin Chew Daily is a responsible local newspaper. Hence, Tun Dr Mahathir, as a smart person, how do you end up being fooled by those with an evil heart? It is getting late at night after penning my thoughts. I hope that when I wake up tomorrow, Malaysia will be a better place because this is my country and where my home is. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Sin Chew Daily editor-in-chief KUIK CHENG KANG
*_Tun Dr Mahathir, you are wrong_* – An open letter to former PM by Kuik Cheng Kang, sinchew.com.my
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aimanhilm · 1 year
The vibes was so amazing! Pertama kali ikut event running skala nasional-internasional gini lgsg terpana, MasyaAllah. Heboh dan petjah banget pdhl baru mau start. After setting my smartwatch, preparing camera to record the moment,
3-2-1, start!
Barisan B HM dg pacer 7' mulai beranjak berlari. Awalnya agak berdesakan, tp setelah gate, bisa agak longgar buat lari. Ditemani udara sejuk candi prambanan, aku memulai jogging pada event besar pertamaku. Hope I could finish this in my best personal record.
Yeah, this event is beyond my expectations! Sepanjang jalan banyak panitia yg bekerjasama dg polisi pemerintah jogja mengarahkan dan menyemangati peserta. Pun, water station tersedia sangat melimpah tiap 2,5 KM.
Mulai KM ke-8, masuklah ke daerah warga. I was surprised more after! Sepanjang track running, aku tidak hanya disuguhi pemandangan pagi yg asri nan sejuk dengan sawah di sepanjang mata memandang. Namun juga para warga yg antusias memeriahkan acara di beberapa titik, serta adanya penampilan musikal tradisional yang membuat diri ini sama sekali tidak merasakan lelah selama 15 KM pertama!
This is very very incredible collaboration between the committee, government, and even the local society! This event also promoted green environment by zero waste. Such an outstanding Marathon Event! I doubt there will be better event than this!
The most energizing moment was when I met the children. Such a big booster I've got from them to run stronger in 17th KM. Padahal di KM ke 14, lutut kananku sudah mulai terasa panas dan nyeri. And in the next water station, aku break bentar buat ngademin genu dekstra dengan kompres es.
Lanjut, karena lutut tidak dalam kondisi yg tidak baik2 saja, maka tentu pace saya berkurang. Awalnya kulari di depan pacer, alhasil tersalip haha. Gapapa yg penting pace tetap <8'. Oiya, di sepanjang track, kita juga dapati banyaaaak banget fotografer, jadi ya tetap eksis meski rada menggeh2 wkwkwk.
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Tak terasa ternyata sudah 2 jam lebih saya berlari dari kenyataan. Kembali memasuki region prambanan temple. Dan sudah mulai ramai dg peserta 10KM dan 5KM. Hahaha, meh speed up kok ga iso, yowes lah sekenanya aja finishnya.
Then, here it is! Alhamdulillah, Finished strongly on 2:33:31, with pace 7:16/KM! I am so grateful to be part of this magnificent event! Langsung lah ambil minum, snack, dan medali, lalu berdiam sejenak di Cool water box. Nyesss, gila juga ini 21K di doping pake dopamine dari masyarakat wkwkwk. Lanjut ketemu dykal yg udah finish duluan dan nyaranin buat pijet (enaknya ikut FM sama HM ada pijetnya sama cool water nya gaes). Oiya, sebelum itu ambil kaos finisher dulu~ mayan banget 360k dapet 2 jersey berkualitas + fasilitas HM yg sangat mewah. Once again,
الحمد لله الذى بنعمته تتم الصالحات.
To be continued...
#MJM2023 #MandiriJogjaMarathon #Stories #CoratCoret
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thisisbjoeblog · 1 year
Elections 101: Pakatan Selangor’s Fine Past Records & Great Promises
One of the major disasters that hit the state of Selangor was the 2021 flood that hit Sri Muda & the surrounding areas that saw some amazing efforts by everyone to provide food, medical care and in some cases, evacuation to the affected residents including this brave boy who had to wade deep waters just to get food for his family. Image source: Twitter@sadiqasyraf Continue reading Untitled
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suara-rakyat-blog · 3 days
PAS cari UMNO bila dah tersepit
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kazifatagar · 1 year
Sabri on a BN FLOTILLA to Conquer Terengganu NOW?
Ex-PM Ismail Sabri Yaakob, the man always clothed in the colourful but expensive branded shirts, is now on a mission: He is seen in a BN flotilla going to Pulau Perhentian in Terengganu. This is PAS territory. But there is a surprise. BN Flotilla Follow our, Instagram, Threads, Facebook and Twitter pages Read More News #latestmalaysia Sabri is seen with PAS supporters having the green wave…
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nismunc-ipc · 2 years
BREAKING NEWS: Has the The Yang Di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat shown his true colors?
The Star (Ken)
The Yang Di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat may have shown which party he is sided to as songs affiliated with personnel of Barisan Nasional has been played by the Yang Di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat through Dewan Rakyat speakers. This contradicts his other actions by playing songs related to the Malaysian Islamic Party, garnering the support of Opposition members of the government. Which side is the Yang Di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat truly sided with? Only time will tell.
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giftsforus · 2 years
Malaysia faces hung parliament for first time in history
Malaysia is facing a hung parliament for the first time in its political history, after a divisive, tightly-contested general election left major parties unable to secure enough votes to form a new government.
The result has thrust the Southeast Asian country into fresh political turmoil, as rival leaders scramble to broaden collations in renewed efforts to form a clear majority. Whoever wins will become Malaysia’s fourth prime minister in as many years, as the country grapples with rising inflation and a cost of living crisis.
With all but one parliamentary seat declared Sunday morning, veteran opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s multi-ethnic Pakatan Harapan coalition was ahead, having secured 82 seats from a possible 220, according to results from the country’s Election Commission.
Close behind is former Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s Malay-based Perikatan Nasional, or National Alliance, with 73 seats. Muhyiddin’s group includes an Islamist party that has openly backed shariah or Islamic law.
But in the biggest upset of the night, Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition, made up of center right political parties including the dominant United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), suffered a stunning defeat – winning just 30 seats.
Officials from UMNO, which ruled Malaysia for more than six decades following its independence from Britain, previously told CNN the party had “a lot of work” to do and did not want to go backwards.
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Once indomitable figures were also thrust out. The country’s former prime minister, 97-year-old Mahathir Mohamad suffered defeat for the first time in 53 years, losing his seat in the Langkawi island constituency.
The lack of a clear winner in Saturday’s election now presents the possibility Malaysia’s King could become involved, with the constitution granting the monarch power to determine who has the majority in parliament.
Malaysia is braced for major floods. So why is it holding an election?
Both leading candidates declared victory on Sunday, despite results showing neither has enough votes to form a government.
In a late night speech to supporters Saturday, Anwar claimed he had enough support from members of parliament to form a government and would detail his support in a letter to the King. Muhyiddin also told his supporters he was in discussions with leaders of the Sabah and Sarawak political parties to also form a coalition.
Since 2015, Malaysian politics has been overshadowed by the 1MDB corruption scandal, which saw billions of dollars of taxpayers money embezzled out of the country. It brought down former prime minister, Najib Razak, who is now serving a 12-year prison sentence for corruption.
Ahead of the polls, many voters expressed a strong desire to end years of political instability. And on Saturday, voters headed to polls in huge numbers, with state media estimating turnout to be 73.89% – despite heavy rains and flooding which hindered campaigning across half of the country in recent weeks.
Anwar the survivor
If Anwar is able to secure a coalition with enough votes to form a government, it would represent a remarkable comeback for the veteran politician, who was imprisoned for sodomy and released in 2018.
Anwar made his name as a student activist in various Muslim youth groups in Kuala Lumpur in the late 1960s, as the country reeled from the protracted Communist insurgency of the Malayan Emergency.
Arrested in 1974 in student protests against rural poverty, Anwar was sentenced to 20 months in jail. Despite his firebrand reputation, he later confounded liberal supporters in 1982 by joining the conservative United Malays National Organization (UMNO) led by Mahathir.
The freed politician was the heir apparent to then-premier Mahathir until 1998, when he was sacked and charged for corruption and sodomy. He was found guilty the following year, a ruling that led to mass street demonstrations.
The sodomy conviction was overturned, but the corruption verdict was never lifted, barring him from running for political post until a decade later.
In 2008, once his ban on political participation was lifted, he was hit with further sodomy charges.
Following an appeal of the acquittal of those charges he was convicted again and jailed in 2015. Human rights groups were highly critical when the conviction was upheld, calling it politically motivated – a claim the government denied.
Anwar was released three years later, immediately joining with one time political opponent Mahathir to oust the ruling Barisan party for the first time in Malaysia’s history. The success, however, was short lived, with the coalition collapsing after less than two years in power.
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trshltna-blog · 2 years
Social Media, Memes and….*sighs*, Malaysian Politics
Before I begin, I’d like to address that I am not particularly fond of Malaysian politics, but will try to explain this week’s topic through the mind of someone who regularly uses Social Media, just not for politics.
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Generally, social media has been a primary source for politics in terms of sharing information and announcing unexpected political happenings. In Malaysia, it is known that most politicians are on social media applications such as Twitter and Instagram. With the platform presented to them, they’re able to advocate for their standing party and have the freedom to say what they want to say. Comparing traditional media and the media we consume now, it is certain how much social media has a one up the game for politics. News gets spread faster, and not only politicians are involved, but generally the people of the country who voted. Even those who didn’t vote, get the participate.
All thanks to the freedom of social media, and yes, this is where memes come in.
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Let’s go back in time shall we? To the year 2020…
When everything Covid-19 related happened around the world and in Malaysia, Malaysia was also going through a political crisis where there was a sudden switch in the cabinet. There was an immediate meeting of leaders that was held on the 23rd February 2020, about 3 weeks before national lockdown. Crazy, right? Everything else was happening and these people decided to make even more controversies within the country. Then again, I was only 18, an avid user on Twitter whilst scrolling thru my feed of constant tweets about the changes happening. Leaders from several factions of Pakatan Harapan (PH) and Barisan Nasional (BN) were called to Sheraton Hotel, Petaling Jaya, which somehow, lead to Tun Mahathir Mohamad resigning as the Prime Minister, and then forming a whole new government under Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (Zainuddin 2020). This whole situation was then known as the “Sheraton Move”, where they planned to topple the PH government. To sum all that up, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin ended up being the Prime Minister, with the 3rd ever government we have in Malaysia (IISS 2020)…
…only to step down the following year on the 16th of August 2021 becoming the caretaker Prime Minister, with Ismail Sabri Yakoob replacing him as our Prime Minister, for now.
Okay, I’m going to stop here, it’s getting confusing, but you get the gist. Malaysian politics are a full on mess.
While I have to admit I only knew the full story today because of this week’s topic blog, memes have helped me somewhat understood the situation and honestly made the whole thing lighter and more engaging. Personally, I do think memes are this generation’s way of coping with almost anything, considering the fact that we’ve been told that we’re unserious and unaware. But, I don’t think that’s the case. With social media, the birth of memes were born. What better way to convey the slight snooze-fest of politics with none other than.. fun loving memes? Relating to last week’s post, our generation loves visuals, and memes just sums up all that. A whole situation or message being conveyed in 1 fulfilling meme. Quite entertaining if I do say so myself.
With that, I do believe that memes and politics somehow do go hand in hand together, especially in this decade. Jokes aside and all, considering memes are joke-filled, memes grab the attention of most social media users. People like me who aren’t really aware, get attracted to these memes posted only to be curious about the context behind it. For me, that works, and I’m sure it works for other people as well. One can put it in a way as if memes are a head start before a plane takes off, thus the plane being any types of news. In this case, political news.
Take this meme below, for example. I saw this about a year ago circulating on Twitter and was really confused at first on what was going on. From there I made the initiative to search up what all this was about, and it seemed like it was just Dr. Mahathir and his tricks, as usual.
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Okay enough of that, it’s in the past now.
As I’m typing this out, GE15 candidates have been announced so do vote if you can! For the betterment of Malaysia and many more political memes to come 🇲🇾
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#mda20009 #week5 #politicalengagement
References :
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lampung7com · 3 hours
Penemuan Mayat Diduga Diterkam Binatang Buas di Banda Negri Suoh
Suoh, Lampung Barat – Pada hari Sabtu, 21 September 2024, pukul 21.00 WIB, Polsek Bandar Negri Suoh menerima laporan mengenai penemuan mayat seorang pria di kebun miliknya. Lokasi kejadian terletak di Wilayah Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (TNBBS), tepatnya di Gunung Ayem, Pemangku Kali Bata Atas, Pekon Suka Marga, Kecamatan Suoh, Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Korban yang diidentifikasi sebagai…
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bimbelstpnjogja · 1 day
MATERI UP TO DATE 0852-8201-0102 Tempat Les Bimbel STPN CPNS 2025. Daik Bantul Bimbel Putra Bangsa
0852-8201-0102 (JAMINAN LULUS), Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Pagentan
Hubungi kami https://wa.link/dqvjmy , Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Pagentan, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Kabupaten Ciamis, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Sigong, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Sindanglaut, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Tuk Karangsuwung, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Wangkelang, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Ambulu, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Astanalanggar, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Barisan
Raih Mimpi Anda Menjadi Abdi Negara dengan Bimbel Putra Bangsa!
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#TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Pagentan, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026KabupatenCiamis, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Sigong, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Sindanglaut, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026TukKarangsuwung, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Wangkelang, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Ambulu, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Astanalanggar, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Barisan
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