#malaysia government
wlwdisasterr · 2 years
watching the GE15 election results right now and seeing the voter turnout numbers and the people fighting a variety of things (flood, the terrible postal vote system, the inefficient polling stations etc.) has taught me the true meaning of the malaysian spirit. terima kasih kepada semua yang mengundi hari ini. you give me hope for our country's future and immense pride to be a malaysian
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scrabbleknight · 2 years
So, for those who don't know, recently my home country of Malaysia had their 15th general election. In order for American/European viewers to understand what this means, let me break it down to you because it's actually stupidly confusing even for locals.
Malaysia's political parties aren't like the ones in the US. They're party coalitions aka groups made of several parties. The popular example would be Barisan Nasional. BN is made out of *looks to Wikipedia* 13 different parties, led by UMNO. BN has 3 main parties - UMNO, MIC and MCA - which were the country's first ever political parties, founded under the purpose of independence.
Malaysia's political parties are mostly about race and/or religion. UMNO are Malays, MIC are Indians and MCA are Chinese, the 3 major racial groups in Malaysia. Another example from a different group is PAS which is an Islamic political party, as well as so many parties focusing on the states of Sabah and Sarawak.
There are 3 main coalitions you need to know: Barisan Nasional, Perikatan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan. PN and PH used to be part of the same coalition known as Pakatan Rakyat (no longer exists). They broke up due to, eh, racial tension.
Much like the US, no single party or party group rules the government. It's always a mixed bag, but because of how these coalitions work, the bag is more mixed than trail mix. So no, you won't have a "Democrats Vs Republicans" situation here. Only "Government vs Opposition", with Government being the major coalition with the supporting Prime Minister.
For general elections, you don't vote for the country. You vote for a representative of the local district, who holds a seat in the government. That seat is essentially a "vote" in of itself, which decides which group holds the government. So the more seats, the stronger the group's influence. That group's leader (decided by the group) becomes the Prime Minister. Essentially, you're not voting for a person; you're voting for a party.
For most of history, BN has been the Government. They were the oldest coalition and had the greatest amount of support and trust. However, due to recent financial and economical recessions and scandals, BN has been rapidly losing support. They're still powerful, mind you, but people are now looking for alternatives.
I am here to announce that Pakatan Harapan has won the recent general election. They were an opposition party founded roughly 8 years ago due to the mentioned scandals fallouts. It's the fastest growing coalition in Malaysian history with huge support from the younger generation. However, they did not win a simple majority (aka half of the seats). Due to that, the sultan (the country's leading figure) asked for PH to form a UNITY GOVERNMENT.
I really need to stress how big of a deal that is. We've never had a unity government before. Essentially, since PH didn't win a simple majority, they'll work together with other coalitions in order to increase the number of seats and ensure a smoother process. So a group of coalitions, which itself is a group of parties, form the new government. A group of groups.
Imagine if the Republicans won the election but didn't win enough, so they began partnering with the Green Party. That's essentially what's happening. The trail mix has been mixed even further.
All in all, it's been a somewhat chaotic general election. Note that unlike the US, we're discouraged from discriminating people due to their political association. That's why it's much more calm and less crazy, despite the chaos that runs in the background.
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kazifatagar · 9 months
Ahmad Terrirudin Salleh is the New Attorney-General
Ahmad Terrirudin Salleh’s appointment as the new Attorney-General (AG), effective from September 6, has been announced by Chief Secretary to the Government Zuki Ali. He will succeed Idrus Harun, whose contract concludes on September 5. Terrirudin In – Idrus Out Follow our, Instagram, Threads, Facebook and Twitter pages Read More News #latestmalaysia Terrirudin, who comes from the judicial and…
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yourlocalseanameduser · 6 months
Watching the same (mostly white) people who pat themselves in the back for risking their jobs, credibility, and name in general, for standing up for queer rights, feminism, poc rights, and also preach on hating the government and then turn around and support the colonist settlers bombing innocent lives for some of the most ridiculous reason ever makes me want to give these people a reality check on how they're not the saviors they make themselves look
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xxkawaiibatmanxx · 9 months
🧿 Climate change was the global scam; A fabricated "climate crisis" used as an excuse to slowly instill a One World Government through The New World Order's Great Reset ideals.
Blaming us for our carbon footprint while they created the most horrendous amounts of emissions through industrial factories, fracking, nuclear dump waste into river systems, etc. Then created inclement weather patterns through HAARP machines, cloud seeding, spraying "sun blocking" chemicals into the atmosphere, using laser satellite technology for wildfires, etc. All in order of creating chaos, so societal infrastructure collapses and in return institutions controlled by these governments (World Economic Forum, United Nations, NATO, etc.) now have access to remove people from their land by changing definitions of law.
Major developmental goals between now and 2030: • Implementing a one world currency and taxation system backed through CBDC (digital currency use). • Taking ownership worldwide of the necessities for survival, i.e. transporting and supplying food, water, electricity, housing, medical, education, etc. • Developing "carbon free emission" cities. • Forced sterilization and depopulation so the new population can fit within the perimeter of these cities. • Then will dissuade masses by the use of censorship on news outlets and social media by implemented Net Neutrality in the near future.
By 2030, C40's developed 15 Minute Cities will take away our privately owned vehicles and limit airline travel use. While implemented AI will track us with digital IDs using facial recognition camera systems, QRCode entries, and digital currency use by a chip inserted into the wrist. (This will be mandated and forced upon.)
This is removing all freedoms of speech, privacy, and ownership; Turning society into an open world social credit system and enslaving people in a digital dystopian totalitarian dictatorship.
Here is a comical satire further explaining and putting into perspective this particular agenda. 🧿
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tim-hoe-wan · 11 months
#yknow the latest **** drama#I get the intention#but man don’t speak over the people who will be affected by that rat’s actions#also white saviorism is still alive#and don’t know how insane it is to be in an authoritarian regime#or similar to one#and how you cannot force easterners to just accept western values#the progressive people of those country will be the one who’ll bring change#cause they understand the sociopolitical and cultural aspects#that could bring change in the country#it’s just cringe to speak over the lgbtq community of Malaysia#it’s just gonna pivot more countries to make their own coalition#or turn to other powers that aren’t western#anyway people who don’t live or understand how authoritarian#and how the government has no qualms using the military#in many Asian countries#don’t get how the western democratic way of doing things#can harm the people trying to champion progressive movements in their own country#anyway most non Asians wouldn’t get it#for the record I get what Rat is doing#I do agree with his sentiments about the oppressive regimes#it’s the people who speak over the lgbtq community of this Asian country#that’s just#you don’t know how terrifying it can be#when an Authoritarian regime is in full force against something#they will use the military on their own people#that’s a difference between protesting in the US#over a place like China or similar countries#in some countries the most effective boycott is to economically hurt them#for example China would never bend as long as it keeps progressing economically
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thenatcromancer · 11 months
Local Democracy? In my Malaysia? It's more likely than you think!
The current "Madani" unity government led by PM Anwar Ibrahim could immediately make local elections possible by pushing through an amendment of Sections 10 & 15 of the Local Government Act 1976, namely"
[1] Remove "to be appointed" from (1) and all of (2) from Section 10
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[2] Remove entirety of 15(1) (Local election provisions have no effect)
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George Town and KL were the first places to have local elections in Malaya and local governments defined democracy in Malaya. George Town was the beating heart of labour activism in Malaya and a stronghold of the opposition Labour Party of Malaya. Her first elected Mayor, D.S. Ramanathan, hailed from the organized labour movement. Local elections in Kuala Lumpur, won by the nascent Alliance Party, led to Merdeka and parliamentary democracy in Malaya, building the foundation of Malaysian democracy. By returning the power to the people, PH (The left-leaning coalition) will demonstrate that it is acting on is reform promises. This will have a short term sting in reduced majorities in states where they hold power (Then again anything less than 100% of seats would be a reduced majority) but will gain long term support and goodwill from PH-leaning voters. In states where PH is in the minority statewide but wins large majorities in major cities (Ipoh and Taiping in Perak, Bandar Melaka in Malacca), this will mean that residents can vote for local representatives that they actually want rather than being appointed by a state government they didn't vote for (This goes doubly for Perak left-leaning coalitions won the popular vote twice but lost the state assembly).
On top of that, this is a great opportunity for smaller parties like PSM to build a sustainable base of electoral support for higher office. The party is well known for its hardwork and dedication to the most marginalized segments of the community but currently have no representatives. With local elections, they can win city, municipal, and district races. Their focus on on-the-ground work can prove to be a big asset for local races. Because this will only entail amending the existing law to allow for states to enact local elections should they wish it, this won't be a U-turn from their previous decision to not focus on local elections, but a continuation of it. The federal government can (for lack of a better term) wash their hands of this and hand it over to be done by the states should they so please. It will no longer be a federal priority, but a state one
I really hope this is some that the more progressive and social democratic minded MPs in PH can push for.
It would just take a simple majority and is something that can get an easy sell from all parties who want some representation in areas dominated by any one coalition/party.
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fvckw4d · 1 year
"the navy probably knew the titan exploded the first couple of hours but they had to spend $6million of the public's money so as not to hurt the family's feelings or declassify precious gov secrets" if people did that to me after i died I'd come back from the dead to merc your asses lmfao shut the fuck up
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sembulapeyalneerpol · 9 months
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who is playing thanjavuru manu eduthu in a club
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thisisbjoeblog · 2 years
General Elections 2022: GE15 - Pakatan Leads But With Some Bad News & Losses
General Elections 2022: GE15 – Pakatan Leads But With Some Bad News & Losses
GE15 results were predictable but the end showed how racial and religious the country has been with the North & East of the Peninsular going to the radial Perikatan Nasional (PN) whilst the West & South to Pakatan Harapan (PH) with Barisan Nasional (BN) picking the middle. East Malaysia squarely went to the dominant GRS & GPS coalition. Image source: Wikipedia (more…)
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carlocarrasco · 17 days
Philippines achieves 5.7% economic growth in 1st quarter of 2024
Recently it was confirmed that the economy of the Philippines grew by 5.7% in the first quarter of 2024 which is noticeably lower than what was achieved in the same time period a year ago, according to a Philippine News Agency (PNA) news article. To put things in perspective, posted below is an excerpt from the PNA news article. Some parts in boldface… The Philippine economy grew by 5.7 percent…
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kazifatagar · 1 month
Unity govt tarnished now with Umno's push for Najib’s release
Umno’s persistent efforts to secure Najib Razak’s release could tarnish the unity government’s image and impact GE16 prospects, warns political analyst Azmil Tayeb. He emphasizes Umno’s focus on Najib’s release may alienate PH supporters, disillusioned by past corruption. Social Media Links Follow us on: Instagram Threads Facebook Twitter YouTube DailyMotion Read More News…
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reformthesystem · 10 months
Hi, this is my blog post in which I list my recommendations for the 2024 National Budget, due to be tabled in Parliament this October. If you like my articles and want to support my work, please consider subscribing to my blog. Thanks.
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zvaigzdelasas · 6 months
Malaysia’s government announced Wednesday that it was imposing a ban on all Israeli owned and flagged ships, as well as any vessels headed to Israel, from docking at its ports. The announcement by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s office said the ban would take place with immediate effect and was in response to Israel’s conduct[...]
“This sanction is a response to Israel’s actions that disregard the basic humanitarian principles and violate international law through the ongoing massacre and continuous cruelty against the Palestinian people,” the statement read.
20 Dec 23
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fatcatcooper · 10 months
We should get all the governments to agree to blow up a small country just to see what it's like
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timothy-kang · 11 months
Trendy News–Matty Healy
Malaysia’s government cancels the festival due to the kiss by Matty Healy. Malaysia's government cancels the festival due to the kiss by Matty Healy.https://t.co/BrscX98bCu— Timothy Kang (@Timothy25991343) July 23, 2023
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