#Baruun Himaa
ffxivtribehydrae · 7 months
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@actualkomodo tagged me for WIP Wednsday so here we go!
Though, it's actually only one of these which is a WIP, the others are scrapped pieces I just did for fun or lost interest in completing. Bottom right I sketched out long ago and poke every now and then with experimental styles, that I one day hopefully will be pleased with enough to consider done!
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neoma-eltanin · 1 year
Little update!
I’ve had this blog for quite a while now. All the way back in 2016 I started it, and at that time I only had one character. Since then I have slowly added more characters to the list, but I’ve never properly introduced them or informed about them! I’ve been really slow about it, but I am trying to rework my blog to adapt and include information for all of them. I will probably make an announcement when it is finally complete.
I am very much active still with playing the game and roleplaying, and I am having a lot of fun! My blog has been a bit lackluster when it comes to content, but I am hoping to change that!
I figured I should show which characters I am actually active with on this blog:
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Neoma Eltanin
I’m sure most of you know who this is, as she was my first character and my blog is named after her! Neoma is an adventuring conjurer currently employed at the Merciful Bough, a company of mercenaries for hire, located in the Lavender Beds. She is a gentle soul known for her kind smile and friendly nature, who grew up in the previously Garlean-occupied Yanxia before one day coming to Gridania on her own to learn the arts of healing magic.
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Cyrus Eltanin
A stern and stubborn samurai of Yanxia, he is Neoma’s older brother who still resides in the village of Hashidoi where they grew up. His hard features hide a soft heart, and he is a pillar for the other villagers’ trust and support. He constantly worries for his sister while keeping himself busy looking after their mother and additional house members that ended up becoming part of the family due to interesting circumstances.
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Kjirsa Iryut
An independent and confident thief who lures her targets with sweet words and alluring glances. Kjirsa left the Golmore Jungle where she grew up to search for her missing brother wherever he might be, not knowing whether he is alive or dead. She takes pleasure in the freedom she has found traveling from place to place and is a fiery, carefree woman who does not care for others’ opinion on herself and her life.
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Erjon Sjadarwesfv
A person with little to no expressions on his face, Erjon is an experienced engineer and gunman who spent much of his life serving the Garlean Empire after being forcefully recruited when he was still considered young of age for a Viera. After deserting and coming to Eorzea, he opts to keep this part of his past hidden from most as to not end up in any unwanted conflicts. Known for being sarcastic and emotionally distant, he is currently employed at the Merciful Bough in the Lavender Beds.
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Severin d’Aumont
Severin is my one and only character who is actually a villain, as he is a serial killer. House Aumont may not be one of the major houses of Ishgard, but they serve as a pillar for the grand city by providing its inhabitants with means of keeping themselves warm and clothed in the frigid temperatures. The lord of the house himself is known for his generous and amiable nature, which unfortunately hides an unknown truth that is selfish, uncaring and bored. He keeps himself entertained in ways only known to the dark of his heart.
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Alari Nelhah
Young, inexperienced and remarkably clumsy, Alari was recently banished from her Keeper clan due to her inability to provide for them, rather causing them more trouble than what was worth. Purely by chance she ended up being employed by the Merciful Bough, mostly as a kind gesture so she would have a place to stay. While trained in archery, she unfortunately has a terrible aim. Due to her many mishappenings she is a shy, insecure and nervous girl who has a long way to go to find strength in herself and grow some confidence.
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Baruun & Zyyn Himaa
The Himaa twins are two characters played by me and @ffxivtribehydrae​! Known for being troublemakers ever since their younger years growing up in their tribe on the Azim Steppe, the twins had to flee their homeland after their reckless games caused the Reunion to be destroyed. Eventually they would end up in Eorzea and become adventurers, exploring the land and causing mischief wherever they went. They are currently employed at the Merciful Bough.
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umbralsound-xiv · 3 years
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“It seems to be every time i leave the confines of my room, i’m once again tasked with work.
Not that i overly minded. I’m always happy for new faces, so long as i don’t have to talk to them all the time.
...I half wondered if i picked up the wrong glass when the descended the stairs. Each looked alike; Baruun and Zyyn of the Himaa. Evidently, they use such similarities to help in battle; i’ll have to ask for a report to see exactly how, but colour me intrigued.
They were... Ah... A little forward. Not unpleasant. Maybe a little on the dense side. But, that doesn’t matter, so long as they can fight on the field, and point a weapon in the right direction.
...I think... I’m going to have my hands full with these two, somehow...”
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ffxivtribehydrae · 4 months
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All my ask answer banners~
Updated with a couple new arrivals! Now I just need to fix the prompt banner too...
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ffxivtribehydrae · 1 year
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There was a call on the pearl! It was a while ago we got to show off in front of everyone else so we rushed over- to take care of some rabid beasts!
We beat the shite out of a feral bear while the others had to group up on the other monsters, pff. Baruun got a little messed up but the ladies in the infirmary are always nice to visit, he messed up our chance to impress the field healer so!
We did see a lot of stranger faces too, guess we need to check out the company halls more often. See who all these faces are!
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ffxivtribehydrae · 3 months
12. How much importance do you attach to humour when creating a character? Are there inevitably comic elements? Or are you more focused upon angst or drama?
I think it is very important to mix! I think it is important to make a character that can respond to happenings around them. Not that there is anything wrong with a 100% comic/angst character, and having people who can't pick the right behaviour/emotion for the situation is a very real thing too, but that can still be an interesting aspect that mixes comic/angst.
Some characters are of course more comic leaning than others, but they can still have their drama and the darker characters can still have their occasional joys. All of the brothers to Dusk were created for pure humor though, and got other spices mixed in as they got developed into their own stories!
Though there are the twins, Baruun and Zyyn Himaa that I made along with my friend, those two were made for comic relief and will most likely remain humorous characters!
- OC creation questions -
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ffxivtribehydrae · 2 years
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Have a couple dorks
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neoma-eltanin · 3 years
Prompt #12 (EXTRA CREDIT) - Accident
They really didn’t mean it.
But somehow, the Reunion was… well, ruined.
The twins looked at the devastation presented in front of them. Yurts collapsed, a flock of sheep running around in panic, much like the merchants, visitors and confused Qestir members. How had it come to this? They were just having a bit of fun. Both of them were surprisingly good at imitating the cry of a yol, it would seem. So much so that their attempt to scare the flock had worked incredibly well. A little too well, apparently.
Panicked sheep burst through the fence of the pasture, running has hard as they could to escape what they thought was a great flying beast looking for a fluffy meal. They had knocked down unsuspecting market visitors, guards and alike with indifference in their state of terrified flight, as well as running straight into and through market stalls and yurts. Within minutes, the entire settlement had collapsed.
“You started this!” Baruun suddenly exclaimed to his brother.
“Me!? You came up with the idea!” Zyyn complained.
“Yeah but you were closer to the sheep!”
“You stood right next to me!”
They bickered for a while until they both felt a chill down their spine. Glaring, piercing daggers in the form of a pair of eyes drilled into their consciousness. Slowly turning to the left, they realized a Qestir guard had seemingly both heard and seen everything. The immeasurably displeased expression told as much, even if no words were uttered.
The twins both swallowed, and both realized what they had to do.
( Zyyn Himaa belongs to @ffxivtribehydrae )
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ffxivtribehydrae · 5 years
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Have some twins because I don’t think I ever posted them on this blog!
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ffxivtribehydrae · 5 years
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Have a screenshot dump of most OCs in their new vests because I love it way more than I expected I would
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neoma-eltanin · 5 years
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Long ago I did one of these!
Was tagged by @ffxivtribehydrae and I had so much fun doing them. All of my OCs as merfolk!
You can play the Merfolk Maker here
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ffxivtribehydrae · 5 years
About Tribe Hydrae!
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Tribe flag depicting Goddess Nhaama and her children gazing at her underneath the protection which she granted them. The similarities between the believers (the arrows) symbolize that they are one family and the walls at the sides of the flag symbolize the stability the tribe achieves as a believing, tight-knitted family. 
It’s decorated with gemstones of various kind that the tribe mined from the mountains. 
The Hydrae tribe is a small group travelling between two set locations, one camp set up in the mountains and one set up in the forest at the foot of the mountains around the southern border of the Azim Steppe and Yanxia. Their numbers have been varying between as low as beneath 10 to at highest 40 individuals. It’s a fairly young tribe with founders from the Hotgo and Dhoro tribes, they prefer to stay hidden and away from the conflicts of the steppe, only venturing out in the open to trade goods with other Xaela tribes or find mates. Nearly all Hydrae have some sort of facepaint and they celebrate the different phases and phenomenons of the moon. The moon, according to the Hydrae, is the eye of the Dusk Mother Nhaama watching over them and keeping them safe from dangers...
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I’ve updated my Charactes information page!
As well simplified the tribe flag which I wanted to do for very, very long. There is still improvements I can see be done but for another time! Most of the update is just organizing so all brothers have their own little page so it is a little more pleasant to scroll through them. Added extra information on all the brothers to various degree, RP hooks, added a tag archive and additional characters relevant to the brothers! I’ve decided to add my non-Hydrae alt as well (might add more in the future, it depends really) for the mere reason to say “hi, this is also me!”. Maybe I might post about them, but the blog will remain strongly Hydrae focused.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 5 years
★ Twins messing with Dubus
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If we kissed:
[] This wouldn’t happen.[X] Oh disgusting.[] Again, again.[] Kiss you back.[] Let’s take this to the bedroom.[X] Slap/Push you away.
At first Dubus sputtered in disbelief, “You guys are threading a thin line!” He warned the two.
If you asked me out I’d say:
“I’m all for double dates on my terms but this isn’t quite what I have in mind…“ He frowned at the two with a firm shake of his head.
Can we cuddle?:
[X] No.[X] Ew.[] Sure.[] YES.
The man just sighed with another shake of his head, wondering what to do with those two.
[] Let’s do it.[X] No. You can’t handle my d.[] FUCK YES.[X] No.
“Absolutely not.” The look he gave them was almost scolding for even asking and one hand raised to rub his temple in annoyance.
- Send me a ★ and i’ll answer… - 
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ffxivtribehydrae · 2 years
NAME: Sally
NICKNAME: Enyo or Dusk(y). Also used to be called Angel long ago
FACECLAIM: I claim my own face
PRONOUNS: She/they
HEIGHT: I am 169cm
BIRTHDAY: 3rd of September
AESTHETIC: Rain, dragonflies, autumn, ancient forests and fields of gold, all of these things have very dear meanings to me as well
LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO: #1 by Imagine Dragons. While writing this I am listening to Auro’usk’s playlist!
FAVOURITE MUSE(S) YOU’VE WRITTEN: All my muses have had their time in the favorite spot, and they keep switching one another out from time to time. It all depends on who I am feeling most in the mood for. Though Dusk and Dubus have occupied the favorite spot for the most time!
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO TAKE ON THIS/THESE MUSE(S): I swear it all started as a joke and suddenly I had six kids in my arms that I all gave individual and personal development. I was simply having fun without really thinking about how much work I was taking on. But guess what? I don’t regret it and keep filling in more characters.
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE ASPECTS OF YOUR CURRENT MUSE(S): To cut it short, I love how the they are all connected as brothers with similar pasts yet are so incredibly different, be it in personality, story, desires and challenges. Whatever mood I am in there is one there I can turn to.
As for the non brother characters, like the brothers’ dad, the twins and my recently added bun boy... Ozodug (dad) is just a whoel fresh adventurer, a little like starting over, which is lots of fun. Zyyn (and Baruun) Himaa are just pure comedic relief and so much fun to write along with @neoma-eltanin, even if writing them is a challenge. Verihiirensammal is essentially the only character I made specifically for plot reasons, so he is unique and special in front!
WHAT’S YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING: My characters? Is that a valid response? The freedom to use your imagination, the joy of simply creating. You grow kind of attached to the excitment of developing them and their story when you spend years thinking about them.
FAVOURITE TYPES OF THREADS: Honestly anything that provides something to one or both characters. Be it a heart to heart, an activity to bond over, a short reunion, something to fight about, etc. Best if there is a healthy mix of all kinds of possible scenes!
Tagged by: @sundered-souls
Tagging: @adellennehocoleux @tracytigress @umbralsound-xiv @cadrenebula @under-the-blood-moonlight and really anyone else, just tag me so I can read!
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ffxivtribehydrae · 3 years
Which of your OCs do you find the easiest to play? ♥
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Dusk, by far! And I think that is because his personality and way of acting was mostly developed through just having fun, not bothering too much to keep within the frame of the planned personality he started off with. I can simply relax and most of him comes naturally. 
In comparison, all his brothers I usually need to think twice before writing a line since I made a bigger effort to stay within their given personalities. Additionally the non brothers characters are probably the hardest for me to write. Examples being Zo’tall, who is a child so I need a completely different mindset, and Zyyn Himaa whom I need a constant direct communication with Neoma (who writes Baruun Himaa) for in order to stay true to how we want to portray them.
-Multiple Muses asks-
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