#Kjirsa Iryut
ffxivtribehydrae · 1 year
F2 for Orion and the Lepus!
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I actually think I made her too tall... Oh well! Not so much a ship as it is a "I hate you" kinda dynamic.
- Shipping art prompts -
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neoma-eltanin · 1 year
Little update!
I’ve had this blog for quite a while now. All the way back in 2016 I started it, and at that time I only had one character. Since then I have slowly added more characters to the list, but I’ve never properly introduced them or informed about them! I’ve been really slow about it, but I am trying to rework my blog to adapt and include information for all of them. I will probably make an announcement when it is finally complete.
I am very much active still with playing the game and roleplaying, and I am having a lot of fun! My blog has been a bit lackluster when it comes to content, but I am hoping to change that!
I figured I should show which characters I am actually active with on this blog:
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Neoma Eltanin
I’m sure most of you know who this is, as she was my first character and my blog is named after her! Neoma is an adventuring conjurer currently employed at the Merciful Bough, a company of mercenaries for hire, located in the Lavender Beds. She is a gentle soul known for her kind smile and friendly nature, who grew up in the previously Garlean-occupied Yanxia before one day coming to Gridania on her own to learn the arts of healing magic.
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Cyrus Eltanin
A stern and stubborn samurai of Yanxia, he is Neoma’s older brother who still resides in the village of Hashidoi where they grew up. His hard features hide a soft heart, and he is a pillar for the other villagers’ trust and support. He constantly worries for his sister while keeping himself busy looking after their mother and additional house members that ended up becoming part of the family due to interesting circumstances.
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Kjirsa Iryut
An independent and confident thief who lures her targets with sweet words and alluring glances. Kjirsa left the Golmore Jungle where she grew up to search for her missing brother wherever he might be, not knowing whether he is alive or dead. She takes pleasure in the freedom she has found traveling from place to place and is a fiery, carefree woman who does not care for others’ opinion on herself and her life.
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Erjon Sjadarwesfv
A person with little to no expressions on his face, Erjon is an experienced engineer and gunman who spent much of his life serving the Garlean Empire after being forcefully recruited when he was still considered young of age for a Viera. After deserting and coming to Eorzea, he opts to keep this part of his past hidden from most as to not end up in any unwanted conflicts. Known for being sarcastic and emotionally distant, he is currently employed at the Merciful Bough in the Lavender Beds.
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Severin d’Aumont
Severin is my one and only character who is actually a villain, as he is a serial killer. House Aumont may not be one of the major houses of Ishgard, but they serve as a pillar for the grand city by providing its inhabitants with means of keeping themselves warm and clothed in the frigid temperatures. The lord of the house himself is known for his generous and amiable nature, which unfortunately hides an unknown truth that is selfish, uncaring and bored. He keeps himself entertained in ways only known to the dark of his heart.
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Alari Nelhah
Young, inexperienced and remarkably clumsy, Alari was recently banished from her Keeper clan due to her inability to provide for them, rather causing them more trouble than what was worth. Purely by chance she ended up being employed by the Merciful Bough, mostly as a kind gesture so she would have a place to stay. While trained in archery, she unfortunately has a terrible aim. Due to her many mishappenings she is a shy, insecure and nervous girl who has a long way to go to find strength in herself and grow some confidence.
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Baruun & Zyyn Himaa
The Himaa twins are two characters played by me and @ffxivtribehydrae​! Known for being troublemakers ever since their younger years growing up in their tribe on the Azim Steppe, the twins had to flee their homeland after their reckless games caused the Reunion to be destroyed. Eventually they would end up in Eorzea and become adventurers, exploring the land and causing mischief wherever they went. They are currently employed at the Merciful Bough.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 10 months
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I shouldn't have listened to my curiosity. But who would have expected that rabbit to be there!? And of course, she wouldn't take the hint that I was not in the mood to deal with her. Oh well.
She made an offer. If I won a game she'd leave me alone, forever. How could I not accept? And I lost in the end, gave it my all along those obstacle courses. I was near collapsing once it was over, I might have rushed into this event without any clue what I was in for...
I had no energy to argue afterwards. She insisted I get some kind of reward for my hard work, but I honestly couldn't be bothered, gave her whatever prize currency I got. Only to have her throw some stupid sweater at my chest.
How can she be so happy go lucky? Even when I straight out tell her to get lost. What about me does she find so interesting..?
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neoma-eltanin · 1 year
🤕 = Has your character obtained any unique or important injuries/scars, what are they and what are they from? - Kjirsa
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"Oh, I have a few of them. You can't always be lucky with your escapes, can you?" she winked with a snicker. "Luckily, nothing that has deterred anyone from wishing to... get to know me a little closer, if you know what I mean. That certainly would have made business rough now, wouldn't it?"
She flashed a confident grin. "If you're curious, I could show them to you. We'd have to go somewhere more... private for that, of course."
Kjirsa has managed to keep out of harm's way for the most, however there have been occasions where she has been wounded enough to leave a lasting scar. One is located on her lower left arm from when she broke it after falling out of a tree as a young Viera still living in the Golmore Jungle. The rest, while few and far in-between, are from both man and beast, either out for vengeance or just encounters in the wild.
As she travels alone she often has had to deal with the injuries on her own. As such, they haven't healed as nicely as they would have with the help of a conjurer, but thankfully none of the scars are noteworthy enough that it has hindered her in her 'work'.
Fantasy Character Development
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ffxivtribehydrae · 2 years
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Of course when I thought I would never see the damned rabbit again she comes falling from the heavens! Crazy bitch jumped from a bridge from the upper levels of Limsa...
And I helped her! Of course I wouldn't have had I known who it was in the water. I had half a mind to fetch the Yellow jackets she had stolen from but... I am not immune to bribes- or deals, whatever she want to call it.
After all my coin purse saw fit to become a treasure to the sea recently... A little pocket money would be nice.
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neoma-eltanin · 1 year
Prompt #27: Sole
For FFXIVWrite2023 Character: Kjirsa Iryut Warnings: None
She had felt every kind of ground beneath her soles.
Hard. Soft. Cold. Hot.
Grass and moss. Rock and sand. Ice and snow.
Ever would she wander the star, for she belonged nowhere. The day she set foot outside the boarders of the jungle, a place that for her had been ’home’, it all vanished in an instant. Familiarity, safety, expectancy - it was suddenly all gone. All that remained was her. Who she had been was no more; that part of her belonged to the past, as did everything else. From that moment on she would only move forward, never to look back as she stepped into the unknown.
She was all alone. Alone with her thoughts, alone with her only permanent companions being the sun and moon each time they danced across the sky above her head. The world was hers to see and touch however and whenever she wished.
Was it a lonely life? Always on the move, never bothering to make any meaningful connections other than short flings with ulterior motives. Yes, it was. Pretend all she liked, it was a gift and a burden both to not be tied down to anything or anyone. To not have anyone to whom she would allow herself vurnerability.
Nevertheless, she had her reasons. She could never stop roaming, for she still needed answers. Answers to what happened to the one thing she cared about most. The one person she lost so long ago.
She had to find her answers.
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neoma-eltanin · 1 year
Prompt #22: Fulsome
For FFXIVWrite2023 Character: Kjirsa Iryut Warnings: None
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Sometimes it was easy to pick targets. Those who flaunted their wealth, who dropped their guard immediately after tasting the first drop of sweet liquor on their tongue. The air thick with incense and spice clouded their senses as they gave into the pleasures that gold could bring those of wealth. Ul'dah was a city where the rich thrived on entertainment and enjoyment, in the sweltering heat of the desert.
Today she was lucky. The merchant she had been cozying up to all evening had pouches so full and plenty they literally decorated his waist belt. Every rumbling of his drunken laughter was accompanied by the pleasant sound of jingling coin. She did her best to keep him comfortable and happy; complimented his looks, his excessive spending and success as a man of business. It was almost extreme, the way she was practically gushing about his brilliance, honeyed words hiding her true intent of their meeting.
Drink after drink, a cigar and some inviting touches and revealing skin. She lured him closer and closer as night arrived, a signal for them to move someplace with less eyes watching, something they both had anticipated. Every movement of her body, every touch of her slender fingers enchanted him until all he cared about was to hold her for the remainder of the sun.
Almost there. Just a few more steps, and she would be gone with the wind, a little richer and ready to set out on another long search. One she had done so many times now, for so many years. It had yet to yield any results... But she would not give up so easily. She had plenty of time; one of the benefits of being a Viera, blessed with a life far longer than most could ever hope of living.
She would have answers. No matter what answers she would find.
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neoma-eltanin · 1 year
Prompt #12: Dowdy
For FFXIVWrite2023 Character: Kjirsa Iryut Warnings: None
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It was by no ill intent, not really. At least, not in any way directed at the baffled women who stared at her with incredulous eyes, expressions that balanced delicately between perturbance and jealousy.
By all accounts the women were dressed prim and proper, elegant and poised like fine ladies of their status were expected to. Yet even the expensive silk that decorated their frames paled and became dull as the Viera made her way past them, long legs peeking out from beneath a satin crimson dress that cut a little too high over her hips. Her decolleté was offensively low cut, framed by the red locks of her hair before she threw them over one shoulder, glimmering gold jewels shimmering in the dim light of the tavern. The sharp heels of her shoes loudly announced her arrival with each step that met the stone floor, the clacking sound pulling everyone's attention her way.
Her target as well, glancing curiously over his shoulder before interest forced him to get a proper look at the lady who so confidently approached him. Just as planned.
She made herself comfortable on the free chair next to him, one leg crossing over the other, rudely brushing the tip of her shoe against his calve when doing so light as a feather. With a bored expression she rested her chin in her hand as she leaned against the bar counter, eyeing him up and down with a raised eyebrow. Her red lips curved into a grin before they parted, allowing her to speak.
"Alone on a night such as this? How fortunate... For me."
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ffxivtribehydrae · 2 years
8. Does your character have any enemies? If so, who and why? (Random me a brother)
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There are a few specific people he genuinly consider enemies, a Miqo'te lady named Bexy, a Roegadyn lady called Moe and Viera lady calling themself Kjirsa.
The first he despises because she dipped her nose in business she had nothing to do with (the relationship between Dusk and Neoma) and decided to get involved in ways that traumatized his brother. This is a person he wouldn't mind seeing dead.
The second he considers a pure danger to Auro'usk. Not the person herself, but rather the things she seem interested in doing and drag his brother in on. He, begrudgingly, try to accept his younger brother's feelings though that she is his best friend.
The last is just a huge annoyance in his life, so not regarded as clearly an enemy as others. She stole his most treasured posession on their first meeting and after that she has simply refused to leave him alone every other time she spots him. To say the least, them being enemies is not a mutual opinion between them
@umbralsound-xiv @moengeim @neoma-eltanin
- Angst Questions -
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neoma-eltanin · 1 year
What does your heart look like, Kjirsa?
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A bird struggling to get loose
Your heart can never hold still. It pounds against your chest frantically, always turning your sights to one thing after the next. When was the last time you were certain? The last time your life was stable? Maybe this is how you prefer things. On the move constantly, not tied down to one person or place. You chase one goal after the next. Can you ever really feel complete without a place to land? Shouldn’t you build yourself a nest?
Tagged by: @ffxivtribehydrae Thank you!
Tagging: @ishgardianskypirate @ffxivaltstars @eorzean-wayfinder @syerraffxiv @cadrenebula and anyone else who wants to!
Quiz here
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neoma-eltanin · 1 year
76%. If your character could "unmeet" someone in their life, who would they choose?
78%. If your character could choose different parents for themselves, who would they choose and why? (You're getting two cause they skipped 77% lol)
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There's a certain group of people Cyrus wishes he had never met, and those are the Garleans. He was only two years old when the Garlean Empire first invaded Doma and Yanxia as a whole, and as such he can't remember what life was like before their rule. He only remembers the fear and hatred of them and their cruelty. The worst memory he has of them was one time when Garlean troops visited his village for a regular check-up. These visits often turned into bullying towards the villagers, and one time a few soldiers targeted his sister with malicious intent.
Cyrus attacked them in blind rage to protect his little sister, which of course had consequences. After giving the young man a good beating, the soliders then burned several of their crops and storages. It would be a rough winter for the village that year.
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Kjirsa tends to feel bitter when she thinks of her mother. Born into a matriarchal and isolated society in the Golmore Jungle, a lot of pressure was put on her as well as the other girls to grow into strong and able women who could do their part in the village. Kjirsa often struggled to meet her mother's demands, even when she felt like she tried her best. Soon she started to resist the expectations and became disobedient. This sparked a desire in her to escape this life in hopes of finding something better for herself, though she felt bound to the jungle due to her family.
It wasn't until the news of her brother's disappearance from the other men prompted her to finally leave the jungle for good in search of him, as well as finally freeing herself from the shackles. She has not spoken to her mother, her sister or any of the others in her village since, as she is unable to return.
If she was to choose any other to be her parent, then she might scoff and say it would have been better had she never been born to be a Viera in the first place. But who is to say it would have been any different?
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neoma-eltanin · 2 years
Prompt #13: Confluence
For FFXIVWrite2022 Character: Kjirsa Iryut Warnings: None
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It was that time again.
It always felt strange, to have men in the tribe. It was such a rare occasion that it was always cause for a stir among the Viera women. And still, it was something out of the ordinary, an ancient tradition that still lived on. When the men came to visit, to mate the women and take the boys that were of age to go live in the forest.
She was avoiding it as usual, of course, having climbed high up in one of the treetops. She would spend as much time as possible here, peering down at the people below. So far, she had not been noticed. She heard her mother and sister call for her, but she wouldn’t budge.
She knew she had come of age, but she resisted. Until her brother was of age to visit, she felt no desire to meet any of them. Not that she wasn’t curious, but she did not feel ready to bear children. It didn’t matter that she was close to thirty by now and of childbearing age, but the thought made her feel��� trapped. As if she did not feel trapped enough already.
She could turn down any offer of interest, of course. But then she would have to deal with her mother, and she would rather not. “Always provide for the tribe, for we are of the forest, and in the forest, we shall live”, like her mother used to say. Better to hide and pretend to not exist for as long as possible.
She often wondered about the world outside of these woods. All her life she had seen nothing but these enormous trees. Everything a deep green, and the sunlight was only seen as golden rays among the dense branches. But she had seen how bright the sun was above the forest. She had seen mountains in the distance. She wondered what mountains looked like up closely…
Her thoughts were interrupted by the calling of her name. She looked down and saw that her mother was very close. If she looked up, she would see her.
Time to climb higher up…
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neoma-eltanin · 3 years
Promt #1 - Foster
It didn’t matter how much they screamed.
How much they struggled, resisted, begged for the inevitable not to happen. No matter how much they tried to object, the result would always be the same. As it had always been, for every male at this age. The time for the young boys of the Viera to leave their tribes to live in the forest trees.
It wasn’t unusual for it to be a tough process, both for the boy and the closest family. But tradition was more important than any family bonds, no matter how strongly forged they were. The women of the Viera usually made sure never to grow too attached to their sons, aware of what future awaited them.
The older sister could not accept it. Never would she let the adults take her dear brother away from her. They had grown up together, played together, lived together. Suddenly, it would all go away. He would go away. It infuriated her just as much as it terrified her. Her mother’s betrayal, her sister’s negliance. How could they support this? How could anyone support this?
She was scolded for her disobedience, berated for her stubbornness. Despite how much she objected to it, her brother was ripped from her life. He would be cared for and trained by the men. She would continue to live with the women. They would become close to strangers, two different worlds in the same forest.
As it had always been.
As it would always be.
And how she hated it.
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neoma-eltanin · 3 years
Prompt #7 - Speculate
No, not that one.
Slowly and absent-mindedly did Kjirsa stir around in her cocktail with the swizzle stick in her hand, glass clinking against glass. The Quicksand was crowded this evening. Everywhere her long ears turned she could pick up conversations of money for contracts, complaints of long days of hard work or suggestive giggles of pleasuring offers.
Too simple clothing. Not enough gil.
Emerald eyes hidden behind long eyelashes blinked as she scanned the tables. Tonight was a good opportunity to find treasures.
That one...? No. Not interested in women, it would seem.
She rested her elbow against the counter, supporting her chin by resting it in her hand. She did her best to look bored, but not too bored. Just enough for someone to see her and think they might score a good time were they to approach.
The night was still young, and she had time to spare. One bare leg crossed the other, foot waving in a playful act of eagerness to dance and entertain. She only just managed to take a sip from her drink when her gaze locked onto someone observing her.
She was met with a confident grin, and soon enough the self-assured figure made his way over. She raised one eyebrow, returning the grin with a curious curve of her lips.
… Bingo.
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neoma-eltanin · 3 years
Prompt #21 - Feckless
Warning: Minor mentions of blood
”Not good enough!”
The stern tone of the Viera woman’s voice was unwavering, firm and demanding. Her eyes were locked onto the Viera girl that stood before her, who defiantly was avoiding meeting her gaze. Beside her feet was a freshly killed young antelope, the wound from an arrow still gaping and bleeding. A quick kill, it looked like.
“You are wasting energy and time hunting small game. If you intend on bringing anything back, make it worth so! How many did you expect this would feed? Not enough!”
The young Viera sighed and rolled her eyes, her curly red hair which was tied up in a ponytail was starting to come loose as she impatiently paced around on the spot. “I lost the herd, okay? Should I have turned up with nothing or what?”
“Don’t give me that tone”, the stern Viera spoke. “Know your place. You hunt to feed the tribe. You weave to make clothes for the tribe. You build homes to shelter the tribe. You breed to increase the tribe. That is your role, as it is for everyone here.”
The young Viera frowned, finally meeting the other’s gaze. “And if I don’t want to?”
“It is not a matter about wanting or not”, said the stern Viera. “It is what we do. Here in the Golmore Jungle we have lived in peace from the outside world. Our way of life is preserved. The forest keeps us safe. But for us to sustain, we must all do our part.” She gave the young Viera a grave look. “That includes you.”
The young Viera did not reply. Unhappily she looked away, defiantly refusing to comment on the woman’s words any further.
The Viera woman looked at her in silence before turning to leave. “… You are my daughter, a daughter of the Iryut, and a daughter of the forest. I trust you will learn your place in time. Take your kill to be skinned and dried before it rots.” With her final command, she left.
The young Viera held back a frustrated growl before angrily grabbing the antelope, walking with firm steps to do as told.
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neoma-eltanin · 3 years
Prompt #10 - Heady
Note: Follow-up piece to prompt #7.
Too much.
Kjirsa’s head felt like it had been repeatedly hit with a hammer and then slammed against a door. She groaned, slowly turning around in bed. Her company was still asleep, thankfully, his chest raising and lowering for each breath followed by an occasional snore and a clearing of his throat. No wonder, she had lost count of how many bottles of wine the poor bastard had inhaled last night.
Apparently, she had also had one too many glasses to drink. The hangover was unusually bad, she was a strong drinker. All this effort just for some gil… Sometimes she wondered if there were better ways. Probably.
Slowly, she sat up, the headache getting even worse, and she fought the temptation to stay in bed for the rest of the day. Most likely, that is what the man she had chosen as a target would do. But she could not linger.
With careful steps, she got out of bed. Her clothes were scattered around the room, and it took a while for her to find all of them. Somehow her top was lodged beneath the man’s leg, sticking out from under the blanket. It was surprisingly easy to get despite having to lift his leg, all he did was groan and turn.
She had spotted where he kept his pouch. Soon enough she found it tied onto his pants, fiddling with the knots in her dazed state, and finally her prize for the night was caught. She left a handful on the nightstand, enough for him to buy a meal for the day. With the quality of his clothing, it was easy to tell this was but a fraction of his wealth anyway.
See you never again, hopefully.
Silently she unlocked the door and disappeared through it. What she needed now was a big meal, and maybe something strong for the headache. The newly earned gil would come in handy for that.
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