#Cyrus Eltanin
ffxivtribehydrae · 3 months
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Happy Pride from a few of the boys!
Dubus (Aro/Bi) > Cyrus (Demi - @neoma-eltanin ) with Zo'ogai (Ace) > Dusk (Pan)
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neoma-eltanin · 1 year
Little update!
I’ve had this blog for quite a while now. All the way back in 2016 I started it, and at that time I only had one character. Since then I have slowly added more characters to the list, but I’ve never properly introduced them or informed about them! I’ve been really slow about it, but I am trying to rework my blog to adapt and include information for all of them. I will probably make an announcement when it is finally complete.
I am very much active still with playing the game and roleplaying, and I am having a lot of fun! My blog has been a bit lackluster when it comes to content, but I am hoping to change that!
I figured I should show which characters I am actually active with on this blog:
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Neoma Eltanin
I’m sure most of you know who this is, as she was my first character and my blog is named after her! Neoma is an adventuring conjurer currently employed at the Merciful Bough, a company of mercenaries for hire, located in the Lavender Beds. She is a gentle soul known for her kind smile and friendly nature, who grew up in the previously Garlean-occupied Yanxia before one day coming to Gridania on her own to learn the arts of healing magic.
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Cyrus Eltanin
A stern and stubborn samurai of Yanxia, he is Neoma’s older brother who still resides in the village of Hashidoi where they grew up. His hard features hide a soft heart, and he is a pillar for the other villagers’ trust and support. He constantly worries for his sister while keeping himself busy looking after their mother and additional house members that ended up becoming part of the family due to interesting circumstances.
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Kjirsa Iryut
An independent and confident thief who lures her targets with sweet words and alluring glances. Kjirsa left the Golmore Jungle where she grew up to search for her missing brother wherever he might be, not knowing whether he is alive or dead. She takes pleasure in the freedom she has found traveling from place to place and is a fiery, carefree woman who does not care for others’ opinion on herself and her life.
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Erjon Sjadarwesfv
A person with little to no expressions on his face, Erjon is an experienced engineer and gunman who spent much of his life serving the Garlean Empire after being forcefully recruited when he was still considered young of age for a Viera. After deserting and coming to Eorzea, he opts to keep this part of his past hidden from most as to not end up in any unwanted conflicts. Known for being sarcastic and emotionally distant, he is currently employed at the Merciful Bough in the Lavender Beds.
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Severin d’Aumont
Severin is my one and only character who is actually a villain, as he is a serial killer. House Aumont may not be one of the major houses of Ishgard, but they serve as a pillar for the grand city by providing its inhabitants with means of keeping themselves warm and clothed in the frigid temperatures. The lord of the house himself is known for his generous and amiable nature, which unfortunately hides an unknown truth that is selfish, uncaring and bored. He keeps himself entertained in ways only known to the dark of his heart.
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Alari Nelhah
Young, inexperienced and remarkably clumsy, Alari was recently banished from her Keeper clan due to her inability to provide for them, rather causing them more trouble than what was worth. Purely by chance she ended up being employed by the Merciful Bough, mostly as a kind gesture so she would have a place to stay. While trained in archery, she unfortunately has a terrible aim. Due to her many mishappenings she is a shy, insecure and nervous girl who has a long way to go to find strength in herself and grow some confidence.
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Baruun & Zyyn Himaa
The Himaa twins are two characters played by me and @ffxivtribehydrae​! Known for being troublemakers ever since their younger years growing up in their tribe on the Azim Steppe, the twins had to flee their homeland after their reckless games caused the Reunion to be destroyed. Eventually they would end up in Eorzea and become adventurers, exploring the land and causing mischief wherever they went. They are currently employed at the Merciful Bough.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 5 months
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A lil YCH of the dads, Zo'ogai and Cyrus ( @neoma-eltanin ) that I am absolutely in LOVE with!
Thank you so much @mypillowpaper ! It was well worth the wait!
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ffxivtribehydrae · 1 year
#26 Last
For FFxIvWrite2023 Characters: Zo'ogai, Cyrus
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On this early summer’s day, Hashidoi bathed in greens, pinks, blues, purples and whites in its valley location. The skies above were deep blue, allowing as much sunlight as possible to light up the colours of the season of lilacs.
And on this day, Zo’ogai and Cyrus walked together down the well travelled path towards the center of the village. The gentlest of winds wafted the perfumed air across rice fields and gardens alike, making the journey a pleasant one. So lovely was it, that Zo’ogai realized he had to halt his steps as his companion had stopped without warning.
Inquisitive eyes turned to the Raen, wondering what caught the man’s attention. His answer was given however without the need for words as Cyrus had stepped near the closest bush, rich with deep purple flowers. Raised hand cupped a cluster of the fragrant blooms close to his face with the same gentleness he’d brush fingers through his lover’s hair and pale eyelashes fluttered shut as a serene smile graced those faint pink tinted lips as though he was about to give the petals a kiss as sweet as the scent they offered. Add on the breeze playing with snow white locks and the green leaves framing his blue robes and Zo’ogai found himself lost in admiration of the man who held his heart, if not a little jealous the flower was getting such attention and not him.
The realization of his own thoughts had the Xaela blush with embarrassment, not that Cyrus could tell when he finally turned to continue their walk without a word. In peaceful silence they continued forward, and though Cyrus might not have thought much of it, Zo’ogai would keep the image of the brief but beautiful moment with him for a long time…
To his great surprise however, this brief moment would turn out to be quite frequent as Cyrus would stop repeatedly on their journey to smell the flowers. Once more, twice, thrice and on the fourth Zo’ogai found himself with a mixture of frustration and curiosity as the sun went ahead in its scheduled counting of time. “Why?”
Cyrus turned to the other with surprise to the sudden question, a little lost at first what it was about. Pale blue eyes shifting between the flowers and his own gave the Raen enough hints to dare answer with a shy smile, perhaps it was a little silly, what he was doing, “It’s a beautiful day and they smell wonderful. You never know how long they will last in their prime like this after all.”
With an understanding nod, Zo’ogai pondered over his words. True the fleeting beauties of every season never lasted for forever. And perhaps he should cherish the time just like Cyrus did. So when they reached the last bush down the road, before entering the central cluster of buildings of the village, and they paused once more to take in the fragrance of these lilacs as pink as the highlights of the Xaela’s hair, he also stepped forth to experience them in full. It brought a smile to the other’s face to see his words had given the other something to consider, “What do you think?”
Pulling away, Zo’ogai huffed softly in thought. “I think you, you are like one… [honeybee,]” he spoke with a pause as he struggled to find the word, and failing to and thus opting for his own tongue. As the word left him the moment Cyrus took a breath of the blossoms, he couldn’t help but let a rare smile gently curve his lips in amusement and wonder.
Although he didn’t understand the word he’d just been called, the expression that greeted him when he looked back was enough to reassure him it wasn’t anything to be concerned about at this time. Rather he was reminded of his own words. So rare was a smile from the other, he’d enjoy this moment for as long as it lasted first and foremost.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 1 year
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Au Ra kiss ~ Horn snuggles
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ffxivtribehydrae · 1 year
#8 Shed
For FFxIvWrite2023 Characters: Zo'ogai, Cyrus
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It was that time again, when his temperament grew even more unpredictable, when his body itched and every fiber of his clothes got caught on the rough surfaces of his paled scales.
Zo’ogai growled in frustration, nearly tearing the fabric from his body and unceremoniously throwing it to the stone floor. A few threads were pulled in the seams of the already well worn attire, catching on edges normally not present.
He’d spent a lot of his time the past few suns in the warm evening bath, soaking in the steam in hopes it would speed up the process of his shedding. So he sunk into the large tub swiftly, dipped his entire being underneath the surface and allowed the heat to engulf him entirely. His skin prickled to the sudden temperature change, a distracting sensation to his itchiness. And under he’d stay for as long as his lungs allowed it, hands massaging the scales along his arms in some faint hope it would encourage them to let go.
It was soothing, despite the heat making him feel lightheaded. The therapeutic, muted humming of the fresh water still being poured into the tub eased the tension of his mind and emotions. Just like that he had found peace after a long day of suffering…
Until he was so rudely disrupted by a hand cupping the back of his head to lift him back to the surface.
Displeased with the disturbance, Zo’ogai still held his breath as he shot a glare at the worried blue eyes observing him. Cyrus’ concern for the other’s wellbeing mellowed out to be replaced by frustrated relief.
“Do not look at me like that, I thought you had passed out from the steam, the sun’s already hot outside as it is,” he explained his actions and worry, settling back beside the wooden tub and letting the cupping hand caress along an exposed shoulder. Studying the matte scales that had grown paler than the dark skin of the Xaela, his hand lingered a little bit longer. “… How are you feeling?”
Zo’ogai grumbled as his head turned away from the Raen, rubbed his scales a bit more aggressively and finally took a proper deep breath that left as a heavy sigh. He could forgive the worry that had disturbed him, but now his mind was occupied with the unpleasant feeling on his skin again.
The hand on his shoulder soon left and he disappointedly imagined the other leaving him alone in the bathroom. Once he had decided he did not want that to be the case, when he had decided to turn to Cyrus and ask for his company further, the water was disturbed behind him as the other sank into the tub as well.
“I can help scrub the ones on your back. We have some treatments to help ease any irritations too, I assume you might need them, considering how often you come in here lately.”
Gently hands brushed the dark, silken hair to cascade over a shoulder, prompting the other to look over his other shoulder at the attention he was receiving. A small hum and nod agreed to being taken care of for a little while. Cyrus smiled gently and reached for a soft brush to begin his promised work.
Zo’ogai wish he had told of his issues sooner rather than wait for the other to figure things out on his own.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 3 months
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Everything is good here. Happy and peaceful. Yet every night I am always haunted by thoughts not my own, of the past I tried to correct- and failed... Something I am kind of thankful for, now. So I told him. Of the things I struggle to let go off. How I wished he would be with me, facing the past.
I am confident we are here to stay. With what Cyrus said it sounded like he wanted us to as well, which made me feel even more that... I need to go back. Not to say my farewells to those I once called family... But to show them how they wronged me. That I could be all they wanted me to be. Who I have been here, in this little village. With understanding, patience and kindness... With freedom, rather than to fit their mold...
Am I desiring forgiveness..? I do not deny I made many mistakes. Still do. But I am not the lone one to blame for my fate, am I?
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neoma-eltanin · 1 year
Prompt #19: Weal
For FFXIVWrite2023 Character: Cyrus Eltanin Warnings: None
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It was rare that he would reflect on them. Not that he minded them much, now. But when the summer sun had began to set, its last rays of light leaving the valley signaling that night was coming, they had danced across his naked skin through the window as he undressed for a bath.
They illuminated blemishes and lines that did not belong. Old scars from blades that had both slashed and pierced. Cyrus was in no way ashamed of them however, rather the opposite. The scars were proof of his duty, his honor and pride in protecting what he held dear.
Memories of close encounters during the rebellion that would finally set his homeland free. How the prince of Doma had returned from the dead and brought a force unlike any other, driving their opressors away. His beloved sister's sudden return, here to fight alongside him and countless others who yearned for freedom.
Cyrus had trained relentlessly to protect his family, his home. It had all paid off. He held no regrets, no matter how many scars he would have to carry for the rest of his life.
Well... There was one scar that troubled him more than the others.
His hand lifted to brush gingerly over a mark on his shoulder. The scar returned on the other side, indicating a blade had pierced straight through his body. The scar's appearance was not what bothered him. Rather, the memories did.
Memories of that despicable Garlean envoy looking down on him as he was pinned to the ground by his blade. His sister's and mother's pleading voices. Screams as fire spread through the village. And he could do nothing but glare and wish death upon these vicious monsters.
Cyrus had not realized how hard his hand was now gripping onto his shoulder as he returned from his memories. A deep wrinkle had formed between his eyebrows, which slowly softened the more he relaxed. No matter how many years had passed since that day, the unpleasant memory of it would not go away. He had never felt so weak.
The hot water could wash away neither his scars nor the memories attached to them, but he had learned to accept this. He had told himself to not linger in the past anymore. He would look to the future.
Together with the people he loved.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 11 months
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Walk in the rain~
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neoma-eltanin · 1 year
Prompt #16: Jerk
For FFXIVWrite2023 Character: Cyrus Eltanin Warnings: Soft adult content
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It was all new to him. So new. So strange.
It sent jolts through his body, like lightning. Caused him to shiver and heat up at the time time, like a fever. He felt dizzy, like he might collapse at any moment. Desperately his hands reached for something, anything to hold on to. They gripped and tugged at the fabric of the other, held so close that they might melt into one.
He was so close to him. Only the two of them, only the sound of their shared breath and the crickets outdoors that sang in the night. He felt so warm. So warm he might burn up.
Zo'ogai's hands... The hands he so often had watched, that had created the most beautiful of things. The hands that were rough and marred with wounds from the number of trials and errors in his craft. The hands he would have cared for, wrapped in bandages and held in his own. The very same hands now touched him in ways he dared not speak, causing emotions from deep within him he didn't even know existed to spill forth.
It was too much. It felt so good it almost scared him. He feared he might scream his name for the world to hear, scream how he wanted nothing more than to be loved by him and him alone, until the end of eternity.
It washed over him so suddenly. In this moment he felt himself disappear, and only Zo'ogai could truly see him. Only Zo'ogai could kiss him, touch him, cradle his heart and make him feel things he never dared think of before.
Was it a mistake? Should he have reconsidered? None of it mattered now. Here where only they existed in each other's eyes, in each other's touch, here he wished to remain.
If this was what it meant to love, then he loved Zo'ogai with all of his entire being.
(Zo'ogai Hydrae belongs to @ffxivtribehydrae)
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ffxivtribehydrae · 2 years
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It is something couples do... I expected he would be curious eventually. Just glad he chose to ask about it first, rather than it coming as a surprise... Last time was unpleasant but... I like to be with him. And we have been like this for some time now. It is comforting, reassuring, to be in his presence. I trust him enough to... try it again, I think...
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neoma-eltanin · 1 year
💧 = Has the type of world your character lives in claimed anyone they loved? How do they cope with it?
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The moment he was asked the question, the frown on the Auri man's brow seemed to deepen. Not in an aggressive way however; rather one in melancholic pain. His arms, already crossed, seemed to tense up slightly. It took him a moment to respond to the question.
"I have," he sighed, and the frown on his brow softened. "When I was young, my father was murdered by a group of roaming Xaela that had wandered down the mountain range separating the border between Yanxia and the Azim Steppe. Garleans had most likely forced them out of their territory, and they attacked my father's caravan to acquire the wares they were transporting to the capital city of Doma."
His fingers gripped tighter of his arms. "I say 'murdered' because the attack was entirely unprovoked by my father or any of the others who suffered from it. For a very long time, I harbored a deep hatred for Xaela because of this. I believed them all to be the same; selfish, violent savages out for blood, ready to kill any and all who stood in their way."
He paused as his gaze wandered in thought. "I have since learned that is not the case. I have met Xaela who have been nothing but good people. It took some time to accept it... But now I know I was unfair in my judgement, and I am ashamed to admit what I used to think of them."
Fantasy Character Development
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neoma-eltanin · 1 year
🗣️ = How does your character feel about Non-Human intelligent races? If they are one how are they treated? - Cyrus
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Cyrus closed his eyes for a few seconds as he contemplated his answer. "I take it you mean the beast-looking races, like the Lupin? I'll admit, what I mostly knew of the Lupin growing up was that there were both good and bad ones - those who lived like ordinary civilians in other villages and those who had turned to banditry. We haven't had any in our village for as long as I can remember. Perhaps it was different once upon a time. I only know I steered clear of the ones out in the wild."
He paused to exhale out of his nose. "I had not seen many other races like that until the one time I traveled to Eorzea. There are quite a lot of them there, it would seem. And... It seems the same can be said about them too; there are both good and bad ones."
His gaze fell in thought. "... I'll admit, not too long ago I might have been unnecessarily suspicious of those who I considered different. I know now that you cannot judge a book by its cover. So I try to be more patient nowadays."
Fantasy Character Development
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neoma-eltanin · 1 year
76%. If your character could "unmeet" someone in their life, who would they choose?
78%. If your character could choose different parents for themselves, who would they choose and why? (You're getting two cause they skipped 77% lol)
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There's a certain group of people Cyrus wishes he had never met, and those are the Garleans. He was only two years old when the Garlean Empire first invaded Doma and Yanxia as a whole, and as such he can't remember what life was like before their rule. He only remembers the fear and hatred of them and their cruelty. The worst memory he has of them was one time when Garlean troops visited his village for a regular check-up. These visits often turned into bullying towards the villagers, and one time a few soldiers targeted his sister with malicious intent.
Cyrus attacked them in blind rage to protect his little sister, which of course had consequences. After giving the young man a good beating, the soliders then burned several of their crops and storages. It would be a rough winter for the village that year.
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Kjirsa tends to feel bitter when she thinks of her mother. Born into a matriarchal and isolated society in the Golmore Jungle, a lot of pressure was put on her as well as the other girls to grow into strong and able women who could do their part in the village. Kjirsa often struggled to meet her mother's demands, even when she felt like she tried her best. Soon she started to resist the expectations and became disobedient. This sparked a desire in her to escape this life in hopes of finding something better for herself, though she felt bound to the jungle due to her family.
It wasn't until the news of her brother's disappearance from the other men prompted her to finally leave the jungle for good in search of him, as well as finally freeing herself from the shackles. She has not spoken to her mother, her sister or any of the others in her village since, as she is unable to return.
If she was to choose any other to be her parent, then she might scoff and say it would have been better had she never been born to be a Viera in the first place. But who is to say it would have been any different?
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neoma-eltanin · 2 years
Prompt #23: pitch
For FFXIVWrite2022 Character: Cyrus Eltanin, Zo’tall Hydrae ( @ffxivtribehydrae​ ) Warnings: None
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Despite the fact the kingdom of Doma was occupied by the Galrean Empire, the people of Yanxia found ways to lighten their ordinary days in their rather humble lives. Such was the case in places such as Hashidoi, the little village north of the capital of Doma. While they were forced to labor hard to produce rice and bamboo to whatever the Empire requested of them, as well as for themselves, they had time for other things every so often.
A melody was heard in the air. A gentle, light and soft dance of notes, like it was harmonizing with the birdsong of the forest surrounding the valley. Cyrus knew what that sound was. The little boy was on his way to the source of it, the sound of his geta sandals clopping against the dirt road as he hurried his steps. He had no reason to run other than that he wanted to see who was playing that beautiful sound. Someone who was very good at playing the flute.
There, by a cherry tree by the river, sat his father. It was almost autumn, and so the leaves of the tree were starting to change hue into a bright orange. His father rested against the tree, finished with the day’s work, relaxing and playing his flute. He had played flute for as long as Cyrus could remember. “Father!” the child called to him, interrupting his playing as he ran up to him with energetic steps.
“Hello, Cyrus.” The man smiled gently at him as the boy threw himself into his lap for a hug. “Are you done helping your mother like I asked?”
“I am!” Cyrus replied with a proud grin. “And Neoma can almost walk all on her own now. I was teaching her! She’s still small though.”
His father laughed. Despite Cyrus’ young age, he was a surprisingly responsible boy, always so caring for his family. It was heartwarming. “She is still a toddler. She will grow, eventually. Just like you. You will get very tall when you grow up, you’ll see. You’re growing fast!”
Again Cyrus smiled proudly at his father’s encouraging words. He admired his father more than anyone else in this world, and his support meant a lot for the young boy who wished for nothing but his love and care. “Father, how long have you played the flute?”
“Hm? Oh, a very long time. Long before I came to Yanxia, actually. Want to try it?” He handed his flute to his son, who eagerly accepted it and immediately attempted to blow into it without waiting for instructions. The sound was horrible and made both him and his father flinch by the painfully false tune. “Cyrus, Cyrus”, his father laughed. “It takes time, and practice. And you need to blow carefully, not so hard. Let me show you.”
Cyrus pouted in confusion as he handed the flute back to his father, who demonstrated and showed him how to place his fingers and lips, how to breathe and blow to create a clear tune. It was much more tricky than he expected, but he listened carefully to the instructions. Finding enjoyment in the playing once he managed to play a clean note, he begged his father to continue teaching him. His father was more than happy to oblige.
Several years later, by the same cherry tree on an early autumn afternoon, Cyrus sat and played the flute he had inherited from his father. He never considered himself to be as good as him, even if others would disagree. At least he had a good teacher. He still enjoyed playing it, it brought back good memories despite how hard life had been during the Garlean rule. Now more than ever, he felt at peace. And when he played his flute, he relaxed.
“Cyrus!” A child’s voice called for him, accompanied by the sound of small geta sandals hurrying down the dirt road towards where he sat, and he stopped playing to look up.
“Hello, Zo’tall”, he smiled. This felt familiar. “Are you done helping Yuina like I asked?”
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ffxivtribehydrae · 2 years
#23 Pitch
For FFxIvWrite2022 Characters: Zo’tall, Yuina ( @neoma-eltanin​ ) Warnings: None
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Zo’tall found it by accident, tucked away in his box of possessions.
The crude flute that he made all on his own, it was one of many but he had only kept the last. Suddenly he recalls the tough times he and Zo’ogai shared on the streets of Kugane. It was a strange thing to remember times of uncertainty, when they never knew when next they’d have a meal or even a bed and roof at night.
Now they had everything they could ask for, even more than he could ever have hoped for!
Rolling the flute in his hands to inspect for any damage he soon grinned and put the instrument to his lips, took a deep breath and-
The broken tone echoed in the small room and would likely have stung the eardrums of whoever was listening. It would make strange hitches as he switched between notes he wasn’t even sure if they existed.
Despite the horrible sound, he was still proud about what he had made. And Zo’ogai had never shown any great anger about its quality of sound. Perhaps it was because they both found an interest in music after their first visit in Hashidoi? From the same source and similar reasons.
“Zo’tall, is everything alright? What is that noise?”
Excitedly the boy turned to the Raen woman, she had essentially become like a loving grandma to him, always stuffing him with food and giving wise words. Fast was he on his feet to present the source of the noise.
“I found my flute! Look Yuina! I made it myself!”
“Oh? Such talent!” She encouraged, perhaps more the craftsmanship than anything, “You know Cyrus also plays the flute, maybe if you asked him nicely he could borrow you his nice one?” She inspected the flute with interest and spoke with enthusiasm.
“Really? The really nice one!?” When he received a nod the boy bounced in place, already wanting to run and find Cyrus straight away but was stopped by a chuckling Yuina.
“Do give him a demonstration of this flute too, I’m sure if not kindness convinces him, your dedication to learn will!”
And with an excited confirmation and nod the boy ran off to find the man in question.
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