#Baseball player
azdmathings · 2 months
Ideas for a Sunday Afternoon
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Bring a Buddy Home From Baseball Practice!
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timmyrx2000 · 3 months
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Wendy being a certified Star player of a Baseball Player. Art by el_moribundo__
Part of my Gravity Falls Baseball AU continuity
Wendy isn't just the coach of Dipper, Mabel, and Pacifica's baseball team for no reason. A few years back, when she herself played little league baseball, she was the star player of her team. Baseball had been Gravity Falls' biggest sport and the entire town would come out to watch their local little league heroes in action on the field. However, when the town's Football team began making waves, everyone moved to that leaving baseball in the dust with even most of the kids moving on to that. Wendy's team was the last little league baseball team in town before football took over and they couldn't even get enough members before having to dissolve the team due to lack of players and interest. That never stopped the fire and passion for the game burning deep in her, though. And though her old team may be gone, she's never let go of her love and thrill of the game. It hasn't been too long and, though she thinks she's abit rusty, she's still every bit of a badass at the game. When she puts on her baseball gear, its like the star player in her never stopped.
Back in her playing days, she learned to play nearly all the positions, never missing a chance to become a total power house. However, Wendy was also quite of a wild card which, while making for an exciting game, would also put her team in pretty tight situations that didn't always go their way. But still, she always loved the game, whether it was on the mound, behind the plate, at bat, on the bases, or on the outfield, she excelled at her game and she made sure the other team knew it!
Now, however, as she dusts off her old baseball uniform, she also puts on a new role: as coach for Dipper, Mabel, and Pacifica. Now she's more than just a player; she's also a guardian, teacher, mentor, and big sis to the 3 dorks she's taken in as part of her crew. Its no longer just about playing but also about teaching these 3 how Baseball is more than just a game of pure skill but also smarts! She's not ready to hang up her cleats, however, and Wendy's just as much of a student as she is a coach. While she does coach the team, she also still plays along side them and learns from her 3 little goobers. Mabel, Wendy's assistant coach, has taught her that more than just cutting loose, playing the game means enjoying and savoring every single moment of it. Dipper, her first player, has taught her to be more grounded and analytical in her plays to stay one step ahead of her opponent. And Pacifica? Pacifica's taught Wendy that she's more than just a coach and a player, she's a big sister and a role model to her that she looks up to. Wendy is her rock and the person she can lean on when things get rough.
Wendy's days on the diamond are far from over and, while she may be coach to the kids, she's also learning and growing with them. Its a journey they're all on together and she could not ask for a better crew to be by her side!
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horny-athletes · 7 months
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mimi-0007 · 11 months
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Jackie and Rachel Robinson
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thefoilguy · 4 months
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The Batter from Off - Aluminum Foil Sculpture
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usarmytrooper · 11 months
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Hot ball player!
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fittersitter · 4 months
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sports-outsized · 12 days
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pinkfai · 4 months
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Source : barbieworld on Instagram 🩷
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forever70s · 3 months
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Willie Mays (1968) 🌹
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azdmathings · 1 month
6000+ Weekend - Some of my Favorite Pictures from the Collection
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From the Baseball File - Both of their Favorite Positions
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timmyrx2000 · 1 year
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TEAMWORK Mabel and Pacifica Style!
Mabel and Pacifica proudly display their collaboration on the team's official Baseball Uniform Design. Art by @turquoisespace35
It's part of an AU where, during their free time, Dipper, Mabel, Pacifica, and Wendy form a baseball team to try and get Dipper and Pacifica out of their shells. Wendy and Mabel try to boost Dipper's confidence by getting him to give playing baseball a shot and Pacifica, now part of the gang, comes along for the ride.
Among the entire group, Mabel and Pacifica have the most history, with their start being...rocky at best. While Pacifica and Mabel are now together on their tiny Baseball Team with Wendy and Dipper, Pacifica still feels quite anxious around Mabel knowing how she's treated Mabel in the past. What surprises her though is how easily Mabel seems to have gotten over those times and just seems to enjoy having her as a new friend. Pacifica's not used to Mabel's optimistic and upbeat attitude on life, especially growing up with rich, snobbish, stuck-up family and friends where you just didn't let things slide, but you made sure you won at all costs.
Mabel, on the other hand, loves having Pacifica as a new friend but still feels she's still quite distant and apprehensive getting close to her. Mabel's always makes an effort to have a bit of fun with Pacifica but almost always, Pacifica responds rather awkwardly. Mabel knows its not about Pacifica not wanting to be friends, but she knows she's gotta break her out of her shell cause she knows there's a Pacifica in there that just wants to break-free and enjoy life to her fullest.
When Wendy pitches the idea of finally formalize the Baseball team into a real ream, complete with recruiting 9 Players, she says they'll need an official Baseball Team Uniform and what better people to come up with it than the queens of style and creativity right in the team: Pacifica and Mabel!
Both girls are excited at the prospect of making the official team uniform but they do have some doubts on if it can or will work. Mabel and Pacifica have 2 very different ideas of style and creativity. Pacifica, in particular, is even more nervous that if this ends in disaster, she may lose the only real friend her age she would have had. Mabel, however, dives right into the opportunity seeing it as the chance to finally hangout and get to know Pacifica more. But can opposites work together?
As they pitch ideas back and forth both Pacifica and Mabel gain more insight into each other's personality. They begin opening up to each other slowly but surely. Pacifica begins to admire Mabel's spice for life, her creativity, and her boldness in imagination. She admires how Mabel is so unapologetic for who she is and no matter how bad things get, Mabel still manages to find the bright side of life. Mabel, on the other hand, begins to admire Pacifica's fierce and strong personality and how she's unafraid to speak her mind. She sees in Pacifica someone who is brave enough to stand up for herself against anyone who'd try to put her down, and she sees in her someone who is unwilling to go back to the life she had living as a slave to her dad's bell.
Their new found respect and admiration for each other proves to be a great asset in their collaboration. They're not competing, but they complement each other. They form the perfect duo for the job, with Mabel inspiring Pacifica to be more ambitious and daring in her choices while Pacifica helps keep Mabel grounded and realistic. It culminates with the pair proudly presenting their work to Wendy and Dipper who are thoroughly impressed and proud of their new Team Uniform. 
But it doesn't just stop there!  Mabel and Pacifica both prove to be a force to be reckoned with on the field, both partnering up during the games to help out in forming strategies and executing plays. When times get tough, they have each other to lean on, no matter how difficult and complicated things get. Pacifica couldn't ask for a better friend than Mabel, and neither could Mabel ask for a better friend than Pacifica.
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horny-athletes · 5 months
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verum-artifex · 1 year
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If she is not amp, she's is a vamp. 🦇
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fashioninpaper · 8 hours
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peachespearsandplumbs · 2 months
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