#gf fanfiction
gail-skywalker · 2 years
Alright, I hate to be this person, but I’m going to be, and I’m sorry.
Are you looking for a new fanfic to read? Are you in the Gravity Falls Fandom? Do you simp for Stanford Pines? Well, it happens to be that I’m writing a Gravity Falls Stanford x fem reader called Falling for a Freak on Wattpad (yes I write on Wattpad because I don’t understand A03).
I am trying to update weekly but that schedule might be a little finicky since I’m starting school. Also as a disclaimer, the first like 3 chapters are basically shit since I wrote them when I was 12 and then took a break for a couple years because I lost motivation, so please don’t judge the book but it’s first few chapters. But here I am with better writing ready to make more content.
If you can’t find it by searching for it you can find it under the account Abigail12G, so yeah.
Again, I feel so annoying doing this, but I decided to give ‘advertising’ my fanfic a shot (hopefully I won’t regret it).
Honestly I already feel like an idiot.
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I have been down for the last couple of months and even stopped writing on my weekly fic. I am still grieving but I feel a lot better now and want to write again. So I have been brainstorming for the last couple of days and came up with four ideas I thought I could explore. All are heavily Ford focused (except one). I need a little motivation and wanted to ask if anyone would be interested in reading any of these fics:
1. It starts the moment Ford finds out about Bills betrayal. But instead of becoming paranoid, he goes full blown mad scientist mode and Bill is the one suffering
2. Shermie, Stan and Ford reunion. They talk stuff out, share trauma, help each other heal, compare their life experiences, reflect on the past. Lots of bonding. It may sound like angst, but is more hurt/comfort with more comfort than hurt
3. AroAce!Ford. Going through the years and coming to terms with what it means to be aromantic and that there is nothing wrong with that and finds happiness by the people around him. Also he finds out that there is a word for what he experiences
4. Multiple Ford's from different points in time suddenly find themselves all together in one place. They don't know why they're there, who brought them there. Mystery/Thriller alongside a character reflection of how Ford has changed through time
I had more ideas than these but these are the only ones I could imagine writing at least a one-shot about.
I also wanted to mention that I am a slow writer and have not that much free time. This is only something I do for fun. So please don't ask me when I will post something
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ladylynse · 2 years
A Gravity Falls/Over the Garden Wall crossover
Mabel and Dipper are lost in the woods, and when they finally find someone with a light who might be able to help them, the boy is frustratingly cryptic--right up until he’s not, and they realize the poor kid probably made a deal with a demon to wind up in this Unknown place with them.
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stan-fixations · 2 years
Inspired by the song:
Candy by Robbie Williams
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All crazy all the time
Never a dull moment
You guys can practically read each other's minds
You occasionally get dragged into her and Dipper's adventures and problems
You guys met in 1st grade when she melted her crayons and your doll's head together
Dipper has a crush on you but would never admit it
Sometimes even you can't handle her
Even though she's full of energy she has no problem being calm when necessary
NOBODY ABSOLUTELY NOBODY is as protective of you as she is
Carries candy in her socks and always offer you some
You and Dipper have to trade off time with her so the other can get a break
She talks a lot but never tells your secrets
Random dance parties
Sleepovers on Saturdays
Everytime one of you is sad you eat a tub of ice cream and watch sad movies together
Bestie goals
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punedrr · 2 years
The Thesis and the Doctorate
**A/N: It’s been two weeks. I have nothing to say for myself. Thank you to my friend ChaotixCrow and my beta awolangel for helping me with plot stuff; without them you guys would have had to wait a lot longer.**
Link to the story: The Thesis and the Doctorate
Chapter 8: Friends Old and New
It’s a week after the fishing trip and you’re back in the woods again. It’s true that you were scared by the Hide-Behind and the gnomes but if you’ve learned anything this summer it’s that you’re stronger than you think you are. Really, these brief encounters have only served to make you more interested. Creepy monsters can only keep you away for so long before you start wanting to learn more.
You’re alone today, exploring along a river in the southeastern part of the valley and staying well away from the Gnome Forest. Ford did offer to go with you but you declined. He’s certainly good company, but you didn’t want to keep him away from whatever he’s working on at the Northwest Manor to go traipsing around in the woods with you. And things have felt different between you two lately. Not weird or bad, but just slightly to the left how things used to be. 
Ford still calls you “my dear,” still talks your ear off about his latest projects, still walks you around town and oversees DDMD sessions at the Shack. But he no longer stands as close, no longer touches your arm or shoulder when he wants to show you something, and he rarely looks at you directly anymore. Not that you’ve noticed, or anything. It’s probably nothing, you tell yourself. Ford’s polite. He’s probably just trying to be respectful, that’s all. Respectful of what you’re not sure. Your boundaries, maybe? You sigh and push those thoughts out of your head. Stop worrying about it, this isn’t high school. Ford is still your friend and that’s what matters.
It’s only midmorning but the sun is already beating down. Were it not for the shade provided by the canopy you’re sure you’d be baking. You peeled off your sweatshirt and rolled up your pants hours ago. You’re not looking for anything in particular on this trip, you just want to get a feel for this part of the valley before going back in to analyze it. As you walk the dusty trail the river begins to look more and more inviting. Maybe when you break for lunch you’ll dip your feet in. 
You check your compass. You’ve been following the creek since you began this morning and you’re pretty sure it empties into Lake Gravity Falls eventually. Like the majority of the valley, the southeastern portion is populated with well-spaced larches, hemlocks, and firs, with the occasional towering pine or deciduous grove. The air is warm and still without the hint of a breeze. The creek, which is about four feet wide and half as deep, gurgles softly as it rushes across its bed. You keep walking.
It’s noon now and you’re ready for a break. Across the stream you can see a small clearing covered in soft grass and shaded by the trees. Quickly you strip your boots and socks and wade across the creek. The cool water feels great and you pause a moment in the middle, watching curious silver fish dart by. 
On the other side the grove is cool and eerily quiet. As soon as you step through the trees the bird calls and droning insects seem to fade away. The sunlight is almost completely blocked by the leaves overhead and it takes a moment for your eyes to adjust. Once they do you spot something jutting out of the grass on the opposite end of the clearing. Partially obscured by ferns and moss, it’s a stone statue about five feet tall and in the shape of a triangle. 
Intrigued, you go for a closer look. It is definitely a large triangle, except that instead of a top point the statue is wearing a tall stone stovepipe hat. On the right side of the triangle there protrudes a simple four-fingered arm, hand outstretched as if trying to greet the viewer. The face of the triangle is taken up by a single carved stone eye with a catlike rhombic pupil. At the base of the triangle’s face runs a chiseled line with two vertical notches equidistant from each other, like the beginnings of a pyramid pattern. The back face of the statue is smooth. 
As you stare at it, you’re overcome with a sense of chilly foreboding. You look around instinctively but you’re alone. What is this? You wonder. And what’s it doing out here? Taking out your phone, you snap a few pictures and hurry out of the clearing. Ford will definitely want to see this.
“The readings all seem normal.”
Agents Trigger and Powers sit in a surveillance van parked on Main Street, discussing their plan.
“The readings don’t mean jack anymore. We know the truth. All that’s left to do is attack.”
Trigger slips off his headphones and turns to his partner. Powers looks haggard. There are new lines on his face and his suit is wrinkled. Trigger himself doesn’t look much better. Nearly losing your job after botching one of your department's most important operations to date and then having to bow and scrape your way back into authority will do that to a man. 
“If Pines hadn’t hit us with that damned memory blast-” Trigger starts. Powers holds up a hand. He’s heard this tirade too many times before. 
“But that’s exactly what he did. And now we finally have the chance to put those crazy bastards where they belong.” Trigger nods. “Switch positions and keep an eye on the library” he orders. “I want to catch that woman who’s been hanging around. She seems to know the family well and we could use someone on the inside. Those Pines twins are damn hard to catch.”
Trigger climbs behind the van’s wheel and pulls out onto the street.
“And Trigger?” He turns, and Agent Powers points at him. “Don’t fuck this mission up for me.”
“Yes, sir.”
The gravel crunches as you pull into the Shack’s parking lot. You decided to cut your hike short after finding the statue. It was the most interesting thing you’d seen all day and you’re sure it’s going to be news to Ford. After all, he knew the area you’d be in today and surely a creepy triangle statue would be worth mentioning. You notice Stan’s car is gone. He must be in town. You hope that Ford is here, you never bothered to check. He could very well be at the Manor with McGucket. 
You step out of the car and knock at the Shack’s back porch. You feel like you’re in some weird hospitality limbo: too new to just walk in but too familiar to go through the gift shop and ask to see Ford. After a few seconds Dipper answers the door, smiling when he sees that it’s you. “Hey!” He stands aside to let you in. “What’s up?”
“I found this thing today while I was hiking- some kind of weird statue?” You follow him into the living room. “Where’s Mabel?”
“Oh, she went with Stan to find new parts for the museum exhibits. She’s a lot better at haggling than I am.” He turns to you. “You said you found a statue?”
“Yeah,I was hoping to talk to Ford about it. I don’t think it’s something he’s seen before. It was in a clearing next to a stream, I took some pictures... Here,” You hold out your phone and watch as Dipper’s face drains of color. He swipes through the pictures frantically, shaking his head. Maybe he’s seen it before? He looks back up at you, eyes wide.
“I-I’ve gotta go get Grunkle Ford. He needs to see this.” Dipper shoves the phone back at you and takes off in the direction of the gift shop. What was that all about? You wonder. Dipper looked like he’d seen a ghost. 
You wait in the living room, wondering what’s taking them so long. Finally, Ford strides in with Dipper on his heels. He’s traded his duster for a lab coat, the sleeves of which have been rolled up to reveal corded forearms thick with silver hair and scars. Not wanting to be caught staring, your eyes dart up to his face. His mouth is set in a grim line. He holds out a six-fingered palm.
“I need to see those pictures,” is all he says, completely skipping a regular greeting. His low voice brooks no argument and you once again hand over your phone, completely baffled.
“I told you, it’s him.” Dipper says, peering over Ford’s arm to get another look at the screen. 
Ford looks up at you. “Where exactly did you say you found this statue?”
“About three miles southeast from the trailhead, where I told you I was going yesterday. I was following a stream and there was a clearing near the bank. The statue was there. I don’t have the coordinates, if that’s what you’re asking for.” You cross your arms, defensive. The weird questions taken with Ford’s brusque attitude and Dipper’s anxious behavior make you feel like you stepped into the middle of something you’re not supposed to be a part of.
Ford mutters a curse in an unknown language and hands your phone back.
“What’s going on?” You address the both of them.
“Nothing you need to be concerned about.” Ford snubs you. Dipper says nothing. 
“Excuse me?” You’re starting to get a little annoyed. Ford seems to have completely switched his personality. “I can’t help but be concerned, what with the way you’re acting and seeing as I found the statue in the first place.”
“It doesn’t matter who found it first, it’s very dangerous.” He puts both hands on your shoulders and looks straight at you. You’re shocked into silence. “Promise me that you’ll never go near that statue ever again.” His voice is strained, almost pleading. 
Warily, you nod. “I promise.” He quickly steps back and begins walking towards the door.
“Good. Well then, thank you for bringing it to my attention, but I’m sure you have better things to do.” He’s opening the back door and his hand is once again your shoulder.
“Stay away from that part of the woods. I’ll be in touch.”
He slams the door in your face. You stand on the back porch and listen as the deadbolt slides into place. What the actual fuck. You raise your hand to knock, you consider shouting, but in the end all you do is walk down the stairs and drive back to the cabin on autopilot. You know that trying to get him to talk to you isn't going to help anything, but at the same time it’s painfully obvious that he’s hiding something big. And then there’s the way he spoke to you. ‘None of your concern...” You almost can’t believe it. Sure, talking about cryptozoology in theory is fine, but as soon as you find something actually important, it’s none of your concern. You go to bed angry, confused, and more than a little hurt. When you finally find it, your sleep is fitful, mind running in circles about what the statue could be to make Ford flip like that.
You’ve calmed down a bit by morning. You’re not really angry at Ford anymore, he is your friend and he probably had his reasons, but you want to know what those reasons are. You roll out of bed. You were originally planning on going back into the woods today, maybe asking Ford to come with you, but that’s not happening anymore. You might as well go to the library. Get some work done and look for any references to the triangle statue. It’s true that Ford made you promise to stay away from it, but he said nothing about researching it. Obviously it’s more than it seems. Based on the feeling you got in the clearing yesterday and Ford’s reaction, you’d bet it’s something Weird. Speaking of Ford... You check your phone. 
There’s nothing new from him, but you’re not surprised. 
Hey, you text. I’m sorry about yesterday, I don’t have any idea what that statue is and I never meant to upset you.
You don’t think you really have anything to apologize for here, but sometimes you’ve just got to suck it up and offer the olive branch if you want to get anywhere. Conciliatory text sent, you dress and grab breakfast before heading out to the library. If he’s not going to give you any answers, you’ll just have to find them yourself.
The drive into town is quiet. You don’t see many other cars, just the weekday commuters. The street in front of the library is deserted save for a black van that’s parked across from the entrance. It seems empty and you pay it no mind. Janet greets you on the way in and you respond in kind.
“How’s Stanford?” She asks.
You pause, momentarily caught off-guard. “He’s... Good. Working up at the Manor most days. I haven’t seen him lately.” You lie. 
“Well, when you do tell him that he needs to return his books.” She scolds.
“Will do,” you tell her. 
You go to sit at your usual table but see that it’s occupied by two men in suits who are discussing something quietly. You turn to find another spot but they look up and notice you. Quickly they both stand.
“Excuse me?” The first man, a blond who looks slightly younger than his partner, gets to you first.
“I’m Agent Trigger and this is my partner Agent Powers. We’re with the F.B.I.’s Paranormal Intelligence and Response Branch. If you have time, we’d like to ask you a few questions about Gravity Falls.”
“Um...” What could the F.B.I. want with you? You’ve never even had a parking ticket!
“Completely off the record, of course.” Off the record?
“Am I in trouble?” You ask, looking between them.
Agent Powers steps forward. “Not at all. We just want to ask you a few questions.”
“I’ve never heard of the Paranormal Intelligence and Response Branch before.”
“Would you mind taking a seat, Miss...?” He trails off, obviously wanting your name. You don’t give him one, but you do sit in one of the nearby vacant chairs. Agent Powers sits across from you and begins speaking. “The Paranormal Intelligence and Response Branch supports paranormal intelligence operations across all states and divisions by responding to extraordinary occurrences. We are the ones called in when someone sees a U.F.O.”
Despite all of the bureaucratic jargon you can’t help but be intrigued. “So the government knows that the supernatural exists?”
Agent Powers folds his hands on the table. “We prefer the term ‘paranormal,’ but yes. Though that’s not a fact we would like the general public to be aware of. Mass panic, conspiracy theories, ghost hunters, you know how it is.” You don’t know how it is, but you nod along anyway.
“We’re getting off-topic. Would you mind answering some questions for us about your experiences here in Gravity Falls?” Agent Trigger interjects.  
“I’m not sure I’m the right person to ask,” you demur. “I’m writing my thesis on the ecosystem of the western Cascades, I’m only here for the summer.”
“On the contrary, you’re exactly the person we want to speak to. You see, we’ve noticed that you’re rather close to the Pines family and we’re very interested in them. In addition, your experience here as an out-of-towner gives you a unique perspective on the things that go on around here.” Agent Powers explains. That raises your hackles.
“Why are you interested in the Pines?”
Agent Trigger clears his throat and lowers his voice. “We have reason to believe that Stanley and Stanford Pines are involved in numerous criminal activities, including the creation of a so-called ‘doomsday device.’” He pauses a moment, letting you absorb that. Doomsday device? The machine that Ford and McGucket were building? You just can’t believe it. “But they’re respected in the town and we wouldn’t want to raise an alarm, so we thought we’d come to you. Can we trust your discretion?” You nod, then hold up a hand.
“Wait a second. You two are telling me that Stan and Ford are dangerous criminals? Ford’s the nicest guy I’ve ever known!” Now that’s a lie. “And sure, Stan’s a bit of a grump, but he’s got a big heart.”
“I know this is a lot to take in and it may seem unbelievable at first, but you’ve got to understand that the best criminals often hide in plain sight.” Agent Powers says, tone consoling. You’re disgusted, and it must show on your face because he quickly switches tactics. “I know you don’t want to listen to me, but Agent Trigger and I have been watching these two for a long time. Years. They’ve escaped arrest before and they’re master manipulators. You can’t trust anything they say no matter how much you may want to.” You shake your head. You don’t know what Stan and Ford might have done to draw the attention of the F.B.I., and they definitely have their secrets, but they’re not frauds or criminals. You’re sure of it.
“Please, Miss.” Agent Trigger entreats. “We need your help to protect Gravity Falls, maybe even to protect the world. The branch can protect your identity, if that’s what you’re worried about, and I can personally guarantee that at the end of all this you’ll not only have the satisfaction of having put two hardened criminals where they belong, you’ll also have any compensation that you feel you may be entitled to, financial or otherwise.”
That’s the last straw. If these two sleazeballs think they can pay you to sell out your friends, they’re sorely mistaken. You tell them this and stand, grabbing your things. “Good day, agents.”
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mostly-imagines · 19 days
Guard Dog
jason todd x fem!reader
aka don’t fuck with jason’s girlfriend
4 in 1 blurbs
warnings: mildly creepy guys, standard protective bf methods
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Jason’s good at shutting people up very quickly. You’d almost call it a talent.
He shuts you up with a kiss when you get stuck in a rant, or with a hug to calm your worried rambles.
And when you’re in an incorrigibly teasing mood, he’ll throw you over his shoulder and carry you back to your bedroom to really shut you up.
With other people though, he has…different methods.
You sit atop your kitchen counter, trading lazy kisses in between giggles with your boyfriend. He stands in front of you, hands massaging your thighs as he leans in for another. You happily oblige.
You break off the exchange to lay a series of sweet kisses on that spot under his jaw.
His head tilts back, letting out a groan so low you nearly miss it. “Sweetheart…” he warns.
“Sorry…” you resign with a sheepish smile.
A knock at the door bursts you out of your shared reverie. You press a kiss to his knuckles and hop down to start setting the table.
Jason gets the door, greeting the pizza guy with a nod as you shuffle around the kitchen. The delivery guy hands him a receipt, asking for a signature.
Jason uses the door as a surface to sign, giving the delivery guy an apt view into your apartment, where he sees you getting out plates in the kitchen. More noticeably, he sees you in your boyfriend's shirt, which rides up just a little bit when you stand up on your toes to reach the top cabinet. The lift of the shirt exposes the bottom of your underwear, though it falls back into place again just as quickly.
Now, lucky for this guy, Jason’s facing the door and does not see him checking you out in your own home. Unlucky for this guy, he has wildly misread the vibe of your relationship. Or at least your boyfriend.
“Man, how do you get anything done around here?” He jests.
Jason looks up at him, and the pizza man’s eyes tear away from your legs to meet his hard gaze. It does not take him long to realize his mistake.
“Try again.” Jason behests, arms crossed in front of him.
The pizza boy’s eyes go wide and he shakes his head, stuttering. “I—uh, I said have a good night.”
“Mhm.” He grumbles.
The pizza guy hands Jason the box with shaky hands and scuttles back down the hallway.
Thankfully, you didn’t seem to notice the exchange, but even so, your boyfriend still glowers down the hallway after him.
His attention snaps back to you, demeanor changing instantly. “Yeah, baby?”
You’re sitting in your usual spot at the table, his chair empty and waiting just around the corner from you.
“Come sit.” You say, with eyes that might as well be hearts.
He gives a reassuring nod and kicks the door shut behind him.
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You and Jason are sitting on the floor in his old room at the manor, your legs thrown over his. You lean up against his bed, asking him about posters on the walls and trinkets on the shelves.
His knee is propped up and your arm dangles across it, his hand in yours. He plays with your fingers and periodically leans forward to leave a kiss on them.
You’d just woken up less than an hour ago after spending the night post-gala, and it’s a peaceful, if not unusually quiet morning.
Dick shouts your name from another room, audibly booking it towards you. Yeah. That’s more like what Jason remembers.
He grumbles some annoyances, dropping his head against your intertwined hands.
Dick bursts into the room, clearly incredibly excited.
“What’s up, Dick?” You ask, calm as ever. Jason lets an unseen smile creep up, head still down.
Dick’s practically jumping up and down, “You gotta see the shit that Tim just found in the cave!” His face drops as he directs his gaze to Jason, “You’re not invited.”
“Thank God.”
Dick ignores him and grabs your wrist, yanking you up from the floor. This is one place where he differs from Jason—he’s not always quite so aware of his own strength.
His grip doesn’t hurt really, but it’s firm enough that you imagine there’ll be bruise marks there later.
“Hey.” Jason calls out, nodding his head to where Dick is holding your arm. “Ease up.”
Dick follows his gaze and immediately loosens his hold, apologizing to you before pulling you along once again (this time much more gentle).
You grin at Jason as he tugs you out the door, him returning it with an endeared smile as he watches you go.
Fuck he loves you.
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Jason had a decent break from his night job for once, and was happy to let you drag him out to a bar for a little date. You’d been linked at the hip for most of the night, his hands maintaining their ever present home on your waist and yours resting on his thighs as you tell him about your hectic day.
He’d usually prefer to stay in bed with you for as long as possible when he gets time off, but you’d looked so excited asking him to go out with you—he never stood a chance.
You look up into the mirror as you wash your hands, a strand of hair falling into your face as you do. You push it back behind your ear and smile to yourself, recalling the several times Jason had wordlessly done the same throughout the night as you rambled.
You make your way back to the bar, smile immediate on your face when you see your boyfriend. It gets replaced rather quickly though, when a man slides in front of you, cutting off your view of him.
“Hey there.”
You have to take a step back because of how close he decided to stand to you. He looks sober (enough) but wildly overconfident in whatevers about to happen.
"Let me buy you a drink, pretty thing."
Jason calls you pretty thing sometimes. It makes the blood rush to your cheeks and an inescapable smile creep up on your lips. When this guy says it, it makes you literally frown.
"Oh no, I'm okay, my—"
"You seem like a dirty martini kinda girl." He expertly ignores you, clearly trying and failing to make some kind of innuendo there.
Jason's sitting back against the bar, watching the interaction carefully. You still can’t see him, but he’s close and you can rest comfortable knowing he’s looking out for you.
With that reassurance, you don’t play this out quite as carefully as you would if you were alone.
"Look, I don't want a drink from you, thanks."
Apparently that was the wrong thing to say to him because his face contorts quickly to mock-disgust that you figure is really just embarrassment.
“Hey, don’t be a bitch just ‘cause—”
You try to sidestep around him, thoroughly done with this interaction, but he grabs your upper arm harshly, pulling you to an abrupt stop.
Jason stands up real quick, yanking the guy backwards by his collar before you can even process what's happening.
Now, you know that Jason is an objectively intimidating guy. There's not many people that will come face to face with that absolute unit of a man and still decide to keep on trying him. However, you tend to forget that when you're so used to your gentle giant that only ever speaks to you kindly and touches you softly.
But his intimidating status becomes very apparent when the guy spins around, looks up at Jason, and immediately takes four steps back. He actually almost bumps into you in the process, not doing anything to tame Jason’s acute distaste for this man.
"Listen to me—back the fuck off before you get hurt."
“I don’t give a fuck. Leave.”
The guy hesitates.
“Now.” Jason adjusts his posture to stand at his staggering full height, clearly with no qualms about putting him back in his place.
That does it for him, the man stumbllng away with half-committed mumbles of “whatever” or “something something lame anyway.”
Jason watches him until he walks out the door, before turning back to you.
He delicately takes your upper arm in his hand, pulling your sleeve up to search for bruising. But as harshly as he had grabbed you, it didn’t have the time to cause a bruise before Jason intervened.
“What’d he say to you?” Jason asks, brow furrowed as he inspects your arm.
“Nothing very interesting.” He looks at you mildly.
You smile and comb his hair back from his forehead, “Don’t worry about him. I’m good.”
He lets your arm go, and exchanges it for holding the back of your head, planting a kiss on your forehead.
You take his other hand and guide him back to your seats.
“Besides,” You look over his shoulder and let out a little shocked gasp. “Guess who just walked in.”
He gives you a questioning look before his face slacks, eyes widening in realization.
“No…” And you smile so brightly it almost makes up for what's coming his way.
You redirect your smile over his shoulder and give a wave to the door. Jason swigs down the rest of his drink, hand finding your waist once again.
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Jason’s still exhausted from patrol last night but he’d insisted on going with you to the bar to meet your friends. You’d tried to convince him that it was okay to stay in and rest tonight, you’d be fine. But it was a losing battle.
You suspect it has something to do with him not liking when you go out in Gotham at night, especially when you’re drinking.
So he hangs out in the background of the buzz, with you sat in front of him, in between his legs.
You’re talking it up with Roy, who’s been making jokes about how Jason’s “moody ass” tricked you, “the ray of sunshine” into this relationship somehow.
You laugh, taking a sip of your drink. “Right, ‘cause you and Kori were in love at first sight.”
"Oh, fuck off." Roy jeers.
He doesn't say it with the cadence of a joke, but it is.
You know he's joking, he knows he's joking.
Jason, who very well may have been tuned out of the conversation up to that point, does not seem to know he's joking—or he doesn't care.
You don't need to look behind you to know that your boyfriend is in defensive mode, though the look of regret mixed with amusement on Roy's face gives a solid hint.
You hold your hand out to block Jason his path as he moves forward. He lets you stop him, though you're certain he could get past you without so much as blinking, no problem.
"Right. My bad, forgot your guard dog was here. Don't fuck off." Roy backtracks, hands up in front of him.
Jason just rolls his eyes, slouching back down. You reach behind you for his hand, giving it two squeezes. You know he’s tired, so much so that he almost punched his best friend for making a typical joke.
“Five more minutes, okay?” You say softly over your shoulder.
He nods at you blearily, and ducks his head down to rest on your back. You adjust your posture a little bit to make it more comfortable for him and continue on talking, his hand still in yours.
If he hadn’t fallen asleep so quickly, five minutes would’ve been five minutes, but instead it became something more like fifty.
He goes through patches where sleep isn’t always so welcoming, a phase he’s been in for the past couple of weeks. You’d been waking up to find the bed half empty, your boyfriend resigned to doing research on cases in an attempt to at least be productive while he’s awake.
You can’t protect him in the same ways that he protects you—you’re not a fighter or necessarily “intimidating.” But you can protect him like this, in these little ways. Letting him nap on you, making him close the case files and rest with you, holding his hand throughout the night so that when he inevitably has nightmares, he knows immediately that you’re still with him. That he’s safe.
So if he can get some much needed sleep while only costing you a stiff back tomorrow, you’ll happily take that deal as many times as he needs.
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please do one where they were like in a secret relationship and one day reader went live for her fans and idk maybe Tom walked in and now the secret's out. It's up to you how you go abt it. Have a nice day!!
Caught in 4k || Tom Blyth x gf!reader
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A/n: Anon you read my mind.... I had this idea sitting in my drafts for quite some time!
Warnings: none!
Wc: 983
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Divider by @pommecita
You stir in your sleep when you feel light kisses on your arm. "Good morning, love," He says, his morning voice making you smile as you turn around and place a kiss on his cheek, a smile adorning his lips. His arms wrap themselves around your waist as you both lay still, neither wanting to pull away from the embrace.
"I'm going to go for a shower," You say against his neck, his hands coming to your hips as he massages them. "Can I join?" His tone teasing as you consider the idea. "I fear if you do, we won't make it out of the bathroom for quite a bit," A smirk forms on his lips as you get out of bed, his hand still clinging to yours.
"I don't mind!" He calls out as you flip him off, not bothering to turn around as you shut the door behind you. After the calming shower, you wrap your body in a fluffy white towel as you squeeze out the excess water from your hair, letting it air dry.
You start to brush your teeth as you hear the bathroom door opening. Tom enters in only his boxers as he makes his way to you, arms wrapping around your towel cladded body as you lean back against him. You smile at him through the reflection you mouth frothy with the toothpaste as he smiles back at you.
You bend over to spit out the toothpaste as Tom pretends to fuck you from behind as laughs erupt from your mouth. You lean back up, slapping him across his chest as he smiles innocently at you. Going on your tippy toes, your arms loop around his neck and place a kiss on his lips, a few actually, as you both smile in between them.
"I feel like making pancakes, do you want blueberries or chocolate chips in yours?" You ask him whilst applying lip balm on your lips as he turns the shower on. "Chocolate chips please," He grins at you as give him a thumbs up and walk out picking out an outfit.
You pull back the curtains revealing dark clouds that littered across the sky of Brooklyn. You smile to yourself knowing today was going to full of cuddles and watching Harry Potter films with Tom. Walking down stairs, a thought plagued your mind.
You wanted to go live on Instagram as you felt as if it had been too long since the last time you did one. You leaned your phone up against a fruit bowl as you start the live. "Hey guys!" You smile as you watch thousands of people join in a matter of seconds.
You then continued to pull out the ingredients to make pancakes as you answer some of the questions that people asked. Tom walks down a few minutes later, wondering who you were talking to as your voice travelled upstairs.
He sees you in the kitchen, your back towards him as you talk about the weather. He decided to surprise you so he slowly walked up behind you and wraps his arms around you as you slightly jump. "Fucks sake, you scared me!" You sulked as Tom laughs, peppering the side of your face with kisses as your hands go up to his arms around your neck.
"Oh shit," You silently curse as you freeze, remembering you were still live on Instagram, "What?" He asks confused. You discreetly glance back and mentally face palm yourself as your phone was directly aimed at the two of you which meant that thousands of people witnessed it and most definitely concluded that you and Tom were together, which was very much the truth.
"I'm live on Insta," You whisper as you feel Tom physically pause as well, probably processing your words. He turns his head and makes eye contact with himself on your phone as he awkwardly chuckles. "Oh hey.." He trails off as you burst out laughing. "I'm going to go put a shirt on," Tom quickly says as he runs up stairs to get one.
You watch as comments blow up and you couldn't contain your smile. Everyone was going crazy as they flooded the comments with questions. You hear Tom walk back down, a shirt on his previously naked upper body as you hold out you hand and he takes is. "Well, guess it's out," He chuckles as the both of you read the comments.
Tom leans his hand against the counter as you rest your head on his arm. "Shit, I almost forgot the pancakes!" You panic as you go back to the stove and continue cooking the batter. You and Tom kept your relationship as private as you could, fans speculated that you were dating each other but nothing was confirmed, well until the live of course.
"How long have you two been together?" Tom reads out loud as you get plates for the two of you. "3 years now is it?" You say as Tom thinks about it, "Yeah, 4 years coming this September," he smiles. You come up beside him, resting your chin on your hands that were on the counter as you read through the comments, too immersed to notice that Tom was staring down at you with a huge smile on his face.
A comment mentioning how Tom is looking at you makes you look behind you, "What?" You shyly laugh as he says nothing, shaking his head. Tom takes over with making the pancakes and eventually they are done. "Well guys I'm going to end the live here and eat these pancakes with my wonderful boyfriend, bye!" You say as you end it.
You make eye contact with Tom as you both start laughing. He hugs you and kisses your forehead. "At least we don't have to keep hiding this in public anymore," He says as you agree with him.
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darkroomkisses · 1 year
Uh, can I request a dark!ethan with quinn's scene in the bathroom but instead of her being the reader, where gf!ethan is waiting for her to fuck her w non-con. Thank you!
hope it is understood, English is not my first language
Rejected (Dark!Ethan Landry x Reader)
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A/N: Oh spicy! Yes, pretty sure I understand you! I hope this is to your liking, I changed some stuff from the scene in the movie. Danny doesn't see ghostface in the room. Went a little darker toward the end (oops) Thanks Anon <3
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Pairing: Dark!Ethan Landry x Reader
Summary: After rejecting Dark!Ethan when he asks you on a date, he's angry enough to kill. So he does just that, he kills your hookup and fucks you after. READ TAGS!
Warnings: NON-CON,SMUT, Dark!Ethan Landry, Ghostface Ethan Landry, fem!reader, Murder, Choking, Unconscious reader, Dacryphilia, Possessive!Ethan, Jealous!Ethan, Unprotected P in V, Creampie, marking, biting, Face Slapping, slight slut-shaming. Don't read if uncomfortable with dark themes, other than that ENJOY!! 🥀
Banner by @straywords 🥀
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Ethan has been obsessed with you from the moment he met you. Whenever he would come over to the apartment you shared with Sam and Tara, he would watch you so intensely, some of the times you noticed but it didn’t bother you too much, but it made you a little uneasy.
His eyes were so dark and fierce you felt like your skin might set ablaze. His eyes never leave you when you all hang out. All that ran through his mind was wrapping his hands around your neck watching you shiver under him as he forced himself in you. He wanted to look into your fearful eyes and see sweet tears running down your pretty face. 
About a month ago, Ethan mustered up the courage to ask you on a date, you giggled at his shy attempt to ask you out and rubbed his face, telling him you only see him as a friend. Those words haven’t left his mind since only playing on repeat as he laid in bed every night.  
It was late in the evening, The house lively with the gang spending time together in the kitchen, completely distracted from what was going down in the other room.
That was perfect for Ethan, he was preparing for his attack, hiding away in your closet. He was ready to kill the loser who just fucked you in two pumps leaving you disappointed and needy for more. Ethan was seething with rage because what the fuck did this fucker have that he didn’t? The fucker didn’t even make you cum. His cock half hard thinking about what he wanted to do to you. The fucker went into the bathroom leaving you alone in the bedroom. You slipped your nightgown back on and pulled out your phone, turning to the side. Ethan couldn’t wait anymore.
“Babe, you coming to join me?” The guy yelled from the bathroom; you met him earlier that night at a frat party, he was cute, and you were drunk. You put your phone down for a second to respond “No and don’t use my face wash it’s pH-balance for women” you yell, “yeah whatever you say” he yells back. You go back to your phone, giggling at the video you were watching. Unaware of the dark figure looming over you, after a few seconds of Ethan running his eyes over your figure, his fingers twitching desperately wanting to touch you. He slipped out of your room to kill that loser in the bathroom.
Ethan finished the job, he sighed out, fuck it felt good to kill that alpha fucker who was a two-pump chump. But what he had planned next would feel even better. Ethan slipped back into your bedroom quietly to not disturb you. You hadn't moved from your position. Ethan leaned over you in a quick motion, hand over your mouth, all his bodyweight pinning you to the bed the blade was at your neck, the slightest pressure pushing into you.
Your eyes widen, you gear up to scream as you meet the big dark eyes of Ghostface. You started to cry, Ghostface just stared down at you, his hand tight on your face. You screamed against his hand, your body shaking with fear, you were going to be killed. Ghostface shook his blade in your face, shutting you up instantly.
Ethan smiled under the mask; happy his plan was playing out perfectly. His cock was hard and leaking already. You looked even more perfect than he pictured late at night when had his hand wrapped around his hard cock, getting off to the thought of you. Your eyes were puffy and red, your tears couldn’t stop falling. Ethan took his blade and ran it down your short nightgown, tearing it in half and exposing your bare body to him, your breathing started to speed up at the realization of what was about to happen.
You heard a quiet moan from Ghostface, your blood running cold. “Scream and I'll kill all your fucking friends in the kitchen” Ethan said in the Ghostface voice making you shiver. You couldn’t let your friends die because of you. You shook your head quickly. Ethan took his hand from your mouth to squeeze one of your boobs he leaned his head down to your neck, rutting against your core, it took everything in you to not throw up at the feel of his hands exploring your body and the heavy breathing in your ear made your stomach turn.
Once Ethan got his feel, his free hand moved down to your wet pussy, his gloved hand stroking all over. Ethan was surprised how wet you were, and it was all for him. Ethan hovered over you to get a better look at your wet core. Ethan let go of the knife to remove his gloves. He had to feel you properly against his skin. He returned his hand rubbing your clit, you let out a soft hum, Ethan snapped his head up to see your face. It was exquisite, your face twisted like you were trying to hold back your pleasure.
That twisted his desire to get you to make more pretty noises for him. He wanted to hear you cry out, with that he pushed his fingers deep into you, hard and fast. You let out a broken moan, whimpering for him to stop. “p..please stop, please” you pant, with your lips quivering. Ethan let out a half laugh. “Why would I stop when you feel so good?” he said rutting faster and making circles on your clit with his thumb, determined to make you cum...hard. “Fuck you feel so good y/n” Ethan moaned your name lewdly. Your eyes widen, your thoughts running a mile a minute now, trying to think who the fuck this was. You didn't have much time to think, your fear and arousal ramping up to another level, your orgasm threating to crash down on you.
Your legs start to shake, your back arches against him your chest raising, and he takes his other hand and grabs your boob squeezing so tight, he pinches your nipple, rolling it with his fingers. He wanted to bring your tit into his mouth and suck hard on your hard nipple.
You clenched down hard on his fingers, he’s breathing deep into your ear, encouraging you on. “Good girl, cum on my fucking fingers” Ethan growled into your ear. You came down from your high, you felt like you were on the verge of passing out. Between the crying and the orgasm that had you shaking uncontrollably you couldn’t keep your eyes open.
Your head whipped to the side, your cheek stinging. “Wake up, we are not done yet” Ethan growls. His cock was painfully hard now, he needed to be inside you. Your eyes fluttered, Ethan grabbed your neck tightly he whimpered softly, fuck he wanted to do that all night. Ethan releases his hard cock with his free hand.
Your panic hits you like lighting you tried to squirm out of his grip but that only made Ethan more excited. He lines his cock up with your slit, Ethan rubs his cock up and down on your wetness. In one quick thrust, Ethan forces himself in you, he lets out a low moan, steadying himself, he felt like he was going to burst inside you. Ethan almost couldn’t contain himself and thrust hard a few times, this is the first time Ethan felt pussy this good, the only time, actually.
His hands choked you hard with each rock of his hips. “Fuck, you know how long I wanted to stick my cock deep Inside you?” Your head feels light, and you are barely able to register what he’s saying to you.
You reach up to tear his hands away, but you couldn’t find the strength. “Your pussy is fucking mine, only for me” Ethan pants as he drags his cock against your hot walls. “You’re so tight, I feel like I'm tearing you apart.” You could hear the smile in his voice, each word dripping with lust.
“I c-can’t-” you choke out before you feel yourself fading into unconsciousness. Ethan didn’t let go of your neck for a few seconds, watching you fall limp under him. Ethan pulled his mask off throwing it to the ground. Sweat beating down his face, his hair a wild mess. He stops his movement for a second hiking your knees to your chest so he can fuck deeper into your slick hole.
The only sounds that filled the room were Ethan’s desperate moans and groans and the wet sounds of him fucking sloppily into you. He kissed your lips roughly, moaning into your mouth. “You’re mine, you’re mine, all for me” Ethan chanted darkly. He moved his lips to your neck sucking and kissing the marks he left on you. He was so close; he couldn’t hold back anymore.
Ethan roughly grabbed your hips, making your back arch. He was gripping so tightly he definitely left marks. “Fuck baby, take my cum you little slut” Ethan pumped in you harshly one last time letting out a deep moan as he spilled inside you. Ethan slowly pulled out of you, watching your slit dip his cum.
Ethan kissed your lips softly, roaming his hands all over your soft limp body one more time. Finally, he sits up, tucking you under the covers. Ethan kisses your forehead and puts his mask back on before fleeing the room. You were out cold, breathing softly and completely unaware that your shy friend Ethan had attacked you and you never will know. 
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ellieismybbg · 9 months
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realest shit I’ve seen today.
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simonrillleyyysss · 21 days
Rough sex Simon this…rough sex Simon that….what about soft sex Simon?!
Simon who holds your hand, who softly brushes your hair out of the way to see your pretty face and place kisses on your forehead. He holds you so gently, as if you were porcelain. (This could probably apply to everyone but I feel like it really sticks to Simon’s character 🫶)
Soft Simon has been rotting my brain as of late, XoXo 🫶💋
thank you for your request, nonnie!! (✧ω✧)
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sometimes, all he needs to do is just unwind, come down and be treated humbly and dotingly by his beloved, and what better way to do that than gentle sex?
his bare cock brushing against the skin your thigh while your lips locked together in a tight kiss, large palm encasing the side of your face as his tongue moved rhythmically against yours, listening to the bed squeal beneath him, listening to your soft little giggle.
‘gonna need a new-‘
a soft gasp as his tugged down your bra, flesh of his tongue circling around the perky nuh, humming lowly beneath his breath, he holds you so hesitantly—thumb gently rubbing against your cheek in an act of comfort, shushing you softly, brushing loose strands of hair away from your gaze.
‘don’t need anythin’..just us, awhrite’?’
he’s so comforting when he finally sinks himself in, gently soothing you with pecks across your collarbones and jaw—cock nestling itself familiarly inside your velvety cunt, just admiring how gorgeous you were, sprawled out on the bed lazily with messy hair, sweaty and covered in little purple grazes, lipstick smudged and vibrant red kiss marks surrounding the flesh of your breasts.
the way his cock brushed against your cervix had you melting into the cozy sheets with a whine, legs wrapping around his structured hips; watching the mammoth lean himself right down into you to nestle his head in the crook of your neck—hips rocking back and forth fluidly, not stuttering or stopping.
you didn’t even have to speak, the intimacy of the moment said it all. from the way he gently held the curve of your ass in his rough hands like dough, or the way you gasped and wept into his shoulder, it spoke a thousand words, he had your name on his tongue like a chant,
a prayer only the most devout could utter as you clenched around his cock, cunt fluttering as simon groaned out, emptying his cum inside you, standing up slightly taller to brush his hands against your stomach—holding your jaw in his hands before placing a soft kiss onto it.
‘mmmmh.. check argos’ websitefor those beds..’
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Hey, I made a new chapter of my Gravity Falls fanfiction if anyone is interested! It’s about the making of the cloning machine that appears in Double Dipper.
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gail-skywalker · 2 years
I’ve been writing my fanfic for like 2 hours straight and today I’ve written over a thousand words and I can barely keep my eyes open but I know I still have the energy to write more but I’m also exhausted and AGH-
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That Blood of Yours
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Chapter: 1/?
Word Count: 1,533
Summary: There is nothing about this he understood. But here Stan was, with his twin brother in his creepy house who had nothing better to do than to summon a demon. Said demon wants to rule the world and is also a huge jerk. Luckily, this time Stan calls for help. Family is the most important thing in life, they say. If that doesn't backfire. Oh well, then the Pines' siblings have a lot to recover from, what about it?
Or: Ford doesn't go through the portal, instead he is possessed by Bill. Stan doesn't like what his twin has been up to at all and calls Shermie. Turns out: The Pines' boys all have struggles they weren't aware of. Bill Cipher is not helping.
Chapter 1: The House in the Woods
There is nothing about this he understood.
Here he is, with his twin brother, whom he hadn't seen for 10 years, mind you, in his basement. The creepy house in the middle of the woods of a town which isn't even on a map gave off enough "mad scientist vibes" already. Then said twin brother talked about a hole in their dimension, whatever that is supposed to mean.
It didn't even matter anyway. Not right now. What could he say? Things had gone… a little too out of hand; they got angry and now they are both in a fist fight as if they were teenagers.
"You don't care about your family! You only care about your dumb mysteries!", Stan shouted, followed by a left hook.
Ford fell. He didn't stand up.
Oh no. Oh no no no no no. It couldn't have been that bad, right? He didn't want to knock him out! Stan knelt beside his brother, checking his pulse and looking for injuries. His own shoulder stung like hell, but Ford had priority right now. Even if he would never be forgiven.
Just when he wanted to pick up Ford's head to examine it, Ford began to shift and sat up.
"Sweet Moses, you're fine! I am so sorry, Ford!"
Ford turned his head so he could look at him. Stan jumped back. Panic and confusion rolled over him.
Ford's eyes were yellow. The grin he pulled was unsettling and inhuman. The whole atmosphere suddenly changed and the cold basement in the winter now felt like an ice chamber.
Ford started talking. "Oh, but Stanley! You have nothing to apologize for! You just helped me start my most incredible invention! We'll be famous, you and I!"
This wasn't his brother. He grew up with a pathological liar for a mother, he himself was a conman. Stan knew when someone made false statements.
"Who or what are you?", he asked with strong determination, preparing himself for a fight. This town was weirder than he thought.
That thing turned away from him, now facing the blue-glowing portal. The smile was still there. "You'll soon find out". Making eye contact with Stan again, he added, "But early introductions can't hurt. This dimension doesn't have much time left anyway. But don't worry, you'll be in the V. I. P. lounge right next to your lovely brother!"
Okay, something wants to take over their "dimension" and said something looks like Ford. In what weird sci-fi movie did he end up in.
The creature looked at him and offered its hand. Stan had to admit, these eyes were creepier than his darkest nightmares.
"Hi, name's Bill Cipher!", it greeted, limping towards Stan. Without thinking he crept backwards to the control panel.
"You don't need to be afraid of me. Your brother and I are friends! But I see you are much smarter than IQ here!", it laughed and it gave Stan the chills, reminding him of the horror films they used to watch.
Finally reaching the control room, he looked around real quick. There weren't any loose, heavy things except the chair. That will have to do.
"What did you do with Ford!", he yelled.
Deep breath. If it was Ford's body and not a clone or something alike then… a concussion is still better than being possessed, Stanley reasoned. The thing came closer and closer.
"Sixer made a deal with me! He helped me build this thing! My entrance to the party! I am just waiting until it's stable!"
The chair swung against its head and the body fell to the ground, unmoving.
He didn't feel as guilty as the first time when he knocked out his brother. The second time this day he kneeled beside him to check his pulse, much more hesitant.
Slowly he took one hand, pressing two fingers on the wrist. It's there. Faster than it probably should be, but it's there. That is all that matters.
Now the next question is: what to do next.
He didn't think this plan through.
The portal was glowing and a timer was ticking. But he had to secure his brother or his clone as well. Looking at the counter told him he still had several hours left, so securing Ford could go first. He really didn't want to meet this Bill again.
Best thing is to bring some distance between Bill and the portal. He picked his brother up and carried him towards the elevator. What the heck, Ford. Who has an elevator in their basement.
When the elevator stopped, he sighed at the sight of the stairs. His shoulder is going to kill him. Conquering them as well, he went to what seemed to be the living room once. It was full with books and papers and weird paranormal shit, but there was a coffee table with a radio and an armchair. Which also had nerd stuff on top. Great.
He tried his best to move everything from the armchair with his foot. Carefully he placed his brother on it. Now he needed something to keep him in place in case Bill decided to show up again.
After his unsuccessful search in the living room, he continued in what was probably an office. There was a desk, a couch, a bulletin board and the ugliest carpet Stan has ever seen. Wow, his brother had bad taste.
He went over to the desk, whose drawers were overflowing. After rummaging through the chaos, he finally found something that could be of use.
Back in the living room, he was glad seeing his brother was still unconscious. That didn't sound right. But it is still possible that this isn't really his brother. He just had to wait to find out.
A third roll of duct tape later, Stan considered another of his tasks accomplished. The scene now resembled a kidnapping, especially considering that they were in the woods of a dead end's town, but he had other things to worry about.
The silence was deafening. And it left Stan alone with his thoughts. His brother hated him or was impersonated by something. His brother built a portal which someone named Bill Cipher wants to use to conquer earth. And it was still on. If this is his brother, he is an absolute mess and if not, he has no idea where he is.
All in all, Stan came to a conclusion: the supernatural is dangerous.
The pain in his shoulder was still strong, so he decided that should be the next task. Less to screw up than if he tried shutting down the portal.
He went to the bathroom, which was by far the tidiest room. Which just showcased how much of a mess the rest of the house is, as the cabinet's are wild open and clothes are littered in a pile.
Stan approached the cabinet with the mirror first, in hope of finding a first aid kit there.
That's when a red stain on the sink caught his attention. His eyes went wide and a gasp escaped his mouth. Was this… was this dried blood?
Next to the sink is a small trash can, filled to the brim. Bandages upon bandages, mixed with gauze pads, all spotted with the same haunting color.
This home was a horror house and his brother can't escape it.
The anger from earlier was now replaced by worry.
There was a first aid kit, but it was empty. Maybe the wound didn't need treatment and would heal from alone. Unlikely, but still possible. So he examined it in the mirror and- ouch, that is a nasty one. It seemed leathery, but it didn't bleed. Cooling will do it.
Of course his nerd brother didn't have anything in the freezer. Creativity is man's best friend. Looking out of the window, he got an idea.
With an idea in mind he grabbed the cleanest cloth, went outside, filled it with snow and closed it up with the duct tape he put in his pocket.
Immediately his skin felt better. Back inside he went to check up on his brother and nope, he's still asleep. If he thought about it, he had to admit that he's pretty tired himself. On second thought, he doubted that he could fall asleep with all the thoughts racing through his mind, which he didn't want to unpack just yet.
Instead, he toured through the house and made some interesting discoveries. For one, the home didn't really seem like a home and more like a lab. Second, his brother had some weird obsession with geometrical decorations. If the boxes upon boxes of décor pyramids and carpets with triangles in the attic were anywhere to go by.
What's more, he felt like being watched up there. And not just there. The whole house gave him goosebumps if he didn't look over his shoulders every once in a while. It didn't make sense, because no one else lived here.
A yelp spread across the silent cabin and Stan rushed to the living room, where his brother was strapped to the chair, unable to free himself. His eyes were normal again.
They had a long conversation ahead of themselves.
Brx jrw ph wklv wlph, exw wkh frxqwhu lv frxqwlqj grzq. Vhh brx vrrq! Dqg grq'w irujhw:
L dp zdwfklqj brx
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ladylynse · 2 years
Chapter 11 [FFN | AO3] of Forewarning
All Dipper knew was that there was something buried in some special thermos behind the shack; all Danny knew was that he had no idea how he’d gotten here.
Based off this artwork by @hashtag-art.
(beginning | previous)
“You can’t send me back now!”
Danny didn’t care that he sounded angry. He was angry. He wanted to go home, yes, but not like this. He hadn’t done anything. He hadn’t helped Stan with the portal, hadn’t stopped anyone from getting hurt in their attempt to bring back Sixer, hadn’t done anything that might actually be considered useful, so why had Clockwork decided to pull him out now?
It didn’t make sense. He was already here. Staying to help for even a few more days was a good thing, not a bad one.
Clockwork must have known he’d kick up a fuss, since in the time it had taken Danny to blink, he’d gone from the living room area of the Mystery Shack to somewhere in the forest with a clockwork medallion on his chest. It was times like these when Danny wondered if things would have been better if every one of those medallions had been destroyed and stayed destroyed, but chances were good that Clockwork would have found a way to pull something like this even without the medallions.
It was darker than it had been when he’d last been outside, and it wasn’t just due to the lack of a nice campfire. Night had fully fallen, and since time had frozen when a cloud was covering the moon, he couldn’t really see anything besides Clockwork, the trees that immediately surrounded them, and the loose detritus that littered the forest floor. Danny wasn’t sure if that was more because their ghostly glows only gave off so much light or because the shadows in this place were weird. Some of them seemed to swallow light rather than being chased away by it, and Danny was pretty sure he’d have doubts about them being natural even if he hadn’t known the stories about this place or grown up in Amity Park.
Maybe, if Shadow had ever been alive, he’d come from a place like this.
“Do you not wish to return to your own time?”
Danny growled, but Clockwork’s expression didn’t change even though his form shifted from that of a child to an old man. “That’s not the point and you know it. Of course I want to go back, but I’m already here, and I’m already involved, so why drag me out of this before I can do anything?”
“You have done something, have you not?”
“Yeah, sure, if you count making them all talk to each other something.” If this whole thing was Clockwork’s way of telling him that he should tell his parents and not try to find a way to undo it afterwards, well, Clockwork could stuff it. Danny wasn’t ready for things to change yet. It was easier to figure out the best way to tell them and then do it instead of telling them and scrambling, and he hadn’t figured out what the best way was yet. That was it. It’s not like he planned to keep this a secret forever.
“Further interference is discouraged.”
Right. Danny had heard that one before. “Clearly did not stop you last time. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here.”
“As I said, corrections had to be made.”
“So let me make them! Let me help them! Isn’t that the entire point of this?”
“I never brought you here to do what they can already do. You are a catalyst, not a key.”
“That doesn’t make any sense!”
Clockwork merely raised an eyebrow, and Danny scowled. Fine. It did make sense. It just didn’t make sense to him. He thought he was supposed to help these guys, and it didn’t feel like he’d done anything.
“At least tell me what I did. Since you think I did something. Tell me what it was. How did all of this help anyone or correct anything or whatever?”
“Do you know what a catalyst is?”
Something in a car? Something in chemistry? Danny shrugged. He didn’t have enough of an idea to get whatever Clockwork was talking about.
Clockwork smiled, and his form shifted again, growing younger. “By forewarning them—and by being yourself—you have hastened events.”
Which meant he’d pretty much done nothing.
“By hastening events, you have given them more time.”
Which still pretty much amounted to nothing.
“By giving them more time, you have— Let’s say you’ve encouraged communication and prevented some, albeit not all, misunderstandings.”
This was still adding up to nothing.
“When you agreed to come here to help me, it was only ever to nudge along what should happen, not to directly interfere with what would happen. Were you to interfere in such a way, you would risk a shift in the balance where the most favourable outcomes became more unlikely.”
Aside from the whole idea that his help might just make things worse, there was one very important thing in there that Danny was not about to just let go.
“I didn’t agree to this,” Danny said. “I mean, I would remember agreeing to something like this. It’s not like I like being stuck in a thermos.” He hadn’t met a ghost that liked it, but that was beside the point. The point was very much that he hadn’t agreed to—
Clockwork pulled something out from beneath his robe and held it out. It looked vaguely like a gun, except it had a pointy lightbulb on the end instead of a barrel. There was a giant dial on the side reminiscent of a label maker, only there was also a red pane of glass mere inches from some kind of cannister on the top of the gun, and he couldn’t guess the purpose of that despite seeing the things his parents had invented. This wasn’t one of theirs, whatever it was.
Clockwork didn’t say anything when Danny took it to look at it more closely. It was heavier than one of his parents’ ecto-guns and looked like it might be made out of brass. Maybe. If it was, it was old enough to have become dulled. There was a screen on the back, too, which must show the input from the lettered dial because he couldn’t think of what else it would do, but— “I don’t get it. What is this?”
“It is the reason you agreed to help me,” Clockwork said. He looked like a child now, and something in his tone made Danny’s skin crawl. Or maybe he’d spent too long with the others and this place was getting to him. “It is also the reason you don’t remember doing so.”
Okay, something really wasn’t adding up here.
“I don’t—”
“You called it insurance.”
“Insurance for what?”
Clockwork didn’t answer, but Danny had a sinking feeling in his chest that he didn’t need the answer. Which probably meant it was right, because Clockwork wouldn’t bother answering if Danny already knew the answer. Of course, Clockwork didn’t bother answering a lot of the time, but this time….
The invention Danny held could be insurance in case something ever went wrong. In case the Guys in White found out about his secret, in case someone like Freakshow came back with a vengeance, in case his parents took the news of Danielle way worse than he imagined they might, in case Valerie was so furious with him she decided she didn’t care about his humanity when he was still Phantom—
Okay, so the last one was the most unlikely, but the point still stood. He’d often wished (in his head, lest Desiree overhear him) for something like the Reality Gauntlet that could help him fix things if something ever went really, really wrong. Obviously, he didn’t want anything as powerful as the Reality Gauntlet, because that was just bad news if someone else ever got their hands on it, but this—
“This is some kind of mind wiping gun, isn’t it? And you used it on me to prove that it worked.”
“It will erase selected memories. You did not think that would be particularly effective, but you were not satisfied when I tried to show you the effects on others.”
Danny’s stomach twisted uncomfortably, and he swallowed. He wasn’t overly keen on this whole idea; even though he’d fought ghosts who had the power to target people’s minds, selective memory erasing felt like it went hand-in-hand with Freakshow’s total control. It wasn’t the same, but it could still be used to try to control someone if used in the wrong way.
Still, he could understand the appeal of it. If Clockwork had broached the subject the right way, Danny could see how he might’ve gone along with it. It could act as insurance, like Clockwork had said. If the Guys in White decided to set up shop in Amity Park again, found out that Danny Fenton was Danny Phantom, and decided they didn’t care about his humanity, wouldn’t he do it? To save himself from being dragged away to a secret government facility and experimented on or whatever they’d do to him? If he knew that they wouldn’t be hurt in the process, wouldn’t it make sense to use something like this?
What about if they found out about Dani? Or that Sam and Tucker and Jazz were all on friendly terms with Phantom and decided to interrogate them in ways that definitely wouldn’t be legal in an organization that was actually on the official books?
He didn’t know. Until he saw the situation and knew what his other options were, he didn’t know if something like this would be the best option.
He could see himself agreeing that having the option in the first place wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing.
Danny let out a slow breath. Clockwork had said he’d offered to show Danny a time when this thing had been used on someone, and from what Stan had been saying earlier, Danny wouldn’t be surprised to learn that that someone had been from here.
He didn’t ask that question, though. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer. “Is this thing permanent? Like, does stuff ever come back? How does it work?”
Clockwork’s explanation wasn’t what Danny would call satisfactory, especially since he seemed to be talking around the actual answers instead of telling Danny what he wanted to know, but he knew it was pretty much all he was going to get.
Still, if Clockwork was willing to explain anything, however poorly, Danny planned to take advantage of that. He pressed on with questions that felt more pertinent at the moment. “What’s coming for them? My friends here, I mean? What could possibly merit warning them without telling them anything useful and not letting me help? I saw the secret lab. I know Stan’s trying to rescue his brother. What could he do that’s worse than opening another portal into the Ghost Zone?”
Clockwork brushed a hand across his beard and said, “There are more dimensions than the Ghost Zone.”
Right. So it wasn’t actually ghosts. Maybe that’s why he thought Danny shouldn’t help. “So what? They get a shapeshifter that just looks like Sixer?”
Clockwork didn’t answer, maybe because he knew perfectly well that Danny intended to try to go back to help and doing so would very much include passing on a proper warning.
“Tell me you did not just bring me here to give them a thermos and make them talk to each other about what’s really going on.”
“We had a deal.” Clockwork indicated the memory-erasing gun that was held loosely by Danny’s side. Danny resisted the urge to throw the thing away and tell him the deal was off, mostly because he didn’t think that would work. Clockwork had already handed over the gun, so his part of the deal would be complete. Danny could try arguing that the deal was void since he didn’t remember it, but chances were, Clockwork would just show him the time when he’d made the deal.
His past self was an idiot for not thinking that some of this sounded dodgy, but Danny couldn’t do anything about that now.
“That doesn’t answer my question!”
“You’ve done what was needed.”
“So that’s really why you brought me here.” There had to be something he was missing. “Seriously? You needed to go through all of this just for that?”
“Drawing the attention of others would be…unfavourable.”
Danny frowned. After spending some time here, he wasn’t so sure Clockwork only meant the Observants. “Wouldn’t it have made more sense to pull the me from this time to come talk to them if that’s all this was? Wouldn’t it draw less attention if I was in my own time period?”
“Would you have listened to me when I told you there is no need for further interference if I had called upon you in this time period?”
Well. No. Danny didn’t want to listen to him now, so he could hardly pretend that would change.
“You would have drawn far more attention to yourself in the end.”
Or possibly he just wanted to have that much more leverage over Danny. As much as Clockwork talked about minimal interference, it was hard not to feel his hand in this. Besides, if Danny put up a fuss now, Clockwork could—in theory—just leave him here. He probably wouldn’t, not when he didn’t want Danny to somehow make things worse, but he could freeze time and drop Danny off somewhere that wasn’t Gravity Falls. By the time Danny got back here, whatever was going to happen could have already happened. It’s not like Clockwork would take a chance that he’d find it in time to intervene.
That’s what it came down to, really.
Clockwork wouldn’t take the chance that Danny would do something that he didn’t want done.
He’d stop Danny first.
Danny might not have a chance to do anything now. He might have to wait until it was really 2012 for him. But if there was any hope of that, he’d have to fool Clockwork into thinking he was dropping it now.
How was he supposed to fool a ghost who was practically omniscient?
“I still don’t think I did anything important,” Danny said. That statement—thinly veiled complaint, more like—was unlikely to help convince Clockwork he was dropping anything, but it was true.
And Clockwork would be more suspicious if he dropped it without a fight, however symbolic.
Clockwork’s head tilted as he looked at Danny, its angle unchanged even when his form shifted. “How would your life be different if your sister remained ignorant of your secret?”
“How would your life be different if you had been alone in the lab that day, driven purely by your own curiosity to get a closer look at the portal?”
Danny blinked.
He couldn’t imagine Sam and Tucker not knowing his secret. Sometimes, it was hard to remember what it had been like when he couldn’t rely on Jazz.
“Who would you have become if you did not feel safe turning to anyone with the truth?”
A thought crossed Danny’s mind, and he immediately grimaced. “Please tell me you’re not saying I would’ve turned out like Vlad.”
“I am not saying anything. You know your circumstances; you know the beginnings of his. If they had been more similar, what path would you have taken?”
“I dunno.” Danny didn’t really see the point in this. “I wouldn’t have started robbing places and stolen a fortune and taken over a bunch of companies.”
Clockwork waited.
That meant he expected more of an answer.
Danny blew out a breath. “I think I still would’ve tried to help people, and I…. I probably still would’ve been a bit of a jerk at first, before I got a better handle on everything.” He’d had to learn some lessons off the start. Denying that was pointless, especially to Clockwork. Still, if he hadn’t been able to talk to Sam and Tucker about all of this— “I might’ve kept to myself more. Since I couldn’t always control my powers, I mean. Told Sam and Tucker something about me having some lingering effects of the accident or something and not feeling a hundred percent. Not lied, exactly, just not…said everything. If I was at a point where I wasn’t sure how they’d take it, I mean.”
“And if you could never convince yourself they would take it well?”
Danny bit his lip. He could see Clockwork’s point now. “I’m not like Stan, either. Me getting blasted by the portal was my own stupidity. I should’ve just taken a flashlight with me.”
But Stan was trying to save Sixer. His brother. Who had disappeared thirty years ago when something in this place got to him, whatever that meant. Danny had assumed that meant lab accident, but whether from scientific catastrophe or the weirdness of this place, Stan’s brother was gone and Stan was building a portal to try to get him back.
Or rebuilding a portal.
Danny had joked about being the poster boy for interdimensional safety, but if Sixer had been lost in a portal accident? If Stan thought it was his fault?
Maybe Danny did understand where he was coming from. All he had to do was imagine Sam or Tucker or Jazz being the one who—
Whatever Stan was feeling— Was that how Sam and Tucker had felt about him? Before they’d realized how lucky he was, that this was a good thing? Did they blame themselves? Did they still have nights, like he did, where they lay awake imagining what might happen if he was caught by ghost hunters who wouldn’t care a whit about his humanity?
If he’d disappeared, somehow become lost in the Ghost Zone or something, would they have confessed to his parents and done everything in their power to get him back? Would they have stolen his parents’ notes and tried to work it out for themselves, like Stan was clearly doing?
Danny swallowed.
“Dipper and Mabel were trying to figure out how to help Stan,” he said slowly, “because I made him tell them what he was doing.” Sort of. He hadn’t specifically brought up the portal, but he might’ve if Stan had kept denying things. “And Soos and Wendy would be more than happy to help him considering how happy they were to try to get rid of me without alarming him.”
That hint of a smile was back on Clockwork’s face.
“Was that the correction, then? The thing that was going to go wrong that you wanted me to change? Stan not talking to them and failing?”
“I never said that.”
Which meant no, it wasn’t. The correction, whatever it was, was something else. “So what?”
“Do you truly believe you’ve only influenced the path of one person?”
“I—” Danny broke off. “No?”
He wished he sounded more certain about that.
“The communication you’ve encouraged goes both ways.”
Okay, that might be a dig at him and his questionable communication skills, but Danny ignored that stinging for now. “One of the others, too? Or more than one?” If they knew that Stan knew the truth and weren’t trying to keep everything from him—
If they looked at the information contained in both the journals—
“You’ve helped to prevent some misunderstandings,” repeated Clockwork as his form changed again.
But not all of them. Danny remembered that part all too clearly. Still, getting Clockwork to be clearer on something he didn’t want to talk about would be impossible. “So why can’t I go back and help prevent the rest?”
“Why could you not prevent the incident that forever changed Vladimir Masters?”
Danny frowned. “That’s not the same.”
“Isn’t it?”
Clockwork hummed a noncommittal note, and Danny went back to weighing the merits of destroying the weapon in his hands.
Because it was a weapon, even if the wounds it left weren’t physical.
“You wrote that passage about me Dipper’s journal, right?” He was pretty sure about this. He wasn’t sure it mattered, but if Clockwork hadn’t—
“You needed to be found at the right time.”
Unless the right time covered any time between when Dipper had found the journal and whenever things would have gone off the rails, Danny wasn’t sure how Clockwork could be confident in that. Still, he pressed, “And the message in green? That had to be you, too, so what did it really say?”
“Were you not told its meaning?”
“Stan said it said to listen to me.”
“Heed the warning,” said Clockwork by way of agreement, promptly refusing to offer other details even when Danny stared at him and made a motion with his hand for Clockwork to continue.
“C’mon, I know it was longer than three words.”
“The message was merely meant for your use; its meaning is inconsequential to you.”
Danny growled, but chances were entirely too good that Clockwork was right. It didn’t matter to him. He decided to chance one last question before making a run for it. “If we’re done here, then why question me here and not back in the Ghost Zone or something?”
“You have one choice left to make,” Clockwork said, making Danny wonder why he hadn’t started with that. “You know the effects of the weapon you hold, and your secret may not remain only among those you’ve left behind here with what is to come. Do you wish to take it with you when you return?”
Danny had his mouth open, the automatic what? about to spill out of it, when Clockwork’s meaning hit him. Clockwork was offering him the chance to use this memory gun thing on his new friends. To take himself out of the equation entirely. Because his secret might be in danger. And, maybe, because it would make his interference harder to track.
Danny closed his mouth and took a deliberate swallow as he tried to figure out what Clockwork was trying to get him to do—and whether or not that was the thing he should do.
If he used the gun, he’d have to live with that choice. If he came back here in the future, these guys wouldn’t know him at all. At least, not unless the effects of the gun could be reversed. Clockwork had been fairly oblique on that front, as usual. Danny was pretty sure it was possible, but Clockwork hadn’t directly said that, so of course he hadn’t said how it was possible. And if they did remember him, they might also remember the reason they’d forgotten him.
Would Clockwork have mentioned the possibility of his secret spreading beyond the five people he’d met here if it wasn’t important, though? He could probably deal with Stan’s brother finding out easily enough—even if he was a scientist who studied this stuff, the timing of it all made it unlikely he’d have run into Danny’s parents unless it was during one of their first years at university, before they’d made names for themselves, in which case he should have no reason to remember them—but what if it was something like a shapeshifter that turned up in Sixer’s place? Danny’s enemies knew his secret, but he didn’t want more enemies.
He especially didn’t want enemies who might not respect the fact that he was trying to keep his secret a secret from everyone in Amity Park. Really, he’d gotten lucky on that front. He couldn’t even thank Vlad for it when Vlad hadn’t known about him until the reunion.
“Are you going to tell me what happens if I don’t?” It was a long shot, but Danny had to ask.
Clockwork didn’t answer, of course. Why would he? He was still pretending this entire thing wasn’t as much blatant interference as it was.
Danny blew out a breath and tried to figure out what the right play was here. Even if he did erase their memories of him, it wouldn’t erase those journal entries that had been about him, so there would still be some sign of his presence. Not as obvious, of course, but Stan had been pretty adamant that his brother hadn’t written those bits, so even if he had no memory of meeting Danny, he’d still be suspicious.
That wouldn’t change.
Maybe it didn’t have to, though.
And maybe, if he just took the opportunity to go back—
No. That wouldn’t work. Saying he wanted to go back to erase their memories would give him an excuse to see them again, but it didn’t give him access to Clockwork’s medallions to unfreeze even one of them so he could explain, and he sincerely doubted Clockwork was going to let him go back there unsupervised. He probably couldn’t even slip one of them a message without Clockwork stopping him.
Maybe he could beg the opportunity to go say goodbye and give them the memory gun thing that he still wasn’t entirely sure he wanted? It might be useful for them. It would still be interfering, but it had to be less obvious than what he’d already done.
Of course, if this thing was from around here, it was unlikely that it was the only one. For all Danny knew, Stan already had one squirrelled away somewhere.
For all Danny knew, Stan would dig it out and use it once he thought Danny was gone for good.
Probably not, unless Danny had crossed a line. That would kinda defeat the whole purpose of Clockwork bringing him here in the first place. So maybe they didn’t have one and could use it. Maybe this was another test of Clockwork’s that he wasn’t admitting was a test.
Danny wished he could have words with his past self to find out what the heck he’d been thinking when he’d agreed to this whole thing, but his past self wouldn’t have known half of what Danny did now, and he might not even have believed the memory-erasing gun would work. No, wait, Clockwork had said he’d shown him. Ugh. Figuring out the right move would be so much easier if he could talk it over with Sam, Tucker, and Jazz.
Maybe, if he let his new friends keep their memories but kept the gun for himself rather than giving it up or destroying it, then if they did accidentally let his secret slip to someone who was going to blab, he could use it on those people. That might work. Maybe.
Danny glanced at Clockwork in case the ghost had guessed his thoughts, but Clockwork’s expression hadn’t changed even though his form had. He looked as enigmatic and unhelpful as ever.
“Let them remember me,” Danny said quietly as he started to drag the toe of his shoe through the carpet of pine needles to reach the dirt below. It wasn’t easy to make an impression, but he kept at it. “I made the decision to tell them, and I don’t think any of them will use this against me. They’re good people. And they’re obviously good at keeping secrets.”
Clockwork smiled and made a gesture with his staff that opened up a portal. “Then it is time for us to go.”
Danny hesitated. “I want to help these guys. Won’t you at least tell me why I can’t?”
“Further interference—”
“Okay, time stuff aside, do you actually have a good reason?”
Clockwork sighed. “It may be safe enough in its dormant, processed state, but coming in close contact with activated ecto-ranium would not do you any favours, young phantom.”
“Huh?” He’d never heard of that stuff. “What the heck is ecto-ranium?”
“That is a question for another time,” Clockwork said, and Danny thought about trying to run just on principle because answers that actually answered his questions instead of introducing more of them would be nice for once, but Clockwork caught his hand. “Come. It is time for us to go.”
Short of blasting one of his few ghostly allies in the face and hoping to catch him by surprise, Danny didn’t have much choice left to him. It’s not like it would take Clockwork very long to catch up to him if he fled. As Clockwork pulled him forward, Danny looked down at the lines he’d scratched into the earth.
Hopefully they’d see that and figure it out.
Hopefully he’d be able to keep his word.
Considering he still didn’t know what day it was, it was unlikely that he’d be right back, but that had been shorter than ‘back soon’ or ‘I’ll come back’ or something similar. And who knows? Maybe, in the five years he had, he’d get something more substantial out of Clockwork.
It was worth a shot, anyway.
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ethanlandryswhore · 9 months
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Pairing: Ghostface!Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
Genre/Warnings: angst, really short drabble, reader has nightmares, ethan being caring. UNEDITED (once again)
Summary: You have a nightmare about ghostface but lucky your boyfriend is here to comfort you.
A/N: The support i have been receiving on my stories in incredible. I love you all soooo much! :((
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Ethan wakes up to a rough smack against his shoulder causing his body to jolt a little. He groans, grabbing your arm to hold it still. You toss over, facing away from him.
Ethan exhales slowly, assuming he must have done something in his sleep that has woke you up as he moves to try and curl his arm around you.
You roll over again, whining softly; your elbow hitting his stomach. Ethan let’s out a soft ‘oomph’, this time opening his eyes.
“Y/n.” he asks, voice raspy with sleep. ”What are you doing?”
You don’t respond, your eyebrows furrowed in the dark. Ethan shakes you gently, now unsure if you were asleep or not.
“Y/n?” Ethan mutters sleepily.
You whine again, brows scrunching as you move your head to the side. Realizing you were having a nightmare, Ethan sits up almost immediately.
“Baby.” He mumbles, shaking you awake. You whine, finally opening your eyes.
“Hey, what’s wrong? are you okay?” Ethan asks, hands moving to gently cradle your cheeks.
“Nothing, I’m.. I’m okay.” You exhale softly, hugging your boyfriend tightly.
Ethan doesn’t believe you, slowly easing you back down onto the bed.
“What happened?” Ethan asks softly, brushing his lips over yours before kissing them gently.
“It’s nothing, Eth. Don’t worry.” You sigh, squeezing him tighter to you.
Ethan doesn’t respond, struggling to stay awake due to how tired he was. “You can talk to me, Y/n. You know that.” he mumbles placing light feather weight kisses on your lips.
“Ethan… I…” You start suddenly getting choked up by tears.
“I’m scared.” You say against his chest softly. Ethan’s eyes shoot open immediately at your words.
“What are you scared of, pretty girl?” he questions, trying to slow his heart rate.
“I just… I don’t wanna die, Eth.” You say sniffling. Your arms hug Ethan tighter than before. “There’s a killer out there and I just… I’m scared.”
Ethan tightens his grip around your body. He exhales deeply, soaking in your words and analyzing your fear.
“You are not going to die, Y/n.” He whispers into your hair. “I would never let anything happen to you.”
Tears fill your eyes at his words as you bury your face into his neck. “I love you, Ethan.” You say softly, lips grazing over his neck.
Ethan kisses you tenderly watching as your tears disappear and breathing beginning to slow. As you doze off Ethan stays wide awake. After finally waiting long enough, Ethan pulls his body away from you, sitting on the edge of the bed.
He runs his fingers through his hair before looking back at your peaceful state. "Fuck." He mumbles.
"I can't do this... I can't be Ghostface."
1K notes · View notes
punedrr · 1 year
The Thesis and the Doctorate
**A/N: Happy new year! (Oh dear.) Please accept this chapter and my apologies for taking so long. I just finished my first term of actual college and it was hectic there for a while, but I’m on winter break now and I finally have some downtime (and motivation) to write. This chapter is very exposition- and dialogue-heavy (one of my writing weak points) so if you have any helpful suggestions or critiques I’d love to hear them! As my first serious fanfic this is a learning experience for me.
I hope it doesn’t read like I’m flying by the seat of my pants because that’s exactly what I’m doing! My outline is no longer current nor has it been for the past three chapters. It’s also a little shorter than I wanted but I wasn’t quite sure where to end and I really just wanted to get it out there. Y’all have NO IDEA how awesome I feel reading your comments and seeing kudos. Please enjoy!**
Link to the story: The Thesis and the Doctorate
Chapter 9: Show and Tell
You hurry down the front steps of the library. Thankfully Powers and Trigger don’t seem to be chasing you. You weren’t sure how much legal power they’d have (assuming they’re actually F.B.I.) but your gamble seems to have paid off. You slide into your car and throw your bag in the back before pulling out into the road. You don’t care if you have to break down their door, you’re going to talk to the Pines. They need to hear about this and you have more than a few questions you need answers to.
In the quiet of the car the agents’ words come back to you. “They’re master manipulators.” “Stanford and Stanley Pines are involved in numerous criminal activities, including the creation of a so-called ‘doomsday device.’” “You can’t trust anything they say.” You shake your head. None of that’s true... Right? It can’t be. But despite yourself you can’t help but look back on the summer and wonder if maybe the Pines are hiding something.
Stan definitely has a colorful past, you’ve heard enough of his campfire stories to guess at what he might have been doing in the eighties, but he’s not a dangerous criminal. He likes historical dramas, fishing, and creative taxidermy. He used to run a tourist trap and sails around the world during the off season. What illegal activities could he possibly get up to? (Besides some light tax fraud.)
Ford, however, is more of a mystery. He never told you much about his past but you know he’s very well educated with doctorates in multiple scientific fields. Now that you think about it, you realize that Ford never talked about a career or family besides his brother. His only interests seem to be cryptozoology, DDMD, and whatever he’s building with McGucket. But there must be more to him. You recall the many scars you saw last time you were at the shack, how sometimes you’d catch him tapping out ‘trust no one’ in Morse code, how he never seemed to sleep. 
What if Mabel and Dipper are a part of this, too? The thought is chilling but before you can pursue it you’re coming up on the shack. 
You turn off the ignition and sit for a second, gathering your thoughts. The Pines aren’t dangerous, and they’re not criminals. The agents are lying. They have to be. You step out of the car. It’s not even noon yet. The idyllic surroundings are at odds with the serious events so far. You knock on the back door, shattering the quiet. You can hear floorboards creaking but no one comes to the door. 
“Ford? Stan?” You shout. “Dipper? Mabel? It’s me!” You knock again. “I know Ford’s pissed off at me over the statue but I said I’m sorry!”
“We really need to discuss some things! I just got talked to by some guys at the library, they said they were F.B.I.? Agent Powers and-”
The door opens. 
“Will ya pipe down?” Stan grumbles. “Come inside already.” You follow him into the living room, where he points you to the card table. He’s still in his pajamas. “Pointdexter! Stop sulking and c’mere!” He shouts down the hallway, then sits down across from you. “The kids are at the arcade with Soos.” He explains. “And sorry about my brother. He’s been a real sourpuss ever since you showed him those pictures.”
You start to apologize again but Stan holds up a hand. “You said the F.B.I. was sniffing around?”
“Yeah, Agent Powers-”
“-and Agent Trigger. I might’ve met ‘em once or twice.”
Your eyes go wide, then narrow. “So what they said is true?”
“What did they say? I’ve done a lot of things.” Stan shrugs, nonplussed. 
“They said that you-” Ford walks in, looking everywhere except the table. “That both of you were dangerous criminals who are trying to build a ‘doomsday device.’ Apparently, they’ve been watching you for a while. They told me you’ve escaped arrest before.” At this, the brothers share a significant glance. What aren’t they saying?
“Look-” Stan starts, resting his hand on the table.
“No,” you cut him off. “You don’t get to dismiss this. I’m tired of not knowing what’s going on. First it was you-” your finger points accusingly at the Ford, “-acting all weird around me. And then I find the statue and you freak out. Which, by the way? It’s considered rude to slam a door in someone’s face. And then the F.B.I. shows up at the place I’m known to frequent, asking about my ‘perspective’ on the town and offering me money to sell you out.” 
Stan jerks back, brow furrowed in suspicion. “An offer which I firmly declined.” You shake your head. “Jesus, did you really think I’d say yes to them? I don’t even know what you’re doing yet!” You throw your hands up in exasperation. “Which brings me to my next point: what the hell have you two been doing to get the F.B.I. asking around?”
Ford looks at Stan and raises his eyebrows. Stan sighs. You cross your arms over your chest and wait them out.
Stan looks somewhere over your left shoulder and finally begins, “Kid, in the interest of mending fences I’ll give it to you straight. I’ve been involved in some pretty seedy stuff over the years, enough to get the F.B.I. interested. But-”
“What kind of ‘seedy stuff’?” You ask, catching his eye. “I need to know.”
Stan heaves another sigh and rolls his shoulders back as if reluctant. “All kinds, kid. Every type of fraud or traffic violation you could name. Smuggling, heists, crime rings, fighting rings. I stole my brother’s identity and faked my own death. Did I ever tell you I’m banned in 32 states? How’s that for seedy?” Stan cracks a smile, some of his old bravado resurfacing. 
“You stole your brother’s identity?!” You turn accusingly on Ford. “And where were you during all of this?” 
He won’t meet your eyes. “Traveling.”
“‘Traveling.’” You mock. You’re starting to feel like a parrot, but what they’re saying is ridiculous. “Traveling where? Did you know he was impersonating you at the time?”
“No.” Ford glances at Stan. “But he had his reasons.”
You clench your fists. “Will both of you stop being so goddamned cryptic?!” You shout. “I don’t know what you’re hiding, but I need answers!” You take a breath. “I come here at the start of this summer to study some trees. I get kidnapped by gnomes, find out magic is real, meet the Pines. I’d say I’m handling it all pretty well for an out-of-towner. But then the literal F.B.I. tracks me down and makes you guys out to be dangerous criminals, and tells me that they need my help to protect the world from whatever it is you’re building.
“Put yourself in my shoes for a minute. Imagine how I’m feeling. Now look at how I’m reacting. I’d say I’m entitled to a bit of a freak out at this point. I don’t want to believe what the agents told me; that’s why I told them to fuck off. You’re both my friends and it’s unthinkable to me that you’re a pair of evil masterminds. But you guys aren’t answering my questions and I know you’re hiding something. Probably something big based on your reactions. So could you please just tell me so that I know what to believe?” You plead. 
The twins share a look. Abruptly, Ford stands and folds his hands behind his back. “It’s a long, convoluted story. I’m not sure what you’ll think of us once you know it,” he warns. “But it might be easier if we show you.”
“Show me what?”
You’re led to the gift shop vending machine. Stepping in front of you, Ford inputs a code on the keypad and you watch as the vending machine hinges open to reveal a dimly-lit passageway. You gasp in surprise but don’t say anything. You follow and hear Stan pull the vending machine back into place with an echoing clang!
You descend a steep stairway at the bottom of which is an elevator. Ford opens a panel on the wall next to it and inputs another code, this one a series of alchemical symbols. The elevator doors shudder and slide slowly open. 
“After you,” Ford says. 
The ride down is short and bumpy. Neither of the twins say anything until the doors slide open once again, opening directly into a cavernous space lit only by dozens of tiny blinking lights. 
“This is the bunker.” Ford says, reaching over to turn on the lights. These ones are brighter than those in the hallway and you can clearly see panels of switches and screens lining the walls, all of them either dark or filled with static.
You sneeze. The bunker is dusty, though not from disuse. Loose papers are scattered across any available surface and forgotten projects clutter the counters. “What- Why-” you start. You’re not sure where to start. It’s definitely interesting, but you can’t see what this place has to do with anything.
Ford stalks deeper into the space, flicking switches as he goes. You nearly walk into a periscope sticking down from the ceiling as you follow. He stops at a dark window and reaches over to press a button on the wall next to it. Suddenly the window brightens, casting Ford’s shadow tall behind him.
“Behold,” he sweeps out a six-fingered hand, bitterness in his voice. “The doomsday device.” Behind a thick pane of warped glass is a large room carved into the bedrock. It’s bigger than the bunker and extends high enough that the ceiling and back wall vanish into darkness. Taking up most of the space is the destroyed husk of a giant machine. Debris litters the floor around it. There are unfamiliar sigils carved into the face of it which emit a faint glow.
You turn to Ford. “You built this?” You search his face, unsure of what you’re looking for. 
“Yes.” He admits. “But I didn’t build it to destroy the world. Not consciously, at least. It was intended to be an interdimensional portal.”
Never once taking his eyes from the derelict machine, he tells you the story behind the construction of the portal. He starts at the beginning, back when he was a fresh-faced graduate of Backupsmore University with too much grant money and not enough sense. 
“One day I discovered cave paintings detailing an ancient ritual. The Native Americans who used to populate the valley had kept it secret for good reason, but I was young and too curious for my own good.” He laughs bitterly. “I didn’t think he was dangerous at first.” You can hear the self-deprecation in Ford’s voice.
“He tricked me into building this for him. Fiddleford was my assistant at the time but he was unaware of my inspiration. During our first trial run he was pulled through. I managed to get him back, but he...” Ford pauses and puts one hand on the glass. “Never fully regained his sanity.” Ford learned of Bill Cipher’s true plans soon after. Desperate for help, he called his by-then estranged brother.
“When Stanley arrived he didn’t want to take the journal like I told him to do. We fought. We were too close to the portal. I was trying to destroy it but-”
“I pushed him in.” Stan speaks up, startling you. Between the machine and Ford, you’d forgotten he was there.
“And I didn’t see my brother again for thirty years. That’s when I stole his identity. I needed a clean record and money to rebuild the portal, but I guess it turned out alright in the end.” Stan gets up to stand next to Ford at the window and picks up where his brother left off. He tells you about Lil’ Gideon, how he tormented Mabel and Dipper and eventually allowed Bill to cross into Gravity Falls. You learn about Weirdmageddon and about how the town came together to defeat Bill, how it all came down to Stan in the end. 
Both of the brothers are nearly hoarse by the end of their explanation. Stan soon excuses himself to go back upstairs. The quiet hum of the bunker is the only sound. What do you say to that kind of story? Your first feeling is relief, and then shame for doubting them. Anger follows, both at the Pines for not telling you sooner and at yourself for not figuring it out. 
You bump Ford with your shoulder, startling him into looking at you. From this angle his face is swathed in shadows. “Thank you. For telling me.” You say haltingly, not quite sure how to proceed. “And for showing me all of this. I know it must to be a lot for you. Hell, it’s a lot for me and I’m hearing about it secondhand.” You crack a smile. You don’t get one in return, but some of the tension seems to ebb from the room. “I can’t even imagine... Thirty years in the multiverse. What was that like?” You say the last part to yourself but Ford hears you and answers.
“Terrifying.” Shoulders up, hands in his pockets, facing forward again. Old trauma. “Surrounded by an ever-changing alien landscape, constantly either running for my life or hunting down Bill. Never sure if I would live to see the next day.” His voice is quiet, a razor’s edge of bad memories. He pauses and turns back to look at you. Behind the shadow flits the ghost of a smile.
“But sometimes,” he speaks softer now, and with a trace of wistfulness. “It was beautiful.”
Back upstairs Mabel and Dipper are back and watching T.V. with Stan, who has mercifully decided to get dressed. (It was too serious to register at the time, but after your first meeting you had hoped never to see Stan in his pyjamas ever again.) Mabel is the first to notice you walk in, Ford on your heels. 
“Hi!” She chirps.
“Hey guys, how was the arcade?” You ask, taking a seat at the card table. A glance at the screen tells you they’re watching Ducktective reruns. From your previous visits you’ve learned that Mabel, Soos, and Stan all have a passion for it and that Dipper will put up with it only because his favorite paranormal show usually airs right after. You don’t think Ford even watches television.
“It was fun! Soos got a new high score on Ghost Maze, which I didn’t even think was possible,” Mabel recounts. “Grunkle Stan told us that you know about all the stuff that happened with Bill now. Which is great, because I hate keeping secrets!”
And what a secret to keep, you think. The mention of Bill brings up another question. “So... That statue I found in the woods- that was Bill?” 
You expect Ford to answer, but it’s Dipper that speaks up. “Yes.” His tone is serious, and suddenly you understand why he reacted the way he did when you showed him the picture. Like he’d seen a ghost, because he had. “But after I saw it I talked to Grunkle Ford and he says we don’t have any reason to worry.”
“That’s right, Dipper. It’s impossible for Bill to have survived. The statue is nothing but an empty shell. But just in case, I have plans to rig up a monitoring system so that we’ll know if anything changes.” 
The issue settled, you lean back and glance at the wall clock. It’s early afternoon. That means you were only down in the bunker for a little over an hour, but it feels like so much longer.
Truth be told, you still can’t believe that Stan and Ford told you everything. They had no reason to trust you, but they still let you in. You’re glad though. Over the summer you’ve grown close to this weird family and the weird town they live in, and now that you know about Bill it feels like you’ve grown impossibly closer. 
“What about the agents?” You ask suddenly. “I mean, I know now that they’re full of-” you remember just in time that the kids are in the room, “-it, but just because I’m not helping them doesn’t mean they’ll give up.”
Ford frowns and opens his mouth, but Mabel beats him to the punch. “We’ll kick their butts! We did it last time, didn’t we?”
“We did,” he confirms. 
“All I’m saying is, it’s probably best for everybody to watch their backs,” you say. “They didn’t tell me their plans, or if they even have one. But from the way they were talking they seemed pretty desperate.” You wonder if they’ll try to grab you again. You don’t have any weapons besides a small pocket knife, and it’s not like you’re trained in self-defense.
“Perhaps you should stay here for a bit,” Ford suggests, seeing the look on your face. “Just until we know the situation better.”
You stare at him. He flushes and looks down at the table. “Not that you can’t defend yourself, I’m sure you’re quite capable-”
“Sixer,” Stan cuts in. “Give the lady a chance to speak for herself.” 
“Right. Yes. Sorry.”
Stan pauses, but you’re silent. “Now,” Stan continues, “what my idiot brother means to say is: you’re welcome to stay here until this blows over, and all things considered, we could probably use the help. If you don’t feel like it though, I’d be happy to give you the family and friends discount on any weapons you may happen to find in the gift shop.” At this, Mabel reaches between the couch cushions and helpfully brandishes a grappling gun. 
“Don’t mention it,” Stan shrugs.
On one hand, you’re itching to get back to your cabin and think everything through. The last couple of days have been a lot. On the other hand, you would definitely feel safer at the Shack, even if that would be putting you closer to the action. You’d be in good company. Plus, it’s not like staying a night (or two, or three) is out of the ordinary for you anymore. 
In the end, the choice is easy.
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