#Based on my previous prompt about how emotions in a body swap could work
usslakevee · 9 months
"Beam us up Scotty." The Captain ordered, a hand on Spocks shoulder. He squeezed gently, and a wave of affection crashed against Spocks mental shields.
"Aye Captain," Lieutenant Scott said, and the familiar feeling of the transport washed over him. He blinked and the Enterprise appeared, although it was slightly different. A wave of calm washed over him, the earlier emotions properly shielded now.
"Lieutenant Scott is there a reason my height has decreased by five points zero eight centimeters?" Spock asks, and his voice comes out wrong.
"Captain?" Lieutenant Scott asks, looking directly at him. He glanced to the side to see, himself.
"Ah, I see," Spock remarks, looking at his own hunched form. "Fascinating."
"Mr. Spock?" Lieutenant Scott asks, a note of hesitation in his voice. He steps forward, reaching out to touch him, and suddenly Spock's body is in the space between them, growling at the Lieutenant.
"Back off." He growls, face twisted in rage.
"Fascinating," Spock mutters. "Captain Kirk, are you quite alright?" The rage seems to melt away as the Captain turns a blinding smile on him. A smile that would normally have him strengthening his shields. It looks strange on his own face.
"Hi Mr. Spock," the Captain says, and his ears flush green.
"I'm gonna get the Doctor," lieutenant Scott decides, gesturing to the door as he leaves.
"A wise decision." Spock confirms, grabbing onto the Captain as he turns to glare at the Lieutenant.
"Am I correct in assuming you are experiencing heightened emotions Captain?"
"Yes!" The Captain cries out, "it's a lot. Did I just growl at Scotty? Damn, I'm going to need to apologize, that wasn't very nice of me," he looks so genuinely distressed that Spock is unsure how to proceed.
"Your distress is illogical," he says, "the Lieutenant knows of your unusual situation and is not likely to hold your behavior against you." The Captain sniffles, and looks up at him through his lashes. There's barely a thrum against his shields.
"You think so?" He asks, hand rubbing at his cheek.
"I would not say so if I did not," Spock informs him. It is strange, not to have to brace his shields against waves of emotion.
The doors slide open, and the Captain whirls to face the threat, panic clear on his face.
"Whoah," Doctor McCoy holds up his hands, "what's wrong with Spock?" He says, looking at Spock in Kirk's body.
"I assure you I am alright Doctor," Spock says
"However it seems the Captain is struggling with the heightened emotional responses Vulcan biology is prone to."
"Damn Vulcan bullshit," the Doctor grumbles, and the Captain begins growling. Spock raises an eyebrow at the Doctor.
"I believe aggravating the Captain may be unwise," he remarks. The Doctor rolls his eyes and steps forward, a hypo in hand.
Kirk shifts into a crouch eyes tracking the doctor, as he keeps himself between the two of them.
"Run!" He orders Spock, and charges at the Doctor.
"I'm sorry Captain, but that does not seem to be a prudent course of action," he reaches out to stop the Captain, but he's slower then he expects. The Captain is already lunging at the Doctor.
"Dammit Jim!" The doctor goes down, and Spock moves to act, following the only logical path. He pulls out his phaser, and stuns the Captain.
"Do you require assistance Doctor McCoy?" He asks, hardly sparing a glance at the Captain, and that isn't right.
"What's wrong with you?" McCoy asks.
"I am finding human emotions to be exceedingly easy to shield against." He explains, "I am quite well I assure you."
"Nope," McCoy declares, and jabs the hypo into his neck.
"Illogical decision," Spock mutters, before the sedative takes effect.
When he wakes up again he's in his own body the ever present thrum of affection for the Captain lapping insistently against his shields.
"Mr. Spock." The Captain says, not quite meeting his eyes.
"Yes Captain," he greets, nodding. The Captains ears turn pink.
"Good to have you back," he mutters, before walking out of medbay.
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Everybody Wants to Rule the World
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Karolina’s Playlist (1k Followers Celebration Challenge)
Prompt: Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Lorde
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, brainwashing, kidnapping, poorly written/short fight scene, mentions of blood and killing, mention of dead bodies, use of Wanda Maximoff’s powers on Reader, couple fluffy moments, happy ending
Summary: You’ve been with Hydra for years, being a successful experiment going by the name Shadow. After the regaining of your memories, you decide to escape Hydra. Years later, the Avengers and your past love find you. Happiness doesn’t last for long, as Hydra kidnaps you again and takes your memories leaving the love of your life to try to help you return to your usual self. Will he be able to succeed?
Tagging: @loveitsallineed @skymoonandstardust @colourmecreampuff @avengers122
Quick Author’s Note: A big thank you to Karolina for her patience with me! This is my first time ever writing a song fic so please be nice :)
Word Count: 5,282
Bold/Italics = Lyrics
Italics = Vision/Dream
(Y/N) = Your first name
(Y/L/N) = Your last name
(Y/F/C) = Your favorite color
(Y/H/C) = Your hair color
Welcome to your life
At the command of the Hydra agent, you got into your fighting stance once again, knees bent slightly with your hands in front of you. You twirl the knife in your hand as you wait for the attacker; a habit you picked up from your previous mentor.
‘The Winter Soldier’ they had called him. You weren’t much different from him; both of you served in World War II, having been kidnapped and experimented on by Hydra, creating you into their own personal soldiers. While he was called in for most of the work, you were only sent out if the mission became too tricky. Of course, with him being who he was, that was only on rare occasions.
There’s no turning back
This changed after DC; he was gone now, causing the responsibility to fall on you. Anytime Hydra needed someone gone you were now the one for the job. Your ability to get lost in the darkness and always being the one behind the Winter Soldier earned you the name ‘Shadow.’
Even while we sleep
The fall of the helicarriers in DC and the loss of their super soldier was just a minor setback for Hydra. While the world thought that their reign had ended, you continued to be woken up from cryofreeze, brainwashed, and sent on missions.
We will find you
No one was safe. As long as Hydra had you, nothing could stop their terror. 
Acting on your best behavior
You put up with it every time; the pain and the torture that came with each mission. Even after all these years it still affected you. You would think that your body would have become immune to it by now, but instead you still reacted the same way. You would scream until your throat went dry and your head would pound from the electricity that flowed through it. Tears would flow down your face as any little bit of memory gained was stripped from you.
If you were in your right mind, you would have escaped by now. Instead, you stayed and continued to obey their commands, like the perfect soldier you were.
Turn your back on Mother Nature
Kill after kill after kill. Your body count was on the rise. You wouldn’t know it though; each time you returned after a mission your memory was wiped and you were sent into cryofreeze until they needed you again. Hydra’s plans were in action and they continued to strive, all thanks to you.
Everybody wants to rule the world
Something was changing. Your brainwashing sessions had been put on hold for the sake of Hydra’s new “miracles” thus allowing your mind to rebuild. Cloudy visions and muffled voices pried your thoughts more and more, causing confusion to build up. But even with the confusion brought on by these new thoughts, a deep desire for them also arose.
Along with change for you came change within the Hydra facility you resided in. Your missions slowed down, your usual routine being replaced with you training the twins. Their powers were starting to build up and Hydra wanted to push them even further.
Being put in as the test dummy for Wanda Maximoff, you stood there as she stared at you, neither of your gazes faltering. The members of Hydra stood around waiting, no one wanting to miss the moment between one of their first creations and one of their newest.
She walked to you, slowly circling your still form. After a few silent moments, she began. Her eyes turned scarlet, her hands moved gracefully as the red wisps started to surround them and flow around your head. Your eyes flashed red and your stiff posture started to limp. Before you knew it, the dimly lit room you were standing in was gone.
It’s my own desire
The room was no longer dark and cold, but instead bright and warm. Shades of gold painted the place and lights were lit up all over. You could hear music playing; it was upbeat and could easily be danced to. You turned and were surprised when you discovered that you weren’t alone.
People were everywhere: some gathered around the wooden tables, some at the bar with drinks, some in the band playing, and some dancing with their partners. Smiles adorned their faces, many laughing and sipping drinks while talking to those that kept their company.
They all were dressed to the nines in dresses and suits. You looked down to see that your tactical suit and boots were gone and replaced with a (Y/F/C) dress and black heels. You could feel that your hair had changed to, going from its simple braid to elaborate (Y/H/C) curls that framed your face.
“Hey, Doll.”
You turned around at the sound of the voice. There, stood a handsome man, his blonde hair fixed perfectly and his outfit resembling a military uniform. His smile was bright and his blue eyes seemed to sparkle.
“I’ve been waiting for you. It’s about time you and I got our dance.” his words were spoken so differently than the people at Hydra; each one possessing something that you were unfamiliar with.
He placed his hand out for you to grab. Your gaze swapped between his hand and his face. Who was this man?
“Please?” he said it so softly that you could have missed it over the noise.
Your thoughts were all over the place. Should you attack? Should you run? You stood there frozen, all training gone from your mind. For once in a long time, you didn’t know what to do.
Slowly, you lifted your hand and placed it delicately in his. The music changed then; the fast pace replaced with a slow and steady beat.
You moved so perfectly with him, your mind spinning as you questioned how you knew what step to make next. You couldn’t help but continue to look around and take in everything.
When you finally turned back to him you were surprised to see that he was staring at you with a soft smile on his face. His expression held something, certainly an emotion that those at Hydra have never shown to you.
Your eyes grew wide as you felt him leaning closer to you. You could feel his breath on your lips as he came closer. He stopped suddenly, the smile still on his face as he said his next words:
“I love you, (Y/N).”
It’s my own remorse
With a blink of your eyes it was all gone. The warm atmosphere was cold again and the bright lights were replaced with darkness. Any previous colors were now shades of black, white, and gray. The cheerful music muted and was replaced with eerie silence. For once, in a long time, you were scared.
You cautiously took a step forward, then another one, and another one. When you took your next step you heard something squish.
Looking down you saw something you had become accustomed to over the years; its deep color seemed bright compared to its dull surrounding, causing it to stand out. A metallic smell now filled the air as you continued to look at the substance.
Blood. It felt as if it was starting to crawl up your shoe; its only goal being to stain everything it touched.
Tilting your head up you let out an audible gasp at the sight: Bodies littered the area, some with car crashes, others with used shells littered around them. The bright red stood out on the scene in the use of splatters, smears, and puddles.
The deafening silence changed to the sound of screams. Some were loud and deep while others were ear-piercing. You squeezed your eyes shut and covered your ears, but it did nothing. They echoed in your mind; bouncing from one side to the other.
The screams expanded into words and phrases, fear and anger lacing them. They were the voices of your victims and no matter how hard you forced your hands onto your ears, you couldn’t silence them.
You fell to your knees, the beautiful dress now gone and replaced with the uniform you’ve worn so many times. Blood soaked through the knees of your pants, staining your flesh with its scarlet color. You couldn’t take it any longer.
You screamed.
The voices stopped; the silence returning once again. You opened your eyes but still saw the same bloody scene in front of you. You brought your hands down from your ears and to the front of you as you continued to kneel. You cautiously took a look at them and started to shake at what you saw.
Both were covered in blood, warm and glossy as if it just came straight from its source. You stopped breathing as one last phrase echoed through your mind.
“This is who you are now.”
Help me to decide
You awoke with a start. Your breaths quick and sporadic while you looked around at your surroundings. You were in a room at the Hydra base, the thin cot underneath you doing nothing to comfort you in the state you were in.
Whatever that Maximoff girl did to you changed your outlook. Fear coursed through you as you thought of the horrid sights. The memories that you had wanted so much were now tainted with the knowledge of your past. You had to leave; had to get away from the vile place. So that’s what you did.
Feeling satisfied with the progress of the twins’ powers it was decided that you would be sent out on another mission. You arrived at the destination and your plan went into action. You took out the two guards that were sent with you and hid their bodies out of sight. Stripping yourself of anything you found unnecessary, you took a deep breath and looked towards the darkness. With the first step, your decision was made.
Help me make the most of freedom
It had been nearly 2 years since you escaped and you were finally able to get yourself into the “normal” lifestyle. Well, at least as normal as a person who escaped a thought-to-be gone Nazi group could get.
You stayed on the down low; you weren’t going to take any chances while Hydra still lived on. Though your main caution was avoiding Hydra, you should have also been aware of another group that was looking for you.
As you looked at the produce in the outdoor stall you started to feel eyes on you. You started to take subtle looks at those around you; years of training to be unnoticeable paying off. To your left was a red-haired woman standing a few stalls down. Sunglasses adorned her face but you could still tell that her focus was not on the daisy bouquets, but on you. A little farther from her was a dark-skinned man wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap. He leaned against a streetlight with his coffee in hand. As he took a drink his gaze moved to you. It was official: You were being followed.
You continued to stay calm. If you ran it would cause a scene and who knew what these people planned on doing to you.
You started to walk to the right, your sight still appearing to be on the different fruit that lay in front of you. Feigning little interest, you started on your way. Sure enough, the two slowly followed you.
Your pace was steady but quick. Finding a crowd, you attempted to blend in. You were only a block away from your makeshift apartment. If you could just get there you could grab your backpack and go.
The crowd started to dissipate, leaving you with having to round corners and hope that the two followers would get lost. Your hope was pointless though as the two continued to follow you.
Your steps became faster as your eagerness to get away started to arise. Eventually you were in a full sprint, causing the two to do the same.
They were gaining on you. Even with all the turns you made you still couldn’t shake them.
As you ran, you made the mistake of looking behind you. The man and woman were still chasing you closely, but you failed to see the man that was standing right in front of you. You turned back around just in time for him to grab you and press you to his chest.
You attempted to fight him off, but his grip on your arms stayed strong. Amidst your thrashing, the man pushed you up against the nearest wall. Your head hit the bricks behind you, your eyes shutting from the impact.
Opening your eyes again, they widened and your movements to escape stopped as you took in the man in front of you:
Short, blonde hair that had a messy look to it. A blue t-shirt hugged his chest while his arms were clad in a leather jacket. And his eyes. They were so blue that you were sure you could drown in the pools of color.
“It’s you.” you mumbled out, your voice barely above a whisper.
“(Y/N).” he said back, his voice as quiet as yours.
And of pleasure
Ever since that day, life has never been better. You found out your dream man was named Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, and that the vision you had of him was actually a glimpse of your past in the forties.
He was beside you through every therapy session, doctor visit, and night terror. He listened when you needed him to and would smile at each recovered memory you had of your past together. Through this time, you couldn’t help but start to fall for Steve all over again.
Besides Steve, Bucky was also by your side. Having known each other in the forties and also during your time with Hydra, he was the only one that truly understood what you had gone through.
Your relationship with the rest of the team grew as well. You started to train with them each day, learning to use your skills for good rather than evil. After hours of training and a successful evaluation, you were welcomed as a member of the Avengers.
With new friends around you and your old love beside you, your future started to look hopeful for once.
Nothing ever lasts forever
It happened so fast.
You and Steve just finished a date and were riding his motorcycle back to the Avengers’ Tower when the bike’s front tire was shot out. The motorcycle slid across the concrete bringing you and Steve with it. As you both got up from the wreckage, groups of men approached you and started to attack. The both of you started to fight back; throwing punches and slowly knocking out each of your attackers.
It was in the middle of the fight when you felt the prick to the side of your neck. Your body started to slow down and your vision became fuzzy. As your limbs grew weak one of the men picked you up bridal style and carried you to a nearby van. The doors shut and the vehicle took off with you and a few of the men inside.
As you looked at your kidnappers your eyes started to close. Sinking deeper into unconsciousness, you heard a phrase that you hadn’t heard since you had left that horrid place.
“Hail Hydra.”
When Steve got back to the tower, he and the rest of the team didn’t waste any time in trying to find you. They all tried to hide their panic, but everyone had a fear inside of what was going to happen to you.
None of their feelings could compare to how Steve felt though. He had finally gotten you back after so long only for the same organization to kidnap you a second time.
The intel came in and a location was found. The team hurried to get suited up to go. As Steve and Bucky got ready, Bucky started to speak.
“Do you remember that time that you, (Y/N), and I all went to Coney Island to see the fireworks?”
Steve buckled the straps on his uniform, his lips still stuck in a straight line. “Which time? The time you left with a redhead or the time you left with a brunette?”
Bucky gave out a light chuckle as he continued to put his guns in their holsters. “The first time. And I’m pretty sure that redhead was named Doris.”
As Steve tightened his gloves he started to recall the memory. “Yeah, I remember. (Y/N) met us straight after work so she was still in her uniform. I grabbed her hand after the first firework went off and we held hands for the rest of the show.” He stopped his actions for a moment as sadness started to come over him. “We had our first kiss that night.”
Bucky finished with his guns and started working on his knives. A small silence started to form as they continued to prepare. “We’re gonna get her back.” His tone held no question; he knew for sure that they would get you away from there.
Steve finished with the strap of his helmet and grabbed his shield, swinging it into place on his back. “They’ve taken her from me twice, Buck.” he said, as he started to walk towards the quinjet. “I’m going to make sure they regret it.”
Everybody wants to rule the world
You started to come to as you felt that your arms were strapped down. Your eyes fluttered as they attempted to take in the little bit of light in the room.
“Ah, you’re awake!” a too familiar voice said. He approached where you sat, leaning down and grabbing your chin, forcing your head to face him. A sadistic smile was on his lips. “We’ve missed you greatly, Shadow.”
That name. You hated everything associated with it. Looking at the man in front of you, you spit in his face. “That’s not who I am anymore.”
The man let go of your chin roughly and returned to his standing position. He wiped your spit off his face, his smile now gone. He brought his hand up and slapped it hard across your cheek. The sting was instant and your head lashed to the side from the force. “Hydra will always be who you are.” He started to walk away as the others around you started to approach. “Wipe her. We have lost precious time with her absence and cannot afford to lose any more.”
Your eyes widened slightly and your breath became faster. No, you thought. You were not going to lose these memories that you’ve worked so hard to get back.
As they forced the mouth guard into your mouth, you continued to bring any memory you could to mind:
Watching movies with the team
The back of the chair leans back as it whirs to life.
Having girl’s nights with Wanda and Natasha
The restraints on your arms tighten, securing you to your seat.
Going with Bucky to the Farmer’s Market
The machine starts to move closer towards the sides of your head.
Falling in love with Steve
Pieces of cold machinery set harshly on your temples and over your left eye.
Steve’s laugh, Steve’s smile, Steve’s eyes
A tear slid down your cheek as you screamed from the electricity coursing through you. While you would forget your memories, you would never forget the pain.
There’s a room where the light won’t find you
The quinjet arrived at the warehouse that Hydra was keeping you in. A plan already going into action as soon as they get inside. You were their goal and not one person was going to keep them from getting to you.
Bringing down anyone who got in their way, the Avengers continued to search for you in every inch of the building. Every room they approached was checked, but still there was no sign of you.
Steve fought his way through; his fury motivated by his need to find you. His punches were harsher and his moves were quicker as he continued his search.
He ran through the next door he approached only to stop in his tracks at the sight in front of him.
There you stood, still as a statue, your eyes focused on him.
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down
Relief entered his mind the same time an overwhelming amount of shock did. “(Y/N).” he breathed out.
You didn’t move, but your mind started to buzz. Why did this man look familiar?
Steve took a breath as his posture straightened. He started to approach you slowly, not knowing completely what they did to you. “(Y/N),” he said it louder this time, attempting to get through to you. “this isn’t who you are. Hydra is messing with your mind.”
You stood there staring at him, your knife twirling absentmindedly in your hand. Fuzzy pictures tried to come to the front of your mind but you willed them away in order to stay focused.
“Your name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N). You were born in Brooklyn, New York.” He started to feel a bit of déjà vu at his next words, but continued anyway. “You know me.”
Your mind started to hurt; the words from this ‘stranger’ starting to get to you. “No, I don’t.” While your words were meant to be harsh, you could hear the waiver in them.
At your words, Steve continued to step forward, taking the shield off of his arm and placing it on his back. “Yes, you do. We grew up together. We enrolled in the army together.”
It felt as if your brain was on fire and these things that this man was saying to you was not helping. “Shut up!” you shouted, as you advanced towards him.
You aimed your knife at him in attempt to strike only for him to catch your wrist in his grip. Your other fist flew towards his stomach and landed a punch. His grip on your wrist loosened as he started to bend over from your punch. You grabbed the back of his head and brought your knee up, only for him to block it, grabbing your knee instead. You then bring your other leg up and wrap your knee around the back of the man’s neck. Using the leverage, you swing yourself up to where your thighs are around his head. You then twist your body downwards placing your hands on the ground and flipping the man over to land on his back while you land on your feet.
As you run for your knife, the man gets up again. He looks at you as you turn back around, your knife in hand. “You know me, (Y/N).” he speaks as he starts to unstrap the buckle from his helmet. Pulling his helmet off, you finally get a look at him:
Blonde hair. A blue uniform with splashes of red and white. Blue eyes like a clear sky.
Your mind was still reeling, but the pictures were starting to become clearer. “Stop it.” The phrase was loud but had a tone of fear to it, something you were unfamiliar with.
Once again, Steve started walking towards you, but this time you didn’t attack. You instead took a step back with each of his steps forward.
“Your favorite color is (Y/F/C).” Another step. “You are terrified of drowning.” Another step. “You love watching fireworks.” Another step.
“Stop.” The word was barely audible. With all the steps you had been taking back, you had ended up with your back against the wall. You had realized at this moment that tears had been streaming down your cheeks and that your breathing had gotten heavier.
With one last step, Steve was chest to chest with you. Neither of you had taken your eyes off the other during this time. He slowly brought his hands up to lightly grab your arms.
You shook slightly as confusion and fear racked through your mind. Pictures and spoken words continued to cloud your thoughts, unable to make clear sense of it.
Steve stood there looking at you; the girl he had lost and found twice now. He felt like the energy had left his body and his own tears started to cloud his vision. Bringing one hand up he cupped your cheek and said the last words that he hoped would get through to you.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
When they do I’ll be right behind you
Like a flood, the pictures and voices became clear. Your eyes widened and the realization of who was in front of you hit you hard.
“Steve?” you asked breathlessly.
Steve let out a sob that turned into a quiet laugh. “Yes, yes (Y/N), it’s me.” His words were a mix of relief and joy as the tears he held back started to pour over.
You broke down right then, wrapping your arms around his neck as your body wracked with sobs. He caught you easily, tightening one arm around your waist and one hand in your hair. Your knees gave out and he helped guide you to the floor, the both of you still holding each other close.
“I’m so sorry.” you said between breaths. You couldn’t believe you had hurt him; that Shadow had hurt him. “I’m so, so sorry.”
“Shh, it’s okay, (Y/N). It’s okay.” he spoke quietly in your ear. He couldn’t imagine how you were feeling right now. All he knew is that he was thrilled to have you back in his arms. “It’s all over now.”
Your face was in the crook of his neck as you cried. The whole situation was becoming too overwhelming for you.
Steve brought a finger to his ear and clicked his com. “Guys, I got her.” he exhaled after he had said it; relief starting to take over his being. He brought his arm back down and picked you up bridal style. “Let’s get you home.” he said as he started to make his way out of the building.
And for once, in a really long time, you felt safe.
So glad we’ve almost made it
After that day things seemed to return to a somewhat normal state. You started to take therapy sessions again, making sure that the last brainwashing Hydra put you through wasn’t going to affect your progress too much. Training became part of your daily routine once more as you hoped to regain your status as an Avenger. You also became closer to Steve; trying once again at your relationship.
So sad we had to fade it
Things could never be exactly the way they were between you and Steve. Both of you had changed since the forties: He became a hero while you were made the villain. While he had all his memories you were still gaining more each day. Yes, your relationship would never be that fairytale it felt to be in the past, but that didn’t mean that either of you were giving up on the idea of happiness.
As the quinjet landed, you headed over to the wall where your weapons were located.
You started to place your guns in their holsters when Steve joined you by your side, grabbing his own weapons and putting them in their designated places.
The silence was peaceful between the two of you but it didn’t have time to last long as Steve spoke up.
“Do you remember that time when we saw fireworks at Coney Island?”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you pondered for a moment. Strapping your utility belt around your waist you made sure that it was on the way it should be before answering. “Was that the time that Bucky left with that redhead, Debra?”
Steve’s mouth turned up in a smirk. “Doris. And yes. It was just you and I.”
A smile came to your lips as you thought of the memory. “We sat on a bench near the beach. I was still in my uniform and there was no way I was going to get sand in it.” You giggled at the thought. Placing your knives in their spots, you continued with the memory. “I forgot how loud the fireworks could be. I nearly jumped out of my skin after the first one.” Another giggle escaped your throat at the thought.
You then turned to look at Steve, a fond smile forming on your face. “You grabbed my hand then. And you held it for the rest of the show.” You could see the blush start to creep up his neck; his ears starting to turn red.
Feeling the heat rising in his face, Steve cleared his throat. “Do you, uh, remember what happened after that?” his focus was still on the weapons in front of him as he spoke.
Looking down at the last knife in your hand, you spun it around before finally putting it in its place. You then looked up, admiring the man in front of you. And after your time of adoration, you spoke up. “Yes, I remember.” You start to slowly walk closer to him as you continue with your story.
“The fireworks had ended, and with Bucky nowhere in sight, you walked me to my house. You held my hand the entire way, and when we got to my porch neither of us would let go.”
With everything in place, Steve finally turned to look at you. He let out a content sigh as a small smile started to form on his lips. He then directed his gaze to your hands, grabbing them in his and intertwining your fingers together. “I never wanted to let go.” his voice was quiet, as if speaking any louder might ruin the moment.
You looked at him sweetly, the emotions you felt starting to bubble over. “Is that why you kissed me?”
Steve chuckled a bit, happy to know you remembered that part of the memory. He returned his focus to you. “Not completely.” he took a step closer causing the space between the two of you to be nonexistent. “As we stood on your porch I realized that I was crazy in love with you.”
Your smile grew at his confession and you couldn’t believe how lucky you had been to end up with him.
“And with that thought running through my head, I couldn’t help but kiss you. And you know what?” he said as he let go of one of your hands and brought it to cup your cheek.
“What?” your voice quietly spoke.
He leaned down, his nose brushing yours as both of your eyes started to close. “I’m so glad I did.”
You smiled a full smile then and started to lean your head up towards his lips.
“Hey, lovebirds. How about we get on with the mission instead of making out like teenagers?” Bucky’s voice spoke loudly, interrupting your moment.
Letting out a sigh, you stepped back from Steve and started to head towards the exit of the quinjet.
“Jerk.” Steve mumbled under his breath.
As you and Steve joined the rest of the team at the exit, you started to look straight ahead. About three miles out from where you landed was the Hydra base you were about to infiltrate. The first of many that you would get to help destroy personally.
“Are you ready for this?” Steve asked as he came to stand next to you.
You looked over at him with a smirk then returned to look out at the distance.
“You have no idea.”
Everybody wants to rule the world
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