#Basically I just like him very much ♥ He's a complex character with a lot of potential in any direction
sysig · 2 years
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Predator and Prey (Patreon)
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madeofcc · 3 years
I was waiting for you to reblog this game xD (51 for Destiny and Leïla! and 45 for Destiny, Leïla, Hiro and Renji?)
Thank you so much dear ♥ I hesitated then I reread the questions and they're so good actually I wanted to give it a try .
45 : What kind of movies do they like ? (I wanted this one sooo much)
Destiny : She's more a TV show addict but she has her iconic movies as well. Usually, she's into indie movie, mostly dramedy or psychological thrillers. She loves happy ending though and tends to choose movies with black or/and queer characters. Her personnal favourites are : Dear White People (TV + movie), Girlhood (movie) , I May Destroy You (TV) and How to Get Away with Murder (TV); She's a huge fan of Viola Davis actually. She also secretly loves Mean Girl but don't tell anyone ><"
Leïla : More into french movies and romance. She also likes horror when it's more psychological and not misoginist (which is rare) like The Witch or The Babadook. She loves french director Celine Sciamma and french actress Adele Haenel so she watch a lot of what they do. She also is a movie student so she basically watch everything but she's very specific about her taste. She also loves Sofia Coppola's work and wants to become a director because of her.
Hiro : Hiro isn't a huge fan of movies as he always tries to find the big reveal from the start and he mostly play with his phone/switch whle watching the movie ; To him, each movie is a mystery to solve so he tends to prefer watching anime as it has more action and usually more episodes. He's a huge fan of Satoshi Kon's movies though as he finds them very mature and complex. Paprika is his favourite.
Renji : Totally a horror fan ! Renji loves dark stories and is always looking for some thrills ! What does he prefer ? The final girls ! He always loved when the good girl survives and escapes the big bad wolf (or kills that motherf*er, right Sidney?) though which is quiet surprising. He loves mostly the new indie horror kind (Hereditary, Midsommar, The Witch, Lighthouse, well mostly A24 movies or Jordan Peele's one) and old iconic slashers. Remember Randy in Scream ? He would be that guy but cooler, without bragging about movies when no one asked. Don't start talking to him about Wes Craventhought otherwise he will make you an entire essay about him XD
51 : What is their favourite thing about themselves ?
Destiny : Her fighting skills for sure ! As she's insecure with her looks and basically received all sorts of agressions through times, Destiny quickly learned that in this world, it's a good thing for a girl to protect herself. That also doesn't mean that she's a killing machine and that's the second thing she loves about herself. Destiny has one rule : no more murder, no more death, even if it's a demon. She doesn't want to fight anymore and has a strong desire to respect that decision, mainly to escape the masculine education her father gave her ... But you'll know more about it on DH 2. Physically, she loves her greenish eyes I guess ?
Leïla : Like Destiny, Leïla doesn't have a physical thing she prefers. But she loves her voice and she loves to sing when she's alone. She always felt better with music and she plays the paino since she's 13 (she learned on Simstube actually). She also loves the fact that she's a witch ^^ She doesn't talk about it a lot but inside, just the fact to know that she hides a power that can protect her makes her feel more confident everyday as she's learning to control it. But it's also one of it's primary fear I suppose. What if she'd loose control more than she did at the end of season 1 ? After all, she's supposed to be the Elemental of Fire so ??? Just like the phoenix ... Could she destroy the world ?! You'll know it on the last season unfortunatly ^^"
Thanks a lot again for asking :) Hope those answers have been fun to read
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fereldanwench · 6 years
Tagged by @sarasa-cat! ♥♥
And I’ll tag @bloomingcnidarians, @black-rose4, @starsandskies, @unrated-g, and @scrptrx. If anyone else is interested in doing it, feel free to tag me so I can see! ♥
My chosen 3 fandoms: 1. Mass Effect (OT + Andromeda) 2. Dragon Age (All) 3. Star Wars (OT + EU)
(I was going to do Tomb Raider, but after looking at the rest of the questions, I think that’d be kind of boring.)
The first character you loved: 1. Garrus in the OT. I have a harder time pinning it down for Andromeda, because I love the Tempest crew so much. I guess Jaal--He was my first romance, and my affection for him ended up being such a lovely surprise.  2. Alistair in DAO. Close call between Aveline and Isabela in DA2. And I went into DAI primed to love Cullen, but other than him, probably Cassandra. 3. Leia in the movies. Mara Jade in the books. ♥
The character you never expected to love so much: 1. Fucking Harry Carlyle. He has like a total of 30 minutes of screentime, at most, and I’m obsessed with this man. (Or at least my own interpretation of him.) 2. At one point it was Cullen--I wasn’t charmed by him initially in DAO, but his complexity in DA2 and fans who really dove deep into what made him tick made me do a 180. We have a complicated relationship post-DAI, though. Sebastian kind of took me by surprise, too.   3. I don’t know that I was ever taken off guard by anyone in SW. I wasn’t a huge Luke fan in the OT, but seeing some fresh perspectives on his character has given me a better appreciation for him. The character you relate to most: 1. I relate a lot to some of the basic building blocks for Ryder, like being thrust into a leadership position and feeling under-qualified for it. 2. I think I relate to Hawke for similar reasons to Ryder. Just kinda out trying to live my best life in spite of a bunch of bullshit on a regular basis. 3. I wanted to relate to Mara in that she was a bad ass, but that’s not me. I’m not sure that I really do relate to any of them. Jaina, at one point, maybe. The character you’d slap: 1. Udina 2. Haha, nope. Not answering this one.  3. Okay, not within my parameters of OT + EU, but Kylo. Three favourite characters (in order of preference): 1. God, this is hard. ME is very unique in that I really don’t dislike any of the major companion/NPCs. Probably Garrus, Aria, and Zaeed, at least at the moment. Garrus and Aria for sure are top 2, the third slot probably depends on my headspace. 2. Isabela, Aveline, Cassandra 3. Leia, Mara, Talon Karrde A character you liked at first but don’t anymore: 1. None, really. I think my interest in Kaidan as a romantic option for f!Shep has dwindled some, but I still think he’s a great character in and of himself. 2. I don’t dislike Cullen by any means, but fandom nonsense has made it harder for me to enjoy him on the level that I once did. 3. I used to like Han a lot more than I do now. A character you did not like at first but do now: 1. Cora took a little warming up to, but her friendship was one of the most endearing parts of my journey in Andromeda. 2. I didn’t dislike Merrill, but I kind of overlooked her for a while and read some parts of her character unfairly, I think. 3. Probably Luke. Three OTPs: 1. If I have to pick just one, and one that’s canon, Shakarian. 2. Cullen x Hawke 3.  I never really got into shipping in Star Wars. I guess Han x Leia, but eh. I don’t feel that strongly about it.
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