#I have an instrumental I always put on when I want to think about Weird ZEX Vibes haha
sysig · 2 years
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Predator and Prey (Patreon)
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springgirlshowers · 29 days
ok what about drunk reader getting so wasted to the point where she doesn’t recognize joost but it’s not like angst it’s funny cuz he’s trying to get her home and she’s like “nuh uh i got a bf pal”
My Boyfriends Pretty Cool
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Pairing: Joost Klein x Fem!Reader
CW: alcohol consumption, mentions of smoking, reader being drunk as helllllllll
WC: 1004
A/N: happy monday everybody, hope this helps you get thru ur week <3
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You were sitting in a small booth in the corner of the club, Joost had gone out for a smoke with his friends, promising he’d be back soon.
Your friend, who was sitting with you originally, had gone up to counter of the bar, talking to a guy she met earlier.
Now you were sitting alone, waiting for either of them to return.
Joost came back in with the hood of his black jacket up that was wrapped around his waist before due to the cold weather outside, dark and squared sunglasses covered his eyes, dimming down the harsh and colorful light from the dance floor.
He freaked out a tiny bit when he saw you sitting alone, knowing you were already a bit drunk.
“Hey, where’d your friend go?” He asked as he walked up to the table. You looked up at him with a strange look on your face.
“Uh, she just went up to the counter to get some more drinks.” You lied, not recognizing the stranger under the dark glasses and hood.
Joost just gave an understanding nod, sitting down next to you. Noticing the way you scooted away from him.
“You really shouldn’t be sitting so close to me, I have a boyfriend.” You slurred.
“You do?” He tilted his head, catching on.
“Mhm. I don’t think he’d like some random guy sitting next to me.” You raised your brows, taking a drink from your glass.
“I’m sure he wouldn’t. What does he look like?”
“He’s got superrr blonde hair. He has a lot of silly tattoos. Anddd he’s very tall. He’s easy to spot in a crowd.”
“Silly tattoos? What do you mean by that?”
“He has one,” You stopped your sentence to giggle, “of crazy frog!” You let out a full blown laugh. A giant grin formed on his face, he began to feel the butterflies in his stomach at the sound of your laugh.
“I used to think it was a dumb tattoo. I kinda like it now. I like to trace them with my fingers when he’s sleeping.” You said, wiping your watery eyes from how hard you were laughing.
Joost was surprised by this new information, he never knew you did that when he was asleep.
“What else is there about him?” He rested his head on his fist.
“Well, he wears glasses a lot, ones kinda like yours.” You tapped your nail on his sunglasses. “But he’s been wearing these pink ones a lot. He’s a fashionista.” Joost laughed at the name you unknowingly called him.
“He puts a lot of effort into his outfits, but I think it’s cute.” You tipped your head against the leather booth.
“Oh! And he’s a musician! He makes music all the time!” You sprang up, so giddy about this subject.
“Wow, really? What type of music?”
“Gabberpop. It’s really weird music, it’s really loud, has a lot of bass and big sounds.” His face hurt so much from smiling, a small laugh leaving him when you tried to sing an instrumental of one of his songs.
“Do you like his songs?” He felt a bit strange, taking advantage of your state to see how you really felt about him. But he always had that bad thought in the back of his mind that you didn’t like a lot of things about him, and he wanted to know the truth.
“Hmmm, I thought they were really weird at first, I wasn’t sure how I felt about them. But I like them a lot now!” His sunglasses hid the blush forming on his face. “I listen to them all the time when he’s not around, like in the car, or when he’s not home, or when I’m out in public with my earbuds in, or when he’s traveling and I miss him.” You giggled as you rambled on, words slurred.
“That’s good. Is he a handsome dude?”
“Absolutely! He’s the prettiest boy I’ve seen.” You sighed happily, rocking side to side.
“Really?” He mumbled nervously.
“Really, really. I love him.” You gazed up, looking like you were daydreaming.
“You seem more interested in him than me.” You looked back at him, narrowing your eyes and whispering.
“Maybe I am.” He shrugged and tilted his head.
“Hm, you’re very kind but I won’t share.”
“That’s understandable, I wouldn’t share either if I had a girl like you.” He said before he got up, giving you a handshake and goodbye.
By the time he was out of your eyesight, he took off his glasses and jacket, wrapping it around his waist again.
He waited for a second before returning to the booth.
“Hey liefje, where did she go?” He asked, referring to your friend.
“She went to go talk to some guy.” You said truthfully this time, feeling safe at the sight of your boyfriend.
“She just left you here alone?” He said as he sat down in the same spot he was just a few minutes ago.
“Yeah. A guy came up to me though.” You muttered awkwardly.
“Huh? Who?” He pretended to look concerned, acting a bit jealous as he would if he did see an actual stranger flirting with you.
“I don’t know. I never got his name, but don’t worry. I told him I already had a boyfriend.”
“Oh. Was he flirting with you at all?” Joost continued on with his facade.
“No I don’t think so, he seemed more interested in you. Asking soooo many questions about you.” You smiled, teasing him.
“Really? That’s strange.” He hummed.
“Maybe, I think he wanted to flirt with you instead.” You giggled again, laying your head down on where your arm was on the wooden table.
“But I was glad he was asking of questions, I like talking about you. I’m just worried I said too much and now he’s gonna try and steal you from me.” You said through a hiccup.
“Oh, no one could ever take me from you.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek.
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reareaotaku · 10 months
I Want 2 Watch You Bleed
Prompt: I wonder what your dead corpse would look like... We'll find out if you try and leave me~ Pairings: Yandere! Miles Fairchild x Nanny! Reader Word Count: 3.2k TW: Obsession, Gaslighting, Slight NSFW, Porno Magazine Mentioned [Happy Thanksgiving, my fellow Americans :) Enjoy this treat]
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You could feel his eyes on you. He was always watching. You didn't know why he had this fixation on you, but he was overbearing. You always felt his presence, because it was like a fog that made it hard for you to breath. At first, you thought he was making sure you were doing your job correctly, but that couldn't have been further from the truth.
You woke up late at night, feeling as if you were being watched in your dream and when you awoke, he was there. You were taken aback; Your eyes widened as he hung his arm off the footboard.
"You drool in your sleep."
"And snore. It's annoying."
Your mouth was practically on the floor, "What are you doing?"
"You're so fucking stupid."
You frowned, your nose scrunching up, and you debated kicking him. Ultimately, you sigh and turn away from the young boy.
"I don't snore." You mumble under your breath, before going back to sleep. If he wanted to stay, you would let him, because you couldn't fight him. You were too tired and the energy just wasn't there.
You felt a dip in the bed, causing a spike of adrenaline to shoot up your spine. Why wouldn't he leave? Why were YOU scared of some stupid teenage boy. You were going to yell at him to get out, but you couldn't move. You felt like you were being held down and feeling his hand snake up your leg didn't help the paranoia that was resting in your head. What was wrong with him?
The morning after was awkward and strange. You knew he had been in your room, but the way he was acting was as if you were delusional.
"You can't go into my room at night."
Miles look at you, before tilting his head, "I didn't go into your room last night. It was probably a dream. I think it's weird that you dreamed about me though."
"I would never dream about you. Just- Don't do it."
"Well, I never did, so there's nothing for you to worry about."
You knew he was lying- Well, you did, but you were slowly doubting yourself.
You groaned, the music was blaring. It was loud and you were wondering how he hadn't gone deaf yet. Your head was banging and you had half a mind to yell at him. You frowned, before standing up and placing down the book you had been trying to read to Flora.
You could practically feel the floor shake as you stomped up to his room. You banged on the door, seeing as that was the only way he'd hear you. There was no answer, so you decided to just open the door.
He was going to town on his drums, before he looked up to you. He puts down his sticks and gives you his attention.
"What do you want?"
"I'm trying to help Flora read, but we can't even think with that loud music."
"Go outside."
"How about you play a different instrument? You have multiple different instruments. Or maybe you can just wait an hour to play-"
"Why are you being such a bitch?"
"Don't call me that. That is rude and very disrespectful."
He laughs, "Oohh, I'm so scared of the big, mean nanny."
"I'm not playing with you, Miles. I'm serious."
He tilts his head, before looking away from you and at his drums, "I'm sure you think you are. You do realize that unlike me, you're replaceable, right? You don't hold any real power. It's all just a figment of your imagination. Though, it seems your mind likes to run wild, doesn't it?"
"You will not make a joke out of me little boy," You stomp to him, grabbing his sticks causing him to yell out 'HEY!'. "You want to be a rude smartass? Okay, let's see how you like the consequences of your actions."
He follows behind you quickly as you run down the stairs. You rush to the living room where the fire place is. Thankfully, someone had already started a little fire, so your plan was half complete. You stood in front of it, before looking back at him.
His eyes were blown and he was frozen, "Don't. You. Fucking. Dare."
"Oooh, I'm so scared of the big, mean teenage boy." You then do something that you would regret later and throw the drumsticks into the fire.
"You fucking bitch! I'll kill you!" He rushes towards you and you're quick to grab his hands and hold them close together so that he doesn't choke you. After a few minutes, he calms down, but he gives you a dead look, "You better sleep with your door locked and one eye open." He then turns around and walks back to his room.
You hear of the crackle of the wood from the sticks and look back at the fire, causing realization of what you had done to hit you. You had gone to far. Your eyes widen as you frown, before trying to reach for the sticks, but you end up burning your hands. You could only watch as they burned to ash.
For the next few days you couldn't sleep. You knew you shouldn't be scared of Miles, seeing as he was younger than you, but there was just something off about him. The guilt had also been eating you alive. While you didn't like the way he treated you and others, you should have been the bigger person and handled the situation with more maturity.
You had tended to avoid him, until you finally decided to go buy him some new drumsticks. Was he an asshole? Yes. Was he inconsiderate of everyone? Yes. But he didn't seem to have many joys in life; And music was one of them and you destroy a part of it. You didn't know how you'd feel if someone destroy parts of your hobby, especially if you didn't have any family or friends besides a younger sibling. God, when you thought about it, it really bummed you out.
You waited until late at night, while everyone was asleep [supposedly], when you decided to leave. It would take you a while to get to town, because the house was far into the country side. You felt like you were doing something you weren't supposed to as you slowly walked across the wooden board floor. You heart dropped when you heard a loud creak! but thankfully there was no other movements.
You groaned when the loud engine blared in the near silence. You were thankful when you finally got out of the driveway and headed into town.
You hold the brand new sticks in your hands. You fingers glazed against the engravings on them. You didn't know if this would be good enough for him, but you were hoping he'd at least pretend to accept your apology.
Walking up to his room was agonizing. It felt like time slowed down and the hallways shrunk on you. When you finally got to his door, you thought about leaving, but sucked in a breath and knocked.
"Um, Miles?"
There was no answer, which caused you to sigh. You knew he was in there. You put your ear to the door, trying to listen for anything, but nothing. You knocked again.
"I'm coming in." You slowly opened the door and Miles was sitting on his bed- Well, it wasn't really a bed, more of a mattress- looking through a magazine. He flipped through the pages, not paying attention to you and it kind of looked like a porno magazine, but you weren't about to harp on how he got his hands on such a thing, because that was not a conversation you wanted to have. "Miles?"
He finally looks at you, throwing the magazine to the side of the bed and sat up, looking at you, "What?"
"I got you something," You hold the wrapped box out to him, but he doesn't take it. He just glares up at you as if his looks could kill you. You click your tongue, before rubbing the back of your neck. "I-uh, wanted to apologize... for you know... what I did, the other day... I shouldn't have done that. Nothing warrants a response like that and I'm sorry. I never should have thrown your drumsticks into the fire." You start messing with the box, taking them out when realizing he wasn't taking the gift, "I know that these aren't made out of the expensive wood your old ones were, but- umm... I got them engraved, you know, with uh, your name." You show him the light dug 'Property of Miles Fairchild'. "I hope we can start over and put that behind us."
He looks at the sticks, before grabbing them and looking them over in his hands. You watched him closely, hoping he'd take them. Thankfully, he did, but not before rolling his eyes. He puts them on his night stand, before looking back at you, "Leave me alone."
"Alright.." You finger gun him, before clicking your tongue, "I'll see you around." You left his room, before facepalming. " 'I'll see you around'? God, what a fucking stupid thing to say. Ugh, I'm such an idiot."
Miles holds the sticks between his fingers, examining them. They were nothing special, but they'd do the job. The engravements were a nice touch and it spurred something in Miles. It was a sweet gesture, probably the nicest thing anyone's ever done for him, especially without an ulterior motive. And to think, he had been planning to suffocate you in your sleep.
He was still kind of mad about losing his favorite pair of drum sticks, but these meant more to him, because they were bought with him in mind. You bought them while thinking about him and Miles thought that was kind of hot. Was he on your mind? How often did you think about him? What did you think about? Was it appropriate?
You had really just wormed your way into Miles' heart and now you would never be allowed to leave.
You parked the car, looking over the books you had gotten Flora. They weren't anything special, but you wanted to get Flora something new to read, because you were sure she was getting bored of the same old stuff in the house.
"Where the hell have you been?"
You nearly jumped out of your skin when turning around and seeing Miles behind you. "God, you should wear a bell around your neck or something. You can't sneak up on people like that. Could give someone a heart attack."
He ignores you, repeating himself. "Where the fuck have you been? Flora was asking about you and we saw that the car was gone. She thought you abandoned her." He looks down at the books in your hand, before looking back at you.
Flora had been worried about you, but he had been pissed. How dare you leave? You can't be like everyone else and abandon him after you got through to him. He'd rather kill you with his bare hands than for you to leave him. He didn't care if he had to force you to stay and were unhappy; He loved you to much to let you leave him.
"I would never do that to Flora," You take a step back, your back against the car, as he walks closer to you.
"You can't just leave without telling anyone."
You laugh, shaking your head, "Okay dad. Didn't realize I had to ask you for permission to leave. Besides, I was just... Getting some new books for Flora, not like I have to explain myself to you. She's always stuck in this house and there's nothing new for her to read or do."
"Well, you can't leave without telling anyone, and now you know. I can get you fired, you know. Just don't do it again."
You roll your eyes shaking your head, before mumbling under your breath, "Yeah. I'm not doing that."
You were focused on dinner plans, trying to organize and figure out what you needed. Thankfully you knew it would be a short trip. You hated having to go all the way to town, especially on a busy day. Errands were never your favorite thing, but they were part of life. You tsked, clicking your pen, while tapping your fingers on the table.
You went out to the car, thankfully Mrs. Grose taking over for you, so you can leave. It was so strange how everyone was stuck in the house, like they couldn't leave. Did they want to leave? Sure didn't seem like it.
"Where are you going?"
You nearly jumped out of your skin when hearing Miles from behind you. You turn to him, frowning, "God, you have to stop doing this. You can't sneak up on people like that."
"I told you you can't leave without telling anyone."
You smirk, not taking him serious, "And yet under the eyes of the law, you're still a child. So, I don't have to tell you anything."
He smirks evily, "You're right. Yet I'm kind of like your boss, so you do have to listen to me."
"Power trip much?" You roll your eyes, gesturing to the car, "Do you want to come with me, Miles?"
You groaned as he happily got into the passenger seat. You pull open the door, ignoring his stare as you got in. You started the car, the hum taking over the silence of the car.
It was just a guy, but it had obviously bugged Miles. You didn't know why Miles decided to be such a passive-aggressive asshole to the deli guy, but he did.
"God what is your issue?"
"He was obviously hitting on you." Miles remarks, tossing some stuff into the basket.
He looks at you, his brows down turned, "So? You just let him do it. Just out in the open for everyone to see."
"What is up with you and this little," You gesture to him, "controlling nature? You can't control people, no matter how much you try or how much money you have. You have a little control issue."
"And you're a fucking whore." He was jealous and it was showing. Thankfully you were to obvious to his crush and thought he was just an asshole. He wanted to crack that dude's neck like a fucking baby back rib. He wanted to keep you locked away from the rest of the world so that only he could love you. You are a stupid woman, yet somehow you had Miles wrapped around your little finger and his heart on a leash.
"You are...." You pause, a devestated look on your face, "a monster."
"Let's just get going." He ignores you, walking ahead of you, but you weren't done with this conversation.
When getting back to the car, you glared at Miles, who was leaning on his hand and tapping his fingers against his thigh.
"You are such a brat, you know that?"
He clicks his tongue, ignoring you. "Kinda whorish to let him look at you like that," He finally turns to you, before eyeing you up and down, "But you probably like the attention, huh?"
"God, what is your problem?"
"I don't have a problem-"
"You're acting like a jealous, possessive child. Flora acts better than you."
He rolls his eyes, but doesn't say anything. You groan, getting into the car and finally starting it.
You had to get out. You didn't know where to go, but you had to get away from the house. Weird shit kept happening. You felt eyes on you constantly and Miles had become obsessively clingy. You couldn't be alone for more than a few seconds without him appearing. You felt bad for Flora and you wanted to get her out of the house, but you were worried it was to late for her.
Flora was acting weird and saying things that didn't make sense. It was like she was possessed or something. She would talk about her old nanny and her dying. It scared you.
You had waited until it was dark out and you put Flora to sleep. You felt bad, but you couldn't stay, you had to leave, it was for your best interest.
You fiddled with the keys in your hands, before accidentally dropping them when trying to put them in the handle. You curse under your breath, before hearing creakk and your eyes scanned around you. The last thing you needed was to get caught now.
"What are you doing?"
You froze, recognizing the voice, before turning around and facing him. He was so close to you, making you wonder where the hell he came from. He looked like a monster with the way his eyes were blown out and his face was obviously furious. "What?"
He frowned, tilting his head, "Do you think I'm fucking stupid?"
"No. No, I don't."
"Well, you sure seem to think so." He gestures towards the keys and the car, "Trying to leave in the middle of the night. Where are you going to go? You don't have any family."
"I'll figure something out."
"With what money? I mean, you can't possible have enough saved to last very long. Maybe a few weeks in a motel, if you're lucky."
"I'd rather live in an alley then spend another second here."
Something flashed in his eyes, something unrecognizable. You knew you had pissed him off. It didn't help that he obviously had serious abandonment/attachment issues and you were trying to leave. He felt as if you were trying to make a fool out of him. How dare you.
"Well, you don't really have a choice."
"You don't have," He steps closer to you, before whispering, "a choice."
"Yes I do. Everyone has a choice."
"You know what- You're right. Your choices are that you stay here and we pretend this," He gestures to you and the car, "didn't happen. Or..." He chuckles, looking away from you, as if he was remembering something fondly, "Well, I wonder what your dead corpse would look like... We'll find out if you try and leave me."
"You don't scare me."
He smiles, his eyes filled with an almost love, if not for the situation you found yourself in, you'd be flattered.
"You sure? You seem pretty scared."
He was so close that he could see all the emotions swirling in your eyes. You couldn't lie to him, because he could see the truth. You were terrified.
"Come on. Give me the keys and let's go back inside."
You looked down at the keys, before looking at the car and then at him. You had lost and now you were going to be stuck in this stupid house forever.
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pastel-greene · 1 month
The Daughter | king!sukuna x curse user!reader
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 - Hunger | Chapter 4
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Summary: The mother of curses happens upon a blind child and decides to impart a portion of her power to them as an experiment of sorts. The power morphs the child in their image until they are part curse and part human. So what happens when they get employed by the King of Curses? Will humanity bloom as newfound emotions flow between the two? Or will they usher in an era of never ending terror?
Notes: not all of this will be canon, it will be loosely based off of the jjk universe :) taglist is open, comment on any chapter to be tagged in future ones
Genre: female reader, fluff, angst, ‘loads’ of smut, violence, sukuna true form but like not with the weird face lmao just double set of eyes and arms, dark reader
Warnings: profanity, explicit smut (two dick sukuna, sadistic sex, biting, oral m & f receiving, pet names, more to be added), violence, depictions of gore, dark minds cause yk, mentions of rape, toxic relationships, chaotic neutral reader, trauma, possessiveness from reader and sukuna, torture, vampire themes (reader’s blood is infused with the Mother of curses so if a curse user is to drink it it basically gives them a temporary stat boost bc what can i say vampire sukuna seems hot), cannibalism (no I don’t support it but it is true to his character), and more to be added as story progresses
Word count: 7.3k
This work contains mature content, so absolutely no minors I will block you if I find out :)
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You immersed yourself in a warm bath not long after returning to your room. Your bathtub was a large square with more than enough room in it. It could easily fit another person your size, but probably only one Sukuna, who it was likely measured after. Its large, flat edges were slightly angled to let any excess water flow back into the tub. A slatted bamboo platform went across the expanse and held a few different washing instruments as well as a small towel. You always grew up with little crates that you would bathe in if you even got to bathe. On a few jobs you had gotten to use nicer ones, but never one this nice. It was definitely a palace grade bathtub.
Your servants had asked if you required any assistance, to which you said no, and sent them off. You wanted to be alone for a minute and think about what the fuck just happened. You had just been giggling, joking, and fantasizing about the man that ripped apart your hand yesterday. And you were pretty damn sure he was doing the exact same, but why? You doubted he regretted what he did, especially since he threatened to do it again, but today he felt different. He wasn’t holding his title over you, he was just being with you. It felt like he was a completely different person and was giving you whiplash.
You sank lower into the tub until your nose barely stayed above the water. He was such an asshole. You still wanted to rip his arms off, but you also wanted to have them touch you again. You didn’t know if it was him in particular or just the fact it had been a few weeks since you had been with someone. In the weeks leading up to your departure, you had either been busy with work or working on a new technique Ieiri had come up with. The work was needed, though. As a technique, you could fully utilize it, but you were having some issues manifesting a curse that could accurately use it too. So it was good that you put in extra time experimenting with it while you were still with Shoko, but your body hated you for it all the same. Your clit still absolutely throbbing from your interaction with Sukuna. Now your joke of fucking the King started to grow meaning you never meant it to have.
You pulled your head underwater and curled up along the bottom of the tub. You shouldn’t want him. You should want to kill him for being an asshole. You always hated people that stayed with people that hurt them. It should be obvious that if someone hurts you, you shouldn’t stay within their grasp. Hell, in your opinion, you should get even with interest. Hurt them how they hurt you and then some. But you weren’t really hurt were you? You were just pissed he was so bipolar and refused to use his words when upset.
You traced along the hand he had wounded. It was like it had never happened. You didn’t even remember the pain now. It was becoming a distant memory. You pulled yourself to sit back up in the tub and looked at your hand once more before moving it to grab the towel on your tray. You folded it and used it to cushion the edge of the tub as you laid your head back. You closed your eyes and breathed in the aroma of lilacs and vanilla. The palace had so many imported scents you had never smelled before. You wondered where they got them all and how they were made. You had heard that the kingdom threw different festivals in the King’s honor that attracted a lot of merchants and wondered if they would sell them there. You bet there were all kinds of goods you normally couldn’t get your hands on sold there.
People aside, your stay at the palace was quite nice. Your food made you feel ways you never knew it could. There were so many spices you had never tasted before and so many textures you had never felt. You wanted to go to the kitchen one day and watch the chef cook. You wondered if you would be allowed to cook as well. Probably not in the Palace’s kitchen, but you weren’t above cooking outside. Although, you weren’t sure how Sukuna would feel about you setting a fire outside and cooking. It might be a very classless look for you. But realistically, you were indeed lacking class. You had never thought that you would end up where you were. You went from being an orphan sold for sex to the King’s guard. You went from being scared of the world you couldn’t see, to being able to drink in the world’s sites without trepidation. You used to beg and scrounge for food, killing when necessary. Now you had culinary masterpieces delivered to your door at least three times a day. Being here, you realized why your town was looked down upon. From the outside, it looked like a bunch of stray dogs fighting for scraps in a town that was barely standing. If you had only ever lived life like this, that would have been all you thought of it. You wouldn’t be able to understand what made it so great. But you were grateful for your past and upbringing, it allowed you to grow up without anything veiling reality. You saw the world for what it was, saw how people acted when they thought no one was watching, when they thought they were strong. Humans hated curses but failed to admit they were just as disgusting and vile as them. They refused to take credit for their part in creating them. The Mother was part of their creation, sure, but she existed in a world without curses for quite some time. Her power only grew into cursed energy when humans came along. Before she was just the darkness, a necessary opposite for light to exist. Human thoughts, their fears, dark desires, unchecked emotions, those are what opened the door for cursed energy.
After your bath, you had decided to go to the library you had recently heard of. One of the servants was kind enough to tell you about it, after hearing that you were asking about what to put on your shelves. You walked along the wooden floors towards the west wing of the castle. Simple, black chandeliers lit with Sukuna’s cursed energy, guided your path in the areas cut off from the rays of the sun. High, domed ceilings made from intricately designed tiles hung above you. Each design was bound to a square bordered by black trim and gold corners. You had seen paintings of previous palaces’ ceilings and the art displayed within greatly differed. Others often showcased aspects of nature brought to life by various colors. These were a dark red with black ink depicting scenes of terror. You didn’t have to look at all of them to know they each depicted acts of violence Sukuna prided himself on.
The door to the library was different from the door to your chambers. Yours was made of black stained wood that was divided into sections by metal bars that linked in the middle to make Sukuna’s seal. This one was made with Zelkova wood left in its natural amber color, adorned with matching knobs lining the edges, and Sukuna’s seal burned into the middle. It was quite pretty, really. You grabbed the ornate metal handle and granted yourself entry to the room beyond. You were met with a room bigger than you had expected and absolutely packed with books. It had shelves lining the perimeter as well as in rows throughout the room. There were even piles of books stacked in different open spaces tied together by red string. You hadn’t thought of Sukuna to be one to care much about reading, but you were obviously wrong.
You walked inside and started looking around. The amount of books felt a little overwhelming, some were even in languages you didn’t recognize. Underneath the books, on the edge of the shelves, there were categories carved into the wood. Currently you were in politics, which you couldn’t care less about, so you wondered out. You eventually found the science section with books ranging from anatomy to topics you had never heard of. You grabbed and looked at a few before reshelving them. Their contents either evading your comprehension or boring your interest.
Eventually, you found a book with what you were looking for. It was a book on the energy within everything and the connection between it all. Most recently, you had been working on various techniques that would allow you to morph something’s makeup just by tapping into its energy. The cursed technique you had perfected prior to leaving home allowed you touch any item and reshape it at will. You could combine and divide energies to suit whatever purpose you needed. You could even change your own energy to mirror another. Paired with your technique to slip into people’s minds, it would be a very useful infiltration tactic. You had experimented in a few different ways when trying to create a curse that could use it, but it proved to be difficult. They always ended up lacking intelligence or imagination. You had tried using your prior methods when creating intelligent curses, but it became tricky to stabilize this time since the curse would be able to fully change their own makeup. They always ended up screwing themselves up beyond repair.
While you were there you decided to look around at other topics. You got a book rooted in fantasy that seemed promising for when you got bored or wanted to escape for a little bit, and a few volumes of martial arts you hadn’t heard of.
By the time you were done, your hands were full and your servants quickly offered their hands instead. You were about to walk out when Geto entered the room. You were behind a few aisles of books, so you couldn’t see him, but you could tell he knew you were here from the way he beelined towards you. Within a few seconds he was turning into the aisle you stood in.
“Wow, I didn’t know your kind could read”, he said while walking up towards you with a smile.
“Wow, you’re openly admitting you don’t know something so common,” you joked back while giving him a very judgy once over, “talk about embarrassing.”
He raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth to say something before tongueing the inside of his cheek while smiling. He raised his hands in submission, “Got me there. So what are you reading?” He approached your servants before picking up the fantasy book you chose, which you quickly grabbed from him and hid. It one-hundred precent was a dirty little book to help you through your dry spell and you didn’t need him knowing that. He had read it before though so he knew exactly what was in the contents.
“Not really any of your business, is it,” you asked while withholding the book from him.
“I suppose not, but I will tell you that this one has better sex scenes”, he says while handing you the book he had brought in.
You cleared your throat of the slight embarrassment you felt while accepting the book he held out. “I guess I will be the judge of that.”
“I guess so,” he says while smirking at you. “How have things been? I heard you trained with the King this morning and it ended with both of you smiling. I guess all is forgiven or what?”
Your servants all suddenly became very interested in the books around them and the shelves they were on. You weren’t worried about them hearing though. You had been in their minds and knew they didn’t dare gossip about anything that involved the King.
“I don’t know. He seemed really different today, like the total polar opposite of yesterday. I am pretty sure he encouraged me to yell at him and even joked a bit with me. He might’ve been nice just to learn what I was doing and get me to teach him, though. He did threaten to dismantle my other hand, but that was about the only thing he did that matched with yesterday. His threat didn’t really seem to carry any weight behind it. Like I said, I think he was just saying stuff to get me to break formality and yell at him. Not that it really matters I guess. Trying to find out why he does the things that he does seems like a moot point.”
“You joked with the King…and he joked back,” he asks, blinking a few times.
“Yea, I didn’t know he had it in him either but it happened all the same. He seems to be full of surprises I guess”, you said as you lifted your foot behind you and used the toe of your shoe as an anchor while you rolled your ankle around.
“Well I suppose. It is definitely the first time I have heard of it. I mean I have heard of him sadistically joking with his victims, but not in a casual setting”, he says. “But I am glad things went better for you today.” He smiles at you again before awkwardly standing there looking around.
“Me too, and thank you for checking in. I appreciate the gesture. But I won’t take up anymore of your time. I am sure there is a new smutty book waiting to be read by you”, you said with a smile while straightening your back and starting out of the aisle.
“Don’t forget to let me know which one you liked better”, he shouts after you.
“Will do”, you shout back before exiting.
You spent the rest of the day reading the book on energy you had gotten. You considered reading your fantasy books to find out what scenes Geto was talking about, but you figured you should at least start the book you had originally gone for. You had gotten about a quarter of the way through before dozing off in a fitful nap.
The area around you was damp and cold. Your skin had goosebumps shaking across it as you held your knees. Your whole body hurt. Your jaw was sore from being forced open for a prolonged amount of time, your lips were swollen and scabbing over from being bitten and slapped, your wrists and shoulders hurt from being unnaturally bound for so long, your legs were sore from being pushed beyond the limits of your flexibility, and your throat burned from how many screams forced their way out of the acid stained walls.
There was movement across from where you laid. You couldn’t see anything but you could see her. It was like she was inside and outside of your mind at the same time. Her eyes were black voids that seemed to hungrily devour the light like an all consuming abyss split into two. Her jaw hung from her face, only attached by skin that was stretched taut. Inside her mouth seemed to be stained black as if a fire had burned soot stains into it. Her hair was as black as her eyes and seemed to wriggle and writhe like thousands of dark little worms suspended in the air yet forced down by gravity. She comes to you often these days. At first, you were scared of her and pushed her away. Now, you feel comfort in not being alone in your cage. She never spoke to you…not until that day.
Hands reached all over your body in the dark as men laughed. You were just an object of release for them. You weren’t human to them, what you felt didn’t matter. Your cries had died in your throat a while ago as you disassociated from your body. There you found her. Somewhere dark within your mind, she was standing with her hand reaching out. Anytime, you allowed yourself to fall inside that void that grew within you, swallowing up more and more of you with every inch it gained, you found her. Always with her hand outstretched. Always waiting patiently for the day you inevitably took it. You knew nothing would be the same if you took it. You knew you truly wouldn’t be human anymore. But maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. Because you really fucking hated humans in all honesty.
That day you couldn’t take it anymore. All you wanted to do was stab the men around you until they weren’t even recognizable. You wanted to make them pay. To experience all of the pain and fear you felt because of them. You wanted not to be weak anymore. So you allowed the abyss to swallow you, to make you forget everything about yourself as you put your hand into hers and she smiled. Pointed teeth braised in thick black liquid peeked through her lips, the gelatinous liquid started gushing through her teeth and onto the ground as she continued to smile. You didn’t notice but your face was mirroring hers as blood flooded from your mouth. You don’t remember how it got there but you know it tasted of freedom. A taste you wanted to experience again and again.
You awoke with drool dribbling out of your mouth and pain in your neck from falling asleep at your dining table. You slowly sat up, groaning as your muscles announced their dissatisfaction with your decision. You put your hands on your lower back and pushed on it as you arched backwards. You felt pops ripple up your spine before rolling your neck to allow it to pop too. You hadn’t dreamt of that day in quite some time. The day you first used cursed energy. When you told the Mother of the girl she chuckled. She told you that cursed energy can manifest in everyone differently. Yours had built up over years of agony and inadvertently created the technique you first learned— transmutation. Your thoughts of wanting to be stronger than you were and looking like you felt mixed with the built up energy had created an evolved form of you. It was then she told you how big of a part thought played in the creation of cursed energy.
You hadn’t used that form in so long. One of the conditions for using it was to release all of the cursed energy you had stored. The more you had, the stronger the form was. You still used a decent amount of energy for general things and creating curses, but you also stored a great amount. Like any you collected from draining other sorcerers was immediately stored. There was another downside to it as well. It made you go more feral than you could control. Once you turned, you destroyed everything and everyone in your path until you depleted your energy and changed back.
The last time you used it, you blacked out for 2 weeks and turned 12 towns into utter bloodbaths. You had lost yourself in your anger and blacked out. When you had finally awoken, you were being wheeled away in a wheelbarrow full of pieces of human remains. Authorities had thought you were a dead body with how covered in blood you were. You laid in the pile you were dumped in for a few days, eating the remains around you to regain your strength. Once able, you blindly stumbled into the snow. You walked until you found a hut with a man living in it. You knocked on the door crying and told him you had been attacked and that you were blind and scared. He took you in without a second thought. Afterall, you were just a harmless child crying for your “recently lost” parents. He was so nice to you. He sat you in front of the fire and helped wipe all of the blood off of you while trying to console you. He even gave you new clothes and respectfully turned around when you went to change. But when he turned away from you a hatchet appeared in his skull. You remember the sounds he made as he fell to the floor, the fear and confusion clouding his energy as he looked up at you. You ripped the hatchet from his head and chopped him into pieces. Some of him you set up as bait for other animals, and some of him you ate when no other food was available. There, you lived a quiet life for a few months until the Mother stumbled upon you. Thinking back on it, you were a monster before she ever turned you into her spawn. Maybe that was why she chose you.
You walked towards the training grounds the next morning just as you said you would. The air was brisk with a slight chill, which was odd since it was summer. Its oddness became rationalized as you sensed Uruame’s energy in the air. You turned the corner to see them there already staring you down.
As you stepped through the archway leading into the area you could sense cursed energy rushing towards you. You jumped from where you stood and grabbed onto the ridge of the arch as the ground below you turned into ice.
“Y’know there are better ways to ask me to leave. Like with words for example”, you said with great annoyance. It was way too early for this bullshit. They better just be playing around for their sake because you were not in the mood for an actual fight.
Ice shot up from the ground, right for you. Tch. Does this asshole really think they can hit me? You pulled yourself to the realm between and watched them from it. They had surrounded themselves with ice while looking around for you. Their hands were poised and ready to attack when you appeared. Normally, you would have played with them, allowed them to feel like they had a chance of winning before squashing them like the bug they were. Not today. Not after being stuck in memory lane last night. You were hungry for blood, it had been days since you killed. Days full of you taking hits and putting up with bullshit you shouldn’t have to.
You appeared in front of them, their sad blockade of ice shattering from the force of your energy being unleashed. Your hand shot to their throat, fingertips digging into the skin as you lifted them from the ground. Their eyes widen as they told their ice to impale and shred you, but it didn't listen. Your energy was already flooding their body and taking control of their technique. They could feel it. They started letting out screams as their own technique bloomed inside their blood. It tore through vessels and skin as the shards of ice grew.
“I told you to use your words. Now why did you—“, you felt Sukuna’s hand about to grab but you pushed him away with your energy.
You turned from Uruame to see Geto by where you entered, the ice still on the ground spiking upwards. Sukuna landed on his feet after being repelled and looked fucking pissed.
“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING, BRAT?”, he screamed at you as he started pushing against the force field around you. His steps were small and slow, but they continue towards you all the same.
“I don’t think she is lying, King Sukuna. Her trail puts her here and jumping up there before appearing where she is now. I think we should all just calm down and talk about this”, he said while trying to diffuse the situation.
Sukuna looks at Geto and the ice he was referring to. He didn’t think you would attack Uruame without being provoked, but he didn’t know why Uruame would attack you either. He knew they didn’t like you but they had never acted without permission before. “(Y/N) let Uruame go so we can settle this”.
You looked at him then back at Uruame. They were bleeding from multiple places where the ice had torn through them, and one of their eyes was just a frozen ball waiting to shatter. You wanted to finish the job. Wanted to see their insides splayed open for you like a present.
“(Y/N), please”, Geto said as he looked at you with pleading eyes.
You rolled your eyes and sighed before releasing Uruame to fall to the ground. The ice dissipated and your barrier dropped. Sukuna appeared between the two of you in an instant. You gave you a look radiating murder before bending down to Uruame’s level.
“Did you start this”, he asked while propping them up.
“They aren’t good for you. You haven’t been yourself since you heard about them. You had me stalk them for months before finally summoning them. And now you allow their insolence and disrespect. We know nothing about her or what she is and yet you welcome her into your palace and allow her to roam free. She—“, Sukuna slammed their head into the ground.
Geto winced at the sight of his comrade’s skull getting smashed, but you smiled. The sight and sound his skull made as Sukuna crushed it lit a fire deep within you. Pesky piece of shit. You only wished it was you who got to do it.
“(Y/N)”, Sukuna said.
“Yes, King Sukuna?”
“Don’t let them die”, he said, shooting you a cold look promising similar treatment if you fail.
“Yes, King Sukuna”, you replied with a smile allowing your power to seep back into them and regenerate their wounds.
Sukuna smashed in their face with all four of his fists over and over before stomping and jumping on their body. He then began grabbing and tearing away pieces of flesh, some eaten by the mouth that had appeared on his hand. Every now and then he would even dip his head down and bite out chunks of them. He ripped off their arms and legs, watching as they regrew in an instant. He even ripped off their head before beating them with it. He looked like a wild animal as every inch of his skin became covered in blood. The display stoked that fire inside you until liquid started to pour out of your lower lips. Sukuna’s pants started to bulge as his own arousal grew from tearing apart and eating his friend. His insults and the sound of Uruame’s flesh squelching and bones snapping filled the air. Blood pooled around you like an ever growing river. This goes on for at least an hour and neither you nor Geto moved an inch. You both watched what happened to people the King actually likes when they cross him. Normally, it was Sukuna healing them while beating them. Now that he didn’t have to bother with it he was going all out.
His assault finally comes to an end and he just stares down with disdain at Uruame before looking at you. He walked over to you and gripped your jaw with his bloody hands. “Geto, take Uruame and leave. No one is allowed to enter this area until I say otherwise. Go. Now.”
Geto briefly looked at you before picking up Uruame and quickly leaving the area.
As soon as they’re gone, Sukuna started petting your hair with one hand, another still gripping your chin, one holding your hip with his thumb rubbing patterns into it, and the last one on the small of your back. “You did such a good job keeping them alive for me. I never had so much fun torturing someone. They all would’ve died somewhere in the middle of it when I stopped concentrating on healing them”, he said while looking you in the eyes.
“What did they mean when they said you stalked me for months”, you asked as you rested your hands on his forearms.
He sighed and looked down for a minute. “It wasn’t in a weird way. I just wanted to know if you were the real deal. I had heard of a sorcerer not restrained by technique that worked as a contract killer. I wanted to see what all you could do and when I was confident you were strong, I had Geto go retrieve you. But I still needed to see for myself, so that’s why I sparred with you in the throne room. But you proved your worth to me”.
He pulled you close to him, his face hovering over yours. “You proved you were made for me. Made to be able to take my strength, made to empower me, made to show me my potential in cursed energy, made for me to bite, made to challenge me.”
His lips were right against yours now. Even through all of Uruame’s blood you could smell his scent. Your eyes flickered between his as your pulse quickened from the unfolding moment. You could feel his dick pressing against your abdomen from how close you were, making both of your breaths grow short and quick. You knew this was crazy. He was covered in blood and still had pieces of flesh in his teeth. Not to mention you were pretty sure you hated him. But none of that seemed to matter at the moment. You trailed your hands up his forearms, blood coating them as they slid across his skin until you reached the back of his neck. You ran your nails across his nape and he pressed his forehead against yours while letting out a groan.
“Show me how you’re made for me. Prove to me that you're worthy of me. Make me yours”, you whisper against his lips while drawing shapes on his nape. “Please Sukuna.”
The noise that leaves his throat from you begging him is so low and guttural it sounds like it belongs to the hells. His arms lift you up to wrap around his waist as his mouth crashes into yours. His teeth nip and bite at your lips and tongue before sucking on them. You moan into the kiss as your mouth follows in suit and your hips roll into him. Your hands pull him closer to you but its not enough. There’s still too much in between you. Normally you would enjoy slowly undressing him and teasing each part of his body as its revealed but you were wayyy past going slow. The next minute you feel his skin bare of clothes and against yours. You push your breasts flush against his chest, blood coating them, and moan at the sensation it gives your nipples.
“My naughty girl, who gave you permission to undress your King”, he says while pulling your hair back to get a good look at you.
The force he pulled your head with was enough to rip anyone else’s off, but there yours was moaning out in pleasure from it. “I did. You were taking too long, Sukuna”, you said before gasping as you finally looked down. “You-you have two”, you asked in shock. Although you really shouldn’t be shocked since he has two of everything else. You couldn’t help but lick your lips at the thought of him burying them inside you. Fucking your insides until they molded to his shape.
He laughs at your cute little question before slapping you right in the face once and then once on your left ass cheek which provokes a stuttered moan from your throat. “Such a fucking brat talking to me like that”, he says before he shoves one of his fingers into your mouth and grabs your right breast. His mouth appearing and biting on your nipple, making you moan again for him. He slaps your ass in the same spot and this time it is so hard that the sound echoes throughout the premises. The pain shooting through your body makes you scream as your cum drips onto him. Blood dribbles from where your skin broke and you bite his finger. Not completely off but enough that you’re lapping up a mix of his and Uruame’s blood. “Talking to me so casually—“ he slaps it again,”biting my fucking finger—“ another slap has blood absolutely gushing from the spot and tears swelling in your eyes. You decide to get even and bite his finger clean off letting him watch you swallow it. A piece of him inside you. You then suckled on the nub left behind while giving him a bloody smirk.
He groans at the sight as his finger regrows back in your mouth. Fucking hell he didn’t think he had ever seen something so hot. You literally just ate a piece of him because he made your ass bleed. He starts laughing before turning you around and slamming you down into Uruame’s blood. The side of your head and neck cracked from the force of the impact before healing immediately. The crack in the stone remained, though. Your ass hung in the air as his cocks rubbed against it.
“Crazy bitch you really just ate my fucking finger”, he says with awe in his voice. You try to push yourself up but the hand tangled in your hair keeps your face firmly planted down. He couldn’t have you running away, he was just about to finally taste you. “Keep your head down and I will touch you where you want me to, but if you move it I swear to god I will bite your clit off.”
“Please ‘kuna. I’ll be good just please touch me”, you whined out shamelessly. You could feel your slick dripping out of your cunt into the pool of blood. Your body was so needy for his touch it was driving your mind insane.
Again with your informalness he thought. He would correct you if your voice whining out his name didn’t drive him animalistic. He released your head and got down behind your ass. You were so fucking wet for him. He reached his finger out to gather some of your cum and your ass twitched immediately. So sensitive for him. “Stay still, brat”, he warned. Two of his hands grabbed your ass while the other two reached under you and tugged on your tits, fingers pinching and pulling on your nipples. Wispy little whimpers flew out of your mouth but you were good and stayed still for him.
He licked a stripe from your clit to your asshole that had your eyes rolling and a whine coming out. He gave you a few more long, slow licks before plunging his tongue into your pussy.
“Yes, fuck, Kuna, yes just like that”, you moaned out as he stretched you open with his tongue. It took all of your control to keep from rolling your hips into his face. “Mmm Kuna feels s’good. Makes me want to ride your face until you’re drowning in my juices.”
Fuck that would be so hot. He wanted to make you cum until you were a fountain for him. He let a groan rumble out inside which had your walls squeezing hard around his tongue. God you were taking his tongue so well, squeezing it and trying to pull it deeper inside you. He couldn’t wait to feel you do that around his cocks. He removed his tongue from your sopping pussy which made you whine before he started licking your ass. You started panting at the sensation, pussy clenching at the lack of attention which didn’t go unnoticed by him. He stuck a blood soaked finger into you, and at the same time, forced his tongue into your ass. Stars took over your vision as your toes curled up. He worked both of them in sync before summoning his mouth to assault your clit too. You started screaming out his name as your thighs began to shake from the overload of pleasure. He added another finger to your pussy and one to your ass and started spreading you, preparing you for his cocks. He knew you would be able to take all 10 girthy inches and still beg for more. That’s because you were made for him. Made to be able to endure whatever sadistic fantasies he had. His perfect girl. He started licking off the blood that was still on your ass and groaned from the feeling that washed over him while he fucked your holes with his fingers and second mouth. He couldn’t wait much longer.
He took his fingers out of you before crawling over you, pushing you down with his body. His free hands pulled your ass apart to help spread your holes for him as he positoned his cocks against them. You could feel that the size was too big but you didn’t care. You would adjust and take him. You wanted it so bad. His face was beside your ear, one of his hands moved the hair away from your neck as he peppered kisses along it. “It’s going to hurt pretty girl, but you can take it. I know you can. I’m not going to be gentle because I know you can,” he said in between kisses and then he was in. It felt like you were splitting into two as you screamed out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. He was slamming into you at a brutal pace just like he promised as he rested his head against your turned cheek. Before long, you were arching your body into him and meeting his thrusts as you both let out absolutely feral noises from the sensations. You were so fucking full you felt like you were going to burst, you could feel him pushing against your cervix and ripping open your asshole but it felt amazing. You didn’t want it to ever stop. You wanted him to fill you up like this forever. It was so warm under him and the sounds your blood covered bodies made when they slapped together was beautiful. You could hear him panting, groaning, and growling above your ear as he used you. But it wasn’t enough, you wanted more.
“Kuna-ah-ahh wan it deeper. Wanna watch you go inside me. Want you to mark me while your tear up my insides pleaseee”, you said as your vision blurred from the blood seeping into your eye that was against the ground.
How could he say no to such a request? Without missing a beat he pulled out, flipped you over, grabbed under your thighs to bend you in half, and resumed his brutal pace. His cocks now reached even deeper spots inside you. His tip went through your cervix as you screamed and tears started falling from your eyes.
“Kun gon cum, please, wan cum on your cocks, sssukuunaaa”, you begged in broken moans as your body started spasming. Your holes clenching around him so tight he broke the stone under you with his fist to keep himself from cumming.
“Cum for me brat, cover my cocks with your slutty fucking cum”, he said as he put his hand around your throat and squeezed. You body was shaking so hard he had to hold your hips with two hands so he could keep fucking into you. His own orgasm creeping up right behind yours as your holes started milking him for all he was worth, as if begging him for his cum. He pushed your mouth open with his fingers, blood smearing across your face as he did, and spit inside it before slapping you. You clenched even harder as you started cumming around him again from the defiling act, your eyes rolling back from the overstimulation. He bit your neck as he finally poured his cum into you. Long ropes of white splashing against your walls and pooling inside of your holes. Your holes that were too tight around him for his cum to escape. You could feel as it began to accumulate inside of you. Making your insides stretch further to take it all without tearing. Pain radiated from your neck as he drank from you. Your blood restoring his stamina as his cocks got even harder inside of you. It made your mind go completely blank as incessant moans poured from your mouth.
He pulled his teeth from your skin and licked the area, tasting you and Uruame as he cleaned it. He took a few breaths before moving himself over your face. You were looking at him through blurry eyes completely glazed over with lust. He brushed your hair out of your sweaty, blood covered face as he showered you with kisses. His hips started moving in slow controlled strokes. Letting you both feel every single sensation in greater detail. You could feel exactly where he was inside you and how your insides closed in his absence only for him to open them right back up when he sank back inside you. You held onto his arms as he kissed you. When he pulled his head back you both looked down to watch how he slid in and out of you. His cocks were covered in your blood and both your cum. You wrapped your legs around him and moved your arms up to run through his hair. Lightly tugging on some spots, and running your nails over others. The sensation had him melting into you. He had never been touched like this, never let anyone. And he sure as hell had never fucked anyone like this. But with how heightened his senses were from drinking your blood, he didn’t think he could go any faster without immediately cumming. And he wanted this to last. He felt so connected to you like this. He could feel the energy in both of your bodies swirling together. Dancing around each other before intertwining into one. When they did, he started to feel everything you felt. Your pleasure seeped into him as his seeped into you. He never believed in heaven, but if it existed, this was it.
You leaned your head up as you pulled on him for extra stability and started kissing along his jaw. “I wanna be in your lap Sukuna.”
“Okay, pretty girl”, he said as he lifted you up on top of him. No rebuttal, no anger, just compliance. In that, moment, he just wanted to make you feel good.
Your chests were pressed together and your hands rested on his shoulders as you rolled your hips across his lengths. His hands cradled your back and face, his thumbs rubbing patterns on both. Foreheads pressed together as you both watched you ride him. Only stopping to kiss each other or mark each other’s necks. Marks you both held off on healing for the time being. You started teasing him by pulling him out to just the tips and twirling your hips around them.
“That’s no fair, I don’t remember teasing you like that”, he said with a very uncharacteristic pout.
“I guess I am just a bit meaner than you then, hmm?”
“Ohohohh is that so now?”
“Yes, it is”, you said before kissing him.
He kissed you back while rubbing his thumb along your jaw, “Brat.”
You two fucked the day away in that spot. The spot where you had watched him tear apart his subordinate right before. By the time you two were done, there wasn’t a single spot of skin not covered in their blood.
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Notes: …don’t judge me for this chapter ikik shhh. Extras v v
- So when using positive energy or reversed energy, there are times where it doesn’t work because the two people are not compatible. Know this, it would be easy to assume there are some people who have energies that are very compatible. Sukuna is obviously a sorcerer like no other, but so is the reader. They are the only two on their level, which draws them closer. Their crazies match each other. Is it toxic? Again, yes this is Sukuna. But with their personalities, it would be wild for it not to be at least a little toxic.
- Sukuna had recently learned to truly feel his innate energy and not just his cursed energy which are very different. In this chapter when he drinks from the reader, it opens a connection between the two innate energies, one that he couldn’t feel before. It allowed them to both feel everything about each other and genuinely experience connection. This doesn’t happen anytime he ingests someone, it only happens because their energies are the same. Sukuna was originally talking out of his ass about the reader being made for him to make them feel special and delude them. He only partially believed they were that useful to him. But after connecting with them, he fully believes it. He will still be a bipolar asshole though because he doesn’t know any different. Yet.
- Sukuna was pissed at Uruame but would actually consider their punishment to be light. It only lasted for an hour and they’re perfectly fine now. He would punish anyone this violently for genuinely crossing him, especially the reader. It would actually be wore for them because he needs them to be good and listen to him. He needs them in general which means they need to not be undermining him. It would be embarrassing for him if they constantly did it so he would take his time upon the first incident. Making sure they remembered it and wouldn’t act out again. And the whole time he’d tell them how much he cared about them and was doing this so that they could be better.
Taglist: @missroro
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The classism in the "music gear" scene is fucking atrocious. So many people will shit on other people for using affordable gear as a way to justify within themselves that dropping $3,000 on a guitar was a smart financial move.
About 3-4 years ago I joined a band and a month after I joined we went on some video podcast. Play a few songs, do an interview, something I've never done before but it seemed like it'd be fun.
I wasn't able to really get a word in during the interviews (stuttering/speech impediment/anxiety issues ran wild) but I was able to speak up whenever the host went around and asked us what our favorite instrument/gear brands were. Weird question, but alright buddy.
I've always been a fan of cheaper gear. You don't need all sorts of expensive shit to get the sound you want. So when he asked my answer was "Squier" and the dude just started laughing. Because who possibly would prefer one of the cheaper brands??? (Keep in mind this douche had a whole wall of the absolute worst looking collection of custom shop BC Rich guitars you've ever seen.)
Eventually he backed down once I started arguing with him about it, but his immediate elitist attitude really struck a cord in me because I see that shit all over the internet in music communities. "Oh you only like Squiers/Epiphones/Harley Bentons because you can't afford BIG BOY guitars like a $5,000 Gibson".
Fuck right off with that shit. Why would I pay thousands of dollars for a guitar when I can get something that works amazingly for me for just a few hundred dollars? The extra money I save by not dropping 4 figures on a guitar or amp goes towards paying my bills, feeding my kids, just trying to fucking live and exist.
At this point I've had to sell 99% of my music gear after over a decade of following the gear chase. I only have a "cheap" acoustic I bought several years ago for $350 and it's the best guitar I've ever had. I love my little busted neck Hummingbird to death.
I'm much happier now than I was when I had a huge assortment of pedals and guitars to choose from. The Gear Chase is designed to make you want to spend more and more money in an endless pursuit of finding that "perfect" piece of gear. Guitar companies, partnered youtubers, influencers, and all sorts of advertisement campaigns are purposefully trying to misguide you into thinking you NEED their product. It's marketing and capitalism at work and so many musicians fall for it every time. I fell for it for years before I got completely fed up with it.
Go out and gig with your Squier Bullet Strat and a cheap amp you found at a pawn shop, fuck anyone that gives you shit for it. Go ahead and record with whatever you have at your disposal. Put out an album that's comprised of Voice Memos you recorded on your phone with just an acoustic and your voice.
Music, like any art, is about way more than what you used to get there. It's how you express yourself that really matters. Don't listen to the elitists and marketers telling you the only way you can authentically reach your creative vision is by buying their snake oil.
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astroice · 2 years
random astro observations pt. 2🍡
this are only a bunch of observations based on my friends and family, so take what reasonates and leave what doesn’t
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Highlights: cancer, moon, gemini, rising, 4th house, scorpio, mars, saggittarius (a lot), stelliums, 8th house, virgo, aquarius, taurus, pisces, leo
Cancer moons are NOT crybabies, they are so strong and give up a lot only for other people. They tend to feel anything and everything at the same time, extreme sensitivity. They have a special ability comforting their special ones. 
Gemini rising often find people commenting about their eyes, they’re absolutely all the focus of their face. Whether big or small, they are VERY beautiful. (My mom and I are Gemini rising and people always comment ‘wow, what big eyes!’ it’s a bit weird sometimes)
Mars in 4th house is one of the most difficult placements. It means anger or issues around the family and home life. Lots of them are awfully honest abt life and I get kind of a vibe of daddy issues
Scorpio Mars can hurt very deeply only with words and their anger is often is accompanied with a lot of pain. It depends of how you hurt them but they can resent you for years and even take revenge but that also depends of the rest of their placements
Saggittarius Mars are… argumentative? I say it in a good way. If you don’t agree with them, prepare for a 5 hour ted talk, they’ll give you a list of hundreds of the facts they support and why they’re the best way to think
Venus in Virgo people over analyze their relationships A LOT.  They want people who see small details in them and help them to be better in the interior. They might not be most romantic sign but they really put effort in relationships so they get to know you better and give you the love you need
Sagittarius Placements cover their feelings with laughter and humor, they don’t want to be seen as emotional or well, as humans. They try to be optimistic against all problems so they don’t fall into sadness. People describe them as funny but they really need a hug 
Taurus Mars they always react calmly and understating to any argument or situation, their patience is also very strong so they usually don’t get angry. Very good parents and communication although their stubbornness might get them lost
Pisces Stellium have a strong bond with spirituality and dreams. A lot of their lessons come from dreams. They have a special connection with music and express themselves artistically. They almost always are good with instruments especially drums. 
Leo Moons are usually the center of attention without trying. Whether you are good at school, arts or sports but they’re definitely the spotlight 
Libra Venus they have really a kind heart. When someone catches their eye they’ll do whatever they need to do for impressing them. They are HUGE flirts and dream of a love book relationship. A friend has her libra in venus and a guy took advantage of her making her do things she didn’t wanted but it was “a proof of your love”. So people often take advantage of their passionate love
Hope you liked it!
I appreciate comments and questions ❥
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m1ssunderstanding · 8 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day 18
Staring John Lennon, as that kid I should’ve been nicer to in first grade who always smelled like PB&J and was never to be seen without his pokemon cards
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The dancing is really too cute. They’re just absolutely giddy. Making each other laugh AND an excuse to touch? John and Paul’s heaven. 
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John saying he was too excited after yesterday to go to bed. Like a fucking kid on christmas.
Everybody is serving today. While the candy-land suit is fun, I actually just love that vivid purple so much that I think it’s better without the coat over it. Billy looks extremely suave and classy.  And those red polka-dots on Ringo. Red suits him, and I think with his very frank, masculine aspect, he looks so beautiful and bold in feminine fits. Paul and John are both just wearing what they wore yesterday. Yeah. But John is still a cutie, and Paul, well, you all know.
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The advice chain about finishing a song while you’re working on. Paul → John → George
Paul honestly does a great job being supportive of George and his work. Coming over and grooving with him, then hopping on drums then guitar (right-handed, may I add). Just to give George musical atmosphere to flesh out his song and start thinking of arrangement ideas, I assume. Then letting him bounce ideas around. And the whole time being overly-enthusiastic to build George up. Look how happy George is with the love and attention. 
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John helping move some equipment in. We love a man who sometimes doesn’t think he’s too good for manual labor. 
Yes, clean that homeless man’s palm sweat off your instrument. Probably smart. 
TFW you made Paul McCartney jealous of your musical abilities. 
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John really knew so well when to be his little impish self and when to be hard and intimidating. Exhibit A, going from, “Can we have our microphones, oh, mister, can we please?” to “And get one for Billy too.” In a matter of seconds.
George Martin stepping in when they’re all getting panicky about the sound and they need an authority figure to reassure them in ways that someone like Glyn Johns never could. Just, perfectly cool and collected, puts everything right as they’re all shouting at him like school children who’ve just had a terrible time in PE. 
“Believe me, when I tell you.” “Oh, I do.” Oh, good. He did put it in. That’s nice. Right, and this is the moment Yoko decides to tell John her divorce has come through and pull him in for a big smooch. Honestly, it just shows how threatened she feels by Paul. Nevermind her whole, “good thing Paul isn’t a girl or he would have been a great threat,” quote. Clearly, he just is a threat regardless of sex.
And then John, “I’m freeeee.” At Paul. Honestly, the amount of things they direct specifically and aggressively at each other that should’ve just been general statements if there wasn’t some weird thing between them. It’s really something. Normally, you’d announce something like that to the whole room. But it seems John specifically wants to impress upon Paul that he and Yoko could get married right now if they wanted to. I mean, it’s a little difficult to make the point, because John and Paul almost aways seem to be talking only to each other. But through the whole discussion of Yoko’s divorce, John does not take his eyes off of Paul. 
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Oh my gosh, Ivan Vaughn is here? How many emotional support boyfriends does Paul need to make up for John having Yoko? Glyn, Linda, George Martin, Dennis, Robert Fraser, and now Ivan? Fuck’s sake, Yoko, you’re a powerful woman.   
Paul’s Strawberry Fields piano. Let me be as vulnerable and broken as possible in my singing, since I can’t show you any other way that you’re killing me. Do you remember this song? That you wrote when we were at the height of our partnership only two years ago? How happy we were then? How beautiful the world seemed for that one brief moment? And John can’t look at him, because, yes he fucking remembers and yes he knows he’s hurting Paul. But for whatever reason, (my theory is he wanted something more Paul couldn’t give him. What that was and whether it was ever specifically vocalized I don't have a guess) going back to that time would be more painful to John than this has been.  
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So they’ve been goofing off and Paul gives this little speech to get them back on task. “Alright Chawn Love. I’ve gotta call order, John, now, valuable time, here, son. Cool down, son.” But John’s response, “Don’t let me down, babe” completely switches Paul’s gears. He now thinks it’s important enough to get in this little snatch of a *meaningful* cover, “Take these Chains from my Heart,” reversing the course of productivity he’d got them on and ignoring the fact that they were about to do a take on two-shilling-a-foot tape. My interpretation of this moment is a bit tin-hatish and long, but suffice it to say, John is not happy with the message.
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Everyone convincing Paul to do another take of his song is surprising, considering everything we always hear about how Paul was a tyrant task-master who just forced everyone to keep doing his lame muzak over and over when they all clearly hated it. Mal, “You can always go back to it.” Paul, “Do you want your head kicked in?” John, “We’ll never get a chance to do it again.” Paul, “Okay, honey bunch. Let’s hit it one time, tutti-frutti.” 
Yoko watching Paul check out her boyfriend’s ass. Classic. Also the fact that she literally copied his outfit? I get so much second-hand embarrassment for her, and it’s not when she’s being a weirdo and a statement-maker. It’s the having to physically stick the gum you were offering your boyfriend into this hand because he won’t take his eyes off his boyfriend for two seconds to look at you. 
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Everyone laughing at Perfect Paul being out of tune is so funny to me. Like when the nerd finally gets a question wrong and the whole class is all “ooooohhhh!”
Ringo having a grand old time on the drums. I love that he just knew that’s what he wanted to do from such a young age and he never wanted to do anything else. And why would he? He’s a genius at it.
Paul. “John’s got something at 1:30 and so have I.” Smirk emoji. Side-eye emoji. George is with me. “Yeah we've got something too. I’ll do Ringo at 1:30.” I'm dead.
This moment right here hurts me. Paul’s enjoying a nice cuddle with Ringo until he remembers the camera. You’re not going to get in trouble for having your friend’s arm around your shoulders, Paul. Why are you like this? 
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katz-rambles · 2 months
Can I get Sodo with suuuuuuper needy reader, and he was busy whole day? But once she cuddle with him, she needs to pamper him with kisses and put him so close to her, like yk a cuteness aggresion.
If you're not okay with it, just ignore it. Hope you have an amazing day/night! I loooooooove you❤️❤️❤️
I love you too, Anon!! Have an amazing day/night!! 💓💓
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(Fluff, comfort, soft sodo, fem!reader, I think this is it!)
When you finally finish you go down to the practice room, the door is closed as always and you can hear the music from inside, you decide you'll come back later, you don't want to disturb them, but at the same time you really do. You've just gotten so lonely. Your friends are there, you've talked to them for a while but it's not what you're looking for. They're not Sodo.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰
The whole day you've been thinking about your lovely boyfriend. All you want to do is spend time with him, but with his practice and your chores, you two haven't had time. You're getting impatient. You've almost finished all your chores, and he's still in practice.
It feels like it's been hours. You've done a couple of laps around the ministry and went out to the garden for a bit, and even did some extra chores. So what could possibly be taking them so long, you've decided to go find out. This time, the door to the practice room is open, not all the way, but enough that you can see inside without having to crane your neck at a weird angle. The band is inside the room, still, but they're not playing. They don't even have their instruments right now. From the looks of it, they're packing up.
“Hey, sister,” Swiss was the first to notice you. He waves for you to come inside, and you walk in as requested. With a quick look around, you can't seem to find Sodo or Papa for that matter. “Papa needed to speak to Sodo about something. None of us know what, though,” Rain cues in before you can even ask your question. The rest of them just nod along. Cirrius swings an arm around you and rests her head on your shoulder, giving you a big smile. “Maybe you could come with us to the den?” She offers, and you can't resist. You'll probably have more luck finding Sodo if you're in the den anyway.
The den is still the same, maybe a little dirtier than it was when you were last here, but you don't mind. Cirrius pulls you down to sit in between her and Cumulus. Both of them are purring, and it vibrates against your body. It's oddly comforting. The next hour or so is spent in the den with the ghouls, gossiping, playing a card game, and just relaxing together. The door to the den opens, and Sodo walks in. You can tell just from the way he's looking. He's exhausted. When he looks over, his eyes almost immediately land on you, and you can visibly see him relax a bit. You sit up and give a quick wave to the ghouls, and you grab Sodos' hand and pull him down the hall to his room. “Remember to use protection, love birds!” Swiss shouts as you two leave. You can feel Sodos hand tense in yours, and he lets out a low growl. You let him get in his room first, and when you're both in his bed, you grab him and pull him close to your chest, just holding him there. He relaxes in your hold and rests his head above your heart. You lift his head up and kiss his face, over and over, leaving little lipgloss marks with each kiss. When you pull back, there are little pink lip stains decorating his face. At least it gets him to smile.
“What's wrong, love?” You stroke his hair and kiss his cheek again, moving up to his forehead and giving a kiss to the crown of his head. He sighs and shrugs in your hold. “Just stressed,” He mumbles, and you take it as a sign to not push him too much to talk. He will when he's ready. Right now, he needs this as much as you do. So you continue, leaving kisses on his face and finally kissing his lips. “I missed you,” you admit, your lips curling into a smile against his own. He pulls back and chuckles and starts to kiss your cheeks, giving you the same treatment. “I can tell, baby,” He doesn't stop until you're both giggling and smiling so hard your cheeks hurt.
This time, he's the one to hold you close to his chest, and he hums. It rumbles deep from his chest. “I had a horrible day. Everything was going wrong,” He sighs and looks down at you. You push yourself up so you're face to face. “Well, it's over now. You don't have to worry about anything that happened today right now,” You smile at him, and he pulls you close to him once again. You can feel him purring against your chest. It's safe to say that he missed you just as much.
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crunchesmunches · 6 months
I feel bad shit insane talking to a wall about dragneel brothers 😭
Anyways silly brother hc that would fit into lore if zeref didn’t have a curse and joined fairy tail and wasn’t actually insane
-Zeref definitely constantly makes sure his out fit is correct and tidy like he doesn’t mean to do it but he just feels more in control of himself that way. And when he sees Natsu’s clothes always messed up and messy he constantly fusses about it after he fights and brushes Natsu off without realizing
-Natsu is zerefs biggest weakness if that weakness was he just doesn’t wanna hurt Natsu emotionally or physically at all like Natsu is his baby. Zeref could never actually hurt Natsu badly sure Zeref is fully aware Natsu can handle anything but if he’s fighting and someone put Natsu infront of that attack he would immediately stop it, Natsu is very important to him and Natsu knows that to. which why he used it to get stuff from Zeref
-I know zeref made lullaby as a whole killing thing but it would be really funny if zeref also created things or other instruments that reminded him of people he liked especially Natsu so there’s a flute out there that’s just for Natsu but will never be found cause it won’t be played unless Natsu finds it. There’s tons of zerefs instruments and creations out there that aren’t for anyone but Natsu
-Natsu likes to draw not well and he draws like a five year old however whenever it does it just makes him incredible happy and carefree (this is totally not based off of that scene in 100 year quest when Natsu wrote in the library books) and he doesn’t tell anyone about it but he likes to draw people sometimes it’s good sometimes it’s not but it just makes Natsu happy and whenever zeref sees Natsu draws he always sits next to him and watches happily
-Natsu’s very short and I mean like 5,3 and it’s cause Natsu has always been small he’s just small and zeref cant get over how funny it is because Natsu convinced half the people he knows he’s taller than he is by just not standing directly next to them it just makes zeref giggle sometimes Natsu literally needs to climb on him for missions but Natsu being small helps them do a lot of things like sneak into vents or something
-zeref is a big hugger and wraps his arms around Natsu head and in a death grip he rubs his face in Natsu hair. Sometimes zeref will lift Natsu up to see things and he always hugs Natsu before lifting him up on his hands
-Natsu and zeref both speak a different language and it’s not a normal language it’s a mix of old language from there town and draconic which makes a weird language no one knows because the whole town was wiped out. I also believe this town had there own customs and beliefs and coexist with dragons just didn’t care for them which is why they knew draconic but so jumbled with some other language Natsu and zerefs culture and language is just incomprehensible to anyone. This town celebrated life and death which is why zeref is named after death and Natsu is the summer it’s like after a volcano erupts new life begins.
-igneel was fond of zeref and wanted zeref to stay with him when he dropped Natsu at his door and zeref still does not know why
-Natsu and zeref hold hands all the time to not lose each other
-zeref has dragon parts like Natsu but more demonic from his curse but he’s rarely seen with his demon/dragon tail
-Natsu and zeref act so similar sometimes there both bubbly in the same way boyishly happy to be around each other
-would elfman Mirajane and lissanna be the opposite of ignia zeref and Natsu I think they have a “who are the better siblings battle
-Natsu and zeref hate ignias “nieces” (the gold dragons ancestors) because they thing there such great siblings when there just the worst versions of them
-Natsu and zeref can never take things seriously there always giggling and confused by the target
-zeref has a cat called misery which is the opposite of happy and is a Scottish fold cat and also purple (ignia also has a cat who’s a lynx or leopard who can’t stand ignias ass)
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graciegoeskrazy · 7 months
if it’s not with you
matty + teen!daughter!reader
warnings: fluff??? short n sweet!!!
a/n: me? writing something with ZERO ANGST???? IMPOSIBLE. lol anywhooooo. ty anon 4 requesting😌
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It seems as if every time your father released an album, he did an interview or something with Zane Lowe. He never told you he was doing this one though. So, when you put on your usual go-to podcast and heard your father’s voice it was a pleasant surprise.
You were sat up in your room starting your homework, while your dad was downstairs. You listened to the whole thing. Although you would never outright admit it to him, you enjoyed his music. But you could never say it out loud for fear of him holding that fact over your head for forever.
“And I saw the adorable photo you posted on Instagram of y/n hanging out in the studio.”
Oh shit, that’s my name.
“Did she have a big part in this album as well? Was she there a lot for recordings and things like that? Or was it like a ‘No. Dad’s working. Get out.’ type of thing.”
You laughed. Matty usually kept his private life to himself, especially when it came to you. Wanting to give you every ounce of normality as possible. So you thought that there was no way he would talk about you…right?
“Oh, I’d say she played a big part in this album, whether she realizes it or not. I mean, I write about…life. Other people’s lives, my lives, and she is a huge part of my life, maybe the biggest.”
You smiled.
“Were there any songs on the record directly about y/n?”
“Oh, there’s always songs about her. ‘All I need to hear’ that one is 100 percent her. I mean, every time I play it or hear it, all I can think about is her. You know? And as for being there in the studio? I mean, she was there a lot because where we recorded most of it is like…our house. She had to be there for that. But I would never be like ‘Get the fuck out’. If my kid wants to learn music or play music, hell, I'm all for it. I’m the last person to stop her.”
“Does she play instruments?”
“Well, Hann gave her her first guitar lesson before she could speak.”
“Same with the others, so. Whether she likes it or not, she’s pretty well versed.”
Also true.
“Eh, it might come in handy one day. And she just turned 16 I heard, correct?”
Matty laughed then sighed. “Yeah, my baby is not a baby. It’s weird.”
After finishing your assignment you walked downstairs and found your dad standing hunched over the counter. He was answering an email on his laptop while dinner was cooking in the background. You jumped on his back and hugged him. He grunted and you smiled.
“If I am the inspiration for most if not all of your songs does that mean I can get some of the money you four make?”
He laughed and kissed the side of your head, understanding what you were referring to.
“No, but you get to live in my house rent-free.”
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fleet-off · 8 months
Because it’s come up with both @lu-sn lu and @theflowergirl Lily now, and because my dentist just sent another form letter expressing deep concern for my oral hygiene should I not schedule my biannual teeth cleaning posthaste, have some wacky fic idea-adjacent nonsense:
Vegas does Pete’s dental cleanings for him.
Pete did not particularly go to the dentist before he got the job with the main family, but the main family keeps one on retainer, and Pete hated going to see him. He found it horribly exposing to hold his mouth open like that, and he really did not like how much he wanted to bite down on the dentist’s fingers. He put up with it, because that’s what Petes do, but he always dreaded it.
Neither of them much likes medical professionals at all, actually, but Vegas sees to his own teeth pretty religiously. (He has to, he’s had veneers since he was eighteen. A smooth, even smile can work wonders.)
Vegas likes Pete’s teeth. He likes Pete’s smile, and Pete’s bite, and the specific way Pete chews his food. He wants Pete’s teeth healthy for as long as possible.
At the same time, Pete shouldn’t have to be uncomfortable except in those carefully orchestrated ways Vegas makes him uncomfortable, which are generally to their mutual benefit.
Vegas would not enjoy watching a dentist clean inside Pete’s mouth. (Pete would let him stay in the room, right?) The inside of Pete’s mouth is a sacred sort of place.
…Anyway, Vegas would be very jealous of the scraper tool.
Vegas does know teeth. He’s yanked a lot of them, albeit not for the benefit of the victims’ oral hygiene.
Why shouldn’t he clean Pete’s teeth himself?
note: doing dental work without proper training is a bad idea, but has that ever stopped VegasPete?
also here comes a readmore for non-explicit dentistry-adjacent kink Whoops
The dental mirror arrives in the mail first, and Vegas coaxes Pete into a practice inspection at the kitchen table that very evening. He realizes at once that they’ll need brighter light and a reclining chair—but though the inside of Pete’s mouth is dimly lit, and though his breath persistently fogs the mirror until Vegas thinks to warm it on the inside of his cheek, this first foray is enough to spark a thousand dark ideas in Vegas’s mind.
There is something to seeing the backs of Pete’s teeth—inspecting what is literally hidden behind his smile.
A vulnerability in the pink semicircles of his gums, maybe. The perfect fit of the teeth penetrating that clinging tissue.
Pete’s jaw stretched wide.
The damp heat of his open mouth against Vegas’s fingers, perfectly exposed and made to stay open.
His tongue twitching like its own creature when Vegas presses it down with a gloved finger.
The slow build-up of saliva—throat muscles working to hold down his gag reflex before Vegas taps his chin and lets him swallow.
Pete’s eyes have dilated; sweat shines on his brow, and the mirror begins to fog worse with every warm-shallow breath.
The next time Vegas caresses the tops of his teeth, Pete bites down hard on his fingers.
…They abandon the mirror for other, more familiar pleasures.
Vegas buys a headlamp and a dental loupe online later that night.
To his credit, he does research teeth cleanings at this point. It’s not the equivalent to years of practice and training, but it’s something.
Then the curettes arrive with their fine metal handles and delicately angled hooks on either end; then the sickle-shaped scaler. Vegas has never held either, but they feel familiar in his hands. He’s always had a knack for instruments.
Pete looks at them in his focused grip and shivers.
His hate for dental cleanings may not be such a problem after all.
(Of course, all of this culminates in Macau walking in on them mid-cleaning in the kitchen. Vegas and Pete are actually pretty good about not doing literal sex things where Macau might see. However, many typically non-sexy things have a way of becoming weird sex things when Vegas and Pete do them.
Macau doesn’t know how this is a weird sex thing, but he knows it is.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t quite manage to nope back out before overhearing just how nice Pete’s gums are.)
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azure-firecracker · 10 days
do you have any favourite txf headcanons ? show or specific to any of your fics or both!!
Oooh what a fun ask!
-I headcanoned that Scully can’t sing, and have been informed that this is actually true! But I also headcanon that when she was a kid she followed Melissa to church chorus, and got kicked out at, like, age 6 because she was so terrible, marking the first person to be kicked out of her church chorus.
-However, I think her parents would have wanted her to learn some sort of instrument, so I think she played the oboe, albeit not very well, and hated it.
-Mulder can dance, but he loses it the second the dance gets complicated (might this pop up in a later Raise Your Voices chapter? Only time will tell!)
-Scully is a hot beverage connoisseur and has just about every kind of tea under the sun stocked in her apartment, but she usually only drinks it when she’s on a day off or it’s a special occasion. Mostly she drinks coffee.
-I have seen debate over whether or not Mulder can cook. I think that he is very good at making approximately three specific dishes and terrible at making anything else.
-Scully can cook most things, but none amazingly. She’s very practical about it.
-Mulder absolutely did theater in high school, you cannot convince me otherwise. He probably only did plays and took an improv class. He has a bunch of old musical tapes hidden in his apartment that he doesn’t think Scully knows about (she does). His family listened to the musicals a lot before Samantha was taken, and he uses them as a reminder of happier times.
-Scully has a membership at the local library and is besties with all of the retired old librarians. They get her life updates every week (wait, should I write a fic about that?)
-Neither Scully nor Mulder had a lot of friends in high school. Scully was always locked into her studies and highly ambitious and didn’t put up with anybody’s BS, and people didn’t like that. Mulder was Mulder and also traumatized. He did get along with the other improv class people, but people mostly thought he was weird.
-Scully got into physics (her major!) because she loved the logical nature of mechanics, and fell in love with it because she secretly adored the mysteries and strangeness of relativity (projection from a physics girlie? Maybe).
-Mulder is not at all a STEM person. The only science classes he really liked were chemistry (so he could make stupid jokes about it), and astronomy (obviously).
-This is semi-canon but Scully is 100% an animal person. Mulder likes cats but that’s pretty much it.
-Both Scully and Mulder have seen every Alfred Hitchcock movie, and have an ongoing debate about what the best one is (Mulder says it’s The Birds, Scully says it’s Strangers on a Train - and Scully is right, just fyi).
-Mulder occasionally makes Scully watch old musical movies, which she pretends she hates but secretly enjoys.
These are mostly just off the top of my head! Feel free to add more in the comments/reblogs!
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Hey 👋 how are you? I think this is my first time doing an ask so sorry if it's not worded very good 😅. Anyways I was wondering if I could request a Tokyo revengers (Bonten) x male child reader (it's an angst) is adopted and where the reader is like 10 or 11 and he loves to bake and sing/play an instrument, but bonten finds this a little weird since they grew up around tough boys idk, anyways i thought that they could be talking about it and how they think it's a little weird and the reader hears this without them knowing so he stops doing the things he loves and when he tells them why he stopped they feel really guilty and then the reader reveals that he thought that they would get rid of him for that. Sorry if this is kinda long I didn't know how to shorten it but thank you for reading my very long request and it's ok if you don't do it I just kinda wanted to put the idea out there! Thank you!😋
Well I'm glad I'm your first! Sorry this took so long!
Warning: male reader, child reader, angst to fluff
Bonten realized that (name) wasn't even remotely like how they were as kids, the boy more interested in less physical activities and more into homebody things like baking and such.
He was even in both music and cooking clubs at school.
"It's just a little odd he's so invested..." Ran said as the criminals thought (name) was asleep "it is a little strange that he's not interested into what most boys his age enjoy" Mochi said and all were unaware that (name) was around the corner, crushed at this.
Was he not what they wanted?
Dread filled (name) as he quickly but quietly went back to his room, already thinking of ways to be what they wanted so they didn't abandon him.
(Name)... Well he wasn't himself.
And bonten took note of this change immediately.
They spotted the teen tossing his baking books in the trash with a heartbroken expression, the boy having been trying to take up more sports and such.
"Ok what's going on?" Kakucho asked while pulling the books out, thankfully they weren't damaged "I... I don't want you guys to get rid of me..." (Name) mumbled fiddling with his fingers, confusing the men "the fuck would we do that?"
"You guys thought my hobbies were weird... So I am changing so you guys don't get rid of me" (name) said simply while rubbing at his eyes and Bonten felt like shit.
This was their kind of kid and they crushed his joy so easy, didn't they adopt him so he could have an easier life and not deal with this disappointment?!
"Oh shit... We didn't mean it like that" ran said wiping a tear from his kids eye and the rest nodded "we were just worried about you making friends"
"I have friends... The girls at the baking club really like me!"
"Yeah, they always ask weird questions though"
"Like what?"
"What kind of girl I like and do I have anyone I'm interested in, I don't get it really why would I care about what kind of girl they are...what does that even mean?"
Bonten silently cheered for their son, he was the schools heartthrob it seemed.
"Well we don't hate your hobbies and we aren't getting rid of you so stop trying with the sports, it's sad to watch"
"Ok dad" (name) said with a laugh and they helped him put his books back
Two weeks later he had new baking supplies and a new (instrument) on his desk.
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valeriianz · 3 months
For the fic writer asks:
4. Obviously you did research for BitB. I'd love you to ramble about it if you like I'm sure you've got STORIES
5. Did you outline it?
7. How'd you decide it would be Hob's pov?
25-27 I'd love to know a/some favorite lines, details, and any lore you might want to share
omg TJ what wonderful questions! thank you!! this is going to get LONG!
4: Rambling about research!
do you wanna see a screen shot of my bookmarks under my "band au" folder?
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man, and that's only what could fit on the screen.
there is... SO MUCH i chose to ignore for this fic. ideas that i had to drop, lines or extra details about the other band members equipment. more logistics, what Lucienne actually does, what Mervyn has to put up with as the new touring stage manager... i realized very early on that i couldn't possibly cram all this (super cool and eye opening) information into the fic and still keep reader's interest and, most importantly, to not stray away from the fact that this is a dreamling fic. whenever i felt myself getting carried away with a side character or job or even social media numbers, gossip, outside POVs, i had to reign myself in and get back on track. there will be time for exploring everything i missed in side stories after BitB is finished. i just hope i still have the energy to write it all.
once, i was so deep into research that after publishing chapter 2, i went into work and when my chef asked what "GA" meant on my prep list, i answered with full confidence, "general admission."
(it means "get ahead.")
the worst part of this entire writing process is im still learning new shit. i havent rewatched or read a lot of what i've saved because, to be very honest, i was feeling a little burnt out. it's why we're kinda full steam dreamling now. it's why ive been glossing over a lot of technical stuff and being vague about conversations amongst the crew/not including it at all. i don't prefer ignoring my research, but at the end of the day i want to still enjoy writing this fic and finish it. even if i can't be as descriptive and detailed and nuanced as i used to be.
5: Did you outline the fic?
(also asked by @hardly-an-escape!)
i wouldn't call what i have a proper "outline," it's more like a 20k word document filled to the brim with notes that i skim at least a dozen times while i'm writing a new chapter (being in my brain is literally hell). i live multichapter life very dangerously. i copy and paste lines or sections (always scattered, never together! augh!) that are meant to go together and plop them in a new document titled "band au ch.#" and then i structure the chapter around what i want to happen.
but to answer this question in the plainest of terms: yeah. i know exactly what's going to happen up until the very end. even if its all in my head and the only concrete shit that's written down are beats/plot points. i'll figure out the rest later!
7: How'd you decide it would be Hob's POV?
i actually never even considered writing it from Dream's POV. this was my first fic in the fandom (which is so nuts to think about lol) and writing in Dream's POV sounded so scary lol. i also just thought Hob's would be easier because i have worked a few backstage shows, back in my college years. i figured eh, i can make this work. and i loved exploring how weird and mysterious musicians can be, from a normie's POV. making Hob a fan first and having him worry about developing a parasocial relationship... it was fun to explore.
25: Share your favorite line
oh god, i have so many haha.
“What are you thinking about?” starting in ch.2 and onward lmao
“It’s–” Dream laughs quietly, bitterly. “I don’t like change.” He says each word with emphasis, eyes trailing down to fixate somewhere past Hob. “And I still hold onto the things I can control, like my instruments–” his eyes swing up to regard Hob apologetically. “Or my clothes or my–” he brings a hand up and wiggles his fingers around his head. “My hair.” ch.4
"His majesty is pleased." ch.5
“You are obsessive,” he states, slow and cool and with a quiet smile cracking through his composure. “Just like me.” ch.7
“You look good.” Hob has to lean in to say so, unwilling to raise his voice amongst the roar of the fans. ch.11
“Del looks like porcelain, but she’s actually made of steel.” Desire swirls the contents of their glass before pushing their shoulders back with a deep breath. “She's tougher than all of us.” ch.11
“Everything. I want…” his fingers tighten in Hob’s hair, pulling him closer, speaking against his lips. “…Everything.” ch.14
26: Share your favorite detail
how intentionally coy Dream behaves. i love keeping him a mystery and deciding when and how much to allow his intentions to peek through has been so fun lol.
Despair is in fact covered in tattoos and piercings! i say this because i feel like sometimes i forget lmao. (but also her and Hob don't interact much so. my bad haha).
Delirium's constant explosion of color in the way she dresses <3
Hob's dedication to his job, Dream, and the people he cares about the most. i don't care if people think i'm making him too soft and good, im gonna project on that man and make him a sweet, sweet simp lmao
and ah, this doesn't matter anymore, and i kinda regret doing it but. i originally had Dream's favorite bass all black but the pickguard was white. so it actually looked like Jessamy. not gonna lie when @designtheendless drew it all black i decided i liked it better that way. and truly i do. that's when i went back to ch.1 and changed it haha. to actually see the guitar with Dream, all done up sparkling black and purple flecks... gosh it's just so him. but then i got up to the reveal that the guitar's name was Jessamy and i was like, "oh, right." lmao. no one seems to care so i'll leave it be.
27: Share a piece of lore you made up for the story
i have a lot lmao. and this post is already so long... im hoping i can get to some if not all of it in side fics in the future. but for now, here's some that's more like headcanons but:
Dream hates flying. he can full on go into panic attacks on the plane if he allows himself to get into his own head.
this was mentioned briefly in ch.4, while Dream was discussing the formation of the band, but Despair was in another band before joining Endless. she is the only character in the fic who gets to keep her English roots (lol sorry) and is the oldest in the band (30).
all of the band members ages: Dream, Desire, and Death are all 28 and Delirium is 22.
Dream can experience subdrop after going too hard during a performance.
Dream paints his own nails, it's very therapeutic.
as an exercise, i explored my own headcanons for Dream in this verse in a word doc, and one thing i will share from it that you might find interesting: If I were to ever give Dream a theological values, I would describe him as a satanist. He is a physical and pragmatic person, nonconforming, and although he is introverted, he enjoys being a part of a community (he loves his band).
also found this in my notes: How Desire and Dream got along was Death making them fight it out. Hob raises an eyebrow “like in a brawl?” He couldn't imagine Desire throwing hands. “No, in a pillow fight that escalated in hair pulling and verbal taunts.”
fic writer asks
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justmochi · 25 days
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OA ENTERTAINMENT uploaded: EDEN - The Making of 'WHO AM I' Documentary
Eden rubs her eyes with her fingers, checking out her puffy face in the mirror. “Good morning,” She whispers to the camera before pointing her phone screen towards it. “It’s currently four a.m. It is going to be our very first day in the studio recording for my first mini album.”
She quickly brushes her teeth and washes her face. She applies toner pads before whispering again. “I am very excited, but also anxious. It’s gonna be my first release working with an entirely new team, but I’m confident the results are going to be great. I managed to get about three hours of sleep, but we shouldn’t be recording too many vocals on the first day. I’m hoping it’ll be pretty chill as we create a roadmap for what we’re going to accomplish.”
She slouches over the kitchen counter, waiting for her coffee to brew. “I’d usually head around the corner to the cafe near our apartment, but it is four a.m. So I’m just gonna make a quick coffee and order breakfast when everything starts opening up.”
The video cuts to Eden kissing her fingertips, proceeding to press it against the top of a teddy bear. “Gotta give Younghui a goodbye kiss before I leave.”
She fastens her seatbelt before taking a sip of her coffee. “It’s kinda weird seeing me drive, right?”
“We’ve made it to the studio. I’ll see you inside!”
“I look back on my career and decisions I’ve made and always ask myself, “Is this really what I want? Is it worth it?” I may be a bit greedy, but is it so wrong to want more for myself?
“I just really wanted to interpret how young workers are faced with the dilemma of either working hard or enjoying life. So if you’re struggling, just know that I acknowledge you and all your hard work. If you’re not where you wanna be in life right now, that’s okay! Take it one day at a time, and make some changes! Lay out a roadmap in where you want to see yourself in a year and stick to it. Don’t be discouraged from reality and live in the moment. One day, I wanna hear all about it.”
“I think this song is, in a way, a continuation of Workaholic. It’s more fun! Sometimes I just need to forget about my deadlines, let loose and live my life. Life is too short so you have to make the most of it.”
Eden has her hands on her hips, putting all her weight on one leg as the producer messes around with the mixing. She notices the studio door open behind him with her peripheral vision. She realizes it’s Jennie with takeout bags. Both of their faces light up when their eyes meet. Eden has to put her headphones on the stand before she can exit the recording room.
“Hey!” Eden hugs her member once she sets the food down. It had been a couple weeks since they last saw each other.
“How are you doing? Is everything comfortable for you here?”
“Oh, I love it. We’re getting a lot of work done.” She extends her hand, patting the back of his chair.
“I’ll let you two chit chat. I need to make a few calls.” He makes a few clicks with the mouse and then gets up to exit the room.
Jennie smiles towards her, opening the takeout bags and reaching in. “I know you’re working extra hard so I got us some good food.”
She hands Eden her favorite cold noodles, while also taking out her own order. They get themselves situated before sitting down and taking their first bite. The girls talk about how good the food is, while making small talk of what the day has offered to them so far.
“So what are you working on now?” Jennie wipes her mouth with a napkin.
“Well, let me show you.” Eden puts her chopsticks down, pushing herself towards the computer and finding a part in the song to showcase to her.
Jennie listens attentively, swaying her head back and forth. The instrumental and voice guide are the only things done but it still sounds very nice.
“And then I have two options for the second verse, one in English and the other Korean.” She clicks away and plays each version of the verse, watching Jennie’s reactions.
“I like it! They’re both very nice.”
“We haven’t decided which one to go for. Which do you like more?” Eden stops the playback, turning in her swivel chair to face the woman.
Jennie purses her lips for a second, pondering. “Well, they’re both very pretty, and I don’t know who’s all working on this one but I think the Korean verse would make it more ‘you’. Do you get what I’m saying?”
“I do.” Eden sighs and clicks her tongue, tilting her head before making more adjustments. “That settles it then.”
“You’re using the Korean verse?”
“Don’t you have to discuss it with your team?”
Eden slides back over to her, smiling at Jennie. “You are my team. And I trust your judgment.”
They both smile at each other lovingly.
“I’m so proud of how far you’ve come,” Jennie squeezes her knee. “I’m so glad you have your freedom now. I’m just happy you’re doing what YOU want to do and it’s not being altered. I haven’t seen you this carefree in a while.”
“Jennie… Don’t make me cry.”
“The melody was the first thing to come from this song. I made it up in the passenger seat on the way home from a drive-in movie, actually. Do you ever just listen to music and think ‘this would be such a good song to play in the car, windows rolled down and feeling cool air through your hair’. That was my goal with this song. It feels very retro and nostalgic. I’m very happy with the end result.”
Eden smiles, pulling her legs up on the chair to her chest and resting her chin on her knee. “I don’t really need to explain this one. It’s simple and genuine and full of love. And I’m happy. I’m really happy with how it came out.”
“This song is about wanting to tell someone that you love them but are scared to. For me, a lot of it stems from my past relationships. You give a lot of yourself up when you say I love you for the first time. And the first time for me, it was very real. I thought it was very real for the longest time.
“The ideal way to feel when saying I love you is to be happy. But for me, I was filled with more fear and anxiety. It took a very long time to allow myself to love again. But even longer for me to express my love. I was extremely cautious about the next time I would tell someone I loved them.
“I always wonder what I would say to my past self who just finished writing this. She was so paranoid and small. But she was also very worthy of love, no matter how much she thought she was not. She didn't know that when the day finally came, it would be the easiest thing in the world. As simple as breathing.
“I wrote this many years ago so it’s just been sitting in my notes app, collecting dust. It wasn’t until earlier this year that I reached out to Finneas. I’ve always been a very big fan of his works. The first thing he sent me back was amazing and that’s the take that we use in the song. His verse was absolutely perfect and it really solidified the song as a whole.
{First time listening to Finneas’ take.}
Eden sets up the camera on the table, her hands shaking as she presses on the audio file. “I’m so nervous, I don’t know if I can press play.”
She takes a few deep breaths. “Okay.” She clicks on the play button, staring at her lap as his voice plays through the speakers. Her eyes widen as soon as it sets in that he’s singing along to the melody of her song with his own lyrics. She covers her mouth with her hands, squealing as the clip ends.
“Oh my god.” She replays it. “Oh my god.
“I gotta chill out, I can’t focus on his lyrics.” She stands to her feet, pressing her palms to her cheeks as she plays it once again. She has to replay it six times before it’s engraved in her brain. She looks at her producer friend, giving him a definitive look. “That’s it. Like it’s literally perfect. We just have to record our parts together and it’s done.”
Eden set up her camera at the kitchen table, soon rubbing her eyes with the palms of her hands. She let out a sigh and sniffled. “This song is from twenty eighteen or so, the darkest time in my life. I keep on forgetting it exists for obvious reasons. And I know I shouldn’t keep revisiting it if it keeps resurfacing past trauma, but I think in order to heal, I need to tackle it and make something of it. The whole concept of this album is to humanize myself and it would be wrong of me to just lock this song away. There could be someone out there that resonates with it as much as I do.”
She wipes her eyes with her fingers, nodding towards someone offscreen. A tiny smile appears on her face. “It was bothering me all day while recording and arranging, ‘Should this make the cut or not?’ but I think I just needed to catch my breath and think it over, get some reassurance. I feel much better now.
“Well, time to sleep so we can record this track tomorrow.”
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rhiannswork · 1 year
w. rojas || have you ever thought about it?
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warnings: talk of pregnancy, julia 🥹🥹, a mockery of the scene where cami asks daisy if she wants kids, let’s act like mr. rojas has a bed in the house, fluff, camila just being tired :((
“so, if im correct, you began dating warren around the beginning of the aurora sessions?”
“ahh yes i was…” you nodded. a smile grew on your face as you heard your husbands name.
back then, it was easy to get into studios, wear something a little flashy and boom you’re in. after seeing the reoccurrence of the group ‘the six’ alongside daisy jones, you took it upon yourself to hang around them more often.
you lingered at the door, listening for instruments. you didn’t want to walk in on a take.
“hey babe,” you heard warrens voice from behind you. “hi warren.” you turned around quickly, you were faced with a tall, fit man, with a wife beater and slightly tight pants. “we’re not recording a take, don’t worry.” he walked in front of you to open the door for you. “after you.” he smiled.
you walked into the room and seeing a soft atmosphere. eddie creating a bass riff, julia dancing to the riff with her mother, billy and daisy revising lyrics, karen and graham were no where to be found.
“this was way before we knew they were screwing to be honest.”
“warren, ‘bout time.” eddie smirked with cigarette hanging from the side of his mouth. he rolled his eyes as he walked closer to julia and camila. “hi mija.” he picked julia up in his arms.
you watched as he bounced her up and down to eddie’s riff. “she loves this riff…” camila laughed as she brushed her hair behind her head. “i can tell.” you smiled.
“you always used to find something that could hold you up, your knees would be just a’going.”
camila watched the way you adored warrens careful touch with julia. “do you want one y/n?” she spoke softly before placing her chin on your shoulder. “wha- huh? you mean now?!” you turned around with a panicked look.
“no! no… don’t be like me,” she sighed as her eyes glanced over to billy entranced by daisy, as if they were the only people in the room. “in time… you think warren would want one?” she looked over to him taking julia to his drum set. you watched as he carefully placed the big headphones on her and placed her on his lap. he handed her two drumsticks and cupped her hands and slowly starting playing a rhythm.
“i don’t think he’d want a baby with me.” you shook your head with a chuckle to follow. “why would you think that y/n.”
“i’m not fit for it cam. i don’t want to bring a kid out in this world… it’s cruel. what if i’m not a good mother!” you quietly yelled to her. “what? you’d be an amazing mother. i thought i wouldn’t be able to handle jules. believe it or not, i was crying almost every night. it’s natural but you know what else is natural? you becoming a good mother.”
you smiled at her words. “this may sound weird but i wish you were my mother.” you chuckled as you looked down. “i’ll be your faux mom.” camila lifted your head up by your chin as she glanced in your eyes.
you could depict the hurt in her eyes, this conversation was more complex than it sounded to anyone else. all you could do was telepathically apologize to camila. she sent back an ‘it’s okay.’ with her eyes.
“your mother… she was a strong woman. an extremely strong woman.” you sniffled as you put a smile back on your face.
you stayed at the house where the band (minus cami and billy) lived. it was late when everyone got back, everyone had a quick bite of chinese food and headed off to bed.
you finished up your shower and headed to warrens room. “hey, i feel like i haven’t talked to you all day.” warren watched you walk to the bed. “sorry, just… thinking.” you nodded as you wrapped up under the covers.
“what about, my love?” he turned to you, propping his head up. “do you ever… in the future, maybe… want a baby?” you looked over to him. “of course i do. i’ve gotta carry this drumming legacy on somehow!” he joked. you scoffed as you rolled your eyes. “alright ringo. camila had asked me when i came to the studio.”
“oh yeah?” he grabbed your hand and placed a soft kiss on your knuckles. you hummed as you nodded your head. “i just want to be ready for him or her. i want to be a good mother.” your eyes stayed on his hand.
“and you will be. right now, we’re gonna be young and in love. we can worry about that later alright? don’t stress yourself out.” he muttered before placing one last kiss on your forehead and a lingering hand rubbing your cheek.
“i feel like i’ve done this mothering thing right. i mean, i’ve done it three times.”
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