#Batman arkham knight pc refund
budbanana · 2 years
Batman arkham knight pc refund
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If desired, you can request a refund at (Steam refund policies can be found here: ) or the retail location where you purchased the game. If you purchased your copy of the game and are not satisfied with your experience, then we ask for your patience while these issues are resolved. We are continuously monitoring all threads posted in the Official Batman: Arkham Knight Community and Steam forums, as well as any issues logged with our Customer Support ( ). "Thank you to those players who have already given valuable feedback.
We greatly value our customers and know that while there are a significant amount of players who are enjoying the game on PC, we want to do whatever we can to make the experience better for PC players overall. We take these issues very seriously and have therefore decided to suspend future game sales of the PC version while we work to address these issues to satisfy our quality standards. Steam’s refund policy may have put pressure on the company to suspend game sales rather than deal with a stream of gamers demanding refunds over a longer period of time, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the game never came back."We want to apologize to those of you who are experiencing performance issues with Batman: Arkham Knight on PC. Clearly, WB pushed out the PC version in its present state hoping to capitalize on a simultaneous launch, take its money, and go home. There are rumors of a two-month development window, and while this seems unlikely, it’s clear that no self-respecting developer would ever put their name on this half-functional garbage. Unfortunately, not all of that work has been highly regarded Arkham Origins was a buggy and problematic title with a profound Team Green tilt on it, Still, the studio has worked on generally well-regarded games like Destiny and BioShock Infinite.Īrkham Knight, in contrast, is a trainwreck. Development of the title was outsourced to Iron Galaxy, a developer with experience in doing ports and offering technical consulting on other titles. Part of what makes this a plausible line of argument is the statement WB already made about how seriously it takes PC development in the first place. Given a long enough period of time and a strong, enduring title, the long tail value of a video game can far outweigh its initial revenue surge, but most games don’t have such a long development cycle or plan for years of comprehensive support and content updates. Revenue drops off after that, in an effect known as a long tail. Video games typically sell most of their copies within days or weeks of launch. There’s another potential outcome here, however, and not a pleasant one. WB may have decided it had to choose between an avalanche of criticism now (after enduring several days of it already) or a steady drip-drip-drip of criticism over a period of time that would tarnish the game’s brand and keep the problem in the public eye. Yanking the game off Steam now looks plenty bad, but so do tanking sales and a long stream of refunds possibly spread over a quarter or more, depending on how long the company believes it will take to fix the game. With 125 million registered users, Steam is more than large enough to drive a sea change across the entire industry, and Warner Brothers likely doesn’t want to face the prospect of a dragging return cycle. The one major difference between previous launches and Arkham Knight is Steam’s new refund system.
Sometimes, they even do - and sometimes the publisher issues a token patch or two, dusts off its hands, and declares the matter settled. In contrast, game development studios have perfected the art of the groveling fauxpology in which they pledge to do better, listen to fans, address bugs, and solve problems. Ashes Cricket 2013 might deserve an honorable mention, but the number of Batman fans likely outstrips the number of cricket fans, at least in the United States.
There have been game recalls before, but if a major publisher has ever yanked a AAA title for reasons related to the game’s quality as opposed to the infamous Hot Coffee mod in GTA: San Andreas, I can’t remember it. High-end PC rigs with 16GB of RAM, Core i7 processors, and GTX 780 Ti cards couldn’t maintain steady frame rates, even at minimal detail levels and 1080p. Buggy console ports and half-baked PC releases are nothing new in the PC gaming world, but as Grant detailed yesterday, the situation here was particularly terrible. Yesterday, Warner Brothers Interactive took a nearly unprecedented step - it pulled a just-launched AAA title off PC store shelves and apologized for the condition of a game so utterly botched it can’t even laughably be referred to as a finished product. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page.
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protecttonki · 2 years
Gotham knights e3
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Gotham knights e3 registration#
Gotham knights e3 Pc#
Gotham knights e3 series#
The upcoming Batman game is rumored to be a soft-reboot of the Arkham series, and it will launch a DC Games Universe, which will feature multiple games from a variety of franchises, much like Marvel has been doing over the years.īe sure to check out more of the latest news and guides on Gamezo, the new and upcoming gaming site. Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with all the latest articles. The last Batman game to be released was Arkham Origins way back in 2013, so it is definitely long overdue. It has been rumored for a while that a new Batman game will be coming soon with it intended to be revealed at E3 2020, which was ultimately cancelled. WB Games should have an E3 conference next year. After DC Rebirth, “Gotham Knights” is the name of a team of young vigilantes formed by Batman and Batwoman. The first of the three, Gotham Knights, due out this October. In-universe, the Gotham Knights or Gotham City Knights is a name used by several sports teams.
Gotham knights e3 series#
It began as a successor to the popular series Batman: Shadow of the Bat, and later concluded with the “Payback” storyline as part of Hush Returns. DC Fandoms says this about Gotham Knights īatman: Gotham Knights is a Batman comic book series that ran for 74 issues between 20. The game may focus on a group of young vigilantes founded by Batman and Batwoman, similar to the 2000 comic series. This could signal the name of the next Batman game, which has been rumored to launch this Summer. Registration happened on June 14th, just 2 days before the latest Suicide Squad website was registered. made its big announcements elsewhere, pulling the curtain back on games like Hogwarts Legacy, Gotham Knights, and. The website was originally registered back in 1998 but was recently renewed and updated. Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic saw E3 2020 canceled, and so Warner Bros.
Gotham knights e3 registration#
What are your thoughts on the four-player co-op mode? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.It appears that Gotham Knights may be the next Batman game based on a recent website registration by Warner Bros Interactive. It will launch on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S and X, and PC. Gotham Knights is set to release on October 25, 2022. Though the initial gameplay reveal did not sit well with the fans, the current one is getting a lot of praise from the fans. Fans were expecting to see more of Gotham Knights at E3 2021 but the game. Back and better than ever are the exciting fighting, sneaky gameplay, gliding, and ziplining. Gotham Knights will be available on PS5, Xbox Series X, PS4, Xbox One, and PC. The ability to play the whole campaign either solo or in a four-player co-op is one of Gotham Knights’ exceptional gameplay elements.
Gotham knights e3 Pc#
Fans who ordered the games on the older consoles have been refunded but honestly to make the game next-gen the shift to only PS5, Xbox Series, and PC was necessary. So, sad news for perhaps the biggest games coming from Warner Bros., but the good news is that Back 4 Blood is still in the E3 mix. to show at this year's E3 and there's not really much point in creating a brand new trailer for any of them. Source: WB MontrealĮarly on the game was supposed to launch on all major platforms including the older generation consoles PlayStation 4 and Xbox One Series but the idea was later scrapped. The delay likely means that there's not enough for Warner Bros. Though they have their differences, they have come together for Batman and Gotham to save the city. Games Montreal para PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X y PC con la familia de. His allies have to fight against the crime-infested city of Gotham. Gotham Knights es el nuevo juego del universo Batman por parte de Warner Bros. Gotham Knights take place in a world where Batman is dead. Hogwarts Legacy and Gotham Knights E3 2021 appearances are unlikely Chris Capel Monday, JIt’s becoming increasingly unlikely that fans will see a Hogwarts Legacy E3 2021 appearance. The characters will be already experienced in combat so unlike most other RPGs the game will already have developed characters so you don’t have to level them up. The story and setting will be the same for all the characters the difference being their mechanics, fighting style, and dialogues. The game will begin with you selecting the character you want out of Batgirl, Red Hood, Nightwing (Dick Greyson), and Robin (Tim Drake). When you arrive, Langstrom seems to have been killed, so you have to look about and engage the Freaks in combat. Kirk Langstrom as a result of this (Man-Bat in comics). Games will not showcase a number of its anticipated games such as Hogwarts Legacy, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and Gotham Knights at E3 2021. The game begins at Gotham University, where the Knights are pursuing Batman’s last cues. Warner was reportedly due to unveil DC titles at E3 2020. You will learn the basic controls and skills for both combat and map navigation in the tutorial. Suicide Squad and Gotham Knights domains point to potential game reveals.
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enigmaticjblake · 4 years
Best Video Games of the last decade
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The last decade was sensational, a lot of stuff happened, there were dramatic changes all across, especially in videogames. Technological advancements in computer hardware pushed graphical limits and the visual fidelity in gaming kept evolving. Games got more immersive and believable.
The videogame industry saw major changes like the rise of digital gaming platforms such as Steam, Origin, Epic Games Store and so on.
Even the Consoles saw dramatic changes. The PS4 was a major player in the market but Steam on the other hand dominated the PC landscape. Epic Games Store also got a lot of attention.
Even VR stepped out of the shadows and major companies like Microsoft, Google, HTC, Samsung, Facebook and many others discovered the potential of the medium and embarked on the ultimate quest of making the best VR headset in the market. Even Sony made a VR headset for the PS4.
Technological advancements are fine but it is important for us to understand that Videogames cannot just solely depend on technology to be an immersive and unforgettable experience.
They have to have an engaging story, solid and balanced game play mechanics, immersive sound design, perfect balance between narrative and pacing and a few other major factors are what determine a good game and a great game. Ultimately they have to deliver an unforgettable experience.
So after all the trials and tribulations, a few games have emerged to show the world how powerful the medium can be.
So without any further ado, lets jump into the list of best games of the last decade.
  Read Dead Redemption 2
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The critically acclaimed open world wild west adventure game comes straight from Rockstar Games, the same team that has made the GTA Series. RDR2 is considered as one of the most successful titles of the last decade as it gives you a vast sprawling open world with staggering amount of detail. This is one of the most detailed games of the decade, coming somewhere close the end of the current generation of consoles; it utilizes the fullest potential of modern day hardware and delivers a stunning dynamic open world experience like never before.
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Yes, you might be wondering why is CS:GO on this list, well it is there for a good reason. Not only this online classic tactical shooter still among the largest and most played games of all time, it is fun to play even in this age and day. CS:GO manages to bring back an old formula and still keeps it relevant at this age. Countless events and tournaments are centered around CS:GO. Back in the day CS was mod out of another legendary game which we will definitely discuss some day. CS single handedly showed the world what mods are capable of achieving and gave birth to the mod culture. There are quite many games which were mods of the past and apart from that, the game is still fun as hell and me and my friends still play it.
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Fortine has a very strange history, it was originally a defense game like minecraft where you build during the day and protect during the night but it wasn’t that successful. People had already seen the idea before, so when Battle Royale was gaining popularity, Fortnite decided to mix its defense formula with BR. The ratings for Fortnite just went off the charts and many people played it as it was released as a free to play title. It had a cosmetic market though which got Epic tons of revenue and that’s how Epic Games Store came into picture. So if a game can do so much for a company, you can definitely process the impact it had on the industry overall.
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Talk about mods again, DOTA was originally a genre defining mod of War Craft 3 but someone else saw its potential. DOTA was more of an underground thing, it was never so popular in the mainstream and very few knew a genre like MOBA even existed. It was around 2009 when I first saw DOTA in a cyber café where some young kids were playing it on LAN. At first, it looked like War Craft 3 but the mechanics were totally different. Soon I learnt it had a cult underground following and Valve made the smart move of acquiring the talent behind this mod and decided to make this thing into a fully blown sequel. DOTA 2 which pushed MOBA into the mainstream. Obviously there were others who joined the bandwagon of MOBA and tried to distinguish themselves. League of Legends is also another MOBA game which is popular but DOTA 2 is still considered as the king and despite of its age is still among the top played games on steam world wide. There are people who have played the game for a staggering 10000 hours and still find new and interesting things. It’s a game which is easy to learn but difficult to master.
Batman Arkham City
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Batman needs no introduction, for those who do not know, Batman is a fully ripped grown man who wears Egyptian cotton underwear over a grey suit and is passionate about jumping from building to building during the night and saves the city from bad peeps. He is THE Superhero.
If you haven’t played any of the Batman games of the Arkham trilogy, stop reading this list right away and immediately go and play it! Its really good.
It is debatable which one of the trilogy is the best and its very difficult to make that choice. I personally like all the games but Arkham City is amazing for several reasons as it is an ultimate battle between Batman and Joker, the game goes open world and Gotham City is such well crafted. The Unreal Engine does a marvelous job of putting it all together and the game runs so well AND this is why I could not chose Arkham Knight over Arkham City. Arkham Knight is miles ahead of Arkham City but I made the ultimate mistake of playing it on the PC which was a bad experience. Infact the game was such a mess, Steam had to pull it off and give out refunds to the buyers. It was a great experience on consoles but this misstep was the sole reason why I did not chose it for this list.
BUT now the game has been patched extensively and is in good shape. So if you are a PC gamer and want to be like Batman, this has to be the Ultimate Batman Experience.
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Ever heard of souls like titles? These are considered to be difficult as combat in them is of a different nature. These are not your ordinary action games where you go in front of your enemy and start spamming attacks on them. Souls like titles have be played tactically, timing and accuracy are the name of the game. When to strike, when to dodge and parry are crucial for every encounter and even the most basic enemy can strike you down if you are not paying attention.
Bloodborne is an Action RPG title developed by From Software exclusively for the PS4, set in a dark Victorian world we are tasked to hunt down to take down perils of an odd strange world. Blood Bourne stands out for its unique art style, game play mechanics and an engaging narrative, atmospheric and immersive world design and ruthless difficulty. This game has a deep and interesting lore so a lot of content awaits.
Be warned, this game can crush your soul.
Neir Automata
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Set in a dystopian cyberpunk future where sprawling urban scapes are retaken my mother nature, humanity is wiped out by what was considered as their best creation.
Take role of an enhanced cybernetic warrior who is deadly and beautiful at the same time and hack N slash your way through hoards of deadly AI constructs as you make your way to the answers of all the questions that surround the collapse of civilization.
The stunning art style, the graphics, the immersive world and level design blended with fast paced combat makes Neir Automata an unforgettable experience.
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Inside is developed by Playdead, the same studio who made Limbo. Inside is a staggering achievement in the 2D side scroller category of games. You take role of an unknown kid who just appears in this strange dystopian world where society has changed. The world is hostile and humanity is engulfed into some kind of a strange social experiment where a few selected individuals of the upper echelon are on the verge of creating something far beyond anything we can possibly imagine.
Inside is ruthless, deadly and hostile but the art style, presentation, pacing and its subtle yet effective gameplay pulls out the unimaginable out of a genre that is so old. It redefines the side scroller genre.
Inside manages to pull you in right from the get go and as you play further, you are just lost in it.
Its depressing, dark, bold and ambitious.
Don’t miss this one out.
Horizon Zero Dawn
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A PS4 exclusive developed by Guerrilla games, HZD is an open world action RPG where civilization has moved beyond its post apocalyptic phase and mankind has once again emerged out of the darkness of this cataclysmic event and is facing a whole new world.
Civilization is rebooted but is engraved on the remnants of a past civilization. It is still unknown what cause the wiping of the earlier race.
What is known are the strange metallic beasts which roam around the waste lands of earth.
Imagine fighting a giant robotic T-Rex with a bow and arrow.
That’s HZD in one line.
Metal Gear Solid 5
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You wake up in a hospital one day and the doc informs you that you were in comma for 9 years, how will you feel?
Well, Snake doesn’t feel bad at all. Only few hours after waking up you are hunted down by an unknown mercenary group who simply wants you dead for reasons unknown and weird things happen that night. You still manage to make an escape, thanks to your buddy who was undercover as a patient and was protecting you all these years. Soon you embark into a Journey into the heart of Afghanistan to find the answers.
MGS5 is developed my Konami, this is when the legendary Hideo Kojima was part of the team.
MGS5 had a rough development cycle but it turned out to be a great game.
It’s a sandbox stealth action title where you can approach your target or objective anyhow you like or find it convenient. There is a lot of freedom in this game.
You can even hide in a cardboard box and turn it into a makeshift stealth device.
There is base building, you recruit captured soldiers and make them a part of your team.
It’s a damn fine game and the story sometimes just catches you by surprise.
Portal 2
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Portal 2 is a first person puzzle platformer developed by Valve. These guys are magical, whatever they touch becomes gold. Portal 2 puts you in the shoes of a test subject who is a part of a scientific experiment where they are testing teleportation technology, you get hands on a portable teleportation device or simply put, a portal gun. It shoots portals of walls.
You solve puzzles by shooting portals and make use of physics. Stuff such as gravity, momentum, reflection and so on come into the picture. Thanks to the Source engine. The story is also engaging and characters are really deep and well written.
You teleport your way out of these test chambers only to discover all is not what it seems.
Portal 2 is definitely one of the finest games of this decade.
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Seriously? Wondering why this is on the list. Go play it!
Elders Scroll 5 Skyrim
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Its not everyday that you bump into a fellow adventurer who has stopped adventuring cause one fine day he took an arrow in his knee.
Skyrim is open world action RPG that is bold, ambitious and probably the best game made by Bethesda Game Studios.
Skyrim takes place in an enigmatic fantasy world which is engulfed in a political conflict and suddenly an old prophesied threat emerges and is bent on destroying the world.
You take role of an unknown traveler who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but as events unfold. Turns out you are not an ordinary person, you are THE dragon born. The only thing that stands between the dragons and the destruction of Skyrim is you.
Skyrim has a lot of content, side quests and the story is deep. You can keep playing Skrym for hours and hours and get lost in a different dimension.
The last of Us
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Naughty Dogs knows what it does. They are the masters of their craft when it comes to developing breathtaking narrative driven experiences. The sheer amount of attention to detail which was earlier observed in the Uncharted games successfully transcends into The Last Of Us.
Exclusive to the PS4, The Last Of Us puts you into the shoes of a man who has lost many things. The world has collapsed and strange mutants ravage the world. As the man of a family it is upto you to protect your loved ones from the perils of the new dangerous world.
The production quality of the game is what sets it apart. A dark and mature story backed by well choreographed cinematics, well acted characters and a blend of stealth horror action gameplay totally set this game apart from anything on this list.
You should get a PS4 only to play this game. Its that good!
Battlefield 1
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This in my opinion is the best battlefield game in recent years, obviously there are other battlefield games and I was thinking of voting for BFBC2, this one won for many reasons.
BF1 is a fast paced action multiplayer experience with a solid punch of World War 1.
The originality and the attention to detail BF1 offers is insane, right from the vast deserts in the middle east to conquests in various parts of Europe, Dice has made the perfect formula for World War 1. Its frantic combat is better than ever, tweaking a few mechanics the game is now more enjoyable and fast paced. Its like the perfect spot between fast paced combat and quick general perception of reaction to things.
The game looks beautiful and environments, animations weapon and character models are so well detailed, they all scream authenticity.
64 vs 64 players never gets dull. Also EA was less greedy about this one, I still feel bad for the Star Wars Battlefront games.
Black Mesa
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This one is not a game, it’s a mod but it has to be on the list because it’s a Half-Life fan remake on the source engine, if you are unaware of Half-Life, you are dead to me.
Black Mesa is a masterpiece and it totally reimagines the original Half-Life in a way just like Valve would have. Seeing new areas in Source Engine is a visual delight, its hard to believe Wwhat limits can be Source pushed to, considering its such an old engine. Valve was truly thinking long term when they made the source engine.
Basically Half-Life puts you into the shoes of the theoretical physicist who works at a the Black Mesa Research Facility. One day an experiment goes horribly wrong and you rip open a dimension into an alien world and now its upto you to fix things.
Half-Life 1 was revolutionary and helped defined the FPS genre. SO YOU HAVE TO PLAY THIS.
The Xen levels are out now and the game has left early access, so now is the perfect time to play this timeless masterpiece.
Crowbar Collective has done a neat job.
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This one is my eyes is the true spiritual successor to Team Fortress 2. Made ground up by Blizzard, this one was a very different thing from them.
Overwatch borrows heavy inspiration from TF2 and manages to fuse it with MOBA perfectly.
On the surface I’ve seen many people complaining this is a TF2 ripoff and its rich dudes Paladin, tbh it is like Paladin but both games have different dynamics.TF2 is more of an old school class based shooter at this point and OW is more fast and streamlined.
The wide variety of characters in OW may seem unnecessary but believe me, each one of them is well made and balanced. Its like Blizzard has a secret recipe of game balance and it becomes very clear how important it is to nail that balance in this hybrid genre when you get your hands on similar titles who achieve this perfection.
The art style is spot on and meant to age well. The graphics will never go old, such is the art style.
Jump into a few games and you wont even realize how the hours pass.
Resident Evil 2
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Later this decade a legendary face re-emerged from the mythical shadows of mystery. Resident Evil is Capcoms that comes into everyones mind when we speak of survival horror games, this was the title that created the genre back in the day.
The remake is very faithful to the original, it successfully captures the tense atmosphere and the struggle of managing resources while scavenging the same old corridors of Racoon City Police Station.
While graphics and other things are aligned with 2019 standards, what is more surprising is the fact that the game is so perfectly transferred from those pre rendered 3D environmental backgrounds with fixed cameras into true 3D yet it manages to retain the whole essence of the thing. Its is big achievement and the game does its own thing in a great way.
Animations, Models, Textures, Sounds, Gunplay and the Zombie AI are perfect and the all new Mr. X is totally rad!
Resident Evil 2 being a new comer in this decade has made a solid spot on this list.
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order
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The game that saved Star Wars, honestly there were not that many good Star Wars titles in the recent years, both Battlefront games had their issues, while the 2nd one had a good production value, it stirred up the hive with its surprise mechanics. It was basically a Star Wars themed Casino and was brutally P2W. They have patched it now and is pretty playable but whats gone is gone.
Jedi The Fallen Order takes places after order 66 is executed. The Jedi order has fallen and the remnants are forced into exile. The empire has gripped the galaxy with its iron fist and the game puts you into the shoes of a young jedi who is accidently discovered by a high ranking Sith Inquisitor, the event propels the young Jedi into an epic journey of self discovery.
You travel across various planets in the galaxy and learn stuff about the lore which gives the series a fresh angle. It is clear that Respawn entertainment has put a lot of heart and soul into this game, it shows deep respect to the source material.  Star Wars needed that. Also, the combat is fresh. It borrows the best of all the successful mechanics introduced in various games of the generation like platforming, souls like combat give a realistic sense to saber battles. It feels like a true Star Wars game.
Overall, this one just came out at the end of the decade and took all of us by surprise.
The Legend of Zelda Breath Of The Wild
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Zelda always hands over the torch to the next generation of Nintendo Consoles. BOTW is a fresh take on the long running Zelda series. The series departs from its previous gameplay styles and throws Link into an open world filled with perils. But unlike most games, Zelda is a very relaxing game, the art style is soothing and the game is fun.
You can play this one at your own pace and follow your objectives the way you like. The game looks simple on the surface but whatever goes down the hood is very complex as the game takes interactivity to a whole new level. Climb huge rock faces, cut trees, cook food, find rare loot, craft rare stuff and do all this at your own pace.
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Rip and Tear baby! Doom 2016 is simply awesome, its fast, brutal, frantic and fluid. Story is classic as ever, where the UAC accidentally opens a portal to hell and now all the demons are pouring in from everywhere. The key difference between the previous Doom games and this one is, earlier you were stuck in a room with demons, now the demons are stuck in a room with you.
Doom gives you a huge arsenal of weapons at your disposal and heaps of demons to kill, kill them the way you see fit.
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
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OOF…..Witcher 3….what can I say…..
CDPR has dethroned Valve in terms of game design, this is what has happened this decade. There was a time when Valve used to make the best games, now its these guys.
You step into the shoes of Geralt, a professional monster slayer who has embarked on a journey to find his missing daughters in a land that is engulfed in conflict.
Witcher 3 takes place on a vast open world which is stunningly detailed, every 45 seconds you bump into something fresh and exciting. The world of Witcher 3 is well crafted, every section of this world feels vivid. The main story line is engaging but even the side quests are meaningful which is not commonly seen in most games.
The game lets you make choices and the story branches out as per the choices you make which drastically alter the outcome of the game which also gives it a high replay value.
If you call yourself a gamer, you have to play this.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Does Cyberpunk 2077’s PlayStation Store Removal Make it The Worst Launch Ever?
Late last night, Sony revealed via the PlayStation website that they have decided to honor refund requests for those who purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via the PlayStation Store. More importantly, they have decided to remove Cyberpunk 2077 from the PlayStation Store “until further notice.”
Cyberpunk 2077 developer CD Projekt Red was quick to respond to this decision with one of their “yellow background tweets of doom” that have come to define the year in Cyberpunk 2077 updates. In it, the team noted they were aware of Sony’s decision and are still working to improve the game and get it back on the PlayStation Store as soon as possible.
Important Update for @PlayStation Users pic.twitter.com/fCB4z74M3z
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) December 18, 2020
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
The word you want to use at times like this is “surprising.” Yet, nothing about this is surprising to anyone who has been following Cyberpunk 2077 since the game launched last week. Not only did Cyberpunk 2077‘s PS4 and Xbox One versions launch with a shocking amount of serious technical issues that surpassed even the most cynical expectations of the game’s performance, but CD Projekt Red previously encouraged players to pursue refunds for those versions of the game. At that time, though, no special refund policy had officially been implemented by Sony or Microsoft. Sony has obviously now done just that, while Microsoft just announced that they’re instituting an expanded refund policy for all Microsoft Store purchases of the game.
What we’re left with now are unanswered questions. While “When will Cyberpunk 2077 return to the PlayStation Store?” and “What happened to this game?” are near the top of that list, the one I keep coming back to most has to be “Is Cyberpunk 2077‘s debut the worst game launch ever?”
While the subject of anything being the “worst,” is inherently subjective, you can start having a productive conversation about Cyberpunk 2077‘s historical standing by taking a look at some of the other worst debuts in video game history while trying to be as objective as possible about how Cyberpunk 2077 compares.
For instance, there have been countless smaller games that launched either entirely broken or as barely disguised phishing attempts. Obviously, Cyberpunk 2077 isn’t quite at that level. There have also been games that were essentially doomed to fail for eternity due to a variety of bad decisions. The War Z‘s developers, for instance, starting banning players for criticizing their broken game full of empty promises. There’s also the strange case of the MMO ArcheAge which made it nearly impossible to access the game’s land ownership feature due to the fact that hackers had pretty bought all the land hours after the game launched. Cyberpunk 2077 has its problems, but at least there have been some PC players who have been able to get some kind of enjoyment out of it.
At the same time, Cyberpunk 2077 is clearly in worse shape than titles like World of Warcraft or GTA Online which just couldn’t support the number of people that tried to play them at launch. We’re far beyond a simple case of not anticipating demand.
No Man’s Sky is another game that’s being referenced quite a lot lately, but that comparison isn’t entirely accurate. No Man’s Sky was a much smaller game that ultimately fell victim to official and unofficial hype. It came from a largely unproven studio that really only made a name for itself during the game’s marketing period. It ultimately proved to be a lesson in expectation management rather than a technological nightmare that represented some of the worst elements of Triple-A gaming.
By comparison, Cyberpunk 2077 is a high-profile game from a respected developer that launched with a variety of technical problems and design shortcomings that resulted in drastic measures being taken in an attempt to salvage whatever hope the game has left. It’s when you compare the game to the other titles in that category that you start to appreciate its qualifications for the dubious title of “worst launch ever.”
While I’ve heard Cyberpunk 2077 be compared to two of its more immediate and recent peers (Anthem and Fallout 76), it’s important to remember that the hype for those games was muted somewhat by loud cries from those who felt that those developers and franchises shouldn’t go in those directions in the first place. The hype for Cyberpunk 2077 was rarely muted despite attempts to point out some of the red flags that had emerged.
Cyberpunk 2077 certainly shares disappointment DNA with Batman: Arkham Knight. They are, after all, two high-profile seemingly “can’t miss” games from established developers that launched on certain platforms in a nearly unplayable state and were eventually pulled from storefronts. At least that game’s problems were limited to PC, though, whereas even Cyberpunk 2077‘s ideal platforms suffer from notable issues.
What about Diablo 3 and Halo: The Master Chief Collection? Again, they were both seemingly can’t miss titles from major studios that launched with a variety of controversial design decisions and technical issues. In both cases, though, I feel like the heated discussions around both of those games would have been cooled somewhat if their online services had been more reliable.
When I really look at it, Cyberpunk 2077 reminds me more of games like Too Human, Daikatana, and Assassin’s Creed: Unity. All of those single-player focused titles were hyped to death, developed by notable names, attracted quite a bit of controversy, and launched in nearly unplayable states. Cyberpunk 2077 even shares some design concepts with Daikatana, and Assassin’s Creed: Unity forced Ubisoft to embrace desperate measures by giving away free games in an attempt to calm everyone down.
Yet, when you get right down to it, there are factors that separate Cyberpunk 2077 from its peers.
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We’ve already talked about Cyberpunk 2077‘s controversial road to release, but it’s very much worth reminding everyone that CD Projekt Red’s reputation was already being chipped away at by those who had legitimate concerns about the company’s culture. While that reputation was defended by the studio’s passionate fanbase, even some of those supporters are starting to question whether CD Projekt Red’s customer-friendly image is a crumbling facade.
There’s also the issue of the game’s development. CD Projekt has delayed Cyberpunk 2077‘s release three times in 2020 as part of their attempt to optimize the game. After one of those delays, it was revealed that the company had instituted a “crunch” schedule. So not only is Cyberpunk 2077 a bug-ridden nightmare, but it’s a bug-ridden nightmare that’s long development cycle must now be measured in financial and human costs along with the concerns regarding inherent problems with the game’s direction.
Do you know what really separates Cyberpunk 2077 from its fellow disappointments, though? It’s the fact that the versions of the game that perform the worst are the ones that really needed to work the most.
While it seems that many (or even most) of the Cyberpunk 2077 pre-orders came from PC players, all reports indicate that the game was set to be a hit among console gamers as well. Some early projections suggested that the game could eventually sell over 30 million units, and CD Projekt Red had previously indicated that Cyberpunk 2077 recouped its budget shortly after the game’s launch. It was clear that a wide variety of gamers were looking forward to this game as a way to end what has been a truly miserable year on something of a high note.
Instead, CD Projekt Red turned in frankly embarrassing ports at a time when many console gamers are unable to find the next-gen consoles which can at least run the game somewhat respectfully. As an added twist, Cyberpunk 2077‘s PS4 version was so bad that it now prevents PS5 gamers from being able to download it digitally. It’s important to also remember that Cyberpunk 2077 began its life as a PS4/Xbox One game. That only furthered the assumption that the game would at least run respectfully on those platforms even if the next-gen and PC versions would obviously be the “optimal” ways to experience it.
In a year that saw many studios make hard decisions and further delay their projects in order to best serve the people making them and the people who would eventually play them, CD Projekt Red pulled off the bad development trifecta with delay frustrations, crunch scheduling, and an ultimately broken game most readily available on platforms utterly incapable of handling it. Suddenly, that massive Halo Infinite delay makes a lot more sense, doesn’t it?
Worst launch ever? At this point, it’s all semantics. What matters is that Cyberpunk 2077‘s removal from the PlayStation store puts it in rare company at a time when CD Projekt Red had every opportunity and every advantage needed to prevent exactly this kind of scenario from ever happening.
The post Does Cyberpunk 2077’s PlayStation Store Removal Make it The Worst Launch Ever? appeared first on Den of Geek.
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