#Baxter answers mysterious anon
Thoughts on the Baxter being black or white discourse?
Funny you send this ask anon because I won't lie to you I was LITERALLY Planning on making this post on my own one day when I got the time to. But uhhhh looks like you just sped up that process so let's just get down to it then.
First starting with a history lesson. All starting and going way back to 1984 when Baxter was born. (Well. In our world at least. Cus in actual comic continuity he was born in 1948.)
After the first issue of TMNT was a success, Kevin Eastman & Peter Laird of course got to work making another comic so it can be an official series. And when you have a new hero or heroes, you gotta have more villains for them to fight. And that second big baddie happened to be Baxter.
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We can see here in this image above us that during his designing phase, Baxter funny enough had 2 different designs. One white design & one Black one. Showing us that it actually would have been an either or decision with how he would have ended up as. But of course, the 2 men obviously settled on the black one
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And for a good couple of years that's just how it always was. At least until the 87 cartoon came out & we were re-introduced to Baxter looking noticeably different..
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Baxter in his first outside comic book appearance had been one of the first of many POC characters to have been whitewashed (those unaware, whitewashing is when a character of a certain ethnicity/race is portrayed or designed as a Caucasian). And the reason for this massive change is STILL, to this day is a bit of a mystery. Like you & many suspected, why not go up to Kevin & Peter themselves & ask them why this happened? Or if they even had a role in it? From every source I could find & the only answer I really got was that Kevin & Peter had no idea why they changed him either! BUT they actually didn't really mind or care because if we go back to Baxter's concept art, he was ALMOST Going to be white anyway so if anything the show just made their "what if" choice a reality. At the end of the day, they didn't really care & I don't blame them since Baxter's race wasn't really a key part of his character. But I'll get to that in a minute.
Another consistent answer or rumor I hear about this change is because the showrunners didn't want the risk of being labeled as "racist". Because Baxter's role in the first cartoon was simply a "Weak subservient henchman who constantly refers to his boss as "Master" ".
*winces teeth* yeaaaaa I can kinda see what they mean by that looking bad..
But hang on now, then what about Bebop?
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Before his mutation, he was noticeably black & he was turned into a pig that's ordered around & takes tons of verbal & physical abuse from his master and even called him that once yet nobody's batted an eye about that??? (Plus said Master is Asian Soo)
Well my personal best guess on why Bebop is overlooked could be for the following reasons:
He's a mutant. Yes he started off as a human being. But for the rest of the entire series aside from 2 instances to my knowledge, he's a mutant warthog. And not exactly a brown one either.. So for people starting off watching TMNT, they probably have no idea he was human or even black for that matter.
Some people don't even know he's black! Again. I imagine most people's first introduction to him was from a random episode & they never saw what he looked like as a human. And it's not like his voice actor was convincing of being otherwise either. Barry Gordon is obviously not African-American nor did he sound like one like most modern non black voice actors. In fact Bebop's voice is far from it. As a black person who has grown up in multiple areas of NY. Including the bad parts where thugs like Bebop reside. I can say. I have never once met or even heard another black person talk or sound the way he does.
Oddly enough, Bebop has actually been whitewashed himself two times. In the Archie comics & even in one of his first action figures to which again I personally chalk this up to people just not knowing he was black
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3. And finally last. Rocksteady. Bebop is just tweedleDee of TweedleDumb. Rocksteady is his just as stupid best friend & are rarely to almost never seen separated from each other. So he's given the same treatment as Bebop & written just as much the same. You can't really tell the difference between the two. Or I can't really since I don't know or care much about their 80s counterparts. They're pretty much the same character. Henchman/Comic relief goons not really meant to be taken or thought of that seriously. And it's because of these reasons why I think Bebop is pardoned from receiving racial backlash. He's just a funny mutant goon & like Baxter, being black's not really a big key part of his character. Which again. I'll get to.
Back to Baxter. Whether it was because of avoiding backlash, or because they wanted to give his mirage concept art a chance, or they just wanted to cash in on Back to the Future.
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Baxter Stockman was now a white man & that was just the way it was for a VERY VERY long time.
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In fact, I came across at least 5 80s & 90s kids that GENUINELY Thought Baxter was ALWAYS a white guy. The damage had already been done that severely until 2001 teased what would eventually be the 2003 series & Baxter had at long last returned to his true African-American roots.
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And it's been the go-to norm ever since (with a few occasional slip ups)
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But it's because of these slip ups that a little bit of controversy started regarding Baxter's race. Especially with the possibility of turning him white again in a random adaptation. Most people prefer it while others are strongly against it especially on account of the fact that TMNT completely lacks black characters to which, they are not wrong about. At all!
Aside from Baxter & Bebop. The only black characters in TMNT we had for the longest was Angel & Xever (He's Afro-Brazillian before you idiots come at me) & it's opened up a pretty collar tugging realization the only black characters in TMNT all seem to be bad guys. It's honestly no wonder why people want to make more original ones like Sunita from Rise & make April Black like said Rise & Mutant Mayhem. April herself actually falling into this similar category as Baxter because she's actually had a bounce back & forth from being black & white in the mirage comics. (But I am not going to get into that because that whole thing is honestly ITS OWN Very confusing can of worms that literally anybody else can cover if they want to)
From what I've seen & gathered, Baxter remaining black is a big deal for most people because it branches out the black diversity in the TMNT mythos & it's just a core part of his character. Which I'm finally going to get to.
The thing is... It's really not.
Yes Baxter Stockman is an African-American man. But. That's not ALL he is. He's a super genius, he's intimidating, he's only looking out for himself, he doesn't care how much stronger or powerful you may be than him, he'll find a way to take you out or use you for his own benefits. Any piece of technology in his hands equals horrible news! He's your textbook definition of an evil genius! He just HAPPENS to be black! It doesn't matter what color he is, Baxter Stockman will always be Baxter Stockman. I feel like he would have been the same character regardless if Kevin & Peter DID go with his white design way back in 1984! Realistically, what difference would it have made?
In every single adaptation that Baxter's appeared in, in every single story focused on him, where he himself is the main character: His race has never ONCE been brought up.
Not a SINGLE TIME has him being a black man affected his life, development or any other aspect of his livelihood. Of all 20 interactions that Baxter has appeared in. Not ONCE. did he ever bring up being black. Nor did somebody else bring up that he's black. Not a single time, has that ever been a focus or key part of his story. For the same reason why any other characters like him or not like him haven't. The same reason why Dr. Robotnik/Eggman being white isn't brought up or focused on, or why Medic (TF2) being German isn't focused on, or even Willem Viceroy iii (Randy Cunningham) being a black scientist himself isn't even touched on! Their races aren't their characters, it just happens to be a fact about them! And the same should go for Baxter! Especially when you take in & remember the fact that he was almost never gonna be black in the first place.
Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't care about him being black or white, or that him being black shouldn't matter to you. I know from experience that we see ourselves in some fictional characters, good guy or bad guy. Especially if they share the same skin color as you. I probably wouldn't have latched onto Baxter like I did if it wasn't for him reminding me of my then afro wearing, nerdy 12 year old self at the time, but I know he's more than just his race & that's what I do want the fans to see when it comes to talking about him.
Now because I know I'll get this question either later on or in the comments of this post I will answer it beforehand.
Do I like Baxter better as a black person or a white person?
And to be completely & Brutally honest with all of you: . . . I genuinely don't mind either or. 🤷🏿‍♀️
I honest to God. Don't mind what Baxter looks like. I WILL admit, I do heavily prefer he be black. But if he happens to be white, then I don't mind it tbh. To me. When it comes to an adaptation of Baxter Stockman. The only thing that really matters to me is how he's written. As long as he's written well I don't mind or care at all what color he is. But again. I would prefer him black, still either or is fine by me.
What about you guys tho? I'm genuinely curious/interested about how YOU 🫵🏿 prefer he look like? Do you guys like him better being black? Or white? Can be any reason why. Could be cus you relate more, or you grew up with him being that way. Just as long as it's a reason. Be fun to discuss 🤗
44 notes · View notes
brackish-brainiac · 4 years
I'm afraid your parents didn't make it
“...O h.”
The scientist considered this quietly for a moment.
“What exactly...What happened?”
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2 notes · View notes
allisonbaelfire · 5 years
Fire To Fire
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Pairings: Nick Scratch x Reader
Request: 1.) Hi it’s the Nick Scratch anon! Maybe it could be about the reader being one of Sabrina’s mortal friends and Nick meeting her and trying to impress her? / 2.)  Maybe Sabrina has warned the reader about Nick and his player reputation and he’s trying to convince the reader that he isn’t really like that?
Summary: After Sabrina introduced you to Nicolas, you can’t stop thinking about him, no matter how hard you try.  Whenever you need him, he’s already there. Did he put a spell on you or is it something much more powerful that connects your souls? 
Word Count: 3,947
Authors Note: Sooo, here it is my first Nick Scratch Story. I hope you like it and continue to request for him. 
“She has eyes that make even the most beautiful and brightest flames look pale.” He admitted as Sabrina sat in front of him. “So stop trying to get between us or you’ll take that flame away from me.”
“Do you know if Sabrina will come back again?” Susie asked.
You were leaning next to your locker in the hallway of the Baxter High School, while you waited for Susie and Roz to be ready to go to the next class.
You all were worried about Sabrina after she told you her secret, that she is a witch. And you've seen her less at school since then. Sabrina assured you that she was fine and that she would visit another school, one for witches, but you thought that she left because she and Harvey broke up.
“It’s like she wouldn’t exist anymore, or did any of you hear something about her?” Roz questioned as she grabbed her books and looked at you. “Y/N?”
You didn’t answer at first, you were so focused on staring at the other end of the hallway because you thought you were seeing Sabrina. But it really was her. You hadn’t seen her in weeks and suddenly she ran towards you, followed by someone you have never seen before.
“I missed you so much!” Sabrina was delighted as she hugged the three of you. 
“We missed you too, Brina!” You replied as you hugged your best friend.
“Hm-hm-” Someone cleared his throat behind you and you all stopped hugging.
A young man was behind Sabrina. He had dark hair and even darker brown eyes. He wore a wine-red sweater with a black and blue jacket over it. He looked good, but he also looked like he could cause trouble.
“This is Nicholas Scratch.” She introduced him. “And those are my friends, Susie, Roz and Y/N.” Sabrina pointed at you.
He leaned forward and reached his hand out to take yours gently. "Nick for you, beautiful."
Nick seemed to be charming. You liked it, a light smile escaped your lips. For a little while, you forgot the others around you, then he let go of your hand which he was holding probably too long in the eyes of your friends.
“Anyways, I just wanted to check up on you.” Sabrina tried to release the tension your friends felt.
You told Sabrina what she had missed so far and she told you a bit about her school of witches. After a while, you noticed that Nick kept looking at you.
Normally it would be weird if someone was constantly looking at you. But it didn’t bother you. He made a self-confident impression. Occasionally he smiled at you, which Sabrina didn’t like.
Harvey came up behind you. He smiled at Sabrina, but everyone felt the tension spreading. Harvey wasn’t completely over Sabrina still, and seeing Nick seemed to make him jealous.
“I think I should go, you’ve classes and I’ve to be home and help my aunts. It was nice seeing you all.” Sabrina said insecure. 
It wasn’t easy to see your friends when they were acting like this. Harvey and Sabrina have long been a good and happy couple. He still missed her very much, but even if she missed him, she was fine and seemed to be happy. And every one of you, including Harvey, begrudge her.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Y/N.” Nick took your hand again. “I hope I’ll see you again soon.” he placed a soft kiss on top of your knuckles. You gave him a small smile.
Sabrina and Nick left but you still heard them as Sabrina asked, “What is wrong with you?” in a serious tone. 
“She has fire like me, I can feel that.” He replied grinning, then they were gone.
“What the hell was that all about?” Roz asked and looked at you in disbelief, but you had no idea what she was talking about.
“Really? Who was that guy? It was like he pulled of your clothes with one look.” Susie added. “And you seemed not to mind it at all.” You smirked. 
You noticed that Nick already seemed unsympathetic to your friends. He had an charisma that made other people realize he should be avoided, but he had something that impressed you and that didn’t happen often.
A few day later you were sitting in your favorite coffee shop. You were trying to do your homework while drinking your favorite coffee, cappuccino with cinnamon, cautious because it was still too hot.
You heard the gentle ringing of the bell at the entrance when someone entered the store. Usually you overhear the sound, after sitting for a while at your favorite table, next to the big window. Today it was different, you felt a strong presence, something that made you careless about your homework fast. Sabrina’s Mystery friend, Nicholas Scratch.
He looked good and had once again put on his charming and flirtatious smile. Nick went to your table and you couldn’t help but smile a bit as you looked into his eyes.
“May I help you?” You asked kind but confident.
“Yes, you may.” His voice was smoky as he replied and took a seat at your table. “I was hoping to see you again, Y/N.”
You felt flattered by his words. Yet you were confused, you had seen him once and not really talked to him, what could he want from you? And why did it seem like you lost your voice whenever you looked in his eyes?
“You should be careful, Nicholas.” You replied and tried to focus on your homework again. 
“Yeah? Why is that? Because your teacher will be mad at me for distracting you?” He smirked.
You liked his confident style, but it seemed like he needed to be urgently put in his place.
“No, because I eat man like you for breakfast.” You replied toneless. You knew he was a Warlock, but that left you unimpressed.  “And you shouldn’t talk to strangers, they could be dangerous.”
He was visibly surprised by your answer. Nick thought you were a rather shy girl, even though your dress style didn’t suggest that. 
Nick smirked. “I think I can handle a little danger. Besides, you’re not a stranger anymore. Sabrina already introduced us.” 
Nick and you talked for a while. You didn’t pay attention to your homework anymore. Nick was interested in you and asked you some questions about you, some you had answered him, you made secrets from other things to make him curious. He did the same.
You didn’t notice how it was getting dark until Sabrina texted you. She asked you where you were, because you wanted to watch a movies with the girls tonight.
You knew you had to leave, but something in you wanted to continue talking with Nick.
He noticed that you changed your mood. “Do you’ve to leave?” You nodded and were surprised that he noticed. “If you like, I can take you home?” He suggested while he was smiling soft.
“Actually, I promised Sabrina and the others I’d watch a movie with them. So I go to her’s.” You replied.
He got up and offered you his hand, "Then let's go."
You put your things in your pocket, put the money for your coffee on the table and took his hand. When you touched his hand a warm and nice feelings ran through your body. You never felt something like this. 
You could feel his eyes staring at you. When you returned his gaze, you noticed that he, too, had felt the same warmth. He looked surprised and confused. But he didn’t let your hand go.
He held your hand all the way, and you kept talking.  It did not take long for her to land the Spellman's property.
Nick had something that you could not explain. Normally, you were not the type of person who held hands with someone she didn’t know and you wouldn’t feel this comfortable with an unknown person. But it was time to say goodbye.
“It was nice talking to you, I can’t remember when I've ever talked to a mortal, or anyone at all, for so long.” He admitted softly as he was looking at your hand which was still laying in his. “You’re a very interesting person, Y/N.” 
It was like you both couldn’t let go of each other, but you only knew each other for a few hours. Why would saying goodbye to a stranger, a Warlock, be so hard?
“Thank you for the insight into your world, Nicholas. It was also nice to talk to you, but I should go in there.“ You giggled and he nodded smiling.
“Right.” He replied in a disappointed but soft tone. He kissed you knuckles like he did when you two met for the first time.
“Sleep well.” You smiled and you headed in the direction of the house. You hesitated at first, but then you turned around. “When will I see you again or how can I reach you?”
Nick smiled. He was happy that you wanted to meet him again. “I’ll find you, I’m a Warlock did you forget?” 
You smiled and walked to Sabrina’s House.
You smiled as you walked to the Spellman’s door until Sabrina opened the door and told her she was angry.
“Was that Nick?” She asked toneless. 
You could understand that she wasn’t happy that you were too late, yet you didn’t get past her tone. Nick was a friend of hers, why would she react that way?
“Are you jealous?” You replied and her eyes seemed to get angrier.
“Me?” She pointed on herself. “Jealous? Because of you and Nick.” Sabrina faked a laugh. “No, but you’‘ve no idea of what he is capable of and you should stay away from him. He is trouble Y/N.” You couldn’t hide a smirk. “This is not funny, I know that you can handle a man easily but he’s a warlock.”
Now you feel offended by her. If she was not jealous but wanted to protect you, why would she talk to you like that and about you?
“What do you wanna say? I can handle man easily?” You were irritated. 
At first, Sabrina did not notice what she was saying. She tried to save the situation. “You're a tough woman and usually ignore any guy trying to flirt with you or get closer to you. You don’t need someone like him.”
“Maybe I was never interested in anyone, because they couldn’t handle me or they are small-minded.” You hissed.
Sabrina couldn’t understand why you didn’t just take her advice and stay away from Nick in the future.
You weren’t in the mood for a movie anymore. You didn’t wanted to talk to Sabrina, because no matter if she was jealous or just wanted to protect you, she could have acted differently.
Without saying anything, you turn around and left Sabrina's property.
In the next few days you avoided talking to your friends, knowing that Sabrina had already told them what had happened, you didn’t feel like discussing it any further.
You wondered if she also talked to Nicholas because you didn’t hear anything from him. He could’ve also lost interest in you, after all you weren’t a witch, just a mortal. But he didn’t get that easy out of your head.
In some moments it was like you were missing the air to breathe. But when you thought of him, your lungs filled up again. But you only spent a few hours together, so did he use a spell to compel you to think about him? And what about the feeling you got when he grabbed your hand.
Your friends and your teachers noticed that your head was elsewhere, but you couldn’t have cared less. You were happy when school was over.
You were an attractive young woman and used to being flirted with, whether by the boys at school or on the street. Everyone knew you wouldn’t let anyone get in touch with you, but that didn’t stop the basketball team from getting on your nerves again.
“Hello Beautiful, wanna join our party tonight?” They grinned. “We could’ve a lot of fun together.” He gently touched your shoulder.
You faked a laugh. “Have I changed my expression or my personality that you think I have changed my opinion of you? Let me drink my coffee and get your ass somewhere else.”
“Y/N, who do you think you’re?” He asked serious.
You took a sip of your cappuccino. “A woman who knows her worth, and this one is far above yours.”
Before the guy in front of you could say anything, your focus was on something else. You felt that warmth that went through your body as Nick and you held hands again.
You looked out the window and saw Nick. Your eyes met. He seemed angry and yet happy to see you. Sabrina came to him and you stopped to look at him.
“I talk to you!” The guy spoke louder.
You stood up and looked at him. “And I told you to go and get on someone else’s nerves.” His friends seemed to be surprised yet worried about their friend. He had a short temper, everyone knew. 
He stepped closer to you but someone grabbed him on his arm and pulled him away from you. 
“Didn’t you hear what she said, dumbass?” Nick asked with a serious tone. “She said you should leave her alone.”
Sabrina came next to you, “You alright?” you nodded but went to Nick.
Nick looked like he was about to slit the guy's throat. You took his hand and when your eyes met, it was again as if time stood still. The warmth floated through your body and Nick felt the same way.
“Is there any problem, gentleman?” The Owner asked and the boys decided to leave.
Sabrina noticed your looks. You let go of Nick's hand. 
“Y/N, I-I’m glad to see you.” He stuttered. 
His reaction surprised you. You got to know Nick very confidently, he just managed to defend you and now he was stammering in front of you.
“I’m happy to see you too.” You said friendly.
Nevertheless, you were hurt that he didn’t reached out to you as he said he would. Also you thought that Sabrina would start a fight again, if you’d continue talking to Nick. You took your things and left the store.
“Why did she leave?” Nick asked confused.
Sabrina didn’t expect his question, at least not in this upset tone. She thought he was going to fool her.
“Because you’re who you’re.” She replied. “Let’s go to school, before the dark lord will kill us.”
Academy of Unseen Arts:
More days passed and Sabrina noticed that Nicholas behaved differently than usual. Every girl was trying to flirt with him, he refused. He was unfocused and irritable. It almost seemed like he was ill.
“Nick, what is going on with you lately?” She asked him worried.
Nick didn’t seem to want to talk about what was wrong with him, but he knew Sabrina wouldn’t give up.
“It is hard to explain. I never thought that it would be possible or that it would ever happen to someone like me.” He shook his head in disbelief. 
Sabrina looked at him in confusion, “Does the dark lord wants you to do something for him?”
“No.” He replied. “I know that you wanted Y/N to stop talking to me.” She was surprised. “I’m not angry or anything. I understand and I wanted to respect your wish and Y / N too. I'm not good enough for her, I'm just Nicholas Scratch, not a good guy.”
“You wanted?” Sabrina questioned. “Just leave her be, its better this way, and no not because she’s mortal, because I don’t want you to hurt my friend.” He faked a laugh. “What is so funny?” Sabrina was upset.
“I couldn’t even hurt her if I wanted to. Actually, I’d kill everyone who’d try to hurt her in any way.” Nick admitted and looked in her confused face. “You really don’t know what I’m talking about right?” Sabrina shook her head. “I’m imprinted. Y/N is my soulmate.”
“This is a thing?” She asked.
Prudence entered the room after she heard everything and grinned as she leaned against the door.
“Our little Nick is away from the market, what a shame. Either living with one mortal or without ever feeling anything but suffer for the rest of your life.” She was amused and made fun of Nick's situation.
“Can someone please explain it to me?” Sabrina asked.
Prudence came closer and sat on the couch next to Nick. “Nick and your friend are Soulmates. It actually happens only among Witches and Warlocks, there was only one exception.” She explained. “Your parents, Sabrina.”
Now Sabrina understood. Her aunts always told her about the incredibly strong connection their parents had with each other. But she couldn’t believe that Nick should have the same with you now, where you barely knew each other.
“It’s like all I can think about is Y/N. I feel her, I know when she’s happy or upset. All of me belongs to her and I’d do anything to keep her safe.” He admitted.
Nick seemed desperate. He thought he wasn’t right for you, but he could barely think clearly and his body would not work as he wanted. He felt broken except when he thought of you. But how should that work out with you both? You came from different worlds.
“She has eyes that make even the most beautiful and brightest flames look pale.” He admitted smiling as Sabrina looked at him. “So stop trying to get between us or you’ll take that flame away from me.”
“How dramatic, Nicholas.” Prudence laughed. 
“It worked out before.” Sabrina gave him a small smile. “I’m sorry for the way I treated you.” 
“It’s fine. I understand.” He assured her.
“But we should hurry and take you to her before someone gets Y/N before you get a chance.” Sabrina stood up and offered her hand to help him get up too. “We’re going on a party so pull yourself together.” She smiled and Nick took her hand.
Your friends could finally persuade you to come to the party. You still felt exhausted, as if you were getting flu but after all, half the school was here. So, you had to come too.
“We’re so glad that you decided to join us, Y/N!” Roz was smiling.
“So am I.” You said and pulled Roz and Susie on the dance floor.
It was fun to do something with your friends again. You loved to dance with them. You made each song your own.
“I am happy that you have decided to come to my party.“ Someone whispered in your ear as he touched your hips with both hands.
It was the guy from the basketball team who couldn’t accept a no. You tried to get rid off him, but he was stronger than you. Your friends were just as overwhelmed with the situation.
“Shhh, Babygirl. Don’t you try get away from me, you know you won’t. So, tell your girls to leave us alone.”
“I’ll warn you one last time.” You clenched your teeth. “Let me go and leave me alone or you’ll regret it.”
He came closer to your ear. “I like when little girls like you think they could demand something of me.” 
“Didn’t you hear what she said?” You heard a familiar voice. “Or do I have to tell you again?”
The guy let go of you and turned around. Nick was standing behind him, looking at the guy who touched you with a death stare. 
“The little man from the coffee shop.” the guy laughed and his friends joined the conversation. “What do you think you could do against us?”
Sabrina came next to you, grabbed your hand and chuckled. “I wouldn’t provoke us if I were you.”
The men laughed at Sabrina and Nick. Nick started to say something in Latin, Sabrina joined him. Soon, the men knelt on the ground and writhed in pain. They were confused but begged both sorcerer to stop with what they were doing.
When you saw Nick, you realized how angry he was at the guy and how much he would like to tear off his head. You went to him and took his hand, he lost his concentration and dedicated it to you.
“Stop.” You spoke soft. He didn’t let your hand go. With his other hand, he gently touched your cheek and leaned his head against yours. “Wanna leave?” He nodded and you smiled. “Come on girls, Party is over.”
Your friends smiled proudly and followed you and Nick.
“Would you allow me to take you home?” Nick asked with a smile and you nodded.
“Y/N, wait a second.” Sabrina called for you. 
Nick nodded and you let go of your hand to have short second alone with her.
“I’m sorry for how I behaved.” Sabrina spoke. “I wanted to protect you and misjudged Nick a bit because of the rumors I've heard. I think he's serious about you, I should not have interfered.”
You wrapped your arms around your best friend and hugged her. Susie and Roz joined your hug.
“I love you all.” You smiled then you let go of them. “But I’ve to go.” You smirked.
Your friends chuckled and let you go.
Nick took you home and you invited him to come in with you.
“Are you going to tell my why you’re always there when I’m in trouble?” You asked soft as you put some candles on. “Are you my night in shining armer now?” You chuckled.
“Well, not in armor but in a suit that looks really well on me.” He replied smiling.
Nick came to you and gently touched your shoulders. He slowly ran his hands over your skin. Until he touched your hands and you had the warm feeling again.
He made you feel comfortable, so you laid your head on his shoulder. Nick whispered something in Latin, beautiful music began to play. You smiled as you slowly moved to the music.
“I'm scared it could scare you and I could lose you.” He admitted.
You looked him in his eyes. You didn’t need to speak. Your gaze was enough to show him you wouldn’t leave and he couldn’t drive you away with anything.
“Actually, it couldn’t have happened to us, it only happened once in history to a mortal and a warlock so far, but it looks like we are soulmates.” He started and touched gently your cheek and put a strand behind your ear. “I know it sounds crazy but when I’m without you-”
“-it's like someone would stifle a flame.” You finished. 
Nick thought that only he would understand the extent of the imprint, but it seemed like you could feel the same way.
“Fire to Fire, Babe.” He smirked.
Nick and you danced for a while. Until you decided to lie down in your bed together. You laid in his arms and he pulled you close to him. You didn’t understand the witches world yet and he didn’t understand the mortals world, but you both would find a way to stay together. 
You fell asleep quickly. Nick fell asleep too and had a vision in his dream about your future together. He never slept so deep and calm his entire life, neither did you. It’d be a good and happy future together.
I’m so god damn proud of this one, please leave a comment and tell me what you think and if I should continue writing for CAOS. <3
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brackish-brainiac · 4 years
Mugger has Baxter cornered in an alleyway. He holds a knife to Baxter’s neck demanding anything of value on his person.
The scientist sighs, at this point more irked than all that terrified. After all, you spend a century in Hell, you get kind of used to being mugged. “I don’t have anything of value on my person. I can offer my wallet, but it’s essentially empty.”
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brackish-brainiac · 4 years
I am going to sit here and watch you bleed out. (I may have gotten the quote wrong, forgive me)
“That’s...Rather creepy.” The angler scientist shivered. “And a such a waste of time. That would...That would have to be as interesting as watching...as watching paint dry.”
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brackish-brainiac · 4 years
The fish froze where he was, looking towards the voice. He lifted his gloved hands. “I mean you no harm if you’ll just let me get back to my lab.”
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