ijustneedtosave · 11 months
It’s surprising that this account made own opinion, but I think they’re brave.
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Well, in Germany, it’ll be quite difficult to oppose Zionism. I understand why they react like that about Mazraoui’s Instagram stories, to some extent.(not completely, because I’m not German)
But, it can’t justify ethnic cleansing in Palestine. Even if Israel people were once victims.
(Of course, Hamas’ attack on civilians cannot be justified)
Just…. I want peace, that’s all.
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maureen2musings · 3 months
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morsaclizombi · 6 months
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meazalykov · 26 days
so so kind
lea schuller (platonic) x lena oberdorf (romantic) x reader
summary: your jealousy blinded you from the support you had all along
warnings: jealousy, injury
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the weight of the match against wolfsburg hangs heavy on your shoulders as you step onto the pitch, the red and green spreaded across the crowd gives you motivation. 
normally, the energy from the german stands fuels you, pushes you to play harder, faster. 
but today, the noise fades into a distant hum, overshadowed by the anxiety gnawing at the edges of your mind. 
you’ve played for bayern munich frauen for a while now. it's been four years since you left arsenal as an eighteen year old, hoping to find something new outside of your childhood club. 
every time you wore a bayern kit, you felt right at home. 
but today feels different—unsettling.
lena, your girlfriend, isn’t on the field with you. her mcl and acl injuries wil her on the sidelines for nearly the entire season, and the absence of her steady presence beside you has left a void. 
ever since she transferred from wolfsburg to be closer to you, her girlfriend of three years, you were excited to have her as a teammate. a little too excited. 
when she got injured during the national break before the olympics, your heart broke for her. she is the last person to deserve that robbery.
but still, it’s more than just missing her support; it’s the knowledge that she’s out there somewhere, watching, unable to join you, unable to share the intensity of the game and having to watch instead. 
lena likes watching games, but she hates watching when she knows that she should be out there. you feel the same for her. 
as you take your position in midfield, your eyes involuntarily search for lena on the bench. she’s sitting there, her leg propped up, her gaze fixed on the pitch with a look of hope. hoping that bayern will win– you don’t think that you’ll get used to that look, considering that lena was your rival for years. 
your heart aches seeing her like this, sidelined when you know how badly she wants to be out there. 
but before you can dwell on it, you catch sight of lea standing nearby, sitting beside your taller girlfriend and laughing at something lena said. 
lea didn’t start this match, so she sat comfortably on the bench planning to watch the first half before being subbed on in the second. 
lea’s always there, isn’t she? always so close to lena, so touchy and affectionate in a way that feels foreign to you. 
it’s not that you don’t trust lena—you do, more than anything. but the friendship between lena and lea has always made you uncomfortable, even though you know it’s irrational and stupid of you to feel.
a few weeks ago, it was a casual evening at giulia’s after a long day of training. everyone was relaxed, laughing, and enjoying the moment.
 but as you stood by the kitchen, pouring yourself a drink as sydney begged for you to try a pastry that she made, you couldn’t help but notice lena and lea across the room. they were sitting close together on the couch, lena’s arm draped casually over lea’s shoulders as they talked, their heads bent close in conversation. 
they were smiling, laughing at some private joke, completely at ease in each other’s company. lea smiled brightly as lena suddenly bursted out in laughter at something. 
the sight of them like that, so comfortable and familiar with each other, sent a very sharp ache through your chest. you felt a knot form in your stomach, a mix of jealousy and insecurity tightening around your heart. suddeny, sydney’s pastry wasn’t important or on your mind. 
you knew it was irrational—lea was lena’s best friend, nothing more—but that didn’t stop the doubts from creeping in, from making you question your place in lena’s life.
you tried to shake it off, and tried to focus on sydney again, but the image of them together wouldn’t leave your mind. it felt like a dark cloud had settled over you, dulling the joy of the sunny evening. 
you forced a smile when sydney turned around from the oven and handed you the brownie in a pink napkin, pretending everything was fine, but you could feel your mood slipping, the heaviness settling in your chest as you chewed on the chocolate dessert.
too busy staring at your girlfriend and her best friend, you didn’t notice some of your closest teammates, georgia and sam, coming to sit next to you on the kitchen island. 
georgia and sam had always been perceptive when it came to your feelings. they followed your gaze to lena and lea, then looked back at you, their eyes softening with understanding.
“y/n,” sam said quietly, her voice low enough that only you could hear, “you okay?”
you nodded quickly, not trusting your voice to stay steady. 
“yeah, i’m fine,” you replied, but even you could hear the unconvincing tone in your voice. 
“come on, we can see something’s bothering you. what’s up?” georgia raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. she gently nudged your shoulder. 
you sighed, knowing there was no point in trying to hide it from them. 
“it’s just–” you couldn’t say, but instead nodded toward lena and lea. 
sam expressed an “ohh” facial expression, while georgia nodded her head. 
“i know they’re just friends, but sometimes i can’t help but feel… i don’t know– jealous? i don’t know.” 
georgia and sam followed your gaze again, watching lena and lea for a moment before turning back to you. 
“i get it,” sam kerr said softly. “but you have nothing to worry about. lena’s crazy about you, everyone who knows her can see that. and lea? she’s known lena since they played at essen. they’re close, sure, but they don’t have feelings for eachother– if i knew or suspected that i would tell you. you’re the one lena’s in love with.”
sam’s words were comforting, but the ache in your chest didn’t fully ease. “i know that,” you whispered, more to yourself than to georgia and sam. 
“it’s just hard sometimes, seeing them so affectionate like that.”
“trust me, y/n. lena’s yours, and she wouldn’t trade what you two have for anything. see– she's looking at you right now.” georgia says. 
you look over at lena and she smiles at you, waving and happy seeing you in conversation with georgia and sam– she doesn’t know what you’re talking about though. all you do is give a light smile before lena turned away to talk to tuva, who sits by lea and lena. 
“thanks, georgia and sam. you guys don’t understand how much i needed to hear that” you nodded, giving a light smile at them as you swallowed the lump in your throat. 
“anytime,” sam replied with a smile, then nudged you playfully. 
“i would suggest talking to them about it.” georgia adds on. 
“i can’t– lena’s gonna think i am a jealous insecure freak and will leave me. i can push it down, don’t worry.” you ramble. 
“don’t. that's how resentment starts. don’t be mad at me, but i think that is happening now.” georgia said with concern. 
at this point, sam gave a sympathetic smile before walking away– being called by klara in another room to check out something. 
“you think so?” you ask. 
“yes, you need to talk to them as soon as you can. now come on, let’s get back to the fun. no more people watching.”
you managed a small smile, letting her words sink in as you tried to push the insecurities aside. it worked, temporarily. 
back to the pitch– the whistle blows, signaling the start of the match, and you push everything else aside, focusing on the game. you will not let their moment affect yours here. if your mistakes from that cost you a loss for bayern, you’d risk your starting spot next game. 
for a while, you’re lost in the rhythm of the game, your focus sharp, your movements precise. you channel all your energy into the match, letting the intensity of the game distract you from everything else. the ball at your feet, the opposition pressing, the cheers from the bayern crowd—it’s all that matters in this moment.
you dribble around a few defenders in green before shooting the ball. you put your hands up when the ball reaches the back of the net– goal!
everyone gathered around you for a hug. you smiles in joy before jogging back to your spot. 
lena smiles at you and puts her hands up in her heart. you stop jogging, now walking, and put your hands up into a heart as well. a camera captures you putting up an “L” with one hand and your other hand making an “O”.. fans will obsess over this later. 
after halftime, you’re on the pitch when lea comes on. you didn’t show any emotion, hoping that lea makes an impact like she usually does on the pitch. you’ll give her that– she is a damn good striker. 
after wolfsburg conceded a corner kick, you stood by the back post. 
the ball is kicked by giulia and you unplant your feet– thinking of going for a header. 
the ball soaring through the air toward you. you leap up, determined to make the play, but lynn from wolfsburg shoves you mid-air.
it’s a hard, intentional shove, and you’re caught off balance. 
time seems to slow as you lose control, your body twisting awkwardly in the air. you crash into the goalpost with a sickening thud, pain exploding in your head, the metal reverberating as you flop onto the ground. 
the world goes blurry, and the sounds around you fade into a muffled haze. you’re vaguely aware of hitting the ground, of voices shouting around you, but everything is distant, as if you’re underwater or in a cave far from society.
nobody noticed at first, since the ball was kicked into the goal by lea. she didn’t care to celebrate when she noticed your injury. 
you were barely moving, which freaked her out internally. 
a voice cuts through the fog in your head—lea’s voice. she’s there, crouched beside you, her hands on your shoulder, her face pale– just like yours– but with worry. 
“stay with me, y/n. stay awake,” she’s saying in german, her voice shaking slightly. 
you try to focus on her, but it’s hard, everything spinning and out of focus. you catch a glimpse of her wide, panicked eyes, her grip on your hand tight, almost desperate, as if she can keep you tethered to consciousness by sheer will.
the weak hand of yours touches lea, signaling that you have no energy to talk. that knock fron lynn took all of the wind out of you. it was rough, the yellow from the referee proved that. 
you’re dimly aware of the medics rushing over, of being lifted onto a stretcher, but all you can think about is how lea is holding your hand, refusing to let go until she’s forced to step back. her concern, her fear, is palpable, and it cuts through the haze of pain and confusion. 
it’s a stark contrast to the distance you’ve been trying to maintain, a reminder that maybe, just maybe, you’ve misjudged her and her intentions with your girlfriend all along.
later, when the dizziness has faded and you’re back in the locker room with an ice pack on your head, guilt gnaws at your gut. 
lea didn’t have to help you—she could have stayed on the sidelines since you wanted distance from her, but she didn’t. she was there for you, just like she’s always there for lena. and that’s when it hits you: lea has never hated you. she wasn’t trying to steal lena away from you. you’ve been so blinded by your own insecurity that you couldn’t see it. you’ve let your fears create a wedge between you and lea, and it’s been unfair to both her and lena.
you know what you have to do. so, after the match, you ask lea to your house. she would probably be there anyways, since it you and lena’s shared home in the bavarian countryside.  
luckily, lena had a doctor’s appointment at bayern– so she had to stay behind and encouraged you to go home since you’re tired from the match. 
it’s awkward at first with lea, the two of you sitting across from each other in the cozy living room, the tension thick in the air. 
you internally freak out when you realize that you’ve never had a real conversation with her before, not like this. now, the words feel heavy on your tongue. 
you take a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. the silence in the room feels heavy, almost suffocating. you’re sitting across from lea, her eyes steady and patient, waiting for you to speak. 
this conversation is long overdue, but it’s hard to find the right words. finally, you break the silence.
“lea, i– i need to be honest with you about something,” you begin, your voice wavering slightly. 
“i’ve been carrying these thoughts around for a while, and i think it’s time i finally tell you– or rather ask you.”
lea’s expression is gentle, her gaze encouraging. “you can tell, or ask me anything, y/n.”
“do you like lena?” you ask, your eyebrow knitted together as lea’s face fills with confusion. 
“as my best friend, yes, anything more– i don’t.” lea answers, not trying to show that she is nervous about the upcoming conversation. 
“it’s about… about how i’ve been feeling lately. about you and lena. i know it sounds silly, and i’m trying to work through it, but—”   you pause, struggling to find the right words. 
“seeing you two together, so close, affectionate and so comfortable, it stirs up this weird knot inside me. i keep thinking, what if one day, lena decides she doesn’t need me anymore? what if she doesn’t love me anymore? what if she… decides she’d rather be with you?”
lea’s eyes widen slightly, and she opens her mouth to speak, but you hold up a hand to stop her. you need to get this out, to lay everything bare.
“i know it’s irrational,” you continue, your voice cracking. “i know you’re her best friend and that there’s nothing more between you two. but every time i see you two together, laughing and being so affectionate, it feels like a reminder that i might not be enough. it’s like there’s this part of me that’s afraid lena might see something in you that she doesn’t see in me. and that thought… it terrifies me. i don’t want to be fooled, if there are feelings between the both of you– just tell me and i’ll get out of the way.”
you look down at your hands, unable to meet lea’s gaze. the vulnerability of your confession makes you feel exposed, raw.
“i’ve been pushing you away because of these feelings, and i know it’s not fair to you. i thought that if i kept my distance, i wouldn’t have to deal with these insecurities. but the truth is, i’ve let it affect my relationship with lena, and with you– and it’s not right.”
lea’s silence stretches on for a moment, and you’re not sure what she’s thinking. when she finally speaks, her voice is soft but firm. 
“y/n, i had no idea you felt this way. i’m really sorry if i’ve contributed to those feelings. but i want you to know that lena and i have known each other for years, and yes, we’re close, but that’s all it is—a close friendship. our friendship doesn’t change the fact that lena loves you. she’s never looked at me in that way, and she’s never given me any indication that she wants anything more than what we have as friends.”
you glance up, meeting her gaze. there’s sincerity in her eyes, and it’s a comfort. “but you’re right,” lea continues. 
“i’ve seen how much lena loves you. it’s obvious to everyone around us. i care about lena deeply, and because of that, i care about you too. i’ve always wanted us to get along, but i didn’t know how to close the distance between us.”
“i’ve been so caught up in my own fears that i didn’t see things clearly. i’m sorry for the way i’ve treated you.” you swallow hard, trying to process her words. 
lea reaches out, placing a comforting arm over your shoulder. “i’m glad that you found a point to start talking about your feelings now. i want us to be friends, y/n, and i want to support you and lena, not be a source of conflict.”
your heart warms as you listen to her. “thank you, lea. it means a lot to hear that from you.” 
lea smiles, a warm and understanding smile. “there is no problem, i promise. we both care about lena, and that’s something we have in common. we can use that as a way to become close.” 
you nod, feeling a sense of relief and clarity that you haven’t felt in a long time. “yeah, i’d like that. thank you for being so understanding.”
“anytime,” lea says with a reassuring nod. “now, there is just one thing—” 
your heart sunk, afraid of what lea might say. 
“you have to talk to lena now about this.” lea says, firmly. 
“i will.” you swallow.
when lea leaves your home, you feel lighter. 
just a couple of minutes later, lena comes through the door. relieved seeing you resting on the couch. 
you and lena are curled up on the couch in your shared apartment, the room dimly lit by the soft glow of a lamp. darker from when lea was there. the day has been long, and the tension between you has only recently begun to ease after your conversation with lea. 
"are you okay? I saw that hit you took from lynn earlier, is there anything you need?" lena asks, rubbing your head.
she hated that she could only stand and watch as the medics surrounded you earlier. she was glad that you had lea, sydney, pernille, and georgia watching over you.
lena’s presence beside you feels comforting, then it feels the same as it did before your conversation with the blonde german. what if lena doesn’t react so kindly? 
your girlfriend isn’t mean, so you take a deep breath, preparing to share your feelings with her.
"I am okay--- but lena,” you start, your voice quiet but steady. 
“i need to talk to you about something that’s been on my mind.”
lena looks at you, her expression soft and attentive as she plays with the hair in your ponytail. “what’s on your mind, love?”
you hesitate for a moment, then continue, “it’s about you and lea. i talked to her earlier and for a while i’ve been struggling with how close you two are. it’s not that i don’t trust you or anything—it’s just— i’ve felt this knot of jealousy and insecurity whenever i see you two together. i know it’s irrational because you;ve been friends with her since even before we knew each other, but seeing you so close with her, it makes me wonder if there’s something i’m missing.”
lena’s eyes widen with concern, and she reaches out to gently brush a strand of hair from your face that fell out of your ponytail. 
“y/n,” she says softly, her voice full of warmth. “you’ve been feeling this way? i had no idea.”
you nod, trying to hold back tears. 
“i’ve been pushing myself to stay calm and rational, but it’s been hard. i guess i just needed to hear it from you. i need to know how you really feel about lea and why you two are so close.”
lena pulls you closer, wrapping her arms around you in a comforting embrace. 
“lea and i have been friends for a long time, longer than you and i have been together. she’s like a sister to me. we’ve shared so many experiences, and that bond is deep and meaningful, its not going anywhere. but that doesn’t change how much i love you.”
you rest your head on her shoulder, feeling the warmth of her body against yours. 
“i understand that, but sometimes it feels like i’m competing with that bond. it makes me question if there’s a place for me in your life where i’m not overshadowed by your bond with her.”
lena kisses the top of your head, cheek, and nose– her touch tender and reassuring. 
“you’re not competing with anyone, y/n. my friendship with lea is important, it doesn’t come close to what i have with you. my love for you is different—it’s deeper and more significant. our relationship is something i cherish and prioritize above all.”
you close your eyes, letting her words sink in. “i needed to hear that. thank you for being so understanding. it’s just hard sometimes, seeing how easily you connect with her. maybe i didn’t understand because i’ve never had a close bond with a friend like you do with lea”
lena pulls back slightly to look into your eyes, her gaze intense and filled with sincerity. 
“i want you to know that my connection with lea is like that of family. it’s a bond that’s been built over years, and it’s special, but it’s not a reflection of how i feel about you. there’s no comparison. my love for you is above anything else– ever since i met you”
the taller girl takes your hair out of your ponytail gently– your hair falls down from the hair tie and she runs her fingers gently through your hair, her touch soothing. 
“if you ever feel uncertain or insecure, please talk to me. i want us to be open with each other. and remember, you’re my priority. nothing and no one will ever change that.”
you nod, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. “i will. i just needed to know where i stand with you.”
lena smiles, her eyes warm and loving. “well you aren’t  standing now– but you’re sitting right here, with me. and that’s exactly where we belong.”
you lean in for a kiss, feeling the connection between you deepen. the reassurance and physical affection from lena makes you feel grounded and loved.
authors note: wrote this on vacay but had to fix a ton of it since it was originally on my phone LMAO
my master list is here if you want to read more fics <3
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pangeen · 1 month
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" The Quartet " // © Nadine Wunderfaenger
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Ostallgäu Alps
Bavaria. Germany
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cher-rei · 3 months
Could u write a Jamal Musiala x reader fic
Where they are both on vacation and just go swimming on the beach but she doesn’t like swimming because she fears deep water,so he helps her
and he propose her later ,at dinner
I know it’s kinda kitschy
bottled up– jamal musiala [ J.M ]
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I will always love you [godsped– frank ocean]
pairing: jamal musiala x fem!reader
summary: a much needed trip to the maldives ends in a wave of emotions and unforgettable memories.
genre(s): fluff and a whole lot of emotions, suggestive content but it's chill
[wc: 2.3k] masterlist
notes: screaming. crying. throwing up. me when????
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your jaw dropped at the breathtaking sight of the resort in front of you. jamal had surprised you with a trip to the maldives, saying that it had been so long since you too have been alone together without any interruptions.
and you were so glad that the thought dawned on him because the way that the sun soaked island looked from your hotel room was gorgeous. the azure waters, flourishing greenery, and the vibrant hibiscus flowers set a perfect backdrop for your much needed holiday.
jamal had been looking forward to this trip for weeks, eager to spend quality time with you without any pressure. he shut the door to your suite behind him, a smile on his lips as you gawked at the view from the window.
"this view is making me emotional," you joked and took a few pictures of the sunset scenery.
jamal hugged you from behind, letting his chin rest on top of your head to admire the view and appreciate the feeling of you safe in his arms. "yeah?" he laughed at your eager nod in response to his answer and gently peppered the crook of your neck with kisses.
you felt the featherlight touch of his lips start to roam, causing you to giggle. you shivered at his touch, absentmindedly tilting your head to give him more access. this probably wasn't the best thing to do at a moment like this, especially when you still had unpacking to do.
jamal's kisses grew more insistent, his hands roaming over your body and you turned around to face him, needing more. your lips met instinctively, your fingers tangled in his hair which caused him to let out a satisfied moan.
taking this as a sign, he took a few steps back that had the two of you stumbling back toward the bed, your laughter mingling with the sound of the crashing waves outside. the energy between the two of you was playful, nothing short of a giggling mess. but you loved it.
"I know I said that I was tired when we landed." his kisses moved from your lips to your jaw, down your neck, and across your collarbone. "but I think I'll be good for another hour."
disregarding your laughing state, he gently pushed you back onto the mattress, the playful twinkle in his eyes never leaving as he looked down at your smiling figure.
you covered your face with your hands in attempt to hide the blush forming on your cheeks. "an hour?" the shock in your voice made him smirk, and he pulled your hands from your face.
"baby, if you want two then I'll be more than happy to--"
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the following morning, you woke up feeling more relaxed than ever. the atmosphere was enough to lull you to sleep for at least a week, but there was still much exploring to do.
jamal made sure to have you up and ready for breakfast in record time so you could be out for some sightseeing. his excitement for this trip was jarring and it warmed your heart knowing that he finally got a chance to rest after the season he's had back home.
it was filled with ups and downs and you recalled the evenings where he would come home from practice and lay himself down on your chest. no words were exchanged in moments like those, instead you'd gently trial your hand on his back.
in minutes you'd have him fast asleep with his head resting in the crook of your neck, his light snores of exhaustion tugging at your heart as a reminder of how hard he worked. all this at the ripe age of 21, so you knew that your role wasn't just to be his girlfriend, it was to be his support and home.
which was what you were doing now in your hotel room after taking a tour of the resort and eating lunch. jamal's grip tightened on your waist as he cuddled further into your side, basking in your warmth.
"I'd kill to have vacations where we could just lay like this," he muttered through a smile, a warmth spreading through his chest at the low hum vibrating from your chest. and he was just about to fall back to sleep when a wave of realisation washed over him.
he lifted his head to look down at you, flashing his trademark smile. "are you ready to hit the beach?"
you smiled back at him, though with a hint of apprehension. "sure, but you know how I feel about the ocean right?"
the ocean, or rather the depth of it was one of your greatest fears. you were one to appreciate the way it looked, and the beauty of the waves crashing and how it looked on the horizon but when it came to swimming in it, your chest tightened.
jamal understood this better than anyone and ruffled your hair teasingly. "don't worry, I'll be holding your hand the entire time. and we'll just dip our toes in, okay?"
screw jamal and his power over you, because not even 10 minutes later, you were on your way with a bag full of snacks, sunscreen, and a ridiculously sized inflatable flamingo that he insisted on bringing. when you arrived, the beach was everything you'd hoped for— clear waters, soft sand, and surprisingly empty.
your boyfriend wasted no time and set your things beside your lounge chairs, making sure that you were comfortable. before he got too excited you wave him over and took out the sunscreen.
"j, take your shirt off. you can't get it wet," you said and applied some sunscreen to your arms and legs. you were wearing a cute cream linen two-piece— shorts and a button-up shirt with your swimsuit underneath,
janal sat on the lounge chair with you standing between his legs, with a pout on his lips, clearly not wanting to put the sunscreen on. "you just wanted a reason to touch me, I know how you think."
you rolled your eyes as you smoothed the sunscreen onto his shoulders, just the sight of his toned upper body had your heart pounding but you couldn't give in.
he must've been tipped off by your lack of reply though and took it as an invitation to tease you further. there was silence as you applied the last of your sunscreen but your breath hitched at the feeling of jamal fidgeting with the hem of your shorts.
not having any of, you gently slapped his hand away. "we're done here, thanks."
to your surprise, he gladly took his leave and made sure to drag the flamingo to the water. after 10 minutes of relaxation and peaceful sunbathing, he called out to you, saying that it was time to get in.
you happily declined however, and said that your presence and the fact that you took of your shirt and shorts was enough as is. there was no need for you to get in the water instead, you stood on the water's edge and watched as he played around.
"but the flamingo is lonely without you," he whined with a pout, bringing the flamingo floaty closer.
you shook your head and kicked the water beneath your feet, which sent an unwanted chill up your spine. "no thanks. I'm fine over here."
jamal was a baby at times like this, where he would whine and beg because no matter what, he knew that you'd give in eventually. he came up to stand a few steps in front of you, the floaty still at his side.
"come on baby." he extended his hand out for you to grab. "for the flamingo?"
what was up with him and this famn flamingo?
with a deep sigh, and a roll of your eyes, you relented, watching as his eyes lit up. "fine, but if I drown, it's on you."
"deal," he said and took your hand in his, slowly taking a few steps further into the water. "I'll even throw in a free cpr lesson."
a scoff left your lips and the two of you continued to wade into the water which was now resting just above your knees. the comforting grip of jamal's hand on yours made the situation ten times better and you found yourself enjoying the feeling of the water on your skin.
"see. this isn't so bad," he said and lightly splashed you with some water and you splashed him back.
it took a bit but you were more or less fully covered by the water that was now resting at your chest. you floated around on the flamingo calmly while jamal stayed at your side in the water. it was more relaxing than you thought it would be, and you quite enjoyed the feeling.
as the afternoon went on, the two of you enjoyed the water, had fun with the flamingo and took a bunch of pictures with it, and laughed until your sides hurt. by the time the sun began to set, you were both comfortably bobbing in the water, watching the sky turn into a masterpiece of warm hues.
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a few days later, you and jamal found yourselves back at the beach, this time with a picnic basket and a sense of excitement. the flamingo floaty was noticeably absent, but there was a twinkle in jamal's eyes that you couldn't quite place.
after a lazy afternoon of sunbathing and snaking, jamal suggested that you should take a walk along the shore. you were a but suspicious at first since it was starting to get late, but agreed seeing as that you wanted to spend more time with your boyfriend in this setting.
as you strolled, hand in hand, jamal kept glancing around, seemingly searching for something. you took notice of this and couldn't help but wonder. "jamal what are you looking for?" you lightly nudged his arm and he turned to look down at you with his lips pursed.
"I have a feeling that the flamingo is following us," he deadpanned, causing you to laugh. his blank expression didn't last long though, and his focus was fully on how beautiful you looked.
the way that the setting sun reflected your complexion was awing and he couldn't help but stare, his heart pounding in his chest. you were breathtaking and it took jamal a while to realise that you were talking to him.
you waved a hand in front of his face. "hello? are you okay?"
he cleared his throat and smiled. "yeah, you're distracting me that's all."
a scoff of disbelief fell from your lips at his comment but you continued to face forward, your interlocked hands swinging at your sides. the stroll continued for a bit but finally he gasped and directed your attention to something.
"it's looks like there's something in it." you squinted, spotting the bottle bobbing in the gentle waves.
jamal who couldn't contain his curiosity ran to the waters edge and picked up the bottle, inspecting it before attempting to remove the cork. he was struggling by the looks of it, and waved you over to help him.
you rolled your eyes but joined in, both of you tugging at the bottle until jamal finally popped it open, almost falling over in the process. he laughed sheepishly as he handed it over to you with a sigh.
"open it, I'm too tired I need to catch my breath," he said dramatically and took a few steps to dramatically fan himself off. you watched your boyfriend with a disapproving look as he walked off but gave in.
you uncorked the bottle and pulled out a piece of paper, laughing at how this was probably something like a few kids did a while ago. nonetheless, you unrolled it was a smile until your eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
the paper read, "will you marry me?" but what confused you was that it was obviously in jamal's handwriting. "j, wha--" your sentence abruptly came to a halt when you turned around to look at your boyfriend who was dropped to one knee, holding up the most gorgeous ring you've ever seen.
a knot of emotions formed in your stomach and you were honestly about to throw up. words were lodged in your throat, your gaze softening as you looked at jamal who was nervously smiling. "I love you. I am, who I am because of you— you are every season, every hope and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens in the future, everyday that we're together is the greatest day of my life."
the tears were falling down your cheeks in record time, but you tried to wipe them back as jamal carried on speaking and all you could think of in that moment was how much you loved and appreciated every single thing about him.
a small chuckle left his lips as he watched you blink away your tears. "I have so many things to say right now but you're making me nervous-- seriously you look so gorgeous right now." the trail off was unintentional and after a beat of listening to you laugh, his heart swelled.
"just like the grains of sand that make up this beach, you make up every part of me. so before I start crying— will you marry me?"
your heart raced, a of laughter filling the air as you didn't waste a second to nod your head with an excited "yes, of course I'll marry you!"
jamal slipped the ring on your finger, picking you up and spinning you around as you both laughed. he set you down and kissed you deeply, the waves lapping at your feet as you sunk into the sand and the feeling of utter bliss.
it was when you pulled away that you heard a few more familiar screams echo through the air causing you to look behind you. at a nearby rock, sophia, aaliyah, kai and florian appeared. they were carrying— of course— the flamingo floaty, now decorated with flowers and a banner that read, "she said yes!"
you burst out laughing and looked at jamal who pulled you closer to his chest, kissing the top of your head. "I told you the flamingo was following us."
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helen-with-an-a · 2 months
Lena Oberdorf
Enemies to Lovers fic?
It isn't really enemies to lovers but I think it's kinda cute? I hope you enjoy it <3<3<3
Lena Oberdorf x Reader
Description: A miscommunication led to years of hatred between R and Lena
Word Count: 2k
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It had been a pretty rough ride for you to say the least. You were just 15 when you made your professional debut. At the time, it had been all you ever wanted, professional football at such a young age. Who wouldn’t want that? But like most young players who started their career too early, you were plagued by injuries. An ACL at just 18 years old and a meniscus tear at 20. It had been a long, long road to recovery, but you were just beginning to reach the levels you once were. The previous season had been your first full one back since you were 18 years old and you were storming ahead.
You had completed the season with SGS Essen, and you had gone from strength to strength. It was a true come back story. A player riddled with injuries becoming integral to her team’s defensive line. In fact, you were doing so well that you were gaining attention from top teams all over Europe.
You hadn’t really intended on moving teams, you still had a season left on your contract with Essen, but this was an offer no one could pass up. It happened late in the transfer window. Just days before it closed. Your agent had called and you were in a meeting with the higher ups within hours. You didn’t really want to leave – you liked it at Essen, there was pressure to perform well, of course there was, but there wasn’t the intenseness that you had felt prior to your injury.
You had been expected to make the move to Wolfsburg during the Covid outbreaks, but during a training session with the club, you had felt the pop and heard the snap. Wolfsburg rescinded their offer for you as a young defensive midfielder, arguing that nothing had been signed and stating that they couldn’t take you on since you would cost them so much time, money and effort to get fit again. It was a risk they weren’t willing to take. It had broken your heart when you were told, but with a little cajoling from your teammates and the staff at Essen, you had turned that disappointment into fire. A fire to be better than you ever were before.
Your heart had shattered into a million pieces when you found out who Wolfsburg had signed instead of you. The same age, the same position, hell even the same team. Lena’s farewell picture and signing announcement happened within moments of each other. To say you were devastated would have been an understatement. You were friends. Good friends. Maybe there could have been something more between you if the time was right. Was that why it hurt so much when she had disappeared without warning, without telling you? Maybe that was why it felt like she had just thrown you under the bus. Your loss was her gain, right?
You never anticipated that you would be doing the same thing to her a few years later. You hadn’t quite made it back to the international level just yet, but you were getting there. You still had many friends on the team, so you liked to watch their games. You saw her go down and knew almost instantly what it was. You saw the way her knee popped and moved. You heard her shouts. Your heart was breaking all over again as you saw her get carried off the pitch. You had debated messaging her – you had even gone so far as to click on her Instagram profile and go into the messages. You backed out when you saw what the last message you had sent was.
8th June 2020, 12:13
yourusername: https://www.tiktok.com...
yourusername: how fucking cute is that ^^^^
yourusername: also
yourusername: https://www.tiktok.com...
yourusername: I wanna make this for lunch ^^^^
lena_oberdorf: omg cutieeeeeee
lena_oberdorf: ooooo that looks so good
lena_oberdorf: ugh i want it now too
8th June 2020, 15:04
yourusername: You signed for Wolfsburg?
lena_oberdorf: Right?????? How insane is that?
8th June 2020, 15:34
lena_oberdorf: Y/N????
8th June 2020, 23:56pm
yourusername: You backstabbing bitch
9th June 2020, 01:37
lena_oberdorf: huh?
lena_oberdorf: what did I do?
lena_oberdorf: Y/N
lena_oberdorf: Is something wrong?
lena_oberdorf: Did I do something?
lena_oberdorf: Y/N/N?
lena_oberdorf: ????
10th June 2020, 12:40
lena_oberdorf: please
10th June 2020, 15:19
yourusername: Don’t ever talk to me again
lena_oberdorf: What did I do? Please? Y/N/N???
yourusername: Fuck off
You remembered everything. The pain, the hurt, the frustration, the fear, the anger. You didn’t mean a word of what you said, even back then and especially now. But how could she had signed to Wolfsburg when she knew that you were the young defensive midfielder they were signing for the upcoming season. The pain had settled into guilty not even 30 seconds after you sent it. But you were hurt and embarrassed and broken hearted.
You hadn’t realised that you were doing the same thing to her. You knew that she had signed for Bayern back in January. You had tried your best to ignore it, but it was major news in the Bundesliga. The transfer seemed almost rushed. One moment you were sitting rather happily in your little flat, the next you were in the SGS Essen’s main offices, and then you were in the car, pack up and ready to make the move down to Munich.
The dreams you had harboured since you were a child seemed within reach. The club’s history, the chance to play alongside some of the best players in the world, it was all you could think about. But the thought of leaving Essen weighed heavily on you. This club had been your home, your sanctuary during the toughest times of your life. The support from the fans, the camaraderie with your teammates, it all made leaving incredibly difficult.
The meeting with Bayern's representatives was intense. They laid out their vision for the team, how they saw you fitting into their plans, and the opportunities that awaited you. It was everything you had ever wanted to hear. But there was a part of you that kept thinking about Essen, about Lena, and about how history seemed to be repeating itself.
You had a sleepless night before making your decision. The messages with Lena replayed in your mind, reminding you of the hurt you had felt and the hurt you had caused. You didn't want to be the reason someone else felt that same pain. But you also knew that this opportunity was a once-in-a-lifetime chance. You had to take it, not just for yourself but for everyone who had supported you through your journey.
Your arrival was a little awkward. It was clear who Lena’s friends were and where they stood with you. It was a hard pill to swallow, considering a lot of them used to be your friends too, but that was in the past. You were here and had a job to do.
On the pitch, everything was fine. You were all professionals, and it was clear that you were doing your jobs. By the Christmas break, Bayern was well on the way to take the league title again and were doing well in the Champions League and the Cup as well. It was off the pitch that things became less friendly. Lena was recovering well, but it was clear she still had some work to do to get back to match day fitness. You were in the room with her the first time she ran on the treadmill. The memories were an almost constant in your mind, those first steps, the first run, the first time out on the grass. You couldn’t help yourself but look over and join in the cheering when she started up the machine.
It was afterwards that things took a turn for the worst. You had coincidentally finished in the gym the same time as her physio appointment. Normally, this was no bother, you had been skirting around in silence for months now and you were well-versed in ignoring each other. But this time round, she had slipped in the bathrooms. The small puddle of water that had been left by you after the shower was invisible to her as she made her way into the end stall.
You heard the shout and the loud clatter as she landed in a heap.
“Oh, my god.” You raced back into the room, intending to help her back to her feet.
“Don’t touch me,” she yelled. You took a step backwards, stuck halfway between leaning down to help and backing away from her anger. “Are you trying to fucking kill me or something?”
“Lena, I’m sorry. I-”
“What was it you called me? A backstabbing bitch? Takes one to know one, I guess.” She was standing now, her body seething in anger.
“Lena,” you tried to speak.
“No! You called me a backstabbing bitch for no apparent reason and here you are taking my spot on the team! What? Just ‘cos you couldn’t get into Bayern without a player being injured, you have to keep injuring me? Is that it?” Did she really think that?
“I-, No apparent reason? Fuck off Lena,” you shouted back, using anger as a way to mask the hurt. “You know exactly what you did. And talk about not being able to get into a club without an injury? Please, Wolfsburg only signed you since they couldn’t have me.” You snapped back
“What?” she spun back around to face you, your bodies so close you were almost touching.
“You are a total backstabber. You saw that Wolfsburg took back their offer and signed instead.” You willed yourself not to cry.
“Huh?” you could tell there was genuine confusion in her face.
“Wolfsburg’s offer? Back when you left Essen?”
“What about when I left Essen?”
“It was supposed to be me,” you exploded. “Wolfsburg told my agent that they could only afford one of the defending midfielders from Essen. I had the contract drawn up and everything. It was supposed to be me.”
The silence in the room was electric, the tension palpable. You were nose to nose. One slight adjustment and your lips would be on hers. Your breath hitched. Since when did you think of Lena like that? She was the bad guy here. Why were you thinking about that? She had been a friend, a really good friend. You would be lying to say that there wasn't something bubbling underneath. But then she left for Wolfsburg. Maybe that was why it hurt so much?
“Why didn’t you go?” Lena asked quietly.
“They took back their offer. I did my ACL just before I signed with them. And then you swooped in and took my spot. You knew how much I wanted to play with them. And you did it anyway.” The tears welled in your eyes. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. You cannot let her see you cry.
Lena's expression softened, her anger dissolving into something that looked like understanding, or maybe regret. She took a step back and resting against the sinks, shaking her head slowly. You tried to ignore the way your heart sank as she moved away.
“I didn’t know,” she murmured. “I had no idea. I would never have done that. Especially not to you.” She looked like she wanted to say more, but thought better of it.
You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest in a defensive gesture. “How could you not know? We were friends, Lena. We ... I ... You knew how much that offer meant to me.”
Lena looked up at you, her eyes filled with a mixture of guilt and pain. “I thought... I don’t know what I thought. I was told you weren’t going to be able to play, that your injury was too severe. When they offered me the spot, I thought it was because you weren’t an option anymore. I didn’t realise it was... I didn’t know it was because they pulled your offer.” She looked like she was reevaluating everything.
You stared at her, your anger battling with the seeds of doubt creeping into your mind. Could it be that she really hadn’t known? The timing had been so perfect, too perfect, but now, looking into her eyes, you saw the sincerity there.
“You really didn’t know?” you asked, your voice wavering.
She shook her head. “No. If I had known... I don’t know what I would have done. But I wouldn’t have taken the offer without talking to you first. You have to believe that.” She pushed herself off the sink, covering the small distance between you in moments.
The weight of her words settled over you, and the anger that had been your constant companion for so long began to fade, replaced by a hollow sadness. You had lost a friend over this, and maybe, just maybe, it hadn’t been entirely her fault.
“I’ve been carrying this anger for so long,” you said quietly, more to yourself than to her. “I blamed you for everything.” Her hand came up to cup your cheek. This wasn't new, you had been ... something ... back at Essen, never crossing that line but the boundaries had been blurred. Your skin felt like it was on fire wherever she touched you.
Lena nodded, tears glistening in her eyes. “And I’ve been carrying the guilt. Every time I saw you play, every time I saw your name in the news, I wondered if you hated me. I guess I know the answer now.” She rested her forehead against yours. She was so close. You closed your eyes, letting her cinnamon scent drift over you.
You both stood in silence, the weight of the past hanging heavily between you. Finally, you took a deep breath and looked at her.
“I,” you started, your voice shaking. “I ... I don't really know what to say. Maybe we can try again? I don’t want to hate you anymore, Lena. It’s exhausting.”
She smiled, a small, tentative smile, but it was a start. “I’d like that,” she said softly. “I’d really like that.”
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allthingseurope · 1 year
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Augsburg, Germany *by Dietmar K
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cottageaesthetic · 2 years
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maureen2musings · 9 months
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King of the Forest
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meazalykov · 4 months
acts of service
sydney lohmann x bayern!reader
summary: you and your girlfriend's love languages revolve around words of affirmation and acts of service
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opening your eyes, you took a few moments to move your head up. seeing that the orange retro clock on your bedside table says “6:45 AM”, you smacked your head back onto the soft pillow and closed your eyes. you didn’t need to wake up for another hour. training for the pre-season starts at ten o’clock so you wanted all of the sleep that you could get. 
it wasn’t five minutes until you closed your eyes that you flipped your body to its side. usually, your leg would come into contact with your girlfriend's leg while doing this in the morning. so, when your leg landed onto the soft mattress instead, your eyes shot open-- seeing an open space. 
sydney isn’t the girlfriend that will wake up first in the mornings, its always you. this wasn’t normal, so you moved your tired body to sit up.
your hands moved to rub your eyes before you heard the front door in the apartment close shut from the living room. 
your eyebrows knitted together, knowing that sydney must’ve left to go somewhere or she is coming back from somewhere. she didn’t leave too long ago, as you woke up to use the bathroom at 5:00am and saw sydney sleeping.
as you take the pink comforter off of your body, you hear footsteps approaching the room along with the aroma of your favorite breakfast wafting through the air. 
your legs were on the edge of the bed as sydney stops in the doorway with a surprised look--- she is surprised to see you awake. 
you looked at the brown paper bag in her right hand with suspicion as syd had a grin on her face. in her left hand, sydney held a 2-drink cup carrier with two drinks placed inside of them. 
“baby, did you really just-?” you cut yourself off as you stood up in front of her, surprised at the gesture. you took the drink carrier out of her left hand as she moved to the other side of the large bedroom to grab the two bed trays you guys keep in the closets. 
“yes i did!!” sydney said excitedly, which surprised you because the clock turned to 7am and usually sydney isn’t too energized this early. 
you look down at the two drinks to see two iced lattes. one was a bit darker than the lighter one with strawberry cold foam on top of it. that one is yours, considering that sydney knows your order for the cafe on the corner of the same street you both live on. 
sydney pulls out the food in the bag and you notice both of your favorite orders being sat on the bed trays. 
the german girl usually orders an avocado toast topped with hard-boiled egg and a plain croissant. you get a plain croissant too, along with a plain bagel with light cream cheese. 
the golden morning light filters through the ivory colored curtains, casting a warm glow over both of your features as you start to eat.
"i forgot to tell you good morning, sleepyhead," she starts to speak, her voice a melodic whisper. 
“good morning, early bird,” you joked. this is a joke that started between the both of you even before you guys started a relationship two years ago. 
everytime you woke up before her, which was everyday until this morning, she called you an early-bird because you were fully awake by the time she would wake up. most times, you’d have to force her to wake up with you so you aren’t late to training or games with bayern. 
it looks like the roles switched this morning.
"I thought I'd surprise you when I saw that you were still asleep." sydney blushed as she looked at you sipping on the strawberry latte. it was made perfectly. 
"this tastes amazing, but you’re even more amazing for this," you murmur, placing the iced drink down and stretching your tired arms before smiling at your girlfriend with tons of love in your eyes. "I don't know how you always know exactly what I need."
sydney laughs softly. "it's a gift. now, eat. we've gotta go training soon."
you spend the morning together, savoring each bite and sip. the intimacy of the moment is a reminder of why you love her so deeply. this isn’t the first time you’ve done this, it's almost a weekly thing. most of the time its you going down to the cafe and picking up sydney’s iced hazelnut latte though. 
a week later, shortly after the first game of the season, sydney fell ill. her usual happy energy was diminished by a fever and sore throat. you both share an apartment, so you’re more than prepared and determined to take care of her.
sydney can be a little stubborn. at first, she said she was fine but you made her rest after taking medicine (given by the doctors at bayern) so she will feel better.
its been an hour since she fell asleep in a nap--- you start chores in the kitchen by tackling the dishes piled high in the sink, the clinking of plates and running water calms your mind as your tv in the living room serves as a nice background noise. next, you move on to do the laundry. 
usually, sydney has a huge preference of doing the laundry while you tackle the dishes. both of you share the same clothes in the huge closet in the bedroom– so you chose to do all of the laundry this time to make her life easier. 
in the laundry room– you threw most of the clothes in the washer and looked in the cabinets where you keep the detergents and other things. sydney likes to use the vanilla scented fabric beads for the washer– while you like the fresh clean scented ones– so you chose to use the vanilla beads with the regular laundry detergent. 
you have to come back and do another two loads, considering how much clothes you and sydney own, so you sort out all of the jerseys and training gear, placing them in a pile so you’re prepared to wash those too after the first load is finished.
when you go to check on sydney in the bedroom, you find her awake. she has the tv on and is watching one of her favorite netflix movies. you felt terrible, sydney is shivering and you hated to see your sunshine so miserable while being sick. 
“hey sweetheart.” you sat on the edge of the bed and ran your hands through sydney’s soft, yet tangled, hair. you felt terrible and knew you had to get sydney cleaned up. 
"i know you might not like this but let’s get you cleaned up, sunshine. it might help you feel better." you say softly. due to her sore throat, she can’t speak much without irritation. you understand as you pull the pink comforter off of her body, helping the taller girl stand up as you led her into the bathroom ten steps away. 
you undress the woman who was just settled into a sports bra and shorts before. you take your hands and help her into the shower, supporting her weight as the warm water cascades down her body. 
first, you let her sit down as you started to wash her hair first. this step takes about 20 minutes, since you mainly gave her head massages while cleaning her scalp. after saturating one of your hydrating hair masks into her hair, you helped her stand up in the warm (not hot) shower.
next, you take the antibacterial soap as you started to wash away the sweat and sickness from her body. 
as you take the silicone scrub and clean her body, you rub her back and murmur comforting words, feeling her sick body relax under your touch.
after double cleansing her body with her favorite citrus scented soap, you washed the hair mask out of her hair and helped her sit back down. you plugged the tub and allowed the water to run, adding a few of her favorite essential oils and bubble bath soap that will calm her body and mind. 
you didn’t notice– or care– that your entire front side is soaked. you didn’t get into the shower and bath with her, but you allowed her wet body to hold onto your clothed body. your blue shirt sticks to your front due to how soaked it is, along with your white pajama shorts, but you didn’t care. 
sydney stayed close to the edge of the tub as she held onto you. you sat on your knees outside of the tub and cuddled with your arms wrapped around her body. 
this might’ve been dumb, considering that you can catch her sickness next and miss out on the next game against slavia praha– you couldn’t care less knowing that your sweetheart is sick. 
"you're too good to me," you hear sydney whisper, her voice weak but filled with gratitude as she felt your small kisses on the back of her shoulder.
"you're everything to me syd," you reply, moving your body over so you could kiss her cheek. "i’d do anything for you."
two weeks later– it was the evening on a day off from soccer-related stuff. sydney started to get over her sickness a week prior, so she is back to normal. 
as you both sit in the living room, with you on the floor in-between sydney’s legs on the couch— sydney’s fingers weave through your hair with practiced ease. 
"hold still," she instructed as your head looked up at the TV playing mean girls. the german is concentrating on forming perfect french braids in your hair. you feel her breath against the top of your head, her presence is calming. the gentle tugging and twisting of your hair is almost meditative, each braid giving a symbol of her love and care.
when anybody plays with your hair, your body goes into relaxation. since it's sydney playing with your hair, you could’ve fallen asleep right here. your eyes continue to close and shut as sydney continues to move her fingers in your hair.
"why do you always braid my hair?" you ask softly, smiling at the thought with your eyes closed in relaxation. 
during games for bayern, you’re an attacking midfielder– or a forward if someone is injured– who is considered to be one of the best. 
many pictures taken of you during games capture you with nice french braids in your hair– or with a low ponytail that's braided. sydney is the hairstylist behind those braids which made her so happy seeing you on the pitch with them nicely finished.
"because i love your hair– it's so soft, and i know it makes you relax." she replies simply as she ties together the first braid. 
a month later-- after a particularly harsh game at bayern, with sydney getting into a fight with a ref that gave her a yellow card– you both return home. 
her shoulders are slumped and her eyes are filled with frustration as her mind replayed the moment when she got a yellow card. 
you got a yellow card too earlier in that game, after failing to side tackle a ball– and hitting the wolfsburg forwards ankles instead– but you brushed it off as a mistake. however, you can see the weight of her bad moment pressing down on her. 
in the car and in the locker room you gave her space– now you’re back home. without a word, you wrap your arms around her on the couch, pulling her into a tight embrace. sydney melts into you, her facade cracking as she lets out a shuddering breath.
you held her hand and caressed her face with your fingers. "talk to me," you urge gently. sydney used to have a thing for holding her thoughts inside of her mind until they exploded. now, she is aware that she can talk to you about anything. 
“i’m so mad! the ref saw that she pushed me first, so why did i get the yellow card while she was able to walk away with no consequences.” sydney begins to unload, her words tumbling out in a rush of emotion. 
by “she”, sydney is referring to a wolfsburg defender who pushed her from behind as she tried to pass a ball to you. you listen intently, knowing that sydney is telling the truth. as you watched sydney fall to the ground, all of your teammates ran over to the ref and demanded a foul and yellow card for the player’s action. 
you on the other hand, you ran over to help sydney up from the ground. she acknowledged your support but jogged over to the ref. the conversation was short but got heated quickly. your eyes widened when you saw the ref pull out the yellow card looking at sydney.
as sydney continued to talk, you offered words of reassurance and understanding. sometimes, refs make the calls you don’t like– and all you can do is move on. 
after getting her to calm down by cuddling on the couch and watching the women’s el clasico match on live television, sydney spoke out randomly as the game paused for halftime. 
"y/n, i feel a lot better after talking about what happened. thank you– you're always here for me," she murmurs, her head resting on your shoulder as she gives you a kiss on your neck. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"you don’t have to thank me baby, it's what i love to do– and you'll never have to find out what it's like without me," you promise, stroking her hair. "we're in this together, forever and always."
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pangeen · 24 days
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" Sonnenuntergang " // © Nadine Wunderfaenger
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miroslavcloset · 14 days
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j-k-i-ng · 2 years
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“Untitled” by | Mirko Fikentscher
Bavarian Forest, Bayern, Germany
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