ladysantebellum · 9 months
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Hey hey, Bora Bora Bora Bora calling: time to soak up the sun and unwind in paradise
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mari-mccabes · 11 months
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Hey hey, Bora Bora Hey hey, Bora Bora: where tropical dreams come true
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fabiomontedoro · 1 year
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Salty skin, crashing waves, distant horizons.
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izzylovesroger · 2 years
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elfuegointerior · 2 months
Soñé que estaba en el mar, descansando en un camastro en la playa junto a Mayra. Luna, que aún era una niña y unos años más joven, nadaba sola en el mar mientras hablábamos de ella. De repente, pregunté, 'por cierto, ¿dónde está Luna?' Al no verla en el mar, observé cómo se formaba una ola enorme, de varios pisos de altura. Corrí hacia Luna y la ola caía encima de nosotros, pero no pasaba nada grave. Sin embargo, después de eso, Luna comenzó a preguntar por su madre biológica mientras se seguían formando olas enormes.
I dreamt I was at the sea, lounging on a beach chair next to Mayra. Luna, who was still a child and a few years younger, was swimming alone in the sea while we talked about her. Suddenly, I asked, 'by the way, where is Luna?' Not seeing her in the sea, I saw a huge wave forming, several stories high. I ran towards Luna and the wave crashed over us, but nothing serious happened. However, after that, Luna began asking about her biological mother as more huge waves continued to form.
Posible interpretación: Este sueño puede reflejar preocupaciones subconscientes sobre la seguridad y el bienestar de Luna, especialmente en relación con su historia personal y familia. La ola gigante podría simbolizar desafíos o emociones abrumadoras que sientes respecto a estos temas. El hecho de que Luna empiece a preguntar por su madre biológica después de que la ola caiga sobre ustedes puede indicar un temor a que eventos externos o cambios provoquen en Luna cuestionamientos sobre su identidad o sus orígenes. Las olas continuas sugieren que estos temas podrían seguir siendo una fuente de preocupación o discusión en el futuro.
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derptyme · 8 months
Top 7 Brazil beaches
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Ready to soak up the sun and explore Brazil's most stunning coastline? Dive into our top 7 Brazil beaches and experience the ultimate beach-hopping adventure.
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merlinrpf · 9 months
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Let the SummerDreamz take you away to a world of fun and sunshine.
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mikaecodes · 9 months
Koh Tao, Thailand JUST LOOK AT THE WATER!!! <3
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Prepare to be spellbound by the captivating allure of Koh Tao, Thailand, as you immerse yourself in its turquoise paradise.
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santanasrp · 9 months
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summer dreams Embrace the sun-kissed vibes and let your summer dreams take flight.
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nobledurins · 9 months
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Beautiful Beach, Mexico Dreaming of an idyllic beach getaway? Look no further than this beautiful slice of paradise in Mexico. Pack your bags and let the adventure begin.
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monochhrome · 10 months
Koh Tao, Thailand JUST LOOK AT THE WATER!!! <3
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Prepare to be spellbound by the captivating allure of Koh Tao, Thailand, as you immerse yourself in its turquoise paradise.
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zbob-omb · 11 months
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SummerDreamz Let the SummerDreamz take you away to a world of fun and sunshine.
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agentmacmurray · 11 months
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Top 7 Brazil beaches Discover the hidden gems of Brazil's coastline with our top 7 beach destinations, where golden sands meet turquoise waters.
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misanthropy-pure · 11 months
summer dreams
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Get ready to make a splash this summer with Pinterest's confident take on your wildest dreams.
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gxminglife · 1 year
Beautiful Beach, Mexico
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Dreaming of an idyllic beach getaway? Look no further than this beautiful slice of paradise in Mexico. Pack your bags and let the adventure begin.
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