#Beatrice Rappicini
Potential Messengers?
So, I’ve gone on about the Caretakers, The Mystorians, and others, but there’s two groups I haven’t mentioned much. One is that mysterious and vague Quorum thing that Coal joined (which I’m guessing includes other characters who have ascended beyond Stars and Angels...like say Galahad). More importantly, there’s the Mesengers. Basically field agents working for the Caretakers who have an intimate understanding of Time and Space, and how to Traverse it. Known Mesengers include Hank Morgan (from Twain’s Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court) Alvin Ransom (aka Elwin Ransom from C.S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy) Beatrice Rappicini (from Rappicini’s Daughter by Nathaniel Hawthorne) what adventures do you think they got up to? Arthur Gordon Pym (from Poe’s the Narative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. No relation to Hank Pym as far as I know?). Possibly the End of Time, aka Theo? ( Is he a reference or allusion to anything in particular? I honestly don’t know). Dr. Raven ( Prince Coal, though I’m pretty Sure ‘Dr Raven’ is a reference to something I can’t put my finger on). So...who are other individuals who may be potential Mesengers? Those who are either experienced with Travel, whether Temporal, Spatial, Outer Spatial, or Inter Dimensional. I’m sure there are many possible canidates. I can think of perhaps three off the top of my Head. Hans Pfall from the unparalleled adventure of Hans Pfall by Poe. Basically any Verne protagonist ( I’m surprised there isn’t a Splinter Group made solely of Protagonists from Verne’s books), most notably Phileous Fogg. And, possibly, Ariel from the Tempest. I’m sure there’s plenty others that would be far more suitable than those three. Have at it Friends and make of it what you will. Also, feel free to point out if they’re a Fiction or not. We know Fictions are included among the Mesengers thanks to the tearful and unfortunate demise of the Late Hank Morgan.
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The Last Words of Beatrice Rappicini
I wonder what they were? Was it a casual phrase? A curse made in anger? A call for aid? A pledge of friendship? A show of thanks? A simple greeting or farewell? A stray word like it, or, or perhaps to? A stuttered uh, um, or er? What might it have been? And perhaps another question...who fell dead after hearing it? An ally ( perhaps a fellow Messanger?(Dr. Cavor maybe?) or perhaps one of the Caretakers?(Hawthorne?) Who knows? I don’t know if anyone else wonders about this, but it’s food for thought I guess? Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager.
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Beatrice and Steve......
I don’t know about anyone else, but I tend to forget that Beatrice and Aristophanes (that is Steve’s full name right?) became a couple in between Dragons of Winter and The First Dragon. Do you think they learned sign language together? I bet they did. I’m trying to remember....how did Beatrice help again? I know she’s a Messanger, and she can’t touch or even speak to anyone. Did she help John and Verne get to the Hotel D’Aulliers? Back on topic, I imagine Beatrice and Steve make a lovely couple....not as cute as Laura Glue and Emund obviously, but still cute. But what would the name for the ship be? Flowers and Horns? Poisoned Comedy( Steve is the Aristophanes right?). Beauty and the Steve. Poisoned Passion? It’s aliterative, but it sounds dumb. Like a cheesy Romance Novel...then again... Wait. I’ve got it. The Ship name for Beatrice Rappicini and Aristophanes the Zen Detective. PoiZen. It’s brilliant and dumb at the same time! Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager
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Messrs. Mancy, Rappicini and Prince's Fortunes, Pharmaceuticals and more...
Messrs. Mancy, Rappicini and Prince is a Shop located somewhere or other and founded somewhere else or other (most likely either Padua, Verona, or Venice) at some time or other (post 1700s at least).
Said shop began in dealing with two things. Serving as an Apothecary...herbs, medicines, legitimate magical potions....very occasionally poisons.
Still around to the current day and still owned and operated by a Mr. Mancy, a Dr. Rappiccini, and a Mr./Dr. Prince.
In the current day and age Messrs. Mancy, Rappiccini and Prince have expanded their goods. Besides medicinals and Fortunes, They also sell Astronomy related goods (books, equipment and so on) and also a lot of Games. In fact it's primarily known as a Game sho. Board games, Cards, RPG (they have a bunch of Dice for sale) you name it. Even offers space for a couple DND groups to play at.
Current employees:
Mr. Astrophel O(Ophiuchus). Mancy (really one Alan V. Eldritch): An eccentric man most recognizable by his bizarre themed attire (can go into detail if asked) in particular his Eye Patch with a Circled Dot, a Fez barring the Monad Hieroglyphica (a Alchemical Symbol made by Dr. John Dee), his wizard looking beard...and his Stary Cape. Is the game obsessed one and made the move to expanding into selling Games and things. Is fascinated by DnD and has played a couple of times with some customers but is more often than not found to be lounging somewhere playing on the Guitar, or the stores Fotoplayer. The shop doubles as his home with house stuff in an above story Or something. Will tell fortunes for you in just about anyway with the sole exception of Living Sacrifice, or Tarot Readings. Appreciates the Art of the later but 'doesn't hold with it'.
Mr. Herbert Basilio Rappiccini: An Italian (likely from Padua or Verona) Apothecary .Assists in growing the Herbs and Plants the shop uses. In truth has been with the shop since the beginning. A student at the Fledgling Dreadrock and accompanied Alan/Astrophel Upon leaving. His daughter Beatrice also works at the shop....
Mr. S(Stolas) Prince: An often unseen gentleman who is said to be the one who appraises Gemstones. In truth, Mr. Prince is the Demon Prince Stolas who has had an agreeable contract/partnership with Alan for centuries. Often takes the form of an Owl with a Crown (serving as a sort of Shop mascot) and is almost always in the company of Mr. Mancy. When Human looks old, has an Owlish look about him thanks to some glasses. His Dynamic with Alan/Astrophel is like that of Merlin/Merlyn and Archimedes in the Sword in the Stone
Mahsa Attar: Iranian woman. Muslim, Graduated with full honors from Dreadrock University. Was invited to join the Fellowship of Eldritchicians by Overseer Sinbad Al-Amin but respectfully declined. Is not centuries old as the above founders and has been with shop for over 10 years. Probably in her mid 40s? Knows several languages, mostly involved in the Astronomy side of the Business. Has an excellent understanding of Spirits and Jinn. Has her own place of residence besides the shop.
Currently unnamed other Herbalist: A retired Eldritchician...still figuring out her background....
Phineas Phontinos: Completely regular guy in his 50s that just really loves Stars. Is completely blind to any and all Supernatural goings ons in the Shop. Could see Stolas change from an Owl to a Mind and only notice that Mr. Prince is now in the room, must have walked down stairs. Usually runs the register.
Cassandra Sibyl Read: A young Half Demon (I think the word is Cambion) who was told to seek out Messrs Mancy, Rappiccini and Prince when her parents faced some terrible trouble. Found her way there. Is now basically adopted by Astrophel. Helps with most aspects in particular the Games section and the Fortune Telling. Has some legitimate Precognitive abilities. Has learned most methods of divination, but really enjoys Tarot cards. Ends up deciding to join the FoE rather than attending Dreadrock. More on her later. Ask away? Stupid charac
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Messengers making Contact in the DC Universe.
So I was wondering about CotIG characters going to either the DC or Marvel Universes (focussing a tad more on the former since I’m a tad more familiar with it, but not by much) and asside from the usual questions like how an Adept’s Powers are affected by the universe, what character interactions could there be, and who are the few who’d actually recognize Charles Williams, I pondered something a bit different. All those previously mentioned things will be given due thought later, but for now I’ve been wondering about the Messengers. The Field Agents of the Caretakers of the Imaginarium Geographica Who Galavant about Space, Time, and across Dimensions (they had to fill out those Dimensional Geographicas somehow) have probably all been to the DC Universe (and the Marvel Universe as well for that matter...but that’s another matter for another time and what not). Maybe not The End of Time or Dr. Raven. But everyone else? A few times. The thought that came to me was the likely hood of the Messengers meeting and making contact with people from the DC Universe. Usually heroes, some times villains. But meeting people all the same. Since I imagine some people in the DCU could detect Interdimensional incursions, even if they’ small ones. What I mean is...there are probably a few people in the DC Universe that the Messengers Have met, and possibly told about the whole Dimensional Cartography thing if only so future Messengers have potential allies they can meet? Or something? Basically a matter of Character interactions again, and having fun with those. Some examples. Beatrice Rappicini( the Fourth Messenger?) has probably met the Amazons, Wonder Woman, and Donna Troy after several attempts to Map Themyscira. Originally Hank tried...but he had to get the heck out of dodge as soon as he set foot on the Island. If she had been there by the point she couldn’t speak (or rather could speak, but doing so would kill someone) being interrogated with the Lasso of Truth might have gone south...but eventually made peace with the Amazons and did explain her reasons for being there (Interdimensional Cartography), showing off her own watch after explaining about the Caretakers. When she showed up in the DC timeline I haven’t the faintest idea. Either prior to or sometime after Diana left Themyscira....in whichever Universe? No clue. Basically Diana, the Amazons, and probably Donna are familiar with Beatrice and by extension her Order. Given the membership of the Caretakers...probably after Diana left Themyscira. Beatrice probably also encountered one Doctor Pamela Isley or possibly Swamp thing at one time or another....maybe? Although if any Messenger ended up in Gotham it’d probably be poor Arthur Pym. Speaking of Pym, he’d probably find himself in Gotham...for all of 10 minuets before he gets the heck out of there. As for what DC characters he’s met...I’m not sure. I’m not too familiar with Pym aside from his source including Ships, ship wrecks, Canibalism, and getting lost in the Antarctic. Hm...I could seem him stumbling across the Fortress of Solitude at some point. That would be amusing. Probably gets caught up with more Supernatural heros (him and Ransom). Like Zatanna, or Doctor Fate? Could see him meeting Batman if only for Pym to disbelieve the Title of ‘Greatest Detective’ and what not. Pym surprisingly doesn’t reveal to anyone that he’s from another Dimension. Makes what notes he can on history and geography and leaves. I don’t know about Pym really. Then you’ve got Ransom. He probably ends up meeting various supernatural characters and Space characters. Martian Man Hunter, Zatanna, Dr. Fate, etc.? Or something. I just had a realization! The Messengers would probably end up in...The Bronze Age DC Universe or later? But what if they only had knowledge of the DC Universe from the Silver or Golden Age? Imagine the hilarious misunderstandings! Although....the Messengers probably have Comics from the Future? Then of course...we come to everyone’s favorite Messenger. Royal Governor of Jamaica, one time Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Arms and Munitions Manufacturer, Electrical Engineer, Apprentice Cartographer, and Connecticut Yankee, Henry ‘Hank’ Morgan. Now...who could Hank know? He could probably end up Arthurian England (again), because I imagine no matter the Universe he somehow always ends up in Arthurian England at some point (whether he still ends up Naked is another matter). Get into Shenanigans there. But a thought I had is Hank knowing Super Man. Or rather, Hank knowing Clark Kent. Like first time he makes it to the DC Universe he somehow ends up befriending the Kents and is a guest for a bit. Shows up later and meets a young Clark. Hank almost gets caught reading Superman Comics but hides it in the pages of his Signed First Eddition copy of A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (because of course he has that). On another Jaunt he catches Clark Changing from the Superman get up and as a show of not revealing Clark’s identity, tells him (mostly) about the Interdimensional Cartography Stuff. Hank is probably the one who visits the DC Universe the most (with Ransom as a close second), and is the one who meets all the Teams like the Justice League, Justice Society, the Teen Titans once or twice, and so on. Hank and Booster Gold probably had interactions where they each tried to recruit the other into their own Respective organizations...only for both to Decline. I don’t know if he’d have met and got to know any other DC Heros (or villains), but at least knows Clark. Heck, due to Time Travel Shenanigans and Reboots, Hank has probably met just about every version of Superman there is...excluding most what if Elseworlds though...just main continuity things? At least one of the Messengers would have to have met Superman at one time or another...and Hank makes the most sense for some reason. Also no one brings up the Flash (any of them) when Leonardo is around. It could give him and even more swollen ego. So yeah. I’d imagine in the event of a CotIG/ DC Crossover, a handful of DC Characters (mainly Wonder Woman and Superman) would have some knowledge of the Messengers and their organization. If only enough to vouch for Interdimensional strangers with Familiar Silver Watches. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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CotIG and Pokémon. CotIG characters as Gym leaders.
Been watching one of those Nuzlocke thingamajigs and have Pokémon on the brain. And seeing as I always have CotIG on my mind, and it’s been a bit since I’ve made a CotIG Post...so here’s this. Wasn’t sure of talking about the Young Magicians, the Inklings, Gym Leaders, Elite Four, The Cabal, the ICS....wasn’t sure. For some simplicity...I went with who among the CotIG would be Gym Leaders. I know there’s supposed to be like Eight or some such. So... First and foremost, first that came to mind was of course The Pirate Queen herself Aven Wells. Gives the Indigo Badge. However....if she’s not at Paralon, you have to find her sailing about in the Indigo Dragon. Focuses on Water Pokémon. Don’t know exactly what her team would be, but I know she’d for sure have a Kingdra. Don’t know about the other five. ....I just remembered the Indigo thing was a thing...and I’m pretty sure it was on a bunch of Islands. Weird innit? Artus might also be there somehow? Not sure. The second I’m not sure. The idea was having some important non antagonistic character from each book (or at least the first four) but for the second one I’m not sure. Could be that the Gym leader Peter Pan has suddenly disappeared leaving the gym led by either Daedalus (Flying and Steel Type) or Richard Burton (Fighting type). Or Peter Pan with the Haven Badge. Hank Morgan as a Gym Leader giving the Yankee Badge. Electric and Steel Type. Has a Pikachu named Clarence. Orodo Mass ? With flying and Water type? Beatrice Rappicini with Poison and Grass Type. Madoc as a Gym Leader? With Dark Type? The Morgaine as Gym Leaders? Triple battles? They might be more fit for The Elite Four. (Being just one of those four of course). Don Quixote could be...but I have no idea what he’d focus on. Poe....Poe is confusing. On the one hand could be the last Badge needed (the Tamerlane Badge sounds cool)...but the dude probably has ridiculously high level Pokémon. Hm...I know! He’s a Gym Leader but also a part of the Elite Four? All I know is Poe for certain has That Chandelier Pokémon (to reference Hop Frog) and that Bimp Pokémon. Drif something or other... Welp. I’m out of ideas for the time being. Might give some focused thoughts on the Young Magicians... Well this ran out of steam it seems. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming.
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Dimensional Cartography and The a Headache of Retcons...
I just realized something. Thanks to the work of the Messengers (Hank Morgan, Alvin Ransom, Arthur Gordon Pym, Beatrice Rappicini, Dr. Raven, and also The End of Time/Enkidu), that the Caretakers have Geographicas for other Universes. Likely including Geographicas of Multiverses like those of Marvel or DC (which kinda brings to mind what the Messengers’ think about comic books). So I was watching some of the Event Comics month episodes of Atop the Fourth Wall (a review series I highly recommend), and with the various Universe wide reboots DC and Marvel (though primarily DC from what I can gather?) can you imagine what a pain those would be for the Messengers? Like imagine if Charles with the Young Magicians and Poe decided to take a Trip to the DC Universe since a bunch of the DC Maps have gone completely blank...everything is different. Hank and Pym’s notes are fifty fifty on their Accuracy....and it’s just a huge headache for everyone. With my limited knowledge of DC Elseworld Alternate Timelines...there’s also a huge risk of winding up in some horrible What if. That all said...do have to wonder how things would go between DC Comics characters and CotIG characters. Any Scowlers have any thoughts on that? Anyway, reboots screw with the Dimensional Geographicas. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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New Years at Tamerlane House!!
You better believe they throw the wildest of parties for New Years! Some notable things that probably happen. Ransom drinking all the Space Wine. John and Jack getting drunk while debating each other and singing some of John’s songs. Oscar Wilde and Basil sneaking off to who knows where. Shakespeare cheering and toasting everyone he sees and all the actors he’s sad aren’t there to celebrate (except Kemp. He doesn’t miss Kemp too much). Gets super drunk and leads people is drinking songs. The few who remain completely sober: Rose, Poe, Fred, Archie, Beatrice Rappicini, the ghostly Mystorians ..and any of the authors noted for not drinking. The Americans (sans Poe...and the Ghostly Mystorians) get into a drinking Contest. Bowie knives may or may not be thrown. Gandalf level Fireworks are set up. Rose and a somewhat tipsy Laura Glue steal the biggest and best and set it off (think that one scene from LotR but Rose and Laura Glue as Merry and Pippin). Maybe Laura Glue and Uncas? Beatrice knocking Aristophanes out as soon as he looks a little Drunk because no way is she dealing with a Drunk Steve on top of all the other drunk people. A drunk Edmund or Byron (I’m not sure which) accidentally splashing some Alcoholic some such on Poe’s face. Time seems to stop (even the Fire works hold in their exploding) as The Master of Tamerlane House calmly wipes his face clean, finishes his glass of non alcoholic sparkling cider (the best drink for New Years) and takes the offending drunk by the collar and throws them into surf outside or the Massive Pool Baths that Tamerlane House definitely has. Leaving either Laura Glue and Rose, or Percey and Mary to Fish Edmund and or Byron out. You know what...both of these probably happens. Rose occasionally going off to the Summer Country for different New Years to catch up with her boarding school friends (more on that later). Rose spending most of her time at various games and hanging out with Laura Glue and Edmund until the pair suddenly disappear part way through the night for undisclosed reasons. More Gandalf Level Fireworks ( probably made by Poe, John, and Edmund) Edmund and Franklin taking over from Shakespeare in leading people in drinking songs. Jamie and or Laura Glue leading everyone in Auld Lang Syne. And...I think that’s it? Yeah. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Pondering about AUs....
So I’ve gone on and on about Crossovers with CotIG (mainly of the Universal Shenanigans variety), but I don’t think I’ve given as much consideration (or any really) to AUs. There’s the amazing College AUs ( three sorts I think. The Modern College one...the other Modern College one which may just be the earlier one but in the future (with Rose, Laura Glue,? Etc. as students), and of course the ever fun Gatherum College au (My Time at Tamerlane). So....I began wondering earlier today how’d the ‘cliche’(?) ‘Coffee Shop au’ would Work concerning CotIG. Given my understanding of those things used for Ships (to the best of my knowledge) the question would be which? John and Edith? Aven and Nemo? Map Glue? Or hell maybe even PoiZen (Beatrice Rappicini and Aristophanes (Steve)...and yes you may throw tomatoes for such a silly name. After that, assuming it’s a Coffee Shop au focused on a ship (which may double as a hang out for a certain Literary Group in this au) there’d be the question of position...who are the regulars? Who are the Staff...what other Businesses are there ( A publishers next door, one or two fancy Houses down the street, a Flowershop with a P.I business in the upstairs apartment...etc.) Basically how do characters fit...like for example...say we take Map Glue as an example. Perhaps focusing on Laura working part time at this Coffee shop with her friend Rose...the Shop owned by....I don’t know...Merlin maybe? Verne? Bert? Who’d own the damn thing...? Who among CotIG characters seems like they’d run a Coffee Shop? Maybe Tumuller.) and....I don’t know how Edmund would fit in. Still would be Map making and stuff...may know Rose to some degree through Merlin...hm..now I’m wondering how to fit in everyone’s favorite Inklings...can’t forget them... My apologies. Forgive these ponderous ramblings of a amateur Chronographer... if anyone has any thoughts share if you wish. These are mere ponderings, and are likely to remain so. I don’t know why I’ve given as much thought as presented here to a Coffee Shop au. I don’t even like Coffee. Hot Cocoa is a much better drink. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager.
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A need for more Messengers.
So by the end of the CotIG the Messengers are in quite a state. Alvin Ransom is confined to Tamerlane House basically. As is Beatrice Rappicini, until she decides and become a guardian of the Green? Arthur Gordon Pym is stuck in a What If Universe and has sided with the Echthroi (and dead?). Dr. Raven (aka Coal, aka Telemachus) wentvand ascended to some higher plane of existence, And both Ruyard Kipling (Who I think counts as a Messenger), and poor Hank Morgan are straight up Dead! So....Not many Mesengers left it seems. As such one might think they’ll need some new blood as it were. I’d suggest two possible new Messengers. Matilda, from Matilda (she’d be a quick study with Time Travel, other dimensions and all that other Messenger stuff). And Milo from the a Phantom Tollbooth. If anyone else has suggestions for other new Messengers, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Make of this what you will. Al, the chronographing Cottager.
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The Messenger’ Holiday Special
The Mesengers (Ransom, Hank Morgan, Beatrice Rappicini (who can still talk at this point), and maybe Pym?) were all on assignment and then try to get back to Tamerlane House for Christmas on time. However, something goes wrong and Shenanigans ensue. They end up ending up at just about every Christmas other than the one they’re aiming for, and every place other than Tamerlane House. They meet the Ghosts of Christmas (that wasn’t too fun). They Meet Drosselmeyer (did anyone else think he looked just a bit like Poe?). They end up in Norway before the Common Era.... a few other such holidays. They end up coming across Goblins.....(every sort of Goblins. In particular the ones from the Snow Queen). They meet the Grinch (and Dr. Seuss). At some point they end up at the Nativity. Meet the three Magi (what’s with all these Poe look a likes?) have to pretend to be Angels, and then find themselves among the Shepherds. The one Magi who looks oddly familiar ( my guess is whichever gave the Myrh...Since Poe would be the one to bring embalming oil) helps them get back to Tamerlane House. They get back just in time for dinner. Afterwards they go talk to Poe about his look a likes. He just shrugs....they later here him joining in singing We Three Kings. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager.
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Rambling about Tamerlane House again. A broken record I know, but I will never get tired of talking about this House you guys.
What we know: The Pygmalion Gallery The Library of Lost Books The Dining room Rose’s Attic Room Basil Hallward’s Room/ Studio A Home movie Theatre The Room with the Kronos /Kairos clock (I forget the name) Edmond McGee’s temporary(?) room. Dr. Raven’s Room. The Green House (Conservatory?) where Beatrice Rappicini resides (later along with Steve). The one room with all the Time Machines (I know it had a particular name, but I can’t remember). The Basement through the Time. What there might be: A room specifically full of spell books and Grimoires that only Poe has the keys two (several of which are imaginary. One is fictional). A ball room, Billiard Room, and basically all the rooms from Clue. A room where the Ravens stay. A game room full of board/dice/card/ and video games (Imagine the horror writers playing well known Horror games). A room modeled after (or the model of) the Study from the Raven, which serves as Poe’s personal Study( the Bust of Pallas also has a Raven statue on it). The colored rooms from Masque of the Red Death A Precinium Theatre( Shakespeare tends to get the other Caretakers Emeritus to put on his plays for his Birthday every year ). A black box Theatre. Countless guest rooms. And I’m sure, somewhere on the Island is a little Cell that Poe occasionally goes to that reminds him of the time he was Prospero, and a father (Miranda). Make of that what you will.
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The Messengers’ Source Material...reading.
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain. Source Material for Hank Morgan (still need to finish). The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis. Source material for Elwin/Alvin Ransom. Have Read Out of the Silent Planet. Still reading Perelandra. Debating on reading That Hideous Strength or not. The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket by Edgar Allan Poe. Source for the titular Arthur Gordon Pym. Have, but have not yet read. Rappiccini’s Daughter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Source for Beatrice Rappicini. Have read. Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes. Source for the titular Quixote. Have, but haven’t read. The Epic of Gilgamesh. Source for the End of Time...haven’t read it yet... I think that’s everyone. With Dr. Raven being from CotIG itself originally. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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