#Hans Pfall
firstsentence · 1 year
"I was neither astonished nor horror-stricken." 🍵
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roydeezed · 11 months
Hahaha the new Dr. stone side story has references to Back to the Future, Short Circuit and even Poe's Adventure of one Hans Pfall so far.
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Crossing paths with the Man on the Moon
Here’s an idea! So, due to the friendlier relationship between the Caretakers and the ICS , and just about all of the other disgraced caretakers being on Probation, it’s decided to try and find and rescue some of the ‘Permanentl Indisposed’ ICS members. First on the list is Cyrano De Bergerac stuck on either the moon or a comet. They try the Moon First. They may or may not find De Bergerac. They do find various forms of life though (See literature about the Moon). They also find an old Some time Messenger Hans Pfall (whose been hiding on the Moon due to various crimes), an old associate of Pym and Poe (who joined Pym, Poe and Mary Shelley on an adventure in the Artic). And other stuff. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager.
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wilsonlibunc · 6 years
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Space Spiders, Lunatics, and Airships : Moon Voyage stories in Wilson Library
It’s a full moon tonight, so we thought that it would be a great time to feature our favorite moon voyage story in Wilson Library Special Collections--the only problem is, we couldn’t decide between these three amazing narratives!  So we need your help, Tumblr followers!  Read below, and help us decide which contender is the ultimate sci-fi adventure!
Contender 1: One of the earliest recorded moon voyage stories, Lucian’s “True History” was written in the second century AD in ancient Greece. This “true” history is filled with fantastic travel narratives, including the moon-voyage adventure in which a crew accidentally lands on the moon after their ship gets carried into the sky by an enormous gust of wind.  The men then take part in a fantastic space battle between the alien armies of the sun and moon.  (Bonus points: the space battle features giant spiders who spin web-bridges to lead their army across the sky).
Contender 2: A Trip to the Moon (1765) was written by sir Francis Gentleman under the very appropriate pseudonym, Humphrey Lunatic.  In this story, Humphrey falls asleep in a beautiful grove and (much to his surprise) wakes up in the Lunar world.  How does he get transported, you might ask? The pamphlets in Humphrey’s pockets (which were, apparently, originally conceived in the Lunar kingdom) attract a tractor-beam that pulls Humphrey up towards the moon. Full of tongue-in-cheek humor, this story is memorable both for its whimsy, and for its cutting social commentary.  (Bonus points to Francis Gentleman for both his amazing pen name, and also for including an elaborate family lineage for the “Lunatic” family that includes an ancestor named Whimsical Lunatic, Esq.).
Contender 3: Last but not least, Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Unparalleled Adventures of One Hans Pfall” (1835) features a slightly more technologically advanced means of conveyance. In this story, the protagonist takes an airship to the moon.  Not only is this story an interesting moon-voyage account in its own right, but in addition, it was in fact, originally created as a hoax. Shockingly, Poe’s tale was not the only moon hoax of 1835, but was second in renown to the “great moon hoax” of the same year.  In this moon hoax, the New York Sun (a tabloid newspaper) published a series of articles on fake “celestial discoveries”--which included the discovery of a species of intelligent lunar bipedal beavers.  (Bonus points to Poe for not only creating his moon-travel hoax, but also for dreaming up his 1844 balloon hoax--in which he convinced readers of the New York Sun that a man had crossed the Atlantic in just 3 days in a new form of airship).
Got opinions on which of these three is the best moon voyage story? Comment below to let us know your pick!
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cadejosni · 5 years
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Durante casi dos milenios, los narradores de historias 📖📃 han ideado algunos métodos ingeniosos para llevar a sus personajes a la Luna. 🌛 . . Aquí hay algunos puntos destacados: • Tromba de agua gigante: "True Story", luciana de Samosata, ca. Siglo 2 dC • Un “puente de sombra”: Somnium, Johannes Kepler, 1634 • Cohete de etapas múltiples *: Histoire Comique de la Lune, Cyrano de Bergerac, 1657 • Lunarium **: Un viaje a la luna, George Tucker, 1827 • Globo: "La incomparable aventura de un tal Hans Pfall", Edgar Allan Poe, 1835 • Cañón gigante: de la Tierra a la Luna, Julio Verne, 1865 • Metal antigravedad: Primeros hombres en la luna, H.G. Wells, 1901 * Esta es la primera mención de un cohete de múltiples etapas en la literatura. ** Un metal que es solo parcialmente antigravitacional: es rechazado por la Tierra pero atraído por la Luna. #apod #astrofisica #astrofoto #astrofotografia #astronomia #astronomy #astrophoto #astrophotography #astrophysics #cadejosni #ciencia #cosmos #esa #galaxia #galaxy #july #luna #moon #nasa #nicaragua #planets #science #sky #space #stargazing #stars #universe #universo #apollo50 Vía astronomy.com https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzn3tQ2gkXO/?igshid=zvbexakuakou
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vassaeggen · 7 years
Året är 1835 - här föds fake news
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Jag läste en krönika av Björn Wiman i Dagens Nyheter om fake news och kom då att tänka på den ultimata fake newsen. Året är 1835. Tidningen New York Sun är två år gammal och har på dessa år revolutionerat tidningsbranschen. New York Sun har lanserat sin tidning för den breda allmänheten. Istället för 6-7 cent som konkurrenterna kostar New York Sun 1 cent. Tidningen har dessutom anställt en av USA:s första nyhetsreportrar, George Wisner.
Tidningen är också mer snaskig än konkurrenterna – första numret 3 september 1833 innehåller en text om Mr Fred A Hall, som tagit livet av sig med opiumdroppar. 24-årige Hall skulle precis skickas till Indonesien av sin far som ville avsluta den romans Hall har. Tidningen beskriver Hall: ”ett engagerande sätt och en älskvärd hållning”.
Tidningens sensationella framgångar skapar många efterföljare. En av dem är New York Herald (som startar som The Morning Herald) som är fixerad vi mord och gör skrupelfria beskrivningar av mordplatser. Det fungerar och snart är Herald lika stor som New York Sun med drygt 7000 i upplaga.
Vad ska New York Sun göra nu?
Den 25 augusti 1835 publicerar tidningen en story om astronomen Jon Herschel, som har byggt ett nytt teleskop på godahoppsudden med vilken Herschel kan se till månen. Tidningen beskriver i tekniska och vetenskapliga termer dag för dag vad Herschel upptäckt på månen, bl a stora sjöar, kanjoner, röda berg och mån-träd. Men framförallt människor – med vingar – som är ”fyra fot höga, täckta med kort, glänsande, kopparfärgat hår” som beskrivs som glada och oskyldiga varelser men som har byggt tempel. Lägg till det Herschels upptäckt av enhörningar och flygande män med kraftig sexualdrift och succén är ett faktum.
På några veckor säljer tidningen slut och många läsare väntar utanför tidningens redaktion för att få nästa uppdatering. Upplagan på New York Sun når 19 360 exemplar – den största tidningen inte bara i New York och dagstidningens hemstad London utan i världen!
En grupp vetenskapsmän från Yale kallas till New York för att inspektera artiklarna men tröttas ut av tidningen som skickar dem mellan redaktionen och tryckeriet tills de tröttnar.
Konkurrenterna blir förvisso förtvivlade och gör rewrites på New York Suns avslöjande och många tidningar i USA och i världen hjälper till att göra storyn viral. Även om långt ifrån alla tror den är sann så blir månvarelserna ett popkulturellt fenomen som alla behöver förhålla sig till. New York Sun publicerar en bok med alla artiklar samlade i ett och ger även ut en poster för 25 cent.
Historiker verkar eniga om att händelsen kanske inte uppfattades som äkta av alla sina läsare. Journalisten Richard Adams Locke erkänner att han skrivit artiklarna som en satir över många av tidens charlataner och låtsas-astronomer (varav en lovat att skicka missionärer till månen efter New York Suns avslöjande). Herschel är inte enbart irriterad över uppmärksamheten och författaren Edgar Allan Poe som skrivit en novell om Hans Pfall som är på väg till månen med en ballong avbryter bitter planerna på att skriva en uppföljare om Hans Pfalls liv på månen.
Konkurrenten New York Herald publicerar 31 augusti en artikel som visar att artiklarna är påhittade och New York Sun går till en början till motattack. Men efter sex artiklar under hösten låter tidningen dock det stora teleskopet brinna upp, när solens strålar vänds mot teleskopet och skapar en enorm brand.
New York Suns upplaga på 19 360 exemplar då? Jo trots bluffen så bibehåller tidningen all sina läsare och fortsätter under många år att vara USA:s största dagstidning med god marginal.
Apropå källor förresten, texten ovan är byggd på dels The Attention Merchants av Tim Wu men även bl a http://www.victoriangothic.org/the-great-moon-hoax-of-1835/ http://www.historyreference.org/library/refmoon.html http://www.history.com/.../the-great-moon-hoax-180-years... Det finns även några poddar i ämnet: http://thememorypalace.us/.../episode-24-the-moon-in-the.../ och i två delar: http://www.missedinhistory.com/.../the-great-moon-hoax-of...
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mockymyths · 7 years
A Generalized Timeline for Clarity
IDK about you guys, but I tend to get confused about events in history and when certain things are taking place in comparison to others. Unless I have a timeline physically showing me, it’s always hard for me to place people and stories in history. This and my lack of desire to do any REAL work currently as I happen to be very tired and lazy today is the reason why I have decided to make a relatively short collection of historical events in relation to Edgar Allan Poe’s stories and own personal life. I figured this might prove to be worth-while since it helps to physically see what is going on irl that may or may not have had some relation to his stories.
Plus I thought it would be cool to see what was happening in the world around his life and sadly it helped me realize just how old the buggar really is. MIND YOU, this isnt a wholly accurate list, nor is it exhaustive. I didn’t include poems, I didn’t include literally every story he wrote (mostly just popular or well enough known ones to have been referenced somewhere), and I didn’t include fucks as to what I did and didn’t include.
1809 - Edgar Allan Poe is born January 19
1810 - The Pacific Fur Company is formed and fund the fur-trading town of Astoria in present day Oregon
Edgar Allan Poe is taken in by the Allans as a foster child due to the death of his mother and abandonment by his father
1812 - War on the United Kingdom begin
1814 - British burn down Washington D.C.
Francis Scott Key writes Star Spangled Banner
Peace treaty is signed between the British and US
1815 - Battle of Waterloo
1818 - Stars and stripes adopted as US flag
1820 - Edgar Allan Poe turns 10
The Missouri Compromise passed
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving
1823 - The Monroe Doctrine
1827 - “Freedom’s Journal” published by John Russwurm as the First African American Newspaper
Slavery is legally abolished in New York
Poe enlisted in the US Army due to being unable to support himself
1828 - the copyright for The American Dictionary of the English Language is registered and published by Noah Webster
1829 -  Edgar Allan Poe turns 20
Poe is discharged from service
1830 - Book of Mormon published
Indian Removal Act
1831 - Underground railroad
Poe’s brother Henry dies of Alcoholism
1832 - The Duc De L’Omelette
A Tale of Jerusalem
1834 - Silence (Siope)
1835 - Morella
Unparallelled Adventure of One Han Pfall
Shadow - A Parable
1836 - The Alamo
Texas becomes independent from Mexico
Poe and Virginia Clemm have a wedding ceremony even though she was only 14
1837 - Trail of Tears takes place
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
1838 - The Psyche Zenobia
1839 - Edgar Allan Poe turns 30
The Devil in the Belfry
The Fall of the House of Usher
1840 - Beginning of the Opium War 1840-42
1841 - The Murders of the Rue Morgue
Never Bet the Devil Your Head
1842 - The Masque of the Red Death
The Pit and the Pendulum
The Gold Bug
The Tell-Tale Heart
The Black Cat
Virginia begins to show signs of tuberculosis
1843 - The Oregon Trail
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
A Tale of the Ragged Mountains
1844 - The Premature Burial
The Balloon Hoax
1845 - President Polk invokes Manifest Destiny
1846 - Us-Mexican War from 1846-1848
The Cask of Amontillado
1847 - Virginia dies of Tuberculosis at 24 years old
1848 - California gold rush starts
Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton led the the 1st Women’s Rights Convention
1849 - First Woman Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell is granted her degree
Edgar Allan Poe turns 40
Von Kempelen and His Discovery
X-ing a Paragrab
October 7th Edgar Allan Poe Dies at 40 years of age
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Potential Messengers?
So, I’ve gone on about the Caretakers, The Mystorians, and others, but there’s two groups I haven’t mentioned much. One is that mysterious and vague Quorum thing that Coal joined (which I’m guessing includes other characters who have ascended beyond Stars and Angels...like say Galahad). More importantly, there’s the Mesengers. Basically field agents working for the Caretakers who have an intimate understanding of Time and Space, and how to Traverse it. Known Mesengers include Hank Morgan (from Twain’s Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court) Alvin Ransom (aka Elwin Ransom from C.S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy) Beatrice Rappicini (from Rappicini’s Daughter by Nathaniel Hawthorne) what adventures do you think they got up to? Arthur Gordon Pym (from Poe’s the Narative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. No relation to Hank Pym as far as I know?). Possibly the End of Time, aka Theo? ( Is he a reference or allusion to anything in particular? I honestly don’t know). Dr. Raven ( Prince Coal, though I’m pretty Sure ‘Dr Raven’ is a reference to something I can’t put my finger on). So...who are other individuals who may be potential Mesengers? Those who are either experienced with Travel, whether Temporal, Spatial, Outer Spatial, or Inter Dimensional. I’m sure there are many possible canidates. I can think of perhaps three off the top of my Head. Hans Pfall from the unparalleled adventure of Hans Pfall by Poe. Basically any Verne protagonist ( I’m surprised there isn’t a Splinter Group made solely of Protagonists from Verne’s books), most notably Phileous Fogg. And, possibly, Ariel from the Tempest. I’m sure there’s plenty others that would be far more suitable than those three. Have at it Friends and make of it what you will. Also, feel free to point out if they’re a Fiction or not. We know Fictions are included among the Mesengers thanks to the tearful and unfortunate demise of the Late Hank Morgan.
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Here’s an Idea...
So...a moment ago I was discussing with a friend about the Character C. Auguste Dupin creates by Edgar Allan Poe ( favorite past Caretaker of the Caretakers Emeritus ;) ). I found it odd how there, as far as I know, there hasn’t been any series or movie based around him. I mean the number Sherlock stuff goes without saying. Then you have series based on Agatha Christie’s characters such as Hercule Pioroit (spelling?) and Miss Marple. Now, I know what some might be thinking, “Dupin only had three Stories of varying quality or mystery. How do you make a Series about that”? Well, there is the BBC show Father Brown to look to. Based on the Father Brown Detective Stories by G.K. Chesterton , Father Brown puts the titular Character (played by the delightful Mark Williams(aka Arthur Weasley) in a fictional town, gives him an ensemble of side characters, and has the character in a bunch of original Mysteries. I’d suggest a similar thing be done with Dupin. Of course he’d have his Narrating companion (who’d need a Name....nothing too blatant...hm...), and few others for a stable cast and have him solve Mysteries in Paris. Occasionally being called abroad. Adding to this for extra fun, go the Dickensian route and have other Poe stories referenced, if not a whole shared universe. Have the occasional reoccurring Characters of adventurer Hans Pfall or sailor Arthur Gordon Pym. Have Montrosour be a historical figure, and reference to the House of Usher. As a medical consultant the group of Physicians from the Case of M. Valdemar. Have various narrators pop up. For example, you could have the Imprisoned Narrator of Tell Tale Heart ( in the Imp of the Perverse or Angel of the Odd Sanatorium) as a Mad man who on occasion is consulted. You likely couldn’t have it be a complete Shared Universe, depending on how you’d choose to deal with the Supernatural. Either have it entirely absent. Have it present but only subtly or ignored. Perhaps the whole something apparently supernatural, then have the crime figured out to not be supernatural, followed by something supernatural happening when no one is there to witness it right before the credits role. Could be fun...make of it what you will.
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“Have you Tried Balloons”?
Among all the serious sorts of interactions Poe and Ozpin could have...one humorous one would be Poe’s thoughts on Space Travel in Remnant. When he learns how Rockets and Dust seem to fail he’d simply ask the above question like its the most obvious solution ever and without a hint of Sarcasm. When asked why he thinks that would work he replies “They worked fairly well for Hand Pfall and I. It was the Converting the Vacuum of Space Into Breathable Air that was the difficult part”. Make of this what you will Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Travel Buddies and Bets.
So...I’ve begun reading Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea by everyone’s favorite Secret Keeping, Fruit Eating, Show Goat breeding Prime Caretaker and absolute Nerd Jules Verne. Only on chapter Four or so, but I’m really enjoying it so far. This’ll be the second...no wait Third Jules Verne book I’ve read. Also occasionally reading an Ebook of Journey to the Center of the Earth (only on chapter three), and I read Around the World in Eighty Days some time in Sixth or Seventh grade for class (everyone picked classics out of a hat for book reports I think?). It’s about this first read of Master Verne that came to mind concerning the Travel Buddies. You might be wondering ‘Al who the hell are the Travel Buddies ‘? Simple. The Travel Buddies is a name I came up with to collectively refer to The a Caretaker Trio of Jules Verne (Caveo Principia/ later Prime Caretaker aka the Frenchman), Prof. Stellan Sigurdson (Caveo Secundus and Adventurer extraordinaire, probably known by some title like ‘The Adventurer or something cooler’), and H.G. ‘Bert’ Wells (Caveo Tertius/ the Far Traveler). So the thought occurred to me...Around the World in Eighty Days was spurred on by a bet....What’s the likelihood that one of the Travel Buddies (probably Jules or Stellan) accepted a bet to Travel the entirety of the Earth (or more likely the Archipelago) in Eighty (or maybe less?) days or so? Like The three of them are chilling with Uruk Ko or whatever...Ko makes some odd hand remark about being impossible to traverse the Archipelago in such a time. Or possibly some of the Caretakers in The a Pygmalion Gallery (since it was a gentleman’s club in Verne’s book if I recall correctly)...only for Stellan to totally take up that bet...and Jules and Bert coming along for the ride (with Bert being the voice of reason maybe?) But I’m just imagining these guys (mostly Stellan and Jules) accepting the craziest of bets...just to show they can totally do whatever impossible task it is (losing occasionally). I have to wonder what other Bets there are. Stellan probably got challenged to a race by Hans Pfall...or something. I don’t know. Place your bets if you can think of any. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming.
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Other occupants of the Tamerlane Boathouse.
Seeing as they have a whole boat House...I’m guessing there’s more Boats in there than just the Black Dragon( and I think the White Dragon).... Were it not for The Argo and the Nautilus being Dragon Ships (though I’m pretty sure the Red Dragon is at one of the other Nameless Isles where the Sons of Jason are staying?) I’d suggest them. With that said...here’s a few. The Hispaniola (you can’t imagine the Haggling that has to be done to get it) . The Skíðblaðnir (or at least a very convincing replica). Still able to do everything needed (like be folded up to fit in someone’s pocket). At least one Steamboat and Raft (courtesy of Twain of course). The various ships mentioned in the Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (with Poe having a particular fondness for the Ariel). An airship said to belong to the adventurer Hans Pfall (which Poe says was bequeathed to Pym...but was then given to him, after Pfall ‘died’. Though Poe doubts Hans is really dead). There’s likely other Airships probably (most of which having belonged to Verne. The big Nerd.). Poe calls these various airships Jules’ Fleet. There’s also a small Sail Boat for a handful of people (though it could be run by one or two) called the Mirranda. Also, Strangely there’s two row boats. One is in perfect condition. The other is a ruined old Row boat filled with Holes and missing its oars that Poe refuses to have properly restored. There’s also a Ship which may or may not be the Prydwen. According to Poe it was a gift from either Arthur or Taliesin....so it could very well be the actual Prydwen. Feel free to add any additions. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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So much Poe references....
I mean... Nevermore Tree. The disguise of ‘Dupin’ The Air Mobile Home could be stretched as a reference to stuff like the Adventure of Hans Pfall, or the Baloon Hoax. Really, I’m just wondering why the birds are Crows and not Ravens. I mean I guess Murder sounds more in line with Unfortunate than Unkindness...I guess? Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager.
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An Artic Adventure (an idea for a fanfic. Due to poor writing Skills)
So, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley has been the sole Caretaker of the Imaginarium Geographica for a while now. Although she’s helped by Ally Ada Lovelace. So, she is tasked with retrieving something from the Artic. She is joined by new Caretaker Edgar Allan Poe, Mesenger Arthur Gordon Pym, and adventurer Hans Pfall. Why are they going to the Artic? To retrieve the remains of Mary’s most famous creation. Her Monster. Big surprise when the Monster has been alive this whole time (probably thought of a name in that time) which makes the reason they( Poe and company more so than Mary) came a bit awkward, to find his remains and destroy them so other groups won’t be able to reverse engineer the Monster. So, there’s that. Make of it what you will. I don’t know if I’ll actually write something about this....never been that great at writing. Make of this what you will.
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“Fly me to the Moon...”
So after discussing Evangelion with a coworker I’ve had Fly me to the moon stuck in my head all day! After thinking on it a bit...the thought came to mind of everyone’s favorite Cartographer singing the song...likely dedicating it to Laura Glue. Although. Now I’m imagining Edmund and Laura Glue actually flying to the Moon. Probably implementing the same Airship user by the Adventurer Hans Pfall (an old Steve like associate of Poe’s). Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Outer Space Travel in CotIG!
How. Is. It. Done? I mean you’ve got Jules Verne, Alvin Ransom, Edgar Allan Poe (who probably knows Hans Pfall), H.G. Wells (F’n Cavorite is used for Anti Gravity for Pete’s sake) Ray Bradbury, and with the Mystorians you’ve got Issac Asimov and ....it was either Philip K. Dick or Arthur C. Clarke I forget which... But all these guys have dealt with Space Travel.....they can Travel in Time, Cross Dimensions like an evening Stroll (cough Ransom cough).... so. How. Do. They . Get into SPACE? Where have they been? How? What Space Ships did they use? Rockets? Giant Hollow Bullets? Fuckin Balloons? How? How? Caretakers on Space Adventures! Can you imagine Verne, Stellan, and Bert (aka Travel Buddies) going on God Damned SPACE ADVENTURES? It would be AWESOME! I’m just wondering...HOW? Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager.
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