#Beau would be a very entertaining grouchy noir detective
ariadne-mouse · 2 years
For the AU game: Beauyasha in 1920s noir
Who can the smoking, drinking, slouching-but-hard-hitting private eye detective be but our Beauregard Lionett? She's hot on the trail of The Angel Of Irons, a mysterious organization that's been disappearing people. After a long day she finds her way to a bar where soft-spoken bartender-and-bouncer (and sometimes illegal cage fighter) Yasha Nydoorin pours her a drink on the house at least once per visit. It's love, or something. She's putting together more evidence with the help of her journalist friend-and-disappointed-mentor, Dairon, when suddenly Yasha goes missing too. Has the Angel of Irons struck again? It seems so, except when Beau starts digging into Yasha's past, it seems it might not be as simple as a kidnapping... the or something Beau has been feeling hurts a hell of a lot when when she realizes Yasha has been an Angel herself, but it could also mean Beau has an in to take the whole operation down...
"You can't smoke in here." Beau isn't going to get a smoke in anyway, because her fucking lighter isn't working. "Ah, fuckin-- you got a light?" "No." There's a clink of glass, then two fingers of whiskey, neat, just like always, slid across the bar. God, looking into those gorgeous mismatched eyes is a bit like doing drugs. Good drugs. It's also magic, apparently, because the lighter finally does its fucking job and Beau takes a sweet inhale. She tilts her head back to breathe the smoke away. Then, because she's not rude, she turns her wrist and offers cig to Yasha. "I'm working," Yasha says in that soft, quiet way that makes people underestimate her. (But not Beau - never Beau.) Then easy as anything, she leans on her elbow over the counter and takes a drag from the cigarette Beau's still holding. The paint on her bottom lip leaves a tiny blue smudge. Keeping eye contact, she sighs, blowing the smoke directly in Beaus face. "And I said no smoking." Christ on a stick. Beau is probably going to have to walk from here straight to the emergency room. Or into heaven. Yasha Nydoorin is going to be the death of her.
[send me an AU and I'll share the plot of the fic I'll never write!]
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