#Because Milo & Lilly are definitely more flashed out in my head-
fluffyk97 · 3 years
A Future Family Au
I need some fluff and I want to talk about it, so have all this. Note: This includes Lavashipping & Jay. Pixane exists too but I have yet to decide to give them a kid or not. Lloyd just lives the single life.
Takes place years later. The Ninja in their late 20s and starting their 30s.
Jay & Nya end up having twins (Yes, Jay did faint when they learned it was twins.)
Nya and Jay struggled coming up with their names and ended up settling on two gender neutral names: Raine & Skye. (Who end up being she/they and they/them nonbinary kiddos anyway) also mainly because I couldn't really decide myself, but nonbinary good.
Wu is still hanging around, just not as strong as he used to be, but he's super happy to witness their birth and hold them. Good ol' Grandpa.
They still have their Ninja duties so they have to work around Nya, and/or Jay, not being around a lot of the time while Nya was pregnant and while they take care of their kids.
If Nya and Jay are absolutely required, one of the others stay behind at times to babysit. Of course though if all of them are needed they call Skylor or somebody as well.
Kai & Lloyd are the best kind of Uncles.
Raine & Skye does make Cole highkey reminiscence that feeling of being a "parent".
Cole & Kai have a talk about finding a way to get their own kid.
One day while out in the city during the Winter, Kai is running an errand and a shopkeeper recognizes him, asking for help to scare off this "stray animal" he's been hearing in the alley.
Kai reluctantly agrees, thinking he'll actually bring the animal to the shelter or something, only to find a little boy, not older than 6.
The boy quickly hides from Kai, who notices the kid trembling from the cold and coughing, showing signs he's sick.
Kai gently coaxes the kid out, and when he finally comes out, Kai hugs him and the boy sinks into the warmth radiating off of Kai.
The boy's name is Milo.
Kai goes home with Milo basically like: "Hey Cole?? Remember when we talked about getting a kid?"
Milo is a very anxious and timid kid so he takes a bit to get used to everyone, basically latching onto Kai all the time.
They all learn Milo is very prone to getting sick a lot, and that led to his parents abandoning him.
Kai basically has to be held back from murdering his parents as they manage to track them down and go through a bunch of legal work to officially adopt Milo.
News of the Ninja fighting for custody does spread which ends leading to a baby being dropped at the Monestary doors one day.
It's a little girl and they're unable to find her parents. While figuring out what to do, they notice Milo bonding with the baby, leading to Kai & Cole to adopt her as well.
While figuring out a name, Kai ends up suggesting that they name her after Cole's Mom, Lilly. Makes Cole want to marry Kai all over again-
Milo is the oldest of all the kids. Raine & Skye are 3 years behind from Milo. Lilly is the youngest.
Milo inherits Kai's Fire and it ends up helping him no longer get sick so often. Lilly inherits Earth from Cole just like her Grandma.
It does freak Kai & Cole out a little when they first start showing signs of their powers until they remember how Zane got Ice without being related to the previous Ice Master.
Raine inherits Water. Skye inherits Lightning.
Ultra is still alive and the Monestary has a Dragon Stable for them and other dragons because I said so, so the kids grew up a lot around Dragons.
Lloyd is basically a the kids' cool older brother/Uncle/Cousin? It's complicated but they all love him.
Lloyd is the main caretaker of the Dragons, and he loves to take the kids out on Dragon rides.
Nya & Jay are super supportive as Raine & Skye work out their identities and pronouns.
Kai is a big Mother Hen, wanting to give his kids the best life growing up and everything that he didn't get to experience after his parents disappeared.
Nya has a bit of that problem as well, just not as bad as Kai's.
Zane & Pixal are the main babysitters, aside from Skylor.
Zane & Pix also love to help to take over when they notice either pair of parents getting exhausted so they can get some rest.
Lloyd lost his babysitting privileges when he thought he could balance babysitting with Dragon caring and Green Ninja duties, leading him to collapse in exhaustion at the end of the day. The kids say they had a blast though-
Milo definitely breaks out of his shell when growing up, but still can't help but be more introverted and closed in.
Milo does take a liking to dancing and Cole teaches him. He tends to take his learning to his future battle training and fighting.
Lilly grows up a lot more extroverted and likes to be more optimistic in the group.
One time the family visits Shintaro, the Munce and Geckles of course take a liking to her from being named after her grandmother. Gleck even ends up giving the locket to her after much thought. Lilly treasures it and nearly never takes it off.
Milo and Lilly's relationship are basically just the equivalent to "Excuse me, he asked for no pickles."
Raine & Skye both grow up a perfect mix between Nya & Jay. Both can be pretty loud and talk a lot like their dad, while also being headstrong and stubborn like their mother.
The twins take a liking to inventing just like their parents as well. Taking and using it in their battles as well, and even to do little pranks here and there.
Raine & Skye are basically inseparable.
Here is the basic looks of the kiddos in their possible Young adult years, made in @sangled 's Picrew
Milo & Lilly
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Raine & Skye
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voiceactinguk · 7 years
[Unpaid] "Wayward" animated pilot project (closed)
I'm going to put this note first to be clear: I would prefer POC voice actors for POC roles if possible. I am not a POC myself, but I think having a diverse cast of characters is one thing, but a diverse voice cast as well is even better. Thanks! Hello, all, I’m Mack, a professional animator (toon boom and flash), and I’m trying to create a new webseries called Wayward, that has been in minor development for about a year now. ��I have written a pilot script and am looking for voice actors to fill the main roles. Wayward is a show heavily inspired by RPGSs and adventure games, especially whimsical ones like the Mother series. It’s a story about a group of kids who are all potential Questers in this world, recruited by the YHA (The Young Hero’s Association) to join their cause and go out on hero’s journeys specific to their own interests. But not every kid can be a hero, some people’s hearts just aren’t in it, no matter how badly they may want it, and this will cause conflict in the story. That’s not the case for Milo, however, a good natured but free-willed individual whose ambition sets them on a tunnel-vision path towards their goal, ignoring danger, the odds, and difficulty level. They’re obsessed with space exploration, and they’ve wanted to get up there since they were little. When they hear about a mysterious person known as the Questmaster visiting their town they’re ecstatic. The space-quest page on his website peaked their star-bound interest, and this quest opportunity is also a great way for Milo to spend time with their dad, who is a rather famous doctor in the area and often away. However, while he’s on board to spend time with his kid, this whole quest show has him suspicious there’s more going on. The pilot episode centres around both setting the story in motion and having the father and child overcome adversity strengthening their bond. This casting call is for the pilot episode. I would love to be able to carry over voice actors to the next planned episodes if the pilot is successful. I do, however, plan on animating a few shorts with the characters who do not show up in episode one, I have labelled them accordingly. The list of characters goes by highest priority to lowest priority. The episode itself is about half an hour in run time but that may change as the production goes on (if need be I may separate it into two 11 minute halves). As of right now I’m only asking for volunteer work. This is because Wayward is being funded directly out of my pocket, and made with help from friends. If the pilot is successful I will open a patreon to crowdfund the production of the rest of the planned episodes. I am committed to making this any way I can, regardless of finances, and I’d like to have something to show for our efforts first. I would like you to have your own equipment. I understand asking for volunteers is a big request already so don’t go out of your way. So long as it’s clean and clear, it’ll do just fine (Snowball and Blue microphones are pretty good for an inexpensive choice). Below is a list of main characters and bg characters I need for this episode. I should note Milo themself doesn’t talk. Think of them as your silent protagonist, though they aren’t mute. They’re deaf, so they do still have a voice, but I’m putting them at low priority since they technically have no lines. A lot of the characters are POC, so if you’re a person of colour yourself, please try out! I'm not myself so even if you end up not doing that I would value your input if something seems wrong or if you notice room for improvement.  Info on characters below:  Milo’s Dad Age: 36, M, Doctor He’s married and loves his kid and his wife more than anything, but he worries for them considering how headlong they both run into the fray. Though he’s away often due to his job, he takes every opportunity he can to spend time with Milo. He’s a sturdy guy, but calm and thoughtful, not strict. He isn’t afraid of his emotions, but he tries to keep himself collected. He’d have a clear voice, not harsh, and with a humble air about him. While this world isn't Earth exactly, I did design him with Cree in mind. A more in-depth description of him can be found in the doc provided. He has the most lines of anyone in the episode and appears throughout the entire script. A link to his auditions doc The QuestMaster Age: 28 - 34, M, Occupation in name I have him listed as male but that isn’t a strict requirement because he is a very androgynous character. He’s a recruiter for the YHA. He’s a boisterous, showy, bold person who loves talking and loves his job. He probably has stashes full of glitter stored away for emergency use.  He’d have an announcer-type voice, the kind of person who sounds like at any moment he might like to break into song. A more in-depth description of him can be found in the doc provided. He has probably the second most lines in the episode, and the most monologues. He appears in a large chunk of act 1 and a smaller bit in act 3. A link to his auditions doc  The QuestMaster’s Assistant Age 24 -27, NB (non-binary), Occupation in name In a word? Tired. They would always rather be sleeping. Not that they hate their job or are bored by it, but because they’re exhausted all the time and just want to go back to bed as soon as they can. They assist the Questmaster with forms and dealing with parents. I don’t have too much in mind specifically for their voice, so play with it a little. Whatever ‘tired but trying’ sounds like to you. They're genderless so anything goes in terms of voice type. They appear in the Questmaster's segments though they have much fewer lines. They're a very blunt person, being so tired all the time. A link to their auditions doc Milo Age 12 going on 13, NB (non-binary), space-enthusiast Milo is deaf and doesn’t speak, so all their lines are mostly just reaction noises, laughing, gasps, etc. They love space more than anything. Their ambition is their driving factor and they’re a big daydreamer. They face their goals head-on, but not without a little thought and observation.They can get blindsided by their own ambition, however, and they never walk around–always through. Milo appears through the entire script. Milo is a little different to handle. I don't have a specific doc for them as they have no spoken lines. Instead I will list a few action noises here. Milo is a very vibrant person, they should be as expressive as possible without saying a word. Think Toon Link from the legend of zelda for a more expressive silent protagonist, then double it. Line one: Giggling, laughing, then burst of laughter Line two:  Growling with frustration Line three: Getting hit by something (you decide what), recovering and throwing an attack of their own. Line four: Battle cry Leora Age 13, F, aspiring writer She may not have a speaking role in episode one, but she is IN it briefly and an important character to the series so if I can find a voice for her, she’ll probably get a few introduction lines in her scene, and a short. animation to introduce her properly. She’s prominent in episode 2 onward, however. She’s a few months older than Milo, a writer, and a perfectionist. Her mother owns the town’s cat cafe and her older sisters work there. She spends a lot of time in the back room, writing. I don’t have too many specifics in mind for her voice, just that she isn’t too excitable but she shouldn’t come off as shy either, just a bit of an introvert (who talks to herself quite often) with a quirk for giving just about everything a backstory. Street cats, passers by, she just can't help it. More info on her can be found in the doc. A link to her auditions doc Alby Age 12, NB, Lover of all things avian They’re not in the first episode at all, but they’re also an important character who shows up in episode 2, and some shorts I’m thinking about, so I’m placing them here for that reason. Alby is two months younger than Milo. They’re a rough and tumble type, love running headlong into things and they never plan anything ahead, it’s always in the moment and acting on impulse. Their goals are less clear than Milo’s but they’d follow their friend anywhere. They definitely would sound excitable, enthusiastic and occasionally, their brain gets ahead of their words and they skip sentences and backtrack to explain things. It can be confusing, especially to those who rely on lip-reading. They mean well, though. More info on them is in the doc. Alby was intended as Metis. A link to their auditions doc Episode two would also debut Leora’s two 17 year old twin sisters, Mallou and Millie, as well as her mother Lilly and little brother Luca, but they are low priority right now and not in episode one. I have a few kids, parents, cafe workers, etc available, but none are priority and if I need extra voices, I will list another casting call. I am planning on doing some short animations involving the characters to introduce them as well, so those with few lines in the beginning can have focus in a 2-3 minute short animation. If you are interested in this project or would like to send an audition you can reach me at [email protected] Deadline is November 1st Thank you! -Mack http://dlvr.it/Pz9f86 www.voiceacting.space
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voiceactinguk · 7 years
[Unpaid] "Wayward" animated pilot project
I'm going to put this note first to be clear: I would prefer POC voice actors for POC roles if possible. Thanks! Hello, all, I’m Mack, a professional animator (toon boom and flash), and I’m trying to create a new webseries called Wayward, that has been in minor development for about a year now.  I have written a pilot script and am looking for voice actors to fill the main roles. Wayward is a show heavily inspired by RPGSs and adventure games, especially whimsical ones like the Mother series. It’s a story about a group of kids who are all potential Questers in this world, recruited by the YHA (The Young Hero’s Association) to join their cause and go out on hero’s journeys specific to their own interests. But not every kid can be a hero, some people’s hearts just aren’t in it, no matter how badly they may want it, and this will cause conflict in the story. That’s not the case for Milo, however, a good natured but free-willed individual whose ambition sets them on a tunnel-vision path towards their goal, ignoring danger, the odds, and difficulty level. They’re obsessed with space exploration, and they’ve wanted to get up there since they were little. When they hear about a mysterious person known as the Questmaster visiting their town they’re ecstatic. The space-quest page on his website peaked their star-bound interest, and this quest opportunity is also a great way for Milo to spend time with their dad, who is a rather famous doctor in the area and often away. However, while he’s on board to spend time with his kid, this whole quest show has him suspicious there’s more going on. The pilot episode centres around both setting the story in motion and having the father and child overcome adversity strengthening their bond. This casting call is for the pilot episode. I would love to be able to carry over voice actors to the next planned episodes if the pilot is successful. I do, however, plan on animating a few shorts with the characters who do not show up in episode one, I have labelled them accordingly. The list of characters goes by highest priority to lowest priority. The episode itself is about half an hour in run time but that may change as the production goes on (if need be I may separate it into two 11 minute halves). As of right now I’m only asking for volunteer work. This is because Wayward is being funded directly out of my pocket, and made with help from friends. If the pilot is successful I will open a patreon to crowdfund the production of the rest of the planned episodes. I am committed to making this any way I can, regardless of finances, and I’d like to have something to show for our efforts first. I would like you to have your own equipment. I understand asking for volunteers is a big request already so don’t go out of your way. So long as it’s clean and clear, it’ll do just fine (Snowball and Blue microphones are pretty good for an inexpensive choice). Below is a list of main characters and bg characters I need for this episode. I should note Milo themself doesn’t talk. Think of them as your silent protagonist, though they aren’t mute. They’re deaf, so they do still have a voice, but I’m putting them at low priority since they technically have no lines. A lot of the characters are POC, so if you’re a person of colour yourself, please try out! Even if you end up not doing that I would value your input if something seems wrong or if you notice room for improvement.  Info on characters below:  Milo’s Dad Age: 36, M, Doctor He’s married and loves his kid and his wife more than anything, but he worries for them considering how headlong they both run into the fray. Though he’s away often due to his job, he takes every opportunity he can to spend time with Milo. He’s a sturdy guy, but calm and thoughtful, not strict. He isn’t afraid of his emotions, but he tries to keep himself collected. He’d have a clear voice, not harsh, and with a humble air about him. While this world isn't Earth exactly, I did design him with Cree in mind. A more in-depth description of him can be found in the doc provided. He has the most lines of anyone in the episode and appears throughout the entire script. A link to his auditions doc The QuestMaster Age: 28 - 34, M, Occupation in name I have him listed as male but that isn’t a strict requirement because he is a very androgynous character. He’s a recruiter for the YHA. He’s a boisterous, showy, bold person who loves talking and loves his job. He probably has stashes full of glitter stored away for emergency use.  He’d have an announcer-type voice, the kind of person who sounds like at any moment he might like to break into song. A more in-depth description of him can be found in the doc provided. He has probably the second most lines in the episode, and the most monologues. He appears in a large chunk of act 1 and a smaller bit in act 3. A link to his auditions doc  The QuestMaster’s Assistant Age 24 -27, NB (non-binary), Occupation in name In a word? Tired. They would always rather be sleeping. Not that they hate their job or are bored by it, but because they’re exhausted all the time and just want to go back to bed as soon as they can. They assist the Questmaster with forms and dealing with parents. I don’t have too much in mind specifically for their voice, so play with it a little. Whatever ‘tired but trying’ sounds like to you. They're genderless so anything goes in terms of voice type. They appear in the Questmaster's segments though they have much fewer lines. They're a very blunt person, being so tired all the time. A link to their auditions doc Milo Age 12 going on 13, NB (non-binary), space-enthusiast Milo is deaf and doesn’t speak, so all their lines are mostly just reaction noises, laughing, gasps, etc. They love space more than anything. Their ambition is their driving factor and they’re a big daydreamer. They face their goals head-on, but not without a little thought and observation.They can get blindsided by their own ambition, however, and they never walk around–always through. Milo appears through the entire script. Milo is a little different to handle. I don't have a specific doc for them as they have no spoken lines. Instead I will list a few action noises here. Milo is a very vibrant person, they should be as expressive as possible without saying a word. Think Toon Link from the legend of zelda for a more expressive silent protagonist, then double it. Line one: Giggling, laughing, then burst of laughter Line two:  Growling with frustration Line three: Getting hit by something (you decide what), recovering and throwing an attack of their own. Line four: Battle cry Leora Age 13, F, aspiring writer She may not have a speaking role in episode one, but she is IN it briefly and an important character to the series so if I can find a voice for her, she’ll probably get a few introduction lines in her scene, and a short. animation to introduce her properly. She’s prominent in episode 2 onward, however. She’s a few months older than Milo, a writer, and a perfectionist. Her mother owns the town’s cat cafe and her older sisters work there. She spends a lot of time in the back room, writing. I don’t have too many specifics in mind for her voice, just that she isn’t too excitable but she shouldn’t come off as shy either, just a bit of an introvert (who talks to herself quite often) with a quirk for giving just about everything a backstory. Street cats, passers by, she just can't help it. More info on her can be found in the doc. A link to her auditions doc Alby Age 12, NB, Lover of all things avian They’re not in the first episode at all, but they’re also an important character who shows up in episode 2, and some shorts I’m thinking about, so I’m placing them here for that reason. Alby is two months younger than Milo. They’re a rough and tumble type, love running headlong into things and they never plan anything ahead, it’s always in the moment and acting on impulse. Their goals are less clear than Milo’s but they’d follow their friend anywhere. They definitely would sound excitable, enthusiastic and occasionally, their brain gets ahead of their words and they skip sentences and backtrack to explain things. It can be confusing, especially to those who rely on lip-reading. They mean well, though. More info on them is in the doc. Alby was intended as Metis. A link to their auditions doc Episode two would also debut Leora’s two 17 year old twin sisters, Mallou and Millie, as well as her mother Lilly and little brother Luca, but they are low priority right now and not in episode one. I have a few kids, parents, cafe workers, etc available, but none are priority and if I need extra voices, I will list another casting call. I am planning on doing some short animations involving the characters to introduce them as well, so those with few lines in the beginning can have focus in a 2-3 minute short animation. If you are interested in this project or would like to send an audition you can reach me at [email protected] Deadline is November 1st Thank you! -Mack http://dlvr.it/Pw3ZzV www.voiceacting.space
0 notes
voiceactinguk · 7 years
[Unpaid] "Wayward" animated pilot project
I'm going to put this note first to be clear: I would prefer POC voice actors for POC roles if possible. Thanks! Hello, all, I’m Mack, a professional animator (toon boom and flash), and I’m trying to create a new webseries called Wayward, that has been in minor development for about a year now.  I have written a pilot script and am looking for voice actors to fill the main roles. Wayward is a show heavily inspired by RPGSs and adventure games, especially whimsical ones like the Mother series. It’s a story about a group of kids who are all potential Questers in this world, recruited by the YHA (The Young Hero’s Association) to join their cause and go out on hero’s journeys specific to their own interests. But not every kid can be a hero, some people’s hearts just aren’t in it, no matter how badly they may want it, and this will cause conflict in the story. That’s not the case for Milo, however, a good natured but free-willed individual whose ambition sets them on a tunnel-vision path towards their goal, ignoring danger, the odds, and difficulty level. They’re obsessed with space exploration, and they’ve wanted to get up there since they were little. When they hear about a mysterious person known as the Questmaster visiting their town they’re ecstatic. The space-quest page on his website peaked their star-bound interest, and this quest opportunity is also a great way for Milo to spend time with their dad, who is a rather famous doctor in the area and often away. However, while he’s on board to spend time with his kid, this whole quest show has him suspicious there’s more going on. The pilot episode centres around both setting the story in motion and having the father and child overcome adversity strengthening their bond. This casting call is for the pilot episode. I would love to be able to carry over voice actors to the next planned episodes if the pilot is successful. I do, however, plan on animating a few shorts with the characters who do not show up in episode one, I have labelled them accordingly. The list of characters goes by highest priority to lowest priority. The episode itself is about half an hour in run time but that may change as the production goes on (if need be I may separate it into two 11 minute halves). As of right now I’m only asking for volunteer work. This is because Wayward is being funded directly out of my pocket, and made with help from friends. If the pilot is successful I will open a patreon to crowdfund the production of the rest of the planned episodes. I am committed to making this any way I can, regardless of finances, and I’d like to have something to show for our efforts first. I would like you to have your own equipment. I understand asking for volunteers is a big request already so don’t go out of your way. So long as it’s clean and clear, it’ll do just fine (Snowball and Blue microphones are pretty good for an inexpensive choice). Below is a list of main characters and bg characters I need for this episode. I should note Milo themself doesn’t talk. Think of them as your silent protagonist, though they aren’t mute. They’re deaf, so they do still have a voice, but I’m putting them at low priority since they technically have no lines. A lot of the characters are POC, so if you’re a person of colour yourself, please try out! Even if you end up not doing that I would value your input if something seems wrong or if you notice room for improvement.  Info on characters below:  Milo’s Dad Age: 36, M, Doctor He’s married and loves his kid and his wife more than anything, but he worries for them considering how headlong they both run into the fray. Though he’s away often due to his job, he takes every opportunity he can to spend time with Milo. He’s a sturdy guy, but calm and thoughtful, not strict. He isn’t afraid of his emotions, but he tries to keep himself collected. He’d have a clear voice, not harsh, and with a humble air about him. While this world isn't Earth exactly, I did design him with Cree in mind. A more in-depth description of him can be found in the doc provided. He has the most lines of anyone in the episode and appears throughout the entire script. A link to his auditions doc The QuestMaster Age: 28 - 34, M, Occupation in name I have him listed as male but that isn’t a strict requirement because he is a very androgynous character. He’s a recruiter for the YHA. He’s a boisterous, showy, bold person who loves talking and loves his job. He probably has stashes full of glitter stored away for emergency use.  He’d have an announcer-type voice, the kind of person who sounds like at any moment he might like to break into song. A more in-depth description of him can be found in the doc provided. He has probably the second most lines in the episode, and the most monologues. He appears in a large chunk of act 1 and a smaller bit in act 3. A link to his auditions doc  The QuestMaster’s Assistant Age 24 -27, NB (non-binary), Occupation in name In a word? Tired. They would always rather be sleeping. Not that they hate their job or are bored by it, but because they’re exhausted all the time and just want to go back to bed as soon as they can. They assist the Questmaster with forms and dealing with parents. I don’t have too much in mind specifically for their voice, so play with it a little. Whatever ‘tired but trying’ sounds like to you. They're genderless so anything goes in terms of voice type. They appear in the Questmaster's segments though they have much fewer lines. They're a very blunt person, being so tired all the time. A link to their auditions doc Milo Age 12 going on 13, NB (non-binary), space-enthusiast Milo is deaf and doesn’t speak, so all their lines are mostly just reaction noises, laughing, gasps, etc. They love space more than anything. Their ambition is their driving factor and they’re a big daydreamer. They face their goals head-on, but not without a little thought and observation.They can get blindsided by their own ambition, however, and they never walk around–always through. Milo appears through the entire script. Milo is a little different to handle. I don't have a specific doc for them as they have no spoken lines. Instead I will list a few action noises here. Milo is a very vibrant person, they should be as expressive as possible without saying a word. Think Toon Link from the legend of zelda for a more expressive silent protagonist, then double it. Line one: Giggling, laughing, then burst of laughter Line two:  Growling with frustration Line three: Getting hit by something (you decide what), recovering and throwing an attack of their own. Line four: Battle cry Leora Age 13, F, aspiring writer She may not have a speaking role in episode one, but she is IN it briefly and an important character to the series so if I can find a voice for her, she’ll probably get a few introduction lines in her scene, and a short. animation to introduce her properly. She’s prominent in episode 2 onward, however. She’s a few months older than Milo, a writer, and a perfectionist. Her mother owns the town’s cat cafe and her older sisters work there. She spends a lot of time in the back room, writing. I don’t have too many specifics in mind for her voice, just that she isn’t too excitable but she shouldn’t come off as shy either, just a bit of an introvert (who talks to herself quite often) with a quirk for giving just about everything a backstory. Street cats, passers by, she just can't help it. More info on her can be found in the doc. A link to her auditions doc Alby Age 12, NB, Lover of all things avian They’re not in the first episode at all, but they’re also an important character who shows up in episode 2, and some shorts I’m thinking about, so I’m placing them here for that reason. Alby is two months younger than Milo. They’re a rough and tumble type, love running headlong into things and they never plan anything ahead, it’s always in the moment and acting on impulse. Their goals are less clear than Milo’s but they’d follow their friend anywhere. They definitely would sound excitable, enthusiastic and occasionally, their brain gets ahead of their words and they skip sentences and backtrack to explain things. It can be confusing, especially to those who rely on lip-reading. They mean well, though. More info on them is in the doc. Alby was intended as Metis. A link to their auditions doc Episode two would also debut Leora’s two 17 year old twin sisters, Mallou and Millie, as well as her mother Lilly and little brother Luca, but they are low priority right now and not in episode one. I have a few kids, parents, cafe workers, etc available, but none are priority and if I need extra voices, I will list another casting call. I am planning on doing some short animations involving the characters to introduce them as well, so those with few lines in the beginning can have focus in a 2-3 minute short animation. If you are interested in this project or would like to send an audition you can reach me at [email protected] Thank you! -Mack http://dlvr.it/Pw2lWH www.voiceacting.space
0 notes