#Though I feel ashamed as a nonbinary not thinking of the Nonbinary kiddos more
fluffyk97 · 3 years
A Future Family Au
I need some fluff and I want to talk about it, so have all this. Note: This includes Lavashipping & Jay. Pixane exists too but I have yet to decide to give them a kid or not. Lloyd just lives the single life.
Takes place years later. The Ninja in their late 20s and starting their 30s.
Jay & Nya end up having twins (Yes, Jay did faint when they learned it was twins.)
Nya and Jay struggled coming up with their names and ended up settling on two gender neutral names: Raine & Skye. (Who end up being she/they and they/them nonbinary kiddos anyway) also mainly because I couldn't really decide myself, but nonbinary good.
Wu is still hanging around, just not as strong as he used to be, but he's super happy to witness their birth and hold them. Good ol' Grandpa.
They still have their Ninja duties so they have to work around Nya, and/or Jay, not being around a lot of the time while Nya was pregnant and while they take care of their kids.
If Nya and Jay are absolutely required, one of the others stay behind at times to babysit. Of course though if all of them are needed they call Skylor or somebody as well.
Kai & Lloyd are the best kind of Uncles.
Raine & Skye does make Cole highkey reminiscence that feeling of being a "parent".
Cole & Kai have a talk about finding a way to get their own kid.
One day while out in the city during the Winter, Kai is running an errand and a shopkeeper recognizes him, asking for help to scare off this "stray animal" he's been hearing in the alley.
Kai reluctantly agrees, thinking he'll actually bring the animal to the shelter or something, only to find a little boy, not older than 6.
The boy quickly hides from Kai, who notices the kid trembling from the cold and coughing, showing signs he's sick.
Kai gently coaxes the kid out, and when he finally comes out, Kai hugs him and the boy sinks into the warmth radiating off of Kai.
The boy's name is Milo.
Kai goes home with Milo basically like: "Hey Cole?? Remember when we talked about getting a kid?"
Milo is a very anxious and timid kid so he takes a bit to get used to everyone, basically latching onto Kai all the time.
They all learn Milo is very prone to getting sick a lot, and that led to his parents abandoning him.
Kai basically has to be held back from murdering his parents as they manage to track them down and go through a bunch of legal work to officially adopt Milo.
News of the Ninja fighting for custody does spread which ends leading to a baby being dropped at the Monestary doors one day.
It's a little girl and they're unable to find her parents. While figuring out what to do, they notice Milo bonding with the baby, leading to Kai & Cole to adopt her as well.
While figuring out a name, Kai ends up suggesting that they name her after Cole's Mom, Lilly. Makes Cole want to marry Kai all over again-
Milo is the oldest of all the kids. Raine & Skye are 3 years behind from Milo. Lilly is the youngest.
Milo inherits Kai's Fire and it ends up helping him no longer get sick so often. Lilly inherits Earth from Cole just like her Grandma.
It does freak Kai & Cole out a little when they first start showing signs of their powers until they remember how Zane got Ice without being related to the previous Ice Master.
Raine inherits Water. Skye inherits Lightning.
Ultra is still alive and the Monestary has a Dragon Stable for them and other dragons because I said so, so the kids grew up a lot around Dragons.
Lloyd is basically a the kids' cool older brother/Uncle/Cousin? It's complicated but they all love him.
Lloyd is the main caretaker of the Dragons, and he loves to take the kids out on Dragon rides.
Nya & Jay are super supportive as Raine & Skye work out their identities and pronouns.
Kai is a big Mother Hen, wanting to give his kids the best life growing up and everything that he didn't get to experience after his parents disappeared.
Nya has a bit of that problem as well, just not as bad as Kai's.
Zane & Pixal are the main babysitters, aside from Skylor.
Zane & Pix also love to help to take over when they notice either pair of parents getting exhausted so they can get some rest.
Lloyd lost his babysitting privileges when he thought he could balance babysitting with Dragon caring and Green Ninja duties, leading him to collapse in exhaustion at the end of the day. The kids say they had a blast though-
Milo definitely breaks out of his shell when growing up, but still can't help but be more introverted and closed in.
Milo does take a liking to dancing and Cole teaches him. He tends to take his learning to his future battle training and fighting.
Lilly grows up a lot more extroverted and likes to be more optimistic in the group.
One time the family visits Shintaro, the Munce and Geckles of course take a liking to her from being named after her grandmother. Gleck even ends up giving the locket to her after much thought. Lilly treasures it and nearly never takes it off.
Milo and Lilly's relationship are basically just the equivalent to "Excuse me, he asked for no pickles."
Raine & Skye both grow up a perfect mix between Nya & Jay. Both can be pretty loud and talk a lot like their dad, while also being headstrong and stubborn like their mother.
The twins take a liking to inventing just like their parents as well. Taking and using it in their battles as well, and even to do little pranks here and there.
Raine & Skye are basically inseparable.
Here is the basic looks of the kiddos in their possible Young adult years, made in @sangled 's Picrew
Milo & Lilly
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Raine & Skye
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futurebicon · 4 years
No Control Part 3
Julian is nonbinary in this fic and I think they will be in all of my fics from now on even though in my original NB Jules fic they came out when they were older.
I wrote this in 4 hours. Kinda proud. I might try and stay up late and get the next part written tonight if at all possible. (No idea how many parts this will be) I've finally used this tablet enough so that the keyboard is a decent speed.
Warning- hospital, injury, not really panic attack but being in shock, no medical knowledge
"Hey Captain No Spleen." James smirked.
Sirius smiled back but was quickly overwhelmed by all the greetings.
"How are you feeling, min fils?" Dumo asked.
Sirius looked at Remus. The words Dumo just said formed slightly over his lips, hoping the movement brought recognition of the meaning to his mind. He shook his head as it failed to remember. "Re" he whispered inaudibly.
Remus nodded and soothed back his hair. "It's okay."
"He's having some trouble understanding what people are saying. It takes a while for his mind to process the words and with his amnesia he sometimes doesn't remember what the words mean." He explained.
"That'll go away, right?" Kasey asked.
"Yeah." Remus nodded. "Once his mind heals more or once the shock of it wears off."
"Logan?" Sirius spoke. Everyone was obviously shocked by how small his voice sounded.
"He's okay." James told him.
'Slow' Remus mouthed as Sirius blinked in confusion.
"He's okay." James repeated slowly. "Leo and Finn are with him. He's resting."
Sirius nodded in understanding.
"He was worried about you." Thomas told him.
"Good" Sirius smirked with his eyes closed.
"That's a bit rude, spleenless." James shook his head with a smile. All of them glad to see some sign of their Captain.
"How- how-" Sirius struggled.
"How what, baby?"
"When-" He groaned.
"Is it about Logan?"
"No" he gritted out forcefully.
"It's okay. Just take your time, love."
"Other- when- can't think-" Sirius hit the bed in frustration. "Can't think."
"Hey, hey, shh." Remus took his hand. "It's okay. It's okay. I know it must be frustrating but it's okay. Just breathe love and then take your time."
"Other- car" he said a minute later after trying to form the right words.
"What happened to the other car?" Dumo tried when Sirius didn't say anything else.
"Yes" Sirius breathed in relief that someone understood.
"Oh, um. They think it was a hit and run."
'Hit and run' Sirius mouthed.
"It means that the driver hit your car and then drove off." Remus explained.
"Why- did- would-"
"We don't know but the police are investigating." James told him.
"Oh. Have- talk to-"
"You don't have to talk to them now, but once you're better you might. Logan told them what happened earlier." Remus assured him.
"Oh-kay" he sounded out.
Anymore conversation was cut off by the door opening.
"Hey Cap." Finn smiled tiredly as Leo and him walked into the room.
"What happened? Where's Logan?" Dumo asked.
"He's fine" Finn told him "Kicked us out so he could sleep and they could run tests."
"You okay, Knut?" Remus noticed Leos cornered animal appearance.
"Hm? Oh. I'm okay." He darted his eyes down when he made eye contact.
"Think I'm just tired." His voice was a quiet and slurred mutter.
"Here. No one sit." Kuny had stood up from his chair, knowing Leo was too dazed to notice.
'Thank you' Finn mouthed as Leo sat down. Serigi moved so Finn could sit beside him.
"Le- okay?" Sirius asked.
Finn gave him a confused look before Remus retold what was going on.
"Oh. Yeah. I think he's just in shock still." He said slow for Sirius. "He was weird with Logan when we first saw him. Said he was scared to hurt him. I'm pretty sure he just needs sleep."
"Hey that news place they were going to do the interview for just tweeted. 'Due to irresponsible time management, childish pranking, or just plain laziness, Logan Trembley and Sirius Black did not show up for their interview today. Apologize to all who were anxiously awaiting to read it.'" James read the post.
"So no one told anyone?" Kasey asked.
"I have a picture of the car that the police gave us." Finn smirked. "Should I log in to the teams account and retweet their post?"
"Do it." Everyone told him to.
"Coach said do it." Kasey read his reply. "He said the league hasn't responded to anything he has told them and hasn't even heard anything he told them. So this should get enough of their attention."
"What do I say?" Finn asked. "Just 'Here's why'?"
"Make sure to say that they're alive" Dumo told him.
"Re" Sirius hit Remus's arm. "Too many- go slower- want to know."
"Guys." Remus said loud enough for everyone to stop talking. "Slow down, one at a time." He nodded towards Sirius.
"Sorry" Sirius muttered and looked down. Like he was ashamed that he couldn't process what they were saying.
"It's okay." Dumo shook his head.
"The interview you were going to posted something petty about how you weren't there." Remus explained. "Finn is going to post a picture of the crash because we're also petty."
Sirius smiled at the words. "League don't-"
"Coach is trying to tell them but they won't listen."
"Now they will." James wiggled his eyebrows.
Finn cleared his throat dramatically, making Sirius smile and Leo giggle, before reading what he had typed like he was reading a message from the king.
"Sirius Black and Logan Trembly would of loved to do the interview, but because of someone elses inability to read a speedometer, stop at a red light, and not drive away after hitting a car, they were unable to. They would be estatic to sit down and have a nice chat once they are out of the hospital. We are sorry to anyone anxiously awaiting to see them play next week. Due to a punctured lung, bruised heart, broken ribs, damaged kidney, brain damage, a broken leg, severe whiplash, and a missing organ, they won't be able to make it to the game. Thank you for your understanding and please drive safe."
"Perfect" James laughed.
"And.... posted." Finn pressed the post button dramatically.
"Oh fuck." Remus turned serious. "Did any of us tell families about this?"
"Nope. Shit." Finn pulled his phone back out of his pocket. "I'll go call Lo's parents." He kissed Leo.
"Call mine too?" The happiness that ghosted Leos face when Finn was being dramatic had left him emotionless again.
"Of course, baby." Finn kissed him again and left the room.
"Tell- parents?" Sirius looked at Remus.
"I'll tell them." Remus nodded.
"We'll go." Dumo said.
"I probably should answer my parents." James held up his phone.
"Noelle's gonna murder me." Talker whined as his rang.
The team trickled out till it was just Sirius and Remus.
"Remus?" Hope answered the phone. "We saw what was posted. Is he alright?"
"He's okay, mom." Remus assured her.
"Oh thank god." Lyall breathed.
Sirius smiled at their reactions to him being okay.
"Can I talk to him?" Jules asked.
"Yeah he's right here bu-"
They cut him off. Going a million miles an hour.
Sirius gave Remus a pleading look because he loved Jules and he knew that they talked like this but right now Sirius needed them to slow down.
"Jules- Jules." Remus tried to stop his sibling. "Slow down. Let me talk first."
Remus heard his parents quiet them.
"Sirius is having some trouble understanding what people are saying. It takes a while for his mind to process the words and he also has some very slight amnesia that's making it a little hard for him to remember what some words mean. So when you talk just talk slowly like I am and you're going to have to make sure you talk clearly, especially through the phone."
"Why can't he understand the words?" Jules had slowed down but their slow was other peoples normal.
"Slower, kiddo. He hit his head pretty hard in the accident, like a really bad concussion. He also has some trouble talking and remembering words."
"Ohhh" Jules dragged out the word.
How are you feeling, Sirius?" Hope asked, speaking perfectly.
"I'm- good." Sirius told her.
"What injures are yours?" Jules sounded out each sylible.
"Can talk- faster-." Sirius laughed, trying hard to talk well.
"From Finns list and the doctors he was, broken leg, whiplash, brain injury, punctured lung, broken rib, and his spleen was ruptured in the crash and had to be removed but spleens aren't too necessary apparently."
"You don't have an organ?" Jules asked in awe.
"Nope" Sirius laughed.
"Well we'll leave you to get better." Hope said. "Don't be surprised if we show up in the next few days." They said their goodbyes loudly.
"Okay?" Sirius asked when Leo walked in an hour later.
"Logan, uh, Logan had to go into surgery." he put his hands in the pockets of his, possibly Logans or maybe Finns, sweatshirt and bunched it up as he rocked on his heels.
"Why?" Remus asked.
"Misdiagnosed his heart and it was actually more serious than just a bruise. It was actually a tear or some-something. He- he flatlined while we were up there."
Cliffhanger I'm sorry
It's only gonna get angstier
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