aifanfictions · 8 months
Write a story about (y/n) dating Illumi Zoldyck and he invited her to come over for a family dinner where he introduces her as his partner. Maybe make a family conflict happen because Illumi would probably be expected to marry comeone of his profession so i woudn't be surprised if his family (mostly his controling mother) would be against him dating anyone who his parents don't deem good enough. Make it have a happy and cute ending.
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Unmasked Hearts
(Y/N) had always known that dating Illumi Zoldyck would be anything but ordinary. He was a skilled assassin, a member of the infamous Zoldyck family, and his life was a complex web of secrecy and intrigue. So when Illumi invited her over for a family dinner, she knew it was a significant step in their relationship.
As they arrived at the massive Zoldyck estate, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness. The mansion was imposing, and the aura of the family was even more so. She was well aware that Illumi's mother, Kikyo, was a formidable presence known for her control over her children's lives.
Illumi, always a stoic figure, held (Y/N)'s hand as they entered the opulent dining room, where his family had already gathered. His father, Silva, sat at the head of the table, observing the scene with an appraising eye, while his younger brother, Milluki, played with his gadgets.
Seated at the table, (Y/N) felt the weight of their collective gaze. Kikyo, Illumi's mother, was the first to speak. Her voice was icy and controlled. "Illumi, you have a guest. Care to introduce her?"
Illumi, normally unfazed by any situation, cleared his throat and said, "Mother, this is (Y/N). She's my partner."
The word "partner" hung in the air, pregnant with implications. In the Zoldyck family, where arranged marriages were the norm and romantic relationships were often seen as distractions, the word "partner" held a different significance.
Kikyo's expression remained unreadable, but a tension filled the room. Silva, his eyes cold and calculating, observed the scene without saying a word. Milluki, ever the mischievous sibling, looked at (Y/N) with curiosity and amusement.
It was Illumi's younger sister, Alluka, who broke the silence. With a bright and genuine smile, she clapped her hands and exclaimed, "Oh, (Y/N) is Illumi's partner! That's wonderful!"
Alluka's reaction was unexpected, but her pure and innocent enthusiasm helped defuse the tension. Illumi's stern facade softened slightly, and he nodded in agreement.
Kikyo, however, remained stern. "Illumi, you know the family's expectations. Our legacy depends on the choices you make. Are you certain this is the path you want to follow?"
Illumi met his mother's gaze, his determination unyielding. "Yes, Mother. I love (Y/N), and she is the one I choose to be with."
Kikyo's expression shifted, revealing a hint of maternal concern buried beneath her stern exterior. She sighed and said, "Very well, Illumi. If this is your choice, we will respect it."
The tension in the room slowly dissipated, and dinner proceeded in an atmosphere that was far more relaxed than (Y/N) had initially anticipated. Illumi's family members asked her about her life, and she learned more about their unique family dynamics.
As the evening drew to a close, Illumi walked (Y/N) to the door, a rare smile gracing his face. "Thank you for coming," he said.
"I'm happy I did," (Y/N) replied, leaning in for a soft, reassuring kiss. "I love you, Illumi."
He smiled, his eyes filled with warmth. "I love you too, (Y/N). I'm glad you're a part of my life."
The Zoldyck family may have had their complexities and expectations, but that night, they took a step toward acceptance. Illumi's choice to be with (Y/N) had made a statement—love had found its way into the heart of the Zoldyck estate, and no amount of control or tradition could extinguish it.
Their love was an enigma in the world of assassins, a testament to the power of the heart to defy even the most formidable obstacles. As (Y/N) and Illumi left the Zoldyck estate, they knew that their love had the strength to overcome any challenges that came their way, and they faced the future with hope and determination.
Days turned into weeks, and (Y/N) continued to see Illumi. Their love deepened, and they navigated the complexities of their unconventional relationship. Illumi's family, while initially skeptical, slowly began to accept (Y/N) as a part of their lives.
Alluka, the youngest of the Zoldyck siblings, became particularly fond of (Y/N). She saw her as a sister and often pestered Illumi about when they would get married. Her innocence and pure heart had a way of breaking down the walls of tradition within the family.
As time passed, Illumi decided it was time to revisit the idea of marriage. He and (Y/N) discussed their future, and he realized that he wanted to make a commitment to her that went beyond words. He decided to propose.
The proposal was an intimate and heartfelt affair. Illumi took (Y/N) to a secluded garden on the Zoldyck estate, where a canopy of stars served as the backdrop. With a trembling hand, he presented her with a ring—a symbol of his love and devotion.
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she said, "Yes." Their love, once hidden in the shadows, was now ready to step into the light.
Their decision to get married was met with mixed reactions from Illumi's family. Kikyo, though still stern, gave her blessing, understanding that this was her son's choice. Silva, in his usual reserved manner, offered his approval.
The wedding was a unique affair, blending traditional Zoldyck customs with the couple's personal touches. Alluka served as the flower girl, tossing petals with unbridled enthusiasm. Illumi's older brothers, Kalluto and Killua, both renowned assassins in their own right, attended with a combination of skepticism and curiosity.
As (Y/N) walked down the aisle, Illumi stood at the altar, his eyes locked on her. It was a moment that defied expectations and traditions—a Zoldyck marrying for love rather than duty. Their love story was a testament to the power of love to change even the most unconventional lives.
The wedding marked a new beginning for (Y/N) and Illumi. It was the start of their journey together as a married couple, one filled with adventures, complexities, and, above all, the enduring strength of their love. In a world of shadows and secrets, their love had emerged as a beacon of light, guiding them through the uncharted territories of their hearts.
As they left the chapel as husband and wife, they were met with the knowing smiles of their family. The Zoldyck estate, once a place of mystery and secrecy, was slowly transforming into a home filled with love and acceptance.
Their love was the enigma that had changed the Zoldyck family, bringing them closer together and teaching them that love had the power to transcend tradition and control. With hearts unmasked, (Y/N) and Illumi faced their future together, ready to embrace whatever challenges and adventures lay ahead.
Their love story was one of determination, acceptance, and the power of love to break through even the most impenetrable walls. As (Y/N) and Illumi walked hand in hand into their future, they knew that their love would continue to be the force that guided them through the unpredictability of life, forever defying expectations and lighting the path to their shared happiness.
NOTE! This story was generated by OpenAI
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Wedding decor ideas for fall
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funnyshorts · 2 years
The wedding trasher
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gingerbeardmansim · 8 months
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860swiftlife · 3 days
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I like shiny things, but I'd marry you (again) with paper rings! 💍 5 years...🤵🏻👰🏻‍♀️❤ @taylorswift @taylornation
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dreamweds · 6 months
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Glimpse of Wedding Day❤️
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We can replicate ANY #designer #wedding #dress for A FRACTION of the original cost! Send #photos of your #favorite #weddingdress to see how much an Inspired Recreations will cost. Get answers to questions about custom #weddingdresses & #replicas at www.dariuscordell.com . .
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nagisadelune · 1 year
Headcanon: Artem Seeing You in Your Wedding Dress
(Definitely not edited)
Okay, I just had to do this one even though I have like three other headcanons in mind. I thought about it after watching way too many videos of Say Yes to the Dress and stuff about weddings, and I feel like this would happen. I don't care that we are going to see this in a future card or personal story that would make this completely false; I really want to feed me and all the fellow Artem simps about how this man would react, so here we go.
For this timeline, let's assume next year, like around third anniversary. (Let's be honest: we all know that this situation would be happening then.) Also, this would be you marrying Artem, not Rosa (but Rosa would work in this situation).
You nervously pace back and forth in the room, your hands uncontrollably trembling. Since the day before, your nerves have been on fire and making you more nervous than expected. Now that you have everything ready, you feel like you're at the beginning of a nervous breakdown; your wedding dress feels like it's constricting you, making you lose oxygen with every breath.
Because of your nervousness, your mind seems to ignore the slight creaking of the door where Celestine walks in with her bridesmaid attire. While reminding yourself to breathe, she sets down the bouquet that she was supposed to carry down the aisle before carefully approaching you. The light taps on your shoulder make you turn towards her, and you see the concern in her eyes.
"What's wrong?" she questions as she notices the panic and nervousness in your eyes. Realizing it was her, your panic disappears instantly.
With a rush of emotion, you blurt out, "I don't know if I can do this." Shocked, her eyes widen a bit before relaxing and putting on a small smile. She grabs your shoulders and makes you face her.
"You can," she whispers in an encouraging tone. "You can go out there in this beautiful dress and marry him." Hearing her actually say "marry" makes your stress levels shoot through the roof and tears form in your eyes; you are actually going to marry your long-term partner. Noticing your behavior, she immediately grips onto your hands and squeezes them. "I know how nerve wracking it is to think about making this kind of commitment," she whispers, keeping her tight hold on your shaky hands, "but you love him just as much as he loves you. That's something you don't need to be nervous about."
Out of anxiety, you begin rambling and asking, "But what if I'm actually not the one he wants? What if he finds someone better and doesn't want me later? What if he actually doesn't want to marry me because I'm not professional enough and he's only doing it out of pity? What if-"
Celestine cuts you off, "Enough with the what-if questions. You already know the answers to them." Somehow, the grip on your hands gets tighter, and you feel some of the stress oozing out from the pressure. "After seeing him all of these years, I have never seen him be in love with anything as much as you," she reassures you as the trembling in your hands slows. "Trust me on this one, okay?" Her quiet voice finally calms the jittery part of your nerves down, and you feel like you can breathe again. You nod towards her and take a shaky breath.
"You look great by the way," you complement her, finally taking in how she looks in her bridesmaid dress. She chuckles as she carefully blots the tears from your eyes.
"But you look beautiful, Mrs. Wing," she whispers while holding your shoulders lovingly, bringing up that joke from a couple years ago. You feel the stress easing off as she turns you towards the mirror to help you fix some last-minute details.
"I'm not married yet, and you're still teasing me about that," you jokingly complain to her as she fixes your veil a bit. Laughing a bit, she continues by fixing your hair in front of you.
"Let me tease you like this one last time," she jokes while shaking her head. When she finishes and moves away from the mirror, you stare at your unfamiliar yet familiar figure. The white gown fits you almost too perfectly while the natural makeup accentuates your facial features. You take notice of your twiddling fingers, the nails painted a neutral pink, and the big curls framing your face. You see Celestine standing beside you and looking at your figure in the mirror, a bright smile on her face. "You really do look beautiful," she murmurs.
"Thank you," you shakily respond before turning away from the mirror. As you step away from the mirror with Celestine, the wedding coordinator opens the door, poking their head in.
"It's time," they whispers, the tension filling your heart. You can only nod as you grab the front of your dress. Celestine grabs some of the fabric in the back to help you to the aisle. With each step taking you down the stairs, you feel the heavy pound of your heart, and you try to control your breathing. Arriving at the bottom, you grab your bouquet and meet with your father.
Noticing your anxiety, your father gently hugs you, whispering in your ear, "You look beautiful, sweetie." You can barely thank him from your nervousness, yet you manage to keep it together. From the other side of the wall, the soft music starts, and the double doors open. You can barely process what's happening until it's your turn to walk the aisle.
You can barely keep your eyes up from how anxious you are, but you fight the urge and look up. Deciding to get it quickly over with, you shoot your eyes up, and they meet with Artem's. The soft music seemingly fades to silence as his eyes stare at you walking down the aisle, approaching him.
To both of you, everything is in slow motion. The air conditioning in the room is enough for your hair to fan out gracefully, and the train of your dress trails behind you with every step. Even with the slight chill against your bare skin, the only thing that really matters is each other. Your eyes can't leave each other from the moment that you walk into the room, and all your thoughts seem to silence.
When you finally get to the front of the room, Artem steps down the altar with his eyes still on you. Coming closer to you, his pink cheeks, labored breathing, and small tears in his eyes hint how nervous and overwhelmed he is. Your extended eye contact finally breaks when he looks over towards your father who carefully unhooks his arm from yours. You feel Artem's hand gently slip into yours, the feeling of his skin against yours sends shocks through your body.
"I trust you to take care of her well," your father whispers as he squeezes your and Artem's intertwined hands. Artem can only offer a sincere, relieved smile and a small nod before his eyes return to yours. With the gentle pressure of his hand on yours, you finally feel relief and emotional seeing him. From his eyes, you see all of his focus on you and his love for you.
As he gently helps you up the stairs to the altar, he breathlessly whispers, "You look amazing." You feel your cheeks heat up knowing that he really meant it after being so speechless.
"You do too," you mutter as he helps you lift your dress. From the corner of your eye, you notice the warm smile on his face, and that's when it hits you: there is nothing to worry about.
Man, this really got me in the feels. I really hope you enjoyed this one! Seeing the way Artem look sat you in the current cards we have makes me wish everyone can find their own Artem in the future, so maybe I'll write some more headcanons about your relationship with him. Anyways, thanks for reading, and see you in the next one!
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Cozy whimsical wedding decor ideas
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gingerbeardmansim · 8 months
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TREVA - "Looks like your brother may have met a friend. By the way, why don't you have a wedding cake, son?"
BECK - "That is Ace's nephew Brandon. I do believe he and Grant go to Foxbury. And let's not talk about the wedding cake, again, mother."
TREVA - "Very well, no more talk of cake. So that's the son of the cop?"
BECK - "Yes, Brandon is Ace's brother Stuart's son."
TREVA- "He is the guy over there with the lady friend at least 15 years his junior? How many times has he been married?"
BECK- "He has only been married once, that is his girlfriend. He and his wife separated a while back. And mother, you ever heard the phrase, people is glass houses, shouldn't throw stones?"
TREVA- "What do you mean by that?"
BECK - "It means you have been married five times, so you have no right to judge someone else regarding their love life."
TREVA - "Umph, whatever. I am going to go get a piece of wedding cake now. Oh, that's right, you have no wedding cake at your wedding."
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seaismydrug · 1 year
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Cercando di aumentare la mia autostima ma con scarsissimi risultati....
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happyweddingblogs · 13 days
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Choosing the Perfect Wedding Band Tips and Trends for Timeless Rings
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We can replicate ANY #designer #wedding #dress for A FRACTION of the original cost! Send #photos of your #favorite #weddingdress to see how much an Inspired Recreations will cost. Get answers to questions about custom #weddingdresses & #replicas at www.dariuscordell.com . .
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