#Bed frame in Dubai
emiratesmattress123 · 2 years
Transform Your Bedroom into a Serene Oasis with Dubai's Elite Interior Designers
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Dubai is known for its opulence, luxury, and extravagance, and these elements are reflected in the city's interior design. When it comes to bedroom interior design in Dubai, there are countless options available for those who want to create a space that exudes elegance and sophistication. From ornate and intricate details to sleek and modern designs, Dubai's top interior designers can cater to any taste or preference. Whether you are looking to create a peaceful and serene environment or a glamorous and dramatic setting, these designers have the skills and expertise to bring your vision to life.
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johnypage95 · 1 year
Affordable furniture shops in Dubai:-
Are you looking for the best furniture stores out there? Look no further other than beacondecors. They have one of the alluring sets of luxurious furniture with them. To learn more about our services, visit: https://www.beacondecors.com/
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splashesdarling · 16 days
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Louis and Armand's Dubai Penthouse - blending the traditional and modern, mixing materials and textures, an array of cultures and art across time, with accenting pops of colour
'So, I was like, "Okay, if I was a vampire that had lived through a century and I was well-traveled and was searching for mankind's humanity, what are the things that I would pull to the surface?" So, I wanted to capture different international styles, whether it was Moorish architecture or Japanese minimalism, but these different things that had a lot to do with contemplation, reflection, but also security.' [...] 'What else did we have? We had a few artists from New Orleans, some contemporary. I wanted there to be his connection to New Orleans, to home, his connection to his race, his connection to international travel, to psychology. There's also a textile piece that's hanging that's a kimono by a Korean artist. I think that knowing Louis's character, there's different paintings in the background that relate to women — whether that's an allusion to Claudia or his sister or his mother — but these devastating relationships, so there's imagery of women that we wanted to capture.'- Production Designer Mara LePere-Schloop. [X]
A few additional details about Louis and Armand's Dubai penthouse that should be of note:
Throughout the penthouse we see numerous and varied pieces of art, furniture, sculptures, and many other types of decór - all rich in colour and tone, lending a general warmth and personality to the otherwise bland, grey building.
Of all the rooms we see in the show, their bedroom is by far the most colourful and warm toned. Meaning that the room in which they are (presumably) the most private, unguarded, and comfortable is where we see the most personality and warmth in the décor.
In their bedroom, we can also observe several other clues as to their current dynamic. If you look closely at their bedframe, you can see it's made of a rich, carved wood, designed to have various shapes and sizes, with holes present across the width of the frame. These shapes and holes could be used to anchor restraints, like rope for bdsm play. This suggestion that their bdsm dynamic is still going strong in Dubai is further supported by the presence of several floggers and paddles on Armand's side of the room.
Another detail of note is that Louis' side of the bed features several books, undermining the suggestion his reading is restricted or controlled by Armand. Further proof of this is given when we see Louis has kept the floating book shelves after kicking Armand out of the penthouse (given that they were damaged, with some glass breaking, during their break-up - Louis would have needed to choose to keep them by repairing the damage/replacing them with like-for-like). Suggesting that it was purely an aesthetic choice made by both of them, not an attempt by Armand to control what Louis was reading (an argument first made because Armand can fly whereas Louis cannot).
A clue which demonstrates and supports the idea that Louis and Armand are both involved in decorating the penthouse is two key art pieces - The Kiss of Judas by Jakob Smits (1908) on Louis' side of the bedroom, and a painting in their dining room by Marius de Romanus, Armand's groomer and maker. Given that The Kiss of Judas references a grave betrayal, just as Armand betrayed Louis, it's highly unlikely that if Armand was in control of every design choice within the penthouse that Louis would be allowed to hang such a painting, especially within their bedroom. Likewise, it's highly unlikely, given what Marius did to Armand (which he told Louis about in detail), that Louis would allow Armand to hang such an art piece if he was the one choosing how to decorate the space. Meaning it's very likely they are both making choices together about how to adorn the penthouse.
The idea that they're deciding together how to decorate the penthouse is reinforced during episode six of season two, when the pair are discussing what to hang on their newly empty living room wall. They discuss changing their living room couches to fit with a proposed art piece, with Armand's "I assumed we would" and Louis' answering response that they'll end up replacing everything else in the room to match too, suggesting this is not the first time they've done somthing like this. Likewise, that Armand suggests a wallpaper by Ai WeiWei (an intensely political artist, who's art often draws attention to power dynamics, corruption, and personal freedom, and who is known for using bold patterns and saturated colours) should lead us to assume he is not actively attempting to make the penthouse devoid of colour or unprovoking in style to avoid Louis acting up. And when Armand asks Louis what they should do with the empty space, it is obviously coming from a place of being frustrated that Louis is shooting down all of his suggestions while offering none of his own, rather than the idea that he is irritated that Louis isn't just going along with what he wants, because again - They are both obviously decorating their home together.
The final sign that the penthouse's style is ultimately a compromise between Louis and Armand's style and tastes, and that Louis is an equal decider in all decorating choices, is the presence of his meditation rock garden. Using stones eerily similar to the ones he was buried alive in, Louis is effectively using the stones to represent Claudia's mantra of "We leave the damage so we never forget the damage". This is reinforced by Louis' choice to retain the stones after forcing Armand out of the penthouse, meaning that they were placed there by Louis, just as he keeps the rocks embedded in his skin. This is noteworthy, given that many have suggested that Armand created the rock garden to keep Louis in a state of fear, which would then enable Armand to better control him. This assumption was made largely due to the presence of Armand's magnolia tree and the season one, episode five quote: "Well, the interior designer hired was a sentimentalist. Some notion of hers, he was missing the natural world".
However, given that the rock garden was clearly Louis' choice (as they are still there, whereas Armand's tree is not), therefore the quote should be taken as a sign that the rock garden was entirely Louis choice - he was in a self-imposed isolation from the natural, outside world. The rocks therefore are likely meant as a physical manifestation of sorts for Louis' internalised guilt and shame over his perceived failures in life and how they have hurt the ones he loved - hence his inclusion of Paul's portrait and Claudia's dress in the space once he's began to truly deal with and take accountability over his emtions, memory, and choices - again, "We leave the damage so we never forget the damage".
TLDR: The penthouse was Louis and Armand's home, they jointly created it's look and feel equally, and pretending like it was all-Armand not only ignores what the show presented us with, but it also robs Louis of his agency and unfairly reduces him to a passive non-factor in his own story.
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byooregard · 12 days
iwtv fanfic Friday: devils minion era (or close enough)
on display by thisisthefamilybuisness aka @officialclaricestarling; E, 3k.
Armand leans back in her chair and smirks. “There’s nobody here to notice if you absolutely must rut yourself against the seam of your slacks, Daniel; this is a private dining room. Given the sorry state of your thoughts, though, perhaps you’d prefer if I took a seat at the bar and sat you in my lap instead. It would only be fair, of course, every patron deserves a chance to see why I spend millions of dollars and so much of my time indulging you.”
i know a place we can go luminoussbeings aka @gaysie; M, 3k.
“—come out with me,” Daniel’s saying, and Armand blinks. “I know a place—better than this one, I’m telling you. Okay, fine, the drinks are terrible, but if you want to go out dancing—you’ll see. You’ll love it. Guarantee ya.” He smiles winningly, holds out his hand. No, Armand thinks. or: Daniel sees Armand with blood on his face from a kill, thinks he's just some poor abused twink, and decides he needs to show him a good time
cranefucker island circa ‘82 by katplanet; E, 22k
“You doing all right?” Daniel asks him. Armand blinks. “No,” he says. “Most honest you've been with me since I got here,” Daniel says. And then, because it seems like the thing to do, “I can clear out, if you need the place to yourself.” “Whatever you prefer.” Armand's lips look chapped. Dehydration? He ate the kid with the sunglasses, but the smear he left took a lot of bleach to scrub away. Maybe Daniel should - “You won't be harmed,” Armand says, “regardless of your decision.” “You got served divorce papers so hard it left a crater,” Daniel says, “and you're still poking around in people's heads.”
little kidnaps in the dark | End OTW Racism by gaypiratedivorce; M, 150k
The first memory is only the first memory, the first crack —after the dam finally breaks, Daniel tries to make sense of the past unraveling itself in his mind. While continuing to thread the story of Louis's life, he attempts to untangle the questions of his own. But Armand offers no answers, and Louis gives him no straightforward ones. As their histories weave together and the line between journalism and personal chronicle disappears from sight, Daniel struggles to figure out who they were then, what they've become, and why exactly he's been summoned to Dubai.
it's a rollercoaster kinda rush by exastris_scientia aka @keepoffthetardis; E, 5k
He writes more over the next three months than he has in the last year, and he even gets paid for some of it. Not as much as before, but, y’know. He can keep his apartment, so it’s not like he’s complaining. He goes to bed early, gets up late, and actually learns how to cook something edible for once in his life. He’s not even using. It’s normal. It sucks so bad and he’s so fucking lonely. Daniel gets fired from the San Francisco Chronicle and discovers all roads lead not to Rome, but to Armand.
couldn't trust myself to proceed with caution by extrasis_scientia aka @keepoffthetardis; E, 6k.
When he opens the door, Daniel looks up from his drink. Almost every feature on his face has been changed by the twenty years between them and their last goodbye. Every one, that is, except for his eyes. They’re shielded by handsome-looking wire-frame glasses now, but they’re still as blue and sharp as they were the night they met. Their eyes lock, and Armand is astonished to discover all at once that he’s still angry. “You must be Mr. Molloy,” he manages through lips nearly numb. As if he feels nothing at all, Daniel holds out a hand. “Mr. Molloy’s my father. Call me Daniel.” Armand seeks Daniel out in 2003 and gets quite a bit more than he bargained for.
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cloveroctobers · 11 months
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A/N: had a dream about my man the other night so I guess that was his way of telling me that he misses me? We love delulu!!! Anyways thought this would be fun to actually write something on the line of thriller/spooky this time around. This is me making up for not writing part two’s to my other fall inspired prompt on this man way back when. Hope y’all enjoy this 🧡🫶🏽!!!
PROMPT is from HERE + I’m using: A Begs B to come explore an old house that they believe is haunted. B is hesitant, especially after hearing the scary tales A knows so much about.
WARNINGS: some France slander, language & hints of sexual content.
<- read my previous October anthology prompt here.
𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆 𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆 𒅒𒈔
Being in France for the month of October initially wasn’t the plan.
Khadijah and Rio ventured out here for a couple days for Khadijah’s birthday and for Rio to tie up some loose ends for business. What was supposed to be a four day trip turned into a much longer adventure.
“I know y’all done heard they got bed bugs out there, why are your asses staying out there longer?” Khadijah’s mother blurted into the FaceTime call.
Rio chuckled to himself by the mini bar, fixing himself something brown before entering the main living room part of the suite.
“Mom,” Khadijah hissed as she flicked through the channels, “this was a unexpected extended birthday trip.”
“Uh huh, sure it is.” The older woman said not entirely believing that, “Don’t think you can get cute on us and decide not to come back.”
“I’m already cute,” Khadijah modeled with extra shoulder as she sat on the tan couch while her mother brings the camera to show that she’s rolling her eyes.
“Well where do you think you get it from?”
“My father.”
“More like you got his smart mouth.” Khadijah’s mom comments, making her child hold up her finger to interject.
Now she loved her mom dearly but it was no secret that Khadijah was a daddy’s girl and her father’s favorite daughter despite what her two sisters thought. She was one of four children while her youngest sibling happened to be the only boy.
“Aw c’mon, don’t do Mr. Wells like that, especially if he’s not here to defend himself. Where is he anyway? It’s gotta be after 10:30 back home?” Rio came into frame, crouching behind Khadijah, who turned to peck his cheek before facing her phone once more.
The woman sighed, “where else? Working, working, working. I’ve been telling him he needs to slow down, he’s not some twenty year old no more. Lord knows it.”
Mr. Wells had a heart attack last year and had to have a stint put in. Rio’s never seen Khadijah’s so stressed before in his life and although the hardworking man had a good job with good insurance working for the city, they slammed him with some bills that Rio paid off. Which Mr. Wells wouldn’t let slide and already was in the process of paying back.
His choice, not Rio’s.
“He’s close to retirement and he loves supporting his family which is respectable.” Rio starts before joking, “once that happens then the both of you can come with us to Paris next time.”
“Uh uh. I’m never going over there, never had the desire to which is why I want y’all asses to get out of there fast!” Mrs. Wells’ large glasses come into frame now as she holds the phone at not the best angle, “I’d love to see Dubai or St. Lucia with Kayode, your father, and I guess your big headed brother can come too, Deej.”
Khadijah laughs, “yeah and he can bring Eliza too.”
“if I catch him even thinking about it, I’ll click my heels three times and send her bony ass right to hell.”
Laughter bubbles in Khadijah’s throat as she sends a teasing smile to Rio who winked back at his wife, knowing that neither of Khadijah’s parents were fond of their youngest child’s significant other. He was nineteen and found his supposed first love so it was evident that the pair were clingy and so in love with each other. They went to the same high school together, weren’t in the same cliques but ended up at the same community college and decided to give each other a try.
In shorter terms.
“We’ll make it happen,” Rio sighs as he comes around to plop down on the couch next to Khadijah, tossing a hand around the back of the couch, “minus Eliza right?”
“Damn straight,” Mrs. Wells humphed, “she can date somebody else’s son and boss them around for all i care. I just hope it’s over before thanksgiving.”
“Now Mom! Let’s not spread that negative energy for your birthday month, do you need some lavender and Kirk Franklin to keep your blood pressure down?”
The woman with the now bonnet secured around her micro locs fanned her hand, “I already had my session with Mr. Franklin around 7pm so hush! You know that’s what I’m wishing for and hoping you don’t wait around and decide to come back then.”
Khadijah blinks at Rio, who meets her stare. He had no plans of staying here longer than another few days, things got delayed and he offered to send Khadijah back to Detroit if that’s what she wanted but she had some vacation time that she didn’t mind using and she didn’t want to leave Rio behind either.
He’s been busy lately and she just knows as soon as they get back to Detroit, he’ll probably disappear for a little awhile again. So sue the woman if she wanted to be a little selfish and spend more time with her man.
“We’re gonna bring you something much better,” Rio smirks after taking a sip of his liquor, “maybe even a new bundle of joy.”
“WHAT?!” Mrs. Wells yells, “don’t play with me right now. When was your last cycle? I’ve been saying your tatas been looking fuller, ooooh I’ll have to tell your grandmomma.”
“Hey, hey! I’m not pregnant—
“Yet. We’ve been practicing though.” Rio announces, biting down on his bottom lip while Khadijah gasps and shoved at his knee.
Mrs. Wells claps her hands in joy, “y’all keep doing that but don’t bring those bed bugs back with you.”
“We won’t and did our research. If it makes you feel any better, we’re leaving this hotel tonight to stay at this castle for the rest of our trip and then tomorrow we’re gonna go explore this historic house since Rio wanted to have a rest day.” Khadijah informs her mother while Rio slowly nods his head, not knowing of the exploring a house portion but they’d discuss it later.
Mrs. Wells yawns as she sits up in bed now, “sounds fancy but okay then, mom’s tired and ready to knock out. But continue to be safe, the both of you and I’ll see you soon?”
“You sure will, night momma Wells.” Rio gave a two finger salute while Khadijah shared, “I love you’s, talk soon.” Before hanging up the call.
Khadijah leans back against the couch with a sigh, “told you mom’s got serious seperation anxiety all thanks to Kaliyah moving to Toronto with her girlfriend and we’re only traveling!”
“Which is exactly why I tried to smooth over her worries with baby talk, it worked didn’t it?” Rio lifts a thick brow while Khadijah shrugs her shoulders.
Soon she rests her head on Rio’s chest, locking her arms around his waist, “it’ll happen when it’s meant to…and we need to make sure we’re all packed for our new temporary home.”
“Oh I know I am, it’s you you gotta worry about mamas.” Rio presses a kiss to Khadijah’s rosemary scented hair.
Khadijah scoffs, “sorry but I had to buy more for this trip…which I’m not complaining! BUT! Paris’ fashion is really for the petite girlies.”
“They’re forreal missing out on the inclusion and better get on that.” Rio hummed.
“Siobhán is.” Khadijah grins while Rio slowly dips his head at the mention of his old designer friend.
Before Khadijah could get into asking about how she’s been doing, Rio sips from his drink once more and changes the subject, “what’s this about exploring tomorrow?”
“We maybe moving into a castle mansion for a little awhile but there’s no way I’m staying cooped up any longer without seeing what Dordogne has to offer.” Khadijah tells her husband with the perfect pronunciation of the town—or rather department as France calls it.
Rio raises the hand the rests against his wife’s shoulder, “heard you, mamas. No arguing on my part but you know it’s beneficial to have reset days too.”
“Which YouTuber told you that?” Khadijah smirks up at the buzz haired man, figuring that he was probably logged onto her account instead of switching over to his own to watch whatever it is he gets into.
Rio snorts, “don’t try and play me, my aesthetician did.”
“Of course they did.” Khadijah nods believing that since Rio didn’t mess around when it came to his skincare, “and you’re right, there’s nothing wrong with rest days. You’ve been running around x2 compared to me so I get it. You get a nap in and I’ll get the bags ready since we have what? An hour before the service comes and gets us.”
Rio grips Khadijah’s hand as she gets up from the couch, “you sure all an hour is what you need?”
“Shut up, Christopher.” Khadijah laughs, matching Rio’s smile before leaving the man to get his nap on.
With the city life behind the married couple, they settled in Dordogne late last night into the 18th century home. Surprisingly Rio wakes up late the next day, like around eleven am late compared to his seven am timeline. However Khadijah doesn’t mind letting him sleep, snapping a picture of his rest with the camera she brought along for the trip. She watches the clock from time to time, knowing just when to order breakfast to be sent to their room.
Khadijah’s sitting on a olive couch pushed underneath the windows which are half pulled back, sipping on caffe viennese, stomach half full from a classic French breakfast as she stares out into the scenery acting like the main character in a Victorian film.
“Morning, mamas. You starting the day without me?” Rio’s rough morning voice greets the brown skinned woman, who glances over her shoulder at him.
A soft smile meets her full lips, “good morning but someone has to get this party started. But don’t worry, I’ll never not let you in on the thrill. Got you one of these,” she holds the mug up in the air, nodding with her chin on the nightstand next to the man, “and there’s breakfast waiting for you underneath the cloche.”
“Did I mention hearing you speak French is sexy?” Rio states as he slowly sits up in bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
Khadijah smirks, “plenty when you were tipsy on the late night ride here.”
“I regret nothing,” Rio laughs before turning to reach and sip at the warm coffee, “this is delicious.”
Khadijah pops her tongue, “Yeah it is.”
“What we doin’ today? Hold up, what time is it?” Rio turns his eyes into slits, reaching for his phone to let out a low whistle, “damn, haven’t slept that long—
“Since you got shot?”
Rio let’s out a cough, “whoa, that was dark.”
“Sorry,” Khadijah says, “kinda just slipped out.”
“Something you wanna talk about, Dija?” Rio hums, staring at his wife from their temporary shared bed.
Khadijah shakes her head, “nothing I want to get into on this brand new day, no. So!”
She uncurls her feet from underneath her to stand in her floral print lace trim set, placing a smile on her lips as she plops down on the bed. Taking a quick sip of the coffee again, she places it on her side of the nightstand and reaches inside to pull out two slips of paper.
“Close your eyes.”
“Why?” Rio suspiciously tries to peek at the papers but Khadijah slaps them right on her chest.
“You asked what we’re gonna do.”
“Didn’t you say exploring some house last night?” Rio frowns, trying to remember.
Khadijah’s little smile to herself seems wicked but as soon as it appeared it vanished while she wiggled a bit on the bed, “that’s tonight’s adventure after dinner. We have at least a few hours before then to do something else so…pick one, anyone.”
The two options were: Château des Milandes OR Canoeing on the Brantôme.
Rio doesn’t wipe the frown off his brows but holds out his thumb and pointer finger while Khadijah holds onto the deck of two pieces. The tatted man makes a show of taking his time debating, just to irritate Khadijah for a little until he smiles picking the paper to the left.
And the winner is…
“Great choice! Now get your butt up and let’s shower, they’ve been open since 9 this morning.”
Chateau des Milandes!
Rio hums as he studies the paper, sipping at his coffee then replies, “can I enjoy my breakfast along with the view first?”
Khadijah dramatically sighs as she flops beside Rio, resting on her elbow to stare back at the ajar windows, “oh fine but I promise you, the one outside is much better.”
“personally I like the one right next to me.”
Khadijah flicks her head back to meet Rio’s brown eyes and she can’t help but to let a smile split over her lips, then puckering them for Rio to peck and lick his own smiling lips afterwards, “you think you’re so smooth.”
“I mean give a guy some credit. How else do you think I got you?” Rio chuckled while Khadijah just nodded her head from side to side mockingly.
“Just eat your food Christopher.”
It was Rio’s turn to mimic his wife.
“Aight, Khadijah.” He said over his shoulder, sitting on his knees and reaching over for the second tray of food.
Chateau Des Milandes was a sight to see and was a wonderful experience. Ugh!!! here Khadijah was sounding like her very emotional Granny Mozella but she never took moments like these with Rio for granted. On the outside it may seem like Rio was only street smart since that’s what he preferred yet he didn’t mind listening in on historical facts from time to time and no he wasn’t really into podcasts—unless it was true crime content—but no one could ever say he wasn’t open to learning new material and translating it into his own life.
He was good at finding purpose in anything.
He also liked draping his arm across Khadijah’s shoulders as they took the tour around the home that used to be owned by the successful Josephine Baker. That was more interesting to Khadijah than the Lords that lived it way before Ms. Baker but nonetheless they took it all in together including the architecture.
No one could deny that France had a way with its design and art.
They explored the garden, which led to a picnic and wine for dinner with the French sunset as the perfect backdrop, then they ended their time at the Chateau with a bird experience, much to Rio’s surprise as Khadijah winked and placed a kiss on the tattoo on his neck, before clenching onto his arm for dear life once the various of birds—specifically the one that was very similar to the one on Rio’s skin started flying around.
Rio found amusement in that, even when they made it back to the rental car.
“If that big ass bird would have crapped on me, we would have been having a whole different type of bird for thanksgiving this year.” Khadijah continuously checked her outfit for any unfamiliar marks, the paranoia getting to her.
Rio couldn’t help but to throw his head back against the headrest laughing. “They’ve been trained, that wasn’t gonna happen. Plus it may just wanted a strand of your hair for warmth, huh? French winters can be brutal so I hear.”
The man went to curl a strand of his wife’s loose curl that framed her face who scoffed at him.
“You’re far from funny, Mr. Montoya.” Khadijah slapped his hand away to fix her pin curl updo in the drop down mirror.
Rio chuckled some more, watching her, “you’re right…I’m hilarious, Mrs. Montoya.”
“Im glad you had fun, baby. I can tell the bird part was your favorite,” Khadijah gave the man a playful side eye, “but now it’s time for my activity.”
Rio glanced at the watch on his wrist, “it’s going on seven…what else you trying to get into besides drinking more wine and eating cheese?”
“Whew! No more cheese for me.” Khadijah flicked the sun visor back up, “so…I have this other place to visit.”
Rio tapped on the GPS, “aight, what’s the address?”
“I don’t think the GPS will fully locate it…just to a certain point.”
Rio thought about this for a second and asked, “what? It’s some underground event or something?”
“Well sure, yeah. Kinda.” Khadijah shrugged her shoulders making Rio sigh and sit back with his hands clasped.
Khadijah was tapping away on her phone for a moment while Rio just studied her. When she realized the car wasn’t moving, Khadijah turned her attention back to Rio who was patiently waiting for her to come right on out with it.
“We’re not going anywhere until you give me the info I need. No shady shit allowed.”
Khadijah turned sideways to face Rio, “Okay so…there’s this house that we should see.”
“You said that already. But Why? To buy?”
“Hell no,” Khadijah was quick to say, further making Rio put his guard up as to what this whole adventure was even about, “I mean no…yeah no that’s exactly what I mean. It wouldn’t be for us to live…just to see.”
Rio pried, “what’s so special about it?”
“It has a colorful story.”
“Which is…?”
“The year was 1666–
“Nah,” Rio immediately said leaning forward to start the engine but Khadijah flew her hand out to stop Rio from switching the gears.
“You didn’t let me finish.”
Rio leans on the console to completely face Khadijah, “by the way you’re dragging this out let’s me know you’re about to tell me some bullshit, that you know I’m not about to let fly.”
“Can’t a bitch add some extra flavor to the tale?” Khadijah scrunches up her face, “Sheesh.”
“Stop playin’ with me, Dija.”
“So hostile,” Khadijah flicked her hair off her shoulder, “alright you want the synopsis? Got it. So this house is special because during the year of 1666 a woman named Blanche lived there with her father, mother, two siblings, and new husband. Allegedly she was later accused of poisoning her family and beheaded her husband after they all suspected she was a witch because of some rumors started at the hospital she volunteered at. Her sickly father was the one to put her down after his wife and other children slowly started to die one by one. They say Blanche still haunts the home and asks when and or if you visit, to leave a ribbon and tea bag’s on their front step as a offering and for her to rid any vengeance in your life.”
Rio caressed his facial hair in thought, “Question for you, mamas? Did that eagle peck at your brain when i wasn’t around or…”
Khadijah sucks her teeth, “it’s spooky season, asshole!”
“I know that,” Rio lifts his shoulders carelessly, “but you’re trying to get into some serious shit and I can tell you one thing: I’m not feelin’ it.”
“Are you scared?” Khadijah leaned into the center console ready to comfort him, “I never said we had to go inside the house. Just see it and leave something for Blanche.”
Rio didn’t miss how Khadijah started to trail her hands over him but he didn’t fold, “Her business ain’t ours.”
It was Khadijah’s turn to laugh now, “you’re definitely scared!”
“No I’m not.” Rio scowled, “I’m just saying you have to be careful what you expose yourself to. I told moms we’d bring her back a baby, not a witch that may latch onto your body.”
Khadijah frowns, “why would you think Blanche would latch onto mine and not yours?”
“Whoever! And I really can’t wrap my head around the fact that you’re trying to mess with some spirits.”
Khadijah wasn’t trying to “‘mess with spirits,” she always respected the dead but this sounded better than visiting the catacombs to be honest.
So she challenged, “Hey! It’s something to do.”
“I can find plenty of other things we can get into.” Rio placed his chin into the palm of his hand, “We’re not about to be here much longer anyway.”
Khadijah sighs as she grabs Rio’s hand to place in her lap, “I’ll let you try out our new toy at the same time while you’re inside…”
Rio’s eyes begin to darken as they meet Khadijah’s much lighter ones. This was a promising bargain and this Khadijah knew as Rio trailed his own hand up her stomach, between her breasts, and to grip her chin.
“You’re lucky I love you,” Rio states as he presses their lips together and leads the way with his tongue dancing along hers.
It’s passionate and a little nasty just the way the married couple liked their kisses but brief enough that he leaves Khadijah panting on the passenger side. He smirks to himself, lifting up from the driver’s side to pull out his Glock 17 from his black jeans to rest on the dashboard.
“Put your seatbelt on,” Rio tells Khadijah who shortly follows through, “and not a word of this to my abuelita.”
Khadijah makes a cross my heart motion as Rio puts the car in drive.
The drive to this supposed haunted home was a good half hour north from where they were staying and the decline of the countryside was clear. There seemed to be no livelihood as the skies got even darker. Rio could sense to the left of him that Khadijah seemed to be at unease the deeper they got into the area.
He checks in, “How we doing?”
“Hm? Oh, there it is. Stop.”
Rio turns his attention back to the lack of road up ahead and notices that there’s a tunnel with no lighting. He steps on the breaks, witnessing to the left of the tunnel the narrow road carried upwards to what exactly? That he didn’t know. There was no homes or animals in sight on this drive since they started getting further away from the chateau.
“What’s this?”
“That’s the tunnel that leads to Blanche’s house.” Khadijah is sitting on the edge of the passenger seat now.
Rio tightens his hold on the steering wheel, eyes scanning the scenery with the help of the automatic headlights. If they went through that tunnel, which was surely to be just as narrow as the roads out here in the countryside he wasn’t positive they would make it back. His intuition  was telling him since the beginning that this didn’t feel right and being physically here was enough to confirm that for Rio.
Turning his eyes into slits towards the right of the tunnel, Rio can see a decaying headstone with a bunch of colorful ribbons tossed around and possibly some rocks that were most likely teabags scattered below it.
“This is what you came for,” Rio says keeping his eyes on the road.
“Oui-Oui.” Khadijah says suddenly halfhearted and any other time Rio would have laughed but the expression on her face made him aware that the tension was also felt by her as well.
Rio steps on the gas, driving full speed towards the tunnel but stops just at edge, parallel to the headstone, making Khadijah grip the dashboard at the abruptness.
“Get going, sweetheart.” Rio tells Khadijah with a lift of his chin.
Khadijah swallows, prying her eyes away from the tunnel then to the headstone and back to her husband. “W-what? You’re not coming with me?”
“I never said I was going in there. I have sense.” Rio tapped at his temple.
Khadijah glares, “wow. So here’s to trying new things was just another one of your lies then huh?”
“Another? Don’t go there, I’m not doing that with you this evening. You brought this terrible idea to me and I brought you here so go head, show me you’re the one who isn’t scared.” Rio’s hardened stare was now on the fuming woman.
Khadijah didn’t know what the fuck Rio’s problem was and why he thought this energy was okay? Khadijah didn’t like Rio’s tone so she snatched her baguette bag from beside her feet and went to push on the door but remained right inside.
“Are you serious?!”
Rio made a U-Turn and began driving back in the direction they came, “are you forreal thinking I’m about to have our asses messing around with the actual dead? Let alone your indecisive ass? And we don’t even have the full context?”
“I mean…do you not have bodies? You don’t see me questioning you about them.” Khadijah muttered.
Rio snapped his eyes to his wife, “two completely different things and you know that.”
It really wasn’t but okay, if Rio hated her riding the fence then let’s see if he hated it now.
“Whatever.” Khadijah slouched against the seat, “You just wasted our time, like why entertain the fact that you were with it if you’re just gonna try to clown me?”
“I wasn’t letting you do that and you should have known that.” Rio clenched his jaw, “I would never willingly put you in harm’s way and that’s exactly what you were signing up for.”
Khadijah knows Rio wouldn’t and if she wanted to be petty she could but she just mumbles, “You just ruined spooky season in France like?”
“Better throw that ribbon and teabags out the window and get glad. Who knows what would have happened if we went down that dark ass tunnel with only the Glock against a whole spirit mind you, that we don’t even know if she’s still vengeful or not.”
“I mean you make valid arguments…and I don’t even know if the house is still standing. The last update online was from 2021 so I guess I can’t be too pressed about it.” Khadijah explains as she starts to search through her bag, “but you can’t say I was indecisive this time, yet you locked me in here like I’m a child.”
Rio deeply exhales, rubbing at his face in slight aggravation, “yeah we gotta get back to Detroit and quick. I think you need to go back to work and continue spreading peaceful energy at that non-profit instead whatever this is.”
“What?” Khadijah sucked her teeth, “Trying to be on theme?”
“We could easily rent a movie at the spot and call it a day.”
“I wanna be one with nature!”
“As soon as we get far away from Blanche’s murder site, I’ll take the locks off so you can touch some grass.”
“Ohhhh, I cannot stand you!” Khadijah scowled followed by some laughter before ghosting her fingers over the window button, “is this going to work for me or am I still being held hostage?”
Rio just hums to himself, glancing in the rear view spotting a blur of white in the distance along with something that wasn’t tumbleweed rolling right by their feet.
Khadijah doesn’t notice as she cracks the window to toss a pink ribbon and a teabag out on the dirt road.
And when she looks in the rearview, she doesn’t see anything unusual or creepy. So she rolls her window back up and presses her elbow into the arm of the door, resting her cheek along her fingers, watching the night scenery whip by her highlighter eyes.
Soon Rio’s hand reaches for the Glock to rest in the cup holders before sneaking his hand over to bring Khadijah’s hand up to his lips. He knew she was a little sour with him over this and probably a bunch of other built up issues but Khadijah always tried to make the best of it.
Rio was trying to get better at validating her feelings but this shit right here was not it and Khadijah knew that inside. Which is why he had a more safer route up his sleeve to spend the day with Khadijah tomorrow since celebrating Halloween was apparently too american for the French. So he did the best that he could choosing a theme park that would be “on theme” for Khadijah’s spooky cravings.
That would be his gift to her and routine of keeping her best interest at heart, even if she didn’t fully want to see it that way sometimes…
Ah, she’ll be aight.
𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆 𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆 𒅒𒈔
Continue along with my October anthology prompts here.
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radiocurrency · 16 days
Hi, my name is Jay and I like to write gay vampire smut.
My AO3 account is brandedforeverlame
I am currently publishing a Devil's Minion fanfic series entitled 'If You Had Life Eternal' :
All Rated E. All with Armand x Daniel as the main pairing.
1. Loving You's A Bloodsport
(4016 words)
Post 2x08 turning fic.
After Louis leaves the apartment in Dubai to head to NOLA, Armand decides to reveal all to Daniel.
2. Lestat and Daniel's Grand Adventure (Lessons In How To Provoke Your Maker)
Currently WIP, multichapter, Lestat and Daniel friendship buddy fic.
It's been one year since Daniel was turned and he still hasn't heard from his maker.
Daniel decides (against his better judgement) to reach out to the only other immortal he knows besides Louis for help to track down Armand.
Also please check out the absolutely awesome fanart my lovely friend Anna @once-delight made for this fic right here. Anna is also the official beta reader for this fic.
3. My kingdom for a kiss upon his shoulder
(3,788 words)
San Francisco, 1978:
Daniel makes a spur of the moment decision and Armand reacts accordingly.
4. Arms Tonite
(4,760 words)
Yes. The fisting fic -
It lay on their kitchen bench, framed in golden light which streamed in through the window of their Tuscan apartment.
“Uh… whose arm is that?”
Daniel has never been fisted and when Armand offers to change that, Daniel can't help but make a comment that brings out the Gremlin™️
5. To All Besotted Souls
(2,564 words)
The first time Armand and Daniel have sex during the chase years.
Pompeii Ruins, Naples, 1976
And now he was here - waiting on this strange demon with whom he was pretty sure he was in love with.
Could you fall in love with the monster under your bed?
Could you fall in love with a guillotine blade as it hung over your neck?
And there's plenty more on it's way. I'm almost always writing and love to talk to any fellow DM writers. Please feel free to follow/ask/dm me :)
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
Hi :3 I read your Ezekiel x reader and I was sooo happy! I wanted to ask if you could do a second part to the Ezekiel x yandere reader xP thank you and your writing is soooooo good!!!!!
Hiyaaa!💗 Thank you so much for complimenting my writing! I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed the first Ezekiel x reader! I hope you enjoy this part two!❤️
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Married life was magical when you got the love of your life to think the same of you in his life.
Getting to fold all the clothes you bought for yourselves, wash and iron, drowning your nostrils in his scent.
That enchanting scent.
You keep all the hair you find of his whenever you’re changing the bedsheets or vacuuming the floors.
You devote an area of the bedroom to a shrine crafted for him, including your wedding dress and his groom suit.
You have to be selfish sometimes.
Every time he comes back home, you press your lips all over him.
Every dinner is made in accordance to what he craved for that day or week, and you always found a way to make the food spell out his name or outline his face.
You play love songs in the background. To make it more romantic, you tried burning incense once however when Ezekiel began coughing and his eyes went watery, you disposed of it right away to never use again.
For the first few days of living together, you brushed his teeth for him after being alerted that Ezekiel had no clue which direction he was meant to follow for cleaning teeth.
So you happily took it upon yourself to enforce the importance of hygiene.
Bubble baths everyday.
In turn, you got to drink his bathwater and lick his deodorant.
Nonetheless, you take care of his shaving for him, that being marked for.
Every evening, you would also renew your wedding vows.
"Holmes I can't lie to you...” he stretches his arms up,“But I'm a bit wiped out today. Do' think we can skip the vows today and have din dins early?"
"Skip vows today?” you gasp, couldn’t believe what you were hearing,“How do you expect me to stay sane if we skip vows any day? You know how much this means to me darling! Please? I feel terrible for asking anything of you, but can you pull through? I promise I’ll make a larger portion of supper tonight!"
Every evening.
All walls in that house is occupied by at least ten picture frames of Ezekiel.
He frequently wonders what you do for a living, since surely housekeeping wasn’t hectic enough for you to take care of majority of the bills and vacations.
“It’s nothing for you to worry about my love.” you assure him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Any day, anniversary or birthday, you arrange getaways at the expensive tourist destinations like Dubai, United States, Brazil, Kenya, Australia, England at the best hotels and best plane seats.
Whenever he falls ill, you refuse to let him do anything and confine him to the marriage bed.
At moment’s command, you are right there.
Heating pad, tissues, soup, vomit bucket, ice cream, cold water.
Ezekiel actually didn’t know what hospitals were, making him more reliant on you- or how you called it, bonding.
Knew that nursing course would pay off!
You loved being the only one he could really depend on.
But it feels that something’s missing.
Nothing about possessions or housing. You had done everything. But it’s something. Something greater than money.
It became clearer with every single turning down of Ezekiel’s suggestion about inviting his family over or going on a day trip to visit them, the one thing you refuse to grant him.
Of course. It was the thing bumping this wistful pacemaker in his behaviour.
Ezekiel... Your darling...he’s lonely.
You were both bound to be maternally and paternally deprived eventually. How you wished you were like him, whose came later.
It’s for his own good. A man and a woman is supposed to vacate their parents. Staying in touch with them would only have him getting used to seeing them and depending on them which would be more painful in the long run when they die.
Maybe now was the time to take their places, and conceive what would plant both the McLean and Miller family trees forward to see another generation.
You blush at the thought.
“I’m not so sure, bird...” your darling husband scratches the back of his neck, “When I was growing up back on the farm, my daddio was also here to raise me. If I have to go out being a rockstar everyday, the little ones might not know who their dad is. Besides, a man is needed around to raise strong children. Even the gal ones.”
“We can take turns!” you involuntarily latch yourself on top of him.
Ezekiel still hasn’t gotten used to this form of treatment, but trusts you enough to allow it,“My ma said pregnancy changed her life, eh?”
“How mine’s changed before it!” you adoringly play with a strand of his brown hair,“When I first saw you, my soul felt complete and my void was no more. I had never felt love stronger than you and now, I physically can’t survive without you.”
“Poetic, eh?” he gruffly laughs, your feelings going over him,“Not sure if that’d help in parenting, yo. Don’t wanna accidentally teach the girls it’s their world to be yappin’ in.”
Your response is a placid remark of your own femininity,“How beautiful my body is.“ an old nursery rhyme wraps your words,“Two loonies make a toonie, now aren’t I a scholar?”
Sleep well while you can, husband!
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urban-oak · 8 months
Bespoke Bed Designs: Elevate Your Bedroom with Custom-Made Options
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Your bedroom is a sanctuary, a personal haven that reflects your style and comfort preferences. One way to transform this intimate space into a true reflection of your personality is by investing in bespoke bed designs. Custom-made beds offer a unique opportunity to elevate your bedroom aesthetics, providing not only comfort but also a touch of individuality that mass-produced options often lack.
Benefits of Bespoke Bed Designs
Tailored to Your Style
Custom-made beds allow you to tailor every aspect of the design to suit your personal style. From the headboard to the bed frame, you have the creative freedom to choose materials, colors, and textures that resonate with your taste.
Optimized Comfort
Beyond aesthetics, bespoke beds are crafted with your comfort in mind. You can choose the mattress type, firmness, and other features to ensure a good night's sleep tailored to your preferences.
Space Utilization
Custom-made beds offer the advantage of optimizing space in your bedroom. Whether you need additional storage space beneath the bed or a unique design to fit into a specific corner, bespoke options cater to your spatial needs.
Quality Craftsmanship
Unlike mass-produced beds, bespoke designs often involve skilled craftsmanship. Artisans pay attention to the finer details, ensuring that your custom bed is not only visually appealing but also built to last.
One-of-a-Kind Pieces
With custom-made beds, you are investing in a one-of-a-kind piece of furniture. Your bed becomes a unique expression of your personality, setting your bedroom apart from the ordinary.
Where to Find Bespoke Bed Designs?
For those seeking unparalleled craftsmanship and design, Urban Oak stands out as a premier destination for custom-made beds in Dubai. With a commitment to quality and a passion for creating unique furniture pieces, Urban Oak offers a diverse range of options to suit various tastes and preferences.
Visit Urban Oak to explore our collection of bespoke bed designs. From contemporary to classic styles, Urban Oak provides a platform for you to bring your vision to life.
Elevate your bedroom experience with custom-made beds that reflect your unique style. Visit our website to discover a curated collection of bespoke bed designs in Dubai. Transform your space with the custom made beds Dubai and experience the perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and individuality. Upgrade your bedroom with Urban Oak today.
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Space-Saving Solutions: Unveiling the Pros and Cons of Wall Beds in Dubai
Dubai, a city renowned for its towering skyscrapers and luxury living, often presents a challenge: maximizing limited space. While apartments boast stunning views and modern amenities, they can sometimes feel cramped. Enter the Wall Bed Dubai, a revolutionary solution that offers a seamless blend of functionality and aesthetic appeal. But are these space-saving marvels all they're cracked up to be? Let's delve into the advantages and disadvantages of wall beds to help you decide if they're the right fit for your Dubai home.
The Allure of Wall Beds: Unlocking Space and Style
Wall beds, also known as Murphy beds, offer a unique solution to cramped living spaces. By integrating into the wall, they transform seamlessly from a comfortable bed to a sleek, space-saving panel during the day. This versatility makes them ideal for studios, small apartments, and even guest rooms that need to double as home offices or entertainment areas.
The Advantages:
Maximizing Space: The most prominent advantage of wall beds is their ability to reclaim valuable floor space. This is especially beneficial in Dubai, where apartments can be compact and demand a multi-functional approach to living. By folding away during the day, wall beds create a sense of spaciousness, allowing you to utilize the room for other activities.
Style and Functionality: Wall beds are available in a variety of designs and finishes, allowing you to seamlessly integrate them into your existing decor. From sleek modern styles to traditional wood finishes, there's a wall bed to suit every taste and aesthetic.
Versatility: Wall beds can be customized to fit specific needs. Some models come with built-in storage compartments, allowing you to maximize storage space within the wall bed itself. This is particularly beneficial for The Closet Dubai where space is at a premium.
Guest-Friendly: Wall beds provide a comfortable and private sleeping area for guests, while also maintaining a spacious living area during the day. They are a perfect solution for hosting friends and family without sacrificing valuable living space.
Cost-Effective: While the initial investment in a wall bed might seem higher than a standard bed, it can be cost-effective in the long run. By eliminating the need for additional furniture like a sofa bed, you save on both space and money.
Weighing the Drawbacks: A Realistic Look at Wall Beds
While wall beds offer many advantages, it's essential to consider their potential drawbacks before making a decision:
Installation Complexity: Installing a wall bed requires professional expertise. You might need a contractor to ensure proper installation and avoid potential structural issues.
Cost: While wall beds can be cost-effective in the long run, they are generally more expensive than standard beds.
Limited Storage Space: While some wall beds offer built-in storage, they may not provide as much storage as a dedicated closet or dresser. This is where Closets Unlimited can be invaluable, providing bespoke storage solutions to complement your wall bed.
Maintenance: Wall beds require occasional cleaning and maintenance, especially the mechanisms that allow them to fold and unfold. This can be a bit more complex than maintaining a standard bed frame.
Accessibility: Accessing items stored within the wall bed can be difficult, requiring the bed to be folded down. If you need to access your belongings frequently, a traditional bed with separate storage might be a better option.
The Verdict: Is a Wall Bed Right for You?
The decision to invest in a Wall Bed Dubai comes down to your individual needs and preferences. If you value space efficiency, functionality, and a unique aesthetic, a wall bed can be a transformative addition to your Dubai home. However, if you require extensive storage space or prefer a traditional bed setup, a wall bed might not be the best solution.
Closets Unlimited, Dubai's leading provider of bespoke storage solutions, understands the importance of maximizing space and achieving a harmonious living environment. We offer a comprehensive range of services, from innovative closet designs to elegant wall bed installations. Contact us today to explore how we can help you transform your Dubai home into a haven of comfort and style. Whether you're looking to embrace the space-saving benefits of wall beds or seeking a personalized storage solution, Closets Unlimited is your trusted partner for creating a home that truly reflects your unique needs and preferences.
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joyner111 · 11 days
Purchasing bed furniture dubai
Bed furniture dubai encompasses a variety of pieces that are essential for creating a comfortable and functional sleeping space. When looking for bed furniture dubai, you have several options to consider:
Bed Frames: These are the structural bases for your mattress and can come in various styles, from minimalist metal to classic wooden designs. Some bed frames offer additional features like built-in storage or adjustable heights.
Mattresses: A good mattress is crucial for a restful night's sleep. There are different types available, such as innerspring, memory foam, latex, and hybrid mattresses, each with its own comfort and support characteristics.
Headboards: These not only add aesthetic value to your bed but can also provide a comfortable backrest while sitting up in bed. They come in a range of materials, including fabric, wood, and metal.
Nightstands: These small tables are typically placed on either side of the bed and provide a surface for lamps, alarm clocks, books, and other bedtime essentials.
Dressers and Wardrobes: For storage of clothing and personal items, dressers and wardrobes are essential pieces of bedroom furniture. They come in various sizes and styles to match your bedroom decor.
Bedside Tables: Similar to nightstands, these are used for placing items within reach while in bed.
Vanities: Some bedrooms include a vanity table with a mirror for grooming and getting ready.
Stools and Ottomans: These can serve as seating or additional storage and can be used for putting on shoes or as a surface for folding clothes.
When purchasing bed furniture dubai, consider factors such as the size of your bedroom, your personal style, and the quality of materials used. It's also important to ensure that the furniture is comfortable and functional. You can find a wide range of bed furniture dubai from manufacturers and suppliers, both online and in physical stores, with options to suit various budgets and tastes. Some popular and reputable furniture brands include IKEA, Ashley Furniture, and Wayfair, among others.
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emiratesmattress123 · 2 years
Sleep Better in Dubai: Top Mattress Stores for a Restful Night's Sleep
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Dubai is a city that never sleeps, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't get a good night's sleep. Thankfully, there are plenty of Mattress Stores in Dubai that offer a range of high-quality mattresses to help you sleep soundly. Whether you prefer memory foam, latex, or traditional spring mattresses, you can find them all in Dubai.
Many mattress stores offer a variety of brands and styles to choose from, so you can find the perfect mattress to suit your needs and budget. Some stores even offer custom-made mattresses, designed to fit your exact specifications.
In addition to mattresses, many of these stores also offer a range of accessories such as pillows, bed frames, and mattress toppers to help you create the perfect sleeping environment.
When shopping for a mattress in UAE, it's important to do your research and compare prices and features across different stores. You should also consider factors such as the store's reputation, customer service, and warranty policies. So if you're looking to improve your sleep quality in Dubai, head to one of the many Mattress store in Dubai in the city and find the perfect mattress for you.
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johnypage95 · 1 year
Furniture Dubai online shopping:-
Are you looking for the best furniture stores out there? Look no further other than beacondecors. They have one of the alluring sets of luxurious furniture with them. To learn more about our services, visit: https://www.beacondecors.com/
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pestcontrolbloguae · 15 days
Preventing Bed Bugs When Traveling: Tips to Keep Your Home Bed Bug-Free
Traveling can expose you to bed bugs, which may hitch a ride on your luggage or clothing and infest your home. Here are some practical tips to help prevent bed bugs from traveling with you and keep your home bed bug-free:
1. Inspect Your Accommodations
Before unpacking, thoroughly inspect the hotel or rental property for signs of bed bugs. Check the mattress seams, bed frame, headboard, and upholstered furniture for any visible bed bugs, blood stains, or dark spots bed bugs treatment dubai. Don’t forget to check behind the bedside table and in other hidden spots.
2. Use Protective Covers
Consider using bed bug-proof luggage covers or encasements for your bags. These covers can help prevent bed bugs from crawling into your luggage. Additionally, use a protective cover for your mattress and pillows while traveling, if possible.
3. Keep Luggage Elevated
While staying in a hotel or rental property, keep your luggage elevated and away from the bed and floor. Use luggage racks, tables, or counters to keep your bags off the ground, reducing the risk of bed bugs transferring from the furniture to your luggage.
4. Pack Smart
When packing, use hard-sided suitcases rather than soft-sided bags, as they are less likely to harbor bed bugs. Pack clothes in sealable plastic bags or vacuum-sealed bags to create a barrier between your clothes and potential pests.
5. Conduct Regular Inspections
After returning home from your trip, inspect your luggage, clothing, and any other items you brought with you. Look for signs of bed bugs and immediately launder or dry clean your clothing on high heat.
6. Clean and Vacuum
Thoroughly clean and vacuum your luggage upon returning home. Pay close attention to seams, zippers, and any crevices where bed bugs might hide. Dispose of the vacuum bag or contents in a sealed plastic bag to prevent any potential bed bugs from escaping.
7. Be Cautious with Secondhand Items
Avoid bringing secondhand furniture, mattresses, or bedding into your home without thoroughly inspecting and treating them first. Bed bugs can often be found in these items and may easily spread to your home pest control abu dhabi.
8. Monitor and Act Quickly
Regularly inspect your home for any signs of bed bugs, especially if you suspect they may have come from a recent trip. Early detection and prompt action can prevent a full-blown infestation.
By following these preventive measures, you can reduce the risk of bringing bed bugs home from your travels and maintain a bed bug-free environment.
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sketchiz222 · 16 days
Maximizing Small Spaces: Innovative Interior Design Tips for Compact Homes
Living in a compact space doesn't mean you have to compromise on style or functionality. In Dubai, where modern apartments and small homes are increasingly common, smart interior design becomes essential. The key to transforming small spaces lies in creativity and the right craftsmanship. This is where carpentry shops near me come into play, offering personalized solutions to maximize every square foot of your home. Here’s how to make the most of your space with innovative design ideas tailored to compact living.
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1. Opt for Multifunctional Furniture
In small spaces, every piece of furniture should serve multiple purposes. A sofa bed is a classic example, but there are many other ways to get creative. Consider a custom-built dining table that can fold into the wall or a bed with storage underneath, crafted by a skilled local carpenter in Dubai. These solutions save space without sacrificing comfort or style. Using carpentry shops near me ensures you get furniture made to your specific dimensions and needs.
2. Use Vertical Space Wisely
When floor space is limited, think vertically. Wall-mounted shelves, hanging cabinets, and tall bookshelves help to declutter your living areas while offering ample storage. Custom-built vertical storage options are perfect for maximizing space in small homes. Carpentry shops in Dubai can design and install shelving that blends seamlessly with your interior, utilizing those overlooked spaces above doors or along corridors.
3. Incorporate Built-In Furniture
Built-in furniture, such as fitted wardrobes, built-in desks, or bespoke kitchen cabinets, can be a game-changer in compact homes. These pieces are designed to fit perfectly into available spaces, eliminating gaps that can otherwise go unused. For high-quality, bespoke built-ins, seek out carpentry shops near me in Dubai that specialize in custom joinery. These experts can create pieces that not only fit your space but enhance the overall aesthetic of your home.
4. Maximize Natural Light and Mirrors
Small spaces can feel cramped, but increasing natural light can change that. Use light, airy curtains and strategically place mirrors to reflect light around the room, making the space feel larger and more open. Carpentry shops in Dubai can craft elegant mirror frames and window treatments that enhance the look of your home while serving practical purposes.
5. Choose Smart Storage Solutions
Clutter is the enemy of small spaces. Smart storage solutions are essential for maintaining a tidy, organized home. Consider custom-made storage benches, hidden cabinets, or even bespoke shelving units tailored to your storage needs. Dubai-based carpentry shops offer personalized storage solutions that integrate seamlessly with your home's interior design.
6. Sliding Doors for Space Efficiency
Traditional hinged doors take up precious room when opened. Sliding doors, crafted by a local carpenter, are a fantastic alternative. They save space and offer a modern, minimalist aesthetic. Whether for closets, bedrooms, or even bathrooms, sliding doors can be custom-made by Dubai carpentry shops to fit perfectly in your small space.
7. Create Zones in Open-Plan Areas
Open-plan designs can feel overwhelming in compact homes, but clever zoning can help. Using different colors, furniture arrangements, or custom-made partitions crafted by a Dubai carpenter can visually divide the space without making it feel smaller. This approach allows for better organization and adds functionality to your home.
8. Custom-Made Furniture for Awkward Spaces
One of the biggest challenges of small living spaces is awkward corners or alcoves that can’t accommodate standard furniture. Carpentry shops near you in Dubai can create custom-made pieces designed to fit these tricky areas, turning them into functional parts of your home. From fitted corner desks to uniquely shaped shelving, the possibilities are endless with bespoke carpentry.
Why Choose Local Carpentry Shops in Dubai?
Working with carpentry shops near me in Dubai gives you access to local expertise and craftsmanship. These professionals understand the unique architectural styles and space challenges common in Dubai homes. They can offer personalized solutions that not only maximize your space but also align with your design preferences. Plus, by choosing local carpentry shops, you can ensure high-quality, custom-made furniture that lasts for years to come.
Maximizing small spaces requires a thoughtful combination of smart design, multifunctional furniture, and custom solutions. By collaborating with carpentry shops in Dubai, you can create a home that feels spacious, organized, and stylish—even in the most compact of spaces. So, whether you're looking to install built-in furniture, create smart storage solutions, or craft bespoke pieces, local carpenters can help bring your vision to life, making the most of every square inch.
With these innovative interior design tips, your small space can feel as spacious and stylish as a larger home. And with the help of carpentry shops near me in Dubai, your dream home can become a reality, no matter the size.
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thehometeams-blog · 22 days
Carpentry Services in Dubai: Craftsmanship at Its Finest
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Dubai is a city that is etched in everybody's mind for luxury, innovation, and architectural marvels; hence, it merits nothing but the best quality in every respect-be it construction or interior design. Be it for a home owner with an urge to beautify his living space or for businesspersons who intend to impress prospective clients with an inviting atmosphere, carpentry services form an essential component in achieving the perfect look and functionality desired. This comprehensive guide covers various aspects of carpentry services in Dubai: what type of services are available, the need for good carpenters, and how one can get a suitable provider to meet their needs. 1. Understanding Carpentry Services Carpentry is a generic term for services that involve the construction, fitting, installation, and repair of wooden structures and fittings. Carpentry services in Dubai are broadly divided into: Structural Carpentry: It covers the building of frameworks, roofing, and other general structural work of a building. Structural carpenters are skilled in creating the bones of a construction project, making it strong yet pleasing to look at. Finish Carpentry: Finer details of woodwork are involved, including the installation of trim, molding, cabinetry, and custom woodwork. These professionals add a decorative touch to completing space with finishing touches that make up a room. 2. Types of Carpentry Services Available in Dubai From fitting to woodwork, Dubai's dynamic market can offer a number of carpentry services for its residents and businesses, suiting the manifold needs of each and every one. A few of the most in-demand services are as follows. Bespoke Furniture Design and Building: From dining tables to urbane bookshelves down to bed frames, bespoke furniture brings a new class into the room. The best craftsmen in Dubai make aesthetic pieces that mirror your personality using only the finest materials and skills. Kitchen Cabinetry and Renovations: The kitchen is the most important area in any home, and it cannot be complete without good-quality cabinetry. Many carpentry services in Dubai are involved in designing, constructing, and installing custom kitchen cabinets that can suit specific needs and preferences of a homeowner. The wardrobe and closet solution: Space-saving wardrobes are highly necessary in modern homes. Carpenters design custom wardrobes and closets that provide good space utilization without sacrificing even a bit of classiness for a modern look. Wooden Flooring Installation: Wooden floors add an added touch of warmth and elegance to every room. The carpentry services range from installing different wood types, such as hardwood, engineered wood, and laminated wood, each having its own various advantages, depending upon the need of the customer. Door and Window Framing: The right door and window frames can always add a great touch to the property. From Dubai, carpentry services are also offered in terms of installing customized door and window frames, which may be designed to match the interior and exterior of one's home or business. Interior Woodwork and Trim: From baseboards, crown molding, and wainscoting to decorative trims, interior woodwork gives character and sophistication to a space. Carpenters in Dubai create and install these pieces with great attention to detail. 3. Importance of Skilled Carpentry in Dubai The peculiar climatic features of Dubai-highly concentrated temperatures with occasional humidity-make skilled carpentry very important. Wood may expand, shrink, or even warp if treated or installed badly; therefore, carpenters of good skill, knowing such challenges, are hired to handle such work. In addition, the aesthetic standards in Dubai are high, with many residents and companies expecting just perfection. Skilled carpenters ensure that every cut, joint, and finish is as it should be, hence contributing to the overall quality and durability of the project.
4. Choosing the Right Carpentry Service Provider Choosing the right carpentry service provider in Dubai will bring a great deal of difference in your project outcomes. Here are a few factors that you need to consider: Experience and Expertise: Find a provider who has an established history of reliability and experience in the type of carpentry work that you need. Reliable carpenters will maintain a portfolio of completed projects that reflects their craftsmanship and versatility. Quality of Materials: The kind of materials a carpenter uses determines the strength and attractiveness of the finished product. Ensure that the provider of carpentry services uses quality, long-lasting, eco-friendly woods, and other materials capable of withstanding Dubai's climatic conditions. Customer Reviews and References: Reading customer reviews and asking for references will shed light on the dependability and quality a carpentry service provider will be able to offer. Positive feedback from previous customers is assurance that the company commits to excellence. Ability for Customization: A good carpentry skill should be able to avail tailor-made solutions based on what exactly the client wants or needs. Be it some peculiar furniture or custom-made storage facilities, it should be made to order. Pricing and Budget: It is nice to seek a service provider who will fit your budget; however, also be suspicious if the price offered is too affordable. High-quality carpentry requires quality labor and materials, which reflect on the cost most times. 5. Why Choose The Home Team for Carpentry Services in Dubai? At The Home Team, we pride ourselves on offering top-of-the-line carpentry services that put expertise, quality, and customer satisfaction all together in one neat package. Here's what sets us apart: Expert Artisans: Our team is highly skilled and experienced in the firm handling of projects that range from custom furniture to a complete renovation. Quality materials are used to ensure that all our jobs stand the tests of time and are at the level best expected in Dubai. Tailor-made solution: We believe in bespoke solutions that address the needs of each of our clients. Our carpentry services can be customized fully; hence, whatever we make is bound to perfectly fit your space. Full Service: We offer a full service from initial consultation through to the final installation, ensuring every process is smooth and hassle-free for the client. Customer Satisfaction: We are fully committed to customer satisfaction. We work with our clients to ensure things are done to their satisfaction. 6. Conclusion Carpentry is that art which combines functionality with beauty, and in a city like Dubai, where both are highly valued, choosing the right carpentry service means everything. Whether you want to give your home an extra boost with bespoke furniture, renovate your kitchen with new cabinetry, or even place some stylish wood flooring in it, the right carpentry services can make all the difference. The Home Team provides the highest quality of carpentry services to meet every different need that comes up in Dubai, with perfection and excellence in each work.
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alsaadhomeeee · 25 days
Transform Your Bedroom: A Comprehensive Guide to Buying Bedding and Mattresses Online with Alsaad Home UAE
Creating a serene and comfortable bedroom is essential for a restful night’s sleep and overall well-being. With the convenience of online shopping, transforming your sleeping space has never been easier. Alsaad Home UAE offers a vast array of products to enhance your bedroom, from luxurious mattresses to stylish bedding and accessories. This guide will help you navigate the process of buying bedding and mattresses online, ensuring you make the best choices for your comfort and style.
Choosing the Perfect Mattress
Selecting the right mattress is fundamental to achieving a good night's sleep. At Alsaad Home UAE, you’ll find a range of options designed to meet diverse needs and preferences.
Types of Mattresses
Memory Foam Mattresses: These are renowned for their ability to conform to your body shape, providing customized support and reducing pressure points. Ideal for those who need a softer, more cushioned feel.
Innerspring Mattresses: Traditional and widely popular, these mattresses use coil springs to offer firm support. They are a great choice if you prefer a more bouncy and resilient sleeping surface.
Hybrid Mattresses: Combining memory foam and innerspring features, hybrids provide balanced support and comfort. They are suitable for those who want both softness and firm support.
Medical Mattresses: Designed for specialized support, these mattresses are ideal if you suffer from back pain or other medical conditions. They often feature enhanced support and pressure relief.
Key Features to Consider
Firmness Level: Choose a mattress that aligns with your sleeping position. For side sleepers, a softer mattress may be more comfortable, while back and stomach sleepers often prefer firmer options.
Material Quality: Invest in high-quality materials to ensure durability and comfort. Look for mattresses made from premium foam or high-grade coils.
Size: Make sure to select the right size for your bed frame, whether it’s a single bed, queen, or king-size mattress.
Temperature Regulation: Some mattresses come with cooling technologies to prevent overheating. This feature can be beneficial if you tend to sleep hot.
Bedding and Accessories
Once you’ve chosen your mattress, it’s time to focus on bedding and accessories. Alsaad Home UAE offers a wide range of products to complement your mattress and enhance your bedroom decor.
Comforter Sets
A comforter set is more than just a bedding staple; it’s a key element of your bedroom’s aesthetic. Alsaad Home UAE provides a variety of comforter sets, including options in cotton and other luxurious fabrics. You can buy comforter sets online in Dubai, UAE, that include everything you need to dress your bed stylishly.
Cotton Comforter Sets: Soft, breathable, and durable, these are perfect for a cozy and comfortable sleep environment.
Hotel-Style Comforters: For a touch of luxury, opt for hotel-grade comforters that provide a plush and indulgent sleeping experience.
Bed Sheets and Pillow Covers
Bed Sheets: Alsaad Home UAE offers an extensive selection of bed sheets in various sizes and materials. Whether you need fitted sheets or classic flat sheets, you can find high-quality options online, including king-size bed sheets and white bed sheets.
Pillow Covers: Enhance your pillows with stylish and comfortable pillow covers. Choose from a range of fabrics and designs to match your bedding.
The right pillow can make a significant difference in your sleep quality. Explore Alsaad Home UAE’s collection of pillows, including:
Soft Pillows: Ideal for those who prefer a plush and comfortable headrest.
Medical Pillows: Designed to provide extra support for neck and back issues.
Decorative Pillows: Add a touch of style and comfort with decorative pillows that complement your bedding.
Mattress Protectors
Protect your mattress with a high-quality mattress protector. This essential accessory keeps your mattress clean and extends its lifespan.
Home Decor and Accessories
Beyond bedding, Alsaad Home UAE offers a range of home decor items to complete your bedroom makeover.
Rugs and Carpets
Turkish Rugs: Add warmth and style to your bedroom with elegant Turkish rugs.
Carpets and Zoliyas: Enhance your space with beautifully crafted carpets suitable for various room sizes and styles.
Bedding Accessories
Quilt Covers: A quilt cover not only protects your comforter but also adds a decorative touch to your bed. Alsaad Home UAE offers a variety of quilt covers to suit different tastes.
Bed Covers and Mattress Toppers: Choose from bed covers and mattress toppers to add an extra layer of comfort and style.
Fragrance Products: Create a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere with room sprays and bed scents. Alsaad Home UAE offers a selection of home fragrances to keep your space fresh and inviting.
Shopping Tips for Online Purchases
When shopping online for bedding and mattresses, consider the following tips to ensure a smooth and satisfying experience:
Research Your Options: Take the time to explore different types of mattresses and bedding to find what best suits your needs.
Check Product Details: Review product descriptions and specifications to ensure you’re getting the quality and features you desire.
Verify Return Policies: Ensure the retailer has a fair return policy in case the product doesn’t meet your expectations.
Look for Promotions: Keep an eye out for special offers or discounts on mattresses and bedding to get the best value for your money.
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