#Bengal Cats
blue-ancolia · 1 year
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Do you all remember this cutie I made for a commission ? Well @pixelplayground kindly accepted it to be shared with you all ! Please give her some love ᵔᴥᵔ  Download my Bengal cat Makeover here
. do not reupload . do not claim as your own . please give credits if you post pictures (@blue-ancolia) . have fun !  :D
If you want to support me you can buy me a croissant on Paypal (thank you ♥) 
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jogabsha · 6 days
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Cat post!!
I love my kitties so muchhhh. The white one is zoomer and the brown one is jax. They’re such sweethearts and they’re literally the best. They’re both brothers too!
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irisbleufic · 2 years
Nicky would like to headbutt all of you for being such good friends.
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One year ago today-
-I went out to a slightly sketchy neighborhood on a wild kitten hunt, after about a week of debating and praying about if I even wanted to deal with another pet thing after we had already lost two earlier in the summer. But I felt God calling me there, and I felt an opposing force trying to stop me from going, so I went.
This was the day I met Leeli the kitten.
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She was tiny, starving and emaciated, and- though I didn't know it yet- pregnant. She would have died without intervention, and so would all her kittens.
As soon as I saw her I knew she was a kitten, and after feeding her and getting close enough to not only pet her, but pick her up, I KNEW I could catch her. And I tried to carry her back to my car and take her home right then and there.
But I was not meant to catch her that day. Because if I'd have caught her that first day I never would have known about her sister Maraly and her brother Kalmar, who also desperately needed rescuing, and are incredibly special cats.
Thus began a two-week long epic rescue attempt that would result in me saving the lives of not one, not three, but FOURTEEN Bengal kittens.
I'm hoping I can post a few more times about this whole adventure in detail over the next two weeks, but even if I don't get to it I still wanted to commemorate the occasion.
And I CANNOT post this without giving mention to our old family friend that none of my family had spoken to in ages who randomly sent us a picture of Leeli one day asking "is this a Bengal cat?" and telling us she was a stray outside her husband's work. I am SO GLAD she listened to God's prompting and told us about Leeli, and I am SO GLAD *I* listened and went to find her. Because I literally cannot imagine my life without these cats. 💜💜💜
And this is Leeli now, one year free of the streets, happy and worn out after a long play session with me, her siblings and her two kids we kept.
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God is good. 💜🐈🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛
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kolkatabbg · 1 month
*Turns you into a Bengal cat*
I would like to genuinely say this is the biggest, most beautiful, most lusciously well-designed compliment ive ever received. I mean. LOOK AT THEM.
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dogtorari · 11 months
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Sleepy babies 🥰💕😩
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funny-cute-weird · 4 months
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Instagram: bengals_cats _lovers
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pseudospectre · 11 months
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Everyone look at my ridiculous creature
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notemily · 1 month
seeing your rant about cat breeds makes me glad that sapnap has tons of toys for milo and naomi that are active, like the wheel, the little toy with the balls, and the dangly toy on a stick that he plays tug o war with milo over. Toys that engage them to burn off energy and lots of shelves to jump on, and the soundproofed walls to climb.
and especially glad that he got them both fixed when they were of the right age to go thru the procedure.
I feel like this is trying to defend Sapnap, and all of those things are good, but I think he never should have gotten Bengal kittens in the first place. he did no research about what they were like, almost immediately left after adopting them instead of staying in one place for a while to provide them with stability and consistency, and then he was surprised when they peed and pooped everywhere. I'm sure he loves them and is doing his best, and I don't think they're being mistreated, but I think it was an unwise decision to adopt them.
he could have gotten two regular cats that were chill, didn't cost any money, and were a lot less hassle. but he wanted the expensive designer breed. there are literally multiple websites and videos devoted to "this is why you shouldn't get a Bengal cat." top of the list is that they need a lot of attention and care, which you can't provide if you're constantly flying across the country.
but I obviously don't know Sapnap personally and I only know the information that has been shared with me online, so I could be wrong, and it's not up to me what he does anyway. I just think, from where I'm sitting, it was a bad idea from the start.
and yes, getting them fixed is definitely the responsible pet owner thing to do. spay and neuter your cats, people! unlike humans, cats can't make a choice about whether or not to reproduce, so we have to make the responsible choice for them.
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vivultures · 2 years
Piebald bengals!!!!
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irisbleufic · 2 years
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Just a lazy Sunday with Nicky and Zel 💙
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Hello fren :D. How are the baby kittens doing? Well, them and their moms (and that one uncle just chilling lol) also how are you? Have a good day! ( I hope you don't mind me always saying that lol, it's sort of a habit xD)
Hi! Sorry for the kitten update delay, it's been busy around here, especially since the baby babies are finally getting big enough to do, well, anything. xD
Maraly's kittens are two weeks old! They're getting so big and fluffy, they can hear and their eyes are all open now! They have started clumsily trying to play with each other, clean themselves, and toddle around. They're absolutely precious and they look like baby Ewoks.
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^That is Gray, the firstborn and, apparently, first at everything! She (pretty sure it's a girl) was not only the first kitten born, but the first to open her eyes and (along with her sibling, Four) the first to start toddling! She also might be the first kitten to genuinely start to like me. xD
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And this^ is one of the little black ones. All Maraly's babies are over 11 ounces now! Gray, as of today, was 12!
Leeli's babies are also doing well, though we've had to keep a closer eye on them. The littler ones sometimes struggle to gain weight with their three bigger, fightsy siblings! I've been taking away the three biggest ones when I weigh them and putting them on a blanket and/or heating pad outside Leeli's box (still in her pen, she can hear them and see them if she sits up) and letting the three smaller ones eat alone for a bit before putting the bigger three back to help them.
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Leeli's babies have started to open their eyes too! This is one of the little ones, it's hard to tell them apart (sometimes the only way to do it is by their weight) but I think this is the runt!
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^those three are from last week when Leeli's were littler, but they're so stinkin' cute I couldn't not include them. <3
Maraly and Leeli are doing well! They are very good, VERY attentive mamas! Maraly RUNS to check on either litter of babies if she hears them cry and has started the classic mama cat thing of snatching the baby back and carrying it to safety if she feels it's in distress. Which can be difficult when I'm weighing the babies. xD Leeli somehow looks better after giving birth to and feeding six kittens than she did on the streets, which is a testament to the care and love we've been giving her.
(skip next paragraph if you're sensitive to animal death)
Leeli did have a seventh kitten that was stillborn. It was not born alive, because it had never moved from the fetal position. Leeli took SUCH good care of it, not only had it been thoroughly cleaned, but my mom said that when she found it in the morning the kitten was tucked in with the others and it was warm. So it was simply not meant to make it.
*end skip*
OH and KALMAR! Kalmar is neutered now!!!! So he shall stay the sweetest, happiest little guy. He was traumatized by going to the vet for a few days, but he's recovered from that and he's back to being his happy, purry self. <3
Alright, well, that's enough for now, I think. Here's a picture of Leeli and her littles snuggling from the other night:
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And I hope you have a good day too!
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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Mother cat with her kitties
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thrashfish · 10 months
Could some kind person who knows about cat breeds/genetics, take a look at my #nippis tag and tell me if it's possible she's part Bengal? It doesn't have to be 100% confirmed, just some insight from someone who knows better than me. She was almost 8 years old when I got her and she doesn't have papers. I've always wondered if she's a particularly beautiful domestic shorthair or if there's some Bengal in her.
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dogtorari · 11 months
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Handsome cappuccino 🥰🩵
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